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Second Ohas Fbegbtmtion

The Student


Number Np6463, IElltchsner, Ontaxio


Youth vote a big factor at rn,eeting to review Turner by Carol Fletcher Imprint staff The fat lady finally sang and she sang in favour of John Turner. The “love-in” in Ottawa last weekend, I Nov. 27-30 at the Congress Centre, ended with overwhelming support for Turner as 77 per cent of the Liberal delegates voted, to maintain him ’ as leader of the party. Of a possible 2626 ballots cast, 2001 delegates turned in “yes” votes. Only three ballots were spoiled. A jubilant John Turner approached the microphones on Sunday afternoon after the results were announced as Doug Frith, convention co-chairperson, noted “John, you are first in our hearts”.

the. revisionists. These. people theatre, a good performance, but launched a weak campaign, resempredictable. I guess the best defense bling a gnat picking a fight with an is a good attack, but he didn’t discuss elephant. The pro-review delegates the serious threat of the NDP.” were often booed when they gave Davey compared the convention speeches and participated in pushto the Tory leadership convention where the majority of delegates ing and shoving matches in the haldonned. Flora MacDonald buttons, lways. Marc Lalonde, in an interview but neglected to support-her at the with Imprint, said “the apparent hosI . polls. tility of this convention is unfortunate and regrettable”. “I don’t call it the lying factor, I call “If Turner does receive a strong , it the Flora Syndrome and it certainly majority, it will be the job of all liberis a factor this weekend.” als to get behind their leader,” LaPredictions of an upset proved londe said prior to the vote. false, however. With the support he “There is an unreal air at this conwon, Turner said he can stop “shadow boxing” and get on with the vention,” Senator and former party task of fighting the Conservatives strategist Keith Davey told Imprint before the results of the vote were and preparing for an election exknown. “Turner’s speech was good pected in 1988.

UW makes contribution to Man in Motion Federation athletic commissioner UW sweatshirt to Rick Hansen Monday. The university raised butions are still coming in.

Shane Carmichael presents a during his stopAn Waterloo last a good deal of money and contri-

WLU faculty votes to dump S.A. shares John Turner “Now I know I have your confidence,” said Turner. “Thank you for the clear, strong, unequivocal man-. date you have given me.” In keeping with the weekend’s theme, Turner maintained “I want to lead a grassroots government where each of you plays a part in the decision-making process”. He also had a warning for Prime Minister Brian Mulroney: ‘we are ready and I am ready for a fight.” After the leadership review vote was announced, both Marc Lalonde and Keith Davey, key players during the Pierre Trudeau and major proponents of a review of Turner’s leader. ship, donned the popular Turner scarves. Turner supporters also included all three delegates from the Young Liberal’s of the University of Water. loo: Peter Starodub, Lome Cam and Paul Kellam. The youth delegates at this convention were kept busy in getting policy issues passed and electing Johnathon Sniderman as the new president of the Young Liberals of Canada. Amid buttons stating “I’m a Front Room Liberal” and Review Mulroney”, Turner scarves and red and white pompoms, _delegates turned in a strong vote of confidence for the much-beleaguered John Turner. Turner&es and their well-financed, well organized campaign dominated the entire weekend. The social outcasts of the convention were the remaining 23 per ,, cent,

WATERLOO (CUP) - More than s880,OOO of the Wilfrid Laurier University faculty association’s pension fund is invested in companies with holdings in South Africa, faculty recently learned. The response was swift. They immediately voted to divest at a Nov. 12 meeting. The motion called on trustees to divest of $252,000 in Searams Ltd., $188,000 in Rothmans, ! 183,000 in Cominco Ltd., and $157,000 in General Electric. In addition, faculty passed a motion to initiate discussion with the student union with a view to jointly participating in more “concrete action”, said association president Paul Albright. Student union president Brian Thompson said he would welcome any initiative from faculty. Political Science professor John Redekop suggests funding scholar. ships for black South African students, tenable at Laurier. Albright said faculty were led to advocate div. estment by their consciences.


“Whether this will speed the process of dismantling apartheid is where honest men can differ,” he said. Sociology and anthropology pro. fessor Andrew Lyons said there is a “lack of awareness here about South Africa.” Lyons, who is active in the antiapartheid movement, noted Laurier offers only one course on Africa. “It’s only offered every couple of years, and until recently had very low enrollment,” Lyons said. Albright stressed discussion of the issue focussed on what additional actions the association might take other than a “showy display for the public eye.” Lyons said he was pleased by the divestment, but added it is only part of “a vast public process.” Albright cautioned however that the resolution may not necessarily be binding on the trustees who administer the fund. The university’s Board of Governors must also ratify the faculty motion in order for it to be car. ried out.


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5, 1986

dragging feet on forum says CFS

OTTAWA (CUP) - Planning for the federal government’s national forum on post-secondary education is dragging, say two educational lobby groups. In its Oct. 1 Speech from the Throne, the Mulroney government pledged to hold the forum “earfy next year”.


of State

David Crombie, whose office is orgaGzing the forum, has yet to an-

nounce further details. Both the Canadian Association of .University Teachers and the Canadian Federation of Students are concerned about perceived government delays.

“Right now, it’s in a. very vaguestage,” said CFS executive officer Todd Smith. “They don’t know what the format is, [so] there isn’t much to say.”

CFS and CAUT representatives have met withsecretary of state officials, but have yet to meet with Crombie. CFS, CAUT and other education groups have been told, however, they will be allowed to participate in setting the forum’s agenda. CAUT executive secretary Ron Levesque said even though planning “is proceeding very, very slowly”, government should strike a realistic

agenda as soon as possible. “We would like them to view the forum as the lead-up to a series of negotiations between the two levels of government. We are very concerned that-they negotiate seriously,” said Levesque, referring to meetings next year about federal transfer payments to the provinces, earmarked for health and education through Established Programs Financing.

“Our advice is to first avoid irrelevant arguments about whose money it is, and take a look at the real issues,” said Levesque. Both CAUT and CFS are calling for more money for base funding, research, equipment and student assistance. Jean Fornier, under-secretary of state, said details of the forum will not be released until Crombie has concluded consultation with interested groups. “Mr. Crombie has begun meeting with provincial colleagues, and he will want to meet in the coming weeks with others to get. input before announcing the agenda, date and place (of the forum),” Fomier said. I He said an expected date of an announcement depends “on the speed and nature of the meetings” with other groups. However, CFS’s Smith said a wellprepared forum is far better than one organized in haste. ‘We feel that it’s worth taking the time that it deserves,” he said.


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CKMS r plans to air Warriors , Plans are currently underwhy to bring Waterloo Warriors basketball to CKMS. Although plans have not been finalized as of yet, CKMS would broadcast six Warrior road games during the upcoming season, the first of which would be on Jan. 7 when - the team visits Western. Listen to CKMS for further.details.





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COMMENT Gays dbseivk equal I rights


hmprint, Friday, December

5, 1986


‘by Marie Sedivy lmprlrit staff


I have always wanted to think of university as a place where open,mindedness and tolerance is learned. Unfortunately, if I am to judge by ‘recent events on campus, the University of Waterloo is not such a place. On Friday night, flyers stating: “Stop.AIDS. Don’t be gay.” were distributed througtiout the Campus Centre and Village 1. There was also a rather crude diagram of what was meant to be two men engaged in anal sex. Granted, we do live in a country allowing for freedom of the press and freedom of expression, but a freedom ceases to be a right if it ignores the freedom and rights of others. These flyers amount to hate literature for they create and build animosity toward a minority group in our society. I might also mention that the distribution of hate literature is illegal under Canadian law. Moreover, the flyers are factually incorrect; AIDS did not develop as a result of homosexuality. \ Whoever distributed these flyers is ignoring one important fact; homosexuals are people too. Whether one condones homosexuality is not the issue here; you have a right to feel as you do, but you have-no right to discriminate against’any group of humans. A friend of mine brought the incident to my attention on Saturday afternoon. I can still see the pain on his face. It was almost as though he was asking: “Why would anyone do something like this? Why do people do these things? What have I done to them?” The answer is that he has done nothing. He has probably done less to deserve hate literature than many other men I know; he just happens to be attracted to members of the same sex the same way many others happen to be attracted to members of the opposite sex. I happen not to be gay. I also happen not to be male. And I happen not to have blue eyes or blond hair. But does that make me any b’etter or worse a person than somebody who was born with blue eyes or some-body who was born male? I don’t think so. The point is that sexual orientation is not a matter of choice, just as sex or eye colour isn’t. With such lack of tolerance and intense animosity toward minority groups on campus, I wonder what the next step will be. Posters saying “Stop pregnancy. Don’t be female”?

Imprint Im@dnt is

the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper publishedby Imprint publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member oftheontario C@nmunityNewspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canad&n Univer sit;Y Press (CUP). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday durin$ the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to ImpHn$, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. ImprInk ii3SNO706-7380


Boar& Steve Kannon Nicholls . PaulDone& Chris Wodskou Ja,nice





Z’e&ures Editor mmttBlUanager HeadTggesefter EusinessManagcur OfficeManager

Joe Saqy & Richard Clinton @nam Sadleir Marie Sedivy Doug Tait Doug Thompson Janet Lawrence LisaBeard Dave Lawson Charles Mak &? Andrea Luxon F

So who is this Jesus anyway? by Doug Thompson Imprint staff - From the “‘somebody than I*’ department



it much


It’s Christmas holidays now, and the news will put to rest for a month. Staff strains to create humourous comment on this reality. we jointly experience which goes beyond the matter of fact. (with which we are all altogether bored well before the exams start). Howeverlaughter is not my mood this heck, though its season will come in due course. But two comments by two people who were once students struck me as compelling and important. I’d like to share them with you. I overheard a conversation between three university students and an older gentleman in a bus station many of us know well. The students were talking about Christmas. “What do we bother with this for, anyway?” queried one. “Well, it’s Jesus’ birthday” answered another. “What’s Jesus guy ever done for me?” asked the third quite loudly.

not for Jesu’s not only would your lives be much I nastier, more brutish and shorter, there would be precious little hope for the possibility of anything better ever coming. “Jesus taught the hur&n race how to hope, and by convincing half the world there was something ’ to hope for, he has been the single most important inspiration of the last two thousand years, the inspiration behind this culture which values human dignity, and grants you and everyone else protection under law, welfare if you cannot provide jar yourself, medical care withbut going into debt, education for all, and a th_ousand other benefits you take for granted, benefits won through great struggles in the past by men and women who were Christians, and who fought against human avarice and greed, not because there was anything in it for them, but because it was right, and it was a work of love. And their love for God and other people, a love they learned from Jesus inspired and empowered them ‘to do it. “All this is what Jesus, and those millions of his followers who put love and self-sacrifice before ‘their own greedy jealousy, have done for you. The old man looked distressed, the young ones gazed in wonder at this outpouring. He continued, “you are university students and ‘they have not taught you this? What do they teach you up there anyway?” You could have heard a pin drop when he finished. Several dozen pairs of eyes looked intently at him. The clerk behind the wicket’rested his elbows on the counter, head slightly cocked, eyesset on the aId man. The silence lingered, broken finally by .the old man’s own shuffle as he returned to his seat. The three sttidents turned and looked at each other. The expression on the face of the one I could see clearly uncomfortable. He frowned at the , looked distinctly pack on his knees. “Shit!” he said with a note of embarrassment, “I never thought about it that way.” He stood, and walked over to where the old man had sat down, quite oblivious to the dozens of watching, curious eyes. He paused before the rather crumpled looking figure in front of him. “Where did you learn all that?” he asked. “At school, mostly” the old gent replied in an almost apologetic voice. “Back then we were still backward enough to think that elementary. things were important.”

The elderly gent a few seats away looked at the young man and interjected loudly, “you claim to be educated and you don’t know the answer to that?!” “Don’t you know”, he continued in a tone of voice that was a cross between vehemence and outrage, “that if it were not for the influence, of Jesus very little of what you value as individual freedoms, and civil rights would ever have been thought of, let alone held to be supreme virtues of society?” He rose and stood in frqnt of them, beginning to look the part of a of an Old Testament prophet. The I three young men gazed in wonder. “Don’t you know;” he went on, “that the very notion of equal rights for all men and women is a Christian notion? If it were not for Jesus and people who believed in him, do you imagine slavery would ever have been abolished in the British Empire, or the United States? “Look at the contemptuous attitude of the ancients toward human life, and how in Christian countries, and pretty weI140nly Christian countries has the idea that life is sacred ever been able to marshal enough support to seriously challenge innate human avarice, greed and the desire to oppress the weak.” The old man was becoming.passionate, and the . . * . and this other thought, from a friend eyes of the entire crowd in the bus station were upon him now. ’ Techna coloured neon snow “Jesus was not the first in the ancient world to Reflecting suggestive promises from stand up for the powerless against the cruelties of Well dressed windows the mighty -\ but he was the first to link justice to Crying hungrily for consumer cash. love instead of law which means he was the first to teach the human race a road to virtue, morality, Buses belching rumpled passengers integrity, faith and hope that was attainable. It could With sagging sacks of gifts be won, not by tedious obedience to endless rules, Canned music chiming Christmas Carols but through fanning the flames of love for fellow. To lines of crabby customers man in people’s own hearts. Doing business at the bank. “In here!” he exclaimed, clenching his fist to his chest, “not out there in some rule book, but in here, Compact computers in attache cases in my own attitudesl” Scurry in and out of elevators “Justice comes from the heart, not the head. Accompanied by well pressed Jesus taught that! And do you have any idea how Suits and exotic fragrances important that is?l?l? tie was the first to show that the road to justice is paved with joy for all those who - And the be&t goes on follow it because of love.” but everyone forgot the tune. “If it were not for Jesus, this world would be much mQre plentifully supplied with the dark horI (Merry Christmas) rors of man’s inhumanity to man - and goodness knows there’s quite enough of that as it is. If it were l%y wafk

. .



comments and opinion pieces from our readers. The Forum page is an opportunity to present views on various issues. Opinions expressed in letters, columns, or other articles on this page represent those of their authors and not Imprint. Letters MUST be typed, double-spaced, and signed with name and telephone number, and submitted to CC 140 by 6:00 p.m. Monday of the week of publication. Maximum length of letters: 200 words. Anyone wishing to write lpnger ooinion pieces should contact the Editor-in-Chief. Ail material is subject to editing.

designed to provide

Are students just eaiy marks?

Admin To

the editor,

It is apparent to me; from the obvious lack of critical response, that the administration and the students of UW have successfully ignored the expose of John Hotson and the Hunger, Project by the

Imprint. As a member of “Prof” Hotson’s Economics 102 class I am confused by the apathy exhibited toward this situation. I also find myself asking: “Isn’t there anyone who comprehends this situation for what it is?” I do not feel that I need to comment on The Hunger Project because the Imprint has done a marvelous job of showing us the real Hunger Project as a selfpropagating, pyramid-style pseudo-charity. God knows that I could, from my experiences inside

conveniently and outside class, add my two cents about the Hunger Project and its underhanded methods and questionable legitimacy. ,I do feel, however, that from his comments in the classes, Hotson doesn’t understand the objet-, tions to his cause. There isn’t a soul around, Mr. Hotson, that doesn’t want to see World Hunger ended. The objections are toward the Hunger Project’s legitimacy as a charity and more importantly, the teaching of Hunger Project methods in economics classes. The real point of this letter is: can a prof abuse his authority for his own purposes and get away ‘with it? Hotson professes that World Hunger is a macro-economic issue. Arguably, this is true, but as a student in the class I can assure that this issue is not

cult’ prof


within the context of Economics 102. For five years he has subjected his students to’ his “lectures” and moral influence. Five years of locking a captive audience in a room to listen to this garbage, and be responsible for it, and be solicited for donations. Am I to believe that the university condones this sort of behaviour? I suppose that at UW it is status quo to find a Calculus prof selling AMWAY products to his students *in class. What am I to expect next? A Psych prof preaching the second coming of Jehovah? Even if the prof used his position to make his students aware of UNICEF,

Give _-

CARE, the Canadian Cancer Society or any legitimate cause, the prof would still be abusing his position. The prof would be violating a contract between s/he and the student that states the prof should teach a subject to this student. Is the student paying to learn about a subject or is the student paying to be solicited and have his/her morality questioned by our professors when s/he does not contribute to the prof’s cause? I can only ask again whether this is condoned by our administration? Are students just easy marks for entrepreneurial professors looking to further their cause



Analysis r

piece ~.

In last week’s Imprint, Doug Thompson gave his analysis of the Science for Peace sponsored “East-West Summitry”. Though it -was very insightful, Thompson I think, did make certain errors. He implies the Soviet stance of eliminating all nuclear weapons is perhaps the only hope toward peace. Now, as he admits this may be somewhat unrealistic but nevertheless “?%he world could survive a dozen nuclear bombs. It cannot survive 50,000”. Very true, Mr. Thompson, but also very dangerous:Firstly, no side is realistically going to disarm their nuclear arsenal as long as the “trust” is not there. Forty years of war strategy cannot be wiped out: by one agreement. Secondly, I wouldn’t want a nuclear weapons free world - not right now. Imagine a world where each side has half a dozen ICBM’s each. Tension develops between the two sides regarding, let us say, the Middle East. Each side decides to attack the other using conventional weapons. No one has to worry about complete annihilation because the fear of radiation is not present. The result, I think, would be much like WW II - long, devastating, but fought many different fronts. on Granted, not as many would die as would during a nuclear war but the destruction would still be unimaginable. Nuclear weapons inflict terror. Though I hate to admit it, I think MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) has prevented war. But without MAD, WVV !ll would perhaps


become winnable, and thusfeasible. I agree we don’t nearly need as many weapons as we have. Blowing up the world once is more than enough. And yes, we need trust. But not trust in either superpower. We have to transcend the governments of the superpowers and build trust between the ,oeoole. One of the, . ways of doing this is through independent peace groups in the


York objector with Witchcraft TO

An Economics 102 Fall ‘86 student This letter is printed anonymously because the student is still a member of Prof. Hotson’s class and has not yet written the final exam.


To the editor, dered: starvation on a massive j John Hotson and the Hunger scale in a technologically adProject have recently come under vanced age. The goals of the heavy fire in the pages of Imprint. Hunger Project as I understood I expected some reaction from them were to educate the public other thoughtful readers, but as about global hunger and to help this has not materialized I feel motivate the political will required compelled to make a few corn‘to begin to move toward its elimiments. nation. I also understood that the Approximately two years ago I Hunger Project was a UN recogattended the three hour Endjng nized non-profit organization Hunger Briefing. I found it to be whose books were open to public informative, well conceived and inspection. thought provoking. Topics coI agreed to sign a card stating vered included the measurement that I supported the thesis that the of starvation in a country, the elimination of global hunger was medical effects of starvation, and ’ a goal worth pursuing and one agricultural capacity, I was im,whose time had come. At that pressed by the lack of political or time more than two million people religious slant to the presentaacross the U.S. and Canada had tion. The best available facts were already signed cards. reviewed and an issue was consiMany social changes start off

To the editor,

or their bank account balance? If this is not the case then why is! nothing being done? If Hotson is indicative of the status quo expected by the administration then all UW profs should be self-serving, power abusing people whose credibility as a teacher is to be questioned. Let’s do something about this.

the editor,

I suppose it’s somewhat nosey of me to write in response to Bruce Mclver’s letter (Imprint, Nov. 28) since it was really addressed to the Rev. Dr. Tom York, but I’m going to anyway because I want to get my two bits worth. Bruce stated that he is “very disturbed” which he then proceeded to prove to me through his apparent intense study of the the Bible, but total lack of ability to relate to society in general. A person who walks around with his mind closed to the world, but who is very familiar with the Bible (or any other book for the matter) is worthless, in my mind. I feel that books are very useful in helping us to better understand our world, but one stand to learn much more from experiences and interactions with other people if one keeps an open mind. Bruce objects to the fact the reverend was able to learn some-1

as crackpot ideas, mature to become movements and are finally integrated into the fabric of popular social conscience. While it is not pleasant to think about world hunger, we should resist the temptation to execute the messenger. It takes courage to make a stand on an issue like this as is evident from the recent coverage of the Hunger Project in the Imprint. Let’s hope that someday widespread hunger will seem as anachronistic to us as apartheid does today. In the meantime I feel we should give the Hunger Project a fair hearing. The problem of world hunger cannot be ignored indefinitely.

Ron Saper Graduate Student SD. Engineering

errors East and the West, who support neither the U.S. nor the U.S.S.R. When this trust has developed and manifested itself in the elec-

tion of governments reflecting this trust, nuclear weapons can be disarmed. Before that time, it is to me not feasible and dangerous. Franz Hartmann 3A Political Science

not on target cormplaint thing from a’person who claimed to be a white witch because he has read that these people are bad. Bruce’s prejudice (and that of many Christians) toward others such as witches and non-believ: ers who are not glorified in the B.ible is frankly very sickening. Besides this he is not even interpreting the Bible very well. I’m sure one of the 10 Commandments states that “Thou shalt, love thy neighbour as thyself”. The Bible also discourages the judging of other people, yet Bruce and many other Christians are judging people they haven’t even met. If Bruce and other Christians continue to show prejudice toward others and refuse to see the good in people regardless of their religion, they won’t have my sympathy when they are crucified or thrown to the lions.

Gerry Schrauwen Third-year Biochemistry








Tq the e&or,



by Cam Wright WPIRG staff Although the relationship between cancer land asbestos exposure was well documented by the 195Os, asbestos continued to be used indiscriminately in many workplaces until the 1980s when firms like Johns-Mansville and Bendix abandoned plants in Canada due to mounting law suits and compensation cases. Despite continuous warnings and incentive programs aimed at cleaning up pulp and paper operations, Reed Paper continued to dump mercury and _ other contaminants into the English Wabigoo river ’ system. The end result was large scale mercury poisoning.‘among local native Indian bands and their environment. Subsequently Reed sold its interests’ in Northern Ontario. The two largest point sources of sulphur dioxide emissions in Canada, lnco in Sudbury and Noranda in Quebec, have avoided public pressure to clean up SO2 emissions and modernize smelter operations. On more than one occasion they have threatened to close down operations if they were forced into costly control programs. For example, in May 1984, the president of Noranda stated that the operation “could find itself caught between the politically unacceptable choice of closing a smelter that employs . 1,200 people or investing in modernization equipment to control SO2 emissions”. At the same time Noranda decided to borrow $90 million to pay dividends to its shareholders. These are just three examples of a phenomenon whereby workers and community residents are forced to make a choice between protecting their jobs and protecting the environment. The phenomenon was recently examined in more detail at a conference organized by the Ontario Environment Network entitled “Preserving Both Jobs and the Environment”. Conference participants included a good mix of labour, environmentalists and academics. Sectors examined included energy, forestry, tourism, waste management and occupational health and safety. The objective was to form a working relationship between workers and environmentalists on this issue. In its ultimate form the trade off between jobs and the environment may lead to a plant closure.’ Although workers suffer the imm-ediate consequences with increased social upheaval (suicides, child beating, depression, unemployment, etc.) the whole community suffers when a plant closes. White collar workers also lose their jobs. Municipal governments lose millions of dollars in tax revenues while at the same time paying out more in social programs and local businesses lose customers. Two factors make Canada very susceptible to the jobs-environment argument and closures:


1) the large presence of foreign based businesses and 2) the large number of single industry towns. Although there was a great deal of discussion over the three days of the conference, three of the most important points were presented by political economist Ted Schrecker. According to Schrecker: 1) The public is still bearing the externalized costs of industrial products “buying back” environmental quality via subsidies for pollution abatement. For example, lnco is eligible for large subsidies from both federal and provincial governments to enable them to modernize their smelter and cut SO2 emissions. In essence, the Canadian public is being asked to buy back environmental quality in the form of a modernized smelter. 2)As a 1983 study by the Ontario ministry of the environment observed, from the point of view of large polluters, “compliance costs” usually far exceed “non compliance costs”. Occasional prosecution may be more economically attractive than costly clean-up. 3) In many industries process modification which reduces pollution emissions also reduces production costs. This saving is not necessarily paid for under corporate criterion of minimum rate of return on new capital investment but comes in environmental dividends and extension of useful competitive life of existing industrial facilities. We certainly have a long way to go in working out financial schemes to share more equitably the costs and benefits of pollution control equipment, making it less economically attractive to pollute, and in promoting pollution control sector as a positive industry where many jobs can be created and savings made by companies. However, there are positive trends developing. The Ontario ministry of the environment has sent out clear indicators that indiscriminate pollution is not acceptable and repeat offenders will face criminal prosecution and fines. Labour unions like to Canadian Auto Workers are playing a more active role in both workplace and environmental protection. The Chemical Manufacturers Association believes that over 70 per cent of hazardous liquid wastes can be reduced, reused, or recycled through existing technologies. Canada is establishing itself as a reputable entity in the design, manufacture, and sale of pollution control equipment. And a further 100,000 jobs could be created in this sector in the future. One of the highlights of the conference was the agreement between workers and environmentalists to push for legislation giving workers (including both white and blue collar) the “Right to Refuse to Pollute”. Since the workplace is the front end for many would be pollutants, it is a logical place for both the community and workers to apply pressure to alleviate pollution at its source.

Sight of Rick Hansen made all the trouble very, worth while J

To the editor, I had the thrill of a lifetime this week - I got to see Rick Hansen face-to-face. Four weeks ago I was asked if I would like to help promote Rick Hansen’s Man in Motion World Tour as events co-ordinator for UW’s residences. I was ecstatic at the idea since I’ve been keeping track of Rick Hansen as best as


possible. I felt drawn to him and his cause. Three years ago, my best friend and I were in a toboggan accident and, just like Rick and his friend, one of us was hurt badly while the other was thrown clear. I was the lucky one, I walked away from the <accident, but my best friend spent the next two months in the hospital and the i’ollowing six months recovering at home. These is a happy ending to


this story. My friend’s two lower vertabrae were crushed and she could have been paralyzed for the rest of her life. I say could have been, if it weren’t for people like Rick Hansen who have raised awareness of the potential of the disabled and who have raised funds for spinal cord research. Today my best friend, Linda, is walking thanks to such research. When I was asked to take on the task at the villages, I didn’t know if I could do it. But the villages have shown tremendous support for Rick Hansen and have,. raised about $2,000. I would like to thank all those volunteers from the villages who gave up their time to support a great causeand I would like to thank all those villagers who supported the cause by giving their last dollars, literally, to spinal cord research. When I saw Rick fact-to-face last Monday, I knew all the time and trouble had been worth it.

Pat Sullivan Third-year History

Most gays and lesbians are people you do not know because their naturalness, humanity and appearances meld into the fabric \ of society. Get to know them, Jim, th.ey won’t bite. Most won’t even fit your stereotype. If gays and lesbians are any more unhappy and unfulfilled than other people, then why were/are Michelan_ gelo, Tchaikowsky, T.S. El’iot and host of politicians, doctors, mounties, students, clergy, athletes, garage mechanics, etc. so happy and fulfilled as gays. Think, Jim. I being gay half as obscene as poverty, racism, nuclear annihilation, excessive violence, rejection? The God whom I ’ know and love declared His love for all people and His mandate, made known in Jesus, is ours too. You see, Jim, gays are people too and the best way you and I can help Jesus in this broken world is to help Him break down the barriers which exist and separate, divide and ghettoize people.

Jim Mullen’s recent letter (Im.print, Nov. 14) concludes with an invitation to “Chris” and other ‘gays’ to find happiness and more in the Church. What pious claptrap. How unreal in most churches. While true theologically, the realistic truth is if any known or suspected gays and lesbians are members of a church, they are rejected, diagnosed or squeezed put. If they weren’t, then why is there a Metropolitan Community Church in North America for gays and lesbians? Gratefully, I do know of some Anglican parishes (and this may be true of other traditions also) where gays and lesbians are very much part of the believing, responsible, committed life of the Church without any strings attached. That is as it should be - if the Church is catholic (as we claim to be), then the Church is for all people, for all time, in the whole life, no matter who they are. God’s love is unconditional. Often that is not true of the Church, regrettably.

Fed Hall

5, 1986

Father Keith Gleed Associate Chaplain Renison College


too loud some places, and have basically be told to mind my own business (?I). In my experience, most DJ’s are arrogant and believe they know what’s best for your ears, musically and decibel-wise. Perhaps they never step outside-the DJ booth to see how,loud it really is. Or maybe they are getting paid by people who sell hearing aids and throat lozenges.

To the editor, Thanks to Joerg Schulte for speaking up about excessively loud music (Imprint, Nov. 231). Yes Joerg, you are not alone in having your ears assaulted. I have not been to Fed Hall recently, nor to the Eng. - Kin. pub you mentioned, but I have found excessively loud music in most other bars and clubs, especially those catering to the younger crowd. I have complained to the staff at

Let’s talk about. . Christmas byTom York /



This is the season of the year when God sends us a letter, a letter that comes to us in a world in which God is forgotten much of the time.and our possessions threaten to overwhelm us: The letter begins, “In those days a decree went forth from Caesar Augustus . . .” It goes on to talk of taxes and tyrants, of heartbreak and hope, of birth and death, of a dusty road and a shining star, and God with us.” at last it is signed, “Emmanue!, We read it in our Bibles at home and hear it read at church, or we hear it sung in Christmas carolls on the radio, and life begins to assume the shape of sanity and takes on contours of meaning that it did not have before. And as we hear God’s message, we wonder if we do not spend too much time in the far country where artificial light glitters so brightly that we cannot see the Christmas star. And maybe we begin to think that home is where those stars once shone, those shepherds knelt, and that woman wept with joy. But, we know better, don’t we? Christmas is a fit of madness which comes over us for a brief season when the days are short and the nights are long and cold. A brief time-out from wrestling with books and boyfriends or girlfriends, from preparing ourselvesto be a wage-earner and recovering from being a child. Still, there is another.way to look at it. The times when the days are the days of madness. are long and we forget about God -those When we go our own selfish way, following our own whims-those are our periods of insanity. Christmas is the time when we most become who we are meant to be. True sanity is when we stop scrambling, and stop for a moment to look at stars and listen for angels voices, when we believe in God. And we are mad, truly mad, when we scorn love or take loved ones for granted, work like a dog, follow wandering fires, and give God no thought at all. Mad! we come clean and sane w’hen for a few brief days we are lifted above our self-centeredness. So we do not really go mad at Christmas, we go sane! And God’s letter calls us home where we belong. Mary and Joseph went home to Bethlehem to celebrate the first Christmas. They didn’t know it was the first Christmas, but they went. They encountered on the road to Bethlehem and at the inn when they got there the first Christmas rush. So too the shepherds, in the,midst of dangers, and the wise men - in spite of difficulties, came to worship the from “nearby” and “faraway” - to Bethlehem Christ child. As we go through the madness of Christmas this season, giving and receiving presents and all the rest of it, may we not neglect to respond to God’s letter - may we not forget to worship. And may we regain our sanity, if only for a moment. Peace,



(The Rev. Dr. Tom Ydrk is United Church His office is at St. Paul’s College.)


to UW and WM.









you’re the only one whq’s complained” (aka “So who gives a fuck?“) Just say, “well, count me as the first”, and ask to see the manager. When’ you and your friends leave, say that you’re leaving because “it is too loud here”. After all, you’re the customer. Lisa Simkins Graduate. E.S.

becomes waiting for a good song to dance to. Not only that, you have the pleasure of going home with your ears humming, and your clothes reeking of smoke. I urge people to speak up if you find the sound uncomfortable. Get your friends behind you, and don’t be intimidated if the person you complain to says “Well,

You know it’s bad when you can’t even hear yourself talk at a normal conversational level! Never mind your good friend you came out with to enjoy the company of, and you may as well forget that cute person sitting nearby. Going out to meet people and socialize at one of these places

YOUR NOTE PAPER (Please keep computer

paper separate


the re,t of the paper)

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Fed Hall


No empty Bragg by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff “Listen, mate, I’m a folksinger. If you want to dance go listen to Bon, Jovi or something. You’re supposed to look at me longingly like I’m The Cot teau Twins .” Thus went Lesson number 1 of the Billy Bragg I How-To-HandleHecklers-Who-Only-Want-To-Slam course at Fed Hall last Saturday, the final installment in a series of fine BEnt presentations this month (yes, we mean it), setting the tone for an evening aof wit, politics, and love that’s gone the route of milk left out on the counter for a week. Everyone’s favourite milkman of human kindness left an extra pint for the capacity-plus adoring audience with a cozy run through three albums and four EP’s that have made him the love child of the critical hordes and anyone else who takes political correctness seriously. He played about 15 songs, all gems familiar to the Bragg devotee except the opening cover of the Buzzcocks’ Ever Fallen In Love and a warm readink of the Sam Cooke classic, A Change IS Gonna Come., and the live versions of his own

songs were faithful to the recorded work, albeit without the sometimes gorgeous embellishments of Dave W.oodhead’s trumpet and Johnny Marr’s lead guitar. But this was hardly one’ of those concerts that could be substituted for by playing the records loudly. The songs were only part of the show, at times seemingly incidental to the between-songs banter with the audience. The man must know he’s a major star - the crowd, which was& monochromatically clad in black for a change, responded ecstatically to the introduction of every song and with something approaching reverence during the dying final chords - but onstage he carries on like you’re having a chat over a beer with him in his mum’s, kitchen. His. confident stage manner tells less of the size of his ego than his ease and comfortable friendliness with his audience. Just as he never talks down to his audience, unless he’s responding to some dumb heckler who really deserves it, his politics were the focus of his talk/without becoming an offputting raison d’etre. Unlike his fellow left-wing agit-prop counterparts, The Redskins, Billy’s

Greetings by Paul Done Imprint Staff

and Tim


Before Billy Bragg took on the Fed Hall crowd we had a chance to confront the Bard of Barking on his songwriting, the Soviet Union and brothels (amongst other things). Read on, there’s something for everyone: I: Here’s a copy of our review of “Greetings to The New Brunette”. BB: Yeah. I got that review yesterday from the record company. I read it that bit about Back to The Old House and I thought “aww, fuck, that’s far too close to home. When we were doing The Red Wedge tour, me and Johnny Marr were doing a duet. We were doing A Lover Sings, The Last Time by The Rolling Stones and Buck to The Old House. He played the guitar-and I’d sing. We’ve got a cassette of those songs that we recorded on my Portastudio in my house, in my kitchen. I’ll have to have another crack at the vocals, though. They’re flat as pancakes. I: You’ve got to send us a copy of that. BB: (smirking) Hmmm . . . I’m sure it’ll surface eventually. 1: Are you thinking of putting it out ever? BB: (shakes his head) I: TQO bad. The Smiths don’t do it anymore. BB: Yeah, it’s terrible innit? A terrible shame.‘. . . great song. I: But, they wouldn’t be a rock band if they didn’t have a song that they didn’t play anymore. BB: You’re right there. 1. mean they used to have such a great tradition of B-Sides. Their B-Sides used to outshine everything else they did. I: What do you think 9 their


concern is the good of his fellow man (and he ain’t even a hippie), not putting ideology on a pedestal to worship and kill for. With a self-deprecating sense of humour, joking about Red Wedge crony Paul Weller’s hair and jabbing his own habit of writing let’s-change-theworld songs in the ribs, he never let his impassioned pleas to the audience to become active in social and pojitical reform become preachy or self-righteous. Through what must have been a Herculean effort of the will, he even resisted taking the cue from people shouting “Red Wedge” to launch into a vitriolic pro-Labour Party tirade, contenting himself and appeasing that part of the audience which was looking forward to something more like the Nuremburg Rally with a short cataloguing of the evils of the Thatcher government and a proud declaration of his membership in the Labour Party. A 70 minute set and two encores and the lights came on all too early. Sounds hokey, I know, but it was like saying goodbye to a. friend and we all adjourned to our seats talking about nice, funny man Billy Bragg and wouldn’t we all like to see him come back soon.

photos by Tim Perlich

from.the Bard of Barking

stuff right now? BB: I quite like Ask. I: What about the “hang the DJ” thing. BB: Oh yeah, Panic. I liked that, it was really good. I’m right into that “hang the DJ” bit. I: When you write songs, YOU base them on other peoples’ lives, right? BB: Usually. But,) I mean, any emotional failings in the songs are just my own failings amplified. Feelings that I’ve had and then just throw a couple of characters into them and draw them to a conclusion - like the frustration in LeuiStubbs’

Tears. I: They seem, a lot of times, like really specific events that have actually happened. BB: Some of them are . . . like The Saturday-Boy - everything in that happened to me . . . Walk Away Renee, too - ‘everything in that happened to me, too. Greeting to The New Brunette is based on a real person I know. Richard is based on three real people I know. I: Do those real people ever talk to you about those songs? Do they ever recognize themselves in the songs? BB: Umm . . . yeah, they definitely do.-,“The New Brunette”. does because she sent me a postcard which said “greetings , from the new brunette” after she’d dyed her hair back from blonde, and that’s where I took the title of the song from. The girl the song’s about though isn’t called Shirley. I just used that because 1 liked- the-name. In fact, three different girls think that The Warmest Room is about them, but it’s only about one of them. So I have to be careful about how I dedicate it when I play it.

I: Don’t you feel terribly - them. In England, I’ve been doing III II So you’ve got a situation Be There by The Jackson 5 after vulnerable singing about that where each person thi.nks that Levi Stubbs’ Tears to wind everybkind of thing? the song is about them. ody up. I can’t hit the top notes, but I BB: All my friends Blways look to BB: I feel vulnerable, period. do it anyway. my songs and think I’m speaking Standing out there on my own . . . but, then what are you supposed to I: Do you find that it’s easy to specifically about them and, usually, do when you want do do something do cover versions, seeing as it’s I’m not. a bit edgy? just you and your guitar? They quote my words back at me I: So, covering Fear Is A Man’s BB: Well . . . yeah . . . uh, no.<You sometimes and I think “wow, I didn’t Best Friend was a reflection of that? have to sing more in tune. mean for that to pop up there!” It’s I do a Sam Cooke song. like being in a ghost train - things BB: Yeah, that’s it. I: Which one? “Wonderful just pop up and surprise me . . . and I: So, why did you stop coverWorld”? sometimes they. use my words to ing it?- - did it lose it’s meaning BB:( grinning) No, Twisting The bite back at me. or did you get bored with it or Night Away dickhead. Come on. You have to use a little bit of fanwhat? what’s the greatest song he ever tasy though, to get the idea across. BB: No, there’s just other songs worth covering, that’s all. wrote? You have to be a bit cinematograI: (laughing) “Everybody Loves phic to get at the interesting bits of a I: . . . like Wild Z-Zorses. BB: I don’t think that I’ve ever t To Cha Cha Cha”! relationship, otherwise they all get played that in a set. In the soundBB: No, no, really! lost in the overall picture. You have to focus in on the small things, like checks, I rarely play anything that I I: “Rome Wasn’t Built In A the beer and the tattoos and the do in a set. Day”. BB: Get off! blood tests . . . and all that shit. I: But, you just heard the Gram I: (laughing harder) “Only SixI: If you’re writing about someParsons cassette . .. teen”! thing so personal, don’t you find BB: Yeah, I was listening to it in BB: Fuck off! I said the greatest it hard to sing about every night? the hotel room last night T .. . you song he ever wrote. Don’t you find that the ideas get know, me an’ Wiggy used to be in a I: “Touch The Hem Of ‘His lost; watered-down? band together called Riff Raff . . . we BB: No, I don’t think the ideas get used to do loads of Rolling Stones Garment”? watered-down. I mean, the, political stuff and we wanted to see if we BB: (laughing wildly) . . . no, but if I ones do, but I don’t think that the could remember the lyrics and stuff. did it I could dedicate it to Morrisemotional ideas do - they’re someWe do Dark End of The Street se y ! But, seriously, I’ll do a Sam thing that remains fresh. They’re sometimes. Cooke song tonight, for you. something that will bear recounting I: What other covers are you Hank Wangford and I do a really over and over again. doing at the moment? ace version of Sin City by The Flying BB: I’ll do a Buzzcocks song . . . Political fuckups I’ve made don’t Burrito Brothers - the same sort of bear recounting - I have trouble , tell me which one you want to hear. I: (instantly) “Ever Fallen In thing as Deportees (from the New thinking about them and stuff like Love?” Brunette EP) - just guitar, voice that. The political statements that BB: How d’you know I do that? and mandolin. We’ve got a version I’ve made aren’t absolute truths I: Well, it’s the only Buzzcocks of it recorded and we’re thinking of they’re haunted by doubtq- as they song you could get away with putting it out. We wanted to put it should be. covering. out and see what people thought Some nights, when I’m in a particif it was too much of a shock - or as BB: Actually, I might play it toularly emotional mood, every single a laugh. ‘Cause you can’t really do it night. It’s always interesting to do a one that goes by I think “wow, that as a B-Side. few covers . . . playing music of a one’s really about me at the modifferent type is interesting. ment” . . . and here I am, standing continued on next page I’m a real sucker for Motown covnaked in front of all these people. I ers - I can’t sing any, but I love hope no one notices.

Imprint, Friday, December 5, W66 continued


groups. But the underground ‘are seriouslv Russian’ I: Subversive?

I: Just Brothers! name.

I: So, along went to Japan,

do it like The Coward Just think of a new

BB: Yeah, twice.

BB: Yeah. . . it was gonna be The Bragfords - he was gonna be Pop Bragford and I was gonna be Lefty Bragford. I dunno if we’ll ever get to it. We were gonna do an LP called

I: What


BB: I will, I will. I was just thinking of some sideways songs that I could do. I: You’ve got to because we’ve already seen you a bunch of times.

BB: Oh yeah? Where? I: Opening tawa, Larry’s

for the Smiths, .. .


BB: Smudgy Larry’s. What an ‘orrible scuzzy place. It’s got a brothel upstairs you know . . . and the dressing room they. give you! You just don’t want to sit down! It’s like “ughh”.

I: What sia?



in Rus-

BB: Well, that wasn’t a brothel. I didn’t see any brothels while I was there. ’ I: Not that! your Russian

What was it like on tour?

BB: Oh, that. Obviously, incredibly different. The form of the gigs was very different. I had a translator on stage, talking about what was being said between the songs. IT: Like

a commentator?

BB: Nonononono, I’d say something and he’d translate it . . . between the songs. And the audiences were very polite and they’d give you questions during the gig. They’d write them down on bits of paper and then pass them up to the translator, who’d ask you, off mike, if you wanted to answer a particular question.. I: What like?




BB: The first one I had was “did I think the Soviet Union was a free country? and what did I think of the Chernobyl disaster?” I:... in 10 words or less. , BB: Off the top of my head, I said that I’d only been in the Soviet Union for 24 hours but that I didn’t think that Great Britain was a free country either. I also said that I thought that Chernobyl was a disas-

ter for all of Europe and not just for Russia. I: Were you couldn’t say?



roney decides who makes records. . a committee appointed by Brian Ml;lroney . . . : . . . who only meets once


BB: No.


I: Were you allowed people on the streets?

BB: Yeah, we wandered the streets on our own. gave us any grief.

to talk


around Nobody

I: Is there tween East Kiev?

I: What did you find the people were like?

BB: Very nice. Very similar to people over here. I mean, they speak a different language and have a completely different culture . . . which makes them a bit distant . . . but, once you get over that, they’re as warm as anyone. I’ve got a picture of me in Red Square with this little, round, fat Russian geezer. We were having our photo taken and he walked by, laughing at me ‘cause I was wearing this big coat. So, I beckoned him to come over and put his arm around me. So he put his shopping down and came over and had his picture taken 2 laughing like mad. He was a really nice fella - couldn’t speak a word of English and I didn’t know any Russian. I: We’ve to release

heard you have plans a record in Russia.

BB: We’d like to, yeah. But it’s a very slow process. I: . . . because record label.




Lourdes: Exotic. She looks ‘very Chanel.’ Marietta: Appears deceptively innocent. She does not look like Sissy Spacek. Harlon: Says he is a writer for the Imprint; but only his hairdresser knows for sure. Kathryn: World-famous economist and Jewish mother. The


Theatre of the Arts. An audience has gathered to watch the Creative Arts Board’s production of Mousetrap. There is a general hum in the theatre. The action focuses on Lourdes, Marietta, Harlon and Kathryn. They are four strangers brought together by fate. Harlon: It’s a very enjoyable play. It’s not profound of deep or anything. Lourdes: Kind of like you. Harlon: It’s just kind of safe and fun. How good it is depends on the acting.




BB: Exactly like that. It’s a very slow process but, we’re working on it.

only one

BB: And that’s gotta be approved by committees after committees after committees. It’s as if Brian Mul-

a big difference Germany and,


BB: Yeah, definitely. East Germany is culturally and economically a lot more Western. Very close to the rest of Europe since they can see West .German TV and hear West German radio - so they can hear, like, John Peel’s independent music show on British Armed Forces Radio and know who’s number 1 on the British Independent charts and all that shit. When you talk about the Soviet Union, you have to remember that, geographically, it’s just a fucking long way away. The nearest city of 1 million people to ‘Kiev is 900 miles away . . . and that’s all fir trees. I: Sounds



BB: Sort of, except none of them have cars that will do the journey. The musicians there just don’t get our culture fast enough to have any sort of scene with as quick a turnover as ours has - where trends come and go in a matter of 2 or 3 years. They’re still accepting and looking at the things we passed in the late 60s and early 70s - the heavyweight stuff.

I: Is there anything really strange or obscure that we disregarded that they’re really into.

BB: Well, they’re very interested in some of the avant-garde jazzrockers from Great Britain like Chris Cutler, who was in Henry Cow. Henry Cow were quite big with the guys we were talking to. They thought that because I was from England, that I must know Chris Cutler. Someone gave me an Airline Captain’s cap at ,a gig and asked me to give it to Midge Ure. Fortunately, Midge lives about 2 miles from me and I’d got his phone number from when1 was trying to get him in Red Wedge. Funnily enough, Ultravox had just come back from Poland, so when I phoned him up and told him, he was quite interested. I went around to his place and dropped it off, so, who knows what will happen now . . . One of the reasons that they’re so stuck in musical trends is that they’re mu ‘imiliterary - they want to x1 k at the lyrics. We’re not talking about Rambo and John Huston and fucking Batman here, we’re talking about Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Solzynitzen. If you’ve ever seen any of their movies . . . Solaris for example - they’re sooo slow. Just detail upon detail. They come from a literary tradition and their songs are just fucking crammed with words. I: So have you sian pop bands?

I’ve been to Japan

was that



Marietta: Just don’t tell me who did it. Kathryn: Look there’s Helen, the Econ Prof. Everyone turns toward Helen; seated in front of them. Kathryn: Don’t make it so obvious. Hmm . . . I wonder if she’s wearing those ‘cute white rubber boots. Lourdes remains silent; a little confused. One suspects that Kathryn has ulterior motives for being here this evening. In her purse there is concealed a microfilm; or is it just a cleverly disguised tampon. The lights dim. The play within a play has begun. Cath Moore enters the stage. She plays the role of Mollie Ralston; owner of a guest house. Marietta: She looks like Carol Burnett. Harlon laughs. Man Seated Behind Them: Shhhhhhhhh! Harlon begins taking notes; She’s very good. Calm, convincing, natural on stage. He thinks to himself-I really should find some better adjectives. Marietta: She did it. Did she do it? Don’t tell me who did it!


Giles Ralston, Mollie’s husband enters. He is played by -_ Chuck Peeren. Harlon takes more notes; I wonder is his character supposed to be such a jerk, or is he that bad of an actor. - Kathryn: Don’t put that, that’s mean. Christopher Wren (would-be-architect or is he?) enters the stage. He is the first of five guests to arrive for the weekend. Lourdes: He is so cute. Marietta: He is so good. . Harlon takes notes; he is very good. Eccentric, childish. He definitely steals the scenes. Breathes some life into the production. Mrs. Boyle enters; she is played by Darlene Spencer. Marietta: She looks like Ruth Buzzie. Harlon laughs. Man Seated Behind Them: Shhhhhhhhhhhh! Kathryn: Be quiet you silly warthog! Harlon takes notes; she looks and acts the part of the prune-like spinster. Next John Watson enters. He is Major Metcalf.


any Rus-

BB: Yeah, I saw them play a gig while I was there. They were playing a baseball stadium with Go West and Culture Club were top of the bill. It was at the tail end of ‘a typhoon with all this fucking torrential rain and these Japanese kids were sitting there in their rain mats (coats). The Style Council were all on stage with their shorts’and Fred Perry’s and all the gear . . . and they had plastic, see-through rain mats on top! Me and the roadie were standing at the side of the stage - this was in the afternoon and I had a gig in the evening, so I stopped in to say hi and the junction box, where all the power goes in, had a plastic sheet over top of it and the plastic sheet was filling up with water. I was sitting there thinking “oh my god!” and thinking that any minute there was ’ gonna be a big, blue flash and everyone was gonna fry! It’s funny, we were miles from anywhere . . . in the charmingly-named Fukuoka - which you’ll have to look up on a map of Japan, it’s on the bottom island. And we’re walking around Fukuoka - me and this Japanese guy who was looking after me and my friend’s wife - in the distance I see these two geezers walking towards us in shorts - the first Caucasians that 15e seen in weeks. As they get closer and closer, it’s undoubtedly - :by the way that they’re walking - that they could only be Londoners. No one else would walk like that in a foreign country! When I got* cl,ose up, it was Steve, the drummer and Steve, the bongo player from The Style Council. They looked at me and said “what the fucking hell are you doing here?” - I said “never mind that. What are you doing here??” continued

on page. 24

BB: Yeah, most of the ones that you hear are just imitating Western


Four characters by Harlon Davey Imprint staff


I: Well, I guess it was because The Style Council have played Japan a couple of times.


I: You’ve gotta do some stuff tonight, though.

with Russia, right?

BB: Great. Really good. Strange though, when you say “Paul Weller”, they all scream, but when you say “Karl Marx”, they don’t move a muscle.

Songs Our Publisher Taught Us - sort of dodgy cover versions of



BB: Well, the mere act of being in a, pop group in Russia is subversive. Any act of individualism is subversive.

previous page .. ,



of a motive

Kathryn: He was in FASS. He’s a good singer. Too bad this isn’t a musical. He’s good! Miss Casewell, played by Alexander Martin enters. Marietta: She did it! Harlon takes notes; she creates suspicion as her character should. Finally, the last guest arrives; Mr. Paravicini enters. lc Marietta: Did he say his name was Mr. Feticinni? Kathryn: That’s Geoffrey. I know him. He’s really good. You have to say that anyway. I know him. Harlon: Actually, he is very good. He also injects some humour and new life into the play. Finally, the murder occurs. There is a scream. Marietta jumps. Intermisssion.

There will be a ten minute break. Marietta: This is so good. Harlon: Yeah, it’s a play everyone should see just for fun. The production is good. Some of the actors add some new dimensions to their characters; and they seem to have created the suspense. That’s what is important to this play.

Kathryn disappears. Lourdes laughs at a joke that occured five minutes earlier. e Marietta feels guilty about being here. A bond is developing between these strangers. It rains outside. A cat meows. Symbolism. Intermission



Policeman enters. Played by Cameron Reid. Harlon takes notes; he seems a little nervous or something. He’s good but not quite as convincing as the others. Harlon is tired of taking notes. He puts the pad away. The mystery is developed and then is solved. The play ends; and everyone is happy. They clap. The audience loved it, and isn’t that what counts ; anyway. Lourdes, Marietta, Kathryn and Harlon get up and leave. They make jokes about the pig statue’ in the Modern Languages building. They say something deep about life and love. They join hands and sing Don’t Cry For Me Argentina. The lights dim. The end.




The Mighty Lemon Drops Chrysalis (import)

struggle with. After releasing their debut single they’ve been hounded by leather tie record conipany types thrusting handfulls of money at them. But that isn’t the oroblem really. It’s that now that they’ve accepted all the money and whatever else, the record company system of which they’ve now become a part requires them to instantly produce an album’s worth of material that is (in the best A&R logic) “new but still the same”. 1

by Tim Imprint

Perlich staff

The Mighty Lemon Drops have been faced with a problem that I’m certain a million (no exaggeration) other indie bands. would love to


Compilation Underground Varims ,7:tisIs


Radio Western:‘inctependent by Pete Lawson Imprint staff

The kids from the “hill” (Western University), do not often involve themselves in the underground music sc-ene of London, and therefore, the involvement of Radio Western, CHRW, is a healthy sign for the vibrant Londov scene. For more than a handful of years, because of London’s isolation (being a distance from Toronto), ILondon has produced a large array of new bands and the latest crop has been harvested by the folks at CHRW. The production on this record deserves praise, certainly better than many slim budget compilations. One of the album’s best, Shadow Dancer by Ukase, commences Side 1. This textural weave gains added energy from the captivating voice of Roze White - riveting high notes. Comparisons always’feel like an excuse for something to be said, but this’ song has the vitality of early Siouxsie and the Banshees. The Thin Line pulses out some pleas+nt textures in I. B,urning Leaues, and Walk On by Lifeless Currents states a positive rebellion with a cutting voice over acoustic guitar pulses. Punk was always a vital sound in London’s underground and the fall out from the best of London’s

pun%, Terminals and Napalm Bab& “5 9s .zw into the current bands Oc:ob zr Crisis and Condo Christ. %r&er Crisis grinds qut their maxIzti~~~ rock ‘n’ roll with PCB and the humour of the Napalms lives on in Weekend Alcdholic by Condo Christa for sure head banger whanna slam anyone! The second side is full of potential music for the dance floor for people who do not require . to. jump 110. -l-l 1 1. Top-40 1ne unprerennous swmglng pop of Bad Boy by Planet People or the pop funk (some good sax groove) of L.M.O.T.V. on Loss of Control, or the primitive, angry bassline and stabying guitar of Suffer Machine all possess could alternative dance groove. The least exciting song on this vinyl City of Faith by Nosmo King Jr. is overshadowed by one of the best by Itsa Skitsa with a hard driving pop lick Warning. One of the veteran bands, Sheep 1 Look Up, only gets a response during the instrumental bridges in the song Like A Rat, but still lots of anger in these WYS*

Upon reflecting on the past years (and years) and some of the British compilations (or American), this album from a rather small conservative ci,ty outkhines many of the independent compilations from those worshipped (by alternative music types) countries. The opportunity to see these bands may be had in Kitchener if the Level will book them or in Toronto. Give them a listen at both ends - record and live.

No doubt Happy Head will bring a smile to their new accountants’ chubby faces but following yesterday’s formula for suc’cess isn’t necessarily going to work today unless of course yoiare Billy Idol and can somehow defy probability to milk a whole career out of a single song idea. Admittedly Like An Angel and Now She’s Gone with their heaven sent hooks aplenty are classics of the new “we‘really don’t like psychedelic music” psychedelic __ _-_pop genre, but an entire album of slight variations and combinations of these songs does not make for a “wykl trip, maaan”. The music is definitely catchy throughout but I don’t think it would be possible to distinguish and recall a single instance from the melange to save my life. -

SO where’s Where’s the sweaty the humiliation? . . real life and the best always been about


all the filth? sex? Where’s . The stuff that rock ‘n’ roll has is cotipIeteIy

missing from the Lemon Drops’ scenarid. While most other bands are progressively and creatively humping away, the Mighty Lemon Drops are still holding hands.



Top Seven Records/Tapes

for the week ending


Kate Bush ........................................ Jazz Butcher .................................. Deja Voodoo ...................................... Bruce Springsteen ................................... Kraftwerk ............................................. Otis Redding ................................. Bruce Hornsby ......................................


They either sound exactly like The Teardrop Explodes or exactly 1 like the Doors or like Jim Morrison 1. singing Teardrop songs. According to Rolo McGinty of the Wooden:: tops (who the Lemon Drops sound nothing like, but Rolo is a good 5: chum of Julien Teardrop): Julien and I were talking about this not to long ago and I was shocked to find that he’s quite enamoured by the whole business. I couldn’t understand it at all. I mean, if there was a band somewhere who was playing stuff just like us . . . I don’t know what I’d do. Lyrically the Drops have taken pages from the Primal Scream/Bodines How To Write From An Exclusively White Middleclass Adolescent Perspec tiue songbook in dealing with relationships. Never once does a song imply any more than a longing glance. In fact, they all depict females as foreign beings (see Like An Angel) that are too mystifying to approach (see Hypnotised) and must be worshiped at’ a distance (see Take Me Up or Turn Me

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ails ya!” -DR,


‘“‘mlf ‘lob. .w;\1 i d - S@ p**lines.



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December continued

5, 1986 from



At this point OUM interview came to a too-quick halt. But there was time for a final question. I: Have you ever regretted any political statements that you’ve made? BB: Yeah, of course. You’re always embarassed by not only political statements that you’ve made, but also things you do that the party doesn’t do. It happens all the time, but you have to be a bit thickskinned. We’re not talking absolute truths here, we’re talking ideas. And ideas have to be responsive + they can’t be fixed. They can’t just be “this is ihe next 5 year plan and if it means that 3 million Kulaks die of starvation in the Ukraine in the 30s then sorry, but that’s the #plan.” When politics-get like that, then I begin to question politics in general when ideology becomes a monoih., I think that the definition of politics is compromise - it has to be. Otherwise, you’re forcing your views on people. You have to argue about ideas. You have to exchange


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in action

in Guelph


by Joe


greets Opera at Hagey Hall by Pete Lawson Imprint staff The touring company of the Canadian Opera Company, the Canadian Opera Company Ensemble, rolled into town at the Humanities Theatre on Dec. 1 and 2. This travelling troupe consists of resident company singers many who are young singers gaining experience and expanding repertoire. Having been written in his youthful years (first performed in 1817), Rossini’s Cinderella is not his most vibrant operatic work, though it is suited for touring, requiring only a small cast. There are some beautiful aria moments for the leads Cinderella and the Prince, but these moments are too few, the majority of the singing seems to concentrate on building up for the cadences. The biggest applause for beautiful voice should be herald ,to the soprano Linda Maquire Bennett. (The names of these soloist may be in error - the program notes did not differ between the two shows) Ms. Bennett possesses a easy lyric tone throughout her range, balanced with good diction. She graced the stage with beauty of voice and appearance (not stooping to discuss her cleavage), and the sonorous bass of Joel Katz, who sang the role of Prince’s advisor Alidoro, must also be applauded. ’ The Prince, tenor Benoit Boutet, presented the image of the handsome prince well. The image remained untarnished until he had to sing. Mr. Boutet’s voice is uneven in vocal quality and showed a lack of versatility when butchering some scale runs. The libretto lacks sparkle (how much is lost in the translation?). The comical - elements of the play are contained mostly in the,actions of the characters, such as the frolicking between the step-father and the Prince’s servant in the second half. Good comic effect was applied by Brian McIntosh and Christopher Coyea. The set doubled as the house and the palace, and the costumes represented Rossini’s era and were suitably attractive. This opera lacks real spick and to overwhelm an audience with its music is a difficult task. There are some splendid voices, and some voices which need more time, in the touring arm of the COC.



mm n






Paul B,oyce -leads Warriors to 87-84 overtime w-in by Mike McGraw Imprint staff When he wasn’t cleaning up on offense, he was hustling back to strengthen the defense. Paul Boyce -was at his very best last Thursday night at the PAC, as he tallied a career-high 41 points in g solid performance to lead the Waterloo Warriors to an entertaining 87-84 overtime victory over the always tough Toronto Estonia men’s team. Estonia has been Ontario’s provincial representative for the past five years. The win was even more impressive considering that. the Warriors were once again without the talents of injured guards Rob Froese and Tom Schneider. The Warriors got off to a strong start in a closely played first half. Powered by Boyce’s 25 first-half points, Waterloo took a 44-41 lead to the dressing room at halftime. Boyce not only dominated the front court, but was a major force in the tough Warrior defense which bottled up Estonia’s offensive attack. Shooting well from outsid-e, Scott MacKenzie netted 11 points before the half for Estonia. As the second half progressed, things were looking gloomy for the Warriors. Both teams failed to score in the first two minutes

of action, as the game took on a scrappy character. Gradually, Estonia found their shooting touch and powered their way to a 59-48 lead by the half-way mark. Waterloo was unable to establish an offensive attack, allowing Estonia to chip away at the still tight Warrior defense. Centre Jamie McNeil1 turned in another strong defensive effort, which included some impressive shot-blocking. Estonia’s Rob Samuels had a hot shooting hand while playing with 4 fouls. The Warriors found themselves down by 8 points with 5 minutes remaining, at which point their offense found new life. Highlighted by some clutch shooting from Jerry Nolfi and John Bilawey, Waterloo rallied to send the gape into -overtime deadlocked at 75. In the overtime period, Boyce was dominating on offense, especially from the foul line. His efforts were aided by some timely free throws from Nolfi, who finished the game with 18 as he directed the Warrior offense. MacKenzie netted 17 for Estonia while Samuels added 15. “We were stumbling around at the start of the second half.“said Warrior coach Don McCrae, adding “we just survived, we broke down on offense while we sur-

vived on defense. This makes it graphic to the players that they can’t do this; they have to play as hard as they can, even to the point of exha,ustion. Paul Boyce demonstrated how this is done with his performance.” McCrae also praised the solid play of Nolfi, who was on the floor for 45 minutes, acting as the Warriors’ only ball-handler while guarding Estonia’s Norm Clarke, a Canadian National team member. Last weekend at the PAC, Runnymede from Toronto won the Warrior Invitational High School Tournament, edging Kitchener’s St. Jerome’s, 50-47 in overtime. Runnymede’s Wayne Taylor was selected the tournament’s M.V.P. The Warriors have a month of well-deserved rest from their busy tournament schedule, as they’re idle until late December. On Dec. 28, they’ll be in action at the York Excalibur Tournament against Saskatchewan at 3 p.m. The tournament includes Laurentian, Brandon, Calgary, Ryerson, Dalhousie and, the host team. Waterloo will play a rematch against Estonia at Sheridan College on Jan. 3. The Warriors’ pre-season record currently sits at 9 wins, 5 losses.

Athlete of the Week -John Dietrich . Hockey

IAthlete of the Week Joanne Towner Synchronized Swimming

John, a second-year Science student, is a second-year player and a graduate of St. Jerome’s High School in Kitchener. Waterloo, for the first time in a number of years, defeated Western Nov. 28 and John played an essential rble in the victory. John’ scored two goals in the third period and allowed the Warriors to overcome a 2-1 deficit. The Warriors went on to win 4-2, after scoring another third period goal. This was John’s first twogoal performance in his Warrior hockey career. John has exceptiotial defensive skills which were evident in the Warrior’s 6-l victory over Windsor on Sunday. In this game, John’s line did not allow a goal and effectively killed off seven minor penalties. He has been instrumental in the success of the Warrior penalty-killing unit. John has increased his offensive productivity immensely this season. According to Warrior coach Don McKee, “John is a great hitter and a tireless ,’ worker”.

Joanne, a first-year Math studnt at Waterloo, swam for the Deep River Synchro team for three years and coached for two years. With a first-place finish in the qualifying competition for the OWIAA championship, Joanne led her teammates to a sixthplace finish overall in a competition last weekend. This marks the first time Waterloo has had an individual place first in this type of qualifying meet. Her top score over 13 swimmers from eight Ontario universities is a sure sign UW can expect good results from this year’s synchrb team in the upcoming ranking and championship meets. This is not an altogether new experience for Joanne, who has achieved the silver level in synchro skills and has competed in the intermediate provincials in 1984. Fielding an enthusiastic but relatively young team this year, the Athena’s Synchro team will surely benefit from Joanne’s experience, hard work and leadership.

Swimmers place 6th





in a 6-l






photo by Mar)<Holden

Ho.ckey Warriors undefeated in last three games by Jonathan Sadleir Imprint staff This past week has proved a successful one for the Warriors hockey team as they defeated the Stangs on their home ice last Friday 4-2, romped ove,r Windsor 6-1 on Sunday and held second place Laurier to a 5-5 tie on Wednesday night at the Waterloo arena. All four lines for Waterloo perforined well as the black line of Scott Dick, Mike Girardi, Clinton Ellicott, Jamie Maki and Brian Ross produced goals in both games, Dick scoring against Western and Girardi putting one in against the Lancers. The White line of Denis Wigle, Ken Buitenhuis, Dan Tshndelis and

Steve.Balas ers against all popped

were the big producthe Lancers as they in a goal wit@hris

Glover rounding out the scoring. Todd Coulter with one goal and John Dietrich with two added to Scott Dick’s goal to finalize the scoring in London. Wednesday night’s game against Laurier proved to be a tough one as the Warriors dominated the bulk of the first and second period but fell apart late in the second period when the officiating began to weigh heavily against them. The second period began with a 2-2 tie but the Warriors opened up the scoring with an early goal by Chris Glover from Mike Girardi followed up by a well earned goal by Steve Balas to put the Warrriors -ahead 4- 2. However,the uncharacteristic

defensive lapse by Laurier did not last long as strong offensive drives by the Warriors were nullified by a powerful Golden-

The Waterloo synchronized swimming team placed a respectable sixth overall at the OWIAA figures meet hosted here last Saturday. Leading the way for the Waterloo Athena’s was Joanne Towner’s first place finish. in the intermediate class. More than 60 swimmers from 10 teams competed in this first event of the season. A strong showing in the novice class garnered top honours overall for the McGill university swimmers, with Western and McMaster a close second and third. Shelly Hurlburt, turned in the best Waterloo novice result, finishing sixth out of 34 swimmers.

Karina Davidson, one of the Athena’s coaches, was encouraged by the result. “Most of our swimmers are first-year swimmers, with a good start like this, I am sure that UW’s synchro team will be a strong competitor over the next three or four years.” This first qualifying meet for the OWIAA championships consisted of mandatory figures only. The second of the thr’ee meets to determine the Ontario championship, to be held at McMaster in January, will have both figures and routine competition.

hawk defense. Laurier managed to take advantage of the profusion of Waterloo penalties in the latter half of the second and the bulk of the third to tie the game and then go ahead midway through the third. Some fine puckmanship by Dennis Wigle late in the third period to tie the game at 5-5 signalled the end of the scoring. Although, a penalty was dished out to a Laurier player who had been using an illegal stick, the Warriors failed to put one in during the remaining seconds and the game ended in a 5-5 draw. This past week’s performance was impressive to say the least. Waterloo fans who more often than not are looking for a team to cheer for can look to the Icefields

*after the guaranteed

Christmas excitement



lkrier mascot, Golden Hawk (centre), won a mascot competition last Sunday at WLU. He defeated contestants (left to right) UN6 Badger, Guelph Gryphon, and Western Mustang. photo

by Brian Clancy.


Imprint, Friday, December 5,1986


B-ball Athenas/ lose *another’ 2 by Glenn Hauer Imprint staff In another busy week of basketball, the Athenas played four season more games, a regular match-up against the Wilfrid Laurier Lady Hawks, and games against York, Laval, and Brock in last weekend’s York University Tournament. Unfortunately, the won-loss record was only 1-8. A general lack of intensity and a lot of fatigue can be attributed to the Athena’s misfortune in the past two weeks. The Wilfrid Laurier Lady Hawks played strongly both inside and outside the paint, draining several jump (set!) shots as well as scoring from the post. Their half-court game worked very effectively, as they intimidated( the shorter Athena shooters and worked the ball around the Athena zone to take the open shot. Waterloo’s most effective game is to play pressure defense and run a transition offense, however, they showed that they can play half-court as well, keeping Laurier to a 22-22 halftime score. Some bad free-throw shooting and a lack of intensity by Waterloo allowed Laurier to build a lead in the second half, as they eventually settled for a 5343 score. The only bright spot for the Athenas was the excellent shooting of Sheila Windle, who scored 18 points. Andrea Prescott led the Hawks with 16 points, with Chris Peal netting 14.

The Athenas pulled up their socks in the York Tourney, play-


‘ng the way they are fully capale of,. In the first game, they lost a barn-burner to York 59-58. They played “very well” according to Coach Warren Sutton, but came up short in the last second when they missed a free-throw to tie the game. Corinna Lueg and Cindy Poag both scored 14 points to lead the team in the scoring department. The next game was against 610 ranked Laval. It was a sluggish first half, however, the Athenas exploded in the second half with 67 per cent shooting and won the match 63-58. Karen McCulla scored five straight baskets to open the lead and ended up shooting 8 for 8 from the floor for 16 points: Michelle Campbell was 5 for 5 in the second half and wound up with 12 points. Corinna Lueg, Sheila Windle, and Cindy Poag scored 12, 10, and eig,ht points respectively in a balanced Waterloo attack. Brock University, the OWIAA East Division’s perennial powerhouse, defeated Waterloo 62-49 in the final game. The Athenas suffered a major setback when they lost Sheila Windle to an ankle injury in the first two minutes. Without a consistent shooting guard on the floor, Waterloo just couldn’t overcome the strong Brock team. Michelle Campbell scored 14 and Cindy Poag shot for 12 points for Waterloo. The Athenas now have a month break for Christmas, allowing for some rest and recuperation (and recreation). They



n 1 and have had a very busy fall term and should be congratulated for a somewhat successful, but tiring basketball season so far. They have a basketball tournament at Ryerson on Dec. 28, 29, and 30, and their first league game of the new year is on Jan. 7 at Western.

Mustangs _ make a convmcmg Squash victory 0


by Paul Jackson

There was absolutely no doubt whatsoever who would finish first at last weekend’s OUAA crossover squash tournament held at Waterloo. Western’s No. 1 Jamie Crombie, who is ranked second in the country, and Scott Nash, a nationally-ranked junior player, led the Mustangs to a convincing first-place finish. Warriors Jamie Allen, Steve Millard and Rob Ayer combined with wounded Wolf Imrich, John Curran and Ed Crymble to secure second-place. Other participating universities included Guelph, Laurier and McGill. The second ‘rcros-fl saver” occurs in Toronto on Jan,

A cheerleading competition was held at WLU Sunday. Pictured here, the Laurier Golden Hawks strutt their stuff for the judges.


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wouldn’t miss it for the world. the 19th or 21st is great. L.8.


Kelly: Has it only been ten months? How time flies1 Do you remember (in order of appearance): North 3, Dunbloor Avenue, Fudgee-o’s, all-nighters, Phil Collins, editing sessions, ‘tl’vegot keys!“, lobies, FLW, somersaults in bed, the cohesive whole, backrubs, “Hey, Baby - it’s back!“, touring T.O., Niagara Falls, beaver canoe, a long hot summer, Expo ‘86, Dick Clark (I do so like your mother), squash, Tom Cruise, Runge and the Cherubs, Level 42, you pup!, You & Me? Thanks for everything, punkinhead, I’m going to miss you. Love, DMR (X0). P.S. I love you.

We wish you Peace, Love and Joy during this Christmas Season. If you are troubled by an unwanted pregnancy, vou have a friend at BirthRight. Phone 579-3990.


Mattress Castle has .a lot of cobwebs and the moat’s drying UD. Also, I found someone’s finger in my apple barrel - some kinda prank? Or maybe somebody’s just “giving me the finger”. My court jester wants to joust with you so come by and I’ll drop my drawbridge, but watch out for the big dragon. By the way, I love you like a kiwifruit. Mr. Bones. “Arl art arf Nick arf arf arfl” Odie.

BH: Sorry, I can’t go with you to Spectrum. It’s fantastic. display and sound ing! Enjoy. C.V.

Patti: I want mv Odie! Nick. Happy Birthday AJV! 8-) Your place or Keith you are the ultimate in cool! I’m

79 Chev Malibu $2000 certified 8863309. Please consider buying this car. The owner is a poor starving student with a strong desire for cash. Blc Sportrackfor medium to largecar. Fits 6 pairs of skis; hardly used. Best offer or will trade for one to fit small car. Call Brad after 5 at 743-3037.

going to miss you . . . Little mushy.

you sexy minx youl You fi-

nally made it! We’re so proud of you. Life just won’t be the same without your smiley little face. Please don’t forsake me! Love you lots, sentimentally mushy.

Bullshit: You will soon be God! Little boy. Sharing Thursday waves,


new unusual experiences and a scent with you has been a treat, like desert. MSG/TELL @ lo:30 you have a way with words. Remember village? ‘My Art!’ Siblings, ti,ght jeans, public showers, and Snow in the morning. But, NO commitment!? . . . yes . . . maybe. ‘you make me happy’ . . . BADLY . . . Let’s make the holdays something to remember. (and talk about the-rest) Little Girl.

Contact Philip Waller M.S.W. for interest testing. Call evening for appointment 744-7299.

HELP Domestic

East -

A. Thanks for a great term.

reallv steamv . . . The German horse. Paul R., West A. We’ve got 2 great lines for youl Come down and see us. Love, Kendra and Sam. Ron Hanic. Hope ya have a good Christmas. Don’t pick too many potatoes! Luv The Neck Biter. West End Girls, Have a great Christmas and Good Luck with your exams! Luv Your Social Co-ordinators. ’

West E Guys, The smell in you’re ba-


It was fun! The German

Student accommodation.

New building, furnished, 10 min. walk from university. 746-2211 or 578-8170.

Futon man: Let’s say you and I do the ‘01’ futon bit one last time. Your personal masseuse.

1 bedroom

Caroilers; Faculty and students who helped raise funds for the Salvation Army Christians Fund. $800 was raised. kitten,

I shall miss you oh so much And I’ll be lost without your touch But though we will be miles apart You’ll still be with me in my heart. Honey you are so special to me I do trust you completely And the only one I want is you So you can always trust me too. Honey I can’t explain how I feel From you my heart could never heal This feeling it must be from above ‘Cause the feeling I have, I think, is love. Love Teddy.


You have been a terrific roommate and a special friend! I will miss you. when you’re gone! Luv ya! Donna.

Norm K.: I’d love to go “In Search of a you. Thanks for asking. music is amazing. S.J.

AC: So, “They Say It Isn’t True”. The my mind,



share in a 3 bedroom townhouse with two males - nonsmoking on Bluevale Ave. N. - 8846953.




pool! Four bedroom townhouse to sublet May - Aug. ‘87. $686.00/mo. or $171.50/bedroom, all utilities included. Quiet neighbourhood, 15 min. bus ride to UW. 7429989. Three students looking for 2 more to share house - Jan. - Apr./87. Big kitchen, yard, driveway, new washer/dryer. 20 minutes bus ride to campus. 300 Wellington St. N. $160/per person & util. Call (613) 542-7 190.

R.G.A. of S.C.C.: It’s been great, thanx to all of ya. Have a superduper X-mas break. .By the way, the other side has been paying me to laugh during those a STRATEGIC tactic. meetings --it’s





Sun” with Spectrum’s


condominium or house - wanted for Jan. - April ‘87 term in Waterloo by upper year math students. Call (416) 488-2852 (Jeff).

two years - a lot of good times and a lot of bad. Good luck with your future and I hope you get your life in order someday. Take it easy. P.S. 1 never realized how two faced vou can be. Extremely rude Attitude advertisement filed by Imprint last week, so we get this one free. Thanks. Co-op Attitude will be offending females at Toronto Watpubs next term, so come out and be insulted. Bve!




Not ours!

B.W. It has been an interesting

Dark Cancer:


Campus representative needed to promote Spring Break Florida trips. Write Box 110, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont. L8S 1CO. Call D’Arcy ahernoons at (416) 545-2696. Attention programmers: A computer service bureau located in Elmira (15 minutes drive from UW) is looking for a cobalt programmer on a part time basis. 20.hours plus a week. Specific work hours open to discussion. If interested call 669-5115 and ask for Mr. Glen Martin.

Dark Cancer: That car of yours can get


Help: Baby-sitting


Especially the belly dancer! (I think I’m in love). Good Luck Scatty and Dave! Y’all come back and visit ya’hear. -A Real Life Sex Scandal of a Don.

throom is you’re own Love, The Loud Sisters.


from late afternoon until approx. 7 pm. weekdays. $4 per hour. Westmount & University. Call 885-0587 after 6 or 886-2765.

day . . .‘a tape of v’valdi . . . and


One bedroom

available in a 3 bedroom townhouse for female nonsmoker. From Jan. to April 1987. $170 per month plus utilities. Call 746-0153.

New condominium

- one smoking student needed term; parking, laundry, close - Bairstow estates. utilities. 746-2086.

Single rooms (2) in Beechwood family home, walking distance to University, non-smoking females preferred. Phone 746-2844. Apartment in downtown Ottawa (Glebe). 3rd floor of house. $360/mo. single and $4OO/mo. double occupancy. All utilities included. Fully furnished with bed(s), stove, fridge. Cable & phone jacks. Within one block of IGA, laundromat, bus lines. At Bank 8t Third. Call 613-232-l 382 or visit 156 Third Avenue for more details. Rooms to rent. Fully furnished student condominium with washer, dryer and condo. Swimming pool. Access to kitchen, dinding room, living room and 1 l/2-bathrooms. On University and downtown bus routes. s55/wk. shared room, $65/wk. for own room (includes all utilities). On Westwood Dr.; call 745-3884.

one eye, partially deaf, recently neutered, no tail and answers to “Lucky”. If found call Dan 884-9646.





Todd? (The guy with the wife named Sandy, and a dog named Sonny). If you ran out of gas on the 401 near Guelph Sunday Nov. 16, Debbie has your gloves in her car. (519) 679-4909.

male nonfor winter furnished, $195 plus

One bedroom

apartment available for Jan. - April or longer. Partly furnished. Twenty min. bus ride to UW. Downtown location. $41 G/month. 5793088.

Female roommate

to share 1 -bedroom furnished apartment. Good downtown location. Twenty-minute bus ride to UW for Jan- April ‘87. $208/month. 579-3088. Male student .looking to share house with 4 - 5 people for Jan.\ - Apr. ‘87 term. 25 min. walk to campus. Share rent of $1 OOO/mo. Non-smokers preferred. Phone 746-2547. One person needed for summer term. Three bedroom townhouse. Share with 2 males, beside Parkdale piaza, pool, dryer, furnished, phone 8854955. 10 min. walk, $225/mo., furnished, utilities included, single, room, laundry. 576-8818. *

Room -avaIlable

Are you headed for the right career?

From far awav. a bottle of wine . . . 8 snowy

The nine projector system are amaz-


mine? ;-) from your HR. .TIP~U.



Imprint, Friday*

for 2 people Jan. Apr. ‘87 (or longer). Big house, laundry facilities, major appliances. $167.00 plus utilities. Behind KW hospital, on major bus routes. For more information contact Liz at 742-7575. Toronto: 2 females, share room Quiet non-smokers. $250/mo. Pape and Gerrard. 30 min. to downtown. Call Debbie after 5 pm. (416) 4618445.





PRAYER Renison College

Chapel, 900



THE MUG. An atmos-

phere of live music, good food, relaxed conversation. All are come, 8:30 - 11:00 pm in CC Sponsored by Waterloo Christian lowship.



and wel110. Fel-

NATIONAL Historic Park presents “A Victorian Christmas”. Celebrate Christmas of long ago at Mackenzie King’s boyhood home. Open 1O:OO am. - 500 pm. daily. Admission is free. This weekend sample traditional foods of the Victorian Christmas. Runs until Jan. 4.

CHAPEL Renison




- $1.00 for double spaced page. Experienced typist living on campus (MSA). English degree spelling corrected. Call Karen at 7463127. .95$ per page. .9Oc per page for 5 pages or more. Liz Tupling 746-2588. Don’t delav. Call today. Typing - $l.OO/page (d.s.) Experienced typist with teaching, degree, lives close to university - MSA. Ask for Karen 746-0631.

7 1000



ST. PAUL’S College - Sunday Chapel



Typing. Assignments, essays, reports, theses, letters, resumes. Featuring automatic spell check. Dependable work, prompt service, reasonable rates. Janice 7480777. Essays, theses, work reports, business letters, resumes etc. Will correct spelling, grammar & punctuation. Electronic typewriter. Reasonable rates. Phone Lee 886-5444 afternoon or evening. Professional typing. Essays, work term reports, theses, etc. Fast, accurate, dependable service. $1 per double spaced page, call 886-4347 (Sonia).


typing and/or word processing. Resumes stored indefinitely. Punctuation and spelling checked. Fast, accurate service. Delivery arranged. Diane,. 576- 1284.

Same day word processing.

(24 hour turn around if you book ahead). Draft copy always provided. Near Seagram Stadium. $1.15 per double-spaced page. Call 885,1353.

Typing - 30 years experience. 75c double spaced page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount-Erb area. Call Doris 886-7153. 25 years experience. 75c per double spaced page. Westmount-William area. Call 743-3342. Dial-a-secretary. . . Typing, Word Processing, Photocopying. Essays, Work Reports, Theses, Resumes. 24-hour turnaround within reason. Pick up and delivery. Special rates for students. Dial 746-6910. Will type resumes, theses, essays. Fast, accurate work. 75C per double spaced typed page. Call - Sue 8846093. Experienced typist will do work reports, essays, etc. Fast, accurate work. IBM Selectric. Reasonable rates. 1 block from Sunnydale. Call 885-l 863.


Man’s ring - lost 3 weeks ago. Gold band, silver top and small diamond inSublet May - Aug ‘87. Luxurious 4 laid. Sentimental value. Please call bedroom townhouse (Albert St.) elose 1 746-0764. to shopping; many extras. $225/perLost: 1 basset hound, 3 legs, blind in son. 886-6587.


CHRISTIAN Fellowship Sunday service, All Welcome. HH 334, 11 :OO am. More info. call 7468171. CHRISTIAN WORSHIP on campus. lo:30 a.m., HH 280. All Welcome. CHAPEL AT Conrad Grebel College. Informal service with discussion. 7:00 Pm. CONTEMPORARY


1100 am Moose Room, Men’s dence, Renison college.



EVANGELICAL Fellowship International. Christian meeting 6:30 pm 163 University Ave. W, #321. (MSA) All Welcome.

11 KM. HIKE along Speed River Trail. Meet 10:00 am. at carpark on corner of Edinburgh Rd. and Wellington St., ,Cambridge. Bring a lunch. For info. call 658-5235.








College Chapel.


Fellowmeeting. p.m., CC


Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 9:30 pm. in the Campus Centre Great Hall. Come out and enjoy!


CAMPUS Ministry Fellowship, 4:30 p.m., Common meal, St. Paul’s Cafeteria. 5:30 p.m., programme, Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. All Welcome. GLLOW COFFEEHOUSE - an informal gathering held weekly for interested people. A safe and friendly atmosphere in which to meet others, gay or straight. Call 884-4569 for more info. (24 hr. recorded message). EXPLORING THE Christian Faith. Informal discussions on Christianity with Chaplain Graham E. Morbey, 7:30 pm, Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. CAMPUS

BIBLE study. 3:30 pm. in CC 110. Sponsored by Maranatha Christian Student’s Association. CHRISTMAS CAROL sing in the Foyer of the Modern Languages Building from 12:15 pm. - 1:OO pm. Led by Jake Willms. Light refreshments will be served. Thursday . MORNING



PRAYER Renison College

Chapel, 9:00 a.m.


WATERLOO Region invites you to share peace-oriented ideas, projects, accomplishments at our monthly meeting. 7:30 pm., Adult Recreation Centre, King and Alien Sts., Waterloo.

PRAYER Renison College

Chapel, 900




Imprint Classified ads is MONDAY at 5:00 p.m.! This is the last issue of IMPRINT until Jan. 9. LIKE A holiday in Japan? Learn about Japanese festivals and games at “Yugi: Games in Japanese Culture”, at the Games Museum in Burt Matthews Hall. Open Monday - Friday, 9 5 and Sunday, 1 - 5. Call X4424 for more information.

Tue;;lay MORNING



PRAYER Renison College

Chapel, 900



ship International Everyone welcome. 135.




SERVICE 4:30 p.m. Con-

rad Grebel College Chapel. sermon and choir.




PRAYER Renison College

Chapel, 9:OO a.m.






BIBLE study at 12:30 and

2:30 pm. in CC 110. Sponsored by Maranatha Christian Students Association. “CANADIAN - U.S. Relations” is the topic of a speech by Dr. James Fleck, businessman, public servant and lecturer. 7:30 pm. in the Paul Martin Centre, WLU. Reception with a cash bar to-follow.



lege Chapel, 900

12 Renison

THE MUG. An atmosphere of live music, good food, and relaxed convertition. All are welcome, 8:30 - 11:00 pm in CC 110. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Feli lowship. Saturday




itional word. Non-students, ‘ditional word. CALENDAR:


SKI SEASON starts early in the Durham area. For information on snow conditions and skiiing events, call Ray Wright, of Grand Valley Trails Association, Waterloo 885-4261.





DONOR Clinic. Red Cross Clinic, First United Church, King and William Sts., Waterloo, 1:30 pm. 800 pm.


5 p.m.




of the week of publication Teleptione ads are not accepted. All ads must be submitted personat Imprint Offices, Campus Centre 140. Rates:







20 words for $1, 5C for each ad20 words for $3, 25C for each adFree:


Is for Somuch Snowfor Solittle dough.

Is for King-sizeKicks and Kissyour cares go6l&ye.



CANADIAN University and

College, FWlays at the Peaks Kick off special $5.00F’ridayJtiuary 9,198? * Ongoing special $10.00 Friday January 16to kiday March 6 Brewers of




0ntario University ummpionsmp Series * $1.50ski rentals for students *No lift interchange with Blue Mountain. Valid proof of full time enrollment necessary. m

Is for Incredibly Invigoratingand InstantlyInspiring.


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