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18, I993


vears of fame..*



been (for’a while)


twelve pages; last fall, it was thirty-six. Imprint now employs three fulltime staff members: the Editor-in-Chief; the General Manager; and a Production/Advertising position. Ken Bryson took over as Editor-in Chief at the beginning of the spring term. Ken’s turn-ons include Italian food, long portages in the woods with canoe overhead, and investigative reporting. He encourages anyone interested in volunteering for the paper in any capacity whatsoever to attend our bi-weekly staff meetings at I2:30 PM on every Friday that an Imprint is published. Imprint . . is your newspaper; help us help you...volunteer!

bu Derek Weiler Imprint sta# --v

Last Tuesday marked the fifteenth anniversary of the publication of the first-ever issue of Imprint. Volume one, issue one, published on June 15, 1978, featured such headlines as “CKMS to build antenna tower” and “Police watching campus centre.” There was also a feature on a “‘Writing Skills in Ontario” conference, held at UW and chaired by the late English professor Ken Ledbetter. The conference later proved instrumental in the development of Uw’s “Introduction to Essay Writing” course (English 109). imprint was founded and produced by Ww’s journalism club, after the previous student newspaper, chevron, fell out of favour with students. Early in 1979, when student council approved the collection of Imprint fees ($ I .75) from UW students, Imprint became UW’s official student newspaper. In September of that year, imprint became a separate corporation, therefore retaining editorial and finan-’ cial autonomy from the UW administration and the Federation of Students. All UW students who have paid their lmprint fees are considered members of the corporation. The paper welcomes contributions from all members of the University community. Imprint has grown a great deal over the past fifteen years, as a newspaper and a corporation. In the fall of 1978, the average issue length was



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From the “don’t do as I do! you miserable scumt

Friday, June 18,1993 Volume 16, Number 4 ISSN

Anti-racist rad.ical


Inside news

by Stuart


Imprinr’s birthday, anti-racism rally, Black Orchid investigation, Wbyssey under fire, Supreme Court ruling, homes for humans, convention at WLU


6 - 7, lo

UW student drafted by major league baseball team; stingy Mustang fans

ii - is

Concert reviews -- Stranglers, Porno For Pyros, Frank Black and more, Tsunami and B utthole reviews, exclusive Stranglers interview, new Eco book and Animation Festival

Editorial Editor-in-chief Assistant Editor News Editor Arts Editor Sports Editor Photo Editor Features Editor Sci6nce Editor

Board Ken Bryson Bernard Kearney Jeff Warner Dave Fisher Peter Brown vacant

vacant vacant

Staff Advertising/Production Production Assistant General Manager Advertising Assistant Proof Readers

President Secretary/Treasurer

Staff Liaison Directors-at-large


racist organizations. Approximately one quarter of the protesters were WPIRG members, according to Sue Forrest, a WPIRG Drganizer. The organizers and demonstrators termed the ral’ lies a success, while white supremacists


demonstrators threatened their


they originally stood. While’ demonstraY tors had dit?erent reasons for attending the rally, most were there to raise their voice against “the rise of r’acism,” and to “send a message to white supremacists,“according to two UW students in

attendance, Many ofthe demonstrators agreed that the rally was successful, and accentuated by the number of

‘rsupremists] need to be confronted ‘I


to freely

express themselves. Police broke up Saturday’s protest after at least three demonstrators rushed across the street to come face to face with the white supremacists. Tensions flared after one of the protesters had gone across the street and taken pictures of the supremists. After he had taken severa1 photographs, the protester was confronted by a skinhead who allegedly told him that he would “break his face” if he continued to take pictures. A small number of extremist protesters saw this happening and immediately rushed across the street, The police then intervened, and or-

The white

supremacists were also ordered back to where

“honked their ap-proval,”

s a i d “Denis,” a UW employee. People in

I)8ffiOnshdOrS gathered OUtSid Of ElNCbpea~‘~ Sound Saturday to pfOt8St against Whit8 supremist groups.

cars were asked to “honk against racism.” An average of about one person every five minutes honked their horn. Some by-standers disagreed with the idea that the demonstration was a success, however. They stated that demonstrators were “blowing the [white supremacist) problem out of proportion.” Two former UW students countered this, stating that as a result of the demonstration “people will realize that ratism is a problem.” The people who ran across the street constituted a very small group relative to the size of the protest,

photo and were later described as “more md‘- .ttant” by the photographer. He stated that he took the photos to intimidate the white supr~~ists. l--l? went on to say that “standing here was really nice but they [the supremacists] need to be confronted,” and “they better watch out” in the future. Some militants carried signs that included ‘Nazis Suck” and “Fuck off Nazis.” Another minority of protesters handed out leaflets stating that “racism isn’t just about skinheads; its about normal people blaming their problems on the oppressed...instead



by Dave Fisher

of on the ruling class and its power structures”. The potential for violence at the.raliy was echoed by aconfron&ion betieen the Heritage Front and Anti-Racist Action protesters in Toronto the previous night. That confrontation was initated by AntiRacist Action protestersAs well, two weeks prior a riot in Ottawa occured between protesters and members of the Heritage Front. Although the protesters were shouting slogans such as “Neo-Nazis got to go”, most of the white supremacists avidly denied that they were affiliated with neo-narism.

Laurie Tigert-Dumas






by Jeff Wumer Imprint stqO’

Dave Thomson vacant

The UW police investigation into the “Black Orchid Escort Setvice” is winding down, according to Al MacKenzie, UW’s director of security, After widespread publicity con-

Jeff Warner vacant Sandy Ahnral Bernard


dered the protesters to get back to the other side of the street.

Last week the UW WPIRG supported a four day demonstration in front of European Sound Imports, .the sight of a Heritage Front Rally three weeks ago. The protest almost developed into a physical confrontation between white supremists and


Board of Directors Vice President


The demonstrations each invoived between 50 and IO0 people from the K-W Race Relations Committee, WPIRG, and high school anti-





Anti-racism ralIy; Feds like OUSA; GIB not sexist name; Qur’an & Christianity columns




rally risked racist run-in

cerning a connection Student Apartments




Carolyn Bakelaar, Simona Chiose, Catherine Coleman, OeAnn Durer, Jennifer Epps, Federation of Students, Sue Forrest, Chris Ibbitson, John Jylanne, Greg Krafchick, Jack Lefcourt, Emily MacNaughton, Stuart O’Grady, Kevin Pasma, Sameh E. Rehan, Joann8 Sandrin, Lisa Semenoff, Dave Switzer, Dave Thomson, UW News Bureau, Chris Waters, Derek Weiler Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. lt is tin editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint PublicaGons, Waterloo, a corporation without sharecapital. ImprintisamemberoftheCntario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during the fall snd winterterms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising.

Our fax number i’s 884-7800. Electronic be addressed should imprint @watservl .uwaterloo.ca.

mail to


to the Married (MSA), the uni-

an individual “linked

to advettisements offering sex services by appointment” from the MSA on June 9. There are no plans to investigate further, according to MacKenzie. The eviction notice was issued on the grounds that the person was not qualified to hold a sublease in the Married Student Apartments. The person was not an UW student at the time, and that alone was enough to render the sublease “null andvoid,” according to MacKenzie. Clarke Melville, a university solicitor, confirmed that the person evicted was Greg Nikolic. Nikolic was last registered in Math at UW in

May, I992. MacKenzie stated that the student who held the original lease had “no idea what-so-ever” of the apartment’s subsequent affiliation with

Black Orchid.


Alerted to the flyer by a person living in MSA on May 20, the police traced the location of the phone number, and visited the apartment “ten to twelve days” after the initial camp taint. Mackenzie stated


[campus police] checked

the apartment.. there was nothing [in it]... it was not being used for prostitution... strialy [for] an an-

swering service.” According to MacKenzie, the police could not investigate further, as they had no evidence of a crime. being committed by the individual in MSA, and thus no warrant to do so. Nikolic did not admit to any involvement with Black Orchid, and police did not return to the apartment until after the eviction notice had been served. According to Melville, Nikolic “had abandoned ship by that time.” MacKenzie later stated that every thing had been removed from the apartment by 4 p.m. on the 9th, when the police returned. According to Melville, it is unlikely that UW witl pursue the matter beyond the eviction. MacKenzie also stated that “the investigation is not closed; it is open, but unless we get complaints from on campus... [or concerning] activities on campus... [the campus police] will not be


pursuing it further.”

If Black Orchid starts up:again off campus, he continued, “it is in their [the regional po-

allow Black Orchid to determine who had paid for their appoint-

lice] jurisdiction.” The campus police have not received any compWnts‘ since the initial distribution of flyers, which took. place on Lester Street and at the Phillip Street Townhouses over fQur we& ago. . Advertising the Black Orchid Escort Service, the tiers contain8d.a. price list., phone number, e-mail address, and a description of how Black Orchid operated. Black Orchid claimed that ihe service was “perfectly legal,” as the escort was not paid directty by the client. Instead, money was to be deposited in advance to a specified bank account at least two days prior to scheduled “appointments.” The

staff memposing as a-person interested in employment. Over several conversations, a man who identified himself as “Greg” stated that appointments would involve “physical contact,” and that the escort was expected to “initiate conmct.” He stated that Black Orchid had its own quarters in a “local high rise,” and later identified the MSA. The phone number on the flyer,

flyer also asked for any women interested in a “well paying, flexible job” to contact them. An Imprint staff member set up an appointment with Black Orchid for one of its “services.” Over the phone, Imprint was informed that the appointment would take place in a specific apartment in the Married Student Apartments, and was given a bank account number to deposit the money into. The deposit included a set amount of change to

ment. Another




Black Orchid,

and the bank account given to the staff member for money deposits to Black Orchid were both registered to Nikolic. The MSA apartment sublet which Black Orchid operated from was also in his name. lnitiallythe campus police questioned whether there was anything illegal about Black Orchid. However, MacKenzie later stated that the police were considering the service illegal. Solicitation for the purposes of prostitution and procuring a person for the purposes of prostitution are both illegal, though the actual act of prostitution is not. The eviction notice was not appealed.



Friday, June 18, 1993


News Analysis -

Murciery,she wrote, but


be corn es her

by Bernard Keamey hptint staff

“Bring out your de@! Bring out your dead!” “But I’m not dead yet!” “Shut up you. You will be soon.” “No, redly, I feel quite fine now.” “BONK!” - Monty Python urtd the Holy Grail At 2:53 PM, June 6, a fax arrived at boasting the following headline: “UBC Student Government votes The U byssey out of existence.” the conQ Sent to us by The Ubyssey, tents of the letter dramatically announced that on June 2nd the “University of BC Student Council voted to shut down the UBC student newspaper, after 74 years of continuous publishing.” A unusual case of the dead organizing the proceedings of its own funeral, we were duly informed of the details regarding upcoming memorial processions, eulogies, readings of the letters of condolences, and a private wake at the Lutheran Centre. The only wake I’ve ever been to involved a hapless volunteer with a rusty intestinal track and a forty pounder of cheap rye. OK, so I’m not so hapless anymore. Let the festivities begin. But wait. Did The Ubyssey, in fact, die a dastardly death or has it simply had the winds of change blow up its kilt? Well, it seems that while the folks at The Ubyssey would have you hallmarking their walls wit? sympathy cards and expensive wreaths, the alleged murderers, a.k.a. UBC Alma Mater Society (AMS) Student Council, adamantly profess that the newspaper has really been given a much needed enema and tummy tuck -- business will be as usual come September. Who do you believe? The reality of the situation is that contrary to what it would have you believe, The Ubyssey has not had its jugular severed. Kneecapped? Maybe. A few bamboo shoots up the fingernails? Sure, but I’m positive that if you hold a small hand mirror over its mouth, wisps of breath will steam it up. They have been dealt a new deck of cards, and the dealer has respecified the rules. But, of course, don’t always trust the dealer. Set up by the AMS Student Council will be a new Publications Board which will act as an overseer of the

the Imprint

newspaper. According tojanice Boyle, Vice President of the AMS Student Council, there were four primary reasons for predicating this move. Firstly, there was the issue of editorial responsibility. The Ubyssey is run by a collective editorial staff, with no single person at the helm, assuming the role of editor-in-chief. She maintains that whenever a major problem occurred, The Ubyssey would wash their hands of it, claiming that it had been a collective decision, and leaving the AMS executive and council to deal with the issue. Student accessibility also proved a source of consternation. Boyle claims that over the years, hundreds of complaints have been levied against the publication regarding its atmosphere and approachability. She maintains that there was an outcry over lack of organization and training. Add to these complaints the question of whether or

"Controversy is the heart and soul of a student newspaper” not the paper was servicing the needs and wants of the university populace for which it wrote. Janice says no, the needs aren’t being met; I say how can you tell. She again points to the complaints,as well as studieson the number of newspapers recycled, a gauge to vaguely assess readership.The Ubyssey has a student population of 30,000; a couple of hundred complaints over a couple of years does not constitute an outcry. Have they considered readership surveys, a forum that ekes out constructive criticism? The topic of content was addressed. Boyle contends that over $20,000 in advertizing revenue was lost, due to content. She also brought up the example of a “sex issue” which had been published. Apparently, the gay and lesbian contingency on campus were outraged over censorship, and felt that they were being excluded from the paper. Complaints were brought to the Council, the Ombudperson, and the committee set up to deal with complaints, charging that the editors were only interested in specific types of articles. This begs the question of censorship versus editorial preroga-

tive. The final problem Janice addressed concerned fiscal responsibility. Alledged mismanagement of funds last year resulted in a cost overrun of about $20,000. According to Janice, each organization on campus is responsible for controlling their own finances and accounting, as well as submitting a budget Last year, not only did The Ubyssey not write up a budget, but the AMS director of finance wrote it for them, a task which is not the responsibility of that position. So where does this leave us? The Publications Board, remember? They get to move in, flex the pets and move the sofas around. Siobhan Rquntree, a representative of the late(?) Ubyssey, offers us a new set of glasses -through which we can peer. According to her, this new board will take over the paper’s office, and exercise its right to allocate th,e space to various publications as it sees fit. Where once ‘The Ubyssey had a perpetual command over its office, it will now have to submit an application each year to the AMS publications board to determine its operating space. This board will also control The Ubyssey’s finances, ad-to-copy ratio, and will reserve the right to fire editors, ban writers or halt publication for up to two weeks. The Ubyssey must accept these condition, while other publications may or may not join, a decision they are free to make. Sounds a bit fascist doesn’t it? Ultimately, the AMS Student Council remains the publisher, but Boyle insists that this will not be reflected in the content, opinions or views expressed in the publication. In fact, she asserts that they are striving for an environment which welcomes anyone of any particular bent or political leaning. She says, “controversy is the heart and soul of a student newspaper, and we want to create an atmosphere that is far more conducive to that type of writing than it has been.” So why not go autonomous? Just lookat the happy bunch of pooheads at the Imprint! Rountree lamented that a thousand signatures are required to initiate a referendum, and only one in the last ten referendums was successful, and it sought to build an extension onto a campus pub. Well, Siobhan, and the rest of the terminal crew at Starship Ubyssey, my voice echoes the words of one Friedrich Nietzsche, “He who has the why to live, can bear with almost any how.”

UBC loses at Su,preme Court by Simona Chiose courtesy The Varsity


A recent Supreme Court of Canada decision redefining the scope of human rights legislation entrenches the rights of university students. At issue in the case was whether or not provincial human rights codes apply to all university services. Alan Shefman, director of communication and education at the Untario Human Rights Commission, said the decision expands the range of services covered by human rights legislation in a variety of private and public services, including universities. “Before services were defined at the front door. Now cases of arbitrary discrimination withinpn institution may also be covered. The university has to realize its responsibility not to discriminate.” The May I9 ruling states that the University of British Columbia (UBC) violated the British Columbia Human Rights Code when, in 1982, the faculty of nutritional sciences refused to provide an evaluation sheet to graduate student Janice Berg. Berg needed the evaluation for admission to an internship program. UBC also denied Serg’s request to far a key to enter laboratories and computer rooms after regular university hours. The B.C. Council of Human Rights

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had ruled against the university in 1985, ordering UBC to pay Berg $2,000 for indignity and humiliation. The council’s decision, however, was successfully appealed by the university in the B.C. Supreme Court, a decision later affirmed by the B.C. Court of Appeal. Sheila Day, vice-president of the Nationai Action Committee on the Status of Women, said if UBC had won the case, students seeking redress in cases of discrimination would be limited to university codes. “If internal university codes of sexual harassment, for example, failed, a women could have potentially been left with no rights outside the univers ity.” Berg had filed a complaint with the B.C Council of Human Rights in I985 alleging the university had discriminated against her based on a history of depression. In the fall of I98 I, Berg wrote “I am dead” on a washroom mirror and later that day attempted to jump through a plate-glass window. Albert McLean, UBC vice-president , said the university denied Berg the key out of concern for her safety, but as the B.C. Human Rights Code did not have any safety provisions, the university could not argue it discriminated based on valid concerns about Berg’s safety. A p,rovision allowing discrimination due to safety reasons was added tast year. Instead, UBC argued the services denied to Berg were those normally available to the public, and thus exempt from B.C. human rights legislation. The B.C. Human Rigtits Code prohibits discrimination ag%instpeople from receiving services *‘customarily available to the public.” Paddy Stamp, sexual harass,nent officer at the University of Toronto, said she understands UBC’s position based on the facts of the case, but views the legal argument advanced by ‘the university as illegitimate. “I have no sympathy for the argument that people in university are an elite [outside the reach of human rights legislation],” said Stamp. Other students find the Supreme Court decision encouraging. Angelina Vaz, a programmer with the University of Western Ontario’s radio station, CHRW, plans to lobby the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to suspend the station’s license after the station manager cancelled environmental and feminist shows. “lf we can’t find recourse through the CRTC or the university, we plan to go to an agency outside the university, and that could include the Ontario Human Rights Commission.


UW’s build


Habitat to 11 houses

by Dave Imprint

something we are very proud about. An introductory meeting was held on June 8 at St. Paul’s College in Mackirdy Hall, and was followed by a barbecue. Volunteer opportunities include: -- guiding the media and other interested personalities around the Jimmy Carter Work Project site -- renovating the national ofice, located on Albert Street, here in Waterloo -- speaking at local high schools or other universities interested in Habitat for Humanity w- writing articles for Habitat -- creating a promotional publicity

by Jason Sack Arts Regulur Councilfor Federation of Students The Fed Info Hotline has been reinstated! Now you can call us at 886-FEDS (3337) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to find out precisely what Federation of Students’ sponsored events are upcoming! You can also checkout the uw.general newsgroup on the Internet for postings of upcoming events as well. Canada Day, July I, 1993, is approaching and we still need spirited volunteers to help out with the festivities. If you would like to help us out, come up to the Fed Office Monday-Thursday during business hours and complete a volunteer application form with the secretaries. The Canada Day parade starts at 3 p.m. from Wilfrid Laurier University to UW via King, Albert, and Columbia Streets. The opening ceremonies of Canada’s 126th birthday start at 4130 p.m. at the Columbia Fields on the north campus. The live entertainment includes Eddie and the Edsels, James Gordon (children’s entertainer), Failte (a traditional Celtic Irish band), and Huellas (a Latin American group). The Candlelight Closing Ceremonies are at IO p.m. and there will be the traditional Canada Day finale of a fireworks display. For more info, contact Lori Mackay or Dave McDougall at 884-4042. The “Music Source” now offers a new sewice to all UW students. If you have used CDs that are in good shape, you can trade them in for credit notes against purchases, or even have the “Source” special order disks or cassettes for you. We also sell used CDs for between $5.99 - $ IO. Check out the selection in the lower level

of the Campus

package for Habitat for Humanity at UW Real excitement is building concerning the Jimmy Carter Work Project ‘93, during which I I houses will be built in Waterloo, and t 2 in Winnipeg. The former United States President is actively involved with Habitat International, and will be in Waterloo. This is the first project to be conducted completely outside the United States, where Carter has assisted with eight multiple building projects, Make Habitat for Humanity the beneficiary of your money and diverse talents!

Switzer stqg

The third ‘annual Power of Partnership in Student Affairs conference was co-hosted this past week by the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University. This conference provides an opportunity for student leaders, general managers, and student affairs personnel to get together to discuss important issues. Approximately I I5 people attended this year’s three-day conference from colleges and universities all over Canada. According to Catherine Coleman, UW’s Federation of Students president, there has been “sporadic patticipation in the past,” but this year’s turnout was encouraging. The conference attempts to teach participants about parznershipandwhat people are doing at other schools. The goal is for participants to take what they have learned and apply it at their home schools. Coleman says one value of the conference is “gathering information about what other universities do.” Each institution has its own prott


Wanted: mews writers, The successful candidates will have enthusiasm and an inaerest in their campus. Coffee, loud music, and tminimrg provided, PanCs optiional, Apply in person to cc 140. Ask far Jeff or Ken.

Centre. .

The UW PersonalSafety Committee, headed by associate provost, student affairs Peter Hopkins, will be meeting shortly, with Federation gender issues board chair Sean McCutcheon and vice-president, university affairs Sharon Flood attending as members of that committee. Students are encouraged and welcome to bring forth suggestions to Flood’s attention, with the goal of improving th’e personal safety of UW students on-campus and in the immediate community surrounding the university. Tickets for two upcoming concerts are onsale at the Fed Office. Holly Cole will be appearing at the Theatre of the Humanities on July 8 - tickets are $ I2 to Feds/$ I5 to non-Feds + GST. The The will be playing at Federation Hall on August IO and tickets are $ I5 + GST! Buy your tickets early at CC 235! And finally, congratulationsgo outto Emmanuel Patterson, the Federation of Students Programmer, for winning the Canadian Organization of Campus Activi(COCA)






grams, with advantages and drawbacks. After discussing problems theoretically, the participants also worked on a case study. Sessions focused on common problems such as communication, safety, sexual harrassment, and effective lobbying. There was also a session on what Coleman calls “dinosaur mentality,” the lower thinking processes that people revert to when threatened. The three groups of participants separated at one point to brainstorm and come up with a list of their most pressing issues. Sean Taylor, WLU’s Student Union president, says that there was “a lot of overlap” among the lists. Unsurprisingly, one issue that surfaced many times was money. Taylor wants to see more senior administrators attend the conference. After ail, they are the people who make the big financial decisions. Faculty is another group that was under-represented. Both Taylor and Coleman were positive about the experience and felt that the conference was a success. Next year’s conference will be held in Halifax.

The Graphix Factory offers students a resume service to help you land great summer jobs and co-op placements. Your resume is kept on file for three terms for quick and inexpensive revisions and you can choose from a selection of 2 I resume papers and 8 laser fonts. Checkout the Graphix Factory in Campus Centre room 221 from 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.



Sfudent leaders explore “Power in Partnership ‘I

by Carolyn Bakelaar and Kevin Pasma special to Imprint How do 10,000 people build I I houses in one week? Believe it or not, this really is a serious question. Habitat for Humanity at the University of Waterloo is looking for your help in time and/or dollars to help them buitd I I houses in Bridgeport during the 1993 Jimmy Carter Work Project, held during the week of July 19-23. Habitat for Humanity is an international organization dedicated to helping people in need afford their own decent, clean and safe homes. It’s not a government program, and it’s not a handout; each partner home owner family must invest 500 hours of “sweat equity” in the construction of their new home. Later, a small monthly mortgage, to cover construction costs, taxes, and insurance, is paid out over an average of 20 years. Construction costs are kept low through donated and discounted building materials from corporate sponsors, as well as through volunteer construction crews. In the construction phase, building a house becomes very similar to local barn-raisings: gather a large group of friends and good-hearted people, lumber, hammers, nails, and the like, some professional advice, and, lo and behold, within a week there’s a house. Monies collected through mortgages are re-invested to build more houses locally and overseas in developing countries. The cost of building a Habitat house varies; in Canada houses can cost between $50,000 and $80,000, while a house in a developing country will cost between $1,000 and $3,000. UW’s chapter of Habitat for Humanity, started in the fall of 1992, was the first campus chapter in Canada,




designation. Patterson has been with the Feds for seven years now, and he continues to bring top name, quality entertainment to the University of Waterloo. Congratulations, Manny!






The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters, and other articles in these pages are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint. Only articles which are’clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.




While driving through downtown Toronto the other week I noticed a wonderfully telling billboard off Bay street. Pictured was a smirking Bob Rae anchored by the phrase “How do you like socialism so far?” Well, needless to say, we do not have anything near socialism in Ontario (though I wish we would) and the NDP are terribly thin in their social democratic politics. In fact, each of the provincial NDP governments (in BC, Manitoba, and Ontario) seem to have mudsfid to the right so far as to begin espousing neoconservative lingo. “Socialists used to have all these slogans about workers of the uniting,” wrote kick Salutin in a recent edition of Suturdoy Night magazine. “Now Bob Rae tells them, ‘get real’.” What Salutin so deftly points out is that our leaders’ backroom politi& rarely coincide with their public statements. Which is, of course, obvious to anyone aware of the political scene. The socialisuztre no exception, and neither are our student leaders, for that matter. For the last nine months our Federation of Students has been lobbying the provincial NDP to drastically restructure the way student loans are administered in Ontario. Being a member of the Ontario Undergraduate student Alliance, the Feds have been lobbying to overhaul the old, supposedlyfiawed OSAP system, replacing it with an income contingent loan repayment plan. The basic idea behind income contingency is that every student automatically becomes eiigible for a loan whether they need it or not. The student then repays the loan as a percentage of their annual income tax after graduation. While all this sounds great, and ifthis were all there was to it then it would be great, there is more to OUSA’s proposal than they care to widely publicize. The small matter ‘that OUSA likes to mention only when they have to, is that the whole selling point of this scheme, as far as the government is concerned, is that it also includes a whopping 30 per cent tuition increase. That’s approximately $400 dollars per average student per term. Now, I don’t know about YOU but 1 certainly can’t afford to dish out another week’s minimum wage pay to receive nothing more than I get now in return. Why is it that this wonderful sounding loan plan; intent on increasing accessibility t6 student loans, must be marred by an unrealistic goal of increasing funding for the university? Why is it that students are being asked to pay more to a university that cannot find them decent paying co-op jobs? Why is it that Fed President Catherine Coleman, in her promotion of income contingency and OUSA, fails to mention the corresponding tuition increase that will come out of your pocket? I’d say that it has something to do with tiat aforementioned leadership quality of selective policy promotion. It seems to run in the same stream Kim Campbell found herself in lastweek in her interview with YTV. The illustrious Kim!, when asked what she thought about youth today, went on to give the familiar government schlock that today’s youth are the most important investment the nation has. True, but how can we believe that our national and provincial government’s mean this when they continually decrease accessibility to post-secondary education through decreasing funding to universities and selling off the student loan system to a private bank. How can we believe in our student ieaders when they tell us how wonderful income contingency is for us and neglect to tell us that we will be paying more and more tuition to gain that advantage. Maybe we can’t really trust our political leaders to really hold to their policies. Maybe the NDP doesn’t want social democracy; maybe the Feds don’t want to increase accessibility to post-secondary education. But then again, maybe they are trying to tell us, through their policy violating actions, to simply “get real.”





18, I993


Racism? With only a few days notice several hundred people mobilized to protest white-supremacists organizing in the W&t-loo region. On four consecutive days last week 80 to I O@people gathered outside the European Sound Imports store in downtown Kitchener, the latest recruitment centre for the Toronto-based white-supremacist group the Heritage Front. The protest was the brainchild of the first “Promoting Racial Equality” workgroup meeting of the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG), though we decided it would be a protest by individuals rather than sponsored by an organization. Little was seen of any opposition, though the protestors were under constant surveillance via a “security” camera outside the European Sound Imports store. No person identified themselves as being Heritage Front members or supporters, though several young (self-declared) whitesupremacist skinheads gathered each day to watch and hurl insults. Several of these people refused to speak with a K-W Record reporter because she is a woman of colour.






We were protesting the Heritage Front t-ecruiting in Waterloo region. We were not protesting skinheads, not in our chants nor in our signs. Yet several area white-supremacist skinheads chose to see our protest as directed against themselves. MiPway through the first day several of these people marched up and down the opposite side of the street ‘carrying a Canadian flag, a Union Jack, and a Nazi flag (an Iron Eagle with a red swastika in its claws), while making the nazi “Zieg hiel” salute. These white-supremacist skinheads thus identified themselves as local defenders of the Heritage Front, support no Heritage Front member has denounced.


all skinheads


The profiling of white-supremacist skinheads has had an unfortunate fallout for several antiracist skinheads. This past weekend a skinhead friend was given nazi salutes three times in a ten minute walk. The fallacious identification of all skinheads as white-supremacist typifies the

In K-W?

pseudo-analysis so rampant in racist action - an unchallenged assumption that particular values are identical with culture/ethnicity.



a Jew?

Many factions of our community were represented amongst the protestors: university and high school students, parents with children, senior citizens, native people, people of African, Asian, and German descent, university professors, clergy, Christians, Jews, atheists. The majority of protestors were white and non-Jews. Prior to the protests many people - journalists, activif I am Jewish, ists and onlookers alike -inquired attempting to understand my passion and my activism. What does it say about a society where people can only comprehend defending their immediate personal rights?

A United

We all have different experiences and different comfort levels - a truly democratic action will provide a forum for people to act as they deem befits them.


In preparing for the rally some protestors wanted to unify our message and our stance, to the extent of only carrying placards that had been approved by the group. The proffered rationale was to give a consistent message to both media and onlookers in the interest of not being misunderstood. Consensus was not reached, so we haphazardly went about representing our own views, with a general understanding we were promoting a non-violent protest though our placards may differ in their messages. I personally support people representing their own ideas - I do not feel bound by the message others carry. During the protest some individuals approached others about their messages, and in all cases I know of the messages were altered or dropped. Some stopped carrying “Nazi pigs”and others changed “Nazis go home”to “Nazis have no home.” The Anti-Racist Action League (ARAL) in Toronto was responsible for causing significant damage to a Heritage Front leader’s home onjune I I. Some members of ARAL came to the Waterloo region proteston Saturday; they were significantly more confrontational than local protestors had been, to the delight of some area people and the dismay of others. I applaud diversity in action.




Some onlookers felt our demonstrations were inherently anti-German. No placard made reference to German people nor did any of our chants. Several German community members joined the protest just as people of non-German descent did, for a multitude of reasons. Others felt we were denying white people the opportunity to express pride in their ancestry the way many nonwhite cultures do. I support celebrating our history but only our full history. For centuries being proud of being white has meant being proud of elevated social status at the expense of others; I do not wish to celebrate this. Others yet felt such action “just draws attention to the racists.” Drawing attention it does, but I’d rather be aware of unpleasant facts than cower in passivity in an artificial cocoort. I do not advocate action which wilt probably be harmful to oneself or others, but I cannot bring myself to defend sugar-coating persecution in the interest of general palatability. Few white-supremacists bothered to identify themselves at our protests, and none gave their full names. If this is the courage level we are dealing with then on a personal level whitesupremacists seem typified by cowardice. On a group level though, they have already burnt down a house in Kitchener, tried to break into other homes, and frequently call people in the middle of the night proffering death threats. However, during four days of protests, we didn’t see them in daylight If the Heritage Front tries to hold a recruitment in Waterloo region they should expect a protest. If last week is any indication, such a protest would be largely supported by the Waterloo region community.

Sue Forrest Special to Imprint








welcomes lettersto the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters should be 500 words or less, typed and double-spaced or in electronic form, and must include the author’s name, signature, and phone number for verification. Names may be withheld from publication upon request. AlI material is subject to editing for brevity. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libeflous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, Imprint

race, religion, or sexual orientation.

Letters submitted for publication may be published anywhere in the newspaper.

Opinions expressed in the letters section are those of the individual authors and not of Imprint. Letters should be addressed to Imprint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, maii should be addressed to imprint @watservl .uwaterloo.ca.

Keep your male hands To the editoK Having happened to have picked up the Imprint at Dr. Disc on my summer off, I felt it necessary to drop you guys a line. Now I haven’t actually read an Imprint since early April, when the “Women’s Issues board” was still in the process of being changed to the “Gender Issues board.” At the time I thought it was an abstract, that probably would not be followed through with. Surely the “Women’s Issues board” was a strong enough group to at least keep this one soley to themselves. But no, I read, [this] weeks issue, and not only had the name been changed, but a man is in charge of the “Gender Issues board.” In this opinion, this destroys the whole point of a Women’s issues board are people who feel as I do now going to have to form another group restricted solely to women? I feel it only fair to consider the opposing view, which in short, is that it is now called the gender issues board because any issues dealing with women ultimately deal with men as well. In a way, I agree with this, but I also agree Stacey Lobin’s statement in the previous issue of Imprint, when she stated “It’s okay for women to call the shots for once. . . to be in control for once.” I accept the fact that men want to be invotved in such an organizationas the GIB, but why can’t women for once say, “no”, we want this to ourselves. There are many groups and organizations in this world which do not involve women in the slightest, and even if women did want to get involved, most woutdn’t have the guts to ask. I don’t call myself a feminist by any means, simply because of the stigmas and prejudices attached to



the word. I am just getting tired of almost everything in this world being male dominated. I am not pro-women in a sense that I think women are superior to men or that men are evil beings, in fact I think that it would be a very dull and sad world without them. What I am saying is that there are not enough women role models in this world, whether it be in politics, literature, music, etc. for the young women of today to took up to. We need more women in all aspects of life for the future, so we can feel good about ourselves as a gender. As a music/philosophy major, I find myself grasping for women role models, whether it be Camille Paglia orJan& joplin, which a quite rare in these two fields. Because women were pressed for so tong in the past, now is the perfect time to form strong examples for the women of the future. If we allow everything we do on our own to be diluted by men, such as the case with the G.I.B., we will never have a strong future. Men cannot be involved in everything women do and I feel that the women’s Issues board should have definitely remained one of those things left untouched!




Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic

thinking how fortunate we are to still have wildlife in Waterloo. Then along came the blue car, A nice late80’s blue car, maybe a Chevy. The driver seemed to be doing much more than the posted 60 km/h limit. The blue car moved about two feet towards the center of the road in order to hit the skunk with the front wheel. This wasn’t an accident, where an animal bolts from hiding onto the road; accidents happen. This was a large, slow moving animal in clear view, with lots of open road. The driver moved with the intent to kill. This is murder. The driver must enjoy making public their need to kill, hitting this animal in full view of three pedestrians and a school bus fufl of children approaching in the opposite direction. So, as a sewice to the driver, I am providing wider publicity. The car license plate is 22 I -EFW. If anyone would like to ask the driver how the thrill was, I encourage them to ask directly. A bit of friendly advice to the driver: if this incident is any indication, you’d better watch out for the Aggressive Driver Campaign. They’re after reckless idiots. They’re after you. Have a nice day.

2nd year Music/Philosophy

Advice 4U killer blue TO

Phil Ozols 3N Geography

Porno pluralism

and (x2)

the editor: To the editor=

TO THE ANIMAL KtLLER IN THE BLUE CAR: At about 8:05 on Tuesday morning at Bearinger and Glen Forrest, a large skunk was making its way slowly across the road, heading for the wooded area on the south side of Bearinger. It was headed for safety; I was headed for school,


My letter to the Imprint (June 4, 1993) and Ken Bryson’s comments under Metaphysical Education (June 4, 1993) point out the challenge of pluralism in our postmodern culture. I was using the critique of modernism to defend a new

possibility for Christians to speak up unashamedly for a Christian worldview. Ken, on the otherhand, was concerned about the (destructive) voices that also apparently have to be beard because of the new postmodern tolerance. Well, postmodernity is not a worldview but a loose assotiment of considerations that seem to have successfully challenged some entrenched dogmas of the past 200 years (I 789- 1989). In so far as those dogmas included the banning of a Christian worldview from the province of scientific discourse and public utterance, postmodernism is an ally of Christianity, as I have argued. Christian scholars can now awaken from their long sleep of having to consider their faith a private affair (or, as I am afraid is the case in many instances, of having bought into modern scientism) and start the building of a public scholarly Christian discourse. But all is not well with postmodern pluralism! It comes in two conflicting packages that need sorting out. Lesslie Newbigin (TRUTH TO TELL, The Gospel as Public Truth, Eerdmans, 1991) refers to “Agnostic Pluralism” and “Committed Pluralism”. Agnostic pluralism doesn’t have any principles or standards or “truth” because that is unknowable, thus no criteria for judging different kinds of belief and behaviour, and hence no defense against the kind of nonsense that Ken Bryson pointed to in his column. “Committed Pluralism” is a view that takes knowledge as neither purely objective nor purely subjective but which is avaitable “to the person who is personally committed to seeking the truth and publicly stating his[Iher] findings.” “Committed Pluralism” is the kind of attitude that will make our discussions in the Reli-

gion and Faith new The @‘ran

fruitful and just maybe a way to dialogue with the “youth with poisoned minds”.




E, Morbey


OUSAsupportslCLRPover In November 1992, Ontario undergraduate students developed a bold new initiative to deal with the problems facing our universities. The Ontario Undergraduate Student ANante (QUSA), representing 85000 students from UW, Laurier, Brock, U of T, and Queen’s, presented its document titled “Students for Change: Access, Student Aid, and Financial Recovery for Post-Secondary Education in Ontario.” The proposal focuses on three elements: I) Accessibility to post secondary education; 2) Funding of universities; and 3j Accou&bility to the public and students The analyses contained in the document offer a basis for the long-term recovery of our education system. OUSA recognizes that there are many barriers to post-secondary education. The Alliance believes that every academically qualified individual should have access to education, and has directed its efforts toward the removal of these barriers. Some examples of barriers are family and personal income, tuition fees, cost of living, availabJe information, student aid, parents’ education peer groups, and personal motivation. Tuition fees are just one of the many factors that determine the feasibiliv of a post-secondary education. The elimination of tuition fees would not ensure accessibility for academically qualified individuals. A comprehensive approach to the problem is required to effectively address the various obstacles that students face. The federal Pnd provincial governments operate a needs-based program of financial aid for Ontario students. In 1991-92, the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) received I 95.000 applications, and distributed $692 million in student assistance. Approximately 35 per cent of this amount was given as grant money; the remainder was in

in the 20th Century and the Speaks columns engaging and

loans with a government interest subsidy. In 1993-94, after revisions to the QSAP system, $800 million in loans will be available. OSAP has been persistently criticized on several fronts. The program has never attained its stated goal of ensuring that all qualified individuals have access to post-secondary education. Several flaws are apparent in the current system. Levels of assistance are based on assumptions about costs of education that are substantially lower than actual costs incurred. Parental contribution is calculated by OSAP, and this figure is used to determine students’ portion. The method of catculation, however, does not result in fair and accurate assessments. An increasing number of Ontario’s families make little or no contribution towards their chit&en’s education, yet OSAP continues to assume that they do. A fair and effective student aid program must permit students to gain financial independence from their families. OUSA supports the concept of an incomecontingent loan repayment plan (ICLRP). Under this plan, students receive loans from the government while they are attending university, and repay them after graduation through the income tax system as a percentage of their taxable income. This system would allow all student access to financial aid, and would introduce a more flexible loan repayment scheme, based on the graduate student’s income. Any Canadian citizen or permanent resident would be automatically eligible for loans to cover all mandatory fear (tuition, co-op fees, etc.). The loan is optional; students may pay all of their fees upfront if they so choose. Under this plan, the government would pay the fees directty to the universities to avoid abuse. Exploitation of the system could also be prevented through the application of interest. Further aid to cover additional costs, such as books,

OSAP rent, food, etc., would be based on demonstrated need. Revenue Canada would administer loans by deducting a percentage of income from earnings. Payments on loans would not be required unless the individual’s income exceeds the Ontario mean average, currently about $22,000. A sliding scale could be used so that low income earners might pay three per cent, and high income earners might pay six percent. Individuals would not be required to make more than IS payments in their lifetime, to eliminate the possi-

bility of being in perpetual debt. Early repayment of the loan is an option. The ICLRP system would increase availability of loans to students and decrease the dependence on parental contributions. The administration of student aid would be more efficient, and response time would be quicker. Student aid currently gives students nine and a half years co repay their loans, regardless of their ability to pay. The ICLRP system permits flexibility by basing the required repayment on anindi


to pg. IO

volunteer, submit..

/mprint staFf meetings, publication Fridays at /2:30



18, 1993,



UW student drafted by N. Y. Mets by Peter


day (june 3) and Friday (June 4>,” Ferrier

Imprint sports


Every summer, thousands of young men play baseball and hope for that big break, the chance to play in the major leagues. Ross Ferrier is a bit luckier -- he’s experiencing his second chance. The 2 I -year-old, third-year University of Waterloo economics student was a 34th round pick by the New York Mets in major league baseball’s draft held from June 3-5, 1993. Ferrier, a graduate of Waterloo Collegiate Institute, was highly recruited by major league teams and US. colleges four years ago as a player with the Waterloo County junior Expos, but decided to forgo his baseball career to pursue a post-secondary degree at UW. “My mother urged me to get an education first, before I got too involved with baseball,” Ferrier said. His mother was diagnosed with cancer soon after, forcing Ferrier to quit all organized sports and attend school at nights white helping his father take care of her. After her death last year, he concentrated on his studies and contemplated a return to baseball. This week, Ferrier jetted down to Port!% Lucie, Florida to begin working out with the Gulf Coast Mets, the New York franchise’s A farm team. “I was disappointed when I wasn’t drafted in the earlier rounds on Thurs-

He embarked to Fed Halt Friday night to drown his sorrows and woke up Saturday morning to a call from the Mets, saying that he had been drafted Friday night. “So I went out and celebrated Saturday night,” he quipped. The Gulf Coast Mets play a short season, only 72 games instead of t 62 games for the major league team, Ferrier says. The season doesn’t start untiljune, so their draft picks can play for the team once they’ve completed school. “I had a work out with Andy Lawrence, the Mets’ scout for eastern Canada, in Mississauga in early September [ 19921,” Ferrier said. He still had contacts among the major league scouts, but not many teams knew that he was eligible to be drafted now that he had finished his third year of university. When first recruited at the age of 17, Ferrier could have been signed as a free agent, but major league baseball’s draft has since expanded its jurisdiction to Canada, changing the eligibility rules. He has enthusiastic stories to tell about being flown down to New York for a work-out at Shea Stadium and a glimpse of Man hattan. Ferrier was born in Sudbury, Ontario and lived in Jamaica as a child before returning to Canada to attend school in Waterloo.

Three awards to athletic administrators by Imprint



University of Waterloo athletics director Wally Delahey has received the J. P. Loosemore Award for his lengthy service to varsity sports both provincially and nationally. Delahey was nominated and selected by the legislative assembly of the Ontario Universities Athletic Association, which governs inter-university sports in the province. The award will be presented Oct. 29 at a banquet held in Toronto in honor of former OUAA football players. A member of the OUAA legislative assembly since its formation in 1971, Delahey served as president from 1990-92 and vice-president from 1988-90. He has been heavily involved in enhancing the provincial football and basketball championships over the last two years. Nationally, he has been OUAA’s representative to the Canadian lnteruniversity Athletic Association, heading the Canadian team at the I99 I World Student Games in Sheffield, England. In 1987, he served as the Canadian team’s assistant chief at the World Student Games in Zagreb, the former Yugoslavia. Two other senior members of UW athletics department have received awards recently. Women’s coordinator Judy McCrae received the Commemorative Medal for the 125th Anniversary of Canadian Confederation, an award made to those persons who have made a significant contribution to compatriots, community, and to Canada.

McCrae has been working with Canada’s national field hockey team for over I5 years, as well as being head coach of UW’s Athena field hockey team. As president of Field Hockey Canada, she concentrates on long-term development. She has led the Canadian delegation at numerous international field hockey tournaments, policy sessions, meetings, and most recently at 1992’s summer Olympics in Barcelona. She served on the Minister of Fitness and Amateur Sport’s advisory task force on determining the future of sport through the year 2000. UW’s men’s coordinator Don McCrae has been given a lifetime membership in the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, MS in recognition of his 2 I -year contribution to the OUAA. McCrae has had tremedous SUCcess with both the Waterloo Warriors and with the national women’s team. He has led the Warriors to seven consecutive first-place finishes, a national championship in 1975, a national final-four appearance on eight other occasions, and a winning percentage of over 75 in league games. He was also head coach of the national women’s team for eight years. In his final year, 1984, he guided the team to one of only four open spots in the I984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

With fires from Chris Redmond, U W News Bureau and Dena Deglau, UW athletics cfepurtment

C-Ret programming underway for fall by DeAnn Durrer Campus Recregtion Things are busy in the Campus‘ Recreation program. All leagues and clubs are running as scheduled. Programming has been started for ‘fall, I993 93. A few changes will be noticed at that time. They are as follows: ‘I. Due to heavy demand, a few more step classes will be added into the fitness program. 2. The new varsity football field may not be ready for September. Therefore, contingency plans have been made to have the varsity football on Columbia fields A, B, & C. 3. Also due to construction on the North Campus, Campus Recreation flag football may be moved to field 3. There is a chance that only one field will be available for flag football. This will inevitably affect the scheduling. The Campus Recreation Advisory Council will be meeting on Tuesday, June 15, Discussion topics will include new ideas for fail programming and registmtion, endowment fund ideas and proposals for campus recreation, and accessibility -- ideas for the fall activity days. We are still looking for people to sit on the CRAC executive for the fall ‘93 and winter ‘94 terms. If you are interested and willing to give some time, please see Sally Kemp in the Athletic Office or call ext. 3533. This is a great chance to get involved in campus life and meet some great people.



tors, etc. Audiovisual will assist with the production of this video, with Michelle Gauthier as the narrator. Production should be completed by the end of July. This is just one of the types of jobs that are available with Campus Recrea-




Men’s Competitive Hockey League A: Make Beleafs 3-I-0, Don’s Cherries 3-O- I League B: Spanked Penguins 5-O-0, E4 4-O- I, Betty Crackers 3-O-2 Men’s & Women’s Competitive Soccer League A: Dynamo 2-O- I, Club International 2-O- I, Waterloo Wednesday I -2-o League B: Civ Grad Sieves 3-O-0, Wer 4-O-O League C: B SD-Lives 3-O-0, Basement Boys 3-O-O


Woody Dwyer has a Student Assistant’for three terms working pro-mote safety in Campus Recreation.

been to

tion. If you want a good part-time job for valuable experience, as well as personal enjoyment, become involved with Campus Recreation.

Competitive Standings (win-tie-loss)


Men’s Competitive Basketball League A: Enigmatic Hardwood 3-OI, Brews & BBQs 3-O- I League B I : Lady Grizzlies 4-O-0, Asyd 3-O- I, Bitter Boys 3-O-1 League B2: Csars of the Telstrator 4O-O, The Big Johnson’s 3-O- I, D&W Meat 3-O- I League C I : Aggre Civ 4-O-0, Cement Heads 4-O-O League C2: Man Sci Maulers 4-O-0, Jeff Gardner’s Posse 4-O- I

to buy athletic shoes key fitting points



You’ve heard this over and again, but be sure to always wear the proper sunscreen, and proper eye protection while outdoors. Sun can be damaging even while you walk to class. Enjoy the sunshine, but do so safely!

that shape the sports world.

sates by each participating. uniyeislty for Bas)lretb&lt Final Four. Go Stangd .:. .> J ‘_ ‘. .,: ’ .e ‘. .A . .I .> .% _: _I .:.. . ,. .- _. -: . ... ,. ..‘. I :.

West >,.


I. Length - allow a thumbnail’s width between your longest toe and the end of the toebox on your longest foot. 2. Width - the widest part of your foot should be in the widest part of the shoe. Your foot should not hang over the platform of the shoe or move around too much inside the shoe. 3. Heel - your heel should not slip when walking. 4. Support - Put your old shoe on a table and examine how it was worn. If you do have a special need, select a style of athletic shoe designed for your type of problem. 5. Wearability - Most people judge the feel of a shoe when they try it on in a store. There is a problem with this because there is a lor of pressure exerted on shoes during exercise. A softer shoe may not last as a firmer


A look at statistics -Abvan&sd


Men’s Competitive Floor Hockey League I : Not Frog 3-O-0, Waterloo Wednesday 2-O- I, Chemvicted I -0- I


Woody Dwyer (pictured) has been a student assistant for three terms, working to promote safety in Campus Recreation as well as to educate the Campus Recreation staff. Some of his projects have been the development of a new CR injury form and safety awareness training for referees and league captains. Dwyer’s present project is the development of a safety video that will be used to train CR referees, instruc-



YOUR FEDERATIONOF STUDENTS Introduces the Return of the

Free T-shirt, free food, lots of fun and a great public relations experience! Lots

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AT 888-4042

Women’s Centre Meeting - Thursday, June 24 in the Women’s Centre at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, June 24 - 12:30 matinee (free)

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for Safety,

and Student Life projects.


Come to the Fed Office for details.

-_ -.


at the






Friday, June I& I993


Feds support OUSA&ICLRP Continued

pg, 7


vidual’s taxable income. The use of the tax system also makes avoiding repayment difficult when a student is able to do so. This structure provides a greater guarantee over the current system that the loans will be fully repaid. This assurance is required by government to increase the amount of loans. Since virtually all graduate students secure gainful employment and earn above average incomes, defaulters would be virtually eliminated under an ICLRP system. OSAP’s inflexibility has led to a default level in excess of $I billion. U of T economics professor Dr. David Stager has examined the financial viability of such a plan using computer simulation. He demonstrated that almost all loans would be repaid in less than I 5 years.


Stager’s work also revealed that the costs of administering the program would actually increase if the repayment period were extended beyond I5 years. The ICLRP’s most attractive feature is its flexibility. It also takes into account the income of graduates, and the financial aid is based the real costs that students experience. These two aspects of the ICLRP system make it a very attractive and workable plan for all stakeholders. Anyone wishing information about OUSA and the ICLRP is encouraged to contact the Feds’ office, CC 235, ext. 4042.



Special Cutberine Coleman is the g&dent t.ion of Studenti. .

to hnptit

ofthe UW Federu-

and WE will assuredly guard It (from corruption).” mtranslation of the meaning of the Qur’anic verse 159



by Sameh




E. R&an

The Qur’an consists of some six thousand verses organized in I I4 chapters. It was revealed from ALLAH (GOD) to Prophet Muhammad through Archangel Gabriel some six hundred years aftei the birth of Jesus. The Qur’an, which was revealed during a period of over two decades, is the exact words of GOD; Its authenticity, originality, and totality are intact. The whole of the Qur’an was written during the life time of Prophet Muhammad Himself though on separate pieces of palm leaves, parchments, bones .. etc. Hundreds of His devoted followers used to memorize the Qur’an and recite It, especially during their prayers. Within two years, after the death of the Prophet, the Qur’an was collected in one volume under the supervision of the first Islamic governer (Caliph). It was from this original copy that the third Caliph prepared several other copies and sent them to different Muslim territories. Two of those copies are still in existence today; one is in Istanbul (Turkey) and the other one is in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Till today, in the entire Muslim world, we find hundreds of thousands of Muslim girls, boys, women, and men who have memorized or are in the process of memorizing the whole Qur’an. No scholar has questioned the fact that the Qur’an today is the same as It was more than I400 years ago. This preservation is in fact a fulfillment to the Qur’anic verse mentioned at the beginning of this article. “Or they may say, ‘He (Muhammad) forged It (The Qur’an).’ Say (0 Muhammad); ‘Sring you then ten Suras (Chapters) forged, like unto It, and call (to your aid) whomsoever you can, other than ALLAH (GOD)! - if you speak the truth!” [ I I : I 31 Muhammad was an illiterate man who up to the age of forty was marked only for His honesty and integrity. How could He be the authoi- of a Book matchless in literary merit and the equivalent of which the whole legion of the

Arab Poets and orators of highest calibre could not produce? If someone, other than ALLAH (GOD), gave the Qur’an to Muhammad, why has this challenge not been met till now?? The Qur’an is not a story book about Muhammad. It is a Book of telegrams, which guide humans to the Truth. It is not only a matter of style but also the information that the Qur’an contains. Dr. Maurice Bucaille, a French physician, sincerely asked in his book (The Bible, The Qur’an, and Science), “How could He (Muhammad) pronounce truths of a scientific nature that no other human-being could possibly have developed at that time, and all this without once making the slightest error in His pronouncement on the subject?” “Do they not consider The Qur’an (with care)! Had It been from other than ALLAH (GOD), they would surely have found therein much discrepancy.“[4:82] In the above Qur’anic verse, ALLAH (GOD) gives us the criterion to examine what is claimed to be HIS Word. If you find any discrepancy or contradiction (especially with established scientific facts), then it is not HIS. GOD’s Word has to be consistent, accurate, and in complete agreement with all scientific facts that HE designed to rule the universe. HE wants us to apply this criterion to the Qur’an to figure out by ourselves if It is really GOD’s Word. Do you know that the word ‘day’ is repeated in the Qur’an 365 times! How many times do you expect the word ‘month’ to be mentioned in the Qur’an? Yes, it is l2! YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF to have first-hand knowledge of a book which is a life guideline of a billion people today. For your copy of the Qur’an, please call 725-8779 or attend the Muslim Study Group meetings (Wednesdays at l2:30 p.m. in CC I IO). The Qur’an Speuks is presented by the UW Muslim Study Group. Sameh & khan is u Ph.D. condidute in ekctricaf and computer engineering. The views expressed in this column are those ofthe uuthor and do not necessarily represent those of every member ofthe UW Muslim Study Group.

Erratum The



aftm. the published We apologise


in the



“r” not before it, as was in our last issue. for the oversight.

in board name equals in sexist language

“We in the women’s movement do not have the Iuxuryofchoosingwhether we will be inclusive. If we do not. . . we will all be divided, pitted against each other and all of us will be greatly weakened. We will have to find newer, better ways of working together. “The attempts to divide us, to weaken us, have been gaining momentum. It is true that we have our differences. But what we have to do is learn to turn these differences into strengths.” - Sunera Thobani, new president ofthe Notiond Action Committee on the Status ofWomen, quoted bi Canadian Press in The Globe and Mail on Monday, June 7, 1993. Thobani’s words were in reference to the splitwithin the feminist movement between white, middle-class women and women belonging to visible minorities. I think that her wise words can be applied to the issue of inclusionary politics beween women and men. Most feminists would agree, I think, with the idea that, for society’s treatment of women to improve, men must be educated and men’s attitudes must change. The only environment in which women can reasonably expect men to educate themselves and change their views is an inclusionaty one where the problems of women are recognized as problems for society as a whole. ’ However, creating such an inclusionary setting, or freely participating in ones that already exist, is a risky action. Why? Because men, so goes contemporary feminist dogma, are socially conditioned to dominate and women to capitulate, in debate as in the work force or in the home. This duality is at the centre of the debate on renaming the Women’s Issues Board the Gender Issues Board. In defence of the change, I am compelled to use a common feminist argument concerning language and naming: namely, that the words we use and names we assign to objects, especially political institutions, are essential to people’s perception of those objects. The labelling of a Federation of Students board “Women’s Issues Board” tells men that the topics that concern this board -- safety, discrimi-



In this chaotic capitalist consumer world, compassion is undervalued and misunderstood. Often it is seen as a “soft” trait that will eventually be overcome through the process of maturing. In the workforce, people are advised to be aggressive and ambitious in order to make it and compete in the tough “real” world of business. Within this context, compassion is deemed undesirable, naive and most of all foolish. What is the true value of compassion and what place does it hold in our lives? Traditionally women have exhibited compassion. They have nurtured and supported their families and have gone to extraordinary measures to provide for them both physically and spiritually. Compassion has all&wed m&hers to n&e their families back to health and to make enormous self-sacrifices. Upon reflection, the numerous acts motivated by compassion are the ones that make all of us feel most loved and secure. The gifts compassion provides to its recipients are dignity and a strong feeling of self worth. It is a tremendous discovery: the realization that you are worthy of compassion. Compassionate people leave a wonderful effect on ihose around them. They don’t allow rules or ideology to prevent themirom helping and caring. It is not always easy to remember that rules, protocol and laws are institutions created by and for us - not the other way around. As such, rules and ideologies change with our changing needs. The world has unfortunately become quite sceptical. People have begun to guard their It is no longer seen as a positive compassion. motivating force. Instead, students are advised

nation, et cetera -- are by their very naming topics important only to women and not to men. Just as sexist language (the gender-unknown third-person referred to as “he”) encourages women to see themselves as objects and observers while men are subjects and doers, so does a board called “women’s issues” tell men that they need not bother with the topics important to that board. Not exactly a recipe for increasing men’s awareness of common women’s safety issues. I applaud Anne Lumley in the conclusion of her comment piece in June 4’s Imprint: “If the bender issues board] becomes an ineffective forum to deal with women’s issues and safety, it will, because we have allowed it to become ineffective,‘* she wrote. Two other quotes from Lumley’s comment piece illustrated the duality I mentioned earlier: l’ . . . women cannot fully understand men’s, part in the perpetuation of violence without directly talking to them, any more than men can presume to understand women’s positions withouttalking to women (or perhaps without actually experiencing life as a woman).** “It’s obvious that many women do not yet trust men enough to feel that they will be heard and respected in a forum that includes men let alone is head by one.” My own solution to this impasse (changing “women” to “gender”) is the only one that I am capable of arguing and one that may have woman readers labelling me as a “typical male.” Where is the necessary discussion between women and men mentioned by Lumley to occur, if not in a forum which includes men? For discussion to take place, a forum for discussion must exist. I do not know whether or not the women’s issues board, as it existed prior to the name change, was a forum which welcomed men; I have no reason to believe that it was not. Whether or not it was, it seems to be consistent with contemporary theories on language’s effects on behaviour that a forum which uses the more neutral word “gender” would be a more welcoming one. I paraphrase Sunera Thobani: If men and women do not empower inclusionary institutions to deal with gender issues, we will be pitted against each other and all of us will be greatly weakened.



to receive specialized training that will enable them to find high paying and powerful positions. On this road students are expected to work long hours under tremendous stress. Meeting externally imposed demands is emphasised and balance of life is neglected. Students leave university with experience in researching, presenting and synthesising information but not in understanding other people, nor in being able to feel their joy and pain. The academic process in many ways encourages dispassionate approaches. Emotional arguments a;e discarded in lieu of more tangible factual arguments. Academics learn how to argue, cite and prove, but not how to feel. This shortcoming is quite profound. As long as people are devoid of compassion they can pass by suffering and ignore it. Millions of people can be victims of torture but people allow our government to continue suppo&ng the repres‘;ive regimes in which they I& W&men will live in fear both at home and on the streets. People will continue to live in loneliness and isolation. Compassion is the force that links living beings. Providing assistance in times of need builds strong bonds of friendship. It is through these bonds of trust that people grow and develop spiritually. The old Boy Scout adage of “doing a good deed a day” really does have a lot of merit. All too often, either academically or in our careers, there is progress and success but in our inner lives g;eat- dissatisfaction is brewing. Human connections are missing that in reality give our lives meaning. Compassion is the first step in reclaiming the humanity in our lives. The views expressed in this column are those

ofthe author crnd do not necessarily represent those of every member of the UW Student Chfistian Movement or those of Imprint’s staff or editorial bOUfd.


Johnn_v, Johnny...

The Stranglers The Volcuno Club, Kitchener June 12, 1993

by John special

Jylanne to Imptint .

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’d been looking forward to this night for 6 years, the Stranglers in

sided slightly. Some of the crowd may have seen the last three nights perfqrmances, but I doubt the majority had. Most, therefore, had no idea what was in store but they’d quickly be in for a pleasant surprise. Soon the song “Time to Die” began to take over as both bassist Jeanjacques Burnei and guitarist John Ellis took to the stage doing a synchronized

“Toiler” was superb. it was a shame that dr,ummer Jet Black was too iii to make the tour, but J’s good friend Keith from Japan (the country, not the band) did an excellent job, especially considering he’d had just a week to rehearse. After the opening guitar chords of ‘Something Better Change”, there was no turning back. The crowd surged

astrong wah-wah guitar sound ofwhich the Stranglers have never really exploited before. It’s agreat dance number and came across more directly and infectiously than the more productioncrowded version of their new album, stfclnglefs In The- Night. The remainder of the set was mingled with various numbers from


the Stranglers


“North Winds” and *‘burning Up Time”. Others like “Ugly” and “I Feel Like A Wog” yielded controlled aggression, while a pause during “Ail Day and Ail of the Night” had singer Paul Roberts just short of screwing (horizonto/ jogging, shurely - ed.) a delighted female member of the audience. Of course it seemed to be done in good fun, at least they both had their clothes on! -

‘Rymes with Orange Phil‘s Grandson’s Place




see, it’s a fantastic concept; no one gets kicked in the head and everyone I, . **I---, L f--*



Both weregrea;


June 6, 1993

it’s a testament to tie quality Df talent Phil’s been getting rhat l

chanced their Rymes With Orange fhow without knowing anything &b&the

band save

their tag as the

‘West Coasrr Sloan.“’ Apparently, :hey’re from’ Vancouver. The Sloan reference, though, 7as got tQ &Q.. West G?ast feknicotour

Raincoats is more like

t, ‘which Such

is to say another Pure were their Brit-pop leanings,

without those two bands ktifling arrogance, however.) ‘* In reality; i haven’t seen such

an engagingly good-natured band in quite some tiye. Their trip to Europe the following morning might’ve been r&06 enough, but all the same their boundless enth’usiasm whilst playing for’ a paltq ‘Sunday turnout was a retit eyeqpefier, So much so thatafter they’d &xciaim&l “bolt the doots, we’re playing all night”, 1 actually believed them:: ; . Indeed, when .the) could’ve easiIy‘ been ,putzing in time; RWO delivered MO thorough sets -- the first one good, .the sqcgnd &en bever Y and a ielf-prescribed encore’as they descended into ihe shad&q. and roused themselves back on stage. Obviously, a band that loyes to perform. : . And aided by more pymtechnits than I’ve ever seen at a Phil’sgig --‘plus a bassimtio’s a dead-ringer fqq Harp0 Marx -- FZWQ were every bit the visual experience as an

aural one. ..’ Curiously, .they piayed single “Marvin”

their and the Small Facvs

“ltchykoo park”. twice ,apieee, .a rather unusual canventi*n i’ve not b&en aware of since Pete Shelley used to dri~e,“Htlmtisapien” into the ground a couple bf times per show. Surprisingly hbwe%‘, both songs soundql even better the second time-around, much like. my recollections of the shaw itself= ,’ All in ail, another rafidomact of faith Fandsomety re4varded.i ‘., : ., % ..:.: :. ;j..~r. I..

’ The irrelevant rbr a Stranglers gig: Some time after they’d finished, I mentioned to my friends that we should make our way towards the _ stage. Not long afterward the fioor completely filled and the lights dimmed to the sound of “Waitzinbiack”. Aimost everyone’s attention focused intentiy on the stage, while chatter sub-

Danny Emily’s



version of what some fans call the ‘1J shuffle’. Inspired by the film &&runner, “Time to Die”‘s cinematic feel made for a great buildup to the Stranglers’ oldie “Toiler on the Sea”. The sound was good and solid as was lead singer Paul Roberts’ voice whose interpretation of

forward further still as the centre of the floor became an “enter-at-yourown-risk” area. Following that up with “5 Minutes’* didn’t help any, but no one seemed to mind. There was finally a bit of a let-up when the band played their new track “Never See” which featured

Rockin’withthe Razorbacks

is manly, left randy

Daniet Lanois Commerciul Tavern, Marjhill June 8, 1993.

by Emily Macnaughton special to Imprint The stage had been set. A portentously humid night in an eerily still town, a lavender bus marked “Memphis” parked in front of the Commercial Tavern. Ait done with a mystery and atmosphere suggesting nothing else but the presence of Daniel Lanais. Tuesday night was the first of two Ontario performances by this magical performer. Playing only with drummer Brian Blade and bassist Darryl Johnson, the trio managed to produce vast expanses of sound that filled the packed, sweaty Tavern with the intensity of an electrical storm. The texture of the music was that of your richest dream, a lushness that you cbuid feel on your skin and that reverberated throughout the rest of your body. After the opening chords of “The Messenger,” I turned to my friend open-mouthed and wide-eyed, “Did that hit your body the way it just hit mine?” She nodded an enigmatic yes. Lanais’ songs, that night mostly taken from his latest work For the Becroty of Wynona (a town near his native home Hamilton), combine a Qubbecois’ affinity for myth and sorrow with an English-Canadian’s urbanity. Songs like “Death of a Train” and “Brother LA.” describe the lonely land-

scape of the city, whereas songs like “ice” and “Still Water” evoke the desolation of the country. Although the themes are for the most part sad, they possess empathy that reaches out to the listener leaving him feeling anything but alone. But the concert was far from moody navel-gazing. Many songs were lively with pounding rhythms which made the atmosphere reel with a new, restless energy. But strangely enough, few people danced or even moved. The yuppyish crowd (containing an alarming number of my old highschooi teachers) stood around pretty rigidly gaping like eight-year oids watching reruns on TV. Aside from the lone, wasted guy at the back of the bar screaming “ORGASM! ORGASM!” at the top of his lungs, the crowd for the most part seemed stunned. And everything was stunning. The light show which washed the musicians with deep reds, blues, and purples heightened the music’s sensuality. It wasn’t untit the two sets of encores that I managed to subtract the performers from the impressions of colour. Blade, the conservative, committed-looking drummer; shirdess, straightbacked bassist Johnson; and dark and feline Lanois. A harmony of sensitivity, sexuality and mystery. On the ride home, my friends and I were quiet and exhaited. Peering through the fog the driver sighed. Another friend stared out the window dreamily. “It was better than sex,” she said. Yeah . . . it was something like that.

necks. After a kind offer of some fruit salad from Paul, the band gave two encores consisting of “Always the Sun”, “Duchess” and a strong “No More Heroes”. Having asked some of my friends and surveying the crowd, it would seem a good time was had by all. Now there, I wasn’t too indulgent was I?



The Bombshelter Saturday, june 5

by Peter Imprint

Brown stun

It’s good to see some variety in BEnt’s booking of bar bands on campus *- instead of getting Strange Days three times per term, the Bombshelter was visited by countrylrootslroc kabiily crazies the Razorbacks on Summerfest Saturday night, the first visit by that band to the esteemed UW pub. The Razorbacks -- now here’s a bunch of guys who don’t forget their past: they display their busking lineage right there on stage with a stand-up bass (upon which the bassist iikesto sit, stand, and perform various acrobatic tricks) and a minimalist drumkit, aiso designed for street use. Lead guitarist Dan Bartley had the eye of the babes, with his decidedly Jason Priestly look.

Ciear from the outset was that the audience in attendance was as much interested in social activities, greased by a few pitchers, than in the band, at least ,for the first few songs; the pool table drew at least as much attention. Although some diehards shaked their collective booties to the faster numbers, the crowd was generatly subdued. The Razorbacks’ set consisted of a healthy dose of their first two LPs and some old faves, such as “Take Me Right Back to the Track, jack.” A definite crowd pleaser was Highmy 6 I’s “My Way or the Highway.” The ‘Backs finally got the place rockin’ at the end of their first set with ‘*Saturday Night,” their only really well known tune. The band was touched, as were all

of us, by the passing of country star Conway Twitty. They paid tribute to , him with “Bluebird Blue,” after admitting that it was the only Twitty song they knew.

Corky and those juice piggies Corky and the juice Pigs Phil’s Grandson ‘s Place


by Peter Imprint

june 16, I993

Bmwn staff

Wacky, performance-based groups like Moxy Fruvous have inevitabiy






Barenaked Ladies. Well, the only similarity between Corky and the Juice Pigs and the Ladies is their aggregate weight. Seriously, though, folks, the Pigs

put on a entertaining


of their

usual wackiness. As usual, the highlights ofthe night were the adlibbing and improvisation, especially when the trio called upon opening act Black Cabbage to moynt the stage for an encore. The encore began with a Celtic spoof, but went uphill quickly as the combined bands just jammed. Cabbagels lead singer swod nervously with a fiute most of the time, but the guitarist looked like he’d been playing with

the Pigs for years. The Pigs’ G-strings (worn, not on guitars) made one a tad queasy, but otherwise a satisfying listen.


12 Imprint, Friday, June f 8, I993 Pierced Eyeball Dept. Perry g&s Porno


the for Pyros


The Flaming Lips Concert t-lull, Toronto )me

by Dave Imprint

He makes

a great


Thomson staff

As a person who has frequented few concertvenues in Toronto, the process of discovering enjoyable ones is laborious, and involves handson research. I knew the Concert Hall was definitely off the list before the opening band had finished their set, The Concert Hall seems about as well ventilated as a sealed greenhouse, using human body heat instead of the sun to maintain nearly intolerable indoor temperatures. Only the sweet smells of .. r I .I marijuana an(3 neavrly perfumed females permeated the heat and sweat that hung in the air, getting thicker with


BKlEngon Frank



the Pixies last Toronto headline engagement (prior to their U2 suppoti

Spectrum, Toronto June 13, 1993

by Dave Imprint


Fisher stczfl

Since I’m a huge Pixies fan as-of-yet unconvinced by the new Frank Black (a.k.a. Charles Thompson, a.k.a. Black Francis) debut solo album, my pre-expectations of last Sunday’s Toronto performance were suitably pessimistic. Lest we forget, Frank had just chucked away the Pixies, a band born of legend (“Hiisker Dii meets Peter, Paul and Mary”) and a living ideal as a compendium far greater than any of its parts. Frank, some of us felt, was being nothing less than a fucking wan ker. But don’t get me wrong, I still love the man. So much so that as a preliminary to the Spectrum gig, I sauntered down to Yonge Street’s HMV record store hours prior to the show for Black’s promotional in-store solo acoustic appearance (an Unplugged half-hour, if you will) and was surprisingly impressed with an her d’oeurve of tantalizing possibilities. First and foremost, Fran k’s present emotional disposition seems to be one of genuine tranquility; certainly a far cry from the uptight, tension-laced, primadonna of a couple November’s past. At

press were


under ex-

plicit management threats to not even think of mentioning the Breeders (Pixie’s bassist Kim Deal’s former sideproject and now full-time gig) in Francis’ portly presence. Nobody dared, but it





I gather




you missed

mashers regularly pass out from the heat and lack of oxygen near the stage,

The intensity

and this evening was no exception. What a wretched pit. All this was made tolerable, however, because half of lane’s Addiction

was there, reborn

as Porno for Pyres.


of their


dozen or so songs were



group about

of the headlining

act mostly made up for a disappointingly short show, which was slightly longer than the album (including the encore). And since Porno for Pyros didn’t stat-t until 10:30, most of the audience had spilled out torhe corner of Yonge and Church by I l:30. Opening act The Flaming Lips played slightly longer, beginning before nine and finishing around ten. Some weren’t impressed, but this correspondent found them a surprisingly suitable warm-up to what lay tiead. just as I was really beginning to appreciate them though, they launched into their last tune -. a tiresome fifteen minute epic that included a half-dozen zillion candlepower strobes aimed directly at the audience and, in the background, a looped projection of a spirailing spiral and a naked women danctrig. Don’t mind my ranting, though: the performances themselves were fabulous.


visually and

quite brilliantly augmented by various theatrics on the stage including a bikiniclad flamethrower, a ballet dancer and other attractions. These elaborate antics thankfully ceased right about when it was in danger ofwearing thin, and the band ripped through the rest of the material from their new self-titled release with an intensity that, as is usually the case, vastly overpowered the recorded material. Unfortunately, there were other theatrics taking place in the audience. The seemingly ever present crowdsurfers and balcony-divers turned out in force to ruin the show for some anonymous unfortunates who weren’t vigilant enough to ward off Railing limbs and Dot Martens. Get a life, people --

keyboardist Eric Drew Feldman (formerly of Pere Ubu) who’d previously collaborated with the Pixies on “Alec Eiffel”, the best track from I99 l’s Trompe le Monde. And with an exceptionally talented rhythm section in tow, Frank’s set (comprised almost solely of his new album and featuring no Pixies tracks) breathed a fresh liveliness into songs I’ve otherwise had little use for. Without question, I’ll now listen to the new material with renewed appreciation. Three observances, which possess absolutely nothing to do with anything. particularly stood out about Sunday’s performance. Firstly, Frank shaving his road manager’s head centre-stage prior to his departure for a job with Lollapalooza (the roadie, not Frank). “Whadcha. gonna do next” Frank asked, “pierce your eyeball?” Secondly, Frank’s brilliant encore cover of Gene Chandler’s “Duke Of Earl”. Never has Frank sounded so soulful...almost shockingly so. And lastly, I was right up in Frank’s face when it hit me. Frank looks like a much smaller version of Rush Limbaugh. I retreated to my buddies, and the first thing one of ‘em asked me was something to the effect of “doesn’t Frank look a fuck of a tot like Rush Limbaugh?“. Who’d’ve figured?

But that was then. At HMV, Frank displayed a man apparently at great peace with himself, the exuberance of which carried over to the night’s tremendous performance. Perhaps that’s a lot to do with his new band, one that mmwhile passionately playing sets of

songs about Frank’s UFO obsession -is arguably stronger than his former band. He still retainsvital Pixies sideman Joey Santiago on guitar and is now accompanied by the brilliant

OPEN LATE Iy4cpy,:***I* :....,7.I,IDAYS -vw A WEEK! In Every Issue of MPRINT



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Sounds of Summer Music Festival vurious veflues ,UmJ~d wtm?rlQo June 25’- 27

by Bernard Kemey Imprint stc@ Aaaaaaahhhhh, the Sounds of Summer Music Festival. I think back to festivals gone by, and conjure up fond memories ofbast‘ing in the sweltering

Summer sun

while hackisacking with loved ones, Music filled the air, the intoxicating grooves forced us to forget ourselves and dance like Pan. Oh wait, sorry, I was thin king about the Winnipeg Folk Festival. The Sounds of <Summer...

try and herd your bovine ass into



Hhhhhmmmm... Oh yeah, it usually rains doesn’t it? And then they


at birth?

didn’t seem to matter; later an onstage technical gaff sent his hair-trigger a-flyin’. To this day, his petulant frenzy remains one of the most disappointing, momentum-crashing instances of any show I’ve ever had the misfortune to

a good show.

should start an interest this.

160 University Plaza : 884-7821

1 I 1 I

ridiculous venues, like the Waterloo arena or Phil’s, and make

you drink corporate crap beer. Yeah, now I remember. I muszadmit however, we*ve been privy to some quality acts Ii ke Weddings, Parties Anything, The Men they Couldn’t Hang, and Terence Simien and the Mallet Playboys+ The list is long, but, of course, sdis the shit list. This year should be no exception. You &ke the bad with the- good. But, at least in this case, the really bad is headlining Sunday’s events which means you’lf be home in time for Fashion Television. The festival runs three days,

Friduy, the 25th thru to Sunday the 27th. King and Bridgeport, the street, will host Friday’s events, Saturday

and Sunday will kick off Park. To give you a taste of what

at noon in Waterloo

to expect at this year’s festival, beginning at 12:30, Saturday and Sunday, the Bandshell stage offers the likes of hHead, the Rheost;ttics, Moxy Friivous, (a/! Saturdayl; The Watchmen, Mae Moore, Crash Vegas, and Barney Bentall (al! on Sunday). I’ll not tell you which ones I think are shitty, you decide. The Groove Daddys, Strange Days and the Rhinos heat the pavement on King street, Friday njght, beginning right after the opening ceremonies at 8. Tother thongs... Toni&e Fri. June 18, the Rhinos, Volcano Club, Kitchener. Sun.&~e 20, Andy Klaehn and Colin Taylor band, Phil’s Grandson’s Place, Waterloo. Tues. June 22, New Model Army, Lee’s Palace, Toronto.

. book for +iokw~~ in .next Ira,c print. Same night, Flipper play the Opera House, Toronto. Wed. fune 23, I Mother

Earth \N/ Universal Honey, Phil’s* Thurs. June 24, Lyle Lavett wl Rosanne Cash, Qntario Place Forum, Toronto. Also, Dan Davies, Bombshelter matinee, StiJune 24, Peter Gabriel, SkyDome, Toronto. Mon. June 28, Trash Can Sinatrm, Lee’s Patace. Turs.June 29, I? J. Harvey, Spectium, Toronto. Also, 1, jti Gale,

elMocambo, Toranto. Wed. J&e 30, Ginger, Phit’s. And Ias%though certainly not least,

. Huellas, the same night, Commcrdiat Tavern, Maryhill. I outta hive.,.

4 by Chris special

waters to Imprint

iNhen Tsunami’s Jenny Toomey speaks/sings “I suppose you’d like us better / If we had holes in our sweaterq I But I feet fine”, (on Mutchbook’s “Not Living”) she captures the essence of her band’s straightforward style. For, like Charles Barkley’s current”1 am not a rote model” Nike commercial, Tsunami defines itself by what it is not. The band’s active release schedule, which saw Diner and Mcrtchbook released within months of each other and has just released a full length album Deep End, betrays any allegiance to the slacker school of alternative rock. And the Arlington, Virginia-based quartet’s proximity to the prolific hardcore music scene of Washington, D.C. seems only to have tent a punk rock posturing to

Tsunami’s governing philosophy, but not its music. -Tsunami members, Toomey and Kristen Thomson, did not just form a band, they forged a means of production, their record label, Simpte Machines. Both Tsunami and Simple Machines are key players in the current do-it-yourself renaissance which is reshaping alternative music. After the binge-and-purge infatuation with all things grunge, the alternative music subculture is heading back into an alignment which is not geographically defined, but rather is abstractly connected through shared tastes. Tsunami’s pop rock is accentuated by Toomey’s voice and lyrics. On Diner’s flipside, “Gold Digger”, her lyrical aside, “Some say I burned my bridges / But I’m too tired to strike the match”, sung amidst’atmospheric guitars creates a perfect pop moment. It is fttting’that Tsunami would take its name from a dictionary-curio which essentially means “tidal wave”. Like these giant sea waves brought about by the unexpected or unseen, Tsunami’s sheets of sound pop style crash down upon the unsuspecting. Listening to Tsunami inspires one to holler “Surfs up”, grab everything that floats and hold on for the ride of one’s tife...at least until the side ends.

3-5 by Derek Weiler Imprint stuff Veterans of the indie scene, Hypnolovewheel make appealing records unencumbered by any large musical or ideological vision. On their last couple albums, ‘92’s Angel Food and the new one Altered States, they’ve perfected a nice blend of the noisy-guitar aesthetic and retro- ’ tinged bubblegum pop. It’s not going to change the world, but it’s

good enough for Hypnolovewheel, and as long as they keep making such fun, tuneful pop, it’s good enough for me too. While not quite as eclectic or as wildly fun as its predecessor, Altered States is more consistent, more cohesive. Generally, its best moments result from the tension between the tight, compact rhythm guitar and the flaky leads. Or something 1ike that-- after all, Hypnolovewheel’s music discourages over-intellectualization of its charms. So let me just say that Altered States is an appealing pop smear from start to finish. It proffers a similar vibe to that of the latest Gumball disc, but thankfully lacking the profound hollowness of that effort. Instead, Hypnolovewheel reveal a substance that belies their instant accessibility. For one thing, the band is equally adept at slowish, moodier tunes

3-5 by Greg special

By Joanne Sandrin sjecial to Imprint The name Butthole Surfers does evoke strange images in one’s mind. Can you imagine big, pink (hopefully), buttholes on fluorescent surfboards riding the waves? Only on Ren & Stimpy I guess. But when I heard “Who Was In My Room Last Night?” on the radio I was pleasantly surprised to hear such an awesome -song from a band that’s been haunting my curiosity for years. Independent Worm Suloon was w6rth the wait for a Butthole Surfer virgin like myself. If the vocals from their hit single “Who Was In My Room” and a few other tracks sound similarto Ministry’s “Jesus Built My Hot Rod,” it may be because Gibby Haynes. of the Sufiers, sings on that. Their album is sound-variegated. There is a preponderance of heavy metal; aggressive, industrial, Black Sabbath bass; punkish undertones with a few meanderings into slower Red Hot Chitlies; and folkie Texas swing thrown

in on a few tracks. Lyrics, well, I wish they would have included them with the booklet, as they seem to be quite indistinguishable, most often pure gibberish, but thakgoes well wi& the music: “Aleshol IS a perfect example of unlnteUlglble lyrics. It sounds just tike any morning you have a hangover, where through the confusion the only thing you understand is “alcohol”. My ultimate favourite song is “The Annoying Song” and the story behind that was Gibby Haynes was yelling through a plastic microphone, driving everyone crazy. Paul Lear-y wrote music to it (only thtee notes) which made everybnekven more nu;s and another member coined it “the annoying song.” So that was it. It sounds like killer punk chipmunks from hell. Absolutely annoying and absolutely great!! There are songs on the album where the similarities with Ministry are too evident, but hey, that’s OK. But much to my chagrin, there comes a point in the album where it gets realty drawn out and dies. Right at track 13; I don’t know if that’s symbolic or not. Three tracks -- “Dust Devil,” “Leave Me Alone,” and “Edgar”-- do nothing for the album. It makes you feel like the band was trying to draw out these songs to fill space. Too bad, I would have rated it a 5 otherwise. Regardless, a great album and a must for the summer!

Krafchick to Imprint

The label that also includes the bands Chapterhouse and Spiritualized has given us the second album from Portsmouth’s Cranes. The band gained notoriety last year as the opening act on the Cure’s massive worldwide tour, which was obviously a real coup for their careers as well as a thrill for the band. Noticeably, Bob and the boys are given special recognition in the credits, the album is named after an unreleased Cure song, and it’s evident the Cranes have religiously listened to “Faith” and “Pornography” in their youth to have developed their musical style. The first thing one notices about the Cranes is lead singerA/ison Shaw’s voice. Sounding like either Harriet Wheeler inhaling helium, or the Shqri Lewis puppet Lambchop (I cari’t decide which), her vocal chords seem to have stopped growing at about age three. This, and the fact she must have went to the Elizabeth Frasier school of enunciation, make for a sound that is not really for everyone. However, Iike Frasier and her Cocteau Twins, the Cranes have honed indecipherability to a fine art, delivering beautiful songs for those who care to listen to them. Musically, their love of the Cure’s goth sound shines through, but unlike that band’s early stuff the sound is more full, with added twists like acoustic guitar or a string section. The room seems to visably darken while listening to this album, as it floats gently through a dark river ihside a forest on a cold cloudy day in autumn...or something like that. “Adrift” is the single, but in general the entire album seems to run together, without any one song sticking out. This is not necessarily a criticism however, since it’s not meant to be a record of singles, but instead an album that’s more than the sum of its parts. So folks-anxiously awaiting a new Cocteau Twins album similar to their old stuff? Wishing Robert Smith would hurry up and write something like “Friday I Wanna Die”? All dressed up (in bla,ck) and no place to go? Then go and buy the new Cranes album, and have loads of fun getting depressed.

Jeff Warner Imprint Stuff It was a strange experience; I sat in the car, saying “Hey -- an April Wine tune I haven’t heard before,” and then, Ii ke he was reading my mind, the DJ told me that yes, they had released a new album. Wow. First one in how long? And the amazing thing (to me, at least) was that the song sounded as if it had come from the “Oowatanite” or “Roller” days. t have to admit that one of my favourite bands is April Wine. Their music was simple and fun, and you just have to admire a group that doesn’t understand that their hey-day has long passed. So I snapped up the album, hoping that they’d manage to bring bat k the classic, care-free rock n’ roll n’ beer sound that’d made the band famous. Well, they didn’t. Of the I4 tracks, three or four sound like the “old” April Wine. .“Here’s Lookin’ At You Kid” is



as twitchy, uptempo ones. And the songs are afforded enough length to fully develop -- unlike most disposable pop, which is purposely short and under-developed. Finally, there are actual surprises, like the beginning of “Mobile Train”: the opening bass notes set us up for a Big Start, from which the rest of the band then backs off. Delightful. Because the record is so consistent, there are no real highlights; the single “Peace of Mind” is the only one that leaps to mind. And while Altered States is a better c&urn than Angel food, there’s nothing on it that’s as great as the latter record’s best stuff (like “Bridget Because” and “Wonderful Again”). Still, AL tered States is a worthy addition to the group’s catalogue, and manages to be utterly fun without ever being dumb,

the closest “rocker,” while “If You Believe In Me” manages to match the extreme sappiness of their love ballads. Afew othertracks brought back memories of when I first heard the band. As for the rest... Bands should mature over their life spans, and change with the times; that’s what keeps music alive. April Wine also progressed. Unfortunately they stopped about the mid-eighties, at the height of the glam-rock, commercial crap craze that defined rock music for* the majority of that decade. And this album sounds like it -- cheap, formulaic, lots of glam and not much else. True, April Wine has always been cheap and formulaic. They also used to have a tongue-in-cheek spunk about them, with fun party music that seemed made for drinking beer in a sleazy, smokey bar. That seems to have been rest, and without it there isn’t much reason to listen to April Wine.




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The Stranglers The Imprint Interview

bg John special With


When Hugh Cornwell departed the Stranglers in 1990, the band might’ve easily called it a day. Since Hugh was pretty much the front man of the band (being both singer and - guitarist, as well as songwriter), re-

Jylanne to

- Arts

18, 1993


no visible sign of activity


placing him was thought

Canada for three years, the Stranglers were pretty much forgotten in the

nearly impossible. Thankfully, the Stranglers avoided the problem by regenerating the band into a new form. Ellis explains. “The band -- JJ, jet and Dave -had the decision to make whether to call it a day or to carry on and, collec-

minds of most. That was until just a few weeks ago when it was announced that they’d be playing Kitchener’s very own Volcano club. just a few hours prior to taking the stage, Imprint managed to corner the

tively, they made the decision to carry on. They felt it would be wiser to have a singer and a guitarist rather than to try to replace Hugh. I had been playing

Stranglers’ new guitarist John Ellis. John began his career as a guitarist with a number of small bands in England, but reached prominence with the enjoyable punkband thevibrators. With both the Stranglers and the Vibrators crossing paths in the punk explosion of 1976-77, John Ellis had maintained a close kinship with the Stranglers ever since.


to have been

on the IO tour prior to Hugh’s leaving. I knew a lot of the material anyway and I’ve had connections with the Stranglers on and off over the years. I suppose I was a kind of a natural choice to ask and it seemed like an interesting


to me and so I decided t

Students q




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ahead with it.” With .the guitarist lined up, the answer to the problem of a new singer presented itself in the form of an unknown fellow named Paul Roberts.

“When Paul heard about it, he got with us and said, ‘look I’m going to be the singer ofthe Stranglers’, and so we checked him out and there you are.”

in touch


During the process

and new wave compilations. So I phoned up the people there and just gave them a bad time and suddenly there’s stuff coming out” In the past the Stranglers have written songs pertaining to common subjects like life, love and politics, but no less common among the Stranglers’ music were songs about ritual suicide, cannibalism and the meninblack


(human or alien beings that have cropped up in works such as H.P. Lovecraft’s short

and, more se-

story The Dark Brotherhood). These days, their

riously, Ian McNabb of the Icicle Works. “If you bring in a well known artist, that can cause all kinds of

new album Str~n-

problems. It can work, but we chose Paul because he obviously had the right kind of voice. You’ve got to have someone that has a sympathetic voice for doing the old material and new material. I also think it’s nice to be working with someone who’s not Nyuk, nyuk, known because then you’re not going to get people thinking ‘why did y&u pull in someone else, is it because ;ou ‘can’t ‘exist in your own light’ kind of thing, ‘you needed another big personality’.: ihe hard-core fans have seemed to really just gone with it which is fantastic. There are very few people who don’t like it and then that’s iheir problem really.” For local Stranglers fans, the choice of venues on their current tour has been a real godsend. Of the entire 25 date tour, four performances alone

were in Ontario.

. .

earth in musical terms, then you don’t command the kind of audience and money that you’re used to. We’re having to start from scratch again which is


but they’ve been occupied the last two years establishing their own record label Psycho Records in addition to the task of finding new members and writing song material. ‘Well it’sverydificult when you’ve never done something before, especially when you’re competing in a kind of shark- infested market thatthe record

of acquiring a new singer, some interesting names came up including, for a very brief time, Joe

“If you disappear off the face of the

. AI


a great challenge for any band really. It brings you back down to your roots and what you’re really about, and it makes you work hard to achieve again. That’s the reason we’re playing these kind of gigs.” The Stranglers could have easily toured North America some time ago,

glers In The Night’s topics include the film BIaderunner (“Time To Die”), changes in Eastern Europe (%ugar Bullets”), and seantes (“Wet Afternoon”). “Probably every artist is inwise guy, eh? spired by the things they come business is in England. Actually it’s done into contact with. Everyone is influvery well comparatively. A I& of enced consciously or unconsciously by ple thought it wouldn’t. ObviousI;, we the input they have day-to-day. “Wet haven’t sold a million albums or anyAfternoon” is based on the Bryan thing, but it’s very, very hard when ydu Forbes film Seance on CIWet’Afiernoon. take on something like this for the first but I happen to be reading quite a lot time. You’re not in control of it yourabout seances and mediums, especially self. You have to rely on other people D.D. Holmes.” to do the job. Inevitably, other people The Canadian version of Stran. glers In The Night contains 3 tracks unavailable on the British release (UK b-sides) and should be available here any day. As evidenced by the Import, the album is well produced by Mike Kemp who’d previously manned the boards on the Stranglers Dreamtime album. As far as his thoughts on the next planned Stranglers album are concerned, John Ellis concluded our interview by providing insight into the Strandon’t do it as well as you’d like them to glers current and forseeable ideology. do, so it’s quite difficult to be on “We’ve now decided the way to everyones back while we’re away.” do the next album is to do it much In Canada and the U.S. the !&anmore live in the studio, very much like glers are relying on Electric and Vicethe early Stranglers recordings. We’re a great live band and I think we’ve got roy records respectively to promote to try to translate that to our studio and distribute their material. Ellis remarks he’s had success in the past recordings. I think a lot of bands are going back to really playing live in the waking-up record companies whose studio rather than constructing with motivation doesn’t equal his. “I once phoned up Epic because l n drum machines and sequencers. You was very pissed-off about the lack of can’t very well have spirit with mashines, and the Stranglers are everyVibrators CDs and also the fact that the Vibrators were always left off punk thing to do with spirit”


. .

“We’re having to start from scratch again which is a-real challenge... ‘I



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pbfiticaj :Cw+tn,C3ss;

1. .,’ :


y : nat crriti&


to pretense and


Friday, June IE,I993, studio’s


and Mike’s I992 of Animation


Pluying the Princess Cinema Fri. june I 8 - Sat. June 26

by Jennifer Epps Imprint stagf Spike and Mike’s I992 Festival of Anim&on has a gentler pace than some other cartoon collections. That doesn’t, however, prevent many of its more than eighteen selections from taking off into the

ceived by Nick Park for the electric company, consists of naturalistic interviews with ordinary members of the working-class. An athletic turtle praises central heating in serious tones, the camera down on the floor nose-tonose with him; penguin parents exchange glances over the televised misbehaviour of their children; and a cockatiel discusses what it’s like to be an immigrant. The dialogue has such a throwaway, improvised feel, and the

animals’ facial expressions

are rendered

with such derail, these blobs come off as incredible actors.

of clay

the overall diversity striking not.

Kill, is a banal rumination on the theme of the hunter becoming the hunted, and Kathy 8auer’s


in the throes of agiggle fit Though initially sprightly, renowned Italian animator Bruno



Ken Lidsterts


Sweeper is also well-recounted. Serge Elissaide’s flickering pencil sketches evoke a grim atmosphere that suits the divine, bitter-sweet, O.Henry-like simplicity of this tale. Aardman Animations, the studio co-founded by Britain’s claymation artist extraordinaire, Peter Lord, is featured throughout the collection. Like Lord’s submission to the Third Animution Celebration in I99 I, Ww Story, the



Also included is Lord’s comic speculation on Adam’s early bachelor life at the top of the world, an Oscar nominee this year. Painstaking attention to the properties of clay elevates the cattoony style of this piece; Adam’s vulnerability to a huge, controlling hand is hilarious. Mona bso Descending CI Stclircase, the actual Oscar winner for best animated short, is a dazzling, monumentally dramatic, 6-minute scramble

--- -----__ -_--_-_ L

c mpus happenings -- ..__ - I---.----

Applications are now being accepted for the following awards. The apptication deadline is June 25 unless otherwise stated. Detailed information on these and other awards can be found in Chapter 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar. Applications are available from the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall. Facufty of Engineering Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship, available to all engineering students. Deadline: September. 30, 1993. Shell Canada Ltd. Award, available to 3rd or 4th year engineering students. Deadline: September 30.1993. Faculty of Mathematics Shell Canada, available to 3rd or 4th year computer science students. Deadline: September 30, t 993. Sun Life of Canada Award, available to 28 actuarial science students. Faculty of Science Chevron Canada Resources Itd, Scholarship, available to 28 earth science students. Faculty of Arts Arts Student Union Award, available to all undergraduate Arts students who are actively involved in University Student Affairs with a minimum overall average of 70%. Faculty of Applied Heafth Sciences Mark Forster Memorial Award, available to 3rd and 4th year kinesiology students. Deadline: January 1994. Ron May Memorial Award, available to 3rd or 4th year recreation students. Oeadline: October t 5, 1993. of Environmentaf


Marcel Peguegnat Scholarship, available to 3rd year regular or 38 co-op planning students.

Aft Faculties Tom ‘fork Memorial Award, requires submission of an essay of approximately 2,500 words to St. Paul’s United College.



occurs. Similarly, Pixar computer whiz John Lasseter is represented by a ccl animation relic of his days at Cal Arts. Lady and the LamP is more interesting historically than in its own right. The appeal of Spike and Mike’s Fe&cl/ is not so much content as form; the animators’ creativity is made tangible by the mere breadth of what they are willing to try. While mainstream cinema seems on the road to increasing confinement and even hoarier thinking, animation may be the last bastion ofthe perverse and the playful. It’s a relief to see a whole school of filmmakers actually eager to test their imaginations.

mension into another. The


&Iby Story (a

send-up of the reproductive process) loses its

ever slipping from one di-


Mona Lisa is a

poorly-executed gag about the refined portrait

with a polka-dotted sorcerer. At stake is her beloved, sentient, red balloon. Lidster combines ccl drawings with animated clay puppets to create a child’s universe that is for-



And there are a few dunkers. Concordia Uni. Canada’s contribution, versity student Teresa Laqg’s License to

the shorts which will stay with you is Ken Lids&s &I/loon, a I 3minute, British Academy Award-winning adventure of a girl in fierce conflict


of the collection

even when individual films are

stratosphere. Among

classically, gleefully wicked tone of the story recalls fantasies like the feature film Time Bandits.


through the most famous works of great- modern artists. Joan Gratz presents art history as one cataclysmic event, each forgery melting and transforming into the next through a new and thrilling technique known as claypainting. These five highl,ights alone are worth the price of admission, but Southern Californian producers Spike Decker and Mike Gribble have managed to compile such a varied assortment that

here are astonishingly

strong on characterization. The -C&dture Comforts At Home Series, ads can-





I: K-W Live Theatre story of alcoholism,


Friday, June 18,19,25 & 26 play “Play Memory” at 8 p.m. On Sun., June 20 & 27 at 2 p.m. A child abuse, healing and triumph. For info call 576-8887.

Saturday, June 19 “On The High Road to Honga Ponga Pu”. Puppet show for all ages. Starring UW students Johnathan Goad, Paul Bethel, and Jennifer Epps. Arts Fest event - Food Court in Market Square - I:30 p.m. -Cambridge-Guelph Humanists Invite everyone to a family plcnlc at Riverside Park in Guelph-from 12 noon to 4 p.m. Call 89311449 for info. - . ‘Duters Club i3arbeque starting at 6:00 p.m. - bonfire to follow - burgers and .pop. available. All members and friends welcome! Sunday, June 20 8126 Historical Car Show at Doon Heritage. Call 748-l 914 for more info. Saturday, June 26 Amnesty fnternational Coffeehouse - at the Grad House, UW. 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Featuring Scott Deneau, tips on roadwalking, Dave Purcell and more. Free admission, everyone is welcome. Come out and enjoy the tunes! Tuesday, June 29 CP Seminar Series - speaker: Jennifer Thomson, VP, Information Services. Topic: Canadian Tire IS Systems and Tools. Undergraduate students are particularly encouraged to attend.

& announcem

Career Resource Centre - Evening Hours: Open every Wednesday titI7:OO p.m.. Research: employers, careers, work/study abroad or educational op-

Strong Interest Inventory - discover how your interests relate to specific vocationaf opportunitres. Wed. June 9,3:30-

4:30: Tuesdav June 15.11:30-12130: Monday Jung21, 3:30-4:30. ’ Meyers-Briggs

TraveUstudfprogram in Germany, Belgium and the new Czech Republic. The trip begins Friday, Aug. 13 and ends Monday, Aug. 30. Call Continuing Education, 888-4002 for further information. lne Gay and Lesbian Llberatlon ot Waterloo offers confidential peer counselling. Calt 884-GLOW for information, direction, or just to talk.


TheOff-Campus Housing Office, which is located on the roof of the Villaae 1 Complex, will remain open from &30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday starting June 14, through to August 28, 1993 and from IO:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. onSaturdaysfromJune19 toAugust28, inclusive. When the office is closed, accomodation lists may be obtained from the Turnkey at the Campus Centre or from the Security office. Waterloo

Weekend forretuminga!umni. for engineering graduates of 1963, 1968,,1973, 1978, 1983, 1988; math of 1968, 1973; president’s reception for 25th & 30th anniversary classes; 10th anniversary dinner for Applied Studies alumni; St. Jerome’s reunion. Info: Bonnie Oberle, 888-4595.

Type tndicator - discover

how your personal stengths relate to your preferred ways of wyoking. Thursday June 10, 11:30-12:30; Wed. June 23, 3330-4330. Each workshop 2 sessions long. Register with Counselling Services, NH 2080.


Instruction and practice in progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and concentration/meditation methods. Assessment and mo@ification of thinking habits. For those who are tense, worried or just interested. Begins - Wed., June 16 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. - 3 sessions. *

Universtiy Choir rehersal, Tuesdays, ZOO - 9:00 p.m. For info call Music Dept at 8850220. x226. WEDNESDAYS UW House of Debates meets at 5:30 p.m. in Phys 313. We debate everything from the muppets to the war in Bosnia. Everyone welcome, especially novices. For more detail contact lrit at 7258890 .or Eugene at 725-5970. Kfteffiers of Waterloo, Unite! Come out to the Columbia Fields to fly stunters, rokakkus. indian fiahters and even single line deltas. Eveb windy Wednesday From 11:OO a.m. onwards, weather permitting. For info call 884-2157. Join the conspiracy of hope! Amnesty International meets tonight at CC 135 at 7:30 p.m.

~exieo4.BCahada : Recent grad with motorhome seeks travel mates. You decide where! Reasonably priced. Call Eric (607) 723-1403.


Volunteers Needed - K-W Access-Ability is fooking for adventurous volunteers to help with our summer recreation programs. If you woutd like to get involved call Jennifer at 885-6640 for more details. -titers Meetings - Sun., June 67:30p.m.,HH334(wriGasceneorsong for next years show) ; Wed., June 9-7:30 p.m., HHI 39 (shaping a live theatre production) ; Sun., June 13-7:30 p.m., HH334 (write real comedy for the live ; Wed,, June 16-7:30 p.m., HH334 (faculty, alumni, staff and students - that’s FASS).



The Outers Club meets at 7:00 p,m. in CC room 138. Members and future members are welcome to exchange information on upcoming trips, hikes, etc. MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS “There 18 nothing worse than a student with a camera. Come and see what WATfilm is all about. Meetings at 7130 p.m+ in CC1 38A, or calt Phil at 725-6401. TUESDAYS GLLOW Discussion Group - All lesbians, bisexuals, gays and other supportive people welcome. UW Modern Languages, room 104, 7:30 p.m. Call 8844569 for information,

Bagel Brunch,

hosted by the Waterloo

Jewish Students Association, to 1130 in CC1 10.

from II:30

\jehture -Capitalist will provide seed money to students who are developing promising- software programs. For further information call (416) 366-7758 or

write with proposal and resume to “Ceyx Properties Ltd., 701 King St. W. Suite #403, Toronto, Ontario M5V 2W7.”

$40.00 cashf ! All students are invited to participate in a Hemodynamic Response Study It only takes a few hours, is here on campus, and there is no exercising required! Help further science. and call Caroline now at 885-l 211 1 ext. 6786.

2 Bedroom apartments available immediately. Near University campus 10 Austin Drive (Waterloo). Call Bit I: 88621 23 (super). House for rent - 5 bedrtims’, close to UW - 4 appliances - $290./roam - available Sept. 1,1993, Call (416) 509-3284. For September - 5 bedroom house for rent. Walking distance to University on quiet crescent. Parking, laundry, bus route. $265 ./room, 746-0228.

Perfection on Paper - Professional word processing by University grad (English). Grammar, spelling cbrrections available. Laser print& Sutanne, 886-3857. Professional word fxocessincr!! Letters, Resumes, Term Papers, General Gorrespondence. LASER PRINTER, Calf Kathy - 884-8149.

Infertility among Canadian men is rising. As a result many young couples could be denied the chance to have children. If you are a male between 18 and 30 years of age, have humanitarian instincts, and would consider being a sperm donor, write us. or phone weekdays between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. for further information. All inquiries are held in strictest confidence. Suitable expense reimbursement for successful candidates is guaranteed.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.