Best Kubernetes Consultant In USA

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Kubernetes – Intro..

 Kubernetes is a free and open source technology for automating the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.

 It is being used by major cloud providers like Google, Microsoft, IBM and Alibaba to run their container-based workloads.

 So, what is Kubernetes and how it is different from other similar software?

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The history of Kubernetes:

• Kubernetes was first released in 2014 by Google.

• The developers wanted to create a tool for automating the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.

• Kubernetes has become one of the most popular open source projects because of its simplicity and easy integration with cloud computing services.

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What is a container and why it is used in Kubernetes?

 A container is nothing but a virtual machine that is running on a single physical server.

 It is just a virtual machine that has been configured to provide a complete operating environment for your container.

 A container provides a complete operating system and all the applications and libraries that are required to run a software application.

 So, if you want to build a software application, you need to install the dependencies in the container, and if you want to run the application then you need to install the containers in the host machine.

 This is the basic concept of a container and Kubernetes uses this concept to manage the applications.

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Features of Kubernetes:

 Automation:

 One of the main reasons for using Kubernetes is to automate the process of creating, deploying, managing and monitoring the containers.

 This allows the developers to focus on their primary task, which is writing the code. Kubernetes does all the work for them.

 This automation also allows the developers to scale their applications as per their needs.

 Kubernetes supports many tools that make it easy for the developers to deploy, scale and manage the applications.

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Features of Kubernetes:

 Scalability:

 Kubernetes can easily be scaled up or down to meet the requirements of a cloud-based service provider.

 Kubernetes supports horizontal scaling, which means that you can add more machines to a cluster to increase the number of containers.

 The Kubernetes architecture is highly scalable.

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Features of Kubernetes:

 Cost savings:

 Kubernetes is a free and open source project. It is being used by many cloud providers to run their container-based workloads.

 As it is a free tool, you don’t have to pay for the licensing fees of the software. So, you can save a lot of money by using the free version of the tool.

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Kubernetes security and observability

 Kubernetes is one of the most popular container management systems available today.

 The rise of container technology has increased the demand for containers within organizations.

 Because of this, Kubernetes adoption is on the rise, and so is the demand for Kubernetes security.

 For example, companies like Google, Netflix, and Amazon are using Kubernetes extensively.

 In fact, Kubernetes is the leading platform for container orchestration and management. As such, there are a number of tools that you can use to monitor Kubernetes security.

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Best open source monitoring tools for Kubernetes

 There are a number of open source tools that you can use to monitor and secure Kubernetes. Here are some of the most popular tools for doing so:

 The Heptio Ark is a cloud-native monitoring solution for Kubernetes. The Ark is built around the idea of containers, and as such, it monitors and reports on container health. The Ark also provides a number of features to help you troubleshoot issues.

 The Ark is one of the most popular tools for monitoring and securing Kubernetes.

 New Relic is a commercial service that offers a lot of features to help you troubleshoot issues with your Kubernetes deployments. New Relic can help you monitor and report on performance issues and can even alert you if a Kubernetes cluster is under stress.

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1. Heptio Ark 2. New Relic

Best open source monitoring tools for Kubernetes

 Prometheus is an open source service for monitoring and reporting on Kubernetes. It provides a number of features that you can use to monitor and report on Kubernetes clusters.

 Prometheus is an open source service for monitoring and reporting on Kubernetes.

 CloudWatch is a commercial service from Amazon that helps you monitor and report on your Kubernetes clusters.

 Grafana is an open source tool that helps you monitor and report on your Kubernetes clusters.

 Alertmanager is an open source tool that helps you monitor and manage alerts for your Kubernetes clusters.

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3. Prometheus 4. CloudWatch 5. Grafana 6. Alertmanager

Commvault Kubernetes backup

 One of the most important ways to secure your Kubernetes clusters is to back up your data.

 Kubernetes is a highly-available system, which means that it’s not very easy to recover your data if a failure occurs.

 For example, if you’re using Kubernetes on Google Cloud, you can use the Google Kubernetes Engine to create a cluster. If you’re using Kubernetes on AWS, you can use the AWS Fargate service to create a cluster.

 If you’re using a public cloud, you can use CloudBackup to backup your Kubernetes cluster.

 However, if you’re using Kubernetes in your own data center, then you can use Commvault to backup your Kubernetes clusters.

 Commvault is an open source product that is used to backup and restore your Kubernetes clusters.

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 There are a number of reasons why you should consider backing up your Kubernetes clusters.

 First, you can restore your data easily if a failure occurs.

 Second, you can use the Commvault Backup API to automate your backups.

 Third, you can create a daily backup schedule to ensure that your data is backed up.

 Fourth, you can restore your data from the Commvault Backup API.

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 Kubernetes is a free and open source project.

 It is being used by many cloud providers to run their container-based workloads.

 As it is a free tool, you don’t have to pay for the licensing fees of the software.

 So, you can save a lot of money by using the free version of the tool.

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