Japanese weight loss tea

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Japanese weight loss tea The Japanese weight loss tea has also gain popularity. This is not only because of the Japanese tea ceremony but because the tea actually works effectively. What makes this tea stands out among others? In Japan, there are three variations of Green Teas. These are the Bancha, Gyokuro and Sencha. Gyokuro is considered the best among these green teas. This is because it is rare and it also has the highest qualities. Its leaves are "fresh flush", which is the reason why it is limited. This kind of plant is grown in the shade and is harvested in 20 days. The Bancha tea is a good beverage for the children. It contains very minimal amount of caffeine. This tea though said to be low-priced, but it contains an immense dosage of vitamin A, Iron, Calcium, and Niacin. Sencha on the other hand is excellent in preventing heart diseases because it contains higher amount of antioxidants. Not only that but it has also a very good anti aging effect. Drinking these varied teas gives a superior load of health advantages aside from the weight loss benefit.

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Now even if tea did not originally come from Japan, and that accordingly some Buddhist priests brought it either from China or India, Japanese has embraced tea as part of their own culture. In fact, it is only in Japan that the tea has been ceremonially prepared and which is done only in a traditional room. The kind of tea used in this Japanese custom is the Mancha tea. This type of green tea is in powdered form. Drinking tea is not only a tradition that people in Japan showcases but they live it and observe it by heart everyday. This also contributes to their very fine, radiant and beautiful skin. This is because this specific beverage contains 5 times more vitamin C in comparison to lemon fruits. In addition and as per statistics, you can check that Japan has very low mortality rate of people who have been suffering from cancer. That is also due to the habit of drinking tea, and because of that the Japanese weight loss tea is desired by consumers because studies showed that it can defend your body from having cancerous cells.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4158783

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