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This is it! This is the final issue of IMWEUNT for Spring Term 1998 HNETUNT returns for Fall Term in September,1998.In the meantime, keep sendingusyourletters.TheywillappearinourWBFroshIssue,September4.The deadlinefor letters and articles for the Frosh Issueis August 25. The annual ZNPR1NT Frosh Issueisour biggestpaper of the year. It takes a great deal of hard work to produce. We needvolunteers to help us with this enormoustask.Ifyouwouldliketowrite,proofread,photograph,designgraphics, or help out in any other way, with the IMPRINT 1998Frosh Issue,just come down toour office, SLC 1116,any timeduring August. Productionof theFrosh Issuewill take placefrom August 20to September2.

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Rise in campus break-ins Orderly manner of thefts indicates professional criminals by Cmle Lindeboom /mpn’nt staff


number of break-ins took place on campus between July 1 and July 6. In particular, offices in the Davis Centre, the Physics building, the Math and Computer Building and an engineering building were broken into. The police believe that the break-ins were performed by professionals because the culprits seemed to know exactly what they were lookingfor. Theperpetrators brokeintomany offices, but stole equipment from only some of the rooms. “Some people didn’t even know that their offices had been broken into until they went to do something else,” said UW’s Sergeant Wayne Short. Short believes that the orderly fashion of the entries clearly indicates that professionals were involved. The incidents started on July 1, during the Canada Day celebrations, when 18 offices and two

storage rooms in the Davis Centre were broken into. “This indicates that this is not a local person.” said Short. “Local oeopie would know w .hich rooms are storage and mail area s [from being around camp1us] .” In addition, the fact that the (culprits went into many offic 33sin dicates that they were looking for something specific. Among the stolen items were two computer units worth $1,500 from the Physics building and an estimated $9,400 in total stolen property during the Canada Day celebrations. While lncon#xoustatwo*~undcampus. there is always damage sustained photo by Wendy Vnoucek during a break-in, it was minimal in most cases. “In one area a desk was ranpolice wish to remind students that they should be sacked,” said Short, “and in others the door would on the look-out for suspicious people on campus. If be opened and they would leave again.” you spot any such people, be sure to call police, The investigation into this case is still open and giving them a detailed physical description of the the police are checking with other universities to person, their direction of travel and where they see if they have had similar experiences. The UW were spotted. Never follow someone yourself. a


Now you see it, now you don’t . Harrisgovernment quietly eliminates $20 million scholarshipfund


ven more money has been cut from the Ontario student financial aid program and this time, no official announcement was made. Discovered unintentionally by a student inquiring if she qualified for a scholarship, it turns out that the Harris government has removed yet another 20 million dollars from its scholarship funding. Initially presented in February 1997, the Ontario Merit Scholarship fund was intended to provide funding for the top students in the province’s colleges and universities. Eight thousand students were expecting their tuition for the next year to be paid for by the government. In retrospect, it seems that the program was shelved following then Education




resignation. Representatives for the government suggest that students should not have banked on this money actually being available at all. In a July 22 article in the KiMher-Wa&er/..o Record, Daniele Gauvin, a spokes-

person for the Ministry of Education, suggested that the lack of follow-up information should have indicated to students that the scholarships had been canceled. The unwillingness of the Ontario government to follow through with the Ontario Merit Scholarships has led to even further uneasiness among students. As the government has removed money from student aid, regulations for receiving OSAP have tight-

financially difficult for students. He pointed first to the fact that overall government aid has been cut dramatically, and then to the fact that government funding to universities is scheduled to be cut even more over the next 10 years. In fact, Stewart noted, “the Ontario government promised to improve the income contingent repayment plan in its Common Sense Revolution by September 1998, and as far as I know,

Lack of follow-up information should have indicated the scholarships had been canceled. ened, tuition fees have increased significantly and the onset of deregula-

this is the only promise in that revolution that hasn’t been fulfiiled.” Stewart




to hike




ther, and loan forgiveness rates have increased. Robin Stewart, Vice-President Education of Feds, explained that this is the third area in which the Harris government has made it more


it is generally


whether the government really is saving money through the changes that it has made in its educational-funding policies. After all, as the government cuts operating grants to universities, costs to students increase via increased

tuition, and as a result, so do the number of defaults on loans. The cost of these defaults is picked up by the government, the result of which, says Stewart, “is that the government is spending more and so are the students., It’s just another example of general inefficiency.” Further concerns have been expressed by Andrew Boggs, Executive Director of the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA). Boggs wonders “if the government decided that they weren’t going to follow through with those (Ontario Merit Scholarships), what is to say that the Canada-Ontario Millennium Fund, which was announced in the last budget, will happen?” Boggs’ concern over further disappearing scholarship funds is echoed by students wondering whether the student financial aid requirements associated with the July 17



issue of Imprint)


will be

enforced. And so, as students prepare to enter the Fall term of schoot next month, issues surrounding how to fund the term are not yet resolved.




July 31, 1998

Reduced parking on campus

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he days of illegal parking in front of the Physical Activities Complex (PAC), beside the Student Life Centre (SLC), are over, Constructionon thenetiPAC Quadrangle, begun approximately three weeks ago, is almost complete. While the number ofofficial parking spaces will remain the same - six metered spaces, two handicapped spaces and three spots for service vehicles -all the extra space, where parking was officially illegal, has been eliminated. in its place is a pedestrians-only area. According to Elaine Koolstra of UWParking Services, the reno-

by Carrie Lindeboom Helen McEachem




Teiher Awards lionominat8 puroutstamding instructor,


Wilfrid University is dealing with the challenge of accommodating a significant increase in the number of students who plan to attend this fall. Statistics provided by the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre indicate that the number of students who plan to attend Laurier for their first year has increased by 18.5 per cent over lastyear. This is the largest increase of any of the province’s 17 universities.



is on

According to the president of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations, Deborah Flynn, universities from outside Ontario are a worrisome source ofcompetition for the province’s educators. At present, 12 out-of-province schools have asked for consent to offer degree programs

in Ontario.The


consent policy was meant to allow out-of-province institutions to offer exceptional programs in the province that Ontario universities were unable to provide. Flynn feels, however, that there can be

by Kieran


vation was motivated by a number of factors. However, there were two main concerns: UW Parking Services wanted better control over illegal parking and the university wanted a more aesthetically pleasing area for convocation ceremonies. Dennis Huber, Associate Provost, General Service, added that there were also safety concerns with the old layout of the quadrangle. “There was too much mixing of people and vehicles,” Huber stated. “I’m surprised we haven’t had accidents there.” Business tenants in the SLC, however, are confused and concerned about the changes. They complain that there was no warning or consultation about the changes.

“In all honesty, nobody has explained what’s going on here,” complained Dee Sanderson, the Manager of Apple II Hairstyling. Apple II is one of several businesses in the SLC that caters to offcampus clients as well as on-campus students. Some ofsanderson’s clients, she explained as an example, are former students who still come back. Annette Bishop, Branch Manager of the CIBC in the SLC, also believes that the changes will hurt business. “We’re really impacted. There’s hardly any short-term parking.” Bishop believes that more metered spaces should have been added. Huber dismisses the complaints of the campus businesses, arguing that off-campus business should not be their concern. “Their reason to exist is to serve the campus.” Ann Simpson, the SLC Manager, explained that parking lot “M” would be the designated lot for short-term parking. Lot “M” has returned to its old format - a flatfeeoftwodollars-ratherthan charging a ten-dollar deposit. Simpson also noted that the university is looking at creating a new entrance to lot “M”, one that is close to the SLC. Huberconfirmed that the idea is under consideration. “We have always asked for more parking [in the PAC quadrangle],” said Simpson, “but we knew we wouldn’t get it.”

Another concern has been raised about the actual design of the quadrangle. A concrete island has been built at the mouth of the parking area, directly opposite the SLC loadingdwk.This is designed to protect cars in the lot. Imprint

spoke with a truck driver who makes regular deliveries to the SLC. He pointed out that large vehicles, such as his S-foot truck, will have a harder time pulling in andoutoftheloadingdocktomake their deliveries. Huber said he believed that a truck’s turning radius would have been taken into account in the design. The original design for the quadrangle was drawn up by Daniel Parent of Plant Operations. He incorporated elements of design proposals submitted by other individuals, including former Federation of Students President Mario Bellabarba. The final engineering design was prepared by a private consulting firm, The Walter Fedy Partnership. According to David Churchill, ofPlant Operations, the total cost to the university for the construction will be$145,000. This is less than the original $156,000 cost estimate provided by The Walter Fedy Partnership. The quadrangle renovation is part of the overall master plan for the look of UW, which aims to eventually see all majur parking zones located outside of the area enclosed by Ring Road.

adverse consequences from this consent policy because it could lead to a decline in Ontario’s program quality, enrolment and funding.



OnAugust4, UWplans to hold its second Student Life 101. This day is designed to introduce frosh to life on campus before the first few fast-paced weeks of classes. About 3,500 students and their parents are expected to attend. Activities run from 9 a.m. until 630 p.m. and are meant to both “relieve student and parent anxiety and alleviate some of the huge lineups the first week of school,” said Catharine Scott, VW’s associate provost, human resources and student services.




UW has launched a new Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research. The need to safeguard privacy by coding and decoding immense quantities of data can only result

in demand

for newer,


sophisticated cryptography and the centre will aim to create these safeguards. Sponsors for the new Centre include Mondex International Limited, the federal government’s Natural Sciences and Engineer-

StudentsbreezedthroughtheUWQuizBowl,heldJuly17intheStudent LifeCentre. photo

ing Research Council, Communication and Information Technology Ontario, UW and St. Jerome’s University. UW does not plan to offer an undergraduate program in cryptography; it will remain a specialized graduate area only.



The Co-op department recentlyreleased the placement statistics for the Spring 1998 work term. As of July 20,95 per cent of all Waterloo co-op students have been placed. 100 per cent of students in accounting and architecture have jobs, while only 84 per cent of science students are employed this summer. The Spring

Term is dents to compete summer

by Carrie Lindcboom

the most difficult for stufind jobs since they must with students looking for work.

Up and running Trellis, the library system for the University of Waterloo, the University of Guelph and Wilfrid Laurier University resumed service on July 27, after being down for six days. A new version of the Trellis





stalled. The system was scheduled to be down for only two days. However, students’ main concern was getting essays and assignments done for the term without the help of Trellis.



Friday, July 31, 1998


A celebration of pot by David

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t’s a quiet day in the park. Time to kick back, relax in the sun and take another hit from the bong. . . huh? Last Saturday, the Cannabis Awareness Project-led by UniversityofWaterloostudentactivist Davin Charneyinvited the local community to Victoria Park in downtown Kitchener to investigate the herb at the centre of a continuing controversy. Special guests at the festival included Michael Baldesaro, a member of the pot-smoking Church of the Universe (and potentialTory leadership candidate), who recognizes Cannabis as a holy sacrament; Terry Parker, an epilepticwho in 1988 won the right in court to cultivate and grow marijuana for personal medical use; Umberto Iorfida, the president of Kubassek shouted at the police the National Organization for the officers on the scene and deReform ofMarijuana LawsCanada manded an immediate arrest. Af(N.O.R.M.L.);andErikaKubassek, ter a brief conference and by diuninvited member of the Moral rectly smelling the smoke of the Support Movement. “joint,” the police officers deterEarly in the day, the tone of mined that the man was in fact the festival was mostly, and not smoking tobacco, not cannabis. surprisingly, laid back, as just over The police did make one ara hundred people gathered around rest and seized four grams ofweed. the clock tower to hear music, see A ZO-year-old man was charged the latest hemp fashions, attend a with possession of narcotics when joint-rolling seminar and listen to the police suspected he was sellthe guest speakers. ing marijuana to others at the fesThings quickly changed when tival. Kubassek arrived at the festival Yet the police all but ignored with her own megaphone and high priest Baldesaro as he lit up agenda. Shouting “You’re ruining for the CTV and Global cameras your body and your personality by that were on the scene, Several taking drugs, ” “You all need mothother individuals were also visibly ers” and “There is poison in this smoking pot during the festival, earth, sin in this earth, I know the but managed to avoid arrest as well. way,” Kubassek was on a mission Although theK&&erWtzterto stir up trouble at the otherwise 100 Record was told that no extra peaceful festival. police officers would be on patrol in the park during the festival, at Pointing at a man who was apparently smoking a joint, least four and as many as eight

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fnlpwstaff ammy Elliott resigned from her position as the Students Advising Co-op (SAC)chair late last week. Lackof student interest and criticism from Imprint’s Editor in Chief, Kieran Green, were among the reasons Elliott provided for resigning. In an interview following her resignation, Elliot commented, “I resimed as a statement to people that I’m frustrated with the lack of support students are willing to give. The student voice seemed to be saying that I’m not doing my job -why should I waste my time?” Although Elliott was upset with student apathy, she did ac-

complish all of her goals for the term, In addition to hosting a brownbag lunch with the field coordinators to encourage communication, SAC and Elliott held an open forum for the new CECS Online system and increased publicity through column submissions to Imprint and poster advertising.

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photo by David Eby officers were in the area. Commenting on the police presence, Baldesaro stated, “Police aregood, they are our protectors; why don’t they protect me and make sure nobody steals my marijuana?” Defending the increased police presence, Officer Kidnie of the Waterloo Regional Police force explained that marijuana is “not as harmless as they would have you believe. One joint is 20 times worse than a cigarette [in terms of carcinogens and tar].” Responding to this charge, epileptic activist Terry Parker said, “He is totally misinformed,” claiming that despite smoking pot for 20 years, his lungs are very clean. This fact, Parker explained, was verified by doctors at the Toronto Hospi ta1 during a recent lung scan. Charney explained the ultimate goal of the festival and other actions like it during his speech: “We want people to legalize marijuana yesterday, today is too late.”

SAC chair resigns , and


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4ugust :o


4ugust 27th


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by Carrie Llndeboom Robert Schmidt



system will provide flexibility, reliability and efficiency, and that’s what is important to students and employers.” Cathie Jenkins, Associate Director of Program Services, commented, “1 think Tammy should be proud of SAC’s achievements this summer.” ‘Elliott expressed some resentment

“I’m frustrated with the

(nextto Engimrify Buildings)


i Get’em\



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says was “misinformed.” Elliott stated that she was “shocked [Green] would go to the lengths he did.” Further saying, “I felt that by heading up SAC, I could make a difference. Kieran’s article said in a round-about way that my work was worthless.”

are willing to give.” The CECSOnline forum provided students with a chance to voice their concerns and receive a general demonstration of the new system. Feds Vice-president Education Robin Stewart said the forum *‘demonstrated that the new

Formo~~inform~~~~nonEllinc'srpsig?zution, seepage8.



whrch bmelits br children.





hospdaks B



Campus Question: by Can’t


was parking


Jason Caerels 1B Math


so close

At bert Heung 4A Mechanical

to campus.”


Ring Road?”


“I’m too poor care?”

to afford

a car. Why

do I

Mark Hiscocks 1 B Computer Science

Dana Spenceley Arts Alumni


“Sometimes you onty want to be here for a couple of minutes. ItPd be annoying?

“Moving coming

Christine Masters,

Eric Hui 1 B Computer

Jerome MacGregor 4N English

July 31, 1998

UFor anyone who has a car, it’s hard to get around. It% a iong way to walk.”

Christine Kao 2l3 Science-Business



What do you think of U W’s future plans to eliminate parking within Ring Road?


“People shouldn’t be driving anyways skateboard, it’s a viable alternative?


Trott English-RPW

parking outside for guests.”

is not very we I-


Financia1 advice for students Helpout your fellow studevtsabd dovlatesoweof

your extra goodiesto the foodbavh!.Pemabdis really highthis suwvvwavtdthe bavlkis very 10~.Brhgyourdomliouls to FedOfficeaBdthey will beput to gooduse! Besureto say Ifi to all of the wv studewtsthat willbehereOHfuesday,for SL101avidyou mm

stillhelpoutby callingKellyat x6876 School isalmostdovtebutdo wrt fwget aboutom l!%Fmmm r... qrt&xIlEmmm l

Bestof LuckOHExawn Fromthe FEVS!!!!


new Federation of Students proposal outlines a peercounseling service in financial areas. Called Peer Financial Advice & Counselling (PFAC), the program will be run by the Federation of StudentsVice-President of Education, Robin Stewart. The program is intended toanswer students’ financial queries in a number of areas. The proposal, presented to the Provost Advisory Task Force on Tuition and Student Financial Affairs this term, aims to provide expert information on issues including basic budgeting, loans and bursaries, and government assistance programs as well as referrals to other financial advisors. The idea for the program arose, notes Stewart, from “a general lack of good financial information available within .the school and accessible to students. After ail, how many studen cs know about-emergency loans that are available or which bursaries are available to them? And beyond this, basic budgeting is a skill that atiystudentcoulduse, and this is best delivered in a peer way.” PFAC will be run on an annual budget

of $Z,ooO and will enlist volunteers as both program co-ordinators and advisors. Although the start-upcost for the program will be covered by the university, the cost of running the program will eventually be another auxiliary student fee. Initially set to begin this fall, PFAC is now scheduled to begin in the Winter term if all the approvals are met. Stewart explained that the delays are due to “lack of market research. So we’ll use the Fall term to develop the pmgram. We’re considering attaching a questionnaire to a survey that’s going out in the Fall, or creating a . focusgroup.” Such research can help narrow students’ primary financial concerns, thus allowing PFAC to provide the most

“After all, how many stuhents know about emergency - loans?”


PFAC will coordinate services provided from diverse groups on campus, including the Financial Aid office, the Ombudsperson, and the Registrar’s office, The Federation of Students is looking for a co-ordinator for the Fall term to help get the program going. However, since the proposal has not been fLlly approved yet, Stewart continues to seek comments and questions about PFAC and its objectives. For more information, contact Robin Stewart at fedvped@feds.uwatcrloo.ca.

Best of Waterloo Survev r/

Fill out this survey (one per student, UW students only). Drop your completed surveys to theImprint office, SLC 1116, or put them in the white collection boxes located at the following on-CampusImprintdistribution points: the Student Life Centre Turnkey desk, PAC, Math and Computers, Grad House, South Campus Hall, Dana Porter Library, Environmental Studies, Needles Hall and Village 2. The survey will also appear in the next two issues of Imprint, and the results will be published in the 1998 Imprint Frosh Issue. NOW onli9ls!Irrttp;//~~print.~wu~~~~~o.c~

Campus Best 0 0 0 0 Cl



on-campus food: Brubaker’s Ground Zero Davis Centre Caf. Modern Languages Other


Best 0 0 0 0 0

lounge on campus: Math Comfy Lounge Student Life Centre POETS Arts Coffee Shop Other

Best 0 0 0 0 0

place to sit and study: Student Life Centre Dana Porter Library Grad House Bombshelter Other






Video Rental: Generation X Blockbuster The Video Vendor Jumbo Other local newspaper: Imprint Iron Warrior UW Gazette Echo Id The K-W Record The Waterloo Chronicle Other

Best art gallery: 0 UW Fine Arts 0 Eldon Gallery 0 Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery 0 K-W Art Gallery 0 Other




course: Best 0 0 0 0 0

night club: Revolution Metropolis Club Abstract The Lyric Other

coffee: Williams Coffee MathC+D Tim Hortons Second Cup Other

King’s College Hyland Frederick Mall











OP rincess



Services Best


pub food: Bombshelter Grad House Weaver’s Arms Heuther Failte Kingsbridge Crossing Phil’s Fox and Pheasant Loose Change Louie’s Flying DogOther

Best 0 0 0 0 0 0

off-campus resaurant: Curry in a Hurry East Side Marios Mongolian Grill McGinnis Front Row Musselini’s Other

Best optometry services: [3 UW School of Optometry 0 Hakim Optical 0 Super Optical c] Zaak’s Opticians 0 Other

Chinese food: KamYin Grand China Restaurant Mei King Ming’s Restaurant Other


desserts: Dairy Queen

0 0

Just Desserts TCBY Williams Coffee Other


The Mad Netter Other


0 0 0 0 Cl 0


Best 0 0 0 0 0


Go Internet Caf6


Internet service Bell Sympatico EasyNet Golden Triangle Globalserve Passport.ca Other


q Best


Best local students:



Best 0 0 0 0 0


bank: CIBC Bank of Montreal Bank of Nova Scotia Toronto Dominion Royal Bank Other

Best photographic fti developing: 0 Heer’s Camera Shop 0 Japan Camera 0 Westmount Camera 0 Zehrs Photo Lab 0 Other Best hair care: 0 Apple II Stylist [II A Cut Above 0 First Choice Haircutters [3

Shear Heaven



fresh produce Dutch BoyjIGA Food Basics St. Jacob’s Farmers Valdi Plus Zehrs Other

Best 0 0 0 0 0

health food/natural foods: Basic Bulk and Natural Foods Full Circle Foods S&H Health Foods The Natural Food Market Waterloo Health Foods Other

0 [3 0 0

Encore Records HMV Orange Monkey Sam the Record Man The Beat Goes On X-Disc-C Other



computer store: CompuScape IBC PC Waterloo The Little Computer Other

Best 0 0 0 0 0

convenience store: Becker’s Farah Food Mart Feds Variety and Post Little Short Stop Other

0 0 0 n


Ears 2 Hear

0 0





q Shopping

bookstore - used: A Second Look Casablanca Books Feds Used Bookstore K-W Bookstore & Exchange The Bookworm Other

Best 0 0 0 0 0 0

Best Pub


0 a 0 0




grocery store: Dutch Boy/IGA Food Basics Valdi Plus Zehrs Other


Best photocopying/graphics services: 0 Graphics Express 0 CP Press Xpress Q Kinko’s 0 Topley 0 Other Best local students:

Best bookstore 0 Chapters 0 Coles 0 Reader’s Ink 0 UW Bookstore 0 VW Smith 0 Other Best 0 0 0 a 0

pharmacy: StudcntLifeCentrePharmacy Medical Arts Pharmacy PharmaPlus Shoppers Drug Mart Westmount Place Pharmacy University Pharmacy Other

Name: Student




Best 0 0 0 0 0 0

Best pizza delivery: 0 Domino’s Pizza 0 Gino’s Pizza 0 Little Caesar’s 0 Pizza Hut 0 Pizza Pizza 0 Other




Best cafe: 0 Jane Bond Caft5 0 Moondance Caf6 0 Other




0 0 0


Best 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 13 0 0


and Drink

Best bar/pub: 0 Bombshelter 0 Grad House 0 Weaver’s Arms 0 Heuther Hotel 0 Failte 0 Kingsbridge Crossing O Phil’s A 0 Fox and Pheasant 0 Loose Change Louie’s

Best gay-oriented night 0 Club Renaissance c] The Robin’s Nest


0 0


Entertainment Best 0 f3 0 [J 0

live music venue: Mrs. Robinson’s The Lyric Fed Hall Lulu’s Roadhouse Other

Best 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0

Best Environmental Studies course:


Best 0 0 0 0 0




live theatre: UWDrama K-W LittleTheatre Waterloo Stage Theatre Water Street Theatre The centre in the Square Other

0 0 0

0 St. Jerome’s 0 St. Paul’s 0 Village 1 0 Village 2 Best

Best Cl 0 0 0 0 0


Best residence: 0 Columbia Lake c] Conrad Grebel 0 Renison





Best 0 0 0 0 0 0

second-hand clothes: Eye in the Sky Goodwill Revival Vintage Clothing Second Chances Twice is Nice Clothing Other

Best 0 0 0 0 0

shopping mall: Conestoga Mall Fairview Mall Highland Hills Mall Westmount Place Mall Other


nother truism of life: old complaints never die. Case in point Don Morgenson’s opinion piece in the K-W Reconj, Saturday, July 18. Morgenson, a psychology professor at Wilfrid Laurier, argued that students today are becoming increasingly lazy, diSruptive, argumentative, etc, etc, etc... These arguments are so old as to be tiresome. I firmly believe that, ifwe could travel back in time, we would hear ancient Roman teachers moaning how little Julius was more interested in the going to the Circus Maximus than in his memorizing his Latin verb conjugations, and how young Cicero was constantly disrupting rhetoric class with his arguments, So the same complaints come around again. Morgenson cites a raft of anecdotal evidence of how students have become “anti-intellectual grade-grabbers.” Professors, it seems believe that “never before have classes been so unpleasant: never before have frustration and resentment beensodistinct on cam.. pus.” Find a campus newspaper from the 1960’s, and you will see the exact same sentiments being expressed as Mao-influenced students labelled their professor “elitist” and shouted them down in class. Yes, there are jerks out there among the students population. There always were and there always will be. Guess what: there are jerk among the professorial profession, too. For every bad-student anecdote Morgenson can find, I guarantee that I can find a bad-professor story to match it. Morgenson holds up professors as the guardians of the academic ideal. For every student who is just in school to get the piece ofpaper, there is a professor who only teaches because he/she has to in order to maintain tenure. The respect has to go both ways. At the end of his article, Morgenson does make a very valid point. “Communication between teacher and learner is the heartbeat of education.” No argument there. Whena teacher and a student come together in an honest and respectful dialectic, beautiful things result. The reality, however, is that all too often a generation gap exists which creates a barrier to communication -particularly between students and older professors. Perhaps the worn-out, cliche argument presented by Morgenson, however, is his explanation for the decline of student quality: the decline of popular culture. “Under-exposed to adult authority andover-exposed to theirpeersand junk culture, the youngare apt to become lazy, stupid, coarse, authority averse, thrillseeking nihilists.” Holy adjectives, Batman! The sad state of our youth has been a theme for as long as there has been youth. Alackofunderstandingofthenext generation’s culture does not make it trash (I would point out that, in his day, Mozart’s more populist operas were considered “junk culture”), The fact of the matter is, each generation fears for the following, but the fears always prove groundless. The world continues to turn. It continued after the rebels of the %Os, it will continue after us. And in the next millenium, as our generation moves beyond middle age, we will no doubt continue the tradition of complaint. And the world will keep turning.

lifter recentreportsthat suwesthumancloningir imminent,NWstudents bracetkmrelvesk themat doranqed possibility - theeked co-apco-ordbatot. SAC response # 1

our editorial in the July 17 issue Y print, “Cogn itive Dissidents”, disservice to the excellent student

of Imdid a volunteers that serve on Students Advising Co-op (SAC). SAC is a valuable group that gives excellent advice on where Co-operative Education&CareerServices(CECS)should improve. To imply that SAC is a mouthpiece for CECS is not only dead wrong; it shows a lack of understanding of co-op. One of the strengths and distinctive characteristics of the University of Waterloo is the “volunteerism*’ of the student body. This attitude is demonstrated in many ways every week, every term and every year through fund-raising events, legislative committee work and student clubs, to name but a few. The university and departments like Co-operative Education & Career Services rely on volunteer advisory committees such as the Waterloo Advisory Committee (WAC), made up of senior executives from business andindustry;StudentsAdvisingCo-op(SAC) is made up of student volunteers from each faculty. Both these committees provide invaluable advice to the department. The CECS department is unique among academic service departments in that it is funded solely by student fees, a feature which makes the department very accountable and which we are reminded of every day! The department actively seeks the input and advice of SAC. SAC is unique to Canadian co-op programs. In my term as Director, I have been impressed, and in many cases pushed, by SAC and in particular by its leaders, Co-op

students have been well served by SAC. The press has a responsibility to be fair, comprehensive and objective in its reporting and comments. I fear your editorial will only discourage future volunteers from stepping forward to make things better through constructive criticism, advice and involvement.

SAC response # 2


have two real problems with Waterloo University’s Co-op’system - the field co-ordinators and the students. There are co-ordinators that are genuinely concerned for students, assist them and believe they are the focus of the job. Unfortunately, these co-ordinators are very uncommon. Instead, it seems that field coordinators are uninformed about current coop policies and fail to consider student needs. Similarly, there are students that approach Needles Hall with friendly dispositions and receive fantastic assistance. These students are also so uncommon th,at they are remembered as unusual. Students seem to think the world revolves around them personally, and that co-op policies were designed to personally piss them off. Clearly, it is.easy for students and coordinators to become viciously cynical about the other. It is easier to bitch and complain than to do something constructive. So we have Students Advising Co-op organization designed (SAC) -avolunteer to improve communication between both parties. SAC afso attempts to explain the reasons behind some decisions to students.

It is unfortunate that so many students are uninformed about SAC. SAC is currently attempting to improve this through the possible use of mailing lists (any other suggestions are welcome). However, this term SAC consisted ofonly four regularvolunteers, all of whom are also full-time Waterloo students. Although these volunteers are appreciated, this is a pathetic lack of support. The lack of support means SAC can only accomplish so much each term. So, with only one required work term left, and as an unsupported, overworked, criticized volunteer with absolutely nothing to.gain personally from improving the co-op system, I quit.


SAC response # 3


was deeply concerned by your recent article on SAC. I have been involved in SAC since lA, and most importantly, 1 continue to be SAC’s representative on the CECS Process Advisory Committee. It has been primarily concerned with various process issues within CECS, as well as the development and implementation of a new computer sys tern to replace the ailing (and failing) Access. I, and many other ITW students, agree with your comments about CECS going south of the border to develop a solution. I was part of a working group of SAC in F% that designed a prototype of a new webbased system to replace or supplement Access. However, this was stopped since IST (the entity which controls Access) refused to allow UW students access to the internals of the system, as well as a commitment to actually use a system “designed by students for students.” It is also worth noting that there are many deficiencies in the current . system which make the jobs of CECS staff and field co-ordinators very difficult. Currently co-ordinators do not have any constructive information on the people that they represent. Also, the development of the new CECS.Online sys tern involved the close scrutiny of many processes, policies and procedures as well as the role of people within CECS, to ensure that after the implementation of the new system that CECS works well. But what does this mean for students? It may be better for CECS, but it places unnecessary demands on students. The requirement of a graphical web browser limits the number of computers on campus that can access the CECXOnline system. Worst ofall, nocommitment has been made to replace the existing computers in NI1. I am deeply offended by your rant on SAC. Regardless ufwhat SAC does, SAC will always be a minority when it comes to issues concerning CECS policy and procedure. SAC tries to arrive at solutions that make the relationship between students and CECS a harmonious one, and to make students get the most out of their co-op experience. The only way it can succeed is with student input, which has proven to be lacking during rhe times when it is needed most.

Pained by opinions


t pains me to see that there are still sOme people in our society today who hold the same views as those ofourancestors, that lead to the oppression of many pcoplc. I am referring


to V/ill Peters’

in the last issue. Mr. Peters claims that he was “liberal” at one time, then recently found his homosexual friend to be immoral,

pointing out the fellow’s parents’ divorce. Tell me, what religion did you recently subscribe to? I used to be anti-homosexual, way back when I lived in a redneck town. I grew up. Mr. Peters also states incidences ofmarried parents “deciding” that they were gay, leaving behind spouses and children. I’m not an expert, but it would make more sense to me that these people were homosexual already, and wed only because that was considered thenorm at a time when they would otherwise face persecution by friends, family and society, including people like Mr, Peters. If anything is immoral, it would have to be the traditional Judeo-Christian pair-bond we call marriage. The tradition of marriage has been thrust upon us all, and, we are told that if we do not marry, we are considered somewhat less of a person for not doing so. I would like to challenge Mr. Peters when he says that heterosexuality doesn’t lead tooverpopulation. What does then? Abstinence? And just how is sex outside marriage not love? Marriage is but a signing of a piece of paper. Is it that magical act of a signature that provides love? Somehow, I think not. I’d suggest that Mr. Peters take a second look at what he has to say, before spewing forth such drivel.

van der Breggen


heterosexual vaginal sex. However, and again contrary to what Ms. MacDonald seems to think, the sometimes negative outcomes of this problem, such as abortion and mistreated children, are due to the parents’ subsequent choices, no; the sex itself. In the case of gay sex, however, the negative outcomes are due primarily to the practice of anal intercourse itself, since rectum linings are much weaker than vaginal walls, and since the anal sphincter muscle is aone-way valve that is designed to work via stimulation from inside. Ms. MacDonald also claims that overpopulation is a problem of heterosexual vaginal sex. This claim is highly dubious. For the sake of space, I’ll just refer the reader to UW philosopher Jan Narveson’s reply to the so-called overpopulation problem in his book Moral Mutten (Broadview Press, 1993), chapter 8. Ms. MacDonald correctly points out that AIDS is spreading in the heterosexual population. Significantly, however, she neglects the fact that strong evidence still shows male homosexual sex is & far the main activity which spreads AIDS in Canada. According to Statistics Canada’s Cunaa’iun Lucid Trends (Summer 19%; p. 7), from 1987 to 1994 men who have sex with men account for 70 to 80 per cent of all of Canada’s AIDS cases. It is therefore reasonable to question Gay Day’s celebration. For a longer version of this letter, contact me at hjZvande@ watarts.uwaterloo.ca.

WPIRG WirTEiLOO PUBLlC INkERE RESEARCH GROUP Student Life Centre Room 2139 Ext. 2578 or 0084002 cwpir@wdservl .uwaterloo.ca~ &tp://wa#safvl .uwatsrloo.ca/-wpirg>

IRG hired four students this summer to research and coordinate projects. Next fall, be sure to check out our package on Globalization. The Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) brought globalization to the forefront this year, and “if it weren’t for those meddling social activists, the MA1 would be in place.” Beware now, the MA1 will resurface in a new form in the not-too-distant future. Speaking of investments, are your “green” investments really green or a shade ofsomethingelse? Alternative investments will be examined and questioned in our globalization package. The Ontario government’s misnamed Tenant Protection Act is under our microscope. Tenant advocacy is organizing around the province. The Waterloo Region Tenants’ Coalition has been fielding inquiries about the recent changes as well as disseminating legal and political information for tenants. “The case work model for

The Parking

helping tenants is valuable up to a certain point, but organizing cannot be overlooked as a strategy for empowering tenants,” said Paul York, tenant rights advocate presently working out of Toronto. Information will be presented to you in a revised Tenant’s Hand book. WPIRG’s anti-racism project co-ordinator, Narina Nagra, is meeting with PIRG reps across the province to develop anti-racism policies and guidelines. The mandates include public interest research, education and action on social.justice and environmental issues. The Recycle Cycles project is offering free bicycle repairworkshops in the community (Thursdays 6-8 p.m.). The summer coordinator has kept the shop open 30 hours per week to accommodate the volunteer work in repairingand refurbishing unwanted and discarded bicycles. Our One Less Cur t-shirts have been agreat success with only a few remaining to be sold. Happy summer, everyone.

Lot is Full

by Pete Nesbitt and Pat Spacek http://www.execulink.com/-nesbitVPLIF/index.htm

Tu the Editor,


few weeks ago in the Irnl print, I voiced-a concern about Gay Pride Day celebrations promoting male homosexual sexual practice as a healthy expression of human sexuality. Subsequently, several letter-writers “critiqued” my argument, but only one letterwriter, Melissa MacDonald, actually tried to engage my argument directly. Ms. MacDonald attempted to show that my argument hasabsurd consequences and thus should be dismissed as ludicrous. She argued that lesbian sex has fewer health problems and fewer unwanted pregnancies than heterosexual sex, and so, according to the alleged logical implications of my argument, all daughters should be encouraged to become lesbians. Hence, Ms. MacDonald would have us think that my argument is faulty. However, in my letter I argued merely that extreme health risks should not be promoted. Contrary to what Ms. MacDonald seems tothink,from thisitdoesnotfollow that everyday, run-of-the-mill health risks should be avoided. Just because highly-dangerous gay sex should not be promoted, it doesn’t follow logically that heterosexual sex, which has some danger, should cease. Of course, the problem ofunwanted pregnancies is unique to




disagree with a LJnivcrsity of Waterloo traffic and parking regulations policy that I deemcompletely unjust, the ban on in-line skating(rol1erblading). I cannot afford a car and must rely upon my bike and in-line skates to get me to and from school. The distance from my apartment to school is such that walking is clearly out of the question. Further, I am not interested in buying a bus pass, nor should I be pressured into such a purchase. By banning in-line skating on campus, however, Parking Services is essentially telling me and other individuals that we can’t seek out a cheap and environmentally friendly way to get to class. Perhaps, instead of a complete ban, the university administration should consider a ban from wearing in-line skates in buildings only. Also, to increase the safety of inline skaters on campus, Parking Services should require skaters to wear wrist guards, knee pads and helmets. This policy is under review, and I hope my remarks wili be considered.

lfyou could peek under the “CENSORED”stickers, you probablywould.. . and you’d probably call us “sick” for drawing sucha comic. Then you’d go home, watch ‘Tl( maybe have a beer. And so would we. isisthelastImprintthatwillfeaturetheParkingtotisFd Thestrip is seekingout more illustriousskies.Fanscanstill view theconicat~~website--etheaboveURL.

I can’t believe I’m not crazy yet Imprint’s short story contest winner pestered him for grandchildren ever since he got his mediocre degree from a mediocre school and landed a mediocre job, ok?), and while on this ledge, by the powers invested in me, either force the weather or the awkwardness of Here’s our winner! his own movephoto courtesy of Lara Thompson ments to make him fall. Of by Lam Thompson course, I wouldn’t kill him, not yet anyhow, the story’s just begun. sped/ to lmpfhf Hmm, but I’d really like to can’t believe I’m not crazy make that call and prove that really, it’s no problem to be just yet. Oh damn you, just pick up. friends, and that “Uh yeah, 1 just called to say quickly that it’s really too bad you in fact I’m using can’t see me naked right now. . .” him in this postmodern No. Will that sound like I’m taking crap that nobody things badly? reads anymore Line’s still busy, good. He’s standing on the ledge, I anyway. But he know that much, but why on earth is as messed-up does he think it’s so bad? He’s a as I am, in different ways of yuppie at heart, married to the sweetest little woman, but I guess course, so it’s my implanting him with my own deduty to discover the complete exsire for freedom and independence tent of these, for entertainment and “need to see the world!” has purposes, and maybe help if this really left him wanting out. I guess too proves entertaining. I guess I should call in cue the that was cruel of me. Or maybe it was crueler in the bird now. What the hell does a bird first place to have him on a ledge, have to do with everything? Exactly the point, I say. Instead of some other ledge (where do all trying to bury hidden meanings, these ledges come into the picture?) for the same fateful purpose, why not make things as strange as’ possible and leave it to the eduthough again with no thought out cated reader to create them for motive by me yet (or hell, let’s just say he hated his loneliness, hated themselves? Well, the poor guy is staring his inertia, his job, his mother who


down from his ledge. And he sees back to his last unfortunate visit to such a ledge. He remembers rhe woman, to become his wife completely opposite to his desire, but of course when the natural course ofthingsdictates thatyoudosomethingorher than you want, what are you to do, really.? She’s walking beneath him and he peers over to stare at her as she wobbles past, her huge rolls of fat that would prove his saviour, and later lead him to treatments for impotence because he nevercould see past the rolls closing in on him, towering over him, smothering himwithherfatandlove,andashe stares over the edge, oops! heslips. Like I promised though, from his later standpoint, I’can’t just kill him, because well, that would

on his shoulder toget his attention. “Me, moron. The big guy don? ta1 k to losers, att least he don’t talk to me. Well? Are you going to jump or what?” Hmm, jump. That’s a big one. Jumping off a ledge, into a relationship, is there really such a big difference? I’m sure now that guy took the big plunge when she guilted him into marrying him after she saved his life “nearly riskingmyown life, like God has some special plan for me, with you, don’t yOu agree?” Somehow, I guess the guy’s some big idiot or something, but this bird, with no university training in psychiatry or psychology (because we all know a person can only do what their School has trained them to do), talks him off

point, no need to dwell. The best of friends? I never did understand that one, but oh well, if1 type really fast, maybe it: won’t come across so much. But then again, this guy that will remain nameless wants tostay friends, really, honestly, he swears. A copout? I really don’t know, 1 guess we all want that, but lady life is really only teasing on that point, like she does on so many others. Well, we couldn’t just leave them that way, now could we? Well, they’re about to hitchhike off to anothercorneroftheir limited imagination of a world, when a really big truck, yes here comes the unnecessary violence that everyone shuns and craves (oh admit it, YOU like it), and hits the bird. The dying words of the bird are of course important, and he sputters them out as CIOquen tlg as a dying bird is known to do: “Share . . . my . . . story . . .” followed by the usual gore and blood and overcast skies that come with death. So everyone’s happy, but it’s much too late, and that sexy, dark and seductive man that’s waiting in my dreams calls and the problems ofthe world will have to be conquered on another day, in another story.

I can’t just kill him, because well, that would make it seem like regular fluff, wouldn’t it?


he meaning of life? In a newspaper? Well sure, why not! With only a week before exams and a month before I finish work for the summer, a little intellectual introspection




you need something to procrastinate on, don’t you? While I was rcadingabout Virginia Woolfs To 29e Lighthotise, I came across this idea that life is made up of a series of moments or experiences. By “moments” or

“snapshots,” I mean little moments of recognition, of self-awareness, that cause you to actually thinkaboutwhereyouareandwhat you’re doing. The idea that life’s purpose or meaning can come from these little snapshots was brought home to me this weekend at my cottage. I’d been at the cottage every summer from the time I was two weeks old until my last years of high school. I never realized how

make it seem like regular fluff, wouldn’t it? Aguy, depressed, who can’t stand ‘%” anymore. No, a large booming voice from above him, “Are you some kind of fucking wimp?” The man looks around, nothing, looks above, the pathetic irony of the overcast clouds makes him fearful,and he cowers beneath the magnificent possibility of power that a God he doesn’t believe in could possess. But no. A bird shies

the ledge, to leave his wife and former life and mediocre job and to finally take the risk he’s been needing to take since he was first created by me. To just head out into the sunset and see what the world would like to tease him with and snub him with and beat him to a pulp without really ever caring for any of it at all. At this point, let’s say that he relates his story, the bird relates his, they hit itoffgreat, become the best of friends, etc., you get the

much I missed it until I passed through last summer after having missed a couple of summers. For me, traveling back to the cottage after being away for a few

there certainly were lots of those daysbackwhenIwasakid.(Imean a real kid). Days like this would not be for roasting by the water, but for foraging in the woods. It was windy enough to keep the bugs away, but it wasn’t: cold or anything. My cousins, or at least my brother and I, would go up to the forr that had been built in the trees by my uncle’s cottage. There, we would play something. Or I would be annoyed by my little brother and try to run away and

my grandfather, the great u’.J. FIynn, head of Fernleigh Farms Inc. and Fern-exMining. Mylitcle cousins, four boys aged about six to nine (I’m not even sure of their exact ages; I have nearly 30 cousins and I’m the third eldest!) built it last week with the help of my uncle Joe, who is a carpenter, and my aunt Sarah’s boyfriend, Jonathan (he’s a Waterloo Civil Engineering grad, so you know the structure is sound!). As I sit in it now, and they are

years brought


off piaying

back a lot c&memo-

ries that caused such a sensation. It wasn’t that this was a really sunny weekend where I could r.emember laying on the dock, making mud-pies or being bitten by horseflies. Actually it was pretty dreary up there this weekend, but






forest conjures memories, not exact ones, but the memory of a good feeling. As I’m writing the rough draft of this piece, I’m sitting in a newly built tree-house just offthe water, right in front of the cottage built by


else in the

woods I’m sure they aren’t having epiphanic momentsofself-awareness. But they are sowing the seeds toone day be able to look back and remember. And as Lily Briscoe says in Virginia Woolfs To The Lighthouse, “It is enough.”




July 31, 1998


If you can’t stand the heat




Practical tips on how to fight heat-related illnesses by John Swan hTlpnhtsr;?rr


to the remnants of El Ni?io,summer has been downright agonizing. In Fact, this week saw record temperatures achieved in British Columbia, Arkansas and Texas. There, the mercury has climbed to well over 100degrees F with very little relief in sight. Thecattle ranchers in the De1 Rio and Fort Worth areas haveappealed to President Bill Clinton for relief. Ofcourse, it is notjust the northern section of the Americas that has felt the effects of a long, hot summer. Already this year, heat-related problems have been encountered in Orissa Province (in India), Indonesia, Borneo, Australia and Singapore, often with very catastrophicresults. Thus, efforts have been made to alleviate the trials and tribulations a heat wave brings. Of course, heat is a killer, especially when combined with humidity. This has already been proven back in 1996 in the cities of Chicagoand Milwaukee, and currently in Dallas, Fort Worth and the cities (or ciudades, if you will) along the LJ.S.-Mexican border. Therefore, one might ask, “What can I do to prevent myself from being another statistic in the Summer of 1498?” Well, before


covering prevention, one should recognise what types of problems can arise (biologically speaking). The& are three main illnesses that emerge in the summer months: heatstroke, heat exhaustion and heat cramps. Each is quite hazardous, and they vary in symptoms and effects on the human body. Obviously, the most serious of the three mentioned above is heatstroke. Also known as sunstroke, this malady is caused by the inability to dissipate body heat through normal means (i.e., perspiration). This ailment can be developed via strenuous physical activities. How does one recognize a person who may have heatstroke? Well, the person affected will undoubtedlycomplain of headaches, nausea and dizziness. The person affected will have dry, red andvery hot skin, a strong, rapid pulse, small pupils and a very high fever. The person may become extremely disoriented or unconscious, and there exists a pro bability of convulsions. It is fairly obvious that medical attention should be immediately sought. Meanwhile, the sunstroke victim should be moved to a cooler location away from the sun. Clothing should be loosened or removed and the victim immersed in very cool water. If this is not possible, then the victim should have water,

wet sheets and a fan applied to him/her. Cold compresses should also be utilized, especially on the head, neck, armpits and groin. Medications to lower fever and rubbing alcohol must never be used. Finally, the victim should not be allowed to drink anything, even water. Remember that recovery of the victim is dependent upon the heat and intensity of the weather. A little less fatal, but still quite grave ailment that exists in the summer months is heat exhaustion. This infirmity is started by the accumulation of large quantities of blood in the skin. The reason for this accumulation is that the body is attempting tooptimize the efficiency of cooling the body. A person who is struck by heat exhaustion will complain of nausea, dizziness, headaches and a sense of weakness. As well, the person may exhibi t pale, moist skin, possibly heavy perspiration, a low or normal temperature (98.6 degreesF), dilated pupilsartcl a weak pulse. The afflicted may also speak of being disoriented or having fainting spells. Should you find that a person is suffering from heat exhaustion, he or she should be moved to a cooler location away from the sun. Clothing should be loosened or removed, but unlike heatstroke, the victim should be cooled with

Whenthedogdaysofsummerhit,it’sbesttotakeiteasy. photo by Wendy Vnoucek

cool water and a fan. As well, heat exhaustion victims should have cold compresses applied to their person. Analcohol rub should never be used. Finally, a casualty of heat exhaustion should be given a half a cup of either an electroIyte beverage or slightly salted water (one teaspoon of salt for every quart of water) to sip. Caffeinated or alcoholic beverages should not be given, as this may hinder the progress of the victim. The least serious of the three maladies is the heat cramp. These muscle cramps, found in the legs and abdomen, usually are accompanied by lightheadedness, weakness, exhaustion and heavy perspiration. Caused by heavy strenu-

ous physical activity, the method to remedy this ailment is the same as the one for heat exhaustion. Of course, it is highly recommended that medical expertise be sought, particularly if the victim’s condition worsens. This, after all, is just common sense. But these three problems can be avoided withproperprecautions(i.e.,drinking plenty of water, avoiding strenuous activities, wearing light clothing, et cetera). You should enjoy summer, especially given our harsh winters. Armed with this information, you can bask in the days ofhot weather without a care, For more information on heatrelated illnesses, contact Health and Safety.

Take one down, pass it around The Original Stiff Vodka &Grape

It’sgot bite. photo by Weran

current fad in the world of alcohol is beer alternatives. There are about half adozen brandsofcidcron themarket, and any given bar will have at least one available. Mike’s Hard Lemonade remains popular and continues to branch out into new


Canada Co.


/mprintdi3# r’\he

cm~rtesy of Casdon

and exotic flavours. It’s the evolution of the cooler, and it’s not surprising that people are wanting to jump on the bandwagon. So it is that a new beer alternative is making its debut on the drinking scene. It goes by the rather cumbersome name of “The Original Stiff Vodka & Grape.” The Original Stiffweighs in at

6.9 per cent alcohol, in the same field as most eiders and as the Mike’s IIard line of drin ks. Prior to sampling The Original Stiff, I had expected, essentially, a stronger version of the Wildberry Vodka Cooler. There is, in fact, no resemblance whatsoever. Upon opening my first bottle of The Original Stiff, I performed the required “sampling the bouquet.” It smells like grape juice. Plain,simplegrape juice. The taste, however, is more reminiscent of Grape Crush. It’s a strong grape flavour with just that bit of bite. The one drawback is that it is rather sweet. Some may find it too sweet to drink a lot of at one time. However, with the vodka, this may not necessarily be a bad thing. Thevodka isverysubtle.You hardly notice it. It’s a quiet presence behind the grape. You only really notice it in the ever-so-slight aftertaste. That’s what makes this drink so potent. One doesn’t realize just how stiffThe Original Stiff really is until one is stiff oneself. It’s an iron fist in a velvet glove. The Original Stiff isat its best when well chilled. If you’re nursing one over a period of time, it might be best to have an ice bucket

on hand to keep it in, because the flavour fails a bit as the drink reaches room temperature. The Original Stiff is produced in Toronto by Casdon Canada, a subsidiaryofwell-knownrumproducer Bacardi, Bacardi, however, is keeping their connection quiet. The Original Stiff is projected as grassroots, simple and down-toearth. The packaging is simple,

and the drink comes in a standard long-necked brown beer bottle with a simple, plain label. It avoids the colourful, flashy look typical of other cooler-type drinks. The target market is the university-age, bar-going crowd. The Original Stiff Vodka 6i Grape is available at LCBO stores and retails at $7.95 for a case of four.





Friday, July 31, 1998

Voices from the stars in the basement l

Fed Back

by Owen

the Oracle

LPO (J&y 23 - Aug. 22) Make a date to go buy some summer squash in St. Jacobs, and

fmpf7htstaif by Shelley Rynn VP Internal speddf to /mpfint


he Summer term is coming to an end, and I’m sure you are all busy with exams. As the last FedBack for the summer, I thought I would let you know about some of the things we have planned for the fall term. Frosh week is in the final planning stages, and we should be ready for the frosh when they arrive Labour Day. FOC (Federation Qrien tation Committee) has worked very hard to plan a safe and inviting week for our new students. The orientation training has beencompleted by all of our leaders, and we are confident that they will do a super job. To those of you who are involved in Frosh week, good luck and play safe. A new clubs policy will be in place for the Fall term. We have finally come up with a real working policy that should help clear up many of the recurring problems that exist. Clubs Days are scheduled for SeptemberMand 17,socheckout

theclubs in theSLCfrom9-4 p.m. Ifyou are interested in starting up a club, feel free to stop by my office, and I can give you all the information you need. All current clubs please note, the first clubs’ meeting will be held September 14 at 4:30, in the Multi-Purpose Room, FEDS Weekis being planned for the week ofseptember 2 1 - 25. This week will be packed full of special events, BBQ’s, concerts, nooners, prizes and lots offree stuff. It’s something you don’t want to miss! The Bar Operations staff has also been very busy planning for the Fall term. The return of Fed Hall Restoration Fridays will surely be a highlight, along with hip-hop nights and great concerts. Keep your eyes open for the new and improved Fed Hall. We hope to see you there. Good Luck with your exams and enjoy the remainder of your summer. If you are leaving us for the fall, take care and we’ll see you in the winter. And ifyou are graduating, always remember you will have a home here at Waterloo. Cheers!

Am’es (h5w-d 21 - A@ / 9) Things are getting down to the nitty-gr+c’,‘,:+ yoqf love life. 1 Get some S@c.‘+$ $$&p and fight back with lem”bti~ pshness! Your partner will appr.e$ate it. Saturn ‘Y<. aligns with the moonon Sunday, so cancel your credit cards.

You may think that the first is a good time for brain surgery, but


and get to work.

L’Ggu (Aug. 23 a Seyw. 22) This week, take some time to put things into perspective and decide what yqure&. .’ want. Sure, money is gr important. waltzing le Life is never dull if you can waltz. Libra

where by rushing. And get rid of those polyester leisure suits! Gemini(Mq21 June20) A letter arrives bearing happy tidings, and ;<g will go swimmingly th elieve in the power of t,@&&iia to intluence all decis~&&IW&d to cockroaches -they have feelings too. Cancer (June 21- July 22)

(Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Something good may happen, something bad .m~x happen. Either way, I’r&‘&$&rately sure you’ll live t4a someone needs you, b&&one needs you, try to get some sleep. You look tired. (Oct. 23 - NW. 21) You’re positive and centred this week, soget.+s much done as possible whi$ ’ ..o,g Jan. A stormy relationship fro:.I t 6$1 calm down ~~ mjd agajn. and it will start’ ,. : Confide in a friend an”d you will be rewarded handsomely.




Talking to your friends is making you sleepy. Head to bed withathicktextbooktqcatchupon some much neededitadying. Eat watermelons. Sm&&I Play laser tag with your g&‘n8barents. Then do something really crazy if you want people to talk about you. But most of all, have fun. Cajv%-on2 (Dec. 22 -Jan. 19) Get your feet wet in a new

midweek. have fun.


- 1 Couch 2 lounge &airs, - 1 coffee table and 2 end tables. - Kitchen table and four chairs. - Blinds supplied for all windows. - Bed, desk and chair. I no mattress supplied. e closet organ&r in bedroom. For more info Email: dvogel @sgci.com

with friendsand

Someone’s luck is about to change for the better, but it’s not yours. Try tq;b@r&l:.this someone and get t!&$%&%y you lottery tickets. &&$&.&&ding your horoscope for a while, then backtrackand see how much came true. Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) It’s time for you to start doing your part arou$l$$! house: wax the toilet, d re#igerator and water your k&K, next week, bask in the m%‘f a windfall.


In order to view a unit call Dan @ 888-7093 173 King StreetNorth, Corner of King & Ezra Streets - Fully controlled entrance, with intercom system in each unit. - Eachbedroom provided with door lock set for privacy. - Telephone jacks in each bedroom. - Mih&fta to both ##?dwdb -R~?ftto~~O~~up~#


- Secured bicycle storage area. - Ample closet and storage space. - Laundry f&l&y. - lkrofuu~oompIn 4i!achrrnit



The Feds bite the bullet over MMT Government blinks first in NAFTA showdown


he government of Canada backed down in the face of a lawsuit this week, originally filed under the terms of NAFTA in April 1997, that could have left it on the hook for US$250 million. Launched by Richmond, Virginia-based E thy1 Corporation, the lawsuit claimed that a federal ban on the import of the gasoline additive MMT, is illegal under the North American Free-Trade Agreement. MMT, or methylcyclopenta-dienyl manganese tricarbonyl, was first used in Canadain 1977 toboost theoctane ratingof gasolines. A higher octane rating can reduce potentially damaging “knocks” in vehicle engines. Emissions of smog-causing nitrogen oxides are also reduced. However, on the advice of automotive manufacturers and public health and environmental agencies, Parliament passed Bill C-29 in 1996. Bill C-29 made it illegal to import MMT into Canada or any of the provinces. Since MMT is not manufactured in Canada-Ethyl is the only manufacturerthe bill effectively banned its use.

Of particular concern to public health advocates both in Canada and the U.S. is one of the key ingredients in MMT: the heavy metal manganese. Although essential to good health, high doses of airborne manganese are known to impair both movement and speech with symptoms similar to Parkinson’s Disease.

But Ethyl claims that there have been no health risks associated with MMT’s use in the 19 years it was available in Canada. Health Canada and the American Council on Science and Health seem to agree. In 1979, a study of ambient air on the streets of Toronto could not detect even 0.05 nanograms of MMT per cubic metre.

Airborne manganese can cause symptoms symptoms similar to Parkinson’s Disease. Environmentalists are concerned that putting MMT into gasoline results in manganese being exhausted from tailpipes, and as an element it is not biodegradeable. Hence, it will accumulate in dust and the air over time. According to the New York-based Environmental Defence Fund, available data is not sufficient to evaluate the long-term effects on human health that these low levels of airborne manganese will cause.

Experts point out that Ottawa could have sidestepped the entire issue simply by banningMMT as a dangerous substance. In simply preventing its import, the government left itself open to charges of favouratism; Ethyl claimed that Bill C-29 violated NAFTA by imposing a preference for Canadian over foreign product. A three-member tribunal of lawyers one chosen by the Canadian government, one by Ethyl, and one co-selected chairman

There is a lot more in the sky than meets the eye


immune systems are getting soft on us

Immune systems may need a little dirt and germs to work properly, an article found at NewScientist online says. Apparently, our sanitized culture places emphasis on destroying any and at1 germs. This causes young ones to grow up with a weakened immune system. The theory states that since they are exposed less to germs and dirt than previously, they do not build up a sufficient immune system, http://www.newscientist.com/ ns/9807 18lfeatures.html

Unmanned duty



combat the


plane of


The future of warfare can be found in unmanned weapons. The United States, a pioneer in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with Israel, has plans to possibly convert some of its F-16 Fighting Falcons into UAVs.

This would take humans out of harm’s way, and it would allow the fighters to be free of human limits, such as the amount of G’s they can sustain. This allows the planes to shed life support and equipment on board meant for human use only, freeing up room for weapons, electronics, and fuel. http:// www.popularmechanics.com/popmech/scil tech/9807TUMIAM.html

The sense of touch extended to the computer Science fiction movies have been blaring the future of virtual reality, and now it seems some of chat future is here. An initiative in the United States has replaced a mouse with a glove. The glove provides tactile feedback, and could open up a newwayofinteracting with your computer. Think the adult industry will snag it? http:l/www.cnn.carn/ TECH/science/9807/16/t-t/ touchy.computers/

Optical telescopes can only see so far in space, due to cosmic dust and debris. Recently, a vast number of new galaxies were discovered beyond the range of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) by infrared spectrum sensors. By seeing differences in heat instead of relying on optical power (which can’t see through dust and obstructions), the universe can be explored to a much greater degree. http://www.cnn.com/TECH/space/ 9807/lS/dusty.galaxies.ap/

virus becomes unreachable early on in infection EiIV

Reports have surfaced that the HIV virus quickly burrows into the host it infects. It then becomes unreachable to the immune system, and therefore very difficult to treat. http://www.cnn.com/health /9807/20/ aids.latent(

Metorites landing

crash to Earth, on Greenland


agreed. ThecontroversyoverMMTisunlikeIy to subside any time soon. MMT was banned in the United States until 1995 when acourt forced the Environmental Protection Agency to approve it for sale in a ruling that did not address any health concerns. Several states still ban MMT, one year after the EPAwas forced to approve it, 85 per cent of fuel companies were still not using it. Vehicle manufacturers are still concerned about the adverse effects MMT has on some vehicles. Last week, Robert Armstrong of the Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada indicated that “there is strong evidence that MMT increases hydrocarbon emissions from motor vehicles and negatively impacts vehicle emission systems.” “Until wecan be assured that the necessary MMT-free fuel is available to support our vehicle technology .. . we have no alternative but to advise the Government of Canada that they will have to suspend the 1998 Canadian vehicle emissions regulations which were enacted based on the elimination of MMT,” said MarkNantais, president of the Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association.

MlT creates devices that mesh man and machine Researchers at MIT have whipped up new gadgets that allow them to work differently. One such device is an integration of monitor and glasses. A split beam broadcasts the image onto the surface of the glasses, and this can replace a monitor. Another innovationis a hat that translates sign language into digital speech.

Alan Sheppard dies of cancer at the age of 74 Famed astronaut Sheppard passed away on July22,1998. Thecauseofdeathwaslisted as leu kemia. Alan Sheppard, a firmer Navy test pilot, flew a fifteen minute sub-orbital flight on May 5, 1951, thus making him the first American in space. He was 23 days late from being the first person in space. Later, he flew with Edgar Mitchell and Stuart Roosa on Apollo 14 in 1971. Alan was famous for shooting golf balls on the lunar surface with amake-shiftGron.Hespenttwodaysonthe moon with Mitchell. He is only one of twelve who walked on the moon. Born

The metorites fell on December 9,1997. A fisherman disagrees with the guesses of the scientists who are conducting the search. A diary of the search can be found online at http://www.cnn.com/TECH/science/9807/ 29/metorite,search/index.html It covers several days, starting with July 24.

in East Derry,



Alan Sheppard started his career in the Navy. After the Apollo 14 mission, he was named the chief of NASA’s astronaut office. He retired from this position on August of 1974. In 1979, Alan was awarded the Medal of Honor for Space. The announcement was made by one of Alan’s friends, John Glenn.

Get into a total war Total Annihilation dk The Core Contingency Cmdug Entertainment

Total Annihilation represents a radical departure from the way things are done in real time strategy games. Perhaps the greatest innovation that Cavedog has built into this title is the use of3D graphics. This allows modelers to create units with an unprecedented level of realism. Examples of this in action include the recoil of a gun as well as units bouncing and bumping over terrain. TA is obviously a game made by garners. It allows a higher degree ofconfiguration than other titles, which is a welcome change. The plot ofthe game is set against a titanic battle that has been waged for thousands ofyears. The two sides, the Core and the Arm, have been locked in total war in a

with a choice of side, and then sets the player up against the other. The graphics are stunning, to say the least. The only criticism that can be made of them is that the units are too blocky.

This is a result of going to 3D units. Stereotypical robots are supposed to look blocky anyway. However, the colour and detail more than make up for the squareedges. The

tracks, and they are very well done, having won awards as proof. I tested the game with the 3D sound, the resolution at 1024x 768 with all of the graphits options turned on my PI1 300.

Thisgame demands floating point power due to the 3D graphics, so a Cyrix might not cut the cake at higher resolutions. The Core Contingency expansion adds 75 units, 50 maps, 25 missions, and 6 worlds. It contains all of units that were previously available from Cavedog’s web site. Every so often, Cavedog makes a new unit available for TA owners. This is a sign of dedication to the community and to the product. It also has the map editor included, which is available as well from www.cavedog.com. I found the editor to be clunky and not at all easy to use compared to other companies’ offerings. All told, real time strategy garners will feel the impact of this title, even if they never play it. All games that follow will have to raise the bar in order to compete. The Core Contingency was released t.o stores recently, TA was released in late 1997.

Duke it out in the battlezone Battkmne Adivisioll by Dama


hp!nts~ Battlezone is one of the first games out in a new genre blending first person action with real-time strategy elements. Battlezone is also the name of a first person tank shooter that appeared in the 80s. A game called Uprising pioneered this approach last year and paved the way for others to follow. The premise of the game is that there is an alien technology in space chat is being desperately sought after by both the Americans and the Soviets. This seems like a

throwback to the good old days of the Red Scare. However, the plot suits the game as it pits two dedicated opponents against each other, with you on either side. I jumped into the American side and started the training missions, which prepared me for the assaults I would see later. The missions were fun and well laid out. What I did not like was the rigid structure the missions enforced. Battlezone has a somewhat difficult interface compared to oth’er games, and this is primarily because ic lets you do so much more

than others. The learning Battlezone is steeper

curve for than orher

games as well. Again, this is because you are in control of so much

more. You play the role of the acting commander of the forces at your disposal. You are responsible for the war in your sector. You must plan your offense and defense in order to defeat the enemy. Constructing and controlling units is essential. The twist to this game is that you can directly affect the outcome of the battle. Flying in your hover tank, you can engage the enemy yourself or vector units, or both. I really enjoyed being able to personally impact the battle with my skill. Another feature that has become incredibly popular is the dismounted use of the sniper rifle. You can get out

ofyour vehicle and snipe vehicles and persons from a great distance away. It is a very enjoyable part of the game. A recent graphics patch has been released to improve the looks of the game. The server was busy when I tried to download it. However, the game looks fine as it is. The sound is respectable, with recorded voices adding to the realism. Battlezone is one of the first of a new breed that brings excitement to computer gaming. New. genres are needed in order to liven up the typical fare some companies bring to the market. Activision has done just that with Battlezone, and the clones are sure cofollow.

Descend into the Great War Descent: Freespace IwhY

If you need a quick comparison to set you straight on what Freespace is like, think WingCommander. However, Descent does not have you fight the same tired alien cat men. Volition has come up with new alien races to pit your piloting skills against. The genre this title fits into is space combat. Freespacestartswithasuperb set of training missions, which are very helpful at getting you into both the game and the cockpit. Simple tactics and commands are taught, and the interface is ex-

plored so you won’t get eaten alive when the real fighting comes. You start the real missions fighting the Vasudans, a race of aliens that ehe Terrans have become hell bent on destroying. Once the two sides are deep into the war, another race using incredibly sophisticated technology steps into the fight. Freespace offers a great deal to the gamer. The graphics are quite sharp, with the colours being bright

and the lighting

metres long. And it is quite clear that the scale is correct when you

massive engines rumble past them. Extensivevoice

as you fly record-

fly past different ships. The sound is also well done, particularly the sounds of the massive ships. Having a subwoofer lets you hear their

ings are used to provide realism. The missions progress along a fairly straight line, with the premission briefing laying out very


The only time they faltered was on close inspection of space vessels, particularly the massive command vessels. The scale of size differences in Freespace is amazing. The box illustrates it quite clearly. A Terran light fighter is 11 metres long. A Terran Carrier is 2012

clearly what needs to be done. The briefing adds to the atmosphere of the game immensely. What is different between Freespace and many other games is the effect of the outcome of missions. You do not have to completely fulfil1 every task in every mission to win the game. You can even fail a mission and continue, but you will see the results soon if this continues. A great feature of Freespace that seperates it from the rest is the use of very capable wingmen to assist you in your missions, Overall, Freespace is a solid game that offers a lot of fun. Interplay’s motto is “by garners, for garners”. You can tell a lot ofeffort went into Descent: Freespace.

MeUastvxzn issyzwxting #is afkmuon thesfarsofthe



Ifyou hunyyuu can stilt catch him!

Campus Recreation3 end of term report Ice Hockey Well, another term has come and gone and with exams approaching, everything seems to be wrapping up. This was the last week of regular fitness classes (although the exam fitness schedule is posted), and league play-offs and other events heralded the end of the term. Here are the results for this terms competitive sports leagues.

Ice hockey is an all-season sport with 18 teams participating in the summer season. But the ice has finally melted at Columbia Lake, wrapping up ice hockey playoff action. Taking the A-League championship were Butch Goring’s Helmet with a commanding3-0 win over fmalists Betik’s Boys. In the.B-League final, the Worriers once again prevailed in an astounding 11-l win over the Genetic Puck-ups.


Ball The soccer season has almost come to a close with great playing and fantastic sportsmanship all around.The playoffs took place over the last two weeks, with the last final on Tuesday, July 28 for the C-League title between the Color Wolves and WCRI.Thi’s summer’s league had a turnout of 44 teams loaded with many talented players. I wonder if the turnout was due to World Cup Fever? The playoffs cook place over the last two weeksThe winners ofthe A-League Finals were the FC Airsuckers, who posted a 1-O win over GeOdsysdenine. The B 1 -League victory saw Grebel defeat Mints Fe 3-O and in the B2 Finals, the Barbarians defeated the Rolling Cores in a very close penalty kick shoot-out (or would it be kick-off?).


If you don’t like ice, ball hockey’s just as nice. The humidity surrounding the final ball hockey games this term did nothing to keep the finalists from fighting to the bitter end in three heart-stopping finals. The B2 championship was between the number 1 teamthe Pleasure Seekers-and the underdog last place team-F00 Bar. The Pleasure Seekers found their stride early in the game and never looked back, winning by a score of 1 l-7, The Bl finals pitted the first place team Tribe against the number 2 Fired Up. All in all it was a very intense game, filled with penalties on both sides, but in the end, it was Tribe that pulled away the victors, by a score of 1 l-3. In the A-League

finals, the reigning champs and number 1 team-Thrown Together-merged victorious with a 10-l result. Both leagues played impressively and clean all season.

Basketball The Campus Ret competitive basketbail league wrapped up last week with fast and furious final action. Many of the games were decided in the dying seconds (kinda like every Raptor game this year!). The fans certainly made their presence felt. It is safe to say that one engineering classMechgyver-dominated theCR bball league, with half of their class winning the A-League and theother halfwinning the B-League (see, smartpeoplecan play sports too!). The Mechgyver A-Team defeated Slush Puppies by a score 45-35. The Mechgyver B-Team followed suit by inching out Y by a score of SO-47 in the B2 final. In other action, Doctor Tongue slipped by Green Tom Show by a score of 4 l-39 in the Bl final and Lambs for the Slaughter won handily (although it was hardly a slaughter) against the Blood Clot Bad Boys, 33-25, for the B3 title. In the C-League finals, Piano Monster defeated Mathletics Marauders3325.

Slo-Pitch The slo-pitch season came to an excitingconclusion on Wednesday, July 16. After weeks of hard-fought struggles, the Beer Leaguers faced Conrad Grebel for the BLeague title, while Drumbo Revival and Tamarack Terror fought for the elite ALeague championship. In the B-League, the regular season champion Beef Leaguers had already lost to Conrad Grebel during the playoffs and were looking for revenge. The Beer Leaguers were determined to win and got off to a hot start that faded for a single inning. Conrad Grebel took full advantage and put together a five runs to win with a 5-4 victory, giving them the League B title. The A-League playoffs brought together the number 2 ranked TamarackTerror and Drumbo Revival after each team took turns edging the number 1 ranked Sultans of Swing. It was an intense game with the first run being scored in the fourth by Drumbo but it would eurn out to be all they needed after all. The 1-O victory gave Drumbo Revival ehe spring 19’38 Ho-Pitch Championship. All in all, a great season for all sports. Special thanks to the players, teams, refs and fansformakingthemostoutofCampus Ret!

Leaders of the Week

Liesje VanderWeg This Sarnia native has certainly made a reputation for herself in her four years at the University of Waterloo. Liesje, a kinesiology student, holds down two positions in Campus Ret-Lifeguard and Instructor. In addition to that, she was the social convener this term and implemented a variety of new activities with training swimmers by tracking their progress on a chart and giving out workouts. She is a real team player, covering 19 shifts for others plus her own shifts! She has extensive CR experience, with 6 terms of lifeguarding as well as being the Aquatics Co-ordinator under her belt. All in all, a great person and a great Ieader. Congratulations, Liesje!

ChrisMonterroso This mathie does double duty being both the Convenor and Umpire-In-Chieffor SloPitch, and has done an amazing job! He has umpired two-thirds of all league and playoff games and gave weekly updates to captains through e-mails. Chris is a reliable CR employee - accountable and on time and he gets the job done. Captains loved what he did this term: weekly articIe, great umpiring, organizing playoffs. His previous work withcampus Ret - Convenor/Ref-in-Chief for Flag Footbal certainly shows his experience and expertise. The league was successful, and it wouldn’t have gone so well without the hard work and dedication of Chris Monterroso. Good job, Chris!

Imprint Sports: Seeyou in September!!!’

Hillside festival rocks Guelph So much to do, so little time i l

somebody thought that thismight and sang and made ourselves very Hillside Festival happy people. If God likes to see not be enouglr. Guelph, Ontario people smile at one another, enWhat about workshops on a July 24 - 26 courage one another and make host of topics? What about an enroom for one another, then God tire area dedicated to hand drumby Sherry Thompson was probably very happy. ming? What about really tasty specih~ to hnpfint After the drum circle, I went to food? What about spoken word? riday night at Hillside bethe Island Stage and caught So the happy reveler can gan for me with Jimmy FIPPAD,aGuelph-based hip-hop/ choose (as I did) to plunk themGuthrie. Every piece was dance kind of thing that once or selves down in front of the Sun twice made me catch my breath Stage (the sound equipment is run impressive and engaging, but it with their lyrics. The crowd was up entirely on solar power) for two was slightly marred by the fact that between every song hours and listen to a varithere seemed to be ety of writers read from about three to five mintheir work. I especially enjoyed utes of sound checking. Judy Fong Bates’ short This resulted in a story.“Ghost Wives,” and crowd that would warm up by the end of a piece Cambridge native Kris Northy’s poetry accomonly to find themselves panied by the “The cooled off and let down Funky Po-treeTribe” on before the music began drums and guitar. again. I did’not have time By contrast, Punto eat lunch before I jabi by Nature had the headed over to the Afromainstagecrowd upand Japanese Percussion moving to their exquiJam, but that turned out site blend of dance and Yakudo’s Japanesedrumming sizedoesmatter. to be rather a blessing. I bhangra. photo bynff~Wompson~ (and the whole of the In front of the main Lake Stage crowd) stageonsaturday mornand dancing. jumped up and down for the solid ing, Fredrick Kwasi Dunyo led the Now the interesting thing hour that the Jam lasted. community drum circle. He inI was ready to collapse at the sisted that making music “makes about Hillside is that though there is a plethora of musical styles to endofit,butitwasahappyexhausGod happy.” choose from at any given moment, tion. So we danced and drummed


AsYakudowasoneofthebands featured in the jam, I made a point

I think Mike summed up the weekend when he said, “We are all


there is no audience out there,


Aside from the realization that some of my fellow


Photo bY TiffmY ThomPwn

to see them later on at the main stage. Their drumming is extremely stylized, and they were a visual as well as an aural pleasure. I highly recommend them. House of Velvet rocked. The audience danced themselves into a lather during the microphone check. I will see them again. You should too. On Sunday morning, Mike O’Conner hosted Wake Up It’s Sunday with Kinnie Starr, Liz Powell and Miranda Stone. This was a lot of fun.

1 drinking beer for breakfast (ugh), I felt a fantastic

sense of togetherness and cohesiveness that really stuck with me the whole day. Based on rumours that they were fantastic, I stayed longenough on Sunday evening to catch Amampondo, an African band that has been playing music together for eighteen years. They are amazing. We danced, we danced, we danced. Even thinking about them now, I want to dance. They said that they would be back next year. I recommend you buy your tickets nice and early.

Art’s greatest hits at AGO The Courtauld Collection Art Gallery of Ontario uztil Siqmdwr20 by Dan Zduuiah smcid fmmin



AGO’s marketing costs many times over. The list of featured artists reads like a register of the late 19th and early 20th century’s greatest painters:van Gogh, Monet, Renoir, Cezanne, Seurat and Degas. This

ith its latest mega-show, the Art Gallery will surelyconits status as the of Canadian art

ofOntario solidate flagship galleries. Thanks to some timely renovations at the Courtauld Institute ofArt in London, the AGO will be the temporary home to 80 impressionist and postimpressionist paintings and drawings, much to the delightofCanadiangallerypatrons-

When news of this arrangementwasdispatchedmdnymonths ago, public and mediaanticipation became a din. And sure enough, the response has been overwhelming, creating ti financial windfall that will no doubt recover the

is the kind of radiant star quaky that has managed to attract huge crowds during the eventful summer months. One can cast about for adjectives to describe these now eternally famous works, but ultimately it is up to the individual to experi-

ence them firsthand, not through sterile photographs. Most people will recognizt such classics as Manet’s “A Bar at the Folies Berg&e” ( lSSl-82) and Renoir’s “La Loge” (1874). In both these paintings, doleful-looking women seem resigned to unfulfilled, anxiety-ridden lives. Renoir’s technique is delicate and sensuous, featuring exquisitely soft brushwork. Other famous pieces include Mane t’s (then-shocking) “Le dkjeuner sur l’herbe” (1867) and the “Ballet Scene” (1874) by Dkgas. Monet’s “Vase of Flpwers” is asublime pleasure with itsviscous brush strokes and creamy colours. Another remarkable piece is Seurat’s “Young woman powdering herself’ (1888-90) which displays the Pointillist technique at

its most refined. It hasan airy, ebullient quality that suffuses the entire canvas. For those who like Cezanne, there are several medium-sized paintings on display. These works

primarily depict scenes of nature from his native region of Aix-enProvence in southern France, In a more risqu6 vein is Modigliani’s “Nude” of 1916, which helped usher in the phase of lured pornography that earned him notoriety.

On a more serious note is Toulouse-Lautrec’s “Jane Avril at the entrance of the Moulin Rouge”( 1892). The artist conveys a sombre mood through the forlorn woman’s expression and the dark urban setting, punctuated by vertical brush strokes that cascade down like an intense rainfall. These impressionist and post-impressionist works represent the bedrock of modern values out of which sprang the formal vocabulary of ZOthcenturyart. There is no discreet principle that unifies the Courtauld Collection other than a move toward subjective interpretation, a shift that forged a remarkably creative platform of artistic values. More than anything else, the Courtauld Collection demonstrates the personal visions ofgifted individuals whose fortunes waxed and waned during a tumultuous cultural period.



Friday, July 31, 1998


Nova burning bright Heather Lee’s

Nova Palace

July 21 by Frank




t was unfathomable why Heather Nova was at Lee’s Palace this Tuesday evening. Unfathomable, because this would be her third show at the same venue in three years, her only other area appearance being at UW’s own Bombshelter back in March of 19%. In a just world, her latest record, $im, would be multi-platinum, she would be selling out

so by Klaus






Massey Hall and headlining Lilith to the front of the stage in anticipaGirl.” When Heather finally apFair (sorry, Sarah). tion. Shortly thereafter, the band peared, resplendent in shiny silver For those unfamiliar with herwork, here’s a quick primer. Heather Nova is one of the most talented young singer-songwriters today. Unearthly vocals combine with baroquetinged mood rock. If there were any contemporary for her in terms of voice, vision or lyricism, it would be the late Jeff Buckley. HopeHeatherNova’sin the house. fully, Heather is a better 1993% @MN. Some highphoto by Frank Yang swimmer. End thoroughly lights iniluded the p&biased capsule. took the stage and began poundfeet pop of the current single, “LonBy 1 l:OO, fans were migr .ating ing out the opening of “I’m The don Rain,” the sultry groove of her


what% with all the. black?

for a weekend of music, clubbing, morose scenery and debauchery.


‘ith the advent of highvelocity information systems, counterand sub-culturesoftheworldhavemanaged to locate each other and establish common bonds. Possibly the best known and best connected of these underground cultural scenes is the net.goth scene. Spawned by Usenet groups like alt.gothic and a multitude of IRC channels, the net.goth community has managed to create a very large and wellconnected collective -_ -- across the planet out of the old post-punk music scene. Each year, for the past few years, net.goths from around the globe have been making an annual trek to a North American city

greatest hit (thus far), “Walk This World” and the gorgeous intimacy of “Paper Cup” -one of the most beautiful songs in recent years. The backing band was impressive. The guitars succeeded in recreating the textures and atmosphere of the album, while the bassist deserved full marks for covering Heather’s backing vocals as well as a 6’3” Englishman could hope to. The show’s second encore ended with a smouldering version of Bruce Springsteen’s “I’m On Fire.” It was the perfect way to end an evening that you wished would never end.

Coth Fashionshowat ConvergenceI. photo courtesy




This August, the black-clad masses will descend uponToronto.Known informally as a “Convergence,”

these loosely ordered but rigorously planned gatherings draw in the dedicated throngs from across the planet. It’s Toronto’s turn this time around, and things look promising for the fourth annual Convergence. Toronto has a healthy goth scene, the best byfarofanycanadiancity, and rival to that of larger American cities like Chicago and Boston, so it’s time the city got its due. Forthe uninitiated, the “modern” goth scene evolved out of the old British punk scene, with bands like Bauhaus, the SistersofMercy and Siouxsie and the Banshees leading the charge. The scene evolved throughout the 198Os, moving outward from its punk roots into glam, world, and other directions with acts like Gene Loves Jezebel, Dead Can Dance and Fields of the Nephilim, Its fans

remained dedicated throughout the years, as newer acts sprouted up -from the tried-and-true goth sound of bands like Rosetta Stone to the more ethereal and ephemeral sounds of bands like Lycia. Those who consider themselvespartof the nascent net.goth community are usually pretty easy to spot as well - the black clothing, the (usually) black or darklydyed hair, as well as a proclivity for sarcastic attitudes and a fondness for computers and the Internet. This year promises to be no different, promising tours of Casa Loma, a trip to the Ex and a midnight scavenger hunt across the city, as well as a fashion show and an avalanche of music. The live acts featured this year include Projekt recording artists Faith and the Muse, Chicago’s My Scarlet Life, and Canadian acts An

April March, Rhea’s Obsession and Masochistic Religion, as well as DJs from all over-among them, Greg Clow from CIUT (UniverSityofToronto), CKMS’s own DJ Antithesis, DJ Marylace from Philadelphia (who spun at last year’s Danse Macabre festival) and Tapestry, hailing all the way from Oregon. Sounds interesting? Then get out your finest, blackest clothing and your dancin’ shoes; tickets are still available, but not for long. For more information, consult the official Convergence 4 web site: http://www.interlog.coml -converg4/ as well as other resources like http://www.goth.org/ and the Gothic Events list (send email to listserv@necroni.com with “subscribe ONTgoth-L” in the message body to subscribe).

There’s two things about Marv


There’s Something About Marv directed by Peter ‘and Bobby Farrelly Fuim’m ciby Rob



/mpn;ntstaf T

t’s been a long time since a movie has come out that has the ability to knock people off their seats based purely on shock value, T~e~e’sSo79-c@~~ingA~tc~M~~ is one of those movies. Not to give the movie away, but we get family jewels bezippered, @&year-old sun-dried breasts, lost sperm and enough stalking to keep evenfack the Rippersatisfied. The characters, except for Mary, are truly pathetic individuals. Ben Stiller, as Ted Stroehmann, is a complete loser who carries on a 13-year love affair without Mary even knowing; Matt Dillon is pathologically lying pond-scum Pat Healy; Chris Elliott is Ted’s wimpish friend, Dom; and Lee Evans is Mary’s nasal architect friend, Tucker. Cameron Diaz is


the super-cool beauty, Mary. Throughout the two-hour movie, the disgusting, vile, pathetic, immature, offensive and raunchy displays show a chintzy, overplayed story of a few guys’ obsessions with a woman. The battle that ensues between the men is the basis for the plot for most of the movie. Some of the best scenes are those that the Farrelly brothers take right up to the line and then without warning leap completely across. It’s that sort of shock value that makes this a movie. Everybody knows what it is like to have that kind of love where we go slightly insane because we are totally head over heels about somebody. Producer Frank Beddor believes that “there is a sweetness here that separates this movie from other broad, gross-out comedies. It’s very universal.” Stiller proclaims, ‘&There are going to be some people who are a bit offended by this movie. Then again, some people will be gratified to see that somebody’s finally putting something up on the screen that is tasteless!”

There ‘s SomehilpgAboatMary is an awesome album of pure pop. The line-up consists of The Dandy Warhols, the Propellerheads, Ben Lee, Ivy, The Lemonheads, Lldyd Cole, Danny Wilson, Joe Jackson, newcomers The Push Stars, unsigned band Zuba and The Foundations’ classic, “Build Me Up Buttercup.” t --- --a 1 F I The highhgnt 01 the soundtrack, though, is three new songs from modern rock legend Jonathan Richman, who founded the influential band Modern Lovers back

the Darkness,” all of which he performs in the movie as a roving bard who comments on the fate of our heroes. The Dandy Warhols’ bouncy pop ballad, “Everyday Should Be A Holiday,” the second single from the band’s ‘97 debut, T’e Dandy Warhols Come Down and the Propellerheads’ single, “History Repeating,” featuring Goldfinger singer Shirley Bassey, are almost worth the price of the CD by themsehes. However, to make it even more tempting, Joe Jackson’s ‘79 new wave hit, “Is She Really Going Ou t With Him?” from hisLoo,4 Sharp album, together with The Foundations’ two ‘681’69 Top 40 hits, “Baby Now That I’ve Found You” and “Build Me Up Buttercup,” round out the album nicely. Other notables on the sound-

in the ’70s as a tribute


by Rob




m his love of

the Velvet Underground and Lou Reed. Besides the title song, Richman has two other songs, “True Love Is Not Nice” and a . d-UT ** TX,, /*, T,*, newverslonor LE;L~E;KUO~~~O




Lemonheads, Danny Wilson and Lloyd Cole. This album is a great collection of music that is perfect for the caroi the beach or even an end-ofterm party.

by David /mpn’ntdf


Well, what can I say? I dreaded writing this review, because honestly, I’m not sure what I can tell you about this band that you don’t already know. I mean, if you’ve heard of The New Grand, you already know that their clean guitar sounds and vocal harmonies make them one of the strongest acts on the Sonic Unyon Label (except, obviously, for Sianspheric, all hail!). Catchy riffs and quality vocals are still present onlncogttito, but unfortunately, The New Grand are destined to remain college radio faves. When will the people learn? When will they learn that Canadian music goes above and beyond Our Lady Peace or The Tragitally Hip? Enough. I just get so frustrated when another quality release is destined to be appreciated exclusively by the indie ghetto, just because it is on an independent label. Edge102 and their corporate bedfellows will ig-

nore this, just like they ignore anything worthwhile because they have somehow determined that 54-40, ‘Moist, OLP and the Tea PartycompriseCanadianContent. Aargh! If you want to hear quality Canadian, you’re just going to have to buy this disc yourself.

by Rachel /mp/lrotsti

E. Beattie

The debut disc from Starling, a three-piece-band from Ottawa, is a joy to listen to. If you haven’t heard of them yet, don’t worry, you

PRENTICE HALL Que, Sams, Ziff-Davis, New Riders, Waite Group, Adobe %ess, Hayden, Brady and mwe .* l

4vailable at:

50 I.hmsity WWW.


will. The band consists of Ian Lefeuvre on guitar and vocals, Jon Reilly-Roe on bass and Peter Von Al then on drums. The three blend together well to create a sound that is tight and focused, a major achievement for a first-time effort. Although there are echoes of other Canadian bands in Starling’s music, the band has a distinctive style all their own. The dreamy guitar on the bubbly song “On the Surface” makes you feel like you are floating, And the upbeat drumming on the incredibly catchy song “Delusional” just makes you want to.get up and dance. However, there is more to Starling than just catchy riffs and irresistible hooks. Songwriter Ian Lefeuvre writes intelligent songs with amazing emotional honesty.


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Mon. to Fri. 1 O-9 : Sat. 10-6 : Sun. W-5

The songs speak of rejection, unspoken feelings and one-sided relationships. The song “Superfrayed” is great for anyone who has endured a one-sided relationship, as Lefeuvre sings: “You let me go assume I mean more to you than I really do.” Other memorable lyrics are *‘In theory it’ll all be somewhat better/when you grow tired of dissing me/you resign to listen to me (not too likely)” and ‘*why should I leave here when I’ve been here so long/my heart’s not made . that strong.”

Committee (nominated for bestever label name by yours truly), I couldn’t ask for more from a band . . . except for great music. The Weakerthans deliver.

Best defined as power-pop not to show a sensitive side, Fallow ranges from the Lou Reedesque “Illustrated Bible Stories for Children” and “None of the above” to the borderline punk sounds of “Confessions of a futonrevolutionist,” every one of which will leave you begging for more. Strictly in terms of music, it’s easy to hear a bit of treble charger’s sound in the band. A caveat with this one: if you are a treble charger fan, don’t expect to hear a bunch of major label-loving mama’s boys; expect to be blown away. Another quote from their CD liner sums it up: “Weak things have power.” Tom Wayman.


“‘cause I saw it on TV / and they were selling pieces of heaven/and he thought, well how can this be?/ What in the hell are they thinking.” The subtle percussion and string accompaniment is fantastic. “Universe,” the CD’s title track, again stars her voice. A very relaxing piece, it makes one want to hear nothing bu t her soft, sweet vocals. The sixth track is completely different from the first five. It’s “Pie Jesu,” a classical piece by Fat& in which Slean goes a Capella. On track 23, she’s back to her familiar piano-pop style with “John XXIII.” Way down on the CD is the final track, a cover of Radiohead’s “Climbing Up the Walls.” Although her music has drawn comparisons to Tori Amos, this singer-songwriter’s styte is definitely her own. If you’re looking for great vocals, interesting lyrics and absolutely killer piano, pick up a copy ofuniverseas soon as you can.

by Tony Mohr speu’alto hpfint

by Paul Schreiber Im~htstti If you’re saying “Sarah who?” you won’t be for much longer. Toronto-based singer-songwriter Sarah Slean’sdebut CD, which hit the shelves in May, contains some of the best new music I’ve heard. Combining the six tracks from her cassette EP ofthe same name with two hidden bonus songs, Uniwme doesn’t let you down. Slean demonstrates good range with her clear, piercing voice and flowing piano melodies. She takes it slow and soft in “I know,” a sad song about pain and oppres-

by David Eby ImpfAntstaff “Long live the small and independent. Death to superstores is inscribed on the everywhere,” inside jacket of Fallow. Amen, I say. Led by ex-Propaghandi bass player John Samson, the Weakerthans define what is best

Five years after their fast studio album, Irish band Hothouse Flowers has reappeared on the music scene as a trio, minus their former drummer and saxophonist. Born, released in May 1998, features a few hints of an attempt by the band to try to sound relevant to a fate-nineties audience: there are programmed drums and some experimentation with effects. However, mostofthe songs sound like conventional mid-to-late ’80s pop music. There is a beautifully designed album cover, but relative to other nineties-period CD art, the album liner is an example of an extremely poor use of space; it has ten panels that are completely blank. In some ways, especially in songwritingstyle, Hothouse Flowers sounds like an Irish version of the Canadian band the Skydiggers. “Forever More,” perhaps the song most like the Skydiggers, highlights the band’s use of vocal harmony and country-rock instrumentation. At times, Hothouse Flowers sounds like what U2 might have sounded like if that band had not progressed






sion. In track, she tells the angel. You her voice

“Angel,” my favourite picks up the tempo and story of buying her pet can hear the emotion in throughout the chorus:


so effectively



-era roots. Overall, the album has some listener-friendly songs. If you are interested in listening to a rather traditional-sounding rock album, this album should deliver. Otherwise, save your cash.



Friday, July 31, 1998

been resigned once again to obscurity. The bills on his table and growing anxiety sitting

at home with nothing to do forced him out

fmprlht5tti by Rob


Monster Magnet definitely aren’t on Prozac. Dave Wyndorf finished off touring “DopesTo Infinity” in 1996 and turned on the radio to find rock music had changed. Everyone was unplugged, and hard rock had

Are you Spanish ? Do you wish you were? If so, you might enjoy the flamenco guitar of Jesse Cook. Each and every song on his CD tells a story. Come, listen. Think only of Jesse -a man and his guitar. Hear Mr. Cook’s fingers deftly working his instrument’s strings(in spite ofthis review’s melodrama, I implore you to take it seriously). The first track is light and playful. Let the melody of “That’s Right!” tease you. It

by Chris



tu fmprht

I was initially drawn to both of these albums through the recognition of their labels: Cup



and their


uter, Iron Music. A Bristol-based label, Cup of Tea Records specialize in “slo-mo beat excursions and weirdelic sound collages.” 1 have found previous albumson this label by Receiver and Statik Sound System absosuperb beats with plenty lutelyfancasticof variety to move them along.

again to write his mind. “You can’t be happy with them,” says Wyndorf of record companies. “Power Trip” is the product of a trip to Las Vegas, “the belly of the beast” according to Wyndorf. In Las Vegas he discovered corruption in its purest state. He forced himself to get up every morning to write a song before going to town. By the end of the trip he had 21 songs about the miseryofhumanity and himself. “It’s a diary of where my heart and mind was at for a certain time.” “Power Trip” is riff-heavy guitar rock song. Wyndorf s voice is eerie, perfect for the sarcastic satanic O>ock style J%nster Magnet has. Lyrics are intelligent for the most part, andthe music is easy to listen to. Produced by Dave Wyndorf and Matt Hyde (Porno for Pyros, Soul Asylum), the album is clean and interesting. Wyndorf does some experimentingwith sound, but it remains mostly muted background noise. Almost everytrackon this album is hard and fast. “Space Lord,” the first single, is fairly representative of the album. “Your Lies Become You” is a slow, depressing song appropriate to wrap up the album. speaks of a new horizon.. . a new discovery + . . perhaps even a new love. And you take your amour, daring to engage in a fanciful duel-perhapsadance, orchallengeofsorts amid the ruins of “The Byzantium Under. .. ground.” Listening to “Cancion Triste” (that’s “Sad Song” for you gringos), you will be reminded of the lover who left you. Perhaps you were abandoned for another.. . perhaps not. But what does it matter? You have nothing. Forget the fervent longing to survive simply live . . . or merely exist. Stay. Wallow in your pain. Once again you have been spurned. Once more, your love denied. Your heart is broken. You truly are “Breathing Below Surface,” as this new abandonment has left you absolutely numb, “Allegretto” asks you to take a look around you. Find happiness. There is beauty in everything, if only you will open your eyes. As for “Vertigo,” the single for which this CD is named, its message is simpIe: There is atways a new horizon. Be prepared to embrace it. On the final track, Holly Cole accompanies Cook on his rendering of Sting’s “Fragile.” One cannot help wondering how this song would have sounded with anothervocalist. Instead, Cole sounds overly articulated, when a deeper level of sensuality is demanded by Cook’s scintillating guitar. Overall, Jesse Cook’s IGtiigo makes for a satisfying adventure. Pendulum and Finger, however, fail to meet these preset label standards. Both bands have produced albums under the guise of ambient music, but really it’s just repetitive. What lacks in both is the drive of Receiver’s heavy and innovative bass lines and Statik Sound System’s variation. Finger and Pendulum seem to hide behind the trance paradigm but overlook the need for “feel.” The music is lifeless and hard to listen to in its entirety. The same shit, different package, if you ask me. My only positive criticism lies with Finger in their shortfall attempt to breathe life into lifeless



their medio-

cre use of boring bass lines. Little more can be said for these two groups. For a 1abeI of this calibre to be marred by these two non-visionaries is truly a step backwards in the exciting advancements being made in electronic music today,


’ Who’s Coming Gravity Kills’ : Batk

Lee% Palace

Buy$Tiibe C. Quest Mdsan Park

L.&h Fair

‘. ‘. Girls Against Bays 1--- -


A >-

lYc3t4 England


Aug. 2 Aug, 15

Matson Amp,

Aug. 15

Opera House

Aug, 17

UW Fine Arts


Grant Lee Buffalo/Killjoys Opera Hm~se

Aug. 26

Alice Cooper


Aug. 28

Violent Femmes


Aug. 28

K’s Choice

Opera Huuse

Sept. 1

B.B. King; -Blues Festival

Molson Amp.

Sept. 1


Sept Z&3


Oct. 23




Stompin’ Torn Connors



Employment available - reliable, mature animal lover needed for relief work with busy pet-sitting business. Must have car. Call Lynn at 742-0175, ext. 1. Weekend Counseiio~ and Relief Staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Experience, minimum 8-month commitment, paid positions. Send resume to Don Mader, KW Habilitation Services, 108 Sydney Street, S., Kitchener, On., N2G 3V2.

Tmvei-teach English: 5 day/40 hr (Toronto/London) TESOL teacher certification course (or by correspondence). 1,000’s of jobs available now! FREE information package, toll free l888-270-2941.

Participants needed for market research. Must have past computer experience and be 18+. Honorarium $30 for l/2 hour of your time. For more details, please call 888-7465, ext. 449.

Do you need help with your typing? If so call Sandra 884-4885. School papers, resumes, etc.

Ride needed from Hamilton-Waterloo (Resurrection College). Will share gas expenses. E-mail: ao362@hwcn.org. Call (905) 388-7 130.

House for rent - $1 ,15O/mo. inclusive. 4 rooms, located at 27A Peppler Street. Sept. 1,12 month lease. Contact Scott at (416) 361-3594.

Applications for the following awards are being accepted during the Spring term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall. ALL FACULTIES: Paul Berg Memoriol Award available to students who are involved in extrocurricular MUSIC activities on campus; must have minimum ‘B’ average. Deadline: October 30, 1998. FACULTY OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES: Ross and Doris Dixon Aword - available to all 28 and 4A for financial need und academic achievement. Deadline: October 15, 1998. Andrea Fmser Memorial Schoiarship - available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: October 15, 1998. Kate Kenny Memorial Award - available to 4A Kinesiology with an interest in rehabilitative medicine. Deadline: Octaher 30,1998. Warren Lavery Memorial Award available toYear 2 Kinesiology. Deadline: October 15,1998. d

Ron May Memorial Aword - ovailable to 4A R&&on and Leisure. Deadline: October 15,1998. FACULTY OF ARTS: Quintext English Award - available to 4A English. Deadline: September 30, 1998. UW-Manulife Community & World Senrice Award - available to students who have completed a work-term in the service of others, locally, nationally or abroad who received little or no remunerotion. Interested students should contact Arts Sepcial Programs, HH.


Conadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship - available to all. Deadline: October 15, 1998. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Award - available to all Civil and Mechanical students with an interest in Building Science. Students to contact B. Neglia in Civil Engineering. Ontario Hydro Engineering Awards - available to 18 Chemical, Electrical, Environmental or Mechanical. Eligible candidates will be women, aboriginal (native) Canadians, persons with disabilities or visible minorities. Deadline: July 31, 1998. Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship - available to all 1B and 28 based onextracurricular and marks. Deadline: July 31, 1998. FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES: I.O.D.E. Applied Ecology Award available to students in 4A. Deadline: September 30, 1998. Lorne H. Russwurm Memorloi Award - available to Year 2, 3 or 4 Geography undergraduates who began their studies as a mature student; iased on marks and financial need. Deadline: October 30. 1998. FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS: Bell Sygma Computer Science Award - available to 4A Computer Science. Deadline: October 30,1998. ICC. Lee timputer Science Scholarship - available to 28 Computer Science. Deadline: October 30,1998. Sun Life of Canada Award - available to 2B Actuarial Science. Deadline: November 30, 1998.

SUNDAYS Fass Writers Meetings: this is your chance to contribute to UWs own home-groan musicat-comed stt& just come out and have 1: Yeats theme is Conspiracies. born* one, come all. Meetings are at 7:30 .m. in Modern Languuges, room 104 Room). See you PFacuhy Common there! MONDAYS Outer Club Genemi Meetin s every Monday in room ES1-350 at 6:?I 0 p.m. See http://watservl .uwaterloo.ca/ -0uters WEDNESDAYS Fass Writers Meetin s: this is your chance to contribute to & sown homegroan musical-corned show (or just come out and have r un). This yeat’s theme is Conspiracies. Come one, come all. Meetings are at 7:30 p.m. in Modern Languages, room 104 (Faculty Common Room). See you there!

TRELLIS, the new Library systems began May 5. Check out the website for further info at http://www.tuglibraries.on.ca Continuing Education, UW presents “Jewish History and Culture in Central Europe”August 16 to Septem ber 2,1998. This program is sponsored by the department of History with the cooperation of Continuing Education. The program offers the opportunity to travel in Central Europe and to learn about the history of the Jewish experience in Europe. The program will consist of lectures, informal group discussion and visits to historic sites. This Travel/Study program may be taken for degree credit or for interest. For info contact Continuina Ed office. Niagam College is seeking the community’s help to locate its 2,000 grads from the Business Administration programs from the past 30 years to help celebrate the opening of its new Glendale campus in the Fall. Call (905) 735-2211 for info. Residents are reminded to set out their Blue Boxes in a visible location to ensure that the boxes can be seen by the recycling program drivers. For info 88351 SO,

Conrad Grebei announces the J.William and Sarah Dyck Scholarship for Russian Mennonite Studies. A (maximum) $500scholarshipwitl beawarded to a student who is either enrolled in the Diploma of Mennonite Studies program at Grebel or has produced a publishable research paper about the RussianMennonite experience from the beginning of World War 1 to the end of the Soviet Period. Contact the office of the Academic Dean of Conrad Grebel College for further info.



Saturday, August 1,1998 Woolwich Fire Fighters are hosting the CKNX Born Dance at the St. Jacobs Arena. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., show is from 8 to 9:30 D.m. For info call Glare 664-37 11 or Lo& at 669-4880. Sunday, August 2,1998 Woolwich Fire Fighters are hosting Fire Fighters Association of OntarioConvention, Parade and Games. Parade begins p.m.

at 9:30




at 1 :oO

at St. Jacobs. For info call Clore at 664-3711 or loel at 669-4880. Wednesday, August $1998 Used Clothing Safe - happening today and August 6 from 10 a,m. to 3 p.m. in the Student Life Centre. Any student who wishes to sell their used clothing, books or plants can come to the Turnkey Desk and sign up for a free



TLC The Laser Centre Inc., in conjunction with UW School of Optometry, is delighted to announce the opening of TLC Waterloo. The new site is now open to provide free consultations for anyone interested in pursuing refractive surgery as a method of correction for nearsightedness, farsightedness and/or astigmatism. For more info or to schedule your free consultation, contact Beth Hahn at: TLC Waterloo, UW, School of Optometry, Columbia Street, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, tel.: 888-4502 or fax 88&1348...or ask your eye care professional if YOU are a candidate for Laser Vision Cdrredion. Gardens of Tomorrow Proiect Garden Tool Drive - Cambridge Food Bank have the opportunity to utilize a piece of land to grow organic vegetables. Rakes, shovels, hoes, towels and buckets are needed. If you have extra please contact Pat Singlet& 622-6550. New hours for Recycle Cycles (starting June 17). Volunteers: Wednesday from 4 to 8 p.m. ; Thursday 3 to 8 p-m. ; Friday 1 to 6 p.m. Community Repair Days Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (volunteersarewelcometoo!) WPIRG 888-4882. Infinite Circle - an alternative spirituality student club at UW. For more info call 888-7271 or dlzpapiz@artsmail.uwaterloo.ca Victorian Summer Teas! Woodside National Historic Site will be hosting Teos August 2, 13,20 and 27th at 2:00 p.m. For reservations and info call 57 I-5684.

table. You need to leave your watcord the day of your sale. Thursday, August 6,1998 KIW Chamber Music Society presents “New Berlin Ensemble” at 8 p-m. at the KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young Street, W., Waterloo. Phone 886-l 673 for reservations, info. Wednesday, August 12,1998 The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare. Presented by Raven Block Productions at the Bandshell in Waterloo Park. The play runs from August 12 to the 15 at 7 p.m. Matinee at 2 p.m. on August Tuesday, August 25,1998 The Board of Directorsof the Waterloo community Arts Centre is seeking nominotions. Directors will be elected at the Annual General Meeting, September 16,

For further information on any of the opportunities listed below, site the # following the title when you call Sue at the Volunteer Action Centre at 7428610. Feel free to tell your friends about these opportunities.(http:// www.worldchat.com/public/kitchener/ vacfiles.vac. htm) Unicef Needs You! #192-389 Three positions open...Retail Store Manager, Administration Co-ordinator for volunteer programs or a 2 month projectorganizing Halloween Coin Box Campaign. Patience Pius # 119- 1440 - Friendly patient volunteers are needed at a ret centre in Waterloo on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays to schedule transportation for seniors. A commitment of one morning Q week, preferably for a year. Parents and Babies Need Friends .., #049-l 180 - Parents with a newborn sometimes need a friend at their side who will provide emotional support, !ink them with community resources and help with childcare. Patience, compassion, flexibility and a love for babies are required. Summer Swimming #064-l 039 Help make the summer more enioyable for a child or young adult with a physical and developmental disability. Refreshments and Reassurance #074-2356 - Friendly volunteers are needed to provide assistance to blood donors at the local blood donor clinic. Terry Fox Run Volunteers #1192348 -Volunteers are needed on Sunday, Sept. 20 from l-4 p.m. to help with registration, marshaling area, along the route and at water stations. A training event will be held during the week prior to the event. The City of WaterlooVolunteer Services, 888-6488, is currently recruiting for the following volunteer positions: “Office Volunteer” - for a busy office to answeer phones, takes messages on Mondays from 11~30 a.m. to 1 p.m. “Dionysia Festival Volunteers” I reeded in September for the Greek Festival held at Moses Springer Arena. “Volunteer Drivers & Shoppers” - volunteers are urgently needed to drive seniors to medical appointments, shopping, recreational and meal programs. Flexible hours, mileage reimbursed. Must have reliable transportation. “Games Room Attendant” - volunteers are needed to help run and play games at Moses Springer Community Centre.

1998 to serve for a two-year period. Forward resume, 30-word biography for the meeting program and o cover letter to emphasize artistic interests to Nomination Committee, Waterloo Community arts Centre, 25 Regina Street, S., Waterloo, ON, N2J 1 R8 by today. Friday, August 28,1998 Today is the deadline for submilting all Campus BulletinKlassifieds to Imprint for the Fresh Issue. Please drop OH at the Student Life Centre, room 1 1 16 between 9 a.m. to 5 p+m. Email info to ads@imprint.uwaterloo.ca

Tuesday, September General Meeting for al


I experienced rowers [at least one season of rowing) from 5 to 6 p.m., North Campus Meeting Room in the Columbia Recreation Centre.

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