Impact of Giving to UWCSEA 2020/2021

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A new primary playspace

a rooftop playground

The College is developing an exciting new rooftop play and learning area for K1–G1 East Campus students. This innovative space utilises materials that can be moved all around the space and used in endless ways and the only limit is the imagination of our students. The versatility of movable equipment provides children with a variety of opportunities to create and develop skills such as problem-solving, engineering, hand-eye coordination, fine motor development, concentration and creativity. The space is designed so that students can experience learning through all of their senses and can learn in, and with, nature. Students use water play areas to bring out their inner engineer, creating pathways for water using multiple levels and a series of pipes and blocks. This activity strongly encourages the development of problem solving skills, teamwork and collaboration. We look forward to building a sensory garden growing herbs, aromatherapy plants, plants that will attract wildlife, and more. Our students will be involved in planting, nurturing and tending the gardens. The rooftop space will be further enhanced by planting and social seating for students to develop their communication skills, deepening existing friendships and developing new ones.

SKILLS SUPPORTED THROUGH THE NEW PLAYGROUND: Concentration | Creativity | Engineering | Fine motor development | Gross motor development | Hand-eye coordination | Language and vocabulary building | Literacy | Mathematical thinking | Problem solving | Scientific thinking | Social and emotional development

This new play and learning space was made possible thanks to a generous community donor.

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