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C.R.A.P.: Ret gt~.den,ts’ answer to by Janice Nicholls Imprint staff CR.A.P., the Co-op Recreation Advancement Planning Committee, is the ‘Recreation and Leisure Studies students response to problems they are having with the Department of Co-operative Education and Career Services. With a goal to “improve the co-operative education program for students and employers,” the committee plans to help all co-op students - not just Recreation students. C.R.A.P.‘s mandate includes distributing job evaluations forms to Recreation students returning from work-terms. These evaluations will be used to ensure job descriptions are consistent with job demands. The findings will be made available to both the co-op department and to Recreation students. A content analysis on the “Want Ads”andthe late postings to determine whether co-op recreation jobs are appropriate is also part of C.R.A,P.‘s mandate. In consultation with faculty members, C.R.A.P, plans to use the content analysis to recommend new job areas for co-ordinators to develop. ’

While C.R.A,P.‘s specific objectives pertain to Recreation students, they see a role for this type of committee in other departments. Ivan Beeckmans, president of the Recreation Students Association, said many students experience unnecessary stress through the co-op department. Recreation students, in particular, bear the brunt of the negative aspects of the .department, he said. Forming C.R.A.P. was originally Beeckqans idea. Many of the jobs offered to Recreation students are high school level jobs, said Beeckmans. He said he knows of one camp that hires high school students for vacancies it cannot fill through co-op. “We feel like we’re being neglected,” said Beeckmans. He said many people do not .understind what Recreation is about. ’ . A number of Recreation students take the business option and these types of jobs are not being offered through co-op, said Beeckmans. However, the letter to the editor in the last issue of Imprint, “the unhealthy state of HKLS co-op”, has generated a @eat deal’ of respoiisti,. he-‘%iYdY’-

Beeckmans said there is no such thing as a fourth-year job for Recreation students. He said students are frustrated that they are getting trained academically to be professional but are getting unprofessional jobs. The normal procedure for handling problems with the career services is to bring concerns to the department’s Student Advisory Council (SAX).


Based on his past dealings itiated a response (with their letwith the S.A.C., Beeckmans said, ter to the editor) but there is a “S.A.C. doesn’t4seem to be fulfil* more diplomatic way to achieve ling students’ needs.” Previous the same end.” ’ suggestions brought to S.A.C. “I like to feel there is an open yielded little or no action, he door policy” at the department, said. said Fuller. Brock Fuller, the liaison co-orC.R,A.P: was officially formed dinator between SAX. and the this week once its executive was Department of Co-operative EdfiIled and a mandate passed. It is ucation and Career Services, sanctiotied by the Recreation said the Recreation sfudents “inStudents Association.

B.A.A. planning to begin. UW cour.se &altiations , by J&nice


I&print staff

For the first time in UW’s history. indjvidual courses will - be sub&t .+o student-run evaluations The evaluations, to start’ this summer, wiI1 encompass a selection of courses from all faculties and all years. The Federation of Students’ Board of Academic Affairs inistering

Approximately 30 cburses with between 30 and 50 students were selected for evaluation this summer, said B.A,A. Chairman’ Tim Jackson. The majority of courses are elective courses, selecfed from alk faculties, ranging from first to fourth y&r, he said. A letter sent this week to professors of the selected courses . advises them of the Federation’s intent to evaluate their course content’.‘; said Jack’ for “course son. If the professor consents to

the evaluation, it will be conducted either by the Feds or the professor, he ‘said. Evaluations will not be conducted without professor consent, said Jackson. By requesting professor consent before conducting the evaluations, the B.A.A. hopes to avoid “prof I bashing,” he said. The main goal of the evaluations, said Jackson, is to bin .*.

caffttnued on pw* 3

tion r the UJversity

of Waterloo campus

spoisorshv chairman of the Canada Day council. The UW even; is Kitchener-Waterloo’s only centre with a day-long agenda of activities to help celebrate Canada’s 120th birthday. This will mark the third year UW has ho’sted the area’s July I festivities. tcil will be spending about $22,000 e fun and games to the university. utlay including donations of time should





e wh has been working full-time on a zing he event since the beginning of I? v. This tt year’s activities involved a great ming, he said, and the 1988 celey involve a year-round organizao ing at the possibility o‘f incorthis year so we can fund-rai8e at n Le8e und,” said Carmichael. rations for the 1987 bash are now winding dowri and organizers are now calling. for studeits here to volunteer; a little time

to help


the activities

oq Wednesday.

The day starts at 10 a.m. with a parade beginning ‘at Kitchener’s Central Meat Market and following King. S*ireet and University Avenue to the campus. Parade chairmanr-3 IScott Blackwell said ‘IthisI -----?year’s parade 1 .I---LZ-lwill t3e mucn larger cnan lasr year s, wnicil had just one float, with 42 entries including 1

10 floats and five bands expected. Both UW and Wilfrid Laurier are entering their official floats. Other entries include the Sigma Chi fraternity and the Student Alumni Association. ’ Wednesday’s opening ceremonies are slated for 12:30 p.m. Musical entertainment is to be provided all day, with four concerts scheduled, starting with Glen Chatten and Endless Summer (the music of the Beach Boys] in the afternoon, followed by the Concordia Brass Band and Dave Farnham in the evening. There’s a bed race ready to go at 2 p.m. on Ring Road and a free bingo game set for the I PAC. Throughout the day a full slate of chjldren’s entertainers will be on campus. Clowns, jugglers, face painters, Circus Smirkus and the university mascots will, along with many games and contest, will keep the kids amused. Activities include a scavenger hunt, mini Olympics, kite flying contest, a bubble blowing contest and bubblemania. Both Fed Hall and the Bombshelter will be open to the public Wednesday. Fed Hall will be showing the Blue Jays vs Yankees game in the afternoon and Pat Hewitt will be’performing in the evening. All activities and attractions are free of charge. Food and liquid refreshments will be sold

at various




special citizenship court will also be held on cainpus at 1%) p.m. in the Theatre of the A& The celebration is sponsored by CicaCola, Domino’s Pizza, 570 CHYM, Schneiders, Imprint, the Federdtion of Students, ’ Wilfrid Laurier University Student Union and the Secretary of State. A

-UW a big , winner in research grants by Lisa Dillon Imprint staff


Waterloo will be directly involved in centres of excellence in materials research, integrated manufacturing, space and terrestrial science, information technology and groundwater research. The University of Toronto was the other major recipient of provincial research funding. Research proposals by the University of Guelph and Wilfrid Laurier Un,iversity were re-

. The University of Waterloo will participate in five of seven new university research centres to be created over the next five years, the provincial government announced last week, UW will receive some $40 million per year for its participation in these centres. To be established at a cost of $30 to $40 million each, these “centres of excellence” are expected to help keep the Ontario industrial sector healthy in the face of high tech competition from all over the world. This initiative will involve the co-operation of the academic community, the industrial sector and the government, said ’ members of the recently-formed Premier’s Council in making the announceqent. Science, Engineering, Environmental3tudies and Math students at the University ‘of Waterloo will benefit from Waterloo’s involvement in these research centres. UW President Doug Wright, who sits on the council, said “more funding will be available to assist graduate student re~search, to purchase equipment, to facilitate any travel reqtiired for research, to hire additional professors, and to create co-op work term positions.” University students across the province will also benefit. Labour Migister Bill Wrye said “graduate students will want to remain in Ontario to pursue their studies because the latest dkvelopments in their chosen fields will be taking place here.”


The creation of centres of excellence was the first major iriitiative undertaken by the new Premier’s Council. These centres are intended to stimulate ad-

vanced research, to train and develop world class researchers, and to encourage the transfer and diffusion of technology. -“Ontario cannot afford to have its best minds working in isolation,” said’ Wrye, a member oft he Premier’s Council. As a result, the centres of excellence program unites men and women from large corporations, small business, management, labour, and’the academic world to concede on directions and priorities for Ontario’s technology. Two of the seven research centres, the Centre for Groundwater Research and the Centre in Information Technology, will be lo-

Ontario Minister of Energy, Vince Kerrio(left) and UW Professor Ian Macdonald (right) with the used’ CAT Scanner recently purchased by Chemical Engineering. Photo by Janlce Nicholls.

cated in Waterloo. “The centres will have a significant impact on the Kitchener-Waterloo communities,” Wrye said. “Not only will they provide spin-off opportunities for local firms, but they will also create an environment which encourages local industry to develop new technologies and new opportunities.” The Premier’s Council was announced in the Speech from the Throne’ on April Z&1986, with a mandate to “steer Ontario into the forefront of economic leader-

CAT scanner c to be used .- for research

camping tennis’ +

selection gear, sport clothing,





Oil exploration and development companies such as Ontario-based Devran Petroleum Ltd, have expressed interest in using the UW CAT scanner. Professor Macdonald anticipates other areas of the university will also use the machine.

of bicycles, sailboards, Reebok sports shoes,

& squash equipment, sum.mer fashions.


Waterloo 886~lOi

Western Canada. The CAT scanner, obsolete from a medical perspective, was purchased from Weilesley Hospital in Toronto. Professor Ian Macdonald of the Porous Media Enhanced’ Oil Recovery group said the machine should be operable in one month. The speed and extent of its use will depend on furtherfunding, he said, ’

A used CAT scanner purchased by the Chemical Engineering Porous Media Enhanced Oil Recovery group was the focus of a visit by the Ontario Minister of Energy, Vince, Kerrio rune 22. The Ontario Ministry of Energy is providing $50,000 of the $70,000 needed to purchase the CAT scanner and make it operable. The other $20,000 will come from the University of Waterloo excellence funds, . The CAT scanner will be used on research in enhanced oil recovery. It is the only CAT scanner used in oil recovery research in a Canadian University., The three other CAT scanners used for this type of research are located’ijn

We carry a complete


ship and technological innovation.” The council is chaired by Premier David Peters&n and has 28 members, among them prominent representatives of the business’ labour and academic communities and members of the government. Wright’s role as an unofficial spokesman for the university research community in Canada landed him a spot on the council. The UW president, a former dean of engineering, has been outspoken on the need for increasing the technological capabilities of the country’s universities.





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by Judy Hollands Imprint staff Head Fed Ted Carlton and some of the Federatiod of Students executive attended the Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Federation of Students last week at the University of Windsor. Representing Waterloo were Ted Carlton, Federation president; Lisa Skinner, vice-president - university affairs; Andrew Abouchar, vice-president - operations and finance; Eric Choi, chairman of the international students board; and Darren Meist er, external liaison. The slogan of the meeting was “quality + accessibility = excellence” and the workshops and discussions focused on this idea. A major concern discussed at the meeting was the problem of accessibility to post secondary institutions. Increasing numbers of part-time and mature students combined with the effects of OSIS [phasing-out of Grade 13) have created a larger number of qualified university applicants. There is concern funding will not keep up with this demand on the system, and either the quality of education will suffer or quali-

fied students wil1 be turned away from universities. Regarding funding, Carlton says that although last year’s stated increase of 11.5 per cent [which really. worked-out to 7.3 per cent.) was sufficient, “one year of sufficient funding does n6t make up for IO bad years.” He says the Liberal government appears to be spending more than it really is, and it could do much more. Most relevant to the University of Waterloo was the issue of ancillary fees. Co-ob fees are an example of fees used to cover indirect costs. Carlton presented a case against such fees. He says students should not ,have to pay for indirect costs of programs, Differential fees were also discussed at the meeting. These are fees paid by foreign students and are generally four or five times more than Canadian students pay. While the basic fee for Canadian students in tie Arts Faculty at Waterloo is $675, international students pay $2383. The Ontario Federation of Students consider&his difference uzifair. Carlton calls it a “short sighted policy” and says it detracts from the flavour of the uni: versity. International students benefit

steadily eroding

Ontario universities and they should not be penalized for attending them. Housing was another major concern discussed at the week-long meeting. Several student Federations are taking municipal governments to court over roomers, boarders and lodgers bylaws which state that no more than five unrelated adults can live in the-same house. The bylaw seriousIy reduces the number of eligible student housing locations in some areas. \“You can zone land, but you cannut zone people.” Carlton comments. Efforts to have the bylaw overruled have met with some success at the University of Western Ontario. A feeling of provincial election campaigning was in the air as representatives from each of the three major political parties gave talks about post secondary education. Speakers included, Bob Nixon, Treasurer of Oqtario; Bob Rae, leader of the Ontario New Democratic Party; and Larry Grossman, leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party. Premier David Peterson was in Windsor last week, but did not give a presentation at the meeting. Carlton says despite the campaigning atmosphere, the presence of these poli-

Evaluations not. “prof bashing” continued

from page 1

“students choose electives that will interest them.” He emphasized the evaluations are not professor evaluations but are designed to give students additional information about the not procourse - information vided in the course calendar. However, while professors will not be evaluated, the teaching methods used for the courses will, Jackson said, “It is not a professor evaluation et all,” said Jackson. While the whole idea of the evaluations is to benefit students, it will also help professors improve the teaching environment, Jackson said. The B.A.A. plans to run course evaluations each term to build up the number of courses covered, The experience of other universities indicates it takes approximately 10 years to have a full evaluation system in operation. This would involve an evaluation of each course once every two years, he said. Jackson said he hopes “eventually all faculties and departments will see the benefits of it and allow us to evaluate each course.” The B.A.A. hopes to have the evaluation results from the summer term available by the I

fall, According to Jackson, currently the only larger

sity trying to implement t-run course evaluations

UW is univer-

ticians was a good opportunity for the OFS to express its concerns and policy objectives. The OFS is concerned about the timing of a possible autumn election. The last provincial election, held in early 1985, caught the province’s May, 300,000 university students on the move. An election too early this fall could once again make it difficult for students to vote. Carlton also says that although the Provincial election is significant for post secondary institutions, there are several other important issues where the OFS will have an affect. These issues include the free trade discussions because university graduates will be key figures in Ontario business and industry. Discussions of the Meech Lake accord in the Provincial Legislature will affect students because transfer payments for education are substantial. Also important is a National Forum rey garding post secondary education to be held this autumn. Overall, Carlton considers the annual meeting beneficial for the sharing of information with other schools. He says UW’s concerns are better heard when we can tap into the provincial lobby through the OFS.




studenof this





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Poor finances and low profile hurting Canadian athletics In the last two weeks, both the Canadian Football League (CFL) and dian Interuniversity



Athletic Union (CIAUJ have felt the heavy hand of finance and its effect-on, their operations has been drastic. The CFL revealed Wednesday that the Montreal Alouettes

‘th.e wior Id i black a nd white is a dmyopk viewpoint Seeing


We live in an adversarial washed theynowbelieve the society. We exist in a culture only valid perception of the that choos& to see the enti& I wcjrld is-one based on diametwrld in a;di;emarial kms. %cs. Few bother to Question Everything ‘is redbced ‘,to: ’ th.e basis and the ?m&icadi;ametrics: plub a&$x&us, tions eof‘ values which pit ingood and’bad, e’a’it &d’&est. dividual agains,t individual, biack and white. These oppo- and group against group, Libsitions are present ih all era1 democracy, individualftiets of North American life: ism an43 capitalism form a in the work force, the,y take holy trinity. Failure to ti’dn&e ’ the form of management vs to this ‘faith’ constitutes a labour; in legal disputes, ,de- VIgrave form -.of heresy. Diafendant vs prosecut’i’bn; in s metrics have become the reli-Y school, ppofessors vs ‘stu- gion of a society that claims’ dents, or alternately, admin. to have rejected institutionistration vs students. alized religion. Everything is either/or; there When societies adopt a difis little room for compromise ferent culture, a new ideolor co-operation. ogy, or an alternate form of Everything is reduced to a government they become the simple category which does enemy which must be eradinot al1ow for shades of gray. - cated, disbelieved, and misSuch diametric reductionism trusted under any creates conflict. Constant circumstances. When nations suspicion of opponents re- follow a different road to desuits. There is no room for velopment, it is not viewed as trust; there is neither opporone of the variations which tunity nor motivation for adds spice to life. Rather, it is either side to discover what perceived as a menace to our lies beyond the surface of the institutionalized culture; if ‘enemy’, an enemy seen in people discover there are al- , terms of one characteristic ternatives, they may desire to only. try them. All this has led many to Yet many societies have cringe at the mention of managed to follow different words like ‘cooperation’ and paths and survive. Some so‘teamwork’. These are dirty cieties place cooperation over words to a society in which competition. Some cultures competitiveness, individualregard the good of the society ism, and manipulation are as a higher value than indihighest virtues. vidual ‘rights’, rights which Perhaps most tragic is that often benefit a select few at many have been so brainthe expense ,of many. Some

communities actually believe ,that it is more desirable for people to co-exist than to .compe.t.e until only ‘. the ,strongest survive. There are ksocieties which, have learned $0 app$,$&g “diffei&c&s in people, and view all people as having unique talents forconjributxe io the world, I . : Of‘conrse, our reduc-tibnist‘ categorizing satisfies a basic hunGn need to put simple #labels on everything. It enable&us to ignore the perplexing complexities of people, our system, and the world. But it also fails to capture the detail that makes life so alive and colorful. Paradoxically, while much time& being devoted to “progress” (especial1y at an institution like UW), relations among people and perceptions of the world have hardly advanced. Great developments in some areas have left others far behind. Along with the nuclear bomb has not come increased maturity and responsibility in handling it. Perhaps what is most ironic about our society is that while technology has provided us with and technicolor



movies in stereo, people still insist on seeing the world in black and white. Marie Sedivy



had lost approximately $17~ million since 1982 and existed only due to the philanthropic nature of Charles Bronfman, has folded. 7 few days earlier, the CIAU had to take several steps, including one to discontinue its national championships in gymnastics, to have a breakev%$z:hefactthatoneorganization is a professional league with [now) eight frani chises, and the other is a collection of more than 40 post-secondary institutions, there appears to be a common thread running through their prcblems.. .i Neither the CFL nor the CIAU have been able to mBrk$t -. themselves ’ dr &. range ihe *degree of ptiivate sponsorship that they need. It used to be that%XFL could get by becauqe they were either the only game in town, or (in Toronto and Montreal) there were encsugh people to support both hockey and football. Times have changed. Today, there are six NHL franchises, two major league baseball, and three “AAA” baseball franchises in Canada, , Only Saskatchewan and Ottawa can claim that they monopolize the professiona sports market, but the Saskatchewan franchise had to hold a telethon to beg people to buy tickets, and the OttBwa franchise changed hands this winter for one dollar. Last year was the final season of the three-year contract between the CFL and Carling-O’Keefe concerning television rights. The CFL could not get Carling-O’Keefe, or any



or group

of sponsors, to buy the television rights for anywhere near what the brewery had paid three years ago. They had to resort< to selling some of the rights to (XC, some to TSN,.






pendent network (CFN) to broadcast the remiaining games. The CIAU’s organization is such that there is a c&rdinatbr of marketing anti public relations at the national level, and sports information directors (SIDs) at each university. Between all of these people, they cannotget national and local media to even get the organization’s name correct in news stories. (In the last two weeks, both Canadian Press and the Kitchener-Waterloo Record referred to the CIAU as the Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Association.) In some cases, such a@ the Atlantic Bowl football game, the CIAU and its local components do an excellent job of getting private, corporations involved in sponsoring its activities. Alas, these successes are too infrequent. For instance, o?TSN coverage of CIAU event& there are usually all too few interested student ’ fans., at the .game, and too many commer- ‘i. cial slots being filled by TSN promotional ads. The local SIDs’ should prgmote a,97 @l-~~ 1 evised ‘game i’jrivc*iving th& ’ ,schtiol’ until they’ie . blue in the face, while the CIAU must put more effort -into finding companies interested in supporting a worthwhile . initiative such ‘as university athletics by buying commercial time on game broadcasts. Where are all thecorporate Ieaders, who were educated at schools like Toronto and McGill and also took part in intercollegiate athletics, and why can’t they be persuaded that CIAU sports are a good thing to put their company’s prumotional dollars toward? If it’s any consolation to the CFL and the CIAU, a problem common to all sporting enterprises today is the shrinking marketplace. With so many possible forms of diversion available to the public in 1987, such as videos, theme parks and satellite transmission

of sports



sports organization must work harder just in order to keep pace with their past successes. Good luck, CFL and CIAU. Donald Duench

,.fformm All letters must be typed.and doubie spaced

Coordination mud respond to demand for improvement To tha editor, I think it is time that students start to openly express their feelings about the department of coordinatidn and placement. it seems that an increasing number of students are dissatisfied with the quality of service provided. Although minor mix-ups are bound to occur in this type of system, the number of roblems exceeds en acceptable Pevel. My experiences with coordination over the last two workterms can at best be described as unacceptable. In January ‘1986, my difficulties began when my file was not updated, The problem escalated to the point where I was essentially delete,d from the computer system. As a result, I wa’s unplaced for the summer of 1986, After searching for a computer-related job on my own for one month, and’not hearing of anything promising from -the department, I established a renovation firm with a friend. In the latter part- of July and throughout August I unsuccessfully tried to have coordination inspect the work being done so that I could receive credit for my efforts. Upon my return to campus, my coordinator and I &secussed, at length, the work I had completed. To him, my request for credit seemed seasonable. However, I was later informed that since he did not supervise the area in which the work was performed he could not make the final decision. When I finally did receive an answer from the department - four months after I returned to campus - I was informed that, because this was my second workterm, not my first, “it would not be allowed”. I still do not understand why a work term credit is denied to one who takes the initiative of starting, managing and maintaining a business.

I was up for placement agabin last September for the january workterm. Unfortunately, I was *still unplaced-in December, having been unsuccessful in firstround interviews. Coordination’s records show that my resume was sent to a total of one company after second-round posting was finished. I would like t,o assume that more effort was put fcrth on my behalf, especially since whenever I phoned, I was always reassured that some action. was taking place, but I can’t be sure. I must commend the efforts of Marlene Bryan, John Holland and cbunselling Iservices for their enthusiasm and efforts in trying to place me this term. Perhaps if all coordinators shared ..this type of interest, the stu-

dents’ appreciation of the department would increase, as would morale in the department. This letter is not intended to insult the efforts of those coordinators who work hard at placing their students. As I know, it can be difficult to find suitable employment. However, I feel it is the department’s responsibility to inform the students, especially those who are unplaced, exactly what is being done on their behalf. The department of coordination and placement must coordinate its efforts to respond to student needs in order to upgrade their profile with students. Tom Rapia 2B Computsr I Engineering.

Car drkers. make life mi-serable for cyclists To the editor, I am spk to death of auto-supremacists trying to run my bicycle off the road, but the recently-installed traffic light system at the University Avenue entrance to UW is an outrage. The design, based on auto-supremacist assumptions, was obviously done by the owner of a large, gas-guzzling American boat without sensitivity to anyone or anything not just like himself or herself. All cyclists who enter the university from that entrance know that they either must wait for a car to trip the lights or risk injury or death by going through a red light. Cyclists could dismount and drag their bicycles onto the curb to press the pedestrian crossing button, but this is

very dangerous as it is easy to run into a pedestrian or into a car when trying to cycle back onto the roadway. [Note that the auto-supremacists installed pedestrian crossing buttons so they could safely access parking lots A and C,) What could possibly correct this ignorance of safety and this insult to cyclists? Firstly, four buttons should be installed for cyclists touse when they want to go through the intersection. Secondly, this action should be done quickly, before someone ends up dead. the buttons should be large, with signs stating how they work and they should be placed at least 10 feet before the intersection so that cyclists don’t run into pedestrians or cars while trying to press one. Vivian E, Neal.

Waterlosers ill-prepared To the editor,

This is in response to a recent comment piece about the cdnservatism here at the University of Waterloo (Imprint, June 121, a university which has often been labelled as a *‘progressive, innovative institution”. While I can’t really tell how most people would judge a university on its progressiveness, in my mind a reasonable criteria, would be to take a look at the students it is churning out. Will the people who graduate from this “progressive centre of learning” be our political, business or intellectual leaders of tomorrow? With the amount of individuals on this campus who are creatively brain-dead from pro-


and intense exposure to people’s ideas without ever an original idea of their own, I seriously doubt it. However, can you blame these watheads for their lack of interest in anything beyond that which can help improve their marks other


when the university they attend is grooming them to fit in perfectly with a society the mediocrity and frown upon those whose thoughts wander outside the accepted norms? Because of the heavy emphasis on marks and the fanatical cultlike worship of the status quo created by the co-op program, Waterloo successfully stifles individualism, creativity and selfexpression by encouraging mass conformity among its students. What is being reinforced in everyone’s mind is that the only way to make it out there in that big, scary, “real” world is to compromise yourself and walk the middle’of the road. Success to a UW grad comes from being like everybody else and taking only those gambles that are sure things. The incredibly scary thing about it is that many Waterlosers out there actually believe that shit. This university isproducing a bunch of drones programmed to think, talk and look

alike. Societal change can only come from those members not yet settled in their ways, which implies that the youth of the nation play a big part, yet how. will anything change and improve if the young people are forced to age overnight to fit in with an existing society plagued with tunnel vision? I still believe there is hope for all the Watheads out there, both present and future. If this university could teach us to think creatively, to challenge and question what we’re doing and where we are going rather than advocating that we should adapt ourselves to fit in. with what already exists, then it should it should be labelled a truly progressive institution. Conservatism has been called the worship of dead revolutions and the one at the University of Waterloo had been dead a long, long time. K. Kirkpatrick Applied Studies

Pride Day’ * Rightfully proud by Chris Gerrard Imprint et aff

(a pseudonym)

Monday, 29 lune 1987 marks the eighteenth anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in New York City. And this Sunday is Gay Pride Day - an annual event celebrating the fight for equality and freedom of gay people started almost two decades ago. I have never been to a Gay Pride Day celebration, and as a result, I did not feel’1 was really the person to write about such an event. So, I asked a friend of mine, Todd Hancock, to help me out on this one, and what he wrote follows, “with thanks to Nick, . Dave, Eric, Pali, and Chris for their editorial assistance”. “Qn 29 June 1m8, the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City, was raided by the Police. ‘The street was full of cops and flashing red lights. But what was more amazing, the street was%111 of hundreds of ays, and they were fighting the cops.. For years they . ha x run, let themselves be shoved to the wall, submitted to harassments and arrest, because they felt in their ‘hearts that it was their fate. But the night of the Stonewall, they made the instant visceral decision that they had had enough.’ (Tk Front Runner, Patricia Neil Warfen) r I., A turning point. . “It is 29 June 1966, at the Masonic Temple on Yonge Street in Toronto, and celebrating is well underway. The hall is huge, filled with music. The dance floor is packed; the building reverberates with the dancers’ energy. Lasers slice the semi-darkness above their heads. It is f&r in the morning and the party is still going strong. Many willleave, to get a few hours sleep as the sun comes up. By noon Sunday, they will be rejuvenated and ready to celebrate the anniversary of the wall riots, the birth of the gay ded the dance at

and sounds of balloons criss_ _ _-. crossed the street, tiotiplementing the rainbdw mural on the community centre. Cawthra Park was filled with booths of every description, the bandstand was situated in the street and people were everywhere. Speeches and music groups pulled my attention toward the stage but always my head moved back to the thousands of people who filled the street. “The parade was delayed by a summer shower but the enthusiasm of the crowd grew as the people danced and sang their way through the streets of Toronto. The festivities continued throughout the afternoon, leaving me with an experience to remember. “My strongest memory of last year’s Lesbian and Gay Pride Day weekend is an incident which occurred at the dance the night before. My friend6usan was there but had decided she was not going to attend the parade the next day, as she was afraid of who might see her. I listened as she expressed her anxieties, and then I pointed ,out a few things. All the important people in her life already knew she was a lesbian, which left only her employer and co-workers. She was not at all close to the people with whom she worked, and was not happy with where she was working. Should she worry abrbut what other people thought? Or should she do what she felt was right? I felt that spending the day with people who loved her for herself was what was important. We sat together for a while longer, hugging and crying. That moment was special for both of us; one which would always make that first Pride Day exceptional. Susan joined the rest of the GLLOW crowd and myself as we marched through the streets of Toronto. “This Sunday, the seventh annual Lesbian and Gay Pride Day will be held in Toronto. The theme for the weekend is ‘Rightfully Proud’ to commemorate the passing of Bill 7, which brought about t.he inclusion of sexual orientation in the Ontario I-Iuman Rights Code. I will march again this year, being proud of who 1and what I am! “My love and respect to Susan and all’ those who have the conviction to be rightflilly proud of who and what they are! “Happy Pride Day!” Gay Pride Day is celebrated all over North America, in various forms. San Francisco has numerous events planned for this weekend. The New York City gay community will also honour the courage and inspiration given to everyone who is oppressed in some way by those men that night eighteen years ago. Thank you, Todd, for sharing your experience. Happy Pride Day, everyone.








Students must no bear funding l.oac To the editor, I am writing in response to the editorial of May 15,1987, “Incidental Fee Ban A Poor Solution” written by Ms.Janice Nicholls. The Ontario Federation of Students has long toiled in an effort to ensure that students do not bear the brunt of underfunding of post-secondary education. The banning of tuition-related ancillary fees has been seen as a victory as these fees are clearly tuition and should therefore never have been levied under the guise of ancillary fees. The Waterloo Federation of Students has played a vital role in the last year working on this issue to make the process responsible and fair to students. Ancillary fees are unregulated by nature and banning them is therefore, in effect, the regulation for which you called for in your article. Any cutback in services as a result of revenue loss to the institution can be seen as fuel to fire the ongoing struggle against underfunding. Students can no longer make up the difference for the lack of commitment of go-, vernment funding to the rebuilding of and improvements to the post-secondary system. The present cost of one’s educatisn is far higher than what would make the system accessible to all potential, qualified students. Your argument that OSAP will counter any inequities is problematic as in its present form, OSAP already does not meet the needs of university and college populations. Also, when illegal ancillary fees were being levied, they were not considered in applications for financial assistance. The point must be raised too, that the increasing debtload faced upon graduation has diminished the g1o.w of what would have been many bright futures. Defaulting on one’s loan is not the inost illustrious of introductions to the “real” world. On the question of co-op fees the Waterloo Federation of Students and the OFS have referred to as the “upcoming fight” over co-op fees has come into play as a result of Waterloo Administration’s feeling that the definition of “direct cost” is unclear. We do not agree in consideration of the government policy adopted in June of 1985 which in effect states that allowable non-tuition ancillary fees must reflect the costs of goods and services provided. The Waterloo Federation

of students has held the longstanding position that the co-op fee is a plausible one but that it must be reflective of the service provided and not be a smokescreen for other hidden fees. The OFS has urged the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to include us in the Ontario Council on University Affairs (OCUA) cost study which is to report to the Ministry by December 31, 1887. The student voice must continue to be heard at Queen’s Park and echoed through-out the administration buiildings across the province. Only through working together to make positive changes can we ever hope to attain a quality and accessible education compettitive in the international market. Sheena Weir Chairperson-Elect

C.R.A.P. ‘is on target TO the editor, “.I am writing in response to a letter written by C.R.A.P. I have read their article and 1 strongly agree with it. Students in other faculties (other than HKLS) might find that being part of the co-op system works in their favour. It sounds like a good deal - four months of full-time work, alternated with four months of school. At the end of the program, students can say they have had two years of full-time work experience. It is a. good deal, if the individual is lucky enough to find a job. Recreation jobs tend to be elusive. Sure, there are may teaching assistant, lifeguarding and similar type jobs, but to the majority of Recreation students these jobs are not appealing, coop is supposed to offer the opportunity to make contacts out in the working world for the student to use after graduating, There is little variety and the pay that is offered for most recreation jobs is minimal. CO-op is supposed to provide a learning experience as well as to help pay for an education. IdRecreation, an impressive, educati,onal and well-paying co-op job sometimes appears to be the impossible dream Name withheld by request

THIS lS*THE LAW by Robert Day Imprint staff A little urifinished business, firstly, regarding last issue’s lunacy of the month, Transcendental Meditation, Digging through the archives, I came across a newspaper clipping, paper and date unknown [back in the days when I filed everything with my typical efficiency), dateline Washington (AP), stating that “Two TM organizations have been ordered to pay a former member almost $138,000 fo r not fulfilling a promise to teach him to fly.” The plaintiff, 36-year-old former TM instructor Robert Kropinski, “contended he suffered psychological and emotional damage”, and was awarded $137,890 after both the World Plan Executive Council-United St at es and the Maharishi International University (remember them?) “were found guilty of fraud and negligence by a federal court jury.” It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of folks. And even though, due to sheer exasperation, I sometimes feel that people this shy of a full load deserve everything they get, it is nice to see that they are still occasionally protected by the erratic American legal system. Which brings us to today’s t epic, namely, just where does the law stand in reference to some of the more obvious shams of our times (obvious, that is, to anyone with the intellectual ability of your average house plant). All this is inspired by another revealing newspaper article courtesy of the Grope and Flail relating the misadventures of one Stanley Kadrowsky, an unfortunate Hamiltonian (and not iust because he lives in Hamilton, even though that is reason enough) who was fined $250 for claiming that he could put a curse on anyone within a loo-kilometre radius. Normally charging $500 for this service, Kadrowsky’s undoing was in offering his talents for the c&-you-believe-it


GROUP by Prima


The Meech Lake Accord brought Quebec under the Constitution Act of 1982 as a fully participating province. The Consiitution recognizes Quebec as a “distinct society”. Indian leaders are not angered by Quebec’s inelusion as a distinci. society. Instead they are angry because they were excluded from the Meech Lake discussions. For many years, Indian leaders have struggled to gain more recognition from the federal government regarding aboriginal rights and the right to self determination+ such as the Various government documents, Royal Proclamation of 1763 and the 1982 Constitution, have acknowledged the unique status of Indian peoples. The First Ministers’ conferences on Aboriginal Rights sought (unsuccessfully) to resolve some of the Indian peoples’ concerns regarding self government which were not sqfficiently addressed by the Constitution Act.

of Indian leaders from a discusThe exclusion sion of national importance damages the governmerit’s credibility and calls into question their support for the unique status of Indian peoples in Canada. The Indian peoples were once self-governing. This does not imply national independence but instead means that they would have the opportunity to return to the self determining forms of government they once enjoyed. If the government is serious about resolving aboriginal concerns then Indian pea le must be included in all discussions The reasons are twofold: of nation; H importance. (1) to ensure that any new developments will not impede the growth and well being of the Indian First Nations, and (2) to gain greater insight into the situation through the unique contributions of Indians to the Canadian society. Discussions such as Meech Lake affect how the country will, be governed; the Indian Peoples should not be excluded.

low, low price of only $20 to an undercover policewo-man. Sigh, You have the right to remain silent, anything you say, etc., etc. What makes this case a bit different is that Kadrowsky pleaded guilty and was convicted under Section 323 of the Criminal Code of Canada, a section dealing with, of all things, witchcraft! To wit: PRETENDING TO PRACTISE WITCHCRAFT, ETC. 323. Every one who fraudulent ly ICI) pretends to exercise or to use any kind of witchcraft, sorcery, enhancement or ‘conjuration, I@ undertakes, for a consideration, to tell fortunes, or (cl pretends from his skill i6 or knowledge of an occult or crafty science to discover where or in what manner anything that i-upposed to have k;edstolen or lost ‘may be is gkilty of an offence punishable by summary conviction. A further clarification of this section states that, “The offence under para. (bJ of this section does not require proof that in fact the predictions were f;rlse, or that the accused expressly stated that she had a11power to predict the future.. . Welt, isn’t that special? My initial glee at the thought of bouncing into the next psychic fair, throwing people up against the wall and making citizen’s arrests was dampened somewhat by a more careful rereading of Section 323. For instance, consider the word “fraudulently.” Ah, you’d noticed that already, did you? Fraudulently? As opposed to what? Legitimately? Honestly? Suavely and debonairly? The thought of the Crown, in their infinite wisdom, tryjng to distinguish between good witches anti bad witches brings back hideous memories of the Meese commission trying to distinguish between What Is Porn, What Isn’t Porn, and What Really Isn’t Porn But Maybe Could Be De-

pending on What State We’re In and Isn’t There An Election Coming Up, Anyway? A further source of depression are some of the statements of Sgt.. Philip Wilson of the Metro Toronto morality squad, the subject of the article who, in print and in a personal conversation, emphasized that the “fairground and storefront fortune tellers who charge $5 to $50 for a reading” are in no danger of prosecution, provided they confine themselves to “generalities such as you might get married, you may have three kids or have a big house or go on a trip,” since this is “mere entertainment.” And if you add $50 to $50 often enough to make several hundred or several thousand, is this still “entertainment “? Poor Mr. Kadrowsky and his $20 pale in comparison. Wilson does, however, almost redeem himself by stating that, entertainment aside, “it becomes a matter of interest to us . . . when these people allege they have special powers and can help the weak or the sick and remove curses or evil spirits . . . Then it becomes fraud.” And doesn’t this sound familiar? But when I asked Wilson about faith healers specifically, the response was very non-committal. Much as I believe that Wilson has the best intentions, I cannot rid myself of the image of a man about to collapse under the weight of his own contradictions. And since, in the finest traditions of investigative journalism, we seem to have more questions than answers, this is just the place to say that this column is To Be Continued next issue, where we are going to make a serious attempt to unfuzzify things with the help of the friendly folks downtown at the local -Fraud Office, who will regale us with tales. of sword and sorcery in seedy back rooms (and front rooms for that mat.ter) right here in the big K-W. Be here . . , or be somewhere else.

Only more complaints will get resubfor the disabled by Jacquie Griffin Imprint staff Greater access to services for the disabled will only be provided if enough people complain about the inadequacy of existing services, says the co-ordinator of an access forum held June IO12 at the University of ‘Waterloo’s Village 2 ctimplex.’ Sharon Lucky said nothing .gets done unless complaints are made, which places an unfair burden on the disabled+ The conference, entitled “Access Heritage”, was sponsored on campus by the UW Heritage Resources Centre, a division of Environment Canada - Parks. Although it dealt mainly with access to recreation, leisure and heritage experiences, much of the discussion centered on the issue of accessibility to existing structures and facilities. Project co-ordinator Lucky said there are a variety of problems facing the disabled seeking to enter many existing buildings. While it is now mandatory for all new structures to be accessible to the disabled, the difficulty lies in altering buildings constructed prior to this legislation. It all boils down to increasing awareness of the needs of the disabled, she said. Without this effort, the situation will remain unchanged. While a national agency was formed this year in the United States to which disabled persons are now able to bring their complaints, no such service&is available in Canada. In the US. all legal action is carried through by the agency, usually to the point of costly class action suits. With this kind of support, there have been rapid changes in favour of the disabled population. This issue hits home at UW say employees at the Heritage Resources Centre. They feel the university has not demonstrated a great deal of momentum in keeping up with the demand. Lucky said part of the problem is due to the narrow public perception of the benefits offered by increased accessibility, It is estimated 30 to 40 per cent of the population would benefit from changes in accessibility at some point. The elderly population, those with heart or lung problems, the temporarily injured, and mothers with strollers are included in the target population for increased accessibility. On the other hand, Florence Thomlinson, co-ordinator of services for disabled persons on campus, says the university has already taken a highly active role. Since her arrival in 1974, she has overseen continual upgrading of accessibility on campus. Recently in the physics building, a freight elevator was altered to acc%mmodate passengers. Thomlinson is aware that &umerous access needs go beyond

building ramps. Students with sight and hearing problems, and others with emotional and learning difficulties are also affected by accessibility problems. She said she has experienced great support from both staff and students at UW in dealing with this multi-faceted job. Steps taken include inaccessible classrooms being rescheduled and professors being notified that a student with a hearing problem will need to lip-read. Economics pose restraints on accessibility. 3The biggest changes are’the most costly. It is estimated that a new elevator installed in the Modern Languages building may cost from $100,000 to $120,000, While the project must be proven to be of immediate use to students, disabled students are often reluctant to come to a campus not yetaccessible; current numbers of I dis-

Campus Question How satisified have you been with the Department of Co-ordination and Placement? (Asked of co-op students)

abled students may not warrant the project, but potential students may be staying away because such buildings are not accessible, Despite this, Thomlinson has worked hard to implement many alterations and services for the disabled, often in regards to specific individual cases., With changes taking place in access in high schools, enrollment of disabled students is rapidly growing. Therefore with this demand Thomlinson predicts even greater changes for the future.’ As with all minority group, movements, the real driving force must come from within, said Lucky. Communication networks between various groups [such as the Canadian Paraplegics Association and the Canadian Hearing Society) will give the disabled population strength in numbers and organization.

by Marie Sedivy

Everything’s always gone smooth for me. I never actually think of the $250 I fork over every term.


Jo compete in France -UW

Doug Shelley 3A Math/Business


by Nick Foglia Imprint staff


The University of Waterloo Sailing Club recently received an invitation to compete in a very prestigious international sailirig event. The zompetition, Course de L’Europe, &ill be held in La Lavandou, France from Qctober 31 to November 5, 3987. This is the first time Canada has been invited to enter this competition. Every universit,y in Canada has been invited to try out for the competition, but only three universities have shown an interest in attending. The competition will accept two entrants, one from Quebec and one from the rest of Canada, The team will be made up of five members, of which three must attend the same university.

The UW Sailing Club has selected 10 possible candidates for the competition,who are currently training twice a week, The 10 candidates will vote on who will attend the competition, should Waterloo be chosen as one of the Canadian represenfatives. A sixth person will also be selected to attend as an alternate. The organizers of the Course de L’Europe yvill pay for the team’s meals, accommodatiqn, and one half of their travelling expenses.‘fhe Department of Athletics, due to a lack of funds, will not be able to provide any financial assistance. The team is in the process of approaching the Ontario Sailing Association, Roots Canada, and Beneteau Sailing Company for financial support.

They’ve been less than satisfactory. They didn’t explain’ to my employer how to evaluate me, and went along with the employer instead of doing something for students. .Darin Ahing’ 3A Science


I wasn’t very impressed. They didn’t do anything to get me a job, and look at all the mouths I’ve got to feed,

I wasn’t terribly satisfied and dropped out. It’s difficult to get a placement in some faculties, and the jobs end up not being pertinent to what you’re studying. Barb




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Not at all. The co-ordinatars are lousy and don’t know anything about students’ courses. Co-op fees + suck. You have to keep paying them even if you already have a job and don’t go through interviews. Michelle 2B Math


3B Slavic Studies





2B Math

Jackie McManus 2B Math‘


;;bMTgch -. . .

Ghubbs 118 Math



Spero Math


UN simulation


to be a real eye-opener

The complications by Henry


China is confused and threatens to veto; China, Madagascar and Peru will vote yes; Congo is angry at the weak words; Denmark has immaturely walked out and South Africa will probably refuse to comply with the resolution that it stop its illegal occupation of Namibia. It’s a typically tense vote at the United Nations Security Council.

licit support for resolutions. Here I experienced vividly the frustrations and satisfactions of compromise building to accommodate diverse foreign policies. Agenda topics included the IranIraq war, the Arab-Israeli conflict, South Africa’s illegal occupation on Namibia and, thq Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. A simulation of the UN General Assembly dealt with topics such as Third World debt, environmental degradation, refugees

For the third year, the United Nations Association of Canada sponsored a full United Nations simulation to introduce participants to international issues and how the UN works.’ Over five days, the interplay of more than 300 Canadian students role-playing UN member country’s foreign policies brought to life the depth and tension of international security and human welfare issues. Participants generally enter in groups of three to represent a country, but my compatriots pulled out at the last minute and I was left alone to represent the Republic of Congo on the UN Security Council. The UN Security Council, with 15 member countries, deals specifically with threats to world or regional security. Formal council sessions are held for each country to state its position on topics and for voting. Most of the work is done in informal meetings where ambassadors draft, redraft, debate on and so-

of foreign affairs

and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Among the more the 100 countries represented, I was happy to find Congo represented by a seasoned contingent from Newfoundland. Looking back on the simulation I realize the UN has unique role as a forum for the presentation of positions on and creations of resolutions on international issued. the deployment of a peacekeeping force in

the Korean War and the call for sanctions against South Africa’s apartheid regime are examples of UN actions, Also, under the auspices of the UN, the creation of maliy nonpolitical organizations is facilitated, The International Civil Aviation Organization, for instance, maintains standards and coordinates activities between nations to ensure civilian passenger. safety. It is the only UN

KlungCel named new, researcher for Feds by Marie Sedivy Imprint staff A need for political continuity within UW’s Federation of Students has led to the creation of the position of. academic researcher. Peter Klungel, a former secretary/receptionist with the Feds, was hired to fill the position at the beginning of -June. The major duty of the academic researcher is to maintain, coordinate, and analyze all information on post-secondary edudation. This includes reading , through all government reports and summarizing them for the executive. The research will enable the Feds to put forward proposals to , the administration and pro&-

.: El Salvadorean lawyer a-nd human rights activist Jacob0 Quiteno spoke to acrowded Amnesty international meeting Wednesday night. A slide show depictedlife in the war-torn country of five million and graphically displayed the human rights violations of the military government forces. The focus of the discussion was on the detainment and “disappearances” of civilians in El ‘Salvador, and comment was made on the use of international aid to improve the conditions in this country *here thousands of civilians have been killed since 1979. photo by Peter Stathopulos

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organization based in Canada and its headquarters in Montreal *hosted the simulation I attended. Attend a model UN and you will learn about the workings of the UN, experience a stimulation introduction to world affairs and have a fun time with people from all over Canada, For infdrmation, write the United Nations Association of Canada, 63 Spark St., Suite 808, Ottawa, KIP 5A6. The next simulation will be early next year.

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Peter Kl.ungel proof-reader

gave up his p-t as the official Imprint to accept a new job with the Feds.

Photo by Marie Sediuy.

cial and federal governments rather than just reacting to events. “It will give us the ability to say ‘we disagree on that point’ and will give us the basis to suggest alternatives,” said Fed President Ted Carlton. Carlton said the position is necessary because the executive changes annually. New people coming in are not always aware of activities‘and events the previous year. “For example, the executive a year or two from now won’t know that this year will be the first year seniors have to pay tuition,+’ he said. “It’s a political maturing of the federation to be able to have those resources at our disposal,” said Carlton. About 70 per cent of the researcher’s duties are research related, and the remainder are administrative. Klungel is to provide any assistance the executive may require. This includes handling elections and supporting executive orientation. He is also expected to maintain historical records and write a history of the Pederat ion. Carlton said Klungel is suitable for the job because “he knows how the OFS (Ontario Federation of Students) works. He has some sense of what political bodies have done in the past couple of years.” Asked about his goaIs for the coming two years, Klungel replied “I’d like to prove my worth. It’s a new position, and hopefully I can show the Federation was right in creating the position.” -


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con&t8 of one h(100) units, ea@ c0nkbing faur (4) sixigle be&oom8., ie Mstricted to upperyear Universi’cg of WB;terloo&udents - not f!ru&! ,


Research’ centre to help (ht. stay competitive in robotics The June 19 announcement by 20 Canadian manufacturers are the Ontario government that it also inirolved. will fund a research centre of ex- . Waterloo, Mac and Toronto cellence in integrated manufacare members of the UPIR groups turing should prove an immense [University Partners for Intenboon to manufacturing in Cansive Research), which also inada, according to UW recludes Queen’s and Western. searchers and administrators. Funding for the centre will be “Integration” deals not only’* in excess of $31 million over g with the introduction of robots . five year period. and automated equipment, it Principal researchers inalso involves all stages of provolved include not only 10 UW duction from design to quality engineering professors but facontrol, including the design of culty members from McMaster new automated plants and the Universjty, the University of management of a cdmplete operToronto and several other uniation. It includes, as well, the deversities as well. Approximately velopment of highly automated

Job-search workshops to begin at NH July 6.. Career $ervices will be conducting a series of workshdps for students on effective means of finding a job. These hour-long sessions are open to all students and will be held in Needles Hall room ‘1020. Sign-up sheets are available in NH room 1001 one week prior to each . workshop. resume - Resume Writing - helpful hints on writing an effective will be offered July 8, 12:3O to 1:3O p.m. bring your own resume for analybis to this - Resurjne Critiquing session on July 6,11:3O a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; July 9,3:3O to 4:30 p.m. and July 15, 12:30-to 1:30 p.m. will be offered July l&11:30 a,m, - Interview Skills - a workshop to 12:30 p.m. A session of Creative Job Search strategies will be available July 20, 12:30 to’ 1:30 p.m.; July 21, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.; July 22, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.; July 23, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. and July 24, 11:30 a.m. to 12:3O p.m.























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robots and manufacturing and inspection systems, far superior to those available under current technology. the new centre, to be called OGIM (Ontario Centre for Integrated Manufacturing], is seen as of crucial importance to Canada’s manufacturing heartland because of the relentless competition coming from many newly industrialized countries, as well as from such highly organized giants as the United States, Germany and Japan. OCIM is intend&d to become’s world-class research unit involving top-flightscientists, support personnel and equipment. The aim is to achieve levels of co-operation never previously reached within the Canadian research community. The aim also includes the education of young Canadians so they will be equipped ?o deal with new industrial processes as these evolve in the future. Steering committee members include Dean of Engineering Bill Lennox; Mechanical Engineering Chairman Hugh Kerr; Mel Marple, director; oft he Waterloo Cent re for Integrated Manufacturing (WATCIM - already in existence); and Dr. John Buzacott, management sciences professor and director of -the WATMIMS (Management of Integrated Manufacturing Systems) group.



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Itise~tiedthattheTuwnhmwwXllbe furnished; but no linen& croclwxy, pots a& ’

pans, etc. will be supplied.

Fe88al?8ex@ct0dtobe~inth8ra;ng0.0f $23S.OO/monCh plus utUtie8. Fees am to be ins&Umentq once each tern paridfi~nti8tobemadethreewwksbefotithe beginningofthenextt8~ Asthaownh~wlll.beelectricrillyheated,

stud0nts wUl be respon8ible.for m

w&h Wa&doo North Hyde, 300 Eb&fbld IMYB, Waterloo at 8866000 for h@ro serv@.

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USSR: The ti-mes they c

by Judy Holland8 and Marie Sedivy Imprint staff


Wizened old revolutionaries and Stalinists clinging to the vestiges of powerjn the Soviet Union are being replaced by a new generation of young reformists. Exhausted, long-time party members lying on their deathbeds are stepping aside for the new leaders of the eighties: young, dynamic, well-educated, and willing - to talk to the W&t. During elections earlier this week, for the first time more than one candidate was allowed to run for the same _ position in a number of localities. There have been reports of public demonstrations calling for the release of certain dissidents. More than 100 dissidents were released last Februa’ry.. Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has even offered concessions at arms reduction talks. Is the Soviet Union finally coming-to its senses and giving up on totalitarianism and Communism? It is difficult to forget .the ripple caused by the news that Gorbachev has a wife - a wife who follows fashion and appears in public. It has been a long road from Stalinist days when even the top man in the Party made few public appearances. Yet while the most striking, the most evident transformations are at a public relations level, the changes run deeper and are interrelated, Karl Marx argued that various aspects .6f society are determined by the economy and the economic system. I’ Now the thrust of the changes in the USSR is economic, Gorbachev has promised that the-nat’ion’s GNP and standard of living will double by the year 2000. ‘New man&e eat methods aimed at motivating emp7 o’yees are being introduced, and benefits and t: monetary incentives are made available. I .a# *’ ; ..

however, remain independent of the Soviet government in the sense that the products are sold on the world market. Ths, these products must be highly c0mpetitiv.e. An additional reform in the Soviet economy is the legalization of individual enterprises. A result of “critical analysis of history” this policy officially permits practices which have in effect existed throughout Soviet history. It enables individuals to earn extra income by providing certain services in addition to their regular jobs. included in this category are tutoring services ‘and private taxis where individuals may use their own cars. This second economy is a result of the acknowledgement of ills in the first, and is aimed at curbing some-of the present-day corruption within the system. Bagdanov says these reforms are “not at all” like the New Economic Policy implemented by Lenin in the early days of the Soviet state. In-the 192os, certain ele.ments of the free market were permitted... “What is being introduced,” he says, ‘7% individual enterprise, not- private enterprise. People should not empliy others, but they can vjork for._ them- * selves.” Bagdanov does not expect the &ale of these activities to be increased due ”’ to their legalization. X The various economic reforms have

“The Soviet Uhion is more advanced than Western countries in human rights. The difference between capitalism and socialism is that socialism can solve basic societal problems, .like homelessness and unemployment.’ \ I’. According to Slava Bagdanov, ’ Second Secretary at the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa, these “economic changes are of major importance. The principle of management is changing.” The new structure places more responsibility on workers. Competition has evolved among enterprises in the same industry. Workers in each enter= prise share responsibility for productivity, and they help choose their own leaders. It is important that the workers have leaders whom they can trust, he says. Bagdanov points to the recent bankruptcy of a construction firm as evidence of the changes. Whereas in the. past, money from profitable enterprises in one industry was pumped into the non-productive areas, the state is no lo;geeeswilling to support pour perThe n’ew economy &o emphasizes quality of products over quantity. Benefits and payments reflect achievement of superior quality. This ,stems from a need for Soviet products to become more competitive on the world market. Economic reform is further characterized by the introdwtion of “joint ventures”, enterprises in which a foreign company sets up a plant within the

ramifications in a number of areas of Soviet life. “Because the new economic system is . introduced, everything is affected,” says Bagdanov. Reductions in arms, for example, are necessary for economic improvement. Resources now directed info aefence could be pumped into industry. These changes extend to areas of politics, arts, social changes, and human rights. According to Bagdanov, workers now have greater res onsibility for making decisions. In or cf er for these decisions to be made effectively, peopIe must have access to information.’ The n_eed for accurate information has resulted in the policy known as glnsnost. Media is presenting both sides of issues. Problems are discussed and officials are criticize’d. Such changes are occurring in order to\meet the requirements of the society. ‘We tire looking critically at history in order to avoid future mistakes,” says Bagdanov. “The idea is to work out ways of solving problems without making unnecessary mistakes.” Until recently, the media in the Soviet Uriion worked on the assumption that bad news travels on its own. Newspapers and broadcasts tried to . balance this tendency by portraying the




At least

there has been a trend to ignore problems, but that is being discouraged now as the regimeis seeking reasons for the problems. One of the best examples of Gorbachev’s openness policy as it affects social problems is the war on alcoholism, the USSR’s number one social _ problem, and the third most common ailment after heart disease and cancer. The government’s primary concern is that alcoholism decreases productivity of Soviet workers. To combat the problem,.huurs of alcohol sales have been, restricted and the drinking age has been raised from 19 to 21. Like many of the policies df glasnost, however, Gorbachev’s policy on alcoholism is controversial. Some claim the program tells them when they can and cannot drink. C&most has also created what some have called an ‘artistic thaw’ in the Soviet Union. Savyeli Yakovlev, a So-

51 per cent of

shares are owned by the Soviet government, while the remainder can be foreign-owned. It is up to the board of directors of each plant to decide details of the ownership. joint ventures benefit the Soviet . economy because Soviet resources and labor is employed. These enterprises,



the swciety.

However, this policy had negative effects both at home and abroad. Soviet citizens grew to mistrust the media and turned to broadcasts from the West. Abroad, it reinforced the image of the Soviet Union as a.defensive, totalitarian regime. Bagdanov concedes that in the past,

talism, and is a more advanced system. “The difference bet ween socialism and capitalism,” he says, “is that socialism can solve basic societal problems.” These problems include homelessness and unemployment. He says there is much misconception in the West as to human rights. He denies that people are imprisoned for religious beliefs, saying they are only imprisoned if they have committed actual crimes. Natasha [not her real name], a UW student who left the Soviet Union two years ago, was not aware of extensive repression of religion while she lived there. She says churches were always full: on holidays. She also points out that in the Soviet Union churihes are open all day long whereas in Canada churches are often locked between a services. Bagdanov also says Westerners overemphasize! one small right; the right to leave the country. While claiming that

“If the Soviets are going to be serious about the changes, we need more evidetick” viet painter was quoted as saying “there is less censorship. I’m not afraid of anything.” His paintings depict horrors of the Stalin purges of the 1930s and ’40s. His themes are controversial and were previously forbidden. Films are also less censored recently., A 1982 documentary called,‘ “Is it Easy to be Young?” investigates the prob- -lems encountered by Soviet youth and members of the army stationed in Afghanistan. “Repentance” is another controversial film which examines the Stalin era. Some previously banned Western films, including “One Flew Over $he Cuckoo’s Nest” and “Amadeus”, are also now being screened. Writers too are facing less restrictions. Some. younger writers have recently set up a cooperative publishing company in hopes to combat the state monopoly in this area. Books long banned have been released. They include Boris Pasternak’s Dr. Z&ego and Anatoly Rybakov’s, Childma of tCe A&d. However, restrictions remein. An example is the ban on advertising for art exhibits. While artists are allowed to paint controversial subject matter, they are not permitted to attract people to . see it. While the policy of openness has a long way to go, the arts show a fundamental change has begun. Bagdanov says the liberalization in arts is a result of a trend to “give authority of what to publish and what not to publish to the audience.” In other words, there is a greater reliance on public opinion. Because of greater reliance on public opinion and encouragement of debate, restrictions on freedom of speech have been relaxed. Bagdanov, however, points out that the nature of freedom of speech in the USSR differs from the West. Traditionally, public demonstrations have not been favored because they are not very effective. He insists it is more productive to go through the proper channels. Abuses of htiman rights and hopes for changes in that regard have been important to the West. In a meeting between British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Gorbachev last March, Thatcher stated that the USSR’s willingness to release prisoners of conscience and to allow people to leave the country will increase the West’s willingness to believe that peaceful and friendly relations can exist. Gorbachev, however, charged that when the West wants to discuss human rights, it reduces the issue to two or three cases. “The Soviet Union is more advanced than Western countries in human rights,” says Bagdanov. He points out that socialism has emerged from capi-

it is not a problem for people to leave ’ the Soviet Union, Bagdanov offers severa1 justifications for restrictions. One major restriction deals with security considerations, where a person, may have had access to privileged information in the course of employment. He also points outthat education is free in the Soviet Union. r: Bagdanov says that in some cases, ,!.i the family may not want the individua-l. to leave the.country. He says that ‘I allowing a person to emigrate contrary to familyr~iwishes;,wguld,~~~~~~ignoriC~ il the rights o,f the family, . “It is necessary to ensura.ihat by using a right a person does not infringe on the rights of others,” he says. Bagdanov admits the differences ov@r I”., human rights probably stem from the West’s emphasis on human rights while * the USSR places needs of the society over needs of individuqls. Natasha, howqver, feels that the family is not .a major factor in the exit .1 visa process. *‘Leaving is not that easy,” she says. “There are piles of documents to fill out and piles of signatures you have to get,” she says. It takes a long time, even if there are no additional obstacles. She spent several weeks trying to get together various signa’ tures for her exit visa after her mar. riage to a Canadian. Bagdanov also says many. people lie

“They teach that in socialist so a good job I’m still SCI

did s&i

when applying for an exit visa; they may lie about having family abroad. Very often these same-people apply for re-entry a few years later, as they realize life is not all rosy iti the West. . Nevertheless, more people-are leaving the Soviet Union now than a few years ago. According to Ron Halpin, Deputy Director of the USSR and East European division with the Department of External Affairs, Canada annually sub- . ’ mits a family reunification list to the Soviet Union. Recently, in an unprecedented.move, more than half the list was approved. Previously, only a few cases were approved every year. Because of perceived changes in the area of human rights, opinions of the Soviet Union have improved abroad. An important contribution to the irno rovement

has come


the --

Pease of dissidents. Ellen Wood, Amnesty International’s country coordinator for the Soviet Union, organizes groups across Canada who have adopted Soviet ‘dissidents’ as prisoners of conscience. The organization monitors the number of dissidents released. Most recent data shows that 150 dissidents have been -- Greleased.

-are Whauigin’ Fever, Amnesty still has 400 prisonof conscience in the Soviet Union. renty prisoners have been adopted in nada. Yoad says the present releases of sidents are “cosmetic”. She calls most the Soviet -way “to hold the rld at bay”. Accordingly she thinks nificant changes will occur when re prisoners are released and particrly when they are ones arrested on basis of religidus and political iefs. She says there are no definite ns this will occur. However, she4s :imistic that more significant I mges are. coming. Ialpin, on the other hand, feels most the current changes go beyond style. is encouraged by some of Gorba!v‘s steps in human rights. “The tures of Gorbachev in this regard Igest sensitivity to human rights,” he ‘8.

Lccording to Halpin, “any move to ater openness is in our interest. th openness comes redictability.” E predictability wil P increase confirce in the actions of the USSR, and 1 result in better relations. While the changes have occurred oss the board and-are important itically, Halpin says “it’s too early ;eTl the ultimate significance.” He is that even the Soviets might not be be where the changes will lead. Jalpin is optimistic, but points out t Soviet troop8 are still present in a nber of countties. “If they‘re going De serious about the changes, we !d more evidence,” he says. lagdanov offers an expianation for ;picfon of the changes and an unwild gness to accept. their significance. ;picions; he says, arise from twa I i rrm: The~fl~:isth~t .atitMoriet ws are based on gross miriconcep3s of the Sovist system, and ignor:e about life under communism. The ond reason for negative views, a~ ding% Bagdanov,’ is the “inability man pedple’in the West to undernd t E &t cotintries can develop in a ferent way from capita1ism.r’. Iagdanov argues that even prior to srtost, there was less propaganda in Soviet union than in the West. Bviet people are better educated pol:ally than people in the West,” he rs. Bagdanov says that when the rernment did try to push biased ions on the pea le, these teachings re ignored. He cP aims Soviets are !ght more good about capitalism than Westerners about socialism. He rs the new style of management in USSR is a result *of this tvue of

y everything is better. They to visit the States.” xat ion. rlatasha agrees there is more political Jcation in the USSR. Political educan starts in kindergarten, but she IS “what they teach about capitalism mostly negative.” ‘They teach about capitalism, socialn, and communism,” says Natasha. he comparison is to shown that in :ialist society everything i@ better. pitalism is presented as a state with future. They did such a good.job, I still scared to go to the States to iit - all the crime, the shooting . . *’ 3agdanov denies reports of opposin to Gorbachev’s reforms. “Some,ng people in the West don’t derstand,” he says, “is that there is a ?at deal of unanimity in the Soviet lion. There is difference in opinion l

ly over



the reatructur-

g should be done. ” He claims there is friction in the top echelons of the rty. Bagdanov maintains that these re.xns cannot be compared to some bf 2 liberalizing trends -following Stale s death. He says the reforms implemted by Krushchev were doomed to ,lure in the3ifties. “You cannot

expect an infant to solve difficult mathematic problems,” he says. “The country has to be ready.” He emphasizes that it was not the leader‘s failure, but merely that the nation was not yet ripe for those changes. There is little doubt these changes have left the West bewildered. While some are hopeful for change and see this as a move toward democracy, the American government in particular remains deeply suspicious of anything .qnvipt. c - - - -



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part were rejected by a president convinced the Soviets do nothing above board. Gorbachev’s new openness is interpreted as public relations tactics &siQned -w--Q



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West is determined not to, be tricked. However, Bagdanov points out, “we‘re not doing this for Western obs&vers. It’s for the Soviet Union, and it’s for us to decide what to criticize and how to go about it.” Nevertheless, Halpin says that at least some of the recent events been aimed at changing impressions worldwide. He says the recent release of more than 100 dissidents was not much for internal reasons, but because the continued incarceration is negative in foreign policy. While some Westerners who admit the significance of the changes feel that the Soviet Union’s new openness and democratizing ~111 result in a mellowing of Communist policies, Bagdanov sees this as wishful thinking on their part. 1

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this is

this is

Pagans stage 3 acts in park by Don Kudo Imprint staff

Oh no, the curse of the evil. cover tunes! ; Upon entering the Victoria Park Pavilion on June 17, the allto-familiar riff of the Kinks’You Really Got Me rang through the grand sound system on this allages evening. The initial impression was to patiently sit through the first of three bands, endure another Garden Bower sitting, and then check-out the state of the progressing Youna Paeans.





Despite their selection of an openiig number, the Bunch Of Wimps’ set of orl&inals and covers (Bowie (x2), Steppenwolf, Pink Floyd) was not as bad as I expected. The band would be well-advised to stick to their own material. Sure imitations are fine at selected times, but the Bunch displayed the disparity of playing a song that has their very own mark and feel compared to the rigidity of trying to find the essence of another’s tune: The natural rage of the Wimps’ Diamonds in II Big Car and The Visitor presented loads of potential for the young Kitchener group.


at Vie Park


Photo by Peter Stathopulos.

Garden Bower were next up in this hall gig. Performing through a much- larger system did little to change the introverted nature of their live performances. Heads down, half-turned away from their audience the band was playing in an inappropriate setting for their soft songs. They appeared so uncomfortable, seeming to huddle together to gain some security while pIaying. As for the music Garden Bower uttered on this occasion, little has changed from the past reviews that have appeared -on these pages over the last two issues. Being fair to band and reviewer alike, more comment on their original light guitar tunes should come at a later date to allow foe growth 05 the music to occur. Unfortunately for the Young Pagans, the length of the Bunch Of-Wimps’ set and the uneventful Garden Bower affair, the band took to the stage with many of the young crowd having made an early exit: or just feeling a little on the tired side. The relative blasts of the strong Pagan’s music were initially assaults on the ears. By mid-set, with ears finally tuned in to their solid rhythmic songs, the Pagans hit stride for the last half of their performance starting with the song Children Of God>. The boys ended the night with two covers. U2’s Party Girl was finely crafted, as the Young Pagatis.cite UZ as in: fluences and display a fair similarity to the band. The Young Pagans put on this show at the Pavilion hoping to raise some coin to put toward an EP recording. The show went well and the group must be cammended ,for the work it did arranging the venue.

‘Readings, Jazz .laun& book. by Sam Hiyate Imprint staff “Zf a poet is anybody,

body who is obsessed ing. ”

he is somewith Mak-

- E.E.Cummings


Three makers shared their creations with about 50 in the CC’s Great Hall on June 17 to celebrate online’s book launching with Jazz and- Poetry. The jazz was supplied by the Water-. loo Saxophone Quartet. The quartet has “been around since the summer of ‘85” says its founder, Ernest Kalwa: The group, which has an “ever ex’panding repertoire,” plays light jazz, classical, ragtime and avant-garde compositions. The quartet will be playing Fed Hall in mid- July as part of a “Music to Munch to” series. i Because the quartet is just saxes, its main prablem is rhythm. “Everyone has to pulse at the same time,” says Kalwa. “We haven’t got a problem with blending - we’ve got a unified sound. When we play jazz, it has to swing.” The three makers Peter Mcphee, Dave Worsley, and Rizaldo Padilla, were all featured in online.



Peter McPhee, the olCganizer of the event, read poems in a Tom Waits manner. “Poetry is an oral tradition,” he says. Sean Virgo (UW’s last writer-inresidence] called him “a flamboyant y,oung performer.” McPhee’s poetry is as cynical as shooting down


lay Oliver


spring and as nostalgic as remembering days of song through a piano which nobody tunes anymore. McPhee is serious about writing. He’s been a regular at the Rivoli’s Poetry Sweatshop over the last two years, ever since he won the competition on his first




out another



photo by Scott Gardner by Peter Lawson Imprint staff

Koko is a veteran of blues: she spent about seven years and released four albums with Chess Records and has been recording with Alligator b.Records for at least 16 years, producing another &x albums. Though originally from Memphis, where she grew up on gospel and blues, she has called Chicago home for many a year, and in this city she began her blues career. From those beginnings, she recently copped a Erammy Award for her Blues Explosion album, a live recording from 1984 released on Atlantic Records. * Her latest record on Alligator Records is another live -slice which featured some of the players present at the SOBA bash.

This hot unit highlighted the guitar talent of Michael “Mr. Dynamite” Robinson who embraces a swinging lead style. Lead and rhythm support was supplied by Bernard Allison, Terry Murphy added plenty of bass notes, and solid beats were Frank Alexander’s domain. Of course the “Queen” was on the mike biting and growling out many immortal blues lyrics. She rendered her version of that classic I’m a “Queen” Bee* and had the hall buzzing. She also preached to the girls in the house with You can have My Husband, but please don’t mess with My Man. With Hey Mr. Bartender and Sweet Home Chicago, she satisfied the audience’s lust .for blues classics, and these classic blues licks did not lay down and die at this show. If you missed her, you could catch her almost anywhere around the world. This summer she will storm around this continent playing blues festivals and then up the West Coast. She also hopes to return to the studio when time permits. The future of SOBA in the next month is simply confined to the Sunday Picnic. This afternoon affair is scheduled for Iuly 26 and will feature soul-man Otis J Clay, Chicdgo Pete, and local dudes like the Three Swell Guys and Katmanblu.

night. He loves working with an audience. “I’d like to write full time,” he says. “Except it might not happen until I’m 40." Dave Worsley met UW’s writer-in-residence (then Susan Musgrave) when he was in grade 12. “She said it wasn’t bad for my age,” he says. “And she warned me to ‘cut the big words’. She wasn’t impressed with the pseudo-inteIlectua1 stuff.” Ever since then he’s been working on his writing. “I write about roots, dreams, and memories. I’m a WASP in Midtown Ontario - that’s Canada Trust and factories. I knew I was going to be a freak when I was 12.” He was “turned on” to Sean’s (Virgo) poetry and for a while was a protegee of the old

writer-in-residence.’ “Now I’m ‘travelling out to B.C to.reaffirm the muse that’s out there.” Rizaldo Padilla has been writing poetry since he won his first contest in grade 8. “My preoccupation is with words,” he says. His attraction is to women’s poetry, “I find that given a subject mood, a woman’s voice doesn’t run away ‘from it. but .aPproachesit, penetrates it and discovers new levels of reality.” What he wants to do is .“a secret,” but Padilla “would like a slice of the CanLit pie” if he survives the poetry bureaucracy. He aIso acknowledged Virgo’s influence in the development of his poetry: “he helped me go back to the language, instead of just relying on emotion.”

How many heads felt a wee bit slow on Friday morning, June 19? No need to expend too m&h energy raising your hand, just grunt the confession. If you did not attend the Koko Taylor and the Blues Machine show at the Kitchener Legion the night before then even your excuse will be tired. Though this night ended early by SOBA standards (1 a.m.), the three hours of blues and booze left most patrons happily drained. -

with another mindless, incohesive collection of sounds. Mind you, some of these noises such as heavy breathing and tittering laughter are recognizable and in the context of a horrible album are something to laugh at in themselves. If I was either of theseguys, I’d sell ail of my equipment and go into something where a lack of talent wasn’t so easily noticeable - say an insurance brokeraRe?

by Peter Stathopuloe Imprint staff Cctll It Love is a very amusing album. If you define entertainment as wasting 15 minutes of valuable university time and listening to trash, then you may grow to love this album/single. This kind of vinyl is a disgrace to any discriminating musician or for that matter, anyone with musical taste.

by Paul Done Imprint staff The last time that John Hiatt came through Canada, he was performing without a band, alone on stage, exorcising the ghosts haunting him from the recent breakup of his marriage. The album which came out of these trials, Bring The Family is a far more personal and affecting album than any of his previous works. The underlying theme of the album is domestic breakup and the personal consequences of the trauma. John Hiatt has moved from the fullness of the arrangements on ’ 1985’s Warming Up To The Ice Age to a starkness and simplicity befitting the content of these latest compositions. The majority of the songs rely upon his vocals, Ry Cooder’s consistently excellent guitar playing and the solid, sympathetic bass/drums of Nick Lowe and Jim Keltner. As

Yello, two unexceptional guys who happen to own-several-E& ulators and Fairlights in a cosy little studio in Switzerland, think they can put together bits and pieces of noise and call it an album. Well, I guess they can be- ’ cause it’*been released on the Polygram label and I was stupid enough to listen to it. The amusement begins with the title track which has lyrics by Peter Lawson swooning with that “love” word Imprint staff and a synthy little rhythm which is a cold leftover from the age of I am only going to say this once Travolta’s pressed white coat(maybe) THIS IS A GREAT REtails and the BeeGees’s falsetto CORD! Now that I-have stated crimes. The other track, L’Hotel my position, I will attempt an dispenses with the singing altoobjective analysis of this gether and bores the listener GREAT RECORD.

meaningless as the word has become, their is a more “roots” feel to the whole albup - not “roots” as in the crappy Byrds-regurge of R.E.M. or the hackneyed rawk-isms of the Long Ryders - but “roots” as in a fusion of traditional elements such as soul, folk and country-tinged rock. As a songwriter, Hiatt’s closest comparison is Elvis Costello. Though Hiatt may not quite possess Costello’s ability to slash with a turn-of phrase, his songs convey an aching sincerity which Costello sometimes fails to achieve. Hiatt has always been best when he is at his most vulnerable and Bring The Family shows him with his defences

picture/Of an empty glass/It’s Q still Iife study/Of a drunken ass (fromAlone in The Dark]. Yet in this landscape of loneliness, there’s, still room to reach out as during the voice and piano high moment of the LP, Have A Little Faith In Me; When your secret heart/Cannot speak so easily/Come here darlin’/From a whisper start/to have II little faith in me. Further, age is giving his blueeyed soul vocals the gruff edge of experience and adding the crucial ingredient of understanding tc his songwriting. Even as late as Riding With The King in 1984 or the previously-mentioned Warn&g Up To The Ice Age from 1985, he couldn’t have written’ a song such as Your Dad Did: Yeah the. food is cold and you wife feels old but all hands fold Ai the two-year old says grace She says help the starving children to get well But Iet my brother’s hampster burn in hell You love your wife and kids Just like your dud did. I can% think of another sqngwri-. ter who could have written those words, and that’s what makes lohn Hiatt and Bring Tbe Family 30 special.

This recently released *album is the biggest vinyl to date for Love Tractor. These Athens, Georgia guys hav_e been kicking around that hip place of musical inspiration since the beginning sf the ‘@4&h In tk& college town, they gained a legendary reputation as a great party band in the Arts Circles. And we Imprinters heard their classic cover Neon Lights, by Kraftwerk, on Jericho Wall8 - the albums best on this Georgian compilation. Did I mention that This Ain’t No Outerspace Ship is a GREAT RECORD! It houses 10 killer cuts, not a singte cold-cut between the covers. The variety spans guitar pop, youth jazz, beach pop, and almost funk. Right from the start with Car-’ toon Kiddies this album bubbles with enthusiasm. The pop jangle continues with Smcrfl Town, a possible tribute to Athens w you make the town what it is, Beatle Boots, Amusement Park, and Night Club Scene are

nothing more than jangle pop, but GREAT jangle pop. A great guitar line here, a blend of vocals which hail the Beach Boys there, all blending to make an unstoppable force (mothers get your kids off the streets). They have a reputation for doing vibrant covers, and this album’s vital version is the Gap Band’s Party Train. The original may be funky, but these guys give it a hard rock drive, which grabs you where . . . Also in the past they were considered an instrumental band (they did not wish to spend the cash buying mics and a pa). This record holds two fantastic instrumental licks. Rudolf Nureyev is a summer sounding jazzy thing with a great guitar melody, and We All Loved Each Other So Much moves from a textured form to a stirring guitar melody. And last - those lyrics, with the fun of “Choo, Choo, Choo”in Chilli Part Two or the homage and parody of night-life in Night Club Scene, “hooray, hooray, you can always get there after your job, this ain’t no outerspace ship,” the outcome is a mess of wonderful nonsense. This record will rise to the top of Imprint’s pop albums of 1987. So buy this album and make your SUMMER GREAT!



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SUMMER HOURS Monday to Friday 9:CO AM to 5:OO PM Saturday from I:00 PM to S:QO PM Federation

of Students,


of Waterloo

Top eight records and tapes ‘For week ending June 27

by Don Kudo Imprint Staff It’s dirty funk. Atmospheric and dark. Groovy Religion’s debut minialbum Thin Gypsy Thief is so cleanly cut that each component of this T.O. band’s stands disparately. Hovering in and around one another, the elements come together only at the proper moments. You first notice the omni-present poundings of Glen Milchem. Milchem of various fame (Vital Sines, Whitenoise, Garbagemen) and now Groovies’

of his




drummer at the time of the recording. Solid and ever so steady, Milchem’s drums are mixed front row centre, and yet this lone drummer boy does not overshadow the other band members. Scott B. (of his own fame] quirks the bass strings to pull off eccentric lead fills, and sits back with Milchem to create chunky

I. Cure - Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, 2. Bruce Cockburn - Waiting For A Miracle 3, U2 - The Joshua Tree 4. Alison Moyet - Raindancing 5. Suzanne Vega - Solitude Standing 6. KoKo Taylor and Her Blues Machine - Live - An Audience Queen 7. Sattalites - Live Via Sattalites 8. Box - Closer Together (Fed Hall July 25) IUST

with the

i ,*


1. Placenta Brothers - Living Music From Hell (Cass, only] 2. Warren Zevon - Sewntimental Hygiene 3. Omar and the Howlers - Hard Times in the Land of Plenty 4. Various Power Trax 12” - Versions of Holiday Rap, I Love Radio etc. 5. Colourfield - Deception rhythms. But it is William (of his own words) that

New gives





New sings from the gut, in an angry young man pose. The gutter-street sense of his words depict the lowly life of a kitchen schelp during Kitchen Boy and he twists the childhood rhyme of How much is that doggie in the window by ‘applying the line to slinky streetwalkers on Charlie. Whether these are first person accounts or mere tales from


New’s head cannot be easily deciphered, since he sings with the angst of being scrapped from the very gutters he vocalizes. The release ofTbin Gypsy Thief was apparently a frustrating, drawn sui experience for the band, according to guitarist Steve Mahabir. Now that it’s finally on the shelves, including here in K-W, more folks can get into these deep underground grooves ......-

SUNDAY 2 P.M. - 8 P.M.


Parkdale Plaza II 465 Phillip St.



by Paul Done Imprint Staff

Though hip-hop and rap have been around for a decade or more by now, late 1986 and early 1987 have marked an explosion in the hip-hop scene - every day sees more and more harder, tougher, more inventive hip-hop records being released by labels as small as garage operations to the likes of Def Jam who boast internat ional pull. As the crucial 1966-7 will be remembered as the high point of soul music and, of music in the 60s in general, 1986-7 will probably be remembered as the high point of music in the 80s and the reason will be hip-hop. Since Def Jam reigns as the masters of hip-hop, lets start proceedings with their two latest LPS - Bigger and Deffer from LL Cool J and Yo! Bum Rush tbe Show from Public Enemy. Cool J’s LP is the best rap album yet, towering over the millionselling Raising Hell and Litensed To 111from Run-DMC and The Beastie Boys, respectively. In terms-of pure mechanics rhymes and rhythm, there isn’t a

Three Wise Men


rapper around who comes within a mile of LL Cool J -just check precision and perfection of the rapping on Get Down. Elsewhere on the LP, I’m Bad cuts the theme from Shaft into a cops-and-robbers killer, The most intense cut is Go Creator Go, in which Cut Creator, Cool J’s deejay, cuts Chuck Berry’s Johnny B, Goode and Cool J’s rap into an explosive frenzy. On a more romantic note, I Need Love LL Cool J admits that he needs more than sex. Hard as nails. Yo! Bum Rush The Show is the first LP,from Public Enemy, Def Jam’s black power maniacs - so militant they call the Black Panthers “traitors”. Only a couple of tracks, the most notable being Rightstorter which scratches Redds and The Boys’ Hitting and Holding into a high speed frenzy. You’re Gonna Get Yours works up into a heavymetal rush that the B,easties would kill for, thanks to some tough guitar work from Vernon Reid, better known as one of New York’s leading proponents of “Black Rock”. The album sounds a little calculated at


times, but is nonetheless a monster. Once, long ago, Tommy Boy ruled hip-hop thanks to a couple of monster singles from Afrika Bambattaa. But that was 1982, and there were a few lean years from Tommy Boy in the interim. Now the label is back on the cutting edge with On Fir8, the debut LP from Stetsasonic, a six-man posse from (where else?) Brooklyn. Go Stetsa I, the latest single from the LP is currently a huge hit on the dancefloors of the States and England. This is a diverse LP running the gamut from the hip-hop-reggae collision of Faye to the everything-but-thekitchen sink antics of Just Say Stet. Diverse and excellent. The inost over-hyped hip-hop record ever was Schoolly-D’s first LP, released in 1986. It delivered very little of the terrifying Yo Boy, gun-toting nightmare we were promised. 1987 Sees his second LP Saturday Night [Rhythm King Records U.K.) and a delivery on the goods we were promised last year. A chilly combination of a bass drum which sounds like a corrugated iron ’ door being hit with a sledgehammer, Schoolly’s threatening, slurred rap style and DJ Code Money’s distinctive scratching make Saturday Night sound like no other rap record you’ve ever heard. From the uncensored version of Saturdoy Night, where his mom threatens him with a gun, to the materialist misogyny of Get’n’Paid, Saturday Night hits with the force of a pistol butt to the temple. Only Schoolly could make the cartoon cuts on Do it, Do it sound threatening. Now that we are finished with the LPs, let’s v start getting single


by Paul Done Imprint staff


Grouping these records together can well be justified by the fact that the sadly-departed Redskins and Billy Bragg (who’s still around) stood at the forefront of socialist-pop during the years following the creative demise of The Clash - heroes to all, While Billy Bragg approached politics with strong beliefs and a cynical eye, The Redskins threw themselves wholeheartedly into revolt.tionary socialism with the same belief in the ability of music to effect change which killed The Clash as surely as it would ki1.l them. These latest releases in the marvelous series of Pwi Se+ dons - tracks recorded 1iv.e in the studio for John Peel’s evening show on BBC Radio 1 in England - capture Billy Bragg and The Redskins in superb form. The Bragg set,-recorded in 1983, includes an intense rendition of crowd-pleaser A New England along with three tracks. from Brewing Up. The bonus for.Bragg-o-philes h’ere is the two tracks which have heretofore be&n virt ually unavaiIabIe; john Cal&s Fear Is A Man’s Best Friend (seen once on a New Musical Express compilation tape) and A13 his English reinterpretation of Route 66. The Wake Up! magezine EP includes a Braggian rendition of Sam Cooke’s 4 Change Is Gonno, Come, which thcPae who attended his show at Fed Hell were treated to. Further Bill

‘wise with Nobody Beats The Bia(PrismU:S.] by Bizh&arkie big waist, bigger mouth, His slow, unusual rapping and drum track and scratching courtesy of Marley Marl make this one occasionally brilliant and definitely worth a listen.

Wise Men produce a very different kind of sound - distinctly English, yet hip-hop nonetheless. Refresh Yourself uses a propulsive bass line with group chants and snatches of Martin Luther King’s I Have A Dream speech for a new chapter in tran-

The most unusual single of the lot is I Ain’t Into That by The Rappin’ Reverend - otherwise kno$wn as Dr. C. Dexter Wise III. Over a laid-back groove, the Rev. rebutts the B-Boys No mugging the old, no hot stuff sold. No busting heads ending up dead. Listen to the rev kids!.. and JAM. After last year’s hardcore hit Eric B. is PresMent, a big followup was required to establish Eric B. among the top rank of rappers. I Know You Got Soul (4th and Broadway U.S.) should do that quite easliy. Borrowing heavily from Bobby Byrd’s early 70s cIassic, Eric B. and Rakim lay down the law with a heavy midpace beat which ‘should have all B-Boys foaming at the mouth. Deadly.

satlantic hip;hop. ’ ’ Mixing 87-hard drums with an older style groove, Is This The Ameriuan Dream (Rhythm King) could be retitled Message 87. powever, Dr. Fresh is even more uncompromising than Grandmaster Flash: 6 people are killed because a bridge coIlapsed/ but the city don’t care as long us you pay your tax. Explosive and essen Gal. DJ Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince have created a totally new style of hip-hop with A Touch of lazz[Champion U.K.) which cuts jazz records on top oFa loping beat with a resulting record which positively grooves without doing a disservice to the original songs. Fresh Prince is pushed into the background as DJ Jazzy Jeff goes nuts with the crossfader+ Different and great. Sexy by The Masters of Ceremony is pretty old by now, but it deserves a review anyway. A slow, cool reggae bassline holds this combination toast-rap together. This is brilliant, managing to be def and smooth at the same time. There you have it four LPs and seven singles worth of hip-hop, the most inventive important music in 2987. No questions about it.

A serious hip-hop scene is rapidly developing in England both fans and performers. Two of the best U.K. hip-hop records so far are Rock the Beat (Music of.Life) by Derek B. and Refresh Yourself (Rhythm King) by The Three Wise Men. Rock The Beat mixes funky James Brown-ish guitar, driving drums and blasts of trumpet with tough-as-nails LL Cool J-ish rap to produce the most American sounding U.K. hip-hop record yet. The Three l

Silly Bragg and some friends and some pals perform possibly the wqrst version of The Clash’s Garageland ever committed to vinyl. This isall fine, but when are we gonna see his version of Ever Fallen In Love released? 1 Where, success and the inherent conflict in the-idea of being a revolutionary pop band led to the demise of The Clash, failure, specifically the failure of the British Miners’ Strike seemed to destroy the <will of the Redskins and, though they trundled on for a year or more after the end of the strike, their best was done. The realization that, despite the incredible effort that they and other bands had put forth, the government had still won, stripped the Redskins of the belief that music could affect politics. Since their intent was realization of their change, powerlessness brought an end.to the progression of the group, This said, their Peel Session captures them in more heady, naive days. The session marked

the first time that the band had ever worked with a horn section and though the horns here do feel like an afterthought, the groundwork for their classic singles to follow had been laid. Peasant Army captures them at their most Clash-worshipping while the amoeba1 version of Unionize and its tribal drumming is perhaps the most direct, intense track.they ever recorded. The Redskins’ contribution the Wake Up! EP is a slow, ful cover version of one Stubbs’ Bragg’s Levi which was recorded at their ever


to soulBilly Tears last-


’ Kinko!ks Is Mare Than / (opies * l Enja rgements . Reductions

in September

1986. It’s most fitting that they ended off tin this Motown-reference since, the Redskins, who once flippantly claimed that they wanted to walk like the Clash and sing Iike The Supremes, were perhaps the only British pop group of the ’80s to capture the raw drive and intensity of ’60s soul. R.I.P.


. 16



ThRa% t0 ThE ‘co& by Peter Lawson Imprint staff

Inside My Head and I Feel Your Pain do not have the new vitality of the rest of the album: a bit too standard in the hard “Heavy Metal” cliches. Once the lesser tunes are overlooked (though these are better than some band’s best), the album’s remaining content lives as the classic Repo Man statement “Intense”. .

Have you rejected the society’s norm of being forced to grow up and instead would rather spend your time thrashing? Doing bodily damage on the road or surf with your boards, and inducing road rash and spin-out? If your ready to sacrifice yourself to the “cause” then maybe you should join the army. Join The Army is the title of Suicidal Tendencies second record. These skate punks have built an aural blast with this latest offering to the gods of bodily self-destruction. This record will certainly out-sell their first album which sold a phenomenal 150,000 copies. The skate community (loosely conn’ected to the surfin’ dudes) is a thriving force for those teens willing to do the time - and the crime - of road rash. Out of this scene, the next level of heavy hard-rock should evolve. This record is a sign; it blends Hardcore, Metal, and New Wave (to, quote them directly). There are only a few cuts which do not deliver the maximum fist thrusting energy. Wcr

The title track, Join The Army, is a hard-rock rap which makes the Beasties sound pale, With its biting hardcore chants, t hjs tune grinds out a slow, but deep, metal groove. Its words call to arms, We11 I don’t care, ‘bout the dothes you wear/ It’s the size of our heart, not thetength of your x air/ Don’t make no difference to me, the color that you be/ Black, white and brown, it’s all the sume to me.. . W-h y Join [I gang?/ Join the Army!. The album’s other anthem is Possessed to Skate, With a rolling bass-line and the injection of energy from the chorus chantblasts, this lick inspires some real skate action - out-a-control action. And remember - Beware he‘s Possessed to Skate!/ And the skating’s getting radical.

by Don Kudo Imprint staff NOMEANSNO is another addition to Psyche Industry’s stable of strange songsters. The Montreal label’s penchant for providing the Canadian public with music to only to be found on the most alternative airwaves has been well documented within the 1~~~ with interesting releases from Disappointed A Few People (Montreal) and Groovy Religion (Toronto]. Psyche’s greatest claim to fame thus far, was the 1985 release It Came Frdm The Pit. This Canadian compilati ,on showcased a coast to coa st view of ‘core Canucks. The aunearance of NOMEANSNId (Victoria) on the camp was a misnomer for classifying this band as hardcore.# Their contribution to “the Pit”, No Sex from their self-released and produced album Mama, and their _current slab Sex’ f, mm-2 __ LnSUlPsyche L LO 111e Maa are. an very term. a couple of Sex Mad contains wicked rave ups as fo lurid during the sonic sensation ns of Na Fgcnuik, and Dad, a vicious and violent account of the “man of the house” terrorizing his family. However the rest of the songs fall prey to the NOMEANSNO habit of producing poetic nonsense on a background of annoying guitar noise. 2--.-1L





am, 1887





The musicianship of Rob Wright, one of two Wrights that make up this wrong, cannot be questioned with his rampant bass runs present throughout the disc. But the ugly impression left by NOMEANSNO is due to their cabaret-like vocals emitting lines like Roses are red/Vioiets ore blue/I hung myself/So fuck you/...Mary had a little lamb/And then she had some veaI/She stuck her finger down her throat/And threw up., .everything!__

/ /

j A


Yes kids True Sounds Of Liberty is still with us. This LA band started in the early 80’s as “hardcore” guys. After personnel changes the latest album sounds like an aged band trying to be a horde of sixteen year olds with raging hormones. A classic question in one of the songs asks, “Am I getting old?” Maybe these

Available on Alternative Tentacles (Dead Kennedys’ label] in the States and Psyche right here in Canada, NOMEANSNO’s Sex Mad is finding its way around to find some ears to sift through _ _ their nonsense. guys already know the answer. The album Revenge starts with an aggressive stance with No Time - hard rock, edgy guitars. But bv the albums end, this format le&es you uninspired, especially the rough vocals on top of placid hard-rock. The music contains the usual attempt at dark images, but the words and music never hit home. Though several cuts are passable there exists too many other albums which fill the same style, but much more intense.

Another great grinder is Little Each Day which contrasts the surrounding tunes _by speaking in a hushed tone. This heavysurf-heavy is another example of a versatile unit, willing to play at varied tempos and to use different note choices. That ability to flow through different ideas makes The Prisoner a great cut. It comes out barking and then changes tempo and harmonics to an effective end. One of the most startling aspects of this record is some of the guitar solos which jump out of nowhere and exit by the same means. These string riffs are USually a blistering barrage of note insanity - right out-a-control. The only uneasy feeling about this record is the record jacket. They have used a muscular “skate-kinda-guy” (blend of Stallone and Eastwood] with a pistol and machine-gun to call you to arms. Another cover concept would seem more appropriate when we have so many Rambo-assholes in our world. Well kids, this album is out there, and it is going to be a big one. Don (Imprint Hardcorehead) Kudo said he could relate if he were sixteen (but first he has to get to fifteen). This skate punk-thing will be the future direction for hard-rock sounds (If the PMRC does not ban it). So get out there and do the SW lCIDAL



I want

Join The Army





Triple Thrash Thriller What do a Chinese restaurant and hardcore have in common? Very little, except that a hardcore show overturned the classy (has to be smelt to be believed) back dining-room at Tops Restaurant in Kitchener. The show, first an all-ages affair (130 haircuts at this one) and a licensed gig that followed (50 ooooold folks), was organized as a benefit for ACT For Disarmament on June 12. Kitchener’s Nunfuckers (the band) cranked open the event with a set of speed and frolic. The hype that has built up around this group since their release of a 13 song 45 this spring was well deserved. Five young surburban kids, who probably disgust their preppie peers with their reckless abandon on their instruments+ pushed through a “blow you away set” of razor sharp rhythms and wild whammy bar solos. Brentford’s Social Suici&e (the band] made their way to the back wall.of the restaurant and proceeded to dedicate their set to the “media dude” who slashed them last time they were in town. Still as out of control as they’ve proven in the past (this was my third Social Suicide witnessing], the band put a few reins ‘on their tunes after their dedication and the drummer figured out when to end the songs with the rest of the group. Toronto’s Nomind (the band] was an awesome display of bombastic hardcore. Catching the end of the all-ages set, the explosive combo of drummer Paul Newman and bassist Alisdair Jones punched through the teetering PA, Jones’ fingers finds every fret with fascinating ease and guitarist Dave Walsh adds a metallic element to the Nomind crunch.

by Dan Kudo Imprint Staff Halifax N.S. is a coastal town that is a city only due to a sense of ‘relativity. What happens here is anyone’s guess but peopld’are people, and everyday life anywhere is exactly just that. Some of the kids here, like anywhere else in the world, internally burn with rebellion in their blood. For the fortunate few who can relay those trapped sentiments, they become hometown heroes. . The Jellyfishbabies epitomize the hometown hero status. They are a lucky bunch’as they are able to concentrate their energy on the medium of rock’n roll. Their rampage of muscular music is crude in its vinyl presentation, with raging guitars

by Patar Lawwn Imprht staff Thrash lives for and of itself, and the average age of bands is decreasing at a rapid rate. K-W’s own entry into the Kiddie-thrash sweepstakes are the Nunfuckers. (or more politely, The NF’s). On this, their debut on a 7 inch - played at 33 rpm, the NF’s roar through 11 slabs of teenage angst thrash - where the main

dominating every track. While some tracks are seemingly lightly introduced with an acoustic touch, the songs usually end up as raucous affairs, containing enough reckless qualities to ensure one these are kids, who want to tell the world about their world of frustration and anger. The band has appeared on the recent Halifax compilation, Out Of The Fog. Their track Running Out Of Time, with its sense of urgency, by far out weighed the other offerings from this small city. Their own album is a crunchy affair, full of amateur abandon. Ona of the truest, raunchy guitar albumg to frequent t,hese ears in recent moments If I was a young Halifaxian, the Jellyfishbabies would be the only band that mattered. Go west young band, at least as far as Ontario where you’ve toiled before, and show what a little isolation from the mainstream translates to music. concerns are snobs, chicks, and annoying parents. Further, the NF’s try hard to avoid the usual drum-intro formula, mixing up the arrangements of their songs. There are rough edges in both the playing and the production (what can you expect for two bucks?). Sometimes the pace gets muddled as a song progresses, but since this EP was pressed they sound has jelled (witnessed at the Tops Restaurant). With everybody under 20, these suburban punks have a few years left of prime adrenaline. Contact the Nunfuckers c/o Rob/l07 Craigston Pl./Waterioo/NZL 6Aa.


“Good br what ails ya!” -DR DISC



150 KING% W., & 172 KING ST. W., (FORMERLY






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a I i


8 bI I 1

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a95 Fgtiz” i July




by John Zachariab Imprint staff Ads for The Witches of Eastwick are deceptive. We see Jack Nicholson as the lecherously grinning, Wayfarer-clad Beelzebub and above him, the Iovely visages of Cher, Susan Sarandon and Michelle Pfieffer. The ad lines read “Three Beautiful Witches . . . One Lucky Devil.” An irreverent, entertaining horrorcomedy ? Hardly. Based on the John Updike book, The Witches of Eastwick, directed by George Miller, is a brilliant cautionary fable for this or any year, a wonderfully wrought examination of morality. And the acting is incredible. In the small town of Eastwick (pop. 7600)live ‘Alex (Cher), a sculptress, Jane (Susan Sarandon), a grade-schodl music teacher and Sukie (Michelle Pfieffer), a harried mother of six and a columnist at the local paper. The three ladies, who are either divorced OF widowed, get together every Thursday to drink, talk, play games, etc. On one particularly lonely Thursday ‘evening, the trio (who also happen to be latter-day Broom Hildas) conjure up the man of their dreams, a one Daryl Van Worne (Nicholson], WINI has m bought and inhabited an.ancestral castle just outside of town. Van Home is crass, unrefined, crude and, to the three women, terribly sexy+ In each &hem, Ire awakens talents, visions and feelings which, until now, each had suppressed. In doing so, he a1s.o seduces ihem. He shows


to sculpt bigger and cello technique he brings a heretofore unknown passion. And in Sukie, he finds a philosophical aBy, someone who sees the peculiarities of the world in the same light as he. Van Horne and his three new soul m@tes engage in some unabashed and uninhibited carousing in the castle, -much to the distaste and chagrin of the townspeople, and especially of Felicia (Veronica Cart wright), the unofficial town matriarch and the wife of the Eastwick Herald ,editor, Clyde. Felicia seems especially attuned to the goingson at the Van Horne abode, and her out bursts of warning, part icularly to her church congregation, are met with apathy and a measure of disbelief. However, her warnings, which may. be mistaken by the audience as the voice of American Fundamentalism, arc not the product of some school marm morality. As she says to her husband, “I’ve got nothing against a good fuck, Clyde, but what’s going on up there is dangerous.” Felicia realizes what the three witches are soon to discover themselves: that in exploring and stretching the boundaries of emotional and tiensual experience, we run the risk of poisoning our souls with the evil which such exploration can breed. ‘In recognizing’ this, though, Felicia makes every effort to stif& such exploration, not out of prisainess, but out of caution. Unfoftunately, this leads to her demise. The witches manage to stem the decay which Van Home better,


TO Jane’s

be~gan, however, and banish the Father of Lies before he can do any more harm. As Van Horne, Nicholson is fabulous, and his zesty portrayal. of Scratch almost rules the picture. But while Pfieffer is not really allowed to cut loose, both Cher and Sarandon are dazzling, their personal releases and dis-

coveries played to delicious effect. And Cartwright, whose Felicia is arguably the most irnportant character in the plot, is chilling and intense; her partrayal makes for a varied movie. And all of this under the hand of George Miller, whose kinetic direction makes the whole affair even more alive. The message of The Witches of Eastwick, that a

healthy balance between untrammeled abandon and moral caution is necessary for happiness, should be heeded by a society such as ours, whose character is marked not by immorality but rather, a. lack of morality. The caIl to moral responsibility which The Withches of Eastwick sounds makes it necessary viewing.

FVatoon director takes . gritty stand/on El Salvador by Peter Stathopulos Imprint staff Oliver Stone is an angry writer/director who transferred his experiences in’ Vietnam into a screenplay that Hollywood absolutely refused to produce for more than a decade. The British production company that ‘eventually sponsored Stone’s story also made his vision of El Salvador a celluloid reality in 1985. Platoon, last year’s big winner at the Oscars, overshadowed Salvador. Both films realistitally portrayed American invslvement in two foreign countries, but Sa.lvador.was the mope compelling of the ,two. The Vietnam war has been dverdone by’movie-makers, although our persPectives have changed* The conflict in El Salvador and ofher Central r American dountries is still news. We shduld give -a damn about injustice, and if depictions, like Salvador shock us into action, then ihey must be

publicly promoted. Few directors take the gritty stand on war like Stone, who depicts soldiers sacrificing their humanity and becoming savages to survive, This film presents a gut-wrenching account of what the ,American State Department has glorified as a crusade against communism at its southern doorstep. Perhaps both this film and American foreign policy push propaganda, but where the Brass sees the conflict in Salvador on a global perspective, . Stone’s view is at a common, human level where idealism is not ,distinguished bet ween spilled blood. James Woods plays the most convincing role of his career as R&hard Bo le. He is the lying, cheating &j&ins carousing human&ian jouialist who ii looking for the “big story” in Salvador to match his stories in Vietnam and Ca.mbodia -1us hiI portrays his very amusing and *vocal sidekick, -Dr. Rock. Jim


Rock is an adorable sh&pdog of a man: a San Francisco DJ caught up in Boyle’s smooth talk and whisked away to Salvador before he even recovers from. the dope he’s been smoking during the trip. The film is a spiritual search for Boyle who tries to find truth by capturing the conflict on film. In the process+ he also tries to rescue the only woman he has realIy cared for from her own embittered country. The astonishing realism of the streetfighting serves as a backdrop to Boyle and Rock’s own drama. The straight-forward plot and documentary style cinematograPhy are an award-winning combination which was overlooked by the American Film Academy. Salvador is highly recommended because of its direct approach to serious subject matter. Fed Flicks will be screening the movie for $1 in Physics room 145 on the weekend of July 3,4, and

Kitchener’s Awakening by Rob Cumming Imprint staff by Judy Hollands Imprint staff Exciting discoveries of things forbidden and youthful energy make adolescence a prime topic for film, Unlike Porky”s or Ferris Buder’s Day off, Gregory’s Girl, which played last weekend at Waterloo’s Princess Cinema, is a sincere and charming investigation of this awkward stage of life. Bill Forsyth’s film is all about love and sex but it is refreshingly innocent. Its strength lies in character quirks and fabulous character development, not pornographic scenes, which so many North American teenie bopper flicks depend on. There are no unstoppable quests to ‘lose it’ nor perverted and unrealistic acts committed by oversexed sixteen-year-olds. Gregory (John Jordon Sinclair), a lanky and awkward Scottish’lad, was center for the school soccer team until he grew five inches over the summer and had to relearn waiking. He makes goofy jokes, plays drums rather poorly and has Rush posters on his bedroom walls, Gregory’s family (primarily his sister) experiences problems when he falls in “love” with Dorothy [Dee Hepburn), the girl who fills Gregory’s vacated position on the soccer team. From this initial infatuation, Gregory

naively discovers the enticing world of girls . . . and they discover him. Gregory’s friends are real, not’ Pretty in Pink types. They are peeping Toms, slobs, boy-crazy girls, girl-crazy boys and have pimply faces. They are believable adolescents. Ironically, the younger children are most wise. For instance, two of them look on as the older kids watch a. nurse undressing. One boy turns to the other and says dryly: “what a lot of fuss over a bit of tit.” Even Gregory’s ten-year-old sister becomes his dating advisor, telling him, “whatever you do, don’t planit out .” The few adult characters in the film purposely lack intelligence. The adolescents are somewhere between these two ‘age groups, confused and awkward. Forsyth’s comment is, as we grow older, we lose more than we gain. We go from being wise children, to confused teenagers and finally end up as unintelligept adults. Aside from the witty script and the irresistible Scottish accents, the humour in Gregory’s Girl lies in the believability of the characters. In fact, while watching this film, you may find those not so long-lost awkward feelings stir, as Gregory’s, infatuation may unearth memories of a first high school obsession.


After most people hear The Awakening a usual comment is “are these guys Canadian?!” This Kitchener-based group is getting a great deal of attention. They recently signed a multi-record contract with the Reunion label. A few weeks ago the KW Record did a half-page feature on them: they have been featured .on CBC radio and their songs are getting airplay in Toronto. Their custom album Two

Wodds has led to much of this successIts nine songs exhibit a fresh, modern style. The band shows exceptional skill in incorporating a surprisingly large variety of sounds into the album. Comparisons to perhaps better known groups are difficult because of the varied influences on the- group members. Ian Tanner, lead singer and keyboardist, names Yes and Peter Gabriel as his major influences while Mike Powell, the drummer, is into The Police, The Alarm and UZ. The other band

Hio Hameninas Not that much in town which is intensely hip over the next few weeks, For live show action,‘ the Guelph thrash show should arrest a few old hearts, and Sneezy Waters will heat up the Princess Theatre on Sunday night. Remember folks, this is a man who started singing before he was talking. Let us not forget Nazareth who will be playing their own covers at Bingeman Park on Saturday, June 27. The old standby - MOVIES, At the Princess, a Peter Sellers series dominates Monday nights through July and August. Over the next two weeks, check out Retty Blue, Room With A View,

Peggy Sue Got Married, ind Marlene. Malcolm McDowell stars in 0 Lucky Man, an incredible story of irony, on July 4 and 5. Out there in the major players, see The Untouchables for a tense time, or if you& into suspenseful violence beyond The Terminetor see Predator. Jack Nicholson fans should see The Witches of Eastwiek reviewed just at the top of this page. Kubrick’s new Vietnam film Full Metal jacket, starting today in Toronto, should be screened here soon. It pramises yet another perspective about the war.- And with Kubrick at the helm, it just might be brilliant.


members Andrew Horrocks on lead guitar and Allan Powell on base also have varied sources of musical inspiration. Tanner summed up their goals with, “I think that when you write a song that people say, that’s me, that’s when they change; that’s when their heart gets touched. You don’t have to use intellectual theories that make your brain go crazy. I think it’s better to aim it right at the heart and that’s where the change takes place. I think we’re trying to wake people up to who they are, their purpose in life.” The songs show a variety of musical styles but maintains a distinctive overall sound. The lyrics are straightforward and relatively easy to understand. Perhaps their most poetic song is The Forest. The album’s high points are Fireside and The Forest. These songs show best the band’s creative style - unique for a Canadian band. In concert The Awakening are professionals. Although a bit laid back as far as dance songs go, some of the songs are definitely danceable. The


ncx+ album,


tified, will be released on July 1 in the U.S. by Reunion records. It will contain new versions of many of the songs off of Two Worlds and also some new songs. The Two Worlds album is available only in Canada. Watch for a possible concert date for The in Augtist.



CIAU cuts costs, raises fees





Carl Totzke’s football Warriors, now <playing in the l&team Central Canada Intercollegiate Football Conference, welcomed Ed DeArmon as their new assistant coach. DeArmon also doached the wrestling team. That season, the footballebs beat Westein (30-26), Laurentian (SO-O), Montreal [52-O], and Lutheran [12-8) to take the Bar-O-O. For the second year in a row, the hockey Warriors had a fine regular season, registering 14 wins, two losses and a tie, but lost to Toronto in the 0-QAA championship game. The soccer Warriors started their first varsity season+ finishing with a record of one win, six losses and a tie. Also debuting were the men’s and women’s gymnastics teams, coached by Neil Widmeyer. The rugby Warriors resumed competition after UW had not fielded a team since 1963. By finishin third inthe 0-QAA meet, the track and field Warriors had tlitiir best season to that date, while the UW cross-country team was second overall in its C&QAA race. The volleyball Bananas won the Ontario-Quebec Women’s Conference of Intercollegiate Athletics (0-QWCIA) title in their fif;st season, defeating Windsor’in the final.

he hoped to have a specific pronumber of CIAU sports which gram to announce by Labour the university participates in. Waterloo wiH pay a basic fee of Day. Totzke feels that Jelinek $1,500 and a participation fee of would try to obtain some of the $1,800 for a total of $3,300, UP money from any possible Ohmpit surplus (which Totzke from $1,400 last. year. guessed would be $40 million to Director of Athletics Carl $80 million) or from one the the Totzke says Waterloo vi11 not drop any varsity sports as a remajor breweries. Traditionally, support in the suit of the fee increase. Instead, CIAU for offering athletic schothe, costs, will be absorbed by all larships has come from the Canteams. “We might reduce miWest and Atlantic leage, or meal amounts, or . . . ada associations, which alkeady (money spent on) uniforms,” Totzke noted.. continued on page 19 Fed&a!’ ‘Sports Minister &to , , . Jeljptik addressed the annual ?J.~~/fj*, ~(=J&qj;&&pp~~ metiting on ‘a plan to dissuade Canadian athletei” .from.‘attend, ’ inn US. universities. Telinek is i T. w&king on the creatioh of a ‘$5Three’ new coaching appointketb’afi&$h ii Lesjie1Del Gin.’ million Olympic Legacy Fund to ments were recently announckd, Elliott-pa+&h@ been ,thq asprayide- scholarships for CIAU by Pat Davi&,UW’s ,Co-o$nator i sistant-. copeh *of. thq.. wsterlgo. athletes. 1 : of S!#fotien’q Infer’uriivetitiity AtAth&as ’ ‘v&iball team’ ginde’ Ediaek revealed that certain filetics. ‘Cindy Elliott-Pavan be1984. ShF,hai else coached’ voltin-named individuabs in the pri- . comes the women’s volleybali leyball and basketball at Montvete.s=fior wereintwestedines-\t: c&ch;’ t6 be as’sisted’ by’ ,&iul ctilti ’ ‘Secondiiry School in tablishing such a fund, and that Pavao. ‘The new women’g ‘basLondon, at:; and worked”for the

must also operate with in a narrow range of temperatures and pH. The cardiovascular system helps meet these demands by pumping blood around the body. The blood delivers the oxygen to the working muscles and organs while, at the same time removes carbon dioxide and wastes. The heart, the most important muscle, is the pump which drives the blood around the body. The heart is a four chambered muscular organ which forces the blood to the lungs and into genera1 circulation. At rest, the average heart beats in a range from

stable throughout life. 9 females tend to have a kr heart rate than males. The on monoxide from SMOKattaches its self to the blood and prevents the oxygen from getting to the tissues. Nicotine is also a stimulant which speeds up the heart. The CAFFEINE found in tea, coffee+ colas, and even chocolate, stimulates the heart and increases the resting heart rate. FITNESS LEVEL: regular aerobic exercise produces a stronger The heart is heart. therefore able to pump more blood per coritraction. The heart is then required to beat less fre-

-Campus.Rec Saturday, June 27 - Columbia Icefield the Summer

Monday, June 28 - Men’s Softball/Slopitch tains’ Playoff Meeting cc 110 - 4:30 p.m. Thursday, FA-;tzt



July 2 Assistant Meeting - 4:30 to 6 p.m.

YOUR PULSE You can measure your heart , \ rate at many different sites on ’ the body. The two strongest (and the easiest to take] areat theCAROTID artery on the neck and at the RADIAL artery on the wrist. When taking your carotid pulse, place three fingers (not a thumb) on the Adam’s apple. Slide the fingers across to the side of the neck. Press only hard enough to feel the pulse. Count the beats for 10 seconds and multiply by six to get beats/minute. In order CAROTID PULSE to calculate the radial pulse. place three fingers of one hand on the edge of the Grist of the other’ just below the base of the thumb and count for 10 seconds+ . 1. multiply by six.

dates _

Friday, July 3 - Fitness Instructors in Training Practice Teach Deadline 4:3Opm.

Saturday, July 5 - Men’s Playoffs All Day


4 and

, Sunday,


Women’s comDetitive boom --


its 30th anniversary this Imprint Sports presents This week: part 2 - the

1967 - 68


Friday, June 26 - Winter 1988 Student Assistant Applications Due (New and Returning)


by Donald Duench Impriot staff The University of Waterloo celebrates year, To commemorate this achievement+ a four-part review of Waterloo athletics. championship seastins.

by Donald Duench Imprint staff The national governing body for men‘s and women’s university sport in Canada has had to “make difficult decisions,” including d&to drop two national championships, to cut costs. At their annual meeting in St. Catharines, Ont ,, the Canadian Interuniqersity Athletic Union (CIAU) discontinued their national championship competitions in men’s and women’s gymnastics. CIAU schools which have gymnastics programmes (of which Waterloo is not one) .will be limited to provincial or regional championships. To reduce travel costs, the CIAU has moved some national champioiship tournaments, such as thb women’s field hockey tourname& to a central Canada. location from eastern or western provincek, ’ . In other $p%s, such as football, basketball and, hockey, the number of team hembeG allowed to part’ihi~atb at national. chrfmpionship ccimpetitions. has b’eeh tiediiced, Basketball teams at h&&&& championships will only be sIlowed 10 players+ instegd of the &gul& 12. The CIAU &lso increased membership, , fees for : its members, which are based on a basic fee @aped on school population) and .a fee related to the

UWTs athletic








by Jaci Lyndon Campus Recreation After four weeks of play, the women’s competitive basketball league is getting tougher and more challenging for each team. The “West B Oldtimers,” led by captain Trudy Mohrhardt, are in the lead with three wins and no losses. Challenging them for first place are “The VB’s” who hgve only lost one of their fivegames. The playoffs are scheduled for July 7, giving the other three teams, Meatloaf Reborn (Z-Z), Basket Cases (l-2) and Pink Flamingo (O-4) a chance to improve their records,

Monday, July 6 - Men’s Basketball Captains’ Playoff Meeting cc 135 - 4:30 p.m. - CRAC Recommendations Due Rm. 2035, PAC Tuesday, July 7 - Women’s Basketball Playoffs - Pool Staff Training PAC Pool 9 - 11 p.m. - Final Club Executive Meeting University Club - 4:3O p.m. Wednesday, July 6 Men’s Soccer Captains’ Playoff Meeting cc 135 - 4130 p.m. - Fitness Instructors in Training Meeting Studio 2, PAC - 5 to 6 p.m. - Men’s Basketball Playoffs, Guard Team Practices Thursdays 5130 to 7 p.m.

’ CuntOnued on-page 18 n.te.j ’ I

, :

1’. :

O&rio;~olleyball AsdociaYitifi: She p&Cd for the Unive#ty of We’ster:ti @ittiff ddrind her’ univetisijy care&r.‘Elliott-Pavan wds the teain’s MVP twice, and was ’ selected both an ‘Ontario and Ciinidian &star. She wagalso named Western’s Female , Athlete of the Year in 198X- -- ’ Elliot t+avan ,was a membeF;$

“,&tant coach :is her husband, Paul Pavin. PaLin has been a volleyball coach at the high school level and at the 1986 Ontario Summer Games. His un‘ibersity athletic career consisted of playing both volleyball and basketball at the University of Western Ontario, and playing volleyball at York University. Pavin is presently a high school teacher at Forest Heights collegiate in Kitchener. Forthe past three seasons, Del Cin was the assistant coach of the Laurentian University women’s basketball team. She also worked as an assistant coach at York University during the 1982-83 season. Del Cin has played for York University, Seneca College and George Brown College. She was chosen as an Ontario all-star in both her university and college playing careers. She was on the team representing Canada at the Jones Cup competition in Taiwan+ where she was selected as an all-star.

lceomers win CR hockey The competitive ice hockey league held their playoff tournament this week. Winners in the “A” league were Iceomers, who came inta the tournament aa the second-seeded team. In the final, Iceomers defeated Flying Buttresses 1-O. Bill Eichmeier scored assisted by Dave the goal, Broughton. The ‘shutout was recurded by Jason Best. The top-seeded Renison team defeated Here for the Beer 2-O to win the “B” league championship.

The history of athletics at Waterloo


from page I7

In basketball, Sol Glober won the 0-QAA scoring title with an average of 20.7 points per @me. The Warriors finished their regular season with a 7-3 record.


1968 - 69 After four years of toting the “Bananas” label, women’s teams at Waterloo finally became known as the Athenas. The Waterloo football team was admitted into the O-QAA football league, which at the time consisted of Toronto, Western, Queen’s and McGill (the “Big Four”), and MeMaster. Under new head coach Wally Delahey, the Warriors won one, lost four and tied one league game. In an exhibition game, the UW footballers defeated Lutheran 14-10 in front of 8,000 fans. This game also marked the first appearance of the Warrior mascot. A summer rainstorm flooded the new PAC floor with an inch of mud and water. The contractor had to rip up over $88,000 worth of hardwood flooring and replace it. In addition, part of the PAC roof collapsed under a heavy winter snowfall. The PAC floor- was repaired in time for the basketball Warriors to host the first Tip-Off Tournament. Acadia, led by most valuable player Brian Heaney, won the inaugural event. That year, the PAC also hosted the CIAU basketball championships, won by Windsor. After the season had concluded, Dan Pugliese stepped down as basketball coach, to be replaced by Mike Lavelle. For the third year in a row, Toronto defeated UW in the OQAA hockey championship game, winning 6-O. This would be the last Waterloo hockey game coached by Don-Hayes before his untimely death, The track and field Warriors won the 0-QAA meet for the first time. Not to be outdone, the cross-country team upset Toronto to win their 0-QAA meet, and finished second at the CIAU event to Saskatchewan. Other 0-QAA championships were recorded by the UW sailors and the tennis Warriors. Mur Gurak, a former Davis Cup competitor from Turkey, won the singles tournament. Gurak teamed up with John Pezzack to win the doubles competition. 0-QWCIA titles were obtained that season by the basketball, volleyball, and curling Athenas, while the badminton Athenas tied with Sir George Williams for top spot in the league Mary Ann Gaskin, who also won the 0-QWCIA tennis tournament, was MVP of the basketball Athenas.

1969 - 70 At the urging of Chevron sportswriter Ted Pimbert, fans at the Jan. 14 basketball game between Waterloo and Western stood and applauded rhythmically until Tom Kisswetter scored the first UW basket. (The Mustangs won 69-68 in overtime that night.) In Ed DeArmon’s last year as UW’s wrestling coach, his team won the 0-QAA competition. Wrestlers Pat Bolger, Jim Hall and George Saunders won indi’vidual CIAU championships+ helping the Warriors finish second to Alberta in the CIAU meet. Things were different for the hockey Warriors that season. They had a new coach in Bob McKillop, and a new score (7-4) to lose to Toronto by in the OQAA championship game, making it four straight years that their season ended that way. Cam Crosby’s victories in the

shot put and-discus events guided the track and field Warriors to their second straight OQAA title. The golf Warriors also won their 0-QAA tournak ment. Although Waterloo did not have a s ynchrdnized swimming team, UW hosted the 0-QWCIA swimming, diving, and synch swimming meet. In their second year of competition, the Athena swimmers won the. O-QWCIA meet. Under head coach Sally Kemp, the basketball Athenas made their way to the 0-QWCIA finals, where they lost to Windsor. The volleyball Athenas were also able to reach the O-QWCIA find;, where they lost to CaI

1970 - 71 The volleyball Athenas finished their regular season with an undefeated tiecord, Although they lost the O-QWCIA final to Toronto, they were able to participate in . the first CIAU women’s volleyball champidnships, where they finished third. Atheng swimmers and divers won their second straight OQWCIA title. Eleven of the 14 Athena swimmers qualified for the C!AU meet +hosted by Water-

Phil Schlote



197172 women” won the OWIAA title, Quebec universities decide to while the men’s swim team finrestrict all team competitions td ished second at the OUAA meet, games within their own proheld at UW. Bob Graham, the vince, resulting in the creation of UW swimming coach, was the Ontario Universities Atnamed the CIAU swimming hletic Association (OUAA) and coach of the year. the Ontario Women’s IntercolleThe football Warriors regiate Athletic Association corded a 3-3 regular season, and (OWIAA). won an exhibition game. John Two major changes occurred Buda was named to the OUAA that geason concerning basketWest all-star football s uad at ball at Waterloo. A new coach, both offensive tackle an 3 defenDon McCrae, was hired, and the sive tackle. Buda and halfback name of the Tip-Off Tournament Greg Plyley were named to that was changed to the Naismith year’s All-Canadian team. Classic, honouring the Canadian The OUAA golf title went to who invented the game. Waterloo that season. It was the UW won the Naismith that ,third time in four years that the year, defeating Simon Fraser 88golf Warrior8 had won (or tied 79 in the final, but eventually for] a championship, lost the OUAA West final to ted by Toos Simons, the field Windsor, 83-82. Jaan Laaniste hoekey Athenas finished second was named a second-team Allto Toronto in the OWIAA toprCanadian. nament. The wrestling Warriors The football Warriors rewere second at the OUAA meet, corded a 19-7 win over Lutheran where Egon Beiler won an to finish their OUAA season OUAA individual title. with four wins and four losses. It was their last win against WLU 1973 - 74 to date. Football halfback Rick CheevThe hockey Warriors, coached ers and defensive tackle John by Bob McKilIop, made it to the Buda were named All-Canaditop that year. They defeated ans. Both were later drafted by Western to win the OUAA title, the Toronto Argonauts, then took two straight games As they did the previous seafrom Calgary in a national semison, Pat Bolger and John Barry final series. ,, ‘,

Bill Robinson


up a banner



UW sports fans

photo courtesy Ath. Dept. 100.

For the third straight season, UW’s track and field team won the 0-QAA meet. Dennis McCann helped out by winning the 100 and 200-metre races, the long jump, and played a part in Waterloo’s winning 400-metre relaJarllR1. Waterloo wrestlers won the OQAA tit~le for the second year in a row. Pat Bolger and John Barry went on to take individual CIAU championships. With a 58-35 win over McMaster, the basketball Athena5 won the 0-QWCIA title, while Dave Hollingerled the golf Warriors to tie for the 0-QAA championship with Queen’s* Some fine individual achievements were recorded that year. Basketballer Jaan Laaniste was the 0-QAA scoring leader, averaging 19.3 points per game, while indoor track competitor Gord Robertson won *the CIAU triple jump and 60 metre hurdles competitions. Waterloo had new varsity teams competing in fencing, alpine skiing and synchronized swimming that season, UCLA basketball coach John Wooden, who had coached the Bruins to five straight NCAA titles at the time, was on campus to present a clinic.

won individual CIAU wrestling championships. The Warriors won the OUAA crown, and finished second in the CIAU meet. UW’s track and field team won the first OUAA meet, and their fourth title in succession. The track and field Athenas also won the OWIAA meet. The curling Athenas, consisting of skip Barb Dowler, vice Ann Mallon, second Allana Chipps and first Brenda Grant won the OWIAA championship in a playoff against Queen’s, Previously a “stiff-collar, sitdown affair,” the Athletic Banquet was restructured to be held in “a blue-jeaned, relaxed atmosphere.”

1972 - 73 . Kitchener native Mike Moser transferred to Waterloo from Brown University. In his first UW basketbalI game, Moser scores 29 points. In a 105-72 romp over WLU, Moser scored 43 points. That year, the Warriors basketball team finished first in the OLJAA West’s regular season, but lost to Windsor (76-75) in the OUAA finals. Moser was named an All-Canadian at the CIAU tournament, which was hosted by Waterloo. Waterloo’s “swimmin’

At the CIAU final in Torontb’s Varsity Arena, Russ Elliot and Mike Guimond each scored twice as Waterloo defeated Sir George Williams 6-5. The teams were tied 4-4 after regulation time, and played a lo-minute overtime period. In the overtime, Elliot and Guimond scored to give Waterloo its first CIAU team championship. In basketball, the Warriors won the Naismith by defeating Sir George Willi’ams 77-66 in the final game, Of the 77 points, 52 were scored by Mike Moser. They went on to win the OUAA championship, and finish third in the CIAU tournamerit, which Waterloo again hosted. Mike Moser, who averaged 27.9 points per game, was again named an All-Canadian. The stands at Seagram Stadium were declared unsafe for forcing UW to spectator use, pIay




at Kit-

chener’s Centennial Stadium. Despite having no coach and only nine athletes, the Athena track and field team won the OWIAA meet. Leading the way were Liz Damman and Joan Eddy, who each won two events. The Athena swimmers won the OWIAA championship, which was their fourth title in five years. Captains Judy Ma\

thieu and Maida Murray each won three events at the meet. In the OUAA competition, the Warriors finished second to Toronto. At the CIAU meet, the Warriors placed second, while the Athenas were fourth overall. Diver Lester Newby, after winning both the 1 metre and 3 metre events at the OUAA meet, finished second in both at the CIAU competition, Athena curlers Pat Munroe, Gay,le Bower, Brenda Grant and Anne MalIon won their OWIAA competition. Another OWIAA title was taken by the badminton Athenas, wh’ile the field hockey Athenas tied for second place in the OWIAA standings. Coaching both the badminton and field hockey Athenas was Judy Moore. Waterloo hosted the OUAA volleyball championships, in which York beat the Warriors three games to two in the final match.

1974 - 75 For basketball fans at Waterloo, this was a year of tragedy and triumph. Before the regular season started, the Warriors won three exhibition tournaments+ including. the Naismith. In the final game of that tournament, Mike Moser scored the last 17 points to lead Waterloo to a 72-70 win over Mickey Foxx and his St, Mary’s teammates. During a series of exhibition games in Florida, Moser suffered a heart attack, and died on January 12. At each game after Moser’s death that season, Waterloo would introduce only four of their starting five players in Moser’s memory. The Mike Moser benefit game was introduced that season. At halftime of the first Moser game, No. 53 was retired, and the CIAU announced that it was establishing the Mike Moser award, to be presented to the outstanding basketball player in Canadian university basketball. Moser was posthumously chosen as the first recipient of the award. Despite Moser’s death, the Warriors continued to be undefeated against Canadian university teams that year. They won the OUAA championship (9458) against Ottawa (who were coached by Bob O’BiIlovich], and advanced to the eight-team FiXJA;hampionships, held at . Wateiloo defeated Sir George Williams (76-61) in their opening game, and met St. Mary’s in the semifinal. St, Mary‘s head coach Brian Heaney, trying to diffuse the UW fans, had his team hold the ball for the first few minutes of the game. The Warriors still won, 70-46, to set up the final game against Manitoba. Although Manitoba held a 6960 lead with seven minutes remaining in that CIAU championship game, Waterloo came back to within one point with 25 seconds left. UW defensive pressure resulted in a Manitoba turnover, which set the stage for one last shot. It was taken with four seconds left by unheralded Phil Goggins, atid swished through the netting. Final score: 80-79 for the Warriors. Art White, who played the second half of the final game- on a bad ankle, was chosen as the tournament MVP. Sin Robinson’s team leadership and fine all-around play put him on the tournament all-star team. The volleyball Warriors won the OUAA title that year, despite the loss of OUAA West allstar setter Ed Twardus. OWIAA championships were recorded by the Athena swimmers and by skier Carolyne.Oughton.





FED FLICKS Mannequin. Showtime is at 6p.m. in Physics 145. Price is 81 .OO for Feds; 83.00 for non-Feds.




cello. The Greens are a “sane” alternative political party devoted to ecologically sound, SUSt8iIWble policies. Al I welcome. At the Grad House. Mr. Bdl Looks Back 600, Night Shift 8: 00, The Money Pit 1000. Free. Members and guests welcome.






ANNE Brown of Consumers To Stop Food hsdiation will present a talk entitled Food lrr8di8tiOn: Is It Safe? at 8p.m. in CC 110. Food irration is a method or preserving food.. MS.


Mannequin. Showtime is at 8p.m. in Physics 145. Price is 81.00 for Feds; 83.00 for non-Feds.





holding meetings

Greens will be Tuesdays at 7:30 in


- Lively improvised com?dy, and a good time for all ages. 8p.m. in HH 180. Admission 83.00, or $2.50 for Federation members. FED FLICKS Salvador. Showtime is at 8p.m. in Physics 145. Price is$? .OO for Feds; $3.00 for non-Feds. CONFLICT RESOLUTION/Mediation. for physically challenged adults. Come to 50 Kent st., Kitchener and explore problem-solving methods in

CLASS-D PERSONALS . Energy lake students - if you’d like to practice While away from Toronto, maybe a group can get together. Call Ian (8 student for over 3 years) at B943548 Madonna You have section 46 row 22, seats 6 and 8. I have seat 7. Please call Archie 742-3343. Thought of the week: It hurts my feet.. That’s why I don’t do it too oftenstaff philosopher. Girls: Are too many good-looking guys bothering you? Female attitude member will mo ‘em down. NO charge.


man! Friday night with your futon was great fun. Wish you were there1 Your personal masseuse+ Do you have any great one- I iners, phi-

St. Judd8 Novena. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. S8cred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. Pray for nine times 8 day and by the eighth day expect an inSw8r, It h8s never been known to fail. Promise to publish the prayer. Thanks.

Canadian patriotism, so find some at the Bombshelter. Tuesday, June. 30, at the Kick-Off Canada Day Pub. Come out and drink to goo 01’ Brian and his chin.

Sir John A. founded this country hop-

One cheep with rubber boots on back

The 8mer is Canada’s National Animal. Look for bunches of them at the Bombsh@lter, Tuesday, June 30th at the kick-off Canada Day Pubf



Scoops needs youl Please call Janet 746-5669 or leave a message in the Scoops mailbox. What 18 Chlamydia? Does it bite? Wher’e and when can you get a pregnancy test? How can you involve your partner in birth control? How does the cervical cap work? For the answers to these and other questions, drop in to the Birth Control Centre, CC 206 or call 885--l 211, 8Xt. 2306. Holy Spirit, you make me see everything and show me the way to reach

continued offer

a limited

from form



of sclblar-

ship. Although Totzke is opposed to athletic scholarships on principle, his main contention with lelinek’s announcement was that “it’s been cut and dried.“ There was not enough time, according to Totzke, to assess where the delegates at the meeting stood on the matter. As for whether scholarships





esoteric, the perverse and anything else that sounds interesting. 5:30, CC 1388 FASS WRITER’S meeting. 7:DOp.m., MC 5158




L.$Sil y!tTER’S


JULY meeting.




7:ODp. m.,





7:OOp.m., meeting. 7:OOp.m., MC5158 s THE WAS. COME out and discuss the 8SOtl rric, the perverse and anything else :h6t sounds interesting. 5:30, CC


FLICKS The Morning After. Showtime is at 8p.m. in Physics 145. Price is $1 .oO for Feds; $3.00 for nonFeds. 8ATURDAY;JULY

FELLOWSHIP MEAL Meal. 4:30p.m. Bible Study 5:30 - 7:OOp.m. (Genesis l-11) THE GAMES Museum, university of Waterloo and waterloo Go Club invite interestad players to Go classe5 and free playing time. Every Wednesday evening. Beginner classes 6130 - 7:30, open plrry 7:30 -. 9:30 at B.C. Matthews hall, Room 1040, Columbia St. entrance. Free. Call 8884428.




or flower selling required of no* members. Come discuss unusual and interesting topics with citizens from all faculties at Themas. 5:30 CC 138 HURON CAMPUS Ministry .Fellowship, 4:30 - 7:OOp.m., McKirdy Hall, St. P8Ui’S College.




BAGELS, FRlENDS, conversation, orange juice, chairs, Styrofoam cups, all for only $1.00 at the Jewish students Association Bagel Brunch. Every Monday and Thursday 1 j :30 1:30. cc 113.


The Morning After. Showtime is at 8p.m. in Physics 145. Price is $1.00 for Feds; $3.00 for nonFeds. 1 . PEER COUNSELLING ‘Come to 50 Kent St., KitCh8n8r for our last aft& noon woikshop for physically challenged adults. Participation is limited, so pre-register nowl Call 576-6300. Cost is 85.00

746-5434 I,moving).

in evenings.

10 8@ed



FRIENDS, conversation, orange juice, chairs, Styrofoam cups, all for only 81.00 at the Jewish Students Association Bag81 Brunch. Every Monday and Thursday 11:30 1:30. cc 113.


?% HERITAGE Resources Centre (U of W) is offering 8 series of four field trips for children age 7-l 2 to local natural and cultural heritage 8reas. For more information call Mark, Debbie, or Wendy w 885-1211 Ext. 3942 or 2072.

THE GREAT Puzzle Exhibit at UW’s Museum and Archive of Games. Puz-


ties, mazes, films, guest speaker. Special events and hands-on games.


- SlQO.00.


0234. Got a great outfit for you 8t Wardrobes. Closed Mondays. .746- 2660. 24 Dupont St., E. Waterloo.

Plnk Floyd,

David Bowie and Frehley’s Comet concert tickets. Ca II Guide at Guide’s Special Services lnc.8847598. &#w8m, Hardware i Best prices. IBM, Apple, Macintosh and others. Cards, printers, hard drives and more. Call Marc. 746-8377. Mastercard ac-


Fish Tank for sale. 10 gal. with filter, heater, thermometer, gravel, rocks, plastic plants, canopy, lights. Call Shawn at X4048. ~

1983 Mustang

GI. Red, AM/FM,

miles. Super





players that


ai r. cert.

in Canada, “I don’t


(scholarships are) going to make an impact on keeping [good athletes from going) to the States.“ Totzke says an alterriative to Jelinek’s proposal would be to expand the federal government’s practice of providing top Canadian amateur (or carded) athletes with limited financial support, and then requiring they remain in Canada.

New & Used Books & Magazines







for sale. 8 months old. Great for residence; Nodants. P#eese all Richerrd after 1Opm. at 884-5007.




of New International

HRS: MowFri 9-9 -Saturdav 9-6 p-m.

Leam to s ail this summer. Conestoga nun.* 3 IllJLl irce+ca mrrtinn in Sailing SG9kfiAl IlWl UIIWI “~IIUII I,, sailing fo! adults(2eveningSpetweek for a 3 week period). Sessions start June 8, June 30 and July 21. Lessons are at the Conestoga Sailing Club facilities at Lake Con&toga. Information and registration forms: Susan Berczi, 886-5039 or Ian Macdonald. X-3596. Do you, haie the blues?Then I isten to ‘Sunset Blues’ Thursday nights, 8:OO 9~30 on CKMS - 94.5 - FM with ‘Easy Warter’.


306 rrmg SL w. Kit& ------


Rsnt !8d Compatibles1

$50 3 month. Desktop publishing, hourly in-store rentals, guaranteed diskettes - .75 each. Morel Off Campus Computers, 950 King W. (across from KW Hospital) 749- 1121. Open 1Oam - 1Opm.

I W8Wd




legs, lost behind Mr. Grocer on westmount. reward offered.-if found phone OLAV. 864-6181.



COME out and discuss the



my ideals. You giV8 me Divine Gift to forgive and forget all that is done to me. You are in all aspects of my life. I want to thank you for everything’and confirm that I never want to be separated from you ~0 matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. Pray this three consecutive days wthout asking your wishes. Expect your prayer be answered. It has never been known to fail. Promise to publish the prayer. Thanks.

losophical sayings, or original quotes? If you do, Mike Brown, Editor of the 1987-88 Info-Datebook wants to hear from youl The best 50 quotes will be printed throughout th8 new InfoDatebook along with the name, year, and faculty of those who submitted them. Drop your submissions off at the Turnkey De&k or at the Fed Office in the Campus Centre. ’ ing Canadians to live “in the true north, strong and free.” Let’s “Stand on guard and drink this beer to thee”, and make Sir. John A. proud. Bombshelter, June 3Oth, 800 p.m.


of Objactivism present the videos - How Am8riC8should deal with the Soviet union - with Or: Harry 8inswanger and Conservatism, the Antitlesis of Capitalism with Peter 7:300.m. in EL 205

THEATRESPORTS and area will be holding 8 four week orientation for volunteers beginning Tuesday, June 30. If you are 20 years of age 8nd can befriend a girl or boy bNW88n 4 .and 17 years Of age for three hours per week, call 743-5206 .before Friday, June 26th to register. One year commitment required.




BIG SISTERS of Kitcherier-Waterloo


MC 5158.

FED Fl.ICKS S8lV8dOi. Showtime is at 8p.m. in Physics 145. Price is 81 .OO for Feds; $3,00 for non-Feds.



for non-Feds.




WILL b8 no FASS Writer’s meeting today. FED FLICKS The Morning After. Showtime is at 8p.m. in Phy&cs 145. Price is $1 .DO for f eds; 83.00 for nonFeds.

meeting.. 7:00p.m.,








MC 5158.

for beds; 83.&I




WCLL be no FASS Writers’




Participation now! Call

FED FLICKS Salvador. Showtime is 8t 8D.m. in-Phvsics 145. Price is $1 .OO



workshop. so pre-register Cost 85.00




At the Grad House. Tom Last Night...” Jones 2: 00, “About 4:OD, Mr. Mom B:oO. Fr88. Members 8nd guests welcome. FED FLICKS Mannequin. Showtime is at 8p.m. .&I Physics 145. Price is $1.00 for feds; $3.00 for non-feds. MOVING INTO The Workplace. Free at the Kitchener Public Library. The Rolling Thunder Theatre Company presents a skit/workshop on issues relating to ad&s with physical handicaps and employment. Afterwards we will explore job search skills (cost $5) Register now1 Call 576-6300.-

an afterncxm is limited, 576-6300.

immediately - staff for Psychology Coffee Shop. Call Dave at 7444679 or Suzanne at 885-4077 for more informat ion.

’ TYPINU 30 yearsexperience. Walking distance of university. Old Westmount area. Electronic typewriter. .85 per doublespaced bage. Phone 743-3342. Fut, profeulond typing b univerqity grad. Pick-up/delivery available on campus. Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Suzanne, 886-3857. Fast, accur8fe typing and letter quality Word Processing. R8SumeS, Essays, Theses, Business Reports. Free pickup and delivery, Call Diane, 5761284.


I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I


THIS coupor Expires July 10th

arc tlcmcma lovws.. feast on mrs.cod


creumy DAIRY QUEEN’ s&t me. thick hot fudoe I luscious


Experienced typitit with teaching degree, $l.oO per D.S. page. Close to university - MSA. Phone Karen L, 746~q63 i I Same day word-pro. 24-hour turnaround if you book ahead. 81.15 per double-spaced p8Q8. R8SUm8S $4 per page. Draft copy atwayS provided. Ne8r Seagram Stadium. Phone BBS-



pspers, scientific ing of WordPerfect text. Professional

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Open Daily Until

11 p.m

Westmount at Univizrsity Weber & University King at John


OPEN CANADA DAY II:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. . lJj/E Bluejuys telecast LIVE Entertainment with Putrick Hewitt - 500 p.m.









trip for 2 to Ottawa @trip for 2 to; Quebec City *includes train fare, hotel, and $100 CASH!!! l

Winners and their guests &I1 be picked up by Iimo Saturday at 5 a.m., so bring your suitcases and dress to travel!! Tickets $3/$4. Draws at 10 p.m. and midnight. SPUtVSORS: THE BOMBSHEL TER PUB, EA TOlvS TRA VEL, VIA RAIL, AIRWAYS TRANSIT, UBATTS, AND BENT

If you do, Mike Brown, Editor of the 1987~88 Info-Datebo& wants to hear frdm you! The best 50 quotes will be printid throughout the n&v InfoDatebook along with the name, year, and faculty of those who submitted them.

The’ Tradition Grows



at the . University of Waterloo

Did You1 KNOW


with Special

“N6 instructor shall be permitted to administer, and no student shalt be required to sit for, final examinations during the formal lecture period. Final examnations shall be interpreted in the ordinary sense of the word, usually covering all, or a very substantial portion of, the material dealt with in one academic term or year.” -


Gl-emi Chatten

(afternoon concert starts at 1:30 p.m.) Evening Music begins at 7:30 p.m. .with



. , \



every thursday

at 4:30


Fairnham duy concerts presented by Bent evening concerts presented by WLUSU


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