UWCSEA Residential Boarding

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UWCSEA Residential Boarding

“Studying at UWCSEA is a horizon-widening experience which I would never have been able to experience in other schools. It has developed me into an all-rounded person by encouraging me to take up responsibilities and undertake new challenges. Here, you can initiate activities, take part in music concerts and sports tournaments, and go overseas on field trips. On top of that, this school celebrates and treasures cultural diversity. I have the privilege to meet people coming from all around the globe and learn about their cultures. Studying at UWCSEA was a rewarding and fulfilling experience for me, one that I will never forget.”

Prudence, Hong Kong

Welcome to UWCSEA Boarding

Kurt Hahn, the founder of the UWC Movement, believed the experience of boarding with other young people from around the world was at the heart of UWC’s philosophy. He thought that such an experience, engineered to develop personal connection and understanding, could be transformational. Our boarding community proves that he was right, every day.

For 50 years, UWCSEA has hosted residential students from almost all socio-economic, geographic and cultural backgrounds. What we have seen is that at the core of a successful boarding experience is the quality of relationships between individuals in the community. Bring together students from around the globe— students with a diversity of outlooks and narratives—and you can build unique relationships that will continue into adulthood. Our boarding staff come to know students as individuals who have the potential and capacity to develop into mature and responsible adults, those who will go on to shape the world. Students come to know one another as confidantes, inspirations and, of course, friends.

At UWC, the homogeneity found in a more traditional boarding school setting in is replaced by an environment alive with the energy and possibilities created by having no flag above our door. Mirroring this ethos, UWCSEA’s location in the vibrant global hub of Singapore means our boarders are immersed in a culturally diverse international environment.

Of course, our boarding experience also offers an intense level of support for learning. And it is not merely academic achievement that is enhanced by increased interaction with others: those qualities and skills that we have identified as necessary to help young people engage as active participants at university and beyond are nurtured.

Most of all, our boarding experience is defined by the moments that cannot be expressed in a brochure: the special conversations that shape thinking forever; the examples from others that inspire an individual; the moments of personal growth and connection with others whose life experience is very different from yours; and the development of an appreciation for the differences that demonstrate how beautiful, diverse and in need of understanding our fellow human beings are.

“The beautiful paradox of UWC is that celebrating diversity is what unifies us.”
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Karma, Myanmar

Part of an international movement

The UWCSEA boarding experience is a culturally rich one, providing a supportive international family for our students. Its caring environment nurtures self-discipline, self-management and leadership skills, and is true to the Mission of the UWC Movement to make education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future.

Developing international-mindedness and understanding

Our ethos, common to all 18 UWC schools and colleges around the world, promotes intercultural and interpersonal understanding as an outcome of our values-based education. The community is truly global, representing a diversity of experience, cultures and passions. Our boarders are given a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the life of the school community. As a result, their time in our boarding community not only provides students with insights into many different cultures, but also encourages them to discover a deeper appreciation of what is special about their own.

Scholarship students

Life in boarding is enriched by scholarship students, who bring unique perspectives to our boarding community. Our scholars are students from all over the world who are nominated for their scholarships by UWC volunteers in their home country, on the basis of both their academic ability and their commitment to the UWC Mission and Values. As a result of their passionate commitment to embrace the opportunity their scholarship provides, our scholars contribute much to the rich and diverse life in our international boarding family.

Such is the richness of their experience, and the strength of the friendships formed, many boarders find it difficult to leave our community at the end of their schooling. The lasting links established across the world are a demonstration of both the life-defining experience while at UWCSEA and their identity as global citizens.

“Boarding has taught me to become mature and independent, how to be comfortable with my peers, how to forge new friendships and build unbreakable ones. It taught me that no matter what, someone is always willing to lend a hand.” Nabila, Malaysia
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“Living in the international and multicultural context at UWCSEA changed my perspective. I’m more open minded and socially aware of the political and cultural context of the world. News and events happening in countries that previously seemed so distant are now extremely close. I can now say that I am a genuine global citizen.”

Matheus, Brazil

“The most impactful part of my UWC education was making friendships, collaborating with others to create things in line with the UWC mission and values and learning to respect all people, nationalities and schools of thought and belief.”

Nethmi, Sri Lanka

Preparing for university and beyond

Boarding at UWCSEA prepares our young people for university life and beyond, equipping them with the confidence, independence and social skills they need to be successful. We foster the qualities our students will need to become principled, proactive contributors to the world—resilience, adaptability and self-management.

Our staff encourage the boarders in their care to make the most of the opportunities on offer and to engage fully in both the educational programme and life in the boarding house. Boarders are embedded in the fabric of the campus; both enthusiasm and proximity mean that they are deeply involved in the rich and varied life at UWCSEA.

Developing independence and resilience

Involvement and participation are central to boarding life. Boarders are expected to contribute to the boarding community by showing individual initiative, and are encouraged to get involved in a range of diverse activities.

The boarding programme is deliberately structured to gradually allow boarders to develop self-management skills and independence. This is done under the watchful eyes of our Houseparents, who provide advice and guidance where necessary, with the ultimate goal of equipping our students to make a smooth transition into the next stage of their life.

Singapore is our campus

While our programme takes advantage of being located in a global hub, our ethos expects students to explore the cultural diversity of both the College and our host country Singapore.

The self-contained nature of Singapore, with its urbanised development, extensive transport systems and secure environment makes it easy and safe for our boarders to explore the island city-state. Our boarders are given meaningful independence through a programme that supports them to develop this important skill and to test themselves in the outside world. UWCSEA boarding combines all of these factors to provide a genuine pre-university residential experience.

“I am a Ghanaian—a wonderful place to grow up, peaceful, resourceful and diverse. Growing up, I yearned to do something different. When I arrived in the UWCSEA boarding house, everyone seemed excited about meeting new people and interacting with them. It is such a great honour to be part of this wonderful community.”
Daniel, Ghana
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Dover Campus: Kurt Hahn, Maya Angelou and Nelson Mandela Houses

Our boarding

Boarders by grade 182


Boarders by region

68% Asia

7% Africa

59 Boarders’ nationalities

12% Americas

13% Europe

1 Director of Residential Life

1 Boarding Counsellor

Scholars by grade

57 Scholars

6 Resident Houseparents

12 Assistant Houseparents

5 Boarding Day Parents

2 Boarding Interns

27 24

42 Languages spoken

Afrikaans; Amharic; Belarusian; Burmese; Chinese: Hainanese; Chinese: Hokkien; Chinese: Mandarin; Danish; Dutch; English; Estonian; French; Georgian; German; Haitian; Haitian Creole; Hindi; Indonesian; Bahasa Indonesia; Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia); Italian; Japanese; Khmer; Korean; Krio; Lao; Mongolian; Nyanja; Chichewa; Chewa; Polish; Portuguese; Romanian; Russian; Serbian; Sinhala; Sinhalese; Sinhalese (Sinhala); Slovenian; Spanish; Castilian; Swati; Tagalog; Filipino; Tagalog (Filipino); Tajik; Tamil; Telugu; Thai; Ukrainian; Urdu; Wolof

Dover Campus
G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 2 2 2
G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 68 55 10 24 25
Snapshot of data as at 21 September 2023 8 | Residential boarding

4 Boarding Day parents

1 EAL Tutor

East Campus: Tampines House

32 Languages spoken

Afrikaans; Bulgarian; Burmese; Chichewa; Chinese: Cantonese; Chinese: Mandarin; Dzongkha; English; French; Guarani; Hindi; Indonesian; Bahasa Indonesia; Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia); Japanese; Kazakh; Khmer; Kinyarwanda; Korean; Malagasy; Marshallese; Mongolian; Nyanja; Chichewa; Chewa; Russian; Spanish; Castilian; Swahili; Kiswahili; Kiswahili (Swahili); Tagalog; Filipino; Tagalog (Filipino); Tamil; Telugu; Thai; Tonga (Tonga Islands); Turkish; Vietnamese; Wolof

47 Scholars

5 Resident Houseparents

16 Assistant Houseparents

1 Director of Residential Life

2 Boarding Counsellors

East Campus communities
Boarders by region Asia 69% Americas 14% Europe 3% Africa 12% Oceania 1%
nationalities G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 0 0 0 27 20
47 Boarders’
Scholars by grade
G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 6 14 24 57 54
Boarders by grade 155 Boarders
Snapshot of data as at 21 September 2023 Residential boarding | 9

Residential life

UWCSEA offers a residential boarding experience unmatched by traditional boarding school programmes. While we are a large and busy international school, our relatively small community of boarding students who live on each campus are a vital part of each community.

Each of our boarding houses provide a supportive community for the young people who live there.

Boarding orientation

On arrival, all students are allocated living and study spaces that they can personalise as part of a boarding orientation programme which welcomes new boarders before the ‘day school’ orientation starts. Experienced staff and an enthusiastic orientation team of returning boarders ensure our new boarders are immersed in a schedule of planned activities that include Singapore and campus exploration days, as well as time to get to know each other and the daily routines of the house.

This is the first stage of the transition programme that supports new boarders in their move to boarding life in Singapore. Over the first six to eight weeks, there are a series of activities that foster friendship and community spirit helping students adjust to the boarding environment.

Singapore’s diverse expatriate community is reflected in the over 100 nationalities at UWCSEA . Most of our students, day or boarding, understand the challenges and opportunities of living in a new country, and this understanding support is available to our boarders as they adjust to living away from home.

Many students adapt to boarding right from the start, but we recognise that for some it can take a little longer. The boarding team, including the boarding counsellor, proactively support our students in establishing themselves as part of our friendly and caring boarding community through workshops and check-ins. Our weekly routines help our boarders strike a balance between academic and leisure pursuits, and enable them to engage fully in the Learning Programme offered at the College, as well as in the benefits of residential life.

The whole boarding house participates in a weekend programme in the second month of the school year to further foster their connections and sense of belonging in a relaxed environment after the initial busy weeks settling into school routines. This trip to a neighbouring country, such as Malaysia or Indonesia, is often cited as one of the most memorable boarding experiences by boarders.

Daily life

All boarders have a daily schedule, with a gradual increase of self-management expected of students as they reach the final years of High School. Our younger boarders have a more structured routine, to help them maintain a healthy balance by ensuring they get enough sleep, with scheduled study times, and greater structure in their routines. We also play a greater role in helping them manage their use of technology. Our ultimate goal is for boarders to learn to manage their time and grow in personal responsibility, preparing them for life after school.

In any one week, boarders might participate in a house meeting, attend a music lesson or recital, perform on stage, debate a current affairs topic with their peers and play in a sports match—all in addition to their studies! There are also a host of recreational options in Singapore which boarders are encouraged to explore on the weekends, including bicycle and exercise trails, libraries, parks and performance spaces. Those who wish to do so are able to connect with and participate in activities and worship in their religious community in Singapore.

A wide array of events and activities on campus and outings around Singapore includes cultural talks (in which boarders introduce the rest of the community to their country and culture), themed evenings, movie nights, thought-provoking discussions and presentations, sports such as dragon boating and trips to The Esplanade for concerts and other festivals. These activities provide boarders with the chance to hear different perspectives and share ideas, and to develop an appreciation for others and their different viewpoints.

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“So, how is boarding life? …

… I might be totally different from my peers, but we share a common dream to make the world a better place and a curiosity for other people. I am so honoured and grateful to call these people not only my friends, but rather my sisters and brothers through the amazing and absolutely incredible UWC moments, that I will think of 50 years from now.

Each of us will watch the news as grown ups, not putting a location to a country, but a face, a memory, a feeling. And that is not only going to change us, it’s going to change the way we act and how we influence other people. Changing the world just a little bit. Today by helping one of the Chinese Grade 10s with her homework, listening to the girl from Bhutan talking about Buddhism, with her face glowing like the sun itself, giving me a feeling for the religion that no book has ever done before, and then laughing and crying arm in arm with my Kasach roommate. How would I ever—and I mean ever—support a war that would put any of my friends’ homes in danger?

Not all of us will go into politics, but there will come a time when we’ll have to make a decision on where we will stand in this world, and not only crossing the right box while electing a party, but calling our friend to say ‘what on earth can we do about that earthquake in the hometown of our friend’ and ‘which other former roommates can help us with that.’”

Wake up


This probably seems like a sleep-in to our day community ... living on campus makes getting to morning sports training much easier.

If we’re not feeling well we can go to the clinic to see the Doctor.

Lights out!


Younger students go to bed earlier, however in Grade 11 our main lights go off at 10.30pm, and reading lights at 11pm. WiFi curfew starts at midnight and runs until 5.30am.

CommuniTea, relaxation and organisation


At 9pm, we have a bed time snack, and time for a chat and a catch up with friends and Houseparents. Hang out with friends, get ready for the next day, extra study, make a snack, read … also, if you’re in Grades 8–10, hand in your device at ‘technology curfew’.



Breakfast check-in at Santai is compulsory for everyone. We go directly to lessons from there.


Kirti explains what a school House Grade 11 boarder

Study time


Homework, prep, call it what you will, every weekday except Tuesday, Grades 8 and 9 are in the 6th floor Common Room; Grades 10 and 11 are in the Kishore Mahbubani Library; and Grade 12 in their own rooms. On Tuesdays, if you’re up to date with your school work, you can join a community activity with your ‘boarding family’. This can be anything from sharing ‘My Story’, to sports or art activities, baking or a film night.

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School day


Tampines House is ‘out-of-bounds’ during the school day, unless you’re in Grade 11 and 12 and have a ‘free’ in the last timetable block (1.45–3pm). If you’re ill, you stay in the clinic under supervision from the nursing staff.

Lunch is in the canteen with the day students—our preloaded ewallet on our student pass covers it.

Afternoon tea or after school activities


If you don’t have an Activity after school, it’s a dash back to Tampines House for afternoon tea before it disappears!

Some sports run up to 6.30pm, in which case we go straight to dinner.


day in the life of a Tampines boarder looks like.

Free time


AKA, touch base with our Houseparent, hang out with friends, study, make a snack in the kitchen, collect our laundry, or even message our parents.

We can go off-campus if it’s pre-approved—Grades 8 and 9 can go up the road to the Hawker Centre or Fairprice, while the rest of us can venture farther afield to the Mall.



Our themed dinners are another way for us to share our culture—through that most important of mediums, food. (Food is a major preoccupation for boarders!)

On Monday nights we have a ‘House Assembly’ to run through operations for the week and share and celebrate the achievements of our community.

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WEEKENDS in the house

This guide outlines Dover Campus routines. Tampines House weekends look remarkably similar.


3pm The weekend starts now!


Sign out of the house

You only get to go off campus with pre-approval from Houseparents. Sign out using the electronic security system and go to a movie, explore the nearby mall, bike the local park connector ... but first, afternoon tea!



Meals are served in the Pavilion canteen for those on campus.


Relax in the house

Pre-planned activities led by boarding staff, based on who is in the house—think pizza making night or other cooking, movie screening, mah jong, board or computer games.


Check in to the house

Sign back in by saying hello to your Houseparent by curfew—this time depends on your grade—and completing the online check in so your parents know you’re home too. 10pm onwards

Bedtime and lights out

Flexible routines

Weekends in the boarding houses run from Friday after school to Sunday night, when the ‘school night’ routine kicks back in. There are many activities on offer, and access is available to campus facilities including the swimming pool, gym, sports fields and music practice rooms. Students are also encouraged to explore Singapore.


A duty team of Houseparents is rostered 24/7 to supervise and support boarders. The medical clinic is staffed by a registered nurse.

Overnight leave

If you’ve organised it in advance (and parents have approved it), boarders can overnight at a friend’s house in Singapore. Boarders can sometimes invite a day student to stay in the house, or swap beds between campuses for the weekend.



9pm onwards

Check in 10pm onwards

Bedtime and lights out



From 7am Breakfast

We make our own breakfast when we wake up. Eggs, cereal, milk, bread and spreads, juice and more are delivered to the house kitchens the night before.


Check in

We can sleep in late, within reason. Check in with the Houseparent on duty is by 10.30am.


Brunch and relaxation

Brunch is available whenever we feel like it. Sunday sleep-ins are often followed by hanging out while waiting for a load of laundry or as we tidy up our rooms. We may also have made plans off campus.


Free-choice afternoon

Pool is open with a lifeguard on duty; we’ve also got access to sports such as tennis, badminton, football, volleyball, hockey pitch and a gym. Each house has a games room and lounge—and even a kitchen to experiment in.


Check in

On Sundays, we need to be back on campus and checked in so we can start preparing for school.


Check in

Houseparents check everyone is up and about by 10.30am on Sunday morning.


Outdoor pursuits, relaxation or study

A weekend activity is a good idea—sports on the weekends include tennis, cricket, rugby, swimming, badminton, football, basketball, hockey—or you can learn an instrument, explore Singapore, try cooking in the house kitchens, workout in the gym, and much more.

Afternoon tea is at 3pm for those on campus

6.30-7.30pm Dinner

3pm Afternoon tea


Study time

Yes, on Sunday!


Community dinner

Time for everyone to get together.


Community meeting

We have a regular boarding assembly or participate in residential life programme meetings and discussions. If you are not involved this week you have free time to touch base with your Houseparent, hang out with friends, study, make a snack, or even message your parents.

9pm onwards

Bedtime and lights out

Back to ‘school night’ routines. Houseparents make sure lights go out on time by calling in to each room.

Wellbeing and safety

While our philosophy is to provide students with opportunities to develop self management and independence, each boarder has a scaffolded network of care and personal supervision around them to ensure their wellbeing.

Our carefully selected staff in each boarding house creates a team of caring adults who are assigned to a specific group of boarders so that they can form personal relationships and provide support. This includes:

• Resident Houseparents: staff, generally teachers, who live with their families within the boarding houses. One Houseparent is rostered on duty at all times and holds the 24 hour emergency contact number.

• Assistant Houseparents: teachers and other UWCSEA staff who are rostered on duty to support students after school (for example during homework, dinner and bedtime routines) and also on weekends.

• Day staff: during the school week, our boarding services staff help boarders with personal organisation i.e. finances, air tickets, school trips and visas.

• House families: new boarders are assigned to a group of fellow boarders across age-ranges, who together with a Houseparent, form a ‘house family’. Houseparents meet with their family on a regular basis, and are responsible for the wellbeing of their ‘family’.

• Boarding counsellor: each campus has a qualified counsellor who is available to support the wellbeing of our boarding students and families

Personal safety and security

Each campus has 24 hour security with a dedicated boarding reception and monitored access. Coded security that uses a touchpad sign-out/sign-in system in each boarding house restricts access to the boarding houses, and to specific areas of each boarding house for boarders.

House rules mean that students are given ageappropriate levels of independence and, in younger grades particularly, we have strict guidelines in place for off-campus leave passes. All students must have a valid Singapore handphone number and be contactable via this number whenever they are off campus.

24 hour duty roster and contact: a 24 hour emergency number is held by the Houseparent on duty and we contact parents directly if we have any concerns.

Guardianship: it is possible to register a close friend or family member in Singapore as a guardian or emergency contact. In case of an emergency they will be contacted along with the parents; if this person is also registered as a host, your child will be able to request overnight leave to stay with the guardian.

Insurance: our group policy covers hospitalisation and personal accident insurance for all boarders. Please ask Admissions for details of the levels of cover; some families elect to purchase additional insurance.

Off-campus leave passes: each grade has allocated times when boarders can request permission to leave campus to meet friends, shop, for activities and external lessons, or for other appropriate reasons. Boarders complete an online request form, providing information on purpose, destination, mode of travel, and check in and out times. These leave requests are pre-approved by Houseparents.

Overnight leave: all proposed hosts must pre-register for screening and approval by both boarding house staff and parents in advance of an overnight leave request; all overnight leave requests also require parent pre-approval; this is managed through our boarding portal and app.

Safe deposit box: passports and other valuables are kept in a central safe deposit box in the boarding office.

On-campus medical provision

There is a medical clinic in the boarding house on each campus with the following services:

• Registered nurse to dispense and manage medications

• Weekday clinic to consult a GP and obtain specialist referrals if needed

• Doctor prescribed medications delivered to campus

• Sick bay staffed by registered nurses

• Day staff assist students with follow up medical appointments and accompany them when necessary

Major hospitals are nearby (Dover: National University Hospital and East: Changi General Hospital).

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Boarding facilities

While the experience and outcomes of being part of our residential community are the same, and there are more similarities than differences, there are some small differences in logistics and facilities on our two campuses. It’s really only here you will see any difference in the boarding programme, as highlighted below.

Accommodation is protected by hotel-style security access to living and accommodation spaces

Students are housed by gender and grade, with each student having their own bed, desk and study space, wardrobe and storage. Rooms are cleaned (not tidied!) daily, and a regular laundry service is provided. Houseparents live with their families in apartments located in the boarding houses, as part of the residential community on both campuses.

Dover Campus East Campus

• Grades 8–12: four-bedded rooms

• Each room has an ensuite bathroom which is shared by the four boarders

• Two low-rise buildings form three houses, each with smart-card security access

• Medical clinic and sick bay located on ground floor of Kurt Hahn House

• Grades 8 and 9: four-bedded rooms

Grades 10 and 11: two-bedded rooms

Grade 12: single rooms with sink

• Bathrooms are shared, single gender facilities, located at opposite ends of the building on each level

• Single 14-storey building with smart-card security access

• Medical clinic and sick bay on the ground floor

Meals Asian, Indian and Western options, including vegan and vegetarian selections, are offered at every meal

Each school day, boarders have a buffet-style breakfast and dinner, and use a stored-value card to purchase lunch in the school canteen. Afternoon tea is served in the house each day, and kitchen facilities are available to prepare snacks and other meals. Each house also has a BBQ which students can use.

Dover Campus East Campus

• Breakfast and dinner served in the undercover Pavilion Canteen

• Not Halal certified but no pork is served

Boarding house facilities

• Breakfast and dinner served in Santai Cafe

• East Campus kitchen is Halal certified

• Multiple indoor and outdoor common areas with recreation facilities including TV, pool tables, computer and board games and quiet areas

• Regular laundry service provided, with washing machines, dryers, iron and ironing boards available for offschedule laundry

• Allocated study desks, common study areas and music practice rooms

• Fitness facilities includes access to the campus conditioning gym, swimming pool and sports field, as well as bicycles for students to borrow

Dover Campus East Campus

• In-house conditioning gym and dance studio

• Outdoor relaxation areas and BBQ are located in the gardens between the two houses

• Tennis and beach volleyball courts

• Access provided to the campus conditioning gym and dance studio

• Outdoor relaxation area is available on each floor

• Rooftop space with private outdoor garden and BBQ

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Come and join us

UWCSEA offers full-time boarding for students aged 13 to 18 years. Families can apply for their child to join our boarding community in Grade 8, 9, 10 or 11. Occasionally, space permitting, a family relocation means that a currently enrolled day student transfers into the boarding house to complete their studies at UWCSEA.

We seek to enrol students who are committed to our Mission and Values. Applicants are asked to demonstrate that they possess the skills to enable them to thrive in our Learning Programme and to integrate into our boarding community by embracing the opportunities on offer at UWCSEA.

Some of the areas that we take into consideration when assessing a boarding application include the applicant’s approach to learning, their academic profile, their English language proficiency and any individual learning needs as well as their readiness to join the boarding community.

Approach to learning

A positive approach to learning, including effort and behaviour, is crucial. We also look for active engagement, and where possible, involvement in a range of activities including the Arts, service, sports, outdoor pursuits and student leadership.

Academic profile

Applicants must have school reports that indicate they can progress well and with confidence in our curriculum, but we do not rank applications according to academic results.

Grade 8: applicants are interviewed by the Director of Residential Life. In addition, if learning or EAL support may be needed, assessments may be required.

Grade 9–11: all eligible High School applicants are required to participate in an immersion programme, which includes interactive activities, assessments and an interview. These are held online and are scheduled in different timeslots to support applicants who are not in Singapore.

During the immersion programme, applicants will have assessments in English (if English is not the applicant’s first language) and, if applicable, alternative Language A (first language or mother tongue) and/or Language B (second language). The test results are used as a guide for subject selection; they typically do not play a role in the process of allocating places to eligible candidates.

English language proficiency

Applicants in Grades 8 and 9 may be admitted to our English as an Additional Language programme if they demonstrate the required level of English and proficiency in their first language (mother tongue).

Grade 10 and Grade 11 applicants are tested in English and any other language(s) suitable for their Language A subject option in the High School programme.

Individual learning needs

Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis; please contact Admissions before applying.

Boarding interviews

All eligible boarding applicants are interviewed, providing us with an opportunity to get to know the applicant and to understand their readiness to join boarding. We look for demonstrated evidence that the applicant is likely to become an enthusiastic, involved and positive participant in our boarding community.

Making an application

Applications open in September ahead of each new school year. We encourage families to visit Singapore and our campuses before submitting an application.

All applications need to be submitted via the UWCSEA application system linked from our website.

Families apply for a place in UWCSEA boarding, rather than to a specific campus, although we take preferences into account if there is a compelling case for preferring one campus over another, i.e., subject availability, siblings. Students are allocated to a campus based on their stated campus preference, if any, as well as diversity considerations in relation to the current cohort within the boarding communities on each campus.

Once a place is accepted, the student is committed to remain a boarder:

• for one full school year, in the case of Grade 8–10 students

• until the completion of Grade 12, in the case of Grade 11 students

When to apply

Boarding applications should be submitted as soon as possible after the opening of our application cycle so that eligible applicants have the opportunity to be allocated to an immersion programme date, including a boarding interview, that will enable them to be considered in an upcoming offer round. We have two offer rounds; the application deadlines for these are advertised on our website.

Applications after March are accepted only if there are places available—please contact Admissions for advice.

For more information

Please contact our Admissions team who will be happy to answer questions, arrange a visit to our campuses or to help with your application.

Dover Campus 1207 Dover Road, Singapore 139654 | T +65 6774 2653 East Campus 1 Tampines Street 73, Singapore 528704 | T +65 6305 5353 admissions@uwcsea.edu.sg | www.uwcsea.edu.sg

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Please scan the QR code to learn more about UWCSEA’s boarding community
Last updated 27 September 2023 | ADM-2324 The information in this brochure is correct at the time of printing (September 2023); boarding routines may be amended from time to time.
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