Issue 33, Volume 85 - The Lance

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men’s basketball return from final four empty-handed 14g

arts arts The Nevidovs’

the weird and wonderful world of Holy Motors



sophomore LP 12i

U N I V E R S I T Yo f W I N D S O R • M A R C H . O 6 . 2 O 1 3 • V O L # 8 5 • I S S U E # 3 3 • U W I N D S O R L A N C E . C A


• photo iStockphoto

FAIZAMIRZA news editor __________________________


he University of Windsor marked the first annual accessibility day Tuesday highlighting major milestones achieved in the past year, though some say more needs to be done.

Students seeking special accommodations, such as UWINDSOR STUDENT extended DAVEROBBINS, exam times, assistance with note taking and alternative format text books, must register with Disability Services at the university. There are around 350 students registered with the department.

I think our campus is very progressive in terms of accessibility. However, old buildings ... need further improvements

According to Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Committee, 15 per cent of people provincially have a disability. They suffer disadvantages when it comes to full participation in personal, professional and academic life. UWindsor is enhancing the educational experience for people with disabilities, as well as renovating facilities to bring the school into compliance with AODA regulations. Kaye Johnson, director of Human Rights, Equity and Accessibility said, “In general, the vision for a fully inclusive university is one where accessibility is integrated into all aspects of campus life. That would include accessible facilities as well as accessibility conscious curricula, classroom practices, employment practices, resources, services, communication and so on.”

“Our aim is for accessibility where there is a universal, shared sense of ownership and responsibility toward eliminating barriers and enhancing independence. The goal is for a university where we are able to provide people what they need in order to flourish and feel as an equally valued student or employee,” added Johnson. Candace Spencer, political science and women’s studies student, has hearing and walking disabilities and is dissatisfied with the current level of accessibility on campus. “Leddy Library’s annex is very accessible and good for students with disabilities, however, there are other issues on campus such as elevators. To use the

elevator at the Lambton Tower one has to use a special code available at the second floor which is rather ironic.” “The elevators in some buildings such as Chrysler Hall are placed in inconvenient spots. One has to walk up and down unless you are ready to walk to the ramps which may be located at the other side of the building. The washroom at Erie hall has a handicapped stall but there is no way that a wheel chair can get in there because the doors are too narrow,” added Spencer. The university has undertaken several initiatives in 2011-2012, to make campus facilities more accessible. Installation of lifts in atriums at the Ron Ianni Law School, improvements to make washrooms in Dillon Hall fully accessible, upgrades in the science classroom of the education building and actuators and door holdopen devices in Chrysler Hall South are some of the strategic developments that took place in the past year. In an accessibility report to the university’s board of governors last week, the human rights office outlined further improvements to campus buildings, including purchasing an accessible anatomy table for the Schulich School of Medicine, installing five actuators in the Leddy Library and auditing the signage and way-finding systems in Chrysler Hall. SEE ‘UNIVERSITY’ O3 w

opinion “ So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause.”

Michigan Governor Snyder announced last week that Detroit was in financial emergency and that he would appoint an emergency manager to have ultimate authority over the fiscal affairs of the state for the next 18 months.


VOL.85 • ISSUE33 MARCH O6 2O13

2O13staff editor-in-chief • NATASHAMARAR • ext.3909 managing editor • STEPHENHARGREAVES • ext.3932 art director • STEPHENHARGREAVES • ext.3932

Perhaps this dictator will be benevolent and relinquish power at the duration of his term.

news editor • FAIZAMIRZA• ext.3906

With the simple signing of his signature, 49 per cent of African American residents of Michigan were disenfranchised on the municipal level.

arts editor • • ext.3910

Because African Americans disproportionately live in the cities to have been taken over by emergency managers, half of these Michiganders have been disenfranchised on the municipal level. And if that’s not an insult to democracy in and of itself (not to mention African Americans), emergency managers have the ability and authority to fire elected officials, make or repeal laws, dissolve union contracts and sell off public assets along with a whole other slew of dictatorial controls. There’s no doubt that Detroit is in a severe financial crisis; the city was built for two million people and has a population which teeters around the 800,000 mark. Without a solid taxable base to reap revenue, the city is unable to provide services to its residents.

sports editor • JOHNDOHERTY • ext.3923 multimedia editor • JOLIEINTHAVONG • ext.3932 features & opinions editor • JONLIEDTKE • ext.3932 advertising manager • VICTORMACERA • ext.3604 business manager • VICTORMACERA • ext.3905 illustrator • LIQI circulation manager • JOEYACOTT tel. 519.253.3000 ads. 519.971.3604

Last year, Detroit police announced that police stations would be closed to the public from 4 p.m. until 8 a.m., keeping their doors open for just eight hours per day due to budgetary constraints. twitter @uwindsorlance instagram @uwindsorlance

The number of justifiable homicides has been on the rise as judges are siding with residents who are forced to defend themselves when the police cannot.

thelance • university of windsor 401 SUNSET AVE. WINDSOR, ON CANADA N9B3P4

The Detroit fire department announced last year that they would have to stop providing toilet paper to firefighters and that they must bring in their own from home. Indeed, these are quite drastic times. But do these times cause for a drastic measure such as disenfranchising 50 per cent of a minority population in the state at a municipal level?

mission statement The goal of the Lance is to produce a weekly news paper that

provides informative and accurate accounts of events and issues relevant to the University of Windsor, its students and the surrounding community. The Lance acknowledges its privileged position in being free from commercial and administrative controls. We strive to protect that position by vigorously defending our editorial autonomy.

What happened in Detroit last Friday was a travesty to democracy and has serious racist connotations.

Our mandate is to cover issues that affect students. However, we believe that no subject need fall outside the grasp of the student press, and that we best serve our purpose when we help widen the boundaries of debate on educational, social economic, environmental and political issues.

Whether or not the intention was to disenfranchise half of Michigan’s African American is irrelevant, the fact of the matter is that it happened. Friday’s decision was at worst racist and at best inadvertently racist.

The Lance and its staff shall, at all times, strive to adhere to the Code of Ethics of the Canadian University Press. Any material containing a racist, sexist or otherwise prejudicial substance or tone will not be printed.

People have told me that this is not an issue about race, and while I initially agreed that it wasn’t (on face value I agree this is about fiscal order), I’ve changed my mind. You cannot allow for half of a minority population to be disenfranchised and claim that it’s not about race! Detroit is a city in need of deep repair and while it was once heralded as the Paris of the west, such is clearly not the case anymore. Following an exodus of a large percentage of its population during the race riots, and subsequent periods of population stagnation and decline, Detroit began creeping towards its current fiscal state. Disenfranchisement is a disgusting practice and it’s absolutely absurd that I’m writing about it in the year 2013. Michigan residents already overturned an emergency manager law last year and what did Snyder do? He signed into law an even stricter law which guaranteed more power to the manager. Democracy? Not in Michigan that’s for sure. -Jon Liedtke

The Lance is published by the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance and prints every Tuesday of the fall and winter semesters. Its offices are located in the basement of the CAW Student Centre. Unsigned editorials are produced by the Lance editorial board, or printed with their permission, and may not reflect the beliefs of all its members. Opinions expressed in the Lance are not necessarily those of the University of Windsor or the Students’ Alliance. Submissions are welcome and become the property of the news pa per. Submissions must be e-mailed. The editor reserves the right to edit for space and clarity. Letters will be accepted until the Thursday before publication and must include the writer’s name, major of study and phone number. Contents ©2013. Reproduction in any way is forbidden without the written permission of the Editor-in-Chief. The Lance is a member of the Canadian University Press.


Comments, concerns or complaints about The Lance’s content are to be e-mailed to the Editor-in-Chief at the address above. If the Editor-in-Chief is unable to resolve a complaint it may be taken to the Lance Editorial Board. If the Editorial Board is unable to resolve a complaint it may be taken to the non-partisan University Ombudsperson. The Ombudsperson can be reached at 519.253.3000 ext.3400.



Essex MP won’t let abortion debate die Jeff Watson hopes polling on his website will help open the abortion debate in Parliament

JONLIEDTKE associate news editor __________________________


ntar Essex MP Jeff Watson is attempting to engage in a digital dialogue with his constituents over an abortion debate that the federal government has already put to bed. When Stephen Harper emphatically announced in the House of Commons last spring that his government would not reopen the abortion debate, many Canadians thought that Tory MPs would cease. On his website, Watson asked his constituents if they agreed with the following: “Recently, as Parliament debated M-312 to establish a committee to re-examine Canada’s 400-year-old law defining a human being, the founder and executive director of the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada called fully taxpayer-funded abortion, at any time, for any reason— including for sex-

selection or as birth control— a basic woman’s right.” The results at time of publication, signified that 37 per cent support fully taxpayer-funded abortion, at any time in the pregnancy, for any reason at all; 50 per cent support a complete ban on abortion; six per cent support creative policy options and supports that help women with unexpected pregnancies keep the baby; five per cent support some legal restrictions on access to abortion, for example restricting full access to abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy. No one supported abortion for any reason that wasn’t taxpayerfunded. For the first four months of the poll, the number of respondents stagnated at around 300, but over the past week it has rapidly risen to over 9,000. According to Watson, the flood of responses is because of an “organized campaign” by both constituent groups. “When I put the poll up, I

was hoping there would be a sincere effort to maybe gauge a more wider range of possible responses in reaction to what I think is the very extreme position held by the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada,” said Watson, who didn’t expect to get the two main interest groups “sparring to drive numbers.” Watson believes the abortion debate to be ongoing and in need of a serious conversation on a national level. “I think it’s high time for a good dialogue on the topic,” said Constance Thomson, who is against any abortions. The co-founder of Soul Presence, a local pro-life organization and support group, added, “The problem with abortion is that those who are for life haven’t been able to voice their opinions, especially in the media.” Thomson applauded Watson’s poll and hopes to have “an honest dialogue about the facts so that we can be a healthy community.”

“Those that self-identify as pro-choice, they have a much narrower [acceptance for abortion and] they are prorestriction or pro-limitation in one fashion or another, either in who should fund it and when, by reason to have an abortion, or by some point in the pregnancy when they can access it,” said Watson. When asked whether or not there was a difference between being pro-choice and pro-abortion, Watson firmly answered “No. It’s a distinction without a difference for those that hold the most liberal view of abortion ... they are very pro-abortion for any reason, fully taxpayer-funded, at any point in the pregnancy and that’s how they would define the right to choose.” Watson added, “Those who are unabashedly the most liberal and pro-abortion like to hide the moniker of pro-choice because it sounds less insensitive to mainstream Canadians, you

can quote me on that.” Sarah Morris, a self-described as feminist, activist and cofounder of Riot Girrrl Tuesdays events, said, “Unless you are in someone’s shoes, actually knowing why someone is getting an abortion is totally a personal issue [and] if you make abortion unavailable, [it] doesn’t mean that it won’t happen ... women will get unsafe abortions.” “[Abortion] is a difficult decision and it’s not something that many people take lightly ... I think laying out options, for women, is really important. Letting them know that abortion is an option or having the baby or giving the baby up for adoption,” said Morris, who also believes that proper sex education and birth control is a way to reduce the number of abortions from occurring. “If we’re educating women and giving them the reproductive healthcare that they need, then abortion [rates will] go down,” she said.

COLES Queens U spring ad bw:open learning ad 01/02/12 11:40 AM Page 1

University promises all-inclusive campus FROM COVER w Anne Mullen, accessibility and human rights manager, sees accessibility as “fluid, infinite and ever-changing.” “I don’t ever think of it as once we have completed project X, the university will be fully accessible. I say this because the technologies available to assist persons with disabilities are everchanging and one of our service goals is to create an excellent experience for students, employees and visitors. As such, we need to be aware of the changing technologies and how they can improve the experiences on campus for persons with disabilities,” Mullen explained. The university has embarked on a long journey of developing an all-inclusive environment for people with disabilities, but more needs to be done.

According to Karen Benzinger, acting director of the Educational Development Centre, “The challenges that students with disabilities face varies greatly depending on the type of disability and its impact on them as an individual. We work with each student to identify the accommodations that are appropriate for them based on medical documentation.” Jude Okoh, a student who is visually impaired, showed concerns about the graduate lounge in the basement of Chrysler Hall North. “There are several workstations over there, however, none of them is designed for visually impaired or people with other forms of disabilities,” said Okoh. Dave Robbins, a drama and communications student who suffers from a muscle disorder called Arthrogryposis, believes the

university is moving towards the right direction. “I think our campus is very progressive in terms of accessibility and all the new buildings are quite accessible. However, old buildings such as Erie Hall, Dillon Hall and Essex Hall need further improvements. The university must take full advantage of the new technology.” “Work is always ongoing to improve accessibility,” said Benzinger. “Not just in physical facilities but in systems, communications, policies and more. There are many groups on campus that are committed to and actively working towards the ongoing enhancement of accessibility.”

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Existence of God to be decided this week natural ... following orders of a divine dictator, [and] that’s dangerous.”

• illustration Li Qi

JONLIEDTKE associate news editor __________________________

W ness?

hat happens after you die? Is there a heaven, a hell or just nothing-

These issues will be debated on campus the evening of March 7 in a debate co-hosted by Windsor’s Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship and the Windsor/Essex County Atheist Society. The debate features Dan Barker, a Christian preacher turned co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and

Rev. Joe Boot, a senior pastor of Westminster Chapel in Toronto and founder of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity.

Michigan would be attending as well.

“This is an interesting topic [and] we wanted people to come and see for themselves if they really believe in that concept and have a good conversation with Christians,” commented Hamid Afra, a member of the Atheist Society who helped organize the event.

“I don’t want to turn down an invitation to debate these issues in a world that I think needs more reason and less dogma,” explained Barker. “The only way to know if something is true is using the tools of reason. If you’re asking if something is true or false, the most important question that should be asked of any religionist is ‘is it true.’”

Afra expects roughly 350 attendees and explained that in addition to students, atheists, Christians and the broader community, student activists in

Barker believes that religion compromises moral judgment and “separates morality from the real world and turns it into something spooky and super-

“I am very ready to get involved in these discussions when students are considering these ultimate questions,” explained Boot. “The question of life after death is dependant or contingent on a couple of more basic questions. It is theists who believe in life after death and generally atheists do not.”

than just physical matter but are spiritual beings. His belief in life after death also comes from the reason that Jesus was raised from the dead and is “the first of many demonstrating that there will be and is life after death” and accountability before God. Boot is of the view that human existence occupies a moral universe and it’s “abhorrent to us intuitively that injustice and evil will ultimately prevail.”

I don’t want to turn down an invitation to debate these issues in a world that I think needs more reason and less dogma DANBARKERCO-PRESIDENT OF THE FREEDOM FROM RELIGION FOUNDATION

Boot is convinced that there is life after death for many reasons, including that God exists and human beings are more

The free debate starts at 7 p.m. Donations will be accepted.

Student reps bring tuition reduction debate to Windsor JAYVERSPEELT lance reporter __________________________


he Canadian Federation of Students and Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance will hold a debate at the University of Windsor discussing the possibility of not only lowering student tuition but trying to abolish it through progressive taxation, ranging from each according to their ability, to each according to their need. The March 13 debate will be held at the Anthony P. Toldo Health Education Centre between Alysha Li, Western University vice-president of university affairs and OUSA president, and Toby Whitfield, CFS Ontario national representative. “We have put out a tuition fee

recommendation framework for Ontario. A couple of options have been proposed for Ontario to eliminate tuition fees in terms of the cost versus potential areas of revenue,” said Whitfield. “The reality is they are out of touch with students [OUSA] tuition rates that have far outpaced inflation year over year.” The current average tuition fee in Ontario for undergraduate students is $7,180; the highest in the country. In Quebec, the figure is just $2,774. “Tuition fees should be reduced,” said Mohammad Akbar, University of Windsor Student Alliance vice-president university affairs and an OUSA steering committee member. “Fees have risen over 58-71 per cent in the last six years, and over 600 per cent past

inflation over the last 20 years. Students collectively owe $2.638 billion [dollars] to the Ontario government. This is a serious issue that will have long lasting effect on students, our nation and Canada’s economy.” UWindsor law student Chris Rudnicki is promoting next week’s event in hopes of exacting change in the current tuition structure. “The first of the cuts [to postsecondary funding in 1994] were by Conservatives and that was combined with the Federal and Liberals at the time of cutting their federal education funding,” said Rudnicki. “So the universities were faced with a huge shortfall: either raise tuition or close their doors.”

It’s Rudnicki’s belief that higher tuition negatively impacts students in three ways. Firstly, it affects the economic diversity of the student body. Secondly, graduates will seek out high paying jobs at large firms rather than small community law firms due to their lower pay. Also, seeking higher paying employment means that those students will pay less for their education if they can pay it down faster. The OUSA recently released a two-part paper on why they believe Ontario needs a tuition freeze to create a sustainable tuition framework. The paper cites that continued five per cent tuition increases will result in negative impacts for middle- and low-income families, increased investment in programs such as OSAP and

lower institutional accountability. University of Windsor psychology student Brittany Miller welcomes the idea of lowering or doing away with tuition. “Tuition prices now are absurd,” she said. “The pressure society puts on teens coming out of high school and the stigma around not having a post-secondary education are both harmful cultural practices.” Miller estimates it would probably take her seven to nine years to pay off her student debts. In 2011, the province had an Ontario Student Assistance Program default rate of 7.9 per cent, just over 4,700 loans.


OPUS biennial elections wrapping up

Part-time students election representative Ian Clough awaits voters at the polls in the CAW Student Centre. OPUS elections end March 6 • photo Jay Verspeelt

FAIZAMIRZA news editor __________________________


he University of Windsor’s part-time student association is wrapping up its biennial elections on March 6. According to chief returning officer Ian Clough, the Organization of Part-time University Students received one nomination for the position of president, two for vice-president, one for treasurer and six for the six positions as directors at large. “There has been a shift in the demographics of part-time stu-

dents in the past years and the median age has dropped,” said Clough on the small number of nominations OPUS received for the March elections. Clough speculated, “The shift can be attributed to the rise in tuition fees as many students are dropping down their part-time status for extra jobs. However, most of the members on board are older and have the full-time jobs. They do not join OPUS board to beef up their resume and sincerely want to advocate students.” “Unlike other students’ associations, at OPUS, what you see is a much more professional atmosphere. Working here is all

about hard work and advocacy for part-time students,” said Clough. The current president of OPUS, Edward King, is the only candidate contesting the president position. King highlighted OPUS’s achievements in the past couple of years including an extensive health plan for students, distance education for students and a long-range plan to focus on priorities to better serve the needs of part-time students. The board also revised and updated the constitution and bylaws of OPUS. “In our strategic plan, we have distinguished student advocacy, student services, student engagement, OPUS image and

future planning. At the same time, I strongly believe that the next elected board will continue to work hard for parttime undergraduate students,” said King. The vice-president of OPUS, Anthony Meloche, has similar expectations from the board and next vice-president. He is also one of the candidates running for his current position. “I expect the future vice-president to listen and advocate for the interest of part-time students and use the opportunity on committees and initiatives to ensure the representation of students’ interests.” Meloche emphasized on the

significance of the board to collaborate with other student governments and University of Windsor to improve the student experience. Clough is determined to hold straight forward and clean elections. “Often there is a lot of backstabbing and huge conflict of interest with the CRO and the number of candidates. I am trying my best to avoid that and will keep a fairly even playing field for each candidate.” Ballots will be counted after closing of the polls by the CRO in the presence of two scrutinizers. The results will be ratified at OPUS’ Annual General Meeting on March 26.

Women’s Day goes beyond our backyards NATASHAMARAR editor-in-chief __________________________


s women around the world continue to fight for equality and security, people locally are celebrating women and drawing attention to ongoing challenges at home and abroad. The Womyn’s Centre at the University of Windsor is offering a series of free campus events this week in support of International Women’s Day on March 8. “This year (the theme) is our legacy, our voices our future. We want to emphasize individual women’s experiences,” said Tracy Huynh, Womyn’s Centre co-ordinator. The first event on Monday was a showing of the acclaimed 2010 drama Trust. The film centres on the trials of a suburban family when a 14-year-old girl meets an online boyfriend who turns out to be different than he claimed. Wednesday from 10 a.m.

to 2 p.m., there will be an information fair of campus and community groups in the CAW Student Centre’s Ambassador Auditorium. In collaboration with the Sexual Assault Crises Centre, a surprise group event will follow the fair at 2:30 p.m. in the commons area. The Womyn’s Centre is also showcasing Face2Face, a poster exhibit provided by the Canadian International Development Agency. The travelling exhibit, which will be in the commons for the next two weeks, features posters of people around the world whose lives have been improved by CIDA assistance. Wednesday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the CAW Student Centre commons, people can purchase Believe Beads bracelets, with $5 from each sale going to support the United Nations World Food Programme. Believe Beads is a social enterprise started by UWindsor graduate Nazreen-Jahan Mansur last summer. Her

education in public policy and international relations spurred her interest in helping women oversees. “I wanted to focus on the most vulnerable when it comes to world hunger, which is women and children,” said Mansur. “Without feeding someone and having the strength to carry on during the day, you can’t take on any other initiatives; education is not going to be a priority for a child who can barely survive.” Mansur said the recycled glass beads come fair trade from Bali, Indonesia, and the bracelets are assembled by local high school volunteers. So far, they have been able to donate $600 to charity. “I feel connected to the women in the developing world because me, myself, I come from Bangladesh ... when I’ve gone back to visit I’ve seen the conditions that women and young girls live in. I realized that could have been my reality ... so I want to give back in that way,” said Man-

sur. “We have a great social system here, there’s always a social net that will catch us before we are starving or on the streets if we seek the assistance. But in these areas no one is advocating for these women.”

her life because of that,” said Huynh. “There are lots of things that are systemic views of women’s roles in society that still oppress them today. If you look at rape culture and

I’ve seen the conditions that women and young girls live in. I realized that could have been my reality ... so I want to give back in that way International Women’s Day events wrap up Thursday with a keynote talk by local author Melissa McCormick. She will speak at Iowna College at 6:30 p.m. about her book The Queen’s Daughter. “She talks about here experiences being ganged raped and kidnapped for 48 hours in Detroit ... just being a survivor and the constant victimization she went through throughout

NAZREEN-JAHANMANSUR victim blaming, that’s a blatant example of how of how women are still oppressed,” said Huynh. “It’s the empowerment that comes from this kind of week. These events are a reminder of how far women have gone throughout history and how much further we have to go. It’s a solidarity that you create, that support group, network that you provide to students and community.”


this week’s the big best bets picture

national news briefs Possible arson at University of Ottawa arts building

THE LOSS AND RECLAMATION OF FAITH BY MONA SHARMA (OPENING RECEPTION) (Friday, March 8 @ 7:30 p.m., Artcite Inc.) Through her sculptural work, Montreal-based artist, Mona Sharma confronts the human penchant for constant, unwavering, unquestioning faith, as companion and guide through our lives. With soft and seemingly playful materials, the objects Sharma creates deal with trauma, destruction and disaster. Rather than dwelling on vast tragedies such as 9/11, we are often presented with “smaller” disasters, those that exist on a more personal scale. The murder of a family, the terrorist bombing of one passenger plane, the territorial disembarkment refusal of a boat-full of refugees, a dead bird, a grandmother’s funeral pyre. The Loss and Reclamation of Faith is presented to coincide with the International Women’s Day celebrations on March 8. (, free) PRE-ST. PATRICK’S DAY CELEBRATION WITH FINN MCCOUL AND NORTH ATLANTIC DRIFT (Sunday, March 10 @ 2 p.m., MacKenzie Hall) You don’t have to be Irish to start your St. Patrick’s Day celebrating a few days early. Windsor’s Finn McCoul and Toronto’s premier Celtic trio North Atlantic Drift kick off the season of the Irish early at Mackenzie Hall this Sunday at 2 p.m. The pre-St. Patrick’s Day celebration is a family friendly event highlighting sets from both acts, and a céilí session matching both bands together onstage at the finale. Later, join Mike ‘Lefty’ Houston on fiddle accompanied by Marion MacLeod on piano at The Stumble Inn for more Canadian fiddle favourites. ($18 at the gate or $16 in advance)

5 BROKEN CAMERAS SCREENING (Friday, March 8 @ 4 p.m., Chrysler Hall North G133, University of Windsor) The University of Windsor Palestinian Solidarity Group host a screening of the 2011 documentary film co-directed by Palestinian Emad Burnat and Israeli Guy Davidi. 5 Broken Cameras is a first-hand account of protests in Bil’in, a West Bank village affected by the Israeli West Bank barrier referred to as the fence in this documentary. The film was shot almost entirely by Palestinian farmer Emad Burnat, who bought his first camera in 2005 to record the birth of his youngest son. In 2009, Israeli co-director Guy Davidi joined on to create the film. Structured around the destruction of Burnat’s cameras, the filmmakers’ collaboration follows one family’s evolution over five years of turmoil. (, free)

OTTAWA (CUP) — Investigators are looking into a possible arson after a burning bookshelf was discovered in the stairwell of the arts building at the University of Ottawa. Firefighters were called to put out the small blaze around 1 a.m. on Feb. 18 after security reported alarms. The crews made quick work of finding the third-floor fire and dousing the flames. University officials describe the incident as suspicious, and an investigation is ongoing. Media relations manager Caroline Milliard said the preliminary assessment indicated it could be arson. “Because the matter is under investigation, it would be inappropriate to comment any further,” said Milliard. The fire is reported to have caused $2,000 in damages. Adam Feibel — The Fulcrum (University of Ottawa)

First day of Quebec education summit met with contention from students MONTREAL (CUP) — The highly anticipated summit on higher education organized by the provincial government began Feb. 25, where Premier Pauline Marois clarified that the two-day conference would “establish an open dialogue” on post-secondary learning but would likely not reach a solution. Following a whirlwind provincial election, the Parti Québécois announced the summit in September in an effort to appease all sides in the student movement crisis that rocked Quebec for months last spring. The minority provincial government cancelled the tuition fee increase of $325 per year over five years, and later $245 over seven years, imposed by the Charest Liberals upon taking office, effectively freezing tuition for the time being.

Portland-based artist Jason Sturgill kicks off Windsor is Forever, his residency at Broken City Lab’s Civic Space. He’s hosting events, doing archival research and speaking with members of the community. On March 4, Sturgill co-hosted Art Council Windsor Region’s sketch night at Civic Space with a theme to create tattoo designs connected to Windsor. (Photo: Jay Verspeelt)

The conference was initially pegged to resolve the issues at the core of an ideological impasse over higher education. Heavily guarded by the Montreal police, guests had to pass through three checkpoints before entering Arsenal gallery on William Street in Griffintown. Kalina Laframboise — The Concordian (Concordia University)

? Would you use a proposed Transit Windsor GPS app? PALVA DELAROSA


student @ UWindsor

student @ UWindsor

Yeah, it would be so easy to have it all on your phone.

Absolutely. I use the bus twice a day.



Yes, very practical not to have to check the computer.

For sure, I just missed the bus so it would have been helpful.

student @ UWindsor

student @ UWindsor


In search of free tuition ... as tuition in Ontario grows more and more expensive

the 1976 UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, a legallybinding international treaty which commits partners to “the progressive introduction of free education” at the post-secondary level.” 2. Young people should not have to bear a debt of tens of thousands of dollars upon graduation. 3. Canada is one of the richest countries in the world, and can afford post-secondary education for its young people as easily as (or, in many cases, more easily than) other countries that do not have tuition fees. 4. With regard to qualifications for employment, one or more university degrees are today the equivalent of a high school diploma 40 years ago. MacLean summarizes since post-secondary education is now necessary for students to attain gainful employment that it should be considered a “fundamental human right that should be provided to young people without charge by the community as a whole.”

• istockphoto

JONLIEDTKE features editor __________________________


he cost of post-secondary education more often than not sets graduates on the road to bankruptcy or financial ruin, rather than the glorious employment promised. There is a belief among many students and some countries that higher education should not come at a direct cost to the individual, but rather to the country and taxpayers as a whole. The movement towards free tuition exploded last year when students in Montreal protested the provincial government and demanded that tuition increases be rolled back, ultimately demanding free tuition. Support for the students spread worldwide and when the government eventually fell, many credited the students with providing the impetus. Mohammad Akbar , vicepresident university affairs for the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance, believes that education is a right and should be provided for free. The UWSA does not agree. “I personally think education is a right ... it’s one of the most important things you can provide to a society. If you want to fix economic inequality and create a just society,” said Ak-

bar, who added that the benefits of providing free tuition are “many and the cost is relatively small.” “The UWSA does not have a declared stance on tuition fees, it changes year-to-year. We should have a strong stance in favour of what students want,” said Akbar. According to Statistics Canada, on average, undergraduate students paid $5,581 in tuition fees in 2012-2013 and the Canadian Federation of Students says the average debt for university graduates is almost $27,000.

Justifications for providing free tuition are numerous: the need for a post-secondary degree to secure gainful employment, the need to compete on a global scale, the exorbitant cost of tuition and the fiscal drain it can cause, ever increasing tuition fees, and simply the burden placed on students overall. In the article Debt-ridden and unemployed: We are the class of 2012 (The Globe and Mail, June 1, 2012), Memorial University of Newfoundland graduate James MacLean provides four justifications as to why Canada should provide free tuition: 1. Canada was a signatory to

Having received the University of Windsor’s second highest entrance scholarship for her undergraduate studies, Kate Hargreaves considers herself to be lucky to have received financial support for her education. “It didn’t cover all of my university and, especially with the rising cost of tuition, it covered less and less of it as the years went by. But it did cover a nice chunk of it,” said Hargreaves, who also received a full tuition scholarship from the university for her master’s degree and a scholarship that was awarded based on her grade point average. Hargreaves believes that tuition should be free for all students. “You should have the right to access [higher education] regardless of your financial situation and I know many of my friends and family come out of university with a great deal of debt,” she said. “It really hinders you.” Just last week, the German free state of Bavaria decided to abolish tuition fees, and it’s been done in other countries around the world to success, including Norway, Denmark, France, Germany and the Netherlands. Roughly 20 countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development offer either free education or nominal tuition.

Average 2012-13 tuition fees by province

Last month in China it was announced that the country would begin charging tuition fees to all post graduate students.

While the economy of China is steadily growing, the country will provide student aid as opposed to tuition waivers which were offered up until the change. In Scotland, where post-secondary education has always been free, there is a push to abolish its commitment to free tuition following claims that Scottish universities are being starved of much needed funds to compete on an international level. In neighbouring England, the annual tuition that was locked at £1,000 ($1,552 CAD) up until 1998, has climbed to £9,000 ($13,971 CAD) in 2013.

5 WAYS FOR FREE TUITION •Uwindsor’s Head Start Program Free Tuition Draw This program offers firstyear students a draw for free tuition for one semester of university, up to $2,500. •Scholarships, bursaries, entrance awards and grants Some universities, such as Trent University in Peterborough, offer full tuition scholarships for students with an entering average of 90 per cent. •Online university University of the People is a tuition-free online university that is the world’s first non-profit online academic institution of its kind. •Military service Enlisting in the Canadian Forces through the regular force officer training program entitles you to free university tuition, books and academic equipment in addition to receiving a salary with benefits. •Move to a country which offers free tuition to residents o Algeria o Argentina o Cuba o Brazil o Denmark o Egypt o Finland o France o Germany o Greece o Italy o India o Malta o Mauritius o Morocco o Norway o Pakistan o Saudi Arabia o Scotland o Spain o Sri Lanka o Trinidad and Tobago o Turkey o Barbados o Kenya o Peru


... Rihanna, Mariah Carey,

Beyoncé, Kelly Clarkson, Ke$ha, Kylie Minogue, Pink— all of these women are absolutely astounding; they’re like forces of nature.

• photo courtesy Warner Bros Music




Pop goes the world


Tegan & Sara pull off the plunge into pop music


ALANA WILLERTON The Gateway (CUP) __________________________ “I’m not embarrassed about pop music. I fucking love pop music.”


ara Quin isn’t afraid to say it, but apparently a lot of other people are. One half of Canadian twin duo Tegan and Sara, Quin is referring to those who’ve turned their noses up at the group’s recent dive into the world of pop music on Heartthrob, their seventh studio album. While much of the reaction from critics and listeners has been positive so far, there are still skeptics who doubt the twins’ decision to merge into the mainstream music scene after being the indie darlings of Canada for so long. “To me, the idea that pop music is vapid and shallow— I just think that’s such bullshit,” Quin exclaimed. “I grew up in the ‘80s and ‘90s where pop music meant everything. It meant U2, it meant Björk, it meant Madonna, it meant Depeche Mode. It was what sold out stadiums and arenas. That’s what I cut my teeth on and that’s the world that I wished I could be a part of.

cooler or because I was gay’ or whatever. I want to be able to set my goal as high as anybody and not feel like somehow that is reductive to my art.” But for some, it goes deeper than just a fear of what new sounds and musical styles will bring. Pointing to what she sees as a distinct display of sexism within the industry, Quin feels that being involved in pop music is only part of the problem for some people, and that being a woman tends to be the common factor amongst those who are criticized. While she and sister Tegan haven’t experienced a lot of blatant sexism throughout their years playing together, she knows it’s been present on a subconscious level in a way that can’t be denied. “I was actually just reading a really interesting statement that the artist Grimes wrote on her website about liking Mariah Carey and about how no serious man who likes music has ever responded when she said that ... without dismay or without laughing at her,” Quin said.

“I just thought to myself, it’s totally true. There’s a real elitism and snobbery around mainstream music, and to me, it’s not a fluke that a lot of the stuff that “I don’t want to spend the rest people turn their nose up at in of my life and career thinking, the pop world is women. People ‘Well, I was totally relegated like Rihanna, Mariah Carey, Beto the fringe because it was yoncé, Kelly Clarkson, Ke$ha, gas_pains_banner_ad08_final:gas_pains_banner_ads 4/17/08 4:04 PM Page 1

Kylie Minogue, Pink— all of these women are absolutely astounding; they’re like forces of nature. They are so skillful, their vocals are amazing and they just put it all out on the line.” “I don’t understand why that has less value than, like, Grizzly Bear or the Dirty Projectors. I just don’t understand it.” And while skeptics question the power and seriousness of pop, that doesn’t mean their doubts are justified. As a member of a band that catered to a dedicated indie rock audience for years, Quin knows the security that a niche market and audience can bring. Pop stars, on the other hand, are at the mercy of the masses, and the competitive genre brings with it more risk. Thankfully for Tegan and Sara, their risk on Heartthrob appears to be paying off. Their single “Closer” has been rising up the charts for weeks now, and a change in sound after all these years comes as a breath of fresh air. But as Quin knows all too well, sometimes it’s impossible to make everyone happy, no matter what you do. “We’ve always struggled with anything that even seems marginally purposeful,” Quin acknowledged. “Even from the beginning, where as far as I’m concerned, our records sound totally obscure and indie rock, people would say, ‘Ugh, this is so manufactured— it’s like a

major label’s dream come true.’ And I would be like, ‘Are you fucking kidding me? We sold 40,000 copies of that thing. We are not a marketing dream come true.’ Most of the time the marketing people are like, ‘What the fuck are we going to do with you two?’ ” But now, with their new direction firm in hand and feeling confident in the decision, Tegan and Sara have left what others think behind them. And while some will always remain cynical of pop music, the band has done their best to put their heads down and power through, paying little mind to the criticism that will likely always follow them. “I just thought to myself, ‘We’re just going to have prove this in the long run,’ ” said Quin. “So we’ve been working our asses off and trying to just make music and connect with people, and also challenge ourselves and not be afraid that if we try to be more mainstream or more accessible that that means we’re playing their game and that’s a bad thing. “Of course we’re playing their game. If I wear a fucking paper bag over my head and make unlistenable music, I’m still playing a game— it’s just for someone else.”

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Gunshots in the do you theatre; United We Fall concur?



LIBERAL ARTS REMAINS AN IMPORTANT DISCIPLINE Certainly no one needs to remind students that job hunting and employment opportunities are not exactly rich in these recession-prone times. And for me, a very outspoken advocate of liberal learning, such a state does not bode well for students of the humanities.

United We Fall at Walkerville Brewery • photo Jay Verspeelt

NATASHAMARAR editor-in-chief __________________________


local play is debuting this week that attempts to confront the emotions and issues highlighted in recent U.S. mass shooting that are still fresh in the minds of many. United We Fall, which runs Thursday to Saturday at Walkerville Brewery, is written and directed by aspiring local playwright Talish Zafar. The play features theatre of witness style performance, which has characters sharing true, life stories of suffering and redemption with the audience. “I have a need to put on shows that people haven’t seen before; I wanted a contemporary space. You can make a theatre wherever you go,” said Zafar of his decision to host the play in the brewery. United We Fall centres on six students that flee to their university residence building for safety while a shooting is taking place on campus. The students realize not everyone in the room is not honest about who has access to the building and the characters reflect on how they would spend the last moments of their life. Zafar wrote the play three years ago but shelved it because he “couldn’t find a way to put it on properly.” He said recent mass killing have provided context for the play, although this wasn’t the original intention when he started writing the script. “For the cast and the crew, it gives them a sense that the issue we’re talking about is real; it’s not something that happened a long time ago.”

Zafar pointed to a couple factors that influenced him to write the play. He recounted an incident as a University of Windsor student about a year after the 2007 Virgina Tech school shooting in the U.S. “The prop shop for the School of Dramatic Arts was taking a fake gun across campus to Essex Hall from the old drama building. Somebody thought there was an old guy walking with a gun and called the police and this started a dialogue of how safe our campus was.” Zafar was also exposed to a support group for first-year students, which brought certain themes to the script for United We Fall. “A lot of the support group talk was about what these kids cherished the most. Going to these groups was a sobering experience because I was worried about what I was going to wear this week, and these people had real problems,” said Zafar. “In light of the Virginia Tech shooting it brought it home to me, what should matter to people, personal safety and the relationships we create.” “The play shows what people forget to cherish the most,” he added. Zafar is writing his next play, The Watchers, about the mythology of angels. He plans also to direct a touring magic show in Montreal and the Maritimes this summer. __________________________ United We Fall runs March 6 to 9 at 8 p.m. at Walkerville Brewery. Tickets are $15 or $25 with a free entree at Dominion House. Tickets are available at Dominion House and the brewery or by calling 519-254-6067.

Students feel that they must study a discipline that can lead rather directly to employment; they pursue what is “functional” in terms of their career aspirations. In some universities, there already are huge drops in the number of liberal arts students and more worrying, such a trend appears likely continue. We have seen the same tendency in the past when recessions or depressions hit the nation’s economy. In my own limited academic history, I can remember when the study of the humanities used to be the primary reason to go to university at all. Desperately starving for national profit worldwide, many systems of education are ignoring those very skills, essential to keeping democracies vibrant and alive. What democracies need are fully developed citizens who can think for themselves, criticize pernicious traditions and customs and understand another’s experience, achievements as well as suffering. In the current emphases in our schools, we are in danger of losing that focus on the creative and imaginative aspects, a focus on inquiry-based thinking, while neglecting those faculties of cognition and imagination that make us fundamentally human. The natural sciences and social sciences at their best, can be pursued with critical inquiry and imagination. By searching critical thought, empathetic understanding of human experiences of many different kinds and understanding of the complexity of the world we live in, a world in which we all face each other across wide various expanses of culture, nationality and territory. While greater knowledge cannot guarantee wise behavior, ignorance can certainly engender ruthless behavior. Citizenship requires the ability to assess historical evidence, to think critically about economic principles, to compare conflicting views of justice, appreciate a foreign language and culture and confront the complexities of the world’s religions. The humanities encourage students to examine thoroughly their interior lives. The students’ first year is an amalgam of different courses, they are exposed to a variety of perspectives because, it is thought, such courses stimulate them to think and argue for themselves, rather than simply deferring to ironclad tradition and artificial authority, such is vital today as we live in a world increasingly polarized by ethnic, religious and moral conflicts. The unexamined life poses some serious problems. Such an unreflective state can lead to confusion regarding personal goals; people may not examine themselves and their beliefs, and may be easily influenced by others, (and our world has many demagogue seeking disciples); finally, such people may treat others without respect. The most important contributions of the arts and the humanities to life, during school and after, is developing the students’ emotional and imaginative resources.




Because it’s fucking close to water. Horrible beer lovers across the U.S. have accused Anheuser-Busch of watering down its Budweiser, Michelob and other brands, in class-action suits seeking millions in damages. The claimants say that the mass-produced weak beer is even weaker than we thought, packing a whopping four per cent alcohol volume while claiming five per cent.

Neurologists have found that a roll in the hay can lead to “partial or complete relief” of head pain or migraines. The study published last week from the University of Munster, Germany, suggests that instead of using a sore head as an excuse to refuse sex, make it an excuse to bone.

British researchers have found that older people are being replaced by Google, Wikipedia and YouTube, with grandchildren asking smartphones rather than organic old humans. According to the survey, fewer than one in four grandparents say they have been asked for advice. Only a third of those surveyed said they had been asked, “What was it like when you were young?”

ARTS CALENDAR WEDNESDAY MARCH 6 United We Fall Walkerville Brewery, 8 p.m., by donation THURSDAY MARCH 7 United We Fall Walkerville Brewery, 8 p.m., $15 Orphans Capitol Theatre, 7:30 p.m., $15 Devilz by Definition Venue Rock Parlor Living Downstream screening WFCU (2800 Tecumseh Rd. E.), 7 p.m. The Nature Boys wsg. Paul Jacobs & Joey Strasburg Villains Beastro Fashion show in honour of International Women’s Day Macedonian Centre, 6 p.m., $50 Nine Girls UWindsor Essex Hall Theatre, 8 p.m., $12-21 FRIIDAY MARCH 8 Diversions: Detroit-Windsor Conversations on Borders Traffic Art Gallery of Windsor, 9:30 a.m. Pippin The Chrysler Theatre, 8 p.m., $30 An evening of classical guitar with Erik Ingalls, Steven Janisse & Reece Smith Rino’s Kitchen, 7 p.m. The Loss and Reclamation of Faith by Mona Sharma (opening reception) Artcite Inc., 7:30 p.m. Nine Girls UWindsor Essex Hall Theatre, 8 p.m., $12-21 Monique Belanger Taloola Cafe United We Fall Walkerville Brewery, 8 p.m., $15 Danny Michel Mackenzie Hall, 8 p.m. Graydon James and the Young Novelists Phog Lounge Frank Carlone and Magnificent Bastards FM Lounge SATURDAY MARCH 9 Pippin The Chrysler Theatre, 8 p.m., $30 The Matadors wsg. Hello Beautiful & Awake to a Dream Villains Beastro Nine Girls UWindsor Essex Hall Theatre, 8 p.m., $12-21 United We Fall Walkerville Brewery, 8 p.m., $15 Diversions: Detroit-Windsor Conversations on Borders Traffic Art Gallery of Windsor, 9:30 a.m. Weirdonia (CD release) wsg. Amateur Anthropologist & Da Fartz Milk Coffee Bar BigSexy FM Lounge SUNDAY MARCH 10 Finn McCoul wsg. North Atlantic Drift Mackenzie Hall, 2 p.m., $18 Mike Houston & Marion MacLeod The Stumble Inn, 6 p.m. Pippin The Chrysler Theatre, 2 p.m., $30 Nine Girls UWindsor Essex Hall Theatre, 2 p.m., $12-21


Strange yet cinematically seductive

Holy Motors

Holy Motors is a strange journey over a couple hours in the shadowy life of Monsieur Oscar from dawn to dusk • photo courtesy Les Films du Losange

NATASHAMARAR editor-in-chief __________________________


oly Motors is a stunning and dark dream world that confronts the senses and intrigues the mind. The first movie by French filmmaker Leos Carax in 13 years is a surreal adventure that is difficult to describe. Monsieur Oscar (Denis Levant) is a wealthy Parisian man who first steps into a limousine wearing a suit but leaves dressed as a poor old woman, begging for money

on the street. Oscar is driven to a series of appointments by Céline (Edith Scob), exiting each time in a different guise. The car is really a dressing room for all of his other incarnations. Why is he dressing or acting that way? Who will he be next? Where will the limo take him? Who is he working for?

The beautiful cinematography and random sequences allow viewers to abandon expectations of a traditional narrative and enjoy a visual feast. There are periods of little dialogue in the film, but much happening visually. The time in between Oscar’s appointments help decipher the truth behind events.

These are questions that won’t be answered right away, and it’s best not to dwell on them. Watching Oscar move through bizarre scenarios is shocking, disturbing, but all at once riveting.

Midway, we are introduced to Angèle, Oscar’s daughter. Upon picking her up from a party he confronts her for lying about sitting in the bathroom rather than dancing with boys. The exchange between

STEPHENHARGREVAES managing editor ______________________

CASSIEHUNTER lance writer ______________________





Windsor’s favourite, “don’t call us a ska band; were a punk band with horns,” is back on with a new shiny circle chock full of ... well, punk with horns. The band has effectively made their 2011 album Set Faces to Stunned a coaster with last weekend’s release of Better Wake Up!, a 12-track assault that captures a band that become one of the tightest the city has ever seen. Not to completely discredit Set Faces to Stunned, but The Nefidovs have grown so much since then and every growth spurt is evident on their new disc. It’s impressive when a live band— they are first-and-foremost a live band— can successfully bottle the energy and spirit of the sweat and spit-valve saliva drenched stage that makes their fans go ape. Musically the release is a full-on pogo party, mixing third-wave ska, Oi!, California punk, cabaret and— dare I say it— a pinch of early Red Hot Chili Peppers. Lyrically, the record is a lot darker; a post-industrial unemployment line wrapping through the residential streets and factory gates, over the beer soaked pub carpets of their home town. The production is good, almost too good to be punk; don’t worry it’s not a slick Blink-182 bubble gum wrapper, it’s more NOFX than that, which still usually too produced for a punk record but with The Nefidovs it works. The horns are clean, the bass grooves, the snare pops and the vocals are still clear even through the grit and gravel that the band’s vocalist gargles throughout every live show.

In another scene we meet the shady man behind Oscar’s strange encounters. “What makes you carry on, Oscar? he questions. “What made me start, the beauty of the act,” Oscar responds. At first, Oscar’s motivations and circumstances may appear confusing, and the average viewer might not appreciate the process of discovering the secrets behind the film.

The end brings about some resolution, but there are more questions. Repeat viewings are probably necessary to unearth some of the mysteries and motivations in the film, but that’s not a bad thing. It’s best to go into Holy Motors with an open mind, being less concerned with the storyline and more with the journey. __________________________ Holy Motors was recently released on DVD, and is showing March 8 to 10 at the Detroit Film Theatre.



Better Wake Up!

the elusive father and insecure daughter is harsh and engaging, offering a window into the man behind the masks.

charts • MURADERZINCLIOGLU Music Director, CJAM 99.1 FM more Info? & indicates Canadian artist


C’mon Arizona

Previously known as The Autistics & Christian Hansen, the Edmonton band has changed not only their name, but their band’s personnel and sound altogether. The remaining two members, Christian Hansen and Molly Flood, have relocated to Toronto for a change in scenery to begin their adventures searching for a new view on their pursuit of powerpop dance music. With the name change came a more rock tone and recognition in the rhythms of the dance scene. Christian Hansen has brought a brandnew album to the surface; C’Mon Arizona was their second full-length album a released in October 2012, showing their intriguing ability to combine electric dance and rock. “Ma-Me-O” opens the set of tracks with a very upbeat and interesting rhythm that sticks with you, but you see after “Please Don’t Do That” that they cover a few different genre types throughout the 11 tracks, slowing it down with a heavy beat and exotic lyrics. The cutting-edge band of two is a very distinct sound and lyrical experience compared to many other rock and electric dance artists, showing their fearless attitude when it comes to introducing questionable themes or their formerly controversial band name, The Autistics. There is no question whether the unsigned band is holding back their creativity when it comes to their passion.

charts tabulated over a one week period prior to the release of this issue

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

JULIE DOIRON* - So Many Days (Aporia) CRYSTAL CASTLES* - Crystal Castles (III) (Last Gang) EVENS, THE - The Odds (Dischord) GHETTOSOCKS* - We’re Gonna Drink A Lot Of Wine... (Droppin’ Science) NOTES TO SELF* - Target Market (Decon) FOXYGEN - We Are The 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic (Jagjaguwar) METZ* - METZ (Sub Pop) CORIN RAYMOND AND THE SUNDOWNERS* - Paper Nickels (Local Rascal) THE UNQUIET DEAD* - Tales of the Unquiet Dead: Book One (Self-Released) MOGWAI - A Wrenched Virile Lore (Sub Pop) RON SEXSMITH* - Forever Endeavour (Warner (WEA)) JAMES AND BLACKBURN* - Island Universe (Self-Released) AUROCH* - From Forgotten Worlds (Self-Released) COBRA & VULTURE* - Grasslands (Self-Released) SUPERMANSION* - Supermansion II (Self-Released) THE JOHN PIPUS BAND* - Howl At The Moon (Self-Released) HARRY MANX* - Om Suite Ohm (Dog My Cat) CHLOE CHARLES* - Break The Balance (Self-Released) LUCAS SADER PROJECT* - Apollo: Tribute to the Miles Davis Quintet (Self-Released) MIDNIGHT SPIN - Don’t Let Me Sleep (Self-Released) PSYCHIC ILLS - One Track Mind (Sacred Bones) TARANTUELA* - Good Luck Black Cat Bad Luck (Cameron House) LUKE LALONDE* - Rhythymnals (Paper Bag) THE BREEZES* - The Breezes (Self-Released) KARTHALA 72 - Diable Du Feu! (Electric Cowbell) GENTLEMAN REG* - Leisure Life (Heavy Head) YO LA TENGO - Fade (Matador) PISSED JEANS - Honeys (Sub Pop) THE LENNINGS - Inside (Self-Released) UNKNOWN MORTAL ORCHESTRA - II (Jagjaguwar)



Windsor swept by Waterloo in best-of-three OUA West final series Lancers Men’s Hockey team wraps up the season with 25-12-3 record TANYAQUAGLIA lance writer __________________________


he Lancers Men’s Hockey season came to an end this past weekend after a pair of losses to the Waterloo Warriors. After advancing to the OUA West Finals, the Lancers were swept in the best-of-three series. Wednesday night the Lancers hosted the Warriors, but despite taking an early two-goal lead, Windsor was unable to hold on and lost 3-2 in overtime. Drew Palmer set Steve Ferry up for an early first period power play goal to give Windsor the 1-0 lead. Five minutes later, Spencer Pommels extended Windsor’s lead with another power play tally. Assists went to Christan Steingraber and Ferry. In the second, Waterloo came out strong but Parker Van Buskirk turned aside every shot he faced. Justin Larson put Waterloo on the board in the first minute of the third period to cut the Lancers lead in half. With a minute and a half remaining in the game, Larson managed to get another puck behind Van Buskirk to tie the game at two. Josh Wooley completed the Warriors comeback in overtime to give Waterloo a 1-0 series lead. “We really missed an opportunity,” Lancers head coach Kevin Hamlin said. “There are distinct possibilities in a short

Above: D.J. Turner, left, attempts to control the puck in front of the Waterloo Warriors’ goal on the weekend

Right: The Warriors celebrate their two-game sweep of the Lancers Saturday • photos courtesy Waterloo Athletics

We really missed an opportunity; there are distinct possibilities in a short series KEVINHAMLIN

series. Being up 2-0 going in the third period; in the third we had a shot that hit the post.” “If we had won that game we’d be playing a Game 3 here in Windsor.” Saturday night, the Lancers headed to Waterloo looking to even the series. Both teams battled hard but the Warriors continued with their playoff Cinderella story and came out on top 5-3. Larson put Waterloo on the

B.C. Thunderbirds reclaim CIS volleyball crown SHERBROOKE, Que. (CIS) Top-seeded University of British Columbia captured their record-tying sixth straight CIS women’s volleyball title thanks to a dominating 25-13, 25-23, 25-18 gold-medal win over

the No. 7 Alberta Pandas on Saturday at Université de Sherbrooke’s Pavillon Univestrie. UBC, which finishes the season on a 25-game winning streak, joins Winnipeg (1983-1988)

board first, but Steingraber quickly responded for the Lancers to tie the game at one. Evan Stibbard and Palmer were credited with the assists. Waterloo took a 3-1 lead in the first half of the second period with goals from Andy Smith and Riley Sonnenburg. D.J. Turner put the Lancers within one with his first goal of the playoffs off passes from Kenny Bradford and Palmer.

regained its two-goal lead with Smith’s second goal of the game. Not wanting to end their season early, Windsor came out strong in the third period. Brett Oliphant scored for the Lancers early on to make the game 4-3. Derek Lanoue and Matt Beaudoin earned the assists on the play.

A penalty to the Lancers proved costly as Waterloo

Waterloo responded with a goal from Kain Allicock to take the 5-3 lead and the series win. “They beat No. 3 Lake-

and Alberta (1995-2000) on the short list of teams to claim six consecutive CIS women’s volleyball crown. The Thunderbirds also add to their record tally with a 10th national banner overall, three more than Winnipeg and Alberta.

when UBC had to overcome a two sets to one deficit before edging the Pandas 15-12 in the fifth. The T-Birds made it clear from the start that they didn’t want the 2013 title match to be that close, cruising to victory in just over an hour.

The championship game was a rematch of last year’s final,

Third-year outside hitter Lisa Barclay of Brandon, Man., was

head, No. 2 Western and No. 2 Windsor; they’re a good team,” Hamlin said. “We played well but they played better. If there was any chance at all it just seemed to go the other way.” “It was a tough break.” The underdog Warriors, will now face the winner of the Carton Ravens-UQTR Les Patriotes in the OUA Championships. The Warriors have also earned a spot in the University Cup National Championships tournament in Saskatoon in a couple weeks.

named tournament MVP minutes after she put an end to the competition with a thunderous kill down the middle. She was accompanied on the all-tourney team by teammates Shanice Marcelle and Brina DerksenBergen, two other seniors who wrapped up their university careers each with a fifth gold medal.


Women advance to CIS Championships

Bojana Kovacevic and Jessica Clemencon each score a gamehigh 16 points in the victory ADAMALI lance writer __________________________

It took the visitors close to four minutes before draining their first field-goal.

he Lancers Women’s Basketball team are heading to their fifthstraight CIS Final 8 national championships after knocking off the McMaster Marauders 73-51 at the St. Denis Centre Saturday.

Tessa Kreiger notched a lay-in off the bench after some good passing from Kovacevic and Williams, giving Windsor a 17-8 advantage. Williams was a defensive stalwart, forcing two turnovers from the Marauders, who shored up offensively late in the quarter to bring themselves within eight after 10 minutes of play.


Windsor earns an opportunity to defend the CIS banner, which they’ve held for the past two years, as they claim a spot in the CIS Final 8 taking place in Regina from March 15-17. The women will also play host to the OUA Finals next weekend. Bojana Kovacevic and Jessica Clemencon each tallied a game-high 16 points, with Clemencon picking up a teamhigh 14 rebounds for a doubledouble. Miah-Marie Langlois recorded seven points, six assists and five rebounds for the women, who shot 41.2 per cent from the field compared to 26.7 per cent from the Marauders. The Lancers streaked to a large advantage early, going on an 11-0 run. Clemencon notched four points, and an open three from Kovacevic gave the women some early momentum in front of the raucous crowd.

Meanwhile, the battle between Clemencon and McMaster centre Heather Milligan was heating up. After Milligan notched two free-throws off a foul from the St. Rambert, France native, Clemencon responded with two points after avoiding her counterpart’s block underneath the basket. Laura Mullins began the second half with her first threepointer of the evening to spread the lead. However, Vanessa Bonomo notched a three-point play in response for the Marauders. Kovacevic followed a lay-up with a put-back after a miss by Jocelyn LaRocque, giving the defending national champions a 20-point lead.

Miah-Marie Langlois moves past a McMaster guard en route to a 73-51 win at the St. Denis Centre • photo courtesy Edwin Tam

With the contest out of reach in the fourth, the game’s flow slowed down substantially with

The Lancers Women’s Basketball team will return to the St. Denis Centre Saturday to

the teams combining for eight fouls in the first five minutes and the Marauders finding themselves in the penalty. In very familiar territory with a lopsided advantage in the final quarter, the Lancers sailed to

their 23rd straight victory of the regular season and playoffs combined this season.

whistle by OUA East first-team all-star power forward Warren Ward, who lead all scorers with 26 points after going for 11-14 from the field.

ing from the resounding loss to Ottawa, the Lancers continued to leave gaping holes in the perimeter defence, which was notably picked apart by the Thunderwolves’ small forward Joseph Jones from long range. Jones’ efforts helped Lakehead to a 19-12 advantage after the first quarter of play and 34-29 edge at the half on 52.2 per cent shooting from the field, compared to 26.5 per cent of the Lancers.

host the Carleton Ravens in the OUA Finals. The Ravens defeated Ottawa 50-43 in the East Final on Saturday to earn a date with the Lancers as well as berth in Regina.

Men’s basketball post-season falls short KIMELLIOTT lance writer _____________________


fter finishing the regular season in first place atop the OUA West, the Lancers Men’s Basketball team was forced to bow out of the OUA Final Four on the weekend. The Lancers lost to the Ottawa Gee-Gees 78-58 in Friday’s crossover game, and then to the Lakehead Thunderwolves 7864 in the Bronze medal game Saturday. The Lancers’ back-to-back misfires in the Wilson Cup tourney also swept away the team’s vision of playing in the Big 8 National tournament for the W. P. McGee trophy this weekend. Yet, all was not lost over the weekend as the Lancers struck two gold and two silver medals as major individual award winners. Lancer head coach Chris Oliver was awarded Coach of the Year honours for the third time, while Lien Phillip was decorated as the OUA West Player of the Year and a first-team

all-star after recording an astounding 14 double doubles in rebounds and points. Josh Collins as well as Enricho Diloreto were named to the second all-star team in the West. The game losses were directly attributable to the Lancers having to compete without their two-team all-star point guard and assist leader. “Josh Collins did not play due to an ankle sprain on Wednesday in practice and so we struggled on offence adjusting, which could be expected,” Oliver said. Collin’s was unavailable against Ottawa for Friday’s crossover game, and provided leadership for no more than a few minutes at a time from the guard spot in Saturday’s against Lakehead. Ryan Christie’s untimely resignation from the Windsor squad added too much insult to injury for the Lancer hopefuls. “Most of our struggles were on defence as we just were late on rotations, assignments and focus,” Oliver said. Against Ottawa, the Lancers were stung from the opening

“It’s the one-year anniversary of my knee surgery, so this win is even more special to me,” said Ward. Although they traded leads early in the first half of play, Ottawa led Windsor at the end of each quarter of play, shooting 43.8 per cent from beyond the arch compared to Windsor 18.5 per cent from three-point range. Johnny Berhanemeskel supported Ward with 20 points and Vikas Gill added 11 points for the Gee-Gees, which was not enough to help Ottawa advance to the OUA final for the first time in 20 years. Windsor’s main man Lien Phillip answered with 19 points and 10 rebounds with Enrico Diloreto clicking for 16 points.

“I am awfully proud of my seniors today for their efforts brought to this point, and got us through to where we are,” Lakehead coach Scott Morrison said. In defeating the Lancers by a 14-point margin, Jones poured in 23 points, with teammates Dwayne Harvey and Ben Johnson scoring 14 apiece.

Saturday, Oliver said Josh Collins gave it a shot but just couldn’t play.

Phillip powered his way to 15 points and 13 rebounds. Sophomore forward Rotimi Osuntola Jr. and rookie forward Ismar Seferagic had 13 and 10 points, respectively, in the loss.

“Our struggles on offence continued and it was a disappointing end to a very positive season,” Oliver said. “Still reel-

“We really missed Josh out there in many ways,” MVP Phillip said. “Not only is he our team lead experience-wise, he

distributes the ball to everyone very well to ensure that we all get involved. We just weren’t that same team without him.” Although coming up short in the bronze game signaled a curtain call for graduating seniors Michael Petrella and all-Canadian student athlete Michael Godfrie, the Lancers are returning 13 of the 15 players for the 2013-14 season. They are still poised to claim the Wilson Cup next year and position themselves to strike national gold as well. The Carleton Ravens were the eventual Wilson cup winners after narrowly defeating their OUA East rival Ottawa 72-69 for the third time in as many meetings this year. The single-elimination tournament gets underway Friday at Scotiabank Place in Ottawa and culminates next Sunday at 3:30 p.m. with the gold medal final, live on The Score. The Score also has live coverage of Saturday’s semifinals starting at 5:30 p.m. All 11 games from the competition (televised or non-televised) will also be webcast live at

Lancers Men’s Volleyball team looks ahead after season end


Windsor Express reach season-high .500 marker Windsor 104 Saint John 74 Windsor 88 Oshawa 85 KIMELLIOTT lance writer __________________________


he Windsor Express made big step toward punching their ticket to the National Basketball League playoffs after rattling off two more home wins last weekend at the WFCU arena.


he Lancers Men’s Volleyball team ended the season eighth in the OUA standings with a conference record of 5-13, but some players feel the record isn’t truly indicative of the team’s capabilities. Left side Greg Simone is one player who feels the Lancers have not yet seen their full potential. “It’s not an accurate representation of what we could have achieved this year,” he said. “I think we’re a much better team than what our record shows and next year we’ll definitely have to prove it.” Senior Kyle Williamson, who played his final season with the Lancers, sees the Lancers as a young team that still needs to cut its teeth in the OUA. “Unfortunately, it’s been a rough year having growing pains and adjusting to a new team,” he said. “It definitely doesn’t reflect all the hard work we’ve put in or the passion we have to play the game.” Nonetheless, the Lancers ended the season on a good note, winning their final season game against Waterloo. “We had a good ending of the season,” head coach Shawn Lippert said. “We were up against Waterloo; it was Kyle’s last game ever playing with this team after five years. It was a tough gym to play in, probably the toughest in the OUA and we beat them three straight.” Williamson added, “It was exciting to see everyone play on the same level and play like a team with good chemistry.” In the Lancers’ last home game of the season against the Ryerson Rams, senior players Williamson, Ryan Leknois and Scott Hickman were honoured for their hard work and contribution to the men’s team through the years.

“They’re the guys you look up to and ask for advice,” said Simone. “I’ve learned to always be positive and have fun cause for them it seems like their volleyball careers went away really quickly. You know, to savour the moment of playing for a university team.” Out of the three, only Williamson will be leaving the team as he’s completing undergraduate studies in psychology this spring. Last month, the OUA named him first-team all-star for the third season in a row. “We’re all going to miss him,” Lippert said. “He came in the same time as me when I came in as an assistant coach. So Kyle and I have gone hand in hand with the program as it has come into more of a modern era of volleyball.” “When we came in, the record was 5-15 with five graduating seniors. And out of Kyle’s five years, we made playoffs three of the five years he’s been here and that was the first time in 10 years we’ve been in playoffs.” Despite not making it into the playoffs, the six-foot-five senior has great aspirations for the team as they move on to their next season. “I hope next year is better than this year,” Williamson said. “I hope they can keep growing as a team and mature together, and have success. It will be nice to see which guys step up to that next level and lead the team to a championship and I’d love to come back and see that.” Lippert sees a bright future ahead for the next season. “We had a very young team this year so hopefully that will carry off into the next and we’ll be one of the mature teams in the league. The OUA is going to be a very strong conference.” The men’s volleyball team is back in action in late September or early October for the 2013-2014 season.

Friday, the Express crunched the Saint John Mill Rats 10474 then followed that effort up with a thrilling 88-85 victory of the Oshawa Power on Saturday evening. Perennial scorer Mike Helms topped all producers with 25 points. Helms was assisted

The win brought the Express to 17-18 on the season and one game short of the elusive .500 mark that the skillful Oshawa Power attempted to keep them from Saturday. Windsor, however, would have none of the Power’s plan to disrupt their reach for the all important fifth playoff spot, and came away with a 88-85 victory. Team leading scorer Chris Commons paced the Express with 21 points along with the 20-point production of Darren Duncan. Additionally, Duncan had 12 assists and four rebounds before he hit the game winning three-pointer to secure the win. Oshawa had tied it up just 18 seconds prior to Duncan’s heroics, after being down by as much as 18 points earlier

in the half. New acquired forward DeAndre Thomas adjusted rapidly to the Express mix by contributing five points, seven rebounds and four assists along with some defensive gems in his first game with Windsor. For Oshawa, Mark Gomillia paced his team in scoring with 21 points, while guard Nick Okorie chipped in 20 points and nine assists. Former Express power forward/centre, Lester Prosper was signed on March 1 by Oshawa and played minimal minutes in his first game with the Power. Oshawa will have a prompt opportunity to exact revenge in the rematch on Wednesday at the General Motors Centre in Oshawa, after which the Express will head back home for their final three games of the regular season. The first home game starts against their firstplace 401 rivals the London Lightning Sunday at 7 p.m.

Lancers mixed curling team 2-2 at international event in Sarnia

The Lancers successfully defeated two other Sarnia teams 7-5 and 9-5 in their next two draws. The Lancers were defeated by Sarnia’s Mark Woolston in a must-win game, 6-3.

CALINMURGU lance writer __________________________


he Windsor Lancers Curling team went 2-2 and didn’t see playoff action at the 2013 International Mixed Tournament March 1-3 at the Sarnia Golf and Country Club. The team, made up of skip Kimberly Curtin, Ethan Mcalear as vice-skip, Sarah King as second and Calin Murgu as lead, opened with a loss to Sarnia’s Doug Kee.


STEPHANIEMCPHERSON lance writer __________________________

The Express now hold the fifth and final playoff spot in the National Basketball League of Canada with an 18-18 record, right behind the Oshawa Power and Halifax Rainmen who both own 18-17 records.

by four other teammates who achieved double digits, along with Darren Duncan’s 13 assists as the league leader in the bracket. Jerice Crouch and Kenny Jones scored 19 and 17 points for the Mill Rats, respectively.

The game was anything but defensive, with both teams scoring multiple points easily. Down three with hammer in the eighth end, Curtin drew the button to push the game into an extra end. Unfortunately, Curtin’s final attempt at stealing over curled, allowing Kee to draw for the win.


“Ice differs from rink to rink,” Mcalear said. “Sarnia curlers have an advantage as it’s their home ice. It took us a while to get adjusted to Sarnia’s speed. By then it was too little too late. We’ll be back next year, no doubt.” The competitive season for the Lancers will resume with tryouts in the fall.



CIS RANKINGS 1. Windsor (1), 2. Regina (2), 3. Fraser Valley (4), 4. Saint Mary’s (3), 5. Calgary (5), 6. Carleton (7), 7. Ottawa (9), 8. UBC (6), 9. Brock (8), 10. Alberta (NR) OUA West Finals at St. Denis Centre



OUA West Finals

OUA West Finals at St. Denis Centre


Waterloo 3 Windsor 2 (OT)


Carleton at Windsor


Waterloo 5 Windsor 3


CIS Championships in Regina

Windsor 73 McMaster 51


Season ends for Windsor



CIS RANKINGS 1. Carleton (1), 2. Cape Breton (2), 3. Ottawa (5), 4. UBC (4), 5. Acadia (3), 6. Windsor (6), 7. Lakehead (9), 8. Victoria (NR), 9. Ryerson (8), 10. McGill (10)


Windsor 94 Montreal 83


London 99 Windsor 92


Moncton 111 Windsor 100



7 p.m.


Saint John

7 p.m.



7 p.m.


at Oshawa

7 p.m.




7 p.m.


OUA Final Four 3/1/2013

Ottawa 78 Windsor 58


Lakehead 78 Windsor 64

Season ends for Windsor

CIS Championship / Edmonton



(senior editor of Spacing magazine, author andToronto Star columnist)

MARTY GERVAIS SHAWN MICALLEF STEVE DORSEY (journalist, professor and Windsor’s poet laureate)






(author and host of CBC radio’s Q)



(Vice President R+D at Detroit Media Partnership, former a managing editor at The Detroit Free Press)






MARCH 29-31 2013 This year’s theme, BETWEEN THE (HEAD)LINES, takes a look at the media misrepresentation of Windsor and Detroit as a launch point to exploring the stories behind the obvious and sensational, and how we can use journalism to unearth the real stories behind our campuses and communities.







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