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The University of Waterloo Student Newspaper Friday, November 15, 1996

Volume 19, Number 18

CDN Pub. Mail Product Sales Ameement No. 554677

Leaders of the P c k Part 11: The National Championship


kicked by the sprinters in the group. Natalie Cote havine finished 4th at 0WIAAssclawed her wi& backand caught e last time a U W athena varsity Dibaugh, trading leads back and forth team won a national championship preparing for the home stretch. Cote in any sport was back in 1972. The outkicked Dillabaugh (17:57) an the final last time until November 9, 1996 that is. downhill-winning in a time of 1754. ehtdsorc line three seconds Onc Tcam-Tm Gina&. That was the Dillabaugh motto for this year'sAthena Cross Country later, a&eving a strong second place finteam. Two weeks ago, on a warm, sunny ish. UBCs Lori Durward finished third day inKingstonthefirstgoalwasarcom- (17:59), two seconds behind Dillabaugh. LeRoy and lastyear's CIAU champion plished by winningtheir b t ever OWIAA Missy McClcaryofWindsorWere6ghting title. Last Saturday, in extremely cold and itoutdoselybehind, hotonthehetlsof w d y M o d weather conditions, the Dillabaughandcute.McCkaryandLcRoy Athena Cross Country team set UW ath- bzolrtthclinoinfouahaadfifthplace letic history by winning their first ever finishes respecdvely (LtRoy bcttcriagher national title in Cross Country on Mount previous CIAU pchmance from ninth placelast year). 'Ihctopfivcathlaes braise Rayal. AfkrgQiqfieamunran)Fadto,win- thepdouscolll~~recordscebackinl~ Kim Laagton was dac third Athma to ningtheOWIAA'sandgainingthenumk onerankinginCanada,theAthenasYsec- ctoss the line in 13th placc. Iangton ran theraceofhal&,bcatingseveralofthe ond goal tbr the year became a reality. It rained non-stop for three days be- O W I M All-Sears. Sepanta Dorri comthe race in a strom 23rd lace finish. fotc the race, makiag the 5K course a wet ~leted butkidring and disph& five *key mud bath. Several drains had overflowed leaving tist flowing rivers, sink holes and firom thc opposing teams on the home one smallwaterfillas obstacles. Adversity, stretch. Coach McFarlane held his breath & however, 0 t h brings out the best in true champions, and the Athtnas rose to the Waterlooystop tbur runners crossed the occasion once again. Stated prior to the line, waiting for the final counter of the race, "It will either be d y tight or we'll team to complete the course. That final counter onceagain proved to be Kim Ross win by a lot." They won by a lot. 'RE Athenas acheived a margin of finishingin46th placr--undoubtedly W s victory of 17 points over the powerfid Rookie of the Year. Lynn Coon (previously a UW cheerGutlphGryphons.McGiiUBC,andWescern romQed off the top five, with a 17 leader and another rookie), proved her point spread between the teams. The aggressiveness by picking herself up ,& Athenas keyed in on Guelph at the b c i n g s p i k e d a n d t h r o ~ 1 1 t o t h e ~ i n Provincialsand again at the Nationals, and t h e h 5 0 0 m c a r s , ~ i n a n i m p r e s asCoachBrcntMcFarlanenotd,"thcydid sive 66th place. Coon will be aa cxcellcnt thesamewithus. Theywereoneofthefkw addition to UW's Cross Country tcam in teams that gave us the respect we deserved theyearstocome Amy Juvis followad doscly behind, this season, and we supportedoneanother complttingtheficldfortheUWrunnersin all scason long." The team's strategywas to go out hard 74th place. Jarvis has been a true inspiraand take immediate control of the race. tion to the entireteam for h a dedicationto This proved verysucccss11as there was an both swimming and running throughout enormous amount ofpushing and danger- theentireseason. AficrtheraceColch ousgroundinthefirst500moftherace. McFarlane noted that "all seven of these girls w a r responsible fbt turning a possiEvayone went out tist. SarahDillabaugh pushcdthcpaceand ble nail biter into a comfbmble margin of ledthcpaclrforthefirstpmofthe2X2.5 victory." ItralrcsscvcnpcopletomakeaCrossInnloop. Judith LcRoywasplacedwellin thc~~ofrunnerswithKimLangtonCountry team. Eachindividual~~trisas dosebehind. Walfwaythroughthefirst important as the next. In order to make a loop the runners doubled badc on each National winning team, each team manother and that gave us a real boosc" ber must give 110% of chemsehns mryWarlane added. "Judith and Sarah have day, inevery practice and every race. Ifone beengreat leaders and when the rest ofthe person fids, the team fids. If seven people teamcouldsethowwelltheywererun- dedicateanddcvott thtmsclvestonlnning, the result is a Cross-Country CIAU ning, it gave them confidence." Dillabaugh broke h m the runners Championship. just Wore the first loop, opening up a 20 For more on the CUU champion meter lead. Dillaba* had to make this Athenas,seepage 16. move carly, in ordcr to avoid getting outby the Athena Cross Country team special to Imprint




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NEWS: Professor formerly dismissed by U W for sex harrassment is reinstated.........................................Pag

PBATURBS:Economists beware! Imprint discusses state of our civilization with John Ralston Sad....page

SPORTS:Warriors offense shut down by red-hot Guc

defence in 23-13 Yates Cup ddeat.. ........................Page


ARTS: What? A Republican with a sense humour?..................................................................I?%e



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_Professor reinstated UW faculty member cleared of sexual harassment . by Greg Krafchick Imprint staff university professor fired for sexual harassment two years ago will be einstated, following the decision of an outside adjudicator. The professor, whose name is being withheld by the university, was fired following the complaints of three women, comprising both stti and students at UW. According to university policy, any professor dismissed as such has the right to appeal to an outside adjudicator. This person, Pamela Pichet, found that the professor should be reinstated, and required to get counselling for one year. She determined that the conduct of the professor was %ot of such a serious nature asto render the faculty member ciearly unfit to hold a tenured


appointment.” This fmding does little to assure UW student leaders. Kellv Folev. Vice President Education, expressid he; &sdain at the university’s ability to deal with complaints of harassment, as detailed in University Policy 53. She said that given an outcome like this and other controversial cases like the Professor Kumar situation, the chances are less likely that people will have faith in the University to solve such situations ?Ihe university provides no confidence to students that their complaints would be dealt with,” Foley said. Foley blames the problems on what she seesas the University% inaction on revising Policies 33 and 53, dealing respectively with ethics and harassment. ‘Why have we known for years that there have been con-

cerns with Policy 33 and 53 and nothing has been done about it?” she asked. In fact, two years ago there was a committee struck to deal with harrassment and discrimination on campus. Their report, in Foley’s view, has been “sitting on the shelf,” and shows that the university seems unwilling to tangibly change anything. The university administration appear to be satisfied with the outcome however. The method by which the professor was dismissed was called “a ftir and rigorous process” by Len Guelke, a UW professor appointed by the Faculty Association as an observer at the appeal hearings. Guelke said that the appeal was argued over twelve days, using all of the conventions of nahxal justice. Both the university and the professor were represented by coun-

allegations cil, and witnesses were called, questioned, and cross-examined. ccIt was a carefully considered judgement in which the adjudicator carefXy weighed the evidence presented during the hearings,” Guelke said. In fact, Guelke said that the original news release distributed by the UW administration was misleading, in that it gave the impression that the allegations had some substance. He went on to say that; in his view, “If the adjudicator had thought the allegations were true, the outcome would have been merent.” The professor, in keeping with miversity policy, has effectively been under suspension with pay for two years pending the adjudicator’s decision. This ruling is binding, and cannot be appealed further.

You’d better Shop around by Peter bnardon Imprintstaff ne of the Federation of Students’ longest running businesses is in its final term. By Christmas, the Campus Shop wil! liquidate all of its inventory and cease operations instead of celebrating its thirtieth anniversary. The Federation of Students has not yet decided what kind of business will fill the prime retail space on the lower level of the Student Life Centre. Federation ofstudents President,Mario Bellabarba explained that the Fed Board of Directors decided on October 23 to close the Campus Shop because of its poor financial performance in recent years. In the last fiscal year, the Campus Shop experienced a net loss of $30,000. This year it was budgeted to lose $10,000, but as of the summer it appeared as though the loss for this year would be as high as $17,000. Bellabarba said it was the intention of the Board of Directors to avoid another loss of $30,000. Stfiat the Campus Shop have yet to receive formal notification oftheir termination, however they will likely receive notice and a severance package in accordance with University of Waterloo personnel regulations. Rosemary Hawthorne, manager of the Campus Shop, is upset about the shop’s closure, questioning the wisdom of the Board of Director’s decision and the Feds’


handling ofthe situation. Hawthorne stated that the construction of the Student Life Centre was a period of serious disruption and revenue reduction for the Campus Shop, and that it was not given enough time to recover. “I think that any new business needs more than a year to establish itseK..Fed Hall has lost a lot of money. I don’t seethem getting rid of that.” Hawthorne said she first heard about the possible closure of the Campus Shop in May, 1996. She emphasizedthedifEcultyof operating a business with the threat of closure looming in the near future. “I think they are selling out the students,” said Hawthorne, who foresees a price increase in Uvv apparel at other locations. However,MayYanfromtheUWShop in South Campus Hall denies that prices will increase. “No. I can tell you right now that prices will not go up? She added that the UW Shop’s prices do not change according to the number of businesses in the UW apparel market. But the question of what to do with a retail space that students have paid for, and continue to pay for, remains. The Student Life Centre Management Board will decide what kind of venture will occupy the Campus Shop’s current digs. Some alternatives

soon to be cld

for good photo

mentioned by Bellabarba include the opening of a clothing store by an outside business br a tuxedo rental/graduation photo store, however no decision has been made to date. The SLC Management Board is looking for a tenant to occupy the space for the long term, beginning inMay 1997, with a temporary business operating in the Campus location for the winter 1997 term. The Campus Shop began in 1966 as a

by Peter Lenardon

store in which students could nurchase affordable clothing, carrying inven;orYsuch as jeans and ~UJX@ simii. The Camps Shop had a service aspect to its operation in that it would sell clothing with a low retail markup, losing some revenue, but accommodating the budget constraints of students. In 1966, a leather jacket cost $45 and a sweatshirt went for $4.50.




Friday, November

15, 1996

A new perspective on Quebec byPaul Godkin special to Imprint


ast Friday, and faculty ate Board

UW filled room

students the Senin Nee-

dles Hall to heat Professor Alan Cairns, widely regarded as the premiere political scientist in the area of Canadian politics, give a talk on how Canada will survive after Quebec leaves. ‘We will be unprepared to respond intelligently to the reconstitution of the rest of Canada should Quebec vote a convincing ‘yes’ in the next referendum,” said cairns. In his view, “following a definitive ‘yes’ there will be massive uncertainty. There will be fear. There will be panic. There will be anger. We will be totally unprepared .” According to Cairns, Canada needs to adopt the mind set that in the event of a ‘yes’ vote it should simply continue in its present form for three to five years while it reformulates itself. It his contention that this would be ‘&mendously psychologically reassuring

for Canadians to know that it doesn’t have to be chaos, we’ll just carry on.” Cairns went on to say that delaying the break-up of Canada would provide an opportunity people and governments


to confront the crisis with a reasonable period of time and to decide what to do about it. He feels that this would send a powerfui message internationally that <‘we have not panicked.. . What I’m really trying to do is to prevent any outcome which is determined by the unpredictable factors which happen to prevail if the country happens to break-up.” Professor Cairns’ presentation was extremely well-received by the audience, which was composed mostly of students and faculty from the departments of history and political science. ‘Ws certainly not something I had thought about until that Friday afkemoon,” said Waterloo’s Professor Sandra Burt, a speciaiist in Quebec politics who believes that the departure of Quebec is inevitable. According to Burt ccone of the strengths of

Cairns’ presentation was his point that the political leaders in Ottawa have a vital stake in maintaining the status quo and they cannot talk about what’s next because they are not interested in what’s next. Cairns was really urging citizens, and also political leaders, to get their heads around the notion that this is not necessarily a crisis issue in English Canada.” UW Professor John Wilson, however, held some reservations about Cairns’ suggestion to delay the break-up of Canada, “I think it’s correct as far as it goes, but I think it’s probably a little dangerous to assume that if Quebec has a ‘yes’ vote she won’t unilaterally declare independence the next day. That’s what Parizeau was going to do? Professor Cairns, who has written a number of extremely influential articles, some of which Waterloo’s Professor Robert Williams calls “almost seminal works in the study of Canadian politics,” recently retired from the Universitv of British Columbia and is currently a visiting; professor at Queen%:

Cairns suggests a waiting game with La Belle Pmvince.


Co-op: Now that’s livin’ by Andrew Kennedy special to Imprint ere’s something good happening this week, I just T know it. For everyone who got a job in first rounds, congratulations. To those of you who are still looking, I wish you the best of luck. Remember to remain optimistic. There are a lot of good jobs out there from good companies looking for quality students. In addition to the resources outlined last week to find housing, - there

are also several


which can be used. The frrst is uw.coop.housing. There are usually also local housing newsgroups such as kw. housing and tor.housing where rental information can be found. Now, having found housing already asper the article last week, there are a few other things to consider regarding the workterm. The first is to arrange for a phone early in the term. This means that you will be able to contact your friends as soon as you arrive. Call Bell Canada (or the appropriate phone company for where you’ll be working) before you move in to set up an appointment, or you could be waiting for a couple of weeks before you get a phone. If you can call them before you even leave schook you’ll be placing yourself in a better position. The other problem is fading out what events are happening in the place where you’ll be working. Obviously if you live there already, you’ll have a great idea of the things that there are to do after work. As well, ifyou have friends \or classmates who are from that city or who have lived there before, tlq4.l make a great resource



15, 1996

Friday, November

The honourable Jean Charest, leader of the Progressive Conservative party, will attend a continental breakfast, and conduct a question and

for you. Having those people as your roommates means that you’ll know when they do what’s going on. But what if you are going to a strange city for the first time? What sorts of resources are there available to you? First off, if you were to go to one of Toronto, London, Calgary or Ottawa there is something called the Watpub. These are weekly gatherings of Waterloo co-op students organized by the Watpub co-ordinator (we’ll be advertising for these positions soon). Generally they involve meeting’at a local bar or restaurant to meet, socialize and consume. However, these aren’t the only places where these meetings can take place, but could include other venues, such asconcerts. But this only covers one night of the week. What are you going to do with yourself for the other six nights a week? Thats where the great free, local publications come in. Ofien you can go to local establishments (such as pizza joints) where you can pick up such free magazines as-Eye and Now. These magazines contain great listings of the movies, concerts and other events taking place in whatever city you’re in, all in a single location. Taking advantage of these resoukes will usually mean that you end up with more to do than you have time to do it in; a problem we all are more than failiar with attending university. Comments and feedback can be addressed to sac@undergrad .math.uwaterloo.ca or posted to uw.coop.sac. Students Advising Coop meets every Tuesday at 530p.m. in Needles Hall 1030.

answer sessionTuesday November 19, frdm 7230 to 9:OO a.m. at Federation Hall. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. Contact Sarah Fudge for tickets at 886~OSZI.



And the winner EL. by Felicia Seto special to Imprint


tarring this month, the Student WATgreen Network will be presenting an award to any individual or organization that show environmental initiative on campus. This month the award goes

to...drum roll please...each of the C&D outlets on campus for helping out with and supporting the T,ug-A-Mug campaign onNovember I8 & 19. Congratulations! If you wish to nominate any group

or individual












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hold in high esteem for their environmental initiative send an email to watgreen@watserv.l.








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Friday, November

15, 1996

Southern Habitat L

by Melissa ChvalJin special to Imprint

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abitat is back. We’ve been working since September all over Southern Ontario voiunteering our time, raising awareness about substandard housing and fUndraising for the upcoming Collegiate Challenge. Habitat for Humanity at the University of Waterloo has been in overdrive - and the term isn’t over yet. We helped HFH Hamilton construct a new home in the Steel City and in Sarnia we helped renovate an old hydro-house. Our annual “Fall Clean-Up” went well considering we faced an unexpected snow fall. We weren’t able to rake leaves, but thanks to the faculty, staffand local community who made donations to Habitat, we were able to help out with other winter preparations. So right now you are thinkiq, “What can I do?” Right? Well

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i-on-l LIVE ; Connections !

there is plenty. On Tuesday, November 26 we are having a Coffee House at the Bomber. Local bands and artists will perform, and it is looking to be a great night. Hen, Heidi Millington, The RoyalDutch Family, Mark Stutman, Hangman’s Eye, and Panic, will all be there for yourentertainmentpleasure. Come by, enjoy the music, find out more about us and support our trip to New Orleans as well. New Orleans you ask? This year’s Collegiate Challenge group will head down to the capital of Mardi Gras during reading week to help the New Orleans Habitat &liate build, build, build+ We are going to have a great week of intensive but fun labour and discover the intrigue of this f;unous city. If you want to get involved keep reading. The goal of Habitat for Humanity is to eliminate poverty housing. We can only do that with your support, We need to break

by Monica Walker-B&on special to Imprint


dgardo Esparza, the man fiat ‘is suspected of being responsible for a number of assaultson cqpus, appeared in court for a second bail hearing last Friday. EsIjarza attended his first bail hearing on Thursday, October 3 1, at which he was ordered to remain in custody pending his trial. The decision at the second hearing was that Esparza be released pending trial. Imprint is unable to report the reasons for the change in bail hearing decision because a publication ban has been requested by James Marenteette, the council for the defence in the Esparza

case, The media cannot report evidence given in the trial, and can only report facts such as the dates of Esparza’s appearances and the decisions of the court. On Friday, the court decided that Espama be released under certain conditions. The court required someone to come forward and act as a surety on his behalf, a role which has been undertaken by Esparza’s mother. Esparza is also required to abstain from alcohol, and has been banned from the city ofWaterloo. Should Esparza violate any of the conditions of his release, both he and his mother stand to lose $1,000 each. Esparza’s next appearance in court will be to set a date for trial.

Students, not alumni by Joyce Zidovec special to Imprint


.A.A. Actually it stands for Student Alumni Association. Yes we are students, but no we are not Alumni. Th& S.A.A. is a group of volunteer students who perform different activities on campus. For instance we organize and distribute





very helpful Final Exam Survival Kits. We organize Pounce de Lion (the Alumni mascot) appearances, and volunteer at Homecoming.

The S.A.A. is looking for more members for next term. If you

think you would like to join next semester, you cm e-mail us at PoUNCE@WATSERVl or call or drop by the S.A.A. ofice. Our number is 888-4626, and we are located up in Student Life Center, above the Imprint O&e, IRm 2122.

We have a listofstudents who are to receive the official m Final Exam Survival Kits, filled with goodies and treats to help you with your studying. You may pick them up at the muki-purpose ruom on Monday and Tuesday (see hours posted on doors), and from Wednesday Student Alumni


onward Assoc.

at the Office

the poverty cycle. You can help accomplish this in so many ways, whether it be volunteering your time with Habitat or doing a million other things. We are always looking for new people with enthusiasm to help us out. Our next General Meeting is Monday, November 18, in the SLC, room 2134 at 4pm. Come and join us. And there will be free pizza too! Just come and fmd out more about us, or come to sign up as a volunteer. Remember: No experience necessary!


mug&iging byEm3yPascua-l special to Imprint


n Monday, November 18 and Tuesday, November 19, the Student WATGreen Network (SWN) is holding a campus wide campaign to promote lug-a-mug usage. First introduced in 1989, as a joint effort between WPIRG and Food Services, lug-a-mugs have become a common site on campus. However, despite the success of this program, disposable paper and Styrofoam cups are still widely used. Recent statistics show that The University of Waterloo disposed of approximately 1,077,000 paper and Styrofoam cups last year; this works out to roughly 5 7 cups per person, on campus, per year. These numbers can be greatly reduced through student, staff, and faculty participation. To support the cause, ALL food outlets on campus offer a discount on beverages sold in lug-a-mugs versus drinks sold in disposable cups. Disposable cups occupy valuable space in landfills, and some Styrofoam cups are produced with CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbons), which deplete the ozone and are non-biodegradable. By using reusable mugs, you are helping to reduce waste and saveson the cost ofpurchasing disposable containers. This

can lead to savings


waste handling fees. To increase lug-a-mug use on campus, the SWN will be “mugging” people in the SLC on the above dates, and participating food outlets will also be conducting promotional programs. SWN was created in March 1996, as the student run tiate of the campus-wide WATGreen Initiative, addressing environmental concerns on campus. TheSWN wouldlike tothank the Federation of Students, Food Services, all the C & D’s, Tim Horton’s, the Turnkeys, the

WATGreenMvisory Committee, Patti Cook, the UW Book Store, and Graphics Express for their continued help and support in this endeavour.





15, 1996

CampusQuestion: by Kelly McMaster and Tara Sch&ena (photos)


How high wouZd tuition have to go beforeyou would decide to go to a dzjkrent university?

‘Wit got around $500 to $1000 ‘It would have to go beyond anything higher, then I would consider goIug you could make in a four month to a diEbent university? tefm? Chris Stack -Ypogue IA Science 2NArts

“1 really enjoy the whole Waterloo atmosphere, so money’s no object?

%meone has to pay for it?

*It’s already high enough here tbat I’m actuaUy cosd.&ring gohg to McGill.” Mark Williams IN Envirmmental Studies

“Au together, about $WOO.? JaneIle Karpouia 1N Bidogy

uMore than OSAPwould give me.”

Jetier Lau 1N #a-chemistry


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Blood From a Stone


The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Imprint is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint, Student Life Centre, Room 1116, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3GI.

hey’re after me. They want my money and they’ll stop at nothing until they get it. You see, I am the target

of a collection


Like many of my fellow students, I received a student loan and like n&y of my fellow students, I’ve had some trouble paying it back. As a result, my account was transferred to a collection agency which is, let% say, “eager” to squeeze every last drop of blood from my stone cold bank account. Now I want to get something straight here, Pm not planning on running out of the country, or declaring personal bankruptcy or anything like that. I’m one of the lucky ones because I don’t have to do that. So fa this decade, 35,000 students have gone bankrupt, sticking the federalgovernment with $277 million worth of student debt. Ontario alone forked over $35.3 million last year to banks, quadruple the amount it paid four years ago. A recent story in the Twonto Star focused on students who declare bankruptcy. Aivin Rice, Toronto banruptcy trustee, stated the obvious to the paper, explaining “They go bankrupt because they have no choice. They end up being harassed by collection agencies - and harassed is not too strong a word - and sometimes they really have no choice .” Mr. Kite doesn’t know how right he is. Take my situation. My primary foe at the agency is Mr. X. I can think of a lot of other names I could use like Mr, Bastard,Mr. Scum,Mr. Shithead, andMr. NotAble To Satisfy His Wife In Bed So He Has To Take It Out On Me, but for the sake of brevity, we’1 just call him Mr, X. The aggressive, insolent methods of this collection agency would be scary if they weren’t so predictable. Mr. X yells at me, he threatens my credit rating, he insults me, he calls me irresponsible, etc. etc. Strangely, I’ve found that being polite to him only seems to aggravate him more. The more polite I am, the more he goes into an insane rage, so that it sounds like he’s going to have a coronary every time I say cLplease.d Needless to say, I am very polite to him. Strangely, I think Mr. X even blames me for WWII. I explained to Mr. X that I couldn’t get any money to him on Monday because it was Rememberance Day and the banks were closed. On Tuesday I explained to him that the bank would take a day to transfer i%nds from one of my accounts to another, Mr. X’s response was (and I’m not joking) : ccIt’s always something, isn’t it?” I was tempted to explain that it wasn’t really possible for me to go back in time and stop the Nazis alI by myselfwhile at the same time influencing my bank’s policy on transferring funds, but I don’t think he would have appreciated it. But there are many other indications that this agency is run by completely insane people. The suggestion by tie first agent who contacted me was that I should ger a bank loan. Ah, but of course! Why didn’t I think of that? I’ll just walk into a bank, walk up to the manager and say “I’d like a loan please.” When the manager asks me what kind of collateral I have, I’ll just explain the situation: “why none whatsoever. In fact, what I do have is a large debt to the federal government.” But all kidding aside, this is an utterly insane situation. Until the Federal and Provincial governments realize that income contingent loan repayment plans are the only way that they are going to cut down on the ever-increasing number of students defaulting on their loans (and then going bankrupt) everybody will continue to lose. Banks and citizens lose because it’s their tax money that’s g&ng to pay off these debts, and students lose because they end up with a pcxx credit rating tier endless hours of harassment. Ifs a pitiful situation, and unless some stity enters the picture soon, it will only get worse.

The University of Waterloo Student Newspaper Student



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Melissa Cavallin, Reni Ghan, Scott Draper, Iaian Duke, Matt Feldman, Kelly Foley, Daniel German, Paul Godkin, Andrew Kennedy, Melissa MacDonald, Brent MacFarlane, Eli McIlveen, Kelly McMaster, Emily Pascual, Mark Rankin, Candace Rutka, Tara Schagena, Felicia Seto, Lois Sherman, Monica Walker-Bolton, Joyce Zidovec, Athena Cross Country Team, The Parking Lot is Full Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capitd.Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 07067380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Student Life Centre, Room 1116, University of Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl.

Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and have the author’s name, signature, address and phone number for verification. Letters received via electronic mail must be verified with a signature. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed are those of the individuals and not of Imprint. &’

Power to the students To the Editor, The Federation of Students is asking that more students be on the Board of Governors and that students be on tenure and promotion committees. They have two arguments, I) that students have a unique point of view to bring to decisions of the university, and 2) that students pay tuition, so they have a right to help make decisions about running it. These proposals are irrational&t, for they would undermine the very basis of a university, that those with education are better qualified than those who are not. 1. Keply to (1): The %nique” pointof-view of students of any subject is that they are more ignorant than their teachers. They also have less experience of what goes on at a university. Greater ignorance and less experience are not qualifications at all. If they were, there would be no point in education. AU faculty know about this “unique point-of-view” since we have all been students. On the basis of my experience, I certainly would not want the university to be run by myself-as-I-was-as-a-student. .2. Reply to 2) Financing: I do not have the right to run things wherever I pay for goods and services - stores, restaurants, garages, physical therapy, dentists, the Beckett School (where I study piano). I do have the right to decide whether to spend my money or not, e.g., to go to a university or not, to study this or that subject, etc. 3. Responsibility: Students and faculty (and administration) have different responsibilities. Each student has responsibility only to himseE, to get an education, and not to other students. Members of the UW faculty, however, have responsibilities to all their own individual students and to students generally at the university. The proposals of the Federation of Students should be rejected. - Jwdy Wubn& Editor’s Note: This letter appeared in ht week’s edition of the Gmettc. In urdm tu expuse students to this isme, professor wubnig IiMprint.

wus &&ed

Power power’s

al sdmit

this letter


for sake?

To the Editor, In last week’s Gazette Judy Wubnig attacks the idea of student representation based on the ideas that we students are more ignorant, lessexperienced, and generally underserving of any political rights within the university. This is sheer lunacy. On the issue of ignorance, we have to draw a sharp distinction between (a) general levels of knowledge of a subject and (b) awareness of the present state of flairs within a discipline. Wubnig might have a casethat students have lower levels ofknowledge within specific fields of knowledge than professors who specialize in those fields.

But she certainly does not have a case that students are less aware of the “cutting edge” within their discipline, especially within the arts, where each generation (if not decade) redefines this edge. And she is totally off base when jumping from the “superiority)) of the knowledge of professors within their specialties over their students to the broader question of political awareness and rights: by her argument, only political scientists should be allowed to participate in provincial and federal elections, for only they have the sort of “expertise” required to choose our political leaders. &.radigms of knowledge change. Yet university faculty, especially tenured faculty with virtual life-time guarantees of jobs, don’t always keep up with these paradigm changes. This is more the case in the arts and social sciences than the sciences and engineering. It is especially the case within our department, Philosophy, where postrnodern thought is scorned and never taught, where continental thought in general is treated as the ravings of a few deranged French and Germans, and where feminist thought is by and large ignored. Knowledge may accumulate, but in arts especially, ways of approaching this knowledge change, and we students are illserved being ruled by those whose intellectual paradigms are thirty years out of date. In this sense, there are times whenfacu& are more ignorant than (at least the better informed) students, in that they remain stuck in worn-out ways of thinking. In our department we have faced a similar issue of student representation as Wubnig describes, and she no doubt had this issue in mind when she wrote her “students are ignorant peons and should be quiet and follow orders” letter. Our departmental graduate association has asked for formal voting privileges on departmental committees, yet (up until now) we’ve been refked such a minor participation in departmental affairs (despite our contributions to the intellecual life of the department and the relatively heavy teaching load that we graduates assume, collectively, in addition to our stud&). This refusal looked especially arbitrary to many of us, given that at other universities (e.g. Guelph) there are student reps on such committees as those dealing with hiring, undergraduate and graduate studies, etc. A certain amount of bad blood was created earlier this year when the departrnenthired a faculty member to replace several retirees : the graduate student Ltvlsh list” of 6 candidates was thrown in the wastebasket, the faculty’s own short list almost totally ignoring the fields of expertise and personal qualifications that philosophy grads almost unanimously agreed were in the best interests of the fixure of the department. Prof. Wubnig was hired in the heady days of the 196Os, riding the tide of a burgeoning Canadian university system. In those days pretty well ail you needed to get a job was a PhD from a big American college in your back pocket and a smile on your face. Times have changed. Nowgraduate students have to work hard for grades

and scholarships, teach undergraduate courses, present papers at conferences, and get as many publications as they can, all before that fateli day on whichtheygradu-

ate and enter the academic job market. Yet despite this new reality, we are retied representation on departmental and other committees and our suggestions are treated with mere lip service. This is despite the fact that in some cases we are better teachers, betim researchers, bettm writers, and betier scholars that, tenured faculty in the university that have been teaching for thirty years. Let’s see Wubnig’s argument for what it reallv is: a profound fear of the democratic pro&ss ofgive-and-take, a grasping onto the reigns of power for power’s sake, an irrational fear that one’s comfortable position and ideas might actually have to stand up to the test of public debate. It is the fear of an entrenched elite that their teaching, research, writing> and decision-making skills tight actually be held up to the scrutiny of the public eye, and found wanting. -Ilm@kfann I~norunt Grdmte Pbihlpby


Fed prez not impressed To the Editor, The Letter to the Editor in last week’s Gazette (Students are “Ignorant” by De& nition) impressed me with its delicate blending of an uninformed opinion with a pa-




tronizing attitude. I will, however, respond to some of the comments made within the letter. 1) The claim was made that the only unique point of view that students have to offer is one made by those who are ignorant of how this university works due to their lack of experience. The last time I checked, however, the best way of dealing with ignorance and inexperience was to invo&ve people, not exclude them. Saying that we do not know about a subject is an entirely werent thing than saying we cannot learn and understand one accuses us of ignorance, the other accuses us of stupidity. 2)Financing. No, you do not have the right to run things which provide a service you use, with the examples previously cited being bars, restaurants, etc.. . And, yes, you do have the right to not go there. However, comparing a bar to a University, while slightly ironic, is hardly what I would consider an appropriate analogy. If service at a bar is bad, or ifprices are high, I leave. It is not that easy to leave a University, and in many cases, students would rather put up with what they don’t like rather than go through the hassle of withdrawing, getting their fees refunded, applying to another school and getting their credits transferred. I often envy those who can pick up their lives and move at a moments notice, and university students deftitely do not fall into this category. We are here for four or l






page 10

10 l


continues from page 9

five (or more) years, so we will try and improve things we see as unfair to students while we are here, which leads nicely into the next issue last week’s fetter dealt with. 3) Responsibility. It was stated that “Each student has a responsibility only to himself, to get an education, and not to other students. Members of the UW faculty, however, have responsibilities to their own individual students and to all students. 2’ I want everyone to take a moment to read that statement and recognize just how offensive that is, Like the rest of last week’s letter, it says that students should just lie back and worry about their own little corner of the world and not concern ourselves with the matter of this big, complex university and the greater context of our education.. . the faculty will take care of that for us. My response: complete and utter hogwash! What kind of a place would this be if students cared only about themselves and not about the entire institution? Would limits be placed on what we’re allowed to be interested in? Are students merely thrown token positions on university committees, given a pat on the head and instructed to do as they’re told? Students have a desire to get involved in our education, and we have a desire to see that our investment is well cared for. We do not wish to dictate to faculty what they can and cannot do, and by the same token we do not wish to be told where our money is spent: and which profs arc going to be tenured without being involved in the process in a substantive manner. I would certainly hope that our pro-

at http:// posd (available watservl .~twute~lu0.ca:80/-fedpresl pa4-tner.h&) will be read and discussed with an open mind and not one that believes any one group on this university knows what’s best for us or thinks students should be concerned only with their studies. If that were indeed all we cared about, this would be a truly dull and uninteresting place, devoid of any aspirations beyond completing the work required and getting a degree. There is more to university than getting through a program of study, and no matter how many times I say it, there will always be those who, inexplicably, disagree .

Graduate . student offended and insulted As 3 graduate student I was of%ended and insulted by Judy Wubnig’s letter of last week where she cltied that all students are simply ignorant, and on that ground condemned their efforts to have more say in university affairs such as faculty tenure and promotion. What follows is a response to her outrageous letter. First, while we would hope that teachers are more qualified to teach than their students, it is not necessarily the case that a

Design rcudio-modemsl


teacher holds expertise beyond his or her own particular specialization. One might be q&ed to lecture on philosophy, but ill-equipped to teach biology or economics. Faculty members are not necessarily edw&ted on university administrative affairs, but they certainly have an interest in those affairs, as do other university administrators, and all fee-paying students. Judy Wubnig is wrong to dismiss the claims of those students on the free-market grounds that having paid their fees, they should take what they get and be content to have no say whatsoever in how their money is used. Here she ignores the crucial distinction between public and private ownership, by suggesting that Canadian universities are similar to Drivate restaurants and garages. As we all&know, UW is publicly tided a fact which justifies a certain amount: of user scrutiny &d involvement. Although Judy Wubnig’s argument is directed at an undergraduate body (the Federation of Studenrs), by implication it could be seen to apply to graduate students aswell. Given that she makes no distinction between grads and undtigrads, she apparently lumps them together as if they are exactly the same, when they are substantially different. Graduate students not only study, they also lead seminars, mark assignments, andprovide tutoring to large groups of students. A fti number of us teach courses, and are given many of the same responsib$ties asfaculty members. In short, we are treated as qualified educators, and not only as students. Graduate students are professors in training. Surely part of that involves administrative training and involvement in important -departmental matters. Judy Wubnig would have to admit that even by her own standards, such experience would make one better crutied. I agree with JLdy Wubnig that faculty members have substantial responsibilities connected with their’ posts. Perhaps the highest of these are to teach well, and to research and publish in their field. Unfortunately some tenured professors do neither. More student input at both the graduate and undergraduate levels could augment the quality control mechanisms which are already in place, and thereby be very beneficial to the university as a whole. I cannot help but be suspicious of the motives of faculty members who seek to block out any external scrutiny of their performance. Theirs is an insidious type of protectionist elitism which betrays fears which seem to go beyond any noble concerns for the university.

Friday, November

15, 1996

the right, especially in this “great multinational (and may I add free?) nation”, to state an opinion as to what that storm will bring? I must say that what you are advocating (fines or indictments) for merely stating an opinion smacks of an ideology which caused more suffering, torture and death than any other in this century; that is, Communism. Oh no, now I’ve started another debate who killed more people and who was the more evil man, Stalin or Hitler? As I.,. Turner’s above quoted statements were obviously, to an objective reader, not tieant to directly incite bloodshed nor to threaten Mr. Steden, likewise I won’t take seriously, with your attitude towards free speech, that you would die to protect it. Anyone who would go to such extremes to repress freedom ofsc>eechcould not possibly Le willing to die ior it.

The return L. Turner


To the Editor,

As per usual, the responses from Mr. Reid and J. Gabell to my comments about Adolf Hitler and the political situation in Germany of the 1920s and 1930s were steeped in hysteria, name-calling, and the typical sort of mindless mud-slinging that has come COcharacterize those who continue to distort history. Apparently, anyone who&rcs to point out that Hitler did, indeed, accomplish so many things that the fded Western democracies are impotent to.accomplish earns one such thoughtful and sensitive remarks as those uttered by Mr. Reid, who states that I am the sort of person who would “take the lives of 300 hundred or so people with a bomb in Oklahoma”, or that I would “happily and proudly beat any of the Canadian diverse internationalist scum to death.” Or, perhaps the veiled implication by J. Gabell that I am a ‘cmonster.” The technique of character assassination is a common one used by those who really don’t want to discuss the issues. Remarks like this are way over the line and indicative of the lengths to which people of certain political persuasions will go to achieve their aims.. . I never assassinated the character of Mr. Steden, I merely expressed my opinion about the political scene in Germany of the 1920s and 1930s. Why, then, do I come under attack in such a personal way? I deeply resent these inflammatory accusations. Anyone who doesn’t spout the “politically correct” line in regard to Adolf Hitler is always treated to these ‘smear” remarks. A discerning reader should be able to spot this utterly dishonest technique for the smokescreen it really is, Unfortunately, Reid &company are counting on a misled, duped, naive citizenry to believe their drivel, To the Miter, and sadly, they usually get their wish.. For the record, Mr. Steden is the one In response to Andrew Reid: I won’t jump directly into the fmy in who first suggested that blood would run Turner vs. Steden. However, I must ad- in the streets asthe result of possible future dress one issue. Andrew Reid holds that political upheaval, I merely agreed with him. Yet, why I am the one who comes making statements such as CCbloodwill run in the streets again” and “let’s hope Steden under attack for such a remark? If Steden, Reid and Gabell think that finds a handy place to hide” should be fineable, ifnot indictable offenses, Are you the One World Order, ccdemocratic,n ?acially diverse” nations are so wonderfill, joking? If the latter were a direct, genuine threat, this may in some way warrant ac- then they ought to start examining the tion, As for the former, just how would a reality (not the fairy tale) of what these 7ntemationaUy diverse” cities really are fme for this statement be justified? By what stretch of the tiagination will this state- nightmares of rampant crime, UegaI i.mment cause blood to to be shed? If-one sees l contiliued to page 1I a political storm brewing, doe-she not have

Reiding between the 1ines




Friday, November




migration out of control, law-abiding citizens unable to walk the streets at night, drugs, sexual perversions accepted as “normal,” schools in disarray, w&are as a way of life for generations of fdes, and a host of other social ills that would take me pages to list. When one examines the Germany of the 1930s, with its strong cultural values and pride, productive workforce, tightknit families, and schools which produced a highly literate population - one has to credit AdolfHitler and his leadership with these positive, almost miraculous developments. As I previously stated, Hitler worked together ti& tipet$e to accomplish these aims, unlike ,he t-me dictators of our era like Bill Clinton who cloak themselves in the lie of udemocraq while carrying out their own hidden agendas. To ignore these facts is to be intellectually dishonest and indeed, to ignore “true history.” One day, perhaps Mr. Reid, Mr. Steden, and J* Gabell will come to this debate with something a bit more original (and honest) than the tired, worn-out rhetoric so beloved by letiwing, internationalist radicals worldwide. But I won’t hold my breath.

Arts correspondence

feel free to write to the Editor ifyou’ve got a beef, or even better, come down and talk to me, or you can e-mail me at avtr@~p7+2t+uwatmloo.ca. .

To the Editor, - Jumtv

The Arts section has been reeling under the deluge of criticism it has received recently on this page, and as Arts Editor, I feel compelled to respond. First and foremost, Marilyn Manson was not on the frant cover because I’m Arts Editor, President of the Board of Directors, or even &cause I do distribution, as Jenn Sheridan suggested. As President, I have Amlute& m d&t injhxw on the editorial content of Imprint. As I stated before, the Board can revise the policies and Procedures which guide the Editor, but that)s it. As Arts Editor, I decide what goes on the front page of the Arts section (and every other page of the Arts section), but the front page is up to the Editor-inChief. And as Distributor?? Do you really think that because I get up at the crack of dawn on Friday mornings to drive around in a van, dropping off Imprints around campus and KW, getting filthy and tired, that I get to decide what goes on the front? Unfortunately, it is not so. Sheridan also feels perfectly happypicking up a Toronto entertainment magazine to read about Toronto shows, and believes that Imprint Arts should be devoted to local sh&vs only. A valid opinion, but not Tu tbe Editm, one that I agree with. If you are really interested in a local This letter/review comes as a response show-go see it! Unfortunately, not everyto the Imprint coverage ofthe recent Crazy one can get to Toronto on a Tuesday to see Horse concert in Hamilton. When the a concert, regardless of how much they reviewer stated that the band played mostly may want to, so I have no problem telling beefed up new stuffI had to wonder what them about it in the Arts section. Additionshow he was at. What our group saw on ally, many bands that people are interested Halloween night was both a journey in 1zonut play K-W. Should fans of these through the past of what has become a bands get nothing more than “a few paragraphs,” asSheridan suggests? I don’t think cultural institution at Canadian universities, and living proof of the position Neil so.I also don’t think that a UW student Young holds in the development of today’s should have to go and get a Toronto magarock. Lf the reviewer had even one Crazy zine to hear about a show, not when they Horse album he would have realised this. can get that from Imprint The band spanned their entire career Another problem with a “local shows with legendary gems like “Cowgirl in the only” or a “related to campus life” format Sand,” “Everybody Knows This is Nowould be redundancy. There are a few End,” where ,” “The Losing bands that play on a regular basis in K-W. KPowderfinger,” “welfare Mothers”’ “She Do you think you need a review of Mike Just Slipped Away, ” ‘%isoners of Rock Something or the Mighty Fisherman mq and Roll,” and their perennial closer “Role week?Including out-of-town shows allows Another Number,” Neil even went as far for variety. This is not to say local shows are back asBuf&lo Springfield to dig up “I Am not worthy. Sure they are, and you get a Child.” coverage of them every week. Variation was brought to the night by Sheridan also asksfor interviews ahead simplified versions of ‘The Loner” and of time so that she can decide whether she’ll “Comes A Time,” and by going electric for go see the band, Sure, that would be nice, “Natural Beauty” and tiPocohontas,n per- but not feasible. First of all, I can’t get haps due to the solid cover given to this last interviews with anyone I want, believe it or tune by Crash Vegas. When it did come not. Though the pOwer and influence of a time to hit the 90s material, they crashed section editor from a university newspaper through’“kisTown,““BigTime,““Fuckin’ is vast, it is not unlimited. Secondly, I only Up,” and “Rocking In The Free World” have so much space for the Arts section. If with such grungy intensity that minds were I fled that space with previews of shows, quickly cleansed of the opening bands, I wouldn’t have a lot 14% for the actual (Recall what he did to Oasis at Molson reviews. Saying that, we do run previews Park.) every now and then, when we can. The reviewer sounds like he was worn I appreciate criticism. Ifeveryone hates out by the end of the second set. So was I. the Arts section then I am failing as Arts That’s because we had just had our asses Editor. However, I would invite potential whipped by a fe year old man. If you are critics down to the office to try and undergoing to go to a Crazy Horse concert, . stand some of the problems that every know what you’re getting into. There’s section editor faces every week before going to be some long guitar solos. Ifyou’d putting pen to paper. Fluctuating section rather hear “Heart of Gold,” stay home and sizes, fluctuating numbers of submissions,

Crazy Insane


to Kool

Horse, review


If you



songs banter and choreographed stage antics go see Bon Jovi. Many of us who dressed up for Halloween and dropped big bucks to go were more than satisfied, -Ai&mD&&k



15, 1996



of submissions,


that don’t turn out, ad layout changes, etc. I take m responsibility for the Arts section and decisions regarding article placement, and what runs and what doesn’t. I recognize that I can’t please all of the people all of the time, but I do try. Please


Coffee’s bitter merchant of self loathing Tu the E&w,

One of the simple pleasures of life, for me, is good conversation, accompanied with a coffee and a cigarette. Most people can handle the frantic atmosphere of Williams, I however, prefer a smaller, more personal spot, like Donut Plus. Until recently, that is. Throughout university, Donut Plus was a great place to meet my friends for some java, however, since the arrival of the new owner/management, the place just s%d!s! The manager seems adamant about enforcing her half hour limit, which is reasonable ifthe place was rocking, but ifit was dead, what’s wrong with staying an hour for two coffees? But the manager is a little fanatic about that damn time limit. I.xt me put this into perspective---having been a regular for some years, I felt some loyalty towards DP,. despite the fi.u&y al1ureofVVii’s. (24hoursofcoffee,.,how could anyone resist?) the managers’s attempt to create a warm, country-like at-

mosphere in II? was somewhat appealing, but her attitude leaves much to be desired. One afternoon, two fiends and I were remAxing at Uour spot”, IX?, and we were there for maybe 20-25 minutes. As I was getting up brn the table, contemplating another cup o’ Joe, the manager strutted over and said, quite sharply, ‘You’ve been here long enough, I want you to leave.” Naturally, I was a little conf&ed,..and really pissed off. The place was completely empty,andweweretalkingquietlya.mongst ourselves. ..what was the problem? I wanted to write this &as a bad day for the manger, because . . . well, I’m nice like that. Except it happened again, this time to my roomie, Monday night, my rookie and a fiend where chatting at the little establishment, and tier having consumed five beverages in an hour,they were asked to leave. Roomie was halfway through a smoke, and had yet to drink her coffee. Now, it was not a request, it was not a polite suggestion, it was “Get out, now.” Again, the place was empty, they were not talking loudly or offensively, and it was a half hour before close. Ifthe dear girl said, “It’s kind of dead tonight, I’d like to close early, would you mind?“, this would have been understandable and e&y accommodated. Donut Plus has lost a lot of business due to the opening ofWilliams Coffee Pub, and I suspect they’ll lose a lot more due to their shitty attitude.

OPti P-133 Intel Pentium CPU ASIJSPentium Motherboard w/Intel Triton II 256Kb Pipeline Burst Cache RAM, l6MB ED0 RAM 1.66 Gb E-IDEWestern Digital Hard Drive ATI 30 Rage II 2Mb (exp. to 4Mb) Video Card 15” Princeton Graphics SVGA Colour Monitor Panasonic 3.5” 1.44 Floppy Drive Acer 10X CD-ROM, Amplified Speakers Creative Labs Sound Blaster 16 PnP Sound Card Miscrost Windows 95, Microsoft Works 96 Microsoft Encarta 96



16MB ED0 RAM, 1.44fhB 3.5” nbppy 1.6GB E-IDE Hard Drive, ATI Mach 64 ZMB PCI MPEG Video 10X CD-ROM, Sound Blaster-l6 Vibra Sound Card 60W Amplified Speakers, APACHE33.6 Fax/Modem 15” SVGA Nl Colour Digital Monitor, Core1 PerfectOffice 7 104 Win95 Keyboard, Mouse and Pad,Win95 Installed NEW Grotier’s Encyclopedia and lots of other programs



Polticians, as always, are under a lot of fne these days. Mike Harris and Ralph Klein are being demonized by the left. The charades of Sheila Copps and David Collenette induced each &resign, but not until after the public had brought cnormous pressure upon them to do so (although it didn’t prevent Copps from getting re-elected shortly thereafter). Meanwhile, the official opposition in Ottawa is a party hell-bent on breaking up the country. In these circumstances, it is easy to be cynical about rthe quality ofour polmcians. However, to do this would be missing the obvious: that we get what we deserve. For the most part, we do get what we deserve in Canada, md it’s not as bad as many think. In fact, it’s pretty damn good. Canada has one of the highest standards of living in the world. If&e UN is to be believed, we have the highest. There’s a chance that it will stay there in the long run, even if Harris, Klein and company do their worst. And we got here with, rather than in spite of, our politicians. For instance, I read recently of someone criticizing the Liberals for “stealing” parts of the Reform Partv’s agenda and incorporating it into their c&n platform, as if this was some sort of great betrayal. But is this not the way thin& are supposed to work? If opposition parties had absolutely no effect on the government, we would be in serious trouble. We might have governmerits thinking that they-could do whatever they wanied or whatever their plat-

formsaidtotheexclusionofallel.seforaN five years, only to face the public at election time (Mike Harris, take note). The federal government ought to be changing to reflect the public’s views. This is how democracy is supposed to work. Of course, the Liberals are far from perfect, just as are ail the other parties. And there’s always a fine line benveen reflecting the public’s wishes and going after cheap votes or breaking promises. Politicians will do stupid things. But cynicism about polticians makes for a self-fulf~g prophecy. If you say politicians are untrustworthy, stupid, and generally incompetent, you have to expect that that is the kind of people that politics will attract. I have argued before in this space for raising polticians’ salaries in order to attract better people. Public office must be a desirable position, from both a public and private point of view, ifit is to attract good people. Just look at the US. This year, the American electorate had the apalling alternatives of Bob Dole, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot. Voter turnout was at an all-time low. It’s a vicious cycle of bad people and waning expectations and interest producing poor politicians. Suddenly Preston Manning seems like a reasonable guy. In short, we don’t give our politicians enough credit. Maybe ifwe did, they would become even better and live up to our elevated expectations. thera~teimprint.~wat~~.ca

by Melissa MacDomld

Aren’t We Equal Yet? ‘my don’t you go home and take care of your own kids)“This is what Tory MPP J&z Spina screamed at New Democrat Marilyn Churley this week. Why? Mike Harris is introducing a new school breakfast program which he denies has anything to do with his twenty two percent reduction in social assista&e benefits. Instead, he blames child hunger on women no longer being ?n the i&hen with a hot break&t cooking as everyone wakes up in the morning.” Presumably the mother is noone. Churley was protesting his statement when Spina spat his archaic remark across the legislature. Doesn’t this anger anyone? This is why I do not believe that feminism is dead or that equality has been achieved as an Enghh prif of: mine recently suggested. If a woman who has worked her way up to a position of that much authority-cant get respect and/or is subjected to such obviody sexist comments (why isn’t Spina at home with his kids?) how can we claim we’ve achieved equality? Limiting the discussion to Canada

alone, women remain severely under-represented politically, in positions of authority, and in nontraditional occupations. We are still the primary care-givers and we still do most of the unpaid lahur upon which this society is dependent (primarily housework and childrearing). This work is either ignored or glorified-but devalued. Coni&y to popular belief, statistics show that a woma&standard of living actually decreases after a divorce whereas a man’s increases. Meanwhile the cosmetic, fshion, plastic surgery; diet and porn industries earn billions of dollars annually by preying on women. We only recently noted date rape and sexual harassment asforms of discrimination. How many more subtle and not so subtle forms of’hiscrimination await our discover-v? Even if this s&t of pathetic sexism is being spouted by our representatives in Toronto, here at the University of Waterloo, we can take relief in the high number of women who ignore such spoken or unspoken sexism and get involv&d in student politics.

. ..Bscoutr o wronon’~ work is aeuot dons . . . rod is urdetprid or unpaid or brriq or ropotitiour.. and yle ore tb4 first to get the rack rnd wbrt YO look like is more inportrnt than rhrt ~4 do.. rnd if wo got roped it it our foutt rod if we got basbsd 14 must krv4 prouokod it..,rnd if wo triss our uoiasr ~4 ore nrgging bitobot and if we sljoy sex WI ate nymph and if w4 do nat w4 ar4 frigid.. and if w4 lovs warnati it is baetusa 154 eon’t got 4 “rorl” man... rnd if w4 strnd up for our rights u4 4t4 aggrsrsivo and Hunfominino.M and if WI wontto got nrrtiod wo on out to trrp I man and if wo do not wont to got mrtttod w4 4r4 unnatural.. rnd if w4 caa’t cop4 or dono want a praqnrney we at4 moda to foeI guilty 4bout obortion and.. for lots and lots and lots of otbar ~aso4s I om a part of tbr women’s Jibrrrtion movomont. - Aaon~mour

IMPRINT, Friday, November 15, 1996

An Israeli comedian went on TV and told a story about Noah dancing around naked. Big-deal, right? Wrong. Israeli politicians are freaking out. Some are hinting that this situation has the potential to bring down the government (it was state-owned TV), and some are threatening to cut the television budget. Obviously, this is ridiculous. Can you imagine the Prime Minister Cutting ihe CBC because of Z-& hazerhas 22 mim!&s? No. There are plenty of other, good, reasons to cut the CBC. But this issue raises the tricky question of whom you can insult. Don’t think i?s a big deal?‘Ask Salman Rushdie what he thinks about that. We mock cultural icons all the time. Political figures, rock stars, etc. Is there a good reason to stop at religion? No. Absolutely not. Yeah, sure, religious figures are important to people, but so what? Most thins are important to someone, somewhere. You’re gonna piss some people off if you mock Satan, for chrissakes! I mean, what f1 wanted to say Noah danced naked? What if I wanted to say Jesuswas an idiot? What if1 wanted to say Muhammad was a.... Oops, better not go there. If you’re getting upset right now, I’ve got to wonder how firm are vou in vour beliefs? Am I going to destroy iour f&;h by mocking your idols ?Are you going to stop believing in God if I make fun of it (him/

her, who the hell knows?). Besides all that, didn’t someone say something once about idolatry being evil-? Just a thought. Of course, the standard argument is don’t say things that bother or hurt people. would& really leave me with a lot -, of material, would it? But, regardless of my column, I really don’t see why you can’t mock whoever you want. Yeah, maybe it stings, but life &es on . I take flak f&r my political views all the time, but I’m not whining about how it hurts, and I’m not about the change my mind because someone tells a story about Ayn Rand being an obsessive control freak addicted to diet pills.

So, for all the people who demand sensitivity, too bad. You’re views, idea and idols are no more exempt than my own. At best, such mocking may inspire-a serious rethinking off those things you hold dear, hopemy leaving you with a better understanding of yourself and your beliefs. At worst, such mocking is done for shock value only. Forget it. Don’t get riled up and start demanding censorship. p.s. As Remembrance Day has just passed, I’d like to say thanks for those who suffered and died so that I mav sit at this computer and type any damn &ng I want.



By Kelly Foiey, Vice President Education The views in this column don’t necessarily represent you or me. If you agree or disagree with the views expressed here then let me know. Speak for yourself! kefoley@f’eds.watstar.uwaterloo.ca or ext. 2340

Let’s pick on the Federal government this week. We’ll have a little hismry lesson. I[want to tell you a story about the Canada Health and Social Traafer (CHST). It’s the money that the Federal government gives the provincial government to spend on social programs, health, welfare, education and SO on. It is federal spending power, the last big stick Ottawa can wield against the provinces. Although the CHST is a much shorter stick then it used to be. A long time ago, when I was frosh, there was the EPF. The Established ProgramsFinancing. (Asurprisinglylessmeaningfbl name than CHST.) The EPF is quite similar to the CHST except that, the EPF insisted that the provincial governments spend a certain portion on post-secondary education (PSE). While the CHST is just a lump sum transferred to the provinces to with what they wish. In 1992-93 the EPF transfers for health and post-secondary education were $20.9 billion. The govemment mandated that 29% of that be spent on PSE. Additionally, the EPF was scheduled to grow with the economy and like all governmental edicts, there was a complicated formula linked to GDP. I’m not sure ifthe EPF was broke, but the government decided to fix it, nonetheless. In 1994, the Minister for Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) commissioned We Green Paper” (which was really green, unlike the recent white paper, which was really blue). Depending on how cynical you are, the Green paper

sought to reform the EPF to: a) enhance accessto post-secondary education b) give provinces greater freedom over social spending c) punish the provinces by way of the Federal government refusing to pay for programs over which they had no control. d) fmd a way to cut spending without looking like they were cutting. Essentially, they were planning to cut the EPF to Ontario by $700 million and divert funds into a income contingent loan program. This plan would have increased tuitioq by 105% to $3653/year. Dave Cooke, then Ontario’s Minister of Education and Training, said in a letter to Axworthy, Y cannot conceive that a fee increase of this magnitude would do anything but reduce access and dramatically increase student debt loads.” No Gunk Eventually, the cut to EPF was substantially lowered and the CHST, a new block fbrding mechanism was created. Axworth~s master plan diddt succeed, perhaps because it was a singularly bad idea. I wonder why the provincial government is trying to do the same thing now. Although, Harris and his cronies only cut $400 million there are rumors of a further $200 million. The threatened tuition under Axworthy was $3650 while the real tuition is currently $2446 for regular students and $3312 for ace-op student. If the rumoured

cut actually




in really big trouble. At least Axworthy was going to give us and income contingent loan program, 1t)s almost two years into Harris’ mandate and we have only heard that they’re “working on it?





15, 1996


Defending the idea of the citizen by Dave Lynch Imprint staff


his year’s Hagey Lecturer is John Ralston Saul. On the evening of Wednesda)r, November 20, Saul will be speaking about CCPowerversus the public good: the conundrum of individualism and the citizen.” His lecture will be followed by a student seminar on the morning of November 2 1. Saul, a commentator on the state of democracy and civilization in the West, has been hailed as one of the decade’s most influential thinkers. His most recent book, The Unconsciu~~ CkEiwttion, won the 1996 Governor-General’s award for nonfiction on Tuesdav.Imprint spoke with Saul recentiv about his views on economks, i&do&k and democracy. J

One of the f&t claims you made in 2%~ Uncomcious Civilization was that we’ve been in a depression since 1973. Most economists would acknowledge that long term growth has slowed since then. Were you speaking in more fluid terms, since you weren’t really using a technical definition?

unemployment in the United States according to the definitions of employment and unemployment of ten years ago, or twelve or fifteen years ago? Then what would the number be? If you stopped considering part-time, unsecured employment with no social protections around it, what would the number actually look like?

Well, you see the problem is that when most economists tend to talk in technical terms about recessions and depressions, etc., their technical terms are really sort of self-fulfilling, because their approach is the sort of approach of either a large theory of, you know, where we’re going, in which caseeverything is just a little stumble along the way, or their approach is one of detailed management of economics, in which case they’re unable to seethe larger picture. The way economics declares itself now denies the possibility of what you would have historically called a depression. They’ve actually eliminated in a way the concept of depression from economics, in reality. The second thing is that the last time we had what was publicly admitted to be a depression, it was a depression not because the economists said it was or wasn’t, it was because the public felt it to k one.

In relative terms then, you’d see how dire the situation is, perhaps, compared to ten, twenty years ago.


had to come




Yeah. I’m not being abstract--I’m being practical. I’m talking about the realities that people are living. Whereas this sort of idea that we’re doing well-+x that we’re almost doing well, or that we’re only in a short-term recession-is a very abstract idea that doesn’t take into account the fact that economics is about a society in which people live. Suppose you remove ail the human beings from the earth. Well, geology probably stays about the same. However, if you remove all the human beings from the earth, there are no economics. It would k the economics of beavers. So I don’t understand how, when you sit down and read the definitions of recessions, growth and trade, they’re done as if no

Whereas sociology is the social science of human relationships. It’s about measuring. He’s talking about the humanist aspectit’s a very humanist argument, not at all, I would have thought, a social science aspect. DurlAeim and Weber aren’t alone, but certainly theF+e two of the key figures. This is the mod&n idea of the science of society. It’s quite different. It’s very interesting that the people who talk about Smith’s economics almost never make reference to his other works, because in their minds, they can’t be related. They can’t be related because one is a social science and the other for them is something that they don’t understand, which is to say humanist discussion about human characteristics. Smith obviously understood them to fit together. He wasn’t rejecting one when he did the other. . . . The reality is that if you want to understand Smith, you have to understand his concept of sympathy. If you understand that, then when you’re reading his sti, it makes a lot of sense. A lot of it. Like all of us he makes mistakes, But essentially you can understand what it is that he’s trying to do, as opposed to believing that all he believes is the Invisible Hand and the comparison of tariff rates. He was too smart for that. Smith was smart! These people aren’t very smart. That’s their real problem. You say that about a lot of people in your

books. Well, X

mean, there’s a lot of smart people out there, but they don’t dominate in economics today, unfortunately! (Laughs) There’s some really good people in economics. . . I don’t know your department of economics so I can’t say anything-you may have wonderful people in it. But what I see in a number of the departments I know is that the really interesting people in general who are on their way out are being replaced, and have been being replaced for some time, by a much more banal, mediocre kind ofeconometrics,


They had to come out and admit it and say well, this and that...The fact of the matter is that you have to stand back and ask yourself, what are the characteristics of a depression? You find that in many ways we’re actually in a depression. What it essentially comes down to is that you have a series of key factors-things like growth, unemployment, inflation-and you can never really get them all running more or less together. Then there’s something fundamentally wrong with the economy. what it means is that you have to keep overcompensating in one area in order to revive another area. As soon as you get it revived, the other engine collapses. That means the economy actually isn’t working. What we’ve seen is not simply that we’ve had slow growth, it’s that we’ve had also an obscuring of the idea of what growth is, so that a great deal of what I think you’d find if we sat down with some sensible people.. .What you think is growth would actually turn out to be, in historical terms, inflationary activity. A lot of the growth industries, if you actually look at them in a sensible way, you’d find weren’t actually growth industries, they were inflationary activities, And you’d find that even in the places where, say, unemployment had gone way down, the only way that they had got unemployment down was by redefining completely what unemployment was. I’m always amazed that nobody really talks about this. Nobody says that what if you measured

“[Tlhere’s a lot of smart people out there, but they don’t dominate in economics today, unfortunately! ” human beings were involved. They are actually the subject of the matter. . . All they’re talking abour is a theory of economic activity, which theoretically does nor include a society, If you include a society, we’re in a depression. You also talk about Emile and Max Weber as founders ogy and corporatism. Adam also a forerunner of sociology

Durkheim of socioiSmith was by writ-

ing things like the Tlhmy ofMoral Set&HZHZ~S. However, you say that his version of sociology, almost, was centred around the idea that relationships are based on sympathy. How does that make him different from Durkheim and Weber? Does he fall into the same category?

I would never have thought: of Smith in terms of sociology-that’s very interesting. I think that he would have seen it...of course, he didn’t know about social sciences...what he was talking about when he was talking about sympathy is much more in the tradition of morality and ethics, which comes out of a large tradition of the philosophy of human relationships.

which is a narrower and lower level of intelligence. . . And what you seeis courses are disappearing which deal with economics from the point of view of reality the way economic history does. It’s certainly a rejection of the greatest economist Canada’s ever produced, Harold Innis. One of the phrases that kept popping into my head to describe your ideas as I read your book was, “everything in moderation,” When put that way, it doesn’t sound terribly earth-shattering. No, it’s not. Is that a f& characterization?

I don’t know XI would say “everything in moderation”, if only because the phrase carries with it a lot of baggage which suggest an inability to act in a way. [The phrase] might k one of the effects, but not necessarily, because in order to defend an idea of equilibrium, or even an idea of moderation, you have to be actually ready to be quite radical and/or even violent in its defense. One of the great problems that people have fallen into who thought they were on the side of the public interest over

the last 25 years is that they found themselves being identified as whets, or weak, soft, naive, and so on and that the other guys had the answers and were tough and could deal with it. In a way, these people have never found their wav out of that conundrum. Somehow in a societv that apparently needed quick and absolute answers--tough lcadcrship-they were really ill-prepared, intellectually and somehow cvcn as human beings> to be respected. They could be made fix~ of, even. What I’m actually saying is that the people who are preaching the necessity of clarity, action, absolute action and great truths are extremely naive and are themselves profoundly weak because, if they weren’t so weak, why is it that they would require the protection ofsuch absolutes? It takes enormous toughness, daily toughness, to assume the role of the citizen. When you say, “it’s not terribly earth-shattering,“I’m not sure what is earthshattering, frankly. Ideologies are always earth-shattering. That’s their charm! That’s their attraction: ‘We will change your life. Give us $20 a month for the rest of your Life...We will send you muscle-building equipment.. . You will kick sand in the face of people on the beach...” That’s what ideologies do-they’re earth-shattering! What’s interesting is that we’ve spent 100,150 years in the West gradually building up the mechanisms of a new approach towards the responsible individual. It’s existed before in several forms, but we gradually began building it up in practical terms. And then suddenly in the name of toughness or specialization, we’re basically throwing it in the garbage dump. Imagine that a responsible writer could write that [representative] democracy is just “window-shopping” [as David Warren did in Sa~tir&y Night] and that people would just say, “Oh yeah, that’s interesting.? Wait a minute! This is exactly what every figure who is against the idea of the individual as a responsible being has said for 2,500 years. This is the speech of absolute monarchs. This is the speech of The Vatican. This is the speech of the Bolsheviks. That’s

it’s just




Yeah. I think moderation is a difficult word now because it doesn’t really show you how difficult and dangerous and hard work it is to be a respor&ble individual, There’s a story about a little woman being pushed into the street-1 think it’s in 7%; Unconseiou5 Citilizatiim. When you’re living in a society which essentially rewards you for pushing Me old ladies into the street-and in fact punishes you if you don’t-it takes enormous courage to act as a responsible citizen. Enormous courage! It takes no courage at all to stand up and speak out for the free marker. What will the Hagey Lectures be about? Are you going to draw on 2% U%zcanscti civilizutiolz?

We’li see! I don’t b&eve in repeating On the other hand, I don’t believe th& you walk away and do something else. I’ll go a step further in some direction on what I’ve been saying, pick a direction and try and push myself a step further. . . The interesting thing about doing these lectures is this ability to push yourself away from the written towards the oral. It’s almost a way of experimenting with something new that you’re thinking about, or a new step that you’re thinking about. myself.




Yeah. And seeing whether it makes any sensewhen you sayit out loud! (Laughs) It’s known as living on the line.

TheFEDS arelookingforSubmit&m

about “life” issues i!! 6ubmiseion deadline isDecember 18th breast cancer. Noon in the Multlpuqxw Room. SIX. Free for all.

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FED COPYPUS Student Life Centre, lower level 888-4567, ext.6868 HOURS: Mon. to Fri. 8-8 ; Sat. 12-5

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by men working

to end men’s violence against women. Contact Chris Read at ext. 5929 for information.








This Wekend in

Warriors get Stam-pededin YatesCup


Waterloo lives by the run. dies by the pass by Jeff Peeters Imprint staff


Friday, November


Athena Figure Skating at Queen’s Invitational 8 a,m. Warrior Squash West Secti0naI II at Waterloo 6 p.m.

Saturday, November


Athena and Warrior Badminton west SectionalI[1 at Western Warrior Squash West Sectional II at Waterloo 10 a.m. Athena and Warrior Volleyball Doubleheader at Brock Athenas - 6 p.m. Warriors - 8 pm, Warrior Hockey at Qued s 2 p.m.

Sunday, November 17 Athena and Warrior Badmillton West Sectional II at Western Warrior Hockey at RMC 2 pm+


n the end, the dcfence

simpl) take no more, and collapsed. The Warrior defence, after carrying the offencc on its hcfhr shoulders for most of rile sea& finally succumbed to the heavy load that it was carrying, and not cvcn a big lift from the special teams could prolong the Warriors 1996 journey this time. But whar a journey it has been. It started with Warrior head coach Dave “Tuffy” Knight setting the al-time ClAU coaching victories mark in the first game of the season. From there, the team went through an amazing 7-1 campaign and finished first in the OUAA for the first time ever. Along the way, they got the Western monkey off their back, defeating them 6-l in a f&tball game for the ages. Thcv finally won their first OUAA piayotfgame, a 26-23 overtime thriller over Laurier, in anothc c memorable game. Unfortunately, this fantastic voyage would come to a bittersweet end at the Yates Cup. Playing in front of a huge crowd at University Stadium, the Warriors fell to the Guelph Gryphons 23- 13 in the OUAA Championship game. Guelph was led by running back Garrit Stam, who had 130 yards and hv0 touch* downs. The Grvphons will now could




2:50 - UW Bigos 7:29 - ‘c3W Bigos 12:50 - UC Body Walters

2:45 - UW


aad Warrior Glrling Water100 Invitational 8:3U a.m.

New Jersey Net forward Jayson ‘Williams on the improved conditions for players.


34yd FG 23yd PG 45yd TD pass to (Stringer convert)



on Saturday, dropping many key passes. As the saying goes, when it rains, it pours. The normally surchanded Jarrett Smith and Wilkinson fumbled the bdl four 1 1’ * Inehveen teem, times losmg it twice. One of those lost fumbles came inside the Warrior N-yard line and set up the touchdbwn that drove the stake through the heart of the Waterloo Warriors. The game started well for the Warriors early, with Mark McIntyre intercepting a Wally Gabler pass on the Guelph 3 lyard line just over a minute into the game. An Arek Bigos field goal made the score 3-O UWearlv.

After another Bigos field gob

Tbid@m 14:36 - UG

go on to represent the 0 lJ AA in next week’s Churchill bowi at University Stadium. Once again, the Warrior dcfence and special teams p&d , well, keeping Waterloo in the f‘ootbalI game. Although shaky on a few kc)r piays, the dufcncc aliowcd only 25 1 yards on the day. The offence, howe\rcr, fumbicd and stumbled irs wa>r to a measly 1% yards, mostly due to their own incptitudc r&her than a tough Guelph D. The special teams weren’t at the top of their game, but still gave the Warriors good field position for most of the dav. Guelph, as they e did in Wehk Two, did a good job containing the potent Warrior running attack, limiting Waterloo rushers to 112 yards. The Warrior passing game would have to step up and prove themselves if the Yates Cup were to reside in the Athletics Ofiice for the coming year. Unfortunately, it didn’t, as Warrior quarterback Ryan Wilkinson had difficulty in pinpointing his re ceivers all dav en route to a 7-of24 passing ~erformancc for 83 yards. Wilkinson didn’t throw 17 bad passes, though. About a third of those were reasonably on target, but the Warrior receivers q~parently couldn’t even catch a cold


Fuuuth @wter 5:32 - WC Stam 2yd TD run (Stringer convert) 7:24 - WG Stam fyd TD run (Stringer convert) l&30 - UW Wilkinson 45yd TD pass to Thorne (2pt convert failed) 14; 11 - WG Gabler single

nearly five minutes later, the Warriors seemed in command with a

I 6-O lead. However, with two minutes left in the quarter, one of the few Warrior defensive miscues resulted in Gryphon Kyie VValters working himself open to catch a 45yard touchdown pass from new Guelph quarterback Nathan

Body. The convert gave Guelph a 7-6 lead at the end of the quarter. l


to page


A dejected Waterloo Warrior sits on the cold, hard bench, pondering what might have been. -

The Stats 13 score 1 Touchdowns 2-3-34 Field Goals Made-Attempted-Long 1 Rouges 0 Safety Touches 195 Net Total Yards 12 First Downs 30-112 Rushing Attempts-Yards Rushing 3.7 Yards Per carry 7-24- 1 Pass Completions-Attempts-Interceptions 83 Yards Passing Yards Per Attempt 3.5 4-2 Fumbles-Lost 5-43 Penalties-Yards Lost Punts-Yards-Average-Long 1 O-384-3&54 2-111-64 Kickotis-Yards-Long Punt Returns-Yards-Average-Long 9-43-s 19 4-53-13-37 Kickoff Returns-Yards-Average-Long

23 3 O-1-0 2 0 251 16 36-141 3.9 8-20-2 110 5.5 I-1 4-40 11-369-33-S 4- 195-62 9-83-9-40 2-34- 17-22




Football continued l





Early in the second quarter, Warrior running back Eddie Kim put together a beautifu1 run, crashing through Gryphon defenders for an impressive 24-yard run. However, all the Warriors could muster was a missed field goal for a single to tie the game at seven. The score stayed that way, thanks in part to a Guclph intcrccprion late in the haff with the Warriors threatening. The highlight of the game for the Warriors came with twelve seconds left in the half. Wilkinson scrambled out of the pocket and was looking for an opening to run through. He asked for a block, and Smith deGered, in a huge way. The’poor Gryphon pursuing Wilkinson never saw Smith coming, and was knocked somewhere into n&t week. It will probably be on the CHCH College Hits of the Week for the next two years. In the second half, the Warriors came out throwing. However, neither tearn could do anwg with the ball, and a lone Guelph sin@;

was the only


of the third

quarter. In the fourth quarter, everything came apart for the Warriors. The Gryphons found hemselves in good fieid posiG&n, and capitalized. Stam ran the ball in from two yards out to give the Gryphons a 15-7 lead with


Friday, November


nine and a half minutes left in the game. On the ensuing kickoff, Andy MacGregor caught the ball ;tnd started his runback. Inexplicably, he went nowhere, slipping on the turf and f&g down at the Warrior

line with nobody within IO yards of him. Unfortunately, this isn’t the NFL, and MacGregor was marked down at that spot. On the next play, Wilkinson was stopped at the line of the scrimmage, fded to protect the ball, and f&nbled away to Guelph at the seven. After a pass interference call in the end zone, Stam ran for his second touchdown from the one-vard line halfway through the final quarter. ‘The Warriors tried to come back, but a Wilkinson 26yard touchdown pass to Adrian Thorne with 4:30 remaining was too little, too late as the clock struck midnight on the Warriors season. In the end, the Warriors ftished the seaSon with an impressive 8-2 record overall. With a strong defence and excellent special teams, the Warriors struck fear into the hearts of the OUAA. Now that they have relieved their backs of numeroA monkeys and have been in the big game, all the Warriors need is an improvement on the offensive side of the ball. If they can keep it together, look for this team to do some damage in 1497, and look for T&jG win total to grow. five-yard


t rakes

a team


to win

GOALS.+.THEIR a national

championship. Every member of the team is critical to its success. Coach Brent McFarlane took some time recently to profile the members of rhe Canadian Interuniversity Athletics University Womens Cross-Country Champions, the Waterloo Athenas. Below are the achievemcnts and the coaches reflections on each ofthe vital components that contributed to the Athenas’ success this year. by Coach Brent M&u-lane special to Imprint SARAH



13th - CIAU CbarPzptinshps All Canadian

Kim has no concept of pain. She simply runs through it. A national team member in cycling and a European Grand Prix cyclist. Her 13th place is truly outstanding, and her performance gave us the prize. She deserved and earned both OWIAA All Star and CIAU ALl Canadian. DORIU


- CL4 U CbampMnships

Kim is a tough rookie from St. Mary’s who is key in UW’s success.She moved up 10 places in the last l OOOmof the race, and next year we look to her for leadership. LYNN 75th - CL4U

l l











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Captain of the swim team. Amy ran strong and consistent all year. She is a workaholic who never stops and never sets limits for herself.


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Athletes of the week

14" SVGA .28 NI monitor 28.8/33.6 Voice Fax Modem



Judith ran the toughest race of her life showing her class, toughness and intense team leadership. She’s the motivator, leader, emotion, and the ‘heart’ of this team. She leads by example.. .a student of Optometry, the team leader and the soul of this team’s success.


Another awesome rookie who is tough, aggressive, and determined. She has a positive attitude and bubbly personality. AMY JARVIS

Genuine Intel Processor 104 keyboard . Mini tower case r 1.20 GB hard drive l 1.44MB floppy drive



(final year)

All Canadian third - OWZAA Championships second - Waterloo Invitational third - Western Invitational fuwth - McGill Invitational



She’s tough and runs with great heart, soul, determination and never gives up, and can never get enough out of herself. Sepanta wenr out hard and held her position. She was the first fourth place runner in to score of any CIAU team.

j$+? - CLAU Champtinships

256K PB Cache Motherboard, Genuine Intel Processor, 16MB ED0 72 Pin RAM, 1 MB PCI Video Card, Mini Tower Case,Installation &Testing

(final year)


Sarah aggressively took the lead from the start and lead for the first 3K. Sarah has been our quiet leader this year. She leads by example. A recent mother of baby girl Adara, she successllly balances parenting, marriage, school and running. Truely an amazing woman. LEROY




second - CIA u Cbampimbips All Canmd~an jht - QWZAA Champimhips jkft - Waterloo hvitatiimal stmnd - Western Invitational secmd - McGill Invitational



15, 1996

$149 ............. $38


..,......... . ...$31s




Watsa showed outstanding leadership as the Warriors took the consolation championship at their own Naismith Classic on Sunday. The third-year Recreation student averaged 18 points and five rebounds in wins over McGill and Winnipeg and a loss to Memorial. Watsa led the tournament with 18 assistsand 12 steals in three games.


Optometry student, LeRoy at the CIAU Cross-Counrry championships this weekend in Montreal, helping the Athenas capture the national title while being named an All-Canadian. The team captain and motivator, LeRoy ran one of the toughest races of her life and recorded another personal best time.




Friday, November

15, 1996


’ Varsity Roundup One win and one loss was the result for the Athena cagers at the Frank TindalI tournament played at Queen’s University on theweekend. On Saturday against the powe&l Ottawa Gee Gees, Watqioo trailed31-18athalftimeandeventuaUy lost 63-43. Jacalyn White had 13 points and 12 rebounds while Jodi Hawleyadded 9 points. On Sunday, Waterloo faced division rival Brcxk University for third place in the tournament. The Athenas came out firing and led 43-21 at the half’, Brock made a run in the second but Waterloo held on for a 59-49 win. This time LauraDuskocy led the Athenas in scoring. Warrior Biwketball The Warriors team showed that they are continuing to improve this weekend by winning the consolation final of the 29th Naismi& Classic. Waterloo improved their record to 2-4 against CIAU competition. On Friday night in front of a large homecoming crowd, the Warriors lost a hard-fought bade

to the Memorial Sea-Hawks. Waterloo had built a 15point halftime lead, 43-28, powered by 13 points from Mano Watsa and 10 from Mark Eys. But the SeaHawks came storming back, tied the game at 51 with 12:22 remaining, and took the lead for good two minutes later. Although the Warriors kept the game close, they could never break Memorial’s lead. The Sea-Hawks closed +ings out by hitting four free throws to win 80-75. The leaders for Waterloo were Mano Watsa ( 19 points, 6 rebounds, 6 assists), MarkEys (13points,6rebounds), and Mike Crosby (11 points, 5 rebounds) On Saturday night, in front of another large crowd, the Warriors earned their first win over CIAU competition this season by defeating McGill 74-64. The teams played back and forth in the first half.. but the Warriors scored the last 7 points for a lead of 3628. Waterloo came out quickly in the second half, building their lead to 17points with 12 minutes remaining. McGill closed the gap byhitting 12 foul shots in the later l

sages but fell short. TheWarriors were led by Mark Eys (22 points, 14 rebounds), Mano Watsa (18 points,6steals),andDanSchipper (8 points, 6 rebounds). OnSundaymomingtheWarriors won the tournament consolation fina with a 73-69 victory over the Winnipeg WesmenScoring in flurries was a norm during the Crst half’ and Wtipeg enjoyed the foal run, heading into the locker room with a 36-27 lead. The second half was even until the Warriors put an 8-O run together midway through. Mark Eys tied the game at 67 with under two minutes remaining and the Warriors hit 6 fi-eethrows down the stretch to ftih off the Wesmen. The Warriors attackwas led by Mano Watsa (17 points, 5 rebounds, 6 assists), Mike Zavershnik( 14 points, 6 rebound, 4 blocks), Dan Schipper (8 points, 7 rebounds), and Mike Crosby (8 points). Watsa was named to the tournament all-star team and aiso pickedupUWAthleteoftheWeek honours. The Warriors’next home game is Saturday, November 30 versus Niagara College.

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OUAA Results Nov. 2 - OUAA Final (Yates Cup) Guelph 23 Waterlw




Pierre Gendron Kelly Nobes S. Angers Peter Brearley Patrick &nest Jeff Goldie Dave Gourde Riley Hill





7 8 8 7

McGill Concordia Ottawa




6 1 0 37 16 5 3 0 55 30 3 5 0 34 42 25 0 1927



Guelph Toronto Queen’s RMC

8 7 8 8


7 1 3 3 3 5 17

0 1 0 0

12 10 6 4



37 14 30 26 20 54 1748

14 7 6 2



McGill McGill McGill Wsterh UQTR Waterloo McGill Lauren.

8 8 8 7 7 7 8 6



11 18 91322 10 7 7 7 6 7 6 7 7 6 8 4





Toronto Ottawa Queen’s York Carleton Ryerson Lakehead

4 3 3 1 2 3 4

4 3 2 1 0 0 0





Western Guelph Windsor Brock McMaster Waterloo Nipissing I Laurier

3 4 3 2 2 1 2 3

3 3 2 1 1 0 0 0

0 1 1 1 1 1 2 3

17 14 13 13 13 12




Matt Mullin C. Sharland S. Rodrique Joe Harris G. Schnare

Guelph Windsor UQTR Waterloo Laurier

5 4 6 6 7



3OO:OO 6 19650 6 360.45 14 280:40 13 429:00 20


1.20 1.83 2.33 2.78 2.80




Laurentian York Brock Ryerson

6 6 6 8



Waterloo Western Windsor Laurier

7 5 6 7

Results Nov. 7 Toronto Waterloo Western 8 Ryerson UQTR Queen’ s 9 York Queen’ s UQTR RMC Concordia Laurentiau 10 Waterloo Guelph Ottawa Laurier



4 2 0 28 23 8 32 12718 7 24 0 1620 4 2 6 0 24 34 4 L T

6 1 3 2 22 14


0 30 17 12 0 21 18 6 2 1823 6 2 1720 4

3 York 3 Laurier 8 Windsor 5RMc 5 McGill 4 Brock 4 Ciuelph 4 Ryerson 3 Ottawa 2 Brock 6 McGill 6 Toronto 4 Western 5 Laurentian 6 Concordia 1 Windsor

Upcoming Games Nov. 14 Western at 15 Lauiier at Ottawa at UQTR at Windsor at Concordia at 16 McGill at Ottawa at Waterloo at Laurier at


Guelph Queen’s York Brock Toronto Ryerson York Lauren. Queen’s RMC

3 OT 2 3 4 4 OT 3 3 3 0 0 5 3 1 1 2 1 OT

7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7~30 pm 7~30 pm 7:30 pm 7:45 pm 2:00 pm 2:OO pm 2:oO pm 7:00 pm





Western Windsor

at at at at at

Toronto Guelph Ryerson Lauren. RMC

7:30 pm 7:30 pm 7:45 pm 2:OO pm 2:00 pm

UQTR 17 McGill Waterloo



Nov. 9 CIAU Championships at McGill

OWIAA GWGL 0 0 1 0 2 3 4

12 9 6 3 1 0 3

9 9 7 3 3 0 1 1

0 3 4 0 6 9 12

2 4 3 3 3 3 6 9

TP 8 6 4 2 0 0 0

6 6 4 2 2 0 0 0

Top 5 Individual

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.




Nathalie Cote Sarah Dillabough Lori Durward Missy McCleary Judith LeRoy

Ottawa Waterloo UBC Windsor Waterloo

1754 1757 17:59 18:09 l&24

Top 4 Team Resuits POINTS Waterloo Guelph McGill UBC CIAU All-Canadians




1 Results Nov. 6 Guelph 3 Laurier OUAA (15-8, 15-7, 15-6) EAST MP MW ML GW GL TP Western 3 McMaster (15-13, H-14, 15-9) Toronto 220604 Windsor 3 Waterloo Queen’ s 3 2 1 6 4 4 (15-4,15-3, 15-10) Ryerson 422694 7 Queen’s 3 Carleton York 101130 (15-8, S-15, 15-10, 15-13) Laurentian 202360 York 3 Ryerson (15-7, 15-5, 15-Q) WEST MP MW ML GW GL TP 8 Brock 3 Laurier (15-9, 15-11, 1614) Laurier Western 3 Windsor Western Guelph 3 Nipissing Windsor (17-15, 15-5, 15-9) McMaster Toronto 3 Lakehead Waterloo (15-3, 15-6, 15-l) Guelph 9 Toronto 3 Lalcehead Brock (15-11, 15-6, 15-9) Guelph 3 Nipissing Results (15-1, 15-7, m-15, 15-7) Nov. 6 Laurier 3 Guelph 0 (15-8, 16-14, 15-8) Games Western 3 McMaster 1 Upcoming Nov. 13 Guelph at Waterloo (13-15, 15-4, 15-11, 15-12) Windsor at Laurier Windsor 3 Waterloo 0 Western at Brock (15-12, 15-8, 15-12) 15 Laurier at McMaster 8 Laurier 3 Brock 0 Western at Guelph (15-13, 15-10, 15-11) Nipissing at Windsor Western 3 Windsor 0 Toronto at Ottawa (M-14, 15-7, 15-11) 16 York at Lakehead Queen’s 3 York 1 (15-2, 12-15, 15-9, 15-8) Toronto at Carleton 9 Ryerson 3 Laurentian 1 Waterloo at Brock (16-14, 15-10, 5-15, 15-11) Nipissing at Windsor 10 Ryerson 3 Laurentian 2 17 Queen’s at York Windsor at Toronto (15-5, m-15, 14-16, 15-10, 15-13) Upcoming Games Nov. 13 Western at Guelph at Windsor at 14 Toronto at

Brock Waterloo Laurier York

15 Laurier

at McMaster


Toronto Western 16 Laurentian Waterloo 17 Laurentian

at at at at at

8:OOpm 8:OOpm 7:30 pm 8:OU pm 1:00 pm

Queen’s Guelph York Brock Toronto


89 106 110 118 from Waterloo



6:OOpm 8:oO pm 8:OOpm 7:30 pm


Saiah Dillabough Judith Leroy

0 0

Second Team Km Langton

0 1 0 0 1 0

OUAA Nov. & Nov. &

16 17 16 17

0 0 1



East Sectional II at Queen’s West Sectional II at Western

1o:oo am 1o:Oo am 1o:oo am lo:oO am

SQUASH Nov. & Nov. &

15 16 15 16

East Sectional II at Toronto West Sectional II at Waterloo

690 pm 1o:OOam 6:OOpm 1O:OOam

CURLING Nov. 17 Waterloo Invitational

&:30 am

Nov. 15 Queen’s Invitational





15, -1996



PUcksterslotikbaCk, whack Weiterix by Ryan “Pucks” Fayette Imprint staff

boiling by keeping tabs on players who can help the cause. Matt St. Germain, who scored the only CLXJ goal to make TSN’s Plays of the Week last season, returns to the lineup in the Winter Term. Also, there is an outside shot that Sheldon Giichrist, a Mike Gartner clone, will come back to shoulder some of the lamplighting responsibility. Until then, the Warriors head on the Kingston Swing, battling Queen’s and RMC this weekend before finishing up the pre-Christmas schedule at home.


n old wise man once remarked, YIon’t loOk back.” Well, last Sunday, the Waterloo Warriors proved the old man spews hogwash as the team celebrated last season’s Ontario championship, and followed up the ceremony by burying the Western Mustangs Mike


at Columbia

Ice Field. the Red Light District by banging home the winner seven minutes into the final frame to move the Black and Gold to 6-1 on the season.

Chambers entered

In the pre-game ceremony, the Warrierected their 1995-96 OUAA championship banner into the wooden rafters of their student engineer-built barn, and presented Athletic Director Judy McCrae with the Queen’s Cup. Last season, the Warriors bonded slowly, developing into a powerhouse after Christmas, and finished asanational hockeyplaying machine. This year’s team, off to a Florida Panther-like start in the Far West division, is taking a different route by starting so well, but hoping for the same result. Some qualities are worth repeating. Rob Burr, assistant coach of the Warriors, notes this year’s edition is starting to gel in a similar fashion. “The team is reaLzing it takes sixty minutes of hard work to win,” observes coach Burr. ‘We’ve been showing a better



Warriors 4 Mustangs 1

Waterloo Athletic Director Judy McCrae receives the Queen’s Cup from Warrior veterans Chris Kraemer (17) and Mark CardiB (7). photo

work ethic, and it paid off this weekend.” Coach Burr, in reflection of last year’s successes, feels the Warriors have some unfinished business after losing to Acadia last season. “Everyone is excited to come to the rink,” points out Burr. “‘We’ve had a good start and we want to return to the national championship.”




There will be some hurdles, though. Windsor, the only club to defeat the Warriors so far, hasn’t lost one player from last season’s roster, and Western’s young recruits may become a force in the New Year. Whenever a team starts so well like the Warriors have, the emphasis of the coaching staff turns to stagnating waters. The Warriors, though, are keeping the kettle

First Period No Scoring. Second Period 1. Warriors, Vaughan (Palmer, Oliver) l&34 (power play) Third Period 2. Warriors, Chambers (Kraemer) 7~34 3. Warriors, Brearley (Widmeyer) 890 4. Western, Bradley (Mancini) 8:26 5. Warriors, Goldie (Pomeroy,Hatis) 19:OO

Cpowerplay) Goalies Penalty

- Harris, Warriors; Denomme, Western. Minutes - Warriors-26; Western-24.

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So many things happened this week, it is only appropriate that we should hand out some awards for stupidity.

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This distinguished award goes to soccer goalkeeper MarkBosnich ofAstonVilla. SeemsMr. Bosnich decided to give a Hitler-style salute to Tottenham fans, many of whom were Jewish, last month. He claimed that it was simply a joke that went horribly wrong. Joke or not, there are some things that you just don’t do, and making “jokes” like this is wrong. Simply wrong. The National Huckey Ltxgu? Goaltendiqy Heayywt@bt Championsktip oftheWbrZd Forget Tyson-Holyfield, Potvin-Hextall was the fight of the weekend. Hextall skated the length of the ice to challenge Potvin for the title, and suffered a TKO and a nice looking cut above his left eye. Sure, Hextall maintained his tough guy image, but if you’re going to skate that far for a

Normally, I like to write my column about sports, but this week, I’ve decided to focus instead on professional’ bo?ring. Strangely enough, I’m going to start off with a complement. The Tyson-Hol$eld match was great. Or at least, I’m going to to assume it was. I was rather unwilling to shell out next term’s tuition to get the fight at home, and too dead to go out to a bar and watch the fight. Instead, my friends and Llistened to the fight on the PPV station, scrambled, so at least we could hear Evander kick Tyson’s overhyped (and I’m going to avoid using a prison joke) ass. However, one shining moment does not exorcise the shadows that have been hanging over the world of boxing throughout the Don King era. What was once a noble, majestic sport now has the credibility of professional wrestling. The truly sad thing is that to correct this problem will take onlv

Washington Bullets forward Juwan Howard, the league’s first $100 million man, became the latestmemberofthe lOO/lOOclub (100 miles per hour, 100 mg/lOO mL Blood Alcohol Content) on Monday mofning: Howard was stoppedforspeedingatabout3:40 in the morning and was subsequently found to be intoxicated. Fortunately, nobody was hurt, but they could have been. If he’d have stayed in school a little longer, perhaps he would have learned that drinking, driving, and speeding don’t mix. Next time he might not be so lucky. The Gru-~ndskeeper WiZlie Award The people who look after the Delta Centre in Utah bought a new hardwood floor, and installed it over the existing ice surface, which is common for basketball/hockey arenas. Unfortunately, the new floor had prob-

a few short steps, but no one in boxing will even give a first thought to implementing any of them. Here they are in no particular order. (1) Have one sanctioned belt for each weight class. With the IBO, IBC, IBF, WBO, WBC, WBF and who knows how many else, boxing is a mess. Conceivably, every single fight could be a sanctioned title match. (2) Strip D on King of his power. Don King is a manager. He should manage the careers of his boxers. He should not have the exclusive right to promote the fights of all of his boxers. He should not have exclusive control over the television broadcasts of the sport. But he does. King Vision owns the broadcast rights to every fight King stages, and he in turn sells those rights to Showtime and the PPV audience. Thaes why Tysonmakes$30r&lionperfight, DPn King makes a whole lot more, and the fans eet screwed. (3) Tak: fights off of payper-view. No more mega-milLion dollar paychecks. No more obscene amounts to pay to see a title fight. Less corruption. Better for all but the overpaid, marginally literate slabs of beef that beat each other senseless. (4) Stage fights &t-side of Las Vegas. Anyone remember the last major fight held outside of Las Vegas? With thegxception of


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15, 1996

lems withstanding the cpld ice surface and warped, cancellinglast Monday’s game between the San Antonio Spurs and the Utah Jazz. Perhaps ifthese people would have taken a physics lesson they might have avoided this inconvenient delay, especially for the sake of the fans who were told 50 minutes tier the scheduled start time that the game had been cancelled. The Stupid Politictin Award San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown basically trashed 44er quarterback Elvis Grbac for his performance against the Cowboys on Sunday. This idiot referred to Grbac as a %sgrace.” What a classlessthing to do. I think that we can all pinpoint the real disgrace in this situation. Perhaps Brown should get his head out of his ass and concentrate on improving his city, as opposed to taking time out to chastise a man for a bad performance in a football game. It’s agame for crying out loud. It’s scary that somebody that unstable is allowed to run an entire city the size of San Francisco. God have mercy on our SOULS.

the occasional match in Atlantic City, or that ill-fated Bowe-Golota fiasco at Madison Square Gardens, there are no signi&ant fights held outside of Vegas. Remember the Thrilla’ in Manilla? I don’t, but it was an actual heavyweight fight staged in the Phillipines. That just doesn’t happen anymore. There are rumours of a Tommy Morrison-George Foreman fight to happen in Australia, but my last point will address that problem. (5) Stop allowing top fighters to beat up on stiffs. Not since the opening scenes of Rocky III has the outcome of a fight been anymore predictable than the Tyson-McNeeley “fight? (6) Stop waiting for the great white hope. It’ll never happen. (7) Do not allow Tomm) Morrison or George Foreman to fight. Ever. Morrison is a health risk, and while I have some empathy for him dealing with HIV, I canlt help but object to him being able to put the lives of his opponents in danger. With George Foreman, he’s approaching fifty, his best athletic days are behind him (like a large portion of his weight), and he is an embarrasement to the sport. If you give boxing that much credit. On a different note, I would like to point out, for those of you keeping score at home: The Fan 1, Bob Uecker 0. A

The Hell With Everything, Let’s Get Rich II.J. O’Rourke Roy Tkonzpson Hull Tuesday, Noveinber 12 by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff ether he’s condemning political scum in Parliament ditK?hWS Or politically correct scum in All de Trouble in the WmZd, Patrick Jake CYRourke’s books all share the same vehement distrust of politicians and an astonishing ability to provoke serious thought with light-hearted prose, As one critic noted, his books take a long time to ftish 7 . .because you’re constantly reading parts ofit to whomever happens to be around.” O’Rourke came to Toronto this past week on the lecture circuit to promote his new book (yet to be released) and discuss “The Politics of Worry.” His speech centred on politicians who create crises that only they, asthe government, can solve. This “Chicken Little” mentality, as Q’Rourke puts it, is bizarre since he finds many reasons to be optimistic. As O’Rourke put it to the audience (taken almost verbatim from the introduction to his book All tbt Trouble in th Weld) : ‘We are no longer in grave danger of the atomic war which, for nearly

fifty years, threatened to annihilate humanity and otherwise upset everyone’s weekend plans. The nasty, powerful and belligerent empire that was the Soviet Union has fden apart. . .The bad political ideas that have menaced our century-fascism, communism, Ted Kennedy for President-are in retreat.” O’Rourke, however, isn’t an idealist. He fulty admits that many things are worth worrying about, but questions whether politics should be our first resort in trying to solve our problems. At the same time, O’Rourke wisely suggests that there are a wide variety of problems that the government just cannot solve. After O’Rourke’s hour-long speech, he proceeded to field questions from the audience for auother hour. Soon afrer the first few queries, people stopped asking actual questions, and simply threw out topics for O’Rourke to discuss. This was O’Rourke’s real opportunity to shine. If he is adept at spinning amusing, insighti tales on paper, he is a master of discussing these topics in simple conversation. When asked about the situation in Quebec, O’Rourke threw his hands in the air, rolled his eyes and spat out the word, “Quebec!” ‘Why are you doing this to yourselves? Canada is admired all

Would you buy a used car from this man? over the world and yet you’re tearing yourselves apart.” His sympathies clearly lay with anglophones, citing Bill 101 as a serious infringement to fiberty in this country. He skirted around the issue somewhat, perhaps became he knew how volatile a subject it was, but couldn’t resist throwing in some of his own savage wisdom. ‘We had our own Civil War. It was bloody and barbaric and vicious, but tie haven’t

heard a peep out of them since,” he joked. He also scoffed at the mention of industrial uses of hemp, instead alluding to his younger days when smoking it was enough of a reason to harvest the plant. Mention of the HelmsBurton act generated an animated discussion of special-interest groups. O’Rourke argued that it was a small, but fiercely dedicated group of Cubans who were able

to dictate foreign policy not by their numbers, but simply by their unified complaining-an act O’Rourke likened to the whinging of other special interest groups in the name of political correctness, O’Rourke’s most insightful comments of the night came during such attacks on political correctness. It is, O’Rourke stated, simply easier to use the word “ASrican-American” than to actually do something about the state of inner cities. Modifying one’s language, or making a quilt is much easier than actually devoting rime and money to ridding her cities of crack or funnelling money into AIDS research. ‘We’ll make this ehe last question because I need a drink,” quipped O’Rourke after an hour of answering questions. He lefi the crowd as all good stage acts do - wanting more. Political satire doesn’t seem to stand much of a chance against a bestseuer list dominated by 2% Fim and The ZX#Les ofMadison County. Somehow, O’Rourke has managed to overcome the banality of contemporary literature and inject both hurnour and common sense into the popular consciousness. Perhaps his greatest accomplishment is the ability to deliver these much-needed qualities with a sense of optimism rare among any social commentators l


No relation

to Chris.

Vdcuno Friday, November 8 by Candace Rutka special to Impsint


the Volcano last weekend, there were no flashg lights, and no explo-


by Reni Chan

sions-just an honest, charismatic and fun-loving group of guys putting on a damn good show. If you’ve ever seenthe Super Friendz play live before, you know that this band offour Haligonians has an energetic, upbeat style that seizesthe stage. This time through town, the band brought their fm tons of new material and a unique band from Vancouver.

In Zumpano’s first-ever visit to Kitchener, much of the crowd was quickly won over by their cool, comfortable stage presence and new musical mix. The band’s instrumentals were accentuated by the fresh sound of keyboard&t, Michael Ledwidge and the kautiful voice of lead vocalist Carl Newmann. He belted out songs from their newest release, Go& i!lvvu~b Chn~es, and a Bee Gees song (that I refLse to admit knowing the name of) requested by some fans. They had an immediate impact that got the concert off to a great start. The only down point to Zumpano’s performance was the overshadowing of their lyrical component by the booming Volcanic sound we all know and have grown to hate. When the Super Friend2 walked onto the stage, they irnmediately grabbed our attention by ripping into the still, smoky air with~e Super FriendzTheme.”

This high-spirited guitar rock instrumental got the show off on the right note. There were several harder hitting numbers like “Blue Tattoo” and LcMachine Green,” aswell as a combination of untitled ones, including a country-twang and a heart-stopping romantic piece. The SFZ retain their witty poetic lyrics and pop-like sound. It is now obvious that they’ve evolved into an experienced band, with massive individual talent and collectively a vast musical reach. Matt Murphy’s endearing, almost boyish stage antics, which included numerous rock star stances, huge guitar arm swings and cool facial ,expressions, kept usonourtoes. One thing’s for sure-this band really appreciates their fans. They thanked us many times, and at one point, Charles addressed the crowd as being too kind. This was the only problem with the entire show: the fans were too

polite. Oh sure, they yelled and clapped after songs somewhat. But when the Volcano’s D J had to egg the crowd on to call for an encore, the band didn’t get the reception and the admiration they deserved. When SFZ returned for the encore, it didn’t seem to matter how the crowd responded anyway, because they ftished off the show better than any band I’ve ever seen. This included a new songwithafantasticsolobydrummer Lonnie James. Finally, the band played their theme song while Matt continually jumped off the drum set and bounced around the stage like a fuecracker, This was the reason I wanted to go to see SF2 play and I wasn’t let down. I had heard the band was awesome live, bur norhhg could have quite prepared me for the enthusiasm and enjoyment of playing music that w&put into the overall mx5hrnance. I left the Volcano &eady looking forward to their next visit to the area.

way wversi;v0 1997




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15, 1996

Plavin’ for the masses. .



1000 Mona Lisas w/Smoother & Molly’s Reach Mrs. Rmobinstm’s Thursday, November 7th by Iaian Duke special t0 Imprint


n Thursday, November 7, “3 bands for 5 bucks” tour stopped off in Kitchener. Even though there were only twenty people there and they had played 28 shows in


A guy with a redly

Mrs. Robinson’s to play pool. The first bunch of swell feilahs to take the stage were Molly’s Reach out of Edmonton. Poor guys, the transmitter for the live to air transmission on CKWR went down, so they didn’t get to play for all the fans out in radio land. Even this didn’t dampen this band’s spirits: they still played weli. Several of their songs had a singing style similar to Fat Mike from NOFX and others had some nifty doo-wop parts that remihded me of Weezer. After Molly’s Reach left the stage, Smoother was the next band up to rock the house. They had a very cool vibe, and played straight ahead Canadian style punk-rock. Although their songs often had a

rather bouncy drum beat that would lend itself easily to some upbeat punk rock dancing, no one in the audience did. I particularly liked “Dadadadada,” ‘N.T.F.S.” and the

long guitar. photo

the last thirty days, the bands still wanted to perform. These bands were all very nice people, who played their hearts out for a group of ten fans and ten old men who were at

by I[aian Duke




Wana nana da na.” Don’t laugh-that’s how the songs were announced. 1000 Mona Lisas are punk rockers from L.A. on RCA. They started their set with “Green Light” and never looked back.

They played fast, well, and very proficiently, especially considering drummer Pete had just joined the band, and Armando had just got a new Sstring bass. The only times they even paused their break-neck pace of punk rock was to say inappropriate things for a radio broadcast, and to play their funk song “Mona,” which was very good as well. Before the last song they played (also the last song on their album), we were told that it was the last song they were going to Play * It was a sonic adventure that ended in blissm feedback produced by Giovanni pounding his guitar into the ground, warping its neck. Even after all this, the radio DJ (who had been saying stupid things all night) asked us to ask for an encore, which anyone could seewould not be very likely. So instead someone shouted back that he shouldn’t pressure us into asking for one. He tried asking us again, to which someone yelled back, “Leave them alone, they said they didn’t want to play anymore.‘” The DJ was then mocked by his fellow on-air DJ, and the heckler was congratulated. These bands were alt ially nice guys who deserve to play to a larger crowd. If you do want to see high quality punk-rock, live and in person, in a small club like it should be, you have your chance. 1000 Mona Lisas and Smoother are working their way back through here in about 2-3 weeks. So, everybody go and see a good show-maybe this time they could actually have some people show UP*

-1 r@if!am,

Mon.Nov.i8 730 p.m.,Tws.Nov.19 MO ‘PJn.



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to UW or WLU available

The rude pariah Big Rude Jake Fed Hall Saturday, Nov 9

byMarkRankin special to Imprint f any band has an ability to trangress its surroundings Athrough its visuaI and audio performance, ifs the suit-wearing, cigar-smoking, scotch-sipping, two-tone-shoe-wearing reincarnated 1920’s big band players Big Rude Jake. Playing at Fed HaU for VVaterloo Alumni this past Saturday, the Rude ones feverishly blazed through everything from Cab Callowav covers to a handM of origin&, bringing a New Orlea.& party atmosphere to the Hall.


High energy, excellent musicianship, and humourous stage banter all contributed to a show that had most of the hall dancing. The band consists of trumpet, trombone, guitar, bass, drums, and Jake himself on vocals, and played songs that were both musically challenging and f’un to listen to. Jake’svocals are in a league of their own; he manages to combine a raspy shouting style while always remaining articulate, get-’ tingthemeaningofhisse&Penned songs across. A Cne compliment to Jake is the jazz guitar stylings which answer the vocals well with

strains of both bee-bop-like chord changes and fiery runs. A fme stage show added to the evening as the brass section

took the music to the people, mingling with the crowd during a slow 1920’s big band flavoured tune. The Rude ones were de& nitely a band to dance to with a partner. Though the band did take an extended break, I don’t know how many people noticed this-near the end of the evening the hall became one big drunken mass. Perhaps the best environment to seethis band would be at a smaller club. Though their music does wfer

well to a big hall like Fed,

a more intimate environment might allow an audience to appreciate the music better. Plus, a smaller environment would allow an audience to hear the rude rambling

of Jake all the more.

stfhy PolkMall

(Be l


KIFCHENER NltttMl8lliverRoos) 748-12







by Eli McIhreen special to Imprint ampus radiostations pride themselves on providing programming that’s heard nowhere else. This week, we’re profiling a couple of shows that don’t quite f;lll into any standard categories.




With the latest series of Live Radio Concerts wrapping up last weekend, the mystery hour known asFrepm t Mutilations returns to our Saturday night schedule. A ‘Mute is an hour of ‘electroacoustic’ studio composition, incorporating found sounds and samples, field rec&dings and real instruments into a free-form collage. (Or, you like, an hour-long radio art wank. chacun Four composers (currently, all are CKMS deejays) rotate doing ‘Mutes, with occasional contributions from fellow studio rats. Each has a different style, ranging from massive rhythm loops to distorted noise to wacky ‘found

recordings. Many Mutes make a fine background for blissing out, or perhaps cooking up a stir-fry in the kitchen; others require your undivided attention, Most are ideal for annoying or confusing your roommates. Radio


Closer to Earth (but that much), Radio Free Waterloo on Thursday evenings features radio drama, experimentalspoken-word and other works of ‘audio art’ from CKMS and other campus broadcasters. This brand of strangeness has made its home on Thursday nights for many years. In the beginning came two long-running drama programs from the surreal Dutch group Nyx Global, heard at the beginning of every edition of the Boot To T.e Head Show. In 1994, a more experimental theatre series called PhiZl~ debuted. Billed as %n experiment in audio landfill”, its improvised material and production plainly fell into the ‘raw but inter&tit-$ category. Highlights of its forty-episode run included


S&b! Michelle Shocked Opem


Tuesday, November 5 by Scott Draper special to Imprint fier a public absence of four years, Michelle hocked is toting with a As new collection of songs &led Kind Hearted Wman. Shocked is one of those artists that’s hard to classZ& Her intelligent, bittersweet lyrics are set to music that combines elements of folk, blues, funk, and many other influences. In between songs, Shocked told the audience stories about the son@. Hei story about “Hard Way’

from End Hawed Wmn was especially touching. “Hard Way” is about her running away from home (or being thrown out) when she was fifieen. By the end of the song, she had tie audience singing the chorus, ‘I’m not old enough to be on my own but I’m much too old to stay’. She was backed up by an excellent band that consisted of a small horn section with a big sound, a guitarist and a drummer. Her brother, a fiddler, joined her on-stage to perform a version of “Cotton Eye Joe.” In ‘Winter Wheat,” Shocked siyp about her battle with her former record label, whom she sued on the basis that they violated the thirteenth amendment

Beware of Bob _ A by Ids Sherman special to Imprint

.s winter approaches, the cost of living increases withhigher costs oftransportation, clothing and Fidel. For m;ury students, winter also means increased food bills--or, for hose less fortunate, food shortages. This


a group

of con-

cerned UW students unveil Autumn Jamboree, a five-band benefit for the University of Waterloo Food Bank. Performing will be soloists Craig Card%, Deb, Henry, and the three-piece acous-

tic act Soma. Special guest Bob .Wiseman headlines. The former keyboardist for Blue Rodeo, Wiseman has released half a dozen solo albums (including one recorded live at CKMS) . He’s well-known across Canada for his quirky acoustic songwriting, and has headlined numerous folk festivals across Canada




Hillside Festival. Autumn Jamboree takes place at One King St. North, Waterloo (beside the Stag Shop). Admission is $5 or $2 with a food donation for the UW Food Bank.



15, 1996

several comedic reenactments of classic urban legends (‘The Beehive Hairdo”, The Hook”) and a Chipmunks-style version of”Bela Lugosi’s Dead” by Bauhaus. Nowadays, you can catch offerings from other stations, such asDalbousie’s CKDU-FM, whose Centre For Art Tapes is dedicated to collecting and promoting audio art. Over the past few years, the Centre has released several cassettes of pieces by sonic bricoleurs from across Canada. These usually revolve around some loosely defined theme, such as “Body Language”, “Media Distorti0t-P or “Neighbourhoods” (the latter in honour of the P-7 conference that activists held para.lieltotheG-7summitinHalifax. So if your ears are in need of some novel stimuli, tune in to Freqwnt MutiZu~s, Saturdays from 10 to 11 p.m., and I&&u Free Wizteduo, Thursdays from 10 to lo:30 p.m. on CKMS 100.3 FM. You can aiso browse the onair schedule at the CKMS website (http:/watservl.uwaterloo.ca/ -ckmsi.dio).



the constitution, which abolished slavery. The lyrics ‘Winter wheat, the grain is groaning on the stem” have great importance to herbecause she finally won her battle and has released I&d IYeatied Wmn on her new label, Private Music. Midway through the show, she sang a bluesey birthday song to one of her bandmember’s friends who was in the audience. After two hours, she finished the show with a disco funk song that had most of the audience shimmying and grooving on the dancefloor. Shocked jumped onto the floor and danced with the audience. It was a fitting end to an eclectic and entertaining show.

Licenseto confuse bY s=dY


onfusion, pain, tension and a general fear of other peopie have always been good topics for rock’n’roll songs, because rock is such a pubescent thing. If you yourself are a confused young person, then music made by others like you, who manage to communicate similar emotions, is going to be admired. Enter Lou Barlow, master of confession-rock. Sure, everybody writes angstridden lyrics, but only a few peapie (such as Barlow) can reaUy pull it off. By placing as much emphasis on song structure and melody as the lyrics, Barlow provides a musical structure that can withstand his admissions ofguilt,


by Justi M&kws Imprint staff After spending a summer hanging out with a couple ofDJ’s, I slowly began to realize that what makes a DT”good” is what makes a musician CLbad.”This new mix that DJ John Acquaviva has put out (TrannnZ0vzs Vol. 1) is a perfect example. Acquaviva is a good DJ. I guess what that means is that he

shame and fear. Take “On Fire,” which opens the album. Barlow admits his own co&ion before the first chorus: ‘7 don’t think before I speak and I don’t know how fa my words reach/ So wrong nearly every time that I’m sorry I speak my mind.” The highlights of Hum-my are similar declarations of anxiety. One of the first singles, ‘&Beauty of the Ride,” refers sarcastically to the ‘&beauty” of the more pai&l aspects of life and love. As Barlow sings, %ll this tension we ignore surely works its way outside/ let it build let it explocle/ leaving blood and shattered bone.” As on previous Sebadoh albums, it’s still Barlow who is the stronger wordsmith. Jason Lowenstein’s contributions certainly aren’t trivial, but he just doesn’t quite have Barlow’s skill at being able to turn co&ed self-pity into songs. Not that Sebadoh area brood-

ing, introspective, boring lot. Barlow’s “Ocean” is as sprightly a jig as has come down the pike in a while, but the music belies some savage lyrical accusations. Sebadoh’s 1994 breakthrough album Bakes& was a stunning revelation for those, such as myself, who hadn’t heard Barlow before. Harrnacy doesn’t change the formula used on that album, but the songwriting is as strong as ever and still deserves to be heard.

can mix one song into another seamlessly, never missing a beat, so that his listeners never have to stop dancing. He does this well, and chooses some decent techno to piece together. I can’t help but wonder, however, what thae says about the -.music included. Everything on this compilation fits a little too well. Yes, I know 2s supposed to be that way, but it seems inherently wrong, from a musical perspktive. There’s little variation from selection to selection, almost to the pint that the track numbers seem arbitrarily placed. Every-

thing has been adjusted to the same tempo. The drum sounds themselves are typically quite similar. The bass lines and synth riffs change, as do the vocal samples, but even then it’s the same format. I guess what I’m getting at here is that while this is a great compilation from a DJ’s point of view, or thedancer’s point ofview, it’s really quite dull from a musical standpoint. Nothing in particular really stands apart from the rest. Make yourselfa tape loop with an incessant bass drum on it and save yourself. some money.

youZre got “Mulder

by Mary





.A... y::: ‘I:~:


and scully

would performthe requiredsteps ,.to fmd.tkwn~&fpugh that may well be appropriate’,tq the theme of the show. FUF th-c who care t~.tr$+p&e&ly the procedure is .,giiscan backwards 9 l/2 minutes ~“;‘:%ornthe beginning of track f . Other than that minor annoyance, thaugh, this is great for X-Files fans, and for anyone who likes good soundtrack music. The dialqpe samples add to the atmosphere of paranoia appropriate to the show, as does the packaging. From the opening “.‘~i:,sadr,with~~~iceofMarkS~~ ‘b&g m &at we ue “but v@m3 on this plan&, to the ftiti:Qack with i~uininous warni.ng tci %ug,.>~o cm+‘;dzis album gives an excellent taste ‘iif the

Earlier this year, Warner reive leased-s 6n &e m ofx-“mun sic from and inspired by the XF&s.” However, the only music actually ccfrom” the show on that CD was the theme song, andeven b WQ different versiQns,&at wq;, “1”‘6 jut flat satiar&ing, Even if,,,&g single did go gold in Frarqz. Now, with the releasti’6f :.. 56% . .:::. i:.: .:._,s..:: +:.: Tn& .mdde I&#t, -fti of Mark e@sodes,... ..L,C _..,.., And th&qqf &&se% &cre’s Snow’s music for the X-F&s can This CD contains a the matter of t&e &dden trixks, .__ ..:.::.epy, p=-id ~Qqg@e nTQf be chappy. varied ~~ec~n ~m~i~:fr~.~~:,.:~,,.~,:,:~~ ~~‘~~d~n ~~~~” So,~~~’ ““’*ne ‘&.,& ?fibst..pp@*t : shows out there. first three seasons of the X-Files; hidden that no CD player T tried

by Matt Feldman special to Imprint Amidst the numerous releases of vintage material from various groups, it’s only fitting the Rolling Stones crank out something of their own. Bandwagon jumpers they aren’t, though, as this performance, recorded in 1968 and living in bootleg infamy ever since, has been rumoured as a planned release for years. Packaged with the design ofa circus poster, the-Rolling Stones get top billing as the act in the centre ring. But for this truly obscure event, they brought many of their musical friends. mer silly but sttangely appropriate circus music and awarmup from ringmaster Mick Jagger, Jethro Tull (chosen to perform over a new band named Led Zeppelin) takes the stage. With their mini-opera style, The Who give the audience a taste of the not-yet released Tommy. Bringing variety to the show is Marianne Fail, rather out of place among the heavy hitters of rock and roll. The next group raised some questions when I first picked up this album. An avid fan of classic rock for many years, I had never heard ofThe Dirty Mac. My scepticism deepened when I read they were covering “Yer Blues.” Could there be a version that is worthy of comparison to the Beatles’ original? Quite simply, yes,Before they begin, The Dirty Mac is introduced as John Lennon, Eric

by Rob Van Kiuistum Imprint shff The newest addition ; I I the label that gave us Sandbox and Damhtmit Doyle, the Booming Airplanes are a contemporary folk rock group with an energetic, pop edge. Their sound is a very refreshing change from the growling vocals and distorted guitars of many of the music industries recent releases. Singers Ruth Mtikin and Mark Savoury have sweet voices that mix in harmony beautiNy. Hailing from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, the rest of the band are Dale Murray, Serge Samson and Pottie, formerly of Crash Vegas. Their music is upbeat, clean and mxhing with a distinctive Maritime sound. They use a vari-

Clapton from the freshly disbanded Cream, Mitch Mitchell of the Jimi Hen& Experience and sporting a bass, Keith Richards. It’s an all-star performance with passionate lyrics from Lennon and Clapton’s superb guitar work. Trackthirteenismyonlycomplaint about the album. With backing instrumentals supplied by The Dirty Mac and violinist Ivry Gitlis, ‘mole Lotta Yoke” is way, way too much Yoko. What would have been a htastic song, instrumental or otherwise, is ruined by the pointless screaming Yoke deems art. Enjoy the first ninety-second jamofthisnearlyfive-minute track in sans-Yoko bliss before things go downhill. With a quick “And now...” from John Lennon, the Stones break into an energetic Cc Jumping Jack Flash” followed by the slow grooving blues of Varachute Woman.“The band takes it down a notch for “No Expectations” but the rebund is quick for excellent takes of classic Stones tunes. Rounding out a great album is “Salt ofthe Earth”, with the audience joining in on the last verse as the Stones venture into the crowd. A fine showcase of early talent. I can’t imagine why this has remained locked away for nearly 28 years.

ety of acoustic instruments (no, there’s no gratuitous fiddling) to great effect. They’ve created a sound that reminds you of home, even if you aren’t from the coast. In the Hal&x area, the band is receiving rave reviews and have been well accepted critically. Perhaps those Maritimers know something we don’t. This disc is also the fmt multimedia enhanced CD put out by Latitude. And for a first effort, it is very, v0y good. When the disc first starts, you’re introduced to the band’s favorite hang-out, a bowling alley. Once inside, you get to see video clips, band info, and yes, you can bowl. My friends and I laughed our heads off at some of the off-the-wall shots that were taken. It shouldn’t be long until the Booming Airplanes knit themselves a place in the Canadian mainstream market, especially if theykeephJmingoutqua.lity~&z l,i.l?XthiS.

Brendan Benson

Loud Family

One Mississippi I$#2

Interbabe Concern Alti

In today’s paranoid climate

This 4-piece band’s latest endeavour is very enjoyable. The instrumentation is fairly standard, but what makes this cool are the song titles. With names as pretentious as “Screwed Over by Stylish Introverts,” “1 No Longer Fear the Headless” and “Rise of the Chokehold Princess,” you can’t help but like these guys and girl. -42

of politically correct phrasing and fear of offending some sectors of society, it is refreshing to see that some artists are still able to create good satire about kidnapping. Brendan Benson’s “Sittin Pretty” is a light-hearted poke at kidnapping, putting you humourously in the mind of a deranged person infatuated with a young girl. Later on the album, Brendan narrates a completely hilarious situation about that day in the not to distant fLture (or past) when the insects take over a small town in Ynsects Rule.” Exams getting you down? Too many assignments at this point in your life? Thinking about kidnapping a pretty girl (or guy) ? Why not get this album and lift your spirits? -RVK


by Andrew


Donov;m American



I’m skeptical that Donovan’s alive, not to mention still recording &ash. My parents are decisively uncool, and yet I really doubt that even they would condescend to purchase this melee of folkguitar and cheesylilting voice. This disc is really, really, really mellow, but methinks it lacks a little bit of yellow.


Perhaps it seems a little trite to say a band is just a Smashing Pumpkins clone, but Catherine has settled in that niche. And this close link should come as no surprise with three of D’arcy’s brothers in the band, and Billy Corgan’s mark on their debut. Their sound is simple: catchy and upbeat, with crunchy wails through Iha’s loaned amps. The lyrics are acute and oft’ profound and Rew, the singer, drawls them very well. Although they have not yet reached their peak, the tirne will come when Catherine is unique. -d,K

Volunteer drivlngforce: do you haV8 a car and some free time? Drivers needed to drive seniors from their home to a senior day program. Mileage is reimbUrS8d. Contact VO)unt88r Services 888-6488. Volunteers needed to assist with answering phone, typing and customer service in a busy office environment. Requires at least a one year commitment. Contact Volunteer Services &886488. WaterhO OXfOrd DiStriCt Secondary School in Baden is looking for volunteers to help out with Special Ed Department. EXC8ll8nt 8xperienC8 for students wanting to go to Teachers College or Social Service field. Contact Bill Bond at 634-5441 between 8:oO am & 4:00 pm.

Volunteers needed to work with preschool children in child care settings. No previous experience with children required. 2-3 hours per w88k. Great experienc8, call Bill at Notre Dame of St. Agatha Preschool Support Setvice 7411122. Lexington Public School is looking for

enthusiastic volunteers to work with students in classrooms, in small roups or on an individual basis. Call i rigitta at 747-3314 if you are interested. Kitchener Parks and Recreation - for info regarding the following call Deb 7412226: Exploring Leisure Volunt8ers needed! If you are available Friday evenings between 7 and 10 pm, you could assist a group of adults with a disability to “8xplore leisure.” This might include going to a hockey game, learning a new craft or going swimming. Admission to recreation events is provided for volunteers. Get In the Swlmt Aquatic volunteers needed for men, women and children with disabilities. Will adapt to our schedule. Receive free pool pass. L alevolunteers are urgently needed. Calling all Card Sharks! Male volunteer required for Weekly card game with young gentleman. Time/location flexIble. Like music, playing pool, conversation? Male volunteer sought to accompany young adult to community drop-in program, Sundays 1 to 3 pm. (day and time flexible) URGENTLY NEEDED! Male volunteer to assist young boy new to community in soccer program, Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m., November to March. Learn about a different cUhJr8 While vou show a new immigrant how to be a bart of our community. For more information , call the K-W YMCA

and Patrick

Host Pro-

gram at 579-9622. Make a difference in a child’s life! Friends, a service of Canadian Mental Health Association Wat8rbo Regional Branch, is seeking volunteers to support children one-to-one to develop their self esteem and social skills. Call 744-4806 ext. 335. Artists & Writers: The Waterloo Community Arts Centre needs you. Volun-

It has been nine years since Dalbello has put out an album of her own. &a follow up to her 1987 release, She, which gave us the single, ‘Talk to Me,” I admit that I was eager to see what she had to offer. Mer nine years, however, one would expect more from an album than what was found in these scant ten offerings. The first single, uEleven,” is very disappointing. This track, along with the rest of the album, seems to follow the general formula of an album from Heart, with whom Dalbello has been collaborating for the past few years.Thisalbumwouldhavebeen much better had it been released in 1989 as an immediate followup to She, since it already seems dated and its only been out since





Hot Saki and Bedtime Stories TvTRecwk

Be a Sig Sisters Volunteer! Training sessions commence Sept. 16,l Fr,23/96 or Nov. 5,7,12196. Please call 743-5206. Wantad: energetic, enthusiastic young women to be Spark, Brownie, Girl Guide or Pathfinder leaders. Within the university vicinity. For info call Lynne at 8848098.

Rob Van Kruistum





Greg Picken,


teers wanted to sit on programming committee. oraanize drop-in artist sessions, design po;ters and bore. Call 886-4577 City of Waterloo Volunteer Services needs volunteers. Call 886-6488 for more info regarding the following positions; Aquatic: to assist with Red Cross swimming classes for Winter 1997. Volunteers must have completed RLSSC Bronze Medaltion and be at least 14 years of age. Sessions begin Jan. 6 to Mar. 9. Office Assistants: answering all Home Support phone calls, typing and customer service in a bus office environment. You must have o i ice experience, be able to type accurately and have good communication skills. Computer skills are an asset. One year commitment, Mondays from 1 to 4130 p.m. Library: to assist individuals with special needs in selecting reading material and d8liV8ring books to their home, as well as return previously borrowed material. Familiarity with Library and access to a vehicle are an asset. Waterloo Community Arts Centre Needs Volunteers. Po&er design, special evsnts, office work, pr ramming and much more. Help your “3 ocal arts community. Call 886-4577 or stop by 25 Regina St. S. Reaching Out ‘96: Volunteers needed to assist with a fundraiser/educational event in aid of a local shelter. Call Michael at 7446507. Volunteers needed - makea new friend, learn about another culture! Help a new Canadian learn English. Two hours Weekly, four month commitment. TrainKitch8n8r-Wat8rloo ing provided. Multicultural Centre. Phone 745-2531.

ktail-Shakin’ Stkl-t!d Lt?imv



The world would be a much groovier place if Jaymz Bee’s influence ever stretched beyond southern Ontario. In his latest incarnation as the smooth talking impresario of the lounge scene, Bee has compiled a disc of classic Canadian tunes, done over in a martini-and-smoking jacket way. We’ve got such Can-Con classics as “You Oughta Know” and %@asses at Night” to whet our appetites. The best track on the disc is by far Qkin’ Care of Business” with Big Rude Jake: a bizarre, Burroughs-ish take on BTO’s finest work. This is a great album, although likely not one that you’ll want to buy-but if your friend gets it, you’ll want to borrow it. -GP



Tin7 Tim Tim s Christmas Album Rotlnder

An oversized freak with an undersized ukelele plays all the Christmas favourites. It’s quite possible that, with Tiny Tim’s recent heart attack, this could be his last album ever, For some reason this is seen as a bad thing. -PW

Lenni Jabour

Leti has some good song ideas, but to her detriment, sounds way too much like Tori Amos or Robin Holcomb. She is a competent pianist and singer but she needs some time to develop her own style. -RvK


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 CTRL.A The 3rd Anime Night of F’96. 4:30 to lo:30 p.m. at the Engineering Lecture Hall, room 101. For details email ctrl-a@calum.csclub.uwaterloo.ca or visit http://www.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/ club,sIctrl-a. Marlowe’s “Dr. Faustus” St. Jacobs Schoolhouse Theatre, Nov. 15, 16,2123. Tickets $15. Limited seating. Call to reserve 664-l 134. KW Chamber Music Society, 57Young St., W., Waterloo. Call 686-1673 for reservations. Concerts begin at 8 p.m. “Susan Ho8ppn8rm, flute. WAY, NOVEMBER 17 Pops 2000 Foundation is holding a muiical concert from 7:30 to t 0:OO p.m. at the Phoenix Banquet Hall, 70 B&an Place, Waterloo, to support the Lung Association. Call 886-8100 for more information. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Arts Alive Lecture S8ries held at 101 Queen St., N., Kiichener. Call579-5660. “Oriental Carpets’ will be shown at 10 UW PC Club .. . presents Jean Charest at Fed Hall at 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. Tickets $10 --adv or _ $12 _ at door. Breakfast ineluded. For more info call 88610821. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20 fhlrd Year abroad at Coleraine, Nor&hern Ireland. General information meeting for students in the Faculty of Arts at 4 p.m. in HH334. Details from Prof. Jim Walker, History Dept., ext. 3706, jwwalkerQ watarts.uwaterioo.ca. Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Water-

loo coming-out discussion group. Topic: ‘Issues of Race, Colour and Cultural Background” 730 p.m. Social follows at 9 p.m., HH 378. Meet old friends and make new ones. All welcome. Details: 884-4569. KW Blood Donor Clinic, Rink In The Park, Raiter Room from 1130 to 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 22 Hundreds of Flnal Exam SunrIval Klts (FESK) have b88n purchased by UW parents for students. Watch for YOUR name in the Nov. 22 issue of Imprint! Details of where to pick up your FESK will be included in the announcement. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 Renlson Institute Ministry Session: PC14, The Small Christian Fellowship Group. Two or three can learn how to get such a group started with a method which has transformedchurches everywhere. For more info Call 884-4404 8Xt.



TUESDAYS To become a better pubtic speaker, read in public and build your confidence, join the Christopher Leadership Course. This course begins Sept. 17 to Nov. 26/96 from 7 to 10 p.m. Students $90.00 (books included), adults $110. For more info call Joanne at (519) 7446307. Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday KG Sexual Assault Support Centre/Drop-in Group. Women sexually assualted as teen/adult: Emmanuel United Church corner of Bridgeport and Albert. 1 :OO 3:OO om. Info 571-0121. Every Tues. & Wed. 10 week course designed to prepare people writing the Test of English as a Foreign Language exam. Sept. 24 to Nov. 27/96 from 2:OO to 4:3O p.m. Register at international Student office NH2080 or call ext. 2814 for details. THURSDAYS An English Language Lab/class, Sept. to Dec. in Modern Languages from 1:3C1 to 220 pm. Students, faculty, staff and spouses welcome. For info call lnternational Student Office ext. 2814. FRIDAY English Conversation Class in Needies klall2080. Sept. to June from 2:OO to 4:00 p.m. Students, faculty, staff and spouses welcome. For info call International Student Off ice at ext. 2814 SUNDAYS Emmanuel United Church Young Adults Group welcomes university students. Service lo:30 am, Social Group 7100 pm. 22 Bridgeport Rd. (corner of Albert and Bridgeport). FASS Writers Meetings: join fellow writers, comedians and thespians in the creation of the 35th Anniversary, FASS ‘97 Script! This year’s theme is King Arthur. ML104, 7-9 pm.

7:30 p.m. http://math.uwaterloo.ca\-fass The Depressive & Manic-Depressive Association for Waterloo Region is a selfhelp, support group. We provide info, education & support to anyone who has the illness as well as family members and friends. For info call 884-5455. University of Library Electronic Data Services has revised office hours and added some service effective Oct. 15/96. The new office hours (Porter Library Room 222) are: Tues. lo:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.; Wed. 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Piease contact the UMD Library @ x2795 for specific times. THERE ARE MANY UNCLAIMED OSAP LOAN DOCUMENTS in the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, NH. Don’t delay. Pick up your loan documents by Nov. 22/ 96. This is an urgent reminder to students who are not returning to school in Jan. 97. Unclaimed loans will be cancelled and returned to the Ministry of Education if they are not picked up. Lantern Light tours at Doon Heritage Crossroads. Tickets are now on sale for Dec. 6,7,13,14,20 and 21 at 7 pm or 8:30 pm. Tickets are $8 per person. “Starry Night” tickets are now on sale for Dec. 23 at 6:30 - 9:30 pm. Tickets are $15 per adult and $7.50 per child. Call 748-1914. SNOWGA TOGA - get ready, its coming on Jan. 18 will be the first every SNOWGA TOGA at Bingeman’s Park. $5 includes bus. Watch for ticket sales. Nominations of candidates for the election of two faculty at-large members to the Vice-President, Academic & Provost Nominating Committee closed at 3:OO p.m. on Wed., Nov. 6. Thefoltowing memberswere acclaimed: Hannah Foumier, French Studies, Lynne Magnusson, English. MathSoc is collecting gifts for Operation Christmas Child. For more information contact Karen (kakopciua barrow) or call MathSoc at 888-4779. HUNDREDSOF FINAL EXAM SURVIVAL KlTS(FESK) have been purchased by UW parentsforstudents. WatchforYOURname in the Nov. 22 issue of tmprint. Details of where to pickup your FESK wi I I be included in the announcement. “A Die kens Christmas” through song and word, put on by the Elora Festival Singers. Sunday, Dec. 8 at 3 p.m. at St. John’s Church Elora. Buy your tickets early since last years show was a sold out performance! Call 846-0331 for info and tickets. Queen Elizabeth Silver Jubilee Awards Several $5,000 scholarships are being offered to undergraduate students across Canada to study at another Canadian university in their second official language (French or English). Candidates must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents, currently enrolted in the second or third year of their first undergraduate university program. Students must have sufficient ability in their second official Iangauge. Apptication Deadline: Jan.31.97. For more info and application forms, contact Student Awards Off ice. Exchanges to France or Germany for 1997-98: awards of $1,200 to undergraduates and graduates. Deadline January 1O/ 97. Forms available from your dept. or Rehana Merali, NH, room 3015.

IANNCUNCLWNTS St. Paul’s United College has rooms avaitable for Winter ‘97 and Spring ‘97 terms. Please call 885-l 460 or drop by for application forms and a tour! The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences is pleased to announce the opening of the UW-CMCC Chiropractic Research Clinic in the new addition to BC Matthews Hall. Call888-4567ext. 5301 for an appointment. Rooms in the Village Residence are available for immediate occupancy. Inquire at the Housing Office, Village 1 or phone 888-4567 ext. 3704 or 3705 for further information on the villaaes. English as a Second Language, Secondary School Credits, and Upgrading classes for adults at St. Louis Adult Learning Centres. 75 Allen St. E. Waterloo 7451201 or 291 Westminster Dr. N,Cambridge 650-l 250. Padania Players needs plays to perform! Any local playrights with short, witty scri ts please bring them to the Imprint o Rice. Please attach name and phone number. Attention Bluevale Alumni!BCl’s 25th Reunion is May 30 - June l/97. The Reunion committee is presently compiling a mailing list. It is important that they receive your address now. Please write the school c/o 25th Reunion, 80 Bluevale St. N. Waterbo, N2J 3R5, call the Hotline at 650-0569 ore-mail at http:/www.sentex.net/-dabrykys/ bci.reunion. Distinguished Teacher Awards To nominate your outstanding professor, demonstrator or teaching assistant for the Distinguised Teacher Award, contact TRACE, MC 4055, Ext. 3132. Deadline: Feb.7/97 The FASS Fall Kick-off! The fun starts now as we write the script, design the sets and plan the parties for our annual Musical Comedy in February. DC1 301,



Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Fall term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall.

ALL FACULTIES: Doreen Brisbin Award-interested females entering 4th year in Spring or Fall 1997 in an Honours program in which women are currently under-represented. Deadline:Apr.30/97 Don Hayes Award-for involvement/contribution to athletics and/or sports therapy. Deadline:Jan. 31/97 Leeds-Waterloo Student Exchange Program Award-students to contact John Medley, Mechanical Engineering. Mike Moser Memorial Award-available to 3rd or 4th year based on extracurricular and financial need. Deadline: Jan. IO/97 Tom York Memorial Award-available to all for short fiction-not essays. Students to

contact St. Paul’s United College for further information. Deadline: Dec. 311 96

Facultv of Applied Sciences:


Mark Forster Memorial Scholarshipavailabfe to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: Jan. 31/97 Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarshipavailable to 3B Kinesiology or Health Studies. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Robert Haworth Scholarship-completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31/97 RAWCO-available to 2nd,3rd or4th year Recreation and Leisure Studies. Deadline: Jan 31/97



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Facultv of Arts: Concordia Club Award-available to 3rd year Regular or 3A Co-op Germanic & Slavic. Deadline: Jan. 31/97

Facultv of Encjneerincl: Andersen Consulting Schoiarshipavailable to 3B. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Canadian Hospital EngineeringSociety’s Scholarship-available to 3B. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship-available to atl 38. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 John Deere Limited Scholarship-available to 38 Mechanical. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Delcan Scholarship-available to 4A Civil. Deadline: Feb. 28/97 Randy Duxbury Memorial Award-available to 3BChemical. Deadline: Mar. 31/ 97 SC. Johnson & Son Ltd.Environmental Scholarship-available to 3rd year Chemical. Deadline: May 31/97 Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation Undergraduate Scholarshipavailable toall 28 & 38 based on extracurricular and marks. Deadline: Nov. 29/96 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-available to 3B Civil,Water Resource Management students. Deadline: May 31/ 97

Faculty d&irnmental . Shelley Ellisonl Award-available to 3rd year Planning. Deadline: Nov. 29/96 Robert Haworth Scholarship-available to 3B Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage and Planning. Outdoor Education. Deadline: May 31197 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-avaitable to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. Deadline: May 31/97

Too busy? Christmas baking available. Avariety and pies. Drop off on campus. Call 653-3755.

of cakes, cookies

DEADUNE FORClASSlFlEDS is Mondaysat 5 p.m. at the IMPRINToffice SLC1116

CLASSIFIED RATES: $3./20wordslXi$afler 20/tGST non-student: $5./20wards/.25$ afler2OhGST business (student,mm-student):$10./20 words1.25$ after20/t GST

STUDENT EMPLOYMEAII oPPoRluulTlEs The following employment opportunities are now available. Interested applicants should respond directly to the contact indicated. Projectionist & Camera OperatorsAudio Visual Centre $g.OO/hr. Flexible hours. Preference given to students with 4 terms to work. Contact Lenora Wilson at Ext. 5114 or report to the Audio Visual Centre Eng 2 1309.

Faculty of Mathematics: Andersen Consulting Scholarshipavailable to 3B Math. Deadline: Mar. 31/ 97 Electrohome 75th AnniversaryScholarship-available to 3B Computer Science. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 KC. Lee Computer Science Scholarship-available to 2B Computer Science. Deadline: Nov. 29196 Sun Life of Canada Award-available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. Deadline: Nov. 29/96

Faculty of Science: David M. Forget Memorial Award in Geology-available to 2A Earth Science, see department. SC. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship-available to 3rd year Chemistry. Deadline: May 31/97 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-available to 38 Earth Science/Water Resource Mgt. Deadline: May 31/97

Research In Motion Phone Tech Full Circle Foods University Acne Clinic Onward Computers Health Keeper Princess Cinema The Beat Goes On Fairview Acura Data Corn Dr. Disc Blue Dog Bagels

Fed Page Centre In The Square Travel Cuts

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Hikers Haven UW Computer Store Ears 2 Hear

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