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I To Serve. Empower and Represent the Undergraduate Students of the University of Waterloo.




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FRIDAY, MAY 3,2002

Board of Governors approves statement of purpose Melissa Graham MPRINT STAFF

The conceptual plan as presented inthe "Development Guidelines Handbook." Phase one will se the construction of the Grand Boulevard and the Grand Circle.

Technology Park design guidelines amroved Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT STAFF

TheBoard of Governors approved a development handbook for the Research and Technology Park in their April 2 meeting. The guidelines are "to create a distinct and strong sense of place at the UW Research and Technology Park by ensuring that the quality [is] consistent, while allowing for expressions of corporate image." The park will cost $60 million in public money, split among the three levels of government and the university and $154 million in pnvate investment. It is hoped that the park will employ 6,000 beople and have an economic impact of $5 to $10 billion. Dennis Huber, VP Administration.and Finance, said that negotiations are und-y with two possible tenants. Greg Barran, president of the Comrnunitech Technology Association, said that the founding of the

university, the birth of universitybased tech companies in the 1980s, the subsequent 1990s IPOs and the development of the park are key development moments for the City of Waterloo. The availabdity of human and research capital and fresh land on North Campus will be a draw for companies.Barratt felt that the local technology industry is diverse enough that it will not suffer from any targeted economic downtum,malung the North Campuslands always available for development. In addition to the 100-acre park, 270 acres along the banks of Laurel C r e e k d be kept as a nature reserve. Hedgerows and the natural topography of the land have influencedroad alignments;the GrandBoulevardd run along a natural ridge of land and culminate at the Great Circle, which will be the highest point of land on North campis. ~ l t h o u ~the h land willbe levelled to allow construction, a slope must be kept to direct stormwater runoff, Huber said.

The environmentalpreserve als has some neat features, includmg a old d weir and the oldest &I maple tree in Ontario. There are no plans to attract pec ple not connected with the researc park to North Campus but Hub( said that triuls in the nature resen and along the rail corridorwillensul that people will pass through tl park. There are no plans for cultur institutions or recreation facihtie which might encouragemore mixir between research park tenants ar Waterloo citizens. The University I Waterloo Master Plan called fc among other things, a possible m of residential, commercial and ligl industrial uses on North Campus encourage a blending of the city ar the university. There is the potenti for buildmg student housing on tl North Campus but Huber suggestc that there were better plots of lar closer to South Campus.

The university is changing the method in whtch bursaries are granted, at the same tune as the Boilrd of Governors passed a statement ofintent on undergraduate student financial support, commiting the university to ensuring students have adequate financial assistance to complete their studies. Outgoing Federation of Students president, Yaacov Iland, believes that the change from automatically granting bursaries, which happened in 20012002, to having to apply will mean that more students will continue to have unmet needs. Iland and incoming Feds president Brenda Slomka are concerned that the university does not have the ability to meet the commitment passed and therefore is makmg it harder to get a bursary. The university administrationhas adifferent view. According toJoanne Wade of the registrar's office, information systems and technology, that the statement simply reflects the current practice. "I think it was felt that provincially other institutions were coming out and making that statement outright so that it could become a bit of a recruitment tool because parents are so concerned about the increasing cost of education." The province mandated that 30 per cent of all tuition increases since 1997-98 had to be earmarked for financial aid. This money is used for bursaries, work study programs and, this past year, for co-op jobs in order to use the surplus that had been built up over time. "There was this large surplus in the system as everyone knows and

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we were kind of directed to use up the surplus because I think they were frightened that somethingwouldhappen to it," Wade said. "So we did that. Using the system we identified students who had unmet need and provided them with bursaries without them having to apply for it, but that d not occur again. That has been reviewed from the board and the upper management of the university. Students should apply for their need. So we'll have to be more forthright at getting them to apply." Accordingto the informationpresented to the Board of Governors at their April 2 meeting, the change in admintstration of the bursaries in 2001-02meantthat $1.87millionwas spent on bursaries to non-applicant students while an additional $4.11 d o n was spent on applicants. Wade explained that the registrar has been very proactive in communicating the availability of the bursary program to students and they will continue to be proactive in doing so. Students who pick up their OSAP loan documents have information right in front of them about the bursary program. All students who receive the maximum from OSAP are automatically given a bursary application form with their documents. "Less than one-third of students on this campus apply for OSAP and most students are in either first or fourth year," Wade said. About 60 per cent of all students at UW are in co-op, whlch leads to decreasedneed when they are alternating co-op and school terms. Wade pointed out that bursaries are based on need and although it is possible that a student who does not receiveassistancefrom OSAP may qualify for a bursary, OSAP should be tried &st. Asked about the change in the process forbursaryapplicationsleading to more w e t need, Wade said "I don't think so because the intention is that they are going to apply. "There is no hidden agenda here. Sometimes the Federation [of Students] thinks we're trying not to give out this money and believe me there is nothing that makes my staff happier than giving out these bursaries."


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FRIDAY, MAY 3,2002

National press falls flat on facts in goose-attack story Neal Mwgk-Soulis . IMPRINT STAFF

Contrary to what national media reported, two students en route to the Engineering C & D werenot harmed by an agressive gander. Katherine Sparkes, one of the two, told Imprint "Other newspapers have reported that the goose made physicalcontact with Andrea. but this is not so. Andrea's injuries were relatively minor; she received a single stitch." When asked about the geese and the April 8 attack, Ruth Kropf, the supervisor of health services, said, ' T o the best of my knowledge nobody hasbeentouched by thegoose." Kropf said that newspapers including the Recodhad called for information but she was not at liberty to discuss the April 8 case in particular and that the Record simply repeated what had been reported in the Dai5 BnLhtin. Kropf judged that the na-

ture of the injuries were not gooserelated. It was later discovered that a female goose was nesting on the roof of CarlPollock Hall, where as a federally-protectedmigratorybud sheis allowed to stay until the goslings hatch. The pair is likely the same seen m the area last year dthey had a successfuldutch ofgoslings,according to Geri Higginson, the avian exotics expert with the Ontano Veterinary College in Guelph. Andrew Taylor, a wildhfe officer with the Canadian Wildltfe Service, said that he was only aware of a few geese-related injuries in the area this spring. In one case someone was bit on the hand and in another the person was knocked to the ground and twisted their ankle. "That's about the extent of the injuries possible," Taylor said. The best defence if provoked by a goose is to turn and walk away Taylor said, since the geese are

not hurt them. Scarecrows that look trying to protect their nest. Students who conducted studies like geese don't work accordmg to through the Watgreen program con- Taylor because geese are smart. Bryon Gall of Calgary has an alcluded that areas around the three reservoirs on campus should be ternative solution: Robogoose. planted to become unfnendly to Correctly called the Goose Poop geese. Laurel Lake has since been Buster 111, Robogoose is a goose planted in areas with tall vegetation, decoy mounted on a four-wheel reincluding indigenous trees and mote control vehicle. In a phone shrubs. It appears that the plan has m t e ~ e w w l t hI q r i n t , Gall,who markets vanous products on his Web been successful. However,ifthegeese begin to eye .site Thatinventorguy.com, sad that a place as good to nest, there are the Robogoose works effectively on geese, which eventuallybecome tired options toencouragingthem tomove elsewhere.Taylor suggestedhanging of this unknown marauder. He has fine wire nets or fishing h e above, shipped at least a dozen so far, remarkable given that the product is the ground to confuse the geese but

new and he doesn't advertise. At $2,400, Robogoose costs less than a border coke, another goose-chaser that can be rented for $5,000 a year. W o h g o n battenes,Robogoosecan hold a charge for a half hour and range up to a quarter mde at speeds as hlgh as 50 km/h Once the geese are gone, landowners can use one of Gall's other inventions: the o n p a l Goose Poop Buster. This machine effecuvely cleans a lawn ofgoose droppings and any other small garbage that may be on the ground.


New Federationof Students executive, from left: Chris DiLullo, VPAF; Mike Kerrigan, VPI; Brenda Slomka, Feds President; and Ryan O'Connar, VPED.

New Feds exec takes power Aaron Lee-Wudrick SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

A new era in campus politics was ushered in May 1 as the 2002-2003 Federation of Students Executive took office. Following a flaw in the initial online balloting period, which forced a re-vote and a two-week delay in tabulating the results, the four winners for the respective positions of president, vice president education, vice president admuistration and finance, and vice president internal were announced. Recently retuqed from the an'THIS ENTITLES THE STUDENT BEARER TO 10% OFF THE PURCHASE OF ANY' I REGULAR PRICED MERCHANDISE. I nual executive retreat, held in conb. I junction with the outgoingexecutive as part of the transition process, Waterloo's four newest officeholders tookthe time to discusstheupcoming year with Imprint. Brenda SIomka, Feds president, said that her &st order of business would be "to ask some serious quesoccasion I tions about the Watpaign and the F c u w Mall I speculated rumom that the [SLC] 894-0770 Great Hall won'tbeexpanded. There is a need to make sure that students I recave accountabhty for their [fiI nanual] con'tribution." I ONE CU,,CHER Regardmg improvements that I PER COAI8lNATION could be made over theu predecesI 213 King St. W.. 7445271 - sors, VP adrmtllstration and finance .VOT IALID 0.V SALEJiEXCHANDISE - NOT VALID WlTH ANY OTHER PRO4MTON I Chris DiLullo stressed the need for increased arid improved communi-


r1 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ~ ~ ~ ~

cation. "Under my portfolio I would like to seeimprovedlines of communicationwithin and between our businesses," saidDLullo, "[and] for Feds as a whole,I believe there is a responsibiltty to be accountableto students by maktng more information available to them." The new VP internal-created by renamingthe old student issues portfolio-is Mike Kerrigan, who agreed wholeheartedly with DiLullo: "I've committedmyselftomakingtheFeds a much more public and visible organization to try to raise awareness of what we do." He suggested several ways that this could be accomplished, includlg better utilization of theFeds bulletin boards, and stated that he was interestedin working "to compile an annual report that will be punted and posted &line." Ryan O'Connor, VP education, cited the need for better dissemination of information about his position in particular, letting students know "exactly what the VP Ed accomplishes with our external lobby organtzations." When asked to predlct which of their fellow executiveswas most &ely to getonhis nerves, O'Connor joked, "Kerrigan-his spkey hauirks me." K e q n pointed out that O'Connor is always "chattenng away about the latest events," and that smce they are

also roommates for the c o m g year, it is inemtable that they wdl at some pomt get wed of each other. He noted, though, that former VPSI Desiree Tanc and VPED Mark Schaan had done the same and that it had worked out well The execuuve was unanunous about the most pressmg issue faung the umverslty m the coming year: preparauon for the double cohort. "How wdl the university find fundmg for the students whch it needs to admit in upcoming years?" said O'Connor. 'Wdl the provmcial government assist in allematlngthe stress that the growth of the msutuuon has placed upon the quality of the educauon students receive? These are questions which have to be at the forefront of the minds of both students and the university m the year to come." Slomka cautioned that "we are going to see some big changes very qmddy. [the double cohort] is going to affect the whole province." The Federauon of Students office is located the SLC, room 1102, opposite Ground Zero The new execuave inmtes all students mth concerns, quesaons, or suggesuons to stop by

FRIDAY, MAY 3,2002

Johnston and Chakma support tuition deregulation

CS breaks away from math

Johnson and Chakina discuss personal opinions in pre-budget consultation Susan Bubak SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

UW president D a d Johnston recommended deregulation at the provincialpre-budgetconsultationmeeting on March 7. He maintains that his comments were consistent with UW policy. BothJohnston and UW Vice-president, academic and provost Amit Chakma attcndcd the meeting, during which they advocated that universities should have greater control over tuition fccs. Accordmg to the minutes of the meeting, Johnston recommended that universities should "be responsible for establishing tuition fees on conduion that each university ensures .that a fmancial aid packagc is in place so there are no financialbarriers for qualified students." Johnston proposed capping annual tuition increases at 10 per cent for regulated programs and 15 per cent for deregulatedprograms which would be in accordance with UW policy. "A reasonable year-by-year cap onincreasesin tuition fccs would be appropriate to avoid sudden shocks," Johnston told the provincial finance committee. When Ifnprint askcd Johnston whether he supported deregulation at UW, he replied, "The way 1would put it is to give univcrsitics more freedom over their fees." Johnston also said he feels that student financial aid should be available to thosc who need assistance, andadded that since 1997-1998,UW has allocated 30 per ccnt of tuition incrcases toward financial aid programs each year. "No student should

be demed the'opportumty for an cducauon at the Unlvers~tyofwaterloo," Johnston sad At the January senate meeung, Johnston explaned that he supported deregulation, but would not make any recommendauons to the provmctal -qovcrnment on behalf of the university without the appropriate approval of the university's goveming bodcs. According to the minutes of thc provincial pre-budget consultation meeting, Johnston told the fmance committee that "we're not here prcsenting a brief on behalf of the university. These remarks are our own views with respect to the budget consultation process."

Hand confronts Johnston At the March senatemeeting, then -Federation of Students president Yaacov Iland confronted Johnston about his comments. "He uohnston] specifically said to senate the university doesn't have aposition ongreater freedom to set tuition fees, andwon't take one until it comes through senate," Iland told Imprint. Although Johnston and Chakma cxprcsscd their personal views on deregulation at the provincial prebudget consultation meeting, Iland feels that they were representing the university. "I believe that once he uohnston] identifiedhimself as president of the university to the provhcial government committee, he's speaking on behalf of the university, whether he says something about personal Views or not." Johnston maintains that his recommendations were consistent with

a policy that UW adopted in 1999, which stipulates that tuition in regulated and dcrcgulated programs should not increase by more than 10 per cent and 15 per cent, respectively. "I bclicvc that anything I said in that statement is entirely consistent with the policies established within the university," saidJohnston. Chakma shared Johnston's concerns about the provincial governmcnt's control over tuition fees, particularly the two per cent cap on annual tuition increases in regulated programs. "I really don't thnk anybody, whether it is the government or private organizations, should &ctate what auniversityshould or should not do," he said in an interview with Imprint. "Institutional autonomy is cxtremcly important." Chakma feels the university'sgo\rerning bodes should be responsible for decisions about fee increases. "That doesn't mean that because the government is not going to tell us



The school of computer science was officially opened on April 30. To form the school, the math faculty was split in two, with half of the faculty, students and resources remaining in the math faculty and the remainder going to the SCS, which is still under the math department umbrella. The new school will have 63 faculty members, 2,175 undergraduate and 215 graduate students. Get it? what our tuition fees should be, we should simply increase tuition fees in an irresponsible manner," he said. "That decision should remain within the governing bodies of the univcrsity, the board of governors." Critics argue that the provincial government is largely responsible for the funding crisis at Ontario univer-


sides. Many post-secondary institutions have been forced to increase tuition fees to compensate for lower provincial support. According to the Ontario Undergraduate Student AILance, tuition has almost doubled over the past decadc, while f 1.5 billion has been cut from post-secondaty education over the same period.

Budget: no more money!

the total student population to reach 18,207 compared to 17,784 In 2001. In an interview with Imprint, former Federation of Students president Yaacov Illand criticized t h e m versity's decision to increase tuition. "When the university lobbied for deregulation, they took responsibility to ensure that deregulated programs would still be accessible to all qualified students," he said. "Increasing tuition does not reflect this commitment as it affects the ability of the financially constrained students to come to university. Qualified students should not he prevented from

BUDGET, from page 3

However, Chakma believes that UW continues to offer "a very good quality of education under the circumstances." In an attempt to compensate for the budget shortfall, tuition fees at UW will increase by two per cent in regulated programs and 15 per cent in dcregulatcd programs. While the number of faculty positions decreases, enrolment levels continues to increase each year. Each faculty plans to admit more first-year students this' fall, causing

getting an cducanon because of fi nanclal bamerc " Students wlll contmue to face nsmng hution unlcss the unn ersltv re celvcs morc promnctal fundmg, or cuts spendng In other areas Cnncs arguc that cuts d compromse the quality of cducanon Students are bemg ddvlsed to )omfaculty and staff members to pressure the provmc~al government for an infusion of opcraung grants UW 1s renowned for ~ t s hgh quality cducanon, but budget cuts u d u n d e m n e accecsib~htv,ecpeaall) for low Income students who cannot afford nsing tulaon fccs

Feds council cleans up election procedures Ryan Chen-Wing



Feds Students' Council has made changcs to election and referendum procedures. These changes follow a fall referendum and winter executivc elections where outdatcd vcrsions of proccdures were used, creating confusion which resulted in a grcatcr news coveragc of complaints and violations than the than the election and referendum. At the April 7 meeting, council passcd changes to its election procedures recommended by the policy, procedure and bylaw review committee with some modification~. There were problems with thc referendum procedurc whcn two appeals wcrc considered by the Feds Board of Directors after the decisions by the referendum committee and the referendum appeals committee. Although the procedure d d

nor allow an appeal, the precedmg verslon of the procedure from 1999 &d allow lt. Copes of t h s Incorrect proccdurc wcrc d~strhutedby the LRO Brandon Sweet at the begnning of the referendum process. A similar situation occurcd in thc executive elections in thewinter term, resulting in application of an outdated procedurc. During campaigning, VPAF canddate Chris DiLullo and those he ran with were fined under an oldversion of a section that had been changed two months earlier in December 2001. He was fmed becausc a staff member at the Bombshelter pub was wearing campaign material; the old procedure made an exception for material on patrons where the new version made an exception for that "on the person." These problems and the resulang scrutiny created an impetus for the policy, procedure and bylaw review

"The process through which students elect their representatives affects all other aspects of the organization." I ,

committee to make signifcant changes to the election procedure before the errors were repeated. During thc campaign thc election committee considered distribution violations as "minor posting violations" in ordcr to only givc warnings. While the number of clauses increased from 98 in the previous p r o ced&e to 111 in the new procedure, -


part of the changes were to reorgan ize the procedure and make it more understandable. Now thcrc is a scction d e t d n g the role of the elecnon commttee ' and ~ t sresponalbtltues Thts commtttcc IS dcscnbcd as the final body of appeal and decldes on all appeals of elecnon c o m t t e e declsmns The old procedure had a numbcr of clauses that described campaiping. The explicit definition of campaigning was hdden in an unrelated clause. Thls was cofrected and the definition of campaigning was brought to the beginning of the s e c don called "carnpaipng." Exceptions to this defuution still remain in other parts of the section. The length of campaign period was changed from "no more than 10 days" to a range from five to eight business days. Executive candidates' campaign budget has been reduced from $450

to $300 to allow for thc fact that thc procedure replaced the mailout that was charged to canddates with an email. This change will mean that fines wvtll have less consequence becauce they are defined as a percentage of the total budget Thc rcstncnons that disallowed hnks to and from the candidate statements now only apply .. to hnks from 'the statement. The new procedure makes the CRO responsible forcheckingnomination forms, where before it was theresponsibilityoftheelectioncommittee. Now candidates may be liable for campaignviolations,howeveroccurring, where before it read that they shall be liable. The process through which students elect their representatives affects all other aspccts of thc organization, as it determines how their leaders are chosen.

O p ~ n ~ o n e d l t ovra. c a n t o p ~ n i o n @ i m p r c n tu w a t e r l o o . c a l e t t e r s @ l m p r m t uwaterloo.ca


It's communication, stupid Feds' student relations and communication Ryan Chen-Wing COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

In 1787 Thomas Jefferson wrote to Edward Carrington, who was at the time his representative at the continental Congress, the legslature of the 13 colonies. In his letter he said, "The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter." Jefferson clearly identified that in order for a democracy to operate properly, the people must be informed. It is reasonable to treat Jefferson's use of newspapers as meda since at the time they were the most effective medmm to communicate with the population. Communication between the Federation of Students and its members, students, is in a sorry state and thls must change. One of the most important things the Feds can do this year is to communicate with students using the media available to them, including their Web site. The Feds' values include accountability through transparency, political protection through information-sharing and the utihzation of all communication resources available. Although these three things are stated as part of the 10 values of the organization they are not reflected by reality. Their information is not easily available. At UW, students get most of their news about their student government not from the Federation of Students but from the student media. On March 26, the Feds presented awards to 10 students leaders and it was not published by Feds; the only major news source that publicized the

awards was uwsfcdent.org. Also, on May 1 at the fifteenday deadline for notice of the May 16 Feds general meeting, notice appeared on uws and not feds.ca. Last year uws provided 28,107 words in 63 news stories that involved Feds and Imprint provided 28,610 in 42 stories, the Feds do not regularly pubhsh news and the amount of content they provide is not significant. All kinds of reporting are unavoidably biased and it hurts the Feds to have students receive most of their information on Feds through the filter of bias and understanding of Imprint and uws reporters. It is a disservice to students and to themselves to be resmcting the flow of information to students. At the March 13 general meeting, Dawn PhiUips, VP admm & finance at the time, stated that the Feds Web site was underdeveloped and underused. On April 1, they launched a new design for feds.ca (the domain registered for Feds by Rob Schmidt who was not even a member at the time). The changes to the Web site are improvements but they do not f d y answer the question of communication; it is a fine tool but of little value if important content is not delivered. Further, although the stated intent is to provide inforrnation and archive content, this was not demonstrated as information from the old site is no longer offered. So information that is proxlded on the site must be archived, id est continue to be provided so as to avoid the Orwehan rewriting and obscuring of history, attempts of which we saw during the Watpaign referendum when copies of the proposal were changed and deleted from the Web site. All information that is currently generated must be offered, which is

On public education

SPECULATIONS All the recent talk about deregulation and many of the arguments associated with it have made me wonder what the real goal of public education is. While I don't disagree with those who say that some of the fmancial onus of an education should be borne by the person who will benefit directly from it, the philosophy behind public education, in my mind, is much deeper than that. Economist Craig Riddell writes that the correlation between education and earnings is one of the best-established relationshps in the social sciences. He goes on to state that the financial return per year of schooling is greatest at a bachelor level six per cent for men and nine per cent for women. This strengthens the oft-repeated cry from the deregulation faction: if students end up with a higher earning power after receiving an education, why should society be helping? Let's examine the issue more

closely. The world of the last few decades and certainly the early part of the new millennium, has been increasingly dynamic. Technological change and globalization, the most obvious markers of this age, are resulting in greater demand for skilled workers and widening inequality in employment and wages based on skill-level. Economic activity in general, and particularly in developed countries, is becoming more knowledgebased - a move, in essence, from reliance on physical capital to reliance on human capital. As finance minister Paul Martin said to a House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance in November of 1999, "Providing security and opportunity for Canahans in the future means investing in their skills, in their knowledge and capacity to learn. . . good skills are an essential part of the social safety net of the future." Thls idea is a key one to remember in the discussion of funding for post-secondary education. Ontario's post-secondary system has the hghest reliance on tuition fees in Canada. In fact, as President Johnston pointed out in pre-budget consultations with the finance minister, in the last six years, when Ontario's funding for post-secondary education has decreased three per cent, funding

in the United States has risen on average 36 per cent and 76 per cent in California. While I can sympathize with administlators, who no doubt find themselves in a bind as they uy to balance the qu&ty of education against a constantly decreasing amount of funchg, I think it is also important that the general public open its eyes to the situations students are forced to deal with. We all hear our parcnts talk about a time, not so far away, when a university degree guaranteed you the job of your choice. Today, even in the so-called high-growth fields of information technology, graduates haw no guarantees. Today's job market is constantly becoming leaner and meaner. Faced with such prospects, many students seriously have to consider what kind of commitment they're making when they sign up for a four-year, $32,000 degree. Putting money into hgher education clearly does not only mean increasing the standard of living of the person being educated. If Canada is to remain in the playmg field with other developed countries into the next century, we must all take a long, hard look at the structure of our society and evaluate priorities accordingly.


see INFORMED, page 11

Production staff Rachel E. Beame, Adrian I. Chin, Adma Gillian, Melissa Graham, Janice Jim, Greg hfacdougall, Neal MoogkSoulis, Will Peters, tvlonika Smetana, Sarah Shantz, Kourtney Short, Elizabeth Van Ewpk, Dmitriy Zlotmkov Editorial St& Editor-in-chief, Magda Konieczna ed~tor@mprint.uwaterloo.ca Assistant editor, vacant Photos, vacant Graphics, vacant Web, vacant Systems admin., vacant Lead proofreader, vacant Proofreader, vacant Proofreader, vacant Proofreader, vacant Proofreader, vacant

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Cover: Ryan Matthew Merkley Logistics Crew: Rachel E. Beatae, Adnan I. C h , Jamce Jlm, Magda Komeczna, Greg Macdougall Imprintis the offic~alstudent newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially indcpcndcnt newspaper published by Impnnt Pubhcadons, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint ls a member of the Ontario Commumty Ncwspaprr Association (OCNA). Editorial submssionsmaybc considered forpublicationin any edition of Impri~rf.Imprint may also reproduce the material commerc~allym any format or mcdium as part of the newspaper databasr, Web slte or any other product derived from the ncwspapcr. Those submitting editorial content,includingarticles,lettcrs,photosindgraphcs,wlll grant Imprint f ~ s publication t rlghts of their submitted

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Next production night:

Wednesday, May 15 5:30 p.m., SLC 1116


FRIDAY, MAY 3,2002

2002: Come together

Obscene amounts of ink has been spilled in recent weeks over the ongoing saga which plagues the federal right wing in Canada, which is of course: what to do about the two parties that purport to represent the interests of the right, the Canadmn Alliance and the Progressive Conservatives. in thepost-September 11re+ment of political priorities, the issue fell by the wayside, but with the selection of Stephen Harper as thenew leader of the Alliance this past March, both sides of the unite-the-right debate popped up to offer their two cents. On the unity front- spearheaded by the seven 'rebel' Ahance MPs who formed a parliamentary coahtion with the federal Tories and Ahance leaderslup also-rans Grant Hill and Diane Ablonczy, the logic was clear. Merge the parties, or at least cut some sort of deal to avoid vote-

splitting, and get on with toppling the Liberals. O n the other end were. the skeptics. On the Tory side, those fearful of having the dear old party swamped, and on the Alliance side, thoseparanoid of a watering down of policy to suit red Tory interests. The solution, so the argument goes, is to ignore or crush the rival party before moving onto the Liberals. We can first dispose of the myth that both these parties are nght-wmg parties. With Joe 'Yesterday's Man'' Clark, the original Red, at the helm, the federal PCs are scant more 'conservative' than the Liberals, albeit with a more hkeable and eloquent leader. The Alliance. on the other hand, has come to be the sole standard bearer of the Canadan right, especially since its reblrth from the old Reform party. Yet in spite of this, there is a need for some sort of arrangement between the two parties if there is to be any chance of uhseating Jean Chretienandhis flock of prixiple-free minions. It is not about companbhty, or even if they are a good fit; it is a simple case of having a fifth recognizable party name on the election ballot beside which to place an X. So long as both Alliance and PC choices are present, and both remain recog-

What's on I N YOUR INTEREST There may be fewer students on campus during the summer term, but the action just doesn't stop at WPIRG where volunteers continue to work towards a just, environmentally-sustainable, and democratic society. If you are interested in learning more about WPIRG attend our summer organizingmeeting dn Tuesday, May 14,530 p.m. in the SLC multipurpose room. At the beginning of every term, volunteers gather to talk about what issues they're passionate about, what's been done, what's on, and what there is to do. Last term, students participated in a wide range of activities:Amnesg International- working for the release of political prisoners; Compassinate Lving - raising awareness about vegetarianism and the plight of animals; Food Not Bombs - serving food to hungry people in downtown Kitchener; Whitewash - organizing the annual Pussy Party; 'WIRG Radio- producing a weekly radio show; Pmject Irq.- raising funds for humanitarian aid for the people of Iraq; FoodAction -GMO awareness rais-

ing; Women of Colour co/kcfive-producing a zine; Economic G/oba/ixation - raising awareness about the G8, InternationalMonetary Fund, World Bank and the growing divide between the Global North and South; Stop the Sanctions- campaigning the government to lift sanctions against Iraq, and more. W I R G also strives to build stronger relationshipswith the community at large. On May 3rd and 4th, there are two e;citing conferences happening in Kitchener-Waterloo open to all. From the Ground Up: Building Healthy Communities in Waterloo Region and Beyond is a series of dynamic, energizing, and action-focused events for community members who are working in dvexse ways towards a common goal of a healthlet community. Events include a Community Green Energy Workshop, Healthy Communities Forum, and a Community Vegetarian Feast. Formoreinformation,visit water/oongion.og or 579-3800. May 1st is May Day, International Workers'Day,wluch commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and is recognized in every country except theunitedstates, Canada, andSouth Africa. This despite the fact that the holiday began in the 1880s in the United States, with the fight for an eight-hour workday. See WPIRG, page 11

nized as major political parties in Canada, the split will continue. The Akance would do well to understand the currency which the PC brand name carries. Regardless of their ignominious decline, they retain at least the status of king makers, and their dlehard loyalists w d likely slit their wrists before merging with the Alliance. The Tories, conversely, should tune into 2002. The Alliance is for real, and deserves more respect than has heretofore been shown by the PCs. Simply because the stumbling of Stockwell Day gave them a brief tactical reprieve is not a license to begin calling the shots in any merger talks, being outnumbered in the House of Commons by mote than a 5 to 1 margin. These partles are not yet ready to merge - they may never be -but they are capable of cutting a deal. And why not try? If it doesn't work, then at least the question of compatibility will be settled once and for all. For example, the Alliance could run cankdates fromManitobawest,with the Tories running in Quebec and east. Ontario could be split up evenly, dependmg on who has the best shot at winning a seat. The result could be an Alliance-Tory coalition govemment. The time for talk is fast running out - if nothing is done soon, we will all remain helpless as the increasingly corrupt, disinterested Liberals win election after election by default.

One time

SECONDHAND SMOKE Time keeps on moving. It's like Bob hlarley sings, " Have no fear for atomic energy, becausenone of them can stop the time." Time is kdled, and time is wasted. No wonderwe're all so out of breath. One day you'll look back at today and think of things you could have done. Or maybe you won't; maybe you'll look back at today and thmk of what you did. Or maybe you won't think of that either, maybe what it is that'll happen is that you'll not look back at all and look forward, cause there's only so much looking a body can do When you approach a situation, it's nice to know where you're coming from. Are you from 0-town, from T-dot, from K-dubb? Or are you from the heart, the soul, the mystery? What kind of intentions and assumptions is that energy flowing through for you to release it into the world? Maybe sometimes you need to leave your environment, so that you can see your environment. Sometimes you need to leave your environment because it's unhealthy. Sometimes you need to work on your environment, to improve its

health. W'hy do you do thc things you do? Do you even know who you are? How is that diffcrcnt from who 1am? How is ~t d~ffcrcnrfrom who you think you are? How can you cope with the fact that it may forever remam unknown to you, the answers to these quesaons? What life skills can you obtain from crashingpartiesand paying rent, from having fun and being knotty? In the mind's eye, there's space for you and I. If you want to go. Not necessarily do youwant to thmk about, consider for a time, the questions and the assertions contained on this page. Why would you want to? But hopefdy that doesn't matter cause at least if you're reading them then you're h n k m g about them, and even if you do not consciously tlunk about them afterwards, they've already been put to a deeper place in your brain. Sometimes it kills me, what's wrong with things.Then I get reborn when I see the part that's right. In a battle of good versus evil, they're cahngit a drawl But evd's put in an appeal to a higher court. Consciousness was never a thing to be played with, or taken lightly, they warned at the mental hospitals. There's only how many brands of medicine to make your brain better? All of which never existed how long ago? It's all in the roots. It's guerrilla warfare with a twist, cause it's not See SMOKE, page 11

FRIDAY, MAY 3,2002

Gay variety on reality TV Aaron Cowan COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

Speahng of thc times in which we are living, it seems as if the 20th and now 21st centuries are characterized by a new interest in humanism. People want to carc for their bodies, their minds and their souls, more than 1 think they ever have. They want to understand not only themselves, but also each other.Thcy arc stretching the norms of what society has placed for them in hopes of seeking and then seeing the bigger picture. In csscnce, what it all really means. This is the environment that reality TV has been born into. Much like mainstrcam movies and television shows, reality TV seeks a broad and popular audience. It hopes to capture the watcher with just one episode, making them want to come back for more and more. People watch it because they want to relate to it and because they are becoming bored of the same old quirky nature of television shows such as Seinfeld and Friends and in effect, and they are asking for more. Whilc rcality TV is a fairly innovative form of entertainment in our western culture, the way in which it has portrayed the queer community is not much unhke any of our books, movies, music and television shows. In many ways, reality TV has stayed vcry true to Hollywood's conception of the gay individual. I d s take Suivivor for example. Now in its fourth run, Sumivor has presented three gay men as vcry strong personalities - Richard Hatch the lying, conniving,self-sufficientruler ofSurvivor 1;Brandon Quinton the hotheaded, flamboyant, emotionally charged youngster of Africa' and of course the nowJohn Carroll, the supposed "leader" of The Marquesas. Each of

thesemen aregay, yes, but why is it that they are all so different? Or are they? How about the American BigBmther3Here, we have Jordon the bisexual stripper and then thc terribly irritatingandoverly sensitive Bunky who must havc cried more than a baby with an onion up its nose. Then there's the Chicagoversion of TheReal Worldthat only recently showcased an intimate scene between 23 year-old Chris and his school teacher boyfriend Kurt. Additionally, there's theAma+gRace 2with gay fricnds Danny and Oswald, TheMolekrunnerupJimMorrison and countless other gay contestants on shows hke Who Wants to Be A Millonairel and Fear Factor. So, what does dus all mean? Whiie many may ask what the queer community has done forrcality TV, I'dlike to askwhat has re&tyTV done for the queer community? I should say fmt that reahty TV has done some great thmgs. It has placed thc lives of countlessgaypeople into the homes ofperhaps otherwise n a k television watchers. It has portrayed the gay individual as someone who is strong, willing to work hard forwhat they want, and ready for unexpected challenges. In general, it has mainstrcamcd pcrhaps some of the things that the queer communitywants to have understood; that it isn't only about sexualtty, it is about the real person. However, placing openly gay people on reality TV is a difficult thing to do for fear of pigeon-holing the entire community. Luckily, not all of them have been aBunky or aBrandon or even a Richard Hatch. Bccause while it may be important for their viewers to he entertained by the "real" portion of reahty TV, it cannot be forgotten that being "gay" means something very different to each and every one of us.

The importance of CKMS Laura Taylor COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

I'm about to celebrate my seventh anniversary as a CKMS programmer. As othcrs have been doing for more than three decades, I regularly head past the Optometry B u i l h g and a field of corn to take my turn behind the mixing board of UW's own campus radio station. Ovcr the years I've heard landmark programs like the LeapingLesbians and radio art in the form of Frequent Mutilations. I.ocal classics like thc Shrunken Heads show have come and gone. CKMS has introduced mc to new bands and allowed me to indulgc my tastes for jazz, blues and classical in between my onslaughts of heavy metal. We provide music that commercial stations don't play, with shows that focus on styles like hp-hop, reggae and roots. But beyond that, CKMS offers information, spoken word programming and artistic frcc-form radio. Addressing the multi-culturaland multi-racial nature of our regon, the station features Christian and Islamic shows and programs that broadcast in other languages, including Chinese and Croatian. Campus radio also has an obligation to provide a strong platform for Canadian music and encourage the local music scene. Many CKMS shows feature independent and underground artists. We've had Iocal bands perform live at the station, drop by for interviews and sendus their CDs for airplay. Yet there's stillroom toget out into the communityand takc amore active role. We have a great thng at CKMS. We're outgrowing our space and the Bauer Ware-

house seems hke a poorer fit for us than it did several years ago. But tucked away in our comer of UW's north campus we have the freedom to explore the world of broadcasting and cross the boundaries imposed by commercialism and a profit-oriented society. At CKMS, we work under few restrictions since little red tape curbs our creative impulses. Ra&o Waterloo opens up the airwaves to the let people oftheKitchener-Watcrloo area speak out to a broader audience. Staff provides volunteers with the necessary tools and training to make use of this wonderful opportunity and airtime isn't restricted to the highly polished and the elite. With all that CKMS has to offer,it's time for some of us to step out into univcrsity and community life and let people know that we're here. That doesn't meanwe nccd to compete with the plastic world ofcommercialized medm, and certainlywe don't need to sacrificeour ideals or even smooth out all our rough edges in the process. What it does mean is budding stronger relationshipswith other organizationson campus and in the community that have something unique of their own to offer, perhaps sponsoringas wellas promotinglocalevents. With Web casting we can reach out to the whole world, sharing news, ideas and musical tastes, but it's our local flavour that makes us special. Most importantly CKMS can'tcompromise its commitment to offering an alternative to commercihed media, a voice for the underrepresented segments of population, and an outlet for thosewho have somethmgimportant to say.

Chavez reinstated Julian lchim COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

On the morning of April 12, 2002 the president of the Rolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, was placed under arrest by the military. This coup was a result of an employers' strike that startcd thc prcvious Tucsdap. The employers' strike was lead by the Chamber of Commerce and the illegal executive board of the Vcnezuclan Workcrs Fcdcration. The strike was a result of changes made by Chavez to the business sector favouring the rights of workers as well as changes to the executive board of the national oil company that would have hurt US interests. The armed demonstration was composed of the traditional Venezuelan oligarcical ruling classes, whose stranglehold on power was attacked by Chavez's peaccful rcvolution. The demonstrators marched to the presidential palace where they were met by proChavcz supporters, anti-Chavez snipers on the roof, and thc national guard. At this time Chavez's attempts to address the nation on national television werc illcgallp taken off the air by the private media monopoly which attempted to incite the people to violence against thcir democratically-elected president. After the clashing groups met, shots were f ~ e dby anti-Chavez forces leading to a gun battle, which left about 12 dead. The military steppedin, surrounded the palace and replaced Chavez and his cabinet with a military Junta that rescinded the new constitution of Venezuela as well as the anti-corruption laws and 69 laws aimed to help the lower classes of the country. The Junta was at once recognized by global economic forces such as the IMF, which stated that they would provide all the support

that the new governmentwould need. The U.S. was also happy to haveridthemselvesofChwez, whose economic politics, rcfusal to allow a US &tar). base in his country and friendship with Cuban leadcr Fidcl Castro wcrc a slap in the face to USmonopolics. In fact not only was thc US happy to recognize the collapse of the Bolivarianrepublic,but they were also happy to help plan it accordingto US private intelligence gathering company Stratfor, whch points out that both the CIA and the US State Department helpcd plan his dcmisc. According to Newswepk, militaryJunta heads have been meeting with US embassy officials for thc last two months. The events in Venezuela after the coup saw masses of people taking to the streets in support of Chavez, engagmg in street battles with the National Guard, private sector militia and armed forces. Thts led to a split in thc military, some of which joined the people in the streets and led to the liberation of Chavez and his reinstatement into the office of president on the 41st anniversary of the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Chavez, who won the office of presidency in two clcctions with 80 pcr ccnt of thc votcs, stated that now was a time to go over mistakes made and rebuild unity in Venezuela.The US. let the world know thatitwas unhappy with this turn of events and US. National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice stated that after these events Chavez must learn his lesson and "correct the erroneous path upon which he previously embarked." Chavez must amend his erroneous ways which have increased literacy, provided housing and employment to millions and has made Venezuela a sovereign republic.

Smoke: one time SMOKE, from page 10

done with guns or knives or missiles or landmines, but it's necessary to arm yourself noncthclcss, with similes and metaphors and unlocking keys. What if you don't get it? What if there's something else happening that you've never

even heard about? What are you going to do? One thousand times youmight fad, but each one you have accomplished something. And probably learned even more than you've accomplished. And yct you might think you're a failure. Shows how much you know.

Informed: Feds' responsibility INFORMED, from page 8

easy as it is all currently recorded electronically. This information includes executive reports, minutes of meetings, press releases and official documents. Information on student issues must be gven to students so that they understand the situation and decisions their representatives deal with. These things wdl affect many other aspects of the Feds and how students

interact with and perceive the organization. Students at UW are not apathetic, although thcy may not carc about the Fcds. Students cannot care about what they do not know about; students don't know about the Feds, hut the Feds can change this. "Cherish therefore the spirit of our people, and keep alive their attention. Do not be too severe upon their errors, but reclaim them by enlightening them." Thomas Jefferson 1787

WPIRG: events for the summer WPIRG, from page 10

It is not surprising that the state, business leaders, mainstream union officials, and the medm would want to hide the true history of May Day, portraymg it as a holiday celebrated only in Moscow's Red Square. In its attempt to erase the history and significance of May Day, the United States government declared May 1 to be "Law Day" and gave us instead Labour

Day - a holiday devoid of any historical significance. Here in Kitchener-Waterloo, the KW Youth Collective has organized a May Day conference entitled "From Rights To Resistance" on May 4, which will include presentations and speakers addressingSeptember 11, oppression,workers' rights, the death of Dudley George and direct action. For more information, contact youth_space@hotmail.com or 578-1425.

FRIDAY, bWY 3,2002

What would you like to see the new Feds accomplish?

"Bigger and better arcade."

"Greater solar car support."

Pamela and Eric

Dejau, Calli, Elita and Jason

18 mechanical engineering

Solar car team

"More varied bank machines o n campus."

"Mandatory lectures outside during the summer."

Lance Gilroy

Joanne Walton

3A mathematics

3N English

"Free ice-cream at Scoops."

"Get more microwaves i n the SLC."

Justine Saccornanno

Sarah Griffiths

4N environmental studies

4N kinesiology

"Overthrow the Canadian government."

"Open a Tim Horton's i n the SLC."

Gloria and Darren

Akila Dada

4N history and political science

2N arts


FRIDAY, MAY 3, 200:

Yummy alfredo pizza 1 clove garlic, minced Pepper

Chicken: 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts salt 'pepper 1 tbsp olive oil


This pizza is a twist on the classic pizza model. You can substitute one package of fake crab for the chicken for a seafood version, or omit the chicken for a vegetarian variation.

Ayrh sauce: 1cup table cream (heavier cream will give thicker sauce) 1/4 cup butter 50 g fresh Parmesan cheese


Other pizza dough for two large pizzas

slice the onion. Melt butter in a fryinj pan over medium heat. Slowly cool the onions untd they are b r o w (carmalized). If they are brownin] too quickly, turn the heat down tc medium-low. Set aside. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees If you are using pizza dough, form i into two round pizza crusts, usiq cornmeal instead of flour to preven it from sticlung. Sprinkle lots o cornmeal on two baking trays, the1 place the pizza.crusts o n them. Spread half the alfredo sauce 01 each crust. Evenly distribute the gar lic, chicken, onions and mushroom over the crusts. Cover the pizza with mozzarella. Bake for 12 to I! minutes, until the cheese starts tt brown. Slice and serve.


It's a bird1 K s a plane1 It's alfredo pizza dough1

plus taxes ;delivery extra *excludes Party Pizza and double toppings **extra cheese additional cost

I -


Roasted garlic 1 bulb garlic 3 tbsp. olive oil

A&ah same: Warm the cream on low heat. When the cream is hot (do not let it come to a boil), whiskin the butter in small pieces. Add pepper to taste. Let the mixture cook for another five minutes. Add the garlic. Add the grated cheese,whiskingconstantly to prevent clumping. Fresh parmesanisnecessary here,asitmelts much better than pre-grated cheese. The saucemay be left on low heat for up to ten minutes. Any leftovers can also be used on pasta. Roartedgarlic:Preheat an oven (or

preferably a toaster oven) to 325 degrees. Separate the garlic cloves. Place on a doubled piece of tin foil. Cover the garlic with the olive oil. Fold the foil into a packet, making sure to seal the edges. Roast the garlic in the oven on a baking sheet for half an hour, or until the cloves are soft and lightly browned. Remove the peel (which is easier after roasting) and set the garlic doves aside. Chicken. Slice the chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Sautet the chicken in a pan with a small amount of oil, until it is cooked through and shghtly browned. Remove from heat and set aside. Cammel~edonions: Peel and thinly




Canameked onion: 1 me&urn onion 2 tbsp butter

or 2 prepared pizza crusts cornmeal for sprinkling 8 white button mushrooms, thinly sliced 340 g mozarella cheese, grated


5m 11

I NOT VALID WITH V.I.P. CARDS 1 COUPON EXPIRES May 17,2002 m 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 m m ~ ~ m m ~ m 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 I

at the corner d king

FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2002



Flexibility is the key to success in co-op A f~st-yearengineering student talks about her co-op work exoeriences area's individual needs. The largest part of the staff -the field coordmators -are not even on campus. The field coordinators are located to serve theneeds of students and employersin When people say the word "co-op," they are t h w individual areas. You can just m a p e the amount of paperusually greetedwth a chorus of groans. In fact, you probably lust groaned when you saw the work needed to keep co-op functiomg. In title of this article. To most people, co-op is fact, one of the first &ficulties as an assistant seen as a hole where they throw too much co-op advlsorwas successfullyprocessingtrans(apprownately $400) of their precious dollars. actions, such as students finding lobs. Many I am an engineering student.' On my first people have to be informed of any changes so work term, I was employed in the co-op de- that they can follow up w t h the student and partment as the assistant co-op advlsor for employer. When I forgot to Inform the necessary people, they chased me down for the engineering. I am very grateful that I was able to see both sides of co-op: as a frustrated information. As students,it is important for us to particistudent and also as an employee. I was granted patein the co-op sysa unique perspective. Our~rogram conI tem and to help our" selves. s he CO-OP s i s t s o f a ~ ~ r o ~ a t e[cansafely l~ saythat system is a demo11,000 students. . every student w h o cratic one. ~ l t h o u g h ~ ~ ~ @ per cent - f i ahlosf ~ ~ many d e s a n d rep"of students enrolled lations are set, almost in co-op find employall of the decisions merit at compames workmg in partnerhe,nghtfully,dthe students In the first ship w t h the m v e r sity The other 5 per cent find employment on phase, we apply to lobs we like In the second that own, sometimes at compames prevlously phase, we fill in the continuous phase s M s approached by the mversity. form that directs where our resumes are sent. The co-op department has a staff of ap- We need to make reahstic apphcation choices prownately 80 people. There are a vanety of so that h e lobs we choose are ones that we can directors, program admstrators and co-op manage and have the practical expenence for. advlsors,all divlded by faculty to focus on each In the first phase of co-op, too many students Fran Wu SPECIAL TO IMPRINT


apply to compames where they are competmgwith hundreds of apphcants. This narrows t h w chances of o b t w g a lob. Location 1s also a common restnctmg factor. As an employee of co-op, I can safely say that almost every student who is unemployedis restnctmg her or his location. As students who are stressed out for money and m s s home-cooked meals, it's hard for us not to see the work term as a time when we can return home. But too often tlus restricts opportunities. Toronto is a popular location, but that means competttion. It's important to make the right decisions when ~fyou are w d h g to face a postmg applying to co-op jobs. where there are 200-300 apphcations per job as opposed to 50-60, you have to presented is mmmal and common sense, but ~t face the consequences of not landmg that po- is hard to see the frustration on students' faces s~ttonIt is important not to forget that the when they hit a roadblock and all they had to do purpose of co-op is to have an opportmty to was to come to the meetmgs For example, dunng the conanuous phase meetmg, everyapply whatwelearn in the classroom and, most mportantly, to open our eyes to the outslde one was told that they needed to inform co-op as soon as they find employment so that any world. As co-op students it 1s also important that internews can be cancelled. Unfortunately, too we hsten to the information presented by the many students come after theinternews to sign co-op department. To my fnends and me, the the job off but are forced to take the job Co-op 101 semmars were a m e to finally relax because they were not aware they had to give after a day of work and possibly work on our pnor nottce. The next time you walk through the doors homework S d a r l y , at the tune of the contmuous phasemeetmgs, there are always better of Needles Hall, make sure you open more things to do. We assume that the information doors than you d o s e

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Science editor vacant sc~ence@~rnpr~nt uwaterloo ca

SCIENCE Neal Mooak-Soulis

UW Earth Science professor Brent Wolfe (far left) and a PAD research group build a platform from which to collect a lake sediment core to study past environmental conditions.

UW professor receives $700,000 grant for northern research Peter van Driel SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

UW Earth Sciences Professor Brent Wolfe has recently been awarded one of six NSERC Junior Research Chair Positions to conductresearch related to Canada's North. The position includes a research grant of $700,000 over five years. By awardmg six NSERC research chair posmons with a total value of $6.1 million dollars, the Canadnn government hopes to expand research efforts 1; the north ~norder

better manageits environment. The changmg Arctic climate, northern peoples' diet, forest fires, the future of fish resources and the stabilitv of permafrost will also be examined by the six new university research chairs. Wolfe's research will teach Canadians how to better manage water resources and balance the desire for economic development with envi-. ronmental protection. Wolfe's researchgrantwill fund a series of paleohydrological and paleoecological studies of the MacKenne h v e r Basin deltas The

deltas arc some of the most sensinve enwonments m Canada's north. The overall oblecave is to study past c h a t e changes and e c o l o g d responses in the deltas to predct how these ecosystems tmghtrespond to future c h a t e change or human developments In the basm Wolfe, ongnally from W m p e g , came to UW to work on a PhD project under Professor T o m Edwards. He has conducted northern research for the past decade. see GRANT, page 18

phsticated satellites into worthless spacejunk. The broken satellitewould then begin its own destructive orbit and Earth could eventually be encased by a low-orbit net of debris. According to the report, further space travel would be halted if missions could not safely enter orbit.

Death of an icon

Award-winning Segway

Thor Heyerdahl, a Norweigan explorer, died April 18 at the age of 87. He was honoured at a funeral in Oslo last week. His ashes are to be returned to h s home in northern Italy on May 3. Heyerdahl was responsible for challenpgold theories ofPolynesian immigration. Pre-Heyerdahltheories state that the various Pacific islands were populated by as-yet undiscovered stone-ageexplorers from southeast Asia. Heyerdahl's theory states that the origmal inhabitants came from the Americas, riding in front of winds and currents flowingfrom the Americas to Asia. Heverified this theory by constructingprimitiverafts which he used to sail 8,000 km in 101 days from Peru to Polynesia. Heyerdahl was mourned worldwide as a cultural icon and a great adventurer.

Dean Kamen, creator of the Segway FIT scooter, was awarded the Lemelson-MIT prize for inventors. The annual prize is presented to an American inventor-innovator for

Satellites and stones A space war, in which each nation launches its own missile destroying satellites, could be thwarted by a bucket of gravel, according to a report submitted to the United Nations. Countries that cannot afford a biion-dollar machine could thwart space-borne attacks relatively cheaply. Gravel travelling at speeds topping 27,000 km/h could hit objects with the force of a one-ton safe d r o ~ ~ ethree d stories. turning so-

demonstratingoutstandinginventiveness and creativity. The Segway is a self-balancing scooter that can be driven at speeds of up to 20 km/h and distances of 17 km on a single battery charge. By comparison, people walk at about 5 km/h. The Segway is designed to take up no more sidewalk space than the average person and two can fit in the trunk of an average sedan. It is expected to be ready for commercial use later this year.

Planetary alignments Five planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Juplter and Saturn -wdl appear to clump together early thls month tn a s~ghtthat mght not be seen agam for a century. The groupmg of the five became vlsible by the unatded eye around Apnl20. The planets d be closest together around May 4. Loolung westward around 9.00 p m. each evenmg, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn allgrouped w i h a span of 10 degrees in the sky, or about the mdth of a fist held at arm's length. Jupiter wdl be a b a hgher ~n the sky, about three fist-widths away. See MICROFILES, page 18

Where's the fire? Robotics competition oromotes education and innovation Karim Shehata SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Touted by organizers as the "largest true robotics competition," the ninth Annual Trinity College Home FireFightingRobotCompetitionwas held on April 21 in Hartford, Connecticut. Over 160robots were entcred in the contcst, with participants rangng from elementary school students to full-time roboticists. This year, there were entries from allacross the United States and Canada, as well as Israel, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Korea and China. Each entrant in the contest built a computer-controlled robot no morc than 31 cm in diamcter designed to navigate a mock housc and put out a candle. As many entrants quickly discovered, the task is easier said than done. Getting a robot to move around the house without bumping into walls,

which incurs a five second penalty each time is a difficult task on its own. Tne high pressure sodium bulbs used to light the arena interfered with the sensors used by many of the competitors, making detecting thc fire more difficult. In each of the four categories expert, high school, junior and senior - the lowest score wins. Scoring is based on the actual time taken to fmd and put out the fue, with several penalties and other factors takeninto account. The contest co-ordinator, Jake Mendolsohn, explained that the motivation for the contest is two-fold. Its primary goal is education. Building a robot teaches competitors not just about robotics, but about problem-solving and overcoming failure. Tne secondarygoalis the advancementof robot technology. Evcry ycar the contest becomes slightly more difficult, forcing the robots to be-

come faster and more sophisticated. This year's robots featured everythmg from two wheels to treads to move around, and everything from fans to sponges to put the fire out. Previous years have seen walking robots and hovercraft designs. One of the robots, built by Alex Steward of Leesville high school in Raleigh, North Carolina, used a dig~talcamera ongnally made for the GameBoy to ~dennfythc fire. Usmg aMotorola68HC13 Microcontroller, hewas able to analyse thelmage from the camera at a rate of four images per second. Steward finished 15th in the High School &\%ion. First place in the junior division wcnt to Eric WGisson of Medway Middlc Schoo1,whoserobot Snuffbot 2 scored 88.15. In the high school &vision, the team from ORT HenriRonson from Ashqelon, Israel won first place with a score of 9.03. John Edwards of Tenncssce, an amateur


In order to put out the flame on a candle, each robot had to navigate through simulated rooms, sense the fire and have a mechanism for putting it out. roboacist, and hls entry the Gnzbot 11, won first place m the semor divi sion w ~ t ha scorc of 12.47 A team of three engmeers from Valpara~wUmverslty in Indlana won the expert division Ahmed AlShehlu, Salem Ahmed, and Jumah Al-Mazroo~esaid then biggest strength was h a m g experience and

expertisein the three major technical areas required to build a robot. They are studying elec$cal, mechanical, and computer engneering, respectively. Their robot, the UV Fire Robot, scored 4.84. For more information about the contest, visit the Trinity College Web site at http://



Grant: knowledge wdl help Canadians manage natural resources


Delta in Northern Alberta. This project will determine whether the frequencyof river floods, which replenish the delta with water, has vaned as aresult ofclimate change or dam construction. This new research proposalwillallowWolfe to contmue and expand the work he has already started," by applying the knowledge and techniques he learned through studying the Peace-Athabasca River delta to the Slave and MacKenzie River deltas of the MacKenzie Bash. Spedically, Wolfehopes to developa comprehenPETER VAN DRlEL drought The core samples collectedfrom this platform are brought to the Univer- sive flood history for these deltas sity of Waterloo for laboratory analysis. over the past 1;000 years, as kferred from studies of lake GRANT, from page 17 north. Wolfe has been involved in a sediments. The northern environment, inHis PhD project studied the past multitude of paleohydrological studpositions of the treeline in Northern ies in northern and alpine areas cluding how it is impacted by human Canada in order to determine how throughout the Americas to recon- development, is poorly understood. the position of the treeline has been struct past clunates and ecological As more projects, including new hyaffected by changing climatic condi- condttions where recorded data does droelectricdams and oil exploration, tions. According to Wolfe, this work not exist. are proposedin theMacKenzieRiver sparked his interest in paleohyHe is currently lea* a multi- basin, this work will enable Canadidrology and paleoecolo@, as well as disciplinarypaleohydrologicalinves- ans to protect these sensitive ecosysin conducting research in Canada's tigation of the peace-AthabascaRiver tems by understandinghow the envi-

ronment has responded to past change. FirstNationsgroups arevery supportive of this research, as they depend on these lands for hunting and other traditional activities. "I'm extremelv excited about this research, as it provides the opportw nity to do the kind of research I alwayswanted to do," Wolfe said. He feels the most exciting aspect of the research is the opportunity to work with a multi-disciplinary group. These projects will provide employment and learningopportunities to northerners, through community outreach programs in local First Nations communities,and students, who can partiupate in field and laboratory research projects and gain some exposure to Canada's north. Wolfe will continue to hold a faculty appointment at UW but will primarily work at WLU in the department of geography and environmental studies. The award supports amulti-disuplinary team, including UW professors Tom Edwards and Roland Hall, and WLU professors Mike English and Barry Boots. The research has also received hnancial contributions from agencies and ministiries such as BC Hydro, Wood Buffalo National Park and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada.

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some planetar) alignments, plu a small quake shakes Waterlo MICROFILES, from page 17 Excellent places for stargazin] Waterloo indude some nice spot North campus and the Laurel Ct Conservation area. Amateur star) ers, fear not. You can use online charts, such as by Sky &Telesco~ which are available on the Wel http://skyandtele scope.come/ serving/skychart/, to get awesc hourly printable sky charts.

Quake shakes Waterloo According to the United States G logical Survey, a quake struck ab 15 miles southwest of Plattsbm New York, near the Canadian E der, at 6:50 a.m. o n April 20, 2( and had a preliminary magnitutc 5.1 on the Richter scale. The quake lasted more than seconds. It caused no damage did disrupt some Waterlooresida

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Sportsed~tor:vacant sports@rnprint uwaterloo ca

SPORTS Working out your options Tom Toth SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

This article concentrates o n the number of repetitions and sets you should be doing in a workout, as well as discussing the frequency with which you should train. this is a follow-up to 'You're lifting wrong you little girly man" (March 15), where 1 focused on using proper form and tempo. Whether your goals are gaining muscle to "look good nekkid," losing body fat, increasing muscular endurance or maximizing strength for sports, there is an optimal number of reps and sets for you. Unfortunately, the only person who can determine those numbers is you. Each person reacts differently to various loading patterns, so I can only give some general guidelines. How you respond to exercise depends o n your previous workout experience, your muscle fibre make-up (slow-twitch vs. fast-twitch), your body structure (length of limbs), and a myriad of other factors.

How many reps for me? I'm frequently asked about the number of reps one should do per set,g&envarious trainingobjectives. In general, doing 15 repetitions or more will increase muscular endurance without much effect to either maximum strength or muscle size. Some trainers also recommend this range for those who wish to lose body fat. Doing 8 to 12 repetitions is usually called the "hypertrophy" range because it builds muscle size by increasing intramuscular fluid and plasma levels and increasing protein

synthesis. Doing one to six repetitions builds maximal strength by increasing the efficiency of the neuromuscular system, while also increasing muscle size somewhat (the more reps, the more muscle). These are very general guidelines and there are many exceptions. I gain the most muscle when training in the four to six reps per set range. If you're serious about training, try all the rep ranges and see what works best for you.Youmightalso wantto periodize your training: do low reps for a month, switch to hypertrophy training for another month, then try endurance work. This way you will build both general strength and endurance, while nicely packing on the muscle. Adjust the length of the periods as you see fit. Another variable to consider is your body type. Naturally thin people (ectomorphs) tend to react well to higher rep training, while naturally muscular people (mesomorphs) usually react well to lower-rep, strengthbased exercise. Again, exceptions are plentiful and you should experiment with the various methods to find out what works for you.

can train each muscle every two to three days. Conversely, if you're working on strength and doing onerep maximum lifts, you will need anjwhere from five to ten days' rest, because your nervous system gets overloaded andit takes a long time to recover. Gifted athletes and "chemically assisted" lifters will take less time than that, as well as those doing sub-maximal ballistic work. While the science of exercise has developed greatly in the last 20 years, there will never be a workout program that fits everyone perfectly. The simple reason is that humans are vastly different in how they react to exercise. You must find out yourself what works best for you through experimentation and self-education. ADRIAN I.CH

Rows and rows of iron

Campus Rec-ognition

Rest and recovery Rest is an important concept in weight-training. The amount of rest; the time between workouts for each muscle, is determined by the rep range you're using, as well as your recovery ability. The higher the reps used, the shorter your recovery period, because high rep training primarily depletes theglycogcn reserves, which are usually fully replenished after 48 hours. Therefore, if you're training in the 15 to 20 rep range, you

... how many reps will work for you?

Another pear has come to an end in the world of Campus Recreation. This was signified by Recognition Night, an evening that acknowledges all the students who have worked incrcdiblj- hard to make Campus Recreation run smoothly and successfully for the

2001 -2002 year. The evening consisted of dinner and entertainment by Mike the Magician. Catharine Scott, associate provost in charge of human resources and student services at the university, thanked the smdents for the time and cffort that they had invested in Campus Recreation programs. An inspirational speech from a former Campus Recreation employee, George Roter, challenged us to find our passion and fulfill our dreams. The evening finished with the presentations of awards. The Campus Recreation leadership award recognizes an individual who made significant leadership contribution to the Campus Rec program in a p e n term. This year, the award was given to Laura Cruisc for the Spring 2001 term, Gregg Milne for the Fall 2001 term and Brain Gallant, Natalee Rubec and Pete m t t i n g t o n for the Winter 2002 term. Each year Campus Rec sees the graduation of some exceptional students as they move o n to the next challenges in their lives. The outstandin graduating seniors award recognizes outstanding contributions made to the Campus Rec program by the students in volunteer and employment positions. Hopefully, their experiences at Campus Recreation have been rewarding and have given them as much as they have given to the program. This year there were 13 outstanding graduating seniors. They are: Laura Cruise, Andrew Davidson, Jessica Fisher, Jane Fowler, Brian Gallant, Cheryl Hemphill, Kenneth Kwan, Christian Leveille, Alana Lewis, Lisa

Mains, Geoff Sam, Shawnah Staples and Jarvis Strong. The success of the University c Waterloo Campus Rec programs relies on the contribution of hundreds of individuals. The certificate of recognition acknowledges the contributions made by individuals or teams to the programs. A large number o f people were presented with this certificat( Their responsibilities included refereeing, sitting on the conduct review board, acting as a club executive o r being a member of tE guard team. Each week Campus Rec profiles those individuals u-ha make Campus Rec the success it i: The Campus Rec Leader of the Week recognizes the contribution: of time, energy and enthusiasm by staff, volunteers, and participants. Congratulations to this year's recipients!

Job opportunities, now hiring Campus Recreation is one of the largest employers here at the University of Waterloo. Leagues, instructional classes and aquatics will all be looking for students wh, need jobs. For the leagues progran to be a success, Campus Rec will need a league manager's assistant, convenors, referees-in-chiefs, spor supervisors, referees and officials. Insmctional classes cannot run without student program coordina tors, convenors and instructors. For more information about th jobs that are offered check out the Campus Recreation guidebook, th, bulletin board at the PAC inside red north or the Web site: www.campusrec.uwaterloo.ca

Artsed~tor:vacant arts@~mprint.uwaterloo.ca

ARTS Yee-haw country and western band Lisa Johnson ~pp


Luther Wright and the Wrongs, who recently released Rebuild the Wall, a country version of Pink Floyd's The Wall, perform in Waterloo this weekend.

1,uther Wright and the Wrongs i8 a yee-haw country and western band that has been drawingattcntionlately forits honky tonk takc on Pink Vloyd's The Wall. I M d d the IEl'ull has garnered its fair share of controversy from some Hoyd fans. In fact, displayed prominently at the top of the Wrongs's Wcb sitc is ths: "You royally suck... and I wish you hatrcd, dcpraVityand bad wishes!!' - Martyn E. Mace, Disgruntled Floyd fan." You gotta love the audacity of a band that would call attenuon to such a quotauon. When I recentlk spoke m t h Luther Wrlght wh~lchc and the band were travelhngbetwcen radm shows m Ncw York Clty, I asked him about the quote. "We're big Floyd fans, too," said Wright. "We've met way lnorc people who are huge Floyd fans and liked whatwe did and are into it than we havemetpeoplewho aren't. Therc arc a handful of nuts who've hstcned to tt and w d some really nasty thng about ~ t and , we're happy to put them up [on the slte]. Controversy breeds pubhc~tyIn somc waj s, I sup pose. Everything isn't for evenrhody and you can't please everybody." This is true, but it may become easier for thc Wrongs to please the masses since the resurgence ofcountry and bluegrass music spurred b) the soundtrack for 0 Bmther, Wherp A r t Thou? Some are c&ng this revival m c k y or faddy, but Wright doesn't agree: "It's the kind of music that's never gone anywhere, it's just that it's bccomc popularized."

Luther Wright and the Wrongs will be at the Jane Bond May 4 and 5.

But why? "It has a lor to do with musicianship," sad Wright. "It seems that the revival of blucgrass is more like the revival of singcr-songwriter and songs - the simplicity of songs. Maybe it's just that people are ready for more stripped-down songs as opposed to the over-produced mess of thc '80s and alt-rock of the '90s. It's come back to the messagc of the music and the songs." Wnlrht docs not necessanlv at tribute his band's successto thc same thing. He spoke of the "go-go-go, play-playplay" mentahty that fuels the Wrongs:pounding the pavement, playing gigs and building a fan base. In other words, the Wrongs have takcn an old-fashoned route to succcss. Sort of. "Cutting to the quick of the matter, we [re-]recorded the 1l t h most popular record of all ume. 'l'here's a certain advanpage to that in terms of gettingattention," confessed W'right. I Iowever, the notoliety thatwould come with such an cndeavour did not come to the band when they decidcd to cinbark on the project. "We just looked at it as a big musical challenge thar we figurcd would work," cxplancd Wnght "It was such a masswe project and we wcrcn't quite sure that ~t was golng to be finished, how it would work and if we could even legally release it. We just sort of did it as a sclence fair project." ~



Pink Floyd's Roger Waters actually approvcd the album. Wright sought pcrmtsslon, not for legal rcasons, but for ethical ones. "For our own self-rcflcctwe declded amongst ourselves thatifhegavc us the thumbs down, then we wouldn't pursue a major release," said Wright. Thc Wrongs did takc crcativc liccncc with the album, includmg oldwest sound effects of crackingwhips and neighing horses, along with a generous dollop ofyee-haws. I asked Wrightwhether any ofit felt over the top while they were doing it. "We are so over the top," laughed Wright, "we're over thc top, across the street, down the road, and over thc ncxt top. Yeah, it's kind of a yukyuk thing at times, but part of the thing with country is that it blends humour and serious issues readily. You know, like hurtin' music is sad songs with happy beats? But these songs arc grcat regardless of who does them; the) arc co well-wntten that the) transcend genre." Some hardcore Eloyd fans remain unconvinced, I hough. When asked if this occaisional criticism was stressful for the band, Wright said, "In these troubled rimcs I don't think wc have room for stressing out about somcweirdos who don't like country music. "There's a hot place in hell for them anyway," he wcnt on. "Wait a minute, there's a hot place In hell for us Aw, walt amnute - there'\ lots of room m hcll for everybody!" W ~ t hldughter m the background on Wnght's cnd of the h e , I commented that at least we'd all bc together in the end. He agreed, then added, "And we'll be warm."

UW alumni are award-w~nn~ng scl-IIwrlters Monika Smetana SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

What doJames Allan Gardner (techmcal wnter), Isaac Sqxndel (engi neer, doctor and screenwriter) and Denv~nMak (accountant) have ~n common? All three are UW alumni, successfulscience fictionwriters and recent contributors to a new cluldren's anthology published by Trifolium Books titled Ehplorer: Tale~fiom the Wonder Zone. The anthology's editor, Julie Czcrneda (also a UW alumna) has worked on several projects for TrifoliumBooks andis mostwell-known forhcr scicncc fiction novels including the Trade Pact lirzizarst. and the Web Shifters scrics. Hcr novcl, It2 the Company of Others, was a finalist for the 2001 Phhp K. Dick Award for Distinguished Science Fiction. Czcrncda approachcd each of the authors and asked for their contribution to the anthology, as Szpindel notes. "A turning point in my career was meeting Julie Czerneda early in

James Allan Gardner, Isaac Szpindel and Derwin Mak will be at the Waterloo location of Chapters on Saturday, May 4 at 2:30p.m.

both our careers and hcr willingness and even eagerness to help me improve my work. Julieis agifted writer who shares thosc gfts with others. 1 had never written for children before, but I was a father of three and I was as yetunpublishcdin print even though 1 was successful as a scrcenwritcr, so whcn she allowed me to submit a story to thc Wonder Zone series it was a great honour." The anthology, designed for cMdren in gradcs four and up, contains a multitude of scientific and literary references, which, according to Sapindel can be "appreciated at different levels whether read by adults

or by children." Gardner's story "Rain, Ice, Storm" follows a female protagonist in her mid-twenties whose self-conscious misguidanceis turned around whcn she meets a mysterious stranger. Echoing thc postmodern female heroine, <;ardner sets out to transform and empower his protagonist. The story, howcvcr, gives strength to readers of both gcndcrs. Szpindel's story "By Its Cover" dcpicts a futuristic world that cxposes an uneasy realityin which prim books are extinct, thereby &ssolving the protagonist within an ambiguous bombardment of "kteractives." The protagonist feels helpless and perceives himsclf invisible among others, unable to compete with seducing power the "interactives" have over people. Mak's story "The Snow Alicns" describes a first encounter with alicns of microscopic size who uy to make sense of earth during a turbulent snowfall. Mak explains the ethics behind his story: "I think chil-

Anthology Explorer is part of the new Wonder Zone series. dren'b hterature should promote values hke teamwork, fnendshlp, creattwty, and honcsty. Teamwork and quick t h t n h g arc csscntial to the characters In 'The Snow h e n s . ' I know that sounds really hokey and old fash~oned,but readmg about

thew values mll gwe kids a morc informed \ iew when they movc on to rcad more complex, amb~guous literature In t h c ~ rteen and adult year\ " Each story presents an mvenm L combmatlon of sc~enceandunagm~ non wthout the violence prcscntcd In some chddrm's cartoons$ "1 thnk cvcnronewho wrote foi the serw aantcd to mahe people qay, W h \ wam't there \hlffhke thts when I was a kid?,' Gardner said We aren't trying to compete with Harry Potter or O z or.Winniethe Pooh or Narnia; we'rc just trying to write stories that kids will love to read." Szpindel says that science fiction is an important genre for children because it is the litcrature of "what if?" He explained, "It is easier to talk about racial diffcrcnces if those differences are between two aliens. It is easier to explain the possible consequences of environmental degradation if presented in a safer futuristic setting."


FRIDAY, MAY 3, 200

UW alumnus shares Stratford experience Rachel E. Beattie SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

offers an intense three-year program which separates the amateurs from those who really want to turn theatre performanceinto a career.Aftertheatre school, Goad moved on to professional theatre including a yearlong stint in The Complete W ~ r of h William Shakespeare in Toronto. He adnuts his luckin having continuous work since he tinished school. Goad has been at the Stratford Festival for four seasonsnow andis beginning to build a name for himself. This year

"My goal in acting is to get rid of the ego," says actor Jonathon Goad. He believes that if an actor's ego is too big, it gets in the way of the performance. 'You can't become another person," he explains, "if you are caught up in yourself." This former UW student who is in his fourth season at the Stratford Festival, certainly proved this statement when Imprint interviewed him recently. Goad put up with technical difficulties and interviewer errors which causedtheinitialinterviewnot to be recorded. Goad generously called back after a three-hour rehearsal to provide some quotes. He was very nice about the whole thing. "It's just like theatre; you can never really record it." Although he has a strong love for the theatrical world, when Goad attended UW he actually majored in social work. Goad sees a strong link COUKESY OF STRATFORD FESTIVAL between theatre and social work. He Jonathan Goad. explains, "I learned a lot about the human heart and the way relationGoad will be seen as Earl of Suffolk ships work from social work." It was while doing his social de- in Hemy W: Revenge in France, Jack Cade in Henry W: Reuolt in England velopment studies degree that he got into acting. Goad got a part in UW and Theseus in The Two Nobh KimDrama's production of Romeo and men. He is excited about these roles Juket and after that he was hooked. because all three plays are staged so Goadactedinmanyother UWDrama productions including GoakpeN and infrequently. The Two Nobh Kinsmen the title role in MacBeth, two roles he was the last play that Shakespeare describes as his favoutites. When he wrote, and Goad explains that this graduated, Goad did a degree at the See GOAD, page 23 Nationalneatre School.The school

Will timeless print be usurped by transient bytes? The uncertain future of print the Web invents further complications." With o h e journals, for examKLn is l p g on the beach, the sun ple, there is not yet a standard that beating down on her tanned arms, specifies numbering of pages or the her hands holding an electronictem- division of articles into a .specified plate of her favouritenovel. Can you number of paragraphs for clear citaimagine yourself cuddled in bed with tion. The Internet allows for more a digital version of your favourite author anonymity, shiftingfocus and bAok? Today's fast-paced develop- responsibility to the reader who has ment of technology is prompting the power to use the available online many professionals to ques&on the information out of context. The reader may cut and paste sections of future of print. Already many versions of novels a text for his or her own use, leave the can bedownloadedfrom the Internet. computer, return and forget to gwe Publishers like Coach House offer proper credit to the author. The novels and poetry for online perusal. Internet's non-linear navigation also Coach House's justification for on- allows formore distraction. McMurry line publishing is explained on their comments: 'We are trained to read Web site: 'We believe in 'full' pub- books sequentially. The Web page lishmg, and as such see electronic breaks down the sequential pathway publishing not as a marketing gum and it is easy to forget wherewe were. Someone reading a Robert Frost mick but as a reality and a necessity." Coach House's incorporation of the poem, for example, may click on a "free net" philosophy does raise the biographical link where they may be very questions that critics of o n h e a link to Robert Frost's hometown and other forms of futuristic elec- and his poems may be entirely fortronic texts pose. Coach House justi- gotten." Critics of online texts question fies online publication by r e l p g on the goodwill of the public to contrib- whether print needs to be replaced, ute to the author through a "tipping having served along and useful function in human history. Coach House system." The ethics involved with elec- explains that there is a need for both tronic publishing are further compli- digital and print texts; McMurry catedwithimprovements in technol- offers a reason."Each material ogy. Internet plagiarism is increas- substratecoloursourreadmg. Thereingly a problem and forces academ- fore the meaning derived from a ics and non-academics alike to ques- print anthology can differ from the tion Internet sources. UW English meaning derived from an online anprofessorAndrew McMurry saidthat thology." McMurry further explainshow an "people are taking a risk when publishingon the Web prior to obtaining online version of the same poem copyright laws through print. The may both expand and constrain our MLA guide struggles to catch up as interpretation: "An online publisher of a poem may be tempted to jazz it up. Each line may appear as the previous line disappears, images may pop up as the poem unfolds." McMurry points out that just as music videos have changed how people perceive certain songs, online texts enhancedwith multimedia technologies have the potential to influence and narrow the reading of their print counterparts. Many people see the electronic texts as a solution to environmental Monika Srnetana


concerns involved with forest clea cutting. Newspapers now make the. papers available online, yet th amount of papers in print has nc decreased a substantial amount. Th technology has not advanced to mak electronic reading comfortable. Withimproved technologies, suc as Bitstream's "ThunderHawk which gives users complete wirele5 access to real Web pages while mail taking full-screenlegbility, the pop1 larity of online newspapers may ir crease. Other developing technok gies, such as MicroMedia's researc into electronic paper, which woul allow users to retrieve documen onto an electronic paper ternplat' may one day turn the dream of a electronic readmg on a beach int realtty. Despite the research into digit text technologies, McMurry skeptical about the extinction ( books. When a book is read, peop enjoy the material feel of the boc -the turningofthepages,thephys cal sensation of holding a boo; McMurry indicateshow an electron text may turn off readers: "The in materiality of electronic texts is ul settling, a turn-off. People reply a spatial memory-the approxima page or section of a book that was ( interest.With an electronictext, pet ple have to rely on the hnd/searc engine." People's reliance on technolog has the potential to subvert the capabilities and imaginationbut m: also aid in guiding readers. McMur believes that literary texts will alwa: remain privileged reading materi that people will want in a print for which they can keep for display c their bookshelf. "The poet's mediu of choice is still a print medium b cause of the widely-held opinion th the Web is amateurish, not serio~ Readers want a seal of approval ar thus seek editors who wdl select fi them what is and is not worth reas ing." With improving technologic however, the futureeofan electron book with a "real" page templa remains to be seen.

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FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2002

GOAD: Making it in Stratford GOAD, from page 22

play has never bcen staged at Stratford and is rarely staged in England. The play is unique because it was co-written with Jack Wehster, p i n g it a variety of voice from scene to scene. Also Goad explains, "The wrinng is remarkable poetry but it almost becomes undramatic. It bccomes ethereal and thc play is full of strange things likc ritual dances and songs. You could tell that Shakcspeare was moving into a whole different place." Thr Two i\ToO/e Kinsnm is fascinating and relevant to Goad because it touches upon "themes of forgiveness and the humandllemma." He says, "One of my last lines is 'Oh Gods! What things you make of us!' Fate just plays amazingly with our hearts and souls." The Hen7 Wplays are also exciting to Goad because they are unique and strange. They arc among the weirder of Shakespeare's plays and are really a trilogy that has bcen combinedinto two plays bccause the plays' bizarrcncss would make staging all three a financial risk. Goad applauds Stratford for producingeven the two because they arc so strange. Hc likes the atmosphere of Stratford and says that his co-workers, both on and-off \tagc, arc somc of the most talented pcoplesn Canadsan theatrc Goad does admt that the schedule is very intense at times. Actors have a maxi~numof three wccks to rehearse a play, which is not a lot of time considering that the plays Goad appears in this year all featurc large casts and elaborate staging and fight scenes. He would like to have alittle more time to rchcarse each play. "When I was doing Tom Stoppard's Arcadiain Calgary," Goad says, "we got six weeks to rehearse. That's about right for a play." He explains that as a result of the short rehearsal times, plays at Stratford are slightly different d e p e n h g o n when you scc them. "The first few weeks are grcat because it's veryintense, people arc less polished but sull p i n g grcat performances. Ry the ncxt few w-eeks aftcr the excitement has worn off, the actors are working out problems and making improvements. So by midseason evcryonc is settled in, has hit their stride and is really comfortable with their roles." One great thing about Stratford is that such avariety of people come to see the plays, from high school stu-

dents to retired people. Goad enjoys playing to all sorts of audsences but admits that students present a special challenge. He finds that students often have short attention spans and are used to T V or film which have jump cuts and fast-paced editing. Shakespeare, he adtmts, has none of this and requires the aukence to really hsten to the dialogue. "If students are fidgeting and borcd we, the actors, just have to work harder to reach them." Hc saps Shakespearcan plays, written in the 1500s and l600s, s d really speak to students. "This pear, I w-as around during some student performances of Romeo undJt,liet and you could tell by the reaction that they rally get it. Everyone has had a first love and has experienced hatc for no good reason, so they really get what the play is about. The students even get the Hen9 plays, which history plays as opposed to romances. That is Shakespeare's genius. His plays spcak to everyone in cvcry time." Goad concludes, "Even though the actors are in tights or othcr pcriod costumes, they are acting out some very timeless and universal thcmcs." Acting, likc anything else, is a learning process, and Goad has learned some of his most valuahlc lessons from failure. During his fmt season at Suatford he had thc hcad role ofThcscus in Mids~inzmerN@ti Dreunz. He says, "Thew-ay rehearsalswcnt, wc didn't really rehearse it that much, wc wcre just sort of told we looked perfect. Then when it came down to opening night, I rcalised there was still a lot more work I needed to do with the role. It was the only time I felt like 1didn't bclong there." Goad learned a lot from this experience and says, "In the end I worked non-stop for the rest of the season on that role. It was sort of a backward way to approach arole but it taught me a valuable lesson." Show business is very competitive and in some ways a vcry difficult industry to get into. Goad says, "It's one of those professions where you can'tgo into it wanting to be rich and famous. You have to want to do it fot the love of acting." When asked if he has any words of wisdom for aspiring thespians. Goad mused that the best way to tell if you are properly suited to acting or any job is, "If you could bc happy doing it for free then you're in the right profession."

Softly Spoken Lies at UW Jeremy Taylor IMPRINT STAFF

It's about masculinity.It's about sexuality. It's about being a guy. So& Spoken lies, launched on April 3, explores what it means to he a man. Bringhgtogcther the poetq, short fiction, drawings and photography of local artists, the publication is the brainchild of UW students Ayluin 1,o and Liam McHugll-Russell. As a whole, S@/j Spoken Lrsis an incrcdibly divcrsc collection ofworks that, together, lean toward gcnder exploration, evcn redefinition. Tts dsvcrsity is its strength. One story, "Tales of a Waterloo Hack," reads like the confessions of a cab driver who is forced to choose between morahty and makinga buck. A sprinkling of pocms lament (and celebratc) thc tricky intricacies of relattonshtps. On another page 1s a love poem - from a Peeping Tom to a Soccer Mom. Whether empathking with thc cabby or with the kid in the tree, even7 man wiU find reflections of himself in this collection. "It's inspired by I ' n i m oj'lllbmjn," explained 1.0, ovcr the phone. "1.iam and 1 wcre at the launch last vcnr showtng our support and we started

/ CKMS AIRHEADS The Tornnto Star recently ran an article concerning an emergmg "Mad Pride" movement among former psychiatric patients, critical of clcctro-shock therapy and conventiond drug treatments. Whde a few alternative solutions were proposed, none wcre as simple or potentially enlightening as providsng mentally ill people with access to crcative outlets. With that in mind, I'd hke to take this opportunity to salute my three favorite loony rockers of all time: 1. Syd Rarrett, who made a


1 ?W Hot Hot Heat 2 %Do Make Say Think

KnockKnockKnock &Yet & Yet

Sub Pop Constellation

3 ?W Molly Johnson 4 )C K-os 5 Antibalas 6 Weezer

s/t Exit Talkatif Maladroit

Marquis/EMI EM1 Ninja Tune Universal

7 )Y Nojo 8 )C Moonstarr 9 % Various Artists

Highwire Dupont 2002 Saint John ECMA Dog & Pony Show

True North Public Transit Universal


Vague Terrain



feeling envious that we didn't haw our own venue." VoicesojWo~njw1s a collection of fcmininc art that has bccn pul>lishcdby the UWLVomyn's Centre in the past. "Our original hope was to get submissions from the UW body," continues Aylwin, who recalls not wanting to bc too amlitious. But contributions came from thc most unlikely places. The artists in Snftb Spoke!? Liesare not just male UW students. It also includes contributions from off-campus and from wotncn. ''A woman expressing her optnion on mcn -we allowed for that,"

says Lo, who goes on to explain that the collection is not just formen, but ahout men. And the gentlemen were flexible in terms of artistic medsum, as well. Aylwin dcscribcs the pieces in Ers as "Anything that would go onto a piece of paper, particularly art that is rcflcctivc of our gcndcr." Thc two received submissions from about 30 people. "I had a stack of paper about a centimetre thick," says Tn. The collection is anilable at the Feds office, the Turnkey desk, and sclcct socicq offices.

name for himself at an early age as the founder, original singer/ songwriter and lead guitarist for Pink Floyd. Although he was the creative force behind their carly singles and debut album, thc rest of the band eventually sacked Barrett when his erratic behavior became too much to handle. Barrett's shockingly rapid mental dedine came about as the combined result of schizophrenia and a hallucinogenic drug intake that could hc conservatively labelled as "staggcring." Despite this, Barrett managed to release two solo albums in 1970, although it was only possible through the considerable support of h s former .. bandmates, especially h s replacemcnt David G h o u r . Both albums are great but the f ~ sint particular, The Madcap La~ghs,is an outright classic - a ragged folk-pop, music hall, psychedelic freak-out that succeeds due to Barrett's unusual melodies and dreamy stream-ofconsciousness writing. Sadly, it was shortly thereafter that Rarrett retreated from public life altogcthcr, moved back home with his mother and zoned out forever. 2. Daniel Johnston, who despite having been plagued with chronic mental illness nearly h s entire life, has managed to canrc out a carccr as a respected and influcntial singer/songwriter since releasing his first casscttc in 1980. Early recordings wcrc cntircly homemade, featuring Johnston singing over crude piano and guitar. With lyrical themes including lost love, the Beatles and

Captain America, his songs were dsrect, painfully honest and cndlcssly charming. Long championcd by other musicians, Johnston got some of his widest exposure at the 1992 MTV awards when Kurt Cohain wore a Johnston t-shirt. His major label debut finally came in 1994 with Fun, produced by Paul Leary of the Butthole Surfers. It is a remarkable achievement for a man twice institutionalized following psychotic episodes. 3. Wesley WJ&s sold h s drawings on the streets of Chicago until being diagnosed with chronic schizophrenia and turning to a life of music. Sincc thc carly '90s he's b d t a l o p l cult following with his bizarre rants about trivial everyday items, animals and people hc knows. Willis uses programmcd keyboard music that's repetitive to the point of ridiculousness. The vast majority of his songs use the exact same music, simply played at a dsfferent tempo, in a different key or layered with odd sound effects. Classics include "Shoot Me in the Ass," "Freak Out Hell Bus," and the epic "Suck a Caribou's Ass." His first greatest hits compilation, released in 1995, credts him with at least 20 albums, at which point he had only been making music for three years. Musical visionaries or waclios? Must the two be mutually exclusivc? My conclusion: viva crazy rock! Harold hosts 'Dr. Go/@ot dwthe Bikini iVfucbine" on CKMS 100.3 FM ezJegjK'ednesa'q morningjirnm 7 a.m. c d l 1 0 a.m.

Cram rock



McHugh-Russell and Lo are the founders of Softly Spoken ties.


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CAMPUS BULLETIN Friday, May 3 Imprint staff meeting held at 12:30 p.m., SLC, room 1116. Come out and volunteer at your newspaper. @& Wednesday, May 8 WPIRG will show a video "In the Company of Fear" about Peace Brigades International: foregn volunteers offermg human-rghts activlsts in Colomb~athe unarmed protectlon of an mternational presence at 7:00 p.m. ~nDC 1304. Friday, May 10 t United Church at King and William Streets in Waterloo is holding an indoor Rummage Sale from 3:OO-7:00 p.m. today and 9:00 a.m.-ll:00 a.m. on Saturday. Wednesday, May 22 Professor Mohamed Elmasry will introduce and discuss his new book, "Spiritual Fitness For Life - A Social Engineering Approach" at 7:00 p.m., DC 1302. All are welcome! Saturday, May 25 Waterloo 3 on 3 Classic Basketball Tournament at RIM Park. For players of all ages and skill levels. To register call 5850264 or visit www.morethanhoops.com.


The following award recipients were announced at Senate on Monday, March 25, 2002. Further information about these teachine awards can be found on website at http:// the TGCE www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/infotrad awardshp.hun1. "Distinguished Teacher Award Recipients" - Brent Hall, RichardNutbrown andThomas Yoder Neufeld. "Distinguished Teaching by a Registered Student Award Recipients" - Steve "

Engels,Vincent Hui and MarthaRobert

** **


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Volunteer tutors needed for mathematics, science and English with the Waterloo Catholic District School Board Summer School Program for Grades 9 - OAC. The Summer School Program is scheduled for three weeks from July 2-24, 2002 and assistance for any portion of that period would he welcomed. Tutors are required in Kitchener at

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