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'Visit of PLO rep. stirs controversy by Rick Nigol and

Gneme Peppkr Imprint staft A great deal of the passion and acrimony which underscore the conflict in the Middle East were evident last Thursday night as a npresentative of the Palestinian Liberation Organization visited the UW campus.





the Palertfn~m'rrflla c v a I~E-




the "de fact0 legitimacy" given terrorism ~ t i by ~ Abdullah's ~ visit here. In his aidress Abdullah said that earlier in the century, Zioni s t ~tried 9 0 deny that a nation of Palestinian P J p k exists," adding that this notion is "fol-lowed by Israeli politicians today." He noted that this denial of i Palestinian nation is "the root cause of the conflict in the Middle East," and added, "why is it permissible to talk about the right to self-determination for the Falkland Islands, but not for millions of Palestinians?" When asked by members of the audience how he could justify the killing of innocent civillians t o promote the Palestinian cause, _Abdullah turned the question around. He.referred to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982 and the bombing of PLO headquarters in Tunis (in which 62 people were killed), and asked why these acts were not considered terrorism. Abdullah said the PLO are the only legitimate representstives of the Palestinian people. He concluded his talk by asserting yf anyone thinks that the Palestinians will whither away, he is mistaken." D ~ , the + spirited ~ ~ question rio& Abdullah stated. that rwhout a political state, the -4--yuuu- ,.um P*tinians will never recogthe atate of lad" nize the state of Israel." e protest outside of the Photo by T e r m S ~ Y Wm~

Abdullah Abdullah, director of the Palestine ~ ~ f o Office in Ottawa, outlitied the Palestinian case for selfdetermination to a crowd of 200 in the Arts Lecture Hall. Before his address there was a demonstration organized by the uw Jewish Students Association,in which participants protested

hall consisted of approximately 20 demonstrators. They carried placards with slogans such as "Put Teirorists onTrial, Noton add "Will Canada be next?" A symbolic graveyard of approximately 30 blocs of styrofoam, headstones was set up to represent the victims of various acts of PLO terrorism.


Jewish Students Association

co-president Isaac Szpindel addressed the gathe~ing,outlining the JSA's objection of Abdullah's visit. "The PLO, while posing as the legitimate representative of a.people, is actually the world's leading terrorist organization," Szpindel said. Stephen Naor, also of the JSA, told the crowd that "We always see terrorism as another

country's affair. But it is not. Terrorisrp has struckCanadaas well. h s t year saw & d i n s terrorized by the bombing of Air India and CP Air flights, by a threat to the Toronto subway, by the Wlingaf a guard at the Turkish Embassy ..." Naor added that, "We must not give legitimacy to terrorist organizations by inviting them to speak."

u General u Meeting: l

1 New c o m i gjsion to give athletics higher profile by Gneme Peppler It took several quorum-seek%g foragers and a lot of patient thumb twiddling before the Federation of Students could begin their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday night in Needles HalL #

When enough students wen eventually found to compkte the rquired quorum d fifty most were solicited from the Bombshelter -- the AGM moved swiftly and painlessly& and was over in, perhaps, record time.



"A large part of the Commission's work will be in promotion and education," says Federation of Students' president-elect, Scott Forrest. "I feel it'q important that students become aware of athletic issues and concerns."

A new by-law of the Federation of Students wasestablished which will now see to theformation of an Athletic Commission, the purpose of which will YK: to raise the profile both of varsity sports and other athletic activities at UW.

Explicitly stated, the purpose of the by-law is to increasecommunication between administration and students on athletic issues, to address student concerns on athletics, and to promote athletics a t the university. Membership pf the new Commission will consist of one Commissioner - yet to be a p pointed by Students' Council

Federation cuts back on budget

by GnemePepplcr During a Federation of Students Council meeting on a Tuesday night Carol Goulette, VIE-president (operations and finance), submitted the first draft of the Federation's general operating budget for May 1, 1986 to April 30, 1987. Projecting an ' operating ,budget in excess of $700,000 wrth an expected surplus of over $800. the aroiectinn i s

markedly kss than the previous year's budget which had a gross alloo~tionof $2.4 million and a surplus of dose to 52,000. . "This year we a n pretty financially strapped," says Gouktte, avoiding any criticism of past student administrations; "right now we're virtually running on a line of credit." The Federation is facing the buden of Fed Hall's loan payments

Ride for Peace rides on On Senator's hunger strike Forum Credit agencies search for students OW prof. flees Poland Anorexia: dying to be thin Concerts

: "




and mortgages which, as Goulette notes, will have to be payed off sooner or later. The Federation is cutting back on its budgets for its various boards and is also increasing Federation of Students' fees, which will go up by 50 e to $14.25, starting May 1st. One year ago, Council voted to inc n a e fees from $12 to their present level of $13.75.


who has experience in and knowledge of athletic issues, and one representative each from the Athletic Advisory Board, the Campus Recreation Advisory Council, and each student saciety of UW. Also on the Commission will be the President of the Federation of students, the vice-president (operations and fiance), the vice-president (university affairs), and such Federation members as the Commission may see,fit to appoint. The Commksion will have a six month trial.+eriod during whicb it will conduct public seminars, demonstrations and

campaigns as necessary to accomplish the goals of the Commission. After six months, the Commission will be reviewed to determine if it should continue. , In other business. the AGM elected a new Board of Directors whose role it will be to overview financial operations d the Federation of Students and to give final approval to all financial matters of significance . to the Federation. The Board is comprised of Chief Executive Officer, Scott Forrest, Treasurer Carol Gouktte, Secretary Matt Erickson, as well as Steve Pitkanen, Michele Dundas, Lisa Skinner, and Ian Mitchell.

Student representative at U of 0 accused of fraud OTTAWA (CUP) -- A candidate for student council vicepresident (finance) at the University of Ottawa got another person to impersonate him and get him a grade in a Group Qynamics course last summer, the U of 0 Fulcrum reported March 20. But reporting the s t o j al;most. cost the newspaper that week's issue. Just after the Fulm m sent away its flats, the council called the printer and said it would not pay the bill. - Council President Gabe Sekaly said the corporation, t

which publishes the Fulcrum fa& a lawsuit from the candidate, John Ryan. By badgering and slightly changing the story, the paper convinced the council to publish it. The Fulcrum published a class photograph of the Group Dynamics students, which the professor, Hilory Horag said included all those who took the course. The paper also pubkhed a photo of John Ryan, wholooks nothing like the man claiming to be Ryan in the class photo.

The real John Ryan's student number appears on the list for final grades in the course. Ryan won the race by an overwhelming vote. He said he would keep his ;eat despite the controversy. Earlier in the week the council successfuUy stoped La Rotonde, the French weekly at U of 0, from publishing the same information. The council's stalling tactics meant students did not see thpaper until midway through the last day of voting.



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Doug Mohr being interviewed for Peace.

in Toronto


Ride for. Peace conthued by Pam Lewis Sadako Sasaki was two years old when an atomic bomb destroyed her hometown of Hiroshima in 1945. Six of her relatives were among the tens of thousands that died as a result of the bombing. Sadako was a bright, energetic child. She was described by her family and friends as a child who would rather “run, hop or jump than walk.” She loved to run and was on her school track team. When Sadako turned 10 she began to develop dizzy spells, but she kept it from her family due to her desire not to worry them. Eventually it became known that Sadako had cancer of the blood cells, leukemia, caused by the fallout of the atomic bomb. Hope came from a friend, Chizuko, who told her the ancient story of the paper cranes. The legend went that if a sick person folds a thousand paper cranes, that person will be granted their wish and made well again. With great effort Sadako folded paper cranes. When she died on October 25th, 1955, she had folded 644 paper cranes. The remaining 356 were made by her classmates and the 1,000 cranes were buried with her. Sadako became a heroine in Japan and, in 1958, a statue in her .memory was erected in Hiroshima Peace Park. The statue is of Sadako holding a golden crane in her outstretched arms. Every year, thousands of paper cranes are placed at the base of the statue. Engraved on the statue is the message: “This is our cry, this is our prayer, peace in the world.” Doug Mohr, a graduate student at Waterloo, first learned of the story of Sadako last summer. He was in Vancouver and about to begin the Ride for Peace, a bicycle ride from Vancouver to Ottawa designed to bring attention to Canadian involvement in the arms ; race: Just as he was to leave Vancouver on August 6th, the 40th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing, an elderly woman told him j -the story of Sadako and then pressed a paper crane into his hand. She told him that he would encounter many hardships over the next 5,000 kilometers and that he should think of Sadako at these times. Mohr says that over the next several weeks he thought of Sadako frequently and that more than once the thought of her kept him

from stopping the Ride. As Mohr made his way from Vancouver to Ottawa he learned of many other people who had been touched by the story of Sadako. He heard of how an elementary school teacher had read the book Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes to her grade six class. The class was so moved by the story that they decided they wanted to fold paper cranes. Further, they wanted to send the cranes to Japan to be put on Sadako’s monument. Similarly, children in Ottawa, after hearing about Sadako, folded cranes and then presented them to their member of parliament. In both of these cases, the actions of these children helped many adults to see the arms race more clearly. Last summer, the first leg of the Ride for Peace brought extensive local and national media coverage to the threat posed by the arms race. The ride helped to increase public awareness of the nuclear threat, and built support for the positive alternative of nuclear disarmament. The Ride for Peace is being completed this summer. On August 6th, the 41st anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima,.Mohr wrll set out from Ottawa for St. John’s Newfoundland. The focus of the final leg of the Ride for Peace is, as last year, to bring attention to Canadian involvement in the arms race. Already the Ride organizing committee has plans for press conferences, consultations with local peace groups, and public lectures in 17 cities in the eastern provinces. Further, with the addition of a support van, and months of prior preparation with local peace groups in the cities in which the Ride is stopping, the Ride is likely to receive even more extensive media coverage than it obtained last summer. This year’s Ride will feature one very important addition: children from across Canada are being asked to fold paper cranes and then send them to the Ride organizers prior to the commencement of the Ride. As the Ride passes through cities and towns enroute to St. John’s, children living in these communities will be able to give the Ride their cranes. The cranes will be sewn into peace leis and given to each member of parliament at the end of the Ride. This addition to the final leg of the Ride for-Peace will allow i

during last year’s Ride

children from across Canada to let members of parliament, the neople who are shaping these children’s future, know just how badly they want an end to the arms race. The Ride for Peace is a local initiative. It is being organized by faculty and students at the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University. If you would like to help with organizing the final leg of the Ride for Peace, of if you would like to make a donation to help defray the cost of the Ride, write to Ride for&ace, P.0. Box 43, 70 King St., N., Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 326.

McKay criticized for not. consulting Council on spending by M.A. Morley Imprint staff UW Students’ Council met for the last time with Sonny Flanagan as Federation of Students president this past Sunday in Fed Hall. Council attended to routine matters such a member activity reports and the passage of recently updated Fed policies, but by far, the most lively debate centred around vice-president of operations and finance, Mark McKay. He was called on the carpet for an entertainment contract with architectural students which, according to John Finkle of The Board of Entertainment (BENT), “totally neglected policy, ” and which wound up costing the Federation $1,000 more than they expected to pay for the event. McKay said he was approached for assistance by members of the 4B architectural class after the Architecture Student Society had booked Fed Hall for the event which occurred several Saturdays ago, commemorating the studies of UW architecture students in


cents per person admitted, above those invited by the architecture Rome. He asserted that, because it was a contract negotiated with students . students, and not with the Society, established policies on funding After the motion to honour the agreement was passed, another for entertainment events did not apply. The contract allowed for was brought forward to censure McKay for acting without consultpayment of 16 per cent of the gross bar receipts that night, not 16 ’ ‘. Council on the matter and for not adhering to policy. Carol per cent of the net receipts, as the Fed executive had expected. The . mg Goulette, Finkle and Flanagan led the attack. Flanagan said architecture students who organized the event protested when the McKay was advised before the event that the 16 per cent of the gross agreement was not honoured and they only received part of what figure was out of line and that “if he had passed that information on was promised. to the architecture students, the whole thing could have been \ “We budgeted for the figure agreed upon,” said Charles Walker, avoided,” a spokesperson for the architecture students, “We’re only interested Presidentelect Scott Forrest disagreed, saying policy was unin seeing your side of the contract fulfilled.” A motion was passed, clear at the time, and he asked Flanagan to apologize to McKay for reimbursing the students for a total of $1,5 18.68, but even this was comments to the effect that financial policy should be revised before less than Walker expected. “We feel that architecture students are McKay “sells the furniture*‘. making a concession, but we will accept a hasty settlement,” he said. The motion against McKay was eventually defeated, or an His understanding was that there were more students at the event amendment to policy was passed stating that, for expenditures in than were counted. Part of the agreement gave the organizers 75 excess of $500, the approval of Student Council and at least two signing officers would be required in the future. In other business, Council elected Matt Erickson (Vice President ’ of Academic. Affairs-elect), Council Speaker Peter Klungel, and as well as purchasing or leasing has a council which meets every Scott Forrest as negotiators in the dispute betw&n the Feds and the houses in other cities for stutwo weeks. There is also a buildCanadian Federation of Students. dents who have work terms. ing or floor meeting every two Forrest was in Ottawa last week to discuss the problem which weeks at which problems are arose when UW pulled out of the CFS several years ago and The Co-op also works with discussed. stopped fee payments to the organization. Forrest said the discusthe City of Waterloo’s Task Dony notes that the Board of sions weren’t as productive as he had hoped, but he is still confident Force on Student Housing. AcDirectors, which oversees the a settlement can be reached. He is awaiting a visit from CFS cording to Dony, “co-operative running of the Co-op, “is corn-, officials in the coming weeks for further negotiations. housing is one of the best ways posed entirely of students.” Ian Mitchell, chairperson of the Committee on Mandatory Comthrough which to help alleviate Every term there is a general puter Fees, praised the recent underfunding march for raising the low vacancy rate in the awareness and building unity. He said he is continuing to press meeting of the entire memberarea.ship of the Co-op and resoluMinister of Colleges and Universities Gregory Sorbara for a policy tions passed at that meeting “Furthermore”, he adds, on incidental fees, and said the new executive will have to continue have ultimate authority. to pester him for a ruling. “we’re more responsible to stuThe Co-op is now in the proFlanagan raised the concern that Sorbara is stalling until school dent needs as it’s the students cess of renovating its current is out before releasing his findings. He also said that if computer fees t themselves who run the Co-op.” buildings because of a brick are upheld by the Minister, the Federation would sponsor a pub to Rates for Waterloo Co-op problem. Dony hopes that the pay for the interest charges levied on those who have refused to pay Residences for the spring term Co-op can expand in the near I (1986) are $1,090 for a single the computer fee. future. It was looking into buyThere are currently 124 UW students who have indicated to the room and board, and $850 for a ing land at 276 Phillip St. An Federation that they withheld their computer fees this term. double room and board. Those offer was made on the land but interested in more information Computer fees next term will be 50% higher than they were for it was already sold to a.private should contact Chris Baldwin at the last two terms. The fees will range from $60 to $153, compared developer. the Co-op Office located at 280 to the previous range of $40 to $100, depending on faculty. The Co-op is now looking to Phillip, Building A4 (884 Both Forrest and Flanagan commented on the smooth transition buy land on the north campus, 3670). of power between them, and Flanagan said he expects the new executive will do quite well. Asked about the achievement in his term of office which pleased him the most, Flanagan answered that it was the creation of the International Students* Board.

Co-op an alternative form of hou&ng

popular and is always full.” In by Mary Joy Aitken general, the Co-op is usually Imprint staff 95% occupied in the fall and Are you fed up with high 50% full in the summer. rent, poor up-keep of your Dony encourages anyone inapartment and absentee landterested in the Co-op to apply lords in Kitchener-Waterloo? now. He says that the Co-op Then perhaps you should con“develops a sense of responsisider becoming a member of the bility in students. If something Waterloo Co-operative Resihappens, you are responsible dence Incorporated (WCRI). for it. Out of that collective reWCRI is a non-profit, resi- r sponsibility comes a very good dential community, owned and social atmosphere.” operated by its members. AlAccording to Dony “the key though anyone can join, “prefto our organization is sharing erence is given to students” responsibilities. Co-operatives according to Bob Dony, Chairare successful only when person of the Development ‘members are willing to actively Committee of the Coop. direct their time and energy toThe Co-op has three residenwards, a common goal. Our Cotial divisions and one apartop has grown by the efforts of ment division which house a our members and every total of over 500 students. All of member is important to our the residences and the apartcontinued success.” ment complex are located close The four divisions of the Coto campus. Deny notes that op are fairly autonomous. Each “the apartment division is very

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Imprint. is, the student newspaper’ at the University of Waterloo. It is a& editorially @dependent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a membeti of the Ontario Gxnmunity Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of udian University Press (CUP). Imprint publishes every second Fkiday’during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of WaXerloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” NZL 3Gl Imprint reserves the right 2 to screen, edit, ana refuse vg=g= advertising. Imprint: ISSN 9706-738C -

Hebert’s hunger strike p’ la heroic gesture, You’re not going to write a Comment piece about that “stupid senator” who is “grandstanding” in Ottawa about Katimavik, in order to “blackmail” the government are you? That’s a real quotation folks, from a real Tory, who is, like the rest of her party and the government of Canada, cringing under the pangs of conscience triggered by Senator Jacques Hebert’s hunger strike in protest over the cancellation of the Katimavik program. And like the government, (and most other people suffering conscience attacks for that matter) it is more convenient to blame the one drawing attention to your sin than to admit your e wrong and make amends. \ Hunger strikes are rare in Canadian politics, and unheard ‘of in the ordinarily sleepy Senate chambers. It seems that Ottawa is uncertain how to respond. A hunger strike, especially from a prominent national figure such as Senator Hebert, is a uniquely effective way to make a very’special kind of statement. Many (especially Tories) have criticized the Senator’s fast as “undemocratic”. Insofar as one man is exerting immense moral pressure on a whole government, some of the rules of democracy appear to be violated. And so Prime Minister Mulroney can say that it would be wrong of him to *agree to Hebert’s demands, because that would undermine democracy. But this only reveals that Mulroney seriously misunderstands the nature of power, thevarious kindsof power, and their effective use. Mulroney argues that he has a mandate from the people to rule. This is true. But that mandate does not necessarily make his opinion correct whenever there is a disagreement. This power of the government to rule is not being challenged by Hebert, although the anti-democratic argument against him assumes (incorrectly) that it is. Rather than the government’s right to rule, Hebert is calling into question whether or not the government is right, and stating his deep and total personal conviction that in this case the government is wrong, an opinion shared by many others, maybe even a majority. The Senator is stating his personal commitment to a cause in the strongest of personal. terms. Maybe he is being . unprofessional. Deep personal commitment to political issues is pretty rare in Ottawa. His hunger strike exercises power, but it is not the power to coerce or command; it in no way interferes with the government’s legal and “democratic” rights. Rather it is the power of ethical sensibilities, the personal power each and every one of us has to convince by virtue of our convictions. This too is rare in Canadian politics. And the persuasion is not on behalf of any narrow self-interest, but rather inthe name of thewell-being of others, not himself. Yet again, this is rare in Ottawa. For a man to be so concerned for others, that he is willing to risk his life on their behalf, that is deeply disturbing to the world of pork-barrels, back-room jockeying and endless compromise. Parliamentarians like to consider themselves “servants” of the people. Jacques Hebert is showing them just what it means to serve others, and showing up their shortcomings “Greater love hath no man, than he lay in the process. down his life for his friends.” The government may be committed to pleasing the electorate, and it may be com-

mitted to getting re-elected, and it may well even be committed to doing the best job it knows how in running the country, but of the members of the government - not one seems committed to Canadians more than he is committed to himself. This makes the Senator’s hunger strike very disturbing to them, because the power he w’ields is only over their own consciences. Further, he is notthreatening them, he is the only one risking loss. There is a huge difference. Hunger strikes can only be used by the powerless. They can only be used by men and women so committed to a cause which is greater than themselves, they are willing to die, or at least risk immense discomfort for their cause: Imagine the absurdity of Brian Mulroney holding a hunger strike because of his belief in the destruction of Katimavik, or UW President Douglas Wright going on a fast to protest underfunding, It’s ridiculous and. impossible. Not only would such strikes be useless, in that they would gain no public sympathy, the men would never do it because they are not sufficiently committed to others’ interests, rather they are committed to their own self-interest, a committment which makes a hunger strike(or any act of self-sacrifice) absurd. In fact, their sanity would be universally quest ioned. What angers the Tories is that nobody is questioning Hebert’s sanity. They are annoyed because they know they are wrong and they, in spite of their “mandate” and their “power” and their ‘Iauthority”, have been confronted by morally superior force, one man who happens to care for others and has the courage of his convictions. As we head home for the Easter weekend, some of us will commemorate another man who, 1,965 years ago laid down hislife on behalf of others in an act of superior moral courage and selfless devotion which history has not yet recovered from - and maybe has not yet understood. There are powers in this world which supercede that of any government. One of them is the power of love for others. It can shake nations. If it really is anti-democratic to stand for what is right, regardless of its popularity and regardless of what the “authorities” may say, then there is something seriously wrong with democracy. But it is not Senator Hebert’s action that is anti-democratic, rather it is the Prime Minister’s notion that having been elected necessarily makes him right.



!ITmnks to all fhll-time and volunteer stafffor agreatyear. It’s been a slice, Rickm~ol

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Schroeder’s arguments not coiwincing

To the editor: fundamental, is an excellent example. Professor Schroeder appears Below are some comments on Professor Schroeder’s article to regard the disagreement between the approximate simplified “Science has become a new religion” (March 14 issue). I offer these theory and the fundamental theory, or between two such simplified not with any desire to convert him to a new religion, but with the theories, as paradoxical. I do not. The fact that there is only a finite hope both of stimulating my fellow students on matters related to period from the time when the basic theory comes to be regarded as the nature of science and of learning something from responses well established to the later time at which it ceases to be regarded as received. fundamental, and becomes a simplified approximation to a wider My two points relate to 1,) Schroeder’s claims concerning “contheory, would seem to me to speak well of the intellectual humility tradictions” between different mathematical models of physical of scientists and perhaps to temper the “fanaticism” which phenomena and 2) his division between the “... material world . .. Schroeder criticizes. called real” and the “... abstract world . . . considered imaginary”. At the risk of imitating a Neanderthal politician south of the As for I), the examples he briefly gives are very unconvincing. border, one might say that fanaticism in insisting on the limits to There are many examples in science where a well established fundawhat man understands at any time about physical reality is no mental theory leads in some particular subfield to very difficult ’ crime. Schroeder% only example which doesn’t fall into my catecomputational mathematical problems. One hopes and expects gory above seems to be “. . . the mathematical wave and quantum that the difficulties are a temporary obstruction which will be swept (particle) model of light.” This is still a basic part of fundamental away by the ingenuity of our students and successors. But in the theory, although recent developments in particle physics and pure meantime it is often possible to introduce an approximate simpli‘mathematics may change that in the next few decades.The weakness fied theory in which some of the calculations can be done and some of this “example” is different, and quite ironic. Here there is in fact of the purposes achieved which initially motivated consideration of no contradiction at all in the mathematical theory (that is, there is that subfield. Furthermore, one tries to estimate how much error no known contradiction and, if one were discovered, it would has been introduced iri using the simplified theory where it is temporarily destroy the logical consistency of all known mathematinappropriate. There are numerous examples of this: parts of therics and virtually all of its applications, except a small but growing modynamics, continuum mechanics, quantum chemistry, . .. Infragment called “finite” mathematics). I The naradox Schroeder refdeed, classical Newtonian mechanics, long regarded as ers”to is ironically only in the minds of ‘those who insist on a

macroscopic “picture” - wave? particle? wavicle? .. of the microscopic phenomena being studied. Concerning 2) I%hink his division is so incompletely described as to be meaningless. There is no way for me to tell whether, for example, objects seen through a microscope are to be regarded as part of the “material world”. Are the large molecules which appear in the electronic microscope “real”? Is Brownian motion, seen this way and apparently only describable as collisioqs between particles, “real”? If so why is “atomic structure” put into the other category of “mathematical abstractions”? If ndt, is a magnifying glass okay? A mirror?? How “real” are the black lines you see in the cracks between your fingers when holdi‘ng your hand between your eyes and the sun, but which disappear when you open a gap between your fingers. I am quite convinced that there are important philosophical questions in the foundation of science, and of particular theories such as quantum theory, which have yet to be satisfactorily answered. If “science has become a new religion,” then I have finally ‘become interested in theology! As far as the study of all aspects of humans is’concerned, there may be good reasons to doubt the adequacy of scientific methodology. But the arguments given in Schroeder’s article are not very convincing. Peter Hoffman Pure Mathematics

Note: The following is my coming-out column, reprintedfrom Imprint, March 29, 1985 -- previous columns carried the byline “by Zeke Gerrard (a pseudonym)“. I&should point out one inaccuracy: the final quotation comes from Randy Shilts’ excellent book The Mayor of Castro-Street: The Life and Times of -Harvey Milk, not the film. Note: The Alan O’Connor I mentioned ifi last week’s column lives in Toronto and is no way related to Alan O’Connor, the UW student ’

Harvey Milk’s hope by Alan Yoshioka (not 8 pseudonym) The winner of the 1984 Academy Award for Best Documentary is The Times of Harvey Milk, an intricate, lively. and compelling history of North Ameiica’s first openly gay ele_cted official. On November 7,1977, Harvey Milk was,elected %n Francisco city supervisor. He and Mayor George Moscone were shot to death November 28,1978, by former supervisor Dan White.

Time and again, in these twenty centuries, Jesus has been written off. Sometimes flippantly: D.H. Lawrence to Katherine Mansfield, “Cheer up, Katie, Jesus is a back number.” Sometimes wistfully: Thomas Carlyle, gazing at the crucifix outside a parish church, “It’s all very well, old fellow, but you’ve had your day.” Sometimes ruefully, as in this plaint bjr Swindburne: Thou hast conquered, 0 pale Galilean, The world has grown grey with they breath; We have drunk of the springs Lethean, And fed on thy body of death. But when men pass that kind of judgment on Jesus whether gleefully or sorrowfully or resentfully - he reemerges with his extravagant claim on our lives. His claim. is most extravagant at Easter. I’m not talking bout “The flowers that bloom in the Spring, tra-la . . . ” I’m talking about the claim that Christ is risen from the dead. What do you make of it? Well, here’s what a guy in Arkansas makes of it in anno domine 1986 - I quote from the Arkansas Gazette, a reputable newspaper, under the headline, “Mortician Moves Body; ‘Resurrection’ Service Set”: “Harrison Ark., (AP) - Garland Clarkson, owner of a Reeds Spring, MO., bortuary, traveled to Harrison Friday and picked up the body of Mrs. Gladys Rogers, whose son hopes she will rise from the dead Sunday. The -state Health Dept. had agreed earlier Friday that a licensed funeral director could move the body. “Daniel Aaron Rogers’ attorney, Scott Traylor, said Rogers hoped to have the resurrection service at 2 p.m. Sunday. “Rogers, 41, describes himself as an interdenominational tent evangelist. Rogers said he and three other preachers Harold Bogan of Harrison, Robert Taylor of Independence, MO., and J.T. Williams of Pea Ridge - would be the only persons allowed at the service.

administrator, accompanied the body to the state 1 “Rogers said that if the effort S to raise his-mother from the dead is unsuccessful, the mortuary will keep the body for 10 days while Rogers arranges for an Indonesian faith healer to come to Reeds Springs to perform services.” Okay, so you don’t believe in a literal resurrection, as evangelist Rogers obviously does. Was Jesus’ resurrection, then, metaphorical? Is it a metaphor for “the life well spent is the life kept,” for “he that loseth his life shall find it”? To such Mama-don’t-live-here-anymore, liberal . Christian sentimeqt, John Updike would say: Let us not mock God with metaphor, analogy, side stepping, transcendence; making of the event a parable, a sign painted in the faded credulity of earlier ages: let us walk through the door. Okay, the door. . . it was a real raising-up, a real thing. As Frederick Buechner puts it, “he somehow got up, with life in him again, and the glory upon him.” What that means liter-ally, who knows? I don’t. His friends didn’t. They knew only this: in some unique way the thumb-print of God was pressed not only on life but on death itself. They couldn’t define how. Maybe that’s as it should be. It leaves everyone free to interpret events as he or she would like. Little miracles, sure, everyone wants one of those. But a real miracle - something that makes everything you ever thought you knew about the world look kind of sick and that doesn’t leave you much choice except to believe in something - nobody wants one of those kind. Take the miracle of life, for instance. People say it’s just acids . . . .

That night, forty thousand mourners, gay and straight together, walked to City Hall, in a vast sea of candlelight, composing one of the film’s most beautiful and stirring images. * White, a former policeman, was tried on two counts of first-degree murder. The defence explained that White had cracked under terrible personal, moral, and political pressures at City Hall. His lawyer described the confessed killer as a defender of traditional family values, and said he had been thrown off-balance mentally by his junk food binges, what became known as the “Twinkie defence.” White’s lawyer told the jury there was no premeditation when White climbed into City Hall through a window to avoid a metal detector, shot Moscone, and reloaded his gun. - before running io Milk’s office and shooting him. The all-. heterosexual, all-white jury returned a verdict of guilty of voluntary manslaughter. White was sentanced to five years in prison. (He was freed and then committed suicide.) The gay community was outraged. Five thousand demonstrators converged on City Hall; in the ensuing riot a dozen police cars were torched and the total damage came to $300,000. Shortly after his election, Milk taped a speech, to be played only in the event of his death by assassination. He urged that people build constructively on their anger at his death: “I would like to see every gay lawyer, every gay architect come out, stand up and let the world know. That would do more to end prejudice overnight than anybody could imagine.” In office, Milk’s major political accomplishment was the overwhelming defeat of Proposition 6, a state-wide referen-dum on firing all gay and gay-positive teachers from California schools. At the No-on-6 celebration rally he said, “This is only the first step. The next step, the more important one, is for all those gays who did not come but, for whatever reasons, to do so now. To come out to all your family, to come out to all your relatives, to come out to all your friends - the coming out of a nation will smash the myths once and for all.” Milk’s victory was an inspiration to gays and lesbians in cities and small towns across the continent, a sign that the doors could be opened by anyone. His taped message,ends: “ . .. my election gave somebody else, one more person, hope. And after all it’s what this is all about. It’s not about personal gain, not about ego, not about power - it’s about giving those young people out there in the Altoona, Pennsylvanias hobe. You gotta give them hope.” The closing scene of the film shows a smiling Harvey Milk leading the Gay Freedom Day Parade on June 25,1978; the voiceover is from the tape: “If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door.” Every-closet door. One more down, how many to go?



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Stand on’PL0 unbecoming of Imprint To the editor: We are writing this letter in order to clarify the position of the Jewish Students Association regarding Mr. Abdullah’s invitation to campus last week. It seems that our opposition to his appearance has been misunderstood. Our opposition is based on the PLO’s continual use of terrorism in bringing the Palestinian issue to world attention. There are many forms of violence in the world. Violence can be manifested as rape, war, verbal abuse, wife beating and racial discrimination to name a few examples. Distinct from other forms of violence is terrorism. The main objective of terrorism is the consistent targeting of innocent civilians for the purpose of bringing a cause to the fore through media attention. The key words here are consistent, innocent civilians, and media attention. In terrorist attacks it is not the case that innocent civilians are accidentally killed while military or strategic targets are attacked. Rather, the opposite is true. The innocent are the main targets of terrorist attacks as this causes the maximum possible amount of horror and thus, attracts the maximum media attention. This is easily seen in comparing the Iran-Iraq war and the recent attacks on the airports of Vienna and Rome. The media largely ignores the war between Iran and Iraq in which one million people have been killed, and yet published gruesome pictures of air travellers sprayed by machine gun fire at the two airports. The Imprint’s position that “the distinction between terrorist and freedom fighter depends entirely on whether you agree with him or not” is not correct. Freedom fighters do not make young children lie down on the floor of their school and then machine gun them. Freedom fighters do not bomb department stores filled with Christmas shoppers. Freedom fighters attack strategic targets with the intention of achieving military objectives. Terrorists do not. Thus, American support of the Contras who attack innocent civilians is support of terrorism. The The U.S. and Soviet nuclear threat though it causes terror, is not terrorism as it has a definite (though possibly misguided) strategic purpose. The PLO’s use of terrorism is so well known it doesnot havetobe d iscussed. Our opposition to the presence of the PLO on campus is

straightforward. The invitation of the PLO legitimizes their use of terrorism. It says to them; “you brought your grievances to our attention through the killing of innocents, but we are prepared to ignore those killings.” The Jewish Students Association cannot condone such a message. While the PLO has grievances which must be aired, their means of bringing them to the world’s attention is reprehensible. This is true not only of the PLO, but of other terrorist groups as well. When a group uses terrorism to express its grievances it loses its authority to represent those grievances. This is not at all the same as Imprint’s interpretation of our argument. We are objecting to the PLO’s method of attracting attention before it speaks. We are saying that, because of this method of gaining attention, attention should not be given. As well, we are not objecting to the grievances of the Palestinian people being discussed on campus. Last year Palestine Heritage and the Jewish Students Association jointly sponsored a debate in which both sides of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict were discussed. We have and will continue to support discussions involving the rights of Palestinians. Inviting the PLO to join these discussions however, ensures that their method of bringing the Palestinian issue to our attention will not change. In your editorial you write; “When one is denied any legitimate political expression, what is left but the illegitimate?” The solution to the problem raised by your question does not lie in giving attention to an illegitimate political expression. Such action only ensures that the illegitimate expression will continue. The only course of action is to condemn the illegitimate expression while simultaneously allowing a legitimate one. Our joint programme with Palestine Heritage was an attempt at just that. The Fed’s invitation of the PLO is not. We would like to conclude by pointing out that contrary to the claim in your editorial, the Jewish Students Association made no attempt to silence Mr. Abdullah, only to protest his appearance. Protesting and silencing are not at all the same. Stephen Naor Shari Segall Isaac Szpindel Michael Goldback

Inviting the PLO legitimizes terrorism To the editor: Your editorial of March 21, on the recent invitation of a PLO representative to speak on campus, strikes me as both wrongheaded and hypocritical. To begin with, your newspaper’s vigorous defence of the rights of terrorists to free speech rings rather hollow in light of the spate of tirades against the Enginews and the Miss Oktoberfest pageant which graced your pages just a few months ago. Apparently, journalistic solidarity extends to the murderers of women and children, but not to those who parade about in bathing suits or print dirty jokes. Of course, there are many good (though not necessarily convincing) arguments, focusing instead on a series of tired myths which sadly misrepresent the issues surrounding terrorism. For example, you argue that “the distinction between ‘terrorist’ and ‘freedom fighter’ depends entirely on whether you agree with him or not.” In fact, while “freedom fighter” is indeed a nebulous term, used all too often to lend legitimacy to criminal groups, the term “terrorist” refers quite unambiguously to those who kill innocent civilians for the purpose of terrorizing a civilian population, or to gain publicity for themselves. The PLO does precisely these ,things, and therefore deserves the label “terrorist” for precisely those reasons. Trying to squirm out of that label on the PLO’s behalf only calls attention to your dishonesty in defending it. Your second line of defence is the equally fatuous argument that the PLO is not “the cause of terrorism”, but rather “a symptom of very much deeper problems.” One may as well argue that robbery is a symptom of poverty, rape a symptom of socially ingrained sexism, and murder symptom of culturally inspired violent tendencies.

“Please don’t interfere

One may even set out to address these supposed root causes, in the hope of lessening their effects. However, ought one to invite the perpetrators of these misdeeds to justify their actions publicly? Underlying conflicts there may be in the Middle East, but those who commit such heinous crimes must be held responsible for their actions, not trusted to lecture us on their motives. You say that “those of who would deny the PLO an international platform are as much a cause of terrorism as the PLO itself.” Are policemen, then, the cause of crimes, seeking as they do to thwart criminals’ attempts to satisfy their socially-induced lusts through crime? Why do terrorists, alone among criminals, have the luxury of blaming their crimes on whoever opposes them for their use of criminal methods? I will not discuss in detail your many distortions of Middle Eastern history; such a task would require more room in your newspaper than a single letter should be alloted. I will, however, point out that your defence of the PLO is not only foolish but, in a curious way, detrimental to the free flow of ideas and to the search for a resolution to the Middle East conflict. For the PLO counts among its targets those Palestinians who prefer a less violent, more conciliatory approach to alleviating their people’s plight; moderate Palestinian spokesman are routinely assassinated by a PLO fearful of being undercut in its role as “legitimate” representative of the Palestinians. To grant it the legitimaay it seeks is to discourage negotiation and dialogue, and to streng$hen the advocates of violence and confrontation in the region. Such a stand is both inconsistent with the principles you claim to espouse, and unbecoming a campus newspaper. Daniel Simon 4B Applied Mathematics/ Computer Science



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with kny right to listen”

organization”. Certainly, the Israeli government is as guilty of To the editor “blowing civilians to bits” as the PLO, which, by similar argument, A number of letters appeared in Imprint (March 21) regarding can only lead to the conclusion that the Israeli government is also a the Federation of Students’ decision to invite Abdullah Abdullah, “terrorist organization”. 1 say this only to illustrate the futility of the Canadian representative of the PLO, to speak at UW. I was not surprised to see the number of negative responses to this decision, ’ argument. It is the lack of willingness to listen to and to try to I understand each other that has prolonged this and many other but I was dismayed. conflicts. We are extremely fortunate in Canada to be geographically and It saddens me to hear people who support their arguments with somewhat culturally isolated from the Middle East conflict. We are useless propaganda instead of opening their minds and ears before afforded the opportunity to objectively view the situation. In this they react. Certainly both parties of this conflict are guilty of country, the freedom of speech is to be enjoyed by everyone. . . even the PLO! We ahow for the equal representation of both sides of a abhorrent violence and are also guilty of not listening to each other, but let us not repeat these mistakes here in Canada! If you are afraid conflict, and those who deny these rights to the PLO are only to listen to Mr. Abdullah’s ideas then perhaps you may choose not to mimicing Israeli government policy, not the policy of the Canadian attend. Please do not interfere with my right to listen and judge forpeople. The people who wrote in opposition to Mr. Abdullah’s right myself. I urge those with similar sentiments to my own to never ,to represent his people’s side of the conflict must not think much of /* allow narrow-minded people to dictate who can and cannot speak the freedom of speech. . at UW. Whether you like them or not, the PLO represents the struggle of the Palestinian people to regain what they think is rightfully theirs. Nick Ovsenek We should not be so quick to pass off the PLO as a “terrorist Biology Grad

Reader: “The non-existenceof existence i& absurd and impossible” To the editor: So Mr. Schroeder believes in God. (cf. Imprint, March 14, 1985) More specifically, he affirms the propositions: “existence requires a cause of its creation and/ or continuing existence, and since such a cause cannot be found in nature, such a causal explanation requires a supernatural extra-existential agent, namely God.” This line of reasoning (and I use that term loosely) is so riddled with logical contradictions and question-begging it represents major philosophic bungling. Schroeder denies the possibility of a “self-existing universe” because it “cannot explain where matter comes from.” This is typical Christian question begging at its least sophisticated. Only by tacitly assuming that the universe is not “self-existing” can one then demand an explanation of where matter came from. What Schroeder is actually denying is that existence exists, because he believes at one time existence did not exist. This is fantastical! In denying the “self-existing” universe, he means that at some ,time matter (the totality of which is the universe) did not exist, and that some agency created matter, that is, created that which com-

prises existing entities. What is the ontological status of that agency other than existence which “created” existence, or which sustains it? Anything outside of existence does not exist, and to say that something is required to create existence because it did not always exist is insane. The non-existence of existence is absurd and impossible. Existence does not need a reason for its existence. Our universe, the totality of all existents, is self-existing, and eternal (beyond time). Further, it is metaphysically necessary. If it were contingent, in an ontological sense it could have been other than it happens to be. it could also have been non-existing. This is always a possibility for radically contingent existents (as opposed to those superficially contingent, or man-made things.) As we have seen, this is not an option. Any-supposedly metaphysical reasoning for the existence of God must be self-contradictory and rely on logically impossible premises such as the non-existence of existence. Atheism is the only position one may subscribe to within the limits of reason. Rick Minto 2nd Year Arts

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Dagg ignores ,evidence on the- behaviour Of chimpanzees .To the editor: I have been reading Imprint for three years, but have never. written to th!e editor. I have never written because I had never read a letter filled with so many in’accuracies as Anne Dagg’s letter of March 21. Ms. Dagg states-that Francis Chow (March 7) is being ridiculous when he states male chimpanzees are involved in “territorial adventure, the exercise of power, the planning and waging of wars, and the wheeling and dealing of political intrigue,“according to Chimpanzee Politics. I have never read Chimpanzee Politics, but if that is what it says, I don’t care if it is science fiction or a comic book, it is based on truth.

Ms. Dagg supports her laughably paranoid argument by stating that Jane Goodall has studied wild chimps for many years, which is true, but goes on to say that what was noted was “the lack of structure in chimp society.” If there is not structure in chimp society, why in the world is Jane Goodall studying them as recommended by Louis Leakey; because they are furry and cute? No, Jane Goodall is studying them to learn, and observe the primitive structure of their groups to gain more insight into the primitive structure of our own proto-human ancestors’ groups, and therefore, hope.fully, gain more insight into ourselves. As I read Ms. Dagg’s letter, it occurred to me that she knows very

Hebert stoops to blackmail To the editor: In reply to Mr. Lawson (Imprint, March 21): Dave Lawson must have been included in the independent survey which showed that participants of Katimavik are unable to provide objective comments regarding the program. He is obviously not among the “42 per cent of-participants who felt that they did not have enough to do or the 30 per cent who felt they were often wasting their time.” Within the entire Canadian context, Katimavik is one minor program which, unfortunate as it may be, ran up against the conservative bean counters. The fact that Mr. Lawson’s Liberal friends never used bean counters in budget planning is far more reprehensi-0 ble than any Conservative cuts to date. Dave Lawson reveres Mr. Hebert’s idealism, apparently for idealism’s sake alone. The end result of this ideological reverence is support of a profoundly undemocratic action, a hunger strike, which carried to its logical extreme would result in the inability of democratically and duly elected government to function. People. with so little regard for the democratic process; people such as Mr. Hebert who stoop to blackmail in order to support their favourite pet program, would perhaps be more comfortable in a state where

UW administration .

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David Brewer 4B Systems Design

deserves a pat on the back

To the editor: Regarding the letter published March 14, “Wright is not our hero,” I must admit that I cannot see where the letter’s eight authors came up with some of the conclusions they drew. Their point was that, although U W President Douglas Wright did show up for, and supported the underfunding rally held March 12, because of the imple.mentation of the computer fee, he is still our enemy. In fact, they go so far as to say that he is “one of the major contributors to underfunding at this university.” The computer fee was implemented as a RESULT of underfunding and did nothing to CONTRIBUTE to the problem. If Dr. Wright were to “rescind the computer fee,” as our eight friends suggested, the underfunding problem would only become worse. I am not saying that I am a staunch supporter of the computer fee, but I do believe that something had to be done about the


in hunger strike

the party shows its concerns for the young by providing guaranteed lifetime employment. Dave La&dn’s’discussion of Katimavik and basic human rights in the same article was somewhat confusing unless you accept the previous assertion that we, as Canadian youth, have a basic human right to expect the government to provide universal employment opportunities. This seems to be an overly liberal (excuse the pun) interpretation of the concepts of basic and right. Should Katimavik be saved? I don’t have access to all the data needed to make an informed decision, as is probably true of the majority of Canadians. Instead of resorting to some gut level appeal to the standard set of mom and apple pie emotions which surface when anyone dares to suggest that we need to rethink our social spending priorities, I’ll rely on our duly elected representatives to make the appropriate choice. When the next election comes around, I’ll review the overall performance of the government, and if this Katimavik decision should happen to stand out as a particularly disastrous or monumental error then I’ll vote against the present government, cold days in July notwithstandng.

1 5 9 30 3 5 11 13 18 25

2:oo 2:oo 2:oo 2:oo 2:oo _2:oo 2:oo 2:oo 8:00 8:00

underfunding problem, and at the time, the computer fee was one of Dr. Wright’s options. I’d like to suggest that it is the responsibility of the university to provide a high level of education for the students so that we will be well qualified for the sometimes limited number of jobs that await us after graduation. It is the responsibility of the provincial and federal governments to ensure that all Canadians have equal access to post-secondary education and the way to accomplish this is to increase fundigg to our universities. Until this funding comes through, the university still has to maintain a high level of education, so let’s not make any rash demands of Dr. Wright to drop the computer fee. In fact, I think he and the UW adminstration deserve a pat on the back for their support in the underfunding rally. Let’s fight underfunding . .. . TOGETHER! Ian Plumme; 2A Electrical Engineering


Dagg’i leti& challenged

To the editor: Anne Innis Dagg (Imprint, March 21) seems to know quite a lot about chimpanzee behaviour; she has even heard of Jane Goodall. Thus, I find it somewhat puzzling that she has not read any of the works of biologist Frans De Waal. De Waal has spent many years studying chimpanzees, and his works are widely referenced and highly respected. Interested readers can refer to the following: 1) Chimpanzee Politics: Power and Sex Among Apes, New York, Harper and Row, 1982. 2) Deception: Perspectives on Human and Nonhuman Deceit (Deception in the natural communication of chimpanzees), edited hv R. Mitchell and N. Thompson, New York, SUNY Press. 3) “Side-directed communication and antagonistic interactions in Chimpanzees,” Behaviour 77, pp. l-64-198,1981. (with J.A.R.A.M. Van Hooff). 4) “Exploitative and familiarity-dependent support strategies in a colony of semi-free living chimpanzees,” Behaviour 66, pp. 268-3 12, 1978. 5) “Reconciliation and consolation among chimpanzees, Behaviour,” Ecology & Sociobiology, Vo15 pp. 55-66 1979. (with A. van Roosmalen). 6) “Reconciliation and redirected affection in rhesus monkeys,” Behaviour 85, pp. 224-241, 1983. (with D. Yoshihara). For the record, I would like to say that I would be the last person in the world to claim that females are by nature subordinate to males. It is my sincere belief that females and males of all species, including our own, are compelled to adopt those behaviours which will maximize their reproductive success. Viewed from this perspective, the adjectives superior and subordinate are no longer meaningful. Francis Chow 4B Systems Design



In this his final work, Shakespeare chronicles a struggle of passion and politics against the spec- . tacular background of the Tudor court. FRI TUE ’ THU WED FRI WED FRI TUE THU -TUE THU


2 6 8 28 30 4 6 10 12’ 17 19

2:oo &OO 2:oo 2:oo 2:OO 2:oo 2:oo 2:oo 2:oo 8:00 8:00

For as little as





I~LLICabout Jane Goodall’s work, contrary to her own belief. In her article, “Life and Death at Gombe” in National Geographic (May ‘79), Dr. Goodall describes the violence and cannibalism within, and between the Kasakela and Kahamd chimpanzee’groups in Tanzania’s Gombe National park. The Kasakela group has been raiding and killing members of the Kahama group “to reclaim territory for their nomadic wanderings”‘since 1974. Dr. Goodall describes the raiding as being done by “warmongering” males who work in groups of three to four hunting down the males of the rival group and beating them to death. If this isn’t an example of “territorial adventure, the exercise of power, the planning and waging of wars,” as well as primitive politics, I don’t know what is. It is true that the females of any Chimpanzee group are very promiscuous during their estrus cycle, but the group is “dominated” by the “alpha” male who all the other chimps re?pect, and look to for protection and reassurance. I am not claiming that the males of any mammalian group are biologically superior to females or that the females are subordinate to the males; I wouldn’t touch that argument with a forty foot pole. I am writing to simply set the record straight about the nature of chimpanzee society. As for Ms. Dagg’s book, my question is: Is it a comedy? Bill Parish 3rd year Geogranhv

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9 Impri&




PLO tgllc was a fruitful experiment ~ / To the editor: Although (as in most public’discussions of the Palestinian/ Israeli conflict) everyone at last week’s PLO forum seemed to have their &minds made up before they arrived, there was less hostility and more spontaneity in this debate than might have been expected considering the outrage expected in last week’s letters to Imprint. I think it is to the anti-PLO faction’s credit that, having made their statement in letters and demonstrations, they went on to participate in the ‘discussion - for the most part with respect and sincerity. Regarding the editorial in Imprint last week, I would disagree with the statement that “the distinction between ‘terrorism’ and “armies’ is simply whether or not you are part of an internationally recogmzed nation-state.” I think the distinction they make is more dccurately one between guerilla and state warfare. Terrorism is different from war: it specifically targets ordinary civilians with a view to keeping the population in fear, although armies (mcluding asrael’s) sometimes practice it. The world-wide pervasiveness of terror tactics renders the PLO’s terrorism a moot point. for me. I cannot passjudgement on someone who fights back anv way they can when they are faced with an

intolerable situation. And yet, for the same reason, I must sympathize with the Jews, who have been a targeted scapegoat for centuries, and hence have reasom to find terrorism particularly abhorrent. In a real sense, the West is largely responsible for this situation,- because it was our persecution and indifference that convinced European Jews that they need a separate religious state, and our guilt over the wrongs done to them that allowed us to accept the dismemberment of Palestine and recogmze Israel as a state. It is therefore our responsibility to show compassion and support for the Jewish experience while at the same time we try to take a more objective look at what has happened in the Middle East. Overall. I think the Fed’s invitation of PLO representative Abdullah Abdullah to campus *was a fruitful experiment -and one that should be repeated -and the UW Jewish students have shown that, although they feel they must stand by Israel’s poiicy as regards terrorism, they do accept the Palestinians as a people who deserve to be listened to. Wesley Millard Integrated Studies

A long way to go yet by Anne Fleming When 1 read feminist history, 1 am often struck by the fact that early feminists had so much blatant oppression to fight against. Women were barred from education. they could not vote. were not allowed to own property or keep their own wages, didn’t know about birth control or were not aQ,owed to use it. were rarely allowed custody of their children in case of divorce or separation, were hampered by the physical restrictions of appropriate attire. were severely divided into classes oi virgin; mother. wnore or frustrated spinster, etcetera ad infinitum. Many- of the problems we are faced with today are more subtle. Women are no longer barred from higher education but a lot of subtle obstacies lie in our way. For example, a number ot taped public school teaching sessions have shown that in a class which is at least half femaie. only 35 per cent of the teacher’s time was spent interacting with girls:even-when the teacher thought s/he was spending equal time with boys and girls. (Dale Spender, Invisible Women). Boys are often expected and encouraged to do better in school than girls, especially in science and mathematics. 1 say “often” because this discrimination is not always the case. Personally, I have had more pressure to excel academically than I ever cared for. I think the inability to make blanket statements is a good indicator of what feminist consciousness and agitation has gained. Very few people are willing to admit that their views are sexist, even when they are. (My brother told me the other day, amid a vehement argument that changing the name of the Manitoba “Museum of Man” was ridiculous. that he was a very liberal man.) Many problems of the sexism inherent in our society are not less blatant than they have ever been. Women still earn less than men, ‘even when they hold similar jobs, we still occupy fewer positions in government, business, unions and universities (and still fewer influential positions), still own less that 1 per cent of the world’s wealth (UN statistics, 1982), still do most of the housework even when employed outside the home . . . again, etcetera ad infinitum.

cience -and religion are not separable anymore To the editor: Both Mr. N. Dobbing and T.S. Macneil wrote (March 21) about my article, “Science has become a new religion” (March 14). Mr. Dobbing concluded: “. . . that ‘a new worid religion is arising’ . . *may or may not be valid, but it has nothing whatsoever.to do with science.” The religiosity of today’s science goes back to Einstein who wrote: “Without the belief that it is possible to grasp the reality with our theoretical constructions, without the belief in the inner harmony of our world there could be no science.” Today both the texts of physics and books of relativistic astrophysics have chapters on cosmology and the origin of the universe. Thus, science is openly treading religious ground, and the relativistic cosmos, for example, is biased against Christianity. ?vlr. Macneil wrote a lot on “stuff’ which was not in my article such as: satanic shock troops, music, zoology, the Anti-Christ, fossils, hatred of mathematical models, pursuit and despise of

i:appiness. One of his responses to a statement in my article, however. needs clarification: he quoted that religion is faith in God or supernatural powers but then implied that I indicated that science is the exact opposite and also the same things. My article was on opposing “philosophies” of today’s science: 1. phenomenology, in which science is merely a mathematical approach to nature and free from religiosity, and 2. metaphysics, in which science deals not only with the observable-phenomena but also with religious things such as the nature of being and reality, and cosmological structure and its origin. In antiquity the Pythagorean philosophy held that numbers were the real substance of nature; it ended in religious mysteries. Today, the philosophy of science has come full cycle, for in many people’s minds, science and religion are not separable any more. J . Schroeder Civil Engineering


Prof should save games to show his sense of humour To the editor: Last Wednesday, a rare thing happened in the Earth Sciences building which I found marginally humourous. We have a series of IBM JAN ET terminals in the building which were set up for the use of the students. A few weeks ago, some games were copied onto the hard disk and students could use them at their leisure.

What about the fans? To the Editor: So another year of Warrior Basketball comes to an end with another near victory and once again it is the faithful fans who are forgotten. Imprint noted the triumphant return of the Warriors’ Band as they trumpetted their successes while giving each other congratulatory pats on the back,for being the best (only) band to have made the arduous trip to Halifax. Lost in the shuffle, as usual, are the Warrior fans who drive, train’d and plane’d their way to Halifax to support their favourite basketball team. It is interesting to note, however, that according to Imprint, the fans (most of whom committed financial suicide to attend) outnumbered the Band 30-2 1. Having attended the Final Four for three years straight, it irks me to see the Band get so much attention while the fans are passed over. Without taking anything away from the Band (they are terrific and are an essential part of Warrior Basketball), I think they owea lot to the fans who support them and the team. So, in conclusion, a great big THANK YOU to all Warrior Fans for their support, as well as to the Band for inspiring us to new heights in hoarse voices, and especially to the team for treating us to another exciting, albeit frustrating season. Sean McKinnon 3A Electrical Engineernig P.S. To the Band, sorry if I sounded a bit cranky, it’s just that having my heart stopped for three weekends in a row is starting to take its toll: Can’t wait ‘till next year, can you?! WAAAAAAAARRIORS!

Students should. show their support -for fasting- senator

To the editor: I had the good fortune to be in Ottawa this weekend and took the time to visit Senator Jaques Hebert in the Senate lobby where he continues to fast in support of Canadian youth. I was pleased to see that his spirits are high and that he has confidence that his fast will bring much needed government action. The time 1 spent speaking with him and his supporters convinced me that there is now an increased awareness of the need of a government policy for youth. I urge all students to express their support by writing a brief letter _ to Senator Hebert. Letter can be addressed to Senator Jacques Hebert, The. Senate of Canada, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario. Stephen Near Systems Design Engineering .

Professor X is the gentleman responsible for bringing the JANET system to Earth Sciences. IIe walks, talks and breathes computers. On Wednesday, Prof. X walked into the terminal room with a representative from IBM. to show h im how well we’ve used Mr. IBM’s system. One could hear Prof. X expounding the merits of the system a hall length away. With visions of SuperCalc and wordstar dancing in their heads, they entered the room. Prof. X went slightly red when he astutely observed that 20 university students were playing PC Golf, QBert, and Startrek. Apparently, he didn’t see the humour in it, since he has vowed that the games shall be removed. Personally, I think it was damn funny, and Prof. X should lighten up a bit. The games provide a much needed outlet for the pent up frustrations of students (especially those of us trying to cope with the tedium of Prof. X’s stats assignments). By leaving the games on the system until the end of term: Prof. X would both win the hearts of his students, and dispel the myth that he has absolutely no sense of humour. Jasper Sutherland Earth Science (U.I.C.)

F&l Hall fee tax deductible To the editor: Do you need an extra tax deduction this year? Did you know that every time you paid the non-refundable Fed Hall fee ( %7SO/term starting Fa11/84) and the Recreation Facility fee ($lO.OO/ term starting Fail/83) you were also making a charitable donation to the WATFUND. With the 1985. federal budget, any charitable donations made in the past six years (1980- 1985) and not claimed directly or indirectly ($100 standard deduction) can now be used as a tax deduction, but you need an official receipt. To get your official receipt go to the Development Office (upstairs in the SCH near the Gift Shop) and bring proof that you were enrolled for the terms in questions. This can be fee statements, students transcript, or old tax returns with pro-per receipts included. Ask the receptionist about your WATFUND receipt and you will be taken-care of. If you have already filed your tax return, then follow the instructions listed on page 41 in the Ontario Tax Guide in the section entitled “Information received after you mailed your return.” J.E. Willemsma 4th Year Electrical Engineering r

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Feminists are at no loss for things to fight against and for - our society is still patriarchal - but many big leaps have been made. Perhaps the biggest leaps, however, are yet to be made. The progress women have made toward equality has been accomplished within the patriarchal system. We have yet to grow out of and beyond patriarchy to the kind of anrogynous ideal many of us envision. By “androgynous” here I mean not that everyone should look, act or be the same, but that power and labour at all levels of society should be shared equally between men and women of all races. It’s an ideal (my personal ideal includes a whole host of other concerns which I don’t have room for here - watch for my Utopian novel 20 years down the road) that may seem fairly distant, but I do& think it’s too far-fetched. If I did, I wouldn’t be writing the column, right?

‘Spring is here, sort of. m



~:YGF’ To those readers

who are overly I DreocciiDied with me-exam paranoia to notice the passing of theseasons, I iehementl; exclaim, “Spring has come. I” The sun gingerly tests it’s newly-remembered warmth, as a newly-born foal tests its legs; hardy. finches of the boreal forest have now been replaced by merry throngs of robins and red-winged blackbirds, glad harbingers of Spring, blithely piping their thrilling songs of promise from every treetop! Of course, they’ll probably all go tits-up in the next blizzard . .. Careth Thomson Earth Sciences gqldiwm~l~~lwII~~~I~~~*



From East Quad Village Two

lit !l


lo NEWS,) ~~~



‘-<’ .



‘27; 1986

Libera Party VOWSto~resurrht Katimzivik

by Ron Stehr Special to Imprint The Liberal Party has committed itself to the resurrection of the Katimavik youth programme which was cancelled last month: this, as a result of a resolution from the Young Liberals of U W at a party convention in Hamilton last weekend. The resolution condemned the termination as “a thoughtless, irresponsible, and purely partisan attack on an important and truly valuable Canadian institution,” and was one of six priority resolutions promoted at the conference by the Ontario Young Liberals. The purpose of the’ convention was to develop policy to be taken to the National Convention this November. However, with the consensus of the delei gates, Katimavik’s termination was cited as “an issue of critical concern that should be dealt with immediately by the Liberal Parliamentary Caucus.*’ The resolution was, in fact, the conference’s number one priority regarding employment

and industrial strategy. In arguing support for the resolution, a UW delegate waved a petition, calling for the ressurection of Katimavi k, with signatures of ,U W faculty members. The conference also garnered support for Jaques Hebert who

entered into the second week of fasting in protest of the cut. The 62 year old senator recieved a rousing standing ovation from the delegates when Shelia Copps (MP for Hamilton East) read telegram forwarded from the convention to Senator He-

bert, praising him for his “great personal commitment.” in bringing attention to the consciences of Canadians the mistreatment of youth by the Mulroney government. The UW delegation was also distributing a petition support-

ing Katimavik, and in just over 24 hours collected 1,100 signatures. The sheaf ‘of completed petitions was presented “on behalf of concerned Canadian citizens” Saturday evening to Liberal Leader John Turner by Art Dolan, a senior delegate

from Toronto. Turner assured delegates that the Petitions would be presented in the House of Commons early this week. (Ron Stehr is the Federal Affairs Director of the young Liberals of U.Wm)* _

UW and U of ‘0 recreation students participate in-exchange by Janet Lang During the week of. March 13-19, recreation students from the University of Waterloo and the University of Ottawa took part in an educational exchange to learn more about the programs offered at each institution. The Waterloo students who took part in the exchange stayed in Ottawa for three days, attending classes, meeting professors, and becoming acquainted with Ottawa U and the surrounding area. One of the more interesting facts about the recreation program offered at 0. U. is that it is offered in both French and English. An education of another sort was

obtained after visits to the various night spots located in Ottawa-Hull, as students were able to experience first-hand the French culture, Quebec style. .On returning to Waterloo, the I Ottawa’ students attended our classes and were introduced

to the graduate program in recreation that is offered here. They were impressed by both the program and the university as a whole. Of course, they too experienced the night life -visiting Fed Hall, Seagram’s Museum, and-a very unforgettable wine and cheese party that was

given by the Recreation dents Association.


This exchange was the first of its kind between these two universities and the precedent that it has set will hopefully make it a tradition to be carried on for many years.

Many thanks go to the Department of Recreation and Leisure Students, The Federation of Students, and the RSA for their moral and financial support, as well as to the students who took part for all their help in making the exchange successful.

OFS says OSAP not stereo-assistance programme TORONTO (CUP) -- Contrary to popular myth, the Ontario student aid system is not handing out money to students who want to upgrade their sound systems, says the Ontario Federation of Students. A six page report prepared for the OFS winter general

meeting says the Ontario Student Assistance Programme is difficult to rip off, and by and large gives money to those who need it most. The document’s title, “Stereo Assistance is a Stereotype,” refers to OSAP’s popular label as the Ontario Stereo Assistance Programme.

“Ripping off the system is neither common nor easy,” the six-page report says. It says that 112,000 students received OSAP money in 1983+84, and 14,000 were reviewed for accuracy. Of these, only three cases of fraud were discovered. An OFS survey of campus fi-


nancial awards officers last fall found that none could think of any loopholes in the system. Citing a common complaint, the study says that “everyone seems to know someone who received OSAP despite having rich parents, and someone else who was really. in need, that didn’t.” With a maximum grant of $4,000, most students will have trouble making ends meet, let alone adding the odd componet to a stereo. Rentalaccommodation for a student living alone or with more start ‘at $200 month. And the estimated monthly living costs, excluding rent, for a single woman in Toronto is !$456. The report also said the debtload for students receiving OSAP loans is rising. In July 1984, the debt level for graduate students on government loans was $6,368, while undergrads owed $4,527. The Ontario government recently added $10 million to the OSAP grant programmes to reduce debt loads among lowerincome students.

KAOS winners The game KAOS is now over. The winner of the game is Scott Fox (Agent 007-529), who managed to “eliminate’* the most people. Fox will receive $150 for his efforts. In second place was David Ross (Agent 007-504) with the second most eliminations. Ross wins $100. Also, Steve Smythe (Agent 007-627) wins $50 for the most original ki$.- Prizes can be picked up at KAOS headquarters. Thanks to everyone who played.

Don’t i-

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pay U.S. ta.xes

Students who have worked in the United States using a J (J-l) or F-type Visa can get Social Security taxes refunded. People with a J or F visa. should not have had Social Security taxes (FICA) witheld from their paycheques. These taxes are not refunded when filing a 1040NR (U.S. income tax form for non-residents) or a TlGeneral. You will need an 843 claim form and publication 5 18 (Foreign Workers .. . Scholars) from the IRS. For more information contact Ken Dougherty, a fourthyear UW mathematics and computer science student, at 888-7324 before April 15, 1986.

Math Raffle


- NEWS. Credit burt$ausgd rich off hidents

.by John Gushue r of Canadian University Press OTTAWA (CUP) -- Business is booming for the credit agencies the , federal government employs to collect outstanding student loan debts. The number of students who have failed to make payments has doubled since 1982, when 12,000 defaulted on their loans. According to Ted Kubacki, manager of the Canada Student Loans Programme, as many as 25,000 students could default this year alone. To retrieve missing payments, the government uses three collection agencies - Associated Credit Bureaus of Canada, FCS lnternational Limited, and Canadian Bonded Credits - to track down defaulting students and ask them to come up with the money With fewer grants, higher loans, increased costs, and slimmer job prospects upon graduation, the situation for students threatens to become worse. But for Kevin Belgrave, manager of Associated Credit Bureaus’ head office in Toronto, business is brisk. “We’re probably dealing with about 13,000 cases right now. We haveat least one person, and maybe two or three in larger centres, handling Canada Student Loans in each of our 114 offices. Things are working out very well for us indeed,” he said. Because the federal government guarantees its loans, banks are less interested in helping debtors pay off an outstanding balance. instead, says Hugh O’Reilly, assistant to NDP MP Dan Heap, “the banks seem a little trigger happy, in turning over the loans to a collection agency.” As soon as the bank turns a student’s account over to a collection agency, the bank collects its money from the government. The federal government sets -guidelines that collection agencies must respect when dealing with debtors. “First of all, they have to gain the co-operation of the debtor,” Kubacki said. Students cannot be verbally harassed, called-at work, called at parent’s homes, or encouraged to take out more loans. But Barb Donaldson, chair of the ,Federation of Students, said collection agencies are repeatedly profiting at the expense of students. “At the best of times, they operate on this side of the law,” said Donaldson, who worked for a credit company one summer. “Yet, somehow, manage to get away with those things because students don’t know their rights under the law,” she said. Donaldson said a common violation many credit companies make is listine a client’s student loan histon, in her or his credit file.



VANCOUVER (CUP) -- Students would rather starve than take jobs at Expo ‘86 for “starvation wages.” University of British Columbia students looking for summer jobs have turned down Expo interviews at the campus employment centre because they say it is impossible to live on the Expo wage, $4 per hour. UBC graduate student Catherine McGovern said she did not show up for three interviews because she could not afford to live on “dismal’* Expo interviews. “My initial reaction was that

ers could ‘afford to take the low paying jobs. And, Nichols said, their “moms will have to pack their lunches and their dads will have to-drive them to work,” But John Evans, Expo manager of recruitment and employment, said low wages have little to do with low interview turn out. “There are a whole host of reasons why I people turned down the jobs,” he said, but admitted that wages “may have been a factor.” he noted his office has had no problems filling . 7,000 Expo jobs to date.



Expo jobs

Evans said his office has not given any thought to the amount students can save from Expo jobs. . Stephen Scott, executive officer of the Canadian Federation of Students - Pacific, was not surprised that students would refuse Expo jobs. “Poor paying jobs mean that students must take on an increasing debt load to pay for tuition and living expenses,” said Scott.

by Cindy Long This is the last Imprint of the term and probably my last column. I hope Food for Thought has been useful for

those living on their own, balancing budgets and fighting the urge to exist on squishy, orange things. Firstly,

to the two people who wrote in response


brown rice are cooked differently. With brown rice, you put the rice and water in together $2: 1 is the water to rice

ratio) bring to a boil, then simmer about 40 min. until the water is absorbed.


rice should be added after the

water is boiling, left to boil for 5 min., then simmered for about 15 min. until it sucks up all that H20. Has anyone noticed that the “fresh” parsley at Zehrs is sold in bunches too large to use quickly enough and is always. wilted? Next winter I’m growing my own. (Hey, grow your own man!) By the way, if you’re looking for a chuckle,

read the dedication

to customer

service on the

wall above the shopping carts at Zehrs, made to look like old parchment no less.

Incidentally, you can keep eggs from sticking to the fry panwithout investing in a coated pan. Wait until the pan is really hot, then drop in about a tblsp. of butter which will immediately go frothy. Add the egg right away before the butter burns and turn the heat down. Unless you burn the egg, it slips out easily when done. Summer term’s coming, so let’s imagine it’s sooo hot and we’re sooo thirsty (and someone drank the last beer).

Well, if you have any strawberry liqeuer around and the corner store sells root beer., you’re in business.. Otherwise, make a milkshake! You can put anything in a milkshake if you can get your hands on a blender (even old shoes,, although I don’t recommend it). All you need is milk, an egg, and vanilla ice cream. I’ve tried adding strawberries, bananas, orange liqueur, flavoured ice cream, honey and kiwi fruit. (Apples didn’t work too well). Cruise the local garage sales for cheap (and they are really cheap) kitchen goods. I saw a good wok with utensils for $2.50 last year. Maybe you can snag a blender. ’ Last but not leait, don’t forget that summer is the time of year for fresh veggies! Shop the Farmer’s Market. Sliced cucumbers in pepper and vinegar make a refreshing snack. Finally,- some food for thought: “Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage, with a college education.” (Mark Twain, 1896) Have a good summer.



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CA’s are in demand, whether it’s to lend credibility to financial statements or as independent business advisers, computer specialists and corporate leaders. That spells success in any language. Just ask one of Ontario’s 798 successful young men and women who qualifieao become CA’s in 1985. Or ask one of the many CA’s who have qualified since 1981, representing an 85 per cent success rate.

COLTS\&COLTS MILD I TheSociableLittleCigars

to the

Mar. 7 column on vegetarianism, thank you. Your points are well taken. (At least now I know someone reads this!) Vegetarianism is an alternative worth considering. I highly recommend the Wild Duck Cafe’s Veggie Burger to anyone who’ hasn’t tried it. (Of course it doesn’t taste like meat. It’s not supposed to taste like meat!) I should have mentioned this last week but white and

Plan fbr -



Food For Thought

“They’re not supposed to do that, and they know it,” she said. In the House of Commons March 11, Liberal MP Lloyd Axworthy (Winnipeg-Fort Gary) asked if the government endorses “a general pattern of harassment of those who are benefiting from student loans.” Youth Minister Andree Champagne said, “I am not aware of this being a policy in any way,” and promised to bring the matter to Secretary of State Benoit Bouchard’s attention. Axworthy heard several cases of debtor harassment, including a complaint laid by “a young woman with a small child (who) had repeatedly tried to negotiate a long-term loan payment schedule with the bank and the collection agency” but was still being harrassed. “This is not an isolated case,‘* Axworthy told the House. Donaldson said most banks are intolerant of student clients. “There are a few banks I can name that are very patient, but I think the majority would rather not give you the time of day, let alone the same amount of counselling you’d recieve if you were someone else.” she said. A former York University student who asked not to be identified said one collector tracked her down to an office where she was working, although she said she had “absolutely no idea how they found that one out.” Belgrave said his collectors “find telephone work elicits the best response. It’s long and tedious work, and the largest hurdle is to locate the debtor. That’s our big problem.” Belgrave insisted his collectors remain within legal jurisdiciton. “They have guidelines over what, we can andcan not do,” he said. Kuacki said it’s “unfortunate” when a collector harrasses a debtor, but “it’s not a common problem. It happens from time to time (and when it does) we conduct ourselves in the proper manner.” According to Belgrave, collection agencies are working to everyone’s benefit. “Things have .improved, certainly because the government has put this in the hands of private industry, which inthe long run benefits everybody.” He said even debtors are helped. “The graduating student today has a much bigger loan than five years ago, and has a much greater debt to pay. The cost of .everything has risen .. . but things are happening very well right ,now,” he said. Donaldson said student leaders don’t like to talk about defaulters “because it makes students look bad. But it can be connected to other things -- unemployment, low income jobs, and enormous debt loads.”

down loti-paying

the wage was too low for any kind of job and certainly too low for a job that requires skill,” siad McGovern, who was offered the position of traffic controller on the Expo site. “Expo jobs are okay for kids who live at home and who could use some spending money. But for those students who live ,away from home and depend on the money to pay for tuition and living expenses, they are of no use at all,” she said. ’ Marjorie Nicsls, a columnist for the Vancouver Sun, told delegates to a recent conference for journalists that only teenag-


Imprint, Thursday

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12 NEWS, ’ Campus Question by Grace Schmidt Teresa Skrzypczak




Imprlrit, Thursday Mairch 27,1986

“What are you doing to celebrate the end of the term?”

Sean Romenco Math Blake Steels Third Year, Biology

Susan Lodge Third Year, Recreation

“I’m having a baby!”


and drinking.”

Peter Giesebrecht Fourth Year, Kinesioiogy “I’m going to fire one up in the. Barbados.”

Third Year,

“Go as far away from here as possible.‘*

Karen Yundt First Year, Applied Studies

Mike Baylis Fourth Year, Health Studies

“I’m going to go on a major clothes buying spree in anticipation of <work.”

“I’m preparing for exams, my sister’s wedding, my wedding, moving, work, changing the cat’s litter...”

McGill Daily staff purged by student vote -MONTREAL (CUP) -- The entire staff of the ‘McGill Daily, one of Canada’s oldest student newspapers, was impeached in a campus-wide referendum last week, after a campaign of charges the paper has been racist, anti-Semitic, one-sided and irresponsible. The impeachment was the culmination of a series of attacks against the 75year old newspaper including internal impeachment motions against five editors, students council attempts to change the paper’s constitution, and a one-day occupation of Daily offices by about 50 McGill students in January.

About 20 per cent of students turned out to vote. 1,562 voted in favour with 989 opposed. 15I students had no opinion. Jeffrey Edwards, one of the intitiators of the referendum, said the Daily now has a clean slate and can begin again. = “Our objective has always been to make the paper open to different points of view,” Edwards said. “The Daily as it is now is run by a clique which students don’t want to conform to.” Since the 196Os, the McGill Daily has fought a campus hostile to its ideas. Since the paper became autonomous from the student council in 1981, stu-

dents have attempted yearly campaigns to permit them to opt out of their fees. None went to a ballot. Ironically, the paper’s loyear old campaign against apartheid resulted in the university completely divesting its holdings in companies which do business with South Africa, last November. Pro-impeachment pamphlets accused the editors of “showing contempt and total disregard for the concerns of students.” “The staff is the only body the constitution allows us all by referendum to dismiss in order to show our dissatisfaction with the poor quality of the paper,”

the pamphlet said. Daily editor Melinda Wittstock, impeached in the vote, pointed out that the constitution includes other amendment procedures, including referenda and complaints to the Daily judicial committee of three law students. These complaints can result in dismissal of one or more staff. Edwards doesn’t believe anyone on the staff is racist, but “either sheer negligence or unprofessionalism let articles appear in the paper which were anti-Semitic and racist,” he said. The Daily staff contested the referendum before ballots were

counted, saying that the Yes committee’s campaign was unfair, libelous and slanderous, Wittsock said. “We felt this campaign would unfairly prejudice the voter,” she said. “No one would ever vote in favour of an accused anti-Semite and racist,” said Adam Quastel, a news editor before the vote and himself Jewish. The Daily’s judicial committee ruled against the paper, saying in its report that “the finding of truth in campaign representations is better left to the forum of public arena and the wisdom of students than to this committee.” The Daily staff also accused

the referendum initiators of slander and libel against the’ staff and the paper itself. Ex-senior editor Brenda Weston said the staff thought about a suit but decided it was too expensive to bring the matter to court. The paper does plan to appeal the Yes campaign to the university’s discipline code. In a “special impeachment issue,” Wittstock wrote, “1 thought witch burnings ended in the 16th century.” Other staff wrote comments including “Fuck you all” and “I find it offensive that I worked hard but got dismissed for my volunteer labour.” An interim editorial board will be appointed by the four student representatives to the Daily Board of Directors elected in campus-wide elections this week. Outgoing staff members will not be discouraged from applying. Next years’ editorial board, elected by the former staff before the referendum will assume its responsibilities as of May 1, said Wittstock.

Engineering Bill Jackes was elected President of Engineering Society ‘B on Monday, March 25 in a very closely-contested election. The final results are: Bill Jackes, 180; Blair Clemes, 170; Todd Crick, 94. The turnout of eligible voters was 23%. The remaining positions were won by acclamation: Vice President, Karen Hubbard; Treasurer, David De Pasquale; Secretary, Valerie French. The new executive’s term of office begins at the end of April and ends in August of next year.

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UW Prd.from by Frrink van Biesen and Rob Graham Dr. Robert Andrzej Varin, born on May I, 1946 in Piastow, Poland, is a professor of materials science in the department of mechanical engineering at UW. In 1982, Varin left Poland on a one-year work visa and eight months later, he decided never to return. In the following interview with him, Varingives hisperspective on the situation in Polandleadingup to martial law in 1981, the reasons for his defection in 1983, and the subsequent struggle to have the rest of his family join him in Canada. Varin first arrived in Canada in 1978 on an invitation from Dr. Kris Tangri of the University of Manitoba. There he worked as a post-doctoral fellow with Tangri until 1980, when his visa expired. “At that time, I wasn’t really thinking about staying in Canada; my wife wanted to go back.” In May, 1980, his family left Canada to return to Poland, where they were joined by Varin on September 30, 1980. Only one month earlier, on August 31, an agreement between Solidarity and the Polish government was signed, which gave the independent trade union movement the official right to exist.

At that time, Varin was not involved in any sort of political movement. According to Varin, “Any political movement or activity in the 1970s was difficult primarily because of a relatively good standard of living, and secondly, due to a tight security system. I have always, however, been against any totalitarian system.” The reasonable standard of living enjoyed in Poland in the 1970s was largely due to massive loans obtained by the Polish government from Western countries. These loans were to be used for the development of industry and technology, but through mismanagement and corruption, most of the money was completely wasted. “Many people in top positions in the country had the opportunity to use a very large part of this money to further their own gains, and many.became very rich. The standard of living, whi‘ch reached a peak in 1975, was gradually, declining.” In 1980, the shortages of food, and price increases of even the most basic products such as milk, butter, and bread, sparked the Solidarity movement. When Varin returned to Poland from Canada in 1980, Solidarity was spreading very quickly throughout the country. In most institutions, including the Warsaw Technical University, Solidarity committees were being established. It was here that Varin first became involved in the movement, as he was elected chairman of Solidarity for the Institute of Materials Science and Engineering.







7,. ,._‘. 2i,




I martial law Poland dbefied extended down to the lower level representatives of the movement. “On May 12, 1982, I was taken for interrogation to the secret police. They interrogated me for about two and a half hours and mainly they wanted me to describe the situation in the Institute with respect to striking; how many people were involved, and who was collecting fees for the underground movement. I tried not to say anything. I wasn’t involved in any activity at the time because I was chairman (of my department for Solidarity). It was p’ointless for me; I was very carefully watched.”

Varin describes the interrogation as a rather unnerving experience. The room used was very dirty and dimly lit; there were bars on the windows and the interrogating officers never disclosed their names. The atmosphere, explained Varin, seemed to indicate that one already had a foot in jail if questions were not answered acceptably. He was asked to sign a declaration of his loyalty to the government; that he would not take any political action against the government and would not be involved in any movement against the government. Unsure of his fate had he not signed the declaration, he agreed to do so. “They asked me if I knew that some of my colleagues from the university were already in an internment camp. Of course I knew. They then told me I could eventually wind up with them if I made any false moves. They warned me to be careful.” ’ In May of 1982, Dr. Tangri invited Varin to Canada for the second time. Varin accepted, and started thinking about leaving Poland permanently. “I was very frustrated with the whole situation. As a matter of fact, in July, they started assessing the professors in terms of how loyal they were to the Party. Fortunately, this went well for me, since I had signed their declaration.‘, Varin’s initial passport application was only for one year. He applied in June, and received it at the end of October. It is important to note that Poland has no official emigration policy, and therefore, applying to leave the country on a permanent basis is, as ,in the Soviet Union, unheard of, except in special cases. “They gave it to me without any special difficulties. Taking into account the political atmosphere between July and September, 1982, maybe that wasn’t entirely surprising. They started giving permission for scientists from universities, to show to the West that the system was not that bad, in spite of the fact that martial law had not yet been lifted.*’ Two types of passports can be issued by the Polish government: a private passport, which allows a person to visit relatives outside the country, and a service passport, held by envoys or representatives of the country. Vat-in applied for and received the latter, a move which was to cause problems for him and his family, later on. On November 26, 1982, Varin boarded a plane for Montreal, never to return to Poland again.

In August of the following year, Varin applied to the Warsaw Technical University for an extension of his leave for another year. Two months earlier, in June, he had invited his wife to Canada for a visit. “Unfortunately, the reaction to my application was extremely negative and I was denied the extension by the authorities. Mywife’s application to visit me was also refused. “They told her there wasn’t much time remaining until I came home, and that it was no big deal to wait a few more months.” Varin’s wife reapplied, citing a vacation as her reason for wanting to go, but she was retused again. Meanwhile, Vat-in decided- to stay ihi Canada and he applied for permanent residence. He wanted his family to immigrate to Canada, and the problems began. “They said to my wife, ‘What the hell, first he wants you to go over for a visit, and now he wants you to live there.’ ” Soldiraity supporters mourn the death of Father Jerzy , Between October, 1983 and July, 1985, she applied on nine Papieluszko, murdered in 1984 by ‘Polish secret police. separate occasions to join Varin in Canada. Each application was Photo by Robert Varin refused without any justification given. The problem of his family leaving Poland was further complicated by the type of passport he “We then had one year of very considerable struggle between held. It was a service passport, which made him an envoy of Poland” Solidarity and government, which finally resulted in the imposition ’ and as such, not someone expected to defect. of-martial law on December 13, 1981. Varin tried or contemplated trying a number of alternatives to his “The problem with the Solidarity movement was that it never had wife’s direct applications to the Polish government. any real power. Right from the beginning, they said they would “I asked the Department of External Affairs of Canada to help never take any violent action against the government. It was a very out, which they agreed to do. To what extent it helped is hard to say, peaceful movement.” because the Polish authorities were very stubborn. How could the movement realistically hope to make peaceful “My mother wrote a letter to one of her friends, the former democratic demands which could never be implemented? chairman of the Polish parliament in the 1950s. He, in turn, wrote to the Council of Ministers in Poland. He received the following answer: ‘Mr. Robert Varin went to Canada from the Warsaw Technical University from 1982 to 1983. Without the permission of the Polish government, he stayed abroad.’ ” Varin says this is “nonsense”, since the government does not give permission for anyone to remain abroad. “Emigration from Poland is formally not allowed. You cannot go “They never had any real power to implement their demands. The to the Polish authorities and ask them for a passport to emigrate to power was still on the side of the ruling Communist party, the the U.S. or to Canada. They would laugh at you.” Polish United Workers’ Party. From a historical perspective, it is Varin admits his decision to remain in Canada was a risky one. obvious the whole movement, from the beginning, was destined to “I believed that, eventually, I would see them (my family) again, fail. It was a question of how long it would take. As a matter of fact, but how long it would take I didn’t know. I expected even five years. it took one year.” The consequences of the imposition of martial law were immediate. “All Solidarity leaders, such as Lech Walesa, were arrested and sent to internment camps which were similar to concentration camps. Lower level officials of Solidarity, especially those controlling the larger factories, were thrown in jail. A special committee, “Finally, last year, I was so angry that I decided to take some ~ translated as the ‘Military Council to Save the Country’, headed by more severe steps; I was even considering a hunger strike. 1 didn’t General Jaruzelski, was established because the government bebelbve that normal negotiations between Canada and Poland lieved Solidarity was a bad influence which would eventually deswould yield any fast results.” troy the country. Solidarity activists at my level, which .was a A hunger strike, on the surface, appears to be a drastic measure. relatively small level, were not touched at this time.” Returning to Poland, however, was out of the question as the Control of all factories was taken over by the military. Heavily authorities would have certainly thrown him in jail for overstaying armed soldiers and armoured cars patrolled the streets and curhis leave. fews were imposed. Anyone caught out after curfew was arrested Varin also requested help from the Canadian Red Cross. They and taken in for interrogation, explains Varin. - -_- . ,agreed to help but received notice of a change in Polish government

DF. Robert Varin in his offree.

Photo by Frank van Biesen

policy which stated that, “the Polish Red Cross can undertake intervention only in evidently humanitarian cases.” The reunion of Varin’s family was not considered to be “evidently humanitarian” and the Red Cross had to drop the case. The perseverance of Varin and his family paid off in mid-1985 when they convinced the government to allow his family to leave for Canada. This involved talking to the right people in the . .. right places. “In hindsight, I can’t see any logical reason why they were so stubborn in letting my family go. It seems to me a kind of punishment, not specifically against me, but as a general policy to show the Polish citizens that they are always under the very strict control of the authorities.” On September 30,1985, five years after the signing of the Solidarity agreement, Teresa Varin; and daughters Karolina, 13, and Izabella, 11, arrived by ship in Montreal.





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grosses out Guelph

Deja Voodoo by Paul Done Imprint staff

CFRU, the Guelph campus radio station, presented a three-band Canadian indie evening last Friday at The Loft in Guelph. The three ‘bands - Toronto’s Supreme Bagg Team and Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet and Montreal’s Deja Voodoo played to about 200 enthusiastic pundits. First up were the Supreme Bagg Team who haven’t played too many gigs before.

Despite this, however, they put on a fine shqw, outdoing the other two bands for energy and stage antics. After running through a series of covers (Substitute, Louie Louie, Wild Thing, Goo Goo Muck), the band played a few originals, all of which were quite good with the exception of the great Flip, Flip, Flip - a song about the effects of watching too much Flipper on TV. Musically, the band’s biggest drawback is the lead sin-

ger who sounds as if he has a mouthful of QuakerOats.’ On the other hand, he was the band’s most theatrical member, having mastered the art of jumping without mastering the complimentary skill of landing, thus spending a great deal of time on the floor. Shadowy Men On A Shad’ owy Planet, the second band to play, have improved greatly since their show at the Backdoor last fall. Their sound was much tighter and the songs manage to remain interesting throughout - no small feat for an instrumental rock band. Their surf covers have become more gonzo. Town Without Pity is now even more unrecognizable and their themes from Goldfinger and Gunsmoke (I’m pretty sure about this one) are now greater travesties than ever. A significant part of ‘the band’s improvement must be attributed to the improvement of the drumming which now drives the music rather *than ‘dragging it down. The additional embellishments provide a third focus for the band along with the bass and guitar. Deja Voodoo appeared last and served up their usual

heaping helping of sludge. Opening with their anthem (if you can ethically call it that) Too Cool To Live, Too Smart To Die, the cats ran through a quick set of material culled from their Cemetary album and their most recent Too Cool E.P. They once again managed to plumb new lows of bad taste and ugliness with Gerard Van Herk’s horrible guitar solo on Monsters In My Garage, his deliberate de-tuning of his guitar, and his warm , “Yeah, yeah” acknowledgement of the audience’s cheers. Deja Voodoo can be roughly summed up by a conversation I had in the washroom, with a stoned rocker: said he, “Fuck, how can you like these guys, they’re the worst band on earth,” to which I responded - “Yeah, that’s why they’re so great.” Why can’t the Feds do this kind of thing? With the size of Fed Hall, they could probably Deja Voodoo (left): their usuat heaping of sludge. charge two or three bucks adSupreme Bagg Team (top) mastering the art of jumping. mission for the three bands Photo by Joe Sary who provided a great night’s entertainment. Watch for Toronto faves Tulpa who play the King Edward Hotel in Guelph Saturday night, March 29.

Hip Happenings Hip. Happenings Hip Happenings Hip School may be’almost over and your OSAP might be almost depleted, but there are still plenty of worthwhile happenings to squander your dough on. The excellent Toronto band Tulpa, which we’ve been known to drool over in these pages before, is playing at the Bayhouse Tavern in Guelph Saturday night. Larry’s Hideaway in T.O. is the scene of Og Records’ Easter Og also-on Saturday with comic book sludge heroes, Deja Voodoo, headlining along with Ray Condo’s Hard Rock Goners, Chris Houston, The Gruesomes, and UIC. An evening of gross, ugly fun not to be missed. Closer to home and noless noteworthy is bluesmaster Buddy Guy’s visit to the Legion in Kitchener on Saturday. FM will be dragging Nash The Slash and his bandages to Fed Hall for the end of term pub on Wednesday night. Also on the agenda for April are the-se wild Minneapolis pop-punk rowdies, The Replacements, in at the Concert Hall on April 6. Soulburner supreme Otis Clay will be at The Legion for an intense night on April II. The March Violets and Sturm Group bring their angst-ridden vibes to Larry’s on April 24 and in a jazzier vein, Level 42 is at Massey Hall on April 23 and 24 and Pete Lawson faves UZEB are cooking at The Coronet (where?!?) on April 27.

For the more “culturally inclined”, the Fats Waller Broadway musical smash, Ain’t Misbehavin’ is at Humanities next Tuesday, Wednesday, and nursday at 8 pm. Speaking of Deja Voodoo, the 1955 3-D classic, Revenge of the Creature, which was criminally ignored at Oscar time, will bring the International Film Series to an auspicious close at Humanities on April 3 at 8 PM. Can’t say just where, when, or how much yet, but it seems that your friendly neighbourhood Gilbert & Sullivan Society will be presenting The Mikado Keep your eyes peeled for posters for details. A theatre-dance-musicmime troupe known as Musign will be at Humanities on April 14 at 7:30 PM and rounding things out will be the highly-touted Ballet Eddy Toussaint de Montreal on April 19 at 8. The next few weeks are also shaping up to be good ones at the Princess Cinema starting with Stranger Than Paradise Friday at 7, Saturday at 9, and Sunday at 7. Voted Best Film of 1984 by the U.S. National Society of Film Critics andBest First Film at the 1984 Cannes Festival, it is a wonderfully tacky, kitschy, disjointed classic. If you’ve ever wondered where Billy Crystal and Christopher Guest ripped off their Saturday Night Live “Frankie and Willie” routine from, and even if you haven’t, you should see this film. The award-winning French film A Nos Amours will be at The Princess Saturday at 7 and Sunday at 9. In April look for poetry readings featuring UW’s writer-in-residence Sean Virgo, among others, on April 2 and 4, a Japanese film series on Monday nights featuring director Akira (Ran,The Seven Samurai) Kurasawa, two David Bowie nights and the Academy Award and Cannes winner, Kiss of the Spider

Top 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.





Tapes for March Z&1986

Ministry Talk Talk Feargal Sharkey Fabulous Thunderbirds Rolling Stones Various Artists



7. 8. 9. 10.



This term’s swan-song at the Kent was no dead bird, but a full house to watch the Aaron Davis Band from Toronto. Upstairs was packed to the MAX for the blend of pop-funk jazz and whatever on Friday, March 21. The band was Aaron Davis (keyboards and composer), ‘Ron Allen (Saxaphone - tenor and soprano), Rob Piltch (guitar), Peter Blekaney (electric basses), Kevan Mckenzie (drums), and Julie Masi of Parachute Club (vocals). The second set opening was indicative of their style. A luxurious soprano sax blow weaved through the soft Song of Love and this laid back swing was blasted by the following tune which had funkiness to go - brought to mind early seventies Billy Preston YEAH! An African-based rhythm tune, dedicated to Nelson Mandela, possessed skanking potential and received good audience reaction. The evening- closed with the vocals of Julie Masi singing songs of a pop-rock-jazz blend. The 1:30 am. audience

was not removed or satisfied until an encore, a calypso swinger, finished the eve&g. Plenty of versatility supplies this band with energy. The approach to music reminds “ME” of the sound of Shadowfax, .a groups playing a young style of jazz -‘blending rock and’ rhythms from all over with the improvisations of jazz. The Bamboo Club (TO) will host the Aaron Davis unit on April 1 and the possibility of summer released of an album is good. Keep tuned. Being a grand success, and the last show at the Kent for a little while, the Arts Section of Imprint salutes Dale Marcel1 for putting his ASS on the line to bring such risky ventures to town (too bad the Fed’s Board of Entertainment is not willing to‘ do the same). Dale ‘hinted that WhiteNoise may be here soon and John Tank is also a possibility. Do it! The Coronet, yet that den of iniquity, will host UZEB (great Montreal fusion-jazz types) on Sunday, April 27 with Line One to open. For five or six bucks, it is an alternative worth supporting.

“Twitch” “The Colour of Spring” “Feargal Sharkey” “Tuff Enuff” “Harlem Shuffle” (12”) Hill Records



“I Wanna Be A Cowboy” (12”) “Absolute Beginners” (12”) “King of America”

Boys Don’t Cry David Bowie Elvis Costello Ryuichi Sakamoto

Illustrated Just

Buddy Guy -formerly the blues guitar player for Clapton, Hendrix, and Keith Richards - will play at the Canadian Legion on Ontario St. in Kitchener on Saturday night.


Aaron aDavis live by Peter Lawson Imprint staff



Arrived \

1. Cramps “A Date with Elvis” 2. Dead Milkmen “Big Lizard in My Backyard” 3. Katrina and the Waves “Waves” Aaron


a blend

of pop-funk


and whatever.









look ridiculous

by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff

Tuesday, April 23, 1985 was not a very good day for Farley Mowat, perhaps Canada’s best known author. As far as he knew, he was just on the way to Toronto’s Pearson International Airport to catch a flight to Los Angeles where he was to embark on a publicity tour to promote his latest book, Sea of Slaughter. But the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) of the United States had different plans at the customs checkpoint of the airport and flatly refused him entry into the United States. No reasons given. ’ The incident soon escalated into an international controversy and is now the subject of My Discovery Of America, Mowat’s own incisive account of his ordeal. His twenty-eighth book, it is a chronological retelling of the events of the insane week that followed, thinly disguising Mowat’s real R&on d’etre, to explode any remaining preconceptions about the U.S.‘s supposed mandate of freedom of speech and thought. Although the explanations merely trickled in, it soon became evident that Mowat was barred from the U.S. under the provisions of the McCarran-Walter Act, a holdover from the McCarthy era. The act makes it possible to ban anyone under even the slightest suspicion of left-wing sympathies, of being anarchic, or of holding views deemed undesirable to the administration without giving an explanation. There were several possible reasons for being blacklisted, from joking about shooting at American bombers flying in Canadian airspace with a .22 to a book Mowat wrote about his travels in the Soviet Union which treated Russians as human beings which would not sit well with the “Evil Empire attitude of the Reagan administration”. But to McClelland & Steward President Jack McClelland, portrayed by Mowat as impetuous and comically feisty, the real problem was more likely Sea of Slaughter. The recent book which deplores the over-killing, exploitation and extinction of species on the eastern seaboard almost certainly brought about intense pressure on the U.S. government by the hunting


lobby and anti-environmental business interests. But Mowat and McClelland were not to be deterred and went on the offensive. Mowat’s energetic tirade and unfailingly ’ barbed wit excite the reader and seep us along on the exhilaration of the hectic tension and headlong attack (make that crusade) against the American bureaucracy: “The hunted was becoming the hunter, and adrenalin was pouring through my veins like smoking wine.” His good-humoured, if exasperated, self-righteousness surfaces repeatedly in the indignant, offended tone in his irony. Never less than bitingly sarcastic, the whole trial seems to have only sharpened his already acerbic wit, for instance calling the INS the “Inquisition and Nazification Service”. Any American red-tape monger with any degree of sense (a contradiction in terms where Mowat’s concerned, usually referring to them as “cementheads”) can’t help but be left utterly red-faced by this book. Mowat leaves absolutely no myth undebunked. He launches venomously into the bureaucratic idiocy and hypocrisy. For a country that prides itself upon upholding freedom of speech and thought, he finds it absurdly ironic that the U.S. bars people, even internationally respected luminaries such as Nobel Prize winning South American writer, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, for purely ideological reasons, making the INS effec- , tively a form of thought police. The president of the country that banned a humanitarian and environmentalist from crossing its border, he mentions more than once, two weeks later laid wreaths on SS war graves. His affinity for the media is another important part of the book. The more sensitive American intelligentsia saw the ludicrous injustice of the affair and felt genuinely embarassed for their governments’ paranoid ineptitude. Rallying to Mowat’s aid, a substantial portion of My Discovery Of America is devoted to editorials from across the U.S. and to the almost unaminously apologetic letters coming from most of the fifty states. Mowat’s affection and gratitude for the American people never wavers; he simply has no tolerance for the witless, pinko-hunting bureaucrats which infest government. My Discovery Of America is really self-satire by the American government. Mowat doesn’t even have to try straight statement of the facts and the twisted, doublethink explanations of the American officials are quite enough to make them look ridiculously stupid and will have you shaking your head in disbelieving anger at the hypocrisy of the American bureaucraticmachine.

Love not allouted:

Society by Cameron Imprint staff

Anderson ’

according> tco Genesis


While not exactly at-the-minute-of-release, this review does precede the issue of a softcover version so it is probably timely for the poor student population. Atwood’s latest book is a cautionary tale of the positioi of women in contemporary society and how this will be much restricted if religious fundamentalists such as Phyllis Schlafly, Jim and Tammy Baker, and Jerry Falwell take control. Written in first-person narrative, about life in a near-future city close to Boston, Massachusetts, the book depicts a society (Gilead) organized strictly according to the Bible’s book of Genesis. Men, unless gender-traitors (punished by banishment to the Colonies or immediate death by hanging) reign supreme while the women are divided into categories according to their ability to bear children or keep the other women in their place. In these roles, they are to be happy. Much of the underlying philosophy of Gilead’is revealed on page 133 where the Commander, Fred, (head of a household which includes main protaganist, Offred, from Of-Fred) leads a Prayvaganza with these commands: “I will that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But good works. Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman

being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved by childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.” Handmaids are but chalices for conceptions and (painful) childbirth. “Once they drugged women, induced labour, cut them open, sewed them up. No anaesthetics even. Aunt Elizabeth said it was better for the baby, but also: I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception, in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children.” - a comment not only on the Bible

but, perhaps, some current midwifery philosophies as well. In this case, “Aunt” refers to a specific class of women, the paramilitary informants and wardens of society. Love is not allowed between anyone but wives and their husbands, and sex is but a procreation ritual in a “menage a trois” configuration including the Handmaid, as the wives are infertile. Handmaids are told, as Queen Victoria advised her daughter, to “lie back and think of England.” Underlying the societal rigidity is tension caused’by memories of mores in effect less than 10 years before the time of the story. This excess baggage of the past - as Lenin once phrased it - is responsible for the ruling men’s secret club and brothel (where women are dressed in such illegal costumes as bathing suits, bunny outfits, cheerleading skirts and Baby Dolls), secret trysts, and the Commander’s collection of outlawed magazines (Ladies Home Jowrnal included). Against these, and society in general is the underground liberation movement. With the Eyes everywhere, however, aided by the Aunts, Angels and worried Handmaids, it is very difficult to escape. Many, including the previous “Offred”, chose suicide as the way out. Throughout this “must read” is the message Nolite te bastardes carborundorum, Latin for “Don’t let the bastards get you down”; a warning we must take now to prevent such a future.



A cautionary

tale. Photo by Graeme





by Tim Imprint

Perlich staff

Instead of bursting back rested and ready after his year-lbng absence from the recording studio, Declan McManus often sound hoarse and at the end of his string. Ditching the Elvis Costello persona and tying up the loose ends of a divorce seems to have left a mark on his vocal chords. His writing, however, is in top form. A few instances on Goodbye Cruel World and Punch The Clock accepted, McManus’ writing has not beefi so potent since Imperial Bedroom. No longer is he building entire songs around a single clever word-play, instead, the pieces found on King Of America recall the fragile vignettes of Get Happy!, told in a direct manner against a predominantly string acoustic backdrop. Shock! III Wear, It Proudly, believe it or not, is McManus’ first straight love song. There is a heart a-beat-beatin’ under those scales after all. Amongst the many focused sketches- (15 songs in total), there are a few rough notes left in the margins, that should have been erased from the master. A dragging’cover of The

Animals Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood tops the list in this category. Ragged but not right, the song, says McManus, was sung with a sore throat. That must have been painful but not half as torturous as actually listening to it. Eisenhower Blues is a case of blatant filler. Not even the -stand-up bass work of Ray Brown and organ of Mitchell Froom can save this wretched mess. Why it’ was included instead of the exceptional soul ballad Find Yourself Another Fool (from the B-side of the Misunderstood 12”), I’ll never know. Conversely, one of the highlights of the set would have to be Zndoor Fireworks. It’s probably the only instance in which our “little hands of concrete” plays together with James Burton (Ricky Nelson’s and King Elvis’ former guitarist) and everything falls harmoniously into place as if they were actually in a group or something. There’s little doubt that the album’s peak is Suit Of Lights, if only for its wonderfully choreographed irony. As it turns out, the only song of the L.P. that features Declan’s old tag-alongs The Attractions is the song in which he most thoroughly condemns his past ‘rock star’ years and buries the Costello mask for good . . . Rimshot! For all its bright moments, King df America leaves the impression of a ‘work in progress’; if so, there are still greater things to ’ come before the new reign is over.

you?). If, ,a cassette

by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff

One way to judge the quality of ambient or electronic music is to listen to it at 3:00 am. with the lights off. The more it makes you want to clutch at something warm and wish you had nightlight, the better it is (this is not being facetious - when was the last time Sunshine On My Shoulders scared the crap out of

release by Charles Kos (a.k.a. UW student Charles McRobert), is of this kind. Treading a middle ground between Discreet Music and Durutti Column with a dash of Throbbing Gristle’s lack of aural sanity and decency, If is a surprisingly varied experimental - project and is always interesting. Fracture starts the cassette and the rest of If flows more or less cohesively, if somewhat

bumpily, from the harsh battered seascapes on this track. It could be termed as ambient

the passion and expressiveness, often sounding tightly constrained. Not surprisingly, the best songs on Macalla are the sparest, least calculatingly produced, Bnd the closest to the original forms. The harmonies of the highland air, Cuisleun Oir, and the uilean pipe on Journey’s End show that Clannad have some truly marvelous music of the Wuthering Heights-windswept-dark-moors variety lurking within them. Macalla is really a good album but far too unemotional and overproduced to make it an essential purchase or even a good introduction to this genre. The Pogues and The Men They Couldn’t Hang do it with more spunk and sincerity, and The Cocteaus with more intensity. and spirit.

. by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff

Into the midst of the current revival of the traditional music of the British Isles, Clannad lend their would-be mystical presence. Apparently a pet project of U2’s Bono to bring Irish folk forms to a wider audience, Macalla is an album that only hints at what it could have been. The biggest problem with Macalla is that in the attempt to take the traditional folk forms and make them palatable to a pop audience, they are compromising the music. As accomplished as the album is, it loses something in the translation. The playing is altogether too slick and passive, sounding alarmingly like what the glibly mellow side of Fleetwood Mat’s Rumours might have been if those laidback Californians were Irish. Perhaps the closest frame of reference would be to Kate and Anna McCarrigle, .--although Clannad is sadly lacking their sprightly vibrancy. Bono’s presence doesn’t- help the cause either. His is a voice suited for anthems like Pride and lacks the combination of understatement and feeling that would better fit the moodiness of this music on the single, In A Lifetime. Marie Ni Bhraonain, however, is the type of singer .you tend to look up synonyms for words like “haunting” to describe. Her tones are richer ar,d more tdlifiuous than Liz

by Pete Lawson I&print staff

As a shadow to our Independent bands article, this review reveals the dark side of the Thin Men. This jazz-ish styled Toronto combo recently conquered the Kent Hotel and, during their tour, passed on their first musical release. A four-song cassette on Normal bias with no Dolby is a good representation of their eclectic sound. The A side swings into a number, Farfisu Fanfare, which brings to mind the Pig bag classic “Papa’s go,t a ...“. But unlike Pig Bag, who disintegrate when attempting a free-forall, Thin Men stay together and deliver some exciting moments. The bass groove from Victor supplies strong push to this number. A/junk concludes this first side with its new style of “cool” and an interesting interplay between the horns. ’ The B side contains two tunes of similar construction, repetitive motifs from the guitar and the bass are the foundation for more complicated play between the horns. Dogs 111 is topped by some easy swinging horns and grounded with some modulating bass tones. Slow Rise City feels like a dirge of praise to an early morning awakening.For further information about this tape contact Tom Walsh at 65B Jarvis St., T.O., M5C 2H2. Phone CKMS on Monday night and



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Qf tf-llS

astating bout of contrqlled feedback. Elsewhere, the different synth chords mesh disjointedly and jarringly together and with the, urn, “highly individualized” singing on Ran and the cocktail-loungy One Day Vuriution, but-the effect is completely listenable. \If is currently available in selected Toronto record stores (Cheapies, Record Peddler) and at the Campus Centre record store and at Records On Wheels in Kitchener for $8.99. Not a bad deal at all for ninety minutes worth of fine, interesting listening.

music in the strange effect it has of making you not ai conscious of the music as the mental imagery it evokes, but the music itself is not easily ignored. The deft layering of the various tones and sound qualities a_nd the random, but pleasing, “lead” synth lines drift and sometimes jolt the music back into the listener’s consciousnesS. If is a fairly daring and audacious project and-this is no more evident than in 519 where Kos literally assaults the listeners with mercilessly throbbing noises and clucks and a dev-

Easter epic effective by Paul York




as George daughas Jen-

to Jerusalem, al- and the playwright’s ternately entitled Endgame , ter, Sandra McTavish in Jerusalem, was written by nifer. Journey

The plot is straightforward: John McTavish and enacted by the Calvary Players last a tourist group is visiting the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem. Sunday night Wesley Chapel George and Jennifer, who in St. Paul’s College. This, the first showing of Journey to / choose to explore the city by themselves, are mugged. Jerusalem began and ended They experience a time warp with traditional hymns sung (reminiscent of the Twilight by Haley Campbell, whose Zone) and wake up in ancient professional voice emphasIsreal where they meet some ized the spirituality of the of the disciples. Mark and play. The play itself lasted about one hour, in lieu of a John enlist the two Canadians in a search for their leader church service, and ended and finally discover that‘ he with a prayer and communion *shared by actors and au- has been betrayed by Judas. I won’t spoil the ending for dience alike. those who haven’t seen the Journey to Jerusalem is the play by exposing the trick latest play by John McTavish. ending, but be assured that He has co-authored Skin it’s effective. Deep with Judith Brockleburst; as well as writing a host The play show? that there of other plays whose subjects is little difference between the include John Wesely, Martin hatred we conceal beneath Luther, and Bonhoffer. In adcivilized affectations and the dition to writing plays, Rev, barbarity of the crowds that .%Tavish is the resident John thronged the Via Dolorosa ‘LJpdike expert. The two outtwo thousand years ago. standing actors of the cast





veals the sad degree to which the modern tourist industry has trivialized the Christian epic. John McTavish’s mastery of dialogue and the, fine characterization also show how nationalistic and religious prejudices can distort one’s understanding of the true meaning of Good Friday, Palm Sunday, and Easter. In this sense Journey to Jerusalem contains an element of Christian apologetics. I would recommend Jourto anyone who desires a rejuvenation of faith and especially to those whose skepticism of Christianity is based on their observations of dogmatic zealots of self-righteous individuals and institutions. The Calvary Players, operating out of Cal‘vary United Church in Kit&‘ener, will stage their next production of the play on this Thursday at 8:00 at Calvary United Church (Park & Glasney to Jerusalem


i I


by Paul Done, Chris Wodskou, Tim Perlich and Pete Lawson Who is John Finkle? He is the UW’s Board of Entertainment (BEnt) chair. He is also the person who,\ while acting BEnt programmer. this year, was phoned by the booking agent for L1oy.d Cole and The Commotions and offered a chance to have the band play for about $1,500 (compare that with the $2,000 Messenjah ask). To this amazing proposition, Finkle responded that he’d “have to think about it and would call him back.” Recall


whether or not Lloyd Cole played here. This one incident sums up the entire year’s entertainment at UW - a year of incompetence, missed opportunities and lack of foresight and initiative on the part of the management of Fed hall and the Executive of BEnt. While universities such as Carleton, Western and even Guelph have had a decent and constant stream of bands playing there, we at Waterloo, who have probably the best concert facility of all, have had to put up with cover bands, tribute bands, wrestling and utterly unima.ginative music programming at Fed Hall. People in search of decent live music have been forced to go to the Kent for jazz, the Kitchener Legion. for blues, the Back-


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door for independent and Toronto for international acts. This when BEnt has the financial leverage to book just about anyone short of Bryan Adams. Let us digress from bands for a moment to the recorded music at Fed Hall. Ask Ken Schafer why he quit his job as deejay at Fed Hall. It wasn’t he, the one with the musicai knowledge and deejaying experience who picked which Madonna single to play, it was some other unidentified group of individuals. How about Foreign Exchange, with deejay George DeMelo 7do you remember that? The victim of constant postponings in start date, this night of imported music received virtually no publicity and was pre-empted on its second week for a Regatta concert. Let’s look at Shakin’ all Over, another apparently good idea which has been torpedoed by poor publicity. Organized by Fed Hall Assistant Manager Dave Playfair, the night is run by Mark Conneily. IMark Connelly (or George DeMelo for that matter) is nor currently a teepaying member of the Federation 01 Students, nor currently a student at UW. Then how: you may well ask, did he get the position which wasn’t publicly advertised? It . may have something to do with the fact that Dave Playfair was previously the assistant manager of the Bombshelter while Mark Connelly worked there as a deejay. Possibly, future hirings ot deejays will be done by Federation Programming Director Dave Simpson. This may or may not be an improvement based upon Mr. Simpson’s past booking “achievements.” Back to bands. Another good idea which was badly misused by BEnt was the idea of free music one night a week at Fed Hall. Sounds great, huh? Look at.the bands that came: The System - a cover band from Cambridge; Spice - the band of the year in Barbados, for God’s sake. The biggest crowd reaction Spice got was when they played Hot, Hot, Hot - someone. else’s song. The free night could have been a great opportunity for BEnt to give the university population a look at some Canadian independent talent without financial risk for the students. Salt in the wounds: the biggest show of the term in K-W this winter was The Cult at Super Skate Seven, which wasn’t even a BEnt production. Same for Jane Siberr y at the Humanities Theatre last term. Here’s a list of some of the bands that could have played Fed Hall - had the Feds shown any imagination or initiative: the Violent Femmes, Fine Young Cannibals, the Colourfield, Lloyd Cole and The Commotions, The Blasters, The Fall, Deja Voodoo, The Grapes of Wrath, Skinny Puppy, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Kid Creole and- the Coconuts, Jonathan Richman, Robert Cray, The Chesterfield Kings and others too numerous to list. Dave Simpson is back for the second year of his contract, C buck McMullan (manager) and Dave Playfair are at Fed Hall and John Finkle is the BEnt chair person another great year in entertainment is coming up!



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by Dave Barry Rodale Press, Penn. 89 pp., $5.95 (softcover) by Cameron Imprint staff


This has got to be one of the funniest how-not-to, disguised as a how-to, books ever published. From the opening sentence; “Basically, a tool is an object that enables you to take of the laws of physics and mechanics in such a way that you can seriously injure yourself ,” to the closing notes on “How to Build a House”; “At the beginning, when you’re nailing big boards together,, * you’ll think you’ll be done in a couple of days, but pretty soon you’ll realize that the only materials you have left are skillions of little peices of molding and pipes and wires and doorknobs representing 600,000 man-hours of extremely tedious work, and you’ll reach the point where all you do is sit on the floor and drink beer and fantasize that you live in a motel and don’t even have to fold your towels”, this book is IT! The subtitle, Several million homeown& problems sidestepped by Dave Barry, describes its real nature. If ydti have any phobias regarding home repairs or improvements, this book will only reinforce them. However, doubled over in laughter, for a while you just won’t care and you will know you are definitely not alone. I rate this as a 10 out of 10 on my scale of “books which will distract you from studying for a final or completing your last paper”.










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‘Athletics: This vear’s accomplishment aJ

by Jonathan Sadleir Imprint staff This is it, the term m review. There seems little point in bormg you with a never-ending litany of events past, as the coverage this term was quite good. However, some accomplishments deserve special consideration. As everyone at Waterloo is *

well aware, the basketball team finished #l m OU AA. But did you know that the team sported three OUAA All-Stars (Peter Savich, Paul Boyce and Rob Froese) and one All Canadian, Peter Savich? The Hagey Seigf- ried Trophy went to Paul Boyce. You knew that? Well here’s some tid-bits I’rp willing to bet

&caped your memory. The Athena figure skating team finished ##1in the OWIAA Championships. Margo Fraser won the highest singles category in Ontario and the MVP award, finishing,off the season as the Ontario Uriiversity free-skate champion. The rookie of the year award went to Rachelle Allen, and Lori Bramley, the

UW’s Mike Brown evades potential tacklers in a regular season game against McMaster. The Warrior Photo by Simon Wheeler rugby team won the OUAA title this year.

coach, won the Directors Administrative Award. A special mention must go to the figure skating team, who were the only Athena team to win a,provincial championship thjs year. The Warrior volleyball team finished #I in the OUAA and, more importantly, provided Waterloo fans with some exciting action in ‘the gym. Owen Jones, Dave Ambrose, Jim Cooke and coach Rob Atkinson were all named as OU AA All-Stars. Dave Ambrose also earned a spot on the All-Canadian team. The Geirie Baycroft Award went to (you guessed it) Dave Ambrose. This year’s rugby squad posted an outstanding effort both on an individual and team basis. There is no better testimony to this fact than a quick glance at the list of OUAA allstars the team has td its-credit 11 all-stars, including coach March Harpen, who won the OUAA Coach of the Year award as well as the Imprint Coach of the Year Award. The Roger Downer Award (MVP) went to to Tony Stea, the captain of the team. Despite continued cutback and occasional lack of support, the U W teams this year have posted some exce!Ient results and all deserve special consideration. However, space and time are unrelenting enemies.

Young-takes Kelesi in three sets

By Pete Lawson imprint staff Big league tennis came to Waterlqo and no one was there. Well, almost no one. About 500 bodies attended the showdown between the number two and number three women players of Canada. The current reigning Canadian Ladies Champion Jane Young, and Helen Kelesi, ranked 25th in the world, battled it out at the PAC last Friday. Young won the match by two games to one. q Though the crowd was thin and the organization did not have professional gleam, the pro-tennis provided some rockem-sockem, hard hitting baseline action. The hometown favourite, Jane Young, began with verve by breaking Helen Kelesi’s first service game. Though poor first serve percentage cost her the 6th game, Young bounced back to serve three consecutive service winners to win the 8th game. A service break against Kelesi in the 9th game and a poorly hit drop-shot by Kelesi in the 10th gameallowed Young to hit a winner and hold serve to win the first set 6-4. The second set was a thriller. Nervousness surfaced in the service of Jane Young in the second game. She served atrociously, double faulting three times which caused her to lose the game. Kelesi surmounted a commanding lead of 5- 1 when she brok* Young’s service again. Shovying true grit, Young battled back to even the score at 5-5 and then took the lead with another break of Kelesi’s service. With a 6-5 lead and a 30-l 5 advantage in the 12th game, the pressure again choked Young’s service, and she double faulted allowing Kelesi the chance to claim that game. After taking a 3-l lead in the tie-breaker, Young succumbed to a 7-5 defeat and the match was even at a set each. The first game of the third set suggested disaster 1for Jane

Young, who lost her service, suggesting a mental letdown after a close second set. But again Helen Kelesi could not hold her own serve when it was vital and the set slipped away from her, 6-Z The hometown crowd was pleased by the outcomeand by the calibre of tennis. Most of the play concentrated on baseline rallies. Both of these women can put steam on the ball, and the rallies were fought hard. Helen Kelesi, from Edmonton, has risen quickly to prominence on the women’s tennis circuit. Only 17 she shows great promise, though her background is susceptible to unforced errors, or crumbles under pressure. Her serve is not yet a weapon, because she served less than 50 per cent first served and had few service winners and no aces. In contrast, Jane Youn&of Waterloo, has created’ a serve which can win her points. She served four aces and a dozen service winners. She must trim those double faults which are not numerous but appeared at crucial moments and caused her to lose games. The evening began/with junior mixed doubles action. The bigger, more powerful team of Carole McMillan and -Daryl Greenan (Cambridge) defeated Carol Culik and Brad Haines (Waterloo) 6-3. ‘The Club ,Pro men’s doubles highlighted some of the adept shot making of Lorne Mairi (London) and the power of Keith Carpenter (Toronto),. who defeated Harry Greenan (Cambridge) and Ed Andrulis (Waterloo) 8-6. After the women’s pro match, UW tennis team members Mary Mathers and Aldo Dagnino showed that practice will always conquer, defeating Sally Lichtenbergand Dave Thomas of WLU 6-3. Despite the poor organizaJlon, the bad line calls, the mis-

takes from the chair umpire, and the lack of enough ball chasers, the first Pro Tennis event run by the Waterloo Lions Club provided good ten-

nis action. A trimmed program, better organziation and a newfound experierice may help Pro Tennis 2 (if the Lions Club dares again). *

Women’s Volleyball The women’s competitive volleyball leagu’e has come’ to an end. The Oddballs won the A division by defeating the Volleyettes. In the B division, Nbtre Dame 1 defeated the No Names to win the title. The Spicey Spikers won over Notre Dame 2 to become the C champions. The D division was won by the ACMES over the Alabama Stammers.

Vl’bmen’s basketball. An exciting week in women’s competitive baskeball has ended with surprising championship semi-finals held Sunday. It proved to be interesting as Leftovers defeated South D Cheesers 36-21 to move into the finals against St. Paul’s Dolls. St. Paul’s Dolls beat West D Dunkers 35-26 to advance. In the end Leftovers were victorious to capture the B league championships. They downed the Dolls 26-25 in a hair pulling, nail biting game (something like in Halifax). Also Sunday, in league semi-finals, Kinners et al. downed Notre\Dame 30-12 only to be defeated in the finals by Larry’s Byrds. The Byrds‘ advanced by beating Oddballs 36-25. Larry’s Byrds continued their winning streak to capture.the League A championship by blowing away the Kinners 36-21. Karen Clanke wasthe key scorer for the Byrds in their last game. Congratulations to all teams for a great season.

Mixed Volleyball by Cynthia Hagey The mixed competitive volleyball tournament was a great success for all 300 participants: Congratulations go out to all the champions and finalists. . Division Achampion: Shank Finalist: We’re Not Herb! Shank overpowered We’re Not Hekb with an outstanding score of 15-3, 15-O Division B: Champion: Six Pack II Finalist: Civil ,Grads Six Pack II dominated Civil Grads. With a scoie of 15-0, 15-3 Six Pack II came out on top. Division C: Champion: C.S.A. Finalist: Cards A seesaw battle of serves between these teams made the matches exciting with a 15-10, 15-7 win to C.S.A. Division D: Champion: The Lion Tamers Finalist: Engeneric II

Warrior basketball star Peter Savich finished off a great career at Photo by Simon Wheeler Waterloo this year. With both teams striving for top position in the D division, it came down to a l-1 tie. Both teams fought a hard, long battle with The Lion Tamers coming out on top. The score was 15-7, 9-15, 15*12. Special thanks to all the organizers and participants that made this an outstanding event.

Thanks by Dwayne Mott On behalf of Campub Recreation I would like td thank each of the 87 people involved as referees in the winter 86 term. I hope that this term has been a growing experience for 811of you and that we ’ can count on vour help in the future. Good Luck with your finals and do not spend your pay in one place.

Broomball The broomball tournament was a lot of fun. Thank you to all 24 teams that participated. The champions were N6 Latenighters in D Flight; Bucketcrushers in C Flight; Black Phlegm in B Flight and Lets Ball in A Flight. A special mention to the Fogduckers, Doug and the Slugs, Greek Gods and Men and Speed Sticks. Congratulations. A special thank you to our referees .,.. without you the tournament would not have been possible. One final question. .. Is a tuxedo required apparel at all championship games?

Men’s hockev

Hockey is over for another term and here’sThe final wrap-up. Sunday’s championship game involved a major upset in the A league. After a season on mediocrity, seventh-ranked (out of nine) Postbuster came on strong to defeat the cockey first-ranked St. Jerome’s “A” team 2-l. Postbusters downed Team Cannibus and the Engineering Screaming Eagles to reach the final, while St. Jeromes beat Optometry Flying Eyes and the Flying Buttresses before coming up against the tough Postbusters. In the Bl final, West E-guanas proved they could handle the pressure by defeating the Outsiders in another good game. This is West E’s first year with the university so they could really clean up in the next. three years. For the Outsiders, this is the second term in a row they have lost in the final (last teim to the Tinamou Tribe). Bob’s Bellies (some of the varsity football team) slaughtered the Chempanzees 7-l in the B2 final giving the players a sense of,victory they map never taste playing football. In the B3 final, South E-rotits were dumped by the Knights of Chemalot Squad. South E beat the Molson Exports, the Photons and the Blades to reach the final, while Knights of Chemalot topped the Leafs, the North A Chiefs, an’d the Co-op Crusaders. There will be a non-contact hockey league this summer, and the contact league will start up again next fall.

Men’s basketball

In this final week of men’s basketball, Walking Wounded, after overcoming the I.C.U. in the semi-finals, took the Bl Championship title away from the Quick Exits in one exciting match. The Kanga-Whams finished on top of B2 league after first eliminating the powerful Debauchers in the semi-finals and then ovel&ming the Superslammers to take the title. The 86ers put up a good fib;:+ yet fell to the power of the Tinamou Tribe who became this year’s B3 Champs. Finally, in one close final match, 5 Guys Named Moe, - stole the B4 Championship away from the Lacrimal Lakers despite the tremendous effort.
















,,“,C “f/l

Those experienced in callingfor the clean, true taste ofBlue are well aware of the value of doing so in a big way. Perhaps this accoun tsjior the enormous increase in the sales of alpine horns. -Once used almost exclusively in old Julie Andrews movies and in commercials for cheese, the alpiie horn is showing up in favourite watering holes across the county. ; “Alpine horns are the new growth industry.” Said one dealer. “Equally impressive.. .” he went on to add “are ’ the sales ofknee socks, lederhosen and Tyrolean hats.” It would appear, at least for thecmomen t, that hornjiier is upon ‘us. Which means, that it is indeed, time ‘...,,_.--.. ,:’ --._ ....*. to blowfor a Blue. ‘. : :\.‘:,-.‘. ; .:,.” . . . . ,: .;,.-..* ,*’_.-. ., .i : .-....,. 5.:.


Long an institution at coun tiy fairs and ho-downs, hog calling techniques have made their wayfar beyond the concession roads and split railfences of our pastoral communities. In countless bars across the county, the once disYou may not be the song that tinctive strainspf”Sue-eeeeeeeeeeeee” makes the-whole world sing, but hey, have been replaced by the infinitely when it comes to stringing together more lyrical “Blue-ee.eeeeeeeeeeeee. ” a Doh, a Re and the ever popular Mi, As popular as this technique& you’re no Sonny Bono either. . ’ becoming, you would be ill advised to And what better way to share your employ it at any function to which you gft than by tootingfor a Labatt’s Blue. Al that’s required is an empty bottle are required to wear black tie or in the of&e and lungs like Luciano Pavarotti. Imagine the feeling, when surrounded by friends, you raise a Hue bottle tiithin a millimetre of your lips and toot out afavourite little melody by Iron Maiden orperhaps one ofthegreat ,standards by the likes ofthe Big Bopper.

: . .. ‘... -.. . . l.y . .....



25 ; Imprint, Thursday

March 27,1986 m

Wziterloo Hall of Fame inductees Ron Smith Ron Smith competed for the University of Waterloo from 196566 until 1967-68. It is no coincidence that the fortunes of the UW hockey program took a dramatic turn for the better with his first season as a member of the Warriors. Prior to Ron’s participation with the hockey Warriors, the most wins by a Warrior hockey team in league play, was two games. In Ron’s first season with the Warriors, the team’s record in play went to 11 wins, three losses and two ties and the tea4-nbecame competitive in the Ontario-Quebec Athletic Association. He has been an assistant coach with the Buffalo Sabres and the Vancouver Canucks. One of his all-time thrills from his coaching career was assisting the Canucks to the Stanley Cup finals in 1982. Another coaching highlight came in 1985 when he was an assistant coach with the Canadian team which took the silver medal in the Prague, World Championships. That marked the first time that a Canadian team had won better than a bronze medal in that competition since 1961. Ron is currently an assistant coach and the director of player personnel with the Canadian National Hockey Team. He is kept busy grooming the team for the annual world championship and the 1988 Calgary Olympics. While his list of accomplishments since graduating from the University of Waterloo is very impressive, it must be remembered that Ron’s play, as a member of the hockey Warriors, and his leadership as the Captain df that team, played a very instrumental role in laying the solid foundation of UW’s hockey program.


Former Athena track star Elizabeth Damman McDuffe went on to Photo by Rick Yazwinski compete internationally.

’ Ron Smith, former Warrior hockey player, is now wor_king with the Canadian National Hockey Team. Photo by Rick Yazwinski ’

Elizabeth Damman McDuffe Elizabeth Damman McDuffe attended the University of Waterloo from 1973-74 until 1975-76 when she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. Elizabeth competed as a member of the Athena track and field team every year that she attended UW. She led the Athenas to their first Ontario Women’s Intercollegiate Athletic Assotiation championship in 1973. As Elizabeth continued her career at UW she specialized in the high hurdles but continued to participate in the sprint events and as a member of the relay teams. Her outs,tanding performances brought her to the attention of the coaches of Canada’s national team. Very few students can match the number of international performances turned in by Elizabeth while she was in attendance at VW.


Elizabeth competed in the World Student Games in Rome in 1975 and again in Bulgaria in 1977. She represented Canada in the Pan American Games in Mexico in 1975. In all of these competitions Elizabeth was competing in the high hurdles events. Elizabeth is being honoured for her intensive involvement in the , Athena track and field program, both outdoor and indoor, during her undergraduate days at UW. She performed exceptionally well while competing for the Athenas in OWIAA competition and she was an excellent ambassador of the University of Waterloo in her many international competitions.

of the ,Year Awards-conferred

Dean of Women’s Award Peter Savich - Totzke Trophy, Kim Rau Winner Kim has been Athlete of the ‘The Totzke Trophy is Week at least once eyery year, awarded annually for atheletic skill, sportsmanship and acacaptain of the Athena basketball team for the past two years, _ demic proficiency and for outand in 1984 was a recipient of standing contribution to the the Mike Moser award and athletic program at the UniverM.V.P of the women’s basketsity of Waterloo. Here is a brief ball team. description pf Peter Savich’s Kim has on several occaspafticular contribution to the sions been named a tournament athletic program during his All-Star and has been named to years at Waterloo. the Ontario Inter-University Peter is- the number one All-Star team for the last three leader in career points with years. 3,301 and only the 4th player to This year she led the Athenas have his jersey retired at UW. with 478 points atid 225 reHe also led the Warrior team in bounds and was also named the scoring in each of his five years. OWIAA West Section high Peter has been an OUAA Allscorer, averaging 16 points per Star for the past four years and game. An outstanding pera ‘member of the All-Canadian former; she was instrumental in team at one level or another for the continued improvement of the past three years. Last season the Athena’s basketball prothe was a recipient of the Mike Moser trophy as the CIAU’s outstanding basketball player in Canada. These are merely a sampling of his many accomplishements. Peter’s efforts have advanced the basketball program at Waterloo and have set a standard to be challenged by future players.

at UW


Peter Savich

Kim Rau *

CALL For all your housing needs

1 Attention El I3 8I


Your lease includes:

Absolute deadline for class picture is ' March 31, 1986. /

Make sure your photos are in to ensure your place IEl in the class composite photo. I3


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The Student Accomodation Man has dozens of rooms

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heat and hydro regular cleaning services laundry facilities 2 to 10 min. walk to either campus lockable room

l l l l




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.$I46 for shared $%I8 ‘for single $99 for summer-

by Sam’s Prqperty 576-8818

rooms rooms sublets


24 hour service

26 \

Classif ieds + \ HOUBiNG


summer’86.Malemommatewan~toshare4 bedroom@bTlhoise at 256 Phiip St Completely furnished - washer/ dryer/ dishwasher. Rent @OO/ neg. Call 886-5285 or (519) 832-9975. Sunnydak Townhouse aw&ble for summer only. 3 bedrooms, partially fumished. Rent negotiable. Call Mark or Joe at 746-1792. Sunnydale Townhouse with skyliiht available thii summer. Call 885 0956. large Apartment, 5 min from UofW and WLU. Clean, spacious, freshly painted. Utilities included. Laundry faciliies, parking and large balcony. Call 8868275. Very Clean spacious 4 bedroom townhouse, summer sublet, 15 min WI& 1 %r baths. Rent negotiable. Call 884-7468 or 884-9398 now. Incrcdtble offer Available for the summer. Fiie bedroom

responsible people. $331 month. Has laundry Fat., Parking,‘Pattty furnished. includes util. Phone 1-822-3436 after 6 pm. Fully Furnished four bedroom townhouse to sublet from May to Aug. Close to campus, $446/ month (negotiable). Call today, 8886847. May - Sept Spacious one bedroom apt suitable for 2 People (partition a&&& to close off dinino room for use as bedroom). P&Iv furnished, 5 minutes from campus utilii included, option’to takeover lease. Rent $382/month. Call Karen 884-3485. philip St. townhouse- summer ‘86. Room for 3. Washer, dryer, fridge, stove and some furniture. 8886773 - Beth. OTTAWA SUBLET MAY 1 - SEPT 1 1986 Furnished 4 bedroom

Rooms May to May: $198/mo. heat; hydro included; share faciliies - 2 min. walk to U of W - laundry facilii. SAM 5768818. SEMI DET’ACHED AVAllABLE - sleeps 5 - $1 OOOjmo. plus heat and hydra.-SAM 5768818 Sm m - @9/rno. 2 min. to U of W, laundry faciliies, bdabk mom. SAM 5768818. FOUR MONTHS FREE - or maybe one month. Super summer mansbn subkt for six people. Bia morns. balconies. larae lot Beat the townhouse blues in a iuxun&s house at a bargain$nce. VlSlT 93 DAVID ST. OR CALL 74368%.

Surnnnr Bubkt, dean 4 bedroom furnished townhouse 15 minutes from campus $111 SO per month per room. Utilii included. Call 7468151. 3 be&an luxury apt at BloorSherbume to sublet for summer. Steps from subww, security, parking, fumii, 1 ‘h bath. Available May 1. Askfng oidy 20250/ month: (including utilities). (416)463-8472. phis, St. Townhouse available for summer ‘86 with option for winter ‘87. Room for 3 or 4. partialty furnished with washer and dryer. Call Call John at 884-5467. iaylstshae3 bedroomhousewith2others.Lotsofroom.2baths, fumished(needownbedf,hrgeyard,picnictaMebarbeque,Sapp)iances. VCR and more 5235/ month includes utilities 888-7565.,

on& 3100/ person/monthfor summeraccomodatbn.comfoltabk.,sadous, 2 bdnm apt - furnished. &I. utiliies hnd NO cockroaches). Perk bcatioi (5 min. walk to either car&us w/laundry mom in building and pad&g). 746-8487.

KITCHENER HoME - Fourth yearstudent looking for 2-3 roommates tosharefullyfu~h~.AvaihbleinMay.Jennifer5781158. Summrswta~2bedroom apt fully furnished. Saul, butdoorpol.nmtneg.Gdl746-0576. AVAilABLE MAY 1, Lar9e double morn. Fufl use of-home and . aose to =JPP@I-


umsher G Qyer, 1 ‘h baths. Call 5795312 or 7460473.2 BRDM apt avauabk MayAugust’86. lMiallyfumished. washer/ dyer, parking mrailabk,5min.~ktoParkdalePlara.&Is’stopoutfrontCall 746m73. ForRentsph0lls2bedroom m for 2 or 3 people. 20.,min. wakfromuw.onemonthfreen?ntornegatiabk.phone885-5539. RamrilRoomslMayto&g,aLsoSe@toJan.4roomsintownhouse, wRhlaundry,applianoaaridgarage.ClosetoplazaandbusCall Dadcat884-9957&7pm. OTTAWA-~mmer’86.1 Singk n~m, I &double(for2 share)aMilableinstudentnousetromMaytoAug.Locatedinthe douMownatthecornerofPretorbG~coMerst,nearmostgove!mmentbddbgs,bmks,kporstombeerstoreplaati.dlyfumbhed, Rent$200/monthperpenon.~ITeniGSeanat(613)236-3406. LONDONrFemakprefen&toktquietfuUyfumishedombedmom apanmentMay1 -Sept1/86.10min.walk dOWWWll.AllI-MjOrbUS routes. Thames River at door. QOO/ month. Best deal in London! Phone (519) 434-4792 nights. ’ Mayseptemba Roommate to share 2 bedroom apartment Furnished. Erb & Uni. Ave. 15 mins. to University. $ZOO/ month. Call 8842702. Tiwomomsavailabkin4bedmomtownhouse. $13l/month. 2Ornin ute walk to campus Churchill St Call 7464185, ask for Joel. Large-1 bedmomapt5min.walktocampus.laundry facilities. accmmodates 2 ccmfortably; rent negotiable:Mike or Paul at 7463557. Toronto House to share. Female Waterloo grad seeks female nonsmoker to share 3bdr. burgabw at Lakeshore/Royal York on T.T.C. Available from April or May, for summer term or longer. $335/rno. ind. Call 5789967 or 416251-8430. Room for rent One month free. Three bathrooms with showers;. 15 min walk to either campus Two mins to Wloo Squ. Ask for Mark 746-1843. Areyoutiredoflackofprivacy?Lkiingin basements? Come lie in a real home this summer. Completely furnished profs home (dis hwasher, micrawave, washer, dryer, etc.) 2 bdrms available in this great 4 bdr. house. (double beds) Very close to campus and Parkdale plaza. (Longwood Dr.) $600 for Summer term. Call 8855454. Great bastion, five bdrm house, MaySept 2 bathrooms. Will rent by room. Negotiable. Call 8845599. FaB 1986, large bachelor apt for 1 or 2.5 mins to campus. Balcony, ckan unfumished. Must take over kase in May. Call 8854964. FaUb&oorlltownhouse tosublet.verycheapandveryclose.King G Columbia. Free oarktng, Balcony, close to shoppinq, beer and figuor Stores. Avaikbk May to August ‘86. Rent -i&k. R&or Andyat864-7708.5minbiletoUW.15min.uRIuc


Roomate wmted one bedroom in two bdrm apt available. Very clean and spacious. Westmount and C&cow. Weight room, sauna and humby room, fully carpeted, mainly furnished only $200/mo. Spring .teml till winme&. 8845006. 8ept ‘88 Wanted, l-2 people to share 3 bdrm house with two 4th year students in u wrr Wloo. 20 min, walk to UW. Rent negotiable. Call 884-8762. c?ocqs preferred. sensational send available for summer or for ever. 2 large bdrms, parking, balcony. Beautiful 20 in walk to UW, 2 min to everything else. Non-smokers only. Rent highly negotiable. 749-l 992. Su~ydale Townhouse for rent from May to Aug. Ideal for summer with great sundeck $470/n-0. with option to take over lease. Contact Michele or Liz at 7460444. Greenbriar Apt. available May to August, 1986.3 bdrms, 12-l 5 min walk from UW. Rent negotiable. Call 884-5375 or 884-9335. Luxurv Townhouse for rent Mav-Seot ‘86.3 bdrm. Newlv caroeted. fresh - painted, new washer & d&r, bridge and stove and furnished i only r 475/mo. call 8850723.

6686 ask for Sue. Sumrnr House 15 min from UW. 3 singles, 1 double, clean, spacious. $125/ma/person, callbane, 8846589. Grad students nonsmokers. Furnished. Sept-April. Double garage, 3 bdrms, Forest Heights area. 57982%. evenings. Two bedroom fully furnished apt available MaySept ‘86. Parking, sauna, exercise rocm, rent negotiable. Phone 742-6399. Three bedrooms of a 4 bdrm house available summer term. 10 min walk from campus, plushly furnished, washer G dryer, large backyard. $15O/mo + utiliies. 8848036. ht Homelocators arrange your fall accommodations now. All sizes, prices available in Waterloo. Helping students since 1979. You can look at as many properties as you want as long as you want until you’re located. Fulty computerised. Drop by 876 King St W., today. Open 99 pm. Monday to Friday. 96 pm., Saturdays and 1 l-5 pm. Sundays. Students our specialty. 742-3557. Fee. House, (semi on Northtake Drive) for lease for 4 or 5 students, May ‘86 to April ‘87, $9,000 total rent plus utiliies. Call 885-5370. Clean, Cheap, Close, 4 bdrm townhouse. furnished. washer, garage, Albert St April 26 - Aug. 38, Rent Negotiable. 746-8255. ~--~

3 bedroom apt for rent May-Au , Erb St, near Seagrams. Extra iarge bedrooms, garage, back yard. $500 mo. neg. 8868169. Summer home 4 bdrm house in excellent condition behind Wloo Square. Rent reduced from $170 to $1 lO/person/mo. Must see. 3 rooms available. Call 8845777. Apt 2 roommates needed for 3 bedroomn luxury furnished apt with swimming Pool. Call Michele 746-3530. On Pogey, summering in Waterloo? People needed to share a 3 bedroom cottage/townhouse on Churchill St I’m negotiable. BBQ skills pn asset Call Dave at 746-1036. Nonsmoking, quiet female to share 2 bdrm apt in mA. Surrner ‘86, fully furnished. phone 746-0739. Pool, Aircondltionlng in large apt Own room, 10 min bike ride to UW. Fully furnished except for bedroom. Summer ‘86. Ph. 746-0739. OakviHe/Buriington. looking for a place? So am I. If you are interested in sharing, please call Gary at 884-0759. Rornmmate needed to share very clean apt April 25 to Aug 31 86. sl5O/rno. negotiable. Completely furnished. Incl. desk Kitchen, laundry room, parking. On Regina St, 15 min from UW Call Mark at 746-0331. Private house four bedrooms, large back yard. Partly furnished. 15 min. walktoczsnpus $53Orno. (but highly -table)73 HickorySt 8886518. Room avail&k from Mav-Aw in furnished Sunmdale Townhouse. Fw, dryer included.. RA $1 lO/mo., nego&ble. Call John at 746-0768. Tomnto.BubIetMayl toAug31.Three(large)roomflatfor3people. Dupont and Brunswick, 2 minutes from subway. $818 Per ~month, utilii included. Phone 4169228298. Beauthl Bunnydale townhouse available for Summer 1986.1 month free rent and fully furnished. Call 746-4020. PhiI@ St Townhouse suitable for 4 students - 3 bdrm + basement Avail May-Aug. Jan Apr. 87. Keith 746-4137. Want& Roommate to share large house with 3 others. May-Aug. $1 lO/mo. King & columbii. Call746-6935. Cheap House near Weber & University. 4 bdrm house available summer 86, close to grocery G beer stores. Rent very nego&ble. 886-3196. Toronto House - May 86 Looking for 2 roommates to share 3 brdm house. Lco&ed Dundas & Dufferin. Close to groceries, laundry G T.T.C./around s12OO/mo. Liz (884-7463) or Kathy (5785315. Huge Room going cheap. Walk in closet great view, near to UW (10 min. walk) slOO/rno. or best offer. ‘May to August - fall term options. Call Joan, 886-7782. Cimien Home 3 bdrm, multHevel, fully equipped, -her/dryer, patio, elecbic garage door opener, close to shopping, summer 86. and winter 87. Rent $5OO/mo. (negotiable) utiliies included. Phone 576 5551. Towhouse for rent in Robinwood. May&g. furnished. Swimming 3 bdrm, bg basement, washerdryer, 7 min to UW by bike, P42&no. Bummer rooms amazing hopse: 6 rooms a@lable in huge, uncluttered, luxury house with balconies, fireplace, lake front lot on bus route, 15 min to campus. Super cheap, slSO/mo./person. < Visit 93 &lvid St or call 7436896. &ase avail&k in Sunnydaletownhouse.May’%. Rent $39O/mo. Call aui!5746-8360. Summer ‘(16 - four bedroom houseavailabkl!+bath,fireplace. garage, patio deck Call Georgette 57a2957, Waterloo. Bachdor m avaibble May, option to talus new lease in August, comer Westmount/Viictona. Large Balcony, Laundry Facilii, Swimming Pool, Air Conditioned. QOO month (included utilities). Meal for conscientbus student 742-2623. HOUSING


Sunnydale room wanted for MayAug. Phone Paul, 746-0910. Ottam Bachelor or 1 bdrm apt wanted for September. Close to U of 0 or Bus route. Call Diane at 886-0767. Want& 4 bdrm townhouse, Sunnydale area, Sept 1. Lease, Call Lynn, 746-0115 or Liz. 7468444. Bept.88-Ibdrmorbacheloraptwantedin Waterloo. St Jacobs or St Acratha area. Call Teni - 746-1274. Oakdk/Burfington I am looking for a place for the summer work tern. If you hvae (or know of) a placeease call Cary at 8844759. Subkt May-August (JanApril option) large 2 bdtm apt+ 1Omin. bike ride from UW. Air conditioned, pool, near beer store & shopping. Rent negotiable, utiliies included. 746-3461. Two bedroom furnished apt Sept-Dec. ing senior females. 746-3725.

Typing - Essays, Theses, Work Reports, Resumes, Business letters, etc. Neat accurate, will correct spelling, grammar, punctuation. Reasonable rates. Electronic-typewriter. Seven years experience typing for students. Phone - Lee - 8865444, afternoon or evening. Expeienced typist - essays, wok reports, etc. Fast, accurate work Reasonable rates. IBM Selectric. Lakeshore Village, near Sunnydale. Call 8851863. Unfversity graduate (English & Latin) available to type/ word process Term Papers, Theses, Reports, Resumes, Letters. Basic or comprehensive editing. Personal computer and letter-quality printer. Disk storage. Oncampus pick up & delivery arranged. Phone Judy 6994682 anytime. Typing - or@ $l/ page for typist living on campus. (MSA). Typist has English degree, corrects spelling. Call Karen 746-3127. Resumes Word Processed! $3 per page (25C per page for printed copies) Near Seagram Stadium. Phone 885 1353. Same Day Word Processing. 24 hourtum-aroundlif you bookahead). $1 Per double-spaced page. Draft copy provided. Near Seagram Stadium. Phone 8851353. Will Do Typing in my home. Call Dianne, 579-3741. Medical Secretary will do your typing. $1 Per double-spaced page. C?ll Susi at 664-2105. Professional Typing: Essays, term papers, theses, etc. Fast, accurate and dependable service, $1 per duble spaced page.‘Call8864347. Professbnal typing of theses, work reports, essays, resumes/ Resumes $10, All other work 12 per double spaced page. Call Ardythe _ 888-7367. PERSONALS To An Amazing Friend. It’s been a blast from the beginning to the end. Remember -you’re always welcome at Harry’s bar-b-q’s and HI wear a hat if you like. To My Drinking Buddy. You know what? k’s time to chug! Stay crazy. Can’t wait for my surprise party! Luv your basket case. Alttn Marshall - I trust you weren’t good, but were you careful? The chauffer. Meeting of Thidwick Fan Club in Moosonee this weekend. For details, Call Vicky, Leroy or Dolly at 885MOOS. Etigabk Eligabk Bachelor from Miami seeks company of: Young geography graduate with following attributes: firm calves, devoted Y&R fan, braces, knows art personally, loves pyjama drama, answers to Alexis or Vicky. It’s not &t&e, its suicide! Serious replies only. -.~ MG 1253: Thanks for all your squishes and snuggles this year. Love, Raspberry. I Susk-Gk We are bdh dying to join the man-haters anonymous club. Forget about him, he’s not a smartie afterall. DAVID BURNS: OK, Pm staying for the summer. 1’11 even let you take me out to dinner. Call me! Choreographer. ADAM CHAMBERI;AIN: I love you!! You are the turnkey of my heart A secret admirer. Dave Wolfe: Have you recovered from your drinking binge yet? The Rebels will never forget you. Neither will I! Choreographer. Kate: The time of your life is now, so go get him before he’s gone. Good luck in your future endeavors and I hope your introduction will lead me to mine soon! See you in the summer! Choreographer. \ GOOD RIDDANCE - jpm. Jon Longerund~ Longerunden#/ear News of your wedding to Karen has spread. Congratr.&tions Congratulations and may you live happily e&r ever after. .-SVENWIA, Twice you have humiliated us up the bum. Yours is on the line now - The Cats. JOEssEppl REAGANFLLI. You and asshole may get a surprise sporthump somewhere in Europe. Beware. Dauey. White is for innocence, red is for passion. Yellow is for the friendship I hope we will always share. Love TLM: RA8TA FERGUS is in heat Anyone wishing to partake in Choo-choo trains contact BA..AB or CAAB. The Stkkmanr Man on a mission to save the earth from hachate eminations. Anywhere there is a leachate, you will find the stickman. God, what a man. It’s Been a great year!! I’d like to wish everyone at Imprint all the best and thank them for making both Rick and I into alcoholics. Have a fabulous summer, Carol. x0x Do youwant to see Expo? Are you Young and At&active? Are you female? lf you answered yes to all the above questions, give us a call. We are taking a van and want some company. Call Mike 884-1808. Ml -Thanks for all the help this term. I wish you and Dl the best Keep in touch.



S~S&tcr-Thanksforbeingsowrderstanding.IlcnewIcould count on you. 1989 is just a 4digit word ff you think you may be pregnant, BirthRigM offers free pregnancy tests. BirthRight volunteers can help you explore y our options, your possible future plans. Call 579-3990. Johnny Mat and Danny Baby. . . hey, don’t ya know, we are mencinn our last few weeks as roommates . . . don’t vou think a wrtv is in order? Perhaps we can for& the touas this tin&and iust concentrate on getting drunk! k’s beeria great t&m guys, here’s-wishing the best for you two next year!!! Therese and Deb and evervbodv who’s been a oart of mv term. Hev. it’s been fun, va know?!?! &t’s room tooether n&t vear &d see how much more trouble we can stir . . . that iz if vou call &riahters durina mid-terms, green beer for Pattie’s, singing through the c&pus centrg without paper bags and vast quantities of beer Friday, Saturday and Sunday trouble. Personally, though, it was a great term. We’il have to do it again next year!!! Chrissy. Thanks JIMBO. Pink Flamingoes. 2Alrinht Postbusters. Another “A’ Leaoue chamoionshio under our belts?thanx to big Scatty Ryan). Keep ip the wo;k next ‘season and make sure you draft a decent goalie for next season. Hev, didn’t these guys win it all last season? A.L This EOT is without names, but qoodbve, have a oreat term. and whv aren’t you guys in Ottawa with me? See you so& ABC G GERM.* Ps. I’ll do the dishes when I get home. Simon. Mr.S. I’ll stop irritating you after thisSpontaneous Wine and Fed Hall, Saturday morning shopping for aspirin, for-loops, Doodles, was the outfit the real reason you talked to me for the first time? Maybe I don’t want to know. . . Thanks for the hugs . . . User-Friendly. To everyone who has made the last two years so enjoyable. My Wloo friends have made my stay in this wet G windy city & this province fantastic. Canada is a small place, no matter where we end up, you will always be welcome. Here’s to Homecoming ‘87. Tracy (TJ.) R. D.19.. Duck, Prussy, Sprout-Thanks for the time of my life this term. D.I.P. - You’re the best roommate in the entire world! l’ll miss you qoofs . . . Luv, the hutin’ unit -*-

Dave Peacock: I love you. A BENT admirerer. Dave Bennetb Hello! This is just to keep you in touch with happenings in your hometown. Looking forward to the 25th. please write soon! love Katherine. Cork G&n crepe paper can be dangerous to your health - who will look out for you when term ends? How’s reality progressing? Your Bentfriend. . Wyoustilliaugh,willyoustillcry,willitstiUbeapartofyouwtren you’re 22? Happy Birthday Debra Woods! CABIN; I woukl like to get to know you a lot better - see you on .. . . Happy Easter Lisa! Lookfrg forward to thissummer?How about fall of ‘87? Just coming to visit? Your Pilot OSSM: (AWsujr\): a group of people, wild parties, electric jello. 4 years and a few failed courses ago the tradition began with ‘Shooting the Tube” (OSSM). lt continued with ‘The Halloween Bash” (OSSM 2) “The Bash With A Twist” (OSSM 3) “The irrational Party” (OSSM pi 0) “The Hawiaan Beach Party” (OSSM 4) “The Black G White Bash” (OSSM 5) And now in the same tradition, in celebration of seeing “The Light At The End Of The Tunnel” We announce OSSM 6: The Final Chapter. Bring a flash lght and partake in the party nobody will be able to remember. Ask somebody in the know! (Beer-store closed Friday!) Grabber. Give us a call (not before 2.m). The Cheetah Keepers. Chbbagc I want your sprout Peg. Karen, I want your baby (again). Mardy. Rosemary: It’s been a slice. Look out Ottawa . . . Here we come. Thanks for being there friend! . . . Jenn. Dola: well . . . It’s been interesting!! (To say the least) Keep in touch and visit lots next fall - n&lack P.S. I do love your shoes. Captaln Scugog, I’m ready and eager to learn. Under seventeen. ,~~Y.~~~mntwhydon’tyou. Heknandtheguys.. BAAAB, you wonka whacker you. The Guys. Lick Wurm, Its an emergency! Your mother. Katie, I’m not the man for you. Murr.

-IwING To: 2 billion people, I need a woman. Stick E”;m,,D: 1 Non-smoking Roman Catholic Polish l-i??? (NSCRCPH) ’ ry girl. Please call 8845078. Munayr I knew nothing of Monica’s message so please don’t be angry with me. She meant it as a joke, honest! (well, maybe not the second part). Michele. Ken m Remember me, how about the $105 for LAST summers apt you still owe! Wry any “Michael Jackson” records or tapes ($10 or more), even sin&s ($8 or more). Please call Ore& at 886-1912. AlGAlHapWsecond.Nawthatyou’regllowingawaytothebigT.0. We wanted to ms ~Grnno ; admire your body politic. allthePinkFlamingo . . .


.Thanhs JIMBQ Pink Flrmiv. KAOS WINNERS - Agent 529 - Scott Fox wins $150 for most eliminations. Agent 504 - David Ross wins $100 for second most eliminations and Agent 627 - Steve Smythe wins $50 for most original kill. Pick up prizes at Headquarters.

WATWB - Toronto. The FlRST WatPub in Toronto, April 3Oth, is at the COPA $2.00 at the door for a LARGE buffet Bring student ID (lots of ID). B&A. Dearest Finn Flyshman. Yo mama. Good luck on those ‘Artsie’ exams. You’ll always be a right brain to me. Love Pierre the amazing knife. To the JSA executive. You crazy bunch of guys (and Shayla). I want everyone of your babies. Hugs and Kisses. George of the jungle. Yo Bryan. I wonder what K.G. is doing this weekend. Why don’t you find out Bouncy Bouncy. Bop till you drop. Your Telephone always rings twice. The Lone Ranger. To Isaac. Meir, Moishe, Matt I still respect youbut leave the licorice at home next time. The Mulberry Lane family. What a bunch of Chneils. Yours Truly Pond Scum. KILIXR KEVIN. You Wussy! No Body Slams. Else say goodbye to your vodka and converter. PS. Your MAMA! AWN, Oh honey, let’s go to Acapulco for our Honeymoon. -Oh please sweetheart Love Wendy. PS. Otherw& you’re cut off! STICK, I want to have your baby (duckling). Cathy Jut&rug. SVENDUIA, “Do you mind if I tag alone?” Signed an Admirer. Hey Feel& (AKA Dialing Dave). Job? Money? Working hard? We haven’t heard. Call us (phone * unknown) Metro Cheetah Breeders Association. CHICK: You haven’t laid any major eggs lately yet Thanks for every thing you didn’t say (and for the cake!) LB. Annemark Schikll Congrats on your upcoming 19th b-day. Expect to dance and to drink large quantities of alcohol . . . Beware! Prima. Greg-I’mglad IwasabletoinveigleyouatFedHall~nightIhope you find yourself soon. See you Sunday. Love that damn redhead. MathOrientatfon-Getalotofrestoverthe wodeml. You’re aoina to

ous sillyness and lots of cuddling.~Thanks

‘86. Close to UW. 2 non-srnok-

Dial-A-Secretary.. . Typing, Word Processing, Photocopying. Essays, Work Reports Theses, Resunes. 24hour turnaround within FBBy)n. Pick up and deliiery. Special rates for students DlAL 7466910. 30 yrs. aperience. 75c double spaced page. IBM Sele&ic. Essays, resumes, theses, etc. Westmount-Erb area. Call Doris 886-7153. Typing. Reports, theses, manuscripts etc. Also photocopying and binding. Phone Nancy, 5767901. 25 years experience. 75c per double spaced page. Westmount area. Call 743-3342. GIuaiky Typing and/ or word processing. Resumes stored indefinitely. Punctuation and spelling checked. Fast, accurate service. Delivery ananged. Diane, 5761284.


love. lets hope it f&s.

DebMetheBirthdayGirl:theguywiththe”bro~lippersVoushared - _ leg space with last Friday at Fed Hall won’t be as s&&J there tonight and might even want to be picked up. Be there or be. . . you know. Vbtual Houser Thankvou for a wonderful term/ vear. it’s been fun. See you next fall. Have a good summer. PS. I dor;‘twant to be the senior house member next year!!! Despamtely seeking student(s) on summer work term to find/ share aPartment with. Call 7438976. Llttk Fe& I like it when you’re fed up of computers! Wish you’d get sick of them more often! Bigfoot FUTON MANr Knowing you was great Your persoml masseuz P.S. Good luck on exams and have a great summer *work HARD and don’t miss me too much! SUMMER ‘82 Bird watchers: Now that we are graduating its time to sayTHANKSforbeingtherethroughthe~andthecalmseas. Keep in touch, so that we can do some serious bird watching (and some catching). BG - Thanks, what else can I say! John(afiasGuy&JG):Keepintouch.Boy?didweeverhavesome great memmories from D5,just remember ti to ruin any more sheetsandlhopeyoucontinuetoenjayotchingcoldsfromyou~



Harlequin Romance: Keep in touch. The real world is rough, not the novels. Make sure you take good care of yourself and/or someonewhowill.Maylifebegoodtoyou.Fromarealfriend(one who -rd. Geino:Thoughmostofyourfriendsgmd~tjlisyear.Ihopewewill seeaIdmoreofyouthis‘urmmer(onthebeach).Ihopeyouha\Fea shimw bikini. seriously, how shimpy is ywr bikini (Gary asked). ~uREDandHOTyeC(nopunintended)?Seriously,lhopeyoukeep in touch with Fallino’s roomie and me. We will be having a

like find

r Are few

your dreams (at least the ones in which you don’t give some one the FEELlNG). From Equivalently Short MC381: Have you had to ask anyone to tell you yourbcker number lately? No, this is not the embarassement you have been waiting for. In fact I did not implement my excellent idea. lt would have taken you years to get even. - Hope you come around to my way of thinking. Then, life will seem totally different, seriously. I went through your way of thinking and I didn’t like it.. . from a friend who realty cares (please keep in touch!). Christine D: have a nice holiday, party hardy during grad (too bad HI miss it). Enjoy your trip to Europe and contact me when you get back so we can do some serious organizing. Nudge, Nudge, Wink Wink leave those French men alone. , WANTU): One marriage-minded female for a guy who needs cheap housing next year in married students apa&mn@. Call AGE 746 ,033 1 .TORONTO WATWBS - 1st one now the COPA! since lineup$ to long at Jolly Miller. $2 cover charge for buffet Come early and have a free buffet dinner (with m charge). The CQPA is huge so there won’t be a line up. Cover is normally at least s3/ $6 w kds). GEDS. MathSoc. EngSoc AS/R. Continuedonpa1ge27

IC~lassifiedg. continued




page 26 neighbours always be friends May you always leave bathroom fuctures where they are; May you always have an abundance of Tupperware; May Opals and Star Sapphires always shine upon you; May the love and happiness you share today be with you always. Congratulations, with love, Came and Michael. Thanks to all the great friends I’ve made in W.P.I.R.G.. the Women’s Centre, Birth Control Centre & Imprint Hope to keep in Touch. Cameron.

PERSOW HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the youngest quarter of the awesome fourSOIX! Amputated digits inc. Do you suffer from that heinous illness? Do you continually find yourself twirling your village key around on its shoestring? Now, for a simited time only, you can have the offending digit(s) removed. Bring a friend. jpm. .JOE: Barn flew the nest Case is closed! Slawka. Bill 4B EE Susan 48 BVS/MATH mixed party, 300 Regina St‘ party room, $5 donation. Sat 29 March. ACADEMY’S CHOICE: Steph Humtpl for best actor in “Don’t Push Me Close to the Edge or You’ll Never Eat Jell0 Pudding Again!” Humble mini-sized play figurines now available in specially marked boxes of General Foods --. cereals. SCHWABE BOY! You’d one of a kind. Never before have I seen such charm and intelligence combined with a lewd and twisted sense of humour. Thanks for a novel experience. EinProsit to the future. Aufwiedersehen! LP.B. - Your timeless beauty and smile always makes my day. Thank you for all your thoughts, help and caring. You’ve done more for me than you’ll ever know. Good luck on your work term. I know you’ll be the best AC. Thanks for a great term. Too bad someone else has you. M. T.D. Yes. I will merry you. Looking forward to our walks along the beach. Love ya!! S.K. BRUCE AND BARBARA: May your waves never be dumpers; May your dogs always be spoth/; May your fridge be full of meat pies and bangers; May your cheesecakes always be fluffy; May your landlords never be Craig; May you never have a room at the Bond St Hotel;May all your white dresses be “ready made”: May your plants always be watered; May all your bills be sent to Australia; May your downstairs



CALCULATOR FOUND! in the middle of February. Last chance to claim it before it becomes mine. Describe to claim. Call Scott at 746-0456. RIDE AVAIlABLE EDMONTON, June 1. Share gas/ driving. TransCanada or USA. Some room for your stuff. Sonja 885-1861 (before 8 am.) RIDE AVAILABLE . Going west - require person to share gas and driving _ end of exams. Skill. Janey after 500 .744-2616. COMMUTE daily to Toronto for that summer work term. Cheap, dependable, insuned and air-conditioned. Huny . space limited. Ray, , ssg-3165.





No Theatresports game or workshop game and workshop next week SUNDAY Prayer Renison

Contemporary Room, Men’s

Anglican Residence,

Holy Communion eran Seminary, ,

Informal 7:o.m..

Sook College.

on this Saturday.




.Eucharist. 11:OO Renison College.

Service. with coffee Conrad Grebel Colleoe.


St. Bede’s

Candlelight Hoiy Communion Campus Ministry. Waterloo Bricker Sts., Keffer Chapel. with



12130 pm.,


and choir.



the Christian Faith: Informal Wesley Chapel, 730 p.m.



WANTED SERVICES Going back packing in Europe forboth July and August86? Prefer not > to go on a scheduled tour and looking for another person to go with? If so, call 8868066. WANTED: student(s) on summer work term in Toronto to find and share apartment with. Call 743.8976. Ladles “A” softball team interested in acquiring players for the 1986 season. For more information regarding try-outs please contact Christa, after 600 pm. 745-6695 or John 621-l 200 days.

Red Army

Stars authenic

type worn by East Bloc soldiers.


SUMMER JOB: We’re students helping students in job search and career planning. MC 3035 T330-430, W130-230, R1230-130, a free service by the SVA program. BENTAX: Qrality tax preparation; fast cash refunds. 159 King St E., Kitchener, Ontario. 7446385.20 per cent discount off fee on presentation of student card. Ballet and Jazz classes. For serious dancers or just for fun. phone Kelly at 745-5999. Will Do Light Moving with a small truck Also rubbish hauled away. Reasonable. Call Jeff. 8842831.

Metal &


I Non-Credit course June 30, one night 3260 or 2414:


The Censor,

informal discussion extra-bill?” 330430



“Should Ontario doctors pm., I.S. Lounge: PAS

Amnesty Internationai in the Kitchener Public





Group #9 will have a public meeting Libratv. Ebv Room. at 8:00 p.m.

Laos - 10 years after the war. Slides and talk by Linda and Titus Peachy, Mennonite Central Committee Workers, Sponsored by ploughshares, Waterloo Region, Perth-Wilmot. Steinman Mennonite Church, Baden, 8~00 p.m. All Welcome. Hear from the Atlantic Autonomy Commission gua about the lndiginous peoples of Nicaragua, Great Hall, Conrad Grebel College. Sponsored Peace Society, and others. THURSDAY



of Nicara800 p.m. by the UW






& Archive of games presents exhibit on lnuit Culture. Runs until April 25. Closed for Easter, March to Sunday 30 March. Open weekdays 9-5, free. B.C. Matthews Hall, UW.

Applied Studies will cheese party tonight admission, first glass

be holding their end-of-term at 800 p.m. in University of wine free.

Lutheran Student Movement meets for supper ship. Topic ‘Religious Resurrection’. 4:30-700. Seminary, corner of Bticker & Albert Sts. TUESDAY Bible ment.

14 - JUNE

in Spoken French: All levels. April 14 a week $75. Call Catherine Black at ext.


be allowed 1055.

Waterloo Jewish students association invites you to our bagel brunches held twice weekly. Come for the food, the fun, the friends. Speakers scheduled throughout the term. cc 113,1130 - 130. Museum Games & Friday 28 admission




Sunday, student-led. Graham E: Morbey. 15

STUDENTS111 See the world, take in the sites, work outdoors and make big bucks. It is as easy as becoming a painter for College Pro. For more info see placement office for applications or call Ed at 888-7104 or Scott at 8841384. PIZZA DELIVERY Person at the “Go Pizza”, on campus deliver. Must have own car. Wages, commission plus tips. Appty at the Wild Duck or GoPizza. Looking for student to babysit three days a week in our home. May thru August Call Dave 8. at 2573 or 743-9988. Hotel Waterloo . Chadds: requires full-time, part-time Spring and Summer employees. Positions coming available for immediate train ing are: waitress/ waiter: door; cooks; salad and dessert persons. Apply at the Hotel Waterloo with resume. 4 King St. N. Wat 8855840. BABYSDTER WANTED . Competent, responsible, caring indivklual . to babysit part-time for student with 1 lh year old child. Salary negotiable. Westmount/ University area. Please call 885.1437.


Moose Luth-


Huron Campus Ministry night fellowship Common meal 430 p.m., meeting time 530 p.m., Dining Hall, and Wesley Chapel at St Paul’s College. You are Welcome.

am., Waterloo

1. 27,1&S

sponsored by the Lutheran Lutheran Seminary, Albert &

Gay and Lesbian Lib of Waterloo, weekly coffeehouse. A safe and friendly place to meet other gay men and lesbian women. Everyone Welcome! 8:00 - 11 :OO p.m. CC 110

by the Christian BusinessAll Welcome. Doon Herit7%)0 a.m.





glass Pins. $4 with hammer G sickle emblem/ $3 without Send to C. Parker, 101 lhomdale PI. Wate&o, N2L 5Y8. Please include $1 Per star for p.s.t/postage G handling. SINGLE BED - comfortable. Box spring, mattress, headboard, rails, etc. Assembles in two minutes. Best offer. Gord 7460753. Poly Korg 61 programmable k@oard E RMl Harpsicord/ organ. Both in excellent condition. Must sell. Price negotiable. Call 886-8275. Toronto-Vancouver Wardair ticket one way, March 30th. $69. Call Pauline. 8868525. 1977 VOLARE, as is, %OO or best offer. Call evenings 746.1314. 35 mm CAMERA. Fujica ST605 with 55 mm lens. Also a 98-290 mm 200 m lens hardly used. Includes 2x Teleconverter. Everything $300. Call 576-7154. Apple Computer clone, 64k, 280. Comes with Zenith monitor, disk drive, joystick and software. Asking %OO. Call 7466969. 1982 HONDA CB45OT Hawk Super condition. Certified. Asking $1,000 Call Bernie 746-0561. 1979 DATSUN 8310, I-speed, excellent condition, asking $2,900 or best offer, Call 745-7825.


GLLOWing away dance - a lesbian and ay end of term dance. Tickets at GLLOW office (CC 209) B 2 in advance $3 at the door. proceeds go to the coalition for Gay Rights in Ontario (CCiRO) Call 884CiLOW for more information. 8 p.m. 1 a.m., The Cabaret, King & Queen Sts., Kitchener.



Easter Sunrise Service - Arrive 20 min. before Sunrise for meditation. At sunrise a 15 minute service will be held,. followed by breakfast “The pit”, bythe creek down from St. Paul’s College. 6:60 am.


Midweek College.




on Campus: every mostly by Chaplain

Easter Sunrise service sponsored men’s Association of Cambridge. acre crossroads, RR #2 Kitchener.


Exploring Christianity.

1100 am., Keffer Chapel, Albert & Bricker Sts.

Christian Worship services. Sermons All Welcome







Evening Prayer Grebel Colleue.



Going West? Anyone with van, or interested in sharing rental and gas costs to Vancouver after ems. Call David 18378459.


Chamber Chok concert Faure’s Requiem, performed by the UW Chamber Choir, with soloists Margaret Wligsen and Daniel Lichti, directed by Wilbur Maust Sponsored by Conrad Grebel Dept. of Music. Collection at the door. All welcome. 3;oO P.m., Stirling Ave. Mennonite Church.




Anglican Chapel,




Meeting, last of term. CC 135,730

and fellow p.m., WLU




Student chance

Moveto see



Handel’s Messiah (Easter Section) performed by UW University choir directed by William Janzen. Tickets s5/$3. Sponsored by Conrad Grebel College Music Dept.-‘and the Creative Arts Board. SATURDAY

Study, Sponsored by the Lutheran 4~00 - 5~00 pm., 177 Albert St

Liberais - General Paul K. in action.

wine & Club. No



Theatresports Live improvised comedy. Last game of the term. Feds. $1, others $1.50. HH 180,8:00 p.m. -. Theatresports Workshop. Learn improvised comedy. Last workshop of term. Everyone welcome.HH 180 1~00 p.m.

Rick Nigel (E’ormer editor ‘of Imprint) after learming of his impmding tmmination at the new& paper, breaks down in uncontrollable sobs! Poor Rick! See you in the U.I.C. lineup!

Opportunitiesfor. [~riii&&i e$ng I If you are an engineering student approaching graduation we’d like to taik to you about the challenge of a career in the Canadian Armed Forces. Whether you‘re in the army, navy or air force, you will be expected to lead a team of top flight technicianstesting new devices and keepingvarious insta.llations at combat readiness. You may also be involved in new equipment design and develop-

_ ment. We offer an attractive starting salary, fringe benefits and secure future.


There’snolifelike it. For more information on plans, entry requirements and opportunities, visit the recruiting centre nearest you or call collect -we’re in the yellow pages under Recruiting.




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