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Econ. warned lectures hnproper

Provincial grants to increase 7.3% in-‘87 by Steve Kannon Imprint staff I Ontario’s universities received a pleasant surprise November 3 in the form of a government funding initiative expected to help alleviate a decade of underfunding. A 7.3 per cent increase in basic \ operating grants in the 198788 fiscal year will allow universities to use funds for more than merely keeping ’ pace with inflation, said Minister of Colleges and Universities Greg Sorbara. The increase means the post-secondary education system will have some $97 million more than expected next year. Total government fund- ing, including inflationary increases and previously committed monies, will increase by $148.7 million, bringing MC& budget to $1.44 billion. The current 1986-87 fiscal budget calls for expenditures of $1.31 billion. The announcement has drawn praise from the university community, although. each institution won’t know for a few weeks exactly how much of an increase to expect. UW president Doug Wright said the move is in the right dire-ction, but the government still has a way to go before the underfunding problem is alleviated. And, while the figures sound enticing, until UW has co-me actual dollar figures, nothing radical will be done to current budget fore. casts. “Having had to make budget cuts for the past several years, we are pleasantly surprised at the prospect of an increase that will not require a further cutback in 1987-88,” said Wright. “What has been announced is enough to stop the bleeding . . . though not enough to restore us to health.” The most significant fact, he said, i‘s that the increases are in the basic operating grants, not in one-time grants, which has been the case in the past. Tom Brzustowski, vice-president - academic, said the announce. ment is the best news UW has had from the provincial government in




student by Mike Brown Imprint staff


15 years. The money squeeze has become so severe that a deep concern has arisen over the university’s ability to achieve adequate performance in both teaching and research, he said. UW students have acknowledged that the quality of their education has suffered. The university has lost a number of senior faculty who gone elsewhere, mostly to the United States, to obtain adequate support for their research. “(This) announcementseems to indicate a genuine concern to try to improve conditions in Ontario universities, including Waterloo, and this is most welcome,” said Brzustowski. “The government seems to have recognized the desperate situation in which we find ourselves.” Student groups also had few complaints as Sorbara promised tuition fees would increase by only an inflationary four percent, while OSAP funds would increase by a “minimum of four per cent”. Tim Stutt, communications director for the Ontario Federation of Students, said the organization is pleased with the initiative and must give the government “credit where credit is due”. The OFS, however, is concerned that the “momentum” started with Monday’s announcement will continue, with the government maintaining a commitment to solving the problems in the post-secondary education system, he said. The announcement is particularly timely for UW students. The increased funding may cause the administration to drop a proposal which would see students asked to pay a voluntary fee of $60 per term to help reduce the university’s projected deficit of $1.8 million. If the student referendum idea failed, theadministration might have been forced to cut computer services by $1.8 million or to cut back funds to all services by 1.5 per cent. The university cropped 2.5 per cent from its 1986-87 budget due to lack of government funds.



An altogether surprising funding announcement by the provincial go. vemment has left UWs administration in doubt as to how to proceed in solving some pressing under-funding problems. On October 30 Waterloo’s Senate ’ Finance Committee outlined its options, paying special attention to the $1.8 million void created by the province’s cancellation of the computer fee. During last weeks finance meeting the Senate committee made the following proposals prior to this weeks government funding announcement: a) cut 1.5 per cent from the general operating budget, across the board. b) cut $1.8 million in central computer services. c) invite the students to approve an offsetting fee.


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The last proposal of inviting the students to approve an offsetting fee would be arrived at by a campus. wide referendum. All of the committees options, however, are in doubt as a result of the funding announcement. UW president Doug Wright said this week the announcement obviously affects the finance committee proposal, but he refused to dismiss the concept of a referendum. Until the university knows for sure how much money it will receive it would be “stupid” to press ahead with the idea, but the option has to remain, said Wright. “We’re not sure it [the increase] is going to meet the needs . . . we don’t know how much is coming to UW,” said Wright. “Let’s just wait and see.” On Monday the government announced a 7.3 per cent increase in funding to universities. The University of Waterloo’s administration is in a


by’ Janice Nicholls Imprint Staff Student complaints, first heard five years ago, about UW economics professor John Hotson overemphasizing the problems of world hunger and presenting the Ending Hunger Briefing in his economics courses have resurfaced. Professor KM. Bennett, chairman of the economics department, said the matter was first brought to his attention five years ago when a student complained about a question on world hunger on an exam. Professor Hotson agreed to stop teaching the material in his class, but maintained that he was still dedicated to ending hunger, said Bennett. Students taking professor Hotson’s macroeconomics course in the 1986 summer term report as much as half of the course was spent dealing with the problem of world hunger. In addition, professor Hotson handed out cards asking for a personal commitment to ending hunger to be signed by the students on a voluntary basis and submitted to him, said two students enrolled in the course last summer. The card View of the Brampton Bill Building under construction. Let’s states “By personal declaration, The Hunger Project is mine completely. I hope all the new grant money doesn’t end up here. commit myself to making the end of the persistence of hunger and starvation an idea whose time has come”. One student in Hotson’s class last summer said Hotson asked the class to voluntarily sign commitment cards and submit them to him. He “pushed it but it was voluntary”, she said. Hotson said he “has done that on The Hunger Project (THP) was es. by Cindy Long occasion” and he regrets doing so. tablished in 1977 by Werner Erhard Imprint staff “There really is no pressure”, he said. with a $100,000 grant from the est Seeking “committed partners who Foundation (Erhard Seminar Train. Hotson said he does teach the will see The Hunger Project as theirs” ing), a California-based cult aldo Ending Hunger Briefing in his is the goal of Hunger Project volunfounded by Erhard. Est deliberately classes, but that hunger is a macro. teer John Hotson, a UW economics shrouds itself in mystery. It’s a kind of economic problem and relates to his professor. course. According to Hotson, he positive-thinking group-support sysspends only three hours presenting tem designed to remove your inhibithe Ending Hunger Briefing and octions and open up the mind. A former philawhia used-car casionally mentions the topic of see eat h hunger at other times when he feels it and encyclopedia salesman who is relevant. called himself Jack RosenberT Er-

Hunger Project a child born of U.S.-based cult



query over exactly how much the funding increase translates into dollars and cents for this particular institution. The amount allocated to each institution varies through-out the province. The Ontario Council of University Affairs is in charge of developing a method for the distribution of the new funds. Their report will be available to the Ontario Government by December 15. By mid-January the ministry of colleges and universities expects to have the funds available to the university community. It is because of the uncertainty involved as to the amount that Waterloo is to receive that is forcing the university’s administration to keep the Senate Finance Committees options wide open. What all this means to Waterloo’s students is that they might still be asked to volunteer an extra fee to offset a projected. deficit for the 1987188 academic year.





Inside: Apartheidcommittee Letters Question Ibard% Topsofpop Rtlgby elimination Hockey warriors Classifieds/C l

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page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..page 13 .
























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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 80 tie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..page 81 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 83



NEWS-. ’* ~ . More- gov’t money -for industiial research ’





7, 1986

_ I

by Sam Hiyate Imprint Staff The Ontario government has revised the University Research Incentive Fund (URIF) so it will match each dollar invested by industry or business in an approved research project at an Ontario university. This replaces the old formula, where Ontario gave $1 for every $2 othetise invested. Colleges and Universities Minister Gregory Sorbara announced last month the government will provide up to $25 million over the next three years under the URIF fund.

The deal may sound promising, but according to UWs Dean of Research Ernie Holmes, URIF, “although well-meaning, is ill-timed (unless base funding is increased) and ill-conceived. It presents the usual challenge for us to devise innovative ways of making the best use of another government R&D program.” Why is it ill-timed? Holmes said “the real problem of the university is a base-budget one. The high student/faculty ratio and lack of official support staff means that there aren’t faculty researchers waiting around for the extra work that industrial con-

57 -hour relay run to start this weekend The 1,lth annual charity run, organized on campus by St. Jerome’s and Notre Dame, comes to a close this weekend. The event was started 11 years ago by two students who wanted to thank the community for letting students become involved in the community activities. As a result, each year the students choose a local charity to support. Funds are raised through various on-campus activities that students can participate in, as well as the local campaign drive involving a can drive and a raffle draw. This year’s goal is to raise $7,000 for St. Monica House, a centre for young pregnant girls. St. Monica House offers counselling services and programs to help the girls deal with their situation and to answer any questions they may have. The girls are offered constant support, a place to stay, supplies of needed personal items and friendship. The money raised by the run will help St. Monica House maintain and improve existing programs. The charity run opening ceremonies start at 3:30 today and runners will be participating in a 51-hour relay around Ring Road.

tracts entail. UW already does a higher percentage of contract work in terms of its total R&D budget than other Canadian and most U.S universities - including M.I.T. (We spend 12 percent of our budget on industrial contracts while M.1.T spends 10 percent.)” Why is it ill-conceived? Holmes said “the program addresses only one side of the equation - an incentive for industry to make use of university facilities and talent - but given the difficulties facing universities, where is the incentive for the university?’ Holmes compared the linking of government to an existing relationship between a university and a company as “a menage a trois” where government becomes an “intruder.” “it is unnecessary and acts as a deterrent for both the companies and university researchers,” said Holmes. “It adds an element of uncertainty and delay. The review by a provincial committee is not altogether welcomed by industry either.” Holmes proposed a better plan. “If the government wishes to promote more research interaction ~4th industry, it should put the onus on the university researcher to initiate contracts. It should also provide, sufficient incentive: for example; an annual bonus based on the amount of contract research done for industry that year. The bonus should be given as a free research grant to the researchers concerned. Not only would this be a stimulus, it would enable the researchers to keep a research team together with the necessary support staff and thus enable the researcher to use his/her time

more effectively.” Holmes said- this sort of scheme was proposed in the U.K. and was recommended in the “Wright Task Force on R&D report to the federal government.” “I gather there is good news out today (citing the 7.3 per cent increase in university financing for the next fiscal year) which may relieve the base budget situation,” said Holmes. “This will help in terms of URlFs success. Despite my feeling this approach is not altogether the most appropriate or necessarily par-

titularly beneficial to the university, I have seen some success with URlF in terms of the lap-top portable computer project of Dan Cowan et al. In this project, the industry and the teaching requirements of the university were both well served.” “At UW we already devote a significant amount to support the industry/university interaction via our co-op programs. And incidentally, our co-op program has never been~ _recognized financially by govemment, which gives other educational institutions money to go co-op.”

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<NEWS-. Anti-apartheid

\ Imprint;


by Elisabeth




The divestment policies and student boycotts organized by some Canadian universities in response to apartheid may eventually be adopted at the University of Waterloo. Earlier this year, a report on the findings and recommendations made bjl an anti-apartheid committee prompted the student union of the University of Ottawa to boycott all products of Rothmans and Carling O’Keefe, two Canadian companies controlled by South African interests. In response to this move, and at the request of former UW Federation of -Students president Sonny Flanagan, a similar anti-apartheid committee has been formed here at the University of Waterloo. The primary purpose of this committee is to research apartheid, and what, if anything, the university cati do to oppose it. The findings will then be presented to the Federation and -the student population. Actions which could or shduld be taken are being considered, as well as their



7, 1986

group considers boycott , at uvI/

possible ramifications. McGill was the first university in the country to act against apartheid, with a proposed complete divestment of its holdings in South Africa, amounting to a total withdrawal of about $40 million. A number of universities have followed suit with similar, or less extreme measures. These include partial or voluntajl boycotts, studies, reports, awareness days, petitions and fund raising activities. Apart from lectures, news articles and information booths in the Campus Centre, little has been done until -YTOWat UW to make the student body aware of apartheid and its implications. This problem is what the committee seeks to alleviate. At present, various options are being weighed as to what can be done in familiarizing tie students with the committee as well as with the problems of South Africa’s policy of racial segregation. Under consideration are a number of proposals such as student contacts with South African universities, letter writing campaigns, as well as an awareness program. A more controversial issue also

under discussion is the possibility of divestment and boycotting. No decision has as yet been finalized, as arguments both for and against these issues are matters upon which the Federation, as representatives of the students, must agree. Those advocating the use of boycotts maintain that, while any action taken by the UW would have virtually no-impact whatsoever on either the finances of companies with South African interests, or on South Africa’s economy itself, a boycott of products would serve as a political - statement and as a symbol of opposition to apartheid. Other universities might follow UW’s example, and with a combined effort, some impqct would in fact be achieved. On the other hand, any actio,n such as a mandatory boycott of Carling O’Keefe, producers of Carls- ’ berg, Miller, O’Keefe, and Black Label beers, would directly affect a large percentage of the student body, and pose an infringement on their rights. A possible far-reaching effect on the employees of these companies in Canada is another

cause for concern. Apartheid is a moral issue, and any decisions regarding divestment or boycotting put forward by the committee must first be representative of the majority of the university’s student population. Student participa-

most people to afford. and indirectly to workers in the transClDA’s institutional co-operation port, handling and processing of fish. and development services encourThe immediate objective of the ages links between Canadian univerprojeti is to set up a graduate trainin Third ing and research centre at Addis 1 sities and their counterparts World countries. Assisted by ClDA, Ababa, using Waterloo faculty as reWaterloo has carried out more than source people. Eight to 10 students $2.1 million in ClDA and IDRC-sup at the masters level are being trained ported projects in the developing at Addis Ababa University, while four world over the last five years. PhD candidates have been studying at Waterloo and conducting supervised research in Ethiopia. The project, when launched in 1983, was Sore expected to be self-sustaining in six years. Dr. Herbert Fernando of the Biology department said the research focuses on the country’s freshwater resources and the use of the natural fish supplies to help feed the hungry. primarily, the hope is to increase the fish yield from 3,000 or 4,000 tons per year to 40,000 or 50,000, he by Arka Roy said. The hopes rest on the abunImprint staff dance of the native tilipia fish, which is available close to where it is most UW s Delta Omega Chi fraternity is available and is cheap enough for no longer alone in its fight for official recognition. November 4 saw the organizational meeting of the newly-proposed Kappa Gamma Phi sorority in CC 113. Organizer Donna-Lee Irwin, a third-year dance major, said the intention of the meeting was to see if anyone is interested in the idea. Sufficient interest was shown as seven girls attended the, meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, each person introduced herself and presented her personal reasons for wanting to join a sorority. The reasons were varied and interesting. .One was the opportunity to be part of a pioneering group, since this would be UWs first sorority. Another suggested that helpful career connections may be formed. Two others complained that none of the other campus organizations match their interests. Another said that the increase in school spirit generated by the sorori-ty would improve the pdlitical mobilization of students.. All agreed that involvement in such a group would foster deep and lasting friendships and give rise to organizational skills; leadership qu&ies, selfconfidence and professionalism. Academic success is also encouraged. Immediate requirements consist of the election of officers, recruitment of an advisor, a first initiation, prepaiation of chapter documents and, most importantly, a charter from a national sordrity. Anyone interested in getting involved should attend the next meeting, which will take place November , 18 in CC 113.

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to seek app,rovaI,

tion and input IS important as it provides a more complete framework of opinions. The committee’s next meeting is set for November 11 at 4.30 p.m., room 113, Campus Centre. Anyone interested is encouraged to attend.


TerMold -increase’in Ethiopian fishery object of UW research .




The University of ‘Waterloo will receive ;$822,000 over the next three years from the federal government, through the Canadian lntemational Development Agency (CIDA) to continue a $2 million Freshwater Fisheries Development project in Ethiopia. The duration of the first phase was three years, from 1983 to 1986. The second phase will allow research and training to continue until 1989. The project will be carried out in partnership with Addis Ababa University, located in Ethiopia’s capital. Addis Ababa University will provide $569,000 in goods and services; UW will contribute $340,000 in services. Ethiopia, ravaged by famine, ranks as the second poorest country in the world, with an-average per capita income of $140 a year. In-this light, the UW-Addis Ababa fisheries program will increase food supply, specifically in the form of cheap protein. It will also provide constant employment to approximately 3,000 fishermen,




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COMMENT Big black hole sucks UW dry





October 1

31, 1986

by Steve Kannon Imprint staff Monday’s provincial funding-announcement is certainly a welcome change in the wtiy government has been handing out money for postsecondary education. In the past decade or so, the best this university could hope for was inflationary increases in its operating budget, even though expenses were skyrocketing. With this move, the Liberal government has made a move to correct the neglect in the system - it’s on track, but there’s a long way to go yet. Now that-the government seems to be getting off its collective butt, the administration here should follow suit. The ivjection of new money into the UW system should provide benefits for student - all students. The increase is for basic operations, not for computerization, and certainly not for the new computer research building. So much of UW’s energy and money has been poured into thaIt black hole named after a former premier. The university over-expanded itself, sacrificing more pressing educational needs, for the sake of this building. Now that the financial pressures have been somewhat eased, the administratioo should think first of other campus needs -such as new books for the Arts Library - before sinking any more funds into Doug Wright’s pet projects. ‘Of course, there’s always the option of a voluntary student fee to help finance computer costs. This option, which would see a student referendum on the issue, is seriously being considered as a replacement for the totally involuntary computer fee. If such an idea passed, each student would fork out an additional $60 a term for computer services. Any student who thought the concept acceptable, which the administration obviously thinks is feasible, w’ould soon change his or her mind when tuition takes a four per cent jump for inflation and a further five per cent hike next year\ when the government’s incidental fee ruling comes into play. In this light, the voluntary fee idea is reprehensible. And until the administration proves it’s putting the needs of all student ahead of its own gains, the whole idea is laughable.


The economics of mystici-sm: is this proper in class? by Doug Thompson Imprint staff The Hunger Project is an unusual charity. Unusual in that it attracts intense opposition wherever it goes. It’s UW champion, economics professor John Hotson, says this is because the idea is new. He compared the wisespread media criticism of his group to that experienced by The Church of Scientology, the Jehova’s Witnesses and other new religious ideas. Yet he also maintained that hisgroup is neither a religion nor a ‘cult. “It’s &philosophy” he says.



Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper publishedby Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario CommunityNewspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadian University Press (CUP). Imprint publishes every second Friday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed-to Imprint, Campus Centr6, ’ Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint fSSN 0706-7380

Edktorial Board Editor-in-Chief Assistant E&ltor Mews Editor Arts EWors PhotoEtUtors

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Steve Kannon Zhristine Sinding Janice Nicholls Paul Done &’ Chris Wodskou Joe Sax-y &? Richard Clinton Jonathan Sadlier Marie Sedivy Doug Tait Doug Thompson Janet Lawrence Lisa Beard Dave Lawson .Charles Mak & Andrea Luxon

- noon Friday /

As a philosophy, it competes in-a marketplace of ideas alongside many others. But it is also a registered charity in Canada which raises money and conducts “Ending Hunger Briefings”. The complaint with the group centres mostly on the fact that these briefings do nothing to end hunger, and of the money it earns in donations, very little ever goes to hungry people. California’s Cult Awareness Group describes The Hunger Project as an organization whose major objective is the perpetuation and,expansion of itself. Its spokesmen admit that its objectives are “educational and inspirational”. In itself, this is not a cause for complaint. What should lead to a reflective second thought is the idea that merely thinking about, talking about, and developing positive attitudes about hunger is enough. Sure, it probably doesn’t hurt, except insofar as thisgroup maintains ‘that its activities will, in fact, end hunger, not by feeding the hungry, but by transforming the consciousness of thdworld as some supernatural level. The card you are asked to sign says you “own” the Hunger Project. The objective of the group is “transform consciousness” and the way to transform consciousness is to adopt this group’s ideas as your own. At least this is what they say. It is all a terribly cruel hoax. Money which might have been donated to groups that actually are investing in development projiects, when delivered to the hands of The Hunger Project, goes to mind transformation and endless publications instead. The briefings consist of hours of horrifying statistics about hunger. Then those who show up are asked to sign a card and give money to the group and are told that this will help the world’s hungry. And if-you want to help even more, you can get more involved in the group and hold briefings yourself. It is a product of the naivete of our times that so many-people can think that talking about the problem is enough, that changing public opinion will feed the starving, that action isn’t needed. It is comforting to.think that, and The Hunger Project is very much into cqmforting people. But it’s not the world’s starving millions who can take comfort in The Hunger Project. Most-comfortable is the organization’s millionaire founder, Jack Rosenberg, alias Werner Erhard. A one time used car salesman from Philadelphia, Rosenberg/Erhard moved to California and established est (Erhard Seminars Training). The guru of

- ?onsc/ousness transformation” grew rich on the now dying fad, and in conjunction with several est alumni, established The Hunger Project in 1977. The theology of the group is that mind controls the world, and if people’s minds can be converted to taking the.problem of hunger very seriously, the problem is solved.

This takes the idea of mind-over-matter to an absurd extreme, and leads to some “transformations” of the English’la.nguage that are as absurd as the group% ideas. What the *groaj> wants, to quote sdme of its own literature’; “is .peo@ev “who have absolutely gotten that hunger can end, and that their lives are about ending it. ” (sic) If that sentence mikes little sense to you, don’t worry, it is an example of the odd manipulation of English which typifies est-like mind transformation, or as it is less flatteringly known, “mind control” techniques. When you “own” the Hunger Project as yours, you -will “have gotten that hunger can end”. Money raised by the group is used to encourage more,people to “own” and- “get” the group’s idea. I have heard the English word “got” used to describe a disease’, “he got the flu”, or even religion, “he got religion” or “he got saved”, but never in regard to a charity. Do you know anyone who “got” the Red Cross or Oxfam? No, this is not a charity of that sort. It-then came to Imprint’s attention that professor Hotson is conducting “Ending Hunger Briefings” in a first year economics cla.ss, complete with the solicitation of signatures on little cards. Indeed, even his exams contain questions about The Hunger Project. This activity, even more than The Hunger Project itself, raises questions and causes concern. Students in class are a captive -audience, there is no chance to walk out and avoid the effort to have one’s consciousness transformed. Further, we have seen professor Hotson in action and noted a most unusual resistance to even considering critical reflection on The Hunger Project. “It’s an idea whose time has come” he says, with the fervour of an Evangelist, and when it is pointed out that many respectable news media, including the CBC, Forbes, and The New Internationalist, to name a few, have published damning exposes on his organization, ‘he characterizes these as false smear campaigns by the uninformed. This refusal to even consider the possibility that an idea different than his own might have some validity surely is much more typical of a religious true-believer than a respectable academic inculcating knowledge sod a capacity for critical thought. That he should be allowed to use a lecturn for s.uch purposes, and a captive audience of students as his congregation is a disgrace to academia. The fact that complaints from students about this activity go back at least five years, and that the problem continues, is another example of the crucial need for campus-wide published course evaluations whereby students have access to the judgments on the courSe of the previous year’s students. Problems like this would never arise with good course evaluations, and if they did, an gxpeditious solution would be assured.


imprint welcomes comments and opinion pieces from our readers. The Forum page is designed to provide an opportunity to’ present views on various issues. Opinions expressed in letters, columns, ‘or other articles on this page represent those of their authors and not Imprint. Letters MUST be typed, double-spaced, and signed with name and telephone number, and submitted to CC 140 by 6:00 p.m. Monday oj the week of publication. Maximum length of letters: 200 words. Anyone wisping to write lpnger opinion pieces should contact the Editor-in-Chief. Ail material is subfect to editing.

Hunger To the editor, The piece you published in the October 17th Imprint headlined “Group ain’t no charity” is a new low in accurate reporting on The Hunger project. For starters, The Hunger Project is a charity, an educational charity, so recognized by the UN, the development community and the governments of every country in which it does work around the world. At last count, The Hunger Project (THP) has offices and organized activities in 23 countries and more than five million individuali in 152 countries have expressed their commitment to ending hunger by enrolling in THP. As Nigel Martin, executive director of the Canadian cbuncil for international co-operation (a coalition of more than 130 Canadian voluntary organizations involved in global development) puts it, “That such a large number of people . . . have made such a commitment is a very visible, tangible demonstration . . . more and more people are realizing that we don’t have to leave the problems of the world to others to solve. Small as each person’s contribution might appear to be, when you add it up you have an amazing impact in the whole

Project world.” It is particularly inappropriate for Jane Reble to criticize THP for focusing its efforts on education rather than “hunger relief” since the Global Community Centre, where she works, is itself and educational charity. And, of course we have to increase our internal growth if we’re to educate more people. THP in Canada now has a paid staff of eight and much of the work is done by unpaid volunteers like myself. But even h&-e her facts just aren’t right. Yes, education for action is the main thrust of THP and we have raised well over a million dollars for others to spend on hunger relief and development. About the only fact she has straight is that THP has a “tie” to est, which she considers a “cult”, because Werner Erhard founded both and is on the Global board of THP. Serving with him on that board are some of the foremost experts on the planet. I am proud of my participation in The Hunger Project on this camthroughout pus, community, North America and in Europe. I hiive personally enrolled several thousand people in THP over the past eight years, perhaps, two

has “amazitig


tot-s.” To say that my activities on thousand of them right on the UW this campus are “not permitted” campus. I use no “hard sell techwhen I and others have b&en enniques” and none are necessary. rolling and presenting briefings Everybody wants hunger ended, but most didn’t know there was .for all these years. And the picture up of UW profs and anythirig they could do about it. _ you conjure students being “run off the camI’m glad to know that in all these pus” for inviting their peers to fill years’in which I and many others out a card, is ludicrous. have had folks fill out cards here Since I lead THP’s Ending that UW’s Security department Hunger Briefings myself, I know had “not received any complaints for cgrtain that its message is not about The Hunger Project solici-

Lighten To the editor, This is in reply to Charles Mak’s comment on rock ‘n’ roll (Imprint, Oct. 31). The main thrust of your article seems to be that progressive music is exploring and representative of exploring and progressive people. Also that since the university is composed of exp‘toring and progressive people that this is the music we all should listen to at Fed Hall, since it is representative of the exploring and progressive nature of the university. However progressiveness is more than listening to music. If firid it hard to believe someone is in touch with what’is representative of humanity at its most exploratory when they must rev&-t


up Chuck!! to insulting anyone who disagrees with their tastes by calling them banal and backward. I also see nothing progressive or exploratory in dictating that people must listen to your musical tastes. University is much more than progressiveness. It is the mixing of many different cultures, ideals, and interests. Learning to have an open mind is probably the most important aspect of a university education. In fact people who have progressive (imaginative) attitudes know the difference between what is concrete and can not be changed and what limits are placed on them by their own bias. Often the exploration of new

#quote me

. To the editor, I do have personal difficulties I would like to respond to the with the approach of The Hunger article on the Hunger Project Project which come from the which appeared in the Imprint co’hments of former members or October 17. In speaking with the supporters of the group or other Imprint I stated I was not an auorganizations with more direct thority on The Hunger Project and experience with The Hunger Procould only share concerns exject. Many of the concerns were pressed by other individuals and reinforced by a-recent story on the organizations. I indicated that I CBC’s Fifth Estate which investiviewed the expressed concerns gated The Hunger Project.,Profesas serious ones but I assumed sgr Hotson and I have discussed that the Imprint would investigate these and our differences are these with other sources. I did not clear. expect to be q.uoted as an authorIt is certainly in the interest of itative voice on The Hunger Pro- -every person to look critically at ject. the organizations of which In addition it should be clarified she/he is a member-or supporter. that Global Community Ceptre It is then up to each individual to does not publicly criticize other decide for herself/himself what organizations although weI will her or his involvement will be. share any information we may Sincerely, have about other organizations. Jane Reble


not priority

To the editor. I was shocked to learn about the campaign of the Women’s Centre for sending sanitary napkins to women in Nicaragua. The remark “For women, the lack of sanitary napkins is an added indignity” could easily be included in a’ P & G television commercial. But no, Third World women to do not tieed this item as a priority. The first priority needs are more in the areas of food, medicine, con’traceptives, vitamins, education, etc. Once these needs have been satisfied, then we.can send I know that some “luxuries”. many first world ladies would think that sanitary napkins are not a luxury, but yes, they are when you do not have antibiotics for

lay back, think positive thoughts and generate good vibes: Rather the message is make a commitment, educate yourself and others, and then take action to generate the missing ingredient for hunger to end - the global commitment to apply what we already know sufficiently to get the job done. Professor John Hotson UW Economics Department

your child to save him from dying bf i stomach infection or when one has to accept either being pregnant,or breast-feeding a baby for 15 or 20 years as a normal situation. The UW Women’s Centre has not thought deeply enough about the consequences of the prop.osal. By sending napkins, a new need is being created. However, this need cannot be satisfied in the future because either there are no such items for sale in Nicaragua or, if there are, the average woman cannot affdrd to “buy them. Whose needs are they trying io satisfy? How did they get this idea? Mariaurora Mota . Alumni


concepts and forms, especially in art, is an inner search of self-exploration and discovery. It is important to ‘find one’s self’ but as illustrated in Poe’s “Fall of the kouse of Usher” and Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” inner exploration may also be a trap where one can stagnate. Why you-feel that music gso important to your life, and ours, is your own opinion, but some of us . just like to relax and task it easy; I personally enjoy music that is not too loud, so that I can talk over it. I dislike video screens that are so overwhelming that the place becomes like someone turned on a TV at a house party. (you know it’s a good party when. . . ) As long as the music makes the people around me talk, dance and have a good time it can be ACDC to Cindy . Lauper. The way I look at it if you have an album out you must have at least something going for you. So lighten up Charles and maybe you won’t suffer from everyday drudgeries.


Bill Bergman Arts

Off to the Trough! To the editor, ‘Well, the inevitable has finally happened. Last week saw the appearance, all over campus, of nifty blue posters announcing the advent of The Entrepreneur’s Club (“We’re talking business”). They are certainly starting off with a bang; a talk by a TD Bank “Executive V.P.“, no less. Undoubtedly the social event of the season will be covered, in excruciating detail, by a stuck-in-the-sixties reporter from Imprint. Wh& is next? May I suggest a slide presentation of Brian, Mila and the kids tOuring Port-Cartier?A lecture on the virtues of running the country as one vast Kiwanis Club? Perhaps a seminar protesting the innocence of Sinclaii Stevens and Billy Joe (Hell no, I won’t go!) MacLean?The possibil-’ ities are endless. Unfortunately, I think our yuppies in harness are going to have to do a bit better than charge that paltry one dollar admittance fee. ~ The profit motive in the Reagan* era literally deniands more. I hope they at least charges for the aftertalk goodies. But I sincerely wish” the entrepreneurs well. As an alternative club motto, how about “Off to the Trough!” Paul Doerr Graduate History





Reader disappointed I by common sense To the editor, # We’ve been extremely disappointed with the lack of reaction to the “Adrian Revelle” Christmas photograph ads which have been appearing in Imprint in recent weeks. Being accustomed to the usual reactionary fervor from the- rabid feminist segment of the campus population, we find this sign of emerging common sense quite




Pete Newell Jeff Butler 38 Biology

The. Politics of Food -.

by Roger Musselman WPIRG volunteer For the majority of people on campus, the events of October revolving around food issues, passed with only a moment’s notice. Personally, I attended only one of these events but in retrospect, wish that ,I had taken the time to benefit from the excellent resources and resource people which were available to the university community. It is, after all, these types of events offering a forum for the exchange of ideas that keep Universities on the cutting edge of thought and research. Pat Mooney’s lecture, on October 23, was potentially of interest to all students, regardless of university faculty. “The Politics of Food” touched on bases which are of importance to all of us; technological advancement, biotechnology, corporate concentration, development and underdevelopment, nutrition, conservation and resource exploitation. Mr Mooney managed to tie all of these issues together coherently from a political-economic perspective. He noted that we must be more than passively interested in the events and processes which are taking place around us. More than anything, Mr. Mooney drove home the absurdities of what we have come to call “progress”. In the name of agricultural advancement we have effectively destroyed plant gene pools not only for those plants which are no longer part of our diet, but also for plants which we consider to be-staples of our nutritional input. Crops such as wheat, corn, and barley are not

opening the door at the lock and any or all of the contents can be removed This is what I found out the’hard way when I returned to my locker to find the door had been opened in such a way and my wallet stolen. This letter is mainly to inform others of something I was not aware of and has cost me. Hopefully others may be more aware. David Queen

thinkahead $AvE



A& about Imprint’s ‘Early Bird Ad Salem for January!

In turn, the export monocultures which Third World agribusinesses feed on and which have been the preferred policy of international agencies such as the World Bank, help to create the conditions for socio-political unrest. During the media heyday of the African famine, there was extreme attention given to the political orientation of governments in the famine region Oddly enough, at the suggestion of “experts” in the developed world, there is a heavy concentration of meat production for the pet-food market in these countries. What was done in the name of economic expediency fed the dogs and cats of Europe while thousands of people starved to death. ’ Further information on “The Politics of Food” and other food issues are available in the WPIRG Resource Centre which is open Monday-Friday from lo-4:30. We are located in the General Services Complex, room 123, (the building under the smoke stack).

by Robetixay Imprint staff Wracked with indecision, what to write about next . . . oops, haven’t picked up the mail yet, check the mailbox, well, what have we here? Another one of these amusing flyers from the local Scientology clubhouse, What Stands Between You and Real Happiness?. Now, I’m sure we could all have some fun discussing just how my life could be more fulfilling but, seeing as how this paper is PG-rated, perhaps we should just move right along to more pressing matters. More specifically, the Church of Scientology and its charismatic founder, the late L. Ron Hubbard. A small warning first - to deal properly with the Scientology cult and their fascinating view of the, universe is going to take some time, so I’m reserving the next three columns for this, and even that will just scratch the surface. I realize the reference to Scientology as a “cult” is bound to raise the hackles of its loyal followers but the attitude here is, if it walks like a duckand it talks like a duck. . . well, you get the idea. (And lest anyone think that the Scientologists are being unfairly singled out with the

attention they are receiving, I should point out that the’ “scientific” creationists -are also going to be blessed with the same kind of attention. But-l digress. Onward.) As with any cult, there are actually two ways of looking at Scientology. Firstly, there is the official basis (or total lack thereof) for the religious and/or scientific beliefs held- by the devoted followers. Secondly, and quite independently, there are the personalities involved. The reason this distinction is made is that, very simply, it is possible for any system of beliefs, no matter how outrageous or unfounded, to be considered a good thing if the end Lresult is happier, better-adjusted and more productive members of society. (One example of this type of belief system leaps to mind, but we’ll avoid discussion here since it falls outside the scope of this column; use your imagination.)Therefore, to set the tone for the remainder of this topic, we’re going to take care of the personalities first. One measure of how well any organization deals with people is evident in how it deals with its own followers. And to see just how Scientology fares in this respect, who better to ask than an ex-follower?






indigenous to developed countries such as the United States and Canada but have their genetic heritage in the Third World. Although agribusiness in North America relies on genetic input from countries such as Ethiopia and India, agribusiness in those countries has been chiefly responsible for the increasing extinction of biogenetic materials which are essential to North American food production. The fact that both of these agribusiness structures belong to the same corporate network, underlies the absurdity which propels our food industry.

Sci-Fi: Religion

Now. Ex. 22332

& Et-b)

88512000 TOYOTA

disturbing. If this trend continues, our Friday afternoon entertainment will be limited to the tepid petulance of Fed-bashers and ‘music snobs of various types. What have we done to deserve this? Come on, girls, show some spirit!

Student Groups

21 Weber



PAC lockers can be easily broken into: 1

To the editor, As one of the regular users of the PAC facilities, I feel I must inform others of something I was unaware of until last Saturday morning. The tall lockers that you use to store your belongings while in the PAC are not as secure as one might think. Even with the lock used correctly, the doors of these lockers can be pryed open by



Grad Packages starting




on page


at $36




7 Imprint,






Cyril Vosper was a member of Scientology from 1954 until 1968, when he was expelled for disciplinary reasons. In retaliation for what he considered unfair treatment, Vosper struck back at the cult with his book The Mind Benders (Granada Publishing, 1971). The prologue alone is worth the price of the book, as this is where Vosper describes the circumstances leading up to his being branded a “suppressive person” within the church and his subsequent expulsion. In the opening scene, we find Vosper practically dead on his feet, having been awake almost nonstop for 11 days with perhaps two hours of sleep per night, and not having been allowed to bathe the entire time since he was declared to be in a “Condition of Liability”. After finally being allowed to go, home to sleep, Vosper is awakened less than two hours later by a Scientology Ethics Officer and forced to return to the main office to face a Committee of Evidence. The result of this meeting (which seems to compare only marginally favorably with the Spanish Inquisition) is that Vosper is declared a Suppressive Person and is expelled from the manor grounds that house the Scientologists ~without being allowed to see his family. Charming folks, no? In defense; the Scientologists are quick to point out that this kind of abuse of their own members was officially abolished back around 1970. It may indeed be that the church treats its followers a bit more humanely these days, but they can still kick the. . . uh, daylights out of their critics, given half a chance.


One particularly chilling example of this involves author Paulette Cooper, whose scathing attack on the cult in the form of the book The Scandal of Scientology made her the target of a systematic program of harassment by the church. James Randi, in his classic book ~/&I-I-F/am, reports that Cooper was’immediatelysued bythechurchfor $15 million, “robbed, threatened with a gun, and vilified in letters sent to her neighbors saying that she was a sexual deviant with venereal dise’ase”. Cooper also claims that she was framed on the charge of making bomb threats against the church, and almost landed in jail as a result. This entire incident took a bizarre twist inoctober of 1979, however, when several. Scientologists were convicted of conspiracy after they were found rifling the files of government officials who were involved in an investigation of the cult, and information about the program to discredit Cooper (codenamed “Operation PC Freakout”) was uncovered, allowing Cooper to launch her own $40 million countersuit. Another target of the church has been the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), a Buffalo-based debunking ,organization, along with its official journal, The Skeptical inquirer. And much as I would like to get into how the Scientologists tried to discredit CSICOP in the eyes of major religious leaders (an incident involving letters with bogus CIA letterheads), I figure it’s about time to wrap this up. After all, we still have a couple of columns to go, and it only gets more bizarre. Stay tuned, campers.




7, 1986


Campus think the propriate

Question: Do y’0.u drinking age is apin Ontario?

The Yellow Brick Road of Career Planning

The-CIC by Student


Yes, and I don’t think nake much difference zhanged.

it will if is

Diane Plese IA Optomgtry

I think it’s too high. Ontaric is too backwards. It’s more of E thrill to drink if you’re under age. .--

Steve Poirier IA Geography


The Career Information Centre (CIC) may contain the information you need to help answer the frequent and sometimes annoying question: “So what do you want to do with the rest of your life?” The CIC, located in Needles Hall, room 11 15, is schematically colour-coded into five major sections to help you located materials of interest. The five major sections are: - Career Planning (blue) - Information on different types of careers, self-assessment, resumes, the job search and interview skills is available. - Employer Literature (green) Interview preparation and the job search can be enhanced by using files and shelves of employer directories and literature.

Yes, by the time we reach Ne are responsible enough nake mature decisions.

19 to

Brenda Waters QA Science

Yes, there is no problem with the age of 19. ! think raising it would have a bad influ ence on campus life.

Larry Walton 2A Civil Eng.

- Education, (red) - Calendars from universities and colleges throughout Canada, the U.S., and other foreign countries are available for perusal. Directories to help locate a university according to a specific major are also available. Material on graduate school admission tests is distributed through the CIC. - Study/Travel (yellow) - Interested in travelling? The CIC contains information on travel, overseas summer jobs, and opportunities to work and study abroad. - Alternatives (purple) - InformatTon on trade and technical schools, government grants, correspondence schools, and how to start a small business is housed in the CIC.

Imprint ads \that

’ work.


Details about part-time and summer jobs are kept on file,in the CIC. Well-informed and friendly staff are willing to assist you. A colour-coded map near the entrance will also help you locate information. The ClC’s hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 8:30 to 4:30. Feel free to drop-in to ask questions or to browse through the material!

Yes, because there would be constitutional difficulties in changing the.age with respect to rights. The age 19 can be justified by keeping drinking out of the highschools. Paul Kellan

4A CS/Math

by Sonny Flanagan

Yes, because people art mature enough once they an 19 to be responsible for thei behaviour.

Tim Collins 28 Ret

& Grace Schmidt


.v Petizls

52 Pots f%~wer ship l

Flower University 65 University

& Gift Shop Square Plaza Ave.

E Waterloo

‘Mass arrests Homecoming KINGSTON (CUP) .- Police overreacted in the arrest of more than 100 Queen’s University students during recent Homecoming celebrations, say the organizers of the university’s annual weekend-long festivities. Police made 36 alcohol-related arrests Oct. 24 and 33 the next day at




at Queen’s celebrations

and near the annual street party, which for the first time was approved and legalized by city council. Councillor Helen Cooper said council would probably “not give then another chance” if students asked to have the event sanctioned again. , , A convenience store was vandal-




The Ministry of Municipal Affairs offer $1,000 - $2,000 support to undergraduate students in their final year of a degree program and to graduate students. Applications must be submitted to the Ministry by November 10, 1986. Contact the Student Awards Office for further information. TERRY FOX HUMANITARIAN * Corsages

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for Christmas

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The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program is offering a $3,000 aware to students who demonstrate the highest ideals and qualities of citizenship and humanitarian service while in pursuit of excellencein their academic, amateur sport, fitness, health, community service and related endeavours. Applicants must be Canadian or have applied for citizenship at the time of award consideration. Applications and further information is available in the Student Awards Office. Applications must be submitted to the Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards Program office in Ottawa by February 1,1986.


ized, and the owner reportedly stood in front of the store’s ~entrance with a metal pipe trying to reclaim shoplifted merchandise. Students were allegedly clearing shelves and urinating on the floor. Queen’s students also vandalized a downtown pub. A member of the university marching band sustained a serious leg injury in a collision with a police officer who was tackling a fan at the annual Homecomrng football match with a Carleton iniversih/ team . Three hundred- tickets were also issued for alcohol-related violations..-Local hospital emergency wards were swamped by injured students. Other patients complained rowdy students in and near the hospital were keeping them awake. Despite these charges, Queen’s University student union president Jim Hughes said, that this year’s Homecoming was “low-key” and that the legal street party, organized by the student union, succeeded in keeping other, illegal parties under control. “It was pretty casual,” said Hughes, adding he had “reservations” about how arrests were made at the street party. “I guess they [police] got pumped up for this event too,” said Hughes. “They had a very confrontational attitude. They were telling [students and alumni] constables what to do, and were very tough and aggressive in their ticketing.“But Queen’s representative Dick Bowman said the university has no intention of cancelling Homecoming. “Queen’s has been proud of this event for 10 years. . . the rnost spirited universities have the most spirited Homecomings,” he said. A university statement praised po Jice, for shoting ,.Ypatience, .a& restraint” in dealing with students+ Hackett said-the most common ticketed offence was display and consumption of alcohol, while the most common arrest charges were for public. intoxication. Many assault charges were also laid.






7, 1986

youth to school

University by John Gushue Canadian University Press OTTAWA (CUP) - The 1980s would be the decade during which post-secondary enrollment bottomed out, the demographers predicted. But the demographers were wrong. While the age group that traditionally has the heaviest post-secondary participation rate 17-2 1 -year-olds - has narrowed considerably in the last decade, colleges and universities across the

9 Imprint,

enrollment country are reporting another year of steady enrollment increases. An informal telephone survey conducted by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) confirms that predictions made 20 years ago are completely wrong. “We originally saw the group of 17-21 year olds declining, and we expected the participation rate to be about the same,” said AUCC researcher Marino Kristjanson. “perhaps we were relying too much on

One of the mtiny groups performing durina the Villaaes Benefit Coffee

at the Village House.

I Great

ihcreasbs nation,ally

connecting these two.” According to the AUCC, enrollment across Canada has increased for the seventh consecutive year. Full-time undergraduate enrollment is up by 1.3 per cent, with the largest increases - 6.3 and 4.4 per cent, respectively - reported in Newfoundland and Saskatchewan. “We would have predicted differently,” said Krisjanson. “I think we would have expected *an overall decrease of at least that much.” Most education groups and critics

Hall this past Sunday photo by Richard

say high unemployment rates are keeping many young people in school. “What we have now is the unwilling student,” said Lynn McDo-nald, federal New Democrat post-secondary critic. ‘Enrollment is up because jobs are scarce.”

With federal and provincial go vemments restricting post-secondary funding, education lobby groups say the quality of education in Canada is declining. Increased enrollment means heavier workloads for faculty, whose numbers have not grown to match the swell in student numbers. “There are no resources to cover the increased enrollments,” said Vie Sim of the Canadian Association of University Teachers. “Students have been affected by a lower quality education, but it is the faculty who have been bearing the day-to-day effects of underfunding,” he said.

Jean Wright, an accessibility researcher for the Canadian Federation of Students, said groups that traditionally have avoided universities are now unexpectedly enrolling. “For example, women who are older and who are going back to school is the trend that no one really predieted,” she said.

evening Clinton


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n. 1. or for


The, disciples



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hard has become a millionaire on the proceeds of his “consciousness transforming” est centre in California. Although the fad has waned, his efforts are now directed into apparently philanthropic activities, such as THP on whose Board of Directors he selves along with many est ‘graduates’ . It is not only the reputation of Werner Erhard which is leading some people and organizations to seriously question The Hunger Project. “its critics argue that The Hunger Project is capitalizing on people’s concern about world poverty and using it to insinuate the ideas of a mind-manipulating cult.” according to the New Internationalist. THP claims to have three million members worldwide. To be a member, one signs a card saying “The Hunger Project is mine completely.” The signer is expected to check off one or more of six boxes outlining what he/she will do to “express commitment”. One of these choices is to contribute monthly to THP, another is to enroll others in THP, a third is. to participate with THP. Prof. Hotson occasionally gives “Ending Hunger Briefings” on campus and teaches material from the group’s book in his classes. The approach THP uses in rec’ruiting new members and in their literature is very similar to est briefings. Accordin to The New Intemationalist (June 3 85), “. . . many of the Pro. ject’s key organizers are est ‘graduates’ and many of the tech-

of ‘est’ continued from page1

niques it applies to thought (or nonthought) about hunger issues are strikingly similar.” Hotson himself is a ‘graduate’ of est. According to the CBC’s “Fifth Estate” program of October 28, THP raised $7 million last year, but only spent $235,000 of it on direct aid to the hungry. However, THP does not claim to use their money or time on directly aiding hungry people. Instead, members concentrate on promoting awareness of the problem of world hunger and on “education and inspiration”. Most of their energy is used to promote THP itself through seminars, “briefings”, newspapers and newsletters published by THP. THP runs ads asking for donations so they can, among other things, run’ more ads. Their ads have appeared in major newspapers, but usually run i in their own publications, including 1 one they describe as the “largest circulation newspaper. on the planet.” They ask for money, sometimes for t other organizations such as Save 1 The Children, but many ads simply 1 ask for contributions to THP. What exactly the money is used for is not clear. THP is very vague about where it goes citing “education and awareness” over and over. Some of it may be going to pay legal fees judging by the number of organizations the Project is suing or threatening to sue including the CBC and COMA (Council On ‘Mind Abuse). The Hunger Project office in Toronto reI,fused to tell Imprint what its eight , employees actually do.

Jay Purdy Jazz Band with Special Guests Vocalist Laura Grecco, Nov. 7 Trumpeter Mike Malone, Nov. 14 Saxophonist Alex Dean, Nov. 21 - Trumpeter Sam Noto, Nov. 28

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COMA readily responds to enquiries regarding THP and wag at the University of Guelph warning students about the group. Other wamings come from Cult Awareness in California who describe THP as an organization “whose major objective is the perpetuation and expansion of itself ‘. Although THP has drawn harsh criticism, it has also received endorsements from prominent members of UN committees, and from the Globe and Mail in a March 24 editor. ial. In November, 1983, former Kitchener MP Peter Lang endorsed the group only to retract ‘his endorse-. ment in February of 1984 after being given more information on the organization. This year, the Metro Toronto Separate School Board, which had allowed THP briefings in its schools, banned the group because of its techniques. The uncertainty surrounding THP stems partly from its own literature in which vague catch phrases are used repeatedly such as “an idea whose time has come”, “a context includes all positions” and “political will”. Uncertainty on other fronts comes from projects like the $1 million development effort in Costa Rica, funded jointly with Save The Children. Costa Rica is the only Latin American country in which hunger is not considered a major problem. Why Costa Rica? Forbes magazine (Nov. 18/85) may have found the answer. “One reason may be the man who put the deal together, a prominent ‘Costa Rican government official and friend of Erhard’s named Fernando Flares-Banuet. He just happens to be the same individual whose San Jose Charity served as a conduit for the $15 million Zurich loan to Erhard in 1981.” Erhard persuaded prominent banker Wolfgang Somary to loan the money to “Werner Erhard & Associates’ (a sole proprietorship) which would be transformed into a charity and the funds used to “benefit the world”. The money was loaned, at a two per cent interest rate, through the Intercultural Cooperation foundation in Zurich. The money went first to a bank in Panama Cii, then through “what appears to be a spur. ious Costa Rican foundation” in San Jose called the Fundacion Soberana Orden de San Juan de Jerusalen. This group “had in fact been set up by an Erhard friend (Flares-Banuet) several days before the transfer occurred, and also stood to benefit.” What was actually done with the money? $1.6 million was used to pay off Erhard’s personal debt. $1.5 million went to purchase “a body of knowledge” from a firm in the Netherlands called Welbehagen (pleasure) which turned out to be owned by something called the Werner Erhard Foundation for est in Zurich. $8.5 million was used to “buy” assets for Werner Erhard & Associates from a charitable trust he had established in Jersey (ownership of said trust consigned to a California company called est). Another $900,000 was used to purchase artwork directly from the trust. What this boils down to is $12.5 million went to either Erhard directly or to trusts owned ^ by est. As late as the end of 1985, the original $15 million loan had not been repaid.





the classroom, then it is not clear that it is a problem, said Griffin. Griffin said that handing out cards in class for students to sign and submit is “something that should not happen.” It is “detrimental to the classroom environment”, he said. Dean of Arts Robin Banks said he is aware there is a concern on the part of students and he has dis-

of Water-lo-0 Waferloo, NZL




TeIex Nunbef c6s55259





o.f Professor

I agree

I understaad that




John II.

to the Dr.


fii-st evewear



The time spent on hunger “varies from semester to semester”, said Hotson. Associate dean of -undergraduate affairs, Gary Griffin, said he is “aware that there have been complaints” but the numbers of complaints are very small. World hunger is potentially a macroeconomic problem, he said. If that’s the way it’s being presented in


To K-w’s





by me


is aot





a spokesperson


The Hunger



by an official



cussed it with professor Hotson. No matter how well meaning, a professor should not use his position, said Banks. No student should feel any kind of coercion, he said. Midterms from as long ago as 1984-85 include mandatory quesI tions on world hunger and the Ending Hunger Briefing. A student of Hotson’s in the fall of 1983 said that one-third of the course dealt- with world hunger and Economics 102 students who took the course in the 1984 winter term said two to three weeks were spent on the topic of hunger. Professor Hotson is a volunteer for The Hunger Project. He has been conducting Ending Hunger Briefings for the past eight years on campus. The Hunger Project, an organization which aims to solve world hunger through educational seminars and raising public consciousness, has been widely criticized for its activities.


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I person Dr.

to Hr. Sam Burke













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questions remarks



to print







PURCHASE 10.00 oa






of New International


and vhea*


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,HRS: Mon-Fri 9-9 Saturday 9-6 p.m.




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Hunger Project


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Dr. Hotson or


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of Agreement.


Come to

Media control, if not mind control! Hunger Project’s Prof. John Hotson refused to be interviewed by an Imprint reporter unless she first signed this “memo of agreement”. Although no ordinary interview was possible under these conditions, we did get a chance to hear much of what the professor has to say. See stories page 1, 4, and opposite.











AT 7 & 9:15PM






7 & 9:20



















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’ irregulars)




, Lizardk Night Out by Scott Gardner Imprint Staff The British band Shriekback was 1in Toronto Sunday night supporting their most recent release, Big Night Music, with a live show at the Concert Hall. Taking the stage about 8:30, the Shriekback Big Live Band treated the audience to an onslaught of their brand of syntho-popfunk for close to two full hours. Spending less time with his synthesizers and keyboards, an area left solely in the nimble hands of Steve Halliwell, head-man Barry Andrews, looking like an insane Bhuddist monk, leapt about the stage with apparent glee all the while flashing his slick reptilian grin. Although most of the material was taken from Big Night Music which relies less on banks of Fairlights and sequencers than earlier Shriekback offerings, songs from their previous album, Oil and

Gold, Rises heads cover Edge dies,


such as Everything That Must Converge and Hammerwere included along with a of the Defunkt tune Razor’s and classic Shriekbackian olLined Up, My Spine and Feel-


The eight-piece band was extremely tight due, greatly in part, to the super-chunky backbeat provided by bassist Dave Allen and drummer Martyn Barker who lived up to Andrews’ claims that they are “the best fucking rhythm section” in music. The lack of any opening act and the $17 dollar ticket price made the evening seem too short despite the enthusiasm of the band. Still, for a brief time, Shriekback could not help but entrance the Concert Hall by revealing to the audience the strange mystical world that exists in the head of Barry Andrews.


A. little back-talk by Paul Done Imprint staff Shriekback,

on tour

their new album Big Night Music, stopped off in Toronto to play to a sold-out Concert Hall. In

to support

‘Images In Vogue

Call It . by Charles Mak Imprint staff Alternative popsters Images in Vogue pulled into .Fed Hall once again, last Friday night, playing a sold out show in front of a most ‘conspicuous looking crowd. It may have been Hallowe’en time, but I’m sure- that Dale Martindale, lead singer for the band, took the frivously dressed crowd as being rather flippant. His casual mutterings and apparent indifference to the audience must have been a reflection of his disdain at the eclectic colours and styles of costumes in front of him. Absent from the band were Ed Shaw and Glenn Watson, both of whom left the band due to musical differences. Martindale told me they wanted to turn the band into an ‘Idle Eyes’, something the other band




to the




members obviously couldn’t accept. As Joe Vizvary, keyboarist for the band, said: “We’re an alternative that does not subscibe to the cliches of business and music.” Images in Vogue replaced the departed duo with only one person, Tim Welch, a guitarist with a rather sleazy looking aura and an incredibly raunchy playing style The band brought with them a lot of new material that has yet to be released on vinyl. The new stuff departed from the bands particular synth approach by relying on new man Tim “the tart” Welch’s grinding guitar rifts. His style drowned out the synth washes to the detriment of the band’s synthesized integrity.



on page

of Suzy




it! Which


of you




by. Scott


from a Shriek man -

their five years of existence, they have moved from the amoebic thump of Tenth to the dinosaur bump of Lined Up and My Spine to the reptile whun@ of Oil and Gold, their last album. This time around, Shriekback are without Carl Marsh who left before the Big Night Music was made. He along with Barry Andrews, wrote most of Shriekbacks’ songs. Imprint got the chance to talk to David Allen, bass player and one of Shriekback’s founding members. Imprint: So, why did Carl Marsh leave the band? I. David Allen: I think that he just wanted to do something on his own. Simple as that. He wasn’t too happy working with us at the time. He felt that he could do something different, though nothing seems to have happened. Maybe he’s decided that he doesn’t want to do anything - I don’t know. Imprint: Has his departure changed the sound of the band, or is Shriekback still pretty much the same entity? D.A.: Have you heard the new album? Imprint: Yeah. D.A.: Well, think overall what you hear on the album is the new sound, without Carl. The sound is more complete - more of a one sound than we had before. When we had Barry and Carl both writing songs, there were two slightly different styles and it was awkward mixing them together when it came time to put an album together. Now, with Barry as the principal writer, there’s a very unified sound to it. Imprint: Do you think having a more unified sound will help you out in the long run? D.A.: I think Shriekback does require a limited area to work in, and, as you say, this way people can say “right, that’s what they do.” We still want to be exciting and different, but you need a certain cohesion to allow people to get through the door, as it were. Imprint: Now for a bit of ancient history. What hap-

pened with Y Records (Shriekback’s first record company). How did it come to break up and how did Shriekback come to leave it? D.A.: It was pretty simple really. Y Records weretrying to break Shriekback in Britain and get Lined Up into the Top 40. And, to do that, you have to invest a lot of money. They just over-stretched their resources. They had to bail themselves out with a licensing deal with Arista Records. Under that deal, if anything ever happened between us ahd Y, we had to go to Arista. So Y just ran out of money and we were stuck with Arista. But we’ve actually managed to escape that deal and we’re signed to Island worldwide now. Imprint: You used the word “stuck”, were there some bad things about being signed to Arista?D.A.! Well, they just didn’t ’ know how to deal with, the band at all. What we were used to with Y was a one-to-one relationship with the president, Dick O’Dell he did everything at the record company and knew what we were about. Whereas with Arista, it was a big company that wanted Top40 hits and.nothing else. Imprint: Do you think that being with Island, who have lot of experience dealing with nonchart music like Reggae and Go-Go, is good for Shriekback? D.A.: Oh yeah, Island are the perfect company for Shriekback. What things do and don’t you like about the British music scene at the moment? D.A.: At the moment, I complain bitterly. I live in London so you’d think that this is the place to be for music, but there’s literally nothing happening, so it’s really disappointing. Imprint: Did you encounter _ much of a music scene in Australia and New Zealand when you played there. It seems like there’s a lot of stuff going on but it’s hard to find out because it’s so far away. D.A.: Again, I had a problem

there. In Sydney, I was expecting to hear a lot of good, music. I’ve got a friend there, Lyndon Barber, who used to write for Melody Maker. I went to his house, had dinner and said “right Lyndon, let’s go and see these bands”. He was just as disheartened as I am - there’s nothing going on there either. There is a lot of revitalizing of old stuff like the psychedelic scene - everyone’s taking acid but there’s something not quite right. There was one band however, who played with us in Auckland, New Zealand called. the Car Crash Set and they were good. They’ve been doing some recording in London so there should be something out by them. I’d check them out. Imprint: What kinds of things can you see happening to Shriekback in the future. Do you have a direction in mind or are you just going to let the changes happen as they may? D.A.: I think that the next album will probably be another departure. Most likely, it will emphasize the harder sound of the band. There’ll probably be some really hard, upbeat, over-the-top dance songs. Yeah, I think we want to do something loud and noisy now. So, look for that early next year. Have you gotten into Go-Go much because it seems like everyone I talk to from England is into it now. D.A.: Hey! This is my chance to drop names now . ‘. . Imprint: Come on, who are you hanging around with? D.A.: This is years ago actu(ally. About five years ago, when Y records just started, we ‘were sent the tapes of . Trouble funk’s original Drop The Bomb 12”. We weren’t able to buy it, but we were trying to license it. This was years ago and now it’s the big thing, so we’re all smug saying “I told you so” and all that. Imprint: That’s neat! Anyway, thanks for talking to us and good luck on the tour. D.A.: Yeah, thanks a lot. See I w.


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Dine at Harpoon Harry3 in November, and Harry will introduce you to some fabulous fresh fish -from around the world. After 4pm, while you dine, Harry will treat you to a sample selection from Blue Marlin, New Zealand Ling, Mahi Mahi, Black Tip Shark, Monk (Poor Man’s Lobster), Orange Roughy and others.




15 Imprint,



7, 1986

Baseball Banter

W.P. Kinsella


Confederacy sold comparably well, but the reaction has been nearly the same. Does it bother you at all that so much of your-reputation has been based on your baseball stories? Not at all. I have definite fans of both genres, baseball and Indian, although I find that those who read the baseball stories tend to be more literate and discover my Indian stories and like them whereas people who read my Indian stories seem to be more interested just in them. Strangely enough,. I am the most Artist Suzy Lake will be on campus NOV. 21. stolen author in the country from libraries. I guess they just do what they figure Frank and Silas would do. I’ve even had books stolen from classrooms. Why are you so interested about by lngrid Mattson question the essentially voyeuristic Canadian Indians? Suzy Lake, a Toronto artist, will I write about a generically opnature of photography, especially fibe visiting the University of Waterpressed minority -which just gurative photography. In using herloo on November 21 as part of the happens to be the Indian and the self as subject, Lake may be seen as Fine Art Department’s Canada way the oppressed minority surrejecting the traditional role of the Council sponsored “Visiting Artist” vives which is by making fun of the artist as manipulator of others by series. oppressors. My humour comes appropriating their image. Lake, who works in mixed-media from targeting people who have no In a more recent show at the Galphotography is well known for pie,sense of humour: politicians, relierie John A. Schweitzer in Montces in which she uses herself - her real, Lake’s images had grown to gion, and academics. The only probblurred, obscured, and bound self lem is that they’re such easy targets life-size. Starkly aggressive black - as subject. Her 1977 show at the that you have to be careful not to go and white photographs of the artist Art Gallery of Ontario entitled “imoverboard. attacking her shadow with a sledgePOSITIONS” included a series of What do Indians think of your hammer were repeated on one wall. blurred images of the artist, bound stories? Lake makes, the viewer question the and struggling at the end of a corriThey haven’t caught as much flak as ability of the static medium of photodor of storage lockers. The photoI thought they might. Some Indian graphy to relay the real violence of a graphs were placed on either side of situation. schools study the books and the stuthe gallery so that the viewer had the All are invited to listen to Suzy dents say they get a kick out of charuneasy feeling of being a helpless acters like Frank and Silas putting Lake speak about her work on Noobserver to a violent situation. This one over on the white man. vember 21 at 2 p.m. in Room 175 of work, and other similar series in the One last question - this past the Environmental Studies II buildAGO show forced- the viewer to World Series was a real comedy ing. of errors. Do you think you could write a book about that? Well, you know truth is always stranger than fiction. If I were to write the managers, for example, by Sam Hiyate just as they were in the World Ser- ’ Imprint through the informing of an envious Staff ies, everyone would say, “Nobody’s neighbor, the Gestapo gets hold of a that dumb.” If I were the players, I letter she’s written to him. His pe“To have a hangman who is also a wouldn’t give the managers any nalty is death. friend . . . is a consolation.” share of the money. It was the worst These are the events discovered A Pole is told this when he agrees managed World Series ever; the by her son 42 years later. The story to hang another Pole who has had way they handled the pitchers was is told through an interwoven series an illicit affair with a German woman just ridiculous. Definitely stranger of flashbacks from the past with during WWII. The Pole must die bethan fiction. scenes of the grown up son trying to cause the Nazis have prohibited find out what happened to his fraternizing between Germans and mother. prisoners of, war, warning of the The most striking thing about the dangers of “mixed breeding.” This is film is the lust between Kropp and a theme pursued by Polish director y Alison Child three week headlining stand to open when. . . a man entered carrying a Zasada. Schygulla uses subtle idioAndrzej Wajda in the 1983 film A nprint Staff the new John Houseman Performbarre. He was followed by a woman. syncratic nuances to convey her Love In Germany, fourth of the InThe curtain rises at Centre in the ing Arts Centre in New York City. The two were left alone, doing plies need for physical contact. She ternational Films series being quare and suddenly a cold evening Having travelled around the world at either end of the barre. And the opens her mouth and lets her screened on campus this year. transformed by the sounds of a and performing at such prestigious usual dialogue ensued - me no spatongue make open invitations. She Paulina Kropp (Hanna Schygulla) ,fferent language - staccato heels events as the past three Salzburg kum English (Spanish?), but 1 you grits her teeth in restraint. When the is a single, oversexed mother who Id chattering castanets, the cofestivals, the troupe boasts such lulike. And they dance. two make love, it is often while they runs a small shop in a German viluettish swish of layered ruffles and minaries as Carmen Viena, on’e of Amargo, a dramatic work. inare partially clothed, showing the urlage while her husband fights at the ie authoritative snap of a fan. the leads in last, summer’s highly acspired by Frederic0 Garcia Lorca’s gency of their need. front in 1941. She meets Stanislaw ong-fringed shawls serving as a claimed Blood Wedding and promasterpiece by the same name, desL3d da, a Polish forced-labourer, NO matter how systematized the lken extension of movement vided one of North America’s first perately needed a clear synopsis. and instantly an erotic rapport decontrols placed upon the human 3eak of something hidden, sometastes of Spanish theatre-dance. Enter: an exceptionally broody velops between them. They can’t machine become, there will always ling enticing. but, with a sudden However, their double aim meets young man dancing with a cane keep away from each other. Her be moments of rebellion. Or rather, ourish, the shawl lies discarded on with varying degrees of success Amargo friend tells her that the affair is illeLove, as does Art, thrives under ople floor, the subtle lyricism broken throughout the program since the Enter: a beautiful woman in white pression. gal, contradicting a Nazi order, and y the building insistence of synco- El Amor company seems more authentic in persuades her to end it. A Love In Germany explores ated clapping. Enter: a dark man draped in a red the traditional pieces of fiery flaBut even after she tells him they neither the horror of the Nazis nor shawl - El Beelzebub? (Quick! Flip Ballet Espanol de Madrid is a menco and exuberant regional danmust ,stop seeing each other, she the nature of love. What it offers isa , through the casting! Alejandro Graompany dedicated to both the ces than with the heavily narrative nados: El Tiempo. . . Why wouldIreservation and evolution of Spanand unimaginative choreography of the of the more “m,odern” pieces. Time be wearing a red shawl? How :h dance. The troupe “that has set The opening piece, Prologo, was about death? La Meurte- a woman’s ne standard by which all others will 1. Howard Jones ......................................... One to On like a privileged look behind the name is cast. I don’t get it.) le judged” according to promoter 2. Billy Idol .......................................... Whiplash Smil scenes as dancers practiced in reEl Amor and Amargo perform a irthur Shafman was in Kitchener 3. Love & Rockets .......................................... .Expres hearsal clothes and casually - pas de deux but there’s this guy in ist Thursday night as part of their 4. Billy Bragg .................... Talking with the Taxman About Poet? red hovering behind Amargo and North American tour watched each other as if unaware of, bremiere 5. Shriekback ........................................ Big Night Music physically him from pursuing El tihich will ultimately take them to a an audience. It started to fall/apart 6. Parachute Club ...... :. ............................ Small Victorie Amor. What does all -this mean? 7. David Sylvian ...................................... Gone To Earth We’re not sure 8. Ah-Ha ............................................. Scoundrel Days 9.’ Chris De’Burgh ..................................... .Into the Light . 10. Gene Loves Jezebel ....................................... Discover c The lighting is stridently dramatic, Lots of coo01 thangs happenin’ this week my children. Bubbling to the top but what is this about? I haven’t read lf the cauldron, Kelowna’s own Grapes of Wrath come to our very own JUST ARRIVED any Garcia Lorca. red’s Hall tonight in a rare show of musical good taste from the denizens of After the ambiguous relationships X235 (,‘I love them so much, I hate them”). of Amargo, I will unashamedly 1. Timex Social Club .......................................................... The nutty-mahvelous Fishbone swim into Toronto’s Diamond WednesVicious Rumours admit that it was a relief to end the . 2. Errol Blackwood (ex Messenjah). ....................................... Chant, Chant lay night for an evening of atomic skanking. Their Bamboo gigs in April evening just enjoying the geometri3. Berlin ............................................................................ Count Three & Play Jere the cat’s pyjamas - and you missed them. Look for their ugly faces on cal beauty of Desenlace watching 4uchMusic, New Music and CBC’s The Journal in the coming weeks. the trailing- satin skirts fold and Peter Buck’s favourite group, Fetchin’ Bones, chase into RPM Tuesday Based on sales at the Record Store, Campus Centre, Lower Mall, University crease in the light; the mood, lyrical; iight for some beer-swillin’, foot-stompin’, rock ‘n’ roll kinda’ stuff courtesy of Waterloo the wrists, Spanish. llliot (hey, take your paws offa mah mallchick, dude) Lefko.I Chris Wodskou rprint Staff Canadian literature is somewhat torious for its unfunniness and edgy propriety in the wake of our .O. Mitchells and Frederick PhilGroves. And when it does try to humourous, it often seems overrelmed by the ghost of Steven bacock or, like so much of today’s zrature, it draws on sheer ribaldry td sexual misadventures for its lghs. Things have changed drastically, bwever, in recent years and W.P. nsella has been at the forefront of is new direction. Dipping into the :h pool of magic realism, Kinsella, 10 read at St. Jerome’s last week, pites some of today’s most sideblitting fiction with an imagination at can unerringly find hilarious ablrdity in the most mundane of evyday situations. Kinsella read first from The Allirtor Report, due to be released I Collins this January. If the story lout an unsuspecting man who obins employment just driving an unned and de-mufflered motorcycle ound a four-block area all night. )on’t you have a motorcycle drive *ound your neighbourhood all ght without a muffler?” the propztor asks. “Well, you don’t think iat’s just accidental, do you?’ Reading also from a brilliant ex!rpt of The Thrill of the Grass, le of a series of books about base311that has established his reputa3r-i as a first-rate humourist and 3seball folklorist, in which a shy lidwestern farm boy earns a spot 7 The New York Giants and conzrses with such idols as Alvin Dark I Latin, Kinsella finished with part F his just-released The Fenceost Chronicles. The story deals ith two of Kinsella’s other favorite objects, Canadian Indians and relion. A great satire on French-Candian culture and its two religions Catholicism and hockey), the story evolves’ his recurring characters, rank and Silas, two prairie Indians, iking a patched-together hockey :am to a French’community where bishop blesses a box of pucks and prinkles holy water in the goal


crease before the game. Throughout the reading, Kinsella brought the stories a vitality and added humour by playing all the characters with different voices and even adding implied vocal inflections in the narration. His deadpan recounting of thoroughly bizarre events and people only served to make the stories funnier yet. It’s unusual that a literary reading will leave an audience wiping tears of mirth from their faces afterward. A question-and-answer. session followed the reading: Imprint: What led to your obsession with baseball? Kinsella: It all sort of happened after the fact. I guess i\t’s the “implied author syndrome” - I wrote a couple of baseball stories and suddenly I became an expert. I urn a baseball fan, but I’m not quite as fanatical as my characters. It was kind of like poetry writing the beginning of Shoeless Joe (Kinsella’s multiaward-winning novel); it was a sort of homage to baseball. Does it have something to do with baseball being such an important part of North American culture? Definitely. It’s part of the ritual of growing up. I think that’s what attracted me to Sallinger - Catcher in the Rye is the quintessential book of growing up male in North America. But baseball is also more conducive to fiction than other sports. Baseball has no time limit ’ and no limit to the field theoretically. All you have are two-foul lines that go on forever and I think this makes for a mythology and larger than life characters within baseball. Someone like Wayne Gretzky may be a great athlete, but he’s still limited by the smallness of a hockey rink. Did this lead to the more magical qualities of The Iowa Baseball Confederacy (his last novel, about a ball game that lasted 40, days and nights)? . Yeah, it’s the same genre as Shoeless Joe except that it has more magE and a darker magic than Shoeless Joe which was all sweetness and light. I guess I should learn from that. The’ Iowa Baseball



Just hanging

dance group a big hit


Hip Happenings

wfztErin wAhit;LDon-Juanesque9r











,_ I




7, 1986 .

Triple bill rocks Larry’+ Hideaway


finds Happiness


by Tim Walker Imprint staff I travelled to Toronto October 30 *to take in a show headlined by The Pursuit of Happiness (TPOH) at Larry’s. Also on the bill were Redline and the Dancing Counts. After finding out that the guest list was not in order my two companions and I forked out the three bucks necessary to get in - the money was well spent. The first band out was the Dancing Counts. The band’s hard driving style was much appreciated by the small partisan crowd. To appreciate the band’s appearance you have to imagine a sixties psychedelic band fronted by Adam Ant. The band played through a set of loud but unrecognizable songs except for a very modernized version oflncense

and Peppermint.



of Happiness





In Vogue

ails ya!”




This new style in sound has also come about because the band has not found a replacement keyboardist. Working with two instead of three keyboardists certainly changes things. As a result Images in Vogue have had to compromise their synthesized approach. Fortunately, “the tart” didn’t butcher the bld stuff like Lust for Love, In the House, and Call it Love. However great or not so great the new stuff may have been at the show, it was the old stuff that really got the dance crowd going. Most noticeable of the new material were the songs Euolution and I saw a man. The latter is a funky and pulsating number that will be released as. the band’s next single, said Martindale. Unfortunately, the band’s rather phlegmatic stage presence really distanced ___--. the act from the audience on hand despite the fact that the


by Mike


crowd was responding quite well to the music being played. For all intents and purposes the crowd might just as well have been dancing to taped music. By walking off the stage after the-last song and not acknowledging the rec,eptive crowd in any manner, Martindale and company effectively succumbed to bad PR. Their rather enigmatic approach detracted somewhat from an otherwise enjoyable night. Nevertheless the overall performance that Images in Vogue presented at Fed Hall was fine. The band was not as destructively loud as Skinny Puppy was and the instumental arrangements were well balanced although the soundman should have brought the synthesizers a tad more to the fore and reduced the impact of neo-glam rocker “the tart’s”guitar licks. Incidentally this guy just doesn’t fit the synth pop image.

The next band, Redlife, continued the assault on our ears. Their music was a complete switch from the previous band. The band reminded me most of a speeded up version of The Smiths. The lead vocalist, who often assumed the prayer. position on stage, had the same sort of flat sound and limited range as Morrisey. This singer, however, obviously distressed at sounding like the aforementioned “singer” continually yelled at the soundman to reset his equipment., Maybe The Smiths should change their soundcrew as well. Although I liked the Dancing Counts better than Redlife, I was voted down 2-l by my photographer and my alu_mni input. It was agreed, however, that both bands were worth the price of admission on their own. After a much appreciated quiet break, TPOH took the stage. Immediately we were taken by the androgynous appearance of the lead singer. His thrashing about on stage soon brought our doubts to a conclusive end. By now the bar was full of appreciative fans and a lot of midaged fat men trying to impress their much younger dates with their “currentness”. The set immediately caught the audience’s attention with a song whose chorus exhorted an unspecified person to do something to a certain bit of a specified male’s body if person one continued to show a bad attitude. The show got even better. It climaxed with the band’s big song I’m an Adult Now. Unfortunately, the band finished up with two @#$#@$ songs sung by their two back up singers/go-go girls. TPOH’s stage show needs some polishing. For instance, they have to get rid of their back up singers. The girls are g6od singers but they are

a a 0

00 0

in the Pursuit holding their lead singer back. Also the bassist should start to move about on stage a bit. If he hadn’t stumbled a couple of times the coroner would have been called. Only their lead singer magnetic stage presence is not in need of any work. TPOH is a new band out of Toronto headed up by Moe Berg, the vocalist and guitarist. Johnny Sinclair and Dave Gilby are on bass and percussion respectfully. The go-go twins are Tam and Tasha Amabile, which according to my Italian authority means loveable. They’ may indeed be loveable but we felt they were cramping the band’? style. Musically the band is not very polished but they retain a very energetic sound and Moe Berg’s guitar playing is inspired to say the least. A big plus for the band is that they play all their own material for the complete show (except for the two

mind really, we were expecting to play for about 10 people, We prefer to play for people who have no’idea who we are, winning them over is all the more satisfying. Judging from the number of hipsters mouthing the words to the songs, very few of these crazy, free-admittance, showbiz types had any idea who ‘The Woodentops were., The newfound mellowness which showed up on Giant, their recent debut album, was abandoned for the mutant rockabilly of their first singles: Plenty, Moue Me and Well, Well, Well. Since the departurer of their first drummer, Paul Hookham, and the addition of New Zealand madman Benny Staples, a harder rhythmic edge has emerged in the music giving it a whole new dimension of drive. Reflecting on Paul’s departure, Rolo says I think he left







a 0 0 0 0 0

$9.99 Examples is now $8.97 $10.99js now $9.95 $11.98 is now 10.98



because he was looking for someby Paul Done and thing a little more definite, more seTim Perlich cure because, at the time, we really Imprint staff had no idea what we were going to There were only about 50 tickets do. Z think that he was surprised sold for The Woodentops show last Saturday in Toronto. However the when he found out that The Redsfact that all the pre-show advertising kins were the same way. - including the marquee at The El Some credit for the tougher bottom end must also .go to bassist Mocambo listed them as Frank DeFreitas who, despite the “Wooden Top’: might have adverblow to his credibility caused by sely affected the ticket sales. Conusing a pick, helps keep the groove sidering the measly ticket sales, the jumping. Benny claimed that the El MO seemed remarkably full groove would have been even tighcould it have been the nutty-showbiz-sized guest list? When asked if ter had they not sucked back large he was aware of this.fact,,gnomish* :r; .quantities of &oh@ .hefore the show . . . Yeah, we can really iden.lead singer Rolo McGinty smiled tifv with the Pogues’ approach to /wryly: yes I’ve’ heard. We don’t

0 ,’ 0


The Pursuit of Happiness’s first effort on vinyl should be out soon as Imprint has received a promotional copy. The two song 12” single is a respectable effort. The A side is I’m an Adult Now and the B side is She’s So Young. The A side is by far the better of the two. It has much to recommend it. The beat is danceable and the guitar is intriguing. The second song is okay but has no characteristics to lift it above the ordinary. The single is entitled The Pursuit Of Happiness and is on an independent label.

‘Tops of pop

6 The Record Store is eliminating its double pricing l will be paying the@ 0 system. Now ,, everyone l discounted price. All records, tapes, CDs priced. 0 over $7.00 have been lowered by at least $1.00. l

0 0 0 0 0,

@#!$#@$ songs which were encore covers). The lyrical content is superb and sarcastically relevant. It is hard to compare the band to anyone else as they are pretty much their own band and have yet to sell out. They are worth seeing if only to expose yourself to something new.

in and check

our new prices!!!




The Woodentops melodic uniqueness hasn’t been sacrificed at the altar of beat, either - Rolo’s wonderfully catchy melodies are still there - when he’s not crouched on the floor shouting. Though - Rolo’s manic, grinning self doesn’t really need any help in keeping the front part of the stage lively, sometimes, when he’s dancing with the crowd or sharing a bottle of wine with them, it might be nice to have someone there to help with the melody that’s where Simon Mawby (feedback guitar) and Alice Thompson (Ice Queen and Casio 201 player) help out. Simon has the strength of body to maintain warp-speed rhythm guitar for the whole show while Alice (bless her ’60s Go-Go boots) is more than adornment . . . No. Really. Rolo is a benevolent Elf King to his band members: he writes the music, the lyrics, recommended that Alice move up from the “gritty” (so sayeth Alice) Casio 101 to the modern Casio 201he even offered to lend Benny the hubcaps from his dad’s car to bash on (well, he would if his dad let him). He does all this with a kiss on the hand and an impish grin making it all seem ordained ,by Santa. Rolo wasn’t always Elf King however, once upon a time he too slaved away making presents while moonlighting as bass player for Liverpool recording legends The Wild Swans. Reflecting from his throne on past glories, thus spake Rolo: I wasn’t

with The Wild Swans for too long really, just for some demos, The Revolutionary Spirit record and a tour. Songwriting wasn’t really part of my involvement - Z had a bit to do with the B-Side of the record, but not the singing. Zdidn’t really like the idea of just playing bass. So he left to begin his new adventure - enchanted sword on his hip and potion of forget in his sack.


on page


Ikons in your livingroom by Neil Swanson Kerry Brock


The only thing better than listening to the Ikons in my livingroom is listening to the Ikons in the Cabana Room. The Cabana Room is ‘a homey, not unlike my livingroom (same paneling) atop the Spadina hotel in Toronto and the Ikons are one of the best bands in the world of Toronto’s hip, eclectic, totally cool music scene. They take the stage as their calm, cool, reserved selves (John Critchley singer/guitarist, Mike Robbins guitar, Jim Hughes bass, Grant Ether drums) and belt out two full sets of solid originals with the minor exception of two qld, unrecognizable country‘ditties thrown in at the




end for good measure. Their guitar sound experiences wide mood swings from a loose jangly feel of early ‘foots guitaring to .the dark dnarchjc ‘jamming of the original Velvet Underground. I have heard comparison of John’s voice to Gord Gano (of Violent Femmes fame) but without the whine. Suppose so. The lyrics are equally diverse, recounting seemingly pointless tales of cowboys and Indians on Indian Arrow to songs of love gone lost, III Change and No More Flowers. Good use of dynamics makes them a bit hard to dance to but great to listen to. I’m convinced that, if they could find themselves an independent label to provide ssmedistribution, they would really catch ‘on. But until then, for your living

room listening pIeasure, they have two cassettes available, 16 songs total and all for just eight bucks! Their first one, self-titled The Ikons takes a look at a lighter carefree side of things while their latest release, the Ikons Demo, adopts a harsher more moody personality which slows the songs down a bit but still maintains the intensity level. They must have moved out of the basement and into the garage for this one as the recording quality is noticeably improved. With these two tapes under their belts it is only a matter of time before these Ikons create some groovy Iconoclastic plastic. Let’s hope it happens soon.(They would be the perfect band to open for Billy Bragg on the 29th.)

Friday Environmental


7 - 8pm * Studies Present






at Fed 81 ES Sot. Office


More Woodentops


The show itself was a raucous affair complete with flailing bodies on the dancefloor and calculated madness on stage. Even the beret-ed hepcats (. . . they looked like they should have been wearing berets) got excited enough to clap (loudly) and shout (not too loudly) ‘enough ribaldry to encourage The Woodentops to play two encores. The second encore contained two unexpected gifts from Rolo’s sack Steady, Steady and Do It Anyway, the two B-Sides from Moue Me. Both are played live very rarely and were performed on this occasion at the bequest ,of a Nerve reporter who wishes to remain anonymous

(Rick McGinnis). The Woodentops have gained a certain infamy in England due to a bomb threat they made in jest to The Smiths, who are also on Rough Trade Records. Poor Morrissey, venomous in the realization that his fear and fainting had been for nought, took to call&g The Woodentops “The Sudden Flops”. King Rolo described his current relations with the Smiths: Z’m really good friends with Andy Rourke, the bassist, and Ilike Johnny Marr because he seems to be CJnice bloke, but Isn not too sure about the singer. The Woodentops are magnifi-

cently mad, joyous experience. With the except’ion of the Grinchily swirling Steady, Steady, their songs were a distillation of the happiness of opening presents. When we left Rolo was jumping about nervously on the tips of his toes, Benny and Frank were shouting the virtues of Trouble Funk and The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alice was sitting down demurely next to the boredlooking shopping mall chick groupies and Simon, little Simon was nowhere to be seen - off making presents I suppose. And after.


all lived.‘.happily


Saturday ARTS



29 - 8pm



. BILLY BRAGG ~edq$7.00




at ASU & Fed Office

If You’ve Got All’ The Moves (but not the sound)

Check This Out!






in the finer points

of levitation.

David Byrne’s Talking by Jeffery Preyra imprint staff The world is a strange place. It produces people so odd that they could only have sprung from the pages of a supermarket tabloid. Well look out! Here they come landing fully grown onto the treeless plain of Virgil, Texas. David Byrne, writer and singer of the band Talking Heads, and now’ co-writer, and narrator of the movie True Stories has assembled the oddest compendium of characters that ever populated a movie screen. These characters include Louis cyne (John Goodman) who is looking for a wife. His search methods include flashing signs and television ads. We have the Lazy Woman (Swoosie Kurtz) who.has so much money, she can afford to stay in bed. all day long. We have Civic Leader brl Culver (Spalding Gray) who uses lobster and vegetables to dem-

onstrate a point about economics and mobility. There are others including a voodoo priest, a chronic liar and a security,guard who spontaneously breaks out in song on a lonely stage in the middle of the darkening Texas plain. Among the odd characters is the narrator himself. Wild-eyed and just out of phase with his environment, he shifts in to talk to the characters and, turning around to address the audience, suddenly. joins the observer and the observed. Surrounding all this is the landscape. Coming on like a CanLit experience, it is huge and the tiny characters are pulled into sharp focus by the hazy sun and the big blue sky. The focus of the town is the local mall; clean, bright and-with ample parking, it is where the characters go to meet. One of the incidents in the mall brought the movie into sharp focus. It wasn’t the fashion


show featuring grass and masonry clothing. It was the two boys, themselves part of the movie, laughing uproariously at the tabloid they were reading. Here again it seems that Byrne makes the viewers, laughing at the movie a direct part of the action. You can laugh at this movie just like laughing at a video of the National Enquirer. Still, you can’t laugh out loud at everything. There are undertones here, &out small town life, about attitude and about morality and religion (The Virgilians make it up as they go.) This is an odd movie in the same way that Talking Heads are an odd band. If you like their music, if you have an interest in architecture, fashion or the social impact of shopping malls then go see this movie. Personally I liked it, especially the lip-synch competition with no less than two people doing spastic imitations qf Byrne himself.

The 3rd Annual Campus Centre Air Band Contest!! Prizes for Best Performances Cash l Concert Tickets * Shirts G&f @se @%$%7& 9:00 pm %?a 9 L .When: Thursday, November 13th, 1986 -@$$u ’ @% Where: The Born bshelter How: Entry forms available at The turnkey Registi-ation

Deadline: Noon, Thursday,

sh@l& DesK

Nov. 6







Youth Of America,

borrowing liberally from the melody of The Clash’s Rudy Can’t Fail heaps scorn on a country where

A nation with their freezers full are dancing in their seats . While outside another nation Is sleeping in the streets.

by Paul Done Imprint staff

A stern <reminder event of a nuclear


On Talking With The Taxman About Poetry, the two sides come together in musical setting which, while more com&ex than his habitual guitar and voice assault, doesn’t betray the essential simplicity which lies at the core of his songs. Using various combinations of guitar, bass, violin, trumpet, organ, back-



Billy Bragg takes time snow shovel sales.



ing vocals and even mandolin, Billy Bragg has found a near-perfect balance between acceptability for mainstream pop audiences and for the people who are already his fans. In this album-sized bag of diamonds, some shine brighter than others, like Greetings To the New

Brunette, on which The Smiths’ Johnny Mat-r chips in some deft guitar work. Singing to Shirley, the new brunette, Billy captures the irony and confusion his new-found love for the girl who’s his reason to get out of bed before noon”. In Marriage, which is by now about

one and a half years


old, a

a busy

There are female heroes, like the girl in Levi Stubbs’

3.OO/Family Tickets

to cash

too -

Tears who was married before she was even entitled to vote to a the kind of man that only laughs at his own jokes. At the climax, voice choked with pathos, bastard

Billy describes

how this

came home from the sea and put a hole in her body, where no hole should be.


Al Anderson Designer Ned Dickens Costume Designer Susan-J. Schmidt’ Lighting Designer James Milburn



Love is just a moment of giving and marriage is when we admit our parents were right.

Adapted from the story by Chu&.s Dickens.

7:30 p.m.,


young man’s dissatisfaction with the notion of marrying his girl is captured in a classic Braggish couplet:


. . . Los Alamos



The primary strength of Billy Bragg’s songwriting is his ability to, consistently transcend the limitations of language in conveying pathos and emotion. The combination of his masterful prose and the simple, sympathetic .music in which he presents them gives his songs of romance directness and poignancy unequalled in popular music. He never stobps to callous, cruel modern romantic myth or cliche - myth and cliche which causes so much heartbreak among those duped into believing it by modern culture. The other side of Billy Bragg’s writing is the vitriolic social comment. With pointed question and even sharper observation, he uses his guitar as a shield and his words as a broadsword, slashing through . falsehood and hypocrisy. Yet somehow, preaching from his soapbox, Billy Bragg never gives the impression of talking down to the listeners, he seems as warm as when he’s writing about teenage romance.’

to all that, in the war, Washington


of four $10.00

available & the door or call 885-12 11, ext. 4556 /

A+ a SPECIAL TREAT! . Jake Willms from the Dean of Arts office will lead the audience in a Carol Sing So come in early (7pm) and join in the fun!

in on some


Despite it all, she is hurts, more to see him walking out the door. As the song finishes, Billy slings his guitar over his shoulder and walks into-the night to a swirl of muted trumpet and conga drum . . . ahhhh. Like thegreat soul vocalists, Billy Bragg’s vocal power comes from not only what he does, but just as importantly, what he doesn’t do. He never goes over the top into melodrama or cliche. His feel for understatement and his right-on timing more than make up for -what he lacks in raw vocal ability. Sometimes words spoken softly cut deepest of \all.

Talking With The Taxman closes out with its masterpiece, The Home Front. A simple arrangement of trumpet and guitar envelops what is possibly Bragg’s finest lyric to date. In this Holy of Holies, the Home not all is happy - violence, loneliness, futility and psychic numbness tear at the facade which begins to fade like posters peeling form a wall. We are paralysed by that cruelest of all psychological diseases, Nostalgia - which has replaced religion as the opium of the age. We are clock watchers, all of us - counting down to what? Death? War? - that’ s up to the listener to guess. As the song segues into a hymn at its conclusion Billy Bragg begins the first verse again, hinting at a sense of futility not seen before in his writing. Talking With The Taxman About Poetry is a masterful display of prosaic poignancy and directness. Billy Bragg creates vignettes of immense force and sincerity which cannot even be hinted at in the ramblings of a second-rate reviewer. Talking With The Taxman possesses a life-affirming power which only a fraction of a percent of music ever achieves. Note: Billy Bragg will be playing at Fed Hall on Saturday, November 29. His live performances’ are legendary - don’t miss it.


by Pete Lawson Imprint staff Rising above the Disco, &een image that is associated with Montreal, Ray Condo and the Hardrock Goners live as an icon, because these big city cats are playing hillbilly rock’n roll with honest energy. Crazy Date is the debut album for

by Pete Lawson Imprint staff Oh wow! To be subdued to sit and listen to a record is a strong compliment for any record. The irony that the music on GPR Live in Session is not the overwhelming force, because the technical sound of this digital pressing overshadows the music, leaves tepid feelings for the music but a thirst for future releases of equal technical quality from GRP Records. Rarely is the technical information on an album sleeve noteworthy, but when an album delivers such brilliant sound reproduction a mention is in order. Recorded on a Sony PCM3324 Digital Recorder and mixed’ to the JVC DAS900 Digital Audio Mastering System, the sound is riveting and provides the example why JVC (through their JVC Jazz Festival 85) and GRP Records con-l netted to highlight their technical expertise. The group hailed as the GPR AllStars consisted of Lee Ritenour (guitar), Dave Grusin (keyboards), Dave Valentin (flute), Diane Schuur (vocal), Carlos Vega (drums), Abraham Laboriel (bass), and Larry Williams (keyborads and sax) during the JVC Jazz- Festival 85. The main players in this musical unit are Lee R&our, a popular pop-jazz guitarist and session man, and Dave

by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff Imagine The Cramps if Poison Ivy could play more than three chords. Or imagine a gonzo Eddie Cochran with a bad case of hormones. Failing that, imagine The Raunch Hands, a ragged rockabilly band from New York with incredibly bad taste who come from the old school - where men are men and the women (or any other biped for that matter) are ner-

Ray Condo on the independent Pipeline Records label. The music has a solid base of hop\ ping country, rockabilly, surf, and boogie-blues with a squeeze of humour yhich at times is reminiscent of the early Cramps. The approach of lots of howlin’ and a little croonin’ is supported by slap bass fiddle, rhythm guitar, lead guitar, fiddle, and drums. The craziness jumps in with Greenback Dollar and then swings with a rockabilly legend Carl Perkins with his Your True Love. Yeah hooo is the reaction for the honkytonkin’ Freight Train which sings of riding the train home after breaking jail. Grusin, a celebrated composer of movie and TV music. This Hollywood focus is the problem for this record; the inclusion of the theme from St. Elsewhere (a Dave Grusin composition) is inappropriate outside prime time. The opening cut,‘Mountain Dance composed by Dave Grusin, was used as the theme music for Falling in Lowe staring Meryl Streep and Robert DeNiro, and despite a pretty main theme, the music feels like background music. A low point of this album -concludes the first side; The Rit Vuriations is a rock-jazz which is reminiscent of the worst that “progressive-rock” had to offer in the mid ’70s. The guitar is dominant from Lee Ritenour who fails on this aggressive number (he is renowned for his soft pop-jazz). The other cuts fair better. Oasis has an undercurrent of Latin swing, with bold flute by Dave Valentin, Reverend Lee receives a soulful blast from vocalist Diane Schuur who possesses a boss sound, and Rio Funk is a guitar funky number which shifts from a hip buster (needs a squeeze more bass) to a more subdued swing. The album’s best, Dolphin Dream Lee Ritenour’s tune, has a long melody line played by Larry Williams on tenor sax. All of the music, those that offend and those that please, are overshadowed by the technical sound of this pressing. Future albums of equal quality would be of interest, but GRP Liue in Session will not float to the top of a record collection. vous. They play poker-hot rock ‘n’ roll that makes you wanna do donuts in your pit kup, burn down your barn, and puke on your neighbour’s dog. If you were privileged enough to see them on their tour this spring, you know what to expect from this album. Whacked-out, wild, and dewanged, Learn To Whap-A-Gang With The Raunch Hands is the sordid progeny of Screamin’ Jay Hawkins at a swamp gas-snorting party with The Cramps’ Cornfed Dames. Vocalist Chandler whoops and hollers like he just sat on a beehive and blows his harp recklessly through songs like Chicken Scratch and Kangaroo Juice and Chicken of

Friday, fUovember 7, 1986

While cruising Park Ave.- (Mont- , real neon Greek strip), the middle east harmonies of Sk& Bop Baby would augment the atmosphere, and the albums title track, Crazy Date, takes a warped surf approac h. A pumped up version of Willing and Ready, a late ’50s Sun Records hopper by Ray Smith, borders on the manic. From an up tempo country-tonk, Jolie Ti Catin, to Who’s Baby Are You/ Oh &Iby which progresses (or digresses) from a froIic king swinger to a howlin’ boogie-blues, and then to Push Button Boogie with a bass slap that could help throw a disc, Ray and the Goners bang out some infectious strut before finishing with the only crooning number, Pot ketful of

Rainbows. The album kicks out a good time approach to classic rock ‘n’ roll accompanied by an undercurrent of distorted humour. For those souls who feel their love for rock ‘n’ roll is being ignored at Fed Hall, ask for Ray Condo and the Hardrock Goners because these cats state the past but are vital for the present. This time, on Express, the L’n’R boys have let Daniel Ash go wild with some Bahaus heavy-metal guitar theatrics on It Could Be Sunshine and Kundalini Express. Over to you Kerrang: If we’re gonna talk by Paul. Done Imprint staff Based upon the number of deeeep middle-class white kids who came out to see their concerts on their last tour, Love and Rockets have guessed that there’s still probably a few bucks to be milked out of that moniker. Danny, Davey and Kevvy boy have managed to put the bottle away for long enough to record an album and do a tour to promote it, though the second might not be true - case in point Daniel Ash’s two bottles of Tequila binge which led to the cancellation of two shows: Cambridge and Hamilton). Though judging a book by it’s cover is an extremely unreliable way of reviewing an album, the cover and included poster, in all their pristine, half-assed, ’60s ripoff pretension, represent the contents of the album perfectly.

guitar heroes, then it’s only right that we toss one Danny Ash in as a main contender. Hey a “Fucken A” review from the bible of Heavy Metal, the album can’t be all bad . . . Thinking about it though, it’s a stroke of marketing genius, more than Billy Idol was ever capable of, Love and Rockets now attract both headbangers and the dyed-black hair “alternative” dregs. The rest of the album sees the boys mining that same golden lode of acoustic, ethereal, tepid neo-psy-

chedelic crap which populated Seventh Dream of A Teenage Heaven. The exception and the best song of the lot is Yin and Yang The Flowerpot Men, a Bo Diddley/rockabilly rave-up which is interesting for . . . oh . . . at least a minute. Though really, it’s only good in comparison to the rest of the garbage on this album. *Daniel Ash: Well after 18 straight months of work, I wish we could stop. I think it’s about time we were millionaires. . . . and I think that you should all go out and poor Danny thus, won’t albums like

buy this album so that can stop working and, be forced to foist shit this on the public!

Complete with dance instructions by one Tony “Daddy Sex” Giovanni, Learn To Whap-A-Dang is a super-octane, 40-minute brainbroiler of an album, insane rock, rockabilly-ska (definitely for lack of a better term), and some amazing guitar by Mariconda that would make The Stray Cats’ Brian Setzer trash his guitar in sheer frustration. Say what you want about rock ‘n’ roll, but the party’s happening right here.

the Sea. by Tim Perlich Imprint staff L’etranger are a band that have always seemed to hurdle through their music three steps at a time, punctuating each phrase with an exclamation mark. The four songs on found on their latest E.P. Sticks And Stones (and rumoured to be their final release as L’etranger) is no exception. The first song Time and Place brings to mind the Alarm in its anthemic nature. Unfortunately it also stumbles with the Alarm’s hamfisted melodrama letting slip nearly all of the warmth of Andrew Cash’s most personal composition he’s yet written. Trail of Tears shows Cash still hasn’t totally shaken the Clash shadow hanging over him with a Strummerish reference to “cocacola”, yet if we look at the stats, no one could outdo Cash’s allusion : word ratio. The E.P.‘s final track Sticks And Stones is easily the best constructed

by Tim Perlich Imprint staff Listening to the Pushtwangers LP Here We Go Again, you’d never know that these guys were from Sweden. No grisly accents or strange mispronunciations, just 40 or so minutes of skull-screamin’ rock ‘n’ roar and more. The Pushtwangers also incorporate a horn section and strings into their snarling mix for a sound as unconventional as it is groovy. Coming from Sweden does have its advantages in that influences from other countries can be heard and absorbed yet they can remain isolated enough to avoid becoming American or English recording and mixing conventions. Thus, as you might guess, this allows for some very unique productions. It becomes immediately apparent upon hearing the string arrangements for Alice, Fire In Vein, and Ticket To Paradise and the piano r> runs that crop up throughout Treatin’ Me So Bad. The Pushtwangers along with The Watermelonmen and Hidden Charms are proving that some of the most innovative “American” music is coming from Sweden. piece. Here they’ve culled a comforTheir politics are still on their table groove that is funky but re-’ sleeves but their hearts and their ‘ beats are still in the right places. ‘mains true to the L’etranger sound.






m l





*Corinna Lueg leads b-ball Athenas to a third-place finishSat Carleton Invitational by Glenn Hauer Imprint staff Corinna Lueg led the Basketball Athenas to a third-place finish at the Carleton Invitational last weekend, scoring 54 points and hauling down 29 rebounds over three games. The Athenas lost to Lakehead in their first game 60-43, then crushed Carleton 83-39, and then squeaked by Ottawa 43-90 to win the consolation championship. The game against Lakehead proved to be the Athenas’ toughest this year, as the highly ranked Lakehead played in the national championships last year. Lakehead has lost some key players, but their experience caused headaches for the

V-ballers in three c Qne of the few line-puts won in .their hard-lost Golden Gaels.

that semi-final

the Warriors match


Rugby against

football club the Queen’s

by Richard


Rugby elimination



by Mike Brown Imprint staff The Warrior’s rugby successes and failures have been recorded on the Imprint’s sports page w,ith a whole slew of headlines this year: Warriors Rugby defeats Queen’s in home opener; UW Rugby team grabs lead in OUAA standings; Rugby Warriors win; Rugby Warriors lose second game to Mac; Warriors rugby, keep playoff hopes alive with York win; and, Rugby season ends in s-way tie, team enters semi-final playoffs. After seeing an exciting trend of success develop for the Warriors over the season, it is this final headline of the year that makes ‘a definite break from the accustomed winning trend. In a loss disappointing to the players and fans alike, the Warriors were eliminated from contention for the OUAA championships in semi-final action last weekend. Waterloo went down in defeat at the hands of the Queen’s Gaels by a- score of 17-6. Before the game, the atmosphere in the Warrior change room was mixed. Coach Mark Harper (1985/86 OUAA coach of the year) told the team he knew they were capable of being the best in the league. Just prior to kickoff the general attitude was intense; the team was psyched for the game. During the first few minutes of the game both teams had exchanged blows. Waterloo and Queen’s both clearly wanted to dominate each other. Queen’s was first to gain ground with an early try. A grubbed kick down the sideline-found its way into the Warrior try zone. In a struggle to clear the ball from ‘Waterloo territory a Queen’s player was able to smother the ball for the try while some frustrated Warriors looked on. Still behind Queen’s at the beginning of the second half, the Warriors were further frustrated after the Gaels robbed Waterloo of another try. This time a Queen’s player snatched the ball from the Warrior’s strum half who was attempting to clear the ball out of the Waterloo try zone once again. With Queen’s converting the

second ,try the Warriors were down 10-O. . In the middle of the second half the Warriors finally found room to run the ball in for their first try. Mark Schneider broke away from the Queen’s pat and found Hayden Belgrave who ran the ball up the field until inside center Tony Stea took the passed ball in for a well earned score. Counting Paul Toon’s conversion the score was Queen’s 10, Waterloo 6. With the prospect of elimination, the Warriors put forthan all out effort. The Warriors big chance was thwarted when they were-inches from the Queen’s try line advancing the ball with a ten man strum. Four points seemed inevitable but the referee’s whistle sounded as the Queen’s side collapsed the strum rendering the Warriors scoreless in their \ attempt. Late in the second half, Queen’s capitalized on a call against Waterloo with a threepoint penalty kick. The Warriors kept their charge going.but it was apparent that the loss of 10 veterans fromlast year’s team was one factor in Waterloo’s elimination at the semi-final level. Despite the Warriors last minute efforts, Queen’s scored one more try by running the ball up the side making the final score of the game 17-6. The large number of last year’s players who graduated combined with a team made up of mostly rookies was supposed to denote failure for the Warriors this season. Instead, the team was on top of the league for the most part of the season; this in itself is an accomplishment. The strong play of Veterans Jim Closs, Paul Toon, Tony Stea, Malcolm Gilchrist, Harold Godwin and Blair Falconer is credited for the first-place finish of the team in the regular season. But the newly aquired talents of rookies Hayden Belgrave, Paul Overbaugh and Mark Schneider were factors in the teams success this year as well. The OUAA finals are set for Saturday at McMaster. The Marauders are up against Queen’s for the championship title.

bv Owen Tones ^ “Last Friday the Warrior Volleyball team played its first OUAA league match against the Laurier Golden hawks. The Warriors played confidently’> and well, dominating Laurier to win three consecutive games 15-6 15-2 15-2. The Laurier middle attack was shut down by middlemen McKinnon and Heck. McKinnon is described by Coach Atkinson as “. , . one of the most underrated players in the country. He has tremendous desire and concentration. These assets coupled

younger Athena defenders. The score was 28-28 at the half, with both teams having trouble scoring. Unfortunately, the scoring drought continued in the second half for the Athenas and not for Lakehead. The Athenas were too late in getting back on track, eventually falling to a 60-43 defeat. Cindy Poag had an outstanding game, scoring 16 points and clearing seven off the boards. Carleton had a very weak team, getting blown out by Waterloo 83-39 in the consolation semi-final. ‘Lueg had 25 points and 10 rebounds. Every player had the chance to play in this game, helping them gain some much needed tournament expe-

ce with a great deal of athletic talent make him, in my opinion one of the top middle players in the country.” The Warriors were without the services of of starting setter Scott Murphy. Atkinson looked to rookie Martens to quarterback the Warriors throughout the match. Martensa came up big f.or the Warriors, playing well all over the floor setting’s good offense and isolating Warrior hitters against only one Laurier blocker. Martens also led the Warriors in digs as he consistrecovered Laurier ently

rience. Ottawa U. gave the Athenas some trouble in the final, as they are a very pesky team with short quick guards who like to run. Again, it was Corinna Lueg and Cindy Poag who led the team to a 43-40 win, scoring 29 and rebounding 23 between them. Coach Warren Sutton said he was pleased with the play of Lueg and. Poag, whose leadership and poise kept the team in the running for all three games. Lueg received a Tournament AllStar Selection, and Poag certainly deserved one. Brenda Bowering also had a couple of exceptional games. Overall, the team is playing at a strong consistent level and now has a 6-l record this year. 0

smashes. Offside hitter Scott Shantz led the Warriors in kills and Hayes led the Warriors in aces with six. The match was quick and smooth as the Warriors played controlled systematic volleyball simply overwhelming the Laurier squad. The defending (3UAA champions play arch-rivals Western next Friday at the PAC. This match should prove to be a showcase of volleyball talent in this area.

‘Victory eludes B-ball Warriors in Winnipeg -by Mike McG’raw Imprint staff An impressive string of plays by the Waterloo Warriors fell one basket shy of victory in a tournament last weekend at the University of Winnipeg. After handily defeating Laurentian and a team from Soeul, Korea, the Warriors were edged by the host team by a score of 107-106 in the championship game. _ Waterloo opened the round robin tournament with a convincing 83-62 victory over Laurentian. Rob Froece.) led the Warriors with 20 points, while Paul Boyce and John Bilawey added 16 each. In their second game,‘the Warriors trounced the inexperienced team from Soeul, 105-70. Every member of the Waterloo squad scored in the win, with Froece and John Sneider leading with 24 each while Boyce counted 19. The championship game was a close and thrilling match. In a game which saw Winnipeg’s ~Joey Vickery hit an astounding eight s-point field goals, the host team led by no more than seven points. The outcome was in doubt until the final buzzer with three lead changes in the final minute of play, and Waterloo missing on two last crack attempts with 22 and three seconds remaining. Boyce was Waterloo’s high scorer with 31 points, while Sneider added 30 and Froece contributed 20. Sneider was particuliarly effective in hitting on three of fifi s-point attempts during the game. Boyce was selected to the tournament all-star team. Coach Don McCrae stated that

“it was a good tournament for us.” He noted that both Winnipeg and Laurentian are 4-O in CIAU play, while the, Warriors had played just one exhibition game previous to the tournament. McCrae said that thel tournament was important for discovering if the team had a certain “fit” to it, and for finding out if the newer players could handle the action. He concluded that the tournament revealed “good news” about the Warrior squad. In commenting about the current prevalence of the newly installed s-point line, McCrae said, “no-one knows how to deal with it yet”, adding that teams don’t know whether or not to add it to their game plan at this early stage. Waterloo could very well meet up with Winnipeg,in the upcoming Naismith Classic, which begins here November 21. The draw finds the Warriors and the Win-

nipeg team positioned to play each other in the semi-finals should both teams win their first round matches. Winnipeg will play Ryerson in the first round, while the Warriors play crosstown rivals, Laurier, McCrae said that although the tournament draw attempts.to separate teams from the same conference, playing Laurier will be “good for the tournament”, due to the intense Waterloo-Laurier rivalry. In the other half of the Naismith draw, Toronto will play Windsor and Concordia will battle Laurentian. The Warriors will be in action this weekend at the University Of Guelph Tournament. The tournament features the participation of two teams from Michigan, Sienna Heights and St. Mary’s. Waterloo’ plays its first game against Ryerson tonight at 7 p.m.

Axemen triumph in Competitive Soccer by Pat Bown Men’s competitive soccer’ came to a close as the Axemen emerged as champions in last weekend’s league B playoffs. After getting off to a‘ slow start, the Axemen finished the regular season eighth overall of the 24 teams. Going into the playoffs, the team was quietly confident. In Saturday’s game, the Axemen edged the fourthplace Systems Strikers 1-O and advanced to the next round. On Sunday, reduced to only 10

players and having to contend with the elements, the team knocked off the first;place Boombaras and the third-place Legends in contests that were tied at the end of regulation time. Both had to be decided on penalty shots. As an encore, the Axemen have challenged the first-place Unreals of league A to an exhibition game. This would determine the unofficial overall champions of the men’s competitive soccer. \


I Imprint,

Hockey Warriors hang tough ,to skate to a O-O draw with Western



7, 1986

Polo team places third by Joe Sary Imprint staff The Warriors Waterpolo team played in the MacMaster Challenge Cup last weekend coming up with an impressive third place finish in the nine team tournament. The Warriors playing in the ‘B’ division finished first in round robin play losing to Toronto 6-3 but downing Ot$* ‘wa 6-3, RMC 13-3 and York 11-3. Toronto and Ottawa also finished with a 3-1 record but the Warriors came out on top with the best for and against record. In group A action Mac finished first with a perfect 3-0 record


followed by Carleton and Queens. Mac then proceeded to beat Toronto 9-3 in the semi-finals while the Warriors lost to Carleton by a narrow 6-5 margin. An unfortunate offensive foul made the difference ruining Waterloo’s chances to advance to the finals. The Warriors however redeemed themselves in> the final iby beating Toronto 6-4 to finish third in the tournament while Mac went on to clinch the tournament by beating Carleton 9-3. Special thanks goes’ to coach Heinbuch who captured the top coaching award.

Rebels take finals ,

by Janet Sestanovic . The Notre Dame Rebels emerged victorious during the women’s flag football final against the St.Paul’s Crunchers. The Rebels showed strength and determination in the game as indicated by the 20-o score. Congratulations to the Rebels for finishing first overall in the league and also for winning the championship title. As well, congratulations to all teams for a great season and their good sportsmanship.

C-R lines up 50 teams by- Terry


mix it up with


in close-checking

by. Jonathan Sadleir m short with awesome poise in and around the net. His fine perforImprint staff mance continued throughout the The score was no indication of game as he stopped thirty shots the intensity or the level of play on net throughout the game. demonstrated by the Warrior The first half of the second pehockey team last Sunday afterby some noon. The Warriors put on an im- \ riod was characterized excellent passing by both pressive offensive and defensive squads. However, once again-the display to tie Western O-O. Warrior intensity began to wane Shortly after taking to the ice point and Bithe Warriors dominated. the .. .around the midway shop was forced to demonstrate ‘Stangs with their tough conhis fine net-minding ability with trolled play.. The Waterloo dea spectacular glove save. McKee fense played extremely well for no doubt sensing the Western the bulk of the first period keeponslaught decided to stir things ing the puck in the Western zone up with Wagner and Ellicott. The thus nullifying Western’s dump two determined to pick up the and chase brand of hockey. The Warrior bench began mixing it strong hits dished-out by the up. Ellicott who provided the Warrior squad intimidated the fans with an excellent Junior A Western offense forcing them style duel trounced his Western into a scrappy individualistic opponent and skated off earlier brand of hockey. than expected to the showers. Waterloo showed excellent After the administrative mess support throughout the game had been sorted out and assorted laying on the big hits then quickplayers turfed Waterloo found ly scooping up the unattended themselves a man short as puck. Western’s saving grace Wagner had to serve a major for throughout the period was some his less than subtle crosscheck. excellent saves by goalie Chris The Warriors finding themJackson. selves a man short for the final The Warriors dominated the minutes of the period rose to the majority of the first period but occassion maintaining their condecided to take a nap around the trolled play to effectively kill the 4-minute mark leaving goalie Bipenalty. shop with the awesome task of The third period saw some repelling some good offensive ’ good offense from Western as a drives up the ice. Bishop made it seemingly timid Warrior side let look easy stopping the ‘Stangs



Nov. 2.

their intensity slide. However, Balas who had been playing dump the ‘Stang for the majority of the game came through with some excellent hockey to revive the Warrior bench and the crowds hopes for a victory with a strong drive to the Western goal at the 1l:Ol mark. Jackson, however in keeping with his fine goaltending throughout t,he game stopped him short. The next few minutes provided some very intense hockey as both teams played excellent passing The Warriors looking games. like the better team failed, however, to capitalize on some excellent crosses in front of the ,Stang ‘net. At 2:15 left to play it looked as though the production line of Linseman and Glover had it won (both are top scorers on the OUAA stats page) but once again some excellent goaltending by Jackson saved the day for Western and the score remained o-o. The Warriors provided the fans with some extremely entertaining all-out hockey proving themselves a formidable opponent in this years OUAA schedule. The play UofT tonight and MacMaster on Saturday if your going to be in the big smoke this weekend make the effort to come out and watch a Waterloo winner.

Oldtimersi ruffle feathers to . capture first place in.,biball . The second to last week of regular season play finds women’s basketball still in a competetive

state. The match between the first and second place teams in A division testifies to this fact.

Men’s Soccer by Paul Fisher In League A of men’s soccer, the Unreals dominated the season play. As a result, they are heavy favourites to capture the playoff championship as a complement to their league championship. On their way to the league crown they did not concede a single goal in six games. The Seminoles have their work cut out for them in the A league playoffs. They finished the sea-

son without a point and are big underdogs for the playoffs despite showing improvement late in the season. The B league was considerably closer race tha.n the A league. The Boombaras edged out the Legends and Mission Imposcivil by one point to capture the first place position. The playoffs for both leagues should be exciting with several teams competing for the prized first spot positions.


This term Campus Ret has 44 men’s and six women’s basketball teams. Without the excellent referees the basketball would not have run so successfully. There are 21 referees, including nine rookies. When scheduling the referees we try to pair roo. kies with veterans whenever possible. We also try to start out the new refs in the C league Hopefully, our rookies games.


have begun to grasp the fundamentals of officiating, and we encourage them to return in future terms. Campus Ret is fortunate to once again have the services of several current members of the K-W Board 210 (International ,Association of Approved Basketball Officials). We have 9 such officials this term and are grateful for their assistance. We have just completed our playoff clinic for the refs so they are all ready for the playoffs (which start Nov 9).

of the Week

Athlete of the Week Corinna Lueg Basketball

Corinna is studying MatheThe West B Oldtimers secured matics at UW, she is a third-year their first place position by Athena Basketball player from downing Larry’s Byrds (reigning She plays the centre chamns) in a close 26-25 match. y Pickering. position of the team. Corinna’s The CBs got it together for their basketball extends beyond the first win of the season, defeating UW team. she is a member of the the Notre Dame Dunkers by nine provincial team and competed in in another close game. The ParEurope this summer on a select tying Pink Flamingos won over team. Corinna was a 1st Team the Reccers by a score of 40-21. All-Star in league play last seaIn B division action, the firstson. place Basket Cases had a strong second half to overcome their first half deficit, and down ConCorinna led the team to a third rad Grebel. Also in B division place finish in a tournament this play the Eye Sores scored their past weekend at Carelton. The first win of the season. They had team lost to Lakehead (60-43) in a big offensive game to beat the opening round but went on to Scramble Squad 29-9. win bronze medals as they deAs regular season play winds feated both Carelton (83-39) and down the players are gearing up Ottawa (43-40). Corinna played for an interesting playoff series. superbly in all three games.

Athlete of the Week Mike Bishop Hockey It did not take long for Mike Bishop to make himself felt in Ontario university hockey. The first-year Science student from Elmira has played in goal for all four of the Warriors league games this season and.is one of the main reasons the team is undefeated at this point of the season. (3 wins and a tie) This past weekend Mike had two great performances as he stopped 26 of 27 shots in an 11-l victory over RMC and then he stopped all 30 shots that Western peppered him with as the teams played to a scoreless draw. Mike has a very impressive hockey background. He played Maj.Jr.A hockey in London, Kitchener, and Bellville. In 1984 he was drafted by the Edmonton Oilers

_ .


‘X-country .



The Waterloo Warriors have qualified for the CIAU CrossCountry Championships. At last Saturdays’s OUAA Championships in Kingston, the men placed second to the University of Ottawa.Both teams, by placing in the top two, earned the right to compete in the national university championships, to be run in London tomorrow. Earlier in the day, the Athenas finished fifth in the OWIAA championship race. For the Warriors, teamwork was the name of the game. Harvey Mitro and Kevin Shields helped each other in finishing ninth and 12th, and Tim Rose -and Nick Cipp worked together to take 17th and 21st. The most disappointed team member was Andy Krucker who managed to all the way from around 18th to fourth place before fading to 16th. An outstanding race by normal standards, but a big letdown for the competitive Krucker who had hoped to challenge winner John Halvorsen of Ottawa. This being the first time that any of the Warriors have qualified for the cross-country championships, they were ’ understandably excited. Perhaps even more so were assistant coaches Don Mills and Chris Lane. The normally sedate pair saw a training regimen they jointly planned and oversaw, emphasizing speed-endurance and late-race strength, pay-offin a CIAU berth. This is Waterloo’s first appearance at the CIAU’s since 1969. The result was a vindication of Waterloo’s approach to running, which stresses teamwork,

Warriors and race-day perfordepth, mance. Perhaps the best indicator of this is the performances of the non-scoring sixth and seventh men. Waterloo scored 69 points, the sum of their top five individuals’ placings. The ‘juggernaut’ Ottawa team won handily, as they swept the medals their fifth man beat Waterloo’s first and they scored 20 points. Yet Tim Collins, 28th, and Chris Rogers in 82nd easily placed ahead of top-ranked Ottaw 3’s sixth man. Western, who went into the meet ranked one spot ahead of the No. 3 Warriors, simply could not match Waterloo’s depth and placed a distant for all seven third. Indeed, runners to pack between ninth and 82nd in a field of more than 80 runners is indicative of their overall strength. Coach Mills was reminded of the Canadian junior men’s team, a tough, hardworking lot he coached sat the 1978 World Championships. That team was also second,. missing upsetting England .by one point. The Athenas, meanwhile, had a mixed race at the championships. Jill Francis and Ulrike Zugelder, running well together, were 15th and 16th, and Kelly Boulding was close behind with and excellent 22nd. Maggie Stewart, 84th, and Cathy Bauer, 49th, were the other scorers, and Kilmeny Beimler and Marielle Rowan were 55th and 56th. May Alizadeh of Western won the race, while Toronto took the -team title. Head Coach Any Heal pleased with the women’s formance: “We had a solid



Sunday November 9 - 9 to 5, men’s and women’s Courts 1069-1072 PAC



Monday November 10 - 5:30 p.m., captain’s meeting cc113

Friday November 14 - 6 to 10, St.John’s first cc110

Sunday November - 9 to 3, St.John’s cc110



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for hockey


Thursday November 13 ’ - 7:30 to 11:45, mixed volleyball PAC Gym

was perfirst


Education Commission , Federation of. Students




want to be a tutor, contact the




Education Commissioner in the Fed Office, CC 235, or call ext. 6299. Spokored

And so the season ends -for the Waterloo Athenas. The Warriors, meanw,hile, have one day left, as tomorrow they aspire to the national championship.

11 volleyball

November 12 hockey playoffs I’cefield

Saturday November - 9 to 3, St.John’s cc110


C-R dates, squash


women may have provided, Heal said, “We beat Guelph, and they were ranked seventh in the country. We may have been fifth, but this is the country’s toughest conference.”

Saturday November 8 - 9 to 5, men’s and women’s Courts 1069-.1072 PAC

Wednesday - 9 p.m., Columbia



\ Important



for OUAA finals

three,” he said, noting that one of last year’s team is on work term in Calgary and another is in the process of transferring back to UW. Even without the depth which the men had and these two

Tuesdajr,November - 445 p.m., mixed PAC 1001


Includes Day Use of all facilities, including 1 - 40 minute court time. Some restrictions apply. Please call or drop by.

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PERSO#ALS Clown Hugs -trained clown will entertain any age at parties, parades, and other special occasions. Willing to do workshops on clowning or related themes. Balloon sculpting, face painting. Phone 888-6057. (leave messaae). Let Me know. V2 Orientation Committee 86. The long awaited gathering is being tield on Nov. 7th in the North Quad beginning ai 8 pm. Attendance would be appreciated and there’s lots of freebies! Chairman. Playmate Fred: here’s my birthday request - a champagne evening alone with you on a tropical island - and no tomorrow. Susie. Birthday Susie, Just two days away before you eat your chocolate cake. You can lick the icing now . . . if you really need to. Love Playmate Fred. Teenage Head to Yamakas to Jewish ’ Donuts! Thanks for the drop from the, sea of olives and the best hugs in the world. Love va bunches of olives. Come and celebrate Belinda Carlisle spotlight with the Attitude on Nov. 22. Moaners are welcome, but no scratchers. Belinda Carlisle look-alike party. Do it with the attitude. Bring your favourite pulsating object.

108, There’s a sale on whipped cream, is your waterbed available? 224 Bush Pigs: Are you a bush pig? Need a date? Call Shawn and Paul in East E. No questions asked.

FOUND Keys found on Westmount Road Oct. 24. Phone 884-7496 or 884-7438 to claim.

FOR SALE 79 Chev Malibu, $2,000 certified. 886-3309. Please consider buying this car. The owner is a poor starving student with a dtrong desire for cash.

Come meet the founder of College Pro in person. Monday, November 17 at WLU for more information call Mark Brown. 746-4426.

Walkman, Sony WM- 10. dol by and metal. Excellent condition. I year of use, Smallest walkman on the market. $110 compare with new prices, call Larrv at 742-4051. Stereo package, Heathkit Ar- 15, ‘bual 1219, Soma 3-way speakers, Optonica tape deck. $650 firm. Call 886881 4 evenings. Hieno Stereo, VanAlstine amp & preamp. 100 watts. $2,000. Carver TX-w tuner $700; Bose 901 $1300. Call 886-8814 evenings; 885-7328, 9-5. Financially @responsible student is forced to sacrifice his sailboard in order that he can pay rent. Wayler Breeze model, $650. 884-33 16. Cassette Deck JVC KDVl 1. Metal, CR02, Dolby B NR $150 firm. Phone 884-7496 or 884-7438.

PAC Thief, thanks for making my Saturday a miserable day! Keep all but please return my eyeglasses to the turnkev.

Alberta Van, 1981, 64,000 miles, excellent condition. Ford Cargo (no bench seats), 302 V-8, $4750 certified. 746-0726 or x 6869.

Chainsaw tag 1400 !-I Saturday on the village Green, every one welcome, sponsored by the Society forthe Nullification of Offensive Trends. Bab Club I no*longe; feel your eyes --upon me. Am I no longer a member? Luv Harry S. P.S. I go for Salad every dav! An unwelcome pregnancy could be the biggest personal crisis of your life. Birthiight can help you. Call 5793990. MO’S Crew: Anybody for a snowball in Windsor this weekend? Get a room. A. Belinda. Spare us the agony of having to watch you on the tube. Lhama suit provided at the Attitude. Ron Gall. Someone with such lax standards doesn’t deserve the best . . . shape up or ship out. Woman.

SERVICES Will do light moving, rubbish. Reasonable 884-283 1.

Vilage Chick Been scammed lately? I think we have to get Kim even worse next time, but we got her. I’m sorry about last week. I miss ya. See you Sunday A.P.K. Captain, Guzzo, Alex, Kurtis, Stoner (Mr. Pyromaniac), etc. Rick Moranis says lets to a whip-it party soon! Belinda - Need a place to sti stay? Terry has a nostril for rent! Quest for wonka: Elwood Attitude goes to Kin Pub, Queen’s, and RMC and achieves nothing. Balck & White party for all Kin students tonight, Nov. 7. 509 D Sunnydale. Social event of the term. Wm Bed Head; “Don’t get me wrong, if I’m looking kind of dazzled; I see neon lights whenever you walk by . . Don’t get me wrong if I’m acting so distracted; I’m thinking about the fireworks that go off when you smile.” Sincerely, Susie. Club. D’head II - we, the concerned, invite you.Cum tonight, (Nov 7) Party - at night - all night, 147 Park St., behind Labatts brewery. A Club D’head scheme. Not a religious event. Alifazo come on out. Reunion! Reunion! Summer ‘85 CS14O/CS235 I 4~1~3~33 students. sruoenrs. BombshelaomDsnelter. Friday, 14 November, 8:30 pm. \ Cyril. Cvril. To the boy who yacks out the windows of moving buses - and spreads his ‘charm all over the bathroom wall at Burger King. Happy Birthday and all the best. Love, Jake - the guy who goes to the school of the higher intellect. P.S: you know it’s all been worthwhile when ,you wake up with a hangover.Dear Poco, hey you healthy injun. You are the cutest save I have ever seen. Hope you take me up on my offer. Keep Smiling. Tall, dark and ugly alias Franky. LS

also haul away rates. Call Jeff

WANTED /Anyone Willing to sell UW badge (crest) from coat, please call Michelle, 746-8032. Urgently Required: Brown-eyed donors for artificial insemination programme in the area. Donors must be healthy & responsible. Preference given to married candidates. Kindly contact Dr. N. Assad, 715 Coronation Blvd, Cambridge Ont., Nl R 7Rl.

Jeff Baby! Guess what? I still love you even though you’ve got frostbite from the amazing weather in the Big E. Miss me? Your sex kitten. _-_----_-_____-_-__--.-------~----~~-~---------~~---~------------~-. College Rick Moranis, alias PDP, a mild-mannered Kate Bush fan by day, a raving black-metal maniac by.night! by night!



Employment: High premium, telephone Sales program. High income potential. Choose morning or evening. Professional training and support. prestige working environment. Excellent incentives . Contact Jerome, mornipgs. 746-l 380. Travel Field position immediately available. Good commissions, valuable work experience, travel, and other benefits. Call Brad Nelson (toll free) l-800-433-7707 for a complete iriformation mailer. Travel field opportunity Gain valuable marketing experience while earning money. Campus representatives needed immediately for Spring break trip to Florida. Call Campus-Marketing at l-800-423-5264. Student wanted, grad preferred, for part time work in pleasant surroundings. Thursday through Sgturday afternoons. Call Aroma Cafe, 884-0411 to inquire. Private Tutor wanted for Math 114 (Algebra) immediately. Call 884921 8. Part time for Wild Duck Cafe and Go Pizza, in Campus Centre. Apply in person please. Pizza Delivery persons wanted for oncampus delivery only. Must have own car. $5.OOr plus commission. Apply at the Wild Duck Cafe in person.


One bedroom in two bedroom furnished apartment, May - Aug. ‘87. Kosher kitchen, non-smokers only. Call 746-2703. (evenings). Jan -April ‘87, three bedroom top floor of house, 15 min to UW and 5 min to Waterloo Square. Ask for Carolyn or Andy, 746-2327.

23 Imprint;


Spacious Room to sublet, l-2 people. 5-8 Columbia St. W., (corner of Columbia and King), townhouse kittycorner to McDonalds - Jan - April ‘87. Rent negotiable. Laundry facilities, large Kitphen, Cable TV, 2 bathrooms. Call 746-8119. Ask for Natalie. / Jan - April Townhouse. 15 minutes walk to campus. Two bedrooms still available for two females. Rent approximately $1 lO.mo plus utilities. Cal 1 746-2299. Swimming pool! Four bedroom townhouse to sublet May-August ‘87. $686/moor $171.50edroom, all utilities included. Quiet neighbourhood, 15 min bus ride to UW. 742-9989. Non-smokers! One or two required to share Waterloo townhouse, large basement room available, with half bath, private entrance, Kitchen, full bath. cable TV upstairs. Christian preferred. Jan-April 1987. 746-28880. Ottawa, winter term, or longer. Female non-smoking roommate-needed to share 2 bedroom apt. $250/mo, incl. Call Elaine 746-8486. Four bedrooni townhouse for Spring ‘87, with option to take over the lease. 6 min. bike ride to Campus. $566.00 oer month. Call 886-9587.

Professional typing. Essays, work term reports, theses,..etc. Fast, accurate, dependable service. $1 per double spaced page, call 886-4347 (Sonia).

To Sublet: two double rooms in student building, furnished, 20 miri walk, building new fall 1986. Call 7464883.

MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 900 a.m. FED FLICKSlSpies Like Us starring Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd 8 & 10 pm., AL 116. Feds $1.00, others $3.00.

Single rqom, male student, private, clean home. Fully furnished, cleaned weekly. Frig, toaster, tea-kettle available also, but no cooking. 179 Lester, 886-3644 or Mrs. Dorscht, 1-8460632. Three students looking for 2 more to share h,ouse Jan - April ‘87. Big Kitchen, yard, driveway, new washer, dryer. 20 minutes bus ride to UW. 300 Wellington St. N., $160/per person DIUS util. Call (613) 542-7190. Two bedroom fully furnished apartment to sublet Jan-April 1987. Stove, Fridge, laundry facilities. On Hazel, walking distance to both universities. $250/bedroom/month, utilities included. mature students only. 7462739.



Apartment on King St. wanted for January. Please leave message - 5782744. House, townhouse, four bedroom, wanted Jan to April ‘87 within walkina distance of UW. Call 885-2977. rooms required (2 or more) by 4A Math students for Winter .Term. Call Dave (416) 481-4803 Evgs.


Pr’o now looking for ambitious business entrepreneurs. Be your own manager next summer. If interested, call Mark, 746-4426.



LOST Soft, cuddly brown clipboard in MC 1050, 7 pm Ott 23 during CS 180 mid-term. It’s motes are dearly missed. Rob Goulns 746-2330. Lost Watch at Columbia soccer field 2 weeks ago, if found please call Heather at 885-l 115. Seiko watch with a gold.band and a black frame. Reward offered. Call Stella at 884-0831. Revenge Pin, like the one on the Eurythmics “Revenge” album. Extreme sentimental value. If found, please call Suzanne 746-0796. Watch - Gold colouied on Ring Road between P.A.S. and C.C. or on first floor of P.A.S. on Tues. Nov. 4. If found olease call Cindy at 576-5931.

TYPING Typing - $1.00 per page (D.S.) Experienced typist with teaching degree, lives close to UW/MSA. Ask for Karen. 746-0631. Experienced typist will do last minute work, corrections, fast & dependable service. s.90 per double spaced page. Phone Sandi, 746- 1501. Resumes page, 30 Seagram orovided.

Word Processed. $4 per c for original copies. Near Stadium.Draft copy always Phone 885- 1‘353.

Word Processed typing, assignments, essays, reports, theses, letters, resumes. Featuring automatic spell check. Dependable work, prompt service. reasonable rates. 748-0777. Fast, Professional typing by university graduate. Pick-up/delivery available on campus. grammar, Spelling correction available. $1 .OO/double spaced page. Suzanne, 886-3857. Essays, theses, work reports, businessietters, iesumes, etc. Will correct spelling, grammar & punctuation. Eslectrdnic typewriter. Reasonable rates. Phone Lee, 886-5444 afternoon or evening.

Quality typing and/or word proce&ing. Resumes stored indefinitely. Punctuation and spelling checked. Fast, accurate service. Delivery arranged. Diane, 576-l 284. Same Day Word Processing (24 hour turnaround if you book ahead). Draft copy always provided. Near Seagram Stadium. $1 .15 per double spaced page. Phone 885- 1353. Dial-A-Secretary. . .Typing, word pi& cessing, photocopying. Essays, work reports, theses, resumes. 24 hour turnaround ,within reason. Pick up and delivery. Special rates for students. Call 746-6910. 25 years experience. 75C per double spaced page. Westmount-William area. Call 743-3342.


7, 1986

‘TyDing - 30 years experience. 75c per d&ble spaded page. IBM Selectric. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount -. Erb area. Call Doris 8867153. .956 per page. .9Oc per page for 5 pages or more. Liz Tupling 746-2588. Don’t delay - Call today. Typing - $1.00 for double spaced page. .Experienced typist living on .campus (MSA). English degree -spelling corrected. Call Karen at 7463127. , Word Processing: $1.25 per double spaced page. Draft copy available. Resumes $4.00. Spelling checked. Westmoljnt area. Call 742-4162. Typing doneovernight. IBM Selectric. 20 years experience. Parkdale/Lakeshore area. Call Anne - 885-4679 Experienced typist will do work reports, essays, etc. Fast, accurate work. IBM Selectric. Reasonable rates, 1 block from Sunnydale. Call 885- 1863.




THE GUILD SHOW.- An exhibition of paintings by students in the Fine Arts programme. Sponsored by the Fine Arts Guild in conjunction with St. Jerome’s College. Continuesto Nov. 28, St. Jerome’s Library. ESPERANTO IS an international language designed to bring people together. If you would like to know more, come out and attend this presentation on Esperanto. Sponsored by the Bahai Clirb. ENCOUNTER THE MUG. An atmosphere of live music, good food, and relaxed conversation. All ‘are welcome, 8:30 - 1l:OO pm in CC 110. Sponsored by Waterloo Christian Fellowhsip.




THEATRESPORTS workshop!Learn to improvise comedy. For thos’e who go through live without a script. 1 pm, cc110 % . FINE ARTS Pub:, 8pm, upstairs at the Kent. $2 coverSponsored by the Fine Arts Guild. YES, ONCE again it’s time for Theatresports live, improvised Comedy at its best. You give us a topic, we’ll give you comedy. Bring your friends. Feds $2.50, others $3. 8 pm, Siegfried Hall. PRODDING THE GIANT, a campus Christian workshop on engaging the campus for Christ. Students, faculty, staff are welcome. $10 registration fee, 9 am - 5:30 pm, AL 113. SUPERMUG!!! NOW in the CC Great Hall, Windborne, in their final NA album release tour. 8:30 pm, CC Great Hall. SYMPOSIUM ON “Cognitive Science as Science”: sponsored by Independent Studies, Philosophy, STVand Liberal Science Program. 10 am - 5 om, HH 280. GROUP CYCLING. All welcome to come. 25 - 35 kmh for about 2 - 3 hours. Meet in the CC at lo:30 am. Cancelled if raining. For info. call Kevin at 745-7932.




9 10:00


ST. PAUL’S College -Sunday Chapel MARANATHA CHRISTIAN Fellowship Sunday service, All Welcome. HH 334, 7:00 pm. CHRISTIAN WORSHIP on campus. lo:30 a.m., HH 280. All Welcome. CHAPEL AT Conrad Grebel College. Informal service with discussion. 7:00 Pm. CONTEMPORARY EUCHARIST 11:OO am Moose Room, Men’s Residence, Renison college. EN JOY SINGING ‘and bible teaching each Sunday evening with the Maranatha Christian Fellowship at 7:00 pm. in HH 334.




THE JEWISH Students Association presents their famous Bagel Brunch in CC 135 from l-1:30 to 1:30pm. Join

us! Everyone Welcome. MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 9:00 a.m. THE END is near . . .It’s only 22 words away. So why not drop by the UW House of Debates at 5 pm in St. Jerome’s Rm 229s;The end. LIVE PERFORMANCE by the Rolling Thunder Theatere Company lo:30 2:00 in the Campus Centre. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL will present an open house with guest speakers to raise awareness of international human rights. Everyone Welcome. 8 pm, CC 110.





PRAYER Renison College

CAMPUS BIBLE study at 12:30 and 2:30 pm. in CC 110.

Wednesday MORNING



PRAVER Renison College

WORSHIP SERVICE 4:30 p.m. Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Includes sermon and choir. EUCHARIST 12:30 p.m., Renison College Chapel. LAYMEN’S EVANGELICAL Fellowship International Youth meeting. Everyone welcome. 7:30 p.m., CC 135, iiURON CAMPUS Ministry Fellowship, 4:30 p.m., Common meal, St. Paul’s Cafeteria. 5:30 p.m., proaramme, Weslev Chapel, St. Paul’s GLLOW COFFEEHOUSE-an informal gathering held weekly for interested people. A safe and friendly atmosphere in which to meet others, gay or straight. Call 884-4569 for more info. (24 hr. recorded message). EXPLORING THE Christian Faith. Informal discussions on Christianity with Chaplain Graham E. Morbey, 7:30 pm, Wesley Chapel, St. Paul’s College. CAMPUS BIBLE study. 3:30 pm.‘in CC 110. Sponsored by Maranatha Christian Student’s Association.




MORNING PRAYER Renison College Chapel, 9:00 a.m. THE VEGETARIAN CLUB of U of W will hold its weekly meeting at 4:30 pm. in CC 135. All are welcome to come and learn about the vegetarian lifestyle. Contact Ina Nanda at 8864994 for mare info. THE JEWISH Students Association presents their famous Bagel Brunch in CC 135 from 11:30 to 1:30pm. Join us! Everyone Welcome. SEX, DRUGS and butter tarts. and maybe a debate, time permitting. UW House of Debates. St. Jerome’s, Rm. 224, 6:00 pm. MINI-SKIRT pub - support the Concrete Toboggan Team. $2 per person. Wear a mini-skirt and get in free!! 8 pm, South Campus Hall. WATERLOO CHRISTIAN Fellowship supper meeting in El 2522from 4:30 tp 6:45 pm. Tony Campolo will study our motivation for doing things in the video “Delusions of Power”. 4:30 pm, El 2527. NOON HOUR Music, chambre music for your dining pleasure from Conrad Grebel musicians. Sponsored by Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students. 12:30 pm, Fed Hall.






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