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Frl. Feb. 14 1-

VoL 8. No. 29, The Studertl Newspaper, Unkerslty ol Waterloo, Vakrloo, O n M o



Forrest wins with 40 %Lof vote^

a by Graeme Peppler Imprint staff The atmosphere In the Bombshelter reached a fever p~tchWednesday n~ghtbefore 11wasfmally learned that Scott Forrest had swept tovictory In the race for the pres~dencyof the Federation of &Students W ~ t h12 2 per cent more voter than h ~ nearest s rwal, ~ncumbentSonny Flanagan, Forrest took a total of 40 4 per cent of the vote In an elect~on that saw a total of 29 6 percent of ehgible voters cast ballots After the results became known to Forrest, he %odd hardly contam his emotlon as wellw~shers, supporters, and other cand~dates flocked to h ~ table s to offer congratulat~ons "I'm ecstatle about the v~ctory,"proclaimed Forrest later on, lookmg emot~onallydramed and weary by h ~ success s "All thecandidatesd~d a really good job " Forrest was q u ~ c kto pralse h ~ scdmpalgn team, callmg them "amarmg" and g w n g them d gredt deal of cred~tfor h ~ swln, although h ~ s enthusiasm was somewhat tamed by h ~ s colleague W ~ l l ~Grove's e failure to wln the posrtlon of wee-pres~dent, operations and lmance 8 "WJlle was the backbone of mv camoairn." s a ~ dthe newly elected Federat~onires~deht' ~ e helped me a lot and I feel very bad (that he lost h ~ campa~gn)." s Nevertheless. Forrest expects to get on very


well w ~ t hCarol Goulette, who defeated Grove for v~ce-president.operations and fmance, and w ~ t hMatt Er~ckson,who won uver Vanessa Magum as the new v~ce-pres~dent,unlverslty affam "Scott has a natural a b h t y to brmg people together," s a ~ dFlanagan "He'll have a very, very good team to work w ~ t h Flanagan s a ~ dhe w~ll asslst Forrest In assummg the presidency, ~f Forrest so des~res All cand~dateswere pleased w ~ t hthe voter turnout, the h~ghest~n 10 years The prevlous hlgh In e l ~ g ~ b lvoter e turnout over the past decade was In 1976177 when 26 5 percent turned out compared to this year's 29 6 per cent Last year. a mere 22 7 per cent of elig~ble voters turned out to vote In the elect~ons 7 he final tally showed that Scott Forrest won the pres~dencyw ~ t h1.653 votes of 4,090 cast (404 per cent of the total). w ~ t h Flanagan tmshmg second, takmg 1,152 votes, or 28 2 per cent of the votes Dav~dBray fmshed thud In the votlng w ~ t h 19 3 per cent, while D ~ a n n e Myerson, desp~te a strong showmg rn the Englneer~ngFaculty. came fourth w ~ t hI 1 2 per cent of the vote Carol Goulette collected 55 9 per cent of the vote. comodred to 42 4 oer cent for W ~ l l Grove ~e The Federation of Students'mw team (left t o right): Scott Forrest, president; Carol Colrtefte, v.p., to take v.; , operatrons'and fmance, while Matt Er~kronobtarned 61 2 per cent of the vote to operations and finance; and Matt Erickson, v.p., university affairs. Vanessa Magum's 34.3 per cent. to c l a m the Photo by Joe Sary v p., unlverslty atfarrs p o s ~ t ~ o n . "

Government report ignores funding problems s

OTTAWA (CUP&-T tary of State tabled report on post-sec&kry education (PSE) In the Hgusc of &om,mons last week w h ~ c hsays nothkng about funding problems faced by the country's 70 degree grantmg tnstltutions. ' The report, prepared by Secretary of State Beno~tBouchard, IS the first annual report Parhament on federal-protL;)nclal spknd~ngon PSE. Accordtng to R~chard Bellawe. researcher for the Canad ~ a nAssoc~ationof Unwerstty Teachers (CAUT), the report IS heavy on data and hght on eas. "It puts rn all the data i f at's requ~redby the law, but just presenting a h t of data and letting ~t s ~ tthere doesn't d o

mu~h.'G$" nces by a total of $6 b~lhonby 80~3+rd McCurdy, NDP 1990. Critic f& PSE agreed. saying in Pat Campbell, w ~ s t a n t.&a Dress relealse that the reaort rector of pohcy and analys~sIn "kovldes a neat comp~lat& of the educat~onalsupport sector S t a t ~ s t ~ Canada cs ~nformat~on, of the secretary of state, debut IS devo~dof analysis on the fended the report. "It's a recritlcal state of our unlversl- sponse to a prece of legslation tles". that asked for informatron McCurdy said the report about government expendlleaves out a numhrr of Issues lures on PSE," she sad. "It relatmg to PSE, ~ n d u d ~ nnsg doesn't address other tcrssues. It's mg tultlon fees, d~fferenttalfees not a pol~cyreport." for mternational students. cuts A 1984 amendment t o the In l~braryacqulsltlon budgets, federal prov~nc~al financrng act and outdated lab equipment. requires the secretary of state t o He also noted that the report report annually on federal and fads to mentlon cuts by the provmc~alexpenditures In PSE, Minister of F~nancelast fall. the relatjonsh~pbetween federal wh~chw~llreduce Estabhshed contributions and Canada's edProgrammes Fmancmg grants ucat~omland economlc goals, for health and PSEto the p r o w and the results of meetmgs be-


fsult thmg to Qo, and a hollow exercise, w6 found, because the rtate of PS'E ia Canada is within the jurisdictlon of the provtnc ~ a governments." l She said not enough consultation had taken place with the provinces to comment on the state of PSE m the report. The day before the report was tabled, during question period, the member of parliament for Eglinton-Lawrence, Roland de Cornulle, asked Bouchard why he refused to "consult with or reveal to (the provmces) the content ofthe Government'sreport, whtch, in fact. 1s about the provmces themselves and what they are domg to finance post secondary education". Bouchard responded that the

provinces were consulted about

figuresiathecep~rt.Buta t a .lhe two day meettng of tbd Camcii of M~nistersof Edvcat~on In Toronto last week, a number of the ministers who had seen parts of the unreleased report s a ~ dit underestimated the provinces' contr~but~on to PSE by almost $2 b~llion,or 22 per cent. The ministers requested a meeting wcth Bauchard to review the report but a date has not been set. Campbell s a ~ dthe minsters have a d~fferentfigure for provinc~al contributions t o PSE because they counted total expenditures, whereas the report counts o@y operating costs, caprtal costs and studentps~stance.

Faculties trimmine budgets


Chemical time bombs P. 2 Smoking research at UW p. 3 Comment P*4 Forum PP. 5-8 ADS symposium P. 9 New OFS chairman p. 10 Fitness test Foreign students in Canada Computers & education - pp. 4,n Concert reviews p. 17 Albums p. 18 Valentine's notices P-26 "AP that fits*W s n c r w n , mpint."


F: E


tween the Secretary of State and the Counc~lof Ministers of E d w t i o n , Canada ways to achieve the natronal purposes to be served by post-sec6ndary education. The report gives only the dates and top~csdiscussed at four meetmgs between the secretary of state and the Counc~l of M~nistersof Educat~on.It leaves out the findrngs of the meettngs and makes no mention of how the two levels of government can ach~evethe nat~onalpurposes to be served by PSE. campbell admitted the last clause of the Act meant the report was supposed to "relateexpenditures to thestate of PSE in Canada." but said 'that's a dif-

by h r s Wilke Imprmt staff Current funding problems have forced the University of Waterloo to make a 2.5% cut in the operPing budget for fiscal year 1986-87. For some faculties thismeans as much as $400,000 in lost resources. Arts "It's taking away the life blood of the University,"says Dr. Robin Banks, Dean of Arts. He and h ~ counterparts s in other facufties have been faced with the task of meeting the new budget while minmizing its effects. For Arts. part ofthisgoal wtll beaehieved by not replacing faculty members who have retired or left the university. Similar measures were adopted by all other facult~esin order to reduce salary loads. The Arts Faculty will also not be hiring any part-tlme teachers, which has, in the past, been standard practice. This, according to Banks, will have very negative effects because of the large teaching loads supported by the part-tims staff. "This translates into fewer courses, larger classes, and more people turned away," he explains. There is also much concern for th; Accounting, French, and Engl ~ s hdepartments which already turn students away because of poor student to teacher ratios. Eaginetring Dr. Bill Lennox, Dean of Engneering, IS planning on reducing several undergraduate labs t o demonstration-type presentations or removing them from the curriculum completely in order t o save money. Lennox is concerned wi* the necessity of these cutbacks because he feels that engineering is best taught through "hands-on" experience. 'With continued underfundin&it is q u i possibk ~ that the University of Waterloo will not be able to meet the standards required for accreditation," states Lonnox, referring t o the standards t l b t Canadian engineering schools must meet in order t o be .recognized by the Canadian Acuednation Board. The Engineering Faculty is also cutting in half the amount of money it nonnally sets aside for scholarships. "There will be n o



reduction in the number of scholarships made ava~lable," says Lennox, "they will, howevo only be worth half as much." Faculty morale is also a gw !t problem brought on by the financial situation, according to Lennox. Continually scramping for funds, Lennox notes, tekes its toll on a professor, especially when large amounts of money are available in the United States, both for research and for salaries. HKLS In t h g ~ a c u l t yof Human Kinetics and Le~sureStudies, "the loss of personnel will have the greatest rmpact,"says Dean R.G. Marteniuk. Health S t u d i i for example, will give up all teething-assistant (T.A.) support and Dance will be Losing a movement instructor. Vacant faculty positions wiil not be refilled. htb The Faculty of Mathematics is planning on reducing its T.A. budget by $70,000. The reduced number of teaching assistants will require that professors give fewer assignments o r wignments of lesser educational value, such that the marking load can still be handled, says Dean Alan George. The budget for computing facilitm is also being frozen. When asked what would happen if U.Ws computer fees were ruled illegal by the Ontario government. Dr. George replied, "We have at present no elbow room, and without the computer fee, we will simply have t o start shutting down equipment." The Math Faculty will soon be charglng researchers more for their use of computing equipment to help pay for its maintenance. Dr. George men!ly announced that he will be leaving Waterloo for the University of Tmnesee. He cited the poor firt~nciPlsituation at Ontario universities as one of his main reasons for leaving UW.

Continued on .page 2 see Library









14, 1986--

-.Chemical wastes co.me back to haunt )

Dump sites)pdtential time bomb

by Meir Rotenberg water. Groundwater is made up Imprint staff of water and snow that slowly “Groundwater contaminaseeps through the ground. Contion will plague Ontario and trary to popular belief this flow many parts of North America is rarely comparable to an unfor at least a few decades,” says derwater river. Cherry notes Prof. J. A. Cherry of U W’s that it may move as slowly as Earth Sciences ’ Department. one metre a year, and as quickly This phenomenon has been a as 1,000 metres a year. As a recentral focus of Cherry’s result, present contamination is search. due to chemical deposits that The problem lies with indusmay have been dumped “anytrial, agricultural and human where from 10 to 100 years prewastes being dumped in septic vious,” explains Cherry. tanks, lagoons and landfills, The -Institute for Ground Cherry notes. The waste enters Water Research at UW is the the groundwater and is subselargest of its kind in Canada quently carried to underground and has been researching the water reservoirs known as aquifcauses of ground water contamers. Cherry says that about 20 I ination for approximately 15 per cent of the total rural and years. “The institute is involved municipal water used in Canin many projects to learn how ada is pumped from aquifers. chemical wastes behave in a Kitchener-Waterloo indirectly subsurface environment and in derives all of its water supply what circumstances the confrom aquifers. tamination becomes serious,” The most astounding aspect says Cherry. of this hazard, however, is the In the past, Cherry says, there time lag between the dumping was little knowledge of the efof the chemicals and the evenfects such chemical wastes had tual contamination of the on groundwater. The new ana-

Continued from p-e


.&ibrary book purchases frozen year, otherwise gaps may appear in the university’s (book) collection which will not be apparent until years later.” Shepherd says that the library has, for the past few years, been trying to reduce costs by a program of automation. The problem, however, is that capital is required to purchase the necessary equipment.

Science The trend of “taxing” researchers, especially those holding grants and contracts, is exemplified in the Faculty of Science. In order to maintain the present support for teaching assistants in the face of budget restraints, Dr. D.A. Brodie, Dean of Science, is pronosing ’ to charge greater overhead costs to contract research. Thts, however, presents a dilemma. “In order to attract and keep research c,ontracts, much effort must be spent in performing good research. In this case, the Faculty is accused of neglecting its teaching duties,” says Brodie. At the present time the Faculty of Science holds a heahhy number of research contracts. Brodie feels he cannot afford to lose any T.A.s because of the high student to professor ratios which exist in science. Research, must, .therefore,subsidize the teaching. Brodie also noted that he will not reduce his materials budget because it is already “overstretched.” The cost of chemical and biological supplies, for example, have risen at an annual rate of 30% for the past few years.

The library is dedicated to continuing the program in the face of cutbacks. In order to achieve this, several other services must be curtailed or ended. A list of suggested cutbacks was compiled last November and included discontinuing book delivery and pick-up, reducing library hours and user education programmes, and the elimination of “double teaming” of librarians on various service desks. The list of serials subscriptions, which represent 55% of the library’s budget, is also being reviewed along with the practice of scanning new publications. Graduate Studies Graduate studies are being affected primarily by the reduced budgets for T.A. support in individual faculties. It will now be harder to secure a position as a T.A., which makes graduate studies financially more difficult. Dr. Horst Liebholtz, Dean of Graduate Studies, is also concerned that the budget cutbacks will effect the university’s ability to attract external examiners for PhD theses. He says that the quality of academic work depends on the judgment of these external examiners. Liebholtz adds that the university soon may not be able to afford a suitable honourarium or travelling expenses for visiting academics. Liebholtz goes on to say that the Graduate Office is already operating at the lowest possible level. “We are living from hand to mouth,” he says.

Library The library has recently been forced to stop all book purchases for the-present time due to a shortfall of funds. U W’s Chief Librarian, Murray Shepherd, said that the library only received a 2.2% increase in the book budget as compared with the 10.5% requested. With budget cutbacks for the upcoming year, the situation could potentially become worse. Shepherd hopes to get increased funding through the Ontario government’s “Excel!ence Fund” ($5q million is available for specific programmes in Ontario unlversrtres). The current budget problems have given Shepherd grave concerns. “What we don’t buy this year, we will need to buy another

lytical capabilities in water research have brought attention to the problem. Presently, the earth sciences department has approximately fifty graduate students who are studying this and other problems. UW graduates are already applying what they know to some 100 sites across Canada. “A fair amount of knowledge ,” noted Cherry, has been accumulated, yet there is still a

U of T closing could leave architectural void by M.A. Morley Imprint staff Larry Richards, Dean of Architecture at UW, has said that if the decision to close the University of Toronto Faculty. of Architecture is made final, Ontario will be in an “architectural void,” with Toronto left as the only major North American %ity without a school of Brchitecture. Contacted by Imprint this week, Richards cautioned that the final decision to close the school has not been made and wiil depend upon the outcome of a meeting of the U of T governing council February 20. Calling the proposed closing of the school symbolic evidence of the general crisis in university funding, Richards said that if the school is closed he does n,ot expect an exodus of potential students to the U.S. because of prohibitive cost of education there. He added, however, that UW would be unable to accomodate any increase in enrollment in its own architecture program due to overcrowding and severe budget limitations already occuring. Richards declined to comment when asked if the U of T architecture school had been singled out for/elimination because academic rifts would make a defense of the program difficult. The school has had its ups and downs in the past few years and students complained that design and technical emphases were not being balanced. Many third and fourth year students decided this year to boycott studio courses which they said were too technical in orientation.



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The problems of the schooi can be traced back to the early seventies, when followers of Peter Prangell, the chairman of the department from 1969 to 1976, were at odds with those loyal to George Baird, a professor hired by Prangell when he revamped the department. ‘The so-called “Pr angellites” embraced an ideology based on personal inspiration and creativity, as opposed to Baird’s emphasis on scholarship and scientific method. _ Differences between faculty members and their followers have’ continued to dog the school up to the present day. Richards commented that a certain amount of infighting will be found in any such school, and the representation of diverse viewpoints is necessary for a healthy academic environment; the key is how they are managed. Richards said he did not know what, if any, alternatives to closing the school would be debated at the governing council meeting. Ontario Premier David Peterson and Minister of Colleges and Universities Gregory Sorbara have stated their intent to stay out of the matter, and are not considering a bailout. The Canadian Architect, an architectural magazine published in Don Mills, Ontario, has circulated a petition calling for architects and others interested in the field to speak out against the proposed closing, saying that it would be a “tragic decision”, and that those involved should not let the school’s internal problems prevent it from being saved.




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lot more to learn about groundwater’contamination. Many environmental agencies still know very little about the problem. Politicians know even less, however, and any legislation restricting chemical emissions and dumps will only have an effect another 10 to 25 years from now, Cherry says. At present, the consequences will probably involve paying more for clean water.



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22 KING ST. S., WATERLOO (across from) Waterloo Square 8884980 Eye’ Examinations (6wner

U of W graduate,

Arranged BSC.)





14, 1986


Smoking studied by UW researchersby Christine Fischer / Imprint staff For the past six years, Dr. Aian Best, of UW’s health studies department, has been head of the Waterloo Smoking Project. The project works to develop smoking cessation programs which will make an effect on the real world, not just in the laboratory environment. The first section of the project is the Waterloo Smoking Prevention Program. The aim of this project is to develop an effective school-based prevention program, providing information to classes of students. Researchers have been working on this particular program for six years. They began the smoking education classes at a grade 6 level, and have been following the students in those particular classes into high school to monitor the effects of the \ program on students.


The researchers have found that, as far as immediate results are concerned, the program causes less smoking experimentation at the grade 8 level, and helps deter “high risk kids” (those with sibling or parental smoking at home) from smoking. “In the short range, the greatest impact has been on children who have already begun to smoke. In the long range, we hope to deter children from ever starting,*’ says Best. Interestingly enough, Best notes, the school itself makes a big

difference upon the: success of the program. Researchers are not exactly sure- why yet, but they say that there is a difference in whether the school principal smokes or not. “If the principal smokes, (s)he is less likely to push non-smoking,” comments Best. “For example, the smoking rules won’t be as strict, and (s)he is less likely to call the parents of a child who has been caught smoking.” Currently, 166 schools have been involved in the program, and the findings have been promising. However, as Best says, to see the real effects will in\*olve at least 10-l 5 Isears of follow-up to see if the program has really stopped smoking, or whether it hasjust delayed it. The second facet of the program is called the “Waterloo-McMaster Family Practice Smoking Cessation Project.” This project involves working with family doctors to find out whether they can be more effective in informing their patients. In its early stages, they are just beginning to follow-up on the patients. So far, they have found that the results have been extremely good - four times as many .are quitting in the long term and two times as many are quitting in the short term. It is an intensive study, carrying out interviews in 120 homes, to find out exactly what happens to people when they try to quit. As the program is in its early stages, extensive’ information is not yet available. “What we are trying to do is establish social change in this area, but society doesn’t change quickly,” Best says.


Dr. Alan Best, of UW’s health studies department,says the. aim of the Waterloo Smoking Project is to effect social l Photo by Joe Muller change.


Living off-campus preferred hitTt proves difficult by Frank Trovato Imprint staff The problem of student housing is a problem that comes up every term. It is important enough to be a major issue in most student elections. Last term, Jack Kobayashi, a fourth year Urban and

c Divestment by M. A. Morley Imprint staff “Each new trade agreement, each bank loan, each new investment is another brick in the wall of our continued existence.” So said John Vorster, former prime minister of South Africa, to illustrate the economic dependence of South Africa on other nations to-maitain its racist policy of apar1 theid. There is a popular argument that investment in South Africa helps to improve the standard of living for that nation’s 22 million, Blacks. Historically, however, this has not been the-case. Over ten years ago, the Task Force on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility found that the previous 30 years of foreign investment and economic growth had coincided with increasing oppression of Blacks. The Waterloo Public Interest Research Group will be sponsoring an information booth from February 23 to 26 in the Campus Centre to provide more information on the South African investment issue, which has recently been the subject of much media attention. Tana Turner, a volunteer member of WPIRG, says that the aim of the booth will be to draw attention to the role foreign investment and trade plays in maintaining apartheid. Another objective of the booth will be to make people aware of

is wanted the personal role they can play in opposing South African racism. “It’s time for people to wakeup and stop thinking in purely economic terms,” said Turner, “it’s time to address the moral issues.” In the university community, interest in divestment from South Africa has been growing. At McMaster University in Hamilton, students were asked in a referendum on February 1I and 12 whether they wished their student union to boycott South African products. Organizcrs of the referendum said it succeeded in bringing,public attention to the apartheid issue. Their ultimate goal is to generate support for the creation of a motion of divestment from South Africa for the university. At press time, the outcome of the referendum was unknown. McGill University has already stated its intentiqn to fully divest from South Africa. At York University, the Faculty and Staff Association has given its support to the Student Movement Against Apartheid there, an important move since they represent 80 per cent of the university pension fund. In addition, the University of Toronto is in the process of forming an Inter-Campus AntiApartheid Network with other uiiversities. Turner is hoping WPIRG’,s booth will spark a similar interest at UW.

Regional Studies mpjor, conducted a housing survey in an attempt to get at the roots of the student housingproblem. Eleven hundred students responded. Here are the results of some of his findings. The majority of students (64.3 70) are finding their accommodation on campus either’in one of the villages or in one of the church colleges. However this is clearly not the preferred residence for most students. Less than 31% of the students responding said they actually preferred one of the mentioned oncampus residences. Then why do so many students live on campus‘? They do so, the study indicates, because of the great amount of difficulty in finding off campus student housing. While only about 20% of the students living on campus reported having difficulty finding accommodation, those living off campus had a much more difficult time. Close to 40% of the students living in apartments, townhouses or rented houses reported having difficulty in finding accommodation. As a ‘result only 19.9y0 of the students were successful in finding such accommodation, although an overwhelming 46.2% of the students reported to prefer that type of accommodation. Clearly the demand is for more off-campus student housing. In fact, 66% of the respondents listed either apartments or townhouses as the type of units they would like to see constructed if the university were to build more student housing. As it stands now, the K-W area doesn’t seem to be providing enough student housing to meet the demand. As a result, many students who would prefer offcampus accommodation are settling for the high cost of on-campus residence to avoid the difficulty of finding other types of accommodation. It would seem, therefore, that UW is taking the appropriate action by building townhouses for this fall. The townhouses, which

will provide accommodation for 400 students, should help to relieve some of the demand for off-campus housing. However, they won’t provide much financial relief. At a cost of $225 rent per month plus utilities, the townhouses won’t be much cheaper than living in residence on campus. The Living Environment Considering the fact that most students live in some kind of shared accommodation it may be expected that students would have problems with their environment or with the people they live with. As far as relations with roommates are concerned, Kobayashi’s study indicated that the situation is fairly good. Less than one fifth of the students responding reported either roommate problems or problems with privacy. The relations with landlords, however, were not as good. A total of 11.3% of students surveyed repi>rted having poor landlord relations. Perhaps relating to the problem of poor landlord relations is the fact that nearly 20% of the students reported maintenance problems. Also, 16.670 of the students reported their accommodations to be below reasonable standards. If we allow ourselves to conjecture that people living on campus are not likely to have such problems, we could conclude that these statistics would be significantly higher if we only looked at the students living off-campus. Therefore, although most students would prefer to live in some kind of off-campus accommodation, those students living offcampus seem to be the ones having most of the problems. Students looking for accommodation off campus are not only having difficulty finding Such accommodation, but they are also incurring more problems after moving in.

Avoid tax discounters, says prof by Lesa Beret Imprint staff Income tax time is approaching and a number of us are going to start jumping at the mail slot every morningas the winter term, and our bank accounts, draw to a close. Some of us may even consider a tax discounter, a “fast cash” alternative to the seemingly endless wait for an income tax return. ’ However, Professor Robert Brown, of U W’s Depaitment of. Statistics and Actuarial Science, warris that the cost of tax discounters is “extreme”. He is concerned that the average person who goes to a tax discounter is unable tq determine the actual cost. Tax discounters charge 15 per cent on the first $300 of your-tax return and 5 per cent on the remainder. According to Brown, tax discounters claim that much of the 15 per cent goes to the cost of filling out the income tax forms, yet the returns a tax discounter gets are uncomplicated and can be done on a personal computer for approximately $2.00. He says the person who goes to a tax discounter usually has one or two sources of income and one or two deductions. Brown says 15 per cent represents a “criminal” rate of interest according to the Criminal Code. In 1981, the Code set the legal maximum for interest. at 60 per cent per annum. “Consider the Canadian who has a $100 tax refund on income taxes paid in 1985,” Brown says. “If that person goes to a discounter he or she will receive $85 in cash ($100 less the I5 per cent discount); then, a few weeks later the discounter receives the $100 from the government and the transaction is closed.” Brown says if the turn-around time for the discounter is one month, “the effective interest rate over that one month is 17.65 per cent,” and the effective annual interest rate is therefore603 per cent . . . 10 times the legal limit. “For a discounter to make only 60 per cent per annum, the turn-around time would have to be 126 days or more than four months. Thus, a 15 per cent discounter is charging a legislated ‘criminal’ interest rate, if the tax refund comes through in less than 126 days,” says Brown. The turn-around time on uncomplicated tax returns has been improving, he says, and tax discounters usually receive the tax refund in six or seven weeks. Tax discounters work by doing the customer’s tax return form, processing the return, and giving the customer a check for the return minus 15 per cent. The customer is required to show ttio pieces of identification and to sign two forms authorizing the discounter to do the customer’s income tax form and explaining the contract between the discounter and the customer. The average return takes about 20 minutes to process. Previous customers receive their check the next day, whereas new cu>tomers must wait for clearance before receiving a check. ’ The tax discounter sends the income tax form to the government and receives the customer’s full refund a few weeks later. If there is

any change in the amount of the tax return, the tax discounter sends a form to the customer showing the amount the customer received from ihe discounter, and the actual return from the government. If the customer gets a larger return, the discounter sends a check for the difference. If the customer received too much money from the discounter, the discounter asks for any amount over $10 to be returned. irown’s advice is “try to wait that extra few weeks for your money. You wouldn’t borrow at that rate of interest from a bank; why do it from an income tax discounter?” He suggests looking into short term loans on campus for anyone in need of quicklcash. ’ Student Awards offers 90-day loans to a maximum of $200. Applications are available at the Student Awards Office at Needles Hall.

ANC activist to speak at UW on February 26 Noted African National Congress (ANC) activist Yusaf Saloojee will be speaking on the South Africa crisis on the UW campus on Wednesday, February 26, 1986. The free event will take place at 7 pm. in Arts Lecture Hall, room 116. Preceding this talk will be No Middle Road, a recently made film on the South African crisis. Sal_oojee, the -Canadian representative of the ANC since 1977, will also discuss how Canadians can exert pressure on the South African government and how the Canadian government can influence the Botha regime. The ANC was established in 19 12 and is dedicated to make South Africa an open, free and democratic society, where colour is not a criteria for full citizenship. In 1960, the ANC was outlawed and its leader Nelson Mandela was convicted of sabotage and jailed for life. For millions of South Africans the only hope for reform lies with

the ANC. Born and raised in the slums of Johannesburg, Saloojee became involved in the ANC at the age of 13. His activism has made him a target of South African police harassment. In 1967 he left South Africa for the University of Zambia under a _United Nations fellowship. Saloojee, an interesting and provocative speaker, has been informing the Canadian public about South African apartheid since 1977. This event is co-sponsored by the Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) and by the UW Federation of Students, and is open to the entire community. As well, on February 25, Thato Bereng. sponsored by the African Student’s Association, will give a talk on the role of youth--‘;ti‘ political change in South Africa. The talk will be in Biology 1, room 27 1, from 7 to 10 p.m. This event is also free.




14, 1966.-

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Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially qdependent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Ckxnmw Newspaper Associakion (OCNA), and a member of Canad&n Unive~ity Pregs (CUF). Imprint publishes every second l+iday during the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo; Waterloo. Ontario.” Imprint reserves the right 0 ’ to screen, edit, and refuse \ -qg advertising. Imprint2 ISSV 0706-7380 I

Editor-in-chief R&k Nigel

Wright’s .pageant decision ’ a blata%ntcontradicti-on “The university should not establish itself as a censor or moral judge.” - UW President Douglas Wright, on why he will not ban the K-W Oktoberfest Beauty Pageant from the UW campus. Dr. Wright’s statement is a blatant contradiction and, furthermore, it is paradoxical considering UW’s Policy 33 whjch governs ethical behaviour at this university. Doesn’t the very existence of an Ethics Committee demonstrate that this institution does indeed set certain moral standards? Guess who the Ethics Committee answers to? Doug Wright of course! The man is entitled to his egalitarian mania, but can’t he at least be consistent? “The ways in which we use our minds and imaginations do shape our characters and help define us as persons. 1 That those who certainly know this are nevertheless moved to deny it merely indicates how a dogmatic resistance to the most dogmatism - result in a idea of censorship can -like mindless insistence on the absurd,” maintains philosopher Irving Kristol. Dr. Wright’s reluctance to make a positive statement and support the opinions of many students opposing the pageant on campus (over 1500 signed the petition) demonstrates his lack of foresight and his anachronistic views. The UW Women’s Centre received letters of support from student groups, journalists, and several politicians across Canada. Doris Anderson, Sheila Copps, lona Campagnolo, Marjorie Carroll, Marion Dewer and many others could not pursuade the big mandarin to move the pageant off campus. Dr. Wright does not want to “moralize” concerning an event that objectifies women and he is therefore certainly not congruent with UW’s own . ethical behaviour guidelines. As observed in previous articles, the requirements for pageant entrants include: virginity; never having had a live-

Assistant Editor Karen Plosz Production Doug Tait

Mwrtising IMhnager Carol Fletcher MAssistant Charles Mak _ Head Typesetter Doug Thompson

Arts Editors Chris Wodskou Paul Done Photo Editors Simon Wheeler Joe Sary


OfficeManager Cindy Long



of action from the government when money is involved. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission demands journalistic repsonsibility when the news about South Africa is broadcast. They also demand integrity on the part of advertisers when commercials are broadcast. Why, in this case, are they not ensuring that these advertisements do no misrepresent the truth-about South Africa? However, as concerned citizens, there are actions we can take. We can write both to the network inq ‘uestion and our parliamentary representative expressing our anger and displeasure with the actions of CTV. The network’s actions not only show a distinct lack of sensitivity and responsibility but they’also fly in the face of public opinion and stated government ‘policy. If you are concerned, please write to: CTV, 42 Charles St. E., Toronto, M4Y lT4; Walter McLean, Waterloo N. M.P., Waterloo Town Square, Waterloo, N2J 1 P2; John Reimer, Kitchener MP., 7 - 91 Queen S., Kitchener, N2G 4M7 Paul



Typesertters Dan Kealey Christine Sinding

Circulation 12,000. commence April 1.

CTV’s money&first attitude shows lack of responsibility

Amid all the increased public awareness and outcry against South Africa, the money-first attitude of business continues. Unbelievably enough, CTV, a Canadian television network, is now regularly broadcasting advertisements ‘for SAA: the South African national airline. These ads encourage us to “come visit South Africa: where two oceans meet.” Along with the usual travel brochure scenic shots, we are presenipd with pictures of smiling little black children playingand laughinweemingly unaware of apartheid and the fact that they are part of the 23 million black Africans oppressed and held hostage by the white minority. It seems almost criminal that the Canadian government allows this type of racist propaganda to be broadcast-over our television airwaves. The idyllic scenes which are presented to us are, in simplest terms, lies. Furthermore, it also seems somewhat hypocritical for the Canadian Government to allow these commercials to continue to be broadcast while they claim to be taking a tougher stance toward the South African Government. Then again, perhaps it is asking too much to expect any sort

Manager _

Buginess lMhna@r . Janet Lawrence

in relationship; never having had an abortion; and entrants must be between the ages of 18 and 24. Are not the pageant guidelines discriminatory and sexist? At best, they are unreasonable. Marion Dewer, former Mayor of Ottawa, noted in a letter to Dr. Wright.: “Surely we do our young people, of both sexes, a grave’ disservice in continuing to promote the young, beautiful virgin as the ideal woman. As university president, you will be aware of the many studies wh.ich show the effect this stereotype has on society’s expectations of women’s capabilities and on interpersonal relationships.” If sexism impedes women’s quality of education and/or working environment on campus, then people who are offended by the beauty pageant should lodge a formal complaint with the Ethics Committee. Sexism promotes a certain emotional sexual harassment and therefore violates the ethical code set down by the university and watched over by Dr. Wright. I encourage the Federation of Students to bring forward their opposition to such a sexist event on campus to the Ethics Committee. With a formal complaint in motion, Dr. Wright will be compelled to make a “moral decision”. Trevor Wickham, an environmental studies student, noted in a letter to Dr. Wright: “This issue (the pageant) is far from being one related to censorship as you suggest. It is, however, a matter of progressive social policy, that women not be used as mere entertainment and that the university back up its commitment to promote the academic achievements of. women.” People on this campus are not going to roll over and forget this one Dr. Wright. I guess this is round two! Perhaps it is time,for some “civil disobedience.” Carol

~ ~ ~ -

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Campus Centre Rm. 140 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3Gl Attn: Business Manager for ApplicBtions: March 3, 1986

JIvaday,Peb.14,121:350 Fsiday, Feb. 81,18:SO

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Uitorial~et~ Moaulay,Feb. 1?,4tOOpm. ~Monday,~eb.I84,~4:OOpm.



page is designea td Imprint ti&lcomes comments and oflnion pieces from our readera;. The Forum expressed In letters, columq& provide an opportunity to present views on various issues. Opinions or other articles on this page represent those of their authors ahd not Imprint. Letters shoul4 wi and signed with name and telephone number, and submitted to CC 14d byi typed, double-spaced, Maximum length of letters: -200 words. Anyone wishing to write longry, 6:00 p.m. Monday. opinionated articles should contact the editor-in-chief. All material is subject to editing, ’ 1

Facial a peanince is not a feminist issue AA

To the editor: Women need not prove anything to those as narrow-minded as Tom Fulton. In reference to his article calling for a make-up boycott on Campus (Imprint, Jan. 31), 1could not help but become enraged at his comments directed towards feminism and his obvious misunderstanding of this term. Although the thrust of the feminist movement is directed towards equality, especially in the job market, as discussed by Mr. Fulton, this is not going to occur until the image of the female is adjusted in the eyes of males. And 1 do not mean visually! As stated in the front page of The Globe and Mail last week, women on television are more often scantily clad, portray submissive characters to their male counter parts, and are usually seen as housewives in commercials. Obviously, the largest persuading force in this country is misrepresenting.the female. . . . . . . 1 wonder, Tom, how often you have been pinched, oggled at, or had crass remarks directed at you within your hearing? Once’? Ever? Well I’m sure that it’s not a common occurance. But women must put up with sexual harassment on a daily basis. It is ingrained in ourculture. And it is damaging, both physically, and emotionally. Make up is also ingrained in our culture. Thank goodness for you, Tom, that you weren’t born into an African tribe where you would have to don make up. You could be subject to a major destructive element in -the subconscious attitudes of African

summer and doesn’t notice the make-up anyways. An authority women!-And since when has our appearance other than our lack of clothing ever been a feminist issue.‘7Your argument Tom is that men . figure was discussing women, in a totally sexist manner in a learning situation. And, it was discussed in a room of 60$% women. without the superficiality provided by merely “dress for success”, 1 would also like to argue your suggestion that women dress for make-up. You are obviously pointing out that looking good is an men. Even to suggest this notion is extremely egotistical on the part advantage in this society. 1would love to see you at co-op interviews, of the male. I dress for me. 1 like to have fun with my clothing, and if in a pair of jeans, unshaven, hair un-gelled, without cologne. Come that means being in a mini skirt 1 will do so. on now, these factors are as superficial as you claim make-up to be. Should 1 wear a sack in protest of sexual harassment? Hardly. By even claiming that 1 am an ornament due to my wearing make up is demonstrating your true male attitude towards women as sex To all women who do boycott make-up, do as Tom says and think hard about why you are doing it. But remember, our facial objects. Coincidentally, one of my professors began our lecture three appearance is not the feminist issue at stake. It is more to do with weeks ago with an observation he had made. Why, he asked, do why men feel it is their social right to comment on it. Right Tom? women wear more make-up in the winter than in the summer? He Anita Nielson then said maybe it was because he looks at other parts during the 4A Recreation/Business


pageant is the answer

To the editor: NO one should be comfortable with the label “moral watchdog”. Thomas Jakobsh is “shocked” and fears that the Women’s Commissioner is unprincipled (Imprint, Feb. 7). Does Tom demand that women be morally superior to men? Who is Mrs. Grundv here? Is (s)he man/ woman, beauty queen/ engineer or butternu;.squash? Could Mrs. Grundy not be ,.a man in woman’s clothing doing a _’ striptease? Which brings us to the Miss Oktoberfest Pageant. Let’s surprise the behavioural/determinists/ positivists on cgmpus and give the

Rational objectivst nymphs in the philosophy department their Greek Goddess. UW President Douglas Wright may be right. He cannot and will not be a moral watchdog. Forget self-righteous outrage! Let all feminists on this campus, male and female, support an alternative pageant. How about men in drag dancing with Ladies Against Women ? Anyway, a rollicking alternative would be the antithesis of censorship. And in the process of trying to put it together, we may discover where the strongest impulses to censor are located on this campus. Anne Hicks History

On taxes by Doug Thompson ’ Many people have expressed surprise at my comment in a recent editorial and soapbox that poor people pay proportionally more tax than rich people. While everyone complains about taxes, it seems few understand them. Most taxes in this country are indirect. You don’t see that you are paying them. When you pull into the gas station for $10 worth of regular, most of that $10 ends up in the hands of one government or another. The recovery costs of Canadian crude is about $3 per barrel. There are 40-odd gallons in a barrel. At $2.25 per gallon, you can see that you ‘t-e paying more than $90.00/bl. In whose hands does that money end up? Well some is tax, some pays for the labour of recovering, refining, transporting and pumping it, some goes to royalties (to governments) and some pays for the materials and equipment used by the labour to process and deliver the oil. Of course, of the labour costs, somewhere near 25% of what is p’aid to workers ends up going to government as income tax. So some of what you pay for as labour ends up in the government’s hands. Of the labourer’s income, some more goes out as sales tax; gas taxes, etc., etc. Of the portion that pays for material (oil rigs, trucks, hammers and nails), a significant chunk goes as tax, sales tax, import duties, etc. A portion of the materials cost is labour content, and a portion of labour content of course ends up in Ottawa as income tax. Of the transportation portion, a chunk goes to buy the truck, and some goes for fuel (mostly tax) and some goes to labour (partly tax) and some goes for licences (entirely tax). Of that which goes to buy the truck, a good deal ends up in government hands one way or another. The cost of the truck includes labour (highly taxed), energy (very highly taxed), transportation (partly taxed) etc. The process of spending money means paying tax. On the other hand, if you don’t spend your money, if you buy share capital, or even put it in the bank, it is not’taxed in many cases. Food is often mentioned as a tax-free item. Indeed, direct taxation (sales tax for instance) does not apply to most food. But since the co’st of food is actually the cost of production (labour, land and materials) and the cost of processing (labour and materials) and the cost of transportation (labour and materials), all of which are taxed, it is only an illysion that you are not paying tax on food. A great deal of the dollar spent on a pound of potatoes ends up in some government coffers. It is fair to consider all indirect taxes since the fact of taxation raises the cost of producing goods and services. If those services are essential, then one has no option but to pay. And if the money ends up in the government’s hands, what one has paid is tax! In New Zealand, for mstance.,very few indirect taxes exist., income tax and import duties on some goods (like cars, cameras and stereos) are exhorbitant by Canadian standards. Yet the cost of food and shelter is dramatically lower than in Canada. Imported goods cost, on average, three times as much as they do here (because of import duty mostly), but food and shelter are very inexpensive. Taxes do support a vast public transit system whose inner-city bus fares were 150: when ours were 7%. Transportation is an essential service, and the New Zealanders have seen fit to equipthemselves with that service, made available to all very cheaply. lt is taxpayer-supported, and in N.Z. that does mean that the more you have, the more YOU pay. lf you want to drive a car instead of taking a bus or train’ then YOU really have to pay. Unlike most of Canada, where a car is virtually a necessity’ it is not in New Zealand. Unfortunately, 1do not have all the facts and figures at my disposal. 1 don’t know precisely what proportion of the average dollar spent in Canada goes to government’ but it is obviously much larger than it appears at first glance. And any tax other than income tax is obviously regressive, since it only taxes spent income and does not tax saved income. And the less money one has, the more of it one usually has to spend.

Today is Mardi Gras -- “Fat Tuesday” -- and I’m sitting at my trusty typewriter in St. Paul’s College, surrounded by snow, writing this column. I’d rather be in New Orleans. The Rex parade will be finishing-just about now, with the black highschool bands and skimpily clad drum majorettes high prancing down Canal street, and the Zulu crew will be starting at Elysian Fields. The-junkies hired on as flambeaucarriers and all the second-line,rs, high on whatever they’ve been able to find, and the black Baptist preachers in cadillacs, flanked by deaconnesses in white robes, will be rolling down Baronne street, tossing trinkets to the packed and pullulating throng of several million onlookers. Almost everyone will be drunk, or well on the way to being drunk, but no one can fall down because of the press of people radiating out from the French Quarter. No one can be wrong on this culminating day of carnival, last day before Lent -- not the queens in drag who had their annual costume contest this morning, nor the true transvestites who paraded on a stage above the crowd down Bourbon street, not even the pickpockets, hustlers, and pimps working the crowd. On Mardi Gras everybody’s right, nobody’s wrong; just as tomorrow, Ash Wednesday, everybody’s wrong, nobody’s right. _ 1 miss it. 1 miss the Sibyl of Sacedo St. who’ black and enormous and sitting in a junked car seat in her vacant lot surrounded by wrecked chassis, remembers everything and everyone and who recognized me the last time 1 returned, she said, by the way my head wagged as 1 walked, from side to side, against the clapboard side of Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. 1 miss Fred Turk, delta blues guitarist and black shadetree mechanic with whom one Easter morning lo-12 years ago 1 shared a box of corn flakes (it was all we had); the

last time 1 was down he’d got religion. Talking as we walked down Rampart St., Fred said: “Preston, you remember, on th’ tenor sax? He’s not playin’ th’ blues no more. Me neither.” Pointing as he talked to Jesus Christ the Light of the World -an unpainted shack beneath the Broad St. bridge. “Ah moved from th’ back to th’third row now. Ah ain’t sanctified yet, but ah’m studyin’ it. They all got th’ spirit, but th’ full revelation don’t come to me till ah gets home an’ studies it. Then th’ fullness comes, you might say. Ah’m there in a wonder.” Wonders are many in New Orleans, “The City That Care Forgot,” but none more wonderful than. . . the wino sitting on the littered sidewalk in front of a steel-bar latticed shop front, anearly empty bottle of red wine in his lap, both hands clasped around its neck, a smudge of ashes on his forehead: “Mardi Gras is over, fren’, and all our Mardi Gras, forever . . .” Yes, and 1 miss the party in the French Quarter, the aging and egregious older man, drink in hand, gazing down from the balcony on Chartres St. at the procession of gays, telling me (or was he talking to himself!): “You know, the problem with having a good time is that it always leads to pain. 1 haven’t learned to enjoy Mardi Gras.” And raising his glass to the gays in the street, who made obscene gestures back: “No pleasure but opera,” he said. And then he was gone. Jumped over the railing and joined the gays in the street . . . 1 miss the craziness of it. Though, God\ knows, there’s craziness enough here. Problem is,, here it’s under the surface: the gays haven’t come out of their closets, or the scholars down from their towers, and no perverts flash in the snow. Our Waterloo.brand of desperation isn’t out in the open enough. This is Mardi Gras, 1986, 1 know what it means to miss New Orleans . . . V (The Rev. Dr. Tom York is United Church chaplain to UW and WLU. His office is at St. Paul’s College)

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WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 26,1986 ARTS LECTURE 116 , , Yusaf Saloojee is the representative in Canada of the controversial African National Congress. Me presents his in-depth knowledge 6f South Africa’s apartheid system and the ensuingstruggle As a means to liberation

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’ ‘,FORUM’ by Anne Flemming This is a question I’ve been mulling over for quite a while, yet I still have no simple answer. However, I.plan to hazard some ‘educated guesses. First and foremost, 1 think the feminist movement has been viewed as an “anti” cause: anti-male, anti-family, antipatriarchy, anti-housewife. Out of these four, it most definitely is anti-patriarchy. But as a movement, 1 don’t think it is any of the others. I can see how’ the first phase of the current (recurrent) fe&nist movement, which has largely’been concerned with “naming the problem,” unveiling the “feminine mystique,” could be construed in this negative light. But being negative about social institutions, with good reason (1 think there can be no dispute that protest has been with good reason) is the first step towards positive change. Questioning custom and tradition, and changing them where they fall short, is a revitalizing process, positive in the extreme. Wanting to change prevalent male views of women is not anti-male. Wanting to change the role of women in the family is not anti-family. Wanting to allow women the choice of whether or not to bear children and work in the home with them is not anti-housewife. Wanting all of these things is anti-patriarchy. The anti-male problem is probably the most difficult hurdle to cross. I think what keeps women hesitating on the verge of calling themselves feminists is the fear of being labelled “man-hater.‘: Why has this label got so much power‘? Say “man-hater” and a feminist is immediately on the defensive (1 know I am). Calling feminists man-haters is a fear tactic. It works because we are still, many of us, looking for male approval. I think it is indicative (like the hen/stag dilemma) of how powerful the male population still is, that the name “man,hater” is still so hurtful, trtie or not. . Everyone hates to be misu’nderstood. Feminists are no exception. The feminist movement is largely a humanist movement. Freeing women from stereotyp+es and general expectations also frees men from them. To be told that we hate slightly less than half the human population indicates a gross misunderstanding. On the other hand, 1 think there is a strong temptation to reverse the roles. Under the guise of “loving and protecting women,” men have consistently kept women in chains. Millions of vaginas have been mutilated. Why not bust a few balls so they can see what it feels like to live in fear’? This is the response of anger, and there is a lot to be angry about. From a feminist’s point of view the charges of being antimale are false. Then why are they still being leveled against us? 1 think it is a partriarchal attempt to discredit us, an - attempt which we must doom to failure.

Letters should be limited by Shayla Gunter In the last few weeks, there have been several letters to the editor regarding the subject of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The letter that started the exchange of opinions was written as an opinion piece about a major world issue. There was no article in the Imprint previous to it that would have called for such a response. As a result, someone disagreed with the person’s opinion and justifiably responded to the letter with another letter. Of course, it is continuing. I feel that a university paper should only print letters that deal with an article or an advertisement that appeared in the paper. The authors of the aforementioned letters had the rights to put their thoughts down on paper (the freedom of speech and the press) and even to send them in. My objection lies with the actions of the editor. 1 feel that world issues, if not discussed in an article appearing in the paper, should be left out of student papers. They cause strain between the related student groups and stress for the elected leaders of the groups. It is difficult to deal with: members calling and asking for information in order to write letters; information that may not be on hand or accurate. Also, this being 1986, the year of peace, it might be nice to try to achieve peace on campus. Perhaps that would make it easier to-achieve peace in a broader sense. My suggestion then, to the editor and to the writers of these letters, would be to refrain from printing such “unrelated-to-Imprint-stories” letters and to get together and discuss the issues with each other. A successful debate was held last year to deal with the same issue and perhaps the people who want to become involved in such an exchange of opinions could try to do so outside of the paper.

7 Imprint,


by Alan Yoshioka We in the media exert a tremendous influence on public debate through our ability to set the agenda. Limited space forces us to select which news stories are covered. Inevitably, our bias or negligence will sometimes exclude issues that deserve public discussion. Letters to the editor can call attention to such errors of omission. Editorial tunnel vision is a constant threat to the interests of our readers; a policy that the Forum section remain open to all views and issues is one of the best remedies.


14, 1986-

1 .

‘Enginews denied freedom of speech To the editor: The demise of Enginews has precipitated the usual hate mail from individuals who, typically, have no idea of the issues at hand. 1refer to the letter submitted in the Jan. 3 1 Imprint by Ms. Angela Moore. I seriously doubt that Ms. Moore, along with many of the paper’s opponents, had ever perused a copy of the tabloid prior to taking pen in hand to denounce it. 1 am among the majority bf engineering students who, through the last few years, have enjoyed Enginews, and am somewhat disappointed by its fate. Ms. Moore has accused Enginews of publishing “material that is tantamount to hate literature’*; if you perhaps paused just for an ins&nt to think, Angela, you might realize that Enginews never attempted to take itself seriously, much less encourage anyone else to do likewise. Furthermore, never in the five years that 1 have attended this university have 1 observed hordes of sexist engineers passing the tabloid to an unsuspecting public in the hopes of instilling hatred against women, or anyone else for ‘that matter. The fact is that Enginews was created solely to provide engineers with a. few laughs that might relieve some of the tensions expe-

rienced during the term. It was circulated for the use of engineering students only; 1 b#azard to guess that many of the doom-criers bent on the paper’s destruction had to go out of their way and comb Carl Pollock Hall in order to find a copy of it and take offense. Furthermore, if the feminists who are so concerned with their,cause would take time and visit their local cigar store, they would find a multitude of magazines resting happily within plastic. bags that are a great deal more offensive than Engineys was. Enginews, 1suppose, presented an easier target for such knee-jerk vindication due to its pronness to university pressure. If I took offense with the paper, I simply would not bother to read it. Were 1 radically incensed, 1 would perhaps withold my EngSoc fees until the paper folded (no pun intended). Personally, I take offense to one or two student organizations on this campus myself, but 1 would not be so self’ish or bull-headed to plot their collapse, as it is the right of others to en;joy them. This country of ours claims to be a democracy; however, with such examples of suppressed free speech on the rise, one has genuine cause to wonder. Brian A. Vickery 4B Engineering

Beard is better than make-up and leather skirts To the editor: powder does once it is washed off her various bodily parts. Or has In reference to Janet Childerhose’s letter of Friday, February 7 - she considered the effects to her own person by all those chemicals, NO WAY BABY. There are very few forces in the vast co’smic that will sooner or later be declared-carcinogenic .. . or worse. A expanses of this reality that could make me shave off my beard. My beard has none of these negative aspects, and 1 consider my own a beard keeps my face warm on those r,eally cold days; it looks valuable asset as it leads on by aspirations of being in the ZZ Top incredibly wild after a day of telemarking in a foot of fresh powder; look-alike business. The only business 1 can see being involved in and it collects .a multitude of food fragments over the period of a through the applied use of make-,up involves tight leather skirts, imday, so as to provide a nutritional late, night meal supplement. plements of bondage, and standing on street corners. Being in Man-Environment, Ms. Childerhose should be well - Beardidly Yours, aware of the effects of toxic waste on the environment and I am Ian Craigie surprised that she shows no apparent concern about-what her magic. Earth Science

.Hair length is a matter of personal preference To the editor: 1 have never become so enraged by a letter in Imprint as 1 was after reading Janet Childerhose’s letter of Feb. 7. Janet, I do believe you don’t know what you are talking about. You use magic pow(d)er to enhance your appearance whenever you choose. Nobody tells you that you won’t look ‘decent’ or that you’ll run the risk of ‘revolting’ others or that you won’t be ‘taken- seriously’ if you don’t wear make-up. Well, the same goes for men. Decency, revulsion and being taken

Straight Keep forum open


seriously cannot be equated with hair growth, which is a natural process. The length of a man’s or woman’s hair and the maintenance of the length is a matter of personal preference. If you feel -that men can be discriminated against on the basis of how and when they maintain their hair, I think that you are then also open to discrimination‘on the basis of whether or not you ‘sport’ make-up on your face. Sid Embree 4th yr,. Planning

guy chances upon real world in CC

To the editor: There is 8 problem, and it is homosexuality. We are faced with this problem everywhere we go. Everyone will turn a page in Imprint and see another letter of a gay person trying to get accepted as a normal person and wondering why he is not. I almost shat when, looking for an extra chair, I walked into a GLOW Coffeehouse meeting during the Cinema Gratis a couple of Wednesdays ago. Oh, and everybody treats it as a joke but they won’t forget that 884GLOW is the gay hotline. To think of. or visualize a sexual act involving two men greatly disgusts me. People 1 know, and I, have come across two men holding hands and cuddling. 1 certainly don’t want my kids to chance upon such a possibility. Admitting that you go the the University of Waterloo, you sometimes get comments like “...doesn’t that have Canada’s largest gay organization?” In order for a species to survive-or reprod&e. tbere is inbred a

certain sexual desire for members of the opposite sex. Now-a-days there is no longer a need for reproduction, but the basic sexual desire is still there. There exist people with this desire all screwed up. The problem could be physical, but it is probably mental. There are many psychological disorders that can be cured by modern science or psychologists. Unfortunately, this one Cannot be solved yet. That does not mean there is no problem or disorder. Now we all know that homosexuals are people so they have rights also and there iS nothing we can do to force homosexuals to keep their frolicing out of the public’s eye and their sob stories out of newspapers. But as a matter of decency, please, we all have had enough. I am sorry if 1 in@ted anybody personally and I am probably going to get thousands of replies to this letter but us straight guys have feelings also. Blair MacDonald 1B Mathematics







14, 1986

One time locker user fee willsolve problem To the editor: On returning to campus this winter from a work term, I was very much dismayed at the locker rental fee that had been imposed upon the student body by the administration of the PAC. Realistically, it is difficult to use the facilities without a locker in which to place one’s belongings. By leaving the student no alternative, this !ocker rental fee appears to be an underhanded and unfair way of obtaining more money beyond the amount initially paid with tuition fees. Most who make use of our athletic facilities are aware of the numerous shortcomings of the-PAC in comparison to other schools of the calibre of our university. Now we are required to pay for locker space, and yet must tolerate such annoyances as a crowded weight room smaller than the average living room, inadequately ventilated change rooms and foul smelling bathrooms. It has become a ludicrous and insulting situation.

In a discussion with Mr. Carl Totzke of the Athletics Department, it was pointed out to me that unforseen cutbacks in funding led to the present situation. In short, the bills had to be paid (for recent renovations to the women’s locker room) and this appeared the lesser of all evils. He said he would welcome any other suggestions. If a fee must be paid for lockers (it does appear as though we will get out of this one), I propose a one-time casual user’s fee to be paid by those who use the PAC regularly (more than once a week) but do not require a permanent locker. This would involve a single payment of eight to titn dollars in exchange for a card, which would be more economical than the present scheme. The card could then be handed in at the desk to obtain a lock for use on those lockers that used to be free. In this manner, money is generated to pay the bills ($10,000 for 1000 students) and one is spared the inconvenience of

Clear policy on freedoms needed


To the editor: It is’with strong disappointment that I learned that the university would,again host the Miss Oktoberfest beauty contest. I despite the many objections raised last year. Knowing several women who have participated in such contests, including a former Miss Montreal, I leave the issue of whether these competitions are degrading to men and women to others. However, I strongly feel that the Miss Oktoberfest contest has no place on ,our campus, and is not in keeping with the dignity of our university. Last year, I added my signature to a petition asking that the university no longer host this contest, mostly out of disgust at the “entrance requirements” the contestants had to fulfil1 (i.e. virginity no longer necessary, but the ability to pass as a virgin still mandatory). This .letter, on the other hand, is motivated by a sense of enlightened self-interest. After graduation, the reputation Of my chosen university will follow me throughout my career, and I do not relish the thought of trying to pursue the serious and practical profession of engineering with a degree from an institution that promotes the display of women, particularly of student age, as objects for male use rather than as colleagues. The administration argued that, however it might have felt about holding last year’s Miss Oktoberfest on campus, the university was

bound by contractual obligation. I can accept this, though reluctantly, as one of the constraints on our noble principles. The university administration’s accepting the contract for this year’s Miss Oktoberfest, however, can be taken as no less than a full endorsement of the contest, its principles and its rules. While this letter in no way seeks to condemn or defend Enginews, at least there was no danger of its content being taken as official policy by those butside the university. For the same administration whose pressure brought about the demise of Enginews “for the good of the university’s reputation” to effectively endorse the sexist principles of the Miss Oktoberfest contest is ngt only hypocritical, but stupidly counter-productive to the goal of attracting more women to teach and study here. The goal of service to the Kitchener-Waterloo community that has given us so much, must not be forgotten, but I do not feel that we would be insulting our host citizens if we explained that, while our campus is their campus, Miss Oktoberfest belongs here about as much as an engineering stag in a church. I call on the administration to establish, once and for all, a clear policy balancing the dignity of the university with the freedoms of those who use it. Sean Richens, 3A Chemical Engineering

paying a continual usage fee. It is an unfortunate situation -just as income tax was introduced as a “temporary measure”, so toq will this become easy income that will be too difficult to give up. The students will grumble, and the administration will be criticized again. Nobody really wins. Maurizio C. Leschiutta 4B Mechanical Engineering.

Letter provides a good laugh To the editor: Well, well, well, it seems I touched off a raw nerve in poor Mr. Jakobsh four weeks ago! His letter last week was so illogical and fanatical that he was obviously moved to hysteria. 1 see that I would only be wasting my time and that of Imprint’s to attempt to reach this person through logical discussion. As I sit in the Wornlen’s Commission office for 15-20 hours a week, (avoiding my homework for my six honours credits), having nothing more “substantive” to do than thinking up “repugnant statements” that will effectively expose my “own intolerance and bias”, my “utterly unprincipled view”, trying to rationalize injustices”, become more guilty of “stereotyping and bias” that I claim to oppose, afid trying to “distort the views of others”, my humourless and bleakly prosaic mind sometimes needs a little comic rel&$. Mr. Jakobsh has provided me with the perfect remedy; all I have to do is look up above my desk to where his letter is taped to the wall and have a good chuckle. 1 don’t care what else he calls me, but my ‘mind’ is not humourless and neither am I. Angela Evans

Right to life is fundamental To the editor: Over the past few terms life issues have become very real to students. Starvation in Ethiopia, deadly gas leaks in India and the gross violation of human rights in South Africa, have heightened our awareness of human suffering. Abortion is another social issue which is being ignored and is happening every day here in Canada. We students have a moral obligation to be informed and vocal towards these social issues. The right to life is the fundamental human right and every human life begins at conception.XOur society has a duty to protect and to promote respect for every human being’s right to life. This includes all those who are mis-labelled as non-productive and burdensome, such as the unborn child, the retarded, the mentally and emotionally disturbed, the handicapped, the chronically ill and the gged. Let us students stand up for the right of the unborn child, the weak and defenceless. Let’s choose life. Dan Perron; Gemma Cox, Sarah Donnelly Students for Life

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,AIDS symposium:

Local health- officials learn more about disease

by Graeme Peppier Imprint staff Sponsored by the- AIDS Committee of Cambridge Kitchener-Waterloo and Area (ACCKWA), a symposium held last week in downtown Kitchener attracted approximately 150’ area doctors, nurses, and social workers to discuss the needs they perceive to be related to the topics of AlDS prevention, medical support, counselling and community services, and public information. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS, as it is most commonly known, is a condition that, by attacking the immune system, affects the body’s natural ability to fight disease. Speaking at the symposium, Dr. Dale McCarthy from the Toronto General Hospital explained several of the theories about the illness and corrected many of the myths and misconceptions surrounding the disease. AIDS is caused by a virus which originated most probably in Central Africa during the late 1960s or early 197Os, says Dr. McCarthy. It infects very specific parts of the body but to have any effect, it must be inoculated into the bloodstream. The virus affects the immune system which

protects the body against infection and discovered, the death of’brain cells, leading to malignancy; it causes “helper cells”, which are memory loss. responsible for “turning on” the immune system The disease is primarily found in young men to die. between the ages of 20 and 39; it affects There are three possible effects of the homosexuals, heterosexuals, hemophiliacs, and infection, says Dr. McCarthy, who is also an intravenous drug users. The virus is transmitted associate professor in <the Department of in semen and blood. medicine at the University of Toronto: it can Dr. McCarthy emphasizes that AIDS is not’ result in no clinical illness, it can cause transient - spread through casual social contact - shaking flu, or it can lead to AIDS Related Complex hands with or touching an AIDS patient will not (ARC). spread the disease, nor will working with or ARC is a term which describes the long term eating food prepared by a person with AIDS. effects of AIDS related illness such as swollen Although the possibility does exist that blood lymph nodes, persistent diarrhea, fever, night transfusions spread AIDS, the chances are sweats, fatigue, or weight loss unrelated to remote. The Canadian Red Cross Society now dietirrg. Dr. McCarthy emphasized that only 2 to. screens all donated blood to protect others from 10 per cent of those exposed to the virus will go being exposed to the virus. on to-develop AIDS. There is a theoretical possiblity that saliva and When it does develop, reddish-blue marks like tears could transmit the virus but no documented bruises form on the legs, lesions occur on the skin cases of this have ever occurred out of the more and in the internal system. Patients develop than 14,000 AIDS cases that have been reported infections that the body usually doesn’t pick up in North -America. such as rare forms of pneumonia and cancer, as Though stressing that the disease affects very well as herpes, Candida, and Histoplasmosis. specific groups of people, this in no way The end result of the virus is the development diminishes the severity of the syndrome, of malignancies, the spontaneous development explained Dr. McCarthy. In the U.S., where ef immune deficiency, and as recently general male life expectancy is just over 65 years,

Dr. McCarthy reported that the number of AIDS related deaths out of the estimated annual number of premature deaths will be 7,000 of 16,000 in New York City and 4,300 of 6,000 in San Francisco. Recent AIDS statistics from the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control in Ottawa report that, as of January 13 of this year, the total reported AlDS cases in Canada was 435, of whom 207 have died from the disease. Joan Burton, an infection control coordinator at the K-W Hospital, says that prevention is at present the only way to stop the spread of the disease since no cure has yet been found. “At the moment, we’re treating the disease rather than promoting health.” she said. “To ,prevent transmission, we must understand how the disease is spread and then find ways to modify the behaviour of those most at risk (of contracting the disease).” Precautions have been suggested to prevent Al DS transmission; for instance, intravenous drug users should not share needles and syringes, sexual relationships with persons known or suspected of having AIDS should be stopped, as should blood donations by carriers of the AIDS virus. I

Shuttle flights may be postponed for a year:

Accident may- delay research MONTREAL (CUP) -- Scientists at some Canadian universities say the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger Jan. 28 will delay their research. Douglas Watt, a physiologist and principal investigator of the McGill aerospace medical research programme, says his research on the nervous system and its changes while in space has been set back, although he can still continue with most of his research because it is based in laboratories in Montreal. “Much of my work is based on the ground, so 1 can continue here. It depends entirely what happens with NASA, but it looks like our space work will be delayed,“ Watt said. Watt said he expected NASA would cancel all shuttle flights for the next year, although the agency has said other flights this year may go ahead. He said

more important projects will fill the payload schedules of coming missions, while investigative research will be pushed back. An experiment to find better treatment for blood cell cancer designed by University of British Columbia pathologist Donald Brooks was destroyed in the Challenger explosion. Brooks said the tragedy “has further delayed such a medical breakthrough. The experiment was scheduled to fly again in about six months, but this will not be possible with the NASA slowdown. Brooks said “space science is not like doing regular science. It is very expensive, and slow to produce results.” Watt, who worked with NASA for a year, studies sensory information and how the nervous system adapts to conditions in space. He said the area has not been explored to date.

“There aren’t that many people doing experiments in that area. We have a certain technique and knowledge zhat are unique to the space programme. There are no suitable medical techniques that we can use right now, he said. Watt, whose research is wholly funded by the Medical Research Council of Canada, was one of a few medical researchers affected by the shuttle crash. “Anyone working on the sp-ace programme will be affected in one way or another (because of the explosion),” he said. Important missions such as the Galileo probe to Jupiter will take precedence over projects such as Watt‘s because of immediacy. “Some of these other missions have a very limited period of time in which they can be launched, or the work is lost,“ he said.

Watt said much of his research studies the effects of gravity, and the nervous system‘s ability to adapt to changes in gravity. While scientists have known about gravity since Newton, Watt says there is still a great deal more to know. “In a very broad sense we‘ve started to realize the importance of gravity on the body. It affects everything in ways we never thought of,“ he said.

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Although he may have to wait for as many as three years before his next project is tested in space, Watt, whose work has been studied on three space missions, says he is excited about his research. “From the direct science point of view, it‘s a direct payoff, but we won‘t see that for years. In a way that‘s the most exciting part . . . there are always surprises around the corner.”


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Child sexual abuse group at Uw by Linda McCord The sexual abuse of children in our society is a phenomenon which is not often discussed, but nevertheless it happens. Twenty years ago the situation was the same, but today there is help for those who were sexually abused as children. There is a small group now on campus described as a “SelfHelp Group for Victims of Child hood Sexual Abuse.” The group is not run as a therapy session, but rather provides a

type of support network which concentrates on rebuilding confidence and self-esteem among the members. It meets informally once a week and participants are encouraged to share the experience and feelings which accompany childhood sexual abuse. Bev Wagner; receptionist for Campus Ministry at St. Jeromes College, acts a facilitator for the group. ln.the past she was a co-leader at C,pmmunity Justice Initiatives in Kitchener,

which runs many similar groups, and began this on-campus session in the summer of ‘85.

The participants are encouraged to share their experiences and ask questions about what happened to them and why. As well as these confidential discussion, the group also meets with other similar groups, to increase their awareness. Speakers are invited to their meetings to expand on the information received.


Many <confusing feelings accompany the experience of child abuse. Together, members of this .self-help group attempt to understand the guilt, shame, anger, hatred, fear, and frustration which may still be felt. The group stresses a warm and confidential atmosphere and, most importantly, the motto is “Sharing and caring.” For more information about this group, or if you are interested in joining, please contact Bev Wagner at 884-81 lO,<ext. 31.


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10 NEWS.




14, 1986 ,A

VI constitution examined



by Atul Nanda ’ Debate surrounding Jhe Village I Council’s Constitution was the priniary focus of last Sunday’s VI Council meeting. Council President Tim MacNeil says some changes need to be made to the existing constitution. He would like to see the positions of vice president, treasurer and audio visual representative be filled by elected members in the future. Currently, the positions are appointed b,y the elected president. MacNeil would like to allow the social conveners, secretary and food representative to be appointed as they have been in the past. According to MacNeil, “this would allow first year students a better opportunity to be a part of Village I Council executive”. At present, the Village I Council Executive consists of the following people: Tim MacNeil (president), Jim Sheridan (vice iresident), John O’Neill (secre-tary), Nick Georgiou (audio visual representative), Simon Cridrand (speaker), Dave Mackey and Susan Chell (social

reps.) and Donna Molasy (food representative). MacNeil would also like the number of people on the council itself reduced. Currently, there are 26 members (one from each house in V 1) plus nine executive positions. MacNeil believes that approximately two or three members from each “quad” (six houses in North, East and West quads and eight houses comprise South quad) should be elected to ensure that the most enthusiastic people represent their quad and village. MacNeil notes that, “the present council has yet to vote against anything presented to them”. He is, however, encouraged at the input by the council members regarding certain issues at the past meeting. Two other issues MacNeil would like to see put forth in the new constitutioh are a clarification of the purposes and goals of Vl Council-and the &&tinuity of these objectives by future councils. MacNeil urges council members, as well as Villager’s, to submit any reedmendations or amendments

they feel should be .applied to the new constitution (copies of the current constitution are available from each ‘House’ reMacNeil will presentative). then consider all suggestions jointly with Warden of the Villages, Dr. Edyt. Jointly, MacNeil and Edyt will present the new constitution later this term. Other items discussed at Sunday’s meeting included the designation of an Apathy Campaign between Feb. 24 March 1. During this week essays under 1,000 words may be submitted to executive members. The themes for the essays are: 1) What apathy means to me, 2) Who cares / about apathy anyway?, 3) What

1 think should be done about apathy. Posters with somewhat similar themes will also be judged and prizes will be ayqrded at the Apathy Party, either Friday, Feb. 24 or Saturday March 1st. There will also be a movie night on Thursday the 27th. Admission will be free. Watch for further details of other events scheduled during this week and everyone is encouraged to get involved &d show all other universities that UW is no longer a “suitcase” university. On March 16,1986, there will be a Village 1 Dinner and Dance Party (further details to be announced).

WLU’s Matt Certosimo elected new OFS chairman by Mike Urlocker Imprint staff Newly elected OFS chairman Matt Certosimo says the student lobby group will introduce new serviFes to help student,

councils across the province, although lobbying for a better education remains the group’s main goal. Certosimo, president of Wilfrid Laurier’s student union and an OFS executive member, was elected earlier this month at the OFS annual meeting held at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay. He says the OFS could act as an agent between the province’s student councils and business’ suppliers to reduce prices for electronic equipment such as computers and Telidon terminals. He says tangible services will help the OFS stay in touch with students and their representatives without harming the lobby effort. Other changes at the OFS include a new committee structure geared towards greater student involvement and hiring a full-time lobbyist at Queen’s Park. “The whole approach is that when we do things we have to be more professional, more precise, and more representative,” he said. Although students at WLU voted to pull out of OFS last semester after a year-long prospective membership, Certosimo says positive referendum results from York and Laurentian show better times are ahead for the group.

Student -ambassadors Ineeded _ The Secondary School



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Liaison Office requires students willing to volunteer their time to return to their former high school to promote the University of Waterloo. “Student Ambassadors*’ should be enthusiastic and knowledgeable about the University of Waterloo and be able to visit during the February break or at some other convenient time. Training will be provided. Students who attend high school outside a 150 km radius of the University are especially wanted. If you are interested please contact: Gail Ruetz, Visitors Reception Centre, Optometry, Room 306, ext. 3614.

$1,400 raised for Big Sisters by EngSoc U W science student Pam Schmitz won the $1,000 prize in the Engineering Society’s Big Sisters draw held on January 3 1st. Dean of Engineering, Dr. , Bill Lennox, drew the winning card. The event raised $1,400 for Big Sisters of KitchenerI Waterloo and Area. .. ..0.i T ‘*.” -L ~c1$ .; f-‘;JL.>2.> 7 4 & ( * ;- yy

~‘NEWS Food for Thought

Food additives by Cindy Long Last week I was mixing up a dessert that called for grated , orange peel. 1 dutifully extracted an orange from the fridge and began mutilating it on the cheese grater. I had almost a tablespoon when one of my roommates sauntered into the kitchen. “Oh Yum!” he exclaimed, “You’re having orange dye for dessert. Why don’t you buy it?” “Buy it?” 1 repeated, “You can buy orange peel?” He then informed me that one can buy pre-packaged orange peel for use in baking, minus the colouring. Now, first of all, I find it disturbing that a first year mathie realized before 1 did that 1 was about to put commercial, chemical dye into my recipe. Secondly , I .am genuinely perturbed that somewhere, someone decided that I could not relate _ to the natural colour of an orange (which is more yellowish than we usually ever see, unless you’ve seen them growing in California or Florida) and actually added an artificial glow to induce me to purchase it. Then I started wondering how often this is done to our food. Butter, cheese, vegetables, meat and virtually every snack food that exists all contains “colouring.” Sometimes this is done to bring back some of the natural colour which is lost during processing. More often it is an intentional advertising strategy. People are attracted to bright colours. That is why Fisher-Price toys are brilliantly hued. To people who market the stuff, there is no difference between the toy truck that your kid can roll around the living room floor and the food that you’re going to eat. What amazes me is that those who approve the chemicals that go into our food have to eat it too, just as those who produce nickel have to breathe the air and those who allow their factoriesto dump waste into our rivers have to drink the water. By the time we open our eyes, will there be anything left to see? I On a nicer note, here’s something easy to make that at least avoids food colouring. Banana Bread - l/2 tsp. salt - 1 - l/3 cups flour - l/3 cup shortening - l/4 tsp baking soda - 2/3 cup sugar - 2 tsp. baking powder - 1 cup mashed banana (2 or 3 really ripe bananas) Pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees F. Cream the shortening and add the sugar until fluffy.. Beat in the eggs. Sift into a separate bowl everything else except the bananas. Add bananas and flour mixture, mixing well after each addition. Pour into a greased loaf pan and bake for about one hour or until a skewer poked into the center comes out clean. A word of caution: don’t attempt this recipe if you’re not feeling well. Mashed banana looks disgusting.

11 ,Imprint, -.-. _-- -_- Friday,

14, 1866-

Katimavik program shelved OTTAWA (CUP) -- The Katimavik youth volunteer program, which involved 20,000 young people during its ten years of existence;- died two weeks ago without a sound of protest in the House of Commons. . Jacques Hebert, who founded the program, read his colleagues a blistering open letter to Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, attacking the decision “on the pretext that times are hard, to pass up this marvellous investment in the future.” Secretary of State Benoit Bouchard met Hebert and Katimavik administrators Jan. 28 to inform them the $19 million funding for the program was being cut. “He said after ten years we have to try something different,” Hebert said. Bouchard’s office said the money would be redirected to job creation programmes for the Ministry ofEmployment and Immigration, or to other programmes. that w&soon be announced by the Ministry of Youth, But Lisa Van Deusen, press secretary to MTinister of Youth Andree Champagne, would not supply any details of these future programmes. And she said Champagne took no part in the decision to close Katimavik. “This was a decision of the secretary of state,” Van Deusen said.

Shapes announces

“Priority number one is jects and social work in three provinces. One of jobs,” said Bouchard’s press se- different cretary, Marie-Josee Lapointe. these three-month periods is “For a $20 million programme spent in ‘a French-speaking rethat reaches 2,000, we think we gion. Hebert predicted the House can do better. It’s a Cadillac programme that we can turn into a of Commons would be flooded Volkswagon programme.‘* with petitions from the 20,000 She said the Conservative goformer Katimavik participants I vernment’s new program, to be across Canada. announced by the time KatiIn his letter, Hebert said the mavik ends in June, “will be a New York City Demonstration Project, launched last October, reflection of the consultation we’ve had with youth during In- g was “largely inspired by the Katernational Year of Youth and timavik iprogramme .. of the recommendations in the “( Katrmavik) is the envy of a Senate report on youth.” large number of foreign counYouth’s main concern is iobs. tries, among them AustraliaIreland, Indonesia, the PhilIT: she said, and Katimavik is not a job creation programme. “Bullshit!” said Hebert when asked about Bouchard’s statement that he had replacements for Katimavik. “I don’t believe a word of it,” Hebert doesn’t even think the secretary of state made the decision to close Katimavik. “My feeling is that he was ordered to do that (kill Katimavik) from higher up.” The Liberal and New Democratic parties have been silent on the cut. The day after Katimavik was shut down, the parties instead spent 45 minutes asking the prime--minister about. a bugging of the Liberal caucus 23 years ago. The program pays the shelter and food costs for 2,000 flung people a year, to work for nine months on commmunity pro-J-


pines, Pakistan and India,” Hebert wrote. The community projects completed by Katimavik volunteers had to be suggested by the communities, not take employment away from anyone in the community, and to be relevant to the environment. Katimavik volunteers each got $1000 at the end-of their placement, as well as $1 per day. These amounts had not risen in 10 years. Hebert said applications for next year’s Katimavik program are currently coming in at the rate of 500 per week.







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19, 1986-


Campus Health- Promotion:

UW offers oneion-one fitness test

Rubinoff goes through by Tom Geoghegan.

the paces on the bike while being monitored photo by Mitchell Edgar

came the .cardiovascular endurance test. “Step onto the bicycle, Glenn,” said Geoghegan. This test measures the efficiency of your cardiovascular response to exercise. Electrodes are attached to your body to measure your heart rate while you pedal at an increasingly difficult level. It’s amazing how intimidating those electrodes can be while pedaling a stationary bike. The test results are expressed in terms of predicted oxygen consumption needed to carry out the exercise.

by Glenn Rubinoff Imprint staff The fitness boom has hit UW and this reporter has decided to “check it out.” Campus Health Promotion (CHP) is offering a fitness assessment program for “students, staff and faculty” who wish “to find out their present level of fitness,‘* said Tom Geoghegan, a fitness consultant with CHP. In less than two hours, a person can learn what their present physical condition is and how they rate in comparison to the average for their age group. As well, the fitness assessment provides the necessary information to design a personal exercise program and provides a base for future comparisons. “I’d like to get my fitness assessed please,” I said as 1 walked into the CHP office. I made an appointment, and, after an initial interview,, the gruelling tests began. The first test is anthropometric and is designed to measure body proportions. This includes measures of height, weight, girth, waist, chest and upper arm. “That wasn’t so hard,” I said to myself after Geoghegan put away the measuring tape. The next test is a measurement of body fat. With the use of a special clamp, the fitness assessor measures the percentage of body fat in your back. The measurement is carried out at your triceps, chest (males only),-hip, stomach and front thigh. If you don’t have any fat it’s sort’of like being pinched. A measure of flexibility is the next test. This involves mind over matter. If you don’t mind . .. it doesn’t matter. Sitting with your legs straight, you reach beyond your feet as far as you can and the distance between your hands and feet is measured. It’s amazing how short your arms suddenly become. A test of pulmonary function is next. This test measures vital capacity. Vital capacity is the maximum volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs after breathing in. This measure is very similar to blowing up a very large but invisible balloon. Finally, just after 1 thought to myself “This is a piece of cake,”

I took a shower after the tests were finished and then received my overall assessment. This reporter was placed in the “good shape” category. Geoghegan commented on the reasons people sign up for this fitness assessment. To find out “how they stand to normal populations” and “to keep themselves monitored” were some of the main reasons given, he said. Geoghegan also said that there is a great deal of “media attention to being fit” and that there are people “in poor shape that want to get into good shape.” The fitness assessment program served “just over a hundred people last year, ” said Geoghegan, considering that they are open half a week. The fitness assessment team includes Geoghegan and three senior kinesiology students who are “volunteering to gain experience.” The unique thing about this program, according to Geoghegan, is that it allows “over two hours one-on-one,” and that “you’re not going to get at a private club.” The fitness assessment program is totally supported on a break-even basis, costing $20 for students. Geoghegan’s philosophy in doing the fitness assessment is to “listen to people and figure out what they want and be willing to spend time with them.” In a closing statement, Geoghegan said “the best rule for any type of exercise is everything in moderation.” The CHP office is open for fitness assessments from Mon. Thurs. 9:00 am. - 3:00 pm. For an appointment call ext. 6359 or the appointment line at 88%

Financial problems cause stress by Karen Gram of Canadian (University Press VANCOUVER (CUP) -- Overcrowded classrooms and entry quotas cause intense anxiety among students, and when compounded with financial stress they often lead to breakdowns, says a counsellor at the University of British Columbia. A report on stress recently released by Students for a Democratic University, a campus group, says students with financial problems are forced to take on heavier course loads so they can finish earlier and reduce their costs. But excessive course loads and increased fear of failure add to the stress. Statistics from the Student Counselling and Resource Centre show only about half of first year students can maintain a full load and still pass all their courses. Furthermore, large classes and fewer tutorials mean students can’t get the individual support or encouragement they need. Dorothy Goresky, a physician at UBC student health services said the university no longer encourages collective learning, and overworked faculty simply allow isolated students to sink or swim. “Instead of being in an atmosphere where students can reIax and


learn their stuff, they are forced into a competitive atmosphere not conducive to studying,” said Goresky. That stress often translates into physical ,disorders such as chest pains, headaches, shortness of breath, abdominal pains, diarrhea, and backaches, Goresky added. Robert Hewko of the UBC psychiatric unit said stress-stricken students complain of memory and concentration impairment, and deteriorating grades. They display symptoms such as insomnia, appetite loss, and frequent suicidal thoughts, all of which are common indicators of depression, Hewko said. More emotionally distressed students appear around Christmas and year end, and Hewko says he never sees students who are doing well academically. “Problems begin when (students) hit exam period and they discover to their horror that they can’t put it together anymore. The hardest hit are those whose self esteem is based on their academic performances and have few outside interests.” Hewko recommends students reduce their course load, go out, and do some free reading. He said the more isolated students become the harder it is for them to cope.



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are rampant;

gn stud,ents enefit by Carol Davidson Imprint staff Foreign students studying in Canadian universities are a misunderstood lot. They receive many benefits from studying in Canada and Canada receives many benefits from having them study here. However, there are many misconceptions in the minds of some Canadians that these students drain our universities and colleges, offering little in return. Federal and provincial governments, as well as the educational institutions themselves, are guilty of neglecting foreign student issues. There is no cohesive foreign student policy for all of Canada. Instead, policies are piecemeal and differ province to province, institution to institution. This neglect and lack of organization has lead to many problems for foreign students and has put the student exchange program in jeopardy. It is time for governments and educational institutions to look at the facts surrounding foreign students in Canada in an effort to formulate policies that will enhance exchanges rather than deter them. There are numerous benefits to be gained from foreign student studying in Canada. From the Canadian perspective, foreign student exchanges offer a great deal socially, politically and economiCally. Socially, these students ,expose Canadians to different cultumsi and ideologies. Interaction with people from other lands enhances international relations and is seen to contribute to overall world peace. Allowing foreign students to study here fulfills political obligations and is a sign of goodwill to other countries which cannot or will not educate students themselves. As well, it is expected that if Canada allows foreign students to study here, when they go back to their own countries to work in business and industry, they will look at us as favourable trading partners. The immediate economic gains to Canada are more tangible. The Ministry of Employment and Immigration estimated that in 1982-83, foreign students spent about $10,000 each over and above their tuition expenses. This money is a definite boost to our economy when one multiphes it by the total number of foreign students here. The gains to the foreign students themselves are obvious; they receive a quality education in a Western, industrialized nation. Many of them come from countries where there are few if any educational institutions at the post-secondary level. One Waterloo Arts student from Hong Kong, who wishes to remain anonymous, says in his country, “not everybody has the chance to go to university . . . you have to be smart enough to get into the two universities or afford an overseas education.” Waterloo math student H.S. Quah, who is chairman of the International Student Board on campus, says of his native Malaysia, “only the top 10% of students are admitted.” While there are eight universities in Malaysia they are extremely small. Quah added that it is different than here in Canada where “you only have to fulfil1 minimum requirements.” If they could not study overseas, people like Quah could not get a post-secondaffy education. According to a study done by the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada in 1982, the foreignstudent population for all of Canada was about 35,000, or approximately 5% of total enrollment. Such a foreign student population size is comparable to other Western countries that receive such students. The demographics of foreign student distibution in Canada shows a concentration of students in Ontario, as over 50% study here. in 1982-83, the University of Toronto had the highest actual number of foreign students with 3,940 but this worked out to be only 11.3% of its total student population. The University of Windsor, with 2,17 1 foreign students that school year, had the highest percentage of foreign students per total enrollment with 26. ITO of all Windsor’s students being from outside Canada. In 1982-83, the University of Waterloo had 1,021 foreign students, who represented only 6.3% of total full-time enrollment. One of the significant points of the data collected by the Association of Universities and.Colleges is that the concentration of foreign students in Ontario goes against the idea that all of Canada should benefit from the foreign student experience. At the present time, there are no policies to redistribute foreign students nation-wide. Foreign students come to Canada from‘over 174 countries but all are not proportionally represented. In 1982-83 students from Hong Kong accounted for 23% of all foreign students and Malaysians account for another 11%. Over 53% of all foreign students attending Canadian universities come from 50 high income countries,

while only 10% come from the40 poorest countries. Less than 3% of all foreign students came from the 25 least developed countries (according to U.N. definitions of high income and poor countries). This means that the poorer countries that need educated people the most are not the ones with students in our universities. There are no existing policies that encourage better representation by needy countries. The main cause of this imbalance are high foreign student fees which the poor countries cannot afford. This raises the issue of differential fees - the higher fees are charged to foreign students by all provincial universities except those in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland. There is not ’ singular policy governing the charge of differential fees; different provinces and different institutions charge different amounts. According to a briefing presented by the North-South Institute, entitled Foreign Students in Canada: A Neglected Policy Issue, tuition charges to foreign students range from $1,200 to over $10,000. In provinces that do charge differential fees, foreign student tuition ranged from as low as $1,400 in Alberta for eightmonths to $10,200 in Ontario for the same period. In Ontario a part of the differential fees charged is collected into a


provincial poolthenredistributed backto theinstitutions in the form of grants. The money distribution formula is.based on total student enrollment. This means that in Ontario some institutions with a very low foreign student population, but high domestic enrollment, could receive benefits from the pool where a smaller university with many foreign students, but not such a,large overall enrollment, will receive less grant mqney. The cost of differential fees to forergn students is on the rise as universities are receiving less financial support from governments. One Waterloo foreign student, who prefers not to be identified, says that his undergraduate arts program costs were $4,000 for eight months when a Canadian student pays about $1,150. “Four times the cost is too much,” he stated. Along with the $4,000 tuition, the Canadian authorities demanded proof that this student had an additional $6,000 for other expenses. Foreign students are not permitted to work while in Canada and, thus they are excluded from engineering and other co-op programs. Studying in Canada gets more expensive every year and such study is becoming the priviledge of the elite classes only. There have been estimates by Immigration Canada that there was a 13yc - 15% decline in foreign student enrollment nationally last year. With such monetary demands on the students this decline is likely to continue. There is a lack of scholarships and bursaries for foreign students. According to the Universities and Colleges study, the few Canadian awards in existence are limited to students from only 17 countries, most European. From the East, only Japanese students receive awards. No money is specifically allocated to the poorest students in under-developed nations. Few Canadians suggest that foreign students should be allowed’ to attend a university here without paying some kind of additional charge but many feel that there is a need to change the system so that money is not the only factor that allows one to study here. Initiative for changes in foreign student policies are being made by groups like the Council of Ontario Universities (COU). Waterloo computer science professor J. D. Lawson has been involved in COU discussions on foreign student affairs and the differential fee issue. “Differential fees are not appropriate,” Lawson asserts. COU meetings have been looking at the possibility of reducing fees but, Lawson says, “I expect that the most likely thing is that fees will stay high and bursaries will be available.” ’ The COU is discussing plans to return a portion of the $40,000,000 collected each year from foreign students and giving it back to these students in the form of bursaries. “Approximately $10,000,000 will be returned,” says Lawson, “$5,OOO,OOO to undergraduates and $5,000,000 to graduates.“This plan would be funded half by the government and half by the universities. The CQU’s proposal will also take into account which students should be eligible for such funds by considering which countries have chosen not to develop their own educational facilities and those which are too poor to develop their own post-secondary institutions. Th’is is just a policy proposal the COU hopes to present to the government, but as Lawson points out, it is “quite a reasonable start”. There are many positive benefits to be reaped from having Canadians study abroad and having foreign students study here. Ex-

change programs are socially, politically and economically enriching for Canada as’a whole and, with proper planning in the future, these programs could continue. There is a definite need for the creation of a cohesive, national policy regarding foreign student affairs. At the federal level alone there are four government agenties involved with foreign students - Employment and Immigration Canada, External Affairs Canada, The Canadian International Development Agency and the Department of the Secretary of State. There are also many provincial and institutional bodies involved in foreign student issues. The lack of a clear, integrated policy-making body has lead to enrollment disparities throughout the country. If governments and the universities could get together on the foreign student problem there would be less overlapping and clear objectives could be found to benefit all concerned. A cohesive national policy for foreign students could increase the benefits received from foreign students and could also aid the foreign students from poorer countries. There are many problems with the administration of foreign student policies in Canada. Money has become the paramount consideration instead of focusing of educating those who need it the most. Foreign student exchanges are an asset to any institution and to the country as a whole. Unless governments and institutions get together and re-think foreign student issues, foreign enrollment may continue to decline until there will be no foreign students to make policies for.

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14 Imprint, Friday, February 14,1996

.From education to calculation -

byDowvh=v\ ImprintstafY he danger according to Joseph Weizenbaum, is not artmcial intelligence in new generations of will take over the world from people, the Tda@k thatcomputers IS that_ it already haa taken over, and we haven’t

noticed Weizenbaum is an old hand at computers. In’ 1966 he develped the “E&a” program, a version of which was once popular on this campus under the name “Dr. Otto Matic”. The program simulated the sort of responses a Rogerian psychotherapist would make to a patient in a preliminary interview. The method consists largely of feeding the patient’s own statements back to him, in order to help the patient better understand his experience. Weizenbaum became concerned when a number of practicing psychiatrists seriouslybelievedthat the program could become an automatic form of psychotherapy. “I had thought it essential,,’ writes Weizenbaum, “as a prerequisite to the very possibility that one person might help another learn to cope with his emotional problems, that the helper himself participate inthe other’s experience of those problems and, in large part by way of his own empathic recognition of them “ that it was possible for even one practicing psychiatrist to advocate that this crucial component of the therapeutic process be entirely supplanted by pure techniqpe, I had not imagin$.”


“. . &hat it was possible for evenone practicing Jpsyc~toadhrocatethat~crucial compozumit of the therapeutic process be enfirely sapplanted by pure txladque, that I ’ hadaot~m Weizenbaum asks “What can the psychiatrist’s image of iris patient be when he sees himself, as therapist, not as an engaged human being acting as a healer, but as an information processor following rules, etc.? “Such questions were my awakening to what hsd earlier been called a ‘scientific outlook that appeared to have‘ produced a mechanical conception of man’.” Im~rht ran a front page story on January 1’7 about UW research in conjunction with the Japanese on artificial intelligence. These 5th generation computers are described aa being able to “reason, understand human laziguages and make logical inferences,,’ according to Dr. Erie Manning, Director of Waterloo’s Institute for Computer Besearch. Are these computers intelligent? Well, Manning says that intelligence is a word that invites misuse. “Nobody knows what it really means, and that gets people into trouble. The 5th generation computers will not have such attributes as creativity, emotion, and sentiment,,’ he said, and added that he didn’t feel his “humanit$* to be threatened While computers in the past have been replacing assembly line workers and bank tellers, bookkeepers and keypunch operators, Manning said “a very large number of middle management jobs” (Perhaps Dr. Manning’s own job?) could be done awsy with by these mschines by the 1990s. Computers have become part of the classroom at every level of education. At UW some students sta&y computers, but many more study with computers. Public schools have found that computer text editors make it easier for children to learn to write. Told not to worry about spelling mistakes, the kids are urged to create. Without the computers, a child~s limited motor ability restricted the scope of his writing.And teachers (and students) tended to concentrate on getting the right letters in the right place - penmanship rather than CreatiTdtp. The computer liberates a great deal of human energy previously absorbed by labourious, time-consuming and tediow anschrrnical tasks, just as earlier’ forms of mechanization liberated people frommost heavy labour. But once liberated, where does that energy go? According to both Manning and Weizenbaum computers do not represent athreat to our humanity. Their reasons are diametricaJ.ly different. l%r Weizenbaum, much of our social environment. is already so mechanical that human uniqueness and creativity is almost a nonexistent element In fhct, ingenuity or creativity makes one unsuitable for many jobs. Our bureaucracies, he argues, are slready organized like computers. They deal in rules and axioms, they go by the book, and there is precious little room for independent judgment, except ‘which rule applies?,, And as for compassion, empathy, sharing experience and reaching out to acknowledge our fellows as human beings - well that just gets in the wsy. The answer of the technician is also “no”, the displacement of people fromjobs, andthe transformation of our humanity into what might be called “mechanicity” is logical, reasonable and rational. It is not a threat. Therefore it is consistent with what it is to be human, ergo: good “YQx3 issue transcends computers” writes Weizenbaum, “in that it must ultiniately deal with log%xlity itself - quite apart from whether logicality is encoded in computer programs or not.“. I - .

A great deal of languege, including the word“intelligence” of which Dr. Manning can say “no one knows what it means”, contains the ambiguity necessary in a tool which is grappling with the understanding of appearances, and the truths that underlie them Since the ssme thing appears different in different circumstances, words come to have multiple nuances of meaning which are dependent on context and experience. English is said to be the most ambiguous of languages. It is not at all uncommon for disputing parties to agree on a statement which they both understandso differently that no agreement -exists. The question is usually not so much ‘what does the word mean?” as it is “what do youmean whenyouuse that word?” Of course, this is impossibly frustrating to computer programmers for whom every word must be reduced to EL precise equation If it means this then it does not mean that ;..

Contraryto Dr.Mannir&sassertion,mostpeopledoknow what the word intelligence means. Mostallofususeit,and there are certain things we mesnby it. As with most words, most of the time those mean&@ haveambiguitiesandloose boundaries which are simply not computable. The word is “dangerous” to lMmning probsbly because it is not computable., People can understand intelligeme, possess intelligence, remgnim and use intelligence. The computer can only handle

data, axioms,andrules


are certainly

ingredients of what most of us mesn byintelhgence,&ut by nomeansdefinealltihatitis. Intelligence, most fundsmentally, is am ability to judge meaning. We msy possess lots of .@cts, but 0nIy through the faculty of intelligence can meaning be given to them, and onljr when they have meaning can they be described as knowledge. And meaning is inextricably tied to values. And when it comes to values, there is agreat deal of dissgreement among human beings. When men and women mot agree on meanings, how is the computer to be- programmed? According to whose meanings will it interpret the word “intelligence”. Will the “reasoning” computerunderstandby that word what its brain does or what my brain does? Tws world is full of people attempting to persuade us. Behind every ad campadgn, political or commercial, there are implicit assumptions about values. Prom these conflicting appeals for our attention, we must make mew judgments. Judgments, not calculations. In the hands of the best scientists, science is a way of grappling with and making sense of appearances. In the hands of popular culture science does not content itselfwith explanations of appearances but claims to know how things armtallyarea@must~be.

Inthehandsofgopalarcultllr8sciencedoesnot coxktemt itselfwith explanations

of appearances bllwmmstoknowhowthlngs~aotuallyareand rnti necem be. Weizenbaum writes “beginning perhaps with Francis Bacon’s misreading of the genuine promise of science, man has been seduced into wishing and working for the establishment of an age of rationality, but with his vision of rationality tragically twisted so as to equate it with logicality.” Thus we come to see every genuine human dilemma as a mere paradox which more information will allow us to reduce to a mathematical equation. And once it is an equation, the computer, of course, can solve the problem. Inherent in this is a great deal of human pride, the desire not just to know, but by knowing, control. Thus our technologies are mostly technologies of control, the COntrOi of nature and the control of other people. Prom the lever used *to pry a rock and control its location through the bureacracy used to control the movement of masses, to the ICBM used to intimidate an enemy and control his behaviour (i.e. make it subject to our own will), technology is mostly used to control, confine andlimit. It rarelyisusedto liberate, release and transcend Yet technology itself is liberating. It frees people from drudge work, liberates their time for other pursuits. It is not the machine which is creating the bondage, it is the mechanical conception of man; avalue system in which function, power, performance and control take precedence as the supreme ~human attributes. The myth of logical necessitiy has really never been 1esL valid When a technologically weak human race battled the elements in a daily life anddeath struggle, nature presented a massive weight of necessity. Against this the human race has fought with considerable success. Most of the world in which most Westerners live is not “natural”, but is manmade. We didn’t find King St. with four paved lanes when we got here. We found a forest. We chose to put King St. where i’, is, and to make it four lanes. And we are free (although generally unaware of the fact), to put it somewhere else, or make it any number of lanes we want. Andthe same goes for the rest of the man-made world People chose to make it as it is. And thus people can choose to unmake it or change it in any WQY they want. In terms of city scapes and social form&the decisions ar6pade by the collective social process known as politics, where a variety of forces, not the least of which is public opinion, interact to result in deCi&M and choices A great tragedy of the modern era is that huge numbers ofchoices are made under the misapprehension of logical necessity. Unaware that there are choices, and that things do not have to be the way they are, and that, unlike computers, you actually can argue with politicians, people are deprived of a great deal of what humaniw might legitimately be said to consist of, namely the participation with others in the joint process of making a civilization Instead of people making choices we have principles of necessitybeing invoked - and sill too often without question We have manufactured institution and ideas which are experienced today as morp intrsnsigent than nature herself. A good example is the old adage “you can’t fight city hall”. Of course, the adage is not true. You can, although it may often be irustratingly difficult. But there is no equivalent saying in our culture with regard to nature “youcan’tfight nature”. Not only can we fight nature, we spend most of our time doing it. The problem with our scientific, mechanistic and logical understanding begins to appear to be a problem of ignorance, ingnorance about the nature of ourselves, our fellows, and what it means to participate in a society. ~‘bis is is a problem of communication and education ea;n assist communication and While technologies education, education is not a technical problem. It is w human, social problem. ’


Education& policy has changed in the past century fkom the cultivation . of culture, the age df enlightinment,to the. mercenary competitive scram’ble for job skills - a cu@ of calmiktion O whose goal is the~mechanization and ratiMalization of our world.

Whiletrainingonmachims may*ly~wlthin~ definition of education, certainly our fathers made a great distinction betwean l~tooperatethemachinesof their ~(theycalleditVoc8tionaltrain&g) andeducation, which they called Arts and Sciences. HasUWnotheardthatthekeytobeingeducatedisnotthat youknowsomethingbuttihatyouknowhowtogoabout findingsomethlng~t?Ifasenior~r~~~cannotbe conisidered well-educated in a few years without first hand experience on 5th generation computers, then what are we to call ourselves, with our 4th generation C.S. degrees? And what of those poor souls who have never studied computers? It seems that with every passing dey this university is more and more concerned with the training aspect, the tiow ~,andlessarndlessconcernedwiththelrnowwhat: the~~whafsociet3ris,andhas~~whereweare,where iwe have come from and how we got here. The know what a manis,whatawomanis,andwha$amachineis,andViveLe Difference! More and more we are being mesmerized into thinking that without horrendously expensive new machines, and highly questionable computer fees to pay for them, we somehow cannot do the business of education. The emphasis in education is shifting away from preparing people for life, for respoMibilit;y, for creative living and decision-making towards preparing people to operate machines.

‘while techno~es +

can assist commnnication

education, edacation Is nut a technical problem. It is a human, social problem.

The computer revolution may hold out hope for the human race, by relieving women and men of drudgery, mechanical work, and freeing up their energies for more “creativity, emotion, and sentiment, the things that make us human” - as Dr. Manning puts it. In the 18th century when the Industrial Revolution was transforming the face of Canadian Society, and machines were taking over the work of men and women in the fields and the kitchens, the factories and the foundries, the same hope was held out, by both humanist philosophers and Christian theologians. For the Christiansit was the final release from the curse of Eden, when man was condemned (according to the Genesis story) to earn his living by the sweat of his brow. In truth, it is not the sweatof the brow that earM a living for most of us anymore. Wearing white colalrs, most university students probably aspire to middle management (soon to be obsolete) or higher vocations. Few of us will ever sweat except in recreational pastimes. It’s some years now since the tractor replaced the horse drawn plough, and the electric range replaced the wood drudge- work But the hoped ‘for Eden has failed to mate~ialize. The assembly line, the scientific method, rationalization of industrial processes, centra;lization and economies of scale have brought us wealth undreamt of by our grandparents. But it has not lessened the anxiety and tension, stress and strain, of making a living, finding a job, or carving out a niche for one’s self in the world In fact, every indication suggests that the mecharMed world of the 20th century is much less healtby psychologically than the muscle powered word of the 18th. Yes, we have more things, but happiness, it seems, is not a thing. You can’t build it in frtctories and you can’t buy it in stmw3.

iven this, the ‘strident demands from university administrators for more funds for more machineS for more techn@al tradning because of the economic benefitswhich might accru~inthel~ngm~rbegintosound nearly obscene. 1 These am arguments from logical necessity. They are persuasive if one does not think beyond the bounds of money, power and control. The tragedy lies in the fact that so few (even among the supposedly educated men in Needles Hall) can be bothered to think beyond those artificially co~tmined terms of the argument. As soon as one does, major problems appear. The coming need for a more educated (not less educated) population strongly argues for the importance of increasing accessibility to university education Increased fees cannot help but decrease accessibility. The economic unpredictability of the future makes specializedjob-training of any sort highly questionable as ar@&ing other than a short-term industrial strategy. And industrial strategy and education policy are not the same thing. Yet 5th generationcomputertechnol.ogy is about the most highly special-d trm one can imagine. Cur problems being more human and social than technical argues for more emphasis on research and study in the humanities, not technical fields. All these points Dr. Wright simply ignores, another logical necessity inf3ofar as they are anomalous and have no place in his world view. To quote Weizenbaum again “Surely much of what we today regard as good anduseful, as well as much of what we would call knowledge and wisdom, we owe to science. But sciencemay also be seen as an addictive drug. Not only has our unbounded fw on science caused us to become dependent on it, but as happeM with many other drugs taken in increasing doses, science has been gradually converted into a slow-acting poison” ,


It is argued that to let machines do mechanical jobs is better than attempting ‘to force people to behave like machines. In psychology it is virtually axiomatic that “you am what you do”. A person’s self-image is strongly influenced by what he w in the world For most people, that is a job. If you take away the job, you deprive him of identity, and in depriving him of identity you are depriving him of something that can fairly be called part of his humanity. And when a man is made to behave like a machine, it is not surprising to discover that he comes to thinkofhim@fasama&ine. \

Ehrergindication~e8tsthatthemeChnrrred worldofthe3aothcenturyismllchlsgshealthy ~lo@caUythanthemusclepoweredworld of the 18th. Yes, we haxm more things, but happiness, it aeemq is not a thing. Yom c&t buildltiniactoriesandymlcan~buyitin stores. Few observers felt that the Industrial Bevolution was a threat to our humani ty. And yet humanity has lost a great deal in mechanizing the material conditions of the world and its worl@aces. We no longer get to workwith our hands, except at keyboards. Most of our work is done for strangers whom we never see or meet. In the midst of our largest cities withtheir superb communicatioM networks, the centres of our society, lonliness and despair are more common than in the windswept prairie where the nearest neighbour is two quarter sectioM away. We have built a mechanical society and we have done a great deal to make ourselves like maohines. Our social behaviour is more and more mechanical - we relate to the clerk, not to Jane, the wife of Bill and mother of Tina and Jerry who little Jimmy pleys baseball with on Saturdays. Position and not person Persons cannot be computerized, but positions can be -butonlyinaworldthathasalready made those jobs inhuman and mechanical. We mechanized the machine-like parts, and shed the parts which rendered the fbnctions human The result is a machine-like world Arguably, our humanity is impoverished. Definitely we have lost something. We’mechanized our society and put people in jobs even more mechanical (and definitely less human) than those .on the farms they left. We have succeeded in the mecm technical problems, but we have failed in the human chslllenges our inventions bring with them. And now we shall mechanize what’s left. There seems to be little to cry over. But wherewill Jane go every morning at 9:00 am. w-hen the automatic check-out machine is finally delivered to Mr. Grocer? Will she suddenly find her creativity, so long repressed by the stress of mechanised work is suddenly unleashed. Will she spend her days at the libraries and museums, in classes e all those things she wasonce interested in, but had to set aside because life was too busy, and the economic demands too severe? It would be nice to think that she would But if she were the average graduate of the University of Waterloo, would her education help her? Dr. Manning says of the fifth generation computers “Clearly to be well-educated - or trained - whichever word you prefer, our senior undergraduates and graduate students had better have access to this hardware. That means massive nrtt# i~~wstmeuxts in eQPipm.tmt, and1 am damned if I can see how we e be able to do it without the

computerfee.‘?.-.),.,, *’x- ;“*. ., * . , _ , b . : ’ ‘.’

An educated person knows how to learn a new skill, when laid off by a computer. Training alone, when rendered obsolete, is just so much obsolescence. If you know what is going on in the world, you can always findout howto get on If all your education has given you is know how, when the how becomes redundant, you don’t know what to do about it. Now there is nothing wrong with learning how to operate machines. What is wrong, and what is terribly, cruelly wrong, is the sacrifice of the lmow what in the name of the know how. It is a sacrifice of the future in the name of the present. It is tragically short-sight&

I Like xnmt good preparimetomakelits

J -,UWiSbUSily current model obsolete next year.

Lilw most good factories, UW is busily preparing to make its current model obsolete. But UW is not an assembly line, even though it looks and feels like it. It is an institution of society. And its students and grtiuates are members of that society, a society which (incidentally) pays for it. And if UW is preparing a future where your &aining will be obsolete, does it not follow \that at least as much attention should be paid to educating you to deal with that future when it inevitably catches up to you? The computer fee struggle of recent months is but the tip of an iceberg, one small demoMtration of the disastrous shortsightedness which is governing education policy in Canada today. The overridingconcerniswithmachines, and the neglect of persons is approaching catastrophic proportions. The full effect of this policy may not strike for 20 years. That may seem like a long time, but I plan onbeing alive in 2005. Somehow, though, when I lookat h.owUW is planning, I’m not sure I’m going to be living in a very happy society. The crime’ of this all lies in that the dii?iculties are foreseeable, and substantially avoidable. We know how to advance our technology and mechanize the workplace yet again But it hasbecome abundantlyclear,thatwe~longer knowwha%asocietyis,norwhatwearedoing,norwhatitis to be a person in a society of persons. The priorities and concerns of the mation of this university reflect the idea of man as a machine, and the absence of a sufficiew of know whut in comparison with knowhaw. UW focuses more and more attention on very exotic, expe~ive technologies, the training in which is hugely more expensive thanwhat anearlier generationunderstood 88 education in the arts and sciences. Then it claims to be ‘tide-. Butwhy,withthisdearthofhumanunders&ndmg,arewe still making the technology a priority at the expense of the humanities? We do it because we know how to do it and beCa;use we fail to seriously look at what we are doing. We fti, partly through lack of education concerning whut is goingonclroundus.Weactaeifweexpectthemrtchinesto deliver us from our human problems. UW President Doug Wright speaks as if greater wealth will solve our social problems, present and future. Yet real wealth per capita ih Canada has grown immensely in the past century, but has created more social problems than it has solved Why do we think this will change? Well, we never even askthe question We don’t think anymore than the computer thinks. We have rules, and we have axioms, and we follow them The rules include things like more is better, and it’s half true, more is better in some ways, ~OJM of the time. The problem is we have not programmed ourselves to attend to those other matters that we tend to understand less well, like people,, for whom the “more is better” axiom usually doesn’t apply. Intoxicated by the glitter of the new technical toys, we ha;e~~ti~$lind to the incredible self-destructiveness of :.s , . I

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Drama, procluct~,on. by Harlan Davey Imprint staff ’ Top Girls begins and closes with an appropriate song, Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves. In between, there is a fine production by UW’s Drama Department which features some good actresses and a strong statement against mankind rather than humankind. .The script, by popular playwright Caryl Churchill, is-uneven at times, but it opens remarkably. Marlene (Kathryn De Lory) is a successful manager of an employment agency, and to share in her victory she has invited several celebrated women from throughout history who have all succeeded in a male-dominated world. What follows is a and fascinating dinner party cunning exposing the customs. and cruelties of different eras where each guest had to struggle simply to justify her existence. Among the guests is Pope Joan who, disguised as a man, was believed to be Pope in - the 9th Century: Patricia Koenig is noble and reserved as the martyr who was stoned to death after the discovery of her true identity. Japanese Lady Nijo, a 13th Century courtesan, is interpreted skillfully by Annette Stokes. Her subtle gestures, charming naivity . and strained perplexing expression are very captivating. In this scene much of the dialogue overlaps. Unfortunately, because of the strengths of the characterizations of Pope Joan and Lady Nijo, the other guests, including .a woman who travelled through Hell,, a Victorian


traveller and a medieval obedient wife, get lost in the ensuing conversation. This is more a fault of the script that the production itself. After this great beginning, the play loses some of its punch as it concentrates on Marlene and her struggle against the beerdrinking, football vomiting men of this world. Kathryn De Lory’s portrayal is very She has a confident and convincing. professional air about her that goes well with her role and her briefcase. The other members of the cast play multiple roles. Noteworthy is Elizabeth Shannon as Joyce, the futureless., trapped housewife and sister of Marlene. The bitterness in her performance is vivid. Susan J. Schmidt, as Angie the cannibalistic frightened, lonely and thick teenager who idolizes her successful Aunt Marlene reminds you perfectly of the girls you knew in public school who refused to clean their rooms and threatened to kill their mothers. The staging, although a little rough on the neck at times, is creative. It involves two platforms with the audience tucked between, following the action. All in all, even though I felt guilt for being a man, Top Girls, playing until Saturday, is a fascinating story of a woman and many women like her, and the sacrifices they had to make to succeed. The production, which wisely chooses not to concentrate on details such as accent, but on the complex script, is very good and makes for a frank and ’ provocative evening. I


by Pete Lawson Imprint staff After a year hiatus, Anton Kuerti has returned to the stage with enthusiasm and flair. His vehicle of return is a trilogy series of the Beethoven piano concertos and the Triple Concerto for piano, violin and cello, The three-concert series is being staged at the Centre in the Square and at Toronto’s Massey Hall with the KitchenerWaterloo Symphony Orchestra, and has thus far proved to be superb music. February 5 was the beginning of this extended tale. The KWSO, led by Mario Bernardi (former leader of the National Arts Centre orchestra in Ottawa, now leading the Calgary Philharmonic), commenced with Beethoven’s Leonore Overture No3 in C Major, Opus 72a.This overture,‘originally written for his opera Fidelio, begins with a whisper and builds into the grandeur of the full orchestra. The bassoon, flute, and oboe shared good solo passages and the music was well controlled with a few weak entries. Mr. Kuerti took to the stage with his cautious but casual manner and then became enveloped in the intensity of Beethoven’s music. History recounts that Beethoven was an intense individual and his music reflects this character. Mr. Kuerti captures that intensity in his own performances. The Piano Concerto No. 1 in C Major, Opus 15 displayed the talents of these two masters. Though the orchestra was a little domineering in the Largo, Bernardi found the balance in the concluding Allegro which sums up the strident Beethoven full orchestra diminishing to the horns and oboe solo passages

“Oh yes, my child” . . . Susan J. Schmidt, as Angie (right), of women with Cathi dainville, as Kit, in Top Girls.

brings piano

100 much

the discotheque

notes on the plight by Simon Wheeler

to life

When his fingers are not pressing the ivories, his hands are wavering in a selfzconducting manner. The second concert, on February 10, started with Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in B f/at Mujor Opus 19 which represents a younger, more lighthearted Beethoven. The sparse descending pianissimo notes of the Adagio (second movement) provided a contrasting cadence to the usual full orchestral blast. The evening’s spiritual inspiration arose from the second movement, Largo, of the&no Concerto No. 3 in C minor Opus 37. These delicate notes are a hymn of musical faith ,which expresses Beethoven’s view of the power of the individual. The Allegro, third movement, completes the concerto with a majestic celebration. An arrangement of Beethoven’s Violin Corker-to in D Major provided some fascinating moments and great .playing. The translation from the violin to the piano was the work of Beethoven who restored the melodic lines and cadenzas for piano temperment. A vibrant cadenza in the first movement, and then building to a blazing cadence. Allegro ma non troppo, which used sweeping piano runs with Capping the first evening was the Piano Concerto No. 4 in G timpani accompaniment, was a very “cool” passage. Major, Opus 58 with a commanding Alle(gro moderato (first . In all, it was another outstanding evening from Mr. Kuerti movement). The second movement, Andante, highlighted the with a few chinks in the otherwise flawless armour of the dynamic contrast between the quiet strength of the piano and orchestra, conducted by Raffi Armenian. the full orchestra, producing a textural meditation. The concluding performance of this Kuerti and Beethoven Mr. Kuerti’s playing is full of verve. The piano was simply celebration will transpire on February 19 at the Centre in the - alive with drama. Mr. Kuerti nurtures drama out of every note: Square. Tickets are still available to hear the Concerto No. 5 be it loud or soft. fast or slow. His fingers dance along the (Emperor) and the Triple Concerto ($13/$11/$9.50 for keyboard covering sweeping runs of scales and arpeggios. students). / /

Whitenoise: w _

Whitenoise wrecked small audience.

compares Photo

at Fed Hall last Wednesday Photo

to a dissapointingly by Dave Merchant

by Pete Lawson Imprint staff Whitenoise is the sound of an untuned radio or a stationless television, but on February 5 at Federation Hall, a small audience heard the band from Toronto called Whitenoise. Though their music possesses moments of both the good and the bad, but never the ugly, the audience reception was reserved at best. _ Their blend of funk-jazz-fusion-rock tries to emphasize musie which is eclectic but still danceable. However, in spite of the hard-plunking bass and Glen Milchem’s manic drumming, the dancefloor at the sparsely filled hall was neglected.


Striving for the unusual is always a commendable effort. When this group finds the groove they are most effective: Though they play music which is diverse from the mainstream, they cannot escape from their own “Iockedin-sound”. The lack of musical variety - tempos, melodies, texture - creates monotony. The unit uses two guitarists, but rarely were there flagrant guitar solos or interesting melodic. or textural support audible from these PSSST!

two players. They seem to be satisfied to supply rhythmic support. Would I prefer to listen to a night of Madonna or BRUCE? Certainly not. But hours of Whitenoise would tax my appreciation. A trimming of some of the overindulgence (often associated with this genre of-. music), would benefit ..the approach. A reflection: if a man is always screaming, how do we know he is screaming? Contrast is always memorable. .











a Commotion


It All Back Home


by Tim imprint



Perlich Staff

While on a tour stops in Guinea,


The Music

of Africa that included Ivory Coast, Liberia,


of Kurt Weill - Lost In The Stars A&M


by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff German-born composer Kurt Weill is best known for his collaborations with playwright Bertolt Brecht such as the brilliant successes, The Threepenny Opera and Happy End, but his contribution to popular music goes much deeper than that. Not only have his songs become sentimental cocktail lounge standards, but his compositions have been covered by numerous artists from The Doors (Alabama Song) to Bobby Darin (Mat the Knife) to Ian McCulloch of Echo fame (September Song), making Lost in the Stars something of a revelation as the diversity and timelessness of his genius is made evident to a whole new generation of wavers and boppers. The variety of the contemporary artists and the excellence and panache of their perfor-


in the woods.

and the Commotions 2 Easy Pieces Geffen/WEA Records

by Paul Done Imprint staff With 2 Easy Pieces, their second album, Lloyd Cole and the Commotions have deftly avoided the sophomore jinx that plagues so many young bands. The album shows the ’ band in the process of diversifying their sound while Lloyd Cole’s claustrophobic narratives are becoming ever more effective. While Rattlesnakes, their brilliant debut, brimmed with pop catchiness (dare I say obviousness?), 2 Easy Pieces is a far more mature, subtle effort. Though none of the songs equal the standard set by Perfect Skin, tracks such as James, Perfect Blue and Brand New Friend manage to capture some of the same youthfulness and awkward verbosity which characterised their debut. The production chores on the album are handled superbly by Alan Winstanley (who produced Dexy’s last album) and Clive bnger, who .along with Elvis Costello, co ,wrote the classic Shipbuilding. The ten tracks achieve that lovely sublime pop atmosphere without ever falling prey to the ever-present threat of wimpiness or dullness.

Most successful are the’songs that hint at a cross-pollination of musical styles where the

If Djeli, Djeli Blues was the album’s starting point, Bringing It All Back Home might have been a far more fruitful exchange, but in terms of a Johnny Copeland record, it shows potential for exciting -development in as yet uncharted areas.

mances is testimony to the undying charm of Weill’s music. Equally at home with the German theatre music of the ’20s and ’30s as with classical, jazz and Broadway show tunes, Weill’s no&algically evocative songs bring out the best in everyone from Tom Waits to Marianne Faithful]. Even Sting, never the most seductive of vocalists, decides to leave his self-important whine at home and exudes considerably more charisma than his recent work gives evidence of in the oompah and accordion-accompanied The Ballad of Mat The Knife. Ex-Wall of Voodoo front man Stan Ridgway uses his ‘western twang to perfect effect on the bitterly ironic anti-war tirade, The Cannon Song. Almost sounding like an excerpt from an Irving Berlin production, the serious intent of the song is belied by the-strangely jaunty military music. Marianne Faithful1 follows with the more bittersweet Ballad Of The Soldier’s Wife. Her ominously brittle croaks and the haunting, undulating oboe make it unremittingly heart-

breaking. And then there’s the King of Kool, Lou Reed, who turns September Song completely into his own creation. One of the best tracks on the album, Reed makes it sound like a cut from New Sensations without sacrificing any of the unabashed Parisian romanticism of Maxwell Anderson’s lyrics. But to review this album without giving Bertolt Brecht his due would be unjust and give an inaccurately low appraisal of his contribution to the greatness of this record. His lyrics are full of cynicism ; and an insidiously demented magic exemplified by Richard Butler’s treatment of Alabama Song. Butler gives this cryptic search for whisky bars and little boys just the proper amount of gleeful fascination with the sordid seediness of lowlife characters. Brecht’s chilling vision of the human condition is rendered magnificently by Tom Waits, whose overzealous sandpaper croon rasps its wickedly sardonic way through the goosestepping accordion beat in What Keeps Mankind Alive: “How ever much you twist, /

Whatever lies you tell; / Food is the first thing, / Morals follow . .. / Mankind is kept alive by bestial acts!” One could go on and on about how good this album is, literally for pages. Every song provides new and different delights for the listener. Suffice it to say that it’s wonderful.

No. 8: 80 years This work is not a traditional symphony. It is structured into two parts First Part: Hymnus: Veni Creator Spiritus and Second Part: Finale scene from Goethe’s Faust. The Hymnus is a work structurred like a chorale, with many contrapuntal passages. The use of many separate choirs and soloists, make for a very busy work, which might be Mahler’s attempt to confuse




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many voices can all be heard converse fluently. This happens in Here, dictates its path and is followed without-’ sacrificing his personal identity.

Blues, Ngote, and Abidjan.



Djeli, Djeli the music to its end musical

old but still r&Uant

the audience, but Mahler did not attempt to strangle the audience with dissonance; his inspiration was harmonic rooted in the Romantic Era. The second part begins quietly, almost spiritually, as a contrast to the Hymnus. The soloists are heavily exploited during this section. The music was very inspiring; conductor AIexis Hauser controlled the large cast effectively:Not all entries


- IL90

2 Easy Pieces (as opposed to 5) really is quite a marvellous album; brimming with lush sounds and thoughtful lyrics. It is a perfect album to put on when your intellectual friends come over for an express0 and a chat, or simply to listen to as a remedy to those bad, lowdown student angst blues.

obligatory standard blues numbers, no doubt an attempt to appease the ‘purists’ in his audience. Although the percussion gives The Jungle and (I’m Going Back To) Kasavubu a slight African feel, they’re done within the confines of a strict blues format incorporating very little creative deviation. Those songs, along with Bazalimalamu and Same Thing, could have just as easily been recorded in Texas. i

Music Singers and the Faculty of Music Chorale from the University of Western Ontario, the London Pro Musica, the St. Mary School Ch,oir and Orchestra Program Monsignor Feeney Choir (London), the St. Michael’s parish Church Boy’s Choir (London), and the Orchestra London Canada provided. enough pieces to complete the puzzle of the Symphony No: 8.

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The tracks are suffused with a warm, softedged glow, drawing the listener deeper and deeper into the little worlds created in Lloyd Cole’s lyrics: worlds which are not at all warm or soft. The characters who inhabit these imaginary wordscapes are drawn very much from the Tom Waits/Lou Reed theatre of the broken. Likewise, in Lost Weekend we: encounter the young author who, goes on a weekend trip to Amsterdam in search of some illusory worldliness and ends up with nothing more than “a case of double pneumonia in a single [hotel] room.” Yet, throughout the album the music remains perversely jolly and spritely with bouncing brass (on Rich and Lost Weekend) and jangly guitars everywhere. Though the music may be quite emotive there is no piece which can match the mournfulness of Down On Mission Street from Rattlesnakes. Thus, the emotional content is far narrower than that of the’ first album.

Senegal, Sierra Leone and Zaire, the Johnny Copeland Blues Band met with enthusiastic in the process, were response and, introduced to a variety of new sounds and approaches to music from the African musicians they met with before and after performances. So inspired, Copeland decided to record an L.P. in Africa using members of his own band as their new-found acquaintances. The result of their studio sessions is Bringing It All Back Home. Copeland begins the album by doing two


by Pete Lawson Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 is not a “sit by the campfire sing along”; it is music which has been labelled “the Symphony of a Thousand”. About half that number was sufficient to create the ominous experience at the Centre in the Square on February 8. A combining of the talents of the Kitchener-Waterloo Philhar; manic Choir, the Faculty of


. were perfect and balance was at times sacrificed, but such work of complexity for nearly 90 minutes isan arduous task. The soloists for the momentous celebration were Barbara Collier (1st soprano), Jane Gunter-McCoy (2nd soprano), Lynn Blaser (soprano), Janice Taylor (1st alto), Beverly Benso (2nd alto), Seth MCCOY (tenor), Daniel Lichti (baritone), End Janos Xessenyi (bass). -1he



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voice of the evening was Janice Taylor whose voice was lush and powerful. Mr. Tessenyi, who probably should be retired to pasture, could not meet the pace of such a work; his voice was weak and thin. Though this work is nearly 80 years old (premiered in 19 IO), it speaks of love in a loveiess age, according to Mahler. Its relevance is still felt.




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14, 1986

Murphy’s Romance

A gently humourous by Pete Newell Imprint staff Murphy’s Romance is yet another in the series of Sally Field as “independent country women” movies, this one a little less drippy than most. This time she is Emma Moriarty, a divorcee with a twelve year old son, who moves to Arizona and sets up as a horse trainer/ boarder. She soon meets Murphy Jones (James Garrier), the nearby town druggist and resident character, and when her shiftless ex-husband (Brian Kerwin) shows up, a sort of romantic triangle almost develops, and is later resolved, although there isn’t puch conflict or tension to be seen.


excuse to look small towns


In fact, in this movie, the plot is really just an excuse to look at small towns and rural scenes in general. It may be set in Arizona, but small town is small town, and the writers obviously know their stuff. The Americanisms and Westernisms (Caroie King soundtrack, squaredancing scenes) are present,

but can be ignored


Americanisms Westernisms

look at he West I

too much trouble.


The overall flavour is humourous, but gently so: they only really pick on “Harvest Queen” type country girls, and then only briefly. The characterizations are well done. Sally Field is her usual gutsy-iittie-broad-onher-own, but not objectionably so for a change. James Garner is .his usual relaxed, sardonic character. Brian Kerwin as Bobby Jack (this is Arizona, after ail) may be lazy and amoral, but he has so obviously never grown up that he almost gets away with it. The rest of- the rather sizable cast listing is the usual collections of nonentities and cameos you would expect. I did enjoy watching this, but it probably wouldn’t have destroyed my week to have missed it. If you’re the type to even consider this movie, by ail means go see it, you’ll probably enjoy it. Otherwise, don’t waste time taiking yourself into it. Murphy’s Romance i@ playing at the Cinema, deep in the wilds of Kitchener.

Legs, fiat acting, =I Hannah’s forte


by Greg Hobson I didn’t go to see The Clan of the Cav‘e Bear expecting a great work of cinematic art (I mean the book was enjoyable but to make a movie from it?) and I wasn’t disappointed in my powers of prognostication. There is really not a lot of good in this movie, but that doesn’t matter, does it? Daryi Hannah cannot ,act. This becomes painfully apparent during a long solo scene where she practices with a hunting sling,: Hunting is, of course, the domain of the men and her action is supposed to be va,gueiy symbolic of something, but Hannah manages-to’.make it look like iearning tennis at Club Med, circa 1985. I kept waiting for a thumbs up sign and a beer commercial. In fact, this can’be taken as representative of the flaws of the movie as a whole. Where, in Auei’s novel, the clash between Ayia (Hannah’s character) and Broud, the chief in waiting (played by some sinewy bearded fellow whose name I forgot to write down) does not appear quite so overtly 1980s feminist, the movie exploits this to an extreme. At the end of the book the new chief, Broud, beats Ayia until his father, the old chief, steps in and revokes Broud’s chieftinship, while in the- movie Broad inexplimbiy becomes very clumsy while Aylas dances around him, looking as if she had just got her green belt in judo. It is completely ludicrous.

Real woman “independent

Sally Field really goes for that Stetson country woman” movie.

by Paul Done Imprint staff Paris, Texas, winner of the Grand Prize at the Cannes Film Festival, will be showing February 15 through 18 at the Princess Cinema, Waterloo. It is a truly stunning motion picture! Carlbining superb acting, sweeping camera work and evocatil-e music, it ranks as possibly the finest English-language movie

D.r. Strangelove






in vain

for some



Aside from the anachronistic political content and the bad acting, the attention to detail that is so important in a movie like this is lacking. One is not even for a moment caught up in this prehistoric world. I guess the producers felt that a rape scene was more than enough to pack ‘em in,.and so they wouldn’t need to worry too much about quality. I find it disgusting that Hannah lets herself be exploited like this, but I’msure she is crying ail the way to the bank. And if you can’t act, there isn’t a whole lot more you can do in a movie, but that isn’t news to anyone. The scenery is wonderful, shot in Cathedral and Macmillan parks in British Columbia, and the opening credits - shot’ against a backdrop of cave paintings - are truly impressive. Also, fine acting is provided by Bart the Bear and an unnamed lion. Clan of the Cave Bear is currently showing at the Lyric in Kitchener. z *B’.*V~~~1&“lr’f(~~IRF~1T~~iYSB~)Pu~~~Yrmrrr~~!~ bsw~~sF~‘Ti*~Gw4czs-~h%--?;r


made in the last five years. Paris, Texas takes the man/woman/child/separation cliche and runs it through so many twists and turns that the old becomes fresh again. In part this is due to the outstanding acting of Harry Dean Stanton and Natassia Kinski in the lead roles. They provide the emotional scenes with a strained intensity which becomes almost unbearable. Lost for words, their faces project everything that we need to know. The director Wim Wenders brings the strangeness and quirkiness of a foreigner in a new land to the cinematography. He conveys the grandeur and beauty of the Texas landscape with breathtaking power. His fascination with the red, white and blue succeeds in giving the familiar that sweet taste of newness. Finally, Ry Cooder’s eerie- slide guitar soundtrack. is the perfect combination of sadness and threat to accompany the visual images. Twanging and warbling like the song of a dying bird, his guitar alternately brings tears to one’s eyes and sends shivers up the spine. Paris, Texas is an absolutely riveting movie. It is robbed of much of its visual impact on a TV screen by the reduced picture size. An opportunity to appreciate the genius of this movieon a large screen should not be passed up at any cost.


tin nuclear

wards their targets, and avoiding an international incident. A nutbar premise, to be sure, but riding on the coattails of the lunatic plot are some penetrating morals dealing with the abuses, misuses and excesses of technoiWY.

Perhaps Strangelove’s most resounding caution is that we shouldn’t place excessive faith in the machinery we have made to serve us. .The miscues, snafus and breakdowns throughout the movie ’ help to reinforce this theme.


For instance, the audience is shown the goings-on in one of the B-52”s, which is commanded by Slim Pickens, who, upon receiving his bombing instructions, exchanges his pilot’s helmet for a cowboy hat. His plane (which could not be recalled because an enemy attack destroyed the radio stuff), battered and damaged, arrives at its attack site, where the crew find (to their dismay) that the bomb do&-s won’t open. So Pickens goes down to the bomb bay to open the door, is

successful, but accompanies the bomb to its target. Strangelove also shows quite lucidly how much of a no-win situation a nuclear exchange would be. However, this does not dampen its &ffectiveness as a comedy; George C. Scott’s military advisor is a hilarious study of flustered incompetence, and Peter Sellers in his triple role is, of course, great. Acomedy of great blackness, Dr. Strangelove has a truly timeless message which none of us should ignore.

Cure for the blues by Joe Muller Imprint staff The comedic duo of @wser and Blue (alias George Bowser and Ricky Blue) brought theiract to the Bombshelter last Saturday, to the delight of ail present. Their brand of comedy consists of parodies of popular (past and present) ‘top of the charts’ songs, interspersed with a small amount of commentary. The result is a large amount of satirical material that has a pleasant, cynical after-taste. Their concert consisted of roughly 25 songs, which pokedfunatgenresfromheavy metal (with Big Bottoms from the movie Spinal Tap) to technopop (a Pout version of Tears For Fears Shout) to


film intense


by John Zachariah On Feb 5 and 6, the Princess Cinema screened, in focus, Dr. Strangelove, Stanley Kubrick’s inspired and comic treatment ot the subject of nuclear exchange. When one General Ripper orders a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the U.S.S.R., to prevent the communists from sapping U.S. citizens of their bodiiy fluids through fiuoridization of their drinking water, the U.S. military is put in the trying position of recalling the B-52 bombers streaking to-

guy in Murphy’s

Birrhday To You. Other interesting titles included What A Yucky Man He Was (EL&P),

She’s Got Marty Feldman Eyes, and Somewhere Over The Rambo. Bowser and Blue are adequate singers for the task. Blue worked well with the harmoncia in-the old blues song It Ain ‘t Easy Being White (playing an acoustic guitar otherwise), while Bowser’s eiec tric guitar quality would be good enough for most commercial rock bands I’ve heard. They started in Montreal, and have played in various bars until 1984, when they started touring Canada on the university circuit. Judging from the response they got, they will be playing to an appreciative audience here



of Bowser

and Blue






14, 1988

Biography of King:

An insrkinq Martin

tribute to a modern

Luther King Jr. . . . To The Mountaintdp by Wm. Roger Witherspoon Doubleday (hardcover $34. 95)


by Tim Perlich Imprint staff \ It’s difficult to describe the feeling one gets when looking at a photograph of a water fountain that has a sign hammered above it that boldly reads “WHITE”. As injust and thoroughly disgusting as it might seem, nothing could compare to the utter debasement of experiencing something like this first hand. . .. To The Mountaintop is an intensely illuminating and inspirational walk with a man whose faith, dignity and unflinchKing Jr. and shoots straight to the essence of what it was to be black during the late fifties and early sixties in the southern

.... To The Mountaintop is an intense\15 illuminating and inspirational walk with a man whose faith, dignity and unflinching belief in the fundamental goodness of men set a valuable example for all humanity.

Pulp treatment A Trust Betrayed: The Keegstra Affair by David Bercuson and Douglas Wertheimer Doubleday (Canada), 1985

of racism

were anti-Semitic, anti-catholic, anti-black and anti-communist. Jews were the focus of his hatred: as a part of his history curriculum he taught, as fact, of a Jewish world domination conspiracy and he claimed that the holocaust, as we know if it, had nevei happened. The book is essentially pulp journalism. Published within months of the affair’s conclusion, it skims over the events in as perfunctory a style as possible and though the author’s biases are obviously anti-Keegstra, there is never any formal admission of this fact. The whole exhaustive

by Paul Done Iqprint staff By now you have all encountered “pulp journalism” in one form or another. Be it the superficial reactionary stories in the Toronto Scum (Sun) or the glib pseudo-investigative journalism of Herald0 Rivera (of 20/20) or any of the 60 Minutes staff. Pulp journalism provides the least amount of research and insight with the greatest possible speed and sensationalism. A Trust Betrayed centres upon the events surrounding the trial of Jim Keegstra, the Alberta high school teacher who was tonvicted of spreading hate in his classroom. His teachings


United States. In his biography, Witherspoon retells the stories of hundreds of the civil rights movement’s participants in an insightful, yet familiar, manner with a taste for the ironic. A book of this nature, so deeply rooted in emotion might easily overpower a writer of less control, but Witherspoon carefully retains an unmuddled, objective view of King’s accomplishments, failures, courage and fear. Numerous photographs in both colour and black and white are well-chosen to clarify his document. Even with photographs, some of the bestial occurances appear too sickeningly absurd to be true.

issue deserves examination

a far more Just Arrived

As repulsive as most of us find Keegstra’s views, the whole issue deserves a far more incisive, exhaustive examination than could ever be done in 190 pages (plus 30 pages of appendices). The book resembles one long newspaper front page article. It lacks the depth and courage to address the fundamental issues of Freedom of Speech and the responsibility and accountability of the teaching profession. A simple amalgamation of facts, letters and background information will never adequately sum up an event the magnitude of the Keegstra trial. A Trust Betrayed could serve as an appropriate starting point for a satisfactory book on the problem of modern racism. However, as is, it is the journalistic equivalent of junk food: it may look appetising but it lacks any lasting goodness.

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14, ls8@

Mary. di Michele

Poet feels “Gravity’s”


by Karen Plosz Imprint staff

precise as ice cubes. his alibi was contrived as affection for a pet rock. A crowd of almost $0 filled the Hagey Hall Grad lounge on With the cautious deference Feb. 5 to listen to Mary di Michele, a Toronto-based poet. Her awarded a neighbour’s dog, recent work from her soon-to-be published book, Immune to she pats his erection.” Gravity, was emphasized, along with a selection of what she The poet speaks of the impossibility of trying to represent called the “darker stuff” of her poetry. sex as only a plot, and a series of subsequent emotions: Sean Virgo, writer-in-residence at St. Jerome’s College, in“You are overwhelmed by white water, traduced di Michele as the second writer to’ appear in the when you wanted a lake winter term sponsored-by St. Jerome’s College, the English contained and with the sound of a loon Society, the Department of English and the Canada Council. the stillness . . . ” ’ punctuating He descirbed her recent work as “both direct and accessible.” Other poems she read revolved on subjects such as a young The poem “Gravity” is a selection from her book to be girl’s straining toward a fuller sexuality, the thoughts of a child released this spring, and “is an important work for me,” said di ’ on sexuality, and the castration of a woman who assumes the Michelle. “In a poem like ‘Gravity’, I feel like I’m switching gears costume of a vamp. all the time,” from the bitter to the ironic to the vulnerable, from Her work -has many allusions to the stillness and the beauty dark to ligher aspects. of the Canadian wilderness, and, as a result, had a sort of The poet has a problem posed: To write a love scene from a “hinterland” strength. female point of view: The next event in the series is the faculty and staff poetru Her attempt is somewhat sarcastic and macabre, as evireading on February 26 at 3:30 p.m. in HH 373. The poets dented by: reading will be Judith Miller, Linda Kenyon, Rienzi Crusz and “He was a long cool blonde Virgil Bennet.


Peace Coffeehouse

by Cindy Long those cows to stand up?) It’s not easy being the first act Next up were Dave Lawup when the room has barely son and Kevin Ranney. Both . 10 people in it and most of musicians seemed capable of those are near the back. It good guitar work, however, it ’ was a pity this was the case was obvious that duets were because guitarist/peace actinot their strong point. Stage vist Doug Mohr has talent and jitters almost wrapped up this style, the potential of which act before it got off the could not be realized under ground, but once used to the such conditions as existed at inappropriate sound system, the start of last Friday’s Peace they managed to pull together Coffeehouse. However, candlelight and deli- _ somewhat and Ouer the Years came off very nicely. cious home-baked cookies Sue eventually enticed a crowd of ’ The third performer, 1 Schultz, quickly stole the about 50. Battling speaker-hiss and a show with her remarkable * voice and calm stage presstage light in the wrong spot, ence. Particularly rivetting Mohr sang about life and was Steve Goodman’s Penny talked about travelling, setEvans, a ballad about a Vietting the tone for the evening nam war widow, which Sue with Hey Jack!, an audience sang unaccompanied. Her participation song that questions modern values. (By the message was one of social responsibility tailored to fit the way Doug, how did .- you get all ----*.vsm

occasion, &id the spirit of the coffeehouse was certainly captured when she sang “The greatest warriors are the ones who stand for peace.” The Barry Henderson Band definitely had the technological advantage. (The system seemed geared to-an electric band, leaving the majority of the performers at a loss.) This was a tight act composed of Steve Martin on bass, Arnie Wohlgemut on percussion and Barry Henderson on lead guitar, key: board and vocals, Although a complete change from Sue’s clear, haunting vocals, Henderson’s strong keyboard work on the opening song Cycle Freedom, captivated the audience and imparted an energy to the evening that had been noticably absent.




The hit Broadway musical, Godspell will be performed on the Humanities stage tonight and tomorrow night at 8100 p.m. Directed by award-winning director Joel Greenburg, the lively, uplifting play is being produced by the Humber College Theatre and Music Department. Tickets are $6 for adults and $4 for students and seniors, and are available at the Humanities box office. Jean-Luc Godard’s 1983 film adaptation of the classic opera Carmen is the latest intallment.of the International film series. The critically praised movie will be shown at Humanities Theatre on Monday night. Billed as a romantic comedy, Monkeyshines will play at Humanities from Tuesday to Thursday at 8:00 p.m. it stars Susan Douglas Rubes, known as the founder of Toronto’s Young People’s Theatre, and for her role as Cathy on The Guiding Light, and James B. Douglas, who has appeared in numerous movies, including M*A*S*H and the recent The Bay in Blue. Tickets are $12.50 and $11 for students and seniors. The Guild Show is a juried exhibition featuring the paintings of about a dozen 2nd and 3rd year UW Fine Arts students. Admission for this display is free and the exhibition takes place at St. Jerome’s library until February 28.

1 Master of Public Administration meems University at Kingston





Strikingly reminiscent ot Cockburn at times, the band played original material which proved popular with the crowd, especially the singalong Eyes That Can See Through. Undoubtedly a .tough act to follow. It was followed though, and followed superbly as Kevin Mitchell wound up the evening with a quiet yet potent set. He was the only performer with whom the audience seemed to get involved without any encouragement as they spontaneously clapped along with his banjo: “If you don’t love life, you just ain’t free.” Despite the poor sgund, all the performers gave it their best shot. Refreshingly rem iaxed entertainment

ling eclectic,

by Kevin Wood Imprint staff Micheal J. Birthelmer brought his own brand of eciectic and electric folk music to the Campus Centre this past Wednesday for the Turnkey’s sponsored midday music, series. Along with drummer’ Michael Allen Guild and bassist Michael I-Ii&, Birthelmer produced a pair oflong sets of very rhythmic, very dark and very weird songs. I say weird because there are not too many peoiple who write songs about men who have had their wives stolen by Martians about deformed twin EFothers. The best way to describe Birthelmer is as a sort of musical Rod Serling. It’s certainly not dance music but it’s very involved listening

A one program, . year (3-term) multi-disciplinary with an emphasis on public policy studies, at .’ the federal, provincial’and ‘muriicipal levels of

music. Next in the miday music series will be popular folk artist Glenn Chatten, who will be performing in the Great Hall on Tuesday, February 25*

Midday Music: Feelgood bhes by Chris Wodskou Imprint staff The Turnkey’s Midday Music series continued in the Campus Centre last Wednesday, Feb. 5 with the presentation of Jackie Washington and Mose Scarlett. Arguably the biggest names in the series, Washington and Scarlett consistently drew an appreciative response- from the CC crowd which is usually more concerned with catching up on their soaps than paying attention to music. Jackie Washington is a musical institution in Hamilton,, having kicked around the Steeltown beerslops wailing’ the blues for years. Although he has never achieved widespread recognition outside the Hamilton area for his consid\erable talents, the popularity of his laid-back, acoustic country-blues is undeniable. Washington’s sweet, smooth soulful voice and Sca-




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9-6 p.m.

Jackie’ Washington (left) and Mose Scarlett brought the blues to the CC last week. Photo by Darc$ Alyea

of A&w




306 King St. W. . Kitchener 742-1261 Etobii,


&t’s deep, rumbling growl lent to a great versatility within the basic blues tradition, slipping seamlessly from wrenching delta ‘blues a la Muddy Waters to lighter, almost vaudevillian blues such as Ain’t Misbehauin’, sung with great offhand charm by Scarlett. While they are certainly capable of some fine gut-bucket yowling, they tended more towards the fun light-heartedness of showboat-style blues than emotional purgation, making for enjoyable, if not as intensely involving, listening. The crowd reaction proved that there ‘is a definite, aibeit slightly invisible, blues audience at this campus and a return by Washington and Scarlett in the near future at a proper concert hall like they deserve would be more than welcome. A nice alternative to the technoschnop we are usually subjected to.


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B-ball- Warriors still not back in form by Steve Hayman Imprint staff Waterloo’s basketball Warriors proved again last week that they can be Canada’s least consistent team. A big 99-64 home win over Windsor contrasted an 80-76 loss at Laurier, marking the first time in at least 10 years that the Hawks have won both regular season clashes against Waterloo. What can you say, except “Boy, am 1 glad that we’re hosting a regional,” and “Everybody be sure to go to the game tomorrow night against Mat, because it’s Peter Savich Appreciation Night”. Wednesday’s game against Windsor began in front of an unfortunately typical small crowd that perked up a little with the appearance of the new full-time Warrior, whose name we can’t reveal so .we’ll just call him Dave. Lest anybody doubt the seriousness of the new guy, note that he has already repainted the uniform. “I’ve been wanting to do this since last year. 1 was the Warrior at my high school in Cape Brenton,” Dave said after ably assisting the good guys to a 45-36 halftime lead. Waterloo boiled the Lancers in the second half, outscoring them 20-3 in one seven minute span. Rob Froese led with 25 points. Paul Boyce had 2 1, and would have led of course had Froese not scored 25. Matt St. Louis was the best of a hurting Lancer squad with 15. Windsor clearly missed their potential All-Canadian Big Guy Rob Biassuto, who scored 39 in the ‘85 game here. “All we’ve got left are a bunch of kids,” Lancer Coach Dr. Paul Thomas observed. “We just don’t have enough scorers. We went down the floor five times without scoring, and they converted each time,” he recalled in reference to seven minutes of the second half in which UW outscored U ‘of W 20-3. “I think Biassuto means more to us than Randy Norris does to Waterloo. They have guys who* can ‘fill in-better.” WLU 80, UW 76 The Guys Who Can Fill In Better ran into a spirited Laurier defense and the biggest crowd to watch a U W-at-W LU match since 1978 - the first Warrior game 1 went to and boy, we had to hike nine miles through the snow to get there, but you try to tell the kids nowaday . . . Anyway. For,!5 minutes the game was even, but the guys who can fill in better only managed three points in the last five minutes of

Warrior guard Rob Froese tries to avoid a Hawk defender in last week’s loIss against WLU Photo by Teresa Skrzypczak

the first half. Wl.$ popped in 17 in the last five, including two at the buzzer to lead 39-28. “It was a particularly dismal finish to the first half,” Warrior coach Don McCrae recalled. “We had a tremendous regrouping at halftime, we tried to elevate our intensity and positiveness. Then we came out and went down even further,” he said, recalling a 15-point WLU lead early in the second stanza. Something clicked, though, an6 the game became one of those exciting rivalries that make you wonder why anybody would rather watch Bowling for Dollars. “ It was an awesome second half, a really hard, exciting effort,*’ observer Randy Norris noted. Waterloo chipped and chipped and closed to within one noint with a minute left, until an inbbbnds pass by Jerry Nolfi resulied in a long missed shot by Peter Savich, and Laurier held on to win 80-76. “We kind of . ran out of time,” McCrae observed. For you irony fans, Laurier’s last four points were scored by two guys who used to play for Waterloo, Bob Urosevic and Andy Balogh. \ Fit McCrae made a big deal about the exceptional “fit” of the Warriors before Norris’s injury. How are things now? “We don’t have legions of players. When we get an injury, that special fit was disrupted. Our first attempt was to change nobody except Randy, by bringing Jamie McNeil1 and John Bilawey in there. They’ve done an outstanding job against the other big teams, like Brock. But against small teams like WLU, we might need some modifications to our playing style.” What’s Up? Waterloo had a bye last Wednesday and plays its last regular-season home game Saturday at 8:00 vs. a McMaster team already beaten once by the Warriors. To honour UW’s all-time leading scorer, the games has been designated Peter Savich Appreciated Night. Come see what happens. Next Wednesday the Warriors travel to Western, and they close the season at Brock next Saturday. First place pretty well belongs to Western (7-l.) now, with a bunch of teams including Waterloo (5-4) bll fighting for second, and Guelph (O-8), well, hey, they have a guy’ who’s 7’2”. Final standings will probably have to be decided by point spreads.

Volleyball ‘team finishes season- 10-O bv Ian Gowans uThe Men’s Varsity Volleyball team capped off a perfect 10-O season last Thursday night by defeating the Laurier Golden Hawks three games to one. The mptch showed true Warrior form. The team consistently blocked for points and hit hard for sideouts.

After winning games one and two, the Warrior team went into its usual one-game mental lapse, consequently losing the game 15-l 1. Laurier was carrying the momentum from their win in game three and came out flying in game four. Waterloo got their act back in gear however and quickly squelched the

Laurier comeback. The fourth game ended 15- 12 in favour of the Warriors. The Laurier match saw the {eturn of middle player Jim Cooke to the court after being out for two weeks with a sprained ankle. During Cooke’s absence, Jim McKinnon filled the vacant middle position

Athenas defeat !WLU by Colin McGillicuddy The , Waterloo basketball Athenas improved their record to 9-2 with an easy 68-49 win over the Laurier Lady Hawks last Saturday. The Athenas went into Laurier’s almost distractingly yellow gym to face a scrappy, determined Hawks team. The early minutes were characterized by tough, b&sing play. The Hawks stayed close early by throwing their weight around, and as a result there were a lot of bodies from both sides hitting the floor. A string of questionable calls against Waterloo, and assistant Coach Warren Sutton’s attend-

ant bench technicals could have put the Athenas into complete disarray. The team showed character, however, and turned the game around at the IO-mindte mark of the first half when they went to their pressing defence. The Athena’s press is akin to the Chicago Bears’ defence. It challenges and stifles opponents, and once in full flight instills tremendous confidence in the players . It is defence that drives this team, and when it is in top form the rest of their -playfalls -into line. ’ The Laurier guards cracked under the savage; swarming

A disappbinting finish for Athena curlers d

Perhaps favoured as one of the strongest teams to enter this year’s curling championship, the Athenas ran into trouble last weekend. The team entered the final playoff round with the best placing the preliminary competition at a record of 8 wins and 2 losses. But it was all for not. “We had a very, very flat weekend ,” said Coach Judy McCrae. “We couldn’t put together a string of shots to put our opponents under pressure. We ,struggled all weekend to find our throwing weight and to read the ice consistently. It was .

so frustrating because these are usually strengths.” The Athenas finished in third place arid Laurier won the Championship. Game scores: U W vs WLU (L 3-8), vs. Guelph (W IO-7), vs. McMaSter (L6-8), vs. Western (W 8-7), vs Laurentian (L 7-10). For the past four years Caroline Francey (Health Studies) has skipped the team to one gold, two silver, and one bronze medal. She will graduate and be missed. Kathy Brown has been a member of the team for the past three years and it will be difficult to replace her consistency.

press, which yielded numerous turnovers and even more points. The pressure bewildered and demoralized Laurier, and effectively shut down their offense. The half-time score had Waterloo in command, 37-22. Waterloo came out in the second half and took up where they had left off. Relentless pressure and aggresive defence contributed to a 50-28 lead partway through the half. The Hawks mounted a charge at that point, but were unable to come within 10 points of the Athenas, who coasted to a 6849 final. Coach Sally Kemp cited the competitive play of Adele Daly and Sheila Windle as instrumental to the win. Between them, they gave the Laurier guards headaches. Sheila had the hot hand on the floor, shooting 66% for 13 points. Kerry Doherty led all scorers with 16, and Cindy Poag added 12. Waterloo will face tougher competition when they play McMaster tomorrow night at 6:00 in the PAC. Mat beat them earlier this year, so the Athenas are sure to have their hands full. They must win this game to be assured of a 1st place finish in the OWlAA west, and a favourable draw in the Provincials. The women have worked hard, and this will be their last game at home this season. Show your support by coming out and backing their bid to capture ,a title for the first time since the early 70s.

more than adequately. The experience he gained could come in handy as the team heads into the stretch drive. The Warrior team. has had injury problems throughout the season, but having a very strong bench, coach Atkinson. has not had to look far for adequate replacements. The Warriors now head into the OUAA playoffs playing consistent, high calibre volley.ball. The team’s schedule if they keep winning is as follows. This Saturday at 2:00 pm. at the PAC, the Warriors will play

Brock in the Ontario West semi-final. Winning this game would place the team in the Ontario West final against either Laurier or Western. That match would be played here on Saturday, Feb. 22. Assuming a win in that gamk, the Warriors would host the Ontario Championships to be held Saturday Mar. 1. The winner of that match‘goes to the Nationals to be held this year in Moncton. The team’s chances look quite good to go all the way this


year. If the team can maintain Its present level of play and consistency, their future looks good. If howevef the team falls into any kind of slump the opposing teams will be ready to pounce. As noted earlier, all the playoffs will be held here at Waterloo - provided the Warriors keep winning - so why not take a break from studying for midterms and come out and catch a few games. You might be looking at a team that will bring home a medal from the Nationals.

of the Week

Gus Boyle - Nordic Skiing G%iXira ~ativ~o~ffi~Ottawaa~a~iii;here he attended Bell High for two years before moving to Halifax (or grades 11 and 12. A.member of the 4B OHMEN class at UW, he v&l1 graduate this spring. An all-round athlete, Gus has been involved in several competitive sports. He swam for U W for two years; he wrestled for three years, and has two provincial titles to show for it. He has also been-involved in the Triathalon. This season, Gus took over the administrative and coaching duties for the male and female Nordic Ski Teams. In addition to this arduous chore, he also competed and did very well. At the OUAA Nordic finals last weekend at Hardwood Hills, Gus finished fi ‘th be lind some very good skiers. He was fourth in the Ontario Men’s tiaditional style race earlier in the year, as well as finishing fourth in the Orangeville sprint race.

‘Cindy Poag - Basketball Cindy is a graduate of Bluevale Collegiate in Waterloo. She is a third-year Athena basketball player who is studying Mathematics at UW. Cindy plays at the forward position. Cindy is probably the most important player in our total game. She is our floor leader and is averaging 37 minutes a game. She is the catalyst in our offensive attack. as is exemplified by the fact that she leads the’ team and ihe 1eag;e in assists, and is our third highest scorer, averaging 10.6 points per game. In the W LU game on Saturday, Cindy demonstrated her total game ability by coming up with seven interceptions which were all converted to baskets eithe; by herself or a team member. She shot 1007~ at the foul line, scoring a total of 12 points overall. Cindy’s consistent play has been a major factor in our success this season.




Left photo: Waterloo defenceman Jack McSorley in UW’s weekend loss to Western.

+Imprint, Friday,


14, 1986-

(#19) is checked closely in last week’s game against York. Right photo: tempers flared Photos by Paul Harms

Hockey Wamiors are in a slump by Cathy Somers Imprint staff The hockey Warriors were in action last week, playing two games one against the York Yeomen Wednesday evening in Toronto, and one at home against the Western Mustangs Sunday afternoon. Victory was not to be had in either game however, as Waterloo was being beat to the puck repeatedly. The Warriors played one bad period in each game. Against the Yeomen, they gave up five goals in the first period, while against Western, they gave up six goals in the second period.


any passes while they were tightly checking the Yeomen. At 556, with Waterloo playing short, Andrew Eagles drew a penalty and the Warriors were two men short. With only three men on the ice, Benham made two great saves; one shot was from the point while the other was from the face-off circle. The Waterloo defense played more as a unit and, as a result, they kept the Yeomen scoreless. In the third period York scored three more goals and Jamie McKee got the lone UW goal. 8-3 loss to Western

8-l Loss to York On Wednesday, playing before a well-packed York crowd, the Warriors found themselves down by five goals. Peter Crouse, U W’s outstanding goalie, was having an off night so he was pulled and Dean Benham, the Warriors’ backup goalie was put in. Benham looked quite impressive as he managed quite confidently to stop all shots fired at him from the point while York was on a two man advantage. York, although up by five goals, were failing to connect on many of their passes. However, the Warriors just couldn’t steal

With a man advantage in the first, UW center Steve Linsemen opened the scoring when he was set up by captain Dave Fennel in front of the net. It appeared that the ,Warriors were going to lead by two when veteran Jay Green stole a pass for a breakaway but he flipped the puck over the top of the net. Due to a poor defensive effort of not clearing or freeing the puck, the Mustangs scored late in the period. Although shots on goal were IO-4 in favour of Western, the Warriors seemed to be playing with much more intensity than the Western squad.

Men’s doubles Job


by Nancy Massey and Mary Melo Each term, thirteen or fifteen students are hired by Campus Recreation for the day to day organization and administration of its programs. Students applying for these positions must have pre‘vious experience and a common working knowledge of the program. Students applying for the position of a student assistant for the Fall ‘86 must submit their applications to the PAC receptiomst. Application deadline is Friday; February 28 at 4:30 pm. Also, student are needed as league organizers either as conveners or referees-in-chief for the various sports offered through Campus Recreation. Students applying for these positions should be interested and have general organizational experience. Applications for Fall ‘86 are now being accepted. Please apply through the PAC receptionist

W-omen’s basketball -The Partying Pink Flamingos, lead by captain and leading scorer Terri Lawson, have taken the lead in women’s competitive basketball. The Flamingos impressively downed their opponents, The Eyesores, 43 to 10. Einners et all sneaked by Larry’s Birds 24-23 to take third place. The West B Oldtimers have captured second place with a close 30-25 victory over St. Paul’s Dolls. The leading scorer of the week was Heidi Gurber of the West D Dunkers with 16 points.

Badminton by Pam Bondett, Badminton enthusiasts, I’m sorry to say that the badminton season has come to an end. The weekends .of Feb. 1 and Feb. 8 were weekends to remember. There were two men’s leagues and a women’s league. Congratulations go to Linda Hartjes and Wendy Smith, victors in the women’s league, Andrew Johnson and Peter Fung in men’s “B” league and Kamaan Lee and Sammuel Lau in men’s “A” league. Congratulations extended to Krishna Bera and Ellen Tate “A” league doubles champions, and Les Dickson and Donna Masters, “B” league champions, and to Johny Denny and Debbie Dennis, “C” league champions. 1 would like to thank everyone for their enthusiasm and especially those who participated in both weekends of badminton.

by Pam Bondett and Norma McDonald On Sunday, January 26 and Sunday, February 2, the men’s doubles tennis tournament took place. Winners were Craton and Graham in B league and the finalists were Tom and Lee. The match was quite exciting as the two teams were quite well matched. Congratulations to Craton and Graham. In the A league, the competition was tough. However, VanBresen and Graham (Rob), _ . were victorious over Paul Tart and Graig Ireland.

Mixed doubles . . by Norma McDonald On Sunday, February 9, at the Waterloo Tennis Club, an exciting tennis tournament took place. Thanks to our “pro” tennis teamsJohn Fairclough, Judy Flegel; Ivan Gordikov, Shirley Thompson; Fory McTaggart, Jamie (smith) Britton; Katy Koch, Ron Dupuis; Mike Mihalu, Sue Wishart and Michael and Pat Craton. The

Waterloo may have .outplayed the Mustangs in the first, but the second period was all Western’s as they dominated each and every play. Western managed to net six goals by the conclusion of the second. The Warriors scored two in the third, compared to Western’s lone goal. Denis Wigle and Steve Linsemen scored for UW on power play opportunities 53 seconds apart. Although the Warriors aren’t currently in winning form they can still make the playoffs. With a win this weekend against the tough Windsor Lancers, the Warriors will have nothing to worry about. Hopefully, the Guelph Gryphons can help the Warriors out by losing a few of theirup-coming games, since they too are fighting for a playoff berth. The Warrior-Brock game, which was supposed to take place last Friday, will be rescheduled. Special News 1. Todd Coulter is back in the lineup for Waterloo after a lengthy knee injury. Hopefully he can regain his scoring punch this weekend against the Windsor Lancers. 2. Injured Warrior players are Kent Wagner, and Jack McSorley. 3. The Warriors are currently 10-8-2 in OUAA play.

championship game played between the Craton team and the Gordikov/Thompson team was won by the Cratons. The Cratons won the best two out of three sets (6-2, 6-3).

Men’s Hockey by Barry Cross The A league’s highlight game this week had Team Cannibas downing Suspended Animation 5-2. Larry Madge, Shane CamPbell, Martin Robertson, and Tim Follwell(2 goals) scored for Team Cannibas while Marc Prieux and Kevin Parish replied for Suspended Animation. Dan Garrard, Ian Graige (2), Greg Johnston (2) and John Gimple all scored when No Fat Chicks topped the Engineering Huskies 60-3. Bill Jarkes (2) and Keith Maracle answered for the losing cause. In the other B league highlight games, the Wailen Puckhead slaughtered WCF Martyrs 14-O. Hattricks came from Pete Bolger, S. Bolger, Don Karch (4), while M. Holman had two goals, and T. Washburn singled. ’

Cross-country college basketball round-up

by Donald Duench This week’s CIAU basketball spotlight shines on the perennial champions in&the OUAA East. Spotlight on York: Only three teams have been in every one of the CIAU’s weekly rankings. Victoria is one, of course, and Manitoba is another. The third is York, although their ranking has been anywhere from seventh to tenth. Bob Bain’s Yeomen, presently 9-O in league play, have been in control of the OUAA East since 1978 when they won their first of eight straight conference titles. York has also taken six OUAA championships during,that period. An interesting note on Bain is that he played for the ‘1968 Waterloo Lutheran University (now Laurier) team that won the national championship. Unfortunately for York, that’s about as far as they go. Their best CIAU finish was third, in both 1978 and 1979. For the last three years, they have managed to lose the game that would have sent them to the Final Four. This year’s Yeomen are led by fifth-year conference all-stars Mark Jones and Tim Rider. Jones, a 6’1” guard, does everything an all-star guard should: provide court leadersip, outside shooting skill and,good ball handling. The 6’8” Rider is a menace on the boards. When York wins the-conference again this year (and they will), how far will they go? Expect history to repeat itself, for two reasons. One is that the Yeoman play few challenging games in the OUAA East, meaning that they aren’t forced to improve their skills. The other is the fact that the Yeomen are 3-9 against teams that have

been included In the CIAU rankings so far this season. From 28 to37: Every week, the ICAU comes out with its ranking of the top ten teams in the country, telling interested fans who the best teams are. Here’s an approximate ranking of the worst teams in the CIAU: 32. Guelph37. RMC 3 1. Ryerson 36. Bishop’s 30. UQTR 35. Lakehead 29. Regina 34. Ottawa 28. ’ New Brunswick 33. Mt. Allison The week of Feb. 3-9 Canada West: At least-Gord Clemens has a flair for the dramatic. Clemens, Victoria’s 7 foot All-C,anadian centre, was felled on nationaLtlelevision last Friday due to a sprained ankle,, , hurt knee, and/ or pain in his back. WithouiClemens,Victoria (8- 1) just got by Saskatchewan (78-74), but lost a 79-65 decision to Alberta. in other CWUAA action, Lethbridge (5-3) moved into second place by beating Calgary (92-74), and UBC topped Saskatchewan (7669). Great Plains: Each of the top three GPAC teams took a loss during the week. First place Winnipeg (9-2) lost 85-63 at Manitoba on Tuesday. In Brandon on the weekend, the Bobcats (6-4) defeated Manitoba 100-97, but lost to the Bisons 85-68 the next day. The Bisons are now 9-4.



_ .,


25 Imprint,



14, 1986-

Men’s Nordic . Apline ski final team Dlaces 5th Women finish .3rd, Men finish 9th

The UW men’s nordic ski team finished fifth in the two-day OUAA Cross-Country Ski Championships held at the Hardwood Hills ski cent,re near Barrie last weekend. Waterloo was represented at the event by its strongest men’s squad in three years. The Warriors waged a see-saw dogfight against Carleton Ravens for fourth - spot in the overall team standings. However, Carleton proved dominant in the final relay race, thus forcing the Warriors to be satisfied with fifth place. Day 1 - 15 km. freestyle race Formidable hills and an abundance of fresh snow gave a tough complexion to the 7.5 km. course. But Waterloo skiers turned in some inspirational performaces around the two-lap circuit. Top Warrior, Marcus Boyle, bulled his way to fifth place (48 min., 45 set) behind winner, Richard Browne (Western). Cam Mahon (20th), Konstantin Milchin (22nd), and Geoff White (23rd) rounded out Waterloo’s “counting” squad, while Jack Simpson and Rich Rawling added to the team’s depth with 25th and 31st places respectively. Upon accumlating the top four individual times for each team, the overall score after day 1 stood like this: 1. Western (199 min., 4 sec.), 2. Queens (199 min. 12 set), 3. Laurentian (201 min. 46 set), 4. Waterloo (204 min. 57 set), 5. Carleton (205 min. 34 set) -followed by Guelph, McMaster, Trent, and Toronto. Day 2 - ,3 x 1Okm freestyle relay With the top five teams seperated by just ove six minutes after Day 1, the relays were obviously about to become the deciding factor. This presented a dilemma for coach Marcus Boyle .. . Who should ski on the Warrior “A” relay team (finish time to be added to the overall standings)?

careleton edges UW The decision was made. The pressure-proven Geoff W hite would hand off to the volatile Konstantin Milchin, who would in turn tag ’ Boyle, the obvious selection for anchor. Big Jack Simpson, Vlada Dvoracek (substituting for the empty-gas-tanked Rich Rawling) and the unstoppable Cam Mahon were platooned to form, argua-’ bly, the best “B” team in the field. On the opening leg White stayed with the Carleton man from start to finish in a fine display of head-to-head drag-race skiing. But trouble started on leg 2 as Carleton’s Adi Weber opeed up nearly a minute lead over Waterloo’s Milchin. And despite Boyle’s very competitive 30 min., 52 set 1Okm. effort no one on the course that day was about to touch Adrian Lumb (Carleton) during his blistering 29 min., 39 set scorch around the track. Thus, the top five team positions at the end of the 1986 OUAA championships were as follows: 1. Queen’s, 2. Western, 3. Laurentian, 4. Carleton, 5. Waterloo, with Guelph, Ma,cMaster,Trent, and Toronto in tow. Had Cam Mahon, the Warrior “B” anchor, skied in place of an exhausted Milchin on the “A” team, Waterloo would have stayed one up on Carleton in the final standings. Waterloo’s great depth ironcially proved to be its downfall. But that depth in-young talent will make the Warriors more than a threat for first place honours next season.


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1 !

In the finals of the OUAA and OWlAA ski series held last Thursday and Friday at Blue Mountain and Georgian Peaks, the UW women finished 3rd and the men finished 9th overall. , Andrea Baker had a bad fall in Friday’s giant slalom race. She was travelling at high speed when she caught an edge and crashed. Baker re-injured her torn ligament, but reports indicate that she is doing fine. Despite her fall, Baker managed to place 2nd overall in slalom, 5th overall in giant slalom, and 3rd nvt-call




Sandy placing






Gillies also did weli,‘ 15th overall in slalom.

The men’s finish was ,Andy Stone’s giant slalom, 3rd overall

9th place overall spear-headed by 2nd overall in the 9th in slalom, and for the season.

Stone’s skiing ability was surpassed only by his tremendous and numerous gatekeeping abilities, as well as his winning as shown by his attitude, smoothness on (and off) the course. Stone will participate in the upcomin 1986 Can-Ams in Stoneham, Quebec. Coach Maureen Elliot thought both teams did well and she thanked Pepsi-Cola for their support throughout the season.

‘U W’s Linda McCurdy


on the giant slalom course during last week’s Photo by Rick Yazwinski

Louise Cargil surprise hero for Athenas Last weekend at Hardwood Hills, tht: Waterloo Women’s nordic , (21st), E.J. Hurst (22nd), Lija Whittaker (27th), and Siu Ling Han ski team proved that 1986 was more than just a building year. The (38th) round out the list of Athena performers. Athenas posted a solid 4th place finish at the OWIAA championOn Sunday, coach John Heintzman was faced with the task of organizing a defense of Athena’s three-minute lead over fifth place ships. During the 10 km. race on Saturday the Queen’s team quickly Guelph through the upcoming 3 x 5 km. relay. But the team of established themselves as the dominant force by placing six skiers in Hurst, Khandkar, and Cargill made it no contest as they increased, the top ten. their fourth place margin. Again, Queen’s showed awesome Louise Cargil emerged as the surprise hero for the Athenas as she strength by placing their “A” and “B” relay teams first and second skied ‘to a 15th place finish in 44 min., 11 sec. Sheela Khandkar respectively as they breezed to first place overall.


1 H,appy L , ,c Valerltine’S I Day! l

Cindy. whipped


Shelley: Let me For

be my Some

HapPy know.


Buddy May





you cream.

Valentine? time,


Valentines Love Dave.




I’l always never end.



a swine -




T! you special top of your curly Pois.

Dear that

Sarah, you are.


Lotsa Hugs,


Dear love HapPy Valentines

make always,

Valentines to









ever of you






you, big toe.

I luv you Always,







to our Student

Thanx feeling

for making is mutual!



summer my

Day term Vanila.



terrorist”. Love


Dear Kevin - Happy I‘m so lucky to have always - Lorrie. Valentines Sunlight






that and


I the

warmed ~~00.




been you


red, drip


Man: stuff,

Aren’t your

friends personal

great? masseuse.


a great H.LB.

months, & C.LD. too!


are my


I love

at Love







Dear girl!



to to

Attention! the loose

Short friends

LEE my



make thing,

our make

hearts sure

sing she

(yah gets

right). lots

HapPy kisses


Glennnn: have


the crummy of humour,

a sense

Yo Ike: What’s horn, maybe Rick Richmond. Anne: Ill.


this got


Subjects children information.

needed infested



Desperately soon. Wil


F&n-, same




Tim, BMS, Philospher.

Who 8866447.





22nd. ps. To & hickeys.



to It’s






me new


for clean!) and sincere

more Turnkey





Congrats Oshawa-Eastdale

Europe - this summer. substantial group Niraj 746-0177.

on Trying



I become

Beefcake? Cox



engagement friends.

to arrange After exams



to group






I love





Spaniard): for V-Day. from Chocolate

How Our

in my bottom


worry love. see you. Love









if your


el dia de San Valentino! de Saint-Valentin! Ba In other words, happy you and

have kisses



fast your


advice about it as soon jar; Patient.



WHllTY-est morning




a good in the ARRI..VA!



bring day.

some you

distressed by the biggest this important


an unwelcome person crisis decision




of 01’





pregnancy, of your life. making time.

atrocious end


alertness. you are



are probably here to assist 579-3990.


looking apartment


a whole Fridav.







first is

purchase of tickets or after convocation.



- in

One close

bedroom to campus.


to Rent

for Ca!l

KAOS Winners . $20 for funniest picture goes to Agent 007465 A free day of Flag Raiders for best elimination goes! to 007-667, $10 Loser Award goes to 007-737 for being first person eliminated. Agent 007. 451 wins a Mr. Stereo tape club membership for his posters. Winners may pick up prizes by contacting KAOS headquarters. All KAOS Agents - Please stop bothering the nice people at the Turnkey desk. Please note - due to low membership the trip to Florida has been cancelled.

$111.5O/month from campus

May-August. &it wi& Furnished.

clean Partial v


sublet May-August, negotiable.

One magnificent Net

in month


rent! and Call

skylight month.



FOUR mansion townhouse St or

Super summer large lot. Beat the price. Visit 93 David

Cheap Summer 886-3196.

House ‘86.

FREE for six people. in a luxurious

near Close

Clean, to STAY 746-3551.

Clean 1986. PhiliD bedriom, Phone

two Rent

bedroom $416/month.


apt 8852825

Weber grocery


University. G beer


apartment & University). Utilities

Free $516 to


rent per sublet. Sauna, included.

available 886-3617;

phone avtilable partialy or 888664 May or 746-4835.


Apartment for rent, May-Aug/ 86, kitchen & dining area, 2 - car indoor non-functional sauna, vast storage access to washer/dryer, 5 min. walk liquor stores, 25 min. walk to UW,

5 min

bedrooms, very negotiable.

for month. month; 137 Summer laundry,

term. balcony,

and the I’m Love


To My it was can be people, relationship friends about today. olace.



Auaust rent-very campus,






valentine! and don’t

times Carol. I’l squish

Lit le One, January a bad dream. I heal. Both of and nobody is built first, and lovers vou very much. *Happy j/alentie, two bear ruas


‘86 pation

Brand appliances, $625/month.


Spacious lease. utilities.

sweet Love!

(Erb $372.53/month,

Philip campus.


made mv martial of*aiather





be my


give -


the loneliest Valentine’s Valentine’s



ROOMMATE: Students



apartment Universrty)



1. Ave.

Wanted! lease.

in over

to take

apartment 20 min.

one month. large outdoor $148/month/roam


1986. negotiable. optron




to 746-3134.


3 levels, 4 bedrooms, living room, garage, ping-pong table & room, space, balcony onto courtyard, to grocery, convenience, beer and option to take over lease.

Typing Neat, Reasonable typing

bedroom rou!e.

3 minutes


parking, Call

Located beside 20.minute walk. Call 886-4582. 3 bedroom and dryer, to campus.

house with oak stairs, to school

Quality Punctuation arranged.

Five Close

Typing. binding.


wanted to Ccl1 746-0405.

townhouse. 8845036. Waterloo.






theses, wil


work correct Electronic phone

theses, Nancy,


We $1.00 Thursday,


Inc., wil per resumes,

spelling, typewriter. - Lee - 8865444,

processing. checked.

244 input double 9 am.

King and to

5 big number

Hey winter smiling,



Years Experience. 743-3342.

Resumes Fast, accurate

Typing Electric typing

typist rates.



photocopying -

Alan. All

double hour Draft






‘86. Wil 578-4758


Summer outdoors placement

North, out on page. Friday. etc.

indefinitely. Delivery and


cold Keep




(if you


Kevin -



ahead). Seagram


(2% 885

per 1353.

term . $10.

papers, Call Accu-type


typist spelling.



page phone

prepared for

on Call

- essays, IBM Selectric.


reports, Lakeshore







campus. Karen 746.3

(MSA). 127.


to type/ word process letters. Basic or letter-quality printer. arranged. Phone Judy


etc. Fast, Vilage,

accurate work. near Sunnydale.

1863. - theses, typewriter. educational

reports, Have material.

essays, Bachelor Near


resumes, of Arts university.

Reports, Rates.

rrioving Call Jeff


with a small 884-283 1.

in learning study breaks early evenings.

Job: planning. by the


letters. Smith-Corona Degree and experience Call Kathy 886-8843.

assignments, Oakwood




We’re students MC 3035 SVA program.

juggle? . beginners



See the world, take It is as easy as becoming placement office for 884-1384. Job being office

opportunity: a College now

Ultimate and




away, Valentine?


turn-around copy provided.

resumes, Kitchener


students W 130-230

Studentsl!! big bucks. info. see Scott at



Summer career service


Call Good luck be “Ace of



P.S. my




Davies SecretariaiService. you need typed. Student

Wil do Reasonable.

is waiting with Love Natasha. Valentine. R.

warm on those .. one size fits all.

bedroom to both

letters, punctuation. experience or evening.

stored service.



always be past years. Skippy.


your shoes


University graduate (English G Latin) available term papers, theses, reports, resumes, comprehensive editing. Personal Computer Disk Storage. On-campus pick up & delivery 699-4082 anytime. Experienced Reasonable Call 882

we cannot than our always,

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I love

$1 .OO/page degree, corrects





Typing. returns

- only







of Valentines. sorry, I’l always



processed! Seagram


bunch but,


page. 885-


buddy...Branstookah the right mountain.



earmuffs Cookie. Valentine’s‘

love! Don’t Shoes!!

though better Day.

to keep Elephant P.S.



even even ‘V

I love


your Love


tomorrow. Love your how forget. SkiSlope.






Wear Day.

all my (twice)!!


are a great in your class

months (and...)



(?) Women’s

you’re stil my favourite I owe you a dinner. Alison


remember fl never Always,



with back

heart to find and


fifteen kisses

Just nights. Love


Day and


guys/gal to be

Happy be



this weekend. Valentine’s

across Love


ago this to a much always be

Imprint, is acknowledged

are blue, Cameron.

resume and of emolovers an enrollment 1593.

284. manuscripts, 5767901.

been your


St. print spaced 2 pm.

business grammar, Seven year’s afterhoon

Valentine’s the woods worn a path Valentine.

You Glad

It’l and


the work


titrating Happy

my cinnamon We just have

nectar. It’s I lost

“lesson” in

My heart is with you our future years be its not forever. Happy



garbage. relaxation Frank0

Call qualifications nationwide form,

in job R1230-

at in a and


search I30

and a free

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Be part of a team, Pro Painter. Applications phone Mike Hannan



meditation; alike.


Anything Ont. 745

work outdoors, and make for College Pro. For more or call Ed at 888-7 1 C$4 or earn at

money and are available l-657-3696.


fun in the

WANTED Electric Typewriter essays and no Call 743-8976

Centre Service: Price:

typing. Monday

a lit le lawyer.


Jirka. May I know


co-workers W.P.I.R.G.


16 months all over, only a friend, I’l

runeth over. I met you... 111 My cup (the happiest girl in the world).

Happy roll!

my Y.P.O.M.


Old Montreal, packed Casablanca, New Year’s Canada Day, parents!,

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uptown Excellent

and/or and spelling Diane, 576-l

Reports, Phone

so glad Karen


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you. my

statues, calls, pois”, Tony.

Interested techniques; 7466495,


apartment or townhouse Desire quiet area within or Dave at 8854790.

house/ Dawn



rates. students.


I’m Love



a sweetie. Eight Love, Tony.

of phone “petite

large lot, stainedby bike or

WANTED non-smoker May-Aug.


- Essays, accurate,

Brian: Day.

Typing has 3 . in


summer. parking. Telephone

ample utilities.

minute partialy

May to Call 886.

furnished, including

townhouse. university; utilities.



Professional Simple





Resumes copies).

to take include?

open, sundeck Now 888.7873.

available $45O/month.

86 . Sept negotiable.


2* bedroom for *ember. Phone Dave

K-W Applied Trarning Waterloo, Ont., 8855970. micro-computer any Hours 9 am. to 4 pm.




I won’t

Sailor! stunt

to and

Centres Cameron.


J.R. Hugs

for Day.


Same Day Word $1 per double-spaced Stadium. Phone





konbo. and

25 Call


and Call


and plus

quiet, same.


minute partialy


Barb better,





sexy, Day!

Day. One cool night In 80 days, it wil begin whenever you need Love your Honsie.


Cuddles; sexyface.



term. balcony, A


summer, $4 12/month

Available patio


34 bus


Cosmechies: on midterms! Club”‘(Mech).



Summer laundry, 8854655

to September) 3 bedroom 7ominute bike ride from Pool. Rent $420 excluding



Todd: me;



sublet, Call 746-8360,



for UofW.



Sunnydale, the lease.

Available $570/month



Canadian desk.

Phranque: chiled




sublet. Sauna, included.


students require 1st. Want lease of campus.

Wanted: UofW


Happy Valentines adventure began. tune. Remember, I love you, Honsie.

Dearest together. Smile,



inteligent, Valentine’s

Honsie! crazy better here.

Hey fake


- 1 ‘/z bath, Waterloo.

summer lease.

cute, Happy

The girl who has Buddy to be her

a long partner.



Happy Valentines Birth Control appreciated.

of memories of dark Ruby’s, cosy evenings a great distance and

available 578-2957

Townhouse option

Townhouse. Washer/dryer.




long as you S&ha.-

It takes ‘punky’


townhouse, Available


bedroom balcony,


as Love

dav and a year playing music at concerts from P.

available with magnificent furnished. Rent


option St.


Sandra, Deb, and Alison on unobligated women”. Happy My cup runneth over. Happy girl in the world).

bedroom carpeted.


Townhouse clean Partial y

been always, in bed:

bedroom house Call Georgette

bedroom UotW

W&i (beina &on&


a our til


- four deck.

4 bedroom September, 1393.

;Two laundry, 746-0562.


Three fuly

two to

and-all! too


Day. In 3 more days it wil be 2 years! fun (and it has been fun). Happy Anniversary to “Pierre’s”. Lots of love f&Kathleen

Sunnydale $470/month,

Large walk furnished.


a friend-first. is beautiful.


Gord. Happy Valentine’s flies when we’re having sweetie...looeng forward bean).

Summer garage,

it has


thank you for being on nabbing about y&r “princess”

Day here




D.LB.: Zinc, Bagel-Bagel, faling weekends, softball, long distance Eve, trivial pursuit, secret plans, (Love. The trip is just beginning.. Love,

was a month that I would like to forqet about, ho&, as time qoes bv. the deep hurt thsvou feel, us ‘have come-alonawav. we dre two ve& swcial can take rt away. ?he foundation* df our on the very close friendship we have. We are second, in that order. I -Love you, and care So would vou be mv cute G sexv Valentine Love Taps: P.S. Ma; I suggest we get a fire and some “HENNESSY” tonite...

for the

dear Your

Debra! a beginning.

to help Applied

Bigfoot. Day!

you, keep Someday,



Loveable Ladies: year for “socialy so glad I met you!!! Karen (the happiest

thanks but

‘thank Let’s




think-of you ; Valentine’s it. . . wish vou could did say thinks for

To Peach: Happy Valentine’s movie theatres; i&d and long and quiet moments, Toronto especialy time together. Love

Grad May distance

Janlne. May

wonderful. the



April 31Sept Universiq

885-4655 from

Mav furn&ed; 1. 1986.

Four Rent


but for ali the love forever,

Be bones

wait your


dryer. In excellent one month’s rent). in our name. 884.

maybe one month. Big rooms, balconies, house at a bargain

2 bedroom. &\share lease. -

townhouse washer/dryer, (4 16).62 1_ 1738

2 bedroom lease. Call


. or

before, All my

Michael: cookie

Free Rent house with yniversities.

or unfurnished,

884-7973. summer

you’re for

but love I never

Can’t from

Summer Mansion available for sublet: Amazing lakefront, 2 balconies, 2 porches, 6 bedrooms, glass windows. Downtown Kitchener, easy access bus. Visit 93 David St. or phone 74368%.


MONTHS sublet blues call 74368%.

help and

North. Day

Live in Philip St. for the summer! Enjoy Spacious,.clean townhouse with patio for babquing , free parking, washer coloured cable T.V., partialy furnished, plus a 5 min walk One month free rent. Call 8886607.

per room, Sunnydale.

4-bedroom townhouse to sublet in Sunnydale Large bedrooms, 1 ‘h bathrooms, partialy furnished, condition. $504/m. plus gas (wil pay $250 towards And if that’s not enough, we’l also leave the bils 6524.

Large two bedroom walk to 0 of W (Erb furnished. $372.53/month. all

sublet minutes


bedroom, Sunnvdale. *

sundeck now

Apartmerit. Option west.



- Sep! furnished, 20 for an appointment.


Tony: (sung) I wanna man, so far so good. secrets (and/or fantasies). - DON’T WORRY! Low couch.


Lovely day Brian: Day.

the Great Valentine’s



For Rent: (May Parkdale Plaza. Added Feature:



Timely Realiv

Summer bedroom, Sunnydale.


Dr. Ruth’s guide for good sex says “if you want to go for a rol in the snow and have an ‘ice’ of a good for

student lf you

sex as it’s


Supplements 576-0564.




to join and Valentine’s

typewriter no typewriter.


Dear friend. innermost come

Boogar. someone

for wallet

Queen. peak,




Check snowshoveller.


the you Happy

Happy your

you Chotee.


I stil Thanks

Hello my far awa);?

loudest, in early

want p.s.




Feet: UBU:

times more.


from Happy


Dear Rat.

Couldn’t to UofW inspiration).

of the earth to redo, burned our lives together a changing-shapes you give - seeking and accepting, and delicate w to work in us and The Sweater Guy.

arrived out!

Lit le



May Hugs


WLOG doobie



- Thanks for the memory and retrieve the &rub’s pickle

fastest, be heard




about taking hearts are Bar Court.

1’11 be T.


Birthday, you always,

I Love

en fete agat.




for being the Psycho




the happiness Sweetheart.










seeking many 743-8976.

IAIXUT Ta~nhou~e. includes utilities, Call 746-8151










boyfriend, Anniversary.



- How

Food They

If you are experiencing you during


Barrv Sutherland is turning 24 today. Barry is graduating from in April in going on a search for an identity, anyone’s wil do. If you have any suggestions for Barry’s future, please call him because I don’twant him leaching off me anymore. (besides he wil feel popular). SOB. Chris Jankov. of your new

Adorqble) Happy

The - can

President. Scoobie

Bagel a sexual Toots.

Harrison natural.


’ you

Dear have time.

by small

info. 7461274 Desk.

have of


De+a&ty handwriting, search,







for all the good memories. Let’s make Philospher. You’re all invited to a Kool-Aid mm. those that survive the midterms.’ rii else can bring the cyanide. Philosopher


you shit Honk

emitted Schtick



lit le


noises Sontact

and sincere air-conditioned now


Happy Andrea.

Day! Chickyboo.



Fred Love



Call mailbox


from car.

Isssac. beeches. kiler.

then you qualify Bonus: lf you call set of small, visedetails.




warm but my

and you.


Tom! Have Fri- endlytrangers.

summer. in

may friends.

analysis Coliforms. the

but a warm,

Binz, Thanx new ones! Biochem. 28 for all - someone

,Lady year?

you for

if you


Seeking ,in touch.






(with pool!) this or leave message . Looney bunch Attn February KoolAid

about work,


for audio with fetal

lonely tq



you or any


I hear start





hope Todd.



“Quick-draw-McRaphael“ 1’11 keep it stowed Love from the

Attention! west is on ARRLVA!




J.F. - recently you thaw Mathematician.

be 1


this year’s Valentine - just better.







Waterloo, and kiss,

and te. -


(our lovable the parlour the girls

Steve, Can’t



is *2.

the angelic name): from the knitted with care and unravelled to look like new. as He knits pattern emerges in forever Master Artist can. The love and understanding, giving makes possible the intricate us continue to allow Christ our lives a glorious tapestry.


4 Siavk chits found frozen along the Sunnydale path Friday. One body was slighty dismembered - no one would go to the Morgue to identify. Do the 4 yol;lhg, healthy (heartless) white boys feel guilty? thing. of



good looking: Valentine’s

Dearest and love. needed. Don’t


& xxx”




Marko$ose, Don, Brian: Felicidades tie moja Waletynko! Joyeuse liom go bhfuil las Valentine athas Day from your office-mate. - - i -Bag-O-Dut: Happy Valentine’s Day 1986. women and older cars, and vice versa. favourite wild wench of the west.

and love



to 20th Volim

Valentine get


Bitu. Happy




23rd birthday! sparkle. San.



Welcome day.

Happy combined.



John, Kocham mhaith Valentine’s

Bean Blitz The Turnkeys in conjunction with the Food Bank of Waterloo Region’s “Bean Blitz*‘, would like to aid in their food drive which collects food for the needy residents in the Waterloo Region. During a two week period, February 17th to March 2nd. we wil be collecting &ns of canned beans. Bins wil be provided by the Turnkey Desk in the Campus Centre. We would greatly appreciate your support in this endeavour. It’s a worthwhile cause!






Ladies: If you can touch yowr ankles to your earlobes, ‘for a free ride on the Red Man Express!! Added before midnight tonight, a complet&, chrome-plated like objects wil be yours, free! Call 886-5666 for


RMS, Valentines Minnie

Guess Day.



Happy prime!!!


Bunch, cream



year’s it doesn’t


Goodnight bed. Happy


Beba zdravo! stil in your


Violets all over

Paul Valentines

Last -

Day! way


Tomo! you’re -




Hana. Happy

Dear doubles ours.

Roses (They

Valentine’s the

Neysa, show.

Lovable everyday!


a happy tonight?!





Day! It’s it with you,




Day. are


a great

I luv

Valentine’s and so

Valentines spent




Happy juicy,



airborne S.C.



our Valentine? Cummings) Happy

The Sweater Girl (with and in soft fuzzy blue, on the stove and fied unique and wonderful and hues as only the and sharing, revealing caring and forgiving, in His creation. Let through us to make (Goliath’s nemesis)

Thanks most Valentine

you’re I love

You “Sil y-Girl”

a wonderful

the Your

Love when

Here’s to vou. G.B.S.






C-R “big Assistants.


C. A special always Mr.

GC. Valentine



HapPy you

Honey and


you Burton

with hey

Carrie: Donald.

from Tom


Jeff:wil v:

Barbie love




Cute conf ~.--.used Paul Andrew. makes


I love

I hardly bottom


“the Lebanese Valentine’s

Happy P.S.



Sweety! I love

To Baby Boo-Boo, blue, Oranges are chin) Love B.B.

Ray. Gilian.



lit le

Loving the








forget Valentine’s

Let’s Love

hr (hdOS heart! Happy --__________. To Tracey, Smut-f! To


Friend; life -

Don’t Happy

Joe you.




good your




Valentines Dav and here’s to 8.5 blissful I’m awav n&t week. but vou had better for me &en I get back. Higs and kisses,

birthday Your

man-Man in yaur

Dear Winnipeg.




Dear Peter.Special for all your support! Buddy person Rascal

go Peter



Although head to


the chocblate Ron.



Dearest Conehead: HaDDv months. I’l miss vou lo&;r;hile have a griled ch&e waiting the better looking conehead. Hey the Petit


Surman remember Love Always,



1’11 supply place.

for typewriter.

A career job offering hours and inteligent board at Needless

a student with atrocious Must be in good condition. v financial interesting

and personal co-workers

handwriting, Price

remuneration. a must. Leave


Classifieds continued on page 27

many negotiable. Flexible nobce



- . __










14, 1986,-


Valentine’s Day Balloon Pub. Express your valentine message with a colour coded balloon!! All proceeds from the sale of the balloons will be donated td the Heart & Stroke Foundation. /No covercharge for Feds. 9:00 pm. Bombsheltfr Drama Dbpt. presents TOP GIRLS McFarland. 8:00 pm. HH 180


8:00 pm.,



and lo:30


by Charles

15 AL

“Some people will do‘anything

116. Ghostbusters

for a buck.”

FASS ‘86: The Scream Plav! Your last chance to see the whodunit of the year. Tonight’s show begins at 800 in the Theatre of the Arts. Tickets $4.50 at UW Arts Centre Box Office and BASS ’ TOP


- see Friday

Campus Health Promotion will be offering CPR recertification course (BCLS within 12 months to qualify) $15 students, $20 staff/alumni, $30 others. Pre-registration is mandatory - Sign up HS rm 126. Class held 9:00 am. - 3:00 pm HS 127. For more info call Tom Geoghegan x6359 SUNDAY



Furtree High ml Informal 7:p.m.,

Service with coffee Conrad Grebel College.

Christian Worship services. Sermons All Welcome


on Campus: every mostly by Chaplain



Sunday, Graham

student-led E. Morley.

Theatresports Organizational Meeting and some other, more interesting, stuff. Everyone welcome! 7:00 pm. CC 135 Table Tennis Tournament, Beginners, Advanced, & balls provided. Sign up at Fridays 7:00 - 10:00 pm, Chris Edwards 884-7466.

Upper Blue Activity Area, PAC, Doubles Divisions. Rackets and club: Tuesdays 7:30 - 1O:OO pm., Sundays 2~00 - 500 pm. or call Tournapent will start at 2:00 pm.

Menick Jan&t Folk Musicians - tiaditional folk music Anglo-American world. $10/7. 8:00 pm. KWCMS Room, 57 Young St. West., Wloo.. MONDAY


of the Music

Waterloo Jewish students association invites YOU to our bagel ‘brunches held twice weekly. Come for thk food, the fun, the friends. Speakers schedul.ed throughout the term. cc 113, 11:30 - 1:30. Birthright offers on campus counselling. Mondays8-11 St. Jerome’s College rm 222. Confidentiality assured. Theatresports wcirkshop impress people at parties. 113

Learn improvised Everyone welcome.

Christian Science Organization offers spiritual solutions life’s everyday problems and concerns. All are welcome attend our meeting. 5:30 pm. CC 135.

Meeting Come

comedy and 7:30 pm. CC


of the Young Liberals of the Univ. of out and get involved. 7:30 pm. CC 135

Midweek College.

Study Skills Program begins this week. It will include. wo&hops desi&ed to help students develop effective study hibits. Interested students can register at the reception desk in Counselling Services, Needles Hall 2080. TUESDAY


Bible Study, Sponsored Movement. 4:00 - 5:00 om.,


by the Lutheran 177 Albert St.

to to

Canadian Federation of University Women, KitchenerWaterloo, will hold it’s February General Meeting at 8:00 pm. Hilliard Hall, First United Church, Waterloo: Special HeartMonth Soeaker wili be Dr. Michael Sharratt whose topic will be Cardiac Rehabilitation - State of the Art


House of Debates: For this week only, we will meet in CC rm 22 1 at 6:00 pm. Don’t be late or bruiser will have to bash you about General Waterloo.

The Equality of the Sexes Civilization - an interesting sponsored by the Bahai Club. refreshments.

French Film at WLU: Ubu Roi, J.C. Averty. 9:00 pm. in Room 1017 of the Peters Building. Admission is free and everyqne is welcome.


Eucharist, -


St. Bede’s


19 12:30 pm.,


Candlelight Holy Communion Campus Ministry. Waterloo Bricker Sts., Keffer Chapel.

sponsored by the Lutheran Lutheran Seminaiy, Albert &

Evening Prayer Grebel College.

and choir.



Exploring Christianity.

Finally! Vegetarians on campus are forrhing a club. If you are a vegetarian or are inclined to a more healthful and peaceful way of living, come to our first organizational meetihg today at 4:30 pm in CC 113. (Join us anytime until 7:30 pm.)


the Christian Faith: Informal Wesley Chapel, 7:30 p.m.


- 1:30.

for Life, 4:30 pm.

UWs Pro-Life group, CC 110. All are welcome



Informal discussion - “What is the future of the family?’ 3:30 - 4:30 pm. PAS 1001, Independent Studies. - All welcome.

Free Video Bombshelter

- Never


Cry Wolf


Waterloo Jewish bagel brunches fun, the friends.



& Spartree.






. .. This








students association invites you to our held twice weekly. Come for the food, the Speakers scheduled throughout the term.

Classifieds continued from. page 26 Bars.


Lovers! for a 9x9

Treat yourself in. pan. Call



41T 5628

blue 5.

$50, after



to Laura










delicious at 746-8244.


excellent condition. grey poly/wool


Nanaimo Blue $25.


I wool 742..


for Marrllion


tickets! Excellent

Alpine 7 162 100


AM/FM channel).



1982 $1,000.

Honda Call

. $300; ViSonik (40 watts each) all receipts.

by David . $175. Warranties.

CB450T Bernie


Car Call

style . surface mount)

(box Mike:








746-0561. LOST

_ concert

in Toronto

. March

1. $15


o b;o.


Lost: One a’xoommate


Lib of Waterloo, weekly coffeehouse. A place to meet other gay men and lesbian Welcome! 8100 - 1l:OO p.m. CC 110


Cinema Gratis Great Hall

K-W Blood Donor Clinic. I:30 - 8:00 Church, King & William Sts., Waterloo




Students Thursday.

Film: The Doctor and the Soul. Host Ray Bonisteel talks with Dr. Viktor Frankl renowned p:ychia’trist, writer & lecturer. Conversation centers on the meaning of life & why today so many people seem to be floundering. Sponsored by the Women’s Centre. All welcome. 12:30 CC 110.


Gay and Lesbian ‘safe and friendly women. Everyone



Huron Campus Ministry night fellowship Common meal 430 p.m., meeting time 5:30 p.m., Dining Hall, and Wesley Chaoel at St. Paul’s Colleae. You are Welcome.


and the Emerging World and informal public talk M&C 3006, 7:30 pm. Free


3 seats.

available Call

Cassette $250; Orion

for 884-2705. - $250; 240GX

Thursday, Ask Proton car

for 250 amplifier

March James. car

6 amplifier (max!



m (max. watts/

roommate. exchange

(5 feet could

tall, be

100 Ibs) arranged!




If found,

Friendless, Lonely but warm and sincere (and clean!) Girl looking same to share a warm, but air-conditioned and sincere apartment (with pool!) this summer. Call Sow for more info. 746-l 274 Jennifer, or leave message in my mailbox at Turnkey Desk




Now Playing

TAXES TOO HIGH? Talk to the



Theatre of the Arts




odern Languages Building
















.* 1


, U M








fiy~ This techniquewas first established by residents of the SeychellesIslands who used it to attract passing pods ofsperm whales. Each pod, consisting of one or more whales, produced a sufficient wake to permit local residents to host 12consecutive in ternational surfing championships. More recently, conch ‘blowing has become popular at numerous seasidewateringholes where it was found to attract considerably more attention than \ ‘L+-\.I the more conventional 1 “Excuse me.. .waiter.’

Orjlagpapping as it is often called, enjoys considerable popularity among the nautically inclined. Practitioners of this particularly colourful form of communications have reported physical benefitssuch as an >increasein the size of bicep, tricep ! and pectoral muscles. This has prompted oneenterprisingmanufacturer of sporting equipment to in traducea new product called “Heavy Flags:’This means that when calling for a Blue it is now possible to get bent into shape.









Successwith this approach dependslargely upon the size of the cans and the length of the string used.Most waiters or waitresseswill show some reluctance at the prospect of walking about theirestablishmentwith 50gallon oil drums afixed to their hips. An empty Blue can (preferablyof thelargervariety)is consideredde rigueur.Usersshould be advised that calls across the bar are cheaperafter six and on Sundays. Important: Many first time users of this proven technique have complained of what is generally referredto as the “Lloyd Bridgesor]acques Cousteaue&ct:’ This can be remedied by making sure that cans arecompletely drained prior to transmittina or receivingmessages. II


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