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1.-Description of the business project, objectives: I am going to run an special gym for retired people, those people that have so many free time and anyone remembers them. My objective is to create something different. Besides I also think that is a good way to achieve benefits, because, it is true that there are a lot of gyms that include a large list of different activities, but, today I do not know any gym focused in retired people. So, in this way, I won't have any kind of competitors.

2.-Service I want to offer: With this gym, what I want to offer is an entertaining and healthy form for retired people to fill their free time. An activity dedicated in a 100% to their possibilities and capacities, because they are the people that more free time have and, possibly, in who least we think...

3.-Characteristics -The gym will be divided in different rooms:

3.1.-Warm-up room: This will be the biggest one and will include a large amount of exercise bicycles (each of them with a kilometer meter, a calorie meter and a speedometer) elliptical trainers (each of them will work with the same system as the exercise bicycle), it will also includes in a corner of the room stability balls (to practice exercises like bench press, dumbbell flyes...). To work the muscles this room will have: two leg press machines, another pair of hack squat machines, three leg curl machines, two pec deck machines and four lat pull down machines. This room will be supervised by four professional trainers ( not as a simply gym that is normally supervised by only one trainer). Each of the member will have a paper with the time he/she can or ought practice each of the activities and his/her improvement weekly. It will have a maximum of 40 people.

3.2-Walks to hills and villages in Alava on Sundays I have thought to offer in my gym an interesting activity that will talk about going to walk every Sunday to hills or villages in Alava. Each member of the gym will be able to take part in this activity without paying more. The only material you will need are comfortable shoes and appropriate clothing !

3.3-The heated pool and the jacuzzi: An advantage we have in our gym is the indoor pool that In my opinion it provides many benefits for those retired people, because, swimming is the sport which best fits our most important muscle: the heart. It also increases our lung capacity and it is good for our bones. We have every day specific swimming exercises with the best professional monitors or if you prefer you can also relax in the indoor pool.

But for relaxing, we have the jacuzzi, that you could use every day from 10:00 AM to 14:00 AM. ( It is not recommended for those people over 60, being more than 15 minutes per day in the jacuzzi ).

3.4.-Yoga classes: We have thought that is interesting to underline, that each Monday, Wednesday and Friday we have in our tatami classroom Yoga classes. Is the best activity to release your minds and learn to control your body. Besides it is good for the circulation. Many diabetic people have decided to practice it because it helps you to eliminate the sugar in the blood. It is an extraordinary activity !

4.-Potential market My business is thought for retired people, so the clients will be these kind of people. For get their attention, I am going to prepare some activities that are attractive but also healthy like: trips to hills and villages every Sunday, Yoga classes (that are focused for diabetic people because you burn the sugar in your blood), activities in the indoor pool... and a lot more. In my gym, at the time to sign up, I will ask for the IDN, and it won't be possible be a client if you are under 58.

5.-NECESSITIES -Covered with the businessThe location of Longer Life Gym will be in the Avenida de Gasteiz, number 32. It is a known street in Vitoria, situated at no more than 10 minutes walking from the city center. The avenida de Gasteiz, is a long avenue plenty of business and shops; in it also pass the railway and many buses, so the clients will have all the facilities to get to the gym.

6.-COMPETITION/COMPETITORS The competence will be any other gym located at the same area. But, as I mentioned previously, is an advantage that my gym is focused in retired people, because it would be the one in Vitoria and this indicates that it will have only a few competitors. Another advantage, is the location. The avenida de Gasteiz is one of the most popular and crowded streets in Vitoria and every one knows about it, so it won't be difficult to find the gym. Besides, in Longer Life Gym, not all the activities are make inside the gym, there will be outdoor activities also, and this, is an extra because in Vitoria-Gasteiz there are not gyms that realise these kind of activities. It is also the only gym that its personal worry so much for their clients, because, neither exist a gym in our city, that, at the time you sign up is obligatory to make a medical examination and see which activities best fit you or in some cases see that it would not be correct for your health to start in the gym.

7.-FUNDING -Economic necessities+The first expense will be the rent of the local situated in the avenida de Gasteiz. The price will be of 550 €/ per month (not including the gas, the light and the hot water, so in total, per month it will be about 800€). The first month will be a little more expensive because of the bond, that will be in total, adding the 800 € base, 1200€. • All the material for the warm-up room (like the exercise bicycles,elliptical trainers ..) I have a budget of 4000 € to prepare properly this room. • In the lockers room I will have to install eight shower heads in each one, so in total, they will be sixteen shower heads. (80 € each of them so approximately …). In these rooms I have to include the lockers, thirty per room, so sixty lockers increased for 10€ each one. In total they will be 600 €. • I will need to take on a plumber to install the shower heads, the water taps, the jacuzzi, the heated pool...this will cost me around the 200 € I will also nedd to take on an electrician to put in order all the sockets, the lights, the hairdryers...for this, I have a budget of 300 €. Finally, I will need to call a homebuilding business to divide the local in different rooms like I have tought and to install the heated pool. This business will charge me 500 € for the job. • For the jacuzzi and the heated pool, I have a budget of 1500 €. • I have to include all the miss material like: the lamps, the telephones, the counters, the computers, two televisions, the painture, the mirrors , the doors, the bathrooms...for all this I have a budget of 1500€. • Advertise the gym in TV and also in the street will cost me around the 500€. • In totally, the economic necessities that I will need to run my business will be 11580€. • I have saved in a passbook 8000€ that I will employ them for the construction of my business and the 3580 € left will lend me my family. As soon as I get benefits I am going to return them.

8.-CREW -Employees and their responsabilities: The employees I am going to hire for my gym to work properly will be the following: – Two people in the counters of the entrance: they will be the responsables of making the sign-ups, control the people who enter and leave the gym, deal with the clients and attend to the telephone, give publicity of the gym and the offers, make the medical examinations at the time to start in the gym...they will work 8 hours per day, 4 at the mornings (from 10 am that opens the gym to 2 pm ) with a rest of 15 minutes and another 4 hours at the evenings ( from 4 pm to 8 pm). They will rest the Sundays.Their salary will be, in principle, of 1450 € per month. – Four people to supervise the warm-up room: these four people, will be the managers to this room to work properly. They must know each client of the gym and the activities that each of them realise daily. They must also know the working system of each machine so they can explain to the new clients.They will work as the two people in the counters: 4 hours at the mornings and another 4 at the evenings, resting the Sundays.Their salary will be of 1275 € per month. – Two people to supervise the heated pool: they will be the managers of supervising the heated pool but they will also be the teachers of some activities that will be make at this room. I am going to ask them for any experiences like lifeguard, in case of problems. They must know swimming properly and the working system of the heated pool (if the water is too hot or too cold). They will work less than the other employees because the heated pool is not going to be open all the day, it will open from 5 pm to 7 pm. As they are going to work only three hours per day, the salary is going to be lower, 900 € per month. – Two people to manage the trips of the Sundays: they will be the managers of preparings this trips. They will have to reserve the buses and manage the sign ups. They must be also be attentive to the clients. They will only work on Sundays and their salary will be of 200 € per trip. – A teacher for the Yoga classes: this will manage the Yoga classes that are going to be on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. She/he will have to know about this sport and to treat with old people. She/he will work three days per week and she's/he's salary will be of 900 € per month.

8.1-Equipment: All the employees of my gym will have to dress up with a special T-shirt that includes the name of the gym and the Logo. At the back of the T-Shirt will be written STAFF. In this way, the clients will recognise the employees if they have any doubts or any problems.

8.2.-CURRICULUM VITAE This will be the CV that I am going to ask for the employees to hire: PERSONAL DETAILS: Name and first name: --Address: --Telephone number and cellular:--E-mail: --Place and date of birth: --Marital status:--IDN:---



9.1.-FACILITIES: The gym is situated near of the city center, but there are also railways, buses and it is a pedestrian street. The gym is next to the Europa cultural center and it is easy to find it.

10.-PUTTING ON THE MARKET: -The LOGO of my business qill be the following: LOOK AFTER YOUR HEALTH. – The price will change depending on the activities you want to realise or the days you will come to the gym: – For Yoga classes ( 3 days per week, not using the warm-up room): 42 €/per month. – For Yoga classes (3 days per week and using the warm-uo room): 54€/per month. – To come any day of the week and making the activity you want: 62€/per month. – The heated pool, the jacuzzi and the trips to hills and villages on Sundays are included in all the prices.


S -(strenght) W- (weakness) -The best part of my business is that -The gym is situated in a crowded and today, there are only a few gym focused famous street in Vitoria (Avenida de on retired people, so I will not have any Gasteiz) and the rent of the local will be problems with the competitors. expensive. -It is a newness and it will get the attention of many retired people that may try it. O -(opportunities) -If the business goes on properly, I would run more ''Longer Life Gyms'' in Vitoria. -It is a good opportunity for those retired people to start looking after their health, and feel younger and better.

T- (threat) -Nowadays, people are cutting many expenses and I do not think a gym is something necessary in our lives, so the biggest threat is the crisis.

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