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Volunteer of the Month


McH ugh-Russell Lianisewed as editor f a "dodt panic: a CQ-op students' guide to Istyeaa', The handbook pmvides a sunmrary of co-op from a stwknt's pewpective andwas distributed to all firsbyear studeats in their Osientntioa kits. Lirun waked closely with the CECS depastn~entaid the printer to ensure asccurate info and on-tine delivecy. Liam did an o~Itstafid'ijob, independaltly succeedmg in bsingjng a 2nd editial of the guide to fkosh. Happily, Liarn is considering taking on this role again f a 2002. He was a recent delegate at the Olltasio Undgradi~ateStudents Alliance general assen~blyin Kingstea ~ h he reqresented ~ e all U W undergradtiate students. Liatn also represents Math Co-q, sltdents on Students' Col~nciland Co-op Students' Council and is always eager. to hear f r m his co~wtitualts about making their experience at UW even better.

Thank you to ~ I I ~ I I Monaolian GrilI for sEpporting this program

Nov 28th, 2001



ronl all over the w o ~ l d


Free entertainment. food ai nolninal cost


Ron Eydt residents forced out JESSICA W l T M E R lmprint staff


anta Claus is bringing a rather unfortunate present for a small or ti on of the UW community. Come January, nearly 40 disgruntled Ron Eydt Village residents will find themselves uprooted from their spots in the East E block of REV and moved into new rooms, interspersed throughout REV and Village 1. This relocation will make room for about 50 electrical and computer engineering grad students who are currently without offices. Right now, these grad students are fulfilling their academic and teaching responsibilities from off-campuslocations,which places them, as well as the undergraduate students they teach, at an educational disadvantage. Already equippedwith desks,chairs and Internet access, residence rooms are ideal for office space, and the plan is for the grad students to move into the residence rooms-turned-offices at the end of fall term or the beginning of winter term. According to Shaun Carson, Ron Eydt Village residence life co-ordinator, students should know the exact date of their move by Friday. Sujeet Chaudhuri, dean of engineering, describes the troublesome situation at hand, saying that the grad students haven't got any space. "We've packed students into rooms to the point that there's a hazard in air quality," he said. Nineteen grad students are without

desks, and with the start of the winter term, the count is expected to rise to 70. "I understand the inconvenience - uprooting people's lifestyles," said Chaudhuri. "But it's not crisis. It's not that we didn't look at other alternatives." Other alternativesincluded leasing space off-campus, or implementing portable office spaces for the graduate students. In the end, the most cost-efficientoption was to move the offices into a residence. At least 200 undergraduate students are leaving REV this winter term for co-op jobs. Unfortunately, there is no single floor that will be cleared out completely, which leaves the department of housing with the tough decision of determining which area to evacuate. A letter sent last week to the soon-to-bedisplaced Villagers stated that East E was chosen because of "current vacancies, projected vacancy numbers as a result of co-op and the need for an ideal location to accommodate student traffic and limited impact on [our] residence population." When thesituation was Introduced to the REV students, they were given a list of available rooms, which is posted in the East E hallway. They were to sign their names beside the room they would like to move into. It turned out that a few of .' ;rooms were not free after all, and the list was changed numerous times. Looking at the ct :rent list, with almost every line scribbled out and switched around, there remains L 41'erable disorder and confusion among ti8 'dents.

East E students share their dismay about moving into Village I. The East E students are rightfully upset about the move, but expressed the most dissatisfaction with the way the situation was handled. Ashley Lukach, a first-year arts applied studies student who is being moved to the south quad of REV, said they felt that

Referendum proposal changed bv committee CELESTEDICKSON special to lmprint


ithout the consent of Stu dents' Council, the Cam paign Waterloo committee made changes to the referendum proposal last week, but student complaints forced them to change it back. The proposal, which went to referendum last Tuesday, was modified to read that students would start paying fees when three out of the four buildings were constructed. A meeting was held with the Campaign Waterloo committee to consider the changes. Feds presidentyaacov Iland held the meeting, along with students Brenda Slomka and Mike Kerrigan, athletics director Judy McCrae, SLC manager Ann Simpson and UW admin Catharine Scott. The change suggested the annual building fee of $13.80 be implemented after only three of the four projects were completed. This contradicted the original proposal which read, "If the referendum passes, a fee will be added to the fee statement to cover the student contribution. The fee will take effect once construction of the expansions is complete." Iland told uwstudent.org that the change was merely a clarification, but Brenda Beatty, Feds VP student issues, said that Iland received negative criticism from the students regarding the change.

authorities they've appealed to have been both "unresponsive" and "rude." The students are receiving no compensation for the inconvenience. Varcoe, who is moving to the

continued on page 5

Co-op redesign angers students New continuous phase design may favour employers over student needs ERIC L E P P special to lmprint


Students vote at one of the many polling stations around camptk on' whether or not they sumort the ~rooosed$13.80 fee. Because of the student complaints the committee decided to keep the original referendum question. The proposal was changed back to reflect the original question, but on Wednesday, the modified proposal was still linked to the online referendum ballot. If a majority of studentsvote in favour of the question, the $13.80 fee will not be implemented until all of the projects have beencompleted. Iland was unavailable for comment on the changes. Beatty con-

firmed that a statement was posted on uwstudent.org by Iland stating the referendum question. All voting for this referendum was done electronically. Brandon Sweet, chief returning officer for the referendum, said that there have not been many complaints or concerns with online voting security. Students must download an authentication certificate to vote he said. Sweet also organized various polling stations around campus where students could vote and receive technical support.

o-op students were up in arms this week over ru mours that UWs nationally-recognizedco-op program will be restructured to favour employers, and without student input. Students became aware of the proposed changes by way of an email circulated by distance eduacation student, Geoff Pare. The e-mail detailed an interviewbetween Pare and his co-op co-ordinator regarding how the co-op department's plans to change the system. Imprint followed up on the letter and approached the co-op department regarding the proposed changes. According to CECS, a new database management program is on order and may be implemented in stages over the next year and a half. These changes will affect all co-op students: the proposed database would eliminate the present system and make use of online applications and resumes. With the installation

of the new database, further restructuring could result, making the co-op system similar to the present continuous phase system. The first possible change would accompany the new database in the interviewprocess. Accordingto Olaf Naese, from CECS communications and public affairs, the interview process is far too long and drawn out. "We need toshorten the interview process. How [to change the process] is undetermined; there is no easy way to resolve the issue," said Naese. One of the ideas that has been contemplated by co-op would eliminate the first phase of the co-op process. The co-op program would become one massive continuous phase. Under the new co-op system, following an interview, the company would immediately rank applicants and decide whom they wish to hire. The decision to accept the job by the student would immediately follow.

continued on page 4


The less you spend, the more you have.

Co-ops face more pressure J O N WILLING Imprint staff

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he secret behind the co-op department's plans for restructuring the system couldn't stay in the vault for long. It took one coordinator to spill the beans and one student to pick them up and throw them towards a few hundred colleagues. Now, students across the continent have been swapping emails discussing how this new change will affect their futures in co-op. "The downfall of co-op," was the subject line in one e-mail I received. What we really don't know yet are the specific changes. Reports coming from students who have talked to co-ordinators suggest that the entire procedure will become one massive continuous phase. Students would apply to jobs and attend interviews, as usual, but students will be offered jobs at the end of each week. So, if you're offered a job in the first week of interviews,youmust make the decision to accept the offer or gamble on other jobs in the subsequent weeks. But, these are all unconfirmed rumours. In the student media circuit, we tried to verify the potential changes, but the co-op department

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Imprint, Friday, November 23, 200 1


continued from page 3



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Naese said that decisions facing the co-op program have gone ahead while incorporating student voices. "There are co-op students involved in the process; the decisions faced [by co-op] have not been dealtwith internally only," he said. CECS has had members present ideas to the co-op students' council. Students are concerned that CECS is caving to the desires of employers, and not meeting the concerns of students -a statement that Naese says is false. "We are here for both the employer and the student, but that can be difficult." Responding to the concerns of


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have finally jumped on the Good Ship Co-op, and many schools and employers are leaving UW co-ops floating in lifeboats at sea. Considering Toronto alone and its three universities, I think employers are starting to hire locally, thereby cutting down on the distance they travel to interview students and communicate with CECS. Is this a sign that convenience is winning over quality? Are other schools catching up in producing experienced students ready for practical responsibility? In both accounts, partly yes. In two of my work placements, my successors were students from schools other than UW. The other answer is that employers are cutting back on co-op students. Indeed, in my current placement, one student position is not offered next term. So where to go from here? The rumoured changes might very well improve UW's competition with other schools by offering jobs immediately after interviews. Yet there will besome big downfalls in implementing such asystem. Now is a time to welcome other universities into the exclusive co-op club, but the heat will be on our own department to ensure that our clubbers are always first in the door.

Co-op changes

For a lifetime of performanee


did not want to specify any part of the plan. All that was released was the rationale behind making these changes. Some of the reasoning for immediate changes include the looming double cohort, increased competition from other universities that are developing co-op programs and increased difficulties in placing students in continuous phase. Here we have the first indication that co-op will be under tremendous stressin the next fewyears, as I mentioned in this space last week. With an apparent slowdown in the economy and greater provincial cutbacks, UW co-op students are being left in the dust. According to a statement made by CECS on Tuesday, 1,600 students have yet to find a placement for the winter term. That's huge. Really though, this was bound to happensometime. Unfortunately for co-ops -especially for the coops with little work experience the time is now. If you think about it, why have all other schools lagged behind in establishing a solid co-op program? Sure, it costs big bucks to develop, but there is no reason that UW should be the only school in the country with an established program. Other schools, so it seems,

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engineering students, a meeting was arranged by engineering society members at POETS last Wednesday. About 30 students turned out to hear Feds VP education Ryan Stammers field questions. The students wanted an opportunity to influence Co-op's decisions regarding the new process. Stammers said that the new process will reJANICEllM volve around the software that is Students may no longer have hard copy postings. being designed for Co-op. assign and hire co-op employees "If it didn't work with their faster. Naese believes that it is absoftwaresystem, they'dprobably be surd that the employee and student reluctant to implement it," said should have to wait two and a half Stammers. Students were disap- months before hiring is announced pointed with their lack of involve- for students. mentin the process. "Thesoftware's Stammers said that an online more important than the students," survey is in the works to survey coquipped Evan Robinson, a 2B com- op students about the system. The puter engineering student. survey will be part of a review that According to Naese, the co-op the co-op department agreed to program is in need of a change; jobs undertake in exchange for students' are being lost to other schools that contribution to the CECS building.


Imprint, Friday, November 23, 200 I


Midnight Sun VI outshines previous V team The Midnight Sun represents Waterloo down under JOHNA. DRUMMOND Imprintstaff


he finish line is in sight for the Midnight Sun Solar car team. If all goes as planned, the team hopes to cross the finish line on Friday, November 23. On Wednesday the team made it to Adelaide, on the southern coast of Australia, travelling 2,322 kilometres of the 3,010 kilometre trip, and placing 13th 66 thus far. Midnight Sun's business managerChris Urbaniak said that overall the team is in good spirits, despite a " ~ r e t ,t v emoV tional" day on Monday. On Monday, midway between Dunmarra and Tennant Creek, conditions became windy. Fortunately, the windwascoming from the proper direction for sailing. Shortly thereafter, the car was hit by a whirly-whirly, or a mini-tornado, lifting the car off the ground and setting it back dawn in the middle of the road. The people in the chase vehicle reported that the front right tire was off the ground by at least a footand-a-half, said Urbaniak. After regainingcomposure,and checking out the vehicle, the team was able to resume to previouscruising speed and continued along the race with only minor setbacks. The average speed of the car

has been about 73 kilometres per hour, with the team travelling around 580 kilometres per day, according to Urbaniak. Part of what slows the team down are mandatory media stops where the team is able to report to the local and international media about the progress of the race. Local media that have continued coverage of the race include CKCO, Kool FM, and The Record. The car had several new technical improvments, contributingtoits success on the nip far, said Urbaniak. The tall car design incorporates vertical fairings that allow a sailing effecr. This has resulted in less power consumption. "This race has proved that this concept has worked," said Urbaniak. Other than the whirly-whirly, on November 19, the weather has been generally favourable, and according to the forecast, this weather should hold out until the race is completed. The Midnight Sun team is composed of eight U W students in faculties ranging from engineering to math and business. One faculty member has accompanied the team during their stay in Australia. The final race day is November 26, and the awards ceremony is November 27.

the car was hit



Midnight Sun rounds the curve in Australia. The solar car has an average meed of 73 kilometres oer hour.

awhirl~ whirly, Or amini-tornado, liftink the car off the ground.

. ."

East E students: We're basically getting evicted continued from page 3

Northeast quad area of REV, said, "We're basically getting evicted," and called the situation a violation of the residence contract, which states that the university reserves the right to switch students' rooms around if there is a situation beyond their control. Most of the students, Varcoe explained, do not believe that this was a situation beyond the control of the authorities. Many East E students have also made reference to the Tenant Protection Act -a provincial government document that protects the rights of landlords and tenants in rental housing facilities. University residences are covered by this act, and are only exempt from it if most of the residents are minorities (such as a boarding high school), or if decisions regarding housing are made after discussion with a council that represents the residents. The UW Village Council, a roughly SO-member group made

up of representatives from all areas in the Villages, is an association that fits these terms. Nevertheless, Mackenzie King don Mark Schaan attended the last Village Council meeting and said the REV issue was not discussed. In the "Terms of Occupancy" section of the Villages Policyflnformation Booklet, the fifth point states that occasionally, a section of the residence may be closed and the university may assign rooms to the students. A student accepts this possibility upon signing a residence contract. However, the document points out that reassignment will be done in consultation with the affected students. What exactly defines consultation? Gay Slinger, staff lawyer at Waterloo Region Community Legal Services, is quick to explain that consultingdoesn't meanconsenting, and that the word "consultn itself is unclear and ambiguous. She said "it 'may just mean giving nonce, trying to deal with the situation in amanner that's less inconvenient. it doesn't


necessarily mean it's going to work out how you want it to work out." A residence hall is most often a spot where close friendships are formed, and East E residents say that uprooting the established social circles is exactly what this move is doing. Lukach and Varcoe conveyed feelings of sadness and frustration about breaking up their groups of friends. It will be much harder to stay in close contact while they are living on completely different floors, they said. Lukach gave examples of conflicting information given to the East E students. Initially, thedeanreassuredstudents that they'd try to keep as many students together as possible. In reality this isnot the case, as there are no two free rooms together, with the exception of two on a REV all-girls floor. There has also been discrepancyas to who actuallymade the decision, and the students say everyone seems to be blaming everyone else. Lukach understands the circumstances surrounding the

No longer home for some East E students. About 40 students will be moved out of East E to make room for grad student offices. move, but says, "If you're going to [move us], give us the answers." The situation will not be permanent, as two classroomsin E2 are currently being converted intospace for the graduate students, and the REV rooms will again be needed for undergraduate students in the Fall 2002 term. In the meantime, however, inconveniencesare abundant for both

parties involved. Thevillagers have to pack up and move, splitting up a close community of friends, and the graduate students' offices are in a spot far from theDavisCentre where their de~artmentis based. Acopy of the letter sent to the East E students. and Chaudhuri's answers to student auestions and many personal opinions on the situationare available atuwstudent.org.


Imprint, Friday, November 23, 200 1

G-20 protesters: what do thev want? J A N I C E JIM

Imprint staff



Riot police stand guard on Wellington Street to defend Parliament Hill from approximately 5,000 protestors who demonstrated against C-20, IMF and World Bank.

he World Bank and IMF function as financial lenders for development projects around the world. They issue loans to developing countries for projects, such as roads, power plants and schools. Stringent conditions are attached to these loans. These conditions force debtor nations to open their economies to foreign investment, decrease social spending and lead to privatization. The policies also force countries to shift to export-based economies. When farmers shift from production for local consumption to production of cash crops for export, malnutrition increases, according to an activistgroup SOYearsIs Enough. The Mobilization for Global Justice, a Washington-based activist group, issued four demands for

the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. These demands were endorsed by hundreds of organizations around the world. They included the following: 1. Open all World Bank and IMF meetings to the media and the public. 2. End all World Bank and IMF policies that hinder people's access to food, clean water, shelter, health care, education and right to organize (such "structural adjustment" policies include user fees, privatization and economic austerity programs). 3. Stop all World Bank support for socially and environmentally destructive projects such as oil, gas and mining activities and all support for projects such as dams that include forced relocation of people. 4. Cancel all impoverished country debt to the World Bank and IMF. using the institutions' own resources.

Students speak out on globalization International Monetary Fund and World Bank meet in Ottawa LlAm


McHuon-RUSSELL special to Imprint

t has become a clich6 in the past two months to mention the effect that the events of September 11 have had on the world. The point is well made in most cases though, and last weekend's G-20 summit in Ottawa was no exception. Representatives from the G-20, as well as members from delegates for the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, gathered in the nation's capital to discuss economic policy for the coming year, and to make important decisions about international aid during the next few years. The theme of terrorism was not just on the lips of delegates, which included ministers of finance and bank governors, as well as the heads of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, but was considered in the policy that was developed. The policy was quickly adapted to what

was called "a more integrated world" by James Wolfensohn, president of the World Bank. Wolfensohn stressed the importance of realizing that "poverty and distress in one part of the world is poverty and distress in another part of the world." Poverty was not mentioned as a deciding factor in terrorism, but appeared implicit in the statements made. At the G-20 meeting, Paul Martin, Canadian minster of finance, chaired a meeting where member countries agreed that developing countries were those hardest hit by the economic consequences of global panic. The G-20 suggested that one of the best ways to solve this was with continued increases in globalization, including a continued round of WTO trade talks to increase trade liberalization. The International Monetary and Finance Committee of the monetary fund also met on Saturday, and discussed policy, which will soon be adopted by Canada, that aims at

freezing the assets of terrorist organizations. The committee encouraged all nations to implement United Nations instruments that were developed at the end of September. In a speech on Saturday, Gordon Brown, chancellor of the exchequer of the UK, and committee chairman said, "the IMF has committed itself to extending its bilateral surveillance." The members of the IMF have agreed to decreasethe privacy of everyone's financial records. For the rest of the policy, members discussed concerned protection of economic stability in the wake of September 11. The meeting held between the Joint Development Committee of the World Bank and the IMF came to a number of decisions, including one that had nothing to do with terrorism. They suggested that public education should be available to every child in the world up to a primary level by 2015. AcommuniquC released by the body put emphasis on how recent events would impact low- and middle-

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income nations. "Overall, the meetings were a great success," said minister Martin. The total cost of the meetings was $2.5 million -not including the cost of enforcement. Law enforcement in Ottawa - including local police, OPP and RCMP, as well as imported officers from Toronto who were never used -supervised the surrounding areas all weekend. A large number of arrests were made, and police dogs attacked at least one protester. Protestors themselves did not go unaffected by the changes in global perception in recent months. The meetings were moved from India only a few weeks ago, so the small turnout of approximately 4,000 to 5,000 was not necessarily a failure of organization. Protesters who chose violence as their means of expression failed to show solidarity. Both sides of the argument claime to have the same goal: to protect the poorest of the poor, and to the improvement and maintenance of standard of living world-wide.

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Imprint, Friday, November 23, 2001

UW offers diploma



in professiona communications



ACM teams credited UWs Black and Gold teams that entered the ACM East Central Regional programming Contest have been credited for another question. While this improves the Black team's record of seven correct answers, the Gold team's original ninth place rank was improved to fourth place. The adjustment was made after an error was discovered in the judges'solution.

BRITA LAWRIE special to'lmprint


new diploma program in organizational communica'on was launched at the University of Waterloo last Thursday. The program is aimed at professionalsin communication-related fields. The Education Program in OrganizationalCommunication will be available to students early in 2002. The program was developed by epSTAR, a company that provides UW with professional education programs designed to enhance and update skills. Within the program, two diploma options will be offered: the organizational communication diploma and the training and development diploma. Bothwillbeuniversity-leveldiploma programs offered part-time, and it is expected that each will take 12 to 16 months for students to complete. The training and development diploma program will focus on training and consulting skills, and will include courses such as training methodsandfacilitatingadultlearning. The organizational communication diploma program will focus on team communication, interviewing skills and conflict management, as well as other topics also covered in the training and development program. The courses in these programs will be taught on-site. Employers may sponsor a number of their employees to participate in the training.


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HEIDI BROWN special to Imprint


Prof. Denton said the program will teach fundamental &ills in communication. Courses will also be offered on campus. According to Diana Denton, coordinator of the speech communication program, the courses in the new program teach many of the fundamental skills that are found in a university speech communication degree program. Although the diploma programs are not geared towards current university students, interested students may be able to take the speech communication courses that the diploma programs are modeled towards. The faculty of these new diploma programs will include UW professors JillTomassonGoodwin and Diana Denton.

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clip s Double cohort forum The forum, "Growth at UW and the doublecohort-whatis theuniversity doing to prepare," will allow students to express any questions or concerns. The forum panel will include UWpresident DavidJohnston, vicepresident and provost, Amit Chakma, Feds president Yaacov Iland, as well as other student representatives. The forum will be held Wednesday, November 28 in the Student Life Centre's Great Hall, and is open to everyone.

Corrections: In last weeps edition, our Feds referendum article should have indicated that the ~ r o ~ o s efee d was based on a rough cost estimate, but that the question does not permit an increase from $13.80. If, however, a donation was made toward the projects, the amount would be applied to the principal, reducing the total duration of the payment. The author, and the staff at Imprint sincerely regret the error on such a sensitive issue. Our November 16 story on the Maclean's rankings should have read: "This year UW topped the comprehensivecategory,beatingout all schools including Simon Fraser, Guelph, W i c and Memorial University."

Environment ambassador visits









anada's EnvironmentalAmbassador and former speaker of the House of Commons, Gilbert Parent, spoke at the University of Waterloo in Hagey Hall. He raised awareness on environmental issues and about the environmental commission at UW. Approximately SO people attended the evening. He told the audience that "the initiative shown here at the UW is a model for other universities to follow." He praised UW's progress in the area of environmental issues, and urged students to keep up the excellent work.

Parent used personal anecdotes as he spoke, bringing the issues of cleaner air and climate change to a very practical level. He also spoke on sustainable development, emissions trading and the "global village." He was very positive about promoting the upcoming Earth Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa and urged everyone to get involved in one way or another. Students specifically "need to take responsibility and act," he said, in favour of the environment. He also said that "individuals can and do make a substantial difference," urging U W students to take a stand on the side of the environment, and to avoid the skepticism of feeling

that one, or a few people together, cannot make a difference for the environment, because they can make a difference. He was an invited guest of the Feds' environmental commissioners, Patrick Quealey and Kirk Schmidt. Quealey and Schmidt feel it is their duty to introduce more high profile environmental speakers to UW students in an attempt to heighten environmental interest. Parent is a former student at UW for two summers. Students can visit the Web site, www.canada2002earthsummit.gc.ca, to find out more about Canada's position at the summit, refine our national environmental report or voice opinions.

November 30,2001,Volume24, Number 19 jtudent Life Centi-e. Rm I I16 University of Waterloo Waterlm, ON, N2L 3Gl

P: 519,888,4048 F: 519,884,7800 imprint.uwterloo.ca

Editorial Staff Editor-in-chief, Ryan Matthew Merkley :ditor@imprint.uwaterIoo.ca

Assistant editor, Jason Yu News, John A. Drummond Assistant news, Natalie Carruthers Forum, Amy Potvin Features, Kirika Bussell Assistant features, Kourtney Shott Science, Magda Koneiczna Sports, vacant Assistant sports, vacant Arts, Lauren S. Breslin Assistant arts, Emily Collins Photos, Janice Jim Assistant photos, Brian Code Graphics, Chris Inch Assistant graphics, vacant Web, Dave Barsam Assistant Web, vacant Systems admin., Tdesh Seeparsan Assistant systems admin, vacant Lead proofreader, Hala Khalaf Proofreader, Lesley Burnett Proofreader, Tdea Coghlin Proofreader, Adina Gillian Proofreader,Jessica Witmer Contributors Ali Asaria, Ian BlechSchmidt, Heidi Brown, Adrian Chin, Thayani Dayahparan, Celeste Dickson, Mike Edwards, Nigel Flear, Julia Gingrich, Aurelia Gordon, Brita Lawrie, Eric Lepp, Stella Lui, Greg MacDougall, Liam McHugh-Russell, Neal Moogk-Soulis, Ryan Porter, Mirna Rakamovic,Joshua Safer, Colan Schwartz, Harold Soulis, Melanie Stuparyk, Laura Taylor, Amanda Watkins, Jon Willing Cover Photo, Brian Code Design, Chris Inch Office Staff Business manager, Cathy Bolger

Fundamental ignorance I

have a theory. Ignorance cannot be taken at face value. I believe there are two types of ignorance: There's the good kmd, where one admits that they are, as Socrates said, fundamentally ignorant and realize that knowledge is a lifetime acquisition. Then there's the bad, bad kind, where one is blatantly, rude, pompous and self-righteous about what they do not know. As you can see, ignorance is a pet peeve of mine. Sure, lying is despicableand cheating is weak and cowardly, but being callous and degrading of something you are ignorant of is simply setting yourself up for attack. I cannot believe the amount of ethnocentrism that I have encountered in a nation renowned for its cultural diversity. Time and time again we have spoken of equality, yet still I meet people who brandish an attitude of pompous superlority to anything that is different from them. I'd like to know what kids are being taught in their history classes. I am beginning to suspect that their lessons do not venture outside the realms of North American history. It just strikes me as preposterous and ironic that I constantly meet new individuals rotting in their own ignorance, convinced that there is nothing more to this world than Canada and the U.S. We attend an educational institution that is comprised of people from the four corners of the globe, yet we know nothing about the other three corners. Our world has become such a small stage, with the influence of globalization and the advancement of technology. Hence, there is no explanation why Top 40 hits are more often than not English songs by North American performers. Craig David's two released singles, that have been such a hit this term, were all over Europe, Asia and Africa a year

ago. Yet this non-North American performer didn't get North America's attention until now. Greek music is not the same as Arabic music, which is not the same as Indian music, but since they're all different and not what we're used to, they're shoved into one category. There is no excuse for an idiot on The Weakest Link to smugly retort that Egypt is in Asia. The compassion of a friend is overlooked when concern is shown for my home and family in Jordan with the outbreak of the Afghanistan war, because Jordan is 1,926 miles from Afghanistan. And most of all, the words, "It's so fuckedup. How stupid of your religion to make you do this," meant to describe Islamic fasting in the month of Ramadan, is disrespectful, shocking, infuriating, saddening and to say the least, ignorant. What gives anyone the right to glance at someone else's food and exclaim, "Eewww, what is that? That looks gross." As was so adamantly said, you don't know what it is. Most people have never even tried it, so why disrespect a culture and ridicule it? My problem is not with the fact that people do not know what it is, my problem is with the currently impudent attitude towards that which is unfamiliar and the reluctance to admit to ignorance. Go ahead and say that that dish tastes awful after sampling it, because only then will one be entitled to an opinion. Supposedly, we are mature, educated individuals who boast a worldliness beyond our years. I don't see that in the individuals around me. What I do keep seeing, though, are people who are fixed on the idea that it's their way or the highway. Somehow, faiths, beliefs, morals, values, differences and norms

are not worthy of respect or acknowledgement anymore. I may not like some of the music I've been hearing lately, but I won't go around with a disgusted expression on my face and an unspoken "what the hell is that shitnattitude. Kraft dinner absolutely disgusts me, but it makes no difference to me if everyone eats it for breakfast, lunch and dinner; because it is apparently liked by many and is part of some people's culture. Maybe I don't know everything there is to know about Zimbabwe, but I will sit down and listen to you and respect you, because there is a whole world out there that demands respect and appreciation. There are countless forms of violence, many of which are not physical, but verbal. The over used cliche, "violence is the voice of an ignorant heart," is indicative of this. The violence of a third-grade bully is often described as ignorant, simply because the child does not know better. Surelyby now we know better. What are we doing pursuing a postsecondary education if we cannot admit to daily acts of violence that we are committing through words that cut like daggers into a person's emotions and self-esteem? This ignorant attitude reigning supreme is unfounded and discourteous. People come to Canada from all over the world not to be met by insolent irreverence, but to exist in a community where their differences and distinctions are celebrated. esteemed and observed. Perhaps this type of community should first be established here at the prestigious University of Waterloo, eh? -Hala Khalaf 3N RPW


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The reluctant protester I

became a reluctant protester last weekend, at the front line of an Ottawa G-20 urotest. just in time to get pepper-sprayed.' I made my way towards Ottawa, the final stop on a return trip from Montreal, in the early afternoon on Saturday. Following the two-lane Highway 417 into the West end of town, CBC radio reported that Black Bloc aggressors had been arrested the day before, but also that members of the Grannies and other non-violent groups had been chased by dogs and cops. Light traffic offered little to foreshadow the afternoon's events; the St. Laurent shopping centre had a parking garage filled with cars as I passed by. Ottawa seemed unaffected by the protests. I met up with my girlfriend, Nicole, and her friend, Sean, at Carleton University. As we made our way downtown, roadblocks were scattered about at Laurier St, and Colonel By Drive. At each turn, we expected riot cops, but were more often met with empty streets as most people had abandoned the trendy market area in the core. We stopped in front of the American embassy, where only weeks before I had read hundreds of letters of sympathy and remorse; letters that had been carefully taped and tied by children and adults alike to the ominous fence in remembrance of the World Trade Center attacks. This time, the fence had been reinforced with a concrete barrier; I suppose

to hold back disorderly protesters, none of which we had seen as of yet. According to the police officer I spoke to, dressed in standard uniform -no riot gear or pepper spray -he hadn't seen any protesters either. Despite the poor turnout, there were half a dozen riot cops waiting for us at the top of the steps to 'Confederation Park, ready to turn us back unless we were guests of the elegant Chateau Laurier. Disappointed, we turned back, only to hear the growing noise of several hundred protesters marching up Rideau street towards Parliament. We followed, and as Nicole dragged us into the street, I realized that we had inadvertently become protesters. "What are we doing right now?" I asked. "We're walking up Rideau, checking things out," she said. "No. We're protesters," I argued. "What's the difference between us, walking up the street toward a riot cop-reinforced barricade, and the people walking beside us? To the cops, and the media: nothing." That was the major problem for protesters in Ottawa (besides their small numbers). Their message -whatever it may have been -was so diluted by Black Bloc delinquents, spray-painting vigilantes, anti-abortionists, anti-Americans, protesters who protested their right to protest, and rubberneckers like me and my friends, that there was no message.

A press conference had to be moved from the Supreme Court to the Human Rights Memorial because protesters wouldn't stop shouting "corporate media" at the press. Maybe organizers only had four weeks to plan the protests, but you'd think they'd remember that the press - corporate or otherwise brings their message to the world. The anti-globalization movement has been effective at rallying supporters, but has done little to explain their cause to the masses. It's not an easy concept to grasp; most reporters don't even understand it, which may have a lot to do with why coverage usually centres around the violence. We pushed our way to the corner of Rideau and Sussex, up against the metal barricades. On one side, about 400 protesters stood chanting, dancing and waving signs no clear message among them -while on the other, over a hundred riot cops stood with shields and batons. As they doused the crowd with pepper spray, the cops' message was clear: you are not welcome. Back at the car, our eyes stinging, my lips tasting of pepper, I wondered what the point was. Regrettably, I have my doubts that the protesters could answer my question. That's a barrier they should really worry about. -Ryan Matthew Merkley editor-in-chief

possibly even other residences. So committed as love in a heterosexual what happens to the friendships relationship? All Christians know and sense of community we were that love is love, Jesus loves us all To the editor, supposed to foster? What happened the same, therefore all love is equal. was at the St. Jerome's cafeteria to the pretty words in the glossy Is it that we can't get married? Then this week and since I had no cash residence brochures? Apparently let us get married. Is it then that a gay couple onme at all I thought I'd pull out my they only apply-after the engineertrustywatcard. What1didn't know, ing graduate students are taken care cannot bring a child into this world? If this is the case, then where is the being a main campus student, is that of. No other faculty is getting this Courage group for infertile heterothe cafeteria at SJU doesn't accept Watcards. As I was trying to figure preferential treatment or is displac- sexual couples? Once Robert and out how to give back the very large ing freshmen students for the sake other close minded individuals see that gay men and women are no juice or work out some sort of pay- of their office space. Residence at Waterloo was different, then maybe we too can ment-at-a-later-date with the staff, called, "A great place to call home," live the "normal" life, and not be the girl ahead of me in line (who'd already paid for her purchase) of- a place to build lifetime friendships persecuted by others. fered to buy my $1drink! I humbly and a sense of family. We are losing not only our home and our floor, -Aaron Ursacki accepted. I just wanted to publicly thank but also the community we have 3B computer science her although I don't even know her built, which many of us consider to The hand that feeds name. Just when you think that be our family here. We are also people are too self-absorbed to care, losing our faith in this university. We realize there is nothing we To the editor, someone like this makes your day. can do. There is a clause buried o, I'm sure everyone's heard deep in the residence contract that -Julie Kwiat about the proposed changes to allows this to happen due to "cirSA honours psychology cumstances beyond the control of the co-op system. The idea is to the housing and residence office, eliminate the first round by making An injustice and that is what they are calling the one long continuous phase. Thus, making students choose whether shortage of office space. To the editor, We wish for everyone at this they want to accept a job in the same just wanted to respond to the university to know that being guar- week that they had the interview, story in Friday's UW Bulletin anteed a bed in residence doesn't eliminatingstudents' ability to make about East E being taken over for guarantee that you will not lose it, informed decisions based on all of and that the sense of community so their interviews. grad student offices. It seems ridiculous that this idea I'm now in fourth year and highly touted in residence advertisliving off-campus, but I still fondly ing is false, at least until the engi- was even drafted without the knowlremember the two terms I spent neers are looked after. Although edge of the co-op populace. I am living in East E. When you're living they really do appreciate our "in- amazed by how the co-op and administrative systems of this univerin residence during first year, you convenience." sity are able to lower my opinion of develop a very strong bond with the them on an almost daily basis. people on your floor. You work - The students of East E This whole term, we have had together, party together and sup- Ron Eydt Village the SLClgym expansion referendum port each other through both the shoved down our throats, all over a Live the m d life joys and hardships of first year university. The friendships you make with your floormates last for the To the editor, rest of your university life. I can totally understand why would like to write in response to the current residents are upset about Robert Maric's letter, "Done it being split up. If the university de- on purpose," (November 9). cides to proceed with this plan of I would love to try to convince action, I sincerely hope that they act you that being gay is not a choice, with empathy and do not brush it but it is plain to see that it would not off as the dean of engineering did be easily done. I would still like to with phrases such as, "It's not a challenge the fact that he and the crisis." For these students, it is a church think homosexuals should crisis; their community is being up- be chaste. I am aware of the group rooted. Courage, and from my understandAlthough some students may ing, it calls gays to become lay peonot know how to express their "raw ple, chaste or even straight with the emotion" appropriately, they have help of God. a valid reason for being upset. Why should homosexuals have to be chaste? Is it because love in a -Michael Dawagh gay relationship is not as strong or 4A computer science

Nice people do exist





Fellow UW students To the editor,


he students of East E in Ron Eydt Village would like to make the priorities of this university known. Next term, the students on our floor will be split up and moved to any available residence rooms. Why? So engineering graduate students can use our home as their offices. These poor grad students have to live and work off-campus, so it was decided to relocate the students of East E to other floors, quads and

$14.00 per term charge. There is supposed to be this big vote and posters havesprungup all over campus over a few dollars. All this occurs, while at the same time someone in Needles Hall is squandering my career opportunities without me noticing. Can anyone else see the misplaced values here? I pay a great deal more than $14.00 a term for the chance to compete for jobs among my peers and then choose the one for which I'm best suited. The future for me, however, is to compete for a job and if I succeed in getting an offer, take it or risk getting nothing at all. It's an obvious case of biting the hand that feeds you.

-Sean Wilson 2A computer science

And the winner is To the editor,


y the time this letter is printed, the online vote will be closed. There will be no way to verify

whether or not the vote accurately reflects the intent of the student as the only record will be on writable magnetic media stored on a system somewhere in the university. Having a secret ballot means that there will be no way to audit the results and we will have to trust a system that has known security weaknesses to tell us who won. At the same time, we have to trust that it is really secret without having any way to know. There is also the possibilitythat someone with the correct technical skills (which is a large proportion of the UW student populace) could hack the vote without a trace. We wouldn't stand for a vote where everyone went to the registrar's office and one person there kept a tally in their head, checked off who voted and promised not to tell who voted which way. Unfortunately, such a system would be more secure and trustworthy then the current one. -Doug Sibley 2B rnathlcomputer science

enables members of the University of Waterloo community to present views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. All letters must be signed by the author, with a phone number for verification, and should not exceed 350 words. They can be sent to: ~etters@imprint.uwaterfoo.ca. Letters received via fax or e-mail will not be printed unless a phone number for verification is included. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or in violation of Impn'nt's code of ethics. The opinions expressed through columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not the opinions of Imprint.


Imprint, Friday, November 23, 200 1

Fasting strengthens A L I ASARIA Imprint staff


ovember 1 7 marked the first day of the holy month of Ramadan for Muslim students on campus. Ramadan is the month where Muslims keep away from food and water during daylight hours in an effort to strengthen their willpower and their awareness of God. An entire month of fastine " from sunrise to sunset may sound like punishment to most. Muslims, however, eagerly await the arrival of the month of fasting because it is a month of physical, as well as spiritual, purification. Most Muslims will tell you that the month of fasting is their best month of the year. Although Muslims have become closely associated with fasting, they by no means invented the practice. In fact, the practice of fasting can be found within the faiths of Bhuddism, Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism, to name a few. Bhuddists, for example, often fast on full moon days, as well as other holidays. Judaism's most famous fast day is Yom Kippur, when followers abstain from food and water from sundown to sundown. Each faith has slightly different reasons for fasting. Most people will tell you that fasting makes you feel more aware, more clear and closer to God. This year, many people from diverse faith backgrounds have decided to fast a single day during Ramadan as a symbol of

support to Muslims who are subject to prejudice and oppression all over the world. Over the last few years, fasting has become more accepted as a spiritual practice for all types of people. This is partly because fasting is seen as a counter movement against a society which seems engrossed in self-indulgence. It is also becoming popular with Canadians who are trying to re-aquaint themselves with spirituality. Hinduand Christian leaders have recently been promoting fasting because it humbles you and strengthens your prayers. Clearly, there are many good reasons why people may choose to fast. It is great, though, that so many people, from so many different faiths, can join together in this one practice. The special thing about fasting is that, unlike some prayers, everyone with any beliefs can participate for their own reasons. If you choose to fast this month, remember that fasting doesn't just have to be abstinence from food. Fasting is about making a temporary sacrifice or kicking an old habit. You could, for example, keep away from swearing, junk food or television for an entire day. Or perhaps you could spend a day trying to be aware of God at all times, being kinder to others and supportive of those less fortunate. Another popular fast is the fast of words -speaking only when necessary for an entire day. Whatever you choose to do, I send you greetings of peace, and Ramadan Mubarak!

Brand new world GREGMACDOUGALL lmprint staff


Human activity and climate special to Imprint


'm sure that by now you've heard about climate change. In case you haven't, the basic premise is that the overwhelming majority of scientists agree that human activity is changing our climate. Since the start of the industrial era, the percentage of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has increased by 40 per cent. This leads to an intensification of the Earth's natural greenhouse effect. What that really means is that it becomes more difficult for heat to escape from the surface of the planet. So how does that affect us? The mean global temperature is expected to rise by 1.5 to 6.0 degrees, and we'll begin to notice more extreme weather. The global sea level has risen about three times faster over the past 100 years compared to the previous 3,000 years, due to the melting of polar ice caps. In Canada's north, rising temperatures have meant that twice as much of the boreal forests have been affected by forest fires, insects and diseases during the 1980s and 1990s as in previous decades. We can see that Earth's ecosystems are being threatened by these small temperature changes. Okay, so what's causing it? The source is primarily burning coal, oil and natural gas to generate electricity and results from powering our factories, homes and cars. In

1995, this accounted for 80 per cent of Canada's total greenhouse gas emissions. Since climate change is a global issue, a United Nations scientific body,the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been studying it. In 1997, governments met in Kyoto, Japan and agreed that emissions of certain greenhouse gases from developed countries should be reduced by an average of 5.2 per cent below 1990 levels. This pact has been called the "Kyoto Protocol." To deal with the problem, much larger reductions are necessary. Guy Dauncey's book, Stormy Weather: 101Solutions to Global Climate Change proposes an 80 per cent reduction in greenhouse gases by the year 2025. By working with the best solutions that are already in use around the world, combined with a huge co-ordinated thrust from NGOs, citizen'sgroups and renewable energy proponents around the world, he believes that it is possible. Dauncey is currently on a "climate change solutions" tour basedaround hisnew book, to demonstrate that there are real solutions to the global climate crisis, engage people in discussion, and build excitement about the potential for action. The climate change action group at UW has made arrangements for Dauncey to include UW in his tour. He will be in the Davis Centre, room 1304, on Tuesday, November 27 at 7:30 p.m.

omething big happened in Ottawa this past weekend. I think that November 16 to 18 in Ottawa was the real beginning of a new world. This is after the terrorist attacks on September 11, after the U.S. bombing of a sovereign country that had not taken any military action against the U.S. and even after all the blanket attempts to silence any dissent of the "American hegemony" that corporate America would love to see the world embrace. In this environment, with only a month's notice, a sizable protest still emerged to demand that the IMF and the World Bank change their ways, or else. The way they work now is to act as the biggest and baddest loan sharks in the world. What they do is use their monetary resources to impose conditions on countries who need financial help (which turns out to be alot of the Third World). The conditions they impose do not help the people of the country (in fact, they most often hurt them). Instead, they help foreign companies make money by forcing the countries to open up for business. So all these peoplegot together to try and raise attention to the problems that the IMF, the World Bankand the G-20 cause. They got together peacefully (except for the destruction of the windows of a single McDonald's and some lesser "vandalism"). Some people would call that violence, but I'd call that not too bad. According to the Canadian government's definition, it could be classified as terrorism (since their definition claims that its political motivation classifies it as such). If you compare that "violence" with the economic violence perpetrated by the IMF and the World Bank, you'll be overwhelmed. I've read that 19,000 deaths, every day, are a result of their policies. You should try looking

into that figure yourself on the Web. If you want to talk more about violence, you should talk about the police. They're the thugs, they're the criminals, they're the ones denying people the right to freely make their voices heard. Even though the protesters weren't doing anything really violent, the police weren't going to stay peaceful. Just so you know, the police now arm themselves with submachine guns to keep protesters in check. They also have fire-extinguisher sized pepper spray, so that they can spray more protesters in one go (you should ask Imprint's editor about this). They also have dogs that gnaw at protesters. They have water that they spray on you in near zero temperatures, that leaves you burning and itching with rashes the next day. The police tried to provoke more violence, but were unsuccessful. Too bad for them. However, even though there wasn't any protester violence to focus on, that's still what the mainstream corporate media focused on. Which is so mesesed up I'm not even going to comment on it. Except to say that maybe, by now, it doesn't even matter. I mean, how many people know that the mainstream corporate mediais as messed up as it is? Enough. Maybe not a whole lot; but enough. One thing I learned from taking business classes at Laurier is the concept of the early adapters. The way things (products, in business terms) catch on is that a few people get on the idea early. Once you've got the base of these people, it's only a matter of time until the majorityare inonit. It usually doesn'ttake too long, either. Especially in our Internet-connected world. As the mainstream corporate media keeps spoonfeeding us with bullshit, people are going to stop opening their mouths. What happened in Ottawa brought that day that much closer to reality.

Im~rint,Friday, November 2 3 , 200 I



Pick a cause, any cause special to Imprint


ast weekend saw officials from the G-20 gather in Ottawa to "Discuss, study and review policy issues among industrialized countries and emerging markets with a view to promoting international financial stability." Sounds pretty heady! But really, what does it mean? Judging by the ruckus caused by the usual suspects (i.e. the Black Bloc) out on the streets in Ottawa you'd think it was serious stuff. Their more peaceful brethren,with their rhymingchants, recycled-paper signage and overall defianceof the establishmentseemed to be pretty adamant thatthis meeting had to be stopped. Even the anti-war crowd got into the act, with indymedia.org christening the mass hysteria as an "IMF/World BanWG-2OWar Protest." And what a fervor it is. With all due respect, the vast majority of these protesters are there for one thing and one thing only: to give their otherwise routine lives a peppering of purpose and excitement.

They add to their lives the glory of the struggle, the greatness of the cause. History is filled with the heroics of those who challenged the status quo. And who wouldn't want to have the torch passed on to them? It's just too seductive to resist. I say all this not to trivialize the issues themselves, but to underscore the simplistic motives which seem to be endemic to protesting these days. How many of the people marching the streets last weekend actually know what the G-20 is? Did it escape them that it is in fact an informal grouping of countries they don't even have a permanent secretariat -with no actual power to impose anything whatsoever on any of its members? In effect, they were protesting an overpriced dinner party thrown by the government of Canada. As for the demands of those protesting - aside from the fact that I'm unsure as to why they believe they're in any position to be making demands -a quick peek at their wish list is in order (courtesy of GlobalDemocracyOttawa). First, open all meetings to the public.

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Second, cancel all Third World debt. Third, end all policies that "hinder people's access to food, clean water" etc. Finally, stop all programs that are "socially and environmentally damaging." Sounds reasonable, right? Well then, how about this: in addition to G-2O/IMF/World Bank meetings being open to the public, all the meetings of all the organizations protesting should also be open to anyone (so there wouldn't be any surprises for the police). These selfless groups can also turn over all their assets to the government of Canada to help pay off the Third World's debt for them. All international trade barriers will be removed, since they undeniably hinder the livelihood of people in all countries - especially the Third World. All "damaging" programs will be cancelled - so that instead of working to support themselves, thousands of people can starve to death while we squabble over program details. Lookon the bright sideof things -at least they'll have fresh air.

University of



Sodom and Gomorrah NlGEL FLEAR

special to Imprint


he story of Sodom and Gomorrah is often cited as a powerful display of God's condemnation of homosexuality. The story appears in Genesis 19, with a very similar plot occurring in Judges 19. The gay community generally rejects the claim that Godactedagainst homosexuality in the story. The Bible passage begins with two travellers who enter the city of Sodom. The men are greeted by Lot, the nephew of Abraham. Lot welcomes the strangers with open arms, as is customary for the times. Shortly after dinner, a crowd of men from the city gather outside of Lot's home, asking to "know" the travellers. The Hebrew verb "to know" has many translations. Often it means to know sexually, even to rape. The verb can also be translated non-sexually. Lot refuses to let the crowd "know" the travellers because he is sworn by custom to protectthesafety of his guests. Lot instead offers his

virgin daughters to the crowd so that they may "know" them. The crowd rejects the offer and begins to attack Lot. The travellers reach out and grab Lot, then close the door behind him. The crowd never manages to harm anyone in Lot's house that evening. Before dawn breaks, Lot's family and the travellers flee the city, fearing for their lives. As they leave, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding plain are destroyed by an act of God. The sky is said to have rained "fire and brimstone." Those who seek to explain the phenomenon in modern terms suggest that a meteor struck the valley. The Bible claims repeatedlythat God destroyed the cities because the people there were "wicked." It is not entirely clear that the people were wicked primarily because of their need for sex, or because they breached the important cultural expectation of hospitality toward visitors. Modern readers should find it disturbing that Lot offered his daughters to be abused or possibly


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Imprint, Friday, November 23, 200 I

Students are being moved out of East E to make room for grad student offices. What do vou think? Hala Khalaf

"Glad it's not me." Andrew Martin 2B computer science

"It sucks." Nadine Kamal 2A honours biology

"They can come stay at my place." Brian Dubois 2B computer science

"Build a new building. We need more construction." Thomas O'Brien 2A biochemistry

"It's bogus, for sure!"

"It's a crock of shit!"

Mairead Fitzpatrick ZA biology

Pete Malysewich 3A economics

"Suck it up first years."

"What assholes. eh?"

Eli & Aaron 2A kin &poli sci

Matt & Mat ZA kinesiology

"No, I believe it's a pile of shit, a PILE!" "Turd" Ferguson 2B kinesiology

"That's very unprofessional." Mai Almardini ZA science

Good sense prevails in Ottawa

Concerned citizens voice obiections to G-20 summit

Preparing for political protection. CHRIS EDEY lmprint staff


s has been the ritual for the past half-decade, the meetings of the G-20 finance ministers and world financial institutions were met with impassioned protests on the streets of Ottawa. In an age where a powdered doughnut can set off evacuations of major buildings, the citizens of Ottawa were understandably nervous about which streets to use over the weekend. Fortunately, the protests were

largely peaceful, allowing the attention to remain on the im~ortant issues at hand. The G-20 is composed of the richestseveneconomiesin the world (also known as the G-7) and 13 of the larger countries of the developing world. The G-20 was formed on the personal initiative of Canada's Minister of Finance, Paul Martin, who also serves as the chairperson of the group. The group's purpose is to find multilateral solutions to global economic problems. Also attending the meetings

were representatives from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The World Bank mandates eliminating poverty in the developing world. In the past year the institution provided more than $17 bil1ionU.S. in loans to its client countries. It works in more than 100 developing countries and, according to its publications, has "the primary focus of helping the poorest people and the poorest countries." Its critics would tend to disagree. Global Democracy Ottawa,

which played a major role in organizing the protests, claims that the World Bank, along with the IMF and G-20 are "elitist and unrepresentative," that they "benefit the wealthy at the expenseof the poor" and that "they promote erosion of labour standards." Asevidence, they cite structural adjustment packages that force developing nations to slash budgets, privatizeservices, and modify laws in order to qualify for loans. The World Bank and IMF explained adjustments are needed to increase private investment and long-term economic growth. In response, theglobal democracygroup points out that many developing countries are saddled by massive loans that they have no hope of ever repaying, and have seen little or none of the promised economic benefits. As part of its list of grievances, the global democracy group demands that the World Bank and IMF"Cancelallimpoverishedcountry debt." Jay Fothergill is an activist within the Ottawa community who opposes such bodies and their poli-

cies. He said, "from what I understand [the World Bank] used to have policies to reduce poverty, but now they have become an instrument of American foreign policy, perpetuating the cycle of poverty." He adds, "The United States usually gets what it wants and does not give the concessions that the developing countries want to see." The grassroots opposition to such organizations and neo-liberal economic policies failed to translate into any degree of electoral success. When asked to comment onthisdichotomy,Fothergillshook his head and said, "I don't know." Upon further reflection, he said, "There is a huge group of people who are acrive and educated, but many feel that electoral politics cannot produce any meaningful results." He adds, "If we go into a recessiontheymightdopretty well." As the sun edged over the horizon Friday morning, Ottawa's police department, reinforced by officers from the RCMP, OPPand the Toronto police department, had already established their presence

Alternative fare

Beyond four white walls

etary laws, for example, specify kosher foods and their preparation, while Muslims must only eat foods ith UW attracting such a that are known to be Halal, a word wide variety of students, from the Quran that means lawful providing food that ca- or allowed. Mark Murdoch, director of ters to different cultures, lifestyles and health requirements becomes a UW Food Services, believes in cachallenge. Students who, either by tering to students' needs. For the necessity or by choice, don't eat the health conscious student, nutrient analysis brochures are I available at food outlets all over campus and online. These list the calories, fat and fibre grams for "selected campus foods." Vegan or lacto-ovo vegetarian items are also identified. Happily for vegetarians, Mudie's in Village One and REV in the Ron Eydt Village began guaranteeing vegan meals two months ago. The two locations alternate at No moo for you. each meal period, with typical North American fare may one serving a vegan and the other a not know where to turn. lacto-ovo vegetarian meal. Food allergiesand intolerances At the beginning of November, force many people to avoid foods REV hosted a successful vegetarian1 containing ingredients such as nuts, vegan night, offering a wide variety gluten (protein in grain) or lactose of meat-free as well as egg and (sugar in dairy). There are also a dairy-free options. The next day growing number of vegans, who REV and Mudie's began carrying avoid all animal-derived ingredi- vegan-friendly jello in the take-out ents, and lacto-ovovegetarians, who cupboards. eat eggs and dairy products. Some Bon Appetit in the Davis Cenreligious communities also require tre offers a couple of vegetablemembers to pay careful attention to continued on page 15 the meals they consume. Jewish di-

student-friendly decorating - tips

LAURA TAYLOR special to lmprint

KIRIKA BUSSELL lmprint staff


ecorating is a particular challenge for students as they often live in rented rooms for only four or eightmonths. Regardless, students need to create a space in which they can relax and feel comfortable. The following are helpful strategies for dressing up a room or apartment while on a tight budget by using imagination and a bit of effort. The options available to you will depend whether you live in a dorm (check regulations) or in a house (consult your landlord). Also, if you share the space that you're decorating, you should try to be considerate of your rommates' tastes. Every room should include comfy furniture. Bean bags are reasonably priced, or try walking

Floating candles add warmth.

continued on page 14

around your neighbourhood and you may find furniture free for the taking. To decorate a couch, consider investing in aslipcover or comforter. A throw rug can add personality to a room and reduce the chill-factor of a bare floor. Posters are an inexpensive option, also consider buying framed artwhichcan often be found on sale. Also, consider living art-such as plants. Plants add life and colour to a room. As well, they are relatively inexpensive, easy to find and there are an abundance of types to choose from. If your green thumb is challenged, con- Your room should reflect you. sider buying a cactus. For simultaneous decoration many unusual types of candles and candle holders. Aromatherapy canand practicality, hang bulletin dles are also soothing - but you boards to pin up paper and pictures. should take care when burning any Blackboards are also a nice option, as they allow your guests to leave type of candles. A simple bowl with river ~ebbles,water and floating messages or quotes. Framed postcards in interesting picture frames candles are a nice decoration. For students not living in resican reflect your personality - and your travels. Alternatively, hang dence, a fresh coat of paint is a fun, some twine across your room and satisfying project with dramatic results. Be sure to check with your attach pictures or postcards to it landlord about colour -most landusing clothes pins. lords will ask that you use a light or Anything that reflects your unique ~ersonalityand interests can neutral colour. Sponge painting is is a simple technique that adds texbuild a theme you can work from. If ture. Stenciling adds artistry as well. you are a collector, use your collecBear in mind, you will probtion as a focal point. Candles are a wonderful way ably move several times, so keep it to add an artistic touch as there are simple and have fun.

Protest raised awareness continued from page 13

in the city centre. Major roadways such as Rideau Street and Sussex Drive were closed to automobile traffic, and pedestrians were kept clear of the Conference Centre where the officials were meeting. Temporary barricades were thrown up blocking access to the Conference Centre, but there was no Quebec City-style wall. It did not take long for the first confrontation to develop. Following a snake march led by the Ontario Coalition Against the Tories through the streets of downtown Ottawa, a few protesters smashed the windows of the McDonald's restaurant on Bank Street. No one was hurt as the restaurantwas closed. Riot police made several arrests. Banging on their shields, they pushed back a crowd of approximately 300 people. At the Human Rights Memorial, amulti-faith peace vigil was held for victims of the war in Afghanistan. Calm returned as night fell, and Confederation Square was nearly desertedexceptfor a few curious onlookers and media personnel. By 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, marchers had set off from Lebreton Flats, the University of Ottawa and Hull all aiming to converge at the Supreme Court for a noon-hour rally. As the crowds arrived, stories of the police wading into the marches and arresting those they suspected of the previous day's vandalism quickly circulated through the assembled protesters. Later in the weekend, allegations of a CBC reporter being struck with a nightstick and of police dogs

being set loose on protesters also emerged. Speakers and musical groups from a mosaic of causes and backgrounds took the stage to espouse their messages of disgust and defiance of the policies of the G-20, World Bank and IMF.

Protesters question the ethics of G-20policies. A few blocks away, a different set of ears were listening to how these same institutions were at the forefront of the struggle against world poverty. The crowd became increasingly restless, anxious to take their message directly to the decision makers. At 1:30 p.m., the marchers set off down Wellington Street towards the barriers and hundreds of police officers that awaited them. A sense of excitementran through the crowd as organizers attempted to explain where the "greens" would be safe and where the "reds" were supposed to go. Along the route of the march, the police had sealed off the side streets, presumably to keep the pro-

test from spilling into the city's business district. The first line of protesters quickly pushed their way through the outlying barriers and the crowd behind them surged into Confederation Square. Chants of "Solidarity" and "Hey hey, ho ho, the IMF has got to go" rose up from the crowd as the police formed their lines behind the second line of barriers. Without any apparent provocation, a crowd-control device was set off as the protesters reached the second line of barricades. The brisk winds quickly carried the small amounts of tear gas away and the protesters, now3,OOO strong, remained. Police reinforcements marched in two-by-two 15 minutes later. They were followed 30 minutes later by a pair of truck-mounted water cannons. The tension that had characterized the opening minutes of the confrontation quickly faded away as the police seemed content to let the protesters scream themselves hoarse, some 100 metres behind their position. Occasionally, plastic water bottles or water balloons would be hurled towards the police lines, but other protesters quickly moved to shout down those seeking a confrontation. Over a megaphone, a police officer announced, "Force will be used where necessary." It is doubtful that anyone more than 20 metres from his position heard his ominous announcement. "This is an overreaction, if I've ever seen one," commented Pat MacArthur, a high school civics teacher. He identified the IMF handling of foreign debt, the violation

Featured Web site of civil liberties and American foreign policy as his reasons for protesting the meetings. At 3 :30 p.m., tensions suddenly rose and there was a brief exchange of thrown projectiles and crowdcontrol devices between protesters and the police, but it was clear that no major confrontations would take place that day. Metal bars that had been pulled from overturned batriers by the protesters were fortunately used for nothing more than beating on drums. By 4 p.m., the remaining protesters had set off south along Elgin Street and Confederation Square was again deserted. A few civicminded protesters stayed behind to clean up the discarded signs and placards, while the remaining media personnel warmed themselves by a small fire that the protesters had lit to keep the cold at bay. All told, 49 people were arrested and the meetings ended with a commitment to squeeze the financial resources of terrorists. The rich nations of the G-20 also promised to increase aid to the developing world, but no firm commitments were announced, only kind words. Canadacurrently allocates 0.25 per cent of GDP to international development, well behind the contributions of most European nations. World Bank president James Wolfensohn, upset with what he perceives as baseless bashing of his organization said, "There's a need for us to change in the bank, but there's also a need for civil society to give us credit for the ways we do change." Yet another meeting of glcbal economic decision makers and civil society's accompanying protests passed without any commonground staked out, nor any solutions reached.

CHRISINCH imprint staff


emember last year, as you made your way to the mall on ChristmasEve? Remember saying to yourself "Why the hell did I leave this so late? Next year is going to be different. I'm the man (or woman) !" Pull out your day planner and open it to today. Look at that small number in the corner. You only have a month left and you haven't started yet, have you? This is where 1Osocks.com comes in. I have never come across a business so brilliant, nor one so destined for bankruptcy by 2002, SO YOU must act now. losocks is a Web site that offers you exactly that: 10 pairs of socks in a box. What's special about these socks is that each sock has a number stamped on the sole. That's right, no longer will you pull your socks out of the dryer and have a nervous breakdown because your socks don't match up. Now simply place sock four with sock four and sock eight with sock eight. It's as easy as that. The Web site even includes feet and sock tips such as "How to stay dry in thesubtropics" and "How to prevent a small hole from ruining your day."You can even find tips on how to extend the life of your socks. 1Osocks.com sells three different colours of socks, 10 at a time. A box of socks numbered from 1to 10 costs $55 U.S. Order yours today and get the ball rolling on that Christmas shopping.

ICorrection: In last week's feature "Festival of Lights: Celebrating a Hindu tradition" the organizers should have been identified as the UW Sai Baba Group. Imprint regrets the error.

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Imprint, Friday, November 23, 200 I


Accommodating dietary needs -

continued from page 13

based choices, but doesn't aggressively advertise its vegetarian meals. Primarily addressing the needs of students in residence, who depend o n the meals available in campus foodoutlets, Foodservices staff will also go out of their way to fulfill specific students' needs. Two years ago, a student requested Halal

Meeting students' needs also means accommodating health-related dietary restrictions. Last year, guided by a binder listing glutenfree foods that one student brought from home, Koelewijn provided meals for two gluten-intolerant students. Working out front in the food outlets, many staff members have

Off campus, Viva!! Juice Bar and Caft in the University Shops Plaza caters to the health conscious student. Carolyn Lovas, the owner, sees a number of students dining at Viva!! who, either through choice or necessity, have a "heightened sense of what goes into their bodies." Finding an alternative to junk food and fast food,

Healthy lifestyles are promoted at local merchants and on campus

of a small group, providing - the phone number of a Halal butcher in town. Students can now sign up for Halal meals a day in advance at Mudie's, specifyingan approximate meal-time and the grill offers Halal chicken burgers and hot dogs on a regular basis. During the Muslim month of Ramadan, the Village One eatery will open at 5 a.m. to allow Muslim students to have breakfast before sunrise. Because of its size, proximity to the main campus and longer operating hours (7 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. Monday to Friday, and 8 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday and Sunday), Food Services chose Mudie's as the best location to cater to special needs. In addition to vegetarian and Halal foods, the Village One eatery carries kosher TV dinners for Jewish students. Individuals with special dietary requirements can approach senior chef Ron Koelewijn with their requests, lists of foods they can eat, or even recipes. Mark Murdoch estimated that Food Services receives about 1 2 recipes a year, but would "love to see more." Koelewijn mentioned trying out some vegan recipes one student had brought in two years ago, but says that parents more often than students will approach him with dietary concerns before their child comes to UW.

the opportunity to develop relationships with students and become aware of their needs. On their own initiative, some Food Services employees have picked up special items for students while doing their owngroceryshopping, re~eivin~reimbursement when they bring Koelewijn the bill. With a background in "cooking for the masses," Food Services staff must know about students' special needs to be able to address them. Koelewijn told me that they love "proactive students." He added that students shouldn't be afraid to approach staff with their requests, saying, "We are here for them." Assuring me that he can be found in Village One during business hours, Koelewijnalsosuggested that students can speak to either of the two head chefs about their concerns.Just ask for Zdenkaat Mudie's or Victor at REV. Despite the emphasis Food Services places on satisfying the demands of resident students, anyone attending classes or working at UW can benefit from the variety at eateries located all over campus. Non-resident students and staff who prefer to take advantage of some of the more specialized options, such as the guaranteed vegan meals, may choose to take the short walk over to Mudie's or REV and pay by cash or Watcard.

customers can indulge infreshlyprepared lunches and dinners, or receive a burst of easily-absorbednutrients in a "living juice" drink. Realizing that many people have allergies or intolerancesto dairy products and wheat, Viva!! offers wheat-free spelt bread, gluten and yeast-free multi-grain bread, and gluten-free burger buns, as well as 100 per cent dairy-free soy cheese. Viva!! staff will make shakes, cappuccinos and lattes with organic cow's milk or soy milk, or with almond milk for customers who are allergic to soy. The dinner menu clearly identifies many vegan items, and the dessert menu advertises dairy-free options as well. For diners who prefer meat, Viva!! serves turkey, chicken and tuna, but no pork or beef. The "build-your-own-sandwich" lunch menu provides another way for customers to work around their individual needs. Vegetarian Fastfood Restaurant (University and Phillip) features a large vegetarian menu of Chinese food, plentifulwith soy-based meatalternatives. Advertising a "large selection ofvegan meals," and organic brown rice, Vegetarian Fastfood offers a 15 per cent discount for students with ID. Brothers Huy and Hoang Tran also offer a non-vegetarian menu.Customers can also createcustom combinations, dine in, or take advantage of take-out or delivery.

beans and salt to taste. Allow the flavours to mingle while the pastais cooking. Drain the pasta and add it to the bean mixture. Add the remaining olive oil and toss to coat. Serve with parmesan cheese. You can find adzuki beans a t , health food stores and at the University Food Market.

KOURTNEY S H O R T Immint staff

Pasta fagioli 112 Ib. dried adzuki beans 1 Ib. small bowtie pasta 112 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 onion, diced 2-3 cloves garlic, minced 112 red pepper, diced 112 green pepper, diced 112 tsp. dried chili flakes parmesan cheese

K I R I K AB U S S E L L Imprint staff

To cook the beans, rinse the beans and place them in a bowl. Fill the bowl withcold water to 2" above the surface of the beans. Soak the beans at least eight hours or overnight. Drain the water from the beans. Place them in a pot and cover with water. Simmer 45 minutes or until the beans are soft. Heat two tablespoons of the olive oil in a large frying pan over medium-low heat. Add rhe onion. Sautt five minutes or until the onions are softened. If you prefer, you can substitute two 19-ounce cans of adzuki or other small beans, rinsed and drained, for the cooked beans. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in salted water according to package directions. Add the garlic, red and green peppers and chiles to frying pan. Saute for two minutes. Add two more tablespoons of oil, the adzuki ~







1 112 cups dried adzuki beans 2 cups sugar 1 112 cups rice flour all purpose flour (optional) water

Rinse the beans and place them in a bowl. Fill the bowl with cold water to two inches above the surface of the beans. Soak the beans for at least eight hours, or overnight. Drain the water from the beans. Place the beans in a pot and add three cups of water. Simmer one hour or until the beans are soft. Add the sugar to to the bean mixture (adjust accordingly to suit taste). To prepare the dough, combine the rice flour and water. Rice flour is sticky so, to firm the dough you can add all purpose flour. Form the dough into balls. Drop the balls into the hot bean mixture and cook 10 minutes. Serve immediately.










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Music that follows you J

A l l ASARIA Imprint staff


UW programming stars competed in the Association for Computing Machinery programming contest on November 10. The UW Black team came in first, and the Gold team was fourth. .r

UW programming team brings home the gold MELANIE STUPARYK special to lmprint





ou have just rolled out a huge sheet of chocolate chip cookie dough. Being the chocoholic that you are, you need to know where to press down your cookie cutter to get the most chocolate chips in one single cookie. Sure, you could make a one-eyed estimate, or you could get a hold of UW's Association for Computing Machinery programming teams to help you out. The teams competed in the ACM regionals on November 10. "Basically, the contest finds the university that has the geekiest people to program," joked Graeme Kemkes of UW's Black team. Kemkes will laugh all the way to the ACM finals in Honolulu, Hawaii in March, compliments of IBM, this year's ACM competition sponsor. The Black team, consisting of math undergraduate students Denis Dmitriev and Graeme Kemkes and graduate student Ming-Yee Iu, beat out all other teams, while UW's Gold team, made up of math undergraduates Gordon Chiu and Lars Hellsten and graduate student Min Yee, finished fourth. Each team was given five hours to successfully and efficiently solve eight problems. Adrenaline pumps and sometimes there is even a bit of stress

because of time penalties for incorrect submissions. "The most stressful time is the last hour," explained Chiu. "There's always a blackout where you can't see the standings until the competition is over. It's the most stressful for the coach." "What makes it more fun than an exam is that it's sort of like a sports game," Kemkes explained. All the teams sit together in big conference rooms to work on the ~roblemsand all have access to the scoreboard so they can see which teams are in the lead. They can also see which teams have solved which problems, helping them to work out a strategy for their own approach. Team members practise as any sports team would. They get together several times a week for five hours to work on questions from past competitions or problems drawn up by coach Dr. Gordon Cormack. Hellsten described the group's typical strategy. "The first half of the competition is individual," he explained, "but later on it can help to feed off other members, to brainstorm." His teammates all agree that most of the teamwork happens in sharing the computer terminal and helping each other work bugs out of their programs. Otherwise, most of the programming and sometimes the problem solving are done indi-

vidually. The team dynamic allows them to rely on one another's strengths to complete the variety of problems. "Since we're in a team, we're allowed to have specializations. Of course, that doesn't mean we can't do anything outside these boundaries," Dmitriev said. "Fun? Sure, it's there. Most people would consider it to be a very questionable fun, of course, but it's still there," Dmitriev said. For some, it is the programming that they enjoy, and for others, it's the thrill of the competition. "[My] favourite part is in being on a winning team," Dmitriev said. "It gives me something to work hard on, with the satisfaction of doing it well," Kemkes added. Team members agree that they have learned a lot, from problem solving to team strategy. Being on the team, they said, gives them a different view of computer science than they get from the classroom. "Classroom work can be dry because it's mandatory and not fun. The competition is fun because you work on fun and challenging problems, and because of your teammates," Iu said. Members of the Gold team will practise with the Black team to help prepare them for the finals. One member of the Gold team will be chosen by Cormack to go to Hawaii as a back-up member.

evices and discs used to store music seem to be getting smaller and higher in quality every year. Not many years ago, no one had heard of compact discs; now, they are everywhere. CDs were a big improvement over cassette tapes because they could hold more digital information, meaning better quality sound. Of course, CDs are far from perfect -their biggest drawback is that they are not re-writable the way cassette tapes are, and they are a bit big to carry around. MiniDiscs were introduced by Sony in an attempt to solve these problems. They have a sound quality almost as good as CDs, are much smaller and are easily recordable. But how do they work? MiniDiscs are an example of the advances of cutting-edge research in physics and chemistry. They can be categorized as magneto-optical media. As the name suggests, they are sort of a hybrid between cassette tapes, which use magnetic fields to store data, and CDs, which use optics, in the form of lasers, tostore data. So MiniDiscs work by using a combination of lasers and magnets. Cool, eh? First of all, let's focus on the magnetic part. Specifically, how are magnets used to encode data? Media like cassettes tapes, floppy discs and MiniDiscs are composed of materials which can turn into permanent magnets when exposed to a magnetic field. This type of material is called 'ferromagnetic.' In a floppy disc, for example, you can store ones and zeros by exposing the ferromagnetic surface of the disc to magnets with different polarities (polarity refers to the orientation of the north and south poles of the magnet).


Laser Beam

The biggestproblem associated with using a magnet to write data to a surface is that magnetic fields are relatively imprecise. When the north-south magnet is brought near the surface of the disc, there is a risk of changing the polarity of nearby areas of the disc which are being used to store other data. Before the advent of MiniDiscs, the only way to solve this problem was to keep data spaced far apart. The other problem with using magnets on regular ferromagnetic materials is that the data is not very reliable - which at least partially explains why your floppy discs always fail when they are holding the only copy of your essay which is due in two hours. How do MiniDiscs get around these problems? This is where the lasers come in. Instead of using a regular ferromagnetic material, MiniDiscs use a material that can only change its polarity when heated to about 180 degrees C (the Curie temperature). By using a laser to heat up a tiny portion of the disc and then exposingit to a magnet with a changing polarity, the designers of MiniDiscs were able to change the polarity of tiny spots, as small as 0.3 thousandths of a millimetre in diameter, of the disc. So why are MiniDiscs so much smaller than CDs? Well, that is actually a bit of a trick. Although MiniDiscs can hold about the same number of songs as a regular CD, the discs still hold much less information. That is because MiniDiscs use a form of compression called ATRAC to make a lot of music fit into a smaller place. The advantage of compression is that you can have a lot more songs per disc. The disadvantage is that you lose a bit of sound quality. MiniDiscs are an excellent example of the fusion of several very advanced technologies which can be held in the palm of your hand. Next time you pick one up, I hope you think about how much science went into your MiniDisc player just so youcan listen to Mariah Carey while you study in the Davis Centre Library.

The laser warms up a tiny area of the medium (shown in gray). The magnetic field changes the polarity (north or south) of this area, permanently recording information. The disc rotates through the field and each portion in turn is recorded.


Imprint, Friday, November 23, 200 I


Bush calls on scientists Ties between the American government and scientists, which helped create the atomic bomb and put Americans on the moon, have recently been revived. With new threats such as suicide hijackers and germ, biological and chemical attacks, the government is looking to the academics. The National Academies of the Unitedstates, among the most prestigious scientific organizations in the world, have been asked to rally scientists to help the government in anti-terroristactions. Last week, the academies were called upon to help officials better protect mail from anthrax. TheNew York Times suggested that small steps are being taken to return to conditions that existed during the Cold War, when much of the U.S.'s scientific research was supported by government funding. These trends have changed since the Vorld Trade Center attacks as the administration attempts to protect its citizens. Scientists are being asked to develop devices that see through walls to identify bombs or bodies, protect computer networks and power grids and to sense and eliminate biological and chemical arms. The plans will have to overcome effects of recent trends in

research funding, which have creIn the future, Web sites may be ated disagreements between admin- written in the language of its creaistration and scientists. In the past, tor, but Web surfers will not have to the government provided much of become multilingual. Many sites the funding for basic research, but currently offer their content in multhis funding is increasingly coming 'tiple languages, like the BBC site, from private industry. which is available in a record 43 languages. Down with the English Alternately, something similar to auniversal translator will be availA recent survey conducted by the able. This program would autoInternet demographics company matically translate any Web page Global Reach concluded that Eng- into your language of choice. lish-speakers are a minority online. English-speakers numbe~43 Wiggle your fingers per cent of Internet users, with an estimated 220 million, compared You're sitting in a restaurant, waitto 293 million non-English speak- ingfor a friend. There is an insistent ers. This is a large change from tapping coming from the table be1999, when 46 per cent of Internet hind you. After 15 minutes, you users spoke languages other than can't stand the noise, so you turn around to confront the table tapEnglish. per. You discover a business man tapping away a"" Statlstlcsfrom and squinting at the ta. Global Reach ble. Welcome to the 250 world of new technollntemet users In 2001 %Y. At a recent technolProjected Internet users In 2003 200 ogy fair, the virtual keyboard was unveiled. Two devices around the wrist 150 monitor finger motion andgenerate text by com100 municating via radio waves with a portable electronic device. 50 Senseboard Tech-


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It is estimated that English users will only account for a third of all Internet users worldwide in two years. This may pose a problem, since most Web sites continue to be written only in English.



boing, going, gone


Members of the Chem Club executive and two chemistry professors were auctioned off in a "slave auction" to raise money for the Food Bank on Tuesday. (Left to right) Dan Scott, Brian Ellis and auctioneer Dr. Terrance McMahon were among those auctioned.

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Men's soccer team makes historv J

Warriors soccer team reflects on a strong season OLIVER MOH special to Imprint


he Warriors men's varsity soccer team recently completed their greatest season in history. This year, the Waterloo boys knew that they had to push themselves in order to reach their goal: a spot in the nationals. Coach Mackie made it clear from the start that he meant busi-


thumping to the Guelph Gryphons and the Windsor Lancers. The Warriors finished with a 7-3 record, leaving them in second place behind Wilfrid Laurier and off to a first round playoff match-up against the Brock Badgers. The Warriors dominated over Brock. Aquickgoal by Nick Knezgave the Warriors a 10 lead, which was good enough to a secure a win and send the team to the semi-finals.







Laurentian 55




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3 I

The game would end in penalty shots. The Warriors scored all five of their shots while Laurentian missed one due to a great save by Warriors' keeper, Kyle Owens. The Warriors qualified for the nationals and a chance to play in the OUA finals against the defending OUA champions, the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks. In the first five minutes of the game, Laurier scored to take a 1-0

Football champion crowned JOE PALECZNY special to Imprint


cometo the imprint Office, Student Life Centre, room 1 1 16 to receive vour FREE tickets on NOV. 23 8 26 between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. I





addition to the tough competiton from both teams, the game was played with the wind blowing and the temperature dropping. Unfortunately, the Warriors could not kick it into high gear, ending the first game with a tie. And, in the second game, the Warriors took on the University of British Columbia in a must-win situation. Not unlike the first game, the Warriors failed to perform, ending up defeated 2-0

Kimberly Hargrove and Rebecca Austin of the Warrior women'svolieyball team attempt to double block the Windsor Lancers last Saturday. The Warriors lost, 3- 1 .


lead, which remained the score until half time. In the second half, Laurier, like Laurentian, made not one, but two costly mistakes that led to free kicks. Nick Klassen netted both shots with a combination of grace and power leading the Warriors to their first OUA championships. The University of New Brunswick was the Warriors' first opponent at the nationals in Halifax. In

he flag football season has now ended and a champion has been crowned. The championship game was an upset with Durley Byn Bon winning against the previously undefeated Heisman Candidates. Both teams had smooth paths leading towards the finals. The Blitz and the Menno-Knights both forfeited games due to schedule conflicts allowing the Heisman Candidates to go directly to the finals Durley Byn Bon played their opponent Bound for Canton in freezing rain. Durley Byn Bon won this grudge match 41-6. Durley Byn Bon's record during the regular season was 4-2, their only losses coming from the Heisman Cand~datesby an average of 30 points. The close game turned out to be low scoring, with a final score of 18-12, all points scored in the first half. The two Heisman Candidate touchdowns were from

Mark Jutzi to Cam Best, flag patterns in the end zone. The second touchdown for Durley Byn Bon came on a screen pass to Riston Tapp, who went 35 yards to the end zone. The second half was a more defensive battle than the first. The Heisman Candidates were missing a few key receivers and were out of sync. With 10 seconds left, and approaching the end zone, they still had a chance to tie and win the game with the extra point. Star quarterback Mark Jutzi rolled out and threw a desperation pass, but it was intercepted, ending the game. Award winners were determined at the end of the regular season for the fair play award and the rusty whistle award. Each team captainvoted on the recipient of the fair .play. award, which went to the team showing the most sportsmanship. Bound &r Canton, inown for their enthusiasm, was the winner. Captain Keith Ellul wears a Zach Thomas jersey, showing his respect for the Dolphins' current middle linebacker, one of the best players

in the game. The winner of the rusty whistle award was Durley Byn Bon. Any team with a pentaly-free game was eligible to win the award. It so happens that every team in the league was up for the award, showing the sportsmanship that each team plays with. There were no major incidents to report and, ingeneral, players were friendly to each other and the refs. Teams are encouraged to sign up for the fall term next year. Fans or players of football find flag football has all the aspects of the regular game that they love. If you have never played or watched football, don't worry; beginners love the speed of the game and the teamwork involved. If you are interested, gather seven or more of your and start ~ l a n n i"n e friends toeether " fornextseason.1fvoucannoteather 10 friends, free aient teams (s&qles gathered together) are available. Special thanks to Stella Lui for reffing football games with me and to all the teams for playing hard on the grid iron.

UW engineers give good theatre 0 'ce Hours I ? oom, ES2 284 Green ! November 23 & 24 LAURENS. BRESLIN Imprint staff


o u t e got to hand it to the engineers.Inonly three terms they have proven that one of the most notoriously unartistic faculties has what it takes to stage consistently entertaining theatre. Office Hours, a delightfully amusing Norm Foster comedy, is the third in a series of productions spearheaded by, and involving exclusively, UW engineers. Their first showwas a double-billWoody Allen play that ran in Studio 180 last winter, which involved the same director and several of the same performers. Could this be that an engineerjdrama troupe in the making? Directors Wil Aballe and Marce Sanderson were on the ball with their choice of Foster's OficeHours; it's clever, easy to follow and unpretentious. Although the script reads like a satire on the unseen lives of the 9-5 working world, it comes across as a series of relationships between outrageous characters who are all, in some way, connected: a horny psychiatrist, a remorseless salesman, a spineless journalist, a promiscuous executive, an overweight racehorse jockey, a suicidal figure skater, and on and on.

By carefully orchestrating this web of characters,Foster creates six separate scenes that take place in six separate offices on the same Friday afternoon. In one office, a neurotic journalist -aware that he will soon be demoted - rehearses the confrontation he will have with his boss. He launches into a heated tirade, determined to assert himself in defence of his job and his professional integrity. That is, of course, until the boss shows up, and he is instantly reduced to a fidgety ass-kisser. Inside another office, a couple of ambitious film producers anxiouslyawait the big-time Hollywood director who will be arriving to pitch a new movie idea. They imagine that this could be their big break; until the guy shows up, starts drinking scotch straight from the bottle, and proposes an idea that sounds curiously similar to Tarzan of the Apes. Another office: a 300-pound jockey pleads for his job back after having induced a heart attack in the horse he was racing. Outside an office -on a ledge to be exact -a clumsy figure skater confronts his own mortality while being beckonedinside by his shrink, who is more concerned with starting her weekend of relay sex than for her patient's well-being. And on and on. Each vignette is generally wellchoreographed, although there are a few mucky blocking problems,


especiallywithsome actors who don't know how to move around onstage. In spite of this, the actors themselves bring creativity and uniqueness to their characters. Because the set stays the same throughout the show, the audience is given few visual clues as to a change in locale. Does this all take place in the same office?What's going on? To combat this problem, there are Norm Foster's Office Hours plays for a two-night engagement at UW. jazz interludes between each scene in which one or On top of this, comedies are ure Lloyd, Darren Prevost nails the more cast members lip synch to generally more difficult than dra- expressions and mannerisms of his Sihatra tunes. Consistent with the masbecausethecomedicactorwalks character. Evan Wilson, who plays Warrest of the rather disjointed play, the the thin line between witty and songs have little or nothing to do tacky; timing and delivery are not ren the under-appreciated journalist, is appropriately expressive for with the scenes themselves - but just important, they are crucial. Directors Aballe and Sander- the part, although he seems to frethey do make for fun diversions. Indeed, this is an ambitious son have prevailed in spite of these quently rehash the Woody Allen undertaking for (relatively)inexpe- challenges, having brought together persona. All in all, each cast member has rienceddramatists:itinvolvesafairly a strong group of performers who, large cast, and, without elaborate evenifthey arealittlerougharound something positive to bring to the set designs, costumes or effects, it theedges,performwith thoughtful- show, and as a whole, they are a fun and effective group of actors. ness, enthusiasm and ability. relies heavily on dialogue. So chalk up another one for the A few highlights of the show But the most pressing challenge of amateur theatre is finding agroup include DavidJohnsonin the role of UW engineers, who have succeeded of passable actors. Even if every Gordon, the obsequious film pro- without access to the resources, the other theatrical element falls per- ducer, whose presence onstage is theatrical know-how and - let's face it- the support that drives the fectly into place, a play is only as both animated and convincing. Also, as the defeated father fig- drama department. Well done. effective as its performers.

The beats go on (and on) Felicity's hosts a new Thursday night event for the drum 'n bass connoisseur


Skylab Thursda s Feltcity's Nightc ub MIKE EDWARDS special to Imprint


itchener-Waterloo has an enormous wealth of clubs and specialty club-nights that suit different tastes. There are nights directed at those who prefer house music, hip hop, Top 40, R 'n B, and any other genre you can imagine. There is one genre, however, that still remains sadly under-represented: drum 'n bass. Many breakbeat junkies or drum 'n bassheads like myself are often left unfulfilled after an evening at a local club. Thankfullv. , this is all about to change with the beginnings of a club-night that caters to those of us who fancy a good breakbeat in our music: Skylab Thursdays, held weekly at Felicity's Nightclub in downtown Kitchener. Initially when I heard about this new night I was alittle skeptical. >

I thought it vould be just another local nightofjungle - the most popular incarnation of drum 'n bass. Upon my arrival at the club, however, I was quite surprised. I first noticed that the DJs were playing a wide range of drum 'n bass, instead of sticking to more popular stuff. DJs Sean F. (Pirate Shipkru), Stormshadow (RebelSound), NebuKad (Pirate Shipkru) and Matics were laying down exciting sets that ranged from down tempo drum 'n bass to old skool ragga to the newest of the new jungle tracks. For fans of the music this is a breath of fresh air. With the relatively small following of drum 'n bass in the area, it's difficult to find aplace to hear the music and even Looking to hear some sweet beats in the K-dub?Checkout harder to findaplace that DJ Sean F. and others every Thursday at Felicity's.

showcases different interpretations of drum 'n bass. Other weekly electronica nights seem to cater to mainstream music lovers who are only exposed to the type of drum 'n bass that is considered popular. Because drum 'n bass nights do not have the greatest track record in this city, this new night will hopefully reach out to more fans of the genre. I had the chance to speak to DJs Sean F. and Stormshadow - the two guys behind Skylab -about their new venture. They were all pleased with the turnout. "I'm happy that we were able to start up a night that can

offer people more than just jungle," Sean explained as he was getting ready to take over for Matt behind the decks. "Hopefully, this night can expose more people to the other side of drum 'n bass. We need a drum 'n bass scene in K-W, and this night is the first step in the right direction." Matics also had some comments about the event. "It's a new night, with a different atmosphere and a wider variety of beats for people to enjoy - and a nice loudsystem for them to enjoy them on," he said. Matics then told me to be on the lookout because he and Sean were thinking about expanding the night to include even more music styles - mainly breakbeats. Skylab Thursdays run every Thursday night at 1 Queen St. North at the corner of King and Queen. The resident DJs are Sean F and Stormshadow, with weekly guests. The doors open at 9 p.m. and cover is $3. This night is definitely worth checking out if you're a fanof quality drum 'n bass.




Experience the rush of the crush Econoline Crush and the Mudmen Federation Hall November 16 IAN BLECHSCHMIDT

special to Imprint


I .

love Canadian music. Say what youwill about industry support, I still believe that some of the best music in the world comes from right here at home. Last Friday at Fed Hall, Econoline Crush and the Mudmen proved me right again. The Mudmen are a six-piece band based out of Toronto that consists of guitar, drums, bass, vocals and two sets of bagpipes. Yes, you heard me - bagpipes., Brothers Rob and Sandy Campbell are the masterminds behind the "pipe-rock" sextet. Sometimes frustrated by the way that the instrument is portrayed by popular culture, they are on a'mission to change the way the world perceives the 'pipes - and they're doing a good job. Lead vocalist Zoy Nicholes admits that he was skeptical about having bagpipes in a rock band at first- but as he says, you can make great music with "any instrument in the hands of the right guy." The Mudmen have had tomake some sacrifices to keep their band going, including occasionally sleeping in their pick-up truck. But they don't regret their experiences - if anything, they say it's made them edgier. And their work is starting to pay off. According t o piper Rob

performance last FriCampbell, "Everything's day was no exception. falling into place." Never without a The second piper, smile on his face, Sandy Campbell, comHurst was all over the mented that the people place. Some of the who see their shows entime his tongue was joy their music for what sticking out, other it is, despite the unusual times his hips were instrumentation. sticking out, but his "They're not being powerful voice never told we're cool," he said. wavered and the "It's not about being rock crowd responded stars," agreed Nicholes, with screams and "it's about having fun." hands in the air. The crowd at Fed Hurst even had Hall certainly had fun the audience singwith watching them. As soon himacouple of times. as the Mudmen hit the He said he enjoysthat stage, they commanded kind of participation attention. They were anifrom the audience. mated and hyperactive, "I like the interparticularly Nicholes action," he admitted who ran and jumped his before the show. This way through "Saturday" could, in part, explain and "5 o'clock." the intensity of We were also Econoline Crush's treated to the crowd favourite, "Drink and Econoline Crush'sTrevor Hurst belted out the tunes at Fed. performance. Hurst says that Fight," and a cover of Spirit of the West's "Home for a Drummer John Haro, bass his on-stage antics act as a kind of Rest," which was absolute genius. player Dan Yaremko and Ziggy the catharsis. The Campbell brothers' piping guitarist put on a great show. They He also mentioned that he be-impressive on its own -is even rocked their way through songs as lieves they give the audience a bit of moreimpressive when yousee them old as "T.D.M." from1994'sPurge, 0 0 dance aiound while they're play- and as new as "Make it Right" from drummer Ryan McCaffreydid their parts as well. Lonny Knapf s blistering guitar-playing rounded out a great performance. Headliners Econoline Crush came next and from the response, youcould tell that this was what the crowd had been waiting for.

tory. They also played everything in between like such favourites as "Surefire," "Wicked" and "You Don't Know What It's Like." Of course, the best part of the show was lead singer Trevor Hurst who is alwavs meat to watch. His





Imprint, Friday, November 23, 200 I



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time away from their daily stresses. "We provide some kind of escapism," he explained. He added that his lyrics are very personal and are drawn from personal experience. "Relationships play a big part," he offered, "[It's about] whatever's pushing my emotional buttons at the time." Off-stage, Hurst conveyed a slightly quieter image. With a playful smile and a dry wit, he explained that he's not into the stereotypical sex and drugs rock star lifestyle. T o make sure he doesn't get caught up in the music industry bubble -which he sometimes finds stressful - he gets away once in awhile by returning to his rural Canadian roots. "Everybody wants a return on tlieir investment," he said. Whatever his feelings about the industry, Hurst enjoys his job and it showed on Friday night. Nobody at Fed Hall could have asked for a better show, and by the end of Econoline's encore, youcould tell that both Econoline Crush and the Mudmen, two examples of great Canadian music, had more than satisfied their fans.


a mini art expo A

R F.~ARTWORK special to Imprint

of miniature works of art by wellknown and up-and-coming artists. The artwork ranges from mat-

red drawings and painting to photographs and prints, priced from $10 to $100. Lastvear. 1.200miniatures

Auction on Saturday. Novelist Jane Urquhart will be featured as the c e ~ d b r iemcee. t~



starring a younger Zhang Ziyi - the co-star of


ROAD HOME a film


Zhang Yimou

(In Mandarm w ~ t hEnglish subtdes)


Imprint, Friday, November 23, 200 I


Rucker rips realist rants at Reverb Ursula Rucker The Reverb November 16 EMILY M. COLLINS Imprint staff


he was prettier than I thought, her three-month pregnant belly bulging out from under her garments. In the pictures I've seen, her expression is almost alwaysgrave, the corners of her mouth down-turned in discontent. But now, Ursula looks different in pictures. Her seemingly morose countenance has transformed into one that is weighted with wisdom. Ursula Rucker is an accomplished spoken word poet from Philadelphia who has been arresting ears and jolting minds into consciousness with the release of her debut album, Supa Sista. She is also known for previous

recordings with King Britt, 4Her0, Josh Wink and the Silent Poets, as well as closing each of the Roots' three major-label albums. Seeingher stand nervously sidestage at the Reverb in Toronto last Friday, my myths about Rucker were dispelled.I expected her to be brash, almostintimidating.Instead, she was soft-spoken and slightly withdrawn, and did not force herself upon anyone. She presented the audience with an offering; an offering of raw, unabated truth. With tightly-closed eyes she upset the mic with her diligent flow and potent words. Rucker's poetry is violent and beautiful. Her jarring depictions of bleak reality and thought-provoking pieces batter unsuspecting ears like an assault. The red lights bounced off her taut features and made the scene seem larger than life while Rucker indulged in mantra-like rhyme

chants over a musical backdrop of live guitar, bass and drums. Her voice is a delicacy. It is like melting wax. A resonant hum that thins into a hissing whisper, that sears and leaves a scarring impression. Rucker's set was short-lived. It seemed she barely began before she had to exit the stage. She started by performing "The Adventures in Wonderland," a first-person narration addressingthe perils of sacrificing one's soul to the capitalist conquest. This was the second track she recorded for the Roots, and coincidentally, the work which had first turned me on to her. She went on to perform six tracks from her new album, as well as the King Britt produced track "Circe," a strange fantastical mermaid tale. Ursula expressed her disgust for mainstream radio before ripping "What???"a commentary that she describesas the "near non-exist-

United we stand

ent state of black music today" and "the lack of responsibility of music artists." The piece was performed over a drum 'n bass beatlinedwithviolins. Shesaid, however, that aside from the negative messages it promotes, she finds the music unimaginative. Rucker performed one of her most disturbing tracks to date, "Song for Billy," in front of a hushed and deathly-still audience. Based on a true story, this graphic account of a drug addict selling her infant daughter to drug dealers left me sick to my stomach- but was nevertheless effective. On the jacket of ~rsula'salbum cover there is a quote by the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke that

reads, "A work of art is good if it has sprung from necessity." Years ago, the first time I listened to "The Adventures in Wonderland," I remember becoming suddenly re-infatuatedwithlanguage in my new discovery of its capacities. This a revelatory experience was repeated last Friday, butthis time it wasn't how I could use Ianguage but what I ;odd use language for. For Ursula it's all about getting the message out, words are just a vehicle. "Utilize your power" is what she said before she slipped out of the club after her encore number. Ursula utilizes her power to open others' eyes to the truth.

Her voice is a delicacy. A resonant hum that thins into hissing whisper.

Divided We Fall directed by Jan Hrebujik RYANPORTER lmprint staff


ften humourous, sometimes terrifying,this tale set in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia displays absurdity andself-sacrifice in the face of oppressive suspicion and fatal reprisals for disobedience. Josef is a curmudgeonly middle-aged man who lays on the couch all day because of his disgust for what he sees going on through the window. That is until David, an escaped prisoner from a concentration camp, crosses his path. ---.- -. --, ....-.-.David is the son of Josefs Csongor Kassai plays the role of David in Divided We Fall. Tosef feels former em~lover. * , , and " obliged to assist David because of consumed by their obsession with thing is amiss within their apartthe pre-war bonds he felt for David's manifest destiny. ment, and it seems only a matter of father. T o complicate matters, The most distasteful motiva- time before his insistent rap on the Horst, a comically puffed-up Nazi tion of the Nazis are their ideas of door is replaced with that of the collaborator, has .a habit of drop- racial purity. These are stated with Gestapo. ping by Josefs apartment unexpect- a feignedintellectualismasone charFar more subtle than Roberto edly as he is in love with Josef s wife, acter casually comments on an arti- Benigni's Life is Beautiful, director Marie. cle he has recently read that "scien- Jan Hrebujik's characters are not The movie skirts the edges of tifically" states that the death of one morally transparent; they preserve tragedy. It is a small story, and German is equal to the deaths of 20 their ownlives as often as they make implies the monumental events that Slavics, or the deaths of 100 Jews. sacrifices for others. changed the war. Violence is kept to It is moments like these that The comedy in the film is not a minimum. make the audience chuckle sardoni- obvious and is often tinged with The tone of the movie shifts as cally at these ignorant concepts, hit- irony - quite unlike the flamboythe war proceeds to its conclusion. ting home the realization of the ant muggings of Benigni. Suspicion reaches a fever pitch to- tragic consequences that resulted Much of the humour inwards the end of the war, as the from them. volvesJosef and Marie telling lies to Nazis indiscriminately search The Nazi's Draconian insist- the Nazis in attempts to keep David homes, rounding up insignificant ence on the infallibilityof authority hidden. offenders. is only highlighted against Josefs These scenes are so interlaced The movie's most harrowing strong individualism and lack of with tension that the resulting laughscenes come after the Nazis are de- loyalty to anything but his family ter may have more to do with the feated. With an overexposure to the and friends. His benign nihilism audience's nervousness than with bitter ironies of the after effects of seems only logical within a society the comedy itself. war through movies, a jaded audi- consumed by conflicting and deDividedWe Fall is an extremely ence almost expects tragedy to flare structive beliefs. engaging story of a couple's forced out of the rubble of the ruined city. Thestory revolvesaroundJosef snuggle with oppression and abThe Nazis are portrayed as and Marie's attempts to keep David surdity. It will play at the Princess malignant fools, running around hidden within their concealed pan- Cinema until November 25, and is with a false sense of importance, try. Horst begins to suspect some- worth "Czech-ing" out.

Why I love cheap vinyl HAROLDSOULIS special to Imprint


f had to pinpoint the start of this ongoing obsession,I think I'd rest the blame squarely on The Harder They Come. Though it wasn't the first record I'd ever purchased, Jimmy Cliffs classic reggae soul album was the one that opened my eyes to a new and exciting world of music. Now, I'm not going to get into the whole vinyl vs. CD debate CDs might sound better, but not on my Radio Shack turntable. For me it's not about audio quality. It's about having an exotic array of music at your fingertips, at prices that rarely exceed one dollar. Sure, used record bins are mainly populated by the likes of Phil Collins, Supertramp and Loverboy, but that's what makes it so rewarding to find the hidden treasures and long-forgotten obscurities. I can still recall the joy of discovering Another Green World, Brian Eno's landmark collection of ambient-pop tunes, for a measly 50 cents at Value Village. Or Everything You Always Wanted to Hear on the Moog (but were afiaid to ask for), still without a doubt the most bizarre record in my collection, which came with a 1974 newspaper clipping stuffed into the sleeve detailing a Canadian scientist's research into Moog synthesizers. And if I might take this opportunity to shamelessly promote a local business; there's no better way to spend an afternoon digging through dusty milkcrates of albums


than at K-W's very own Encore Records. Forget those MP3s, get your hands on something tangible! Call me old-fashioned, but unless I can download album art and liner notes along with the actual music, then I can't be bothered. I mean really, who wants a boring digital copy when you can experiencemusicin all its bulky, scratchedup glory? The questionable quality and low, low price of most used vinyl means that there's little or no pressure on maintenance for your collection. Bored with that new record? Well you just got yourself a shiny black frisbee! Some music just sounds better with that unique "snap, crackle and pop" that only cheap vinyl can provide (case in point: Tom Waits). Just look at all the bands like Sparklehorse and Neutral Milk Hotel that go out of their way to capture a similarly fuzzy and antiquated sound. For me, buying a record player was an investment that gave me access to a mind-boggling assortment or music. With a little patience, I can now find a dozen good records for the price of one used CD. Granted, you may come away empty handed, but half the fun is in the thrill of the hunt. And hey, if all else fails, you cash-strapped students can always toss the record and use the album sleeve for cheap dkcor. Harold Soulis hosts the "Dr. Goldfoot And The Bikini Machine" radio program from 7:00 a.m. to 10:OO a.m. every Wednesday on CKMS 100.3 FM.



Dragonlord Rapture

album. I'm anxious to hear the new material that's spinning around in Peterson's head.

Spitfire Records

Manic Ki%'soonlight M e t a l Blade Records

Imprint, Friday, November 23, 2001

# 2 #k 3 # 4 #k 1

5 6 7 8 9


# #k %

Artist Various Artists Rheostatics Transylvania 500 Royal City Radiohead Various lsabella Cox The Atomic Cosmonaut Sticky Rice King Tubby

Title Team Mint Volume 2 Night of the Shooting Stars Rock N Roll Party Alone at the Microphone I Might Be Wrong The Chillout Tallahassee A Strange Planet Take Out From the Palace of Dub


Machine Punch Through



special to lmprint



Testament's Eric Peterson played thrash guitar for a long time before stepping up to the microphone and unleashing his black metal demons into the world. After a few years of songwriting and recruiting members Steve DiGiorgio (Death,Testament), Steve Smyth (Testament), Jon Allen (Sadus,touring drummer for Testament) and Lyle Livingston (Psypheria), Dragonlord'sRa~turewas finallyreleased on Spitfire Records, blending ~ u r o ~ e black an metal and Dower metal with American thrash. Recorded in California and mixed in swede^^, Rapture offers a North American challenge to the eurocentric domination of the black metal scene. The darkly eerie orchestral waltz "Vals de la Muerte" introduces the mythology and fantasy-based imagery painted by the seven tracks that follow, bearing ominous titles such as "Unholyvoid," "Born to Darkness" and "Spirits in the Mist." Although some songs, especially the keyboard parts, remind me of DimmuBorgir, the members of Dragonlord do a good job of blending keyboards and clean vocals with blasting speed and aggressive strength. From driving riffs to military-sounding marches, Rapture's rhythmic variation allows its songs to develop a flowing exploration of sonic colour; ranging from the limitless emptiness of space to fiery battles and werewolves in the night. Although Peterson denies that any Dragonlord riffs would work in Testament, you can hear the influence of his role as a founding member of the bay area Thrashers. Influences aside, Dragonlord's Rapture stands on its own as a strong black metal

LAURA TAYLOR special to Imprint

At first, the funky grooves on the ninth studio album released by King's X might lead you ro think that you're on familiar aural ground. Doug Pinnick's gospel-influencedvocals take the sole lead on Manic Moonlight, with Ty Tabor and Jerry Gaskill still singing the band's characteristic harmonies. From catchy melodies to crunchy. guitar. . countless influences dominate this new album. Listen a little deeper and you can hear loops that the band gathered from a number of Sonic Foundation Acid Loop CDs. Follow the lyrics and you can hear Pinnick's expression of emptiness, pain, strength and hope. Tabor has admitted that the members of King's X came to this project somewhat uninspired, drained from their involvement in so many other projects. At times this comes through; a few of the songs bored me a little, even in their experimentation. Tabor claims their inspiration developed through the song-writing process, which comes through in songs like "Jenna" and especially in the experimental "Static," which blows me away every time I hear it build from a sampled loop to a powerful emotional climax. The band photo in the CD liner as well as the final belching track "Water Ceremony" indicate that King's X no longer takes itself too seriously. Perhaps that accounts for the experimental nature of Manic Moonlight. Still, these guys are serious musicians and haven't lost the touch of writing some truly wonderful songs.


special to Imprint In 1994, an unknown Vancouver band, Moist, released their first official record, Silver. The album was a huge success and went four times platinum in Canada. Fast forward seven years and two albums later; Moist is now considered to be a top Canadian band.

Label Mint Perimeter Wee Wanna Three Gut EM1 Virgin lndependent lndependent Bobby Dazzler True North

Machine Punch Through, their latest release, is a collection of singles and rarities. Classic tracks such as "Believe Me" and "Silver" are included, as well as newer singles from their last album, Mercedes Five and Dime. Rarities include the re-recorded version of "Push," the U.S. release of "Mercedes" and rare radio edits of "Underground" and "Gasoline. " Also included in the collection is a bonus disc, which features tracks from demo sessions and b-sides. "Sweet Electric Child," off Moist's indie release, is a catchy upbeat tune, while "Morphine" offers amoresombreinterpretation of "Break Her Down." Another stand out track on the album is "Gone Again." In true Moist fashion, the track is sweetly melodic, and alludes to a loss of love and loneliness. Originally meant to be on Mercedes, according to the liner, it was abandoned in favour of newer material. This album is the perfect compilation for die-hard Moist fans who want to expand their collections, as well as for fans who just want to own the hits.

Imprint is weekly until November 30/01 Voluntary Service Overseas Canada is recruiting for two-year math/ scienceleducation teaching placements overseas and for six-month overseas youth IT internships. Visit our Web site at www.vsocanada.org or call 1-888-876-2911. Resume Builder - Friendly volunteers are needed to provide companionship to people with Alzheimer's Disease, one to four hours per week. Training program provided (with certificate upon completion). Call the Alzhe-


This holiday season, give the gift of your time to help others in need. Many charitable and not-for-profit organizations appreciate extra help at this time of the year. For moreinformation about any of these volunteer opportunities, please call the Volunteer Action Centre at 742-8610. Gift Wrappers needed: by Anselma House at Fairview Park Mall December 1-15 and Market Square December 21-23; by Epilepsy WaterlooWellington at Conestoga Mall during the day December 1-24 and Waterloo Town Square on December 24; by Family and Children's Services at Conestoga Mall December 1-24. Other ways you can help-Anselma House Christmas Bureau at Market Square needs volunteers to accept and sort gifts for women and children from December 1-23. Family and Children's Services are looking for courier volunteers to pick up donations, as well as administrative volunteers to stuff envelopes and collate information packages. Volunteers are also invited to get involved with the annual CHYM Tree of Hope Radio-thon taking calls on the pledge line and accepting donations. House of Friendship Christmas Hamper Project welcomesvolunteers to pack hampersand!or make deliveries. Packing help is needed December 10-21 and deliveries will take place December 14-21. Great for families, couples or groups; flexible shifts are available.



K-W Christmas Bureau is looking for clerical volunteers to answer the telephone and help process applications for Christmas Assistance. Food Bank of Waterloo Region needs truck drivers and driver assistants to help one morning a week with pick up and deliveries. So what does it take to be a real man? An as-of-yet unnamed journal aiming to showcase the art and literature of men is looking for submissions from aspiring men, as well as volunteers of either gender. Submissions should be directed to one of asklo@uwaterloo.ca or lsmmchug @uwaterloo.ca. Leisure Support volunteers needed for the following positions (for more info. call Deb 741-2226): Make a Splash: Several children with disabilities need help with'swimrning lessons at the Waterloo Swimplex.Various times are available, one hour per week, September and November. Preschool Pal: A busy three-year-old boy requires assistance to participate in a preschool program Tuesdays, 1:15-3:45 p.m. at Forest Heights Community Centre. Swim Buddies: Don't like to swim alone? Become a swim buddy for a person with a disability, once a week Day and time flexible. Help kids succeed with homework! The Kitchener Public Library is opening a Homework Centre and needs volunteers to be tutors and orovide homework assistance. Two hours per week, evenings and weekends. Call 741-0271, ext. 275.

thrive in the changing world of employment. Call 725-3676 to register and for information. The Applied Studies Student Union needs a logo! Surprise fellow Applied Studies students by submitting your logo idea this and next term! Stun the students of Waterloo with your beautiful logo for years to come. Undertake the perilous journey through the underground hallways of PAS to visit the ASSU Executive and decide on your favourite logo. Please submit your ideas to PAS 1282 (located in circular hallway behind the centre area on the first floor) as soon as possible. Contest is open to all current and former AS students. 888-4567, ext. 6074. The call for nominations for one full or part-time graduate student and one full-time Environmental Studieslhdependent Studies undergraduate student to serve on Senate closed at 3:00 p.m., Friday, October 19. There will be two by-elections: "Graduate Student" (term to April 30, 2002) Candidates are Amer Dawoud and Angela Garabet, both in Systems Design Engineering. "Environmental Studieslhdependent Studies Undergraduate Student" (term to April 30, 2002). Candidates are Nayan Gandhi and Stephen Gardiner, both in Planning. Voting will be conducted electronically at: www.adm.uwaterloo.calinfosec/elections/evote.instruct students.html. The poll will be open between 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., November 14 to November 20. To cast a ballot electronically, students must know their student QUEST userid and password.

Friday, November 23 Imprint staff meeting held at 12:30 p.m., SLC, room 1116. Come out and volunteer for your great school newspaper! Saturday, November 24 EQ's Technology Yard Sale - Stanley Park Senior Public School, 191 Hickson Drive, Kitchener at 10:OO a.m. to2:OOp.m. Raindate is Sunday, November 25. Save the environment with everv, ourchase! Monday, November 26

Charles University in Prague, Czech Replublic, offers the following undergraduate and graduate programs inEnglish: Medicine, M.D. or Ph.D.; Pharmacy; Physical Education and Sports. Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic: Electrical, Civil, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science. Contact Professor S. Reinis, sreinis@watarts. uwaterloo.ca or watarts. uwaterloo.cd-sreinislinfo.htm1.


"Nutrmon & Epdepsyn wth guest speaker Wendy Garbett, ~ e r i t a ~Room, e ctchener City Hall from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.; November 27 "Surgery and Epilepsy" and December 1 1 is the Christmas Potluck Dinner. For more information e-mail epilww@sentex.net. Tuesday, November 27 Waterloo Community Arts Centre presents "The Lowdown on Drama" with Peter Mansell moderating a panel of theatre professionls, Tim Murton, Lauren Nesbitt and Dorothy Leitch from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Thursday, November 29 8th Annual Craft Sale today and November 30 from 10:OO a.. to 4:00 p.m. at the Davis Centre, room 1301. Hosted by Universityof Waterloo Staff Association.


RT 5 P.M.

Mondays English Language Lab - A lablclass is held from 2 3 0 - 3 2 0 p.m. m Modern Languages 113 from October 2001-June 2002. The class has an emphas~son pronunclatlon and l~stenIng exercises. Students, faculty, staff, and spouses are welcome to attend. For more informanon contact the Internat~onalStudent Office, ext. 2814. Fndays English Conversation Class - the class meets Fr~dayafternoons from 2:OO-4:00 p.m. In Needles Hall, room 2080, September to June. Students, faculty, staff and spouses are ~nvltedto attend. For more ~nformat~on contact the Internat~onalStudent Office, ext. 2814.

2001 Tom York Memorial Short Story Writing Award. Deadline is December 31. Call St. Paul's College Business office at 885-1462 for details. 2001 A.C. Forrest Memorial Undergraduate Essay Award. Deadllne is December 31,2001. Call St. Paul's College Business Office at 885-1462 for details.

Wednesday, December 5 Keeping up with your research literature electronically; 9:30 am., FLEX Lab, thirdfloor, Dana Porter Library. Offered to graduate students, faculty, and staff with teaching responsibilities, this hands-on session will show you how to get the most from databases like CISTI Source and electonic journals. Learn how to use Web of Science, a new index ~rovidedby theUW Library. Registration opens on December 1. See IST, Skills for the Academic e-Workplace, for registration form: ist.uwaterloo.ca/cdcourses.html.



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Waterloo Inn now hiring. We are looking for hardworking, energetic individuals to join our team in the following positions: Banquet Servers and Dishwashers. The positions are part-time, evenings, weekends and some day shifts are available. If you are interested please contact Waterloo Inn and Conference Centre, Human Resources, Waterloo Inn, 475 King Street, N., Waterloo, ON. Fax 884-0321 or please e-mail: Creative? Do you l ~ k eto wrlte and share your ddoogan@waterlooinn.com. work w ~ t hothers? Our wrmng group meets weekly to compare notes and help motlvate Weekend counsellors and relief staff to work in each other. For more ~nfo., contact Lara at homes for individuals with developmental Irthomps@uwaterloo.ca. challenges. Experience, minimum eight-month commitment. Paid oositions. Send resum6 to Don Attention undergraduate students - InterMader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108 Sydney ested ~n applymg for undergraduate scholarStreet, S., Kitchener, ON, N2G 3V2. sh~ps,awards or bursar~es, Hurry and check out the Bulletm Board on the Student Awards I Christmas gjft wrappers -We need creative indiOffice home page at: www.adm.uwaterloo.ca/ v~duals.LoEatlons aie: downtown Toronto, North mfoawardsl for a detaded list of awards open York, R~chmondHIII, M~ss~ssauga,Markham, for appl~cat~on this term. Further mformauon Ptckermg. Managers to $9.00lhour plus bonuses. 1s avadable m the Student Awards Office, Wrappers to $7.40/hour. FulUpart-tune, December second floor, Needles Hall. 1 - 24. (416)533-9727. Marriage plans? Jom w ~ t hseveral others to Need cash? Dommo's delivers! We are now study Drs. Les and Lesl~eParrott's "Savmg acceptmg a p p l ~ c a t ~ o nfor s full and part-tme Your Marr~ageBefore It Starts." Contact Jeff ~n-storeservlce personnel and delivery drivers. or Merlene Austen at 725-0265, ext. 224, or Come lotn our wlnnmg team! Apply m person to emad to lausten@ commun~tyfellowsh~p.org. your nearest Dommo's store ~n K~tchener-Waterloo and Cambndee. Students Wanted: Everyone~swelcome tosell theu hand-made jewellery, clothmg, sculpLooking for an adventure? How about one that tures, drawmgs, pamtmgs, etc. at the Uruvers~tyof pays on average $2,300 a month? Teach English in Waterloo Students of Fme Arts Show & Sale on IKorea. No degree required, possibilities for all November 29 and 30. Contact Nancy O'Ned, ext. Canadian undergraduate students. For more infor6283, for more mfo. mation call Kyle at (519) 826-6945 or e-mail skagency@antisocial.com. Do you want to learn about the 2417 economy? On Saturday, November 24 tn Guelph and Saturday, December 1 In K~tchener,(9:OO a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Snyder & Assoc~atesw ~ l present l the free one-day Grade 11high school student looking workshop "MarketmgYour Skdls In theNew Workfor chemistry tutor for one hour per week. S151hour. Phone 578-1949. mg World" to teach partlclpants how to survlve and

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Room for rent as of January 2002. For a quiet individual in qulet detached house near both univers~tles.Par ing and all amenities. Please call 725-5348. Winter sublet (or longer) -one or two b ~ room g basement apartment, separate entrance, priva laundry room, parlung for two, cable, phone in ea room, 20 minute walk to UW, qulet neighbo~ hood. $340 ~ncluswe. Call Andy or Tim 880-8300. Large room for rent w ~ t hfour other girls, close University. Ava~lableJanuary 1to August 30,200 C E i h t month lease -S3251month plus utd~t~es. (416)491-1370 for appointment.Winter sublet available January-April 2002 Village-on-the-Green, UniversityAvenue, East. $3' plus utilities or best offer. Contact Ross Fir 883-7506. Brand new home -four rooms avalable for matu students. Winter andlor Spring 2002. Universi and Erb. Please call 588-7877.


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