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- 5:OUpm

IMPRINT Campus University Waterloo,

Centre, Room of Waterloo Ontario, NZL

140 3G I

888-4048 Friday, January 21,1994 Volume 16, Number 23

And the nominat&ws

Fednomineesjockeyfor positions

ISSN 0706-7380

Inside news


Fed nominations, U of T’s Mr. Women’s Issues, OSAP cutbacks, Haiti, blood banks, U of T (againj & ISomolka ban, student life projects, ani t-smoking, SAA



Lots 0’ letters,



Roommates from HELL!, & Pepsi makes money, those bastards



the Plague hits Mac,

Warrior hockey beats Queens & RMC, track tern is aokay, curlers on a straight, basket ball Athenas lose, swimmers swam, ski club is cool



Dervishes, hHead, Doughboys meet the Asexuals, movies about life in the Orient, plus Pomoland, Colin James, Billy Joel, Fugazi, The Wonder Stuff, and an IH rerun!?!! (yay!)


Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor News Assitant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Photo Editor Photo Assistant Features Editor Science Editor


Proof Reader

Board Vice President

Secretavflreasurer Directors-at-Large

Vying for the position

Heather Robinson Sandy Atwal Kat M. Piro Craig Haynes Jeff Chard

of Presi-

dent, Bruce Winter and Stephen Codrington are both fourth year students. Winter, a Honours Ceography student’ plans to “lobby for an increase in student voice proportionate to [ancillary] fee increases,” and develop a way to allow student say on faculty tenure and promotion decisions. Overall, he hopes to develop a “partnership” between students and administration “treating the students as if they were clients using a service.” liis qualifications include chairing the Board of Academic Affairs for the Feds, managing the Environmental Studies Coffee

Shop, co-founding the Environmental Studies Endowment Fund, being the past president of the Environmental Studies Society (I 992-93), and a past member of the Environmental Studies Dean Selection Committee




on the other hand, saving money and the Canadian on



Campus (CCBC).

Business Consortium a new Fed initiative cur-

financial assistance program for students. The Civil Engineering co-op

student’s qualifications include managing the Concrete Toboggan Project’ being a past president of the Engineering Society ( 1992, I993), directing the Engineering Society Video News ( I992), directing the Engineering Society Athletics (I 99 I ), being a member of the Varsity water polo team (l989), and his work experience in “consulting and public utility industries.” The most contested position is Vice-President, Operations and Finance, with fewer than four students hoping to handle the Feds’ money. All candidates pledged to keepstudents informed of the Feds’ spending, and asked for student input. Randy Bareham, a fourth year Electrical Engineering major, hopes to use the Student Life Centre to its fullest potential once it opens next fall. Both the CCBC and the Students of Waterloo Accessing Products and Services (SWAPS) are initiatives he feels will save UW students money. His qualifications include co-chairing the Gender Issues Board, sitting on the Management Board of the Student Coordi-

Mr.Women’s issuesat Uof Tis, tosome,in..

No place- for a man

vacant Sharon Little Pat Merlihan vacant Elena Johnson

Laurie Tigert-Dumas vacant Vivian Tambeau Marina Knez Jeff Warner Angela Mulholland

Sandy Atwal

Natalie Onuska Gillian O’tiagan Cheryl Costello Heather Robinson




Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without sharecapital.Imprint isamemberoftheOntario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the edit, and refuse advertising.

Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic should be addressed to imprint Qwatservl .uwaterloo.ca.


Jczmes special

Russell to Imprint


espite the prevailing attitude in society today that men and women are equal, there has been some controversy sparked by the acclamation of a man to a post

previously held only by women at the University of Toronto. David Ruddell, a second year student at the U of T, was recently acclaimed as Women’s Issues Officer for that school’s Student’s Administrative Council. This decision has elicitid some protest and questions have been raised about the suitability of a man in this position. “In my opinion, it shouldn’t matter what gender that person is,” says Ruddell. Uma Sarkar, president of the Arts and Science Student’s



“I know

he might be sincere, but he is a man.” Vinita Srivastava, coordinator of U of T’s Women’s Centre initially expressed concern that Ruddell could compromise the position. But now Ruddell claims to be receiving full cooperation. There is “no hostility”, he says. Raquel David, coordinator of the University of Waterloo’s Womyn’s Centre, when asked whether she thought that Ruddell’s gender could undermine his ability to do the job, replied “definitely.” She suggested that the very act of putting a man in this position is contrary to the basic idea of a Women’s Issue

Ofice. The purpose of this sort of establishment is to promote women and “Clearly by electing him to do that job, that’s not what is being done” said another source from

the Womyn’s Centre, who preferred not to be named. Ruddell is undaunted by his opposition, which includes a letter writing campaign to the SAC The campaign is not targeted against Ruddell specifically, but against the council for “allowing a man in that position.” He has a rapidly filling agenda of projects to which he has committed resources. A women’s safety fair, street theatre on sexual harassment’ and getting “diversity issues” included in the university curriculum are just some ofthe projects he mentioned when reached at his home in Toronto. Some members of the UW Womyn’s Centre fail to be convinced of Ruddell’s sensitivity to Women’s issues, however. They claim that if Ruddetl were truly well-educated and sensitive to the issues, he would not have even attempted to acquire this position. If

he really

W-ES committed


nated Plan, being a Village I Don since 1992, a member of the Endowment Fund Committee ( I992- 1993)’ and having international work experience. Christine Dewhurscafourth year Mathematics/Chartered Accounting major, is a Fed Hall em-

ployee, Village Don, Math Sot class representative, was a founding member of the Math Endowment Fund (I 993), co-chaired the Villages Charity Ball (I 993) and Village I Orientation ( I 99 I), created the Student PartTime Employment Centre (SPCE) and was its Service Coordinator (I 992-93)’ in addition to having numerous work terms with chartered accountants. She plans to publish quarterly financial statements. The third candidate, Leon Briggs, is a fourth year Honours Math/Actuarial Science student whose qualifications include working at the Post Office for 3 years, being President of the Caribbean Students’ Association (I 993-94), Assistant Ref-in-Chief for Campus Recreation Soccer, Peer Ministry member at St. Jerome’s, a member of the UW Navigator’s (I 990-9 I), a Campus Ret and social events participant, and a Village II resident ( I 990-9 I ). The final student hoping for the position of VPUF is Ammie Klein, in third year Math. She hopes publicity will increase student awareness.


moting women, he “would respect the fact that women have to gain their own voice.” David sums up her opinion of the situation quickly. “It’s just clear and simple. There’s just no place for him to be there.”

Her qualifications include working at the Math C&D since 1990, class representative for the Actuarial Science Club (1993), Math Orientation Leader and Faculty BBQ co-ordinator ( I992), Toronto Watpub representative ( I 99 I ), Math Sot class representative ( I991), and work experience in systems development and financial analysis. The final position open is Vice President’ University Affairs. Two students are running, Andreas Kuwits and]ulie Cole. 80th give a high priority to campus safety issues and making Fed services widely known. Ku wits, a forth year Political Science major, has been on the Fed Student Council for 3 years, including the Fed Board of Directors ( I993-94), and has been a Village Don ( I993-94), UW tour guide (I 992”94),



the Political Science Student Association (1993)’ on the Orientation Committee (I 990, I99 I), and Chair of the Village II Shinerama Fund-raising Committee ( I99 I). He hopes to ensure that co-op fees are “productively spent”’ and work towards a fair system of student loans. Cole’s experience include being a memberofthe Endowment Fund Committee, the PALS Advisory Board, Village II Head Don, Legal Resource Office volunteer (I 992-94)’ Village I Don (I 992-93)’ and a Student Access Van driver (I 99 I-94). She considers co-op safety issues and off-campus student resources to be highly important.




Chris AIdworth, Peter Brown, “Butch,” Ken “Earl Wayne+’ Craig, Marie-Ann Fairbaim, Lesley Gignac, Kieran Green, Aprit Harper, Geoff Hill, Peter Hoflich, Tasha Lackman, Jack Lefcouti, Daryl Novak, Nicholas Mew, Craig Nickerson, Yvonne Ng, Chris Robinson, James Russell, Khaled Sharaf, Carrie Shaw, Christy Simard, Jennifer Smith, Jennifer Thompson, IJW varsity swim team, Shannon VanKoughnett, Rob Van Mil, David Varty, Rob Vickers, Chris

right to screen,


Ken Bryson

being finalized. He is also concerned with ancillary fees, and demands that the “unavoidable” fee increases be tied to improved teaching quality and a properly managed


ominations for next year’s Federation of Students’ ex ecutive are closed, and eight people are running for the three positions. With the election slated for

(1991-1992). Codrington,

of Directors




Staff Advertising/Production Production Assistant General Manager Advertising Assistant Chief Proof Reader


February I5 - 16, the election campaign begins on Friday, February 4.

Ken, & religion

for best speech, ass-kissina cateacw, are..I

Kut M. Piro Imprint stun

students can for four years are gruelling. If you don’t live at home, and can prove that your par-

$5 570. For four terms the maximum amount to be repayed is $ I I I40. After four years, students will be responsible for $22 280. The actual amount that students are eligible to borrow is calcuhted based on the “allowable educational cost” and the “student contribution.” Families are held responsible for the contribution along with the student “Arbitrary refusal to support the student is not a legitimate ground for appeal,“says Lukawy. “However, if the student’s parents do not have sufficient funds, or if a breakdown in family relations can be proven, than the student is eligible to receive a larger loan.” The number of students whc default the system, accor$ing to Lukawy is very small. “Only about 3 % of the applicants lie,” she says. “We have a thorough verification system, and if students know about someone cheating the system, they can also contact us.” However, no statistics are yet available on how many students in the future will be eligible for loan forgiveness, and there is also no guarantee that the system wilt still be around



government of Ontario has come up with a new way to help students live with their debts: The loan Forgiveness Program.


he provincial

A grant by any other name would smell as swee& however, there does seem to be a difference between the system of financial aid that was phased out last year, and the new on& if only in wording. Since 1993-94, the only money that students can get from the government is in the form of loans. That is students who can prove their neediness. “Grants are money given upfront. This pro-m gives you loans and then forgives you when it comes to paying them back,” says Brenda Lukawy, the Communications Officer at the Ministry of Education and Training.

The debts


expect after studying



a position






witt have accumulated to $28 000. The new system forgives stu-

“I don’t think the government will turn back on [its promise],” says Lukawy. The Ontario NDP government however is not known for keeping its

dents who studied for two terms any money borrowed above and beyond

promises. The future of the Loan Forgiveness Program remains tcr be seen.

pay for your education, than you can expect to get a loan of about $7000 per year. After four years, your debt





2 I,



by Stephen Pearson special to Xmprint


I5 minute walk away from the University of Waterloo is an extremely important and valuable Waterloo reiource centre that many students are unaware of: The Global Community Centre. If your studies or personal inter-






home away



Parlour) you’ll find a broad based resource library, rare and alternative periodicals, audio-visuals, slides, Bridgehead products, overseas files and a very helpful, friendly staff (and a database) that is there to help you find what you’re looking for. Why does all of this exist for you? Well, Global has been around in one form or another since 1968. Global

to Waterloo men?‘: “We live in an interrelated world distorted by a concentration of power and wealth which denies the majority of people control over their own lives. The result is material, intellectual and spiritual poverty. Together with people from all nations, Global Community Centre is a participant in the struggle to alIe i.ces.

Global is funded through a wide variety of sources from private donors, to partner NGO’s, to government agencies (such as CIDA). Global also publishes a bi-monthly newsletter which is available for subscriber delivery, or stop by and pick one up. Currently, Global is offering a number of public access services, -in.novie night” series at


frarn home” 2685 Kingsway

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ests lie in areas such as the environment, Third World studies, human rights, social justice,women’s issues, or international relations, a trip to the Global Community Centre (Global) is time well spent. Global offers a wide range of services and resources in all these subject areas. Located at 89-9 I King St. N. Waterloo (upstairs next to the Old English






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non-government organizations in fostering greater community and international links, cooperation, and educational opportunities. What the Global Community Centre stands for can best be summed up by their following “mission state-

hatever your discipline, whatever your inter&s, Global probably has something for you. Stop by and see what you can do to join in the fight for social justice and global understanding, or at least learn something new. For more information, calf the Centre at

opportunities, someone who desires professional workshops or presentations on varied subject matter, or just someone who would like to volunteer your time assisting in Global’s mission statement goals, Global is there for you - free of charge!


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It’s a small world after all




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by Diana Cartwright Special to Imprint

Sports Centre W., Unit 9


hat is the relevance of religious practice in today’s secularized society?” is the topic for the fourth annual forum promoting World Religion Day. Speakers from five different faiths will be addressing this question in the Math and Computers building, Room 4040, on Monday, january 24th at 7:30.

(at Phillip - opposite Good Life Club)

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The purpose of World Religion Day is to call attention to the harmony of spiritual principles, the oneness of the world’s religions and to emphasize that world religion is the motivating force for world unity. As stated in Bah’ “...religion should be the cause of love and agreement, a bond to unify all man kind for it is a message of peace and good-will to man from God.” World Religion Day is officially celebrated on the third Sunday of januat-y. It was initiated in I950 by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States to foster understanding and communication between the followers of all religions. Since its beginning in the United States, the celebration of World Religion Day has spread to many other countries. In 1985, the government of Sri Lanka issued a postage stamp in commemoration of the day.



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World Religion Day has been promoted on the UW campus for the last four years by inviting speakers from different religions to speak on selected topics followed by discussion and questions from the floor. Previous topics have included “the Oneness of Humanity”, “Women in Faith”, and “The Founder of the Faith”. The World Religion Day forum was initially sponsored by the Association of Baha’i Studies with the intention of creating greater unity and cooperation among the various religious clubs on campus, and providing students with an opportunity to investigate and hear the message of different religions. This year students from the Student Christian Movement and the Jewish Students Association joined the Association of Baha’i Studies to develop the theme and organization of the event. Speakers will represent the Bahwish and Native faiths. Refreshments will be provided by the Federation of Stu-

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1 friday, january 2 I, I994

Haiti lectures by Tasha La&man Imprint sta&f former University of Waterloo Peace and Conflict Studies A student discussed his perspective of the pol,itical crisis in Haiti from first hand experience to a small group at Conrad Grebel College last Wednes-

day. joel Klassen returned in December from his two and a half month stay in Haiti, and is leaving again next week to resume his position as a figure of international peace. Klassen is a member of a Christian Peace Maker Team, an organization funded by Mennonites and Brethren in Christ denominations. The goal of the organization is to enter into situations of violence and to be a positive presence. According to Klassen, the team which ranged from two to eight people during his stay was very successful, and did manage to deter some violence in the community of St. Helen’s, near J&rbmie. The main duties of Klassen and his team were to walk through the community daily, and visit people who had been threatened by organizations with opposing views. The leverage of the



U of T newspaper breaks “spirit” of Homolka ban

team was a combination of their nonviolence and the fact that they are “supported by one of the most violent governments in the world- the United States,” explained Klassen. In Haiti there has been incredible political tension for about 7 years according to Klassen. lean-Bertrand Aristide governed Haiti from February to September I99 I, after the Duvaliers’ dictatorship was overthrown, winning approximately two-thirds of the votes against ten other candidates. His government against corruption was cut short by a military coup and Aristide was forced out of the country. Today, after almost 3 years since Aristide’s exile, there is broad support for his return. Klassen seemed to really admire the Haitian people whoalthough: they had endured much resistance still held on to their hope. “The clarity of their vision is remarkable, two and a half years and they still want the same thing... people speak as if they are all in this together,” emphasised Klassen. He felt that too often the poverty and discouragement of the Haitians is emphasized, as opposed to their determination to have Aristide back in office.

by Ken Imprint

Bryson stun

sity published the story “Digging up the dirt on Homolka,” which both announced the availability of illicit information in the databases and bulletin boards of Internet, and provided stepby-step instructions on how to reach the information from computers in U of T libraries. The instructions provided the means of “bouncing” off com-


University of Toronto student newspaper has been in the news for allegedly violating the ‘*spirit” of ttie Karla Homolka trial publication ban. After publishing an article on the availability of “banned” information on the !nternet,The Varsity became the subject of a january I6 Globe & Moilarticle which cited sources claiming The Varsity was at risk of ar-

“It really isn’t that hard access tightly controlled information...”

rest The Globe quoted Toronto criminal lawyer Edward Greenspan as saying that The Varsity had “clearly broken the spirit ofjudge Kovac’s publication ban.” Greenspan also noted that, while it is unlikely to occur, the “authorities might be in a position to charge The Varsity with counselling an offense, given they might be inciting people to break the ban.” In their January IO issue, The Vor-

the information readily available. “The reason we ran [the article] was to demonstrate how easy it is to actually access information that’s really tightly controlled,” said Simona Chiose, editor-in-chief at The Vanity. Chiose also noted that most of the interest the article has received has come from the media, not the law. “If anything was going to come of it legally, it would have happened by now,” she said, adding that they have already been offered free legal counsel from a Toronto lawyer. If The Varsity were to run the article again, Chiose said that it would probably be given a clearer context, one which would include an editorial or statement outlining the reasons for printing the article. The January IO article was positioned beside a related article regarding the U of T library’s decision to pull a Wushington Post article, which contained details of the Homolka case from circulation.


puters at non-Canadian universities and &cessing the files. Like UW, UofT has recently banned the Internet newsgroup attfankarla-homolka. which car&d thi majority of information regarding the case. Since then, interested Internet users have cross-posted the Homolka files to other newsgroups, such as ontgeneral and altcensorship, making

Blood bank broke fern


the Red



to Imprint

Central Ontario Blood Centre and West Central Blood Centre (Hamilton and area including K-W) have issued an appeal for blood donors. Healthy persons between the age of 17 and 60, especially those with type “0” and type “A” blood, are eligible to become donors for the first time and regular donors until their 71st birthday. Positive identification is required and all donors are asked to eat a good meal at least one hour before donating. Local statistics indicate a significant decrease in attendance and of the I IO0 quota set for 5 local clinics, only 804 donations were collected from December 1st to January Sth, of this year. January is always a busy time for hospital surgery and with the added flu and cold season, it is becoming even more difficuit for the Red Cross to maintain their blood quotas at a safe level. While it takes donors at least one hour to make a blood donation the Red Cross urges healthy people to make this significant donation so that their hospital patients have the necessary blood product available when needed.

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january 2 I, I994

Safety, projects

“JOIN THE FIRM” Get Fit In Canada’s Top Club1

bg Kferan Green mpfint stafl


idden amidst that massive list of fees on your tuition state ment, is a curious little ten dollar charge, labelled simply “Coordinated Plan”. To appease cost-conscious students, the Federation of Students has released the list of projects to which this money will be devoted. The fee is part of a program called the Coordinated Plan to Improve the Quality of Student Life at UW, which was approved by student referendum in January 1992. The plan covers the new Student Life Building, the new Physical Recreation Facility, and the establishment of an Endowment Fund for student projects. It is into this endowment fund that your ten dolIars is being placed. The Endowment Fund’s mandate is to provide money for improvements to safety and accessibility on campus, improvements to student lounge and study spaces, and for other student projects. Through the fall 1993 term, an Endowment Fund Committee headed by Federation vice presiden& university affairs Sharon Flood, met to decide which projects would receive funding. The committee had $40 000 available to it. Roughly 34.5 percent of that will be spent on safety and accessibility projects such as the installation of an emergency helpline by the St. Jerome’s College parking lot and the building of an exterior ramp beside the Arts Lec-

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ture Hall. Another 3 I percent was given to campus improvement projects like purchasing tools for the bicycle repair shop to be set up in the new Student Centre, and for renovating the Physical


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weight room.

The final 34.5 percent will go to special projects being undertaken by specific student organisations, such as the purchase of a “surround sound” system for POETS and funding for a student-run darkroom in Village Two. The Endowment Fund Committee receives requests each term for


student life. announced



funding, and votes on which projects will receive money. Each project submitted must meet a certain set of criteria. The projects must be student directed, they must be “non-academic” in nature, and they are only available as start-up capital, not for ongoing maintenance or operating cost. Some project submissions were rejected for funding. The UW House of Debates was denied funds to cover tournaments, as that was deemed an operating cost, and the History Society was denied money to cover d speaker

for the Society Semi Formal for the same reason. A request for money to cover safety lighting by Conrad Grebel was turned down, due to the fact that the particular type of light to be installed was not one recommended by the UW Safety Audit. Conrad Grebel was invited to revise the project and resubmit. The Coordinated Fee was first implemented spring term 1992, and is to be levied each term until the Student Centre is completed or for a maximum of seven terms.

Athlete was always willing to help bu Lesleg Gignac Jennifer Thompson special to Imprint



oday is a sad day for many students at the University of Waterloo, for we have recently lost one of our closest friends. Micheal H. Smith, a 4A Machematics, Accounting and Computer Science major, passed away suddenly on January 9, I 994. He was 22 years old. Funeral Services were held on Thursday, January I3 in his hometown of Port Colborne, Ontario. Throughout his University carreer, Mike was involved in many different activities, most notably golf, football and chess. A distinct aspect of Mike’s personality was his kindness and generosity. Mike was always willing to give up his time to help other people, and was known for his unfailing ability to cheer anyone up in even the worst of times. Mike has left us with many good memories that we will treasure throughoutthe years. He will begreatly

missed and always remembered by both family and friends. Inquiries about donations can be directed to Peter Clermont at 884-6949.

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friday, january 2 I, I994

UW leads way in anti-smoking research Jrom the UW News

warm and Bureau



wo grants worth a total of $213,917 for smokingreduc tion projects based at the University of Waterloo were announced Monday by the Ontario Ministry of Health. Marking Canada’s National Non-Smoking Week, Larry O’Connor, parliamentary assistant to health minister Ruth Grier, made the announcement at a reception, attended by UW researchers, including Prof. Michael Sharratt, associate director of the Tobacco Strategy Program Training and Consultation Centre and director of Uw’s Centre for Applied Health Research. The projects will involve developing a community awareness campaign and producing guides for smoke-free high schools. The Program Training and Consultation Centre, of which UW is a partner, and the Council for a Tobacco-Free Ontario received a grant of


$l22,46 I to develop a guide and support materials for a comprehensive community awareness campaign to increase public knowledge about the tobacco problem. The guide will describe activities and roles that health agencies can play in raising the proI file of the tobacco problem in the community. Among the activities are public transit ads, radio spots and special messages for newsletters. The work should be completed by March 1995. The other project involves a grant of $9 I ,456 for research to develop two action guides and support materials for reducing tobacco use at high schools. The guides, to be completed by March 1995, will promote existing educational resources, as well as provide additional resources for smoking prevention, protection and cessation. UWs Centre for Applied Health Research is involved in the work as part of its role in the Program Training and Consultation Centre, along with the Council for a Tobacco- free Ontario.

SAA not just for alumni anymore by Andrew special to




oday’s top students contributing to campus spirit by bridging the gap between yesterday’s students and tomorrow’s

alumni. The Student Alumni Association, better known as SAA, is a volunteer group of students who act as ambassadors for alumni, parents and guests of the University by attending and organizing receptions, tours and special events. Although our name is Student ALUMNI Association, we are not alumni. We are undergraduate students working to promote campus spirit by encouraging alumni to maintain their links to UW. As SAA members, we are involved in a number of campus activities including Homecoming, FESK (Frosh Exam Survival Kit.s),Alumni Lane, Canada Day, the Vanier Cup, and appearances of Uw’s mascot, Pounce de Lion. The SAA regularly works in conjunction with the Office of Alumni Affairs, the Federation of Students, and various other groups on campus. Members enjoy interacting with prominent alumni and key university administrators throughout the year. Three SAA’ersattended afundraising dinner for UW last term which was hosted by Maurice Strong, chair of Ontario Hydro. Others have attended receptions with President jim Downey, Roger Downer, Vice-President (University Relations) and Peter Hopkins, Associate Provost (Student Affairs). During Homecoming in November, SAA members were involved in all aspects of the weekend. Members volunteered as hosts at the University Club and Fed Hall. Pounce appreciated the help received from SAA’ers .going from the Skating Party to the Kaismith games and later to Fed Hall. SAA members also served as tour

guides, sold Homecoming merchandise, operated game booths in the Big Tent, attended ‘Breakfast with the President.,’ the Reflections Pub and the AGS Fun Run (with Pounce!). One aspect of being an SAA member is being able to attend conferences. Several of our members wilt be attending conferences at Dalhousie University and Millersvitle University in Pennsylvania this term. These conferences are agreatway to meet people from other universities, get new ideas about SAA activities and have fun at the same time. The SAA awards an entrance scholarship to UW students who have been active in extracurricular activities in their secondary schools. Part of our fundraised money provides for these two scholarships which have been increased to be worth $250 each in 1994-95. We believe that extra-curricular activities form a significant part of a person’s education and we strive to encourage participation by providing these awards. We are the only club on campus to have a full-time staff member.Jennifer McCormickworks in the Office of Alumni Affairs and Development and serves as advisor to the SAA. She provides advice to the group and ensures that everything runs smoothly. All UW students are welcome to join. We are always looking for enthusiastic students who believe in their university to help promote campus spirit. If you’re looking for a way to meet other students, participate in worthy causes and have a fun time, then the SAA is the group for you. It’s well-organized, worthwhile, and you can give as much or as little time as you like. For more information contact the SAA office in South Campus Hall, Room 227, (888-4626), or SAA Advisor (885- 121 I ext.6790) Our first meeting of the term i> . ,n Wednesday, January 26 at 4~30 in NH 3004.

by Cristy Creative

Simard Arts Board

That’s about it for the visual arts so far. With regard to the printed form we’re working on two projects. The first is Phoenix, Uw’s creative journal. The submission deadline is ]anuary 2 I, so if you haven’t submitted anything, you’re SOL this year. Thanks to everyone who did send us work. Phoenix will be ready and released for your eager eyes in the spring of this year. The coming spring also brings Freedom to Read Week We’ll have a list of books that have been censored in our free country or held at the border by Custom officials. Get a hold of this list and find out what kind of stuff people with power don’t want you to read. If you have a desire for more information on this issue CA6 has a few addresses through which you can get involved. Finally, we’re working on an informal concert series that will involve an eclectic mixture of artists. That’s all I can say about this gem right now, as this is a program in its infancy. If you wish to get involved in activities vital to humanity, coneact CAB at ea633 I or leave a note at the Fed Office in the Campus Centre room 235.

The Creative Arts Board (CAB) is a Federation of Students organisation dedicated to encouraging and funding artistic persuits at UW. Here’s the low-down on our recent activities, now open for your input, comment and criticism. CAB has managed to save some of the boards surrounding the Campus Centre from existing in an eternal state of billboard advertising. Shortly after the Fed Exec. elections (sometime in mid February) we will provide materials to cover the boards facing the Biology building and portables with your attwork Bring your designs up to the Fed Office in the next few weeks and maybe we’ll be able to do what art does best, stir up some...no no, move the viewer. We’re also in the midst of running a contest to design a poster for the play “He Says-She Says...” The number of submissions received is, well, really pathetic. C’mon, the performance is A gift from the university and performers involved. And, we’re giving away a really great prize.

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The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles which are cfearly labeled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.

Education by




or those that have been regular readers of Imprint for the last couple of years, it would come as no surprise if 1 asserted the that nothing generates more letters to the editor than the topics of feminism, religion, and anything to do with abortion. From debates over semantics and alternative spellings of “man” words, to hermeneutic meanderings into the many interpretations of biblical passages, letters abound when anyone attempts to express an opinion on one of these topics. The one bright spot in all of this is that these students, in writing letters, are showing that the adjective apathetic does not really apply to university students. Of course, it also takes courage for Imprint’s regular forum and column writers to continuously attempt to parlay some semblance of meaning or modernist truth to the often abusive readers and letter writers. If Imprint had a dollar for every letter writerthat mentioned the name Sandy Atwal, or more recently Ken Craig, or Craig Nickerson, we would hardly need to sell advertising, such is the controversy they stir up. And what these writers have in common, and what they should be commended for, is that they consistently question the norms and practices of their respective situations or religions, only to be misconstrued and condemned for their beliefs. Ken Craig, I believe, has been the least understood in the recent past. So, if I may take this opportuniv to attempt a paraphrase of Mr. Craig’s, general concepts, I will now defend him. Like Sandy Atwal and Craig Nickerson, Ken Craig writes his columns from the perspective of someone who lives in a particular environment and would like to see that environment changed to a more desirable state. They all believe in a better way for people to relate and argue for that position. What Ken Craig does, in particular, is to deconstruct the norms and dogma of the Christian religion, yet still attempt to find some meaning there, unlike the village atheist Mr. Nickerson. And if you read his columns in the right framework, you will find that he is simply arguing basic Christian tenets from a secular, working class perspective. For instance, in stating that he enjoys watching strippers, it is because those strippers are people too and deserve to be given the same respect others are. In examining the role religion has played in shaping western culture, arguing that religion is rife with misogyny and patriarchal values, he does so not out of a distaste for religion, but because he believes, as I do, that religion can grow and change and shape itself to the ideals it espouses rather than remained mired in its dark past. Now these aren’t terribly poor ideals, are they? Just because he presents his arguments in less than typical religious style, doesn’t mean they have nothing to do with religion. And while I can’t, and wouldn’t dare, speak for those who never write letters regarding his column, it seems to me that students here at UW need to open their minds a tad wider to read his meaning between the secular lines. You might be surprised what you find. And of course all of this goes for every other column and forum piece in Imprint. While it is refreshing to know that people believe strongly enough in their respective interests and beliefs to defend them, we should also be a bit more willing to be challenged in those same beliefs. I know I have, and I’m-the better for it.





2 I, I994

Fee hikes To the editor: I have been intrigued to observe the ease with which the UW Administration has managed to bamboozle student leaders into accepting an innovative new $ IO0 per term “ancillary” fee as “inevitable.” It puts a cruel twist on the old proverb that those who are unaware of their history are doomed to repeat it. The twist is cruel because in days of yore when UW students were confronted with unconscionable fee hikes, their student leaders were generally “at the barricades” and achieved a large measure of success in stopping or reducing fee hikes. This new $ I OO/term fee is not called a tuition hike even though it will go to pay for things currently covered by general revenues. It won’t stop the current efforts to impose massive tuition hikes. No, this fee is over and above the other increases that are in the works. If we were to repeat our history, we’d organize locally and provincially and put a stop to these fees. Instead, the mood now seems to be to acquiesce on the false assumption that there is nothing we can do about it. In 1972 students across Ontario organized to convince the Tory Government to freeze tuition for five years. That was done with a fee strike. It only required a modest number of people actually withholding fees to succeed. lncidental fees first surfaced in the late 80’s as “back door” tuition hikes UW students, led by Imprint and the Federation organized protest demonstrations and, helped by a Provincial election, put a stop to those. The record shows that students can say np and make it stick. New fees and fee hikes are not even remotely inevitable. The only thing inevitable is that if students don’t say no, the Administration will raise fees. So I am intrigued to discover that despite UW students having an excellent track record in stopping fee increases and despite the fact that Ontario students have demonstrated an ability to act province-wide to protect themselves from excessive fee increases, our current Federation President believes fee hikes to be inevitable. No one can be certain that these hikes could be

not “inevitable”

stopped. There is, however, every reason to be confident that a determined protest might stop them and almost certainly would reduce them. One thing is certain however, if we do not try to stop them, we will not succeed in stopping them. If we declare them “inevitable” they are inevitable. It is up to us. We are the ones being asked to pay. “No” is a possible answer. It is clear to me that the fee hikes should be stopped. It is a well demonstrated fact that high costs reduce accessibility. Every dollar added to the price of education prevents some people from going to university. This is true even where good student aid programmes exist. The problem is worse where student aid doesn’t cover things. Will the incidental fee hikes result in larger student aid cheques ? Will they be paired with easier repayment terms for student loans? Of course not. Of course fee hikes are not at all inevitable. Somehow most of us have been coaxed into believing that sort of nonsense. Students have also been tricked into forgetting that education is a right, and instead have been left with the idea that admission to a university is a great privilege for which they should pay more and more while getting less and less. What other consumers of a service could be deceived into taking the attitude toward a supplier that students are taking toward the universities from whom they are purchasing education? In a “free market” of course, unconscionable price increases result in a drop in demand. But we don’t have a “free market” in education at all. We have a market that is heavily regulated by law and in which the consumers (students) are enormously disadvantaged in relation to suppliers (administration & faculty). I can’t think of anyone in this society who provides services to the public for a fee and who is more financially secure than our universities and their well-paid, well-heeled, tenured faculty. Have these people who earn $80K a year and more talked about taking a pay cut of $100 per term? Not that they would even notice it, mind you, but no - I’ve heard no talk of that. Instead they want students to pay more. Students who, in many, many cases cannot make ends meet as it is. Students who, in

many cases have NO income aside from student aid. Students can say No! It really only takes a small number to stand up and be counted and say “No!” to kill this innovative new fee. It helps if students across the province and the country act in concert because such united action raises the profile of a very important issue of social justice in public political opinion. The failure to say “No!” and the failure to organize a protest creates an impression among university administrators that students are a somnolescent herd of compliant sheep who will happily defer the purchase of groceries in order to pay ever-higher fees. Maybe the problem is that we don’t know the history of student organization in Ontario and we have forgotten that fee hikes are really very easy to stop. At the very feast a determined protest will force a reduction in the hikes, or force a commitment from the university not to do it again next year, or force concessions. We should not, however, sell our acquiescence cheaply. We should demand and get something of value in return, something like a commitment from the Administration not to come back for any more creative new ideas for separating students from what little money they have. It is students who are being asked to pay and the “inevitability” of this proposed fee hike will be determined SOLELY by students. If we are happy to pay then the hikes are inevitable. If we are prepared to stand up and say “wait just a minute,” then the hikes can be eliminated, reduced, or at least come packaged with some compensation. Doug Thompson independent Studies

( Erratum imprint wrongly attributed last week’s comment piece “Morality and the free market” to James was Richards; the actual author James Russell. Sorry for a”Y confusion.




Imprint welcomes



letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and must include the author’s name, signature, and phone number for verification. Names may be withheld from publication upon request, All material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation. Letters submitted for publication may be published anywhere in the newspaper. Opinions expressed in the letters section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Letters should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint @Iwatservl .uwaterloo.ca. ’


The cake has been taken To the editor: Your “Metaphysical Education” column (Ian. 14, 1994) takes the cake. I can’t believe that an insensitive creep like you is allowed to print such dribble, and ask myself, “If he were merely a staff writer, would his article have been published ?” In your own words, “You guessed it, no.” First, let me assure you that , as one of the 0.0093% of students who regularly patronize the Safety Van service, I feel in no way superior to any of the other 14,860 students on campus, nor am I “lazy”, as you so eloquently put it. I am, actually, concerned about my safety. Jerks like you really tick me off. Never having been (I assume) in the position of feeling “at the risk of assault”, who are you to pass judgement on those of us who do feel threatened? At 5’2”, I am hardly in a position to defend myself in any kind of assault situation; I, for one, appreciate the Safety Van’s availability. I’m sure that I, unlike you, really do not- know if *‘muggers and rapists get off on really cold and miserable weather.” I do, however, know that more on and off-campus attacks occur than many students realize, and that servicessuch as Walksafe and the Safety Van are invaluable. I would bet that those students who regularly .use the Safety Van would be more than willing to pay a dollar for a ride, as you suggest. Call me crazy, but a dollar seems quite insignificant when compared with the risk of assault. If your beef is with ancillary fees, then do something about it. Catherine Coleman is begging for support. But, for crying out loud, don’t bash something you appear to know very little about. ~ounnu Wefden 20 Political Science

Pro-Line notfor wimps To the editor: We are pissed at the Pro-Line controversy between the province of Ontario and David Stern of the NBA. Who the hell does he think he is, trying to dictate how we spend our money or run our province? Stern thinks that the NBA will be tainted if Ontarians continue to bet on NBA basketball games. Maybe Stern should look at his own telecasts where Marlboro was advertising underneath the scorekeeper’s table during a recent NBAgame on TV. What a hypocrite! If the league wants to project a pure image to the public by not being associated with betting, then it had better look more closely at its own advertising policies, not at the lottery practices of the province of Ontario. Pro-Line is very important to the economy






mend Bob Rae and Floyd Laughren for their tough stand against the NBA (did we actually just commend the NDP?). Why should the removal of NBA Bas-


ketball from Pro-Line be a condition to the granting of an NBA franchise to Toronto? Why can’t we have both? Sure, the new franchise will generate revenue in the form of taxes, jobs and money being pumped into the economy of Toronto, but not as much as if ProLine were to stay intact. If basketball goes, then hockey and football will soon follow, and ProLine will no longer exist, and we can kiss all the sweet cash goodbye. Thenwecan official Iy be known as “the wimpy province” if we let Stern walkall over us. New

An open question: What exactly is the point of replacing the “e” in women with a “y” ?Is this colloquialism the exclusive domain of feminists, and if not, why has its usage not spread to the masses? Do some women really find the thought of men so loathsome that they feel they must neuter all

Shown McDermott Andrew Mills 40 Kinesiology


What’s with those womyn? To the editor: Re. the letter in last week’s Imprint from Nancy Forde. I noticed that she used the word “womyn” throughout her piece. I endeavor to be up on my current “political correctness”, but somehow that particular term seems to




I looked



up in my trusty Webster’s thinking that perhaps there was an alternate spelling of the word. However this was not the case.



Jersey, which is home for the NJ jets, was recently refused the right to provide sports gambling because of U .S. legislation stating that if the state did not al ready have it in place, betting would not be granted. Nevada, which already has legalized gambling on sports is not affected by the NBA’s bitching. Then neither should Ontario, because Pro-Line is presently in operation and is generating millions for the provincial government and communities throughout Ontario. It is better to legalize the betting taking place on sports and get something out of it than to have nothing, as David Stern would prefer. We would rather not have an NBA expansion franchise than to have some fathead, egotistical, self-righteous, stubborn American telling us how to run our province (we also assume that Gary Bettman took his lessons from Stern and the NBA, but that’s another story). We’ve had enough of being bent by our “neighbors” to the south (ring a bell, Mulroney?). Way to go Bob and Floyd.

accessability needs so perhaps we should consider charging students with disabilities a buck every time they use a ramp. You may present the argument that they do not choose to be in a chair, but I don’t know any women who enjoy feeling vulnerable walking home. quite resent it Besides, when exactly _. . did students become mere percentages to other students? Administration does a good enough job making us feel like statistics. Call me a romantic, but 1always thought that together we could protect the individual value ofevery student. I don’t know very much about how our insurance for the van would change (and judging by last weeks column, I’m not alone), but if memory serves me correctly, aVPOFofyears past has already explored your socalled solutions and found that insurance would be greatly affected. Speaking of Feds, I should mention that I thought it was a cute and typical little dig you made implying that this service is only there to make them appear sensitive to the safety of students. I suppose it would be completely unrealistic to think that they actually do care. Good luck next time, please try again.

wor& and terms in the name of equality? Just curious... Thank you, Suni/ Solunki 1st yeor Honoufs


Women shouldn’t pay to protect themselves To the editor= In last week’s column you proposed that women should pay one dollar every time they use the Safety Van. You argue that the service reaches very few students and those it does reach, use it for the wrong reasons. While it is refreshing to see someone consider how to improve services and cut costs, your answer is hardly a solution. Firstly, I find it odd that you could even suggest that women shoutd pay a fee to protect themselves from being assaulted by men. Since men are the reason we need such a service it only makes sense that they should, at the very least’ share in the cost of its operation. You continue by saying that the service is used more often in winter because women use it as a taxi to avoid the bad weather. Personally, 1 don’t care what motivates women to use the service as long as they are arriving home safely. Your most interesting argument is when you throw out percentages claiming that it is somehow unfair that all students pay for a service that only a few use. There are even fewer students on campus who have special

Julie Cole UW student Editor’s note: Thank you fir reminding me ofthot oversight on my part It is true thut the Fed’s insurunce on the safety van would drosticully increase if they were to charge money for rides. The insurance wodd upproximately double from the current rote of $3324 per year. However, considering the potential income to be guined by charging users, this hurdIy seems u deterrent Further, while your parallel to disabled students is rhetorically effective, it hardly holds because the money spent on accessibility ut UW comes u/most entirely from the government, not other students (except through tuxes of course).

Religion not easily dissectible To the editor7 I have considered the challenge of “examining our own religions with seriousness” made by Ken Craig in the last installment of “Religion and Faith in the 20th Century”, and would like to make a few comments. These, I trust, will be taken as going much deeper than merely amountbg





His program of religious studies, following today’s norm of such programs, is oriented to examining religion as if it can be put on a table an dissected, much as biologists do with their subject matter. Today’s analysis of religion in this fashion indicates a guiding motivation that is concerned with exorcising the supernatural from the daily lives of all good living citizens of the free world. Such a concern for sweeping mysterious forces under the carpet of outward appearances in fact underlines the fear that the social scientists of religion have that there exist levels of being that are beyond their control. To this end, Patriarchy and Misogyny and other terms are the scalpels that the social scientists of religion are free to use to cut up their subject matter, ostensibly in order to understand it rationally - not to do it a service, that much is clear. (This is not to say that Patriarchy and Matriarchy, and Misogyny and Man-hating are never appropriate terms to use in any analysis. However, I would question first whether the latter terms are logical extensions of the former terms, and second, whether they come out of Religion and Faith in its non-social scientifically descriptive sense.) The authority of the procedure’of the social scientists of religion stems from their claim that their method objectively explains what has happened in Religion and Faith. What they will not recognize in their logic is that their scalpels are held by their own valuecharged hands, hands that know implicity (if not overtly) the kind of rearrangement they wish to bring about. Upon completion of their surgical analysis, a true material secularist will have necessarily created something like a “straw man” out of his subject matter. In the case of religion as subject matter, its theological and metaphysical guts are aborted in the process. What remains then is avision of “world religions”, constructed according to the value-surgery of the examiner, the life sucked out’ and of course then it has no autonomous legitimacy and can be knocked about at leisure. In a free world we can do these things. My line of “examination” is as follows. At some point, social scientists of religion arguing originally from a reaction to some anomalous and threatening aspect of religion and faith, who have gradually come to press their views into dominance, have come to find that it is useful to turn the tables on their victim, so rationalizing the obliteration of the perspective of the religious and the faithful. And one can’t obliterate a victim’s views unless one obliterates the victim. The acceptance of some constructed view of world religions by Craig, coupled with a sense of searching for the origins of injustice experienced by womyn has led him to make the subtle equation of violent antifeminism in the form of the Montreal massacre and the position that religious people take when they support their religious institutions. So it has come to pass that Religion and Faith in the 20th century is vulnerable to bullying slander by new secular order in ever more subtle ways.


Dcfvid Toews Honoufs History

a pxsona1

view of Craig’s I’m more interested in pointing out where I think he is coming from.

friday, january 2 I, I994





friday, jarwary 21, 1994



With a little time to fill this morning, I made the mistake of reading Ken Craig’s (yet another} installment in the UWSCM column ( Jan. 14). Will Craig ever write anything really worth reading? His religious views seem Lo be more informed by political trendiness and *pop’ culture ( these days, alternative is “pop”), than by any truly indepth study or understanding of religions, their traditions or beliefs. A few comments on the jan. I4 installtient. Doesn’t it seem to you to be a bit I!) of a stretch to blame any religion for all of the deranged, misogynistic psychopaths who might happen to emerge within the


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cultut-; related to it? As a student of religious studies,” you oughtto be more aware of how much a religion is informed by the culture(s) in which it persists. Of course religion informs the culture as well, indirectly by its aesthetic imaging, and directly by its attempts to reach values to its adherent: but, given that a number of the most ancient religions we know about contained strong, matriachal mythologies, it is hardly a plausible claim that religion (or, religion alone) is the cause or promoter of all the patriarchal and/or misogynistic behaviours has tended to coincide with, and be a part of, a general restoration and re-education of those principles. Of course religious institutions and individuals must continue to perform intense self-examination on all moral fronts. In any truly living religion, this is a common and constant state. However, this reflecting ought to be focused on restoration, not recrimination; and ranting,


I’m starting this article feeling as though I must hide the fact that I belong to a Greek Letter Fraternity here at the University of Waterloo. Yes, I am one of “those” people. The Sigma Chis or the Kappas that pop up wearing silly letters on hats and on sweatshirts all too often. We are deemed as elitist and snobby. We have no friends, so we buy them. Daddy’s rich kids who are here because yes, money can buy anything. We paq all the time and the sorority and fraternity are elite dating services for one another. We will go nowhere in life without our hands being held-but we can drink more beer per capita than the average engineer. Gee.....those stereotypes couldn’t be farther from the truth. f am certainly not elitist, and I would hope I’m not a snob. I have a Dad, but neither of us are rich by any means. We know that money won’t buy everything, including friends who are friends and not ticketed merchandise. My education is foremost in my stint here at Waterloo and I’m certain I can speak for most if not all of the other Greek Society members in saying so. Yes, we do like parties - we’re in university - but we also enjoy philanthropic and community events. We will go far in life. Not because we are frat boys and girls, but because we are more enriched for joining incredible groups like Sigma Chi and Kappa Kappa Gamma - and no, I don’t believe I could outdrink an engineer!! The two groups on campus (Sigma Chi and Kappa Kappa Gamma) are international fraternities. Sigma Chi is a male fraternity that boasts 226 chapters in the U.S. and Canada. Similarly Kappa Kappa Gamma a female fraternity (as the word sorority had not been created at our founding), has I24 chapters in the U.S. and Canada. Aside from the obvious benefits of joining a group to meet other people, joining a Greek Letter Society binds you to ideals by which you can live your life. Ideals of academic excellence, high moral standards, self-growth and friendship. On a more business-like scale, the 160,000 other initiated women of my organization can offer me support in the form of food and shelter anywhere a chapter exists - never mind the alumni all over the world. We have a career network of over 10,000 professional women of rank like my sisters 8arbara McDougall, of our U of T chapter, and Jane Pauley, of our Indiana University chapter. We offer programs for the betterment of women in society with self esteem programs, time management programs, education on domestic violence, rape, eating disorders, alcoholism, etc., etc.,

such as yours, Mr. Craig, isnot the way to go about it. Michael Chifion Phiforohv Grud Student

N&that’s funny 7-o

the editor=

Aah, ftnally something to look forward to in the Imprint besides the Gino’s Pizza coupons - the wacky zany captions on the photos. They’re great! I eagerly await the next issue of the Imprint for more comic relief. You’ve got me hooked, maybe now I’ll even read an article or tW0.

Peter McCracken 48 Mechonicd Engineering


etc.. Sigma Chi is similar in all of these regards, except even larger, with almost 222,000 initiated members worldwide. What is even harder to explain in words is the incredible bond you feel towards another brother or sister. Our rituals are sacred, and yes they are secret - we share them only with our own. Traditions dating back to 1855 for Sigma Chi and 1870 for Kappa Kappa Gamma. There is w hazing!! We are not Deltas of Animal House fame. Our bonds are so highly moving and spiritual, I have trouble even putting it into words. Our letters have meanings, as do our symbols, handshakes, mottos and rituals. We openly share those meanings with anyone who shows they are of the essence of what we stand for-which is determined through a pledge period usually 6-8 weeks long prior and conditional to initiation into the secrets of the society. Here at UW the only stipulations to involvement

are: being of the appropriate gender for the organization, and being a full time UW student Is that elitist? Not in my eyes. So when you see one of us on campus, don’t think about what stereotypes dictate. Think about friendship, and what guides your life. Greek letter societies are responsible for my personal growth here at UW, and I have NEVER been prouder to be involved with anyone or anything in my entire life. We welcome your involvement. We welcome your questions and we welcome your concerns. That’s wh at we stand for. Friendship, always and unconditionally.



to lmprlnt

Kelly D. Borrowciffe is the membership choir and public felutions choir of the Kappa Kuppa Gamma Fraternity.



D. Bomowcliffe


Granny could not finish her chicken leg; it was too f&Q.


Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and donbkwpaeed or in electronic form, and must include the author’s name, signature, and phone nun&w for verification,


friday, january 2 I, I994




Cannibalism “Cannibalism: The practice flesh of one’s own kind.” by Ed

reconsidered of eating



I couldn’t believe it. Here I was, a university student, partaking in a ceremonial feasting of the flesh and blood of another human being. “I’m educated, dammit, how could 1 be doing this?” kept racing through my mind. Remembering studying such practices in Anthropology class, I decided to let myself drift into a more ‘primitive’ state. I stopped judging. At that moment, the flesh became tender, tasty, and although it was very thick, the blood coated my throat like liquid gold. I licked my de-virginized lips and knew I could never turn back from this sensual indulgence. I needed it. The ceremony was divine. The entire community gathered together in a completed circle. Linked by the common bond of our cannibalistic nature, we relished each other’s company, knowing full well that the world outside our circle would call us insane and condemn us for committing such a vile act against reason, humanity and even God himself. But we knew what we were doingwas True for it was too good to be False, and even if it was “wrong”, we could have cared less, for this was salvation, at least to us. I couldn’t let go - my western educated mind started judging again, “What am I doing?” I was eating another human being and drinking his blood like a vampire. *‘Why am I doing this?” I really didn’t know. Maybe it’s something hidden in the deeper recesses of my unconcious that makes me


a cannibal. “Should I be doing this?” Uh...Yes! Yes indeed! I’ve never felt this close to ‘humanity’ before; I’ve never felt more myself than at that moment of feeling the blood on my tongue, following the already devoured flesh into the pit of my stomach. The thought of another human being assimilating into my very biological system blows my mind. We would relate at the level of my very cellular structure. Intimacy such as this I’ve never known till now. And the kill had already been accomplished. As the ceremony was coming to a close, the head priest stood up and began to speak. But I was ritually enclothed, mystically united to the ground of my own existence, that his words were like babble, not just regular babble like the stuff on morning radio shows, but superstitious babble which sanctioned the feast, giving it the okay from the forces in the universe. After the prayer, I looked around the circle, into the eyes of the others in the community. We shared a common reality which made me shudder and which I could not comprehend - so I called it religion. Walking home I remembered somewords from the Bible that ring true to me now: *‘This is my body, which will be given to you; do this in memory of me.” All this time I thought it was pagan.

The views expressed in this column are those ofthe author and do not necessarily represent those ofevery member ofthe UW Student Christian Movement

(Allah) sent down the (Q&an) in Trut)l, and in Truth has it descended, sent you (Muhammad) but to give glad tidings and to warn (sinners)” -translation of the meaning of the Qur’anic verses [ 17: I OS]

Glimpse by Kholed

of the Qur’an Sharaf

Allah is the One who reveals all the words of the Qur’an. You can say “Allah says,” and then read the entire book to the end. All the words you thus read are the words of Allah. No human writer tells us in the Qur’an what Allah said. Allah tells us Himself “Praise be to hllah Who has revealed the Scripture (the Qur’an) unto His slave (Muhammad), and has not placed therein any crookedness (but has made it) straight” [ 18: I-21. Sometimes Allah tells us about what certain humans said. But in other religious books, certain humans who are not even prophets nor messengers tell us what Allah said. This does not mean that other books do not have value. It means that there is no other book that compares with the Qur’an in this aspect. Allah says “Allah has (now) revealed the fairest of statements, a Scripture consistent with itself, (Yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects)...“[39:23]. Broadly speaking, Qur’anic verses deal with three main topics. The first and foremost section includes verses about the matters of belief. Belief in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers and the Day of Judgement are the pillars of the Islamic creed. “0 you who believe! Believe in Allah and His Messenger and the Scripture which He sent to those before (him). And who denies Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Day of Judgement, has gone far, far astray” [4: I 363. The second topic that occupies a great portion among the Qur’anic verses is parables, similitudes and stories of previous nations. Parables and similitudes are given abundantly in the Qur’an as a means for humankind to understand such high spiritual truth “We (Allah) have put forth for people, in this Qur’an every kind of parable in order that they may receive admonition” [39:27). Even then Allah is the speaker telling us first hand what He witnessed. The object is not merely to tell stories, but to teach lessons of spiritual wisdom. The last verse of Qur’anic chapter tided ‘Joseph’ explains the purpose of narrating the story of that prophet


and We

“There is, in their stories (i.e., the stories of prophets with the disbelievers), instructions for those endued with understanding. It (the Qur’an) is not a tale invented, but a confirmation of what went before it, a detailed exposition of all things, and a Guide and a Mercy to those who believe!” [I211 I I]. The subject matter of the third and last section of Qur’anic verses deals with legislating principles laid down by Allah the Sovereign Ruler for the good of the individual and the masses. All aspects of human life, be it personal, family, social, economic, political, international or other are organized within the context of those verses. For instance, the fourth chapter of the Qur’an titled ‘The Women’ begins with an appeal to the solidarity of humankind, the rights .&f women and orphans, and the implications of family relationship, including matters of marriage and inheritance .., etc. Allah then states “Those (preceding verses I - 12) are the limits set by Allah, those who obey Allah and His Messenger will be admitted to Gardens with rivers flowing beneath, to abide therein (for ever) and that will be the supreme achievement” [4: I 3). Allah declares that the prophet Muhammad, on whom be peace, could never have invented any part of the Qur’an. Allah will not allow that to happen. “Your companion (Muhammad) errs-not, nor is deceived; Nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is nothing but an inspiration that is inspired, Which one of mighty powers has taught him...” [53:2-51, In a future article, light will be shed on authenticity of the Qur’an compared to other existing religious books based on a scientific, rational and fair approach. For a copy of The Qur’an or for more information about Islam, please call (5 19) 725 4283 or send an e-mail to ksharaf@ vlsi. waterloo. ca.

Student’s Council Annual Election Nominations for representativesto Students’Council will re-openon Friday, January2 1, 1994. First come, first acclaimed. A.H.S. Regular ..*.~...*..,*.....,*.......~...*m*.**m.* 1 A.H.S. Co-op (both stream) .......*...*.*....*.1 Arts Regular ....*..*...*..**.*.**‘~*......~.*...........~ 1 Arts Co-op .**......*..I.**..*~...*...............*.*.**... 1 Math Co-op ...........*.t...**...........*..**....*...* 2 Math Regular Engineering 3 E.S Regular .I*...*.1*........*.**..**..*.*..*.....*... 2 E.S. Co-op (both streams) ........................ 1 Science Regular ..****.*...*.,m....“....*..*...*.*~.* 2 St. Jeromes *.,....*........**.I*..**.m..*“*.*........... 1 Renison College ....******...*.....................*.*. 1 Optometry ,*l~..~*...*...t...*..*.......*.~.*~*...*......* 1 IndependentStudies 1 Nomination forms are available in the FederationOffice (CC235). Election Committee l



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The Qur’un Speaks is jwesented by the UW Muslim Study Group. Kbcded Sharuf is u PhD candidate in

electrid and computer engineering. The views expressed in this column are those ofthe author and do not necessarily represent those ofevery member ofthe UW Mush Study Groq.



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january 2 I, I994

Welfare vs.



Communities It is often assumed that religion provides the foundation for ethics. Without religion, it is sometimes argued, we would have no grounds on which to make ethical judgements. Ethics would simply be a matter of personal taste. While the-position of ethical relativism has been adopted by some philosophers, including some atheists, ethical relativism is not a necessary consequence of atheism. In fact., many of my own criticisms of religion rely on an appeal to what I take to be objective ethical principles. For instance, when I criticize a biblical passage such as Leviticus 20: I3 because it advocates the persecution of those who practice homosexuality, I do so because it violates an ethical principle. This passage runs contrary to the principle that it is wrong to interfere with the sexual practices of consenting adults. On this view it is unethical to forcefully prevent or punish individuals from freely engaging in whatever sexual practices that they choose with consenting partners. This is based on the larger principle that it is wrong to interfere with an individual’s liberty unless that individual is directly interfering with another’s liberty. This position is not simply “my opinion*’ in that I arbitrarily choose them because I feel that they are right for me, I feel that they are right for everyone. They are ethical principles which all rational individuals should accept as ethical principles. Now, just who the hell am I to go around telling people what is objectively right and wrong? How dare I try to interpret the holy Bible according to my, merely human, ethical standards? Well, I would first argue that the Bible was written by mere mortals just like you and me. As this would no doubt be fruitless, I would try to point out that unless we knew what it would mean to be ethical, we would have no grounds on which we could claim that the Bible offered an ethical foundation. Socrates once questioned whether it was the case that the gods were good because they

desired what was good or if what was good was good because the gods desired it. If what was good was good because the gods desired it then we would render the term “good” meaningless. We would end up with a tautology: the gods desire what they desire. However, if we say that the gods are good because they desire what is good then what is good must be at least logically prior to what the gods desire. Further, if we are to say that the gods are good then we must know what it means to be good in order to attribute this quality to the gods. Otherwise we would be stating the equivalent of “the gods are shamdifferous” without having a clue as to what “shamdifferous” might mean. So, when god tells us not to commit murder, is this an immutable ethical principle that must not be violated because it is wrong to commit murder? Or, would it be wrong to murder simply because it is wrong to disobey god? The latter would seem to be the case if we are to accept the story of Abraham and Isaac. In this case it would have been wrong for Abraham not to have been prepared to murder his son. If god were to change his mind about ethical rules, then the ethical rules themselves would change. It would seem that we have to be prepared to accept whatever god commands as right without understanding why such and such an action is right. The theist might have no problem with this, he might point out that god’s knowledge is infinite and that god would be in a better position to determine what is ultimately right and so on and so forth. However, unless he has some idea about what would constitute an ethical system of rules prior to his reading of the Bible, he would really have no idea whether the Bible provided such an ethical system or not. The most he could claim is that god must be obeyed. He could not really claim that he was being ethical unless he identified being ethical with obeying god. Of course, then he would have to demonstrate which god and why.

The underlying social defense of the welfare system and the welfare state is, above and beyond any economic justification and redistribution tendencies, is that a welfare state builds commuities. Or, at the very least, the welfare state supports and helps communities. To examine whether or not this is true, we need to look at three things- first, a workable definition of communiites, secondly, a theoretical defense of exactly how a welfare state is supposed to help these communities, and finally, a practical examination of whether or not the welfare state does actually help communities. Most communities do not spring fully formed into existence. Any community, be it a physical location suchas a city, or an “artistic” community, or a church organization are formed primarily because of one reason - dependency. The reason that people get together is a simple division of labour rule. Things are easier to get done if you have a group of people doing it - be it building a house, putting together an arts magazine or spreading the Good Word. It is this dependency which not only benefits the people involved in the community but is, at the outset, the very reason for having a community at all. Now theoretically, the problems that this community will encounter, whatever they may be, are overcome (in a welfare state) by government providing incentives, perhapseven straight handouts. It is this undermining of the dependency which disturbs the function of the community. The argument, of course, is that if we didn’t have welfare, education and whatever else provided by the government, then the community wouldn’t function at all.

This is, of course, nonsense. The whole fact that people can excel in areas of art, philosophy, engineering and medicine demonstrates that people do actually have brains. The idea that they can put men on the moon yet aren’t capable of living without a redistribution of wealth is ludicrous. But even if you think (for whatever reason) that the welfare state is necessapi for people to live, practical examples should hopefulty straighten you out In North America, specifically in Canada, the welfare state has destroyed the indigenous people. Taking Native Canadians away from their natural habitat, away from their way of life has destroyed their community by destroying the natural dependecy they had on one another. Similarily in the United States, the influx of a welfare system has done nothing to help the underpriveleged. In one of the richest countries in the world, their are still more poor people that there need be. Of course, the normal response is to pour even MORE money into this system, which makes no goddamn sense if you ask me. The whole thing about welfare is that when you draw a line saying people above this line don’t get money, and people below this line do get money, a lot of people are going to suddenly realize that they’re actually below the line. In most cases, it’s really easy - quit your job or have another child. Welfare is an incentive to fail. Anyone who believes otherwise has probably had too much university education. The opinions expressed in this column ore of Sundy Atwul and pmbubly don’t reflect those of anyone else on this @et.



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Of life, limb, androommates fromhell mm

By Nicholas Mew %!3c., B.A., &Ed., Lautier Grad Student, UW Alumnus, Imprint sports writer, manager of the Waterloo Warriors hockey team, unemployed teacher

a guide to your real university

education -to be paid up front, and get home addresses for all your roomies in adAt the end of term, as you vance. watch them leave and realize you are stuck with the bills, you’ll understand completely. 8. Roomies who come home drunk and noisy late at night deserve your contempt. I’m a drummer, and if a roommate wakes me up at 3 am because they’re plastered and falling down the stairs, I set my alarm for 100


Some of the best and worst memories you will take with you from University will come from the same source: roommates. They can be a Godsend, or a scourge from hell, or a combination. Some will undoubtedly be forgotten. Others you will remember, no matter how hard you try to forget, for the rest of your life. All in all, roomies will make up a large part of the university experience. As the year draws to a close, many of you will be saying “Yeah, I know this now, but why didn’t you tell me all of this at the beginning of the year?” Well, I tried, but Imprint couldn’t fit it in (so they said), so here it is now. Tell your friends who are thinking of coming to university next year to read this article. In September, you thought that the roommates you had been forced or had chosen to live with were O.K., but by December you were trying to take out a contract on their lives. Mildly annoying habits can become so detestable as to cause fisticuffs, ,especially when you’re locked in the same house or room during exams and you want to study. At that point, roommates who snore so loud that your furniture travels around the room at night, or who have the table manners of a deranged goat herder, or who have no concept of clean dishes, are literally playing with their lives. You will often come across those who have the social skills of malignant turnours, and who have no idea that their concept of good music is not yours, or perhaps that said music is above a tolerable volume level for those who don’t work on an airport runway all day-Volume problems can also cover such areas as slamming all doors (especially kitchen cupboards), or banging pots, or walking around the house so loudly that you are forced to know their whereabouts at all times. Personal hygiene can also be an area of concern, especially if they say “I’m not going to wash until this paper/ assignment is done”. I recommend that you hose them down with cold water in the basement. They will be clean, and you will feel somewhat better. This can also cover the area of students for whom a good oral rinse consists of a glass of coke in the morning (“...but I gargle with it”, they say,20 it’s OK, right?!“) Why do I speak with such a sense of reminiscence? Well,funnyyou should ask. I like to think that after eight years at three universities I have a lot of memories to draw upon concerning Each of them has left housemates. their imprint upon my life in some strange and wonderful ways, and now that I’m less than a month from final graduation, and less than two months away from leaving the country, I feel safe in sharing my memories. There was the wild Calgarian who played a mean axe when he wasn’t doing his Master of Science degree. After work, it was paq and yell like a cowboy, until he passed out. Then back to the thesis the next day. I have

am, get up, set up the drums, and solo until their head explodes. I recommend you spend $ IO0 for an old snare drum and sticks 9, Avoid basements. There are too many reasons to go into for this one. Just don’t do it. I used to love



than four roommates

no idea how he did it, but now he’s doing a Ph.D. pretty much the same way. Or how _about A truly _ “Tim”. frightening lad, who would sing “I’m committing murder in the morning, ding-dong the bells are going to ring”, and who would talk about cross-country killing sprees and inviting drifters to the house. It was around this time that I put locks on my doors for when I was & the house. “‘Will” was a riot, and we had great fun listening for people to come in the apartment building so we could frighten them through the intercom with strange noises. About S:OOpm we’d press the “listen” button on the intercom+ until someone came in. Then we’d start making comments and other sounds. We were both a lot more twisted after eight months. “Peter” was great, and he taught me a lot about being critical and cynical, and not to be spoon fed pap by anybody. However, when he and “Bruce”, an intense maritimer with a dry bathroom humour, would chase each other around with broom handles practising their martial arts skills and damaging the house, I tended to disappear. My roommates have included Waterlooers and Lauriettes, grads and undergrads, maritimers, westerners, Ontarians, foreigners of all nationalities, born-again Christians, Muslims, atheists, members of all faculties, athletes, slugs, and of course males and females. So what have I learned? Well, funny you should ask. Were’s my wisdom, especially for incoming frosh and


be fun for a while

first-year advice:


ing and laundry to time and money management. Somebody has to teach them sooner or later, but don’t take it upon yourself to do it all at once, or on

them, but after living upstairs in one house I realized what I had missed. IO. Change roommates often. If you really want to broaden your mind it univ&ity, then experience as many different kinds of rodmmates as possible, from all walks of life. You will learn just as much at home as you will at ichool, and the best part is there are no

your own.

texts and exams.

6 Three is a bad number for roommates, because somebody gets picked on or left out. Go for two or four. Five or more can be fun at first, because the bills are split nicely and there’s always somebody willing to do something with you, but it gets to be too many. 7. Arrange how the bills are going

To conclude, roomies are a big part of university life, unless you choose to live alone and avoid the lessons in social interaction, or unless you choose to live with your parents and thus save more money than you can imagine. Change roomies a lot, keep a fairly open mind, and life will never be boring at university.

and can cut down

in need of some

I. Male roommates are better for getting a.long than females. ff a male thinks you’re an idiot, you will be told. Female roommates tend to keep things in, and get very catty, sarcastic, and backbiting. With guys, you generally know where you stand, and they don’t tend to hold grudges. 2, Female roommates are usually better for keeping the place clean, and for making it homelike. If you want colour co-ordinated scatter cushions, get female roomies. They are also usually better when it comes to noise. 3. Roomies whose mommies and daddies give them all their money have no idea about things like saving electricity, turning out lights, not using the dryer for one item, taking reasonable showers, loweringthethermostat, etc... They also tend to be spoiled, and can’t understand why they can’t have their own way, why somebody else hasn’t taken out the garbage, and why somebody hasn’t shovelled the driveway so that they can get their car out. Avoid them at all costs. 4. Those who have taken biology and chemistry courses are the best for doing dishes, because they know what grows there. None ofthis rinse (maybe even with a little bit of soap!), pick with a fingernail, and visually inspect They soak ‘em, dry ‘em, and put ‘em away. 5. Try to keep away from housemates who are away from home for the first time, unless you enjoy teaching them everything from cook-

on bills, but then...


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2 I, I994

PepsiCo: Global profiteers blind to brutality In the age of liberalized trade, PepsiCo

is a glowing example of how the global marketplace fails to provide an adequate “marketplace solution” to the fostering and protection of human rights.

PepsiCo’s Attitudes

Anti-Union in Guatemala

On August 19, 1993, a group of I50 workers at the Pepsi Bottling Plant in Guatemala City (Embotelladora La Mariposa S.A. Anexos y Conexos) began legal procedures to form a union (known as SITRAEMSA). The response of the owners of the plant was illegal and violent. There are about I800 workers at the plant For many years the workers at the plant have wanted to form a union. However, the response of management was to issue intimidating bulletins, to threaten to close the plant, and to offer bribes to leaders of the union. Beginning August 24, 1993 the managers, Carlos Monge and Roy Wever Sempe. increased the level of intimidation. The Secretary General of the Union, Fabio Fernando Mazariegos, as well as two unionists, Sergio Gonzalez and Adan Raul Rodriguez, were locked inside the plant, interrogated and threatened. The Guatemala office ofthe UITA, the International Union of Food Workers and Allied Trades, which supports the beverage workers, has been under surveillance by paramilitary groups. PepsiCo has made no moves to persuade its franchisee to honour the right of the Guatemalan workers to organize.

Pe siCo Mi Pitary

and Burma’s Dictatorship

On August 8, I 988 following two years of civil unrest, hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated in major cities around Burma as part of a mass effort for democracy. Approximately 10,000 people were killed when the army responded by opening fire on the crowds which included women, children, and buddhist monks. After the killings, the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) seized power, but it is widely believed that SLORC is simply the same military junta with a new name. The oficjal change in ruling party was an attempt to improve Burma’s international image in an effort to attract foreign investment. The supression of democracy by SLORC in Burma is financed from heroine trafficking and money earned from business relationships with multinationals who claim trade has nothing to do with human rights. Burma is the producer of 60% of the world’s heroine, According to the Asian Institute for Democracy “heroine is widely available in teashops and is even distributed on heavily policed university campuses without interference”. It is believed the SLORC is promoting heroine ad-

diction among its citizens to provide an easy escape and “divert them from the struggle against military rule.” On May 27, I990 the SLORC held multiparty elections to try and Iegitimize itself in the world’s eyes. Despite the SLORC’s suppression of the media, heavy censorship of opposition party materials, and blatant intimidation of

Unfortunately, some multinationals chose to remain. Texaco, Unocal, Total, Exxon, Mitsubishi and Daewoo decided to stay in Burma. Then there are multinationals such as PepsiCo who moved into Burma after the 1990 election fiasco. The cost of a Pepsi in burma is approximately half a day’s wages for the average worker. A representative of the All Burma Students’s Democratic Front said ” the urgent need of the Burmese people is not Pepsi-Cola, but the restoration of de-

sponse is “that trade

iled Burmese community, Amnesty lnternational, and numerous other church, labour,

voters, the National League of Democracy, lead by Aung San Suu Kye, Nobel peace prize winner in I 99 I, won 457 out of 485 seats. However, the SLORC refused to accept this and wouldn’t transfer power. Suu Kyi was already under house arrest, where she would remain and many of the elected parliamentarians were either imprisoned or “disappeared.” b;fter the SLORC refused to transfer power to the elected democratic forces, many multinationals finally decided to pull out of Burma or to cancel previously planned ventures. Coke cancelled its foray into Burma due to public pressure and Levis Strauss & Co. withdrew saying “it is not possible to do business in burma without directly supporting the military government and its pervasive violations of human rights.”

spokespeople calously declare that “there’s lots of money floating around, and there’s not much to spend it on in a country like Burma-.-The market is there, that’s one thing we’re sure of.” That market provides money to the SLORC regime that in I992 drew international condemnation for attacking the Muslim state of Arakan driving 280,000 refugees into Bangladesh and waged its largest (but unsuccessful) offensive against the Karen government


army is know for its of slave labour. Labouters are given a handful of rice a day and a lot of opium to keep them working. When they can no longer work they’re either shot, slashed with bayonets, beaten to death, or have their arms tied behind their backs with wire and thrown into the nearest river. Decapitated, bayoneted, or beaten bodies drifting down from the SLORC controlfed areas are a frequent sight along the Salween, the river which separates Burma from Thailand. In addition to the atrocities all slave labour faces, women are the target of systematic rape. A report in the Activist by a researcher on Burma claims there is evidence that SLORC soldiers have been given specific instructions to rape ethnic minority women. Some students in Manerplaw are claiming that soldiers are even rewarded for rapes, at rates depending on the age and education level of the women. Although the situation appears bleak in Burma, there is some hope. Amnesty International is heavily involved in researching the human rights violations in Burma. The United Nations is investigating the SLORC’s suppression of democracy. There are worldwide campaigns for a boycott of multinational companies that deal with the SLORC, the prime target of which is PepsiCo. In the U.S., the boycott of PepsiCo is being coordinated by the United States Students Association. In Canada, the boycott is being sponsored and coordinated by the OPIRG at Carleton, Cynaps in Vancouver and Friends of the Rainforest in Ottawa. What can you do? The easiest thing you can do is sign the petition to get PepsiCo out of Burma, it’s posted in the WPIRG ofice here on campus. Next, you can boycott PepsiCo companies and their products - Kentucky Fried Chicken, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Pepsi, Mountain-Dew, 7up, Crush, Hires, Smartfood, Ruffles, Hostess, Doritos, Cheetos and Frito-Lay are aII the companies and & CO. p products spawned from PepsiCo. PepsiCo Footnote: PepsiCo will be paying $ i . I4 million giving it exclusive vending rights inforonto schools (and an avenue to provide “educational” videos and Pepsi student of the month prizes). Pepsi hopes it is just the beginning.

brutal treatment

“‘it is not possible to do business in burma without directly supporting the military government and its pervasive iioktions of human rights.”




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headquarters and other pro-democracy forces at Manerplaw on the border of Thailand. En route to Manerplaw over 20,000 men, women and children were captured from plundered villages and used as porters for ammunition on the font lines, human mine sweepers and road workers.

- Jason

van Zyl


Remember there is still time to volunteer - drop by the office to find out about all of our volunteer opportunities. Jan 22 (Sat) a Volunteer Training Session o l-3 pm in Arts Lecture HaH (look for the signs indicating rooms). Every participant in WPIRG should attend - especially with the rest of the members of your working group, if you want it to be as effective a group as possible. There will be four workshops (each I12 hour in length): Effective Meetings; Consensus DecisionMaking; Facilitation; and Communication

& Conflict Resolution; plus, a possible fifth workshop on Goal Setting. )an 28 (Fri) ’ The Unreported Dirty Wtlr in Chiapas o 7 pm Adult Recreation Centre, I85 King St. S. A panel discussion. Jan 28-30 (Fri-Sun) ’ Community Bused Environmental Economics - 4th Annual

into Jobs (creating jobs from sustainable waste management innovations), Local Exchange Trading Systems (barter systems), Communities and Bioregionalism, Gtobat Economy. Transpomtion (a van - limit of 12) is being organized out of the PlRG office at $5 per person, so if your interested sign







Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario. $25 $35 (covers billeting and meals). Slated workshops include Economic Resistance (consumer activism), Worker Co-operatives. Urban Food Strategies (local agricultural support), 3R’s









tion on the conference). Feb 7-I I (Tue) ’ Surreru Tbobani, prerident of the Notional Action Committee on the Stutus of Womyn @AC) a 7pm in Engineering Lecture Hall room IO I 1



Thisweek in


PLAGUE SMACKS by Peter Imprint

Brown 5ports

With ali ofthe appropriate drama, the Black Plague Warriors found a crucial foothold in the climb to OWAA West supremacy on Wednesday a thrilling five-game victory ( I5- IO, t 2IS, 8- I 5, I 5- I 2, I 6- 14) over the visiting McMaster Marauders. The match between the two 6- I teams could not have been more dramatic as Waterloo came back from an 8- I2 deficit to take the rubber game 16-14. And this came after Waterloo, down I-2 in games, trailed 6-8 midway through game four before coming back to win 15-12. The nationally eighth-ranked Marauders showed some come-back potential themselves, winningtwo straight games after Waterloo captured the first one. Mac sprinted to a 2-5 lead in the deciding game, forcing Waterloo to call timeout to regroup. Control eluded the Warriors, though, as the teams traded points until UW found itself down 8-12. Pete Denison started the comeback, putting one down off of a block. After that, it was just a matter of allCanadian setter Shawn Smith lofting sets to Plague monster scorer Matt Reed. Mac blocked the first one, but Reed kept on coming to pull Waterloo within two. Jack Krmpotic scored another with a huge one-on-one block and Reed tied it over the top of a double




Friday, January 2 1 Saturday, January 22

at Laurier Invitational Warrior Friday,



2 1,7:45


at Ryerson Rams T’hursday,


27, 7:30 p.m.

at Guelph Gryphons Warrior






versus Brock Badgers (at PAC main gym) Wednesday,




vs Laurier Golden Hawks (at PAC main gym)







vs Laurier Golden Hawks (at PAC main gym)




block. The Marauders called time, and the 500-strong crowd smelled blood. Mac’s Steve Dunlop was open to put down the go-ahead point, but Reed tied it again at I3 apiece as was unblocked. The winning point came when a packof Marauders had looked like they had stuffed a Waterloo spike, but were called for a net violation.




again. Game two was Waterloo’s turn to allow a large lead and then come back. Down 6- 13, Waterloo went on a 6- I run to make it I2- I4 before losing. Game three was the low point of the match with all of the calls going Mac’s way. Waterloo found itself down 3- IO when the referee red-carded Reed for dropping the ball on a serve, show-

ing the declining quality of OUAA volleyball officiating and prompting a Waterloo timeout. Right behind teammate White in scoring, Marauder Darren Ettles made more than his share of errors in Waterloo’s game-four win. He was frozen in place in the back court on a Perry Strauss quick kill to start UW’s comeback from a 6-8 deficit. Rene Holt tooled the now-dopey Ettles for the tying point, and Holt and Reed combined for the next three points, putting UW up to stay. Waterloo’s winning point in game four came as Ettles was caught napping once again on a Mac over bump. This win, combined with Waterloo’s victory in Hamilton in November, means that Waterloo wins the season series 2-O and has a tie-breaking edge over McMaster if the teams should finish in a two-way tie. It also means that Waterloo should be ranked when next week’s CIAU top-ten list is released. UW was briefly ranked eighth last fall. The Western Mustangs were the missing piece of a three-way tie for first in the OUAA West before Wednesday night’s game. The ‘Stangs beat the Warriors here in the fall, and the rematch in London will come on Friday, February I I. The Plague’s next home game will be on Wednesday, February 2 versus the Windsor Lancers, but Warrior volleyball fans can travel down University Ave. to Laurier one week from tonight, Friday night, January 28 at 8 p.m.



Friday, January 21 Sunday, January 23

at Dalhousie Invitational Athena Friday,

Rene HoIt feeds

This match had all the makings of a heavyweight fight with seven of the OUAA West’s nine highest scoring players participating. The division’s leading scorer, Marauder Geoff White, was quiet indeed in Waterloo’s t5- IO game one victory, but started to pour on the offence in the rest of the match. His sluggishness showed as well, however, as he surrendered quite a few failed digs. Waterloo jumped out to a 60 lead in that first game, but Mac outscored Waterloo 8-4 to pull within two points before UW pulled away




2 1, 7:3O p.m.

IceWarriorstrash two, headnorth for more by Nicholas Mew Imprint sports

vs Lakehead Nor’wcsters (at PAC main gym) Saturday,


22, 7130 p.m.

vs Lakehead Nor’westers (at PAC main gym)







at Western Invitational varsity






at Windsor Can-Am Warrior Sat.,


Sun., January

22, 23

at Ryerson-crossover Athena


Sat., SWI., January

22, 23

OWIAA ind. finals at Toronto Varsity



Sat., Sun., January


at Western Athena

Ind. Hockey

Sat., Sun., January


at York Invitational Varsity


Sat,, Sun., January


at Western - Comb. 2

“If it weren’t for that overtime loss to Western, we’d be a perfect 4-O since Christmas as of now,” said Warrior hockey head coach Don McKee, reflecting on his team’s record and the rejuvenation of the hockey Warriors in the second half of the season. Waterloo has added a little breathing room between themselves and cellar-dwellers Windsor, as well as getting closer to division leaders Western and Laurier, by picking up four crucial points in last weekend’s games versus the Queen’s Golden Gaels and the RMC Redmen. This weekend sees the Waterloo puck-men travel to play the Ryerson Rams on Friday, then hop on a bus right after the game to ride all night to Sudbury and face the always troublesome Laurentian Voyageur side. While Ryerson is one of the .weaker teams in the OUAA, and Laurentian is generally tough at home, the Warriors are not taking either game lightly. Waterloo hopes that a quick win on Friday night wilt enable them to move the team to Sudbury in as little time as possible, so rhat the Black and Gold boys can get some rest before they face the Voyageurs in a night game. Fan turnout at the Columbia Icefields for last weekend’s games bordered upon the pathetic, leaving one local media scribe to comment that it seemed like the opposition’s home rink. The weather can only partly be blamed for the unofficial count of 26 on Sunday, as the bitter cold outside prevented many from making the attempt to come to the game, but it was noted that Waterloo students generally don’t

UVV fans missed u delightful pair of blow-outs RMC 5-2 and 12-I respectively. support their teams well, until playoff time comes. This meant that fans missed two excitinggames, full ofgoals, hard checks, and some serious animosity. Queen’s pulled in on Saturday, and were in trouble to begin with. Back in Kingston, I5 pairs of skates had been sharpened on a faulty machine, leaving most of the Queen’s lineup unable to play. Coach McKee of the 5, Warriors graciously allowed the Gaels to use Warrior equipment, as well as delaying the start of the game, which allowed Queen’s the time it needed to get ready. It still wasn’t enough, however, 3s Waterloo sent them back to Kingston after defearing rhern 5-2. The game itself was penalty-filled, as both teams played the game barely within the rules, and possibly 3 little outside the rules when the ref wasn’t looking.


Queen’s 2

tast weekend

as the Warriors


Queen’s photo


by Motin Mazio

One particular penalty against Wawho tallied a goal and a pair of assists. Not surprisingly, Allen, Mervyn, terloo was not justified however, as and Gilchrist played on one line toteam captain Geoff Schneider was given ten minutes for inciting after he went gether, and accounted for 80 per cent to talk to a Queen’s representative to of the Warriors’ points on Saturday, discuss the penalties. Those who know The other member of the redtight district for the Warriors was reSchneider would realize that he is one of the calmest players on the ice, not turning forward Geoff “Rawsco” Rawson, who is starting to get his given to taunting the opposition. The ref didn’t know this hands back after being benched with an injury for though, and called Schneider w,&/~O 72, the first half of the season. for going towards a Queen’s On Sunday, the piayer talking, which the ref RMC 7 Redmen from RMC came to assumed was not happy talk. town, and the Warriors would Several players had out, standing games, notably assistant caplike to thank them for coming out. It was a senseless slaughter in tain Greg Allen, who came through more ways than one, as Waterloo with four points in the game, one goat t;,.i&d goal after goal, and RMC got and three assists. nastier and nastier with their sticks, “The best player on the ice” was ar\d in the end Waterloo came away how McKee described A!km, and &is with a 12-I win. contributed to his nomination by the It seemed as though the first pehockey team for athlete of the week. riod would never end, as an endless Also strongwas Sheldon “Cookie” line of players was sent to the penalty Gilchrist, who had two goals and one continued to page I8 assist, and Jason “Swervyn” Mervyn,



friday, january 2 I, 1994


Track by April Imprint

Harper spofts

On Saturday the Waterloo Warrior and Athena track contingent sprinted, jumped, leaped and vaulted to 20 personal best performances (PB’s), with yet another player qualifying for the Canadian Nationals on March I I and I 2 in Calgary. Jeff Miller continued his reign as Waterloo’s national pole vaulter by qualifying with a vault of 4.40 metres. Miller will join high jumper extraordinaire Karl Zabjek. and distance sensation Jason Gregoire at the CIAU Championships, if in fact, the school has the money to send them. It’s expected that many more athletes will qualify for the championships in the meets to come. Some strong possibilities include both the men’s and women’s 4X800, 4X 200 and perhaps the 4X400 metre relay teams. The meet at York on Saturday began in tie usual way, with athletes still tired from the previous night and still hungry because they woke up too IaLe to make breakfast. Alicia Steele warmed up the sprint track and huddled her way to a fifth place finish with a respectable time of 9.76 seconds. She then teamed

team up with Tiffany Kanitz, Theresa Kindree and April Harper for the 4X200 metre relay. The women took three seconds off their time from last week, and would have ran faster if it hadn’t been for a steel pole that jutted out on the track. Steele had to take the pole out with her chest before she could pass the baton to Harper, costing the team both time and the lead. Kanitz then sprinted her way to a seventh place finish in the women’s 6OM event in 8.18

track teams set 20 personal best records on Saturday


seconds. Kanitz is the school record holder in that event. Both of the men’s 4X200’s ran excellent races; the “B” team of Tory locker, Taly Williams,

Athena curlers on winning streak by JenniJer


Smith sports

The Athena curling team swept past the opposition to maintain a 4-O record at the West Sectional Bonspiel this past weekend at the University of Western Ontario’s Thompson Arena. Starting off the competition with an I I 5 trouncing of Brock on Friday, the women went on to defeat the University of Guelph 7-4 by scoring 3 in an extra end. Saturday, the Atienas had a tight game against Laurier emerg

ing victorious by a score of 10-8. In another close battle, Waterloo skip Margaret Corey executed a perfect take-out to down the Western Mustangs I l-9. The won/lost records for the west sectionals are as follows: Waterloo (4-O), Guelph (3-l), BrockfLa urierwestern (I -3). The next action for the Athenas is the EastNVest Crossover Bonspiel co-hosted by Waterloo and Laurier on the weekend of February 5th and 6th where they witl meet up with the eastern university teams.


on trac<-~-Maurice Wilson and Gord Fawcett PB’d in that event. Our distance runners took to the track with might and fury, proving once again Water-too’s strength in the Ionger running events. Jason Gregoire smoked to a third place finish in the 3000 metres, while Mike Ready ran a strong and even race in the same event With a PB of 3:09.5, Julia Norman took fifth place in the women’s IO00 metres. Sarah Brown and Sarah Thompson both PB’d in the I 500 M, placing second and ninth respectively. Jim Mylet also PB’d in the men’s 1000 metre, sporting a time of 2:38.40. Locker and Williams tied with a time of 7.67 seconds in the 60 metre sprint, giving both men a new personal best in this event. Williams then floated to another PB in the high jump with a leap of I .82 metres. It should be noted that coach Brent McFarlane has put in an application for Williams’ nomination for UW’s prestigious Mike Moser Award for his consistent performance as a multisport/academic athlete. Our congratulations go out to him! In other sporting events, PB’s are as follows: “Big Red” or “Red Wood Forrest,” better known as Brent Forrest, with a great time of 37.50 in the men’s 300 metres; Ann Kjerulf in both the 60 metres (8.62 seconds) and the 300 metres; Mike Mallet in his leg of the 4X400 metre relay (56.8 seconds); and Forrest again in the same event (5 I-2); Theresa Kindree in the women’s 4X200 metre relay and the 300 metres; and April Harper in the 300 metres and the 4X400 metre relayJim Mylet and Sarah Brown also PB’d in their legs of the 4X800 metres. Andrew Weburn, who will run just about anything, showed his value and speed as he also PB’d, in the 600 metres (I :25.9) The day was long and treacherous, like every day at the track, but athletes continually cheered each other on and showed tremendous support

and team spirit! The air at York is humid and heavy, which adds to athlete fatigue and makes for slower running times. Obviously it didn’t stop our athletes. Storming to a second prace finish, the men’s 4X800 metre relay team (Kregg Fordyce, Jim Mylet,Jason Gregoire and Dave Hill) is closing in on the ClAU standard, just like last year. The women’s 4X800 metre relay took third place as Cheryl Turner, Sarah Brown, Julia Norman and Sarah Thompson ran their hearts out Kanitz, Kindree, Harper and Kjerulf teamed up for third in the women’s 4X400 metre, while Forrest, Welburn, Fawcett and Mallot place sixth in the men’s event. Considering UW does not have a proper indoor facility where athletes can train, our team fairs quite well by training in the snow and slush, and behind the PAC bleachers. Not many people realize what a disadvantage this is for our track and field program; most people think, “who cares, you can run anywhere;” but that’s just not the case. It is similar to playing basketball without a court or hockey without a net,.. a smal I, seemingly trivial quirk that makes a 81G,Bt G difference. We are fortunate enough that the school pays our fees to use the new recreational complex on Father David Bower Drive, once a week, and we are grateful for both the money and the facility. And although this is a far cry from a “track and field” facility, it allows our athletes to run around in circles out of the snow but in cool conditions (because the oval is above an ice rink). Thanks to the coaches: “Big B”I”Big Radio” (Brent McFarlane),john Star-buck (Schwarbrick), Gary Wilson and Tim Hussar for putting up with us, and thanks to our trainers Kevin Blake and Rob Maclnnis for their tender loving care. Good luck to the team next Friday and Saturday at the Can=Am Track Classic in Windsor. Everyone’s efforts last weekend were outstanding!

The teams have been training in the snow and slush

Warrior curlers earn bitter sweet victories by Butch n77print


346 King Street, W., Kitchener, Ontario



Last weekend the University of Waterloo Curling Team travelled to London to compete in the first of two round robin qualifying tournaments to determine the top 6 university curling teams in Ontario. These 6 teams wilt then compete for the provincial championships in midFebruary. The Warriors first match on Friday was against a young, upstart team from the University of Brock. The Warriors took control of the game early by posting a deuce in the first end. From there, they went on to thrash the Badgers of Brock lO-I. In the second game of the day the Warriors were pitted against a tough squad from the University of Guelph. Despite a valiant effort, the warriors were unable to keep up with the streaking Gryphons from Guelph and were humbly defeated 7-4. The iads finished the day with a disappointing I - I won/lost record, but were looking forward to playing the undefeated Laurier Golden Hawks and the always tough Mustangs

from Western the next day. As it turned out not even the bitterly cold weather could put out the team’s intense competitive fire and determination. The Warriors added two more victories to their I -I record on that frightfully cold Saturday morning. After getting off to a slow start against the Golden Hawks, the team dramatically turned things around in the second half of the game to post a decisive 7-3 victory over the I992 Provincial Champs from Laurier. The last confrontation for the boys on that day was against the home team, the Western Mustangs. In what many have called “the game of the year”, the Warriors after having sharing the lead a total of 4 times throughout the game, posted an incredible 7 points in the 8th end to seal the victory and return to Waterloo with a solid 3I record. The team, consisting of Brent Charpenter, James Bromiley, Dean Palmer, Karl Bi ly and Kenny, will play the second stage of the qualifying process on February 5th and 6th right here in KitchenerWaterloo. Admission is free, so come on out and cheer on the boys as they attempt to earn a birth in the Provincial finals for the first time in 3 years.

Sports hacks needed!! If you have a penchant for late nights and sweaty locker rooms, you just might be Imprint’s next Sports Editor. If you believe you fit these qualities, or ones similar, come down to the Imprint office (~~140) and let us know. We’d really like to have you. No, really, we’re serious.


Check out Columbia Ice Fields for ~~~$pgy~


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line is NOW February 1, 7994. We’re sponsoring a Graffiti/Art Mural for the CC boards facing Biology. If you have artwork you want the world to see,send us q rough sketch!!!. For info, details, questions,call ext. 5 RL ‘it The Federation of Students is accepting applications for the at-large student position on the Student Centre Management Board. If this position interests you please come up to the Fed Office

2:OO p.m. May 1,1994 to April 30,1996. Nominations are appreciated before March 18 to: Mary Lou Klopp, Administrative Assistant, University Secretariat, Ext, 6 125.


Poll Clerks are needed for the upcoming Student Elections. Clerks are needed for Feb. 15 and 16. Applications are available in the Fed Office.


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SOCIAL ISSUESBOARD NEEDS YOU!!! Drop by the Fed Office or call ext, 6305 if you are interested. Make a diflerence fhis term - volunteer! **********+* HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION NEEDS YOU!!! Students from UW and WLU are needed to participate in a one night canvassing event, Volunteering is easy, fun, takes only one night, and it looks great on your resume! Sign up now or for more information call Megan 725-6808 or Deanu 725-6915, your school reps, The dute is Sunday, Feb, 13, 1994 from 6




friday, january 2 I, I994


for Brock boys

prepare by Peter Imprint

Brown sports

The varsity basketball season motors along a bit too fast for extensive celebrations, as the Waterloo Warriors well know. Last Saturday, the team ended its three-game losing streak, blowing out the visiting Windsor Lancers 99-76. But Wednesday night, the nation’s topranked McMaster Marauders had a surprise waiting for Waterloo in the form of a 90-4 I drubbing. Only two weeks into the season and already the l-4 Warriors have a must-win game, tomorrow at 2 p.m. the PAC as the seventh-ranked Brock Badgers complete the home-and-home series. just nine days ago, the 2- I Badgers hammered UW 89-68 in St Catharines, led by Dave “The Beav”’ Picton, who leads the OUAA West in scoring with 25.7 points per game. The Badgers retained their topten ranking despite being upset by the Guelph Gryphons 72-70 last weekend. “No question, we have to contain Picton,” said Warrior head coach Tom Kieswetter. “We can’t stop him completely, just try to make sure he doesn’t have a 30-point game. We also have to improve our rebounding, last time, the Badgers beat us on both the offensive and defensive boards.” At 6’2”, Picton is too tall for Warrior point guard B. J. York to guard effectively, so Kieswetter will use forward Sean VanKoughnett and guard Mike Duarte to disturb the Paperboy’s route. This should be one exciting game, as both teams thrive on the fast break. And Waterloo can play transition offence with the best of them, now that Tom Balfe is the starting centre.




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“Tom is certainly more agile (than Mark Hopkins),” said Kicswetter. But Hopkins’ size is crucial when Waterloo embarks on a half-court, post-up offence. The fast break was a prominent part of Waterloo’s success last Saturday versus the Lancers. Keying on tenacious defence and baskets of steals, the Warriors exploded for 55 first-half points and never looked back. Down 48-29 late in that first frame, the Lancers pulled to within I7 before Waterloo turned on the afterburners again. After an Alex Urosevic threepointer, York stole the ball with eight seconds to play, kicked it out to Urosevic, who fed VanKoughnett for the buzzer-beating lay-up. Urosevic hit four treys en route to an l8-point first half and finishing with a team-leading 24 points and five three-pointers. Starting centre Tom Balfe hit IOof- I6 from the floor, scored 22 points, and carved up the boards for I I rebounds.

VanKoughnett scored 2 I, powered by 9-of- I 0 shooting. Fifth-year forward Chris Moore connected on atl four of his overseas calls and netted I 3 points. The Lancers pulled to within I8 in the second frame before the Warriors buried them again. jamie Pepper scored 2 I points for Windsor, hitting five of his eight threepoint shots. Patrick Osborne, usually the team’s money man, shot only !&of- I8 from the field including O-of-4 from treyland, but still managed to score I7 points in his 38 minutes of court time. In other OUAA West action, the 4-O Lakehead Nor’westers sit atop the division after garrotting the hapless Laurier Golden Hawks in a weekend doubleheader by a combined score of I 94- I 06. Also last weekend, the Marauders improved their record to 2-O with a 9268 thumping of the Western Mustangs. The Gryphs and the ‘Stangs are tied at I - I after last weekend, while the Laneers and Hawks have yet to win.

Support the Warriors and win Imprint


The Warrior cagers and the entire athletic departmentwants you to come out to this Saturday’s game versus the Brock Badgers, and their willing to Pay. This match is the fall poll game, meaning that league officials will be on hand to judge just how Waterloo fans measure up to fans across the country. Also, the game will be televised on CHCH.

So, the athletic department is holding banner contest at the game to impress all. To the best banner makers will be awarded a free pair of shoes, a free pizza at the end of the game, and a pass for four people to attend the Athlete of the Week function. So get together and make a banner with your friends; but remember only one of youwill ge t the shoes and only four can go to the Athlete of the Week function. Plan accordingly.

m m m 1

1 1 i

Warrio continued






box or the showers for a variety of infractions. Most of these players were from the military college, causing RMC coach jacques Tremblay, a veteran of the QMJHL, to lose his cool. Less than eight minutes into the game, with Waterloo leading I-O, Redmenforwardjohn Hatch was called for high-sticking, and was given five minutes in the sin-bin. This sent Tremblay over the edge, and he screamed at referee Bob Beatty for what seemed like an eternity. “In all my 35 years of coaching I have never seen a call like that!” yelled Tremblay,appearingand sounding more and more every second Ii ke a deranged Chihuahua that has been force-fed espresso. Beatty tried to calm Tremblay down and explain the call, butTremblay would not relent, so Beatty just got fed up and gave RMC a bench minor, giving Waterloo a two-man advantage. This moment can be said to be the turning point in the game, as Waterloo capitalized on the opportunity presented to them, and RMC simply got bitter and nasty. Any Warrior who dared to foray into the RMC goal crease was quickly pounced upon with the ferocity of a broken-bottle street-fight. Before the halfway point of the game, two Redmen and one Warrior had been ejected, and two of these ejections were questionable. “They’re








games, so they should use hockey as a way to highlight their discipline and show the class of the Forces,” said Waterloo goatending coach Mike Bishop, commenting on the complete lack of control by the Redmen on the

“You’ve got to remember that these guys have to be disciplined all day long. This is the only opportunity they have to release their aggression and let IooseJ’countered helicopter pilot Captain Tim Cattle of the Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting Centre in Kitchener, who was up to give the RMC boys some much-needed support on the road. Late in the first, Steve “Heart and Soul” Smith was bushwhacked near the RMC goalie, being attacked by a gang of Redmen, causing Smith to go completely berserk. In the refs room between periods, the linesmen spoke of this altercation, saying that they had a really hard time keeping the Warriors and the “jarheads” apart, and that they hadn’t seen so much bad blood between two teams who only saw each other once a year. McKee tried to settle his players in the dressing room, exhorting the Ice-Men not to retaliate, just to walk away and let the RMC boys take the penalties. “Smitty (Smith) did some things that the coaching staff and Smitty’s mother would not be happy about,” said McKee to the players, adding some levity to the room. “If you see a player is going to do that, grab him and pull him away. We don’t need any more misconduct penalties.” With




of the


in their minds, the-players hit the ice in the second, and the game toned down in terms of penalties. This allowed the Warriors to focus on trying to light the red light behind the RMC net, and they certainly

kept the goal judges busy. Thirteen different Ice-Men managed to find their way onto the scoresheet, with several having what can only be considered outstanding games. Defender Mark Cardiff, who was forced to sit out the game against Queen’s thanks to a suspension for general nastiness, led the point parade for Waterloo with one goal and four assists. Other outstanding blueliners were Todd “The Ii itman” Gleason, with three assists, and Schneider with two assists. Smith potted three disks into the mesh, giving him the hat-trick on the day, while his linemates Dean “Dynamo” MacDonald had one goal and two assists and Chris “Crash” Kraemer set up two goals. Returning in a big way to the scoresheet was forward Steve “Dog” Woods, who put in two goals while setting up two others, and Mervyn who assisted on four markers himself. Other point-getters for the Black and Gold were speedster “Cookie” Gilchrist (2G), smooth-skating backliner John Wynne (IA), bitter old veteran John “Willie” Williams (I G-2A), “Attitude” Allen (I G- IA), and “Rawsco” Rawson (I G-2A). Waterloo now faces four games on the road, this weekend against Ryerson and Laurentian, and the following week at Guelph and Toronto. The Warrior’s next home game is Thursday, February 3, at 7:30 p.m. against the Brock Badgers The players and hockey staff would like to invite all students, faculty, and staff of the University of Waterloo to come on out and show the team some support at they fight for a playoff spot in the tough OUAA West.



Rice leads swimmers in co-meet from

WV swim


Last weekend, the Waterloo swim team cohosted the WaterloolGuelph University Invitational. It was a long and grueling schedule of events in which there were several exciting swims seen by many Waterloo swimmers. The preliminary heats took place at the PAC pool with nine Ontario universities present. The Athenas and Warriors worked really hard in the pool and on deck cheering their teammates on. On Sunday, alI nine teams travelled to Guelph for the Final and Consulation events. This meet was held to simulate an OUAA/0WlAA Championship meet (which is actually held in February). This way, the swimmers can familiarize themselves with the heavy schedule of races. Twenty Waterloo swimmers qualified for Consul’s or Finals and they went on to prove their strengths in Guelph. Working welt as a team in the men’s 800 free relay, the team of Roughley, Spoor, Boyko, Furs took first place. The Warriors also did well in the 400 medley relay, the 200 medley and the 400 free relays. Like the men, the Athenas placed well in the 400 medley and the 400 free relays. “ The women are looking great as they prepare for the upcoming OWIAA championship,” commented athlete of the week and team captain Kara Rice. Rice also had some excellent swims on the weekend, placing second in both the IO0 and 200 breaststroke finals with lifetime best times. A noticeable performance by rookie Peter Spoor was seen in the 1,500 free event where he placed second with a time of 17:30.32 which put him on the Warrior all-time top-ten list and also placed him in the ClAU rankings.


Despite the length of the meet, a good effort was seen by Marcela Ganon and Kristie McComb. Warriors Eric Huff, Philip Joyce, Trevor Denstedt, Andrew Cartwright and Terry ‘chooch’ Boyko worked really hard in their respective events. The mighty Warriors team captain Brian Roughley placed sixth in the 200 Free and also did well in the 200 fly. “The men’s team seems to really be coming together as they prepare for OUAAs,” Roughley said. Athena Amy jarvis continues to do wet1 with a second-place finish in the 200 free and some strong finishes in the IO0 fly and the IO0 back. Teammates Deanna Hlywka and Tereza Mace1 also placed well scoring points for Waterloo. Hlywka placed fourth in the 200 individual medley and Mace1 placed third in the 400 free. Warriors Chris Nagy had two place finishes in the 50 free and the IO0 fly. Fellow rookie Ed Furs placed sixth in the 200 free and also did well in the IO0 fly and the 100 free. Joe Huth, Trevor Denstedt and Steve Brown placed fifth, sixth and seventh respectively in the 100 back. The Athena breaststrokersjen Beatty, Melissa Williams and Corinne Peden all did well stealing placings from rival Western swimmers. Beatty took third in the IO0 breast and fourth in the 200 breast with Williams close behind in fourth place in the IO0 breast and sixth in the 200 breast. The Warriors and Athenas are doing extremely well as they continue to challenge other Ontario Universities. They get to strut their stuff again at the ‘highschool down the street’ tonight and tomorrow. Come on out and support your swimmers.




1, I994


B-ball Athenas lose pair, hope to rebound versus WLU by Shannon VanKoughnett Imprint sports This past week was not as successful as the Athena hoopsters had hoped it would be following two great games in Thunder Bay two weekends ago. Returning to the comparatively balmy climates of wouthwestern Ontario, the Athenas travelled to Brock on January 13 to do battle with those scary Badgers. Starting off slow, the Athenas allowed the Sadgers to take an early lead. UW fought back to within a few baskets at half-time, but that was the closest they would get. Waterloo did not seem to exhibit the same type of fire, enthusiasm and toughness that they had slowed in previous games. By the time the final buzzer sounded, the Badgers had rung up a 63-45 win. 6’ I ” sophomore Kim Stusyk led Waterloo with i 4 points. Forward Sue Kruis scored ten and tore down six boards for the Athenas. Sara Bradley came off uf the bench to rip down six rebounds. Nancy Schuster led Brock with IS points. On Saturday, our goddesses of war seemed pumped and completely ready to avenge an earlier season loss to Windsor and show that the less than great game against Brock was a one time thing. The Athenas came out strong, taking a tenpoint edge early in the first half. The Lancers managed to dig away at the Athena lead and by half-time Windsor had taken the lead.

Rebounding seemed to be the key in this game. The Athenas were lackadaisical when in the vicinity of the ball after a missed shot, and as a result the Lancers had a distinct edge in the rebounding department. With only a minute and a haif to go, Waterloo was only down by three points despite shooting less than 40 per cent from the free throw line and being outrebounded 39-25. Windsor ended up winning by a five-point margin, 54-49, in a game that was in reach for the Athenas. Rookie guard Jena Steele led Waterloo with 20 points, while cleaning the glass with seven rebounds. Kruis chipped in with I2 points, while Bradley played tenacious defense, and showed tremendous effort, coming up with five steals and sparking the Athenas in the second half. Sophomore forward Shannon VanKoughnett came off the bench to provide the team with some much-needed rebounding during the fourth quarter. Nancy Gyurcsik had I3 points and I6 rebounds for the lancers. On January 19, the Athenas travelled to Hamilton to face the McMaster Marauders. The Athenas will be in action again next Wednesday night, January 26 when they take the court against the Wilfrid Laurier Hens. Travelling to a real university, Laurier better be ready for 40 minutes of hell, cause that’s what they are going to get when they meet our goddesses of war at 6:00 p.m. This will be a game the Hens are probably going to wish they never had to show up for.


4 d “fi”%

l-l+ cd3



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PIACE I Davis Centre ’ ICR Lounge

LASTDAY: 8-5 (Jan.28)


3-D IMAGES Your mother was wrong. Your eyes WON’T remain permanently crossed.

PENMEN” ;gig






Saturday, Jan. %%,lB84 *doors will be c/osed from 7 to 8 p.m. to set up*


Did you know theBomber is open EVERYSaturday, noon to 1 a.m. Come Check It Out!!



friday, january 21, 1994


Ski Club membership b~c Mary-Anne Fairbairn Publicity Coordinator

I81e1 75 Weber Street, Watertoo (Zellers Plaza)


i; 0


e Best Chinese Buffet, Period!

The UW ski club is breaking membership records and still growing strong. Club president Kevin Bruckner attributes the current number of 360 members to amazing conditions and the excellent deals offered. Trip prices are just as good, if not better than last year, and he boasts that our club is currently more successful and innovative than rivals Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Western Ontario because of the variety of trips planned and their costs. For only 35 dollars, members have the opportunity to take great friday day-trips to Blue Mountain and Bristol Mountain, as well as access to free corporate day passes to Chicopee. Members obtain these passes by bringing their club membership and student ID to the Turnkey Desk in the Campus Centre. Passes can be taken out between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., or 3 p.m. to close. Day passes must be returned to the Turnkey Desk by 3 pm. if taken out for the day. Aside from ski trips, members also receive a free UW Ski Club T-shirt, and a full season of hot wax plus IO per cent off any other service at Riordan’s. Prizes like gift certificates, T-shirts, ski bags, and fanny packs have also been arranged for draws on the ski trips, thanks to our many sponSOTS.

Bring in your STUDENT CARD to receive great discounts on our...


The Club executive is planning a Spring Break trip to Whiteface Mountain in Lake Placid, New York. Three nights accommodation (double occupancy), three-day lift tickets, continental breakfasts, transportation by bus, and organized activitiesare included for $370. The best part is that the trip is open to everyone, but space is limited.

LUNCH Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday

trip, which won’t

even get you a lift ticket

if you


# !i!

Monday to Thursday


Fri., Sat. and Sun.


Please Show Your Student Card Before Ordering

PAC office with ID and $35. Day trip information can be obtained by calling Scott at 725-74 16, and information from Michelle or Laura at

There is still space available in the upcoming Campus Ret singles tennis tournament. The tourney will take place on Sunday, January 30 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and February 6 between 6 p.m. and I I p.m. at the Waterloo Tennis Bubble. There are three levels of play planned. Each

breaks record entrant is guaranteed two games at $5 per person. The final entry date is Tuesday, January 25 at I :OU p.m. You can register in PAC 2039. Entrants must attend the organizational meeting in PAC IO0 I on Thursday, January 27 at 4:45 p.m. Sign up soon! Upcoming dates that may affect you are: Kayaking Clinic -January 2 I, 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the pool Cross Country Skiing - January 23 and 30, PAC Blue North Rock Climbing-January 26,6 to IO:00 p.m., Good Life Centre (Space is still available.) CPR recert 354-O I -Jan. 22, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., PAC 1001 SJFA I 50-03 - J anuary 28-3&b to 9 p.m., HH 373 NLS - January 28, 6 to I Opm, PAC 100 I /Pool Standard Test Fitness Appraisal (STFA) - January 28-30, I to 9pm, BMH Student assistint applications for fall 1994 are due in the PAC office by February 4. Each term Campus Recreation, hires l3- I7 students who are involved in the organization and administration of programs. Student assistants are responsible for the competitive and recreational leagues, tournaments, aquatics, fitness, instructional programs, publicity. promotions, accessibility, and special projects. Applications can be picked up in PAC 2339. The first Activity Day at PAC for students with disabilities is this Sunday, January 23 between 2:30 and 430 p.m. If you would like information, please contact Sandra in the PAC ofice. Outdoor activities for fitness addicts may have been brought to an abrupt halt lately due to the arctic temperatures. It may interest you to know how you can continue your cardio activities without injuring yourself because of the cold. I. Wear a hat and keep your entire body covered. You may wish to cover exposed areas like your face with v;lseline to protect it from frostbite. 2. Dress in thin layers of”breathable”clothes. Don’t wear cotton or nylon. 3. Warm up by doing about ten minutes of easy activity, then stretch outside before beginning heavy activity. A more complete stretch inside, afeer the activity, will prevent sore muscles. Stretches should include all major muscle groups. Each stretch should be held for 30 seconds and repeated. DO NOT BOUNCE. 4. Three workouts a week, 30 minutes each, should be enough for people who are not heavily training. Hard workouts should be alternated with easy workouts to allow muscles to relax and to avoid overuse injuries. 5. Outdoor activity should be avoided below -2OC, unless you have been exposed to these temperatures for extended periods of time. Cold air inhaled into the lungs can be dangerous. 4. In temperatures like those we have experienced lately you should take it easy, cover up, and know what you are doing. It is easier to injure yourself in cold weather because more energy is allocated to heating your body, so exhaustion can occur quickly. Enjoy the snow!

OFFER EXPIRES February lo,1994


N DAILY BUFFET * 50 ft. of Fabulous Food * * Over 70 Hot & Cold Items * BUSINESS HOURS: Monday to Thursday & Sunday It:30 a.m. - 1O:OOp.m. Friday & Saturday 11:30 a.m. - 1l:OO p.m.



of the week James Bromiley Warrior curling



Kara Rice is this week’s female athlete of the week. Team captain Rice had an exceptional weekend performance, recording two lifetime best times in the I OO-metreand 200”metre breaststroke at the Waterloo Invitational. Rice placed second in both events in an exceptionally competitive field with all but one of the strongest Ontario University teams competing. Both performances place this third-year mathematics student from London, Ontario on the Athena all-time top-ten list, placing her third and









tively. The swim team will next compete at the Laurier Invitational today and tomorrow as they prepare for their championships in February.

James Bromiley is this week’s male athlete of the week. Bromiley, now in his second year with the Warriors, is a Kitchener native, graduating from Forest Heights Collegiate Institute. The Warriors finished with a 3- I record at the West Sectional Curling Bon spiel in London last weekend. Bromiley had an outstanding weekend of curling, setting up numerous ends for the Warrior skip. The execution of one of the most difficult shots in curling, the perfect freeze, allowed Bromiley to turn potential disastrous ends into point






Both the Warriors and Athenas will co-host a tournament with Laurier on the weekend of February 5 and 4. Games will be played at both the K-W Granite Club and the Westmount Golf and Country Club.




Jan. 11 Toronto Carleton

12 Western Brock McMaster 14 Carleton Lakehead Laurentian Toronto 15 Guelph McMaster Waterloo

Toronto Lakehead Laurentian

80 88 79 89 93 80 104 94 80 72 92 99 76 90 98

71 85 66 68 84 75 50 92 70 70 48 76 71 56 78


La kehead McMaster Brock Guelph Western Waterloo Laurier Windsor

4 2 3 2 2 4 2 3 GP 3 2 3 101 1 2 2

Eust Division

Toronto Laurentian Car1e ton Queen's

York Ottawa Ryerson

OUAA Player


Ryerson Ottawa Guelph Waterloo Windsor Queen’s Laurier Ryerson Ottawa Brock Western Windsor Carleton Laurier York







2 2





1 1

1 1 1

255 138 147

212 149 158

4 2 2

1 0 0 W 3 2 2

3 2 3 L 0 0 1

315 106 234 PF 234 192 239 75 78 155 163

328 194 288 PA 212 170 236 80 98 148 174

2 0 0 Pts 6 4 4 0 0 0 0

0 0 0

1 2 2









in parentheses)

MCMASTER MARAUDERS (I) Alberta Golden Bears (2) Vie toria Vikings (3) Concordia Stingers (5) Brandon Bobcats (6) Winnipeg Wesmen (4) UPEI Panthers (8) BROCK BALXERS (7) LAURENTIAN VOYAGEURS(NR) Manitoba Bisons (NR)


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. %


John Spoltore Ian Richardson Jamie Caruso D. Macoretta Ben Davis Jason Mervyn Todd Wetiel R. Stephenson Dan Haylow Rob Radobenko Steve Rucchin Dwayne Brunet Eric Ross Paul Wolanski Brian Grieve Jim Dean Chris George Aaron Nagy Alain Vogin Corey Anquetil Martin Balleux Steve Woods

Laurier Ryerson Ryerson Brock York Waterloo Guetph Windsor Guelph York Western Windsor Guclph Brock Western York Laurier Western W-l-R York Concordia Waterloo






15 13



Jan. 12 Brock 3 Waterloo (12-15,15-11,15110,15-12) Western 3 Guelph

15 16





11 15 12

16 14

27 26





14 10 16 11

15 14

25 25





13 9 15 I2 17 14 9 9 15 7


14 11 9 13 15

23 23 23 22 22




14 11 14 8 14 5 15 11 15 10 15 9


10 13 16 10 I1 12

21 21 21 21 21 21

3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9* 10,


3 Guelph 15-13,7-15,15-13) 3 Laurentian


14 Queen’s



Jan. 11 Ottawa


13 Guelph


14 15



Western Toronto McGill Waterloo UQTR Brock Laurier Laurentian Guelph Western Laurier Waterloo Concordia Windsor Laurier


10 7 5 5 7 6 6 5 4 2 3 12 4 7 at

McGilI Brock Ryerson York Concordia

2 wm 3



Ottawa Toronto R-w Windsor York Laurentian Queen’s RMC UQTR Ryerson Laurentian

6 5

Western Laurier Waterloo Windsor

15 13


16 15

13 7

2 6




Mid west

0 0

Mid Eat

3 1

2 1 1 5




Eust Division Queen’s

York Toronto Laurentian Ryerson Pts 27









6 2 2 0

1 4 6 6

20 8 12 2

7 14 20

12 4 4



SCORING West Division Team G A K






GPW 16 9

LT 7 0

F 68

A 61

Pts 18

14 16 16

8 1 9 0 12 2

81 59 70 73 68 110

15 14 6

Geoff White McMaster21 Darren Ettles McMaster23 Matt Reed Waterloo24 Steve DunlopMcMaster22 B. Kussner Western 25 Jude Popp McMaster23 Steve Ray Windsor 24 Rene Holt Waterloo17 Al SchroederWaterloo










14 0









L 2

T 2

F 72

APts 40 22


















Far Eust

GPW 14 10 15 9 15 8







3 109 8 99 9125 4 84 7122 5 77 2 72 4 63 9 59


20 31 6 39 10 41 30 6 12




Jan. 14 West Sectional & 15



7 6 8 6









48 62




80 67




at Thompson

Team Cuelph Waterloo Laurier Western Brock


Win-Losses 4-o

3-l 2-2

l-3 o-4

1 3 3 5




9 8

2 0

7 8







22 20 18 6 10 11 4



1 1 1

12 14 13




5 5

1 0

4 5

7 3

BADMfNTON WkI Wk2 24 23

15 11 10


7 13 10 17 19 22 24

14 12 10 4 4 4 0



6 4 3 10

8 8 8


4 2



STANDINGS Wk3 Mix 23 3

23 24 11





16 13 7 10 9

8 7

5 5

12' 6

Pts 70

1 3

54 48 28 27

7 8 5

27 25 18




L 6 9

UQTR Concordia Ottawa McGiIl



GPW 17 10 16 4

Guelph Toronto Queen’s


Waterloo Laurier

7 6 5 2

Jan. 21 Western 22 Brock McMaster Western 23 Guelph 26 Laurier McMaster Western

OUAA V0LLEYBAf.F STANDINGS (Afiergumes of@. M/94) West Division MP MW Mf.GW GL 7-P McMaster 7 6 1 19 4 12 Waterloo 7 6 1 19 5 12 Western 7 6 1 19 9 12 Laurier 6 2 4 6 16 4 Guelph .9 2 5 10 15 4 Brock 8 2 6 10 18 4









7 7 2

1 1



OUAA HOCKEY STANDINGS (Afier games of]un. 16) Far West GPW LT F

Laurentian Brock York Ryerson

15 Queen’s 3 (15-3,15-9,6-15,


Queen’s Western McMaster Waterloo Ryerson Toronto Ottawa York





8 9 8 7


132 138 140 127 139 123 104 73 80

6.3 6.0 5.8 5.8 5.6 5.4 4.3 4.3 4.0

at at at at at at at at

Lakehead Waterloo Laurier Lakehead Windsor Waterloo Guelph Windsor

8:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m.


Jan. 21 Ryerson Toronto York 22 York Queen’s Ryerson

at at at at at at

Carleton Laurentian Ottawa Carleton Laurentian Ottawa

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:00 8:15 8:30

p,m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.


Jan. 21 Guelph UQTR

Toronto Waterloo 22 UQTR

Windsor Guelgh Toronto Waterloo Ottawa

at at at at at

at at at at at

BASKETBALL-West at Lakehead Jan. 21 Western 23 Guelph

26 Laurier McMaster Western

at Laurier at Lakehead at Windsor at Waterloo at Guelph at Windsor

Laurentian Lakehead 15 Brock Western Windsor Lakehead Toronto Laurentian

7~30 p.m. 7~30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:OO p.m. 7:OO p.m. 7:30 p.m.

6:30 p.m. 12:OO p.m. 6:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:OU p.m.

60 Carleton


73 63 59 71 54 71 94 82

40 40 58 68 49 27 41 59

Ryerson Laurier Guelph McMaster Waterloo Laurier Carleton York

5 5 3

5 4 3

4 7

3 2



3 6 GP

0 0 W

Toronto Laurentian

3 2



Ottawa York Ryerson Carleton


Eust Division

310 306 224 228









3 6 L

171 200 PF

216 400 PA

0 0 Pts









1 1 0

0 1 1

60 124 59

99 39

4 2

113 82

2 0









1 202




Western 23 Ottawa Western Windsor Laurier 27 Laurier Waterloo Western

at Queen’s at York at RMC at Queen’s

7:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

at Laurentian

5:00 p.m.

at Toronto at Guelph at York

230 p.m.

at at at at

Brock York McMaster Western Robin

NORDIC SKIING Jan. 22 SOD Interdivisional

- 23 at Duntroon


BADMINTON Rnd Robin II - 23 at Western

Jan. 22 Crossover

26 Guelph Windsor

at McMaster at Western

1O:OO a.m. 10:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m.


Jan. 23 Ryerson 25 Toronto 26 Ottawa

at Queen’s at York at Carleton

200 p.m. 6~00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.




615 p-m-


at Ottawa

6:30 p.m. .

12:OO p.m.

10:00 a.m.

at Laurentian

Brock Waterloo Waterloo Windsor

8:00 p.m. 8:OO p.m. 8:oO p.m. 8:00 p.m.


Jan. 22 Can-Am Classic at Windsor


at at at at

7:30 p.m.


Jan. 22 Crossover Round - 23 at Ryerson

BADMINTON Jan. 22 Crossover Rnd Kobin II


7:3O p.m.


Jan. 21 Laurier 25 Toronto 26 Guelph Windsor

6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6130 p.m. 6:OO p.m.

Jan. 21 Laurier Lakehead 22 Lakehead 23 Guelph

10 8 6 6

Jan. 15 West Sectional & 16 1. WaterIoo 2. Guelph 3. Brock/Laurier/Western

Carleton Laurentian Ottawa Carleton

at at tit at

253 225 365 176


0 1 0 1

Jan. 22 OWIAA

Jan. 21 Ryerson Toronto York 22 York

41 42 51 45 43


Brock Windsor Western Lakehead Waterloo Cuelph McMaster Laurier



6:30 p.m.



Ryerson Carleton McMaster Waterloo Ottawa


McGill Brock Concordia Ryerson York RMC Concordia McGill Laurentian Brock

THIS WEEK IN THE OWIAA 22 McMaster Western

75 81 67 63 71

14 Toronto




13 Brock


OWlAA VOLLEYBALL STANDINGS West Division MP MW MLGW GL TP Windsor 10 9 1 28 7 18

Lakehead Western Brock Guelph Waterloo McMaster Laurier


Jan, 11 Toronto Ottawa 12 Windsor


(15-8,15-11,15-8) 15 Windsor 3 Brock (15-10, f&15,15-6,17-15)

OW/AA Teum

OUAA VOLLEYBALL RESULTS Jan. 12 Waterloo 3 Brock 0 (15-7,15-2,15-11)


3 McMaster (15-9,9-15,15-4,15-6) Lakehead 3 Laurier

Ottawa Toronto York Queen’s Ryerson Carleton

Acadia Axemen (2)’ Calgary Dinosaurs (3) T Lethbridge Pronghorns (1) LAURI’ER GOLDEN HAWKS (5) Regina Cougars (10) .j UQTR PATRIQTES (4) ‘b WESTERN MUSTANGS (6) Dalhousie Tigers (7) Alberta Golden Bears (8) OTTAWA GEE GEES (9)




14 Windsor

Lakehead 3 (16-14,15-8,15-H) 19 McMaster at Guelph at








16 11

(15-5,15-6,15-10) OUAA


10:00 a.m.

- 23 at Toronto


1O:OO a.m. 10:00 a.m.

- 23 at Western SKllNG

Jan. 22 SOD Interdivisional - 23 at Duntroon (Western)

6:00 p.m.

230 p.m. 7:3O p.m. 6x00 p.m.


Jan. 22 Can-Am Classic at Windsor


1O:OO a.m.

Qervishes take life slow and funky The Dervishes Bombshelter

speed was the answer the nervous Giesbricht delivFriday, Jan. 14, 1994 ered some busy and hyper noodling by playing as fast by GeoflHill as he could. special to Instead of receiving straight praise Giesbricht The twelve-legged groove mawas told by the veteran chine that is the Dervishes brought that he’had to feel the their bare feet and their self-described music, not race against it. crunchy funk to the bomber stage “Boy, you’re tryin’ to and delivered a roaring performance. go samewhere, but you Opening with the unreleased “I gotta wait for the music Closed the World Today”and “Wanto come with you.” dering Nymphomaniac Girlfriend The lesson learned was Blues”, the Dervishes had the dance best exemplified on the floor packed for the entire evening. song “Here and Now” The cancellation of scheduled which was noticeably openers Gypsy Soul was a blessing in slower than the version disguise as it allowed the Dervishes found on “Unwhirled”, but to play a much longer set. As vocalist flowed beautifully. It seems Mike Yantzi said, without Gypsy Soul, that the song’s true exist“we’re goi Ing to -have t :e as much ence is as the iess fun!’ crammed live version. Having fun is undoubtedly a The band’s excitement photo by Ken Bryson Mike struts and John cuts - funkdoobiest nymphomaniacs major component of the band’s in entertaining the masses shows; not only for the audience, but was cut short this evening for the band as well. Maybe even more after performing “The Deal”, their the”Muppet Show Theme” have found the true pacing of their mateso for the band considering: Other highlights included “Sturial. Their previous desire to play each twentieth song of the night. No encore - keys player Chris Giesbricht’s pid (In a Funny Way)” and the unresong as quickly as possible has been rewas performed as the bomber was rapping in “Highball” closing for the night. corded “Twig is Bent”, which was placed by finding a slightly slower groove - Yanui’s whirling dance on the dedicated to the rebels in Mexico that stretches delightfully on and on. You’ve got to love the Dervishes, keyboard stool during the uproarious fighting the first NAFTA war. a band that plays for hours until the After the show Giesbricht told a extended “Trump” Perhaps the greatest highlight story of his attempt to impress a veteran stage lights are dimmed and the house m the unexpected jam of was the fact that the band seems to rhythm and blues pianist. Thinking that lights turned on.


hHead w. Tristan Psionic Ph ii’s Grandson ‘s Fke January 19, 1994

by Rob special

Van to



On Wednesday a surprising number of brave souls conquered the cold Canadian temperature to see hHead rock Phil’s, Somewhat noteworthy was the opening act, A powerful young grunge-wannabe group with the strangest name I’ve ever heard: Tristan Psionic. Hailing from Hamilton, the energy-filled unit delivered a loud, feedback-filled set which proved to be a suitable intro for hHead’s equally loud act. However, it was obvious that most of the crowd was there to see the headline act. Tristan Psionic ended their set with a playful wrestling match between the two guitarists. How nice. Some readers may be familiar with hHead, as many saw them open for Sloan last September at Fed, You people don’t know what you’re missing until you see them in a small bar situation. The audience-interactive



were clear as hliead opened their set with a rousing version of “Superstar”, from their debut CDFireman. This seemed to be enough to

getthe restless crowd moving as a fierce mosh-pit soon ensued, much to the disconcent ofthose who wanted to simply listen to the music. What are ya gonna do? Grin and bear it, 1say, as I found it necessary to join in the action with the extremely excited crowd on more than one occasion. Still, I don’t think the bouncers. really seemed to mind the overactive crowd, with the notable exception of some poor soul who decided to start crowd surfing. The bouncers at Phil’s apparently didn’t approve of this as they fiercely brought the guy back down to his feet. Get a grip, guys! The band played alot of new material from an album that fans hope to see sometime fater in rhe year. Funding for this Brendan bashes like the best, buddy new album is provided by CFNY, a Toronto radio contest for new, unsigned bands. The station which holds an annual prize is a cool one hundred thousand .

dollars, which hHead was fortunate enough to receive after winning last year’s contest, beating out Lowest of the Low and other talented local bands for the top spot, Look for hHead’s winning entry “Happy”, along with tunes by the other finalists on last year’s New Music Search CD. Among their array of new songs, hHead also provided the crowd with a few favorites from their debut, such as “IX’, “Parking”, and their most well-known hit, “Collide”. Another notable tune was a rocking version of “Puff the Magic Dragon”, as requested by an audience member, to whom the band gladly obliged. But most interesting was their stage version of “Flower”, in which the lead guitarist/vocalist Noah delivered a fine piece of poetry which described his death by suffocation between a girl’s legs. Partway through the set, bassist Brendan, being the nice guy he is, saw it necessary to thank the students of Cameron Heights High School, whom the band visited earlier in the day. This was followed by a rousing cheer from the row of girls which lined the front of the stage, wha clearly attend the school. Sorry girls, I think it’s a little past your bedtime.


friday, january 2 I, I994







freezes The Doughboys and the Asexuals

Asexuals were stuck with an unresponsive crowd, many of whom took a seat on the floor near the stage. As the lead singer said, “sitting on a cold floor is bad for you hemorrhoidal tissue.” I

Asexuals left. Anyone that caught the Doughboys when they played at Fed The Volcano with Redd Kross would have felt deja Monday, January 17, 1994 vu on a smaller scale when they finally appeared on stage. Once again they by Rob Vickers opened with their most pr>pular song, “Shine”, from their latest and most The Doughboys popular release Crush. I played their second show don’t want to downplay within four months in their performance, but if Kitchener-Waterloo toan you have seen them since all-ages crowd at the Voltheir latest album came cano last monday. Toques out, you wouldn’t have and attisudes were the apseen anything new. parenttheme ofthe crowd Along with songs from that generally seemed una few of their other alder the legal drinking age. bums, such as the catchy The Asexuals, of “Countdown” from the whom much hasn’t been album of the same name, heard since their fairly the Doughboys did put popular release Dish, on an energetic show that opened the stage fairly kept the crowd jostling close to on-time. This each other till the very was my first exposure to end. For anyone that the band’s live show, and hasn’t seen them before the first comparison that and likes their style of came to mind was a scaled music, a Doughboys show down version of the in a small venue like this is Lemonheads. They had a usually worth it. lot of musical energy, but, As far as the venue is their stage presence concerned, let us say that wasn’t exactly electrifying. waiting outside in forty Highlights of the below windchill while they Asexual’s performance check ten ID’s at a time, came near the end of their inside, at the top of the forty-five minute set. The stairs, isn’t even a polar vocals were shared by two bear’s idea of good fun, of the singers, both with Also, being told you must admirable voices. Along wait in line and pay an with a few songs from extra dollar to check your Dish, the Asexuals mancoat when you enter the aged to showcase quite a doors isn’t exactly party bit of their material, old time either. Let’s hope and (mostly) new. Don’t that next time they have Bake me shake me squeeze me I’m a Doughboy ask me what their latest pity, and use the guest release is called, because I don’t know, hope that they’ve learned their lesson. lists and inc DONstair-space that God but I do believe it would be worth a The set change in between bands gave them. A few friendlier faces and a spot among the record collections of was eons long, and the *‘urban rebel” bit more organization wouldn’t hurt those who like accessible “alternative.” audience crowded the area in front of either. Due to no fault of their own, the the stage from the minute that the The show, however, was good.



Village Don-Students who wish to apply for the position of Don in the Student Villages for the Fall Term 1994 are invited to pick up an application from the Housing Office, Village I. The completed application must be submitted to the Warden of Residences, Housing Office, Village I, no later than...

Monday, January 31,1994 Applications received after this date will not be considered for appointment.


A Crvina

Game endina?


kkkction~ and a damn Under


the Skin Live Theotfe

9 Princess Street E, Waterloo. Jan 2 I=22,8pm - Jan 23,2pm Admission $5

By Carrie Shaw special to Imprint Under the Skin is definitely disturbing and certainly daring! It deals with abuse: physical, verbal, emotional and sexual. It deals with the abduction of children. It deals with all the nasty things that exist in life, but which nobody wants to acknowledge. The play has some shocking moments that leave the audience feeling uneasy. The language in not only coarse, but at times, obscene. Women might be particularly uncomfortable with rhe play’s content, as the abuse, some of it graphic, is directed at a submissive house wife named Reenie, who feels compelled to stay with her husband because he has convinced her that she

fine play

is worthless and wil I never find another man to care for her. Patrkk Raiman, who plays Reenie’s husband John, is superb in his ability to


the audience’s


He is

deliberately cruel and pervertedly twisted. Reenie, played by Kim Powell, gains the audience’s sympathy early on, and unfortunately is representative of many real life women in abusive situations. She is uneducated, financially dependent upon her husband and has two children from a previous marriage. Though John treats her with contempt and disgust, she stays with him, fearing the alternative, and even defending his horrendous behaviour. Finishing off the small cast of characters is Maggie, played by Leanna Nash. Maggie is the mother of twelve year old Emma, who has gone missing. She is ~/SO




is edu-

cated, successful and independent. Yet we don’t see this side of her until later in the play. In the early scenes she is distraught, anguished and out of control. It is interesting to watch the

transformation occurring in this chat= acter. A unique reversal of roles between Maggie and Reenie takes place during the play. At first it is Reenie who appears to be in control of her life. Though there are evidently problems in her life, she seems determined to work through them. She is the one who provides comfort and reassurante to Maggie, who of course, is crazed

with worry and guilt over her daughter’s disappearance. But slowly we see Reenie begin to fall apart and lose controt, while at the same time, Maggie seems to get stronger. By the end of the play it is Maggie who provides comfort and strength for Reenie. If your interest in this play has not yet been piqued, let me add that there is a bizarre twist at the end of the play that






It is with regret that the audience must acknowledge the play’s end. Under the Skin keeps its audience on the edge of their seats and is well worth seeing.

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fkcepted - \

24 imprint friday, january 2 I, I994 Allistair’s adventures in Pomoland - by Perry



BJ don’t cry no more, you’re at



gee life sure is boring being allistair the contrast man...sigh.. / !,/I

Let me tell you how i came to be contrast

MLG Billy Joel at Maple Leaf Gordens Saturday February 2, I994

by Chris Imprint My life had meaning tho, until i went to pomoland oh the memories - now i can really live -- - - -- I ---- -7

. ..just press (alt)home you’re there...



this is me with my porno land fryends - they are,.

he gazes at his future self and sez..’ ‘deathdeathdeath.. to the author”

the first


my new revised


lady of >

Aldworth &ILL

Billy Joel has just released the follow up to his commercial success Storm Front, with the acclaimed new release River Of Dreams. This stop in Toronto was supposed to be in early November but had to be rescheduled due to health reasons, With “River Of Dreams” playing every half hour on every AM radio station this is an excellent opportunity to catch a superb artist with both current and past chart hits. The piano man is sure not to disappoint as he runs through his repertoire of classics like “Innocent Man”, “New York State Of Mind” and “Allentown”. If you are a more recent fan like myself, hits like “You’re Only Human”, “Innocent Man” and “Uptown Girl” will surely please. I’m sure good old Billy will be sure not to miss his ode to historical events with the ever popular AM mainstay “We Didn’t Starr The Fire”. With a plethora of solid gold albums (yeah, he’s old enough to have released stuff on vinyl) under his belt this will be one show not to miss. With River Of Dreams, Billy joel gets personal and reflects on his life as an aging rocker so expect the plug of new tunes. Even so, the majority of this show is going to be “Still Rock and Roll To Me”. Many people have snubbed their noses at loel for being too old and not up on current trends in rock. That may be the case and Billy Joel may not be on the cutting edge, but he still holds a spot in my heart as one of the

first artist I ever bought a tape of (along with Huey Lewis). I’m sure everyone has some music that they get laughed at for having in their collection. Even my buddy Pat has his share of loser numbers (Bobby Brown and Mister Mister) in his collection. Even though they might not be the coolest bands to check out I still find it neat to be able to check out these past superstars-in-my-own-eyes in a live setting. Well, I still listen to those loser albums from my past when no one is around and occasionally I get to see one of these artists in concert. This is going to be one of those nights for me and if you’re lucky it just may be one of those nights for you. Regress and come enjoy the magic of Billy Joel.


friday, january 2 I, I994



Films from the Orienf..

INight of a thousand symbolic ironies Farewe// directed

My Concubine by Chen Kaige

Playing at the Princess Cinema January 19-22

Considering my soft spot for Asian cinema, it is iot surprising that I found this Palme D’Or winner surpassingly exceltent. China seems to have become the world’s leading exporter of lavish historical dramas, and it is a role that it is well-suited for, having the history to back it up. Farewell My Concubine exiij amines the life of two actors who live in the hellish world of the Beijing opera and it covers their training, coming of age, success, and 1 .: decline. The boys become famous for their staging ofthe opera “Farewell My Concubine,” one playing the historical King of Chu who was defeated by the Han generals, and the orher his favourite concubine who commits suicide with him out of loyalty. As the boys grow up and become famous, the one who plays the king becomes an arrogant womanizer and the one who piays the concubine a gay aesthete devoted as much to his art as to their artistic partnership and the love that only he feels to the other. When the one marries a prostitute (China’s celebrated actress Gong Li in

one of her strongest recent roles), jealousies are aroused and intrigues are initiated in order to see who will outdo the other - the real-life concubine or the stage one. Yet while all this is going on, the China around these self-indulgent actors is changing: the KMT rule becomes Japanese occupation becomes Communist “liberation” becomes Cultural Revolution. Loyalties change, loves are betrayed, art is maintained, then redefined. While the characters

at times bring the opera into their real lives, at other times reject it, it captures their souls and saturates their lives with its bitterness, leading to betrayals and hypocrisies that are much in


portrays oppressive Oilmaker’s Family directed by Xie Fei

by Yvonne Ng special to Imprint The mainland Chinese film, Oilmaker’s Family, (a,k.a. the Woman From the Luke of Scented Souls) premiered in North America last Thursday, November 4th to a packed auditorium at the East Campus Hall, home to the University of Waterloo Film Society. Directed by Xie Fei, the film is the joint-winner of the Golden Bear at this year’s Berlin International Film Festival. layer after tayer, Oilmaker’s Family reveals with quiet force and simplicity the feudal oppression of women that persists in rural China. On the surface, the film presents the kind of scenario that the Chinese authorities like to present to the rest of the world: a prosperous village and economic upturn as opposed to the depressing poverty in parts of rural China portrayed in films like Chen Kaige’s Yellow Earth (Huong Tudi. 1985) or Yan Xueshu’s in the Wild MountWs(Ye Shun, I 905). As the story develops, the audience realises that the economic modernisation of the village has not altered its ingrained feudal mental-

keeping with the personalities of their stage characters. Life imitates art. Just as the original King of Chu was defeated by the Han generals, the stage equivalent is defeated by the Cultural Revolution, the dynastic cycle, and the 20th century. The irony of this film is that while the original king and his concubine died in tragic love, their story is preserved and their moment of death is held in suspension for eternity. The film, however, demonstrates that perhaps the Cultural Revolution did kill them absolutely. The film itself ends in a moment of perfect finali:. ity, resolving itself with an 3’ uncommon succinctness. Chen’s directorial skills are superb and his films works on a series of different levels, only some of which are examined here, most are suffused in a bitter irony that is the life-long tragedy of the characters depicted intertwined with that of contemporary China itself. Furewe My Concubine is definitely one of the best movies of 1993.

Family women’s feudal life

ity. The film’s melancholic tone is achieved with the help of lyrical photography and a haunting score. The protagonist is Xiang Ersao, played with total conviction by one of China’s best actresses, Siqin Gaowa. To all the villagers, Xiang is the model of the new Chinese woman: she is a dutiful wife, devoted mother and capable businesswoman who runs a successful sesame oil mill on the banks of an idyllic lake in northern China. But, under the sweetness of social success, Xiang suffers a bitter personal life. Her husband, to whom she was sold as a child, is an idler who forces

“To make progress, we have to modernize our thinking and throw overboard old things.”

himself on her whenever he is drunk. Their twenty-two-year-old sone is a half-wit and an epileptic. Xiang finds solace in Ren, the local transportation chief, with whom she has had an affair for over twenty years only to be suddenly abandoned by him. Worried about finding a suitable wife for her son, Xiang uses a large sum of money to buy the young and pretty Huanhuanwho, like herself,comesfrom an impoverished family.

One of the film’s most illuminating scenes is the depiction of Xiang’s harsh admonition of her daughter-inlaw when the latter runs away from her epileptic husband. With acute perception, the director shows how insidiously the oppressed can become the oppressor. When Huanhuanaccidentallyfinds out about her mother-in-law’s extramarital affair, the young girl expresses sympathy and understanding. Only then does Xiang see the truth about herself: that she is perpetuating the same fate that she has suffered. Realising the extent of Huanhuan’s misery in her marriage, Xiang suggests that Huanhuan should divorce her son but by then, it is too late. In a traditiona! feudal society where divorced women are regarded as spoiled goods, Huanhuan’s cry of resignation, ‘Who will still want me?” is heart-rending. Oilmaker’s Family is not only a film about women although it speaks more convincingly for women’s rights and dignity than most western feminist rhetoric. The film is also about China. In director Xie Fei’s own words, ‘To make progress, we have to modernize our thinking and throw overboard old things. Monetary success is not evetything.”

A coupleofhoursofimtitv



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By Jeff Imprint

By Peter

Chad sta

This CD. is a must buy for Clash fans. Although I don’t count myself as one of the above, even I like this compilation. It features twenty songs previously only available on vinyl. Most of you probably haven’t heard a lot of these songs before. The CD. also features a huge pullout with 3 description of where every song is from, a biography on the 0

Clash and pictures of all their albums. Among the songs included are a dance re-mix of “Rock the Casbah” called “Mustapha Dance.” Their first live performance of “1977” is here as well as “Capitol Radio,” previously only available on bootleg. You can’t call yourself a Clash fan and not own this one. Twenty songs for the price of ten, all vintage Clash. Sounds like a good deal to me.



Ed Hall’s fourth release is athrowback of sorts to the sound of their first two al bums ‘*Albert” and “Love (S)Poke(n) H ere” in that it has more of the same in-jokey lyrics, non-singing, and squelching chord changes that have characterized true Ed Hallean Goofball Music. Drunken storytelling (“Don’t eat the chocolate or you’re gonna die”) and acid tripping stream of conscience wanderings (“modesty of a drunken Buddhist/despair of a tattooed nudist”) are words that attempt to describe the lyrics, which are mostly pointless, but fun to mull over on those hangover days. Unfortunately, the goofiness gets a tad boring in songs like “Dave the Prophet”; which sounds like it’s being sunR by David Letterman trying to

5 By Fat


Merlihan staff

Antenna will be one of tie top S albums of 1994 guaranteed. This album rocks and ZZ TOP is in “tip top” shape with 20 + years under their belt recording great music. Billy, Dusty, and Frank, ZZ TOP, are the perfect combination mixing their blues, rock, and good 01’ Texan backgrounds to produce their 14th album and best to date. Recently signing with BMGIRCA, Antenna is the recording with the new label. Plan to be bombarded with airplay, videos, and advertising promoting Antenna because the label has issued an extensive awareness campaign, that, yes, includes a tour coming this summer. The first single from the album is “Pincushion” that resembels old time favourite “Cheap Sunglasses.” The guitar riffs are very, very similar, but that’s OK because both songs rock. The video should be out this week so watch for it As well, Antenna is released on the I8th, so get your butt to a store and pick this one up. “Breakaway” is the next single planned for release and is a little toned down from some of the other tracks. It features some wailin’ guitar that goes along with the sultry lyrics of ending a retations hip. A video is also in the works, as well as for “PCH” and “World Of Swirl”, soon to be singles to heat up the airwaves. “Girl In A T-Shirt” is a personal favourite featuring some classic blues guitar riffs throughout and corny lyrics. “Antenna Head” is a great song, but starts off sounding like the theme for Melrose Place. This slight similarity disappears after the first couple of chords and the lyrics are belted out like only Billy Gibbons can. This I I track album is nothing short of amazing and lives up to everything they’ve released to dare. In addition to recording Antenna, ZZ TOP received the Nordoff-Robbins Silver Clef Award for 1993, inducted Cream into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, performed various benefit concerts, was named “Band of the Year” at the Houston Music Awards, as well as main-


3-5 taining their status as one of the leaders in record sales and concert attendance worldwide. I predict ZZ TOP’s Antenna will be a contender for best album of 1994 with it’s high rockin’, non-stop intense energy created through the ZZ TOP basic formula --Billy Gibbons (guitar) f Dusty Hill (bass) + Frank Beard (drums) x Bill Ham (producer) = a rockin’ blues based blend that’s always been more than the sum of its parts.

Bg Chris Imprint

Aldworth stq(y

Once again the eerie music and mysterious vocals grace this fantastic new release by Concrete Blonde. Mexiccm Moon, the third release by Concrete Blonde, is full of brooding, ominous sounds that are perfect for listening to on a lazy day when the sky is dark. This new release is very foreboding, almost like watching big black storm clouds form on the horizon as a

cover Molly Hatchet’s “Flirting with Disaster”. Both “Lungs” and “Gnomes” are hardcore pscyhedelia - watery distorted vocals over power chords and guitar effects. The strongest song on this release is definitely “Satori in Manhattan, Kansas” which is a great brooding instrumental done completely without the squeaky guitar chords that fill out the rest of the songs (and that many people would probably find annoying thanks for the break). “Urgent-M&sage For All Mankind” is also particularly good, combining scratchy chords, Churchladylike mumblings and hysterical screaming, providing a loving marriage of the sensible and the senseless. Ed Hall, by the way, is not a guy in the group, the band is named Q la Max

Webster and Lynyrd Syknyrd after someone who’s not even in the group. The real Ed Hall is apparently a Texas politician whose mail kept coming to the house of one of the band members after he (Ed) had moved out. Discover Ed Hall before it becomes trendy to do so. Or shun them the way that they want you to. After all, wouldn’t it be tragic if someone at DGC records forced them to sign a multi-million dollar record deal and thenforced them unwillingly to become ttre next big thing. I can’t imagine a more terrible fate myself. But if all of your friends aren’t buying Ed Hall tapes and CDs, and you never see their video on Much Music, you can probably rest assured Ed Hall have been saved and will never be famous.

threatening thunder shower approaches. There is something wickedly evil in Johnette Napoliano’s voice that just calls to you. From the opening notes of increasing intensity in “‘Jenny I Read” to the wailing of “Heal It Up” Mexican Moon is one quality release. “jonestown”, the first single from Mexican Moon, has a bizarre introduction in the form of a crazed lunatic’s speech to his adversaries. “If by any chance you would make a mistake to try and come in and take anyone of us we will not let you, you will die...” This is a finely crafted single with some distorted vocals and heavy guitar adding to the mix. A number of songs have a distinct Mexican/Spanish tinge to them including the sorrow filled title track “Mexican Moon” and the haunting “Baja La Lune Mexicana”. “Mexican Moon” is a slower number with some great acoustic guitar and excellent vocals. The moody “Rain” is an instant favourite much in the same vein of *‘Someday”

from Concrete Blonde’s second release Walking In London. One senses a cry of mourning in the whispered vocals of this track. Mexiccm Moon is a well balanced release that wilt appeal to old and new fans alike. It has the ominous sound and that Concrete Blonde has come to be known for. The only fault is it lacks a distinctive single like the popular”Joey” from their first release Bloodletting. Otherwise this is a very solid third release from an inspired band.

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arts -i- - - -

friday, january 2 I, I994 ing you about

When you think of Imprint Arts, don’t you just think of daisies?

it until you

hate the

are good for their own reasons, but the

holidays as much as I do! As you can tell, I am not the most receptive person- when it comes to

harmonies and timing of “The Birth of Christ” are just something you’ve got to hear to believe. On top of that,

Christmas, and certainly not Christmas music. My Dad, an Englishman,

3-7 by Nicholas Mew Imprint stun I bet you thought that Christmas was over, and you wouldn’t have to hear about it for another IO months or so. Wrong! I’m going to remind you about it every day for the rest of the year! Remember what you really wanted and didn’t get? Remember what you got that was complete crap? Remember how your family had such high hopes for a happy season, and somebody had to go and ruin it so that your family ended up fighting through the holidays, and now people aren’t speaking to each other anymore? Remember the screaming, selfish little kids who need a good hiding? Well I do! Christmas sucks! I hate Christmas! And I’m going to keep on remind-

these guys sing about the reason behind Christmas and talk of the true meaning of the day, and they mean it. I didn’t like them before this, but I have a new-found respect for them. The country Christmas songs are all right, but country has this annoying habit of making everything sound depressing. Even the cheeriest song can be made morbid by country.

used to put Christmas carok on the stereo in the middle of summer to cheer him up, cool him off, and make him appreciate the heat. I love my Dad, but sometimes he was (is) really odd. In any case, this compilation of artists singing Christmas-type songs is pretty good overall. Some of it is outstanding, some of it is pretty bad, but there is more good than bad here. Sort of like what the holidays are supposed to be. However, at times the music seems to veer away from the traditional Christmas-type songs, and these additions are what fail to put a person in a Christmas mood. This nature of the tape makes it very uneven. My personal favourites are “Christmas Is” by RUN DMC, “Christmas Time Again” by Extreme, “The Birth of Christ” by Boyz II Men, “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” which is a duet with the unlikely combination of Frank Sinatra and Cyndi Lauper, and “Christmas All Over Again” by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. Each of the aforementioned songs

shouldn’t have even come out to the studio, especially Debbie Gibson, Michael Bolton, S(k)in(h)ead O’Connor, Wilson Phillips, and the Wilson sisters from Heart Thanks for coming out, but you really wasted my time. Of these, only Debbie Gibson can be excused because of the nature of her song (“Sleigh Ride”). All the others sang songs that had absolutely nothing to do with Christmas, or they completely ruined the timeless classics like “White Christmas” or “Silent Night”. Thanks. Anyway, a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. Get this release for next year, or play it in the summer to cool you off, in honour of my Dad.

rious, Weird and Ugly scene” and “Closer to Fine” just don’t measure up, which makes buying this single useless. Part Two of this disk features a remix of “Full of Life” along with remixes of two other songs, “Change Every Light Bulb”and “I Wish ThemAll Dead,” both of which are available on the main album in their original forms. “Full of Life” and “Change Every Light Bulb” sound like the Wonder Stuff doing Depeche Mode remix impressions. The former sounds a lot like “Con-

demnation,” a gospel influenced song, while the latter sounds like a remixed Mode R side. It is interesting to hear the Wonder Stuff from this perspective, but they are not at their best here. The same goes for “ I Wish Them all Dead,” which souds more like K.L.F. than the Wonder Stuff, a real techno masterpeice (actually, there is no such thing as a techno masterpiece.) If you’re looking for good Wonder Stuff B-sides, I’ll give you a good tip. Pass this one up and go pick up the On the Ropes E.P. It’s much better.



as mentioned,

On behalf of the brothers of Sigma Chi, I would like to extend my invitation to participate in our Winter Rush Program. Experience fraternity life, meet the undergrads and alumni, hear some of our history, and learn about our campus and community involvement.

4 fantastic way to make friends.,.RUSH is a lot of fun that will lead you to a group with 139 years of solid tradition. By Jefl Imprint

Chard stag

The latest single from the Wonder Stuff isn’t bad at all. The single itself, featured on disk one and called “Full of Life (Happy Now)” is a really good tune, available also on their Con-

struct~& for the Modern Idiot album. The B- sides are a little disap-





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friday, january

5 By Rob


bg Chris hlpn’nt



This album has been out for a while and frankly I was trying to figure out what to say about this third effort by Canadian native Colin James. Colin James has never been one to hide his influences. This album of mainly covers adds James’ traditional blues calling card to songs of the ‘40’s and ‘50’s. Colin lames’ musical roots are left bare for all see as he pays homage to the sounds that have influenced him. Songs range from the big


band sound of “Cadillac Baby” to the slow blues number “Sit Right Here”. This is truly a fine tribute to another era of music. There is nothing new or innovative here but the music is damn good. With all of these songs you can picture yourself seated in a tiny, smoke filled blues club with a cold glass of draft in your hand, listening away white other patrons play pool or simply sit and talk. CoEn]umes ond the Little Big Band is not for everyone. If you despise traditional blues numbers or the swing sound of World War Two era then this is not for you. If you can appreciate these predecessors to rock and roli then you might enjoy this album. For most of the songs, James’ vocals and guitar work are highlighted by nifty horn section. The album is cemented together by the addition of one of lames’ own songs. “Satellite” fits in quite well with the oldies and demonstrates the link of past music to the present This song is well written and turns out to be one of the shining stars of this release. After one listen, all the selections from this release are instantly ingrained in your memory. In the vein of bluesrock Colin James has created another winner.



I don’t believe so, but this may be a repeat review, but the album was so good that I had to make sure that it was given due credit in Imprint. So, apologies if you’ve heard this before, and if not, let me rave on about it Fugozi, the standby of noncommercial hardcore, never fail to amaze me. More so than Steady Diet of Nothing (their last release) In on the K//taker is a huge musical leap for the band. Ian Ma&aye and Brendan Cantey lead the vocals, as usual, and both of their unique voices contribute a strong sound to every song. Dischord is the label founded by members of Fugazi, and the production is better now than it was when I3 So:-igs or Repeater were released. While not slick, the sound is still not too rough to be listenable. This band is not and will never be like Minor Threat, Mackaye’s former hardcore band, and we should rejoice in the new style of music that Fuguzi has pioneered.

2 I, I 994 imprint II Y

The first song, “Facet Squared”, gives out the intense energy that we expect from Fuguzi, with the sort of new rhythms and guitar effects that are scattered throughout each song. Every song has an intensity that transfixes, and the innovative lyrical twists and sounds of the songs, such as Mackaye’s solo at the beginning of “Rend It”, will stick in your head for hours after the first listening. I remember “Sweet and Low” from the last Fugazi concert I saw in Guelph, and it’s just as amazing on the CD as it was live. It’s one of the mellower Fugazi songs that you will hear, but it carries the same intensity as always. The second last song on the album, “lnstrument”, may just replace “Waiting Room” from I3 Songs and “Song Number I ” from Repeater as my favourite Fuguzi track. A MacKaye vocal melody is something to be cherished, and I believe that this is the best one so far. The only complaint I have with this album is the noise at the end of “23 beats off’, but this might not be a bad thing if you have the taste for Sonic Youth type guitarfoolery. Still, the lyrics make the choice of music appropriate, since the song is about the noise the general public makes about people with the HIV virus. It will probably be a while until the next Fugazi release and tour (it almost always is} so look forward to their next appearance. In the meantime, keep In on the Kikker close to your CD player, tape deck, or turntable, and enjoy. And if you believe in FugarYs messages, don’t buy any merchandise. They don’t endorse it, or believe In it, and so no money goes to the band, just to retailers trying to make a buck off of something they don’t deserve. God this is good.











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~c&karnp.~ Hall University of Waterloo 888-4054 s. .

cn -LB 0

1“$;;;;;N!!+) Music Dept. of Conrad Grebel College is offering Music and Culture in Vienna, 3weekcreditcourse in Austriafrom May 8 - 27, 1994. Registration is limited to 25. For info, contact Bill Maust at 885 0220 ext. 253. The Ernest C. Manning Awards Foundation will continue in 1994 its program of saluting Canadian Innovation through presentation of cash awards to Canada’s outstanding innovators. Nominations of innovative Canadians are being sought from coast to coast. $100,000 Principal Award, $25,000 Award of Distinction, and two $5,000 Innovation Awards. Competition closes on February II, 1994. Nomination pamphlets may be obtained from: The Manning Awards, 3900, 421 - 7 Avenue S. W., Calgary, Alberta, T2P 4K9. Waterloo Wellington Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Assoc. inviteschronic fatigue syndrome sufferers, their family and friends to meetings: Tuesdays, Jan. 25, Feb. 22, Mar. 29, Apr. 26, May 31, June 28, July 26, Aug. 30 1994,7 9 p.m. at the Adult Recreation Centre, King and Allen Sts., Waterloo. For info, call 623-3207. Students who are experiencing financial need are invite to apply to the Professional Women’s Association Award of Merit. This award is open to upper year, regular, full or part-time students in any faculty who have faced or are facing particular challenges such as being a soled support parent or other responsibilities, disabilities, illness or personal trauma. Please apply using a University of Waterloo Undergraduate Bursary apticatlon, available in the Student Awards Office and attach a covering letter indicating your eligibility for this award by January 3l,t994. The Barrier Free Working Group of Kitchener-Waterloo reminds vou.PLEASE LET US GO..,CLEAR iHE SNOW!! UW Ski Club- Sian uo for Ski Trios at PAC 2039 by We&e&days before trip. Call Michelle & Laura-725-7675, or Kevin 725-7059.Check out trip deals.

Forms available in Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.


GLLOW Discussion Group-All lesbians, bisexuals, transgendeied people, gays and other supportive people welcome. ML 104 at 7:30pm. Details call 884-4569 Your humble editor-in-chief would like to announce the engagement to be married of himself, Ken Bryson, to Rosemary Crick. The date? “Sometime at the end of the summer.” tee bee...


Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Winter term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Unless otherwise stated application deadline is January 31,1994. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall.



Doreen Brisbin Award - available to third year female students in an Honours program in which women are currently under represented. Deadline: April 30, 1994. Don Hayes Award - available to all based on extra-curricular involvement.



Andrea Fraser Memorial Scholarship -available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarship - availabie to all 3rd year Regular Health Studies and Kinesiology. Deadline: March 15, 1994. Robert Haworth Scholarship - completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31, 1994. Ron May Memorial Award - availabe to 3rd or 4th year Recreation. Deadline: October 14, 1994. RAWCO Award - available to 2nd) 3rd or 4th year Recreation students. Deadline: January 24, 1994.


International Group 118 weekly meetings. Write a letter, save a life. Come join us in ES-1 Rm.353 at 7:30pm, Amnesty

Library workshops I Monday, January 24: Gateway to the Internet Workshop.Meet at the Information Desk, >, *% Library at 4:30pm. Wednesday, Jarruary 26:Gateway to the Internet Workshop. Ffirn* ’ ’ 3 ’ xLi7 t formation Desk, Davis Libra Y ‘ Friday, January 28: Gateway to II!:: . . lntewt uorbshop. MeaLat th lnfor* titian lYes)c, Davis Lbrar)t at 9:‘ij Oam. *



Arts Student Union Award - available to all Arts students. James C. McKegney Memorial Award - available to upper year Arts students with outstanding performance and/or extra-curricular activities in the Hispanic Area - one in Peninsular Spanish Studies and one in Spanish America Studies. Deadline: February 28, 1994



Anderson Consulting Scholarshipavailable to3B. Deadline:March28,1994 J.P.Bickell Foundation Bursariesavailable to all Chemical Students. Canadian





[;: Friday, Jan.21 : Researching Occupations,lO:30-11:30. Monday, Jan.31: Resume Writing,S:OO6100; Letter Writing, 6:00-7:O0. Tuesday, Feb.1 : Interview Skills I, 6:007:00. Feb.3: Resume Thursday, Critiouina.3:30-5:30.

of Mathematics

of Science

Marcel Pequegnat Scholarshipavailable to 38 Earth Science/Water Resource Mgt. MicrosoftTechnical Scholarship-available to 2nd or 3rd year Co-op Physics.Deadline: January 21, 1994.

0 IVolunteersRk I

Volunteer performers needed for WomynFest, March,1 994, to share their talents in celebration of International Women’s Day. Comedians, musicians, dancers, etc. ,novice or professional are welcome to apply. Performers should send notice of their interest and a description of their performance to: Waterloo Regional I.W.D. Committee c/o Kathryn Cowan, K-W Access-Ability Waterloo Town Square, 75 King StS. Waterloo, Ontario on or before January 31/94. For more information contact: Dona-745-081 9 (day), Emily-576-0391 (eve.), Wendy-888-7350 (eie.) The Weejeendimin Native Resource Centre requires transportation and childcare volunteers for the participants of a creativity workshop focusing on Aboriginal experience. The workshop will begin in January of 1994, and run Tuesday evenings from 7:00 to IO:00 at Olivet United Church, 47 Onward Ave.Kitchener. If you can help out with driving and/or on site babysitting, call Jane at 570-0960. Volunteer required to assist a blind by







. .




Laptop ComputerNEC prospeed 30MEG HD, 3 l/2” floppy, LCD, software, manuals. Portable and great for word processina. $300 o.b.0. Call Kevin at 725-7059. g -- Meatloaf Tix- Kitchener Aud. February 2nd, 12th row centre. Call 8847328.(Close to total sell out)

Perfection Paper: Professional word processing by University grad (English). Grammar, spelling corrections available. Laser printer. Call Suzanne at 888-3857.

Is your new year burdened by the possibility of an unwanted pregnancy? For help and support call Birthright at 579-

3990. Ski Reading Week- Lake Placid, White Face Mtn.1672 m.vertical. February 2427. $369incl.bus, dbl,occupancy,3nights, 3 lifttickets,cont. breakfast, tour rep, taxes and service charaes. Breakaway Tours. Call Kevin at 72g7059. Spring steak 1994- Daytona from $109, Cancun from $549, Quebec City from $199. Book now-space limited. Call Leanne 744-3197. Breakaway Tours. Save $$ on skiing. Call the Lung Assoc. for information on the TRY-SKI PASSPORT.The Try-Ski Passort costs $45 and offers vary from FREE or discounted lifts tickets, equiptment rentals, lessons and more. 12 Ski Clubs are within 2 hours of Waterloo Region, ie, Chicopee, Mansfield, Hockley Valley. Call 886-8100.

COWS8 lnfofmation I

LSAT Preparationcourse: Comprehensive 20-hour weekend courses; experienced instructors, comprehensive study materials, simulated exam free repeat option, full money-back guarantee. MEDLAW Seminars Call (416) 363-



Strong Interest Inventory-discover how your interests relate to specific vocational opportunities Wednesday Jan 26, 11:30-l 2:30.Each workshop two sessions long. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator-discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred ways of working. Tuesday Jan 25,11:30-l 2:30. Each workshop two sessions long. Reading & Study Skills-discover effective study techniques. Tuesday Jan 25 9130-l 1:30 or 6:00 -8:O0. Thursday Jan 27, 1:30-3:30, Friday Jan. 28, 9:301 1:30.Four consecutive sessions. Time Management & Procrastinationfor students who procrastinate and have trouble organizing their studies. Wednesday Jan.26, 9:30-l 1:3O.Four consecutive sessions. Stress Management Through Relaxation Training-instruction and practice in progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing,concentration/meditation habitsAssessment and modification of thinking habits. Tuesday, Jan 25 2:004:00. Three consecutive sessions Exam Anxiety Management Workshopskills training for those who feel they don’t live up to their potential in examinations due to anxiety. Wednesday Jan 26,9:3011:30. Three consecutive sessions. To Register: Counseiling Services, NH 2080 or call ext.2655


light exercises (going for walks). Please call 745-6763 and ask for Ken. Valuable career experience! Volunteer as a Student Career ’ ;ct: ,?d !c?:!rn to ‘%I counsel %her students on 1” ‘:I’’ 1 P,‘, issues, Priceless benefit.;. and infOavail&lein Career S .’ia> C:iki -4vm:,

September-Lester St. Immaculate 3 bdrm and 4 or 5 bdrm units. Free cleaning service, non-smoking environment, year lease. $250-320 ea. plus utilities. 886-2726. May-August. Ottawa, between Carlton and Ottawa University. On bus line. 5 min. from Parliament Hill and atl other amenities. $310. all inclusive. Call 8886992 leave message.


Anderson Consulting Scholarshipavailable to 38 Math. Deadline: March 28, 1994. Electrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship- available to 3B Computer Science. Deadline: March 28, 1994. Microsoft Technical Scholarship-available to 2nd or 3rd year Co-op Computer Science and Co-op Applied Math. Deadline: January 21, 1994. Noreen Energy Award- available to Computer Science year two or above. Sun Life of Canada Award- available to 2nd year Actuarial Science.


Part-time Casual: $9/hr. for sales (NOT commission) employment. Choose the evenings you want to work. Call 5760551 and ask for Grant. Tutor required for Math 235. Third and Fourth year students welcome to answer general questions. Contact Annette at 725-4053

Sign up sheets & handouts available in NH 1001 the week prior to presentation date. All sessions & Workshops in room NH 1020 unless otherwise stated.

Robert Haworth Scholarshipcompletion of 3rd year in an honours program in reSource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31, 1994 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarshipavail‘able to3rdyear Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Management, Deadline: May 31, 1994.


ety’s Scholarship-available to all. Deadline: October 14,1994 Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Award-available to all Civil and Mechanical students with an interest in Building Science. Students to contact Dr. Eric Burnett. KeitKCarr Memgrial Awkrd- arailabll

Soft Contact lens wearers required to participate in a 10 minute study. If you were initially fitted with contact lenses between January 1988 and June 30, 1993, and are using either Opti-Free, Multi-Purpose or Aosept care systems, please call the Centre for Contact Lens Research (Opt Rm. 207) at ext. 4742.

of Environmental Studies



Womyn’s Centre Meetings at 3:30pm. Everyone Welcome!



$5000 scholarships are being offered to undergrads to study at another Canadian university in their second official language (French or English). Candidates must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents, currently enrolled in the 2nd or 3rdyearof theirfirst undergrad program. Students must have sufficient ability in their second language to pursue studies in that language. Application deadline is January 31, 1994. For more info and applications, contact the Student Awards Office. Datatel Scholars Foundation. Applications are now being accepted for the Datatel Scholars Foundation. The awards have a value of up to $1,500 each and are available to ful!-time or part-time students in any discipline. Applications will be evaluated based on academic merit, personal motivation, external activities including employment and extracurricular activities and on letters of recommendation. Application deadline is February 11, 1994. Interested students should contact the Student Awards Office for more info.

to 3rd or 4th year Chemical. Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarshipavailable to all 3A. John Deere Limited Scholarship- available to all 3B Mechanical. Deadline: March 28, 1994. Delcan Scholarshipavailable to 46 Civil. Deadline: February 28, 1994. Randy Duxbury Memorial Award-available to all 3B Chemical. Deadline: February 28,1994. Gandalf Data Limited Award- available to Electrical, System Design or Computer Engineering 15 and above. Deadline:f ebruary 28, 1994. Microsoft Technical Scholarship-available to 2nd or 3rd year Computer or Electrical Engineering. Deadline: January 21,1994. Noreen Energy Award- available to Geological and Chemical year two or * above. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarshipavailable to 3B Civil- Water Resource Management students. Alan W. Shattuck Memorial Bursaryavailable to 4th year Civil. Suncor Bursaries- available to all Chemical or Mechanical.



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