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University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 17, number 9 monday, july 5, 1976

In the name of austerity, $550monthly for telephone

the UW student federation

phone bill. The federation service.

is cutting out one of its business lines to pare down an estimated qow has to pay its own bill‘s after the university decided to pass on expenses Photo by Randy Hannigan

IPub problems

Actioh The continuing hassle between management and staff of the Orange Bombshelter also known as the campus centre pub could be nearing a final showdown. I Poor relations between managerial and non-managerial staff, and allegations (among others) of bad management and of dereliction of duty by pub manager- Art Ram, have led to calls for some definite action to be taken on the problems in the very near future. Student federation president Shane Roberts has said that “fundamental and drastic” action might have to be taken by the pub management advisory committee (PMAC) if the situation can’t be resolved quickly within the pub. Roberts was speaking at the PMAC’s first meeting on June 24, at which Ram admitted that he had worked as little as twenty hours a week at one time (but said he was




to defuse I’bomb’

was the complaint that manageunder, pres&.u-e to do so because of ment fails to back-up staff in dis- ’ management’s attitude. putes .with patrons over “slowing She said the problem is that staff ‘down” or ‘ ‘cutting-off’ ’ their has no confidence in making decidrinks when staff feels someone is sions - sometimes they can’t find drinking too fast or is already management, sometimes managedrunk. ment listens and then condemns Ram said he doesn’t like waiting . staff. staff to cut off people without letRam said he wants to hear from ting management know. He felt staff before decision is made, and that even if a guy is drunk, it often before he gets complaint from patdoesn’t pay to’cut him off - it just ron. On the other hand, “if a patron causes more trouble. Staff should throws beer at staff, you obviously just give him poor service. cut him off - you don’t supply him He said sometimes staff wants with more ammunition”. ‘somebody thrown out, but he But he would sometimes rather doesn’t believe in this unlesS absoback down to a patron if that would lutely necessary, as he abhors violsolve a problem for the evening, ence. than resort to physical violence in Replying, personnel rep. Jan throwing him out. Doug Thompson wanted to Deacon said that staff feels they’re not being backed up on cutting off know how ;tccessible the manager patrons who, for instance, might be on duty was (the pub has three Jthrowing beer at them. She knows managers); also how much of a risk staff is not legally bound to serve the pub might be running through someone, but they feel they’re management’s apparent policy of not throwing anyone out, in view of LLBO regulations. Ram’s reply was that in any establishment the manager might not be there at any given time. “The LLBO thing is bullshit”. As for throwing drunk or troublesome If thc’student societies give their In a reference to MathNews artijobs could be saved at the South ’ patrons out, Ram said there was a food stand business to Food Ser- cle criticizing Liban for claiming 10 Xampus hall where about six peocase last year when such an ejecpeople could be rehired if Food vices,iobs may be saved and some ple have been laid off so far. tion led to legal problems, $6,000 in people who have been laid off may services had the business that supIn addition, some of those who legal costs, and the pub was shut -have already been laid off could be down for some time. Also campus be rehired, says union president ports only two from an off-campus security screws around with the John Liban. supplier, he agreed, “maybe not ‘rehired. Liban heads local 793 of the it’s their business, they know bet-. “If and when the student compub, said Ram, and he is very reluctant to call them in. munity gives the business to’our Canadian Union of Public Emp- * ter.” people, we can rehire maybe oneor Thompson then asked what’s the loyees, representing food services However, that’s “not the point” criterion by which the LLBO shbts and physical resources workers on because, in any case, some jobs at two over the wintertime.” this campus. Instead of continuing the dispute ‘you down. According to Ram, the The union has, complained to the Food Services could be saved with precise regulations don’t matter with the societies in the chevron, the extra business, Liban expMathematics Society that the that much. “They only shut you Liban would much sooner talk to lained. stands are taking business away them directly at a meeting, even if it down if they don’t like you. Just Exactly how many he didn’t from Food Services, resulting in keep your nose clean.” UW, he layoffs of their people. know, but estimated up to three continued on page 3 said, has an excellent reputation,

Union president


working longer hours now); that there. were problems of communication (but that he was working on them); and described as “garbage” some of the staff’s complaints. And at an executive board meeting last Sunday, federation council member Doug Thompson expressed concern that the PMAC was moving.slowly and that there were certain areas where immediate action was required. The executive decided that “deliberate and firm solutions are requiied for the problem of poor management in the pub”. The PMAC was set tip by a decision of the federation council meeting of May 29 to review the pub operation on an ongoitig basis and to advise the council. At the June 24 meeting PMAC discussed complaints under two main heads -patron-related issues and personnel/management issues. One area where these overlapped


jobs at food services

better than a lot of schools, and there should be no danger. After vigorous discussion of several other issues - among them, who should pay for broken glasses and spilled drinks; non-smokers’ nights; firings; the paternalistic and patronizing attitude of manag&ment -Deacon re-emphasized the feeling of personnel that there was absolutely no co-operation from management; that complaints go unndticed; and that it would be nice if PMAC could do something, but that nothing could be done. Ram said the big problem was a failure in communication. He asks about things, but people clam up; they’re afraid they’ll get fired. He feels they’re paranoid - they won’t get fired for talking. He said that management had given “ironclad assurances” to Roberts that they’ll be attempting better communication, they’ll be asking staff what are the problems. However, Deacon pointed out that similar assurances were given at a meeting on ‘October 23 last year, but the problems remain. The staff feels that things won’t change unless there’s a change of management. “See the October 23 stuff, it still keeps coming up.” Ram’s rejoinder was, “Don’t you see that a lot of that October stuff was garbage? People almys question, always talk to each other; always the guy at the top gets the blame. There’s a lot of garbage, which I will ignore”. Pub management and personnel are to hold a meeting at which another attempt will be made to resolve the situation before the student council meeting of July 10 - 11. Results of this effort will then be reported to council. -






the chevron


events and happenings

on campus-student,

The student’s heaven


32 QUEEN ST. S., KITCHENER (next Walper Hotel)

Six ForThe Summey. An exhibition of photographs. UW Art Gallery. MonFri 9-4pm til Aug. 6. Campus Centre Pub cCosed. No Federation Flicks.

No Federation

Go Where The A&ion Is. Dance at the Bi ngeman Park Ball room. (airconditioned). 8:30-l am. All single students weJcome. Carlton Singles Club. Sate rday Pub &osed.No Flicks.

Sunday Chapel. Worship and Bible discussion. 8pm. Conrad Grebel College.

Thurs-Sat pm

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Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Disco from g-lain. free admission.

Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Disc0 from g-lam. free admission. Para-legal assistance offers nonprofessional legal advice. Call 885-0840 or come to CC 106. Hours: 1:30-4:30pm.

Thursday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Disco from g-lam. free admission. Para-legal assistance offers nonprofessional legal advice. Call 885-0840 or come to CC 106. Hours: 1:30-4:30 pm. WCF Meeting Chrisqan fellowship supper, singing, sharing. Bible study later at 280 Philip B3-9 at 8:30pm.

Tuesday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Disco from g-lam. free admission. Rehearsals For Summer ChoirI76. 7-9pm. AL 116. Chess Club Meeting. All welcome. 7:30pm. CC 135.



Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Disco from g-lam. free adniission. Federation ‘Flicks - Carnal Knowledge with Jack Nicholson and Candice Bergen. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50.

> WI


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Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy tests, counselling, medical assistance, maternity clothes, legal aid and housing for pregnant women. 579-3990. Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-l Opm, some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-1211, ext. 2372.





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staff: See the chevron secretary. Deadline is noon Tuesdays. Maximum of 30 words per submission.



5, 1976

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5, 1976

the chevron


WI/~ soci~i!!iikstFig~~-to the Queen r: Gerard De Gre, a man who conRichard Nixon might not so easily people of this difference and so thought is found in Catholic counhave amassed and abused the powraise the political consciousness of siders, himself a Marxist scholar, u-i$S. ers of his office, the professor expthe Canadian people. This is because the Catholic faith takes his oath to the Queen very lained. A member of the New Democraplaces an emphasis on comseriously. Also the role-of the monarchy in tic Party, De Gre feels that socialist munalism as opposed to the indiSo much so that he is a member ideas can flourish under the freevidualism which is stressed by the of The Monarchist League of Canada is one of the important ways in which our political system doms allowed by a constitutional Protestant church. Canada, an organization estabdiffers from that of the US. Theredemocratic ‘monarchy. As an aside Having said this, and having lished in 1970 with the support of he also pointed out that he believes the constitutional monarchy as its _ fore, De Gre feels the League can quoted from a host of authors in a play an~importantrole in informing the same fertile soil for socialist varietyoflanguages throughout the main aim. I interview, the professor said he Two weeks ago it added about 24 local citizens to its membership of realized he was being terribly academic. And though he has 10,000 when it set up shop in the area with De Gre as regional chairpragmatic reasons for supporting man. the monarchy he admitted that he is The UW sociology professor also prone to romanticism. says that having studied the probHe also admits to being an lems ‘of political power for many country, -t-he Royal Family has idealist -believing that “ideas ad“The Queen herself,” so The years he has become an ardent most of its fortune in New York and vance and inhibit social change” (a Monarchist League of Canada Switzerland.” ’ supporter of the monarchical tradidecidedly non-marxist view). ’ claims, “is almost sufficient arguThat fortune includes a staggertion. ment for the monarchy.” Concerned about the rapacious “H,er gracious serenity,” their ing collection of jewelry, investbrochure states, “is known and ments in stocks and shares, bonds bourgeoisie who dominate the and gold bars held in bank deposits, capitalist system De Gre would like admired throughout the world. It would be difficult to find any single priceless antiques, the greatest to see higher ideals maintained. stamp collection in the world, . These ideals he associates with the individual in Canada whose life is houses, farms, forests and rich agmonarchy and describes as: “a more totally dedicated to the wellreadiness to put the public interest being and happiness of her counricultural land. In her art collection are. 650 as paramount over the private in- trymen. Absolute dedication is the Queen’s first sacrifice for Leonardo da-Vinci drawings - 25 OTTAWA (CUP)The National terest.” per cent of those known in the - Union of Students wants federal The professor argues that the Canada.” world. monarchy, unlike the government; That may be so but the indicastudent loans based on actual inThe woman with the choice of is not merely the executive comtions are that herself-sacrifice is come rather than estimated sumA story in The Toseven palaces and-eight homes in mer job earnings students might n-ot mittee of business interests, but is well rewarded. which she may live and who has, above such interests and so is capronto Star last year estimated the make, according to NUS president able of protecting the public wel- . Queen’s wealth to be at least $250 among her many nick-nacks, a gold Pierre Ouelette. million. plate valued at over <x$40 million, fare. He does not argue for the;esto-British anti-royalist labour MP does not seem to be completely above business interests. ration of a feudal order or absolute. Willie Hamilton claims the Queen is one of the richest women in the Eisenberg points out “. . .even monarchy but it is the ideal which cohtinued from page 1 ordinary tourists visiting one of h’e would lik e maintained. world, “with wealth accumulated isn’t until the fall. From that philosophical stance because no sovereign has paid Soho’s famous strip clubs -or reAlthough he has Bsked student the professor moves on to explain death duties since they were introst,aurants are helping the Queen the more pragmatic dimensions of duced in 1894.” maintain the standards which she is president Shane Roberts to arrange his s,up*port for the monarchy; Elizabeth is also in the unique su?h a meeting, “nothing has hapaccustomed to. For many of these The royal scrutiny which is pened as ye.t.” position of not having to pay a London properties belong to her, The food stands were not mennecessary to change a bill into law, single penny in tax. and the rent from the owners of the he views as protection against a Dennis Eisenberg in The Star clubs and restaurants there add up tioned at the recent negotiations for the union’s new one-year contract government which mightyry to story points out that “unlike ordi- . to the steady build-up of her vast but Liban and his executive comerode our civil liberties. Were the personal fortune. ” nary Britons, who are not allowed , neil docherty mittee are putting pressure on the United States still under-royal rule, to take their fortune out of the university, he said. Comparing’Food Services’ submarine sandwiches to those from an off-campus supplier, Mr. Sand-1 wich, Liban said the ingredients Ideally, the agency will provide were the very same and there was To gear coursework to local area “No student union or organizain price or quality. tion has ever attempted this sort of with an outline of what should be no difference needs, the U W student federation However, when it comes to cofcontact persons wants to set up an agency that willthing? I done, providing and supe?vision when necessary. fee, “I said a priori, I don’t like the Besides being of use to the complan community projects students coffee from Food Services.” But the federation won’t discipline can do for their courses. munity, the projects must be orstudents or interfere in their relaHe thought fair, competitive, The federation hopes to raise ganized m they can be carried on tions with professors. even cheaper prices could be support for a coursework agency by other students if not completed by approaching community groups Such a program will be entirely negotiated with Food Services. -when the- course ends. beginning with the stuthat have previously worked with Up until now, most projects have . voluntary, The non-unionized people at Mr. dents of those instructors who are students, spokesman Mike Ura Sandwich who supply the societies been planned carelessly with inmost co-operative, as in the Endespite objections from the unsaid in a telephone interview. . structors telling students to “go out vironmental Studies Faculty. ionized workers at this university Such groups include the Global and do something” without taking Ura hoped students wiII volunare being used’ as “scab labor,” Community Centre, the K-W Reinto account the needs of the comteer for the projects out of sheer Liban said. source Centre, the Consumer Acmunity. interest rather than using them for “The union has nothing against tion Centre, the Multi-Cultural “You just don’t use community students -just academic credit. the way they use Centre a,nd the neighbourhood people as objects,” Ura said. scab labor.” g’rn not interested in academic Past projects have included reratepayers’ ass’ociations. ,< His guess was that the MathSoc credit.” With the co-operation of “symsearch for the Consumer Action Gary Prudence, was so Presently, the community is in a president, pathetis professors, the agency Centre, demographic -surveys for state of “low political activity” opposed to Food Services because could suggest projects to departthe Multi-Cultural Centre, of “kickbacks” in the form of service agenments that have a high degree of sociological studies and work at with -such alternate “favors” - although he couldn’t cies as the Rape Distress Centre community involvement such as local daycare centres. and the Consumer Action Centre prove it. man-environment, recreation and However, some graduates in facing funding problems. As for the problem of cleaning up _ childhood education have found sociology, Ura said. after the food stands, Liban said -- The coursework agency will The loosely-structured agenc’y they can’t get jobs in daycare be“provide an opportunity for stu-’ the janitorial staff hate cleaning the should be active on a small scale as cause of the number of students dents who wish to approcah comMath and Computer building at. early as September, expanding .-volunteering to do this wark for’a night because it’s a “bloody when more students become inmunity issues on apolitical level.” course, Ura said. But ther’s no intention of-impos‘mess.” volved. ’ To avoid this duplication, the The societiesclean the-table but However, Ura isn’t promoting it agency won’t accept projects that ing any particular political as a “universal panacea” and if philosophy on anyone, Ura stresnot the rest of the area, he said. might eliminate paid positions avproblems come up the federation sed. A janitor at the building, asked ailable to people in the social work - dlonyx memiehaeI about the maintenance of the will “cool it and review it.” field. - MathSoc food stand, said the students clean up “pretty well” every day. She noted, however, that it’s hard to remove sugar from the upholstered chairs -and last week “there was some coffee grounds and sugar all over the place.” Another worker said the MathSot coffee 2nd donut stand is “one of the cleanest areas” in the building. “The students must clean up because there’s not much dirt around.”

The Queen’s other side



The ideal he quests is a power which stands above all private interest and looks out for the good of the public. Why he looks to the monarchy for this he feels can, at least in part, be explained by his own background. The son of an aristocratic Austrian family, he was born in Cuba but educated in New York in the . 1930s when “almost everyone was a Marxist .” He sees himself as a-Marxist scholar rather than an activist. And with his European heritage he seks monarchical ideals which he feels will provide him “a more congenial atmosphere in which to live.” , -

Students serve communitv





neil docherty

Jobless ktudents wodt Ireturn

Food layoffs


In a June 16 letter to federal finance minister Donald McDonald, the’ NUS president requests the federal government drop the 1 - “forced summer savings” requirement introduced last year into the Canada Student Loan Plan. Under this criterion, proposed again for the 1976-77 academic year, the CSLP administration directs the provinces to calculate a student’s summer earnings based on the number of weeks the individual was available for work, instead of how long the student actually worked. This scheme, the NUS letter argues, will deter\many from enrolling in post-secondary education ’ this year because of- the “emergency unemployment situation” facing students this summer. ~“The rate of unemployment .for young people is 12.5 per cent, approximately the same as that for May 1975 ,” the letter states. But this year “Statistics Canada reports that young people entered the labor force in substantially smaller \ numbers.” The elimination of- 30$00 jobs under the now-defunct Oppor’ tunifies for Youth (OFY) program, despite the new employment programs promised by minister of manpower and immigration Robert Andras for 1977, means “it is too late for many students,” States the NUS letter. ’ A 1975 OFY evaluation showed _ that over 30 per cent of the university students and 20 per cent of the college student-s on OI%Y would not have been able to return to school if unemployed that summer, Ouelette , , states. “Canadian students and their representatives are convinced that many will not be able to enrol in post-secondary institutions this year.” In accordance with a resolution ‘passed at the NUS annual meeting in Winnipeg last month, the national union asks that students’ real income “as defined by the Income Tax Act be the basisfor assessment . of summer savings.” “It is still possible to make this change for 1976-77,” the NUS president tells the minister responsible for the CSLP administration, pointing to a similar c.hange the _ Nova Scotia government has made in its provincial student aid program. The province’s department of education, which grants up to $1,000 under its bursaries plan, now expects students to have savings from summer employment “relative to the amount of actual earnings,” rather than on the basis of the “net income” required under the CSLP. .



the chevron


OTTAWA (CUP/CPA) - The official employment and unemployment estimates for May recently announced by Statistics Canada suggest the new Labor Force Survey is less reliable than the government wpuld have us believe. When the new survey was introduced last January, some observors, including the research department of the Canadian Labor. Congresp, claimed the techniques incorporated into the revised survey would result in a significant ’ understatement of the degree of unemployment among seasonal workers. . The May figures seem to bear otit this criticism. The official unemployment rate for the mon$h decreased .3 percent to 7.1 per cent of the labour force, following a S per

cent increase April.



sumher jobs this’ year, the figures numbers of people with jobs deseem to defy common sense. creased by 52,000 resulting in a What makes it worse is that, actotal decline in the youth labor One factor that caused the de-*cording to the estimates, not only force of a staggering 59,000. crease was a decline in unemploydid the numker of young people It was this aspect of the revised ment among’members’of the w&k without jobs decline, but so did the labor force - its .tendency to list as force over 25 years of age from 5.4 number of young people with jobs. not in the labor force people who, to 5.0 per cent, which follows the What happened between April under the old survey, would have pattern of ‘recent years for empand May, the figures claim, is t/hat j been classified as unemployed loyment among this group to rise as youth unemployment decreased by which was the crux of the criticism the winter months end. made of the _new survey, especially 9,000 while, at the satie time, the But the @ther major change contributing to an overall lowering of the jobless estimate is less comprehensible. According to May figures, unemployment among yourig people under 25 years also deOTTAWA (CUP) - The recent ‘, various interest groups, and concreased in that month, the same cerned individuals, picketed the violence and subsequent shooting .month in which the academic year ‘embassy for an hour handing out deaths in the South African black for more than a quarter million copies of an information release on community of Soweto may have post-secondary education students the incident, while in Toronto Afribeen touched off by a language ended. can National Congress representaissue. Given the tough time’ students tives and supporters demonstratqd But policies arising from the rulare expected to face in finding outside the Souih African consuing white minority government’s late there. Apartheid system are the real The Ottawa dembnstration, concause, according to demonstrators sisting of representatives frop the outside the South African embassy Southern Africa Information here June 17. Group, the S.A. Research Centre, About 40-50 people representing Canadian University Services



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as it affected seasonal workers. The May figures, vLhich would have us believe that the youth labor force declined at the same time as hundreds of thousands of students ended their school year, indicate the critics of the revised Labor Force Survey were right, and that future official announcements ought to be interpreted with cau-tion. ’ .

Canadians blast Aparthe-id


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Overseas and OXFAM, also stopped cars leaving the embassy, and attempted to hand copies of the release to the occupants. The groups carried signs with slogans such as: “Stop Canadian Investment in South Africa,” “Soweto is just the beginning,” and “To hell with Afrikaans.” The release, issued by-the Canadian Council for International Ccioperation (CCIC), challenged media accounts that the violence, whichbytheseconddayclaimed50 deaths and over 500 woundings, was caused solely by the introduction into black schools of subjects taught in Afrikaans, one of South Africa’s two official languages. *r The violence began June 16 when South African police fired on a crowd of school children protesting the use of the language spoken by the dominant Boer grovb of the country’s minority ruling whites. In two’days it had spread to a 50 mile area around ,the neighboring city of Johannesburg. But the CClC release claims South Africa’s 18 million ‘Blacks are angry over the government’s “Homelands” or “Bantustan” program, which when it becomes policy, will distribute 80 percent of the country’s population according to tribal groupings on 13 per cent of’ the land. None of the areqs is industrially developed, or has adequate farmland, the release states, which means Blacks will have to migrate to White urban centres to find employment. Under the program, un‘employed Blacks can be “deported” back to their “home&d” areas. The release called on the C&adian government to “have nothing to do with the so-called homelands policy,” by refusing to recognize the Transei, one of the homelands the South African government is granting independence this fall. The group also demanded the _ government rescind the Commonwealth Preferential Tariff with South Africa, which left the conimonwealth after the Sharpeville massacre in 1960, and consider a “stronger diplomatic actions” to protest the deaths of the Soweto students. Although the Canadian demonstrations, which followed by a day, a . demotistration by over 500 outside the S.A. embassy in London, England, was called specifically over the Soweto uprising, “you could demonstrate here any day of the week against what goes on in South Africa all the time,” said demonstration spokesman, David Beer. The CCIC release said the unofficial death toll was “much higher” Jhan official government counts and that 75 per cent were African primary school students. A demonstration June 16 by Black and White university students in neighboring Johannesburg _ supporting the Soweto students was “brutally disrupted” by South African police, the release stated. By June 23, the death count was reported to be at least 130, with more than 1,100 wounded. But the government is keeping the actual deaths secret, according to a New York Times story.




5, l-976

the chevron



and simp/e

I’ .






OTTAWA (CUP) - The federal government wants to reduce its spending on post-secondary education, and the-weal thy provinces will gladly oblige as long as they get new unconditional tax revenues to spend as they see fit. These positions, long suspected by observers, but never openly articulated by federal or provincial leaders, surfaced at the first minis: ters’ conference on federalprovincial fiscal transfers held here in mid-June. Premier William Davis of Ontario was especially blunt. Acknowledging that the federal proposals for replacing the Fiscal Arrangements Act after it expires in 1977 “are not going to result in any financial gain.. . for our institutions of higher learning,” Davis urged that the provinces follow the federal lead and cut back further on post-secondary spending. According to the federal proposal, Ottawa’s contribution to post-secondary education (and health financing) would no longer be based on the cost of these programs to the provinces. Instead, federal payments would be received by the provinces on an unconditional basis, and would increase at an unspecified annual rate, possibly related to increases in the gross national product.

Feds OTTAWA (CUP) Provincial education ministers are not ready to discuss higher education with the federal secretary of state until he tells them exactly-what he wantsr to talk about. At the’June 19-20 meeting of the Council of Ministers of Education of Canada (CMEC), the ministers decided they would not readily agree to Hugh Faulkner’s proposal for a “forum” on post-secondary education July 7. Manitoba’s minister. of college and universities affairs Ben Hanuschak said Faulkner must first “itemize the particular issues that he wants to discuss.” Ontario minister of colleges and universities Harry Parrott expressed the ministers’ fear of federal encroachment on post-secondary education decision-making, saying, “I think the jurisdiction is essentially with the provinces.” “‘I don’t see at fhis time for sure that one federal member equals 10 provincial members,” he said, adding that the best place for Faulkner’s forum is a CMEC meeting. B.C. education minister Pat McGeer claimed his Social Credit government believes institutes of higher learning should be autonomous from all levels of government, _ Ottawa itself holds the purse strings for Canada’s higher education, contributing $1.5 billion per year under the almost expired Fiscal Arrangements Act, Student associations have said that governments want to rationalize higher education to meet the needs of industry through spending cuts. So the question of institutional autonomy, or even provincial autonomy becomes an economic one. What is not mentioned in the wrangle over decision-making jurisdiction is that cutbacks, whether federal or provincial, means decreased accessibility to post-secondary education for lower income people.

Most provinces were critical of the vagueness of the federal prop:’ osal, but Manitoba was the only one to question the overall priorities. Premier Ed Schreyer declared “there are other areas where budgetary cutbacks would seem far more appropriate than in the fields of health and post-secondary education” and pointed out that with all the talk about cutbacks, the federal government deferred $5 billion incorporate taxation last year. National Union of Students executive-secretary Dan O’Connor, who monitored the day and a half conference, expressed general concern about the longterm-future the federal government apparently intends for postsecondary education. “It’s cutbacks pure and simple,” he said in an interview. “The-federal plan is to dry up the long-term financial resources without which universal accessibility, especially for poor people in -poorer provinces, is just an empty phrases.” Currently, federal payments equal half of the total postsecondary operating costs, which amounted to more than $1.5 billion last year. The new plan would divide payments between a slowlyincreasing cash grant and a share of general tax revenue. The seven non--wealthy provinces expressed unease over this formula, since their small tax base means that reliance on general tax revenues makes for -precarious funding unless equalized to a high degree. Nova Scotia categorically opposed federal support through tax revenue transfers replacing costsharing, and Saskatchewan also expressed strong reservations over

. -


Feds dan\ education the funding proposal. Federal officials, meanwhile, freely admitted their proposal imposes further provincial spending restraints on post-secondary education, and conceded that severe problems would emerge if participation in post-secondary education increases beyond its current levels. At present, two out of every 10 Canadians of post-secondary age attend college or university. The officials, who asked not to be identified by name, argued their case for further cutbacks by referring to demographic projections that suggest enrolments will decline between 1982 and 1992, assuming that participation remains at the present level. Questioned- later on this point, NUS’ O’Connor accused the federal government of engaging in “half-truth’s” to make its case. .He said the demographic projections ignore the financial programs, a trend which is expected to continue for the next decade. “In addition, they are ignoring the significant regional variations in demographic trends,” he said, noting that while a 25-year enrolment decline is predicted for the Atlantic region, other areas, such as British Columbia, qxpect a continual increase. NUS feels that such oversights in the government’s rationalization of their lproposal shows it to be “a screen of vague and admirable principles behind which deep cuts will be carried out,” O’Connor said* The only non-financial proposal relating to post-secondary education was proposed to allow the eleven governments to discuss na-

tional priorities and questions at the ministerial level. Most provinces had little comment on this suggestion, while others made it clear they would participate only if actual decision-making remains with the individual provinces. The official said the idea of a national forum reflects their conclusion that the federal government’s withdrawal from direct involvement in post-secondary education has resulted in a serious vacuum. Underlying the whole federal proposal is the hope that, from now on, its role will be “publicly acknowledged :” Although the federal proposal assumes that national interest in developing its educational system. Federal officials did not, however, refer to sections of that report calling for public involvement in education decision-making. Their proposal would establish a forum




which is open only to governments and education ministers, but not to the affected institutions or the public at large. Although Ontario’s William Davis was the only conference participant to express any degree of enthusiasm for the Trudeau plan for post-secondary education, that doesn’t mean the plan will be dumped. A major issue at the meeting was Ottawa’s insistence that it can change the fiscal arrangements between itself and the provinces on its own. A July meeting of finance ministers is scheduled to debate implementation of the federal plan, despite the fact that it had not even been approved in principle by the provinces, indicating Ottawa’s seriousness about bulldozing ‘its proposal through the machinery of so-called “co-operative federalism.”

Copter . July 12-17



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by Eng. Sot ‘B’

Free adtiission to the first 100 ladies Door Prize wil.l‘ be drawn




of the discussion


urban politics

in Southern Ontario has been dominated by the issues of‘development and conservation. However, litt/e ‘of it has dealt with the role of trade unions in ensuring community control of urban planning. This article, reprinted from the New Scientist, examines the policies of Australia’s largest construction union with respect to the projects they-labour on. The Builders Labourers’ Federation has refused to work on construction projects that they feel are counter to the interests of the communities surrounding the developments. They have extended these “Green Bans” to boycott institutions that have violated the civil rights of gays and working women. This feature was written almost two years ago. Since then, the originator of the Green Ban tactic, jack Mundey, has resigned his union post to return to his job as construction worker. The Green Bans however, continue to this day.




the chevron

When I was in Australia a few months ago I decided I must meet Jack Mundey, the dominant figure in the environment scene down under. We got together for Sunday lunch in,a noisy first-floor Greek restaurant in Pitt Street, Sydney. Mundey was a tough, stocky man, one moment relaxing as he chuckled at the absurdities of people and politics and the next earnestly stabbinghis points home into my moussaka special. He made clear straight away that conservation was an integral part of his trades unionism. “Gl;een bans are beauty, but the thing they’re opening up is workers examining the social responsibility of their labour. Instead of saying thank you boss, I’ll build anything, anywhere, at any time, we’re saying all right, should we build this, is it beneficial to the community? And that’s taking away their - __ god-given sacred right to determine what we

another Parkes project, Sydney’s Hotel Metropole. As at Kelly’s Bush, the ban was successful.



in Sydney

Like signs of spring in a concrete jungle, *green bans appeared all over Sydney. An 1841 Congregational Church which the minister wanted de-’ molished, the Regent Theatre which failed to reach its reserve price at auction, the elegant 1894 ANZ Bank building, a National Trust-listed house on the route of an expressway: Mundey and his labourers green-banned them all. When they started to demolish the old-Theatre Royal, the BLF was called in by live-theatre enthusiasts and promptly downed tools; after hurried negotiations, the developer ag-

In Austrdia

three years. I believe in everyday democracy. We’re not setting ourselves up some sort of proletarian city planning department. Not one ban has been imposed without consultation with our own member&$, and not one ban has been imposed without a request f&m a local resident action group”. How did that square with his communist party chard? Weren’t many of these action groups just middle-class householders defending their own patch? “If you have to generalise, I’d say yes. But I dqn’t like generalisations. Kelly’s Bush of course, that was middle-class. But the Rocks, they’re- working class, generations of people who’ve worked round the docks. You See, in‘ Australia we’re the most urbanised country on earth, with over 90 per cent of the people living in cities. With tlie price of

were doing the work. chitects came to us and the only piece of Parisiar Bank of New South VC meeting which asked u: never imposed a ban w sion of opinidn. In a trade union, I ask of life always going to immediate’working clas: “When i’m talking abo there’s a certain immedi act now will determine -What’s more, we’re figb Of 41 bans in Neb Soul working class areas. Th

Unibhs fight urban bli’gi .

by Jon ’


The first environmental,they were called black bans then, until Mundey’s flair for publicity rechristened them last year - were operated in. Victoria in the 1950s. There, the Builders’ Labourers Federation (BLF) opposed the demolition of historic buildings and the conversion of parkland into flats. It also banned’s new power station for Melbourne at Newport Bay until stricter anti-pollution controls kere built into the design. In New South Wales things did not really start to hum until June 197 1, in the smart Sydney Harbour suburb of Hunter’s Hill, where developers A. V. Jennings were planning to build on the 12 open acres of Kelly’s Bush. A group of middle-class residents, after unsuccessfully sitting down in front of the bulldozers, appealed for help to the NSW Labour Council. The BLF responded, inspected the site, banned all further work at Kelly’s Bush, and threatened a walkout on other Jennings projects in Sydney and Canberra. TheBbulldozers were halted, and Kelly’s Bush remains untouched to this day. Next came Eastlakes, a less privileged area of Sydney where Parkes Development were putting up some new flats “Pa&es duped people into believing that they were buying flats with six acres of park around them, and they were’s0 hungry for a bit of urban green that they paid $3000 extra only to find that the so-called park was to become bricks and mortar”, Mundey told me. The BLF put a green ban on work at Eastlakes, and threatened to strike

reed to build a new lOOO-seat theatre into the scheme, and Mundey’s ban was lifted. Perhaps most newsworthy of all, the BLF refused to allow the new Sydney Opera House to build a 3000-vehicle car parks under the adjoining Botanical Gardens. Three superb specimens of the rare Moreton Bay fig tree would have uprooted; other plants might have been damaged by exhaust pollution, and Mundey’s union said no. Today, the fig trees remain and Sydney citizens have to walk to the opera. The most vicious battle was over a $500 million high-rise development sche‘me for the Rocks, a picturesque predominantly working-class district alongside Sidney Harbour. The BLF slapped a green ban on the whole scheme, and carried out mass occupations of those sites still being worked by scab labour. Last October this led to the arrest of Jack Mundey and scores of other protesters in some of the most vicious street demonstrations Sydney has ever seen. The building employers called a statewide lockout of BLF members, and a NSW general election campaign followed in which Liberal premier Robert Askin demanded emergency powers against the unions. Askin then called green bans “industrial blackmail”, and a se&or civil servant told me that BLF was “a sinister, undemocratic, extra-parliamentary force”. What w s Mundey’s reaction? “I cBn understand that thi “x king. My answer to it is that you don’t elect *governments and say away you go for

land and the sprawl of Sydney, ordinary people are being forced out. It was necessary for a countervailing force to come into existence, and the residents’ action group is exactly that.”


of power

To be meaningful, I suggested, political power should flow from people’s own actions, not be presented on a plate by the BLF’s veto. Weren’t his‘ green bans giving these groups an illusion of power they didn’t themselves possess? “We’re a catalyst, asststing them to develop their own plans. Take the Rocks. Instead of $500 million of high rise buildings, the people themselves have drawn up a plan, with a socio-economic mix, high-density lowrise housing instead of commercial. I think this is really participating in democracy, when people have some everyday decision-making. Without our stimulus this never would have happened.” Did the BLF always agree to a request for green ban? “No, you do get purely selfish motives sdmetimes. We’ve knocked back a few - 8 or 10 out of 40 or so: There were definite ves;ted interests behind them, and we didn’t consider they had community . support.” But what was the connection between the community and an historical building in the city centre, I wondered ? “Ah, now you’re’talking about something different. We tiere becoming concerned that Sydney was being razed to the ground, and we

rip the guts out of Sydr to the Blue Mountains I said I could see hov to fig trees and even tc about the BLF suppor it’s because our ideas young workers, to your ban on all building at M a homosexual was kit monthly governing hoc bit of a backlash from thought we were goir University the philos have a course on new I strange that a union sb things.” Mundey grinned at t said offhand.1 couldn’t in Britain less likely tl pathise with a homose versity. Jack Mundey being the world’s mc “That’s right”, he mu those sort of things. ! ‘their heads and say we day night, now, the su rather Panther. They n Labourers to ask for 01 we gave them our sul rather unique, isn’t it’: I agreed it was uni officials ought to spe1 any trendy, leftwing again, and with regret more traditional subjc except that I don’t thi ever say I go quiet or fighting for permanent tract in the building hour’s notice that’s n



Certainly, Mundey within the BLF as we example, has led to being invited to attenc has welcomed wome several times. struck a to take on female labI have not progressed 1 an Australian teaboy. among Australian u rangement for immigl Jack Mundey’s uni experiences when h# Queensland outbac 19-years-old professic as a building labourer BLF was controlled I he remembers. “‘If bashed: there was o leadership and the em Mundey became sect mittee for cleansing t and the experience c tion gave him an ins even when he becam NSW secretary in 19(


the chevron


\ I, a group of are knocking down ire in Sydney, the y called a public a ban. We have te public expreslong term quality Id place to more undey disagreed. rival of mankind, he issue. How we we’ve got to go. : people’s homes. re majority are in :ways that would

:t racecars


could be applied ildings, but how ration? “I think e charismatic to ;eneral. We put a iversity because put it on at the Jn, but we had a 3. Some people ‘hen at Sydney tment wouldn’t :. It’s incredibly lved in all these ss of it all, and 1 group of people vorkers to symeked out of uni1s the feeling of I union leader. rke a gamble on members shake far. Last Tueshat’s something lith the Builders came to us, and tat’s something tdered if union ubberstamping ldey chuckled his stripper for you’d be right, builders would ue. We’re also f one-year con:ad of the one

B ws are applied Iomen’s lib, for mion members ngs. The union , too, and has :rs who refused hough, women k of “nipper”: BLF is unusual ng special ar:inal members. stems from his lney from the e was then a er, and worked football. “The iminals then”, ilitant you got 3etween union XI done over.” ;-and-file comI South Wales, decriminalisa: of leaders Ie was elected came up for a

second three-year term in 1970 he persuaded the BLF in New South Wales to amend, its rules so that fulltime officials were paid no more than the average wage of their members, and were forbidden to hid office for more than 6 years without a 12-month spell back on the building sites. In most unions’in kustralia and Britain, by contrast, officials are paid far more than the members they are supposed to represent, and are often elected for life. “Our w-ages are tied exactly to the workers,” Mundey explains, “and when they are on strike we don’t get paid. The limiting of tenure I consider one of the- biggest things I’ve done, although its real political essence has yet to be realised. My concept of future society would be to put brakes on all bureaucracies: with head-nodders and yes-men. I think they tend to corrode, surround themselves personally -that 6 years is too long, but at least it’s a start.” What happened, I asked, if the members got tired of an official before the six years were up? Could they just throw him out ? “Of course. They’ve got the right of recall. It only need-s 1,000 members to give their-‘signatures, and there’s got to be a new election, at once.” With a NSW membership of 16,000 a BLF union leader who disregarded his members’ views would be unlikely to last long. Was not all this a little hard to reconcile, 1 suggested, with Mundey’s active and open membership of the communist party, an organization hardly renowned-for its distrust of leader-ships and bureaucits own racies? “I believe in each country-finding way to socialism, not genuflecting-at foreign altars, Moscow or Pikink. I’m more of the Dubcek variety, a communist with a human face. Our party has a lot of attraction to libertarian, anarchist and even Trotskyist groups than in other countries. The CPA is in a very advanced position, and spends a helluva lot of time on ecology. For his views on environment including the controversial green bans, spring directly from his ideas about industrial democracy. “Our policy is towards workers’ control, towards invading the sanctivyof the employer, as against this bullshit about job participation, job enrichment, all these sloppy words. Listen, this city alone has 10 million square feet of unlet office space, yet there are 400,000 Australians improperly housed. Government at all levels should see that resources are used in the interest of the public, and not in the interests of some lad from Zurich or Tokyo. I see this as part of workers’ control. Workers having a say in the end result of their labour.” I could see that Mundey saw it like this, but did his members? Weren’t they only prepared to let him play with these secondary issues because there was a building boom in Australia? “Ten years ago we might have imagined the future Sydney skyline: 400 feet, 600 feet of high rise skyscrapers. We’d have thought this is great, this is progress, ten years’ work for. us here. We had that work, and we have destroyed Sydney. What are we going to tell our children when they look at the mess? That we had full employment? “What’s the use of winning higher pay, better conditions, if you’ve got to live in pollutea cities and areas denuded of parks and trees? You can win a 35-hour week or even a 30-hour week, but you’ve still got to live the rest of the 168 hours. And what do we go for next? $300 a week, two houses, three cars? We’ve got to have a revolution in our values. The workers should decide what money is used for, demand its diversion to churches, schools, universities, to public utilities as against the private side. Stop making cars and build-public transport. And this strikes a chord with workers, believe me. Workers are not that selfish.” Mundey’s belief in participatory democracy provides a twofold basis for green bans: not only have the building workers the right to decide what they will work on, but the residents in a community have a similar right to decide how their areas shall be developed. I wondered if there was not a conflict here. What would happen, for example, if the workers and the residents wanted. something different? Mundey grinned, and told me about a resident action group meeting a few weeks earlier. “It was in Eastern Hills, Manley, where 90 per cent of the people vote Tory. There were 350 of them protesting against the erection of a highrise building which would knock their environment to hell. One barrister came to the microphone and said ‘It’s all very good calling the BLF but how do you get them out?’ I got up and said we had come in at their request to impose a green ban, and provided they drew up a community plan for the whole area, not just the real flash part, we’d give them our help. But if they want us to go, we’ll go.” Surely, I suggested, this was rather a superficial involvement on the part of the union: where was the responsibility for the results of their own labour if they imposed and lifted green bans at the behest of local residents groups ? “I think that’s a very good question. Things are changing. I think the involvement will become deeper, and we shall become involved in their decision-making. But at the moment the fact that the people themselves are able to take the decisions, and we can help them to do so, that’s enough.” Probably the only reason why BLF members re-

stocky, serious-faced man had left his two friends at spond to sue h radical ideas from Mundey is that he is a table in the corner, and came over and introduced militant on the bread-and-butter issues as well. himself. Armoured car or not, he was taking no When washing facilities on one building site were deemed inadequate, a group of BLF members rigged chances. Mundey admits wryly (though without a trace of. up a hosepipe on the steps of City Hall and showered . regret) that green bans have brought him plenty of there naked. At another site, where safety measures opportunity for corruption. He quoted in detail the were particularly poor, the BLF spent a whole month refusing to do anything other than install and case of one property tycoon, who for legal reasons I maintain safety equipment. As in Britain, building> cannot name in print. “I had an hour’s discussion workers in Australia have a reputation for violence. with this bloke, and he said he knew I couldn’t be In the 1970 strike, the BLF men organised mass bought‘ but if I would lift a green ban on a 16-storey occupations of blacked sites, and smashed down building I could have 10 per cent of the total profits anything built by scab labour. This sort of policy for myself, or for any charity I chose. That was a may bring few friends among the establishment, but $400 million b UI‘Id’ mg, and the same thing’s been it has created a powerful democratic union out of repeated many times.” what wasonce a bunch a bunch of hoodlums. Perhaps the continual strain of not getting rich quick was one reason why Mundey was retiring from office. The BLF’s six-year-rule was only instituted Tension and stiain in 1970, so strictly speaking, although he had been Jack Mundey was a tired, tense man when I saw secretary since 1967, he could have stayed in his job him, even though it was Sunday lunch-time. The another three years. Could the union do without strain of being both radical environmentalist and him? “When we had a meeting to consider the elecradical unionist was clearly beginning to tell, and he tion, I said I wasn’t standing. Someone got up and had a tendency to slip into easy, often-repeated said it was premature, Mundey should stay. So I told answers whenever I asked a standard question. One them in some ways I should be better and in some cause of tension has been the threats on his life: a ways not so good as the person who succeded me, few days before I saw him, Mundey had been that’s the reality of life. The main problem in the phoned by the Sydney police. “They told me there workers’ movement has been the self-perpetuation was an underworld contract out to knock me off, and of leaders. Sure, I’ve played a part, but if we’re so warned me I’d be foolish to ignore it. I’ve known for shallow that we have to rely on great leaders then years that if you’re a militant unionist you’re not we’re not a union at all.” going to be liked, but I can hardly travel around in an Was Mundey now going straight back onto the armoured car. It doesn’t take much to buy a bloke to - building sites? “No, I am going to take six months shoot someone, not compared to the cost of a buildoff and write a book. Too much of the world’s hising contract.” tory is written by academics; too many books on Not being familiar with current hit prices in Au- - workers aren’t written by workers. I’ve seen a lot in stralia, I said I supposed I could have been a gunman the BLF, and I want to get it down. But I’m serious when I rang up and asked him to meet me. Jack about going back to work after that, although I think Mundey laughed unenthusiastically, and changed my main interest will remain on the environment. the subject. Later, I recalled that it was he who had Ecology is the single most important word in the suggested where and when we met. I had arrived a world today. Workers must have a role to play in quarter of an hour early, but Mundey was there this, and if the unions don’t change and become before me. I had to wait 10 minutes or more before a more radical, 1 other movements will replace them.” I





the chevron

John McConachie discusses the. state of the union It is no secret that the CIAU has people totshow up at the press sescome under constant attack from sions-. One reason for this may have --members of the media and member . been the fact that very few real coninstitutions themselves. The basis tentious issues were raised. The behind all these arguements and “‘butt-blocking” rule- which was misunderstandings is what is questioned by Allen Ryan of the termed a “generation gap” bet- Star had been discussed some time ween the CIAU principles and ide- back in February and the issue was als, charted in 1961, and colleges resolved at that time. and universities who believe that During the course of the confertimes have changed, leaving these ence, the CIAU was constantly ideals obscure. This presupposed’ gap is only self-defeating and has being heckled by its member institutions. One must remember that led to a breakdown in collaboration the Union has only in the last two between the CIAU and its memyears attempted to form a solid bers. platform for its members and correDisgruntled institutions argue late their activities. Last year was the fact that this is 1976 and not the worst-fiscally for the CIAU. In1946. The regional aspect which deed, said Mr. McConachie, these kept intercollegiate sports from delast two years have been full of veloping throughout Canada is no growing pains. As far as a national longer applicable. With increased agency goes, the CIAU is onl_y becommunication they can operate ginning to develop. Regional relamore ‘efficiently and with more tionships are- slowly being overcoordination. They argue that the CIAU is pursuing an outdated, ar- come now and in the future there will be morecollaboration between chaicpolicy whichis hamperingthe “regional” areas. -comparative growth of varsity Another area discussed .at the sport. of a The CIAU retaliates with the ar- meeting was the clarification number of ambiguities which exist guement that progress is a cumulabetween the CIAU and its memtive, time-consuming effort that bers. “The relationship between must have direction and the parties was never clarified until forethought. Policies are formuthe past meeting. One accomplated to shape growth, not hamper it and not necessarily to promote it. lishment made at the seminars was the crystallization of various facThey insist communications are cardinal to growth, but this is just a tions. We have finally set down in black and white exactly what the start. After revamping their reCIAU is and where it is going, with sources and their politics, they can a minimun of regulations. Certainly be positive about the future. some existing regional ideas have In a recent telephone conversabeen resolved and cleared up”, tion, John McConachie, CIAU as- McConachie said. sistant ex.ecutive-director, reIn determining changes to be flected upon the CIAU conference made, if any, President Vance held in Toronto June 8 & 9, and put Toner and an editorial board sat into words his own views on propdown and had a “brain storming osals and policies. The press consession”, in which the CIAU char‘ference held Friday June 10, was of 1961 was discussed’ and revery sparsely attended, most of the ter evaluated at length. The recomrepresentatives having checked out mendation was thus: “The CIAU of-the Beverly Hills Hotel Thurshas resolved that it will keep the day afternoon. same platform as in 1961. The ideWhen questioned about the poor als will remain the same, only the turnout at the conference, Mr. variables have changed.” McConachie reiterated that quite In an effort to work more closely honestly he didn’t , expect too many

In trasport

with the media, a public relations and publicity seminar was conducted. The object of this was to have university -athletic departments take a look at considering their own sports from a publicity angle. “Some people don’t realize that public relations are necessary in the development of varsity sports”., said McConachie. “We, have passed through our infant stage and are now in a state of puberty.” When questioned about the effect of American athletic policies on existing Canadian ones, he stated that th2re is not too much direct effect, most relationships are carried by word of mouth. “When one of our coaches or media people travel to the U.S.A., he-speaks with people involved-there and the ideas are transported in this fashion. The problems which plague Canada are unique. One. barrier. has been conquered by the addition of the University of Quebec to the ranks of the CIAU. The university has four branches in varying locations. All have been developed by one board of governors, but all are fairly autonimous. Some branches have progressed at a faster pace than others. Under CIAU policies, their growth will be structured to provide for a greater calibre of competition. It is a small step, but nonetheless a significant one.” What theCIAU can provide for its members i-s expertise and facilities, and a “concept of rules for different sports - it defines the way sports should be played sportsmanship as it should be.” >And what is John McConaiche’s opinion of the conference as a whole? “I’m very positive, there is no doubt about that. I think we have gained a more complete understanding of the CIAU... we have established better lines of communication. What we can do now is plunge on and preserve the ideals and principles ofthe CIAU.” -don umpherson \ ontarion sports editor





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july 5, 1976

report -Tuesday, July 6-maximum of 8 teams Co-Ret Volleyball -Monday, July -12-maximum of 8 teams Co-ed Slow Pitch -Wednesday, July 21-maximum of 20 teams

Basketball Some big upsets in this week’s Basketball action may throw the playoff picture into turmoil. Two favourites were upset in A league as Firehouse again lost a half-time lead to be defeated by Knocker Bickers (45-37), while Tiny Toddlers were never really in the game as Phantoms outhustled them (48-37). These games are important in the standings as Firehouse, one of the previous favourites, appears to have been knocked out of the playoffs, while Phantoms may squeak in. Phantoms must win next week over Firehouse to have a chance, but Firehouse will be hot after this week’s defeat. In B league, undefeated St. Paul’s was knocked off by Math in a close game (32-26). This win Soccer-Playoff Time keeps Math’s playoff hopes alive All teams advance to the Soccer but they must win next week over 3layoffs for the MacKay Bowl Slackers to have a good shot at Trophy. winning a playoff berth, while a win In A Division, the finals could by Slackers would assume them a Gee a match up of two arch rivals, playoff entry. :he Hellenes and Math. For two A league standings has the :erms now, they met in the final Knocker Bickers and the Dons tied :ac h winning once. Maybe this is for first place with four wins :he best of three match. However, apiece. The Knocker Bickers have lon’t count out the Golden Guys, lost once while the Dons are unde(lingons or Black Stars. They‘ feated ._ Tiny Toddlers, Phantoms :ould surprise everyone.and Summer Rats are in a three way In B Division, the Grinches ap- tie for second. Jear very strong as they went undeIn B league, The Basketballers ‘eated in league play. However, in and St. Paul’s have eight points Intramural playoffs, it is an unwriteach with four wins and one loss en rule that the favourite never going for them, while M.T.O. and wins. The Grinch that stole the Slackers are in a tie for second at srinches Christmas may have 3-2. Dirty Feet because they have been sravedigging. Softball Playoffs begin on ‘Tuesday, July In A league, 4A Chem Eng 3 at 500 p.m. A league plays Tuesshould go undefeated, with the PhIay and Thursday while all B level Pyrmids holding onto second. Ire played on Wednesday, July 7. ysed The Flyers and Foulballs will settle The Championships will be 3rd and 4th positions. Jlayed on Thursday, July 15 with In B league, there-are only two :he B game at 5:00 p.m. and the A undefeated teams. In B, Coop is 6-O ;ame at 6:30 p.m. while B2 the Strikers are 4-O amAll captains are asked to pick up masing 82 runs for - maybe j-playoff schedule in the Intramural they’re in the wrong league. Other Office, room 2040. PAC. challengers for B honours are Team Cracker, 4A Ball Bruisers and the Recreational Fun Racoons from B, and the Civil Tournaments Grads. The one nice thing about Intramural playoffs is that anything All captains of Recreational ca.n happen. League standing: earns are asked to indicate to the don’t count. Upsets are commonM office, 2040 PAC Ext. 3532, place which results in exciting vhether they are entering the games. rournaments in their respective Playoffs start Thursday, July 15 eagues . All captains are asked to obtair Entry dates are as follows: their palyoff schedules Wednes 3all Hockey day, July 14 after I:00 p.m. in tht Monday, July 5-maximum of 12‘ IM office.



Powerful Suzukis, Yamahas and Husquvarnas were in high gear at Mosport last weekend as several thousand fans cheered on Canadian and international riders in the Motorcycle and Motocross GPs. On Saturday, Canadian champion Steve Baker won five races, including the 5OO-cc expert (15 laps) and 250-cc expert (10 laps), before falling off his Yamaha in the pouring rain to lose the unlimited final in the Motorcycle Grand Pi-ix of Canada to Frank Mrazek. At Mosport’s first international competition on Sunday, Gerrit W&ink of the Netherlands overcame the tough terrain to win the Motocross Grand Prix of Canada, improving his chances of gaining the world championship.

For Belgian rider Roger de Co: ter, present world champion, ther are still three races left in the 500-c .championship series - Englanc Belgium, Luxembourg - in whit to defend his title. . In the first moto (40 minutes ph two laps), Wolsink beat de Cost1 by 43 seconds. Both Europear rode Suzukis. In the second moto, de Coster bike gave way after the fourth la due to a defect in the fuel syster and he had to pull out of the rat Wolsink went on to finish first this race too, and first overall. American Brad Lackey, riding Husquvarna, came in third in tl first moto, second in the secol moto, and earned second overa with 22 points. - val moghada


the chevr&

july 5, 1976

Skill ’ , ‘1 Stamina 1 3 I Strength The Canada -Games for the Physically Disabled were held in Cambridge jbom June 20-27. Hundreds of Athletes from acsass the country came to compete in w myriad of uctivities which included blind people scrcing and crmprrtees playing hrrsketbcrll .j ,These are scenes from the wh eelchnir pen tll thnlon. Six men competed in five events fsom 9 in the morning to 2 iq the afternoon; a test of stamina, strength und skill.



by neil docherty






the chevron

july 5, 1976



history Orn-the- io& c

he can’t track Sitting Bull who has front of onejs eyes. In a sense, the film was quite successful in using a wandered off into the mountains. We see his sharp-shooting tricks purely visual/aural medium to evoke a responBe usu@y asexposed, and we see his organizar tion constantly sociated with smell. fumbling. The film Altman’s latest film, “Buffalo is largely a debunking of all the myths that propped up Buffalo Bill Bill and the Indians, or Sitting as hero. But this only comes across Bull’s History Lesson”; does .not work as well with this style. Comif we contrast what is said about plicating the matter was A great deal Buffalo Bill with-that which we of technical deficiencies+thecolour perceive him doing on screen. of the film far overemphasized yellows, a visually +Inpleasant effect, and a number of lines seemed gar- bled and completely escaped us. -There were a number of references to historical details which, if unkndwn to the viewer, obscured the meaning of the lines. The first chunk of the film moves so quickly that it’s hard to keep track of the characters and, later on, to associate with them those impressions which wei% developed in the first scenes+, Regardless of the director’s intent, the results are largely e/pain for anyone trying seriously to follow the film. Some of these techniques are quite sophisticated and will only be easily grasped by those ‘who have experienced a great deal of film. The use of such methods for a general audience is, in this sense, an elitist fidertaking. . , Yet, there is a positive side to this problem. It puts the responsibility on the (film‘ audience to actively grapple with this difficulty: when we can’t rely on interpreting what a character means from his or her words (whit h could after all, be lies) we ,have to examine more For some of the &her characters closely his or her actions and other we have mostly actions to go by. clues as to their intent. In “Buffalo Annie Oakley is confusing indeed: Bill”, however, there is only lishe is sympathetic to the Indians mited opportunity for this, as most baTshe seems patronizing to them of the development of characters in giving them her surplus clothes; depends on their lines. she respects President Cleveland, Some of the contrasts are inforag% attitude which, given that mative. We do hear how Buffalo ch.aracter’s stupidity and abuse of Bill has highly developed Western the Indians, is hard to swallow, and skills and then we are shown how she persists in participating in a corrupt and thoroughly racist extravaganza. We see too little’of her to ‘get B good understanding of these contradictions and, as a reThe Federation of Students, has available, for sale sult, she comes across as a classic by tender, two Type- 51000-5 theatrical troupers, liberal. four years old, manufactured by the Strong ElectriThe portrayal of the Indians is somewhat problematic as well. cal Corporation. They are the only people in the film The lighting assembly is 4 l/2 feet in length, with a who appear to be incorruptible and 21 -volt, 45-ampere carbon-arc light source, drawn with whom one would want to iden-, tify positively. ye’1 even this is confrom a ,I 15 volt house current. fusing in the final scene where we Tenders can be mailed to Doug Antoine, Federation psee indicationi of Sitting Bull’s of Students, until Friday July 16, 1976. companion selling out; the scene is shot in such a way that it is-difficult For further information --%totell whether it is “real” or part of Buffalo Bill’s imagination. phone 885-0371. -

Robert Altman’s films consistently deal with U.S. history and Culture, yet his national affiliat$n becomes quite confu3ed when dne considers his style: his is much more akin to sophisticated European techniques than to those used with big budgets in America. .The scenes are rapid-fire, and move faster than one expects with the result that one needs to start interpretation of a new scene before being able to draw agy conclusions from the past one. Altman takes collage techniques to an extreme, relative to almqst any other popular American film: most of “Nashville” was a- collection of scraps and snapshots -from the lives of an almost unwieldy number of people who participate in the day-to-day (show)businessof Nashville. Often in these fast sceneslines are spoken too quickly; responses by other characters to actions in the scenes are not revealed before the camera flashes off to somewhere else; refereerices are made to ideas and situations which are beyond the knowledge of the viewer, and end up being useless in meaning. The general results of this technique are-that one is left more with loose impressions than with facts. Without the benefit of viewing such scenes at least three times, one would be unable to explain in words exactly what did happen in such a scene. Obviously, such results are confusing but not clearly a manipulation on the part of the director. In “Nashville”, even if one could not understand the details of the action or had little -sense of the political and social context (a sense that was definitely needed by anyone wanting to i%terpr& coherently all the various details of the film), one was still able tofeel that something was rotten in Nashville, that there existed in its surrounding hype a superficiality that was decaying right in


Trbupers may be viewed in room 230 in the Federation offices, Campus Centre.

In general, though, the Indians end up being too perfect, which, unfortunately, is merely the opposite stereotype to the way in which

they are portrayed in-most other westerns. There is a strength about them whiih is so appeal,ing, yet there is no indication as to what it’s based on, other than “dreams”. “An Indial! puts himself into his dreams and then waits for reality to catch up,” might be interpreted as revoluti0nary consciousness relative to a way of thinking that is totarry immersed in immediate con-

sumption of commodities and is afraid- of the future. But the way in which this philosophy is portrayed in the film is nothing more than piein-the-sky idealism. The Indians dream, and it seems to come true as simple as that. Although this list of criticisms sounds extensive, there are major aspects’of the film that thrust it radically beyond m&t contemporary American films. There is no doubt that this filF exposes the racist snd exploitativt nature of the “Wild It’s expressed in West Show”‘. every contact Buffalo Bill has with the Indians as well as, although with less frequency, with the Blacks in the film. His assumptions are as basic and banal as he admits in a dream-confrontation with Sitting Bull: “The reason-we were

We cairy Sansui, AR, Cerwin Ve’ga, Nikko, ’ L&G-, Eds, Rst speakers’, and many more -.- fine audioproducts - and car stereo you , . have to hear to believe. . . : Open . -_.9?9 every day.





izma & doug epps

Glimpses of--Caravan Caravan is an exposition of international culture that’s held in Toronto each summer. Each participating country or city has a pavilion in which it desplays its crafts, its fdods, its fash.ioos, its dance. What was Caravan 1976 like? These are my impressions of a visit to-some of -the pavilions.

MR. STEREOSEll$ MOR-ETHANJUST-CARSTEREO Mr. Stereo was created by young people, for those who are into music’people who can get off on good component sound. +. . At Mr. Stereo, we have gathered together what we consider to be the best, and most desirable components available in their respective price ranges. We offer brand new, well known products in factory sealed cartops complete with manufacturer’s warranty. The people who own and run Mr. Stereo are deeply involved in music and sound system%. We dig what we’re doing. are dozens of discount audio stores. Some are good, some are rip-offs. If you sh6pped them all, you might find one or two that could even beat our price by a few bucks. We know full well, however, that no one can offer the same helpful and fast service. We’ll rap on the phone and every letter gets personally answered: Call : or write you’ll‘ see. We’re here Monday thru Saturday till all hours.

made white and you red is so that we could tell us apart.” cThe whole purpose of the Wild West Show is to exploit the history, of the frontier and feed it to American audiences hungry for both excitement and the reassurance of the greatness of America. The history of-the West must be perverted in order to satisfy these desires and in presenting Indians as vicious sneaky savages and the soldiers as honourable adventurers, Buffalo Bill begins in his show the process of stereotyping the executors and victims of America’s young imperialism. It is a process that spread to become the dominant form of historical characterization in all poptijar media - from halfdime novels to stage,‘film and even music. This history lesson inthe film is multi-dimensional. Buffalo Bill was the first media-hype hero:‘ the first American whose national success was not built on actual achievements (?) in a political or military sphere. In portraying the construction of this papier-madh& image, Altman is pointing at other heroes of scre.en and stage and all other extravaganzas, past and present. He is also showing how history can be altered and shaped to reinforce the morality-of those who have the power to present it to others. The main reasons for this transformation have mostly to do with pursuit of the almighty buck, but the results of it are the chauvinist sense of history, the glorification of conquest into Manifest Destiny, the loathing of those who stand in the way of American “progress”, and yet the fear and fascin-ation of their display, as animals in a zoo. There is an apparent sincerity inAltman’s attempt to demystify America’s expectations that all-its history - past, present and future -consists of acts of glory. But this effort is immersed\in doubt by the resultant confusion of his technique.‘It’s quite likely that he is trying to shake up our ways of not only examining hiitory but also of experiencing films. Unfortunately, the film’s lack of clear-cut plot and resolution is not .likely to make it very popular, and the lesson will be seen by very few p’eople.

- The tour of the Finnish pavilion starts off with a line-up; open-faced sandwiches featuring salmon and smoked beef are the cause of the line-up. Next, one weaves through the sitting area, past the bar, to the sauna display. This gets no more than a casual glance as it’s not visually as exciting as the jewellery and knicknacks beside, it. A Finnish girl who’s probably about twelve years old but looks . almost twice that is wrangling with a tourist. He takes offense at .having t&pay 10 cents exchange on his Yankee bucks. “The exchange is only 3 cents . . know the banks don’t charge so much. . . .it’s against the law to charge so much.. . I’ll get the. RCMP in here!” But he takes his parcel and quietly disappears. Oddly enough, the standout item at this pavilion are the balsa-wood planters that are for sale. From there on, its downhill. Pottery such

as rou coulh see at’ any roadside stand is the final exhibit. Walking along to the escalator and gliding up two flights brings us to the Puebla Mexican pavilion. The front room branches out into two display areas. On one side there are -straw hats, onyx elephants, and such. Thebther display, manned by a friendly girl in Mexican dress, has vibrant painted wood sheets, paper flowers, and other colourful items. Moving along, one walks through to a courtyard that features a Mexican band. They are-all very fine, but one wonders about their Mexicanness when they float into Frank Sinatra’s “My Way”. The food is the pavilion’s saving grace. The hot and spicy Mexican meat pies and enchiladas are authentic and tasty.At the Montreal pavilion the theme was the Olympics and the main: feature was a large-scale model of the Olympic site, with university students as guides. Surprisingly, the buildings ,were detailed down to the last inch but labels explaining the facihties were non-existent. --Completing the pavilion was a seating area with delicious pastries. The prices were hefty but the pastries were worth it. . -peter



july 5, 1976


- the chevron

Women’s involvement in many areas of our society is often ignored - women’s music is no exception. To give credit to women’s music, 800 women from the US and Canada gathered together for the Third Annual Women’s Music Festival held June 15 - 20 in Champaign, Illinois. The festival was made up of discussioq and music workshops along with evening concerts, featuring such performers as Holly Near, The Deadly Nightshade, hieg Christian, Ginnie Clemens and many more performers well known to lovers. of women’s music. The discussion workshops showed clearly that there was more to women’s niusic than just ditty. To discuss women’s music is to discuss women’s culture in a male-oriented society. These discussions _ brought about many different political issues. What exactly is women’s music? Does it involve women who perform their own or other women’s compositions, or does it involve women singing men’s songs? There was some contraversy ‘pertaining to the fole that men should play in women’s music and culture. Many of the lesbians present held the opinion that men shouldn’t be a part of the formation of a women’s culture because it is the men that they are trying to get away from in the first place. No collective political statement could be made from these questions because the women had come to the festival with only -the commonality of women’s music rather than a desire for a political strategy. This situation seems characteristic of women’s


attempts to organike themselves around their common struggles against oppression and find themselves diverted by their differences. Fortunately, the main concerts reached beyond these differences so that the women could feel the solidarity that arises when so many women get together. -It was apparent from both the music and discussions that a common strategy for a woman’s movement that would also involve the development of a woman’s culture was needed. It was quite obvious that more discussion was necessary before this strategy could be developed. To fulfil -this need, another women’s music festival is being pla’nned for August in Michigan. -



At-first glance, The Omen (playing at the Cinema Theatre in Kitchener) appears like another imitation of the Exorcist, which seems to be the only kind of horror show being made these days. Don’t be deceived! The Omen has all that a horror show addict could desire: monsters - in the form of the dogs of hell, gore - there are several new “mangle” scenes, death and, of course, violence. * c , The plot concerns the prediction found in ‘Revelatiqns, that at a time when the world is filled with revolution, an anti-Christ will be




born bearing a birthmark representing the dogs of hell. The story involves the anti-Christ’s struggle to survive in a Christ- ’ ian world, and his father’s struggle to destroy him. . These cqnflicts are adeq%tely shocking, but their effect is dampened by the way Christianity is being plugged. Although the anti-Christ “wins out” in the end, it is-very difficult not to sympathize with the Christians even though they are just as vicious as the other side. But I guess every film has its drawbacks. -lounsberry---

fhedkvmn-Chevron staff meet every Friday afternoon after the paper comes out to look it over, noting particularly good points and mistakes, and to plan for upcoming issues. Last meeting, staff decided that we want to let readers know why We decide to publish or refuse publication of material which people offer from time to time. The introduction to The Green Bans, the feature article being run this week, indicates the main re_asons we decided to print it., There has been and will be sharp contention among people working on this paper aboutquestions such as whether or not, and with what editing, certaih material should be run in the paper. No consensus seems possible, sd we vote. . Those who met after the last issue agreed that we will try to tell you the grounds stated to favour, and also those given to oppose, editorial decisions that were hard to make, or important, such as what to pub&h. between private and democratic decisions. Your informed participation makes a difference: With respect to the chevron, your letters, visits, calls, comments, pho_tos and graphics, articles, copy editing, layout - our joint and several efforts, are the paper’s lifeblood. Together we make it happen. _


so that is the big news from now on we will try to keep you informed on the how and the why of our decisions.The brave chevrics who scurried around the world in search of news the right size to print were: jon morrisssssss, dionyx mcmichae+ Sylvia hannigan (who we are very glad to have back after she and her husband tried to elope) Steve izmatic, randy hannigan, frank (who pooped in to do a little copy editing), loris gervasio, adrian rodway (he’s the guy with the whip), ernst von bezold (the brains of the outfit), salah bachir (who should have been mentioned last week) brenda Wilson and jocab (real name david), lounsberry, and neil docherty. Next week the chevrics take a rest so read this issue slowly. This masthead was found ironed-out and cleaned-up by e.v.b. 81 n.d.

Member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers’ union of dumbnt press graphix and published by the federation -of students incorporated, university of water-loo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial staff. offices are located Sn the campus centre; (519) 885-l 660, or university local 2331.

Statement on sub war The Committee of Presidents at the June 17 meeting, charged Shalae Roberts with the responsibility of making a request for a written proposal from the University regarding the supply of subs and kaisers for Society Food Stands. Until a firm proposal is forthcoming from the University the discussions and press reports emerging on these issues are sheer speculation. - With regard to the union suggestion that jobsare being lost in Food Services because bf the Society food stands, there is absolutely no concrete information. The statement from Diana Clarke saying she had “no feeling” on the subject of workers losing their jobs simply meant that neither she nor anyone else knows what the ,’ situation is. Certainly neither the Federation nor any . Society can be expected to take action on the basis of unconfirmed rumours, regardless of their nature. . ’ We are most eager to find out exactly what the situation really is and we are awaiting a response from the University and other concerned parties. The suggestion that the Federationland/or the societies are ‘anti-union’ is entirely unfounded, especially considering that the Federation i&elf is essentially a union of students. Douglas Thompson Federation of Students -Diana Clarke Environmental Studies Sobieiy


support In some ways the recent discussion of food stands is completely-beside the point, and is some ways it is grossly and blindly way off course. One thing we can be assured of, no matter what the outcome, is that the same old boring food will be offered. The food stands are studious copycats of the hit-and-run dreariness of dbnuts and submarines and styrofoam-cupped coffee offered in any high quality, middle quality, or low quality drivein quick snacky joint on any automobilized suburban approach to any dull and boring city in North America. Straight A’s for consistency, people. Not a speck of imagination, not the least little crumb of it all the way for Math-Engineering to Environmental Studies: The food-biz people love you for it. Most of it is junk food, $00. In the better zoos of this continent we are prevented from feeding the animals because we tend to think the animali are as senseless as we are in matters of diet and prefer the same food as we do. Its common sense to a zookeeper to keep poison out of the animals’ reach. How about a little health food? Some cold fresh cider? Nutritious wholesome cBkes and cheeses and wholewheat bread and fresh fruit and.. . ever heard of them? Furthermore.. . Gary Prudence seems not to be really working at Mr. Sandwich except when he’s over tocheck it out at which times he “helps out” for 3 hours or so and is very concerned that Shirley Taylor, the owner whom everybody knows so well, will lose her business b$cause she’s so dependent on the food stands. Now why all these tears for Shirley, “and so few for University staff members who may lose their jobs because of the food stands? The tears of friends fall harder db they?% Now down to more se&us business. I find the tone of the remarks towards the University staff, as reported ifi the June 25 ch&ron, regretable. Of course the Unions is worried about layoffs. That’s their business. And how many of our student or faculty have had some rotten luck in getting jobs this year? Quite a few. It makes a difference, too, when you are worrying about job security ip a job


.you now hold and when you have a family to support. If most of us were honest, we would admit that we’re studying at university or have gone through to avoid jobs like serving food or womaning a cash register, or clqaning dirty dishes. Let’s be a little more compassionate to those with whom we work in this university. The food stands do take jobs away from the University staff. Don’t you think you’d feel a bit sour at seeing students putting in an hour or two at a food stand at minimal wages, and enjoying the gossip as their f$iends filed past, whena workercould have beenearning a more reasonable salary from the job and using it to support her family? Diane Clarke mentions that she doesn’t think the societies should pay overhead costs for the stands, since, “in ESS at least, they do their own clean-up and the area they occupy is ‘common space”‘. I interviewed some of the cleaning staff last winter, and here are their commeDts about the ESS coffee shop: . “The garbage container is rusted and smells. I get sick to my stomach when I have to clean it out. The container is so deep and filled up with coffee grounds, that a man has to come and pull it out. Theii I pour water in And soak it all night.” “Those students should take their own damn garbage out” “They should practice what they preach, those_ environmental students.” “If it was a school for small kids, that would be different. I think a person should treat his workplace as he wouldhis home.” “The worst building (for mess) is ES” “ES is the worst. Ashes and paperall Over the floor.” One of the workers told me about cleaning the ES coffee shop. It took over two hours and 15 minutes. Now, what’s that about the ES doing their own “clean-up”? Like pigs, Diane, we behave like swine and let the unseen workers of the night turn it spotless for our next run in the morning. Diane Clarke also maintained that the university “wouldn’t dare threaten the societies over the stands because students, clerical staff and faculty would support them.” Sorry Dianne, you-re not going to get me to go against the staff and their union. I’m not at all enthusiastic about the food su’pplied by food services, but I refuse to go along with an attempt to divide the stafffrom the rest . of the university community.” Diane Clarke also said that she had “no feeling” about union workers losing their jobs because of the stand competition, and continued “I’m not a union perrson”. I agree. They’re only family heads, immigrants, women, people with less education. No one to feel sorry about. And a word about the union. Until recently, the University saved money on its cleaning by contracting to a private cleaning firm that had r)on-union staff. They were paid minimum wages. Most of them were recent immigrants, /and almost all of them were women. I talked to them often, and a few times conversed with their foreman (Math-computer building). He said: :‘If I could get them higher wages, then we could _ clean the place properly. But for these wages, I don’t blame them for not being enthusiastic.” Now the contract has been lost, because they couldn’t keep things clean enough. I&% not beinig done by the regular staff, paid I hq going union wage. And things really are Izleaner ! __ My thanks to the cleaning staff. You usually operate unseen, late at night, do a job for which you are rarely thanked, and are always good-,spirited about clutter and mess. Likewise, the people in food services are a good-natured bunch. ‘Let’s stop treating them like robots, and be more sympathetic to their very real concerns about job security. And when it comes to food variety and “quality”, talk to the managers responsible for it. Don’t keep mixing up the boring quality of the food with the individual workers whose jobs depend on serving it. They didn’t cook it. Greg Michalenko, Man-Environment

’ 12


the chevron


.: the song didn’t rtell you ,::.@hat ,,..:., _. ,, ,, _.I .c’.’ :..i::.., i; the movie will. ._:.. ,._.” ,..: ;.. . \ ::‘.‘: ..:j;v :_‘..:., .,’ $p’ >;: ‘:.

GO BY *BUS Gray Coach University Service Direct-from Campus Entrances + Td Toronto and Woodstock-London Express via Ir(wy. 401 !


july 5, 1976

A Max Ekter Film




Express via H’wy. 401




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Starrmg Robby Benson Producedby Max her and Roger ~isccim



& Glynnis O’Connor Camras - Drrectedby Max Bber M >MC~cuo~nam



Screen Story and Screenplayby Herman Raucher Based on the Song and Sung by Bobbie Gentry OrigmaiMusic by Michel Technicolor” FromWarnerBros.dp A WarnerCommumcatlonsCompany l


WOODSTOCK-LONDON SERVICE Express via Hwy. 401 . Read Down Read Up Fridays * Sundays Ar. 6.45 South Campus Entrance 6.05p.m. Lv. ’ ,Ar. 7.10 p.m. 6.35p.m. Lv. p Kitchener Terminal Woodstock Lv. 5.55 p.m. ~ 7.25p.m. Ar. London Lv. 5.15 p.m. 8.05p.m. Ar.

and London buses loop via -University, Westmount, Columbia and Phillip, serving designated stops. Buses will stop on signal at intermediate points en route and along University Ave.





Brampion-Guelph GO service connects LEAVE : BRAMPTbN GEORGETOWN Mon. to Fri. 6:55 arri 7114 am Sundays IO:50 pm II:09 pm


thev don’t call them that for nothing!

in Guelph with GUELPH 8:05 am 12:Ol am


directly to campus AR. UNIV. 8:35 am 12:30 am




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