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here tomorrow

NP lrallies, sUpport ‘for>;chevron The Canadian University Press UP) has put out a call for at least of its 28 Ontario members to atId a conference here tomorrow ned at getting the chevron backbusiness, < ’ The message has gone out by ex, telephone and in the CUP ws package which leaves Ottawa ice a week. It reads: “The chevn needs the support of all memrs of the Canadian University

Press. The paper has been shut dtiwn by Waterloo’s student federation, a move contrary to CUP’s Statement of Principles. “The CUP executive has called for an emergency meeting on October 16 of all ORCUP papers (Ontario kegion) and other members able to attend. The meeting . . . will get the chevron staff and the federation together to discuss getting the paper publishing again. It is essen-


tial that all ORCUP papers send at l’east one delegate to the meeting. “In addition the executive asks that all members send letters and telegramS of support to the chevron and telegrams to the federation deploring their arbitrary shutdown of the paper. Papers are encouraged, finances permitting, to send donations to the chevron.” Registration for the-conference will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the chevron offices. The venue had not

University of Waterloo Waterbo, Ontario volume I, number 2 friday, October 75, 7976

Student employment I be a rnarit concern. PO

TTAWA juncils udent lncern udent

(CUP) Student across Canada will make employment their major for this academic year, leaders have decided.

Delegates to the National Union ‘Students (NUS) conference here ct. I- 3 agreed studerit unemplyment last summer warrants a ation-wide campaign on the issue br lY/0-/I. c The main thrust of the campaign ill be to press the federal governlent for a full employment progtm as its “first economic priority” s agreed at the NUS spring con:rence last May. Strategy will involve a brief to ke federal government before new immer employment programs are :t, and employment surveys iniated by NUS member councils, le student leaders decided. The ngthy

councils also list of proposals

adopted a on the na-

ture of the job creation program which will form the basis of campus discussion on National StudentDay this fall. The proposals go beyond, the sc.ope of current-summer job programs in calling for an integrated community/student total employment program subject to the con-’ trol of students, labor and the local community. Delegates voted down a proposal calling for the reinstatement of the cancelled OFY and LIP programs because of the “flaws” these programs contained. Debra Lewis of the British Columbia Students’ Federation cited the problems of low wages, politiunstable duration cal patronage, and the effect these programs had in undermining the employment prospects of professional workers. Lewis -said a “fairly analytical look” at the merits of OFY andLIP was necessary before students -called for- their reinstatement.

Delegates voted down a proposal for the national union to develop a standardized employm’ent survey on the grounds that “we shouldn’t be doing the federal government’s job.” Instead NUS will “demand” the reinstatement of the special Statistics Canada survey on youth and student employment cancelled by the department of manpower and immigration last May. c “We can design one in May if the government -doesn’t acquiesce,” said Carleton representative Riel Miller.

been arranged at press tiine. The proceedings are scheduled to start at 9:30 a.m. with a briefingfrom tde chevron and the CUP executive. The federatibn has been asked to address the meeting at 1:30 p.m. president Shane Federation Roberts said Tuesday that he was likely-to be very btisy but would try to attend the session. Though the paper was officially closed for four weeks on September 30, the staff have continued to put out a paper. The closing and other federation actions have been viewed by the

Finding that only 14 per cent of the students surveyed were from income backgrounds of less than $10,000 yearly, the CUSA researcher in a report concluded that “a number of key variables ... negatively affect the goal of univerpostsal accessibility” to secondary education. “Employment is integral to the administration %i both provincial and federal Student Aid schemes,” ‘the I’eport notes in reference tp the fact that student aid is calculated on an arbitrary summer savings figure. Fifteen per cent of the students surveyed said that they might not this return to their’ studies academic year, the report stated. - ‘contrary to statements made by government officials, most students are not aware of the -appeal process by which additional loans are awarded under the Canada and Ontario &d programs, and most low-income students see loans as a deterrent to attending school.

CUP executive as clearly violating many of the historical rights of the Student Press as outlined by the CUP statements of principles. Thus last week the executive decided to underwrite the production costs of two issues of any paper the chevron staff put out. Because the federation apparently owns the name “the chevron” the staff decided to title their paper “the free chevron”. The first issue last week was financed by advertising and donations, so that CUP is not expected to be heavily burdened. -neil


new researcher/planner / Federation council ratified Diana Clark as researcher/planner in the Board of Education October 7. But the ratification sparked a sharp exchange between council members over the necessity Of hiring a person full-time for the Board of Education. Environmental Studies councillor Heather Robertson opened the debate by asking what tasks the planner/researcher would perform that the chairperson of the board could not do. Klingender described his duties, and asserted that: “It is a full time job, taking care of the Board of Education.” Creative Arts Board chairperson Bruce Rorrison countered that Klingender’s description “is the board chairman’s job< for most of us.

“Is it worth $160 per week? If it is, maybe all of us should apply. “Is the Board of Education that much more special?” Diana Clark argued that being both a student and a co-ordinator is too much work, and that it is “impossible to do both and do a good job of it.” _ Treasurer Manny Brykman insisted that the question at hand was not whether or not the full-time position was justified. That has already been decided, he said. “The only question is: Are they qualified for the position?” Clark outlined her background as a Man-Environment student, and concluded that “I really do feel that I have a grasp of what’s going on on campus.” -larry


Warning: . some rbutes dangerous The Waterloo Regional Rap; Distress Centre has issued a warning urging women to be alert when walking - in certain areas of the city. Ii i

‘ew jobs for women, ow income students ITTAWA (CUP) - The unemplyment rate for 1ow:income and omen students is far above that of ther undergraduate students,%clrding to a student tinion survey tken here recently. From a sample survey-last sumler the Carleton University Stuants’ Association (CUSA) discotred a 16.9 per cent unemploylent rate for students whose pa:ntal in&me was $10,000 yearly r less, the next highest figure of ,7 per -cent for those in the 16-20,000 bracket. The lowest ite was 6.6 per cent for those rhose families earned $1 I- 15,000 early. Women, meanwhile, showed a 3.6 per cent unemployment rate rhile men averaged 7.2 per c&t; )ok longer to find a job and were ‘ss represented in the labour )rce, the survey found. The survey was given to 1020 udents and received 70 per cent :sponse.



They list Waterloo Park, the path to the Phillip St. Co-op, the Radio Waterloo road and path to Lakeshore Village and poorly lit areas of campus as being dangerous areas. Women are urged to walk in pairs or in groups. Two Sundays ago, a woman was assaulted during the daytime in the woods between Radio Waterloo and Lakeshore. The woman put up signs on both ends of the path warning people not to use it. She described her attacker as white, male, 5’9” tall, brown hair, glasses and about 27 years old. During the past summer, there were -a number of incidents in Waterloo Park which prompted a previous warning from the Rape Distress Centre. No-one has yet been apprehended in connection with these incidents. If anyone is assaulted in any way or notices suspicious persons, she should make.a report to the police (phone 911) and the Rape Distress Centre (886-3 170). Complaints should also be made to the local media. --stu


Mass Meeting Despite a dozen eviction notices signed by tederatron busrness manager Peter Yates which appeared through&t the office on Thursday afternoon of last week, the chevron staff voted at its meeting on Friday tocremain in the office and continue producing a newspaper. A resolution adopted at the meeting read in part: “We believe the Federation of Students has not established any case for closing the newspaper and office and thereby denying students access to the office.” Some staffers remained in the office and continued to work throughout the weekend. Here several of th$m are enjoying a pot luck Thanksgiving dinner which various staffers and friends brought photo by randy haqnigan in on Monday. -

to defend the chevron i-acMonday evening Arts Lecture 7:00 I





the free chevron

Mass ‘meeting We challenge



Little rehearsal, em pill.

Federation Flicks Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother with Gene Wilder, Marty Feldman. 8:OQ pm. AL 11,s. Feds $1, Others $1.50. ISA Disco Night Math & Comp. 5136, 8 pm. Admission 50 cents. Foreign dishes & licensed. All welcome. Wen-Do Rape Distress Centre Inc. presents Women’s Self Defence, a six week course. Begins Tues. Oct. 19, ends Tues. Nov. 23rd. 2:30 4:45 pm in Rm. 113, campus centre University of Waterloo. $10.00. Register by Oct. 18. Mail cheque or money order to Wen-Do/Rape Distress Centre, Box 675, Waterloo, -0nt.


Campus Centre Pub Opens7:OO pm. Lucky Dog from 9-1 am. $1.00 after 8:00 pm. Federation Flicks - See under Friday. ’

Tuesday Concert Choir rehearsal, AL 116, 7-9 \ Pm. Old Film Night with Charlie Chaplin. Kitchener Public Library; 7:30 pm, admission free.

Sunday See ,under

Symphony Orchestra Sept. 19, AL 6, 7:30-9:30

Karl Friedrich Gauss Foundation Licks: Sex Madness (1937),‘High on the Range, 200 Motels (Frank Zappa). KFGF 11 cents, Others $1 .Ol (except Bosnians $14.71). AL 113, 8 pm. Shakespeare Film Series “Macbeth” (Polanski 1971), Kitchener Library, 7:00 pm. Admission free. Everyone welcome. Film Discussion Series “Conservation: Alternative Sources of Energy”. Kitchener Library, 7:30 pm. No charge, everyone welcome. Modern Jazz Giants, Story Room, Kitchener Public Library, 8 pm.


Flicks i -


Chinese Folk Song Group Practices every Sunday. l-3 pm. AL 113. All welcome,

Friday X Campus Centre Pub Opens 12 noon. Lucky Dog from 9-1 am. $1 .OO after . 8:00 pm.

Federation day. -

Arts Lecture


7.5, 7 9

the chevron

the fed exec to present their _ for the closure and firings



to ‘defend




?:OO &I

Wednesday K-W Red Cross Blood Dor Clinic.First United Church, King William Sts. 2-4:30 pm, 6-8:30 pm Concert Band rehearsal, AL 5:30-7:30 pm. Amateur Radio Club meeti (VE3UOW) at E2-2355, 4:30 p Everyone welcome. Free movie “Alfie” with Mich Caine. C.C. Great Hall, lo:15 pm.


Thursday ‘Free Introductory Lecture on Tra cendental Meditation. M/C 2065,8 pm. All welcome. The Bahai Club invites anyone w would like to learn more about ’ Bahai World Faith to drop by H.H. I any Thursday after 7:30 pm. Psychology Society Executive Me ing in the basement undergradu lounge of the psychology building. pm. All undergraduate psycholc majors welcome to participate in c cussion.

A warm, touching and unique story. \ I Persdnal




hy Dd~txe


c 1978


Pregnant & Distressed? The Birth Control Centre is an information and referral centre for birth control, V.D., unplanned pregnancy, & sexuality. For all the alternatives, phone 885-1211, ext. 3446 (rm. 206, campus centre) or for emergency numbers 884-8770.








Gay Lib Office, campus centre, rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-10 pm; some afternoons. Counselling and. information. Phone 885-1211, ext. 2372. HELP-745-l 166-We care. Crisis intervention and confidential listening to any problem. Weeknights 6 pm to 12 midnight, Friday 5 pm to Monday 1 am.




Do you need information about p gnancy? A free pregnancy test? Pr; tical assistance if you are pregnar Call BIRTHRIGHT 579-3990. Anyone witnessing disturbance SC tember 24, 1976 .abou.t 1O:OO pm University and Philip Streets betwe police officers and two persons motor-cycle kindly contact D Lisso, Barrister and Solicitor 744-l 169.



Rent a large original condition far house in downtown Waterloo or big lot 104x127 with rear laneway a fronting on quiet tree-lined stre Spruce, chestnut, cherry trees, gra arbor. 3 huge porches. Stained glz windows. Attic skylight. New wirir New efficient gas hot water heatir Insulated. To, be renovated to origir condition. Special introductory rc $650. from January til August ‘. 579-2676.. Terry Good. Responsible non-sexist Peal wanted to live in large co-operat farmhouse on Kitchener’s trous cuffs. Own transportation and ser of humour definite assets. $60/n plus $1 O/wk. food. We have chick6 too. Call 578-2304.






II nut of *a OIOVfl

childrei Theatres Branch

AT 7:00

& 9:00

312 KING ST. W. PH. 742-9161





14-17 7:oo



Thurs-Su & 9:30

lngmar Bergman CRIES AND WiilSPEFiS Ott


I. . . . . . ..8i”t.p.v


Mon-Wel . . . . . .





the free chevron

1.5, 7976

Eng1is.h proficiency A “proficiency ‘program” designed to receive those first-year Arts students snared by the English Language Proficiency Examination is now underway at UW. The program consists of a series of 12 lectures on basic writing skills and a writing clinic. Both are being conducted by English professor Mary Thysell, although the clinic also employs eight part-time staffers. . Participation in the program is voluntary this year, and initial indications are that only about half of those “invited” to participate are showing up for the lectures. Next

Pick a pit-



-. _

all invited

- .-

year UW plans to make the remedial course mandatory for any student‘who fails the proficiency test. The examination, held on September 14, consisted of a 45-minute objective test and a 50-minute essay. Anyone scoring below 65 per cent on the test with an “F” on the-essay; below 60 with an “F” or “D”.; or below 50 with an “F”, “D’% “C” received an invitation to the proficiency program. This amounted. to 314 students, or 44 per cent-of the native English speakers sitting the exam. Sixty four of 84 non-native English speakers were also deemed to require aid but unfortunately “the Proficiency Programme this year is not capable of providing that help” according to a memo from the English Language Proficiency Prog-


The turnkeys in the campus centre have organized a photo;raphy contest during the first week of November, which is being sponsored by the campus centre board. The article must be received- at :he turnkeys’ desk no later than loon on November 1. The maximum size of each entry is 14x20 2nd the maximum number of en:ries per person is six. A first prize of $10.00 and a secDnd prize of $5.00 will be awarded in each of the following categories: Blatk Colour

4. Pictorial; Colour

2. Nature;

3. Humour;

5. Nature;

6. Humour;







Failure Irate predetermined?



Labor; stude@s, a’ fight ,






7. Humour; The pictorial category includes anything with people or people’s influence; while the nature categDry may contain anything without people or people’s influence. Honourable mentions will be named, and should enough money be collected more prizes may be _ awarded. The entry fee is only 25 cents per picture, and your entry must have your name and the appropriate category printed on the back. After one week, the entries may be picked up at the turnkey’s desk. . This contest is open to amateur photographers only, and you must be either a student, or a staff or Faculty member.



ramme Operation Group. Nevertheless they plan to make Essay Marks passage of the exam or successful, completion of the remedial progMark . ram a degree requirement for Arts students beginning next year. The objective test given this year’ was an old one bought from a company in the United States, and some students denounced it as asinine. The essay section reportedly demanded a description of the correct method for donning a coat, subject matter which one student characterized as “childish” although he “realized it may have cultural significance ” __for Canadians. Associate dean of Arts, Ken Ledbetter says UW hopes to set up CALGARY (CUP) - The failure rate on an English comprehension test given to first year University of Calgary students was predetermined by its own test next year. - henry hess the number ofteachers hired to teach remedial English, a member of the Calgary school board has charged. Graham Trentham said the effective writing test, which resulted in “unsatisfactory” results for 55 per cent of the.almost 2,OOQstudents who took.!t, was too sophisticated for the students and marked at a “postgraduate level.” A member of the board’s curriculum services, Trentham said many of the topics needed prior knowledge-and came from outside the student’s experience. The university has created its own problem he/said. Tests given by high school teachers are better indicators of English ability: The university can’t blame high school teachers for students’ problems according to Trentham because most of the teachers were trained by the university. He said that’s where the teachers got “screwed up.” Trentham “thoroughly encourages students to, challenge the exam.” He said they should “find out the standards, who marked the exam, if their rating stays on record and what happens if they don’t do well- in remedial English.” They should also “write the minister of education in Edmonton and protest,” he said.

and white

1. Pictorial;

Objective 1

5 _

Participants in a recent Village /I waterfight discovered that the quickest way to reldad was to have an ally stationed in an upstairs washrobm. photo by john jackson

- -

- -


NeiwISA execsplan for term

tn last week’s story “ 1984 -closer ’ than you think” it was stated that board of education chairperson Franz Klingender donated $150 to To alert foreign students to the one-of the speakers. It should have existence of the International Sturead: “Klingender donated $150 to dents Association and to encourage the Canadian Civil Liberties, Asthem to express different views on sociation on behalf of one of the social and cultural topics, is the aim I speakers. ’ ’ of the new ISA executive. .- . An election last Tuesday brought in six new executive members. Bill Farley, a fourth year civil engineering student, was elected president, and . Tony T Mand vice-president. . Penguin Cla&cs Nazman Alani and Hermalin Gayle - are treasurer and secretary respecWe no,w have a complete tively, and Andrew Mantzios and selection of all penguin Richard Brown were chosen public classics at 10% off to all relations officers. __ students. ,Bill Farley told the chevron that top priority will go toward socioAlso complete backlist of cultural programs. Kicking off this Mother Earth News, nos. term’s activities will be a social get-together and dance Friday 1 to41. night (tonight). Farley indicated that regular Also Freak Bras. and Zap meetings would also be in effect; and many more the first is tentatively set for Tuesunderground comics. ’ day, Oct. 26, and meetings will subsequently be held-every Tues- _ The Old Book Barn day. 12 King N. Wat. A major program this term will be’ISA Week, from November 15 5

OTTAWA (CUP) - Students and labor are natural allies in the fight against the cutbacks- policies of the federal government, a labor spokesperson told student leaders here recently. Julien Major of the Canadian Labor Congress (CLC) said the labor and student move.ments face a “common plight” but have ignored their “natural coalition”.for too long, at the National Union of Students (NUS) conference Oct. l-3. “Ours is a natural coalition, because we are the students of yesterday and you are the workers of tomorrow. The problems we faced as students - the financial burdens





and limited *accessibility to higher _ education continue and you must face them still. “You, tomorrow’s workers, will face the massive unemployment and inadequate wages we presently labor under unless something can be done to change the policies of the Trudeau government, ” Major tpld delegates .from more than 40 student unions. Unemployment is a problem for both students and workers, he said, because “it means an unfinished education and it means large debts.” Increasing emphasis on the loans portion of student aid, while . 775,000 people are out of work, means “you-will not see the children of working people going to university,” said Major. He denounced the federal government for increasing the defense budget by 34 per cent in the last two years, while doing nothing to create jobs, noting that “for ev&y one per cent unemployment is reduced, the ’ . economy’s production would increase by $8 billion, tax revenues would increase by $3 billion and insurance payunemployment ments would decrease by $500 mill\ ion.”

20, Farley said. The program will include guest speakers, a conferwhat? ~ _I ence on Third World countries, and a dance. The publication issued by the VWhen asked about the fee hikes Federation of Students this week is for foreign students, Farley said: “‘temporary” and will last only “Our major concern now is in oruntil the chevron is reinstated acganizing ISA’ Week and in getting cording to federation president international - students to realize Shane Roberts. they have a voice on campus and The newsletter will include the they can be heard through the “federation’s viewpoint” on camISA.” pus issues as well as “report on campus news” Roberts added. He continued: “We all look on Asked whether funds to publish the fee hike with a certain amount will come from ’ of anxiety. I’d like to see the fee ’ the newsletter The International Students’ hike justified, and I real&e that in- money saved by not publishing the chevron, Roberts stated that he World Room is open again” this creased tuition is to the disadvanwas “not sure where the money is year. tage of foreign students. But the This lounge, in Room 207 of the ISA-will take whatever stand the coming from. ” Federation executive member campus centre, is available for all members want it to take.” Doug-Thompson who is apparently students, overseas and Canadian. Farley maintained that the ISA the newsletter’s editor claimed that It’s a place to meet people, make would look into the reports made money obtained from ads ’ will friends, exchange ideas, relax or this summer by the Committee to cover “most of” of the publication study and share something of your’ Oppose Tuition Hikes for Foreign costs. He also said “I haven’t deculture with others. Listening Students., He also indicated. that cided on a budget yet” when asked facilities, games and coffee are avcomments and suggestions would what will pay for the remainder. ailable all week and on week-ends. be welcome. . Thompson was unavailable for Come to the World Room - 207, further comment. ; campus centre.

Games coffee








4 the ~~

Gee chevron



Lampert explained that the club presently1 owns and operates an amateur radio station in *Engineering 31 rodm 2355‘ and that the club meets on alternate Wednesdays. He stated that the club is always on the lookbut for new members and that -services are offered to all people on campus. Written messages to anywhere in Canada or the USA can usually be delivered within 4% hburs he said, and written messages can be handled to almost a6y part of the,,world. When asked about the objectives of the UWARC for this year, Lampe,rt outlined a rather extensive list. Some of the items he mentioned in connection ‘with the club’s objectives sound like ‘science fiction but Lampert assures us that they are possible. “We would like to expand our facilities,” he stated. “With the purchase of new and better equipment, we will be able to grow fiore quickly. We are behind many of our contemporaries ,” he explained,

hams im campus- 1’


In this time of blossoming in- I of UW and is therefore one of the oldest organizations on campus. terest and enthusiasm over citizens “Ahpost a million people around band radio, what is. this upstart orthe world are involved in this amazganizdtion calling itself the Univering space age hobby,” he said. sity of W&erloo Amateur Radio Lampert explained that citizens Club (UWARC)? recently band or, in Canada, the General Murray Lampert, elected president of UWARC, was-- Radio Service fs totally separate from, and its purpose different than eager to explain this sityatioa. * amateur radio. Radio amateurs opLampert stated that the club was unrestricted by f&tied sh&%ly after the inception ’ erate relatively

government agencies because they mti>t denionstrate tlieir knowledge of radio fheory and regulations before being licensed to go on the air. Citizens band operators are not required to meet such demands. The range of the citizens band operator is limited because of the purpose for which the method of commtinication was designed. The range of the Ham operator, (as these amateurs are known) is unlimited. Of the millii;n operaiors around the world, 13,000 are in Canada; 280,000 are in the USA, 150,000 in 1’ Japan, 20,000 in Germany, ;lS,OOO in Great Britain, 15,000 in the USSR, and smaller numbers in: many other countries. So much for being an upstart or-* ganization. But what does the UWARC do on campus?




6:00 pm RADIO

3:00 pm WHAT’S ENTERTAINMENT - A look at entertainment events, as well as revie&s of events in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. 6~00 pm LIVE FROM THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE -The featured artist on this programme is Arethusa.



17 -

3:00 pm LATIN AMERICAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION - A feature produced for Latin- American Students on campus.



6:00 pm ?LIVE FROM THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE - Tliis week the programme features Cody, a bluegrass band.


3:00 pm SCOPE - From United Nations Radio, excerpts from “Two Centuries at the Bolshoi” - A UNESCO Radio programme to mark the bicentenary of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow. Also included in this programme is a discussion on the assistance Sri Lanka’s Textile Industry received from UNIDO. 6~00 pm RADIO






withCHEW CHASE Addeb Sd+ctt CHEECH





of “Saturday.








312 KING ST. W. PH.: 742-9161

7:45 pm DOWN TO EARTH FESTIVAL - This programme features a discussion with two members of the Canadian Environmental Law Association about the goals and activities of the Association.

St. N.







3:00 pm SCOPE - From United Na-, tions Radio an interview with Sir John Wilson, President of the International Agency for the Prevention of’Blindness; a discussion on the UNESCO Courier article on “Our Split Brain” and from UNIDO Headquarters in Vienna, a’report on the 10th session of th& Industrial Development Board.



*Friday & Saturday

DUBLIN * C6RPbRiiTlO-&I ‘) \




All Nexl Week of Mvles

& Lenhy)


Bobby Vee Good Brothers Garfield -

& Saturday

7:45 pm DOWN TO EARTH FEST VAL - This programme looks at th Develop’ment Education Centre i Toronto. The Development Educ; tion ‘Centre focuses on building a rf source library of material on theThir World and -Canada’s links with th Third Wqrld. 8:00 pm SOUNDS






3:00 pm PERSPECTIVES - Perspe tives is a programme which provide an understanding of mafor issues b fore the United Nations, including r cordings from meetings. This w,ec Perspective brings you this year Assembly President, Ambassadl Hamilton Shirley Amerasinghe, wt assesses the issues to be dealt with the 31 stsession of the United Natior General Assembly. These issues i clbde the situation in South &ric the Middle East, Cyprus and sue ’ problems as disarmament, econom development and international te roris0-t. 6:00 pm RADIO’WATERLOO


6:15 pm NATIVE ISSUES “Throug Arawak Eyes” David Campbel songwriter, musician and poet fror Guyana discusses issues of cancer to native people in both music an words.

THE ~GREAT IMPOS~ERS Night every Tues. so unique it ha8 to be heard









.7f45 pm DOWN VAL










3:00 pm SCOPE






9:00 pm MUSIKANADA -This wee the programme features Edwar Bear.

6:15 irn COMMUNITY


A sound system _ to be believed.


6:15 pm A CRITICAL EXAMINATIO THE ROLES OF TH OF PLANNER IN CANADA--The role ( planning education - lra Robinsor from the Environmental Studie pro’gramme at the University of Ca gary talks about the importance ( planning on a global scale.

11:45 pm RAD,lO WATERLOO



taylc NEW!

9:00 pm SPOTLIGHT - Tonight feature is on Ken’Tobias.

X Next Week Wed-Sat


-robert WATERLOO

8:00 pm DOWN TO EARTH FEST VAL - From the 1976 Festival held i ’ Aberfoyle, Ontario a discussion wit members of an organizationtset up t stop, the GRCA from building th West Montrose Dam.


is Singles




7:30 pm KITCHENER-WATERLOO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA - A performance of the Schubert Overtu_re in D in the Ital@ -Style, the Weber Grand Concerto in F minor featuring the brilliant Canadian Young clarinetist Victor Sawa and also the critically acclaimed reading* of the Bruckner Symphony No. 4 in E flat Major “The Romantic”. Recorded at the Humanities Theatre at the University of Waterloo on Sunday, April 25th, 1976. e

Hotel w

871 Viktoria Every


6:15 pm INTERNATIONAL STU-’ DENTS A discussion with a number of international students about their impressions of Canada.

11:45 pm RADIO



friday, October 7 5, 7 97 citing the/ experiences of th amateur radio club of the Unive: sity of British Columbia-who wer able to receive Viking pictures ( Mars on slow scan teievisioq fro] the jet propulsion laboratories i Pasadena, California. In order to expand, the club wi seek funds from the Federation ( Students and will be making publi appeals for new members. Lampel is currently investigating th amount of assistance other group on campus receive in order to hav a more persuasive case to pr?seI to the federation. Lampert and the members c UWARC have prepared a four pag detailed explanation ?f the pun poses of the organization, its goal! its potential and its services. Lan pert encouraged new recruits, an said that the next meeting of th %lub will be held October 13, at 4:3 p.m. in Engineering 2 room 235: The club can be coiltacted at exter sion 2341 for further details.

7:45 pm DOWN VAL









15, 7976

, the free




Who is the troub/e--maker? For three weeks Federation president Shane Roberts has attempted to damn the chevron and the Anti-Imperialist Alliance (AIA) as vile leeches on UW students. In a tense, tumultuous council meeting September 30, Roberts and his executive stated their case against the chevron and the AIA. One by one the executive members rose to make their pitch to council, each one laying his executive position on the line. There would be mass resignations, they warned, if council did not suspend the chevron, call a task force to set up a new newspapeI’,- and fire production manager Neil Docherty and news editor Henry Hess. Several were shaking with emotion as they strained to impress on council the gravity of their charges: The chevron was misusing students’ funds and ignoring news on campus in favor of lengthy, irrelevant political features; the AIA was monopolizingthe chevron pages with one’ political point of view and doing it by stacking the staff with AIA members and ,driving other students . away from the newspaper. It was a moment of high melodrama, but the executives were still only bit-players. The starring role was reserved for Andy Telegdi, a student senator who was president of the federation in 1973-74 and 1974-75, and a close aide of Shane Roberts during last January’s presidential election campaign.




Telegdi’s exact relation to the federation and his role in the dispute was not explained, but his speech hammered home his sentiments on the matter. He condemned AIA as a gang of troublemakers, and Neil Docherty as a grand deceiver. BI 1 The charges against the chevron astounded several recent chevron staffers, whose brief experience with the newspaper was entirely contradictory to that described by Roberts, Telegdi and the executive. The charges infuriated experienced staff, who believe that Roberts and Telegdi have turned truth on its head and accused the new chevron and AIA of their own crimes. 1 To defend ourselves, new and old chevron staffers have undertaken an exhaustive study of the past eight years at UW. -The results of this study of chevron files, back issues and federation minutes and publications will answer the crucial questions raised by Roberts: Who has ‘conspired to control the chevron against the interests of the students? Who has ignored campus news? Who has been misusing student funds?

A review

of the chevron

over the past four

years demonstrates who controlled the chevron, and a careful study of the 1975-76 volume shows how desperately they schemed tot maintain that control. Beginning in 1970 Roberts put his hand into the chevron. He wrote three articles each year of 1972,1973 and 1974.

i Stacked


In December 1975 and January 1976, the chevron was witness to a flurry of activity on the part of Shane Roberts, Andy Telegdi and Mike Ura, who was an active support,er of Roberts in the February presidential election campaign, and who was later appointed by Roberts to be chairman of the Board of External Relations in the Roberts’ executive. At that time chevron staff needed six contributions in the current chevron volume in order to vote in staff meetings and to elect paid staff members. Shane Roberts wrote two articles in December, and added another in January, just before the February 6 election of editor and -_ production manager.



Roberts’ article G the January 9 chevron was titled “Livestock may be raised on shit” and bore his by-line. But the article was actually written by Bob Whitton of the UW News, the university administration’s public relations voice. Of the five typed pages in the UW News release, Roberts re-arranged the first three paragraphs. His by-line was placed on the article ,and the by-line of Bob Whitton was remoyed by John Morris, the chevron editor and a close personal friend of Roberts. Roberts accepted it as his own contribution. In the same issue, Andy Telegdi also took up the pen. The man who did not have one signed contribution in the previous term suddenly hammered out six articles. In the January 9 issue he wrote a,bout the establishment of a new editorial board for an environmental magazine called “Contact”. On January 16 his name appeared on an article about metrication in the engineering faculty, and on February 6 he “informed” readers about an exchange program with the University of Mannheim. All these articles were plagiarized from / UW News. The Telegdi campaign to join the chevron staff list continued with a three-page centrespread on January 30. It was a brief to the federal and provincial governments from a local organization called Young People in Legal Difficulty (YPLD) which received a $3,000 federation loan in December of 1975.

According to the chevron preblurb, it was “adapted” for the chevron by YPLD staffer Andrew Telegdi”. The “adaptation” consisted of-changes to one paragraph and two figures in the lengthy report, which had been prepared by all the staff of YPLD before Telegdi arrived on the scene. All of these articles were edited and placed in the newspaper by John Morris, who has been variously editor and news editor of the chevron and who was a paid federation fieldworker in the summer of 1975 and 1976. ( Roberts and his friends were simply stacking the chevron staff in an attempt to keep control of the chevron. Q In the February 6 election for editor, Mike Gordon, who had been editor in the summer of 1975 but who resigned after staff found him incompetent, was elected over Larry Hannant, who has solid experience on professional newspapers and students newspapers, including the chevron, but who was clearly identified with AIA. Within three weeks,, and before actually taking office, Gordon had resigned, and the Roberts camp was forced to scramble for another candidate. That candidate was A.drian Rodway; a history grad student who had worked for the Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation, but who had no experience in newspaper journalism. He won the position of editor over Hannant, although the margin between him and Hannant was reduced from the Gordon-Hannant election as some staff members began to understand what was going on behind the scenes.




Roberts and Morris have long been involved on the chevron, and their contribution has been far from non-political. Furthermore, the years when they were prominent in the when chevron were years long, political features were stressed over local news. Who was it who wrote articles on South American revolutionary activity, to the exclusion of campus and local news? John Morris’s name figures prominently, with three long features on South America. In the fall of 1973 and the early winter of 1974, Roberts and Morris wrote several front-page articles describing events in Africa. Their articles were about meetings at UW addressed by John Saul and Jacques Roy. Both of these men are supporters of the MPLA’ in Angola. Roberts has remained loyal to the MPLA, and in the June 18, 1976 chevron. he denounced Larry Hannant as a “Stalinist clown” for supporting UNITA,

the national liberation organization fighting Cuban troops in Angola. Clearly, it is not politics per se to which . Roberts objects in the pages of the chevron, it is politics which disagrees with his own views. , Nor does Roberts object to introducing politics into the federation. Indeed, the chevron seems to be taking flak which should be directed at Roberts himself.



For example, on the question of the California grape and lettuce boycott to support the United Farmworkers Union, the November 27,1974 minutes of the Boards of Education ~and External Relations include this item: Roberts-Torrie: That $260 be used for a film and for organizing the grape and lettuce boycott in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. CARRIED.” Roberts was chairman of the Boards of Education and External Relations in -November 1974. It is important to recognize that helping to organize boycotts and support for national liberation struggles, etc., is not in itself wrong. Many such causes are just and should be supported by UW students, and also should be reported in the chevron. The chevron cannot act as an ostrich and hide its head from the world, hoping trouble will go away. News from a long distance away often ‘has great significance for students.



But it is wrong - for both the chevron and the federation - when organizing support for farmworkers or national liberation strug- _ gles takes the place of organizing to meet the needs of students. During his years in office Roberts has allocated thousands of dollars to doing the former, even though many students do not agree with the groups which have received aid. For example, MPLA supporters have been officially invited to the UW campus’ several times, and every variety of political line has at one time or another been brought to UW on federation funds. His one objection is to Marxism-Leninism. But throughout Roberts’ long career as a paid federation official, his record on organizing students to deal with the major threat of cutbacks by the Ontario government is a fat zero. Still, there was always time and money for adventures into municipal politics, alternate , continued

on- page




the free chevron


Mass ---Meeting’




15, 1976


The chevron staff contacted Shaz Roberts last Saturday morning and offered him a full free chevron page to present his case for closing the chevrpn and firing the staff. He was given a deadline of Tuesday -morning. Attempts to contact Roberts on Sunday and Monday were unsuccessful, but federation executive member Doug Thompson was contacted and reminded of the offer. The deadline was extended to Tuesday night, as late as possible given that the typesetters were not working on Thursday, the Day of Protest. As of press time, nothing had been received from Roberts or the federation.


Monday evening Arts Lecture 116 7:OO pm

We challenge the federation executive to defend their actions and- to- produce evidence instead of -rumour 1 ’ 7 in a face-to-face debate 1 I

Shane Roberts’ seven years at university t Just who is this Shane Roberts, the man who attacked the chevron? Now federation president for the second time, Roberts made a dramatic debut in Waterloo in October 1969 when he appeared at a demonstration against the U.S. war in Vietnam wearing a U.S. flag as a diaper. (See photo) Due to poor local coverage in the chevron in years past, sketchy minutes of council meetings, and because of Roberts’ own refusal to talk to the free chevron, we have not been able to fill in all the details of his career at UW. What stands out in any survey, however, is the ‘number of paid positions in student government held by Roberts, and the ease with which he gained some of them. His first paid federation position was in November 1972 when he was elected president over John Chisamore, following the resignation of Terry Moore. In his platform statement (chevron Nov. 3,1972), he criticised students and faculty as “sellouts”, and described his political position as “..: certainly left of centre”, but not associated with my group because ?. . their approaches to i ranging things are either immature or unrealistic.” Mostnoteworthy is that the campaign was waged only a month after a $100 fee increase had been imposed by the provincial government, against which the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) had called for a fee strike. But there was no mention of either in his platform. The end of his first term came in February 1973 and in a three-horse race to get reelected he came in second, 400 votes short of Andrew Telegdi. He remained on student council, however, as an Integrated Studies representative. In August of that year he was appointed chairperson of the Board of External Relations. His career in student politics was given a boost when he was elected to the executive - of the O.F.S. The ease with which he picked up positions in the federation is revealed in the minutes of a federation executive meeting executive meeting Nov. 3, 1974. Section b, executive appointments, reads: “After very little discussion, Shane Roberts explained the work that should be

chairperson. within the jurisdiction of these two boards a hiringcommittee, on which Roberts sat. He remained there until he assumed the (External Relations and Education - ed) He was hired as a researcher/planner for the presidency in March 1976. and that many of the areas of responsibility board he chaired. overlap. Therefore the following motions The minutes from the meeting where Roberts’ campaign in the January presiarose. Roberts was hired read as follows: dential campaign focussed on an attack on “Telegdi-Reynolds: That Shane Roberts “Board of Education - 19 people applied . the Anti-Imperialist Alliance as a “clique of be hired for the remainder of this council’s for the positions (2). Four persons were reself-styled Maoists.. . .” term of office, the terms of reference to be commended for interviews by a majority of But he also promised students: outlined by Mr. Roberts. CARRIED. the board members. They were: John Mor-a revitalised students’ council “Telegdi-Reynolds: That Shane Roberts ris, Annette Schachinger, Robbi Howlett, -a uniform ‘minimum grade appeal procebe appointed as Chairperson of the Board of Peggy Earle. From these people interviewed ’ dure External Relations and Chairperson of the the majority of the board members present at -student representation on all U W adminisBoard of Education. CARRIED .” the interviews recommended that John Mortrative committees When Telegdi’s two-year reign ended in ris work with Shane Roberts as a researcher -regular federation-society conferences March 1975 and John Shortall brought in a on’the Board of Education but also felt that -an ombudsperson to protect student in’ new administration, a motion was im- Annette- Schachinger and Robbi Howlett terests mediately passed “to appoint Shane Roberts would be good for work in the board if there -course evaluations in all departments as chairperson of the Boards” of Education was more available. -a joint committee of landlords and stuand External Relations. (March 10, 1975) “Roberts-Hewlett: That John Morris be dents to work on solutions to the housing Council also voted to continue Roberts’ sal- hired as researcher/planner for the Board of problem ary until the end of April. Education for a 17 week period commencing -to retain a lawyer to deal with foreign stuAt the end of April another Federation May 1, 1975. PASSED 4:0: 1 dent problems and to increase the foreign plum fell into Roberts’ lap. He got a paid “Shane Roberts made an official applicastudent advisor from a half-time to a fullsummer position with the federation. tion for the second summer person on this time position That summer the federation advertised board and read it to this committee. -an investigation of more study space five summer bositions. To fill them, it struck “Long-Hewlett: That Shane Roberts be -and for entertainment! - More concerts hired as a temporary full-time Board of Eduin UW’s theatres, pubs at South Campus cation planner/researcher for the summer Hall, a coffee house, the societies and period May 1 to August 31,1975. CARRIED clubs for -more social events, a film festival 4:o: 1” and a campus survey to determine enterFrom all appearances, the procedure by . tainment needs. which Roberts was hired was suspect. But Responding to criticism of his campaign piecing together the nuances of the case platform, he claimed in a letter to the cheveighteen months after the fact is extremely ron (February 13,1976) that he had “the only difficult. position with an elaborated strategy to com- -. And Roberts is not about to clarify the bat the cutbacks.” situation. Contacted twice Tuesday by the Interviewed Tuesday, Roberts refused to free chevron asking him to dispel the confuanswer any questions about the implementasion pervading his hiring, Roberts was less tion of his platform planks. than helpful. Evidence of even the slightest amount of Asked about his hiring, he said only that investigation on the cutbacks - let alone the hiring committee only makes- recomany real action on the cutbacks - is nonmendations, but that it is council which existent. hires. * .But Roberts’ record of inaction and footHe acknowledged that council hired him dragging on the cutbacks does not extend to for the summer of 1975, but would not say if the chevron which had actually embarked on his position was researcher/planner, ala campaign to investigate the cutbacks at though he said he did some research that uw. ’ summer.. As CUP vice president Dan Keeton noted He would not tell whether or not he was in the September 26 council meeting, being paid as a board chairperson or as a Roberts’ attack on the chevron could not researcher. come at a more inappropriate moment for Roberts’ summer position ended on Austudents, with the October 14 day of protest gust 31, 1975, and in September he began and the November 9 National Student Day’ picking up his salary as Board of Education on the horizon. by neil docherty







the free chevron

15, 1976


CWtat’sgone into the’ ctwvron m’ . The chevron has declared,its intention this year to emphasize campus news coverge and to de-emphasize features, especially long reprinted features that have little slevance to most students on campus. In particular, both production manager Neil iocherty and news editor Henry Hess applied for their positions on the basis of icreasing campus coverage through active recruitment and training of new staff and Irough a better liaison with socieities and other on-campus groups. How sincere has the effort been? The following graphs are a comparison of the hevron’s first three September issues for each of the past three years with the three sues produced this September before the federation suspended publication of the hevron.

‘otal number of .O-CAL NEWS ;TORIES n first three bptember iss U es

Percentage m

of paper




a NEWS in first three



\ Total number of FEATURE PAGES in first three September issues






I‘?-?6 is graph illustrates the almost 300% in*ease in local news stories, mainly campus ews, covered by the chevron during the past )ur years. The most dramatic increase is the ‘most doubling of the number of local stories om the last year to this year. (An interesting lte: the first issue of the free chevron conined 25 local news stories, or more than ere covered during the entire month oi Sepmber in 1973.)




ewspapers and the like. Similarly, the chevron in years past has een overburdened long, political features which were printed to the exclusion of local ews. But this was a problem before the AIA ven existed.

Too many



At a time when Shane Roberts was both riting for the chevron and involved in the :deration, the imbalance was particularly cute. For example, the September 7, 1973 hevron included 17 pages of features and nly seven news articles. (See acompanylg list of titles comparing September 7, 1973 nd September 10, 1976 chevrons.) Roberts was then chairman of the Board of xternal Relations and an Integrated Studies :presentative on council. Yet he did not ublicly call for changes in the paper, nor use is federation authority to arbitrarily close . Andy Telegdi was federation president. ut he did not lock the chevron doors and try ) shut down the newspaper. Roberts claims now that the chevron does It reflect the views of UW students and that has become the organ of one political point i view. But the facts tell a different story.

More The accompanying

news table comparing








The above graph shows the nearly 900% decrease in the number of chevron pag,es devoted to features between 7973 and now. AS with local news c-overage, the most dramatic change occurs between last year and this year.

As this graph illustates, the news content ofthe chevron has increased in four years from 8.0% to 20.60/o, or by more than 320%. At the same time feature content decreased from more than 73% to less than 6%, or by about 666%. What the graph‘also shows is that total news/feature content of the paper has decreased from slight/v under 50% to slightly under 30%. Since advertising content usua//y runs around do%, this means that sports, entertainment, photo features, etc. have increased by about 20% durin,g this time. -

and features in the first three issues of the fall term over the past four years paints a picture completely contrary to what Roberts asserts. This year there are fewer reprints, fewer features and significantly less of‘ Roberts’ influence. But there have been far more local news articles, a trend which has been encouraged by AIA members on the chevron. Significantly, just as the chevron began to consolidate the emphasis on local news reports, investigative journalism, and encouragement of broad student participation, Roberts swiftly moved to strangle the newspaper.

the rush, but get on down to the chevron” to the obscure, disdainful September 7,1973 recruitment ads which read “No more Tuesdays Fuck shit”, and appealed for students interested in “musical leprosy, adrenal pornography and menstrual fetishism”. (This was a scornful spirit in keeping with the federation ads, which cried out for student participation with the invitation “Wanna work, jerk?“) Students responded favorably to this year’s encouragement. Many of the new chevron recruits have testified to the warm reception they met - witness the September 28 chevron special issue and the September 30 mass rally. This flood of new‘ students made AIA members on the chevron staff’ a smaller minority than they had been throughout the summer.



Combined with Roberts’ claim that AIA has attempted to dominate the chevron is his allegation that AIA members have discouraged students from joining staff. Again, Roberts’ deceit is revealed by a simple examination of the chevron. This year the chevron conducted the most active and successful recruitment program for the past four years. There were several ads in each issue, posters were put up on campus and leaflets inviting students to the chevron were widely distributed.

Recruitment And the invitation was a stark contrast to those of years past. Compare our eager work horse with the caption “Watch your toes in




People who came to the chevron this year joined a newspaper which was better organized and more democratic than in years past. A journalism kit was printed and ready, explaining chevron procedures, deadlines and decision-making. Everyone was invited to the regular Friday staff meetings where content and policy are decided by democratic discussion and voting. This is the direct opposite of chevron operation in years past when, because staff members were few, because democratic dis-

cussion was the exception and decisions made arbitrarily, and because little encourl agement was given to new staff, the chevron could not dig into local news and serve students’ needs. Why is it that Shane Roberts and Andy Telegdi tolerated, and even worked on, the old chevron, but closed down the new chevron? Both Roberts and Telegdi have been around the UW Federation of Students for several years, moving from job to job, paycheque to paycheque. Yet for all their time on the student payroll, remarkably little has been accomplished by the federation under their tenure. Roberts and Telegdi launched their careers in the federation at a time when cutbacks by the Ontario government were just beginning to hit. That was four years ago. The government has not eased up its pressure on students and the university. In fact, a new round of tuition fee hikes for all students is indicated by the huge tuition fee increase for foreign students, coming into effect in January. With another government offensive underway, Roberts’and Telegdi choose to open up their guns on the chevron and wage war within the student ranks. UW students have the right to know: In whose interest is this attack on the chevron? What have Roberts and Telegdi done for students during the years they have lived on \ student fees?





the free chevron


Three weeks after the chevron-federation eruption, confusion persists over the meaning and background to the fight. Many students believe that the battle is entirely personal, and that Roberts made a mistake when he closed down the chevron. If it were as simple as that, the solution proposed in a letter to the October 8 chevron - to fire four key persons in the chevron and the federation - would suit perfectly. But the issue is more profound than can be solved by the sacking of individuals. A brief chronological study will show the roots of the present situation. February 6,1.976: Election of editor. There were two candidates: Michael ‘Gordon, who had been editor of the chevron from April 1975 to August 1975, but who resigned when staff members -found him incompetent. Larry Hannant was experienced in both student and professional newspapers, but was clearly identified with the Anti-Imperialist Alliance (AIA) . Gordon won the vote, but resigned within three weeks, before ever actually taking office. March 19: New election of editor and election of production manager. Editorial candidates were Hannant and Adrian Rodway, who had worked for the Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation but who had no experience I in print journalism.

Roberts refused to approve Docherty’s acclamation to the position. , -May 14: AIA control of the chevron alleged by a letter to the chevron, although a retraction letter from the same student is printed May 21. Debate in letters shifts to food services, plans for National Student Day in the fall, the middle east and Angola. June 18: In a’letter to the chevron Roberts called AIA “Stalinist clowns” for its support for UNITA in Angola. June 30: Federation executive member Dave McLellan attacked Hannant as a “pseudoMarxist clown” in a letter to the chevron, and urged chevron staff members to purge Hannant and Docherty from staff. July 8: A chevron staff representative was chosen for the federation committee charged , with investigating the relations between the chevron and the federation. The committee never convened. July 11: The chevron was the topic of one workshop during the ninth annual meeting of the federation council. At the workshop, federation officials proposed “autonomy” for the chevron, but chevron staff members insisted that “autonomy” not be used as a subterfuge to close the newspaper. Roberts stated at the workshop-that in the event of separation of the chevron from the federation, the federation might set up its own communication organ which would be “a bulletin or some other way of.getting what it sees as straight information through or even information biased toward what it is doing.”

Rodway was elected, although the margin between him and Hannant was reduced from the Gordon-Hannant election. For production manager, Neil Docherty was unopposed. Alone among staff, Shane


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to the fight July 30: Election

of news editor. Henry Hess was elected over Jacob Arseneault. August 3: Special chevron meeting to deal with the charge by Docherty and Hannant that Rodway is incompetent to carry the load of chevron editor, especially with the pace of work picking up during the fall term. The motion was defeated by a vote of staff. September 1: John Morris,former editor of the chevron, who had been a paid federation fieldworker doring the summer, began to work for the UW administration newspaper, the Gazette. Two’other chevron staff resign, or fail to return to the chevron. About September 1: Dionyx McMichael, a graphicist and writer for the chevron, quit. She is now paid by the federation to draw graphics on posters announcing federationsponsored meetings, and she writes freelance for the Gazette. Mike Ura, the chairman of the Board of External Relations, from February to August, and a chevron staff member during the same period, also quit the chevron. Morris, McMichael and Ura are close personal friends of Roberts. September 10: First fall issue of the chevron, containing a front-page photo of Mao Tsetung and a note expressing regret over his death, and a feature package on the opening of the Norman Bethune Memorial in Gravenhurst, both controversial issues passed by the majority of staff, which is beginning to be swelled by the arrival of new recruits. September 24: Chevron editor Adrian Rodway quit, citing “personal reasons”. Later, he said he had stayed on seven weeks, one week longer than what Hannant had predicted he would last on August 3. He charged AIA members with exerting poli-tical pressure on him to force his resignation. Board of Publications chairman Ralph Torrie quit, urging a re-examination of the relations between the chevron and the federation. Torrie had been planning to quit for weeks, in order to work with a lobby group against nuclear power. Roberts and the federation executive board met in secret and decided to change the locks on the chevron doors, and temporarily close the paper because of a “concern that ‘freedom of the press’ could be becoming the freedom of a small group to dominate the chevron and use a studentfunded paper as a propaganda organ for their own purposes.” September 25: Some chevron staff members learn by accident ofthe chevron’s closure. They confront Roberts and three campus security cops and occupy the office. September 26: 35 chevron staff met and condemned the action of the federation executive and called on the council to overturn the decision to close the chevron and take action ’

against the executive. The federation council met in the evening and ratified the action of the executive, but agreed to “re-open” the chevron office. September 28: The chevron staff published a special issue on the closure of the chevron, critical of the federation action, buts also printing the minutes and statement of the executive on the reason for the closure. September 29: The federation executive declared the chevron special issue “illegal” because it was not given prior authorization from Roberts, acting chairman of the Board of publications. None of the special issues published in the past two years have received authorization by the board,, since it has not met. “The Other Voice”, ,a newsletter “published by the students of the University of Waterloo”, appeared from the Federation office, with the backing of the Arts, Math and Engineering societies. “ The Other Voice”supported the action of the federation executive to close thechevron doors (“Federation Acts to Preserve Press Freedon”) and singled out certain AIA members in the chevron. September 30: Over 1,000 students argued and discussed the chevron-federation controversy in the course of a mass meeting. The Anti-Imperialist Alliance issued a leaflet explaining that Roberts is trying to purge AIA views altogether from the chevron by alleging that the chevron is controlled by the AIA; and explaining that the “the chevron should serve the interests of the majority of students at UW.” In a six-hour meeting, federation council voted to suspend operation of the chevron for four weeks, create a task force to build a new newspaper, and eliminate the positions of editor, news editor and production manager (after a motion to fire Docherty and Hess encountered difficulties). The chevron staff, meeting immediately after the council decision, stated its intention to continue to publish the newspaper. r October 1: The regular issue of the chevron was not published after federation executive members warned the typesetter, Dumont Press Graphix, that there would be no federation payment for it. October 7: Chevron staff were officially notified that the chevron ‘office was to be closed October 8 at 4:30 pm. October 8: The Free Chevron, Volume 1, Number 1, was‘distributed on campus by the chevron staff. Neil Docherty and Henry Hess received official notice that their positions no longer exist. At a meeting of 25 staff, the free chevron staff ecided to continue the round-theclot 2 occupation of the chevron office and to continue to publish-a newspaper from it.

be no re-

Facts against) rumour


Cam Robinson

75, 7976


Some backgrouml







“With our process,” he says, “the manure will be biochemically transformed. ’’ “Even most of the undigested fibres and cellulose in the manure will be transformed into protein the animals can readily digest. We think a farmer will be able to take care ofjust about 100 percent of the protein needs of his lives tack in this way, and we think there will be no recirculation problems. ’ :



Hilton, -




and 7 , 1



#’ ,’

Within two years Moo-Young and Mowat should have some answers to their questions. In the meantime, the project will generate a lot of work for the research team which also includes UW chemical engineering professor Cam Robinson and students Janis Swan, John Hilton, Linda Duxbury and Dia Gabanni. --shane


This is the last part of a ha/f page story run in the chevron /an 9 7976. The article “Livestock may be raised on shit” bore Shane Roberts’ byline but was actual/y written bp Bob Whitton of UW Information Services. Of five typed pages on/y the first three paragraphs were reworked. Whitton’s name which normally appears at bottom left of any UW News stories was removed before the story was sent to the typesetter (see story page

Andrew Telegdi, the president of the Federation of Students two years ago, is quoted in Wednesday’s edition of The Bull’s Eye as saying that the AIA rewrote the history of the occupation of the Dean of Arts office by the Renison Academic Assembly in March 1975. (The RAA was a student defense organisation set up to protest the firings of several professors at Renison College.) We fail to understand why the federation keeps raising points of such little relevance to the present situation. However, the comments made by Telegdi deserve clarification. Telegdi is quoted as saying that: “It was not the RAA who occupied the Dean’s office. It was the AIA.” “The RAA was very upset about it when they found out.‘? “The federation did not support the act, and I was personally very embarrassed by it.” Telegdi seems to have forgotten about the council meeting which took place soon after the occupation began. We quote from the council minutes of March 10, 1975. Renison Academic Assembly. Janet Steele, a spokesperson from RAA, gave a brief history of the happenings at Renison since October 1974. She then further reported that RAA has occupied the offices of the

Dean and the Associate Dean of Arts ant read a communique from the occupiers. HARDING-GORDON: That the Federa. tion of Students Council pass a motion ol support for the following demands and ac tions of the Renison Academic Assembly: (1) That Renison agree to binding arbitra. tion according to CAUT (Canadian Associa, tion of University Teachers) procedure! IMMEDIATELY, and (2) That there be no preconditions as to thf outcome of the arbitration. CARRIED. SHORTALL-MIATELLO: To table the above Harding-Gordon motion until the nexl Council meeting. DEFEATED. Amendment to Harding-Gordon motion: TELEGDI-KALLAY: To delete the tern “actions” in the original motion. DE FEATED. The federation publicly endorsed tht RAA occupation at a rally before the Art: Faculty Council meeting of March 11, 1975 The chevron reported that “Federation o Students president John Shorthall addressee the meeting and said that the federation wa! behind the occupation and demonstratior and he hoped these actions would speed uI the negotiations.”

i friday;



7.5, 7 976

the free Chevron


As some chevron staff members spent the weekend researching and analysing old chevrons,, quite independent/y second year math student Peter Blunden undertook his own survey of the ,chevron from September 79Z5 to September 7976. He has plotted his results pn the accompanying graph.

The federation has charged the chevron with being uninteresting and unresponsive to student needs. I for one, do find the chevron interesting and informative and I enjoy sitting through some of my more boring Friday lectures flipping through its pages. I would venture to say that I’ve read at least 80% of the articles, as opposed to something like mathRAG where I generally can’t be bothered with more than 20%. I have a rather unusual habit of collecting old chevrons hoping someday to finish reading half-read articles, etc. However, I managed to find another use for them, namely to get my 2 cents worth in on the current chevron-federation conflict. My interesting lack of confidence in the federation and societies prompted me to investigate the chevron myself. I went through all the articles that have been written in the past year (over 900 of them) and have compiled statistics for seven categories of articles (see accompanying article). While I do not claim that the statistics are 100% accurate, they do reflect (to the best of my ability) the general trend in chevron coverage. Things to notice are the increase in campus news and the decrease in the number of feature articles. Entertainment coverage has increased slightly, sports coverage has remained the same, and CUP averages about 6 articles per issue (not shown on graph).’ -1 searched through all the articles quite thoroughly for anything which even resembled the AIA’s position and included it in category 5. (Incidentally, before Shane . Roberts puts me on his black list, I should mention that I am not a member of the AIA, but 1 do support the rights\of the AIA and the rights of any other political group).




‘ran during tie flurry

in the chev-

of debate at the end of

last year and just after Mao’s death. They averaged less th,an 3% of the total number of articles and less than 1% of the number of features. All features were voted in by staff, so I do not feel this is a disproportionate amount. Allegations by the federation ‘that the chevron abounds with AIA articles are entirely \ false. There are also allegations that reporting has been biased, In spite of this I detected no biased reporting, most significantly none in the presentation of the presidential candidates’ platforms or ideas in the last election. After all; if as the Feds, say, the chevron is brimming over with communist subversives, why wouldn’t they do their utmost to bias their articles and present Shane Roberts in his worst light? I voted for Shane incidentally, because I believed in his “‘elaborate strategies” for fighting the cutbacks and because he seemed to know what he was doing. (Perhaps his strategies are so elaborate they can’t be implemented), I only wish I could still change my vote. Engsoc representatives have stated that the chevron has nothing of interest to enPerhaps they didn’t gineering students. know that several articles submitted to the Science and Technology section were written by engineering students, or that articles “about “engineering and the humanities” and appeals for jobs for engineers were often printed., Or perhaps in thier haste to get to the sports section, they missed the articles on CANDU reactors, the food problem, the ozone layer, pollution, IQ and the XYY syndrome , etc. As for the proposal that a voluntary fee be created for the chevron, this would be fine if, the same philosophy was carried throughout the federation. I certainly have little use for the Board of External Relations and absolutely no use for the four federation fieldworkers. If this scheme was iinplemented I could claim back nearly all my fed fees and not be the worse off for it!



Ati independent I study \ 9H, -J ‘.I4 .41 1 -5 .f’e, I #i ’






The number of articles in each category for each month were divided by the number of issues for that month to get the average number of articles per issue for each category. This number ,was plotted against time (in months) to obtain the following graph. The categories are as follows. 1) All on-campus and local news pertaining to students. 2) All articles relating to entertainment. 3) All articles relating to sports. 4) All non-AIA, non- Marxist-Leninist feature articles which are not directly related to students but may be of interest to students. 5) All AIA related articles which present a Marxist-Leninist analysis including some articles about the Kitchener-Waterloo Canada-China Friendship Society activities, and articles pertaining to co-sponsored events with the International Students Associations,the Arab Student Association, etc., but not including feedback. ’ \ 6) All articles written by CUP or LNS. \ 7) Miscellaneous articles.



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the ffee chevron



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,~ Had playwright decided whether Thy Neighbour”


David‘ Fennario to preach “Love or The Communist Manifesto, he might have come up with a more convincing




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-. 576-0990

diminishes. Jacky , a worker, is a product of the-hip generation (he swaggers like the Fonz). And that’s all. His actions have no motivation. Why does he rebel? Or does he? .Gary incites the others to action; but he is a loner and belittles the . others. His transition is unbelievable because the audience only sees him get drunk, not enlightened. The characters are static. No one learns anything therefore the audience is left wondering: Why bother? -Maurice Podbrey, artistic director of the Centaur company, has been known to take a chance or two with young playwrights. But On The Job could benefit from extensive revision. The script has possibilities; or at least, it had possibilities. In a very short time it will disappear and Fennario has lost his chance to repair its shortcomings. Had it received more work before it hit the stage, the audience and Fenna?io would have 1earned.a lot more. Note: The Maids is due to open at the Theatre of the Arts on October 26th and run to the 30th. Its author, Jean Genet, has been-known to step on a few toes and leave a bloody mess. If you have a weak stomach and still insist on coming, remember, I WARNED YOU! - myles kesten


- ,‘12 King St. N. Waterloo

Sorry, not



, * play than On The Job. to join him in celebrating. The Unfortunately, when it appeared status quo has been disrupted and last week: at the Humanities the workroom is thrown into chaos. Theatre it failed to stir a single The, worker-boss relationship comrade to action; in fact, the only constantly changes to advance type of action the audienc.e seemed Fennario’s point: all men are to be ready for was: QKTOBER? pawns to the machine of FEST, OKTOBERFEST, YA, capitalism. YA, YA, . . . Early in the play the foreman One cannot . curse Montreal’s acts as boss over the workers. The. Centaur Theatre Company‘ for the workers are subjected to a tyrant. dull production. The script does. But the tables turn on the foreman. when a white-collar worker denot go beyond conventional Unscends from the offices above. The ionist dogma in most respects. The only new addition- to the cast of foreman becomes the oppressed recruit beproletariat vs. capitalist was a and a clean-cut-college Quebecois union boss who had sold comes the oppressor. Later; we his soul to the capitalists. find out that ev.en he must bend to ‘Twas the day before Christmas ’ the authority of the Company Partand all through the factory workers , ner. All the characters, ‘workers and had been promised the afternoon management, lack substance. The off; except the boys in shipping. Pressure has been put on them to audience is asked to sympathize with characters that fail to function stay and finish packing a large order. Instead of buckling under, as people. Rene, the foreman, is one youthful rebel opens a bottle of given to fits of anger often; too whiskey and encourages the others often, and the power of his rage

Great Big Mystery Book. . .3.99 Sesame Street ABC Story bookpr5d.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.99 1 Dr. Seus, Cat in Hat. . . . . . .2.99 There’s No Love Charlie BrownZ5’6 . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . .2.99



Feiinirio’s play got convincing enough







UW’s Art Gallery is currently adorned with the works of four Canadian women - all award winning ‘artists. The exhibition of prints began as a collection to tour during International Women’s Year with the assistance of the Ontario Arts Council. * It features the work of June Drutz, Sheila Maki, Carol Schiffleger, and Kay Murray Weber. June Drutz’s prints are serig-m raphs .- -Her “window series” has been inspired by the changing face of our cities. She has a special fondness for “large, comfy, matronly older houses . . .shaded by huge old trees, filled to the brimwith cats, dogs, kids and an exuberant life.” ee From her own window she watched four such houses disappear in her neighbourhood. Her prints grew out of this, and she chose the repeated. window then because it would allow her to look inside and outside. Sheila Maki’s work includes etching, collograph and monoprints in a colIection of colourful abstractions. . Carol Schiffleger’s are all wood and line cuts in black and white, which she feels removes her work from the “immediacy of this real and coloured world”, and places it more completely within a contemplative, mystical, intuitive context. Her work is an attempt to translate these abstracts into the visual and -concrete. Kay Murray Weber’s prints are serigraph, lithograph and screen. Since the beginning of the 1970’s her chief interest in printmaking has been with the passage oftime, the beat of seconds, with calendars. Her prints are a series of visual thoughts on this theme, and of the space outside of time. The Art Gallery is located in the Modern Building. Languages Hours are Mon.-Fri. from 9 am. to 4 p.m.. and Sun. $om 2 to 5 p.m. Admission to the gallery is free of charge.



the free chevron

75, j976

Bugle support Chevron staff, Enclosed is a copy of a letter sent by us to support your position. I hope that principles will prevail and that the chevron continues publication as before. This is an issue concerning the rights of the press, and I am sure that your support is nation-wide. In full support Bob Hamel editor, Champlain I Bugle

To: Students’ Council I have recently been informed of the deplorable situation. involving the council and the chevron; I must say that no other action could detroy a newspaper more effectively than the actions taken by council. The question you must ask yourselves is this: Did we not act in a deplorable fashion “locking out” the chevron staff because its members adhere to differing I political ideologies? Just because a few members of the chevron staff have ‘novel’ political ideas does not . mean the newspaper should not be read, in fact, the paper should be read because of it. The council is acting as a censor board and taking actions as repressive as the War Measures Act. The Bugle, is left no other alternative but to denounce these actions. Bob Hamel, Champlain

editor Bugle

Queen3 message The following is an editorial from the Queen’s journal of Queen’s University. It was telexed to the chevron. i

The closure of the Waterloo chevron by student federation president Waterloo Shane Roberts was a grim overreaction. The possibility of dominance within the paper by members of the Anti-Imperialist Alliance was hardly sufficient cause to shut down the chevron. About an hour after the editor, Adrian Rodway resigned, Roberts made the decision to close the paper. His move was intended to preclude any possibility that chevron staff members affiliated with the AIA wou’ld take control of the policies of the paper despite the fact that AIA members did not dominate prior to Rodway’s decision to resign. They did, however, influence to a certain extent chevron policies. There were too many other staff members for AIA domination. Regardless of one’s _political stripes, students should be free to participate in the campus press. No group of students should be free to use a student paper to propagate its party’s platform, but this has proven not to be the case. Roberts attempted to protect his campus paper from the influence of AIA propagandists. His decision to suspend the chevron’s operation for four was hastily made and weeks though, amounts to a serious affront to the freedom of the press.

Tormented lo@ic -

begin someone’s political career in municipal politics? Admittedly housing and, to a lesser extent, transportation are problems for most students, but what, if anything, has council done to actively lobby politicians of the present city councils, politicians who do not directly cost students a nickel? (And where in the federation budget does this proposed disbursement appear? If it was specifically allocated, which I for one do not believe, why were we not informed of this scheme six months ago, or indeed in the presidential election campaign? If it was not specifically allocated, does this executive have any fiscal responsibility, to leave $10,000 float ing in a political slush fund for use at the discretion of parties unknown, or certainly unknown beyond council? w In addition to these serious questions, I ask further: what contempt’for the principles of representative democracy does this administration have-the presidency of which represents fifteen per cent of its constituency, and the council at large which on average represents less than five per cent to pyramid its power by foisting on the student body a hypothetical political candidate whom all students would be forced to endorse by virtue of their financial support? And to whom, if anyone, would this figure be formally accountable? Aside from these questions of ethics and intent, what at all does this municipal candidacy scheme have to do, with the critical problem to students of cut-backs in government funding of university education? If concerted action is not taken in this regard there may be few of us who will have to worry about housing and transportation in Kitchener-Waterloo. These questions demand explicit answers from the person who promised us “accountable leadership” on this campus, Shane Roberts. Gerry Rowe Hon. Chem. Ill

Age cards I am sending this memorandum to you in the hope of clarifying the misleading information which appeared in an article entitled “LLBO imposes more red tape”. The impression I received from the article appearing on page 4 of the October 8 issue was that the management of the Campus Centre Pub is asking for age of majority cards as proof of age. This is not the case. The Admission Policy of the Campus Centre Pub states that patrons must show identification issued by U of W or W.L.U. We have at the door of the Pub a display rack containing age of majority card applications and envelopes for the convenience of our patrons. We also inform patrons that it is a good idea to get an age of majority card if they are around eighteen years of age if they desire to patronize off campus licenced facilities. This is due to my awareness that many establishments in the twin cities area have made the showing of these cards mandatory. I felt that I had to respond to this article because some people will be under the impression that age of majority cards are mandatory. Therefore, once again I would like to state that the showing of age of majority cards to gain admittance to the Campus Centre Pub is not mandatory. 1


Good Luck I am surprised and delighted! The Free is a newspaper worthy of the name “free”. It is free from biased articles, free from political ranting and raving, free from “hysterical hyperbola”, and free to print its views on the editorial page. If this isan indication of things to come, I can only hope the Federation sees the error of its ways and once again finances the chevron. Chevron

First to establish my credentials: I am not a member of nor do I speak for any political faction. The views expressed herein are my own. By what tormented logic does the present federation executive have the temerity to propose spending $10,000 of student funds to

Art Ram Manager, Centre Pub


Many of the students on campus really don’t know what goes on in the free chevron’s offices. i I am sure that if some of the newspaper’s policies and plans for the future were published, that many rumours would never be started. Even the reactionary minority in the engineering faculty would

have to think twice. Tell me if naivete trips me up, but a clear would gain more support for the than other methods. Ah, me! Decisions, decisions . . . . At any rate, good

’ In response we are reprinting a statement we made in our firstseptember issue where we reprinted some of our key policies. Added to this it should be pointed.out that as with the chevron the free chevron con-

tinues, to have regular Friday staff meetings which kick-off about 1 p.m. and it is there that all important and most other decisions are made. - lettitor

Welcome to campus for another’year of rollicking fun and frolic ! And for those people who get their kicks be actually doing something useful, welcome to theechevron, where you can write, draw, take pictures, and generally have fun while learning new skills and sharpening those you may already have. The chevron particularly welcomes people who want to come down to the paper, become involved in its production, and become staff members themselves. How to become a member of staff? Well, anyone with six contributions - articles, graphics, photos, or layout (or any combination of these) - from the beginning of the preceding term to the issue currently being produced; qualifies as a voting member, of the chevron staff. For new people, what this means is that as soon as you’ve had your six things accepted for publication, you have a vote. But the chevron also welcomes contributions, not only from people who are, or intend to become, regular staffers, but from the entire university community. While we encourage people to write for the paper, we suggest the best way of doing this is to contact us first, so that we can discuss it and agree on what needs to be done, and give you some pointers on how it should be done. The chevron operates under a number of policies which have been drawn up and approved by staff. This week we publish some of our key policies which would be of interest to anyone who is interested in contributing to our pages.

tion. Pseudonyms or organizational names will be run if the chevron is provided with the real name of the author. The deadline for feedback is noon Tuesday. If letters are received more than two weeks in a row from one person, chevron staff may elect to refuse *them.



Feedback letters must be addressed to Editor, Chevron, Campus Centre, University of Waterloo. Letters must be typed on a 32 or 64 character line and double-spaced, and may not be run if they are not typed. Letters should not be longer than 1200 words. Longer letters may, with the author’s consent, be edited to meet space requirements. Letters must be signed by an individual, not an organization, and should have a phone number and address for authentica-

my inherent open policy free chevron

decisions, luck! Gord Dunbar


and other


News coverage, as well as that of sports, entertainment, science and features, are all the responsibility of chevron staff. Any article submitted may be rejected by the majority of the staff who consider the article, ,or, on appeal, by a majority of the staff.



No person or persons can be promised or expect to be promised any specific area in the chevron for their articles or ‘column’. No person can be promised that his or her article will be run in the chevron without that specific article being first seen by the chevron staff. Anything that is at all ‘newsworthy’ can and should be run as a news . story - not a column.’


for copy

For news copy, the deadlines are: for events that occur from thursday to monday, deadline for copy is tuesday noon; for events of tuesday to Wednesday morning the deadline is Wednesday at noon. Deadlines for sports and entertainment is tuesday at noon. For features, deadline is noon on friday of the week immediately preceding the week of publication. If copy has not appeared by the time of deadline set, it may be rejected; or it may be held, where possible, for the next week. Now that you know how to become a chevric, and you also know some of the more important guidelines involved in contributing to the chevron, remember to come down to our offices, number 140 in the campus centre building. If you have a news tip, or just want to drop by and talk about the paper-we want to hear from you!

vf r ee \ thee A newspaper recognized and supported by the Canadian University Press (CUP), the free chevron is typeset by members of dumont press l graphix and published by the staff and friends of the old chevron. Content is the sole responsibility of the free chevron staff. Offices are located in the campus centre, room 140; (519) 885-1660 or ext. 2331: Despite harassment by the fed hacks upstairs the paper is still coming out, thanks to the efforts of all those who have rallied to its support. Mail delivery to the (free) chevron has been stopped as all the mail is being intercepted at the federation office, so if you want to make sure we get a letter, ad or twoc you’ll have to bring it in yourself until this fight is won. There is also some question of phones being cut off and attempts by staff to book a room for the upcoming cup conference have been subjected to a run-around at every opportunity by admin as well as federation hacks. It’ll take more than that to kill the chevron. Keeping it alive: mike hazell, lisa kwas, t alex beamish, heather, gerry, randy, ernst von bezold, dave carter, ross bell, Charlotte, salah bachir, robert taylor, p,eter westaway, val moghadam, doug hamilton, brian pepperdine, jules grajower, marina taitt, sam wagar, larry hannant, beverly blaney-jackson, stu vickars, diane ritza, barry hoch, peter blunden, john jackson, don Simpson, graham thomson, jason mitchell, linda, henry hess, diann’e chapitis, Oscar nierstrasz, doug wahlsten, jamie thiers, robert hyodo, mark wills, nina, neil docherty, mary, eric, gerard, ken, and the many others who have been around but whose names escape me. We had thanksgiving dinner at the chevron and we’ll have Christmas dinner there too if that’s what it takes to make sure that uw has a student newspaper instead of a fed newsletter. Did you notice, by the way, that all the ads in it (the bulls-whatever) were federation ads? And guess who pays for them. hh



75, 7976

Guelph defeated We won! Last Friday the Warriors battled and unset the Guelnh Gryphons by a tight 3 l-28 score in front of a small partisan crowd at Seagrams stadium. This win moves the Warriors into 7th place, 2 points ahead of thelast place York Yeomen. The game was slowed down in the first half by penalties that seemed to upset Guelph who dropped behind in the early stages of the game. After the half, the Gryphons staged I

a comeback going to the air. QB Conklin hit for 10 out of 22 passes throwing for 2 touchdowns and 242 yards. The game finished in the nick of time with Guelph knocking on the Warriors goal line. The Warriors ground attack looked good as they ran for 233 yards and 14 first downs. Warrior QB Boug scored 3 of the Warriors T.D.‘s and Zvonkin scored the fourth. Kicker Karpow kicked 4 for 4 conversions and one field goal which made the difference.

Flag football When the results were records were set at this _ a new time of 70.9 in A good time was had

a// tallied St. jerome’s (pictured above) won it agaTn with the rugby team close behind. intramural meet by Tim Barnes with a time of 52.6 in the 400 metre run and Gary Wallace the 700 metre. by all who attended. Over 700 people took part in the event.

It just sneaked

Two, with

off to play -- rugby /

Sportsmanship isn’t dead / Each week the sports section hopes to carry a feature on one sport or club. This week it is rugby. Next week?? We need writers. If you want to write an artic/e about your team or sport to be placed in this column, contact Mike Haze// at 884-7343.

What is it about rugby that induces men of all trades, professions, and sizes to participate in a rugged body contact sport that offers no hope of fame and fortune? What kind of a game is this in which opponents maul each other unmercifully and then gather together after the game to discuss its finer points over a brew? Could it be that these men are thoroughly enjoying the game for its own sake, that they are not obsessed with winning? It could, it is! While football and hockey are primarily spectator sports, with winning. all-important to the players and fans, rugger men enjoy the participation and camaraderie of this strictly “amateur” sport. In rugby, unlike its sistersport, the emphasis is on finesse, speed, en: durance and guile more than brute strength and viciousness. The scant padding and minimal equipment the sport requires are testament to this fact. Shin pads tucked down the front of socks are the only protective equipment allowed - an attempt to emphasize vulnerability and discourage dangerous play. In rugby there is no benchwarming, and players are expected to participate for the entire 80 minutes that the game lasts. It is a continuous game with no time outs and no interruptions, not even substitutions. It is also a game where all the players can run with the ball, kick it, and tackle. While the game has specialized positions, all players participate equally and the sport is designed’ to incorporate all manner of men. Heavy set players are generally forwards. There are eight of these apd they take part in strums, line outs, ‘and all those disorganizedlooking pile-ups in w hit h eat h team tries to win the ball (rucks and mauls). Their close physical contact engenders a sense of community not shared by the backs who run the ball after the pack wins it. The props, with the hooker between them, form what is known as the front row of the strum. The “strum” is a stylized face-off that looks like a large crab. It is the hooker’s duty to heel the ball back

to his forwards. He does this with the help of his props who bull their way back and forth to stabilize the strum (one cannot be a good without good props, hooker right?). Second row numbers 4 and 5 on the field are usually the tallest and heaviest players. This power house pair plays directly behind the front row. These two players are particularly prominent in the line out as they soar to catch the ball. Flank forwards, (6,7 and number 8), form the back row of the strum. These players are generally the fittest and usually the first to the action-, playing with dash and elan. The smallest man on the field is normally the strum half, number 9. This diminutive man must have great courage for it is his duty to follow the forwards, throwing the ball after the forwards win it to the backs. The strum half is as vital as the quarter-back in football and comes for much hostile attention. His partner, the standoff, must know him like a blood brother and be able to catch anything he throws to him. Standoffs, number 10, are generally tall, elegant; elusive and spectacularly brilliant, (except on wet days). Centres, (11 and 12), .who are the backs on the middle, and wings (13 and 14), who are backs on the end, swing the ball literally down the linear power lines, providing one of the great thrills of the game. These glamorous people often keep their hair in place throughout the game but are much abused by their forwards when they drop the ball. The last player on the field is the full back. The fullback acts as a safety behind the other fourteen players. He must make the lastditch tackle, catch and kick unerringly, and have lots of cool. He is often the goal kicker and so is blamed for losing games. The game’s ability to accommodate to men of all shapes and sizes accounts for some of its increasing popularity, but, ultimately, the real reason for its rapid growth in . Canada and its continued growth in all countries is the game’s ability to build character and establish attitudes that carry into the life off the field. Truly amateur, rugby players cover the cost of maintaining their teams and clubs themselves. This adds to the social camaraderie because the home team really “hosts” the visitors, taking them into their homes -overnight when necessary and entertaining them

after the game. Rugby is not so much a conglomeration of bitter opponents as it is a brotherhood of sportsmen. The club empha‘sizes social activities and, while singing, drinking and talking are important, and enjoyable, the game is still the thing. ANYONE that is interested in becoming involved in the adminstration or playing of rugby at the university is invited to come out and talk to the club organizers. As these guys move around, you can either call 884-7343, or -go out to Columbia Field No. 2 from 5 to 7 p.m. almost any night. The club needs players, _ singers, drinkers, typists, photographers, writers, organizers and talkers. If you could possibly fit into any one or more of these classifications, the Waterloo Rugby Club needs you.

Rugby The scheduled game against R.M.C. was not played on Saturday Oct. 9. R.M.C. defaulted the game last Thursday. Captain Harvey, R.M.C.‘s coach, stated that 9 ofhis first 15 players were injured and unable to play. “The Warriors were upset about the default,” said coach Hum-mL phreys. “The team was up for the game wanting to avenge last year’s 6-3 loss.” This win means the Warriors re- ’ -main tied in first place with Queens who beat Western, 17-3 over the weekend. Dave King, a rookie who kicks and plays standoff, is the team’s and league’s leading scorer. The Warriors’ next game is against the defending OUAA champions the York Yeomen, at York.

Twenty three teams, involving week. The 69ers, Kin A and West almost four hundred players are Dromedairies are still in contention competing in the men’s flag football for the top spot. In league B, VI league this fall. 7 teams are entered North, Mongo’s Meatballs and Rein League A, while League B has 16 nison Rats are still undefeated and teams competing in four divisions. are followed closely by Science and All teams play six games during the V2 South who both have a record of regular schedule, with 18 of the 3 wins, 1 loss. teams advancing to playoff competI.M. Tennis ition. Games are played every After one postponement due to tuesday and thursday on the Vilb rain the intramural tennis final got lage Green -and Columbia Field under way. A division was won by playing areas. Steve Chan. B division is still playWith the Flag Football schedule ;,,, ,cF half completed, the trend seems to “” ““* . be the rich get richer and the poor Slow pitch baseball get poorer. Twenty-four teams competing, __ In league A, Engineering 1 are , St. Pauls coming from behind winstill undefeated having edged the ning the last two games 10-9 and 69ers 2-l in a real squeaker last 12-3 against Village 1 West. -

Get involved!


UW outdoor clubs Outer Club -University of Waterloo Outer’s Club - a hiking, canoeing, crossskiing, snowshoeing, country winter camping, cycling club. We have equipment to rent! For information, phone Brent Hegadoven, 576-6567, or go to the club bulletin board at Red South, gym floor level. Trips: 35 mile bike hike; two hiking trips on the Bruce Peninsula, one day hike toBeaver Valley, (and party); possible climbing, and orienteering. For more information on trip times and leaders, see bulletin board, Red South. White Water Club Meeting every Sunday from 4-6pm in the pool area where basic instructions in handling the kayak

E 7





Western Queens Guelph Laurentian km88t43r R.rn.C.

Trent 8rock

5 6 5 S ~ s

6. 6 6


6 4 S 3 3 2 2 2 1 0 - 0

U W-Soccer Warriors maintained their perfect season record by winning their 5th game in a row, last Saturday. They defeated Western 2-O in a wet, hardfought match. Some of the Waterloo players felt Western was the most formidable opposition so far this year. Reid Hosie scored Waterloo’s

L 0 0 0 1

2 2 3 3 5 6 6

Fencing The fencing club meets every Monday and Wednesday evening in the Red Activities area of the PAC at 7:00 pm. Instruction in the art of fencing is provided at these times, and special instruction for people interested in competitive fencing will be forthcoming. Our club is small, but very keen. If you would like to see about joining our club come out to one of our practices. If you need more info contact Cam Smith at 745-8733.

Soccer .record remains intact

Sower standings Toronto

and p-001 exercises are conducted. We build kayaks from club owned mould and, weather p_ermitting, take field trips. Membership is $2.00. For more info contact Gab. Farkas 886-0635



1 4 0 1 1 1 0 O0 0 0


25 32 15 6 8 10 7 9 5 7 3


‘8 11 1 3 7 9 11 11 21 20 17

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first god on a shot so hard, that it went in despite deflecting off a player and the goalie. Jeff Balon helped preserve U W’s 1-O lead late in the game. His diving tackle cleared the rolling ball from the goal line to goalie Marcus Klein. Shortly after, Zenon Moszora took a shot at the Western net, retrieved the rebound, and made a perfect pass to Mike Mohan, who scored making it 2-O for Waterloo. The league standings show Waterloo vieing for first place with Toronto and York. Only the top two teams will advance to the division final, to be held on the home field of the first place team, in late October. In an important-game Wednesday the soccer Warriors defeated Toronto 3-O. This leaves UW in the second place league spot one/point behind Toronto, but with two games in hand. Goals by Syp Ackbar, Mike Mohan and Reid Hosie gave the team its sixth win in six games. -chris


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