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For the first time in more than 20 years . . .

UW amwoves ~

by Marie Imprint


Sidivy staff

For the first time in at least two decades, the University of Waterloo is expected to face a cumulative deficit by the end of the 1987/88 fiscal ye&r. The new budget, approved Junk z by the university’s Board of Governors, projects a current year deficit of $942,000 and a cumulative deficit of $167,000.


While there has been no recent cumulative deficit, current year deficits have been incurred iti five of the last six years. Continued government underfunding is cited as a major cause of the problem. The deficit is projected despite the province’s 11.5% increase in university funding because UW only received an increase of 6.4%. When the government’s ban on ancilliary fees and the re-

ezumulative -


sulting rehenue loss of $2.7 million is taken into account, the increase in funds drops to about 4%. Although an effort is being made not to cut services or compromise the quality of education, “with continued underfunding from the government, education suffers,” says Bob Truman, director Qf operations analysis. One effect of the financial constraints on the university is the


discontinuation of the tuition fee waiver for persons over 60 years of age. Last year, the university lost about $95,000 because of the waiver. “While the university is reluc-

He points out that because of the waiver, seniors were not genersting tuition money from the government; A discretionary bursary systern will be implemented to en-

Prepare now for election OFS tells student groups stress the voting power held be a i we’re going, said Weir.- That large-block of, students. can’t all be acdomplished by the “The purpose of such meetings OFS office alone. An intensive pre-election lob(with candidates) should be . . . “There has to be a strong,atto convince the candidates that . tempt to pull students bying campaign will be launched out (to the next week by the Ontario Federstudents’ views on post-seconpolls} in the ridings surrounding ation of Students at its annual dary education issues are imporpost-secondary institutions,” general meeting in Windsor. tant for the voters and to find out added Certosimo. With Ontarians expected to go their personal. positions and - The OFS will deliver-this mesto the polls this fail, the student their parties’ policies on these sage to three provincial repregroup is looking to begin a proissues; this. information can be sent at ives sc hedulgd to attend vince-wide campaign to make conveyed to students. and. other the annual general meeting. the future of post-secondary edconcerned voters. Don’t hesitate Treasurer Bob Nixon, Progresucation a major election issue. to inform the candidates that iiie Conservative leader Larry “We have to let the politicians post-secondary students represGrossman and New Democratic know that we’re serious about ent a significant voting block leader Bob Rae are scheduled to our concerns. . . and the (general both throughout -the province meet with student delegates; public) have to be made aware of and in their local electoral disAlthough the election preparathe issues,” OFS chairman Matt tricts,” advises the QFS paper. tions will take top billing, the Certosimo said last @ek. Student groups in this area, meeting will cover a range of for instance, would lobby MPPs - student-related Sheena Weir, who will be ratitopics, from and other candidates in the ridfied as Certosimo’s replacement ,women’s issues to funding to ings of Kitchener, Kitchenernext week, said students will housing. Wilmot and Waterloo North. have a better chance of being inUW will be represented by jobs and businesses in cluded in the election process if Many Federation of Students execuKitchener-Waterloo depend on they start lobbying now instead tives, including President Ted the continued success of UW, of waiting until an election is Carlton, Vice-President (univerWilfrid Laurier University and called. sity affairs) Lisa Skinner and Conestoga College. Provincial election readiness Women’s Commissioner Wendy will be the theme of the weekRinella. Strong local campaigns are’ long meeting, which runs June 15 needed to supplement the OFS to 20 at the University of Windlobbying tactics at Queen’s Park, sor, said Certosimo. said -Weir, The day-to-day deciAn election workshop schesions are made there,. but it is duled for June 17 is expected to important to have co-operation provide student representatives in each riding, especially at elecfrom each of the colleges and tion time, sh< added. universities with a battle plan “We have to ensure that postfor their individual ridings. A secondary is priority in [whabriefing paper prepared for the tever) government is going into meeting encourages each sfupower,, . to do that, 200,000 student government to make local dents [th’e OFS’ membership) by Judy Hollands incumbent MPPs and candidates must have a concept of what Imprint staff aware of their concerns and to we’re UD against &d whel A “Dialogue on Capital Pun- r ishment”, held at Conrad Grebel College on May 28, revealed Christian thinking has not escaped the dividing force of this a sensitive issue. John Reimer, MP for Kitchener, and Clark Pinnok, a Professor at the McMaster Divinity School, presented arguments in A former Federation of Students employee pleaded guilty in support of the death penalty. provincial court June 9 to embezzling $60,000 from the University John Redekop, a professor at of Waterloo student government. Wilfrid Laurier University and Helga Petz, 50, was placed on two years’ probation, given a Ernie Epp, MP far Thunder Bay $5,000 fine and ordered to perform 100 hours of community ser- Nipigon argued against reinvice. J statement. The funds were taken over a three yearperiod while Petz served The event provided an opporas administrative director for the student organization. The tunity for the public to hear opmoney was recovered intact and will be returned to Federation posing views about the return of coffers. the death penalty in Canada. Fed President Ted Carlton said although the case was “very Professor Pinnok, a Baptist unfortunate”, he was happy to be getting the money back. theologian, explained the state An employee of the Federation,of Students for more than 20 exists to restrain evil doers and, years, Petz was arrested February 6 after Federation officials “the right to take life is .basic to confirmed some discrepancies in their books and notified police. the state.” He also said he does by Steve Kaaaon Imprint staff


by Oliver


A debate on capital punis-hment held May 28 at Conrad Grebel Collega revealed that even Christians are divided on the issue.

Death penalty vote divideseven staunchest Christians

Forme.r Fed guilty in theft of $60~~00


not delight in the position he holds but that the”death penalty is required to do justice in a. fallen world.” Regarding reinstatement clergy, Professor Pinnok said, “Canadian churchmen are accommodating themselves to humanist trends instead of doing their jobs.” Along a similar vein, Kitchenei MP, John Reimer explained, “As a Christian and a Conservative, I do not believe in the Socialist and Liberal concepts of the goodness ifi man.” The basis of Reimer’s argument was that the sanctity of life is the issue and respect for life comes firom dealing harshly with those who do not respect it. Mr. Reimer is a Mennonite and believes Scripture allows capital punishment. He will vote- for capital punishment in .the free vote in the House of Commons because he believes current laws favor “survival of the criminal

above that of the victim.‘* Ernie Epp, MP for:-m In contrast, m Thunder Bay - Nipigon will vote against capital punishment. An NDP representative, and a member of the United Church, Mr. Epp believes “we should try to advance the well-being of society rather than do a little bit of justice.“. Epp said the vote is one of conscie%ke as opposed to one which concurs with publii: opinion in his riding. In his defense, he quoted Edmund Burke: “We are ieDresentatives. not delegates.” ‘Mr. Epp called the de&h penalty “an incredibly simplistic that answer to violence happens.” “We must remove violence from our society, not intensify it,” he continued. Also arguing against reinstatement was John Redekop, a Mennonite Professor at WLU,


on page 7



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’ AlDSpromptscall by Marie Sedivy Imprint staff AIDS prevention is the emphasis of the Kitchener-Waterloo AIDS awareness ‘week held June 8-14. The week was designated as such by the AIDS Committee of Cambridge, Kitchener, and Waterloo to correspond with a similar event in Toronto. “We’re trying to be proactive, not reactive,” says Dr. Barbara Schumacheri UW medical direc-

tor, “We have to talk openly to keep AIDS out of the community. We don’t want to wait until it’s here.” Schumacher points out that 3/4 of people who will develop AIDS in the next five years are already infected, and sees this as a result of the lack of knowledge concerning the disease several years ago. In Canada, there are an estimated 50,000 AIDS carriers, and\ many of them do not know they have been infected.

Schumacher also stresses that the disease is sexually transmit-f ted, and says “We haire to keep it out of the community by changing attitudes regarding sexual activity.” “It’s probably easier to go to bed with someone than to talk about AIDS. I think that has to be changed,” she comments. Schumacher says she would like to see more openness among peers. According to Schumacher, the

Sexual .harassment an issue *of power says HRC’s Barnes by Jacquie Griffin Imprint staff


As part of the University of Waterloo’s sexual harassment awareness week, Human Rights Commissioner Dorothy Barnes gave students advice on dealing with sexual harassment, on June 3 in the Campus Centre. The Human Rights Code provides recourse to those facing employment problems due to sexual harassment. Victimb of unwanted attention can be jeopardized and threatened through the loss of job, poor salary, poor appraisals and demotion. Barnes says this makes sexual harassment an issue of power. Bringing a complaint of sexual harassment to a local human rights commissioner can be the first step in attempting to alleviate the situdtion. If need be, the issue can be taken as far as a public inquiry board, costing’ the employer both extensive time and money. Additional charges can be laid if an employee’s job is further jeopardized for initiating a complaint o-f sexual harassment. Barnes stressed the’ situation can be avoided altogether if victims are.prepared to deal with it firmly. Many employers who sexually -harass carefully pick out victims they feel will tolerate such behaviour. The Human Rights Code defines three types of sexual harassment. The first type is “vexatious comments” such as “Who do you sleep with?” or “Do you use birth control pills?“. Secondly there are “explicit comments” referring to parts of the body. The third category, sexual harassment of a physical nature, includes any form of unwanted physical cdntact. Barnes pointed out that sexual harassment affects both women and men, It occurs regardless of age, race and most other demographics. However, patterns do exist. . Sexual harassment is most common in waitressing and support staff sectors. Also.prone are those trying to break into blue-collar male-dominated vocations. Barnes stated the banding together of males in an attempt to bar females from the trade often condones forms of sexual harass-


Security requests assistance I

An eleventh floor apartment at 108 Seagram Drive was the victim of a break, enter and theft between 10:00 a.m., June 6 and 9:OO p.m., June 7. Stereo equipment valued at more than $10,000 was ‘stolen. The Security Department js asking for your assistance. Anyone who has information which may lead to the apprehension of the person or persons responsible is requested to contact UW security at 885-1211, Ext. 3211.

Lunchtime question and answer forums have also been held by Schumacher. Although turnout has been poor,at the forums, Schumacher is not discouraged. She says the people who did turn up appreciated the smallness and openness of the groups, ‘Further information on AIDS is available from Health and Safety. Speakers can be arranged and videos on the-topic are available. The Birth Control Centre, the Turnkeys, and Counselling Services have also expressed interest in helping disseminate information. ‘“The resources are there,” Schumacher concludes.




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ment in these areas. On the positive side, Barnes reported a growing number of employees are slowly learning sexual harassment simply does not pay. Steady publicity and intolerance of sexual harassment has brought the issue to a slight decline, Its primacy over all

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unions, ministries and other legjslative sectors ‘has given employees an advantage against the threat of sexual harassment. In the future, the issue may be implementedinto union claupes. B.arnes, however, foresees problems with resistance from certain “redneck” stewards in some industries. Dorothy Barnes can be contacted at the local Ontario Human Rights Cbmmission, 744-8101. .

UW 4th in Formula SAE A group of UW Mechanical Engineering students’ Formula SAE car placed fourth overall in the 6th annual Formula SAE held May 28 - 30 in Arlington, Texas, after scoring no points in the acceleration event because of gasoline problems. The Waterloo entry also

need for honest discussion can be positive, for it will build openness. People wilL have to start asking about a partner’s sexual history. “It will provide an oiportunity to learn about an intimacy pther than physical intimacy,” she says. Schumacher also points out that this is not a disease limited to any one group. “Even those of us who have been in a monogamous relationship for the last ten or fifteen years will be touched, either directly or indirectly. Nobody can escape the pain of it.” Pamphlets on AIDS have been available throughout the week at a display in the Campus Centre.

achieved the best costing report and honourable mention for innovative use df composites. The team, consisting of Cathy Wylton, Chris Clements, Evan Jones, Al Ashton and Matt Crossley won the Best Sportsmanship Award.

There was a total of 33 entries in the event - this was UW’s first year in the competition. The car was built by the five team members as a fourth year project course. The faculty advisor.was Mechanical Engineering Professor, Dr. Alan Hale.






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The new conservatism:apathy Gone are the days of student radicalism. Gone is the era of widespread turbulent demonstrations, Instead, an age of new conservatism has taken hold of today’s youth. Students nowadays are not interested in political and social issues; they see little need for involvement in extra-curricular activities. All that matters to contemporary students is school and grades, job opportunities, and money. People and issues are merely secondary.

More than almost any other university, the University of Waterloo is a haven for this new conservatism. The case of a student worried about being labelled a radical X for having criticized university inefficiency indicates the pervasiveness of these new attitudes. The co-op system exacerbates this situation. In a semestered system, a sense of belonging and an awareness of issues and problems on the campus is difficult to achieve. Students are faced with

mid-terms almost before the term has started, and rarely do they have a moment to consider the existence of a world beyond the classroom and ten-pound textbooks. The co-op system also produces workers to fit into a regulated workplace and society, Marks are of utmost importance in order for students to remain in co-op or to get the job of their choice. Spending as much time out in the workplace as in a university environment erases any radical tendencies by integrating these students into a society where the,y must conform to the status quo. Paradoxically, the emphasis on schoolwork compromises students’ education. Real learning does not take place only in the classroom. Education does not consist of peering at a blackboard or poring over books. Far

and edui=ation

more can be learned from people, from involvement. Philosophical conversations on life, society, and people provide far more insight and are of greater longterm value than writing essays. Being forced to sit behind a desk and listen to a lecture results in a rather narrow outlook on life and the world. Granted, certain faculties require more in-class time than others simply by the nature of the discipline, but further efforts are needed to broaden the educational experiences of all sttidents at the university level. The down-playing of issues and involvement results in widespread apathy. While this apathy is not always willful, it is pervasive, and student organizations suffer a severe shortage of student input. Student apathy at UW also manifests itself in students’ reti-

cence to participate in class discussions. They want to be able to sit, scribble down verbatum the lectures they have attended, and regurgitate that information three or four months later. Fortunately, even in this era of the new conservatism, a few closet radicals remain. However, because these are few and far between, a handful of students end up devoting endless hours to student organizations rather than have the input more evenly distributed. Perhaps both students and the university should recognize the educational benefits of involvement in issues and organizations. What needs to be emphasized is that there is more to life than job-training. And there is more to education than writing exams which test the students ability to regurgitate. Marie Sedivy

What can you hear with your? ears between -your cheeks?


The media biased? That’s a good start To the editor, In reply to the letter entitled ‘Media biased toward’ peace’ from the May 29 edition of the Imprint. 1 think the view of the arms race, and the peace movement that is presented in your letter ‘Media biased toward peace’ is a prime example of why our society thinks it needs nuclear arms,,The reason the nuclear arms race exists is because the Soviets don’t trust the Americans and vice versa. The,paranoia that the big bad Commie is out to destroy the American way of life is false. I think the Soviets have realized that America is here to stay. In the past few months the U.S.S.R. has been trying to get the Americans to settle on an arms control agreement. To the best of my knowledge this agreement would include a limit on the number of medium range missiles in Europe. Strategically this is not a great sacrifice, since both sides would still be capable of killing one another (but only

seven times over instead of eight]. The problems begin when thi Americans starts- putting conditions on this agreement, The Americans don’t trust the. Soviets, so they want the Soviets to disarm first. The Americans also want to be allowed to use the medium range missiles to make more short range missiles. The belief that a strong army is a deterrent to war has existed for a long time. One of the major causes t&he first world war tias that an arms race had developed between ‘the nations of Europe. As the military power of Rcountry grows, the politicans start believing they will be able to win a war. The i&ease of arms also increases the paranoia between the major powers and thus the arms race only increases the ’ chance of starting a war. Another problem created by the arms race is the availablility of arms to anyone in the world. Due to the availability of arms it is relatively easy for smaller countries to get the weapons required to start a war. This crea-

Just when you thought there was enough ARTS in this paper in the ARTS section, some yo-yo is about to express his beef in an editorial on ARTS. What’s the beef? The beef is the opinion expressed by Harlan Ellison on City TV’s New Music aired on May 8 and 9, Who is this Ellison guy? Well the show toldme that he is a popwriter of Sci-Fi and a rock critic for the LA Weekley. Rock Critic? - seems like a contradiction. in terms - could you put that on a resume? I think the term they used was he has a Rock’n’Roll column, What did he say that pricked my butt? “That rock’n’roll today is the handmaiden of the establishment,” and that when he turns on the radio or watches MTV all he hears is untalented twirps with no roots and no message behind the rr&ise. Also that the 80,‘s and 70's were full of r& bellion and that today’s music has lost that danger.. Well, Mr. Ellison get your head

tion of small wars throughout the world only increases the tension pulling the super powers into conflict. - I think the only possible way of preventing war is through education. Only when the people, and especially the governments, of the world realize the futility of another world war will th6 threat be removed. I am glad that the media is biased towards peace, it’s good to know that someone is. Michael D.K. Griffin 1B cb8mica! EngF88ring

out of your ass, it is extremely difficult to listen to music when your ears are pinched between your cheeks. I see his statements as spew from a man on the virge of middle age, and a man sadly miainformed about musical history. I highly doubt he has taken the time to listen to Husker Du, Love Tractor, or Suicidal Tendencies - not exactly music on AM radio or MTV. I certainly can not claim to know everything about music, but I feel Mr. Ellison has not taken the time to understand music, Western music, throughout hi’itory. Rarely is the most qualified music accepted during the compos#s lifetime. Mozart is the prime example, he was ignored during his own days while lesser composers, Like Salieri (remember badsue], were the toast of Europe. By the end of SaHeri’s life his own music was virtually forgotten, and today Mozart is the most celebrated compcser. Oftenthe music which is popular is forgotten. I remember the big hit of 71-72 was Rockin’ Robin by Micheal Jackson - did I hate that song or did I hate that song. So Mr. Ellisoq, was a song like this one of those dangerous rebellions of “your day”? A classic statement by that LA author was that the music he loved grew out of !‘race” records. Well Mr. Ellison the music which grew out of race records was the white watered-down version, and I am not talking “white” racially, but as an attitude clean-cut, zero sexuality. I cite rockabilly as my exam-

ple. Rockabilly was white-kid music, fused from country, hillbilly, blues, and rhythm <and blues. Non of the original “real” rockabillies made big hits in America. Elvis flirted with success with this music but his real success w& in those beach movies. All the legendary greats, Johnny,. Gene, and Eddie, all faded into obscurity except for the worship of connoisseurs. But the establishment took this wild, passionate music and polished it for a mass market in America, and these topped the charts then. The same situation is happening now. Punk has really happened (some would say otherwise), but during its ride it never to ped the American charts, on Py the fashign was bortowed by the establishment. Today the root rock revival is big news, in the underground -g&e the executives a couple of years and they will rip it Off. Music flows in cycles, but the most popular music of the day is soon forgotten. Time sifts out the fluff and the real music and real influences are passed on. Mr. Ellison if you are g.oing to seriously criticize music, take the time to read and study musical history. An aside to this arguement is that if the 60s generation was so rebellious then what happened in the 80's. When 1 came of age in the 80's, Reagan’ became President. What happened to all of those rebellious individuals who had the priviledge to vote in a more liberal thinking man - or even thinking. Were they out sizing up the apolstery for their BMW, instead of voting. Think about it, because it pisses me off. Peter Lawson



at the editor’s discretfon. AU material

is subject to editIn,g.


The u.nhealthy state of HKLS co-op To the editor, As a group of recreation students investigating the co-op system, we’re using the acronym C.R.A.P. to indicate what we’ve been receiving from the Department of Co-operative Education and Career Services. CRAP is sanctioned by the Recreation Students+ Association to investigate and evaluate the state of coop as it pertains’ to recreation students specifically, and HKLS students in general. Over the past several terms, there has been an alarming increase inthe number of students who have become disenchanted with the co-op program, some to the point of dropping out. We believe there are several reasons for this sad state of affairs: 1. students in HKLS feel co-op is oriented toward employer needs and not student growth: 2. problems are often brushed aside by our co-ordinators as being “isolated incidents”. Students in recreation feel problems are the “norm” and not the exception; 3. the increasing cost of co-op coupled with the apparent decrease in quality of service has lead many students to question the future value of the HKLS cooperative experience. Our mandate is to primarily investigate two areas. First, we would like to upgrade the qual-

In the previous edition we looked at the new Rent Registry. This week we will look at illegal rents and what you can do about, them< Illegal rents have been an increasing problem in recent years due to low vacancy rates. An illegal rent is: - A rent increase for which 90 days notice has not been given, or notice has not been given in the proper form. -A rent that is increased more than once in a 12 month period. - A rent increase uf greater than the “guideline increase”amount (5.2% in 19871, that has not been approved by Rent Review. The “guideline increase” is the amount by which the landlord can raise the rent without applying to Rent Review, This amount is set by the Ministry of Housing and varies from year to year. For example. $500 a month


if the rent


in 1986 and the got approval from Rent

Review for an increase of 10 percent that was effective on June 1, 1986, the legal rent would be $550 per month until June 1,

1987. make

If the landlord does not another application to Rent Review in 1987, then the legal rent for the next 12 months will be $550 plus an increase of

The other area of our mandate concerns the performance of our co-ordinators k not how they are doing their jobs, but what exactly it is they’re doing. We un-

derstand that co-ordinators have many ‘commitments off campus, especially to employers, but, why does it appear that for the greater portion of most weeks, NO coordinators can be reached. Where are you??? We are aware of the many benefits of co-op education and of the immense problem of organizing and operating this type of system. We have recently been asked for input into what types of jobs we would like and not like to see. We also realize that employers are not easy to deal with, and. the job market is not always conducive to our desires. We are attempting to correct some of these problems ourselves. We have designed and are distributing an OBJECTIVE job evaluation for students to fill out at the end of each work term. These were created to give other students a better idea of what jobs are available, the respcinsibilit ies involved, plus an indication of salary level, benefits, and working conditions. A questionnaire is being sent to incoming first year students to see what kind of jobs they are expecting out of their first round of interviews. In summary, the C.R.A.P. committee feels co-op is not aligned with what we are currently learning. Co-op is a privilege and should not be perceived as a

5.2 per cent, the guideline increase for that year, The allowable increase is therefore $ZS,SO, for a total legal rent of $578.60. Any rent higher than $578.60 is an illegal rent. If you are paying more than the legal rent, seek a rent rebate. No tenant is obligated to pay an illegal rent even if you signed a lease agreeing to pay the amount. If you are covered by the Rent Registry, you can phone Rent Review to find out the legal rent. But the situation gets more complicated if you live in a building that has not yet been registered. You also have a problem if the Registry has recorded an incor-* rect or illegal rent for your unit, You will need to produce receipts or cancelled cheques from previous years in order to establish the correct, legal rent. You could also submit affidavits (sworn statements of fact) from -Previous tenants about how much rent they paid. This information is difficult to get if you can’t find the previous tenants. Once you have the proof you need, contact the Rent Review office. If you can satisfy the Administrator that you were charged an illegal rent, you will

receive a rebate equal to the difference between what you paid and what you should have paid. As usual, there are a few hitches: -- you cannot collect a rebate for rents paid before August 1,193s (unless the landlord has failed to file with the Rent Registry), - landlords caught charging illegal rents now have the right to justify their rents retroactively. If they have receipts showing the expenses incurred in previous years, they may successfully argue that the rent charged was justified, even though it was above the allowable limit. - if the landlord owes you more than $3,000, you must go to court to collect. If the amount owed is slighty more than $3,000, you might choose to save yourself the hassle of court and settle for $3.000 at Rent Review. - if you have moved, and the landlord refuses to pay, ask the Administrator to give you a certified copy of the ruling. You can then go to District Court and begin proceedings to force the landlord to repay you. For more information on the housing issue visit the WPIRC office in General Services Complex Rm. 123.

of jobs, in particular first work-term jobs. _ There are many different jobs available to recreation students. Unfortunately, many of them are seen as having little or no educational value. Jobs such as cabin counselors, facility attendants, and jobs whose main focus is patient maintenance+ are seen as an insult by the majority of students in our faculty. These jobs involve little or no use of our educational skills and are often representative of jobs that we-did in high school. Entrance into our department often depends on a student’s previous leadership/job experience. The focus of our education is to manage and organize people, not to dispense equipment or babysit. Quite often these jobs pay minimum wage or lower. We are aware that the starting salary levels for people in our field are lower than those .of people in other fields, but Co-operative Education must be aware of the ever ticreasing cost of attending this institution. Earning $1200.OO/summer as a cabin counselor is not sufficient to pay tuition, let alone live.


right. Just because there are a large number of jobs, does not mean all recreation students have a high enough academic standing to fill them. Overcrowding in the system benefits no one, least of allthe students.

We would really like to work with Co-ordination to improve , the quality and cons.istency of the co-op experience. C.R.A.P. (The Co-op Recreation Advancemen t Planning Commit tee)

Attitudes by Chris Gerrard Imprint Staff

(a pseudonym)

Originally I was going to write this column on the federal initiative to include sexual orientation as a prohibited basis of discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Code. I was going to write about what was going on in Ottawa, and around the country, and who was doing what and why and where. That, of course., is all important, and if you are really interested, you can contact GLLOW (at 884~GLOW), and they wiI1 tell you the information you need to know. Instead, I’m going to write about attitudes, This past weekend I was in Toronto, and while walking down Yonge Street, I saw a man leaning far out of the van in which he was cruising the street with his friends, and yell to some other men he knew on the street, “FAGS!” and laughed. While walking to mass at St. Jerome’s one Sunday morning, f passed by St. Paul’s College on my way, and saw burned into the grass in,huge letters, behind an arrow pointing to the college, “FAGS”. So many times I ha t term used to ridicule, put down, or make fun of usually not gay. And the lang term applied to a male homosexuals were burned at the stak the fire (fag is also a bundle of sticks use of the term is reminiscent of tho not only homosexuals, but everyone ued use, and use of (let’s not just single ld attitudes are still and women use the ourselves, folks! is, though. Because . And that is a big deal. walking down the m!” and laugh. Or ther exclamations, would fit into. We is only making fun he individual that er person was gratuitously making fun of you, and of what you ‘are. Now how do you feel? Is it still no big deal?. But that was just some uneducated moron on the street, you say. But think of how many times you have heard the same sort of thing on this campus. Think of your residence, Think of the grass outside St, Paul’s.Jt’s not just the uneducated public - it’s ail of us. We all have that attitude. That attitude is the same that leadto the horrors of witch hunts, Auschwitz, the early persecution of the Christians, and many other atrocities of humanity. That is the attitude that must change if we are to ever live together in harmony. It was harmless jest, you counter. No, I don’t think so. If it was funny to make fun of another “fag” while there were none around, just think how much fun it would be to humiliate one when he is - it happens. around - you’ve heard of “Fag bashing”? All from attitudes. That is why Bill 7 was passed in Ontario. That is why it is needed on a Federal level. Legislation on its own will not change attitudes, but at least it will give a foundation for change. There are forces working in Ottawa and around the country to stop this amendment to the Federal Human Rights Code. If we do not act, then the amendment will likely not proceed. KALE (Equality for Gays And Lesbians Everywhere) is a national organization that is lobbying in Ottawa for inclusion of sexual orientation as a prohibited basis of discrimination in the Human Rights Code, They can be reached at: EGALE, P-0. Box 2891, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario, KlP 5W9. You can also write your M.P., the P.M., and the ministers for Health and Justice, who are involved in the committee studying this issue, and leaders of the opposition, to show your support. No postage is necessary, Help change attitudes, by supporting the Federal initiative, but most importantly, in your own thinking.

Flying the -friendly skies by Robert Day Imprint staff _ Just when you think you’ve seen it all, done it all, eaten it all, along comes something that convinces you that ,+. . maybe evolution was wrong after all, Such must be the bemused and bewildered opinion of anyone who has followed the birth and subsequent development of the Transcendental Meditation organization, the brainchild of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, through what authar Eric Woodrum refers to as its initial Spiritual-Mystical period in the early ’60s, followed by its Voguish, Self-Sufficiency period in the late ’60s and culminating in the Secularized, Popular-Religious period that exists today. In the beginning, there was very little to distinguish the TM movement from any number of Eastern-based, mystical philosophies then in vogue. It waxed, it waned and, by the end of the %Os, it appeared to be on its way out. Or so it seemed. In a lastditch effort to combat massive decreases in enrollment, Maharishi decided that the only option was to give the people what they wanted namely, the power to perform miracles. And so it came to pass that Maharishi, in the year 1978, appeared on the Merv Griffin show and smote reality a mighty blow, and told the masses that he had

the power to soar the heavens with the power of mind alone, to become invisible and to pass through solid walls, all for the low, low price of $3,000. And lo, the people believed (as did Merv, for that matter). And when Merv asked Meharishi if anyone had actuelly done this great thing, Maharishi boldly proclaimed, “Thousands!“, clapping his little paws with glee. And lo, the third phase had begun. With disastrous resuhs. After an unsuccessful levitation seminar in New Zealand, one disgruntled student, Ruth Basilica, stated in Consumer magazine, “It cost me a lot more than I thought, and look at me. I know now.. . it was a rip-off.” Also disillusibned was one Shirley Kozsti, a paraplegic wheelchair-bound widow who, was relieved of $2,100 before deciding not to throw good money after bad. And all the while, riot a single demonstration of levitation. Now, bad news travels fast, but obviously not fast enough to prevent same 3,000 individuals from coughing up bet ween $800 and $3,000 apiece in the summer of 1979 for a a&day TM course at the University of Mass. at Amherst, with the intensive levitation course available only to those initiates who shelled out the maximum amount. The final take for the TM movement, before expenses, was some $3

Even if some of the initiates were getting a mite edgy by this time, one would expect that at least those high up in the organization would be careful not to let the cracks . show, to keep smiling and, most importantly, to keep talking miracles. Well, not quite, One of the best examples of the yo-yo mentality in the higher echelons of the TM movement was supplied by



o.ne of its own,Dr. Robert Rabinoff, an associate professor in physics at the Maharishi International University (M.I.U., formerly Parsons College of Fairfield, Iowa) who, with his PhD in physics, is someone who really should know better. In October of 1978, Rabi_ noff delivered alecture at the University of Oregon, describing in glowing terms var\ ious aspects of the TM philosophy, including the vaunted Maharishi effect, whereby any locale in which more than one per cent of the inhabitants are TMers is multiply blessed with, among other things, less crime, less unemployment, improved agriculture, better weather and fewer accidents (improved agriculture!?). Things were sailing right along until U. of Oregon psychologist and ’ confirmed skeptic Ray Hyman asked Rabinoff point-blank whether anyone had ever levitated. Magician James Randi, in his book Flim-Fkn, quotes Hyman, “I asked if anyone had yet actually levitated in the sense of hovering above the ground. . . (Rabinoff) did everything he could to avoid making a flat statement or a simple yes or no.” Apparently Rabinoff doesn’t read his own organization’s press releases, Under increasing pressure from Hyman, Rabinoff finally made the lnonumental admis-

sion that, yes, he had heard that there were indeed cases of true levitation’ making him an instant candidate for the purchase of large sections of prime Florida swampland. Randi also. tried for some time to get a straight answer .on the subject of levitation :from M.1.U spokesman . David Jacobs. The result, according to Randi, was’+‘. . . endless reams of scientific .papers that go on and on ,about supposed reactions to #the wondrous feelings that subjects express . . . but they tall fail to tell us whether the guy ever got airborne!” I And the silliness continues to this day. The Jan., 1987 issue of Sports Fitness magazine contains, sandwiched in among all of the steroid-alternative ads, an article by Martin Zucker extolling the virtues of TM. After totally destroying his credibility talking about bliss, exhilaration and “pure consciousness”, Zucker runs face first into the Maharishi effect, stating, “Maharishi calculates that the collective consciousness of 7,000 individuals - one per cent of the square root of the world’s population - meditating regularly together in one place on a permanent basis can turn the world in a peacefti direction.” Sigh. Maybe Barnum was right after all a , l


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UW gets top mileage Shell Canada Fuelathon by Rob Sevickh Imprint staff Frank Kamler and Dan St.Louis, two third year University of Waterloo mechanical engineering students, won the 1987 Shell Canada Fuelathon held last week at the Shell Research Centre Test Track in Oakville. Their “Astral”, driven by entry, Jeremy Tavares, achieved an astounding 4193.8 miles per imperial gallon. Shell’s “Litre Beater” finished second, more than 2000 mpig’s behind. Another UW entry, “Quicksilver 2’, built by fourth year mechanical engineering students, placed 4th at 1475.1 mpig. The Astral’s success in Onta-

UW’s winning Shell Canada

held last week

rio has earned it the right to compete as a guest in the British Shell Motor Mileage? Marathon. The event will take place on July 22 at the Silverstone race track, in London, -England. This same track is used for the British Formula One Series. Frank Kamler predicts after minor alterations are made to the Astral, 4800 mpig may be achieved at the London Marathon. Already, the Astral has gained a place in the record books as the third highest mi9eage motor vehicle in the world. A world record of 5691 mpig was set last year by the University of Saskatchewan. UW’s win this year broke Saskatchewan’s four-year hold on the top spot in the fuelathon.

entry and driver Jeremy Fuelathon.


Campus Question

in the

The k&al’s success is attributed to the more than 1000 hours of work that went into building it rather than to any one particular feature. On the principle of maximizing strength and minimizing weight, Kamler and St.Louis worked on “optimizing everything until it was optimized.‘” In many cases the simplest solution was the best. As Kamler stated, “Many people, if they see an easy way of doing sotiething. won’t, because they won’t believe it will work.” Professor Mohaupt of the mechanical engineering department was faculty advisor for the fuelathon entry. “He provided a lot of help steering us in the right direction,** Kamler says, Funding for the project also came from the department. Originally $1000 was budgeted for the project. When prospects for the entry showed signs of promise, funding was increased to $2000. The final cost was close to $3000. The actual value of the vehicle, however, is nearly $3500; about $500 in “freebies” was thrown in by McPhail’s Sport and Cycle. 1 St. Louis and Kamler first became interested in this project after observing 4th year students enter the competition. Traditionally building a fuelathon vehicle has been a 4th year group assignment. They began work on their own award winning machine soon after visiting the 1988 Fuelathon and seeing a world record broken.

How do you feel about the university’s new no smoking policy?

It’s siinilar to the .deat‘h sentence. All the atmosphere has been lost in the CC. It was a sad, sad day Black Monday June 1st when this started.

Wendy Rinella 4A PoIi t ical Science

Overall, it’s good but they should have left the CC smoking. I can’t imagine there being complaints about people smoking there since just about everybody did.

Todd O’Brien

$167,000 to be carried over omtinued

Worn page 1

sure that interested seniors unable to afford the cost of tuition are not turned away. Because Wilfrid Laurier University currently waives tuition fees for senior citizens, Ted Carlton, of Students pres_ Federation *

ident, foresees a drop in senior enrollment at UW. “We may not generate the revenue we expect,” he says. “You have to look at the market conditions. If we’re charging $150 and someone’s offering it for free...” Carlton sees the move to dis-

Capital punishme-nt 1 contim+

from page 1

His distinctive argument was that the state undoubtedly has the right to legislate capital punishment but this is not reason enough to use it. “The government has the right he said, citing exto do wrong”, amples such as slavery, high taxes and discrimination against native Canadians. Professor Redekop said he believes the death penalty was a tool of the fallen world used to restrain evil, but the birth of Christ relieved man of that responsibility. “We are in an age of grace,” he said, “and God will ultimately practice capital punishment.”

Politically, Professor Redekop said he could not support the death penalty unless it could be shown that without it our security would be at pisk and crime would be rampant and ut&rly uncontrollable. The final question from the audience was asked in response to Professor Redekop’s closing remark that he doubted ‘lif Jesus walked in Canada today, he would call for the return of the death penalty.” Dr. Pinnok and Mr. Reimer were asked if they thought Jesus would want capit al punishment reinstated. Professor Pinnok said yes on the basis that ,Jesus would agree with the laws of the state. Mr. Reimer avoided the question.

continue the fee waiver as “a glimpse of things to come” if government funding to universities is not increased. Truman does not expect the deficit situation to create anegativqr image and deter funding from industries, “You have to realize that a deficit of $167,000 on an operating budget of $130 million is not a ,.hrge number,” he says. This university is well enough respected that it won’t ‘be too negative. A resolution was passed by the Board of Governors to make apprbpriate members. of the government aware of the situation

It’s an infringement on smokers’ rights, but for the vast majority of people it’s great.

‘Mark Boncardo 2B Science

It’s fine as long as they let me smoke somewhere inside. I think the outright banning of smoking is‘ fascistic. ‘J could give you a good 400 words on this.

Franz Wartman 3B Political Science

Clarification In the May 29 issue of Imprint, “Sexual harassment: an issue of power” stated that Carol was harassed while working for campus security. She did not work for UW campus security, ,but was employed at another university. Imprint regrets any embarrassment this may have caused, to UW security which is currently working with students and administration to improve safety of women on campus.

’ WOW!

You Have To See It To Believe It! Our Famous

I’ hate the sun and I’m forced to sit out in the sun all the time and my schoolwork is suffering because 1 can’t sit at a desk and study.

Shelagb Pepper 4th year Math

3 FOOT SUB- <,’


J think

it’s great.

Mark Hewitt ZB Science

Marle Sedlvy


MJ~ of Rome president

addresses students

at UM/

Academics .see shifting trench i _+’ i y. in society

by Lisa Dillon Imprint staff


students as our generation musi deal with this transition in society. King maintained the mandate of the Club of Rome is to examine the general trends which will inevitably affect society. The Club of Rome has called for a re-ordering of the world economy to deal with these trends, It believes if transitions are wisely guided with an openness which welcomes changes an-d reacted to di-

’ Alexander King, co-founder and president of the international, non-partisan Club of Rome addressed the nature of changes affecting society and the role of the Club of Rome in guiding attitudes to ensure these changes benefit mankind, on June 5 in the Theatre of the Arts. King’s message was relevent to





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rectly, a more personalized society with increased options and opportunities will result. The Club of Rome yeas created in 1968 by academics from 47 countries. Its members differ widely in ideology, yet’are united by a common concern for the future of mankind. This group is a non-governmental body, created to “stick pins into the political people to make them jump!” It sticks these pins discreetly, and undramatically, making suggestions rather than noise. According to King, “The Great Transit ion”, a Club of Rome catchword for the many trends currently affecting our society, is caused by several interconnecting factors, including the world population explosion. One million people are added to world population every 44 I/Z days. It is predicted the world population will be between ten and fourteen billion by the year 2050, as compared to five billion today. The question remains whether our planet is capable of providing for this many people and of absorbing their wastes. The dilemma of feeding the world’s population is not so much one of production, as one of economic, logistic, political and social considetations. The earth has huge surpluses of food except where people are starving. “I cannot envision a future,” stated “in which 20% of the King, world’s population, well-fed and well-armed, sit in their indus-

trialized ghettos, while the remaining 80% starve on the outside.” The Club of Rome specifies that governments, with the support of well-informed citizens groups, must track, understand, and immediately act upon developments, rather than dealing with them once changes have caused damage to society. Limite to Growth, a book dealing with the results of twentiethcentury trends, brought the Club of Rome into the public eye. It offended many of the world leaders with whom the Club of Rome now works in harmony and trust. At the moment, the Club of Rome is most interested in African drought and famine, EastWest relations, the impact of

Waterloo’s Race.


energy on the environment, and how well today’s governments are guiding world transitions. Dr. Alexander King was born in Scotland and earned a PhD in Chemistry. He was one of the first proponents of the view that scientific and social considerations are essential ingredients to any study of economii: affairs. During World War II, King was head of a British scientific mission in Washington, and following the war, he was part of a British delegation to develop the Marshall plan in Paris. Dr King was brought to the University of Waterloo by the Sandford Fleming Foundation, Environmental Resources Studies, and the Center for Society, Technology, and Values.

in the Third




,Third solar race won by Waterloo by John Mikkaleen The University of Waterloo was both host and participant of the Third Great Canadian Solar Race held.May 16th at Toronto’s Ontario Place. The Solar Race is a collection of competitions designed to demonstrate the potential of solar energy to the public. Five universities entered the thermosyphon event, a design competition t-o build-a solar hot water heater which functions entirely on solar energy. Dramatic improvements in performance were demonstrated over previous year’s entries - most notably the fact that all systems entered also finished without failure. Waterloo was represented by three mechanical engineering students, vichel Parent, Evan Jones, and John Mikkelsen. Their novel design was outperformed by an entry from Queen’s University but won sufficient points in the cost and creativity categories to win overall. A new award was established as a result of the particularly bright conditionk A member of the Waterloo team captured the Solar Face Award for exceptional sunburn,

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Bratty ignores dot, releases pressure at Fed Hall! .,

by Sam Hiyate Imprint Staff Ernest Hemingway wrote about bullfights, partly because he admired the bullfighter’s “grace under pressure.” If he were at Fed I-Iall on Saturday May 29th, Hemingway would have written about Bratty and the Babysitters - because Bratty exemplified his ideal. She sang, danced and played; she did it with grace. But that alone wouldn’t have impressed him: the fact that through it all she fought symptoms of myoplastic bronchitis and pneumonia would have struck him, “I’in supposed to be in bed!” says Bratty, after the show. “I promised my doctor I’d do this Waterlo_o gig, then go straight to bed. After the sound check I passed out - I turned white and laid down for an hour.” Then she grins in that postperformance rush of adrenaline, and adds, “tonight I felt this audience very strongly. After my solo show at Fed Hall (March 41, I was looking forward to coming back to Waterloo with my band. Tonight’s audience was really responsive. I couldn’t have gotten through it without them, and the band.” Anyone who’s seen the Talk- ing Heads film Stop Making Sense can understand the stage motions of a Bratty and the Babysitters performance. With show-woman Bratty flirting . with everyone in the audience, the rest of the seven-piece band pulses and moves with its own life. Smiles, comments, and inspired glances are exchanged between members of the band. Bratty says they& a “touchy feely hugs and kisses kind of band.” Every once in’a while a spon-

missing.” taneous dance erupts onstage. Bratty had always had this “fantasy” about doing music “We never plan the-moving and - and currently, dancing together,” says Bratty. she’s obsessed “One person Will move in a cerwith realizing jt, tain way and then everyone else “I’m definitely a workaholic. I will join in. Because we’ve done have to be told to rest. That’s so many shows together, we’ve why I get sick like this and end discovered what works well.” up doing a show anyway - and The Babysitters produce a perform with an arrow in my rich, textured context which at back. I take maybe Qne day off various times incorpdrates flute, every two months. I manage sax, and bongos. Add the husky Bratty and jhe Babysitters, do timbre of Bratty’s voice and the the publicity and the promotions. I wriqte the material, organ& combinatidn is erotic, infectious dance music. Finally, add a band ize the shows. I’m a hairdresser that’s happy, unified, and has a on the side to make extra cash. strong presence onstage - the The days go -by. I haven’t had result? weekends for a couple/of years.” Everyone dances. “Part of what keeps me going They dantie to songs like In u is doing my own music. Now if State [“its about lust,” says you’re in a top 40 band, where Bratty] andcasual, about someyou’re doing what’s popular on one not wanting a serious relathe radio - Prince, Madonna, tionghip. “We're not trying to - Robert Palmer, whatever’s hiD, make abig political state-me& or and you’re just doing the cl& circuit night after night - that’s persuade people to believe in a probably a drag.” certain thing. We just want peoBratty wants everyone to have ple to feel good.” Everyone inthe band is busy, fun. “We want everyone to let it all go and have a great time. We says Bratty, “because of the nature ofthe Canadian industry.” want them to turn into sweatballs and just smile and laugh That is you can’t eat and pay your rent on the strength of one and let all the stress out-and feel great and -to be walking out band - *‘even if it’s a recording act with two or three records smiles. out.” Bryant Didier (bass) says, “We’d like time and resources to Three years ago, her future do all the things it takes to bepointed toward being’vice-presicome an internatioilal reco?ding dent of marketing and sales in a act -” He thinks Bratty’s one of corporate head office. She sold the most “fun bands in the “all kinds bf things from radioacworld.” tive pharmaceuticals for reHe t&o, felt the welcome research to big-piles of rock” sponse: “People were saying to “I had the money. I had the-nice me tonight that they really replace to live. I had the nice lifesspected what we did because it tyle. I had the car - you know I was original, and because they 1had all those -” felt something for it, something Does she ever miss it now? that had no other associations. ” - “Sure, I miss it. 1 went to about 20% of my income overnight. But Gina Stepaniuk (support voI knew I wasn’t going to be cals and. percussion) adds, “it happy. It didn’t matter how hard was great to see everyone dancI worked, I knew something was ing-right from the start. Part of it





is that Bratty involves the audience. There’s no distance between us and the audience. We’re not an aloof band,” “Yeah,” says Bratty. “We’re accessible. We’re not arrogayt or

at Fed Hall photo by Peter Stathopulos egotisticai. something

We’re just we enjoy.”

And don’t forget, you’re doing it gracefully pressure.




Bratty, under

, 1

New 0 rleans’ The Neville Brothers,, by Paul Done Imprint Staff

Soul ‘up in Torontoi

Though New Orleans spul legends The Neville Brothers have only been playing together as a group since 1977, their individual careers stretch back into the early 50s when Art and Aaron Neville were both in successful high school bands. In the 6Os, Aaron became a solo artist for Minit Records, the sound of New Orleans (incidentally, the history of this great label is welldocumented in the superb One Minit At A Time compilation]. His moment of glory came in 1966 with the transcendent TeII It Like Is - covered since by innumerable artists.

from the 50s to 1984’s Nevilleization. During the last decade, the brothers have toured steadily and their latest series of dates-brought them to Toronto’s Diamond last month. Live, The .Nevilles are testament to the amazing power of the New Orleans gumbo melange where American, Indian, Spanish, English, French, African, Caribbean and Latin American styles blend into a vibrant, unique whole. At’ the base of .this sound is the rhythm - complex and constantly shifting, yet, always providing a solid foundation. At any given moment, at least three of the eight people on stage are playing percussion while their monster drummer (at least during the NFL offseason) lays down a solid base for them to work on. They offer a short history of New Orleans soul sifting through New Orleans soul classics such as Ike Ike, best known as a Dixie Cups song (their one hit was the wonderful Chapel of Love), Professor Longhair’s Big Chief, Aaron’s own Tell It and The Meters’ People Say. The Nevilles show *

Meanwhile, Art kept himself busy writing classic soul songs such as Pain In My Heart - a hit for





remained active until they became a group in the various guises of The Meters+ The Wild Tchoupitoulas and others.


by Tim Perlich

Since the four brothers formed The Neville Brothers, LPs have been infrequent, however Rhino Records has compiled a crosssection of the Brothers work,

ranged from the grit and pure funk of People Say to the soaring gospel a-Capella of Amazing Grace, stopping in between for the smoky Fever and Fiyo on the Biyou. Though a righteous sweat was worked up - during _ _... the funkier - . moments, the highlights ot the 1 show were when Aaron’s voice 1 was brought to the front such as ! during Tell It Like It Is, Arionne f or Amazing Grace* As beautiful and otherworldty noise as this 1i delicate, fluttering tenor seems ) com$letely incongruous coming , from the huge body of the ex- 1 dockworker, whose fading tat- 1 toos are a leftover from-his days i in prison. i The group brings the show to a j climax with Big Chief - featur- 1 ing a seven-man percussive at- i tack and Blood thei anti-aparteid song which was j the highlight of their set during; the Amnesty International: show. Words are useless in describing the warmth and life-giving energy of The Neville Brothers. It made my heart a little warmer for days after the show.

by Peter Imprint

Stathopulos staff

with music‘and lose their smalltown distinctness. Without a strong identity, they’d be just another of the hundreds of bands trying to make their name in the big city. The Weathermen want to do original work. Seth said they don’t like getting hyped as The Cureclones or as Joyohboy Division or as R.E.M.embers. “We want people to come and listen to us, and if they want to label us, alright, but we’re not going to help them do it.” The Weathermen played Fed Hall on a double-bill with Three O’Clock Train last Thursday


“We’re not at all interested in being classified,” says easy-going Seth Matson as we talk in the Campus Centre. Sure - even their name is ambiguous. Who are these Weathermen? Can I trust them? Seth was genuinely concerned about projecting both his and the band’s motives. The. four-piece group grew up in Guelph and had briefly considered relocating to Toronto. They decided against it because they don’t want to become disillusiopad

night, Both the band and the audience considered the shdw a success. The crowd, notorious for paying more attention to electronic DJ music than live performers, actually got up and danced for most of the band’s 40minute se?. Mild-mannered Seth was transformed into a high-stepping, arm-shaking prophet as he droned about social and political issues that lay imbedded in the energetic music. Unfortunately, as is SO often the case at Fed Hall,

the sound was too loud. After the concert, Seth said he’d heard the bass rumbling from the stage, but seeing the dance floor full of people was still encouraging to -the young band. Another interesting feature of the performance was the video taping of some live footage for the Weathermen’s first video, EIement of Truth, Most of the live shots have already been collected and the location shots were taken just outside Guelph in Viking Valley. Now remains

The Weathermen -

a storm close to home.photo by Scott Gardner






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After the Weathermen presented a good opening, Montreal’s Three O’clock Train did their guitar thing at Fed Hall June 4. This band was a bit of a disappointment in a great night of entertainment. This freebee concert by BENT, Imprint, and CKMS was well attended with more than 500 patrons in for a few pints. The biggest disappointment with Three O’clock Train is that too many of their songs fall victim to-guitar-rock cliches. Songs which could be called originalcovers drag the show’s pace way down. Even the song drder drained the pace fr.om their’ show; just as the audience found the floor the band would lose them with a tempo change. The best tunes are their countrybased pop jangles, but these were too few for the Fed show. Their latest record, Muscle In, was reviewed several issues ago and received praise. This vinyl is on Montreal label Pipeline Records and sold out so quickly [I,000 copies) that they were left without copies for two months - a good sign. They are planning a Western tour to the usual Western stops. This’ July tour will give them more than 20 gigs - again, a good sign. The lack of musical excitement may be caused because one man writes all of the tunes. Leadsinger Mack Mackenzie takes the”complete responsibility for the bands material; maybe it is time to share the load.





II 8844002


Slek!py hardLo;e heads wzeup for a show that will feature TO’s NoMind downtown in Tops on College St. Locals NF’s and Brantford’s Social Suicide will round out the two shows, all ages 7-10 and 10-l licensed. Another youth show is scheduled for the Victoria Park Pavillion with Garden Bower and the Young Pagans on June 17,

Mack Train,

Mackenzie, and his brother never had ‘enough stea-m.

nighttime. All-night-long will be the rule for the Koko Tayh~r’s show at the Kitchener Legion on June 18. This major lady of Chidago Blues and her Blues Machine should have those untouchable guns ablazing. The Princess Theatre will .be a great place to hide on Jun’e li & 13, don’t miss LiquM Sky, an ex-Sovietts view of the New York punk scene, complete with

the task of assembling the video for Canadian air-play such as Muchmusic. And although Seth says he’s not completely fond of videos, they still serve apurpose by adding respectability and fa; miliarity to the band. As artists, they retained total control of the video by planning the storyboards before they began The video which should be ready by early July is more “a collection of images” rather than a narrative. In keeping with the sombre theme of Element of Truth, (nuclear destruction, etc.), scenes using shadow and smoke will add to the already strong sense of mystery and ambiguity in the song. A five or six song EP is in the works for early September. It will contain mostly new songs except for Element of Truth, which the band is heavily promoting. They want to reproduce the live quality of their shows on the EP. Their previous recordings just don’t have those rough spots which typify their very basic drum and guitar sound in concert. The Weathermen want to “keep the edge on the songs,” and like any ambitious band, they-also want to “balance musical integrity with accessibility.” So far they haven’t had to compromise one for the other and with the encouraging support they’ve received from their hornet own region, they can retain their identity and consequently their musical ambitions. The Weathermen are playing Key West in London on June 13, the Cafe Flore in Elora on July 10 and II, and Lee’s Palace on July 13.

and friends of Three O’clock Photo by Peter SWhopuI08 heroin, illegal aliens (not Soviet, extra-terrestial] and Ann Carlisle playing both male and female leads (don’t miss their sex scene!) Another .-don’t miss is @Hty--Blue (June 23,. 24) - by DSWI director Beineix. A pastoral French romance that approches Art. Finally at Cinema Gratis on June 17, don’t miss the Cary Grant double-feature. It starts with the classic The pbiladelphia Story.

by Peter StathopuIos Imprint staff The first six words are representative of the entire album: “It was a very simple melody.” Closer Together, the crucial third album from those .Quebec rockers does not try to overexert itself. The music is consistent rock and roll, The Box has captured their distinctive sound and brought it down to a rawer, more energetic level. Where their first two albums were predominantly synthesized dance melodies or sombre guitar with cynical lyrics, the third album gets right down to the basics of the bass, drum, and guitar chord. Jean Marc, the singer and acrobat of the band also concentrates on some of-$he simpler ideas in this one, such as love and friendship < and humour. The title track, Closer Together, is already a national hit and there are probably at least two mo.re hits on the way. The band intended right from the beginning to create an album that was accessible to a wider variety of people than their previous efforts. Along with the simple lyrics and music, the album graphics are among the most straight-forward of the-new releases. The cover has a large blue circle on a pastel orange background with The Box marching out of it dressed in blue jeans and leathers. With their shades, the band members look like a grovp of hoods on the warpath.

lwtftarsandra Nicotabu &print 8taff Rumour has it that when Simply Red was a budding new band keen for suc<ess and glory, they sent a demo tape to a record company. The company loved the band and wanted to sign a deal immediately+ exclaiming that the lead singer was th6 best black female vocalist since Aretha Franklin. As we all know, the singer turned out to be poor white trash of the male persuasion. Definitely not as marketable, but renardless, Mick Hucknall has not

by Peter Lawson hprint Staff The roots of American music has been revised in the last handful of years, and with this trend the blues has triumphed some new stars. Alligator Records pf Chicago has helped make names like Albert Collins, Robert Cray, and Koko Taylor. Koko Taylor called the Queen of the Blues is a Chicago star, and this latest vinyl is her belting it out live in January of 1987.

I The synthesizer element on this album takes the fdrm of an Emulator which fills in everything from saxaphones to cowbells to human voices. Finally, Guy Pisapia, the keyboardist, is more-of a support than a crutch for the band. Cl&de Thibault’s electric guitar dominates the music in songs like TeII Me A Story and Without Love. For a band that had written only two love songs, this album is certainly a drastic change. This kind of change is absolutely es.sential for the third album, because bands tend to get labelled by the public when. they finally

c I 1 1 1 I i i

l I 1 1 1 1 1 1

Top 8 records!t$pes

for week


June 6, 1987

1. Bruce Cockburn 1 Waiting for a Miracle 2. Suzanne Vega - Solitude Standing 3.Cure - Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me 4. Little Steven - Freedom No Compromise 5. Alison Moyet - Raindancing 6. Box - Closer Together 7. Soft Cell - The Singles 8. Various Artists - Animal Liberation JUST ARRIVED 1. Ladysmith Black Mambazo - Shaka Zulu 2. Sattalites - Live Via Sattalites 3. Willie Dixon - I am the Blues (rerelease A Blues Classic] 4. Suicidal Tendencies - Join The Army

[ The Box’seems I [ in showing peo- I ple their positive side and the I sures’t way is to start eatly now that they have people’s attention. There’s always room for some of the best in highly polexperiment ation in later albums ished dance music and should (look at the popular Beatles who find plenty of dance-floor play became the psychedelic Beatles.] this summer. A band known for Jean Marc’s peculiar singingtheir multi-remixed versions, talking theatrics come out in both Lessons In Love and Runlighter tunes such as I’m Back ning In The Family will pound and Front Cover Lovers, which pokes fun at Hollywood and the gods of glamour. If being closer together is the theme of this I Family are the albums best sli. . 1 album, then the real theme song must be Ordinary People. Upon first listening+ it sounds very obnoxious with Emulator sounds glistening and the mindless chorus: “We. We. Are. Are. Ordinary / people.” But after the third time around, you’ll probably find j yourself echoing that damn choi rus! The song was obviously de1. signed with the thought of l&000 a screaming ordinary people in mind, It’s catchy and it’s proof that The Box are accelerating into the mainstream of popular music. get recognition. to be interested

Listening to the music of Garden Bower is similar to having a comfortable nap. No, the likeness is not due to their tunes putting one to sleep, but instead the songs on Can’t Sit Still contain the relaxing quality of a well-planned siesta, 1 The difficulty of a self-produced tape for band and listener alike is prevalent on Can’t Sit 1 Still, as the sound is uneven, The ~ vocals, ai undistinct atThis slow number iails tn ofin RQ tempt to present them, as aretheyclose to non-existent. The band’s mainstay however, is laying down instrumental tracks that * a**mts a catc contain sensitive guitar properties. The guitars of Gord Bolan and Doug Rankin neither push one another nor do they fight for the fore front. Both players strum and pick cozily around the other, producing a pleasant and restful symbiosis. Five of the eight tracks are sms vocals with What’s the Word heading the instrumental offerings, and Watching You topping the combo of words and music., Folk-rock in a quiet Neil Young style characterizes all of the songs with or without verbal ....._ attributes. Until that next album, The Kitchener quartet will be ning In The Family is at its best l playing their quiet ditties ai a as smooth dance music, and is 1 slightly greater volume June 17 enjoyable if you like your music I at the Victoria Park Pavillion. on the sweet side. Though if 1 Their set will be a relative lull Level 42 does not SUDDIV a ! before the storm as Garden grabby melody, this sw%Gess I Bower will open for proud U2ish can be a little repressive. f Young Pagans.


; Ia

only his vpcal abilities, but those _ too oftgn. &3 i songwriter as well. Given the strdng material and Simply Red is one of those few arrangements on thisalbum, you bands whose material is stylistigotta wonder why they chose to cally consistent without being do a cover of the Cole Porter repetitious and self-indulgent. oldie Ev’ry Time We Say GootiSongs such as the AM chartbye. It’s okay, but the tone of the topper The Right Thing, I Won’t Feel Bad, and Let Me Have It AI1 . tune doesn’t really fit the rest of one of are all powerful pop songs with a the album and another Hucknall’s own would be preferbluesy twist. The punchy brass able. lines supplied by Tim Kellett Men and Women is bound to and Ian Kirkham give the catchy crossover melodies just the right amount of get a lot> of AM-FM airplay. And it deserves it. guts. No sign of wimpiness here. Simply Red knows how to write The slower-paced Suffer lets solid, infectious tunes with a lot Hucknall take full advantage of of heart. . his ability to inject a truly soulThe best music is contained on 1 I& The Good Times Ro% certainly makes its point and I’m a the second side which’ opens Woman is bump and grind with, with Come to Mama. Last Kako’s voice grinding out the summer this song was included words. The sparseness of The. on the Alligator Records’ GeDevil’s Gonna Have a Field Day nuine House Rockin’ Music, but this live version is more funky is great backing for the strangled and lives’as the albums best cut. vocals which sing a hurting Come ?% Mama is probably this cause. On this album the Queen is great woman’s theme song. The following cut, I’d Rather joined by Michael Robinson Go Blind, takes the pace way(guitar], Eddie King (guit’ar), down to a ballad with an implied Jerry Murphy (bass), and Clyde Tyler, Jr. [drums). In all it is a soul swing - wonderfully ungood blues package with the sederstated.. Lef Me Love You cond side showing some fine verbounces back to the cooking satility. blues and the album’s concluIf. a late Thursday night sion; Wang Dang Doodle, is a (Friday morning] party does not strutting growl. As the lyrics scare you, then check o’ut state, “pitch a Wang Dang DooSOBA’s presentation of Koko dle all night [ong,” - get out and Taylor and her Blues Machine at swing your midrift. the Kitchener Legion on June 18. The first side offem some It’s going to be sweaty. standard blues. The opening cut,



Campus Centre, Lower Mall University of Waterloo MAXELL UDS II 90 min.- 1 I I MAXELL XL.11 90 min .IIIIII”lO MAXELL XLII-S 90 min. -D m I BASF LHX-I 90 min. ,;I;---JO BASF CHROMEX II 90 min. I I BASF MAXIMA II 90 min. I I I


by Sam ?Iiyate Imprint staff

poets who agree to read], and the jazz will be courtesy of the Waterloo Saxaphone Quartet.

Online’s’ having a party, Peter Mcphee and Ian Ropke, editors of online, will be launching the book on Wednesday June 17, in the Campus Centre Great Hall with a celebration of poetry and jazz. The perforniance sets are at Xi:00 p.m. and 2:30. The poetry will be courtesy of at least Peter Mcphee (and other


The editors are also looking material for the next book.

Poems and prose should be contributed to online through the Creative Arts. Board (they have an office in the Fed Off&e). Prose contributions are especially needed. All contributions should have a name and phone number, or a SASE. “We’re looking for the poten._






be known as a high-tech school but we know there are writers out there.” Although unsure about the funding for the next book which he wants to develop into a “regular, quality publication.” He &aid, “we are very committed to it: we will bring it out in one form or another,”

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tial of writers on campus,” said Peter McPhee. “We’re very interested in discussing people’s

I JO for fat i-10 for for L JO for I JO for

Monday tb Friday 9:oO AM to 500 PM Saturday from 1 :OO PM to 500 PM










Party, p@rty,>party to launch book



















Jhnb 14 1987

Big robbers, big cops intensify the pace of ,The Untouchables

by Sam Hiyet: Imprint Staff



It was the time of what President Hoover called the “Noble’ Experiment .” It was the time of new words - “anti-freeze”, “ bust head”, and “hooch.” It was the time of Chicago and two of its citizens - Eliot Ness and Al Capone. Brian De Palma’s latest epic The Untouchables is lavish and simple, violent and touching, and is painstakingly hellcrafted. Attention to detail at all levels results in a polished production. I Robert De Niro gains 30 pounds, pLucks his hairline and steps into a Giorgio Armani suit to become Capone. Kevin Costner plays Eliot Ness as a man driven by Apollonian ideals like a reborn Jimmy Stewart. Sean Connery plays the veteran Irish cop Malone with more guts, more integrity and more’of an accent than when he played Bond. Pulitzer prize-winning playwright David Manet (his other screenplays are The Verdict and The Postman Always Rings Twice] tackles an old splatter gangster story line and improves on it by focusing on individuals -the conflict becomes between two men, not between the “cops and robbers,” Ness is a Treasury Agent, who believes that “prohibition is the law of the land.” Crime lord Capone figures he’s “responding to the will of the people” by bootlegging. To Capone, it’s big business. To Ness, it’s illegal. Ness declares war tin Capone.

Trouble is, in declaring mr on Capone, he’s declared war on most of the officials in Chicago - inclu’ding cops and aldermen. Capane defeats him in a few skirmishes until Ness teams up with Malone. Malone asks him how much he’s willing to risk, and warns him about the unwritten ruIes: “If he pulls out a knife, you pull out a gun. If he sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the Morgue. It’s the Chicago way.” But two against a city is still unfair odds. Enter George Stone, a tough police cadet, and Oscar Wallace, account ant ex t raordinaire. The foursome become The Untouchables and yage war in

So guys,



let us into

Chicago fashion - with the-rata-tat of submachine guns and the peel of black Rolls Royce tires. The film is a statement about both individual and collective loyalty and integrity. Both Ness and Capone belong to established organizations. Ness can’t trust his -own policemen (only his “untouchables”). But Capone 3knows how to run his organization. He does then what IBM does now. He uses a baseball metaphor of his men being “players” on his “team.” Teamwork is impbrtant because it’s teamwork, both within the narrative of the film, and by De Palma & company, that makes The Untouchables a gasping, intense experience.

Fed Hall without





by Peter Lawson Imprint Staff

Mr Thompson is a man who wrestles with his guitar - major energy situation - talking about cat-fightin’ those licks. One of the most sparked moqents was his solo guitar tribute to Robert “The King of the Delta Blues Singers” Johnson+ Mr. Thompson grinded through Hellhound on My Trail with some biting slide. He pushed out some of his own works and also did his own thing to that grinding Memphis soulthang. Few will forget (if they were there) his killer four-week version of Freight Train [let Me Ride); surprising they let him play this fiercely in California. He is destined to start an earthquake over that-fault. -I Fof record buyers out-there, Ron Thompson and the Resisters have pressed a new vinyl, Resister Twister. This lp is on Blind Pig Records and may become domestically available. If it blazes like his show, pick it up, but keep a fire-extinguisher handy, just in case. The next SOBA show is the big woman from Chicago, Koko Taylor and her Blues Machine, on Thursday night, June 18. Also, way off in July, the 26th to be exact, the annual SOBA Summer Picnic will feature soul-man Otis Clay.

And yet again, another long, take-no-prisoners show at the Kitchener Legion, brought to you by SOBA. The night (and morning)‘ of June 5 (and 6) were blues’n’ and rockin’ tdthe guitar flash of Ron Thompson and the Resistors This young (by blues-players standards) dude from California is a fiery player. Before doing his own thing, he payed his dues playing with the likes of the John Lee Hooker’s Coast-to-Coast Blues Band in 1975-1978. On this several month tour he is joined by Jerome Kimsey (drums] and Artis Joyce (bass) who added tons of backup for just two. They are up here to cook a Week at Albert’s Hall and then return to the deep south for the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival. Though the crowd was sparse (we feel sorry for those who missed this one), those loyal SOBA patrons who did make this gig showed rave enthusiasm. The music encompassed strict blues, rockin’ blues, rock, and soul, and picking a variety of guitars 7 Gibson hqllow body to a Fender solid body 1, ‘Ron and crew kept up a mean pace.

150 University Ave. W. 884-7620 r



Tdl Free (st9nrr)


Chicken %ngsd, Nachos, Potatoe Skins ’ (PATIO ODLW) -

with special guests



SPOR.TS k Waterloo’s athletic history: The first decade by Donald Duench Imprint staff The University of Waterloo celebrates its thirtieth anniversary this year. To commemorate this achievement, Imprint Sports presents a four-part review of Waterlod athletics. This week: .the first decade.

1957~ 58 In the summer of 1957, about seventy engineering students were enrolled as thefirst class of the new Waterloo College Associate Faculties (WCAF). Later that. year, WCAF built Seagram Stadium, with help from the City of Waterloo and Seagrams. Over at Waterloo College [now WLU), the football team, known as the Mules, had an O-7 season. Their coach, on a part-time basis, was WaterlooCollege alumnus Carl Totzke.

1958 - 59 Totzke became the full-time athletic director at Waterloo College, with a staff of notie. The Mules, who now represented both Waterloo College and the Associate Faculties, had another O-7 season.

1959 -60 The Mules found success on the gridiron, defeating Carleton College 30-6, This results in a l-6 season.

1960 - 61


With the two universities officially split, the first University of Waterloo Warriors teams were active that season. They competed in the Ontario In&

collegiate Athletic Association (OJAA). The fodtball Warriors, led by Dick Aldridge, had a 2-5 seabon, Aldridge also played on the Waterloo basketball team. During their season, the first Waterloo Warrior Weekend (WA WA fWEE) was held, The WA WA WEE was similar to a Homecotiing weekend, except that there were no UW graduates to come home. The first UW basketball coach was Dan Pugliese; his first Waterloo team had a-20-2 overall record, and won the 0IA.A cham-

pionship with a 8-0 league record. The Warriors were led by Bill Jones, who played the entire seasqn with a cast on his left hand, due to aninjurysuffered in the first UW game. Jones was the. first recipient of the HageySe&fried, Trophy as basketball MVP. At this time, UW basketball games were played in the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. There would often be a basketball doubleheader, with the junior varsity Pioneers pleying the first game, or a special attraction such as the Harlem Globetrot-

ters. The ruger team played its first game, beating Toronto Varsity II 19-5. Brendan O’Connor scored two tries, and also found time to edit the Coryphaeus, the student newspaper at the time. Waterloo also participated in hockey, volleyball, curling, badmiRton and golf that season.

by ye

ing every Tuesday from ~30 to 3:30, Experienced and novice alike can benefit from this practice, Come out, get wet, and have fun. Two trips are being organized for the Tuly long weekend. A five-day hiking trip to the Adirondack Mountains of Ne’w York State will leave on Tuesday, June 30 in the evening and return to Waterloo on Sunday, July 5. The approximate cost will be $80. For more information, call John at 746-8163 before June 22. The trip will be limited to the first nine people. First come, first serve. A flat water canoe trip to Pukaskwa National Park is also planned. This trip will also take platie from J,une 30 to JuIy 5. Approximate cost is $90. For more information, see the second newsletter whjch will be available

on the equipment room door. Sign up deadline is June 22, There is a maximum of eight people on this trip. The Equipment Room is another important Outers Club feature, Tents, sleeping bags, pads, stoves, packs, panniers, etc. can be rented at reasonable r,ates. A deposit is required, preferably in cheque form. Located in the Blue South Corner of the PAC (room 2010), the equipment room is opened Tuesdays and


Activity in the Outer8 Club has been high since the beginning of the term with the first meeting attracting more than 50 members. Canoe trips to Killarny and Algonquin Parks on the May long weekend were a success despite the occasiontil drop of rain. s A group of whife water canoeists are leaving today for the Madawaska River. This weekend clinic appears to be very popular, with 20 adventurers heading out to face the rapids. Upcoming events are being organized all the time. A weekend hiking trip, tentatively to the Bruce +‘l?rail, has been proposed. Interested individuals should sign up outside the Equipment .Room PAC 2010. The psol is booked for kayak-

Get Back into shape by Juli Wiliams Fituees Coordiastor Campus Recreation Some of the many benefits enjo ed by the participants of a fitness program inc Yude; improved cardiovascular endurance (the ability to continue strenuous tasks that stress the heart such as running, swimming, and biking), significant strength increases, mus.cular endurance improvements, flexibility, balance and coordination improvements. One of the less recognized yet equally important rewards from a fitness program includes prevention of back pain and injury through exercise. The spine itself is comprised of 33 vertebrae ‘which form a’natural “S” shape when viewed from ‘the side (laterally ygee figure adjacent). Only 24 of the vertebrae are mobile, the others are fused together. Between each vertebrae lies a disc. The disc provides cushioning and shock absorption and allows the spine to move more freely. Exercise supplies the discs with more blood and nutrients, necessary for maintaining healthy discs. Exercise also strenathens the joint cartilaae between each vertebrae&d makes- it thicker and durable. There are many major muscle groups which attach to the aDine that affect the condition of the back as welias others) that, although they do not join into the spine, directly play a role in back care. The muscles of the back, such as the erector spinae, if strengthened, will improve posture. Correct posture eliminates excess stress and pressure on the vertebrae and discs, On the front of the body, the abdominal muscles exert a vital role in back care. With strong abdominals, the body can more



a pelvic

tilt po&ion,

33 vertebrae


If the hamstrings are too tight (short] they may cause lower back instability due to over stretching and strain on the ligaments of the back. The hip flexor also needs to be stretched regularly. If these are too tight, they will produce a forward pull on your p&is restiltihg in a postural condi-. tion called lordosis or a swayback. This causes a stomach that sticks out in the front and a rear that


the spine in a straighter, stronger position. Exercising the abdominals also prevents lower back pain by providing support for the spinal column. Fitness classes also improve the strength of the quadriceps (front thigh). This provides one with the power to lift using the legs thus minimizing the stress on the lower back. Fitness programs also usually provide stretches for the hamstring muscles [back of the thigh).

form the human


out behind.

A well planned fitness class wilr work on strength and flexibility exercises for all of the muscles which affect the back. The end result from participating in a fitness program‘ (besides having fun] is a well conditioned back. With millions of dollars spent annually on back rehabilitation programs, forty minutes a day, three times a week seems to be a positive alternative to a pain* ful problem. -

1961-62 Waterloo made a big step this season by gaining membership in the Ontario-Quebec Athletic Association, (O-QAA) for some sports. The 0-QAA, with

schools such as Toronto and Western among its members, was considered to be more competitive than the OIAA. In addition to the sports played in the previous season, UW hosted an OIAA Track and Field meet at Seagram Stadium, attended an invitational swim meet at O.A.C. and won an eightteam curling bonspeil. The first annual Athletic Banquet was held at the end of the season. Tickets for the banquet, which was held at the Breslau Hotel, were $1 each. ‘The Fryer


on page 14

Thursdays from S:OO to 5:30 p.m. Memberships are required for all those who wish to participate on trips or to rent equipment, The fee is only $4.99 per term and $9.99 per year (special deal, this summer only). You can purchase your membership at the PAC receptionist or the equipment room. For more information, contact Jorg Schulte at 746-8163. New members+ volunteers, ideas and suggestions are welcome! ~

J,obs, jobs, jobs by Deirdre Muir Are you planning to be on campus next winter? Campus Recreation, UW’s largest student employer; is seeking to involve as many students as possible in the daily administration of its programs: the more students involved, the better, Applications are nQw being accepted for the Winter 1988 student assistant, convener, and referee-in-chief positions. Each term, 13 to 15 students are employed by Campus Recreation’. f~’ the day-to-&y administration of ‘its programs. Positions are available in the areas of fitness, publicity, promotions, tournaments, competitive and recreational leagues, instructional programs and special projects. We also need con‘venors, referee-in-chiefs and assistant referee-in-chiefs to OFganize various Campus Recreation leagues. Applications for these positions are available from the PAC Receptionist, PAC 2039, and are due by June 26,

Campus Recreation dates

Thursday, June 18 - Captain’s Playoff Meeting (Men’s Non-Contact Hockey) cc 110 - 4:30 p.m. Sun -4 fina co11

jay, June 21 lackey Playoffs - Quarters mbia Icefield - 5-11 ti.m.

Monday, June 22 - .Hockey Playoffs - Semi-finals Columbia Icefield -. 6-11 p.m. . Friday, June 26 - Winter 1988 Student Assistant Applications Due [New and Returning), \

If you are interested in being a volunteer, referee, instructor, or lifeguard next winter, make sure you drop by the C-R office when you return to campus in January. At that time you can pick up an application form - and remember to watch for specific deadlines and meetings!

, Columbia Icefield will be closing down for the summer on Friday, June 26, 1987 until the end of August for maihtenance and repairs.

Golf at UW# by Deirdre

Muir Did you know you can get r( a good game of golf without even leaving the cam us? A nine-hole golf course is Pocated north of Columbia Fields behind Brubaker House. You may use the course anytime (unless it is booked for a special event) and if you don’t have your own set of clubs, you may borr0.w some from the PAC Equipment Centre, free of charge, with your student , ID card. While you’re checking out the golf course, why not take a stroll around Columbia Lake and explore some of the scenic trails. As well don’t forget about the softball diamondsand playing n



are alao



North Campus - but make sure /you check the Weekly Playing Field Schedule for field availability (the schedule is posted in the PAC). If you are interested in booking a field for a practice or special event, check with the Campus Recreation office for field availability at least two weeks in advance, .

. Those Bananas certainly had appeal, continued

from me

“‘Wallaceburg Flash”, wai named the top all-around athlete. He participated in football, JV basketball, track 8r field and volleyball, 4


Award (most points in Intramurals) and the Hagey-Se&fried Trophy were awarded that evening.

1963 - 64'

1968 -63 Women’s

In 1963, the Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union (CIAU) was formed; it established national championships in hockey and basketball that season, and eventually in other sports. McMaster won the first CIAU hockey title, Assumption College (now Windsor) took the W.P. McGee Trophy as the first CIAU basketball champions. Waterloo students have always been renowned for their skills in boat racing; so it just seems natural that UW engineering students Jack Hasen and Wally Elstner should win the Grant Trophy, top prize in the Canadian intercollegiate Y-flier sailing regatta. They finished with 52.5 points, seven more than the Toronto entry. UW also competed in the Canadian intercollegiate rowing championship regatta. The first Waterloo harrier (cross-country) team finished fast at its first meet. The team was composed of five Warrior basketball players. Waterloo also had its first tennis team that season. Basketball fans Were warned that games would be moved from the Auditorium to Seagram Gym if attendance dropped below




BIG. Lions in the CFL draft, but - cord, putting the shot 46 feet, six returned to Waterloo for one inches. final year. Waterloo hosted both the ONumber 22, worn by former QAA badminton and 0-QAA cuUW basketball player Bill Jones, rling tournaments. The was retired. Janes played for the inaugural Warrior wrestling first Warrior basketball team, team, .consisting of five averaging 26.3 points per game. wrestlers, finished fourth in the He once scored 49 points in a 0-QkA meet. game, including 19 field goals. Basketball games that season were played at Seagram Gym. UW’s Jerry Raphael (6’5”) was chosen as the 0-QAA’s all-star centre. Robert Rafferty, who had coached the UW hockey team since its inception, retired after the season. He was replaced by Don Hayes. Wayne Houston woin the shot put competition in theintercollegiate portion of Telegram/Maple Leaf Indoor Games in Toronto, breaking a UW school record in the process. ’ Tickets were still only $1 for the athletic banquet, which consisted of dinner, speaker Dr. K,D. Fryer, awards and dancing. “[I] t plans to be ari evening of gay frivolities.”

1964-65 Carl Totzke reality at Waterloo this season. “The time 4s ripe for the formation of a women’s athletic association,” Carl Totzke said at the time. The football Warriors recorded their first win over Waterloo Lutheran (previously WUC, presently WLU], 1342 at Seagram Stadium, Dick Aldridge blocked a Lutheran field goal attempt with three minutes left to save the Warrior win. Aldridge was the first choice of the


The Waterloo curling team, skipped by John Scott, won the Ontario-Quebec Senior Intercollegiate Curling title. At the second annual Athletic Banquet, Wayne Houston, the

The first UW women’s basketball team, with Fran Allard and Karen Reinhardt in the lineup, finished their season with a 16-4 record. During their first game, against Waterloo Lutheran, they were tagged with the nickname “Bananas”, due to their bright yellow one-piece uniforms. Wally Delahey joined the Waterloo athletic departmellt as men’s intramural9 director and _assistant football coach. Robert Rafferty, former UW hockey coach, died Jan. 25, 3965. Mike Milligan broke Wayne Houston’s year-old shot put re-

Bob WicKillop Athletic banquet tickets have gone up to $1.50; the music was provided by “The Gut-Bucket Two Plus Seventeen” from Erewhon.

1965 - 66 The football Warriors had their first winning season, posting a 4-3 record. In a 112-l defeat of Guelph, rookie quarterback Bob McKillop passes for one of the touchdowns.

In hockey, Waterloo wound up in third place with an 0-QAA record of 11 wins, two ties and three losses, Team captain Jerry Lawless was the team’s leading scorer with 13 goals and 16 assists. Both men’s and women’& basketball teams were successful. The Warriors, with only three returning players, lost-to Windsor in the 0-QAA final, while the Bananas had a 22-3 season. Waterloo hosted the 0-QAA track meet and introduced Banana field hockey and volleyball teams that season.

1966 -67 Construction began on the new phys-ed complex. The building was designed to meet the needs of ten thousand students. The hockey Warriors made it to the 0-QAA ch,ampions hip , game, where they lost 9-4 to Toronto. Fourth-year player Terry Cooke led the Warriors with 13 goals and 14 assists during the regular season, while defenceman Mel Baird and centre Ron Smith were named 0-QAA allstars. An ‘award’, called the Bar-O0, was created to be presented to the winner of the annual football game between the Warriors and Waterloo Lutheran. A [UW) Homecoming crowd of over 5000 saw WLU win the first Bar-O-O game, 17-7. Waterloo hosted the 0-QAA judo and 0-QAA curling tournaments, and tournaments in women’s tennis and field hockey. Math student Dave Greenberg, looking for a way to get into football games for free, started up the Warriors Band.

Come down to the Village Green ‘to cetebrute Catiada Day with outdoor concerts, clowp, balloons and the Famous Turnkey Kite Contest.

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Monday - Pasta Night Choose Spaghettini, Ravioli, Gnocchi, Rigatoqi, with meat sauce ..~~..~~~......~‘~...........~.~...~.~.. l@y Buy

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FRfDAY, JUNE 12 FLICKS “Ruthless People”.

Showtime is 8 p.m. in Physics 145. Price is $1.00 for Feds; $3 for nonFeds.



People”! Showtime is 8 p.m. in Physics 145. Price is $1 00 for Feds; 53 for nonFeds.

BLOOD DONOR Clinic. KitchenerWaterloo Red Cross. First United Church, King & William Sts., Waterloo. 1:30 p.m. through 800 p.m.




People”. Showtime is 8 p.m. in Physics 145. Price’ is $1 .OO for Feds; $3 for nonFeds.




SEXUALITY AND COMMUNICATION. Planned Parenthood Waterloo Region presents Beryl and Noam Chernick, Canada’s foremost sex therapists. An entertaining and informative evening. June 15, 7 - 10 p.m. University of Waterloo, Physics 145. Admission 83.00.





At the Grad House. Touch and Go, 6:OO, Cal, 8:OD. Sid and Nancy, 1O:OO. Free. Members and guests welcome.

WEDNE8~AY,JUNE 17 ONLINE SUMMER book launching.. Jau & Poetry with The Waterloo Saxaphone Quartet, Peter ,McPhee & others. 12100 & 2:30 p.m.

FOR SALE One uwy flight ticket - Uthinu. Toronto - Frankfurt. Avaihble ~VBuntil end of August. 8250. Tel: 7462 184Jevin.

1981 Ford Escort, 4 speed, 40 MPG, runs great, very reliable, well maintained, $2,800 or best offer.8886615, Ben. 1979 Honda CB650 good condition. $950 or best offer. Certified. Call 5790259 after 4 p.m.

Flrh Tank for sale. 10 gal. with filter, heater, plastic Shawn

thermometer, gravel, rocks, plants, canopy, lights. Call at X4048. KIngsIze uysterbed. Semi-waveless mattress, heater, and some bedding included. Measures 86” x 74”, excellent condition. $275. or best offer. 746-6299.

tbkeb One pair of tickets for June 28, Hank Williams Jr., Molson Park. $30. Call Shawn, 746-26ti after 6 p,m.



Learn to sail this summer.

Conestoga Sailing School offers instruction in sailing for adults (2 evenings per week for a 3 week period). Sessions start .&ne 8, June 30 and July 21. Lessons are at the Conestoga Sailing Club facilities at Lake Conestoga. Information and registration forms: Susan Bercri, 886-5039 or Ian Macdonald. X-3596. Do you have the blues?Then listen to ‘Sunset Blues’ Thursday nights, 800 9:30 on CKMS - 94.5 - FM with ‘Easy Walter’.


WEEJEENDIMIN Native Resource Centre is hosting a *picnic. For more information 743-8635 or 88641 6.7 - - --. JUNE

Native Resource Centre is hostng Walter Cooke in ‘Walk a Day in My Moccasins workshop’. For more information 7436635 or 886-4163.



“The Mission”. Showtime is 8 p.m. in Physics 145. Price is $1 .OO for feds; 53 ior non-Feds.



o$jectivism - the philosophy of Ayn,Rand - present an audio taped talk by Or. George Reisman entitled Why I’m for Free EnterDrise. 7:30 Et205.



24-hour turnaround if you book ahead. $1 .15 per double-spaced page. Resumes $4 per page. Draft copy always provided. Near Seagram Stadium, Phone 8851353. Word Procearlng and disk se’mice: papers, scientific illustrations, printing of WordPerfect and Wordstar disk text. Professional type, proofreading. $1 .OO/page. 746-8502, Kerry.



Food shop requires part-time help. Must eni& cobking and have good customer relations. Approximatety 15 hours a week. Apply Ciao The Pasta Shop. 33 Erb St. W., Waterloo. PERSOliALS Energy

Lske students - if you’d like to practice while away from Toronto, inaybe a group can get together. Call Ian (a student for over 3 years) at 894-a?.* aQ4u Men,take an active role in birth control. Find out more at the Birth Control Centre in CC206, or call ext. 2306. PUD lives! We love you PUD. (Get your “PUO” T-shir’twtodayl).


Come and + American Arabic l British l Canadian

7:OO p*m.,


Resources Centre (U of W) is offering a series of four field trips for children age 7 - 12 to local natural and cultural heritage aieas. For more information call Mark, Debbie or Wendy at 885-l 211, Ext. 3942 or 2072.

through l




our large


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or cookie gram decorated according to your design or my selection. Simple to 3 layer. Various sizes. Betty 576-0076. saorr! Wild and Tame Shorts by KIN. Watch for details in I

The attitude

is still on campus, silent but present: When Lenniesgo toTaps, thev should take their Zehr’s bans.



not dead. It’s online. $4.00 at the Fed office, U.W. Bookstore, and Second Look Books in Kitchener. Hey Connie - Watch out, here comes the big rubber fish. She’s-a-gonna come dis-a-Friday. Your concerned roommate, G.M.






Expries June .26th




Gold anklet in Pat Pool. HeaVy chain flat curb. Lost during night swim. If found, please return to Janet rence at Imprint, CC 140.





donors for artificial insemination programme in the area. Oonors must be healthy and responsible. Preference given to married candidates. Also, Urgently Required East Indian donors. Kindly contact Dr. N. Assad, 715. Coronation Blvd., Cambridge, Ont. Nl R ?Rl lflrh gaslk. Need someone to tutor me in gaelic speech and writing - able to play “25” would be nice too. Please phone 664-2643 (Susan).

,. . /,


Hot fudge and hot butterscotch! When flavors come together in one delighfful Mmmmm. Nornrng qurte rrke 0 mubie Especially at this low price* Quick, then. to your participating DA/W QUEEN





30 yearsexperience. Walking distance of university. Old Westmount area. Electronic tyoewriter. .85 per doublespaced pag& Phone 743-3342.

I I l

31 yean experience. .75 double spaced page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount-Erb , area. Call Doris 886-7153


Clip this ad for 10% off new.magazines. I ’ One ad per purchase





Cake crertlon

designed CC.

FASS ‘88W&rs MC 5158.


philosophical sayings, or original quotes? If you do, Mike Brown, Editor of the ’ 1987-88 Itifo-Datebook wants to hear from will. be a. _you! a mrougnout _IThe best . .50Kne -1quotes prrntea new InToDatebook along with the name, year, and faculty of those who submitted them. Drop your submissions off at : the Turnkey Desk or at the Fed Office in the Campus Centre.



-HI BOOK STPRE r & EXCHANGE h New and Used Books

Do you have any.great one-liners,

746-063 1. Same day word-pro.


HURON CAMPUS Ministry Fellowship. 4.30 - 7~00 p.m., McKirdy Hall. “Mannequin”. ShowSt. Paul’s College, Fellowship meal time is 8 p.m. in Physics 145. Price is 4:30 p.m. Bible Study 5:30 - 7:OO pm. $1 XI0 for Feds; $3 for ‘non-Feds. _ (Genesis l-1 11

it up. Your personal masseuse. Townhouse people and friends: Here’s to hacky sacking, 880’s, Peach Queen’s, Talking Heads, Suspender Danizing and the H.P. I’ll never forget it - at least the parts I remember. Hope y’all. come visit. N.A. Futon man! I’m still waiting for it. Your personal masseuse.

typing and letter quality Word Processing. Resumes, Essays, Theses, Business Reports. Free pickup aird delivery. Call Diane, 5761284. Experienced -_ -- typist- -with teaching degree, $1.00 per D.S. page. Close to university - MSA. Phone Karen L. -_- ---_


FED FLICKS “Mannequin”. Showtime is 8 p.m. in Physics 145. Price is $1 .OO for Feds; 53 for non-Feds.


Futon rrbn Your ass looks great I Keep

Fbst, accurate

Showtime is 8 p.m: in Physics 145.’ Price is $1 .DO for Feds; $3 for non-F.eds.

BAGELS, FRIENDS conversation, orange juice, chairs, Styrofoam cups, all for onlv $1 .OO at the Jewish Students Association Bagel Brunch. 11:30 - 1:30, cc.

s‘eminar (& Native Issues) for more information 743-8635 or 886-4163.




DOWN TO Earth Fatherhood

THE SOON to be smash comedy i revue - Honest Fed’s Discount time is 8 p.m. in Physics 145’. Price is t Comedy Warehouse. Tickets on sale 81.00 for Feds; 83 for non-Feds. , at the door. Bring your favourite budgie. ANOTHER EXCITING game of VIDEOS At the Grad House. Sweet theatre sports. A lively evening of Liberty, 6:00, The Wrong Box, 800, improvised comedy. Humanities 180 Educating Rita, 1O:oO. Free. Members at 8p.m. Admission 82.50, or $3.00 and guests welcome. for non-feds. IEEE LUNCH time seminar, 11:30 GARAGE SALE Canadian Crossroads 12130. CPH 2387. International. 59 Maywood, Kit-

typing by university grad. Pick-up/delivery available on campus., Grammar, spelling, corrections available. Suzanne, 886-3857.


IT’S ALMOSTover That smash comedy revue - Honest Fed’s Discount Comedy Warehouse. Tickets on sale at the-door. Bring a friend or a ferret.

8ATURDAY, JUNE 20 FED FLICKS ‘The Mission”. Show-

Fast, profearlonal



WATERLOO PUBLIC Library inwites yoiu toan evening of Readings by Area Authors. Eric McCormack, Veronica Ross, Jane Urquhart, Tom York, Ian Adams. Parkside Branch Library, 500 parkside Drive in the Albert M&ormick Arena. 7:30 p.m. No charge.‘Everyone welcome.



Smash comedy revue Honest Fed’s Discount Comedy Warehouse. Tickets on sale at the door. Bring something small and furry. FASS ‘88Writers’ meeting. 700 p.m., MC 5158. THIS IS it! The last seminar. Investment seminar Ill. Presented by UW Entrepreneur’s Club. 400 - 6:OO p.m., Phys. 145. Tickets: Fed office, Eng, Sot., or at the door!






time is 8 p.m. in Physics 145. Price is S 1.00 for Feds; $3 for non-Feds. FASS ‘88. Writers’ meeting. 7:OOp.m.; MC 5158.

VEGETARIAN Association is having a Potluck Dinner with a short slide presentation on “Vegetarian Travel Through India”. Come to the Start Gallery (across from the Lyric Theatre) 125 King St., W. at 6:30 p.m. Brinn one veQetarian dish. Contact 746T5275 or 745-6462. ’



SUNDAY, JUNE 21 FED FLICKS “The Mission”, Show-




Row, 2:00, Mon Oncle Antoine, Marty, 800



phone Mark .

VIDEOS At the Grad House. Cannery

ENTREPRENEUR’S CLUB. Investment semi.nar with Denys Morphy of the Canadian Association of Investment Clubs. June 17,24,4:00 - 6100 p.m., Phy. 145. Ticket information in Federation Office and Engineering Societv.


At the Grad House. King’s Row, 2:OO. The’ Stranger, 4:00, Garden of Allan, 8:OO. Free. Members and guests welcome.

qhener. 9 - 4. Donations 893-6128.





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