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To Serve, Empower and Represent the Undergraduate Students of the University of Waterloo

Employee of the Month Stefan Regehr, Used Bookstore This is Stefan's last term with us at the Used Bookstore and he has been an incredible asset during his employment. Stefan is a dedicated worker, has excellent people skills and is very polite. When it comes to knowing the workings of the Used Bookstore, Stefan is a human data base of information and knowledge. We will be sad to see Stefan leave but we wish him the best in all his future endeavors.



To re ister to volunteer for Canada Da setup before) or clean-@@(the day aier), go online to: (the


www.feds.calcanadaday Or pick up / drop ofholunteer forms at:

Turnke Desk Feds qce Village t Office


Any ~yestions7 Email &an

or Rakhee at:



Convocation (:on\-oc:~tion gor under\va\ on Itme 12 with the hculty of applied hcallh scicnrcs, e~~rironinent;il studlcs 2nd independent sti~dies. Ovcr3,400 siudcnts \vill graduate over ~ O L clays, I ~ incli~ditig3,030 undct-gr:~duarcsand 388 graduate students. Cerernouies 1;r arts \vcce hclcl Thursclay, science o n I'~ida!-:md r n d l and engineer~ngwtll be 011 Sai iircla!-.

Students to rank employers liob I :n-aschnk, (;al-olitic Rioux, Jr ~sliua( h d and LlnroniolI'Sou7a h a w spent 522 :ind 200 hour\ to cre:ire an oil-line cil-op cmployer ratlkiilg progrun. They ha\ c bcen ~nvolxcd in \-:inow stages of rhe project, \vhicll has been in the works sit~ceNo\-c~nhcr200 1. The tnandatc of ihe projcct is to allo\\j shidcnrs to sank co-op einploycrs in a similar a a y in \vh~ch etnploycrs currently rank sti~clcnts. SrudcntFORCL.c:~\vill be presenred at the students' counc~lmeeting this bunday. Ewaschuli said he expects the system to be ready forbeta tcstingwithin a non nth and a working version to be ava~lablefor students returning to campus in thc fall.

The board of governors met to approve fee changes, construction contracts, school relocations and more.


Board of governors awar expansion ot bngmeerin Geoff Eby IMPRINT STAFF

The new tnccharrot~icsp ~ ~ g r aw~ll ni hconcofrhr beneficl;incs uf;144,000s ~ l ~ ~ ~ r c -thrcc~l~vcl ioot addition to he comthe Engineering 3 I~uildi~igro pleted In cutnrncr 2003. Thc additton ancl the m c c h a ~ rroti~csprogram have been a p u t of the university's plans since f~inding for he constructinn was approved undcr tlicprovitice's SuperHuild program in 1999. S11pcrl3uild will PI-ovide half of theproject's$8.2million total b ~ l d g e ~ . .It rlie Board of Go\ ernors meetlng on June 4. a motion was passed to %:vardthe contract fix thc construction to [Ilcllo~~lLl<lamey Constsuction, Inc. for S6,183,385. At a previous board of g(mernors meeting o n June 6,2000, Sliorc Tilbe

In-in and Partners, the o r ~ g i ~ ;ir~al cliitccts tor 1 3 in 1961. \vere grmtccl ~ l i ca r r l i i ~ e c n ~contmcr ~ - ; ~ l for rhe adclit~oti. The projecr d l include ;I n:it-ron-addit~onon the n o r ~ ldi e ot h e building (near rhc Dm is (:entw o\crpass) and a I:irger nrca o n tile sccoild floor o n top of the cxistiq flat roof. Since 1909, mhen plmning for the pn)gram begail to seriously dcTclop, the mcchatronics pn)gr:Inl hiis bcen rhc rccipicnt of heveral large r-eseilrchgrams. \\ hen~tbecaincclcar that the program \vould need t;~cilities m the new adcl~t~otl, rhe plaus firtits site werr incre:tscd from 4i,O00 square feet to 11.000 aquare feet. The qiiartrrs for rlic tnccharro~lics program are expected [o take up 15,000 square feet.

The following information was presented in the Building and Properties Committee Report to the Board of Governors on June 4. tic~usitigancl rcs~dcnceshare prcp;irccI a prcli~niilar!option for c l pansion which a-odd include the follo\v~ngcotnponrnts: 0 rcsldetlccs (new bidcling, court ;mcl existing townhousc comersions) -S26hi 0 tleuJ tmvnhouses -- S15hl Li food outlet SI.51Lf 0 space for (:entre for Business I ~ n r r c p r c n c i ~ r sandTcchno1 hi - f6.5M og~ This \vould create an additional 555 slnplc-student spaccs (Fall term) and 40 family units (includingSt.Paul's). Ll\\ wouldbeablc to rcinstatc 1998 accoinodation lcr-

els for upper-yew students (X h t n i i y ~ ~ r u and r s 1,100 slnglc-st11 dent spaccs). ~l'ncxrsteps, U\\'\xillen,pgr: consulting firm ro assist \\-lrli stt~ selection, development o f :r build irlg cotlcept and preparation ofprc liminar! cost cstilnates for a tle\l building (300-bed residence con> hrncd with space f~osthe new Ccn tre for Husiness F.ntrcprcncurshir and Tecllnology) atlcl issue a rc quest for csprcssions of intrrest ir order to gauge interest In a leilsirq arrangemen1 for a to\\~nhousecorn plex norrhwest of the (;olumbi: I .akc Townhouses.

Research Chair established Dr. Jacob Sivak, dean ofgraduate stuclies, has been an a~vardeda Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSLRC) Industrial Research (:hair in vitro ophthalmic toxicology. Sivah ~ 1 1remain 1 as dean until rhc cncl of August in order to facilitate a s m o o ~ htwns~tion. S~vnk'sr r v m d i will focus onralidarion of :in altcmari\~emethod lor safe ~irociucrresung that docs not rcqum large numlwrs of r:lbhlrs ;is docs ihe currcnr I h i s e cyc irrmuc! test. The c~irrrtlttest suhjccr~~r:iI~hits to eltrcmc d~scoinforrand ha, beet1 In usc \ince 1044. (,oi~ccrns1121c been ~-:riscdtlxrr the rcsult~of the I)rni/c rest do not COS~CIRTC \\.ell i o re!.ulra u i ~ hthc human cyc ;lnii that there is .in ~inacccpt;ihlc \ anatiot~brhvecn rcsulrs in cl~fferenrlal>or,~rorlc~. 'She S 1.2 million f i l n c l ~ qfor the rr,e,atc ..I I c.h w . \vdI bc c\-cnl! splir hcr\vcrt~ NST,R(: and Hai~sch & 1,omh over five \ears.

$8.5 million injected into health research L tght aiitl a half tnillion dollars will hi.pro~iclcdfor hc:~ithresearch rrainees at thc Cnlvcrsity of \\';ircrloo, hIc1Insrtr Univcrs~ry,rhe C nl\ C'IWt)' of \Y cslcrn Onr;~rio, ~ n d11.; affiliarc rhc l o h n P. Rolmts 1nsr1llltt' The furlding t i p;~rt of an $88 n1il11on(:;maclian Insr~turesof1 Icall h Resc;ircli str:wr;ic trintng irmlali\ e In health reucarch. Dl-, Roy -1.( k i x r o ~ i from , 111c Uniwrsity nf\Y':rrrrloo, \I ill conilncr r~se:1rcI1o n tob:~cco:ind \\dl 111. one o f the fund~tig. o f t h e benefic~;~r~cs

Architecture receives approval from federal government and presents short list Will Peters SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

.It a late ahernoon fedem1 t~cwsrcIcnsc o n his!- .3l, a $4.1 million gr:lnr to help m o w the LX' school of archircccure ro C:imbndgc \\as an I ~ O L I I I C C1 ~1 . 1aiirnclar~cc\~-ct.e Sccsc~;II-!- of Sraic mum1 11~1-clopment/ l,cd?lor) .lnci!. Alitchcll, (:arnbncIge ,All1 J d < o Pcric. \X'~itcrloo I-cgioml chair K e n Sc~l~ng. (hnhridgc ma!.or Iloug (:raig, Tom \\atson o f thc Catnhndge business consortium, U\Y pws~clrnrD ; I \ - IJohnston ~ and direcrorrlf rlir I1\Y'school ofnrchirccn~re, lhck 1 laldenby. Thc t~c\vlocauon n d l be the Riverside Silk \I~llstevrilc hctory. The facrory is a 1920h ew remnant that has bccn vacant siuci2000. It was once a crntval clcmcnt of the local economy. C o m m e n t i n g vrl h e news, tlaldcnb! s a d "?'lie rrnovaterl huil& ingmill be :limost G)ur rimes the size of the school's current fiicllinci and \I ill include xu c a h ~ b t t ~ opllcr! n .a Ircturc hcarrc, \vorkiliop<, cl,lrsrooms, offices and a clcslp studio. The rclocat~on is cxpecrcd to en hmcc the qu,rlity ofcducation ;it the I'\\' school of archirccti~rcand rcx-1r:thze (::irnbnc(ge's dou ntou u arc:?. (;mstrucr~onis cxpcctcd to l,c c o ~ n plcrc I,! Scp~cinher200.3." Six :irchitecrul.;il t i r ~ n iOLLI of 40

s~ibfnlbs~otls have Ireen shortlisted for the job of designing the rcnowrions. Itlrcrvlews w1I1 11e concluctccl o n June 17 11) a commlttce cornlmscd of rile Inuhiclp;illt! o f ( h l (:I 111 Iwidge. the C:;in~bncixclii~sine.;~ sort~um,t11c Cnivcr~ityof\\-:iti.i- lo<^ '11l~l t.11~~ ~ 1 1 0of 0 1 ~11-~I111~ct111~c. Rcspo~~li!~ iog the cluesiic)n of \ r h ~rlic :irch~recrureschool did not dccign thc ~ c n r ~ \ - ; ~ tOF i o thcir ~ i nc\v liotne, director Haldcrh! said "'l'l~c cchool otarchlieciure~snot :in ; ~ ~ - c l i i ~ rcctilral tim. \\-c :irr not set up to d o pt-oicctsliltc this. 1\Iorcover,ourrel:itionship \\.~tli rhc profcscion In ( : a n a h ;ind inrcrnarioti:dl! is so strong rhar arcmanted to dr:l\\-t In rhc most t:ilcntcd architects in iheworld. iriclucling our own ,grads and co-op cmploycrs, to do the project. "The short list of ;ircl~itectsincluclcs thrcc Toronto firms hcadccl 1,y \\'atcrloo gmdua~cs.'rhe fimis from rhc \Y'rr (:oxst ha\ c gracls ; i d co-op s t i d u ~ Isn this setis< it 1 5 rhc, larger school cominnnlry that i i In\ olrcd. It should also be pointed out that t h ~ sI S tnot ,Lclcs~gnc ~ ~ ~ i q x t i ~ ~ r ~ i i . \\ t, nlc not pcking ,I dcslg~l.\\.hen incl~ \ t d < \vc co~iipi?trthc intcr\~~cx we will have bclcctcd a timl 10 \\ ijrl, \\1111illcctafl; stnclcnt.; and hculr) to ilcs~gt~ tlir I-rnilding. Tlic people 111 the ~ c h o o lo f :uchitectu~-c\v111 be \ ? I \ I I I U L I ~ I I : ~0 1 7 LLI


The future hame of architecture in Cambridge.

Corportations influence our news media Broadcast journalist and UW alumna to speak on Ryan Chen-Wing IMPRINT STAFF

EX' alumna and CNN anchor Colleen McEdwards is visiting campus on Monday, June 17 to speak about corporate influcncc on the media. "It's just startingto take holdnow with thesemegamergers. AOLtncrging with TimeWarner is one of the bigexamplcs. So [AOLTime Warner] is now the biggest media conglomerate in the world - it's huge," McEdwards said. AOLTime Warner owns CNN, McEdwards' employer.

Colleen McEdwards speaks on June 17 in DC1304.

"Youtegot the samesort ofthing in Canada. You've got Canwest Global buying up a bunch of Southam newspapers and thc NationalPost so now you have Global owning allthese meda. "It's not so much that corporate owncrship is bad, it's just that Canadians need to be looking at the conccntration of corporate ownership. If fewer and fewer companies own more and more of thc mcda, how is that going to change the type of information you get and might be entitled to?" she said. "It's more subtle than that. It's a changc in the way youget yourinformation, where it's duplicated and what the sources of it are. You assume it's coming from all differcnt sources but maybe what you're not aware of is that it all came from the same source. And it's way too soon to know whether this is any kind of a big-disaster but it's something we better be aware of. "Ncws isn't supposed to be profitable," said McEdwards. She then related the anecdotc about CBS's 60minjites. The producer walked into the newsroom and told the staffthat he had good news and bad news. The good news was that the show made money, but then thc had news

was also that they made money. Aftcr c;O-nzinzte~, says McEdwards, networks saw news programs as potential profit centres and this can affect how news is reported. "Before that, networks saw thelr ncws shows as a semcc to the pubhc for t h w use of the a~rwaves." Mchdwards 1s a graduatc of the UW Enghsh co-op program. "The rcason I wanted to go to Waterloo was because of the co-op program. It's a huge draw." Her first experiencein journdtsm was on a co-op work tcrm at CKCO. "I had no intention of being a journahst. I thought I would teach, but 1 just happened to get this [co-op] job because it was a writing job. Thirteen years later I'm working as an anchor for CNN." Aftcr graduating in 1988, she worked for a CTV affiliate, A m , in Ncw Rrunswick. After that she worked for CBC in Wlndsor and thenToronto beforemovingto CNN in 1997. McEdwards' talk entitlcd "Corporate Influences on Canadan and American News" will start at 7 p.m. on Monday,June 17 in Da\G Centre 1304.

Lonvocationspring 2002 Students seen sighing, lamenting, and rejoicing at the finish

Spring convocation started on June 12: more than 3,000 degrees and diploma will have been awarded to graduate and undergraduate students by June 15.

Zero: restaurant may start serving coffee to busv students Continued from page 3

Zero, such as a staff training program and a "15 minutes or it's free" lunch menu, which includcd sandwiches, salads and soups. Di Lullo said that 'Ground Zero's hours of operation may be reduced in the fall term as a cost-saving measure. Ground Zero was open Monday to 1:riday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the fall and winter terms. Although there are no dcfinite plans to renovate Ground Zcro, the Feds are considering a number of options, such as installing a coffee shop ~nthe restaurant's bar area. "If we're going to go towards something IikcaSecond Cup oraTimHortons," Di Lullo said the coffcc shop would be about the size of theTim Hortons outlet In the Davis Centre. If the Feds decide to implement any changes to Ground Zero based on rhc rcsulrs of a student survey, Di I ,ulio hopes the new and improved cbtablishmcnt will be ready by Janua i r 2003. The Feds marketing department ih \\.orlung on a student survejr to

determinewhat needs to beimproved at Ground Zero. "Once that survey's done -and it should be done by thc cnd of this term -we'll do some focus groups and then we'll look towards implementing what students want," Di Lullo explained. Hc also added that the survey will be available on the Feds Web site, feds.ca. Di Lullo said hc finds it ironic that Ground Zero is competing with thc Bombshclter, whichis also ownedby the Feds. "It's ridiculousto me thatwe have two businesses right ncxt door to each other that arc competing with



each other," he said. "They both work out of thc same kitchen. It's kind of frustrating because one day, food sales w111 be up in onc place and down 'in the other." Whcn asked if the Feds are considering a merger between Ground Zero and the Rombshcltcr, Di Lullo rcplied, ''It's something that we're still looking into." He added that the studcnt survey wiu determine whether Ground Zero will continue to operate as a rcsraurant or another type of establishment.

Watch your step. These men in robes delivered the happy farewells to students.


Dr. Jeff Hovis from the School of Optometry. Universityof Waterloo is evaluatingcolourvisiontestsdesignedfortherailroadindustry.Thetests determine one's ability to identify colour codes used to monitor anc control train movement. lndividualswith COLOURVISION PROBLEMSareneeded tovalidate these tests. The experimentrequires between 1 to2 hours tocomplete. Compensationfor yourtime is$10.00. Formoreinformation, pleasecontactJeff Hovis at 885-1211, ext. 6768 E-mail:jhovis@uwaterloo.caorR.Shankaranatrshankar@uwaterloo.ca. This project has received ethics clearance from the Officeof Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo (ORE #9703).

Friday, June 21-26

Come to the Imprint Office, Student l i f e Centre, room 1 1 16 to receive your FREE tickets on June 14 8 1 7 between 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

FRIDAY, J U N E 14,20

Our SLiCe Students should control the SLC

President's tournament The annual President's Golf

Tournament on Monday, June 2 at the Hluc Springs Golf Club in Acton attracted 144 participants and raised more than $50,000 forthe University of Waterloo Athletics Excellence Fund. The fund 1s used to provide opportunities for advancement for coaches and athletes at UW.

Honorary degree granted i\n honoraq LTW dcgree was grantcd to the very reverend Dr. Stan hfcI<ay at this spring's convocation ceremony. McKay, who is a former moderator of the United Church of Canada, will be granted a Doctor of 1,axvs in recognition nf his cxtensive scnicc to the church as well as hts leadership role among Canada's abon p a l comm~inityand the World (huncil of Churches.

UW alumnus honoured Untversit~of Waterloo alumnus and outstanding information technology strategist, Peter Savich, was the eighth rccipient of the J.\Y'. Graham hlcdal in Computing and Innovat~on.The medal is awarded annually to a LW'mathemancs graduate who personifies the q u a k e s of the late professor Wcs Graham. Graham, crcdited uith being the "father of computing at Waterloo," has been instrumental in making the Univcrsiq- of Waterloo a world-renoumed institution for excellence in cvtnputing and computcr science. Savich graduated with a bachelor ofmathemaucs in 1985 and a master oi mathematics in 1987. A director ,,F rhc Itlterner start-up company \'xtreme until it was acqulrcd by I\.licrosoft,he later cofoundedBiztro o in 1999. In (now known as R i ~ i inc) 2001, hc joined Overture, a searche n q i ~ conlpan!c that competes with Google.cum, as a consultant. Savich is scheduled to deliver a ralli entitled, "Trapped in Silicon \;alley during the grand chase," at a seminar today at 2:30 p.m. in Dams Centre, room 1302. with files from the Daily Bulletin

UW president David Johnston, right, director of business operations Bud Walker, middle, and a musician, left, were on hand to open the William Lyon Mackenzie King Village in a ribboncutting ceremony on June 4. The village will house 320first-year students, and is located between Village I and the Ron Eydt Village.

We put agreat deal ofmoney into the Student Life Centre. Students paid for most of the construction of the SLC. We now paJr for more of its budget and will soon pay cvcn morc moncy for its expansion; but we do not have sufficient control or bencfit from thc house that students built. The Campus Centre, which is the old part of the SLC, was completed in 1968 with student fees and some funds from the


In 1992 students voted to cxpand the SLC as part of the Studcnt Co-ordinatcd Plan. In this plan students contributed P9 d o n to build the SLC, ihe north campus recreation complex and start the Student Life Endowment Fund. ?'he university contribu~ed J. wh~ch~ C C L Sto expand knowledge, S1 million to ensure space for food Magda Konieczna encourage tt. apphcauon, stimulate services. IMPRINT STAFF new companies and create lobs." .Iwo * years later, in 1994, the Feds and U\\' negotiated the 29O n June 6, Sybase Inc. announced mkonieczna8irn~rint.uwaterloo.ca page S1.C agreement, which, that it will become thc first anchor among othcr things, cstablished the tenant in UWs tech park planned for SLC management board and north campus. The announcement guaranteed Hrubaker's' space to camc in conjunction with a talk entiFood Services for the same rent tlcd "journey of a successful htghthat the 17edspap for their offices. tech businessman" bl John Chen, The agrccmcnt also gives bood chairman, CJlO and prcsidcnt of Scn-ices control of thc vcnding Sybase. machines. Sybase Waterloois the locationof Thc agreement requires review rcsearchand dcvclopment ofSybase's at the initlatmn of the T:eds every ii2nywhere Solutions, wh~chcreates five years. It was first due to be mobile and wireless technology. revicwcd m 1999, but was ncvcr "In making this key announcercvicwcd. ment, Sybaseis shou-mggreat faithin Student organizations and the tuture of the Rescarch and TechBrubaker's pay no rent, only nology Park and in our outstanding RYAN CHEN WING maintcnancc and u&ty costs. Thc communlry," lJre\ident D a v ~ d other university operations - the Johnston s a d tn a UW press release. 'ybase John 'poke "This ir a clcar qgn about the journey to k ~ o m - Vl'atcard office, Techworx and . pointlnR to the ing a businessman. Pixcl Pub - paid around twosuccess of this itn~ortantinitiative,

Sybase to be first tenant on north camws

thirds of the lowest rent paid by other busincsscs. Since 2000 students have funded 50 per cent of the operations of the turnkey desk througk the Student Service Fee. This is effectively a subsidy of the unive. sity's rent, because these lou-cr rents require revenu; on the spac to be made up from othcr source like thc Studcnt Scniccs Fee. Students paid and are paying t construct this buildng. Rent should cover the operation of thi building but does not while the university's busirlcsses get cheap rent and students are forced to subsidize the difference in the Student Services Fee. The S1,C IS govcrncd by the Student Life Centre Managemen1 Board made up of two Feds executives, two li\V adminisrraro and one student. The foremost priority is the review of the SJ .C agreement; thc financial burden on students mu! be balanced with orhcr sourccs o revenue. One solution would bc to rais the rcnt of studcnt organizations support the S1,C operation. This may be-unfavourable because it may hindcr thc operation of organizations that create \ d u e t;, students. It may also just rcdistril Ute the cost for studcnts through pricc and fcc increa.;cs. Anothcr 1s to rcmcw thc reasoning for g i ~ i n guniucrsiry businesses such cheap rcnt. The structure and compositio of the nianagemenr hoard and hc it opcmtes need to be considered Thcre must be morc opcnncs, and scrutiny on thc Studcnt Services Fee and orhcr student fi to ensure accounrability and encourage pursuit of resources othcr than student money. Students built thc Student 1.if Centre and students should knov what happens in it and students should control 11.

All letters must include a phone number for verification, and should not exceed 300 words. Leners should include the author's year and program, or faculty position where applicable. All material is subject to edmng for brevity and clarity. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors, not the opinions of Imprint.

Opinion editor: Adrian I. Chin opinion@irnprint.uwaterloo.ca letter~@imprint.~~ated~~.~a

Living in interesting times Mark Schaan COMMUNITY EDITORIAL


[in war their 1e:ding champion in .\ h f l g ~ i ~ nf~rlcilci e of the C:~UCLIS. sr~idcniniinwiicnt. \Inrrin u.as rhe iiiajor adrocarc h c h i ~ x thc l (::rn:dl:ln LWIcnnt~lrrlScl~olarslitp l,r~undat~i~tl. Hc \\as also the princilplc :rrchiwct OF t:iscreckl t h c ~ ~ i i c r e a10 ~1he c erluc:ir11111 : 1 d l1:1cI lrlllcll I l l L I I I \\ltll the c~t;llll~slrnieii~ 11Er11cAlllicnn~umR c s ~ ~ ~ r c l i (:hairs. I sty A1m~i11I I ~ L , I I I \ t l ~ CC~UC:It I11 lOl~l~I! ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 7 ; 1 ~ 1 1\\111111 l~l ? ~ < I[ I ) <]lll~l,l>CO7) Uj> f 0 .I IlC\\. Illilllh~C~. i ~ i c ~ [olin \hnle! 1 5 n o ECIC I I L IwI ~

'11l:ll~LlI~gl11l\\~t11c \vllolr \lrlGl11~~11 c m e ro p?,\h OI- I I I N 111c p o l ~ r i c ~ l \ I N N clown \\111 p 1 ~ O\ L I I 111 the co111Inx i ~ i ~ ~ n as t l tlils ~ r , \voulcl bc rcclunil:mt o r 07-rrl! cpccu1,ltivc. Tllc country's papers :1nc1 politic:il p n d i i . ; h ; i \ ~pro\~dccl\ ~ o I i m ~ c s < tt c,y>crt S! 110pscs o t lY)lll \\4l:lt's llappc~icdand \\-h;rr rhc Fhiure m:i! I~olcl.Nc\ cr Ixforc lx1\-c I c c n so man!- he:idlltles \ i r h tc;~lea7 cs In the r1rlc. l ~ ~ I M I K I I I ~for ; :i111111\\ hat sccm.; m o i t \~.ot-ihd ~ s c u i s - I-ZICCIto t i n ~ the ,ng In this p:irric~ll;ir I \ liou. tioils stutlenr-ii-lcntlly charlgri re-

T o me. rhc 21 ir e m t u n rcprcwllts 111c gr'1cl~l;tllll:ltLl~lrll~Ilo f the human race. \ s I look around, ir

\r-irhin the ci)nin?niiiiv. (~'ims~clcring

\v(;rld ha.; c ~ m ax long way 111 terms ijf ;lrccprance. T h e procehs of cinnmg ti) accept diffcrcnr groups \virlim our

rhe r ~ g h rt i , c o t e and t o \\(,di ; ~ ;It h r raw In m;iti\- pl:rces in tlic \v~vlcl.T h e raclsm o f the pasr. \vlien vic\vinp the \4 orld througli

,mci mtcgrarion o f groups n-liich

Friday, Junc I4 - 1'01. 23, No. 4 P: 519.88J.7800 srr,dcrri~.iii.cctrtre, RIII 11111 Umie~.sit>ut \V.~rcrlou \Varerloo, ON, N2L X I

P: 519.888.4018 i~rr~rini.unatetl~,u.ril

of c l i s c n m ~ n a ~ ohel~cfq r ~ - and pmcticcs are dccp and xvill continue to b c f d t h r Inti, the future, the at ii~~lcle t ~ ~ n . ; r ~rIic1n1 d s has, in

nnt1o11. \Y'c can rml!- e\-prcr l x ~ ~ c f i r ti) g r o v w t h incrcascd :Iccepr:ince, mcl, as tlns l i c c o n x ~er idctic.

I > c s p ~ t our e ri~prcllygrc~\\-ing "globiil village" I\-htch is leading t o the gradu;il acccprancc o f those w h o are different from us. ells c r i m l n a ~ i o n rcsulttng f r o m

tatlclns, llo\\er-er, o f che word " g a \ r " indlcace 11x11 ~ i world ~ e srlll has a long way ro come.

Production staff l ) , r n c \h-IGng Kp l'von tl~ng,Sur.,n liub,ik. Ih ,111 ('1,~,,-\~1,1~, (~;~~,rrI:l,!. 1 k l 1( ,~r , ~~I , ~ n ,Immr , jm~, \\ dl Pctcri, \ , i ~ < r ~Rome,,. r D,~nit.lhundci-. Kathcl-lnr \ r lamcs. \ [ a r t Sirrn~i\.2lcn 1.m icli


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FRIDAY, J UNE 14,200

Letter of agreement To the editor, I've written this short letter to express my agreement with the criticism you put forth in your May 31 column entitled "A disappointing journey." I graduated from thc physics program two years ago with similar negative feelings. As you said, there are good aspects to the faculty. It does, however, nccd significant improvement. Also, Ms. Jenna Holko is correct in her assertion in the last Imprintthat wc live in a superficial and oversexed society. 1 am in total agreement with her well written and well thought-out letter. It's my hope that inmy lifetime, w o m e n d ovcrcomc this and permancntly discard the Cosmo magazine sociodynarnic.

Letter of disagreement To the ~ditol; , After rcad~ngthe art& cnatled "A dtsappointlng lourney" I feel compelled to respond to uhat 1 new as unfounded defamatory accusanons lcvcled at the phys~csdepartment As a graduate of the ph) stcs department myself, I feel that Ms Komec7na's attack on the quaho~of her educauon is also an attack on the qual~tyof mine. My time as a physics undergraduate wasn't easy, but I never thought that it was supposed to bc. A lack of female role modcls certatnly &dn't affect me. Not only do I have enough confidence in myself to not needconnnulngrcassurance that "womcn can do science," but there are actually female professors and graduatc studcnts in the department. Not recognizing their contributions seems ~nsulttngto thclr accomphshments. 1 am also qulte offended br the tmphcation that man! of the morc senlor profcssora ~nthe department have nomterest in teachingand don't care about their studcnts. I can say first hand that tlvs is blatantlyuntrue. Throughoutmy undergraduatecareer 1attempted my assignmentswell before they were due and if1 cncountcred problems I went and visited with these professors. I was never turned away or madc to feel unwelcome. 1 was always told to pull up a chair and never sent away unal my ;luestions werc answered and I had been helped towards understanding. It seems to me that if anyonc is lacking in this situation it is Ms. Konieczna. Clearly she made some wrong decisionsin high school about the dtrection her life should take. If "all of thosc interesting courses in the calendar" weren't in her field of study, then that should have been a good indication to rethink her path. Perhaps a general sclence degree would have been more appropriate and allowed for a greater number of non-sclence courses. Perhaps In second year when the restrictions ofher

present program became apparent it would have been a good time to make a change. Blaming everyone but herself for her disappointments when she was quite capable of changing her situation seems shortsighted and unfair. I do agree with Ms. Konieczna that scientists should be "thtnkers," but clearly some people just aren't cut out for it. - Sarah Welch gradzlate student

Against Zionist propaganda To the editor, I am always intrigued by the propaption of falsities in the Israeli-Palestine confict. It's as if those who sprcad lies to discredit the other side think that they are doing their own side a favour. Yet, aftcr some 50 ycars of conflict, these myopic individuals seem unable to recognize that their spreading of misinfortnation only serves to deepen the confict. Mark Eltis' column in last week's Imprint had onc and only one purpose: to portray the Palesunian side as being a bunch of irrational, crooked, violence-loverswho would prefer the Al-Aqsa lntifada over peace any time. This would have been fine, however, if hc had some solid facts to back his suspicious claim. Tnstcad, Eltis shamelessly provides as evidence the Palestinian rejection of a supposed Israeli offer of 95 pcrcent of the West Rank and the establishment of East-Jerusalem as the capital. This is nonsense. The Palestiniansdid not rcjcct the 95 per cent offer precisely because thcrc was no such offer. As the Israelipress itself reported in the summer of 2000, at the Camp David Summit Isracl offered to give 50 per cent of the West Bank to the Palestinians, annex 10 per cent and leaw thc rcmaining 40 per cent for further discussion. Inaddition,Isradwanted the West Bank to be dwided into three scparatc cantons so that travel within would involve passing through Israeli border stations. ;\Iorcovcr, Arab East-Jerusalem was to be ceded to Israel with only l'alestinian neighbourhoods having Palestinian sovcreignty. And to top things off, Palestinians would not have control over their water and airspace.This is what was rejected. Vulgar propagandists in the medla and elsewhere make it difficult for everyone to get the real facts of this confict. But only an acknowledgement of the truth by all sides in this conflict can provide a foundation for pcacc. -Alyy


Just the facts To the editor, I am writing in refercncc to thc Mark Eltis' community cditorial published on May 31. It's good to see an accu-

rate description of the Middle East conflict.1 checked out each date and sure enough Mr. Eltis is correct on each of them. The Arab world has done nothmg but refuse negotiations for 55 years. It's difficult to understand, from the Western world, how such a confict could last for so long. After all, Israel is such a tiny state; it is surrounded by enemies and has been attackcd constantly. It's difficult to undcrstand that it is an actual war zone. TOLS,a war zoneis in a &stant. battlefield. For Tsraclis,the war zone is their front yard, their cafks and their streets. It sccms that time and rime again, the Tsracli military has proven itself superior to every other army worldwide. I speak in particular about the Isracli military's concern for their enemy's civdians.The Israeli military has taken heavy casualtics to thcir soldiers in ordcr to protect the lives of Arab civilians. Wc often forget that Israel is a nuclcar power. They also have oncof the world's best air forccs. And it would bc casy to clear an area with a simplc air raid. But instead, they fight door-to-door to avoid physically harming innocent Palcsdnian civilians. All this while the Palestinian leaders I d their own civilians as suicide bombers. I've come across a Web site with an appropriate takc on the Middle East. w&.lv.real-1srael.comanno~ces news from mainstream newspapcrs while introducing editorial and opin-

ion in an almost unbiased manner. It's good to scc that some feel the need to speak the truth. After all, Israel is an actual warzone. It's not accidental, or even precautionary, to mandate that every Israeli citizen enlist in the military at age 18 that's high school graduation. Talk about an education in lifi. I just learned that the entire Israeli Red Cross equivalent is volunteer staff. Now that's saying something. On top of that, a large portion of the ambulances are armoured vehicles. When you need an ambulance to absorb rifle-munitions, that's a warzonc.

Imprint credibility To the editor. In the May 31 issue of Inpint, Ryan Chcn-KJing wrote about the paper and how it "doesn't cffcctively serve its readers." 1 must say that 1 agcc entirely with this statcmcnt, along with his comment on "no onc dares criticize Indpn~f'(rcfcrring to stw dent leaders). However, 1 do believc that Ryan isn't giving students at Waterloo the credit they deserve when it comes to ac4uiringaccuratecampus news. The majority of pcoplc that I know do not turn to Iqprint for important campus-related news. There are at least two better forums for acquiring such info - the

Dazb Bzllletzn,and the Gaxette. Both c these sourcescontam campus-relate mformanon, wlthout the "filler" th; you d find elscwhcrc. If you at look~ngto find out who 1s the fir company to move Into north campt you do not turn to Impnnt When students reach for a cop of Imprint, they are not reaching fc a ncws source. They are reaching fc something more closely resemblin a tabloid. ltis an easv-to-obtainsourc of entertammcnt to take their mnc off their current academic situatior - a small break from the everyda lf you wlu. Some of the recurnng columr are d d l L entertanmg, I adm~t,b~ ovcrall thc quahty of Impnnthashee dechmng as of late. There have bee too manv obv~ouserrors madc 1 recent hstory - not lust spclhr m~stakesor the Itke, but factual e rors. Thosc studcnts who arc searcl ing for legitimate information rcgan ing the school that they attend kno whcrc to look - and it isn't withi the pages o f l ~ p i n tRyan, . l musts; that I usually agrcc with you Ri when tt coincs to ths, 1 belleve y are s e h g your fellow studcnts a E short. Not one person that T ha1 talked to has ever mentioned tl words "Imprint" and "cre&bilityn the same sentence. We know wh Inlprintis andwhatitisn't; giveus al: of credit.

Baseless accusations from Bush administration

The Bush Admnistration, In an attempt to mantam idcologcd control of the world, has launched an all-encompasstng war agalnst any ~deologcalopponcnts of the cap~tahstmodel. Under the gulse of the war on terronsm, the US. demands obcchence at the expense of the sovereignty of nation states. One of the latest countries to he added to the list of terrorist nations is a small Caribbean country with an estimated populaaon of 11 d o n people: Cuha. Cuha, a country whch ~tselfhas been a mcum of terronst attacks launched from the Un~tedStatcs rangng from asyas\lnation attempts on the hfe of the pres~dentof Cuba as recent as 2000 In Panama, to blowng up of c~mhanfights,

hotels and burmng of crops (not to menuon f d e d in\ aslon attempts ~ u c has thc Aal Of P~gq),1s now accused of "hamng the capaclty to produce blologcal warfare" (m other nords, thcv don't h e In the stone age and thev have a lab somewhere in the countrv wtth a mnimal amount of cqupmcnt) and ~ t soaahst s government of bemg a naaonal secunh threat to thc Umtcd States These baseless accusanons come as a shock to many Westerners who have traveled to Cuba incluchng former president of the Umted StatesJ m y Carter who was ~nCuha, at around the samc nme penod that thcsc accusations were made Carter, a far try from a rachcal rcvoluaonary, stated that dunng hls vlsit to Cuba he was allowed to travel anywhere he wanted In the country and saw no evldence to substannate the outlandlsh clauns made by the Bush admmstratton Furthermore, at a ame whcn thc Bush adrmmstraaon was condemn mng thosc who want bcttcr U S Cuban relanons, Carter con-

demned the crlmlnal U S hloc1,ad agamst Cuba and called for better relauonq benvcen t h c c two countncs Cuba, a countq that never launched any physical atta~l agalnst the people of the United Statcs, is now bcmg brandcd as a terronst nauon for bang one of the onh countnea tn the western hcmsphcrc to h w r a domcsnc tdeology that dlffers from that of the U S Cuba's crlme, ~nthe ejeq of Uncle Sam, is to demand the nght of self-determmaaon of naaohs and to subscribe to an ~deologyother then the neo hbera ~deologyput forward by western capltahst~ For thw, Bush has put Cuha or lvs h t hst and d not rest unal tk people of Cuba pay for actually beheving that they are free to choose what pohncal model thelr country d follow For more mformauon, please attend an cvening w t h the Cuban Conqul General Rogeno Santana enutled Cuba on Pnday June 21, 2002 at 6 p m m WPIRG

FRIDAY, J U N E 14, 2002

Buddha's four noble truths What it's all about

Buddhist philosophy centres around the essential question of "why is thcre suffering?'Buddha's answer to this question is encapsulated in I s teaching on the "Four Noble Truths." In fact, the first sermon Buddha ever preached after his enhghtenmcnt was about these truths. Let's take a look at the four noble truths and how they can apply to our lives. The first noble truth is that life itself is suffering. Pain, frustration and strugle are inherent withm the act of living. Even if you don't feel as though you are suffering at this moment in time, open your eyes and you will see misery all ovcr. There are refugees starving, children dying, terrorism, torture and really difficult CS exams. To livc is to move towards death. You can never escape this truth -every soul will taste of dcath. Accepting the truth of suffering is the first step down the path of Buddhist understanding. The next noble truths show how to deal with this understandmg. And so the sccond noble truth is the realization that suffering has a cause. The

cause of suffcring is the struggle to exlst. Each of us is constantly trying to prove ourselves. We must get ccrtain jobs, wear ccrtain clothes and act certain ways. We suffer as we struggle to define our individuality and hence ~imultancousl~ cnlphasize our scparateness. The hardcr wc try to establish ourselves and our relationsh~ps,the more painful our experience becomes. But the third noblc truth gives hope. Tt states that suffcring can be ended. The solution is counter-intuitive -instcad of struggling to end suffering (notice the contradiction), we have to realize how unnecessary it is to prove ourselves. Instead of trylflg to be someone, we should just "be." ~hildrendon't try to be cheerful, mothers don't try to be loving and mathes don't try to be geeks -they just are and that is the key. This truth takes courage. We've got to abandon our expectations of how we think things should be and just let them "be." The final noble truth is "thc way." It is the path to end suffering. The key is meditadon, or what is also called the practice of "mindfulness/awareness." This is not just somcthing we do in private, but rather all the time. We should be mindful as we study and as we play. Mindful of thc ways we hurt ourselves and others. Mindful of the simplicity of life when we abandon expectations. Mindful of the fact that thc Truth has a plan and we are a small part of it. What comes after that? Peace.

Summer whirlwind

Who ever said summer was slow? Seems to me hke therc's plenty going on, and in that spirit I present another rapid firc list of things worth commenting on: i' It finally happcned: Finance Minister Paul hlartin was (surprise!) unceremoniously pitched overboard by thc increasingly despotic Prime Minister. i' You can expect a stacking of the Liberal leadcrship review next February, in order to ensure that Chretien can stay on as king unul either hc or Martin dies. In the meantime, prcpare for the Prime Minister to continue denying the existence of any cthics crisis whatsoever, all thc while implementing guidelines to fix the problems which, accordmg to him, don't exist. i' At least one lcadcr knows when it's time to quit: NDP Leader Alexa McDonough announced her ~esignationof thc party leadership last week. Hopefully, Joe Clark is taking notes. Y Another year, another summit: apparently the Anti-Everythingists had so much fun breaking things in Ottawa last spring, they'vc decided to do it all over again in the nation's capital, in spitc of the fact the actual G8 summit is in Kananaskis, Alberta. Granted, it's a smart move given thc fact that the military is scaling off the summit. Tear

gas and pcpper spray is one thing, hut you probably don't want to fuck with ( 3 - 18s and tanks. Thcn again, this is the Chadian militaq- wc'rc talking about, and rumours of its existencc are dubious at best. i' Speaking of thc upcoming protests, a fcw quick predictions: lots of indy media coverage detahng snakc march routes in mind-numbing detail; liberal usage of the words "solidarity", "oppressive" and "corporate"; 68 claims of police violence against unarmcd protestors extending flowers as a pcacc gcsture. i' Since some of us are into frec plugs, here's one: why not check out the everinformative tiw~t@dent.oz, your one stop onlinc shop for all news pertaining to UVI' studcnts. You might also cnjoy the rather heated dcbatcs about such things as dereplation, corporate support of the university, and vast right-wing conspiracies cnplfing Waterloo. Fun stuff, I kid you not. i' I'm no soccer expert, but can someone please explain to me why so many players involved in this year's World Cup feel the need to engagc in spontaneous &splays of Oscar-calibre acting? I'm talking, of course, about every player who goes sprawling whenever they gct tackled. Their faces would suggest they've been shot, stabbed and castrated. Yet, five seconds later, thcy'rc good to go for a free kick. When Scott Stevens ends your career with a blind check, go ahead and complain, but stop faking dcad when a guy with onc name makes you kiss the grass. i' Lastly, this is by special requcst - can someone please do something about the daytime music at the Bombed

As the new writer for Imprints queer column, I found my first task to be the most dfficult. For weeks, I was complctcly indecisive about what I would call the new column. 1 knew that I wanted it to be short and simple, catchy but not ovcrly pragmatic; something pcople could easily refer. For me, a to which . column name is something like a tattoo. Once it's there, you had bcttcr fully appreci ate it, othcnvise it could undermine everything that you are about. So, in the end I decided to listen to my life. On the day in which I set out to name this column I just happened to be wearing a t-shirt that read "Undefeated." It was my good friend Shelley who pointed it out. It was perfect really; a perfect name for t h s column. It says m one short word how I rcally truly feel and how I think that all members of the queer community should feel. In fact, it is how I thmk every person should feel. Since this is my first article, 1 believe it is important for you to get an idca of who I am. My name is Aaron Timothy Cowan. I am a history major, currently in my fourth year at the Uni~ersityof Waterloo. Additionally, I am openly gay. While my sexuality does nothing to define me, my experience of learning of it, dealing with it and accepiing it has made mc thc person that 1 am today. 'I'oday, I am undcfeated. -

Being gay means a lot to me and as a result I am very much confident in who 1 am. For me, k i n g gay mcans bcing unique and 1 love that. I also think that while it may be casy to scoff at what society has den~cd the queer community, wc should also be thankful for what it has given us. For this reason, 1 a m so completely thrilled that I haw bccn givcn the chance to write this column. You wiU probably observe throughout the next weeks that I have a lot to sap. It is my hope that my words and my insight will reach some of you and make you think. I also must point out that whilc I do not consider myself a reprcscntativc of the entire queer community, I do recogmze the power of words and the responsibility that goes along with them. Therefore, my soapbox is not a tall one and it never wdl be. Perhaps that concerns some of you; perhaps that provides others of you with a scnse of relief. Rut, in general I must stress that while this is and always will be a column devoted to the issues associated with living as a gay person, I am also interested in writing about the struggles associated with just being human. It is my hope then that with each articlc, I will he able to relate the struggles of the queer community to those of everyone clsc. In one issue I may writc about stereoqTes, or I may write about what it means to be yourself to the fullest extent. But no mattcr what topic I should choose to divc into, I would like to invite all of my readers to step back and think about how that relatcs to you specifically. We are all more s d a r than I think we really know. Once again, 1 am very excited about this opportunity. Until the next issue then, I invite all of you to remain undcfcatcd.


Sit back, close your eyes, and listen to this story I've got for you. Well, 1 guess you havc to keep your eyes open, but still - prcparc yoursclf for a fable. Stories are pretty important things. Some of them get dismissed as child's play, some of them as religious fear-mongering, some of them as propaganda, some of them as myths or legends. But the big tlung about stories is that they givc you a framework for loolung at things: the world, your lifc, your next-door neighbour, whoever or whatever. Thcrc's a lot of stories out there, to teach you morals, to entertain you, to placate you, to make you obcdtent, to do a lot of things. Some of them come from way back in the carly days of modernity, some of them are as modern as you can get. They all gct told to varying degrecs and heard to different dcgrces. The most important stories, though, are the storics you tell yourself. Of course, thcy're made up of different elements of the different stories you've been exposed to, but

they are what pou're decided to put together to tcll yoursclf whcrc you fit in with the rest of the world, what role pou're playing and what kind of outlook to have on things. For most people, thcir sclf-story - how they see themselves -is pretty much ingrained and accepted into their consciousness, without them being consciouslp aware of it. They don't realize that their story is just that -a story - and not necessarily the actual factual truth. Thcy could just as easily be telling themselves a different self-story, with dtfferent results in how they view the world and how they live thcir livcs. What's relevant to notc is that no matter which story it is that they're telling themselves, out of all the possiblc stories thcy could be tekng, their belief in it is what makcs it real, their belief in it, and their of fulfilling the story by playing their part as they see it. At least, that's how I see it. I could be wrong though. Maybe most people do realize that all their self-talk is vcry arbitrary and they could easily choosc to tcll themselves something different, something that would allow them to live thcir livcs in a different way. Of course, that would mean my own story - that it is my role to explain to you how all this story-tckng works, since you don't already know -would be wrong, and simply a product of my own imagmation.

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The person at the front of the class comes in four varieties Samina Essajee SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Main street, Kananaskis: two hotels


Watcrloo has carned a reputation as one of(:anada's leading universities. A key factor that contributes to the quality of education is the faculty, which consists of approximatcly 780 traching instructors who work to cnsure that Waterloo lives up to its reputation. Waterloo professors arc dividcd into four catcgorics: lecturer, assist-

one general store.

G8 Review: plus Fa change

Categories of professors Lecturer Assistant professor

Assoaate professor Professar


professor. An assistant profcssor has onanas-needed basis. In recent years, a doctoratc or some other high-level G8 summits have diversifiedbeyond degree and usually has some teacheconomic policy, addressing ing experience. An associate profesEach summit's discussionsreflect transnational crime, aging and edu- soris an assistantprofessorwith more the contemporary issues of the time tcaching experience and a professor in addition to three major economic cation strategies. A brief survey of past G8 issues is committed to teaching and repolicy issues: global trade, economic recovery and economic assistance to reveals that, to paraphrase the French, search. Professors spend much of "the more it changes, the more it thcir time researching and writing developing nations. At the outset, non-economic issues were addressed stays the same." Like early summits, papers. A study by the Observatoire delegateswilltackle economicgrowth des Sciences et des Technologies reamong nations and assistance to de- veals that, out of 439 UW professors veloping nations. Terrorism and a publishing in the natural, engneercrisis in Afghanistan appeared in the ing and biomcdical sciences, the avproduces 1.59publiearlY1 9 8 0 ~ T h e ~ ~ / k ~ ~ , s c oerage u r ~professor e of the developtng world, was first cations every year. Recently,theTeachingResources addressed in 1987. Debt reducuon, though fxst raised in 1982, rcmains and Continuing Education Office Continued from page 11 (TRACE) announced the 2002 winon thc agcnda, withleaders hoping to Therc havc bcen concerns about build on the progress of the Genoa ners of Distinguished Tcachcr Awards: Brent Hall, Richard Nuttalks, which saw a reduction in fortheTake the Capital event inOttawa. The event's Web site states: " wc are eign dcbt for thc world's poorest 24 brown and Thomas Yoder Neufeld. Hall is a profcssorin thc school of countries. calling on affinitygroups to plan and planningwho also holds positions in carry out a uidc and imapativc range nrnoogksoulis@irnprint.uwaterloo.ca environmental studies and geograof autonomous actions targeting the phy. TRACh praised him for intromany symbols of capitalism and 1111ducing matcrial that is rclcvant to perialism in Ottawa." Tisdall exindustry and encouraging class parplained t h a ~h i s event will includc ticipation through presentations and marches in the downtown core "de0 Kananaskis 2002 discussions. Nutbrown is an assistsigned to disrupt traffic and prevent g8.gc.a ant professor who teaches first-year buslncss frotnoperaung."'l'herc w~ll political science courses. TRACE also be "leaflenng of thc core during 0 U of T G8 Information cited his ability to relate to studcnts, the marches so that people waitingin Centre his approachabilityand dedication to traffic canget information aboutwhy g7.utorou~o.ca his work. Yoder Neufeld is an assowe're there." ciatc profcssor of religious studics at For morc information on local o G8 Activism Conrad Grebe1 known for his chaevents in opposition to the G8, cong8.activist.ca risma and energetic teaching style tact Local Action for Global Justice accordmg to thc TRACE Web site. at 888-0987. Waterloo confers one of three titles on retiringprofessors. In 1994 the senate made the decision to confcr thc titlc "profcssor cmcritus" on faculty retiring from the university with a minimum of 15 years of s e n ice. This honour is conferred at


Continued from page 11

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convocation. This year seven professors wdl be receiving the title of professor emeritus at convocation ceremonies. Professors who retired and who have distinguished themselves in their career receive the title of "lstinguished professor emeritus" as approved by their department chairsand the senate honourary degrees committee. Retiring professors who do not fit either of those categories are given the title of "adjunct professor (retired)." Last year TRACE compared the course evaluation results for 16 of the Distinguished Teacher Award winners to thcir ratings on a popular Web sitc: ratcmyprofcssors.com. Of

the ratings, 15 were consistent with the evaluations. Students can rate professors on a scale of one to tive for "clarity", "helpfulness" and "easiness." Accordmg toTRACE, Waterloo had 1,850 ratings - the highest number of ratings for a Canadian university. Thercwcrc approximately cight timcs the number of ratings for Waterloo than for the University of Toronto and Waterloo professors come out on top. Web site perceptions of professors are superficial and often based on stereotypes. Tf studcnts would like to know more about these elusive people, the faculty association wouldgivc thcm this advicc: go and talk to some of them.

Curry to keep or a sandwich to go

Kourtney Short IMPRINT STAFF Chickpea curry This recipe makes a lot of curry and it reheats and freezes well. 1\11 of the spices listed are avdable at Ayrcs Bulk Food and Baldng Supplies or at LJniversity Food Mart. lngredients 2 Tbsp. oil 2 tsp. whole mustard seeds 2 tsp. fenugreek 4 onions, sliced 1/2 tsp. cumin 1/2 tsp. coriander 1 112 tsp. turmeric 1 tsp. cayenne pepper 1 tsp, salt 1 can coconut milk 1 large can whole tomatoes, drained 2 cans chickpcas, rinsed and drained 6 potatocs, pcelcd and diced Hcat thc oil ovcr mcdium hcat in a large pot. Add the mustard seeds and cook unul they begn to pop (do notweargoodclothes for this as pour shirt is likely to get splattered). Add the fenugreek and cook one minute. Add the onions, reduce heat to medium-low and cook until soft and brown. Add the remaining spices and cook two minutes with the onions.

i\dd the tomatoes one at a time, crushing thcm into the pot with your hand. Add thc coconut milk. Simmer five minutes on low hear. Add the chickpcas and potatoes. Cook 20 minutes oruntil the potatoes are soft. Servc with rice. Red p e p p e r a n d avocado sandwich This sandwich was inspired by one I had at the Jane Bond Cafe. lngredients 2 slices bread 2 tsp. olive oil 1/4 onion, sliced 1/4 red pepper, sliced 1/4 avocado, sliced gruyere, mozzarella or other cheese salt and pepper to taste 1 tsp. balsamic vincgar Hcat 1 tsp. olivc oil in a frying pan ovcr medium hcat. Add rhc onion and red pepper and cook until the onion is soft and golden and the pcppcrs arc hcatcd through. Rcmovc to a plate. Heat the second teaspoon of olive oil in the same frying pan. Arrange the bread in thc frying pan and top with slices of cheese. Cook until the bread is browned and the checsc begins to melt. Arrange the onion, pepper and avocado on top of the cheese. Sprinkle with salt and balsamic vincgar. Put the two slices of bread together and serve.

The communication of the future is here

A mouse in court Is patenting Oncomouse a slippery slope to allowing humans to be patented? Katherine St. James SPECIAL TO IMPRINT


The problem began with the development of a geneacally-modtfied mouse by research sclennsts at Harvard University. The mouse, dubbed Oncomouse,was enpeered to be k h l y suscepnble to cancer under certam condtuons, whch has broad mphcauons m our society. From the tesang of new medtcaEons to new foods to new beauty products, this mouse could help s u enusts dtscover more about cancer,

The University ofWaterloo and LeitchTechnology Corporauon have announced a partnership for the purpose of creating the Leitch-Untvers~tyof Waterloo Multimedia Communicauons Laboratory. Leitch contnbuted more than $330,000 in cash and equipment for the new commumcauon lab, wh~chwill takc up in 1,100 square feet of the new Csntre for knvuonmental and Informaaon Technology, scheduled to open ~nthe summer of 2003. Mulamedia communlcanon JESSICA TAO uses the combmauon of comMultimedia combines computers, telephones and television. puters, telephones and televi sion to allow long-&stance audio and Adam Munro OW 1s to move to portable devices the Canada Research Cha Inforvideo communlcauons. Currently, it such as cell phones and PDAs, al- m a u o n n e o r y a n ~ M u ~ m e ~ a C o m ~IMPRINT STAFF 1s wdely used for apphcauons such l o n g wreless audio/mdeo corn H ~ ~ presslon, D ~E, ~ - yang, as v~deoconferenctng mumcauon. HaveyoueverwonderedhowacamOne of the goals for t h s technolSee MULTIMEDIA, page 14 Work ~nthe lab dbe headed by era mterprets mooon? Technology exlsts to record all necessary informatton on what 1s gomg on, but there needs to be a p r o g r a m n g element to make sense of the Images bemg recorded. One of the smplest approaches to thts is to use a comblhour walk or an office w t h a nauon of probabhty theory and a wndow all seem to bnghten up rule-based enwonment. our day. Theseare examples of a As an example of dtgtal pattern growng body of research that matchmng, the wtual keyboard, desuggests humans havc an affinity veloped by V m a l Demces, uses latowards nature. T h s phenomserunageprojecuon andchgtal trackenon, called biopMa, IS somemng. The purpose of the devlcc ts to Mew-Lin Teh thtng that scientists beheve IS allow portable devices such as cell SPECIAL TO IMPRINT hard-wred into us. phones andPDAswth smallkeypads The idea is c r e d ~ t e dto to be used w t h a standard s~zcd Five-hundred year old man soc~obiolog~st E.0 Wilson, who keyboard that 1s portable and easier popularized the term in h s 1984 to type on. Three men huntlng mountam book Bzophzlza: The Human Bond The vxtual keyboard works by sheep in a B.C. provincialpark found Wtth Other Spenes (Harvard Unt projecting a predefined tmage of a more than theywere l o o m for when versity Press), definlng ~tas "the keyboard onto a flat surface. The thcy found the remms of a 500- connections that human bangs laser projecnon of a keyboard onto a year-old man. The man, named subconsc~ouslyscekwrth the rest desk~sapattern ofvisiblelight bouncKwaday DanTs'inch, mcamglong of hfe." Ago mg off a flat surface. The unage A study of s u r g e ~paaents - Pcrson Found, was frozen m a JANICE JIM visiblc to the human eye is a guide to glacier. found thatthose m rooms w t h a For health and education, have a let the user know where to place his Researchers w t h the Royal Brit- mewoftrees hadshorterhosp~tal fingers for trachng by the dtgital ~ s hColumb~aMuseum tn Victoria, stays and took fewer painkders nap and experience worked for a year on the frozen body thanthosewhoserooksfacedabrick showed that partic~pantswho did cameras. The vlrtual keyboard then tracks to find out how the man dted, his age, wall. In experiments at Purdue Urnnot nap between the four sesslons what he ate, where he traveled and to verslty, pamupants experienced a sawtheirperformancedropwtheach finger movements over the surface what tnbe he belonged. A radiocar- clinically significant decline in blood successive tnal. Those who took a to interpret keyboard input. After bon test of &s hat and dothingwas preSsure after gazing at fish in an 30-minute nap between sesslonstwo mterpreting what the user of the used to determine the m e of his aquarium. and three did not show any perfom- keyboard is aying to do, the device death. No clues to hts ancestry were ance dips. Those who had hour-long sends this informaion to the portfound and the circumstances of his GO ahead, take a nap naps showed improved response able device in much the same way a nordeath rea mystery. times and were more accurate. His remains have since been cre- Ever felt d t y about t a k q a nap "Nappmg may protect brain c ~ r - mal keyboard would. In h e case of a virmated. Scientists are attempting to when you should be studymng? Well, cwts from overuse until those neufind his direct descendants by com- don't. Daytime dozing has a positive rons can consolidate what's been tual keybwd, [he tirst paring his DNA w t h the blood sam- effect on a person's capacity to learn, learned about a procedure," says srcp is ro rccognizc ples given by various Fust Nauons according to a study by Harvard reStickgold, a neuroscientist with and track rhe 10 fin tnbes of the regon. searchersSarahMednick and Robert Harvard'sMedicalSchool..Thestudy gers. l:or a given key Stickgold. will appear in an upcoming issue of prcss, the movcmcnts of fingers ari firsr Green with joy The study, in which college stu- N a t m Neuroscience. rhrown againsr a dents were asked to detect subtle A breath of fresh a, a quick lunchbunch of set rules to The virtual changes m an mage on a screen, wrthjlesfim Snence News Onltnr

its causes and possible preventative measures. Not only could our soctety benefit Trom the mportant developments ~n cancer rcscarch, but also from the economc boosts that granang patents and encouragmg research can induce. So IS there a problem? Whde there are obvlous benefits to granung a patent on &s mouse m Canada, there are some evldent drawbacks to th~s. See MOUSE, page 14

Digital pattern matching

Quick naps and eternal sleep




reduce thc number of poss~blekey strokcs. One such rule is that the thumbs will only ever push the space bar key. Probabhty of acaon IS then used to determmc which key was pressed. For example, if the nght Index finger reached up the most to the numenc key "7" whtle all the other lingers on the left hand dtd nothing and the remaimng fingers on the nght hand only moved shghtly then the emttter would assign "pressed key 7" w t h the most probable.truth action. Although V m a l Devices' algonthm 1s a trade secret, a rule-based system where moaon over a key area constttutes Input is hkely used. Although intended for use m t h portable demces, vxtual keyboards could become a future standard of use for publtc workstauons as well as home compuung use. One of the biggest advantages anses from ease of cleantng, smce physlcal keyboards can be very difficult to clean. The physical components of avirtual keyboard would rcqulre handling on a per-use baas. Thus, the mrtual keyboard 1s as easy to clean as the surface you choose to project it on. The company releasmg the device mtends to have it on the market by fall 2002. For more information, visit the Virtual Devices web site at www.innovationworks.org/html/ portfoho/wtual/virtual.jsp. arnunro@irnprint.uwaterloo.ca



Multimedia: new lab doubles current lab space in engineering

Mouse: higher life forms have not previously been patented in Canada Continued from page 13

infr)rinxion rllan thcsc u-~velzsschannels currently supporr. Iris hoped that the corn~~rcss~onalgo rithms drwli~pcd11-1 the ncu.Leircli-Cnwc-qity I I \Y-aterloo ~ ;\lulttmcdla (:i~rn ~~luniurnons I.a11oratosy\v111allr~\vhigIlciiluaIit~rol~lc~i rohc rransilittecl i r o n ~ \ \ ~ r e Icss and inohile clc\ ices, iitrrtlar ro Ixn\ :in i m ~ g crcprcscn~ed ;IS :I lpcg rake.; inani fewer byte,: than a lxrrnup. \\lth htrk clihccrn:ibk lo.;r o<q~l,dit!~. Thcrc ic lnucli cnthiisiacm f o r 11115 pro~cct. 1)c!111 of ct~~;l~ieesin>:~ Sujeci \;llcI, "It I S \ el\ ~:~clllllg tl I ~:l~>lll<lllllrl, nore rlmi, 11iri)ughrhls ~artt1~1.~li1p. 011~ < I < tlic i r i ~ l ~ i ~ Ica~lcrs tr! i l l tlic ;irc:~I tf miiltimecl~~ c o l l ~ ~ ~ i ~ i n ~ t\c a4~1p1porr~i~~tl.; lng the ~ o I - ~ T ~ ~ I ~ I I - I ~ IC ILII ~C ~I II I~~ ~~ -, < Y ~ ; : C \\ I I ~ ~ L ~ i ~ ~ l c ~ ~ ~ I i ~ ~ g th.; r c ~t~cl(l." ~~~~~ "TIIIS I I : I ~ ~ I I ~ ~ Si\I ~aI ~~ I C I I ~ O I I \ L ~ , I111 LI~ ( ~I . CiI ~ C I I . S ~ O I I ~ I I ~ I ~ I I K Y I \IC T L :I\ .: p i ~ h i t ~ fosc~, ~ - c \ \ I I I ~ IOIU I - coliimtulil!, :I\ u.i.11 as a ,wIold in\-r.;toliicrii111liie iiinir-c of (ILK indnst~y:ind our 0 \ \ 1 1 conipm\-.'' r a d 'l'c1.1-rC I - ~ h l ~('atladn's c~, 1.eitch ellrector o i h : ~ l ~"Thc s . I.ciicll-Li\\ 1 ~ \vill 1 ~

O n Xug~olst 3, 20CI0, H a n w d was granted a the patent for Oncomousc. The court of :rppeal found that there IS norhitlg 111 h e I'arent \cr that prohih~ r sthe parcntltlg o f litglicr hie ioniis. l u s rlcc Ri~tlisrcin of the conol-t o f appe:rl a:i~d, "The liinguage of patcnt1:1\\ iiihol-~~:ldatldgencfirl :rnd is [(I be g\cn \ d c s c ~ ~ Irec;iirv pc In\ cntimis arc, nccces:lrily, unmticip:~teci ,inJ unforc~t.cablc.''

Tlic patent \vould incl~lde the mouse and its offspring, nc well the rran.;gcnctic matemil. (;rannng rhis p;rrcnl may set ;I preccclcnt fool- ;I large n ~ ~ t n bof e rsimilar pxenrs rh:it are c~irrcnrh-perding at rhe Canadim I'atcn~i h ~ i m ~ a \ i o n . flic fc~lcral p:rrcnt office h;~ereceived o w r 510 p r c n r a p p l i c a t ~ o n s th:ir in\ olve rr:in\gcriic-~plat~tc and :intnx~1s, 2.1.iriy ot' the 150 :lilliiiaI parcnli I~cing,:on,qlirIn\ oh-e mice \\ ILII gci~ctic:~lly-:~ltcrecl I ) \ .\ h t m ir~icnclc~l 111 l ~ c uced A big deal over a little mouse. for ~rlcdiralI-c\rurch. I l l C l l t ap]>e,llcclthlh d ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 0 ti)1 1T ~ ~C I I P ~ C I ?'liis c~ltilddrnm:it~c;lll\inct-c,i\crhc anionnr ( . I I I I I - ~ o ~ ~ : ; I I I : I ~ ~on : I Ocr11lxr2,X~OO. \!'lde tlic o f atmnal tcsrlng ;iticl ;illin\ the p:irciitlng of hcanngs oicurre~l111 law h1;1\ of this !-ear. the higlierl~fcforms. I t i t ~ nox\-, l onl! slnglc ccllcd tirlal i~~clgrncnr ha\ i-cr to he m;~dc. orgrnlsms and p r i ~ c e s s epcrforrnccl on nninials 11;ivc hccn patcntcd. ?'he I:IWSLII~ 1xg:in \vhen tlic p:itcnt (~i'iicr I X I ~ FI;m arc1 s1i11uLIi k gwnted a parcin on i s c .~ s s u ction- invoi\-cs thc ill& ( h c o n i ~ ~ ~ 'l?ie procgranted :I pareiir for H;m arcl's l~nci~gene crhic:~l,ecologicd. Icgil ailcl 1ic:iIrh tssucs of css, \vl~icli ~n~-oi.ic,: ~njrcring cx$gs \\lth n \vncthcr p;moli~iol~g li~glicrlife f o n i ~ h\ 1 ~ 1 1be d myc gene, then inserting rhc q;gs olii[o :I fcmnlc ;illii\vcd arid vhctlier rhis could lead 11, the mouse for gcsta1x)n.Thc patcnt office d ~ not d gfiitli a liatcnt f(xtlie :ictu:il mo~olsc. , \ t the trial,judgc hlasc N;lclnn r ~ the f I'cdera1 Court i ~ i i : a l l d i is a d , "'l'hc) have cre:ltcd a mcthod to inlccr eggs \vlrh ;I 111\r gcnc hut rlicy hare nor t n \ ~ i - n ~tile e ~ lnioirsc." gcncricc and their o\\ncrsh~p. \ cicclslon is 1l:uvard Vtil\ crsi ty rhcn appcaled ih1\ dccision at rhc 1,rtlrral (:ourt of :\ppeal ~ ~ t ( , a n a d n .

~ ~ C

D ~E. ~ - yang, H ~ the ~ multimedia iabfs lead professor, shown in the current lab.

WATERLOO 35 University Ave. E

CAMBRIDGE 600 Hespeler Rd

(between K ~ n g& Weber) fd

I a 4 *




















good times, goad friends


I On


from II a.m. ti1 close



Sportseditor:Monika Srnetana sports@irnprint.uwaterloo.ca

Get into the swing of things

Tyson done?

Rob Schmidt

One ofthe first concerns ofthc ncw golfer 1s e q q m e n t . I was happy to learn that the Equipment Deskin the PAC has clubs availableto borrowfor Golf is intimidating to thc bcgnner. I know because amere two weeks ago the day for $2. What I didn't know is I took up golf. It seemed harmless at that you nccd cxact changc and no toonies. The altcrnativc is borrowing first: hit a ball with a stick. clubs from friends or family. T'veplayedbaseballpoorly,hockey, . . I took both sets a g m poorly, so 1figfor Stewart to e x m ured somcthmg likc golfwouldn't be too ine. I was surprised The first at how quicklyhe dismuch of a stretch to missed the question. atleastplaypoorly. I concern of the don't know if you He suggestsc a q n g new golfer is havenoticed,butgolC cvcn fcwcrdubs,perballs are really small haps just fourclubs: getting one driver,a five iron and a f a ~wavs r from and a nine iron or y o ~ lbody. r the equipment. pitching wedge and club nccds to m o w pretwfast toget that aputter. Stewartsuggcsts that club sclcction is not a conballmo~,inganywhere. O n top ofthat, ccrn for the beginner and focusingon the ground sometimes gets in your way. I iow can you get on the trail of fewer clubs will help him improve poorgolf, hopcfuliy lcading to somequicker. When asked about the fancy clubs what hcttcr golf? Onewayis togetadvice fromsomcpuhearadvertiscdhc saidthat forthe most part, they won't makc a hugc one who knows about golf. With a quick look through thcYcllowPages, difference. He suggests that most I found the Kraterloo Golf Acadcmy. claims madc about thc clubs arc exagTt certainlyscctncdlikeaplacewvhere gerated. He also commented on bea beginner couldgct the advice needed coming comfortable with the game. and Rill Stewart, the head Canadiar He said the rules are designedaround respect for thegolf course andrespcct Professional Golfers' Association,was rnorc than happy to sit down with me fur the othcrplayers. Forthis reason, dress codes are designed to prevent and go over how someone can get started. The first thing hc suggested offending other players and to demwas group or scmi-private lessons. onstrate respect for the game. The Llcademyprovicles he one-hour The Golf Acadcmy has a lowcr standard than some courses: shirts sessions for $70, including clubs and tees. Campus Recreation provides leswith sleevcs,nocut-qffshorts and no barc midriffs. He contrasts that to sons for $47 fur fourlessons, but they some courses where your socks and have already begun so you'll have to wait until the fall for the next set of shorts need to be a certain length, if they allow shorts at all. Collarcd shuts lessons. SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Will Peters, Ryan Chen-Wing, Janice Jim, Aaron Romeo SPECIALTO IMPRINT

Dead Man Walking O n Junc 8, former Heavy Weight Champion Iron Mike Tyson challenged the semi-Canadian current Heavy Wcight Champion 1,ennox Lewis at the Pyramid in Mcmphis, Tennessee. Challenged, however, is anoverstatement.Lcwis easilydefeated ryson in an eight-round bout that should have been over in five or less. He keptTyson outside with his longer lab and knocked him to thc canvas in the eighth. Overall, it was a disappointing fighrw th fewcombin+ons thrown. It's time for the "washed up" ryson to retire.





Williams sisters do battle

Rob takes his first swing. arc also a common rcquxement, but Stewart,sa>-sthat they want to make thc Golf &adem!- as inviting to beginners aspossible: He furtherelahorates that the heginner sessions provide an introduction to the rules lo make pcoplc fccl morc comfortable when on the course. Thc ncw golfer needs to know when not to talk, how to rcplacc divots and othcr ctiqucttc that will hclp the new golfer tv be comfortable. 17inally,he says, theGolf Academy provides a nine-hole golf course.

Stewart explains that "The golf coursr 1s not a difficult golf course. It i: d e s i g d that way so that beginners after rhcp takc rhcir first lesson the! have a Fairly easy golf course to play.' Also the course is affordable at S1( dunng the week and Y 1 0 on the wcck end. During the wcck before 12 p.m the prices drop to $12. 'l'here are alsc discount passes available when yo1 buy in bulk. Golf is agreat excusc for frcsh ai and an excellent opportunityto social we with co-workers.

Xcountry challenge is back

CAMPUS REC Campus Rcc has brought back the Cross Canada Challenge this rcrm. This program is geared to increase physical activity and motivate the University of Watcrloo community. T o bcgin thc journcyacrossCanada, participants have to sign up in the PAC AthleticsOffice. There isno cost to participate in t h s program. As the participants complete theiractivities, they earn points, which cnaMc them roinove alongthe routeacross Chada. In the Red N orth trophy case outside the PAC Athletics Office, there is a map of Canadawith the route laid out. Each checkpointrepresents a universityin Canada. Once aweek each person's hours u d be totalled and their rnarkerwdlbc moved along the route.

I'eoplecanwatchtheirjoumeyacross which was hcld on May 31. Andrew Canada progrcss from the trophy Mainformedus that the black knight case. was the sponsor of the "I<night to When the participants have Remember" tournament, which is reached thelast checkpoint, the jour hcld thrcctimcs aycar by thcclub at the ney doesn't end there. Their marker ColumbiaIcefields. Manypamcipants is brought back to the stardngpoint won drawprizes, including the grand and they begin prize of a racquet. once sen. Upon Congratulations go When the out to the ~ O ~ I O W the first comple [Ion of the route g"'""""l"h' "' participantShave "'outqtandlng the pamclpant 17 ef@>ena p n ~ and e forts A slde w n reached the last thc~rnamc 1s en ners D a d Hoang tered mto a draw checkpoint' the and Stcphcn Dock journey doesn't tng, A ?I& runner? tor the grand Elizabeth Harris pn7e Fverp ame up Enca Chut and end there. J,i7 is new-to the League's staff tlus the parttcipants Allen Wong, R slde I rcrm and has had no trouble imwinners Jenise Lee complete the mersingherselfin the CmpusRec coursc thereafter, and Eugene Lau spirit. Socccr got off to a rocking their name is entered into the draw and B side runners-up Anh TTuong start thanks to Liz's amazing abilonce again, toincrease their chances andTony Chang. The Waterloo Kadity to take control. minton Club is gearing up for two of winning thc grand prize. T h s Wc look fonvard to having a morc tournaments, "Pointfore term's UW'Cross CanadaChallengc Fantastic seasonbecause ofherenCanada" on] une 21 and "Survival of beganon Monday,June 3 andwillgo thusiasm and dedtcation to doing u o d Monday, July 29. thc Flttcst," o n July 14 asupcrb job. Great start,Liz. Keep Anothcr noteworthy eventis the up the great work. badminton club's first tournament,

170rthe second tun? thc Williams sisters hced off in a major final. The last timewas (he2001 US Open, where Venus defcated Serena. Neither sistcr played her best game. There wcrc 101 unforced errors and 14 double faults bcrwccn thc nvo. Scrcnaprevailed, 7 5 6-3, to win her first major sincc the 1999 CS Open. Vcnus made only 52 per cent ofher first scnxs. Aftcrwinninga close first set, Serenaeasily took the second sel. The final lacked the 2xcitement of a Williams-Capriati match-up, but both sisters behaved pciously, w~nningthe hear~sof French fans.

England upsets Argentina In World Cup news, Gemany shut 7utSaudi Arab~a8-0.Inthelastminute ~f injury timc Ireland closed a onep l deficitwith Germany to salvagea haw. England beat Argentina for the brst timein36 ycars. Thc last timc was n 1966 when they won the cup. World Cup champions of 1998, France, didn't makc it out of the first round with two losses and a tie. Two xople died and Japanese students acre attacked in Moscowduringariot following a public showing of RLISsia's 1-0 loss to cup co-host, Japan.

The road to the Stanley cup TheNH1.finalsresultcdin thcDctroit Red Wings and the Carolina Hurricanes standing. In spite of Detroit being favoured, Ron Francis' goal during0.T. ingamc one forcedat least game five. Although the Wings lcad the Canes 3-1, cvcry gamc has been close. The series boasts the third longestgamcinNHLhistoryendedby the oldest player in the NHL, Igor Larionov,intriplc O.T.ofgame three. Cohesive teamwork and talented veterans haveproducedgreat hockey.

Arts editor: Lauren S. Breslin arts@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

Coverage of tbe North by Norlheasl

wet Sandra Martin The Artist in Residence Studio, Kitchener City Hall Adrian Chin

- -


On a bright summer day, the light trickles through to the sandy bottom of a shallow northern lake, whilc a female figure kicks up a flurry of activity, agtating the tranquil setting. Armedwith a cbsposablewatcrproof camera, she captures the dancing of thc settling debris. Artist Sandra Martin's love of water has helped hcr win the city of Kitchcner's Artist-in-Residence (AIR) position for2002-2003,judged by the public working group jury. Toronto born Martin has journeyed a long way to finally bc doing what she cnjoys most. The recent graduate from the Master of fine arts program at thc University of Waterloo left hcr well-paid job to pursue a career as an artist. "It wasn't satisfying anymore and I thought that life is too short and so

I'mgolng to do what 1want," Martin said. "I was making fairly good income so it was pretty hard to gve it all up because you know that going Into fine arts mean? you aren't going to be nch." Her 11fc longpasslon for panang matchcd onlv by her love of water ha5 combmed Into one elegant pack age ~n her new Art~stin-Residence poslaon Insp~redby Leonardo Da Vlncl's Lelcester Codex, an archwe of drawlngs and notes in wh~chhe stucbed the movement, nature and flow of water, her project will involve creating a codcx based on the Grand fiver. She will be travelling pomons of the 300 km stretch of the river from its source near Dundalk, Ontario to where ~t empncs Into Lake Ene at Port Madand. Throughout her loumcy she d be compding an archive of artwork by taking pictures of underwater and above water landscapcs as source matcrial for her paintings. "I started out painungpuddles in

my fourth year at the Ontano College of Art and Dcstgn," Marun explained. "Water, as you know, has a lot of symbohc meanings, b e fertil ~ t and y bapusm. It's slgmficant tome bccausc as a child I was a swimmer. 1 was always under watcr. I found one of those undcnvatcr cameras one day and I wa? just smmmng mth ~tand I reahzed that ~tcvokes a lot of my chrldhood memones " The former res~dentof Toronto cites her close proxlrmty to Jake Ontano as thc source of her new cndcavour. "1 used to live close to thc lake and when I moved to Guelph I felt homesick from the lake," Martin recalled. "That's when 1 started to discover the Grand River.I'm hoping to do a series oflittle paintings of hfferent areas and document them so that you can see the source ofthe nver all the way down." The 300 km course of the river provides a varicty of scenes. "Rockwood has all these old ruins and Fcrgus is hfferent because it is a littlc town. People usually know the

area that they live in but they don't rcalizc that the river can be so many different th-ngs to so many different peoplc." In her paintings, she usually exaggerates the colours in the photos. "People were saying that they looked kind of tropical," she remarked. "The thing is that you have to learn to balance the bright with the dull, otherwise it becomcs overwhelming." Martin'swork is currcntly on display for an indefinite run.

Martin creates "water" works such as this.

Snap, crackle, future-pop? The Bomber welcomes "post-industrial dance" duo Epsilon Mmus Epsilon Minus The Bombshelter June 14

Mark Stratford

SFEC~L TO IMPRINT Bogart Shwadchuck,onehalf of the local musical duo Epsilon Minus, has an understanding of electronic music that puts me to shame. So when he describes the band's sclf-titled debut as "post-industrial dance," I am Inclined to agree. "I try to stay away from sampling in general," he explains. "I try to go for more of a clean, synthesi~ed sound. RJe're from the school of pure electronic Kraftwerk-style music. kind of a modcm hard version of that sound." 1;or the band - producer/instrumentalist/programmer Shwadchuck and singer/lyricist Jennifer Parkin - thc sound has becn a long time evolving. .\lthough Epsilon Minus was onginally centred around live instruBogart Shwadchuck and Jennifer Parkin form future-pop band Epsilon Minus. mentation, Shwadchuck soon discovered the mighty drum rnachinc. work around to different labels, all of endof things as opposed to thenoisier that way." In fact, thc band's sound is diswhom liked the music but felt it hard end, which is kind of the domi"1 got playing with a lot more tinct cnough to have been given its needed vocals. Enter Parkin, whom nant part of the genre." effects," hc explains, "and it just proown name: future-pop. This is the This ability to see both sides of grcssed to where I wasn't redly inter- Shwadchuckmet at the nov-defunct term under whch 17psilon Minus' I<-WindusuialclubSharky's and with industrial music is what gives Epsiestrd 1n playingin a band anymore. I music is being promoted, and wanrcd to have control: a studio en- whom hc shares an interest In the lon Minus its unique flavour. Shwadchuckis the first to admit that "lt's not mainstream pop and it's industrial gcnre. vironment to do things in as opposed the term is both silly and a littlc nor hardcore old-school industrial," "She actually listens to morc of to a spontaneous, nppin'-out-guitaroffensive. the music in the genrc than I do," Shwadchuck clarifies. "lt's sort of licks Idnda thing." "We're not singing about robots says Shwadchuck of his bandmate. the modern baby of the two. \ I lot of A Erer some experimenting, hands in the genre have progressed and spaceships 'and such," he jokes. "She seems to lean towards the pop Shwadchuck began shopping his

"We don't necessarily like the connotations of it but we like the idea of people not saying 'Oh, industrial, I hate that."' Indeed, the mainstream bias against industrial inusic is something Shwadchuck feels strongly about. "It would be nicc to scc somc of the bands that are doing creative thingsunderground get thc attention that they should," he says. "It's possiblc, but it'll take a push and it'll take money and it'll take interest and there's not necessardy enough of that to go around." Luckily, the band's album, whtch was released last month on Alfa Matrix Rccords, may be diverse cnough to pull it off. It contains everything from hard industrial beats to the acoustic "Nothing Is lndcstructible," from ambience to what Shwadchuck calls a "goofy joke bonus track." This week a CD singlc will bc released for the album track "Through," featuring remixes of the song courtcsy of othcr Alfa Matrix artists. Sdl, Shwadchuck believes his best work is yet to come and he fecls thc band has already grown since recording the debut. "Jen's become abetter singer.I'vc bccomc a bcttcr producer. We've both become better songwriters," hc says, ad&ng that now they're capablc of a lot morc. Which, of course, is cxactly why you need to check them out livc at theHomberalongside llJ Antithesis.

FRIDAY, JUNE 14,2002

Send in the clones

The art of the live show

Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones directed by George Lucas Lucas F~lm



Soon it dbe fashionable for people to brag about not hamng sccn Star Wars hptsode II: Attack of the Clones thosc samc pcoplc who enjoy telling you they don't own a TV. But for mc, as a Waterloo computer sclence student,th;rewasnever Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala flirt any cho~ce,Star Wars IS as embedded In my culture as soccer be had fromwatchngDarth Sldtous' ism a small,workmng-classInsh town. grand, shadowy scheme play melf out, but t h s movle has the same As we say, "rcs~stanceIS useless" so I pencdled In Eptsode II b e a built-in defect as the last one The denust appomunent, know~ngin ad- heroes pnmanly serve as puppets vance ~t dtdn't have the Star Wars whose struggles and vtctones only magtc and would be essenaally a blg advance Darth's plot. In fact, ~fthe Jedt had lust stayed piece of cheese. The only qucsaon home and slept In that day, the future then was, IS ~tany fun? The answer somewhat. It starts Emperor's plans would have been totally foded. out okay, fast and stup~d,but bogs And then there are thelove scenes down really fast and then spend\ the Pmful beyond all unagnauon, they wholelast halfhourmano~sy,sense make you long for the mature grasp less, grand laser melCe. Overall, t h ~ IS s a b ~ clumsy g heap of love found In Pokimon eroac fan ficaon I was hdmg under my seat of space-lunk,mfenor tomany of the for most of these parts, but I'm told hccnsed spm-offs, c e r t d y to those that an actualhne IS,'We hve In a real conce~vcdIn fans'unagtnaaons. Any world, Am1 You're studymg to be a gven task force ofmathcomfyloungers could work out a morc worthy Jedt, and I'm a senatorl" What happened to thc sly, mature and more coherent Star Wars plot Granted, there's some pleasure to romance of the ongtnal tnlogy2 ("I

coquettishly. Make it stop! love you " "I know ") Desp~temany mnor Improvements over the last film, the h~ggest blemsh - the saga's vtaous xenophob~a- remans. M e n races are portraycd clthcr as comcal stcrcotypes or vermn to be cut down When the extra-terrestrials come, George Lucas 1s golng to be ~n blg trouble; he's desuned to be rememberedas the D W. Gnffith ofthe prefirst-contact era Lucas' computer arusts come up wtth some Impresswe vlslons, but m the semce of a shallow magnaaon, mnterested in b~ologyor other cultures, ~tall adds up to so many empty pureis. Wlth a colossallyundenvhelrmng effort such as this, Lucas has let all thc comfy lounge geeks down. And I am one of them.

Thls Apnl I saw the Mus~calRox They tour the world as a Genesls cover band performng fa~thfulrc creaaons of shows from the '60s and '70s. Those of you who know Geneas as the band In whch P M C o b s smgs about hts mabdity to dance may be surpnscd to find out that 30 years ago, Peter Gabnel was the vocahst and they were wnang long pleces of amazlng concept muuc. What ~mpressedme about the Muslcd Box Was the attcnaon to v~suals:they had erected a bunch of sunple shapes across the backdrop and shone vanous hghts at them -a tnck that made you fed hke you were looktng at a hwng thmg. 'Peter' would also run backstage dunng instrumental secuons and dress up as characters from the songs. I'm not unplyrng that bands that don't put on elaborate shows are , has bad, but let's adrmt ~ teveryone seen a band that's bonng to watch (ahem, Kmg Cnmson). I thought I'd take a mnute to commend some modern acts that understand the art of the show Danko Jones. He's fast, he's




The tao of art: part I11 Two issues ago, a& editor b r e n S. Rre.ilin challenged students to submtt an orginaldefinitionofavt Thefollowzrgistbe lhzrd entry zn thts ongoing senad but the challetzge doesn't end here. Please sendyour own zdeas u b o ~ arl lo arts@zmpnnt.waterloo. cu. Jesse F. Helmer IMPRINT STAFF

Art is an intehgible image of a real or imaginary thing. Of the components in h s definition,"image" and "intclligible" require some elaboration. Let's start with image. An image is a representation of something. Your face in the mirror is an image, a drawing of a castle is an image and a photograph of a rock on the ground is an image. A rock on the ground is not an image; it is a rock on the ground. Images are created. The word "intclligblc" might irk somc of you. For an image to be intelligble, the thing that is represented must bc known. For example, a reahst painang of an apple 1s tntelltgble becauce anyone can see that the image 1s of an applc. A blob of orange patnt on canvas, on its own, is just a blob of orange paint.

The dtfficultywtthmtehgbhty 1s that n depends on the vlewer -on h s or her mtehgence, expenence, perspecuve and knowledge of the modes of slpficauon m the pamcular medtum What 1s mtekgble to one person may be uluntehgble to others. This is why what some consider art, others consider garbage. If we create a notion of general intelligibility by assuming general intehgence, experience, etc. among a class of people, then we can classify dlffcrcnt ptcccs of art as good or bad relauve to that class of people. Generalintelhgbhty, howeverobv~ously an approximate, qualiutative measure -is dynamic; n changes over ume. What IS gcncrally ~ntchgblcfor a class of pcoplc (say UW students) from one generanon may be generally umtehgtble for the same class of people a generanon later For example, P~casso's Uesmorsel/es DXvgnon was umntelhgble to most Westerners when Itwas unvelled (and 1s s d u m t e h g b l e to some) but ~t1s mtelhgble for more Westerners now than ~t was m 1920. Perhap the most mportant factorm mtehgbhty 1s art cnuclsm. As critics discuss art, tools for under-

standtngartarc dcvclopcd and honed Indeed, t h s 1s how 1 see the general progression of art. someone cre ates a generally umntehgtblc lmagc of somethmg For some people, it 1s lntehgtble (perhaps the amst expliuns ~ tperhaps , it IS comc~dcntal) These people tell other people The word spreads Tools for under standmg the work are developed and discussed The work becomes genesally mtelhgble And then someone else creates somedung that IS lnteh gblc to only a few people and the procecs repeats Of course, t h s process is not as neat arfd tidy as I have made ~tappear Most arasts don't wiut for cntics to figure out how to understand t h c art, ~ thcy arc too busy creaanglt Ths, perhaps, cxplams why some art now cons~deredgreatwas unpopular or scorned at ~ t creauon s The pnmary purpose of creaang art Is to commumcate truth to a parucular class of people (namely, the class of people for whom the Image 1s mtelhgble) Art 1s an intehgble Image of areal or mgtnary thmg

funous and you know he's there for you as much as you'rc there for h ~ m .He doesn't dresc up or have flytng p~gs,but he's there to rock your mlnd and rock he does. bantomas: bantomas shows are almost conductcd. Mlke Patton slgnals the band when to stop and start or polnts randomly at an ~nstrumcntand attempts to m c whatever 1s played wtth h s uberdynamc volce. Truly an expenence In mprov performance Radtohead: Radtohead 1s one of the few bands that understand how to meld muslc wtth modern mcdta. They use b ~ vtdeo g ccreens for thc folks at the back but unhke many h ~ gacts, thcy've thought of new and mterestlng camera angles Illy favounte was a fish-eye lens mounted on thctr ptano showtng us a 30-foot prolecaon of Thom's warped head. Buckcthcad: Donning a hockey mask wtth a KFC bucket on h s head, Buckethead performed accompanlcd only by a monster's head mounted on a mlc stand. All convcrsanon mth the crowd came from this head. Couple thls mth amazing techmque and a Nunchuka show Petony: These local boys are probably the most fun band In mverse. There are not enough afro-spomng rockers out thcre. Get these guys drunk and ask for thc Nlnp song. You won't be dtsappomted. M r Mzke hosts Igneous Rawk alternutang Fndgs fmm I lp.m.-2a.m. on CKMS 100.3 FM. 7

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FRTDAY, JUNE 14,2002

The great, white North by Northeast Rachel E. Beattie looks at some of the highlights and lowlights of NXNE 2002


Spookey Ruben at The Horseshoe Tavern: Toronto popster Spooky Ruhcn was an ultra-fun act to watch Ruben has the perfect bubble gum pop volce His songs are hook-Ldcn pop s and pearls of fun and h ~ deltVeq m u s d arrangements are sllghtlp skcwed, whlch makes him all thc more lovable

Rachel E. Beattie



Toronto's North by Northcast muslc femval and conference 1s excmng becausc thete's always a chancc you'll dscover something new and amaLing that d take pour breath away I've discoveredmany a favourttc band at the threc-day fesnval, wh~chfills about 24 local clubs m t h around 400 bands and performers, as well as thousands of muslc fans and muslc Industry schmoozers. This year, howcvcr, as I ventured out to thc many live muslc venues in Toronto, there was no one who qulte made my heart go pltter-pat, or made me run out and buy then CD. But there were some musmcians worthy (and not worthy) of mennon, and here they arc.


Daddy at Holy Joe's (below): If you can't get blown away by a band then watchtng a band that blows is sometimes the next best thing. There 1s a certam perverse pleasure in watching an cxcruciatKathryn Rose at The Tranzac Club (left): Toronto singcr Kathryn Rose put on an awesome mgly bad band. Daddy, fromNew York City,ls set. She sauntered about hkc shc owned the place, and for her 4 5 - m u t c sct, she d d . Rose dazzled the just one of those bands. Thc lead audence w t h her astoundmng \. ocal power and clev singcr, Laurel, alternated between shrieking and mumbling her stuerly wntten songs pid, pretentious lyrics. The music was actually quite catchy but the Lucie Idlout at The Tranzac Club: lead singer's "look at me I'marock InuL singer-sonevnter Luc~eIdlout trans fixed the aud~encewith her husky, full star" stage antics elicited bodled voice and her rock star attIgnm:ice frc,m the audien~



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FRIDAY, JUNE 14,2002

She stoll mv heart

Janine Stoll Everything You Gave M e SOCAN

Emything You Caw Me is the first acoustic effort of independent singcr/songwriter Janine Stoll. Stoll is a supple balladeer whose raw vocal umderings set against harmonicguitar-stmmmmgs make great theme music for your introspective mood. This is a disc you want to listen to on an overcastday as you srarc blankly out your bedroom wndow, chamomile in hand, ears perked and attcntivc as you absorb thc music. And no, you don't have to be staring out a wndowto apprcclate the album. Rut bclicrc me, Stoll's harmonic subtleties and vocal variations demand a reflec~ive,pensive mood; a mood oftcn induced by a still and transparcnt frame. hach song on thc CD seems to be its own windowinto the ncthcnvorld of Janinc Stoll. Sprinkled with Torontonian references, E t q ~ t h i ~.g . is a seemingly autobiographical projcct, at times sorrowful ("(:razy Ridc"), at times brooding ("Young Girl"), but always beautiful. Stoll is an artistic songwriter and an eloquent lyricist whose talents as a live performer have transferred faithfully to this, her first full-length record. As a musician, Stoll has a strong hold on her craft, with a range comparable to Alanis, a rawness not unlike 4ni and a uniqueness setting her apart from both. She is a rising talent worth looking out for and this album paints an accuratc portrait of hcr sound, her style, and her self. Lauren S. Breslin, lmprint staff

Choke There's a Story to this Moral Smallman Records

I can't figurc out if I likc this CD or not, so here's the deal: I'll tell you what I know and you can figure out for yourselfwhcthcr or not you want to buy it. I can say this: Choke's last album (1999's Foreward,is one of the best punk albums ever and There's a Story t o this Moral is nothing like it; however, that's not necessarily a bad thing. The thingis,where Choke used to be punk, now they're emo. Where they used to be fast and hard-hltting, now they're slower,better developed and more haunting.

The frantic but always prccisc rhythms and spine-melting breakdowns are still mostly present, but instcad of bcing condensed into a two minute punk song, they are spread out over a four minute emo song. Much of the time, something gets lost in the translation and instead of being innovative, the songs are long and rcpctitivc. Choke's attempt to create memorable emo hooks doesn't always work out and some, likc in "Forget to Learn," are just really annoying.There arc some good moments in this album: "Signing Off ' is agreat melding of Choke's old, fast sound andincorporates the great breakdowns and bridges of old songs likc "Recoil" with their new, more developed cmo sound. In the end, if I had the choice hetwcen this album and being eatcn by a bear, I'd take the album. It's a decent trip into the world of emo by a really talentcd Canadian band. Hut if I only had $25 to spend at a record storc, I'd go with thcir earlier &sc, Foreward. Ian Blechschmidt, special to lmprint

1 2





The Breeders

Title TK


Apartment Hunting Soundtrack


Teaser EP

teenage USA Bloodshot

# Mary Margaret O'Hara # The Weekend


The Meat Purveyors

All Relationships Are Doomed to Fail


Cinematic Orchestra w l FontellaBass

All That You Give

Ninja Tune




V2 Music

Custom Made


State Of Emergency



8 9 10

# Tijuana Bibles The Class Assassins

# The Bruno Hubert Trio # The Constantines

hndrcw W.K. is becoming a phenomenon, with two videos in play and his already legendary MuchOnDcmand appcarancc,whcrc he spontaneously danccd around likc a madman, poured water all over the audience, ate a forkful of wet cat food and managed a fcw brcathlcss words about believing in yourself. The tide is shifting. Rock music is about to gct fun again. And important too. It warms my heart to think how many stnaU-town,mundane hves will be enriched by this album and its message of faith. Hcads will bang. Daniel Saunders, special to Imprint

Andrew W.K. I Get Wet Island Records

"Party tiJl you Puke," "Gct Rcady to Die": you have to be really clever to come up with titlcs likc that and cven more clever to writc thc utterly joyous fist-pumping anthems that go with thcm, powered by bigkeyboards andabsolutely monstrousguitars and filled with perfect shout-along lyrics likc, "K'c do what we like, / and we likc what we do!" If the first single, "Party EIard," docsn't makc you thrash like a drunkcn frosh on a sugar high, then you have no soul. Despite the overwhelming dual thcmcs of knuckle-headed party euphoria and cartoonish violence, this is ultimatelylife-affirrmngmusic, with Andrcw V(/.I<.'s totally irony and angst-freemessage: "Don't cvcr stop the noise" and "Do all the stuff that you luve." It carries weight coming from a guy who personally mashed a brick in his face to get the look he wanted for the album cover.

36 Crazyfists Bitterness The Star Roadrunner Records

Alaska has always been known forits intcnsc music scene. First there was Jewel. Then, for a long time, there was nobody. Now there's 36 Crazyhts with their debut album, Bittemrrs The Jtar. That's right, this metal band hails from Anchorage and they are pisscd off. People forgct about Alaskawhen they think of the United States and this generally means that no one tours thcrc. Wcll, 36 Crazyfists want to change that. The current wave of metal has bccn widely criticized as lacking in originality and differentiation. hlusically, 36 Crazyfists are another hand in a long list that fall into t h s category. Fortunately, thcy'rc saved by the quiveringvocals ofBrockLindow. Living up to the album title, BitteF ness The Star is chock-hll of bitterness. According to Lindow, "Every

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song is me yelling at me. It's about mistakcs and human errors that 1 have made." Overall, Bifferness1 %Staris ~ a decent debut album.It's definitelyworth a listen if you're into the nu-mctal sccne. Hut, if you didn't likc metal before, the Crazyfists arc just another rcason you still won't.

hardcore is very good The group started in Japan In thc carly '90s and on11 received North Amcrican rccognition in 1995 when they started playing with groups like Rage Against the Machine and The Rcd Hot Chili Peppers. Originally rclcased in Japan in 1999, OSC-DIS is the group's ninth album. ICyoko (vocals), Takeshi Ueda Arnit Sandhu, special to lmprint @ass, programming, vocals) and Motokatsu Mipagami (drums, programming) combinelive instruments with computer-generated oncs to crcatc fast,acggressiveand hook-laden hardcore. Think Slipknot mccts ;ltariTeenage Riot. The style of the songs is vaned, some of thcm bcing pure aggressive hardcore like "Tribe" and others exhibiting a more poppy, SoThe Mad Capsule Markets Cal sound likc "All the'l'ime in Sunny OSC-DIS Beach." (Oscillator in Distortion) The Markets use both of these S~eedstarRecords st+ very wcll, a d h g to their own digitized sound with distorted vocals I was f ~ sattracted t to this CD by the and inhuman drum beats. The melolabel on thc shrink-wrap that de- dies are driving, but surprisingly clared the contents to be somcthing catchy. The lyrics don't make much like "Japanese-dis-hardcore-punk sense, even when they are translated music." I chdn't cven know Japan into English, but that's okay because had hardcore bands. OSC-DIS is agreat album to listen to Normally when one thinks of anyway. hardcore, one thinks ofNorth AmeriIf you arc looking for a really can bands like Snapcaseor Fxropean good hardcore CD, do what you can ones like Refused. But my mind was to get hold of some Mad Capsule expanded when I listcned to the CD mayhem. and realized that good hardcorc is a global phenomenon. And this Ian Blechschmidt, special t o lmprint

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Fee-Paying Studentl:$3.M)1.15 Non-Sludentl:$6.001.25

Room for rent - for a quiet individual in a quiet detached house near both universities. Parking and all amenities. Please call 72.54348. FalVWmter - single rooms in residence for upper year students, Resurrection College, 265 WestmountRoad, adjacent toU of W. Meal plan mandatory, 8- month contract. Call Patti 8854950, e-mail resurrection@ionline.net or visit www.ionline.netpresurrection. Three bedroom units - September 3102August 30103. All unitsnewly renovated/ cleadutilities included. Call W.O.C.H. at747-7276. S ~ d e nrentals! t September availability! Groups and singles welcome. Check website for up-to-date rental offerings, www.HaneyPM.comor call 746-1411. Winter term only - single rooms in residence for upper year students, Resurrection College,265 Westmount Road, adjacent to U of W. Meal plan mandatory. Call Patti 885-4950, email resurrection@ionline.net or visit www.ionline.ner/~resurrection. $114.500-two~lusone bedroom condo, y two bath, finish& basement. ~ e w l renovated, new flooring, two parking spaces, pool, four appliances. Low fees, 30 day possession. Excellent condition. Albert Street near Universities,expresswaysand buses. 888-6627. Student'smom and boardavailablenow!! Private non-smoking student's bedroom available immediately. $SOOlmonth all inclusive (except long distance calls and internet). Clean bedroom with twin bed desk, dresser, TV,telephone and large closet. Three meals a day provided for you (including a well-packed lunch) and evening snack. Access to occasional basement entertainment unit use. Your laundry and dean sheets done for you. Air conditioning. Backyard access. Young

modern MennonitelLutheran couple's Kitchener Stanley Park Mall area home. Well-suitedforConrad Grebe1or Renison College student. Very close walk to bus, restaurants and shopping mall. Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. ride to downtown Kitchener bus terminal given if needed. Call 893-5925 after 6:OOp.m.andaskfor Tim. Clean spacious rooms available for the Fall term. Three to five rooms, $350 to $375, one year lease with reduced summer rent, fifteenminute walk to UW. Call Mickat 578-1653. Need help with math? 6th year mathlteaching option student with experience as TA and high school teacher e ~ can help you. Phone ~ i 880-0257. MASTER OF ENGLISH. ~ublishedauthor, offers essay editing and English speaking lessons. $15/hr. Call Peter at 747-784 1 The 3rd Annual Ontario College & University ~ r & o nBoat event needs participants!! For more information seeAthleticsand Recreational Services Department1 Federation of Students Office or visit the web site at www.waterloodragonboat.com. T e x t b o o k s Microeconomics: Canadain the Global Environment, 3rd Edition ;Accounting Canadian, 4th Edition, volumes 1 and 3 ; AnabaptistHistory andlleology, revised edition Snyder. $25 each, or best offer. Call Rachel 635-0823. 1988 Chevrolet Beretta GT. V6, Sspd. Accessories include bra, headlight covers etc. Good condition, easily certified and e-tested. $1200 as is. 746-3222.

ESL teacbers needed in Korea. Bachelor's degree or higher education is mandatory. Goodworking conditionsand wage. & Money Contact Info (Igpll4@hotmail.com or 1-519-5745853) for more information. Summer Partime Cook Position available at Paintin Place Daycare, University of Waterloo. Resumesacceptedin person or mail to: 106 Segram Dr. Waterloo, N2L 3B8 Attention: Susan Bonsall. Weekend counsellors and relief staff to workin homes for individualswith developmental challenges. Experience, minimum eight-month commitment. Paid positions. Sendresume to DonMader, KW Habilitation Services, 108 Sydney Street, S., Kitchener, 0 n t a r i o , ~ 2 6 3 ~ 2 . PAY BACK LOANS. TRAVEL AND HAVE FUN! How? T=achingEnglish in South Korea! All you need is a 314 year degree andEnglish as a first language. For more information e-mail eslgirl@hotmail.com. Now hiring Shldent Fundraisers! $8.001 hour to start, work on Campus, flexible hours, raises every term! If you are agood communicator, enthusiasticand dependable, then we want to talk to you! Apply at The Officeof Development,2nd floor, South Campus Hall. Math/ScienceTutorsIMentors needed as part of Waterloo clinical team working with students ages 8-18 with learning disabilities. 2 4 hours per week. Availability through springlsummer-possibily fall semesters. Call519-837-3169 forintemiew. Waiaesses/Waiters needed at A1 Madina Egyptian Cuisine, 150 University Ave., University Plaza, Waterloo. Please apply in person. Experienced doorstaff needed to work Summerfest on June 14 and 15. Please apply in person to Fed Hall.

Ultimate Questions! Bible study by corresoondence. For a free copy of the course please send name and address to: Bible Study, Zion United Reformed Church, 1238 Mainstreet, General Delivery, Sheffield, Ontario, LOR 120 or e-mail: bible@zurch.on.ca. Visit our Web site: www.zurch.on.ca. Licensed home day care provider with 18 years experience. Has openings for fulltime child care in Lakeshore area. Call 886-5908. Lakeshore area: licensed child care provider with 20 years experience. References, receipts,-and resinable rates. Has space for one full-time infant or preschooler. Morningdale Crescent. 8866345. ~-


Friday, June 14 Im~rintstaffmeningheldat12:30 p.m., SLC, room 1116. Come out and volunteer at your newspaper. Peter Savich, Recipient of the 2002 J.W. Graham ~ e d a l"Trapped , in Silicon Valley During the Grand Chasen,willbe at theDavis Centre, room 1302 at 2:30 p.m. today. Receptionfollowing inroom 1301. Saturday, June 15 Greenstep Environmental Fair at Walkerton District Secondary School, 1320 Yonge Street, Walkerton, Ontario from 10:O a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Free admission. Exhibitors1 vendors welcome. Sponsors and volunteers needed. For more info, call (519) 881-3277 or e-mail: rleavoy@wightman.ca. Wednesday, June 19 Canadian Red Cross will be offering a Fist Aid Instructor Program on July 6,7 and 13. Individualsinterestedin becoming certified as a First Aid Instructor


must register no later than today. For information please contact Ray Snow at 742-2785. id^^, june2 1 Classical Indian Raga Music, on their Canadian tour, the renowned Mishras will perform today and June 22 at Zion United Church, 32 Weber Street, W., in downtownKitchener. Pleasevisit website for ticket price andinformation at http:/ /mishras.xoasis.com. K-W Indymedia 2-year celebration and fundraising evening. Come out and see highlights of two years of independent m;diimaking, wi;h speakers, films and more at 7:30 p.m., Davis Centre, room 1351. Suggesteddonation $2-$10. Saturday, June22 Environmental Conference - Pollution! The Conference sponsored by the Environmentally Concerned Citizens of Lambton Shores will be held at the Legion Hall, Grand Bend, Ontario from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. All are welcome. For registration information call Bob Monk at (519) 243-1360. Monday, June 24 Imprint is going to renovate the office! We are holdingapublicmeeting today to discuss problems with the current office layout and present and discuss solutions to these problems. All members of Imprint, especially those interested in office design, are encouraged to attend and make suggestions.The meeting begins at 5:30p.m. andshouldrun for an hour or so. Refreshments will be served. E-mail cec@imprint.uwaterloo.ca if you have questions or comments about this meeting. Tuesday, June 25 CKMS-FM, Radio Waterloo, Special Volunteer Meeting, held at 6:30 p.m. in the SLC, Multi-Purpose Room. Come out and see what's going on with your campus radio station. Friday, July 5

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