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22, 1985;

Vol. 8’, No.

21; 3The




of Waterloo,-




,y Neal Bonnor” [inprint staff Answering questions on the effect on students )f withholding their computer fees next term, ;I W Federation of. Students President Sonny b Flanagan declared last Monday that “1 don’t magine ‘the university will refuse to register - ., :hose students, since the administration will lose.‘uitidn and subsequent government ‘grants.” 1“It would be irresponsible of them not to regis- . er fee-withholding students,‘: Flanagan con- .: inued-. “It would be.-like saying, they don’t care’ tbout students and just’care’about- money.” : Flanagan’s’ response @as part of an ho&Landt-half long meetmg orgatiiied by the Federation if students to allo% stud&$ .an .opportunity. to sir their ‘concerns over wit~htilding- t heir compu-: . i er fees next term. ‘,‘ I ’ . Last month,; U W’s ‘Students’ Council ap; Iroved a motion asking students to withhold heir computer feesin the winterterm, to protest j vhat the Council sees-as an imp&@er;method of ncreasing tuition ,fees onthe par~~~the~admini$i L. _ ration. Over 50 students attended the meeting, held in AL 1.13, while other studentsjoinedthemeeting - s,-ts it progressed. / :. According to the Federation, the intent ofihe * :omputer fee strike is only to send a message,to * {he UW administration that the students of the -- Will-E‘ be+egistered? Officially, the university has . _ miversity are serious in fighting the fee’s imposi.declined comment, but the administration is not ion. However, the Federation recognizas that exp,ected to refuse to register any students w\ith,hi: real problem undeglyi@&e fg&s~&ppt&yp+*~ .~~~~~~~~,~~trt~~~~e~s.~ ;,v-: :+ .;::- I-,. *.;;: I, y F . .--_, .“~.a I\ .mderfunding, -and, as such, sees the st:rikti& .a L>.- plyfia*%flftt &@EJk9?,5implyclaim the compu-. 1Eng . SocI$rea&rer Da&ah l&e# (centire) makes S poi?tt.duiii@lasr: Moti~&$% f& ‘strike mi@@j@ , neans of lobbying the,, provincial government V ter fee on-the o$AP form since you willprobably / , Photb. tq Simon Wheeler hrough the media. / have to pay it eventually anyway.’ 1 __ .\ I - t_ 1 “We have already been lobbying the provincial Will I -have ato ‘pay life fee’s?‘Yes, and probably .e government;” Flanagan said‘:““And:-we:11 con-. the interest as well. ; ’ ’ university,has refused’to c’omment,altl@ygkthe ’ ’ - j ‘.commitment to,the educational system; and to inue to lobby the government, butfirstwe have probabbly‘ be allowed td”paya.rQ. ’ Will they be able to .wifhhold,transcripts? Yes, send a clear message to Queen’sPark that under- I studcnt,would, o solve the problem here,‘? since it Setsa danger: _ outstanding fees before the end -oft he term if thi$ , ’ from+you personally, but not from employers of’ funding is a major-problem and thatcomputer tL1 )us precedent for’ all universities\. 1. > z , co-op students. is necessary to graduate. ._ ’ fees are not the solution. ’ ’ Has this tvne of action been sncrA?SsfU~ bd&tit ’ Regarding the underfunding issue.‘ Flanagan Wkat:da+v;‘e _---_ want from .the’strike? To ebress -. ; _ ’1 aid that th; Federation-is currently research;ng ) -actively$nd Yes, during the 1973 tuition strike. -L- c responsibly our opposition to the yhendo we,concede? When the OCUA(@tario’ arious ‘alternative forms of funding, such as ’ ’ 1imple’m&tation flow dbes t&S affect internatiqnal and pa+t-ti& of the-computer-fee; to encourCouncil on University Affairs -- ‘the Ginister of students? It is expectedthat these student$.will bei alumni contributionsII _-and.. a “‘quality of educa,Colleges. and Universities’advisory body) hands age WWadministrators to deal with thepiob1e.m . ,% treated the.same as all other students. . r ion” fee. . :down its ruling sometime early in the winter , of underfunding appropriately and responsibly;. Flanagan expects that, if only 2OOstudents.,ou~ _~ -’ AnotheriSsue related to th&omputer fee that it will;& in favour ’ to\ build momentum for the-protest against un- _term. The Federationexpects of the_14,000 on campus withhold their computer vas raised at the meeting concerned-university _ derfunding ofpost-secondary education-in Ontaof calling the fee tuition. ’ .,fees next term, the strike will be effective.” ,. _ lcccssibility. ., ” : ., ‘,: --. ; rio and ‘the Ontario’s government’s% lack of - WiiI I ‘be allowed to graduate? Officially, the .. / ‘_ ., I ,




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- corporate 27%: government 67% as resources get cut ,back,“, Wright noted:“Com-’ ’ I c lic’ity on ‘the part(of university researchers-hind’ ~OIIOWS the high- \ - panics want to giveu IS equipment because we can” Imprint staff _” em, @he potenti& person& and scientific’ success -’ other 6%. Our 27% corporate.fundingis / , ‘. est amongthe universities surveyed. By comparido .more with’-it.‘i of academics, the.authors of the’-study said. _ -_~-_ -. son, the University of Toronto has 4% corporate Yet, now, as a result of budget cuts, Wright .. . A recently published study indicates t,hat then,’ _ Als&;the study notedthat differing-goals and funding. The average corporate funding level for said it will be harder to sustain the computer< ’ methods--threaten cooperation. Universities tend University of Waterloo receives far’ more, money Canadian universities/is currently 7.8%: advances--which ‘the university has committed _ -. to stress the mind-enriching research and educafrom corporations than.any other university in i _ itself to:. \ tional nat_ure of R&D,& while corporations have 1 UW- President Cannfi a . _. Douglas . . ‘Wright, . . a task. force . VUa.U"U. Ot ’ Enter the computer fee: “If government doesn’ts time constraints -and immediate- goals such as member, said in an interview that themqwty ,A study was undertaken recently; by a task Ithe barriers noted in Spending Smarter do not let us charge, -we’d have to’do less;” Wright said:-. Fnrrf= nf the Cnrnnmte _ developing new products. ‘_ ‘, - t-ligher Education kie added that research and development would. . Solutions offered to’overcoming these barriers ,aPPlY to uW. Forum (an organ&ion of businessmen and uni“We- are -not really. troubled by any of the decline, jeopa@lizing Uw’s position as a leader in versity administrators) to investigate statistics ’ include- improved marketing of universities’ re, . research.and development. ‘barriers,” he said. , searchers’ ideas and d&overie$, -increased cornand patterns in corporate-universityresearch The problem U W-faces is that “our achieve“You can’t have’quality without having the. , munication. between ’ researchers, ‘and - also L and development cooperation.‘The findings are money for it,“-Wright concluded. between universities-and businesses. ’ t .ment here will be difficult to maintain especially highlighted in a recently published book, : ’ ’ - . ” X . ’ -_ S,pendin,g Smarter. , - The ‘benefits of, such cooperation, the report The task force was established to “examine in . concluded, a&? not restricted to participants, but jetail the R&D required for the innovations that .x are -for all of- society: They include improved, 4 . ‘efficient ,research, with more accurately directed students are currently opposed are, expected to play such a, significant role- in cost of maintaining a high:qual-. bv Neal Bonnor __r . --goals (lacking . in go+vernment-sponsored re- -, :fi;lpriht.staff to, the -Federation of Students-’ :$suring the competitiveness of Canadian indus\.. ity university educationha%irisearch); increased resources andfacilities for unii try in coming years”. The e.mphasis was on engi’ Over 9 1% of engineering stucreased, 1 *am prepared to coi’nputer fee strike and protest -versities who;link up with industry, attraction of ‘Idents at the University of _Wa: tshoulder some percentage ..of sin ce, according .to Hanel, “en- . . neering and- applied math-lresearch.‘ Several barriers to-cooperation were noted. high calibre facult)$o,reputable~universities, and. terloo would pay more in this increase in the form of gin “eers consider the fight to/be Perceptual problems exist - myths that ‘have : - increased employment in ,new or ‘improved in- : tuition fees to .maintain a high higher tui%tion -fees, provided “pp,”tinst the province not. (UW esident Dr. d-eveloped and are swaying corporate opinion. of ’ dustries. Do~yglas.) ~ _ ‘, quality of education, but over,. that the ,provincial government ’ Currently, U W’s external funding isdivided as the’academic world, and vice versa. Lack-of pubcontributes funds in at least the Wr inht”.. of UW’s engineers would by. Andrew


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fee (kam,pyWtar ‘fe) .n,; 1. - unregulated Lform of tuition, (not to with the kind the govern--. ., a’ be confuse’;d ‘,‘, m&t c- matches)i;-.2.precedent for’ future _, i&e’~se$ in -%uiti& (in - the ‘form of _I I computer fees, lab -fees, library fees, g3fouids fees, heating fees, etc.); 3. ’ ’ pEGdint for -\ University funding across ’ the prbvince; 4. decreased Cessibility -through, _ increased .-but ‘,unreguIat<edf&es; 5. short-sighted sdlu‘tion to a long-term problem,- that is, .underfundifig; t_ _ ’ -_ 2 __


Rallyat i “‘-’ J Fed .Hall‘c ,5 -_ 1I:-30 a.m. “. . . - I ’\ prot&t. at’ I’ Needles’ Hall i .-- _ . . . . . lZ:()() 1noon- :- \,\.1x -_L _~ ~_’ I




The Fedeiatiolk -of Students ’ and %he Graduate Students Association recognizethtit Jhe root df the ‘problem iS government - ,underfunding. -The computer ,, - fee-J &presents, ’ how-ever, an ’ ill-conceived, .short-term . circumvention of current budget ’ difficulties. ^We need ~to do more *’ than just patch the -Universityls fiscal.. * ’ troubles; we need to solve ‘them. . :L f




by Andrew Saikali Imprint staff Two new graduate ‘irograms received approval last Monday night at the’November meeting of the UW Senate. Horst Leipholz, Dean of Graduate St!dies, outlined the new Ph.D program in accounting, the first such program in Ontario. There was some degree of opposition to the proposal. F_ederstion of Stud’ents President Soxiny Flanagan critidized it, :alling it “a step towards spe5alization”. He was also conzerned with the g‘reater computer time that w&ld be needed, ad-ding to the increasing lack of computer accessibility.

LeiDholz countered wit,h his awn ‘observation of “many computers during prime time that could have been used but were not:‘. He therefore believes that the criticism o[ lack of ac:essibility is “unfounded”. There were also reservations Lbout the speed with which this 3rogr8m would be implenented, particularly in light of

chairing Monday’, university budget cuts. Lei- Wright, pholz responded by saying that m’eeting, referred to the increasthe university “should not hold ing number-of students who are back” faculty especially if they bilingual or who have had exare “aware of the load and are tensive emersion in French. “We must be aleit to special keen to go ahead”. Jack Hanna, Chairm‘an of needs that these students may the Accounting Group, was on have,” he said. \ hand to answer questions and alleviate fears. “The type of faIn his remarks as senate chairman, Wright expressed his culty members we can attract,” he said, depend on the range of concern. over .the low 4% in- programs made’ available to crease in university allocation them. “There is a severe shoroutlined in Ontario Treasurer tage (of accounting academics). R,obert Nixon’s October budget. This was -partidularly its up to us to keep good people _ in Canada.” . disappointing, he said, in light “An .M.A, program for the of the earlier encoui-agement of English Department in LanMinister of Colleges and Uniguage and Prof&siopal .Writing _ versities Greg Sorbara. As,a re‘also received Senate approval. sult, Wright added the “target Tom Brzustowski (VP Aca23% U W budget cut seems t, ,demic) stressed ‘the importance be a compelling reality for the of “developing quite advanced next fiscal year”. skills**--critical writing arid perWright was’ also concerned over what he said seems to be a suasion. Such a program, Dean lack of awareness in society, _Leipholz’said, “proves this university is very much alive”. particularly among parents, me-\ In other matters, a proposed garding university underfund Ad Hoc Commit&e on Bilinguing. Only bushiness and industry, Wright said,. seem to be aware alism was brought up for inforof the situation. mation. U W President Douglas

Student ~counsellors /I,’ hear rep-orts~froH2exe@ by Dan Lyons Imprint staff Last Sunday’s UW Students’ Council meeting .was dominattd by the presentation>of execuive Bnd committee reports,

Federation of Stud&,nts Presilent Sonny Flanagan repprted hat he had appeared with UW %lsident Dr. Douglas Wright )efoie the National Senate Filance Committee, and while in Ottawa, drove the UW float for he Sarita Claus parade. He also nnounced that -the university ias tentatively approved a plan o ‘build one hundred townlouse units on the north camus, to be ready for occupancy n September 1986,, Peter K-lupger, chairman he board of external,liaisdn

of re-

ported that here had been an eight percent turnout at the.oncampus polls for the mu?cipal, elections last tieek. Ian Mitchell, chiai-man of the Committee Mandatory Computer Fe:: reported that the committee had sent an open letter t9 Dr. Wright, and-had written to Greg Sorbara @‘inister of Universities andCc>‘l!eke$) and-other M Pp’s about the underfunding I problem- and the cdmputer fee issue. -, I 1 Mitchell reported that the comittee is curi-ently working oh the demonstration scheduled for hi onday, November 25. Flanagan predicted a large student turnout at the demonstration, and said that this’would pain t,he !-attention of ‘-Queen’s Park. ., /

There was discussion on thp committee’s work, particularly a concern ihat the, committee emphasize. the underfunding problem. It was pointed out that the Federation hasa policy dating from 1969 favouring the abolition of tuition fees, although that policy i’s.now under review. Other highlights of the meeting included the appointment of Kathy Stewart as Women’s Commissioner and Mike Wblfe as Creative Arts Bdard Chairperson, a$ the second and fi-, nal reading of the Federation ‘fall budget re-allocation. As well, Dr. Ron Eydt, Warden bf Residences, was made an honorary Federation of Students member in recogni; tion .of his work to promote stu~d$&Y interests at Waterloo. ‘b’

Notice is herebff given that the annual generaJ meeting of Imp&t Inc., Waterloo will-be held on Monday, the 2nd Dqy of,December, p.m. in *pus Centre room‘,l45), Universiw of Waterloo. ‘\ # / The @ropose&Ag&& is as follows: 1. Receipt and cotiideratioh of the 1984-85 financi&l statement report 2. Appointment of &ditors for 1988-86 fiscal year: 3. Election .of,Board of<Dtictors for J.QSS-86 _ >4: Consider a t’ ion of prtiposed @anges in the corporate by-lam

Publications 1988 at 6:30

and auditor’s


AmenmetS: to this &@nda wiri be accepted by Rick Nigel, Treasurer of the Corporation, durin& business hours Until 230 p.m., December 2nd, in Campus Centre room, 140. Motions must be moved and seconded by m?rjnbers of the ‘,I Corpor&tion; both of whom must/be present. Noxnigaitio~ to the Board of DirectoPs may be made %o. the above named du@ng bainess hours--until 2:30 p.m. Monday, December 2nd. Three hositions are a-able to be filled by‘members of the ,Corporation k?om the student comhnity. Each nopxination mu& be made injxrtion by two &embers of the .j Corporation. I . Pro&s wi.lJ be accepted as follows: e&h member ofthe Corporatio&n&~ &rry . .at most one proxyvotefor aqothep pmber who-cannot atteqc) t&e meetu. To ‘obtain the pro*; bo$h the member andthe‘proxy-holder+-t register witi:the above named during business houre, until 2:30 p.m. Monday, December 2ird

tary . . .of State Benoit _ Bouchard .--



spread uve.c five years between L986‘and i9.9 1, at

’ provinces


-right ,now

to decrease

the Ie@l of

--------- ---- ___- __--_-_ must take some- resndnsibilitv for


It has a responsibthty tar al meet.mg but I don’t. remember (2 he told nie -about the cuts),“Bouchard said.‘“lf I remember 1 ’ -, ada. They have the same ril didn’t, discus,s this .question, but I’m not sure...” . sity.studies,” Bouchard sai A pamphlet provided by Bouchard’s office ‘-. : Bo”chard cahed the strul jurrsdrctton lists at the topof his department’sresponsibilities, ’ cral versities get the while moneyensuTV “helping Canadians continue their e&cation ’ %_‘. . rL . r beydnd the,.secondary, or high school _level .’ them his dllemma’” were perhaps youn through -finanoral: assistance to-.provmcial- .: aand ’ . ‘!-YOU c lt was a war between the p territorial governments.” era1 government,” Bouchard said. “And’ one of -. .I \ I Wilson’s press secretary, Richard~‘~Remillard, ‘^ I-I‘----l-l,--LX--. *l---.1 - 3 .~ -1 Ir/_‘,s--. - I

met with the secreatr;

of state,” kemil’lard


This is the first

dart of the dilemma..’

sity Press at-his H’ull sffice on November 7: He is ’ involved in .this thing.” 01 the bazaar iaiieb money for a clean water broject in M.da$ia; the first federa! cab!@ minister to acknowledge Bouchard sa?bthat if the provinces /don’t start $‘d that figure, which :;dpposition .MPs: hake! been’ “tra,&$fering more of the federal money to educai ’ . using in questions’to the C*nservative~govern~ ----1 ministry will get tough. _ _ &&+i,s 1S.lGl.b m#=nt 111in rf=Pc=nt‘ .hPL’C . "A.dlnmrrXc-:*“? ,-";Ll,;,-h.%.,, rn #.,,.A . . . ..A-.. Imbvr‘,r ,vvbbRJ. - ~3 wtl*ba.p 1~ J yc133,ll.aG LU “fly -a ~;uwu,ullu”~lx. rer s- aIIair, its a11themi,nlsters’ aftarr, ,it-Xespe, of course - and’you have topay $10ot)-Just~@ Using a ,1977 formula,. the federal government standing with the prov*inees 4 do’s& because It’s cially important f&me. And. 1 can teil you that cover the interest on-you’debt. *it’s not posse-$ le;” will transfer 12’billion to the provinces’this year : perhaps the best answer,” Bouchard said. -_ he said. we will. raise the question. But firstly we have to for health care and post-secondary e&cation. “-But at the same- time if we realize that the see with the provinces ‘what -is possible:to do;,” ‘( Bouc,hard said transfer p,ayments ‘would b&a ,. This, is about 12 pe.r‘cent ofthe federal.budget. provinces d.0 not want to take-their responsibilif .A\-.tiopic at ‘t’he,,Nov. 28 fiiwt ministers conference-m sThe federal,government says abouti$4.5 bilhon ties, we have to raise ‘the- question just fo.r the \ ihe secreatry of- state -expldiribd the deficit , Halifax ‘and that-he @o&hard) was planniugb -- . should :he spent on ‘colleges, and univers’it~. -“-‘: ,” $rder’al level. .’ ’ ” ” % ***. ’ , et ” : . ~~usi’ng a student example. ‘fit’s the same thingas if ’ attend. . - . ,’ ‘_ _ I.’ . \-. -._‘.. ’ Q. _ -., , .-

‘ianti-Semitism w&-e’ built irito the- culture and “a fact of life”, said by T&y Sturman, ’ * s ’ ‘, \\ I . L Troper. This is -evident because Canada’s ‘.‘closed door” policy imprint itaff , - . ‘I ,. allowed-ot her’groups besides Jews to enter,the country, This system In :a lecture last week at. Needles Hall, Professor ,Harol d was different .from th-e .Americans 5, who, s at, the time; closed their ..’ Troper said that Canada’s relationship tothe Je,wish Holocaust and -doors to everyone.. fits survivors dealt more with policy tha$withpeop4e.’ I .j .~roper.trace~;th~ieas~~i~~~eh~nd the discrimination againstthe Tr’oper was, the .guest’J’ecturer for this year’s Spiiidza~Meir~LecJews to thepre-First World War years. At that time, Canada had an ture, sponsored’ by’ the Committee on Holocaust and Jewish St& dies, the Department of History, and the Department. of .Political , Science. He, i’s a professor of history at the Gntario Institute.for Studies in Educatioh (O.J:$.I.E.)and extracted-some of his-lecture’ material from .his book, None -is Too. M&ny, written with Irving L Abelia.’ I_ . :,‘. . Between ‘1933 and 1945’ fewer than &OQO refugees entered this eountry. This stat-i&c indicates that Canada -had one of the poorest -records. in terms of &s’ unwillingness to admit displaced persons~’

‘by N&al Bonnor Imp&~ staff ,-. Fees for students&rrolled the University of Water!oo’s

rope; 2: Non-PretirredClass: those from ckntr~a~&d eastern’: rope; and .3, Special Pe’rmit Class-% includ’ing Italians, Greek Bulgarians, and Jews of any origin. lmmigration regulations we waved for then-Preferred- Class, but were’zmosf restrictive for ‘tl Special Permit Class’. Tibper said.t-hey had to-obtain special pkridj

in Co-

According to-:XJack Bobb, U W Treasurer, _the university wants to recover all costs involved in the co-op program by : 1989. Current co-op,fees are set at $150 ger term, following a $35 increase over last; year’s lev-.,el. While the fee is scheduled to ,increase by $38 ‘in 198& subse? quent- increases. over the -next four years are expected to raise costs,. As B;ro$k Fuller, SAC’s;‘< the fee toS364, excluding i&La- . C+oi$$@tr*$&& 1 PLacement ‘( r tion. ’ ! ,; I’ liajson offrcer~$$r$t&L~out, ‘?&e ~-\ uni,~~~si~:~~~~s~~~o~ &e~.$&~y~ Apparently,’ the co$p fee@extra”funding from the‘$$&n&crease-has been in the planning ciaL #government for i$s, co-op.

*To begin,. Wilsoti. called for a global.‘village of churches’ that sible-for the way they. themselves Live. For WiLsoni the gospel isc workjtoward a* united ‘mission. “God’s mission is to the -whole avenue for change and transmission.’ I@ the com‘inon people. wl world,” she said. The roots of this globa m&ion w&rid, begin here must,complete ‘the task of.spreadmg God’s word;she sai .T s , athome and spread to other‘nationsf ‘There is a.prob1emwit.h this ‘-. ‘IShe cal&d for th~‘developrnent of’s ne~w’chu#ch tioi@c?otid “e&,-. concept because, as Wilson put-‘& b&-is.tilis so$netimes fivetin , the @stlf has pcrF~tuated’,th~~roluth $f,gap&etwee’n’~t he-‘&h sir w;siys that go against the-worl’d -mission ..: some people do not.. the~poor, “the&.urch-always sta?& with the p!antationowners ni understand,the relationship. betw.e&what we’dq.aed itseffects on -the slaves,“.:lt- &time. that the church- unify i&members toward -1 I ~ 1’ :*I. ’ . 8 \ .:the Third World.” . .%I 8 ’ 1 grcater~mu$o&. -A$ Wiiso&$id, “t~h~‘~~~rc~:iir’:rzes’ic2,ence can I She’?c..iteda, case where -a Christian-woma,n told- ail her-fgiends longer be the centre of‘oue”sfocus, it’must-be theworld..” .-about, the, jewehy she had; ‘~The$oldV,com& from Af& but she a : &Qi-s,Wikion recognized~hat&me changes;li&ve a-he&y occurr! ,does not see the blood on the chain&~ WiJson:said. She went on to: in some churches. But-thcprocess is slow and total transformatit ‘Bescribe how the exploitation $f.the Third &rld feeds. our lucrat cyr is a long way off. ,As;she $aid,A ‘?righ$ pr_,left(referring to .gove.r : ti,ve lifestyle.;She also p$inted-out that~exploit&on andnegLect of men&) we are all afra;d of change..“@opefulIy, said WilBon, Chrj . . the poor !happ:ens righ.t-:heze ir) Canada; ;.,’: _ , ._I. , 1 ttans wiil recogni’ze t,he:/ueed forchange and help to create a unific ^~According.$o’Wilson, _ _ , . , I Id ’ :* 7; _ ’ ‘. isthe result 1 &ssion. . of Christians ___ _. ’ _ the-misgu?dance -_



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Ads7ertising Mahager: Carol Fletcher 888-4048, or.885-1211, ext. 233i

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Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA), and a member of Canadian University Press (CUF). Imprint publishes every second Friday du.rin& the Spring term and every Friday during the regular terms. Mail should be addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.” Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse . advertising. Imprint: ISSN C700-‘7380




DRAIN” Editor-in-chief Rick Nigol

Brain drain just a symptom. s I :1 .

“Brain drain” - Is this what happens to students trying to write three essays in one week? Does it describe Imprint staff on a Wednesday night? No, “brain drain” is the term used by senior UW administrators to describe the current exodus of teaching staff from this university. It is a disturbing trend. Recently, Prof. Alan George, dean of the faculty of mathematics, along with two-other computer specialists and an accounting professor, have decided to accept offers to join U.S. institutions. Next summer, George will assume a position as Distinguished Scientist with the University of Tennessee and the Oak Ridge National Labratory. Along with a doubling in salary, George said he will be able to undertake research in scientific and engineering computation with state-of-the-art equipment in Tennessee. He said there is a real commitment to research funding in the U.S. that is \ lacking in Canada, particularly in Ontario. In leaving, George said “it’s in no sense a vote of nonconfidence in the university; rather, its definitely a vote of

non-confidence in both governments (provincial and federal) and their lack of commitment to quality resources.” He added that university professors and administrators in Canada are now spending more time on budget cutting than teaching and research. Both UW PresidentDouglas Wright, and Vice-President (Academic) Tom Br’tustowski have expressed fears that other professors may follow Prof. George to greener pastures. / is just one symptom - albeit an The “brain drain” important symptom - of years of neglect. We tiave failed to ensure that our universities have the resources they need to be truly world-class. Without quality universities, staffed with top-notch scholars, we will be relegated to secondclass citizens in this world. The underfunding crisis experienced by Ontario universities is for real -‘witness overcrowded classrooms, old equipment,, and the “brain drain’.” Hick

he poor prevented .

Am&ta& Editor Chris Jinot



from studying?

school was to my Mom & Dad. The difference is, they didn’t Should students pay for their education, or should they not? Hmmm. We hear both positions being argued these have to pay the equivalent of their parents’ gross annual income to get it: days. That students should pay for what they get, like most And just as tuition for high school would prevent some everyone else has to pay for what they get, seems obvious. . Until you look at it. poor people from sending their children for the minimum education necessary to improve their, economic condition, Students don’t pay for kindergarten through grade 13. so university costs accomplishthe same thing. As with so Why not? The answer is obvious. It’s not the students who pay, but their families, and if you charged for education, much of life, the rich get richer and the poor get less and some kids from poor families would be pulled out of school less of the progressively dwindling remainder. It is incumbent upon those of us who have to make sure because they couldn’t afford it. that our fellow citizens who have not are not deprived of the Primary and secondary schoo! have been free for a long, long time. Back when my parents graduated from high opportunity to better themselves. The question is not how much a student should pay for computers, the question is school, a grade 12 or 13 diploma was as common as a B.A. how many poorer people are prevented from studying is today - and as necessary for anyone aspiring to jobs ’ because of the price tag? above the bottom. Today the university education is as essential as high

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s:oo p.m.

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Editorial Board Meetings Monday, Monday,

Mov. as, sroo pm, Dec. 8, St00 pm.

Staff Meetings Friday,3!mlr.8a,la:30 Friuay, Mow. 89,1&30 2,

pm, pm.


Imprint w@lcomes comments’ ancY,<pinion piecee, from - out readers. The Forum page is designed to expressed iii letters, columns, provide an opportunity to present views on various issues. Opinions be or other articles on this page represent those of their authors and not Imprint. Letters should typed, double-spaced, and signed with name and telephone number, and submitted to CC 140 by 6:00 p.m. Monday. Maximum length of letters: .200 ’ words. Anyone wishing to write - IongqJ, opinionated articles should contact the editor-in-chief. All material is subject to editing. I








Wright responds on fees ~\ ; An open letter to students: I am well aware of the concern that is being expressed by many students about the computer service charges levied in this University. Let me assure you that the decision to introduce these fees was taken by the University only with the greatest reluctance, after extensive discussion that had gone on for several months, and which included the presidents of the undergraduate and graduate students organizations, and after having exhausted all other alternatives that seemed to be practicable. It is not unreasonable that students should find it unattractive to be asked to pay more for education and for related services, The problem is that to maintain quality and to provide various services, such as computing, that are now more or less essential to any notion of quality higher education, costs more money than o is provided bytgovernments and by the present level of tuition fpes. In Ontario grants to universities expressed on a per-student basis have been declining for some years. The average grant per student to Ontario universities in 1977-78 was $6,582. In 198485, the grant per student was only $5,141. That represents a real reduction of more than 21%. Ontario provides, effectively, the lowest support to its universities of any province in Canada. The average per student in the other nine provinces in 1984-85 was $5,976, 16% higher th an in Ontario. (All expressed in 1985-86 dollars.) Under federal/provincial agreements, the federal government transfers substantial sums of money to the provinces for postsecondary education. Until the mid-1970s it paid 50% of the cost of university education in each province. Then the terms of the agreement were changed, and the funds intended for post-secondary education did not have to be spent that way. At the present time, approximately 90% of the money that Ontario uses to support its universities comes from federal transfers. Thus the net cost to the province per university student, per year, is now only a litle over $500, while the federal government pays approximately $4,600 (again, in 1985-86 dollars). You pay in tuition more than twice as much as the net provincial contribution. I believe all this came about because no one persuaded politicians and governments that it should be otherwise. The patterns described above were set in motion by previous administrations at Queen‘s Park and Ottawa. The new Liberal government at Queen‘s Park, when it was campaigning for election, committed itself to help Ontario’s universities. It has now indeed acknowledged that there is a funding crisis in the universities and it has provided some specially earmarked monies for 1986-87. But the recent Ontario mini-budget intensified the constraints, with increases in operating grants for 1986-87 and

1987-88 committed at only 4%, less than expected inflation. Under present allocation policies, Waterloo could receive only 3.4% well under inflation. It is tempting, but not entirely reasonable, to blame the politicians. The real problem is that students, their parents, and parents of prospective students, hav,e generally been indifferent to the degradation in quality that has accumulated over the past decade: obsolete equipment in undergraduate laboratories, excessive class sizes, heavy teaching loads and inadequate attention to individual students. The public focus has been on elementary and secondary education where expenditures have not only kept pace with inflation, but have increased substantially over the past decade. In fact, expenditures per pupil for secondary education have increased, in real terms, 38% in a decade. Last year, when we were preparing the budget for 1985-86, we concluded that we had reached the limit of our capacity to squeeze. We already had a student to faculty ratio of over 23 to 1 {good universities in Europe, the U.S.A. and Japan, couritries with which Canada must compete in a world of new technologies often have student to faculty ratios qf 10 or 12 to 1; that means they are effectively twice as well supported as we are). So it was concluded that our only practical option was to introduce a fee to cover part of the computer expenses. We decided that we shotild not cut back on computer services because we believe that they are important in the education of our students. It is understandable that students should object to the computer fee. But unless the fee continues to be collected, or the University is allowed to increase tuition, there will have to be an immediate and substantial reduction in service. The campaign directed against the computer fees thus becomes a campaign to reduce quality. I do not believe this is what Waterloo students want. I would instead invite-you to join me, constructively, in developing and campaigning for a thoughtful plan for providing the University with resources sufficient to maintain the quality of education at Waterloo, and at the same time maintaining accessibility for qualified students of limited means. Until this campaign can be waged and won, I ask ybu to accept the necessity for the computer service charge. Yours sincerely, Douglas Wright President University of Waterloo

Fees for ICR? AIDS precautions by Alan Yoshioka Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a disease which destroys the body’s natural defences against infection. A cure is still many years away; in the meantime, prevention is crucial. Here are some thoughts on how you can protect yourself. Anyone can get AIDS. AIDS is not a “gay disease”, and never was. AIDS is not caused by homosexuality, nor by “immorality”; AIDS is caused by a virus, which can infect anyone if it gets a chance. Having said that, not everyone is equally likely to catch the disease. Your chances of getting AIDS are practically zero, unless you or your sexual partner fall into one of the major risk groups. AIDS is not spread by casual contact. The only known means of transmission is the entrance of infected bodily flutds (blood, semen, or possibly others) into the bloodstream of an individual. “Safe sex” precautions prevent your sexualfpartner’s bodily fluids from getting inside your body, through your anus, vagina or mouth, or through any break in your skin. Members of high-risk categories should take precautions to protect themselves and their sexual partners. If you don’t know you partners well, ask questions about his or her risk factors. Yes, this can be awkward, but you have a right to protect yourself. l’ou call catch ,\II)S I’IWI~ so111conc \vho has no sync atoms, so don’t wait for signs of trouble before you start thinking about sa f e sex. Promiscuity in itself is not dangerous. Reducing the number of your sexual partners is a sound idea, but monogamy is not magic. If your partner is already infected, simply establishing a sexually exclusive relationship isn’t enough. Anal sex without a condom is a proven risk to the receptive partner. The penetrating partner should wear a condom, and for greater safety, withdraw before orgasm. He should use plenty of lubricant (to prevent damage to the rectal lining), but only of the water-based typed such a Lubafax or Muco; oil-based lubricants such as Vaseline or Crisco will damage the rubber. The risk to the penetrating partner is lower but still significant. AlDS has spread through heterosexual vaginal intercourse. The man should wear a condom and withdraw before orgasm. The receptive partner in oral sex should avoid getting semen in his or her mouth. Pre-seminal fluid (which is secreted before orgasm) may contain small amounts of the virus. The risk is probably not high if the ‘partners stop before orgasm. Deep, wet kisses are probably low-risk. The AIDS virus has been found in saliva, but in concentrations that are likely too low to cause infection, since a healthy immune system can repel small amounts of the virus. Kissing should be avoided if either partner has sores in the mouth. Mouth-onmouth kissing with no saliva exchanged is safe. _ Oral-anal contact (“rimming”) should be avoided since it readily transmits intestinal parasites; the risk of AIDS is probably high also, although medical opinions are divided. Dildos should be rubber or soft plastic. Dildos should never be shared. Putting foreign objects or fingers inside the rectum can cause tearing and increase the likelihood of infection. If you use intravenous drugs, never share needles. Other recreational drugs, particularly marijuana and “poppers” are knpwn to suppress the _ immune system and thus reduce the body’s ability to fight off the AlDS virus. Mait%ain good health. Get plenty of sleep, exercise often, eat well-balanced meals. If you’re in good shape, you’ll be able to resist any infectious agent more effectively. What’s left? Even when using a condom, anal, vaginal and oral intercourse carry slight risks. That doesn’t mean you have to stop having sex if you want to be absolutely safe. Mutual masturbation, fantasy, body rubbing and massage are all safe. Be creative. Safe sex doesn’t have to be boring. Because the rules of the game mean that you and your partner have to be more sensitive to each other’s needs, safe sex can be less mechanical and more satisfying. And you’ll save yourself a lot of worries about your health.

%‘o the editor: Isn’t this interesting: for over a year, Dr. Doug Wright has been telling us that money for the new William G. Davis Centre For Computer Research will not come out of the regular university budget. He has also to14 us that students must “contribute” to the university budget via what he calls a “computer” fee, to the tune of $1.4 million this year. It therefore comes as agreat shock to read (Gazette, November 13) that, in fact, the CRC is going to cost some $1.4 million per year to operate, just the same amount being taken from the students. Dr. Doug, you should be ashamed to take OUR money and use it to run a monument to the person who was the head of the very government you yourself accuse of leaving the University in dire financial straits. Even more, you should be ashamed of the way you rationalize this under the pretext that it will be good for the students. If you really want to collect a “William G. Davis ‘Monument Upkeep Fee”, do that. Do NOT insult us by calling it a computer fee. Scott Welch 4A Computer Science

Fees are not the answer To the editor: i I have been part of the university system since 1979 and have seen my share of campus controversies come and go. Finally, I have decided to put my opinion on paper against the implementation of computer fees. I agree that the situation is a case of government underfunding, and that students should expect to pay for quality education. What I do not agree with is the sneaky way in which the fee was initiated. We knew nothing of the charge until statements arrived. This fee is particularly unfair to final-year students who will not have the benefit of improved systems, but who must pay in order to graduate. Moreover, this affair is a question of incidental fees vs. tuition. In January, I will be taking one course, making me a parttime student. Part time students, the university calendar states, pay no incidental fees. If this is true, why was I charged a $10.00

Freedom from tmr appreciated by Mike Loh After the film Year of the Dragon opened some time ago in Hong Kong, reaction from the viewers was sought since the movie led to demonstrations against its alleged racist nature in Chinese communities across North America. Surprisingly, the viewers were not angered by the fact that a major production from the West chose to portray the Chinese in New York City in such a violent manner. Some even ventured as far is to say that the actual situation in New York’s Chinatown could really be so bad. I watched that movie too sometime before the school term started and found it unnecessarily brutal in some scenes, while aslo having a distinctive view dt overseas Chinese society through Westerners’ eyes. While triads (gangs) arepreseilt where Chinese are present in large numbers, their formation is as mysterious as the members who join. I remember the news about gang clashes between Chinese youths in Kuala Lumpur and I always kept a section map of the areas in town we were advised to avoid (by friends who were once terrorized in various ways), especially when walking alone. It was certainly not a comfortable environment to live in, where one felt restrained to wander through the city just for the fun of it, or go to a 9:00 p.m. movie without worrying about where to park your car. I don’t know how the situation has develped over the years I was here but if the age of these “associations dedicated to fear” tells me anything, it’s that they’re going to be with us for a long time. I was always given the impression that these people chose their victims according to their race, i.e. the Chinese themselves. My Malay or Indian schoolmates were never heard complaining about being extorted by suspicious looking youths who threatened to injure a portion of their body if they didn’t comply. fhe terrorists themselves were often suspected of being drug addicts or degenerates who enjoyed frightening other people, especially young children. Often, high school dropouts jumped on the bandwagon by harassing younger school children at favourite hangouts like shopping complexes and movie theatres. ’ It’s a small boy’s daily nightmare.Although I’ve never been threatened with a dangerous weapon, I certainly didn’t enjoy that period of my life in Kuala Lumpur being one of the thousands of school children coristantly living in fear of “one of those”. It makes the freedom I have here to do whatever I like, whenever I like, a luxury.

Faculty computer fee.7 In this instance, I would assume that we could consider this feezas tuition. I believe in upgrading and quality, but, levying fees of this sort, and in this manner, on the students is not the answer. J. Sweeny Psychology

Ad was in poor taste To the editor: Regarding the notice of there being a vegetarian potluck dinner, (Imprint, November 15), I feel that you? “joke” was in poor taste. As a former UW student, I remember Imprint putting out an issue just before last Christmas that spoofed everyone. That was fun. However, your alteration of the Vegetarians’s Club. notice was . in poor taste and deserves a public apology. Such an action would prove-integrity on your John N. Naur t


To the editor: I was appalled and offended by the entry in the event calendar of last week’s Imprint announcing the vegetarian pot-luck dinner on November 21. It was done in poor taste and showed a lack of sensitivity toward those who advocate such a lifestyle. I hope we do not have to endure such disresuect in further Imprint ‘pu&lications. Adele Brown 3B Psychology

, .

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22,. 1985 L


bee6 serving excellent, inexpensivepizza since the dawn of time. *We speak of course, of none othei than the Kent Hotel. The financial formalities of this fabuloue creation are as follows: $5.00 for a 2-.item medium pizza, and an amazing $8.4, for -a 4-i&m 15” square pizza! Granted, they don’t deliver, but what% a short trip to ‘Uptown’ Waterloo to pick up a scrumptious pizza? (You could stajr, eat it therti, and observe, the entertainment. although this is not recommended.) if. regular deliver pizza outlets are to be compared ’ put off by ~~~~~~~ ,,,,&& ’ to Moreover, places stich as GO Pizza an B Pizza Palace, which delivers only on campus, it isonly fair to ihclude the non-delivery outlets as 1 well. After all, isn’t value and quality what it’s all abofit? Let’s , I To the editor: face it, no pizza review is complete here in K-W without a In the past, I’ve sincerely enjoyed Imprint, especially the merition of the Kent Hotel. > album reviews. But in last week’s edition, I was, to put it mildly, Frank van‘Biegen. . -\ disappointed with Paul-Donels revie’w of the lastest LP from the Rob Graham . Wa.terboys, This is the Sea. Lars Wilke ’ Simply callirig it “a bad album” to ‘me reflects Mr. Done’s gift Tom J?ulton for vocabulary. To say that “Mike Scott$ voice hqs never been 4A Pi&a Appreciation worse” and that their first LP A POaganPlace (which I dotibt he 1 _ knew the title of) was full of “breast beating pomposity”, nearly turned my stomach. How can he call Red Ar,my Blue!,- a heart tugging ballad of a Soviet soldier condemned to death in Siberia after WWII - pompous ? 1 alhays thought th$t pbmpous meant i arrogant ?nd snobby. The Thrill is Gone, a song‘about the sad . TO the editor: After reading last week’; article, “Some foreign students admittance to the end of’s love affair, obviously falls under the category bf pompous in Mr. Done’s ideology. He also made the prefer to stay in Canada after study”, Ihave to write an opposing mistake of calling it their debut EP. Did this uninformed Paul article, which should be titled, “Some Canadian students prefer. to study.” It’s not the staying in Canada that enrages me’, it’s Done even bother listening to the whole album? As-for This is the Sea, I happen to think that songslike DJn’t Sorbara’s backing of this Woo character on the reductionbf difBang the Drbm have a driving melody, and combined with ferential fes! As far-as‘! am concerned, foreign stu’dents which Scott’s urging vocals, make for a brilliant follow up album, not a- means every student who is not a Canadian citizen or-a \ anded. immigrant in my lingo) should not only ha\ve their differential “lumpy unappealing mess”. Then, if that isn’t enough, on the very same’ page ‘he gives a fees increased, but should also undergo differential grading. This country, an’d particularly this province, cannot afford to positive review of Jerry Jerry and the Rythm Orchestra’s LP educate even its own citizens, and it is to th,em that it owes an ’ whichis ridiculousljr titled Raid Gore: The Band that Drapk’too Much. He calls it “perfect-for.your favorite hoe down”. With a educatiop. We,dannot afford to extend our gratuitious arms to other tion-Third World coiintries, when we are by miny peqple’s musical taste like that, how can you consider his opinion worthwhile? I guess because Mik\e Scott doesn’t write music full of definition a Third World country. guitar bar chords, it doesn’t fit into Paul Done’s file. Tell him that s Besides, these foreign students aren’t being charged differenbands like Th’e Waterboys, Lloyd Cole and the Commotions, and tial fees anyways, they are merely paying the same amount over Echo and the Bunnymen are making music that matters and he ashorter period of time! All Canadians end up,paying at least the will be left behind with his Jerry Jerry and the Nun molesters. full cbst of theiceducation through taxes during their lifetime. If As &avid, well informed music fan, I suggest to you the editor we assume that a $X400 tuition covers 16% of the real cost of to dd yourself a fav’our and un-staff Mr. Paul Done ‘and get education, then a foreign students who comes to Canada anly for someotie on album reviews who knows music! the education period and returns home should be paying $8,750 Matt Wilson I I ($1400/0.16) for that same education, not the $6,700 that Woo complains about!\ 1st yeai Arts . .’ . .’ To the editor:




Every so oft& *a’;; article appears in a n:wspaper which catches youreye, as you wish you had researched and written it ’ yourself.‘Such is the tale with the Pizza Review, which appeared in last week’s Imprint. To the untrained eye, this may have seem&d like a thorough treatise on the subject, when ip fact, the ship left long before’the a@icle’s author had a chance to pack his,bags. One of the most respected establishments in!own has

Quick tieah for studenfs tin the run 1 d

by Cindy #Long


Often, especially at term’s end when everything is due the same day, we want to eat fast. Eating fast and eating well seems contradictory, but it’s not impossible POdo both. With a minimum of planning, you’ll a-lways have, something to prepare quickly before that 7:00 p.m. class. ’ Those squishy canned vegetables always remind me of grade nine biology where we picked out the fish organs (and saved the eyes to freak out our friends). Frozen vegetables look and taste better and cook in 5-10 minutes. Don’t put the ‘vegetbles directly in the water. Instead, get one,pf those metal strainers that look like army helmets for penguins. That way, you need only put about an inch of water in the pot, put the veggies in the steamer and cover it until about five minutes after the water has boiled. The food ‘tastes twice a$ good when you don’t boil away half the (lavouf;and you save water and time. (Less water takes le,ss time to ‘boil.) Potatoes can’be boiled in their skins ahead of time and saved, covered, in.the fridge until you need them. Fry them ‘up with.oni’ons and butter. Fast-fry pork chops and those 1ittl’e”steaks” really do cook fast and easily overcook.and get dry. Try adding onibq flakes ‘and black pepper to them before frying in butter. Frozen fish cooks in 15 minutes in a toa+ter-oven ‘or electric frying pan. Any spaghetti Sauce, chili, stew or chowder make< a great time-saver if you cook a huge batch ahead of time and use it , as needed. Sapdwich‘cx are fast, as is soup. Make your own ‘ywojmanhandlers’? by takidg a basic soup (tomato or leek) and adding your own favourite veggies an@ spices or even cooked ‘rice. It’s filling, and if you mix it up one day when you have some precious spare time, you’ll be happy you did one day _ when’you don’t. . if you get ,stuck for sandwiches fbr quick meals, at least make your life. interesting. l%uy rye breads, wheat breads, pumpernickels, etc.’ Experience different cheeses,, often cheaper at deli counters. A delicious bread- that gives you your money’s worth is the long Dimpflmeier’loaf in the’red, bl.ue and white wrapper sold at Zehr’s and the Natural Food Market. It’s firm-enough thrdt’you can spread on even cold butter without teaiing it to shreds. Fish chow&r is eve of the,,quickest ‘meals 1 know even if you haven’t prepared anything in advance. ,” SimpleYFish



c l/2 lb.. 4 1.lb. chopped fish fillets(bluefish is cheap’ 3 cups milk l/4 cup butter “1’ ,114 cup+flour .-_ 2-3 chopped %oma’to& . .- j 2-3 sliced green ‘onions 1 tsp. dried basil \ -j salt and pepper 2,:: , . , In a large saucepan or pot,. melt:the bu&r. Add. the fipur and stir it in well. Add the milk gradually, stirring until thick and smooth. Add everything elese. Cover, reduce heat and cook for 5-10 minutes. *As a variation, skip the flour and butter and use a can ‘of “cream of.....” soup and orie can of milk.


. Forei&A




I iYo&ld not know how to begin to “un-staff” ,.

Divine To the editor:

etig&e&itig~ ‘ -




of Civil



, ‘Canadian




He was senior minister at New Orlean’s St. Charles Ave. presbyterian Chufch, &d it was during my second stint a! Tulane , Unive’rsity z&e graduate student in English, 1972:74, that I &me ,. under the sway of Dr. Phifer. No one. simply “met” Dr. Phifer; one ‘was .led to him, one Sat down before him and, hearincj him preach, one came under his sway.- He was the gre’at?st preacher I have ever heard, 1have heard pleqty. I once rated (as one would rate restaurants),the 2,000odd , churches in Toronto for the glossy “city” magazine Torqnto Life., No one held a candle to Dr. Phifer, either in pulpit presence or y sermon cqntent, arid I was forced at last to use him as the s&dard by which I assessed all others. His pulpit style was rhetorical without, being histrionic,*and his delj\iev was simply spell-binding. As to content, no greater tribute can be paid a pieacher than to say that his sermons stand the test of reduction to writing. To read Dr. Phifer’s sermons, whether or notyou were privileged to hear him,. is to be.inspired, encouraged, and erinobled. For accuracy of exegesis, magnanimity of spirit, and effective lyricism, I would set them beside Lancelot An- . drewes’ or John Dopne’s /sermons any’ day. In the twentieth century, an age not. much given to’ publishing .and perusing sermons, his compeers would be Harry Emerson Fosdjck and the Scottish preacher James Stewart. As I look over Dr. Phifer’s sermons now (I have, and am glad ‘that I have, a full set) I am astounded by his breadth of learning, his knowledge of English and American literature, his topical use of current events -, so much ‘so that a mort age combany iti I Flbtida ‘f~reqlosing on a riegro woman for 370 in arrears betomes as mem&able & levite passing by a certain man in a ditch -- and his. resbainedlbut &ltiays accurate use of s&ipture. To , , hea hiti%‘was’ to ‘hear $e word expounded, and t@ distressing

“@iration of ;the <week. -- @&her it be a hurricane hitting, New 9y&qns, or 3 (In@ ?a&$ pre+ect lying at ,hoqe .ar?d ordering .. ;. .‘_ ,, ’ r I’.. ._,, \ 1.









bicyclist .had been involved in an accident with a car. The aceident had occurred on Cy,lumbia where the path to Suhn’yd$le crosses it. Earlier in the term.my route tb campus had me turning left 6ff ‘af Columbia at this intersection. It became apparent to me that ’ this was a dangerous activity. -I filled otit a bicyglesafety report. t-ried to encourage some of my friends to do the same and ‘changed my rbute. Today I wish I had dane more. 7 )-.- I would like to make sbme suggeStions .to.my fellow~bicylclists .which dome from my own expkrienc?: \ 1) Install a mirror bn your handl,e bars. I wouldn’t want to ride ’ without one’again.’ ; w2) Always carry a light at &ght. It never ceases tg amaze me just- how hard it .is to see a cyclist at night wit-hotif a light, no -~ matter how many refIkct.ors he or she may have. If you are approachink the c&mpus on Philip from Albert, & ’ 2) no;t turn on Columbia but .@ther continue on the the new. B . oarking lot. It is safer and-generally faster. ’ T1 Ridkdefensively, you.r life is at stake. . Tom pradshaw * _

4A c!$-.,

/ ‘

To the editor:

~ Mine died last-week.


should-‘pay more - ,

d&fended. *.*

So John Zaohariah thqught Fanny and Alexa&er was a bore:ti dan just piicture him squirmimg in his seat and scratching his head:’ what no car chase scenes man? Oh downer! Ce’rtainly Fannyand Alexander doe; not have the pace of a Spielberg fl’ic~, but this does nbt render it a bore. What is more lik-elv is that the attedtion spansbf certain persons are limited to the itandard 90 minute “Raiders” feature and any film that steps outside of this restriction *is deemed “boring’: - this effect being more of a . Comment on those persons’ own diminutive viewing capticities _ than on the-film itself. Secondly, F&y and Alexander is anything btit “banal”; the film addresses ‘questions of meanihg, faith.,.death atid religious hypocrisy ifi ti very earnest, urgent manner. It is easy for some to offhandedly dismiss such.a film as pretentious and boring for the simple ,reason that it fails.to satiate their base thirst for, - excitement and sensation. Fanny and Alexander remains, how‘film which. draws one along ever, a beautiful and provocatiie with comic bitterness and wonder. Lastly, if Imprint is. going to serve as a breeditig ground for novice film critics,‘maybe you should find one with a.little more potential. Mr. Zachaiiah’s review of Fanny and Alexander ‘suffers from such ineptitude and shortsightedness that nd serious legitimacy can be accorded to his criticisms. . Ian,Pomtioy . 3B Econdmics . / / ,,Edilors inote: The-failure to thoroughly enjoy a Be man fil+m 9 does not make one a Philistine. ‘,~

3 Seine bicycle safety tips Totheeditor . Riding home last Friday afternoon I saw a terribly&d sight. A

F. Chow wrote on November 15 in answer to my letter,“There cari only apply to unobserved is’ a creator,” that probability ’ event’s and natural selection is‘no purely random model, The contrivance of today is that rasidom. particles evolved by chance into the most primitive lifti fortis, which in turn evolved .. I by natural %el&tion over billions of years. It is the hyIjothetica1 evolutiop tram random, d#t to tian for which infinite &ne is conjectured. However, even the aeons suggested for the originating.of species render this evolution?., life undbservable, and consequently,illusory by its very defin_ltion. The concept of naturalselectioii may be partly random, b&t contradicts the observable: as nature changes, the adaption of life extinguishes mostly complex animal species and merely . changes forms. wibhin surviving species. Thus, the observable natural law is devolution by the extinciion of abundant kinds of animals, which, in accord with Gene-: &s, were created by God directly not sb long ago. * J.,Schroeder Department

Tom Fuiton 8th Generation (4A M.E.)


bombs dr&ped abroad -- addressed and put into perspective: Always one came away feeling that no matter how bad the world was, God was at work and. would have the last word and the.last word would .be lifegitipg.. + ’ I ‘, I I wish I could say-that tti~~e-ma’rve~dus Sermons w&e published.,They aren’t. ,But they are prestirved -- not in bookfoim, but on mimeographed she&. - in th&‘files’qf. hundreds c$ persons , fortunate enough’to have been 9~ Qr. Phiftir’s mailing list. A few of his sermons were publjshed by John Knox Press under the title Tales of Human Frailty and The. Gtintleness of God, which long ago went oout of print (my efforts to wangle a reprint riotwithstanding). A Book df Uncommon Prayer (Upper Roain, 1983), is .. still available. ‘.‘As virtuous mkn p&ses’mildly away, / And whisper to their soules, to goe ... *.’ -- so begins John D&ne’s “A Valediction: ,forbidding mourning.” But it no more applies to Dr. Phifer than the ,words of these who clair! that preaching is a dead art and its effectiveness doubtful’. Dr. Phifer was a titan of a Dreacher in the liberal Protestant tradition,. which does not ha& many enlight- , ened thundere!s and titanic preachers left. I prefer to depict his. passing in the grand style,‘as befits the man, with John Donne’s Holy Sonnet’ #4: “At the round e@h’s ir&aginzd comers, blow . ;;E;tTe; ts, Angells, ai-td arise, arise tr you numberless infin#ies Of soules, ahd to your scattered bodies gp .;.” \ Like asly minister ‘on whbin or$ &rq& to depend, I,thought he’d be around forever.’ iYow.he’s gone. The fact that he wa’sthere and preaching Sunday and Sunday was enough to,inspire me to do the same, The fact that he’was faithful to the Gospel that he preached is enough to-encourage me to carry on. ’ (The Rev. Dr. Tom York is Or@@ Chutch Chaplain to the Univer- ’ sity ofi.W&eiloo‘and Wilfrid Laurier Univ&sity. His office is at St. F~~s@lege:) ,I,,,, , 1, ~ ., _I .-_, ‘. ,. \

: , * .

, .


.,candidute uses.age $0 his advantage:

UJ?Vstudent :to represent Elmira trip to twenty-three countries as part of an international peace mission to listen to others and try to seek solutions to foreign policy David Leis is abusy young man. Now that he has been elected to issues. the Woolwich town council, Leis will become an even busier young Leis said he ha? much to offer his community: he has grown up in Elmira, has always been active in community affairs, and expresses ’ map. That is why Imprint did not bring you this story last week it’s not easy to track down and catch up with someone who is a genuine concern for his town. In addition, he considers himself to running from class to council meetings and fixing stal,led cars on be open to new ideas. . ’ In the coming years, Leis intends to “read a lot and talk to people Ring Road in between. In view of the fact that Leis and this devoted reporterregularly attend two of the same political science classes, a lot”. He places great value on listening to. as many people as pqssible in order to see an issue from as many points of view as getting a hold of him required extensive footwork. possible. He also maintains that it is important for a good councilIn the November 12 eledtion, Leis, a 19’year-old political science student at U W, became the youngest person to hold elected office in lor to make an effoft to get involved with various groups in order to the municipality. Leis now represents Elmira on the Woolwich keep in touch -with his constituency. In order to have more time to town council. devote to his constituency, Leis plans to reduce his course load here Although only 19 years’of age, Leis does not view his youth as a at the univergity. When speaking of a possible ffiture in politics. Leis said he is not handicap. He said he has extensive experience in dealing with ‘. people and with issues, and noted that, “It’s unfair to judge a sure whether he will be running in the next eletipn. Before he can make that decision, he said he, would like to fully understand his person’s ability solely dn the basis of age”. Leis added that he was to try out thiS role. bprn into*politics and grew up in a family which placed high value job, and he is grateful for the opportunity on individuals and on working with people. When asked whether he plans on working his way up to higher If anything, Leis has tbrned his age into an advantage. He belevels of politics, he stated that it was difficult to say. “1 don’t want to discount any possibilities,:’ he said Gith a smile. lieves that, by virtue of his age, he can offer a unique p$rspective on Leis went on to say that he wants to do something rather than be a issues. He maintains that a council should be’made up of people of somebody. In his opinion; “ We have more than enough egotistical different ages and of various backgrounds. David Leis said *his-background, too, is a source of new perspecl politicians,” and he. doesn’t plan on becoming one of them. tives. This background includes involvement in community-affairs And what does fixing stalled cars on Ring Road have to do with and organizations, involvement on university committees: and a all this political business? He’doesn’t know either,. . by Marie Sedivy imprint staff

‘. David




by Glenn Rubinoff Imprint staff



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Take three Waterloo co-op students, an innovative concept and the intiative of a new corn-pany and what do you get’? The answer is ‘King Chip’, a computer information game with the focus on “entertainment through education’*. It’s an interesting way of learning about computers,” said Isaac Szpindel, an engineering student at U W, and orre of the students involved in the development of the game. 1t is a unique computer game as it adoes not require a compufer to play. \ ‘Szpindel, along with Jay Mil-

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lman ahd* Robert Kudlacek Szpindel, the co-ordinat ior _ (also Wat&loo students) were of these questions, said that they approached by ’ Christopher are “not trivia but real infoimation” and that “anyone can do Seepe, president of XY LYX well”. (pronounced “Zy-1ex”) Computer Entertainmet Limited, while King Chip has five levels of on a work term at Lampar question difficulty and the obTechnologies in Toronto. They were asked to develop a wide ject is to gain the throne of& “King Chip” and maintain it by variety of questions for a corn-. correctly answering questions petitve board game dealing with at’ the various skill levels. topics such as data communicaThe game was first introtion, history and current events, , duced at the MacWorld Expohardware, software, jargon and sition in Boston last August and. acronyms, and potpurri. has since done yell.in the U.S. The Waterloo students spent a mor@h researching facts as and &as recently at a computer shqw in Montreal. There has well as. reading. and watchitlg TV to help in the formation of also been a King Chip competition and a radio quiz show in’ pos$ible ideas and questions.

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Journalist. to deliver kcture on’ pornography next week On Thursday, November 28, journalist Susan Cole will give the students of the University of Waterloo a lecture on the controversial topic of pbrnograph Y. .Cole will explore the indus,tries that promote pornography, the pornography image itself, as well as the pros and


cons of censorship. A free lance journalist and fp!nding editor of the feminist tabloid Broadside. Cole is soon to release a book on the issue of pornograPhYe Toronto-born,’ Cole offers a Candian point of view on sexuality in mass media. She also explores other forms of mass,

media that promote sex’ual inequality and violence against” women. As a rock journalist frequently published in Now and Graffiti magazines, she speaks on the medium of rock videos as well. Cole will be speaking in the Physics building; room 145, at 7:30’ pm: Admission is free.

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make careers and men can g&&me experience at nurtuting,‘ “so - they cari have contact wit@ moie concrete values df life,” she said.’ W-otien shpuld also be wor’king.$ get a Jlousewife’s labour tq be valued like any otherjoband,pave it calcu.@ed in!he gross national. , product. won ten years ago: never mind-move ahead,” she said. . ‘I “Hey ‘you yuppies,’ or daughters of yuppies who are dressing’for Most importatly though, women need to get i&o officelo dog11 ‘. this, Friedan said, - wgmen with women’s values. “They have to _ success. You can’t have it a41unless you begin to seriously restrucrun for elections, lose and run again,? Becau’se women don’t have ture the home and work.” unless jobs are ‘restructured from the rat race’ of frantically influence wLith corporaiions, nor-old boys’ iietw,orbb to raise ‘cam-. climbing the ladder all day, six dafl a week, no one can raise a child paign money, thky musi work on building.:new f&&g petworks. and have a Career too, she said. When it i’s considered normal to “Women won’t.rule the world. We’ll settle for 50 pFr,,cent, b&t we I spend part bf the week child rearing then wqmen Jnight be able to must have that,” she said.

turned off by the feminis‘ts themselves. ’ Feminists‘frdm all, over the world speaking at t’he lnternation$ Conference on the Status of Girls, and Betty Friedan, author of,The Feminine Mystique, touched on the same theme. ’ They- are worried that women will s,uffer a new-wave of oppresidn if today’s girls do not ttine in to the urgency of yorking fol lasting improvements in their. political and social conditions. 1 Benoit Groult, a French Author, told the conference that- although anti-femicist rhetoiic used to come fro,m tien, now it comes .~~i~&&&~ being @s&d. 86 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from women.: ‘1 I-. _ y . I _. ’ I’ > _ “Bqrn liberate& (the giiii of the ’70s and ’80s) have a te,ndkncy to Batchelor’s ‘i&a& office as telOTTAWA (CUP) - Protests -! protest the . administration’s African ktudents to study in think that there-is nothicg left to fight or co,nquer,“-she said. . -I against apartheid are spreading .cancellation ,of -’ an apart heid evision cameras rolled. Canada. / ’ When asked the question “Do yiru‘considkr yo.hrself a feminist?” _ simulation day.’ Students were protesting the .A{ .McGill, hindreds of stuon colle’ge wniversity1 cami acroSsand Canada Several you,ng CEGEP women interviewed said they’d never real,ly puses The simulation would - have council’s November 4 reversal dents were. set to rally Nothought about it,, or they didn’t care. One wpman looked as if she’d vember 48 before a board of’ meant privileges for .black And ‘of an earlier deCision to boycott _ ,At Caileton Uoiveisity in Ot.been-asked if she tiere a dting beetle. South African products, write ‘coloured- Champlain students govern&s meeting where t# J tawa recently,’ about 100 stu- However, some young women have thought about it very’care10 multiziation$ls in that coun-., governors w’ere to vole on a dents marched into. the outer - for a day, and corresponding fully. Caroline’ Maxwell, a student at Vanier College, does not office of President .disadvantages f&r whites;. .’ -try ‘to conde&a their -invest-’ _ four-part divestment mo$ion. William consiflei herself a feminist. “1 like wearing make:up and 1 want to -The protestprs got. cam&s _I nients there aild :;.l&by the’ The governors agreed to vo’te- _ Beckel and- presented him with , get married so.me day,” she said, “but that d.o,csn’t mein ! don’t care a 3 000 signature -peti.ion dedirector- George Wal4ace’s atMcMaster , .administratidn to after 20 students occupied the _ ’ about equality because 1do. Those aq! the things 1want to dq and 1 t maiding the university divest un‘iversity’S administ.r.-tion ’ .tention by whistling, yelling and;’ forni a pqhcy on investing in don’t think there is anythin@vr’opg’wlthIhat,:but you can be made , from companies whiqh do b&i! clapping in unison. Three’ adSouth Africa. building.last month. ’ bi . to think there is.“-, -, I. , - . ,..I .. Batchelor said the group’s The motion asks McGill:t-q ‘ministiators .includibg Wallace Sonja Ltirson, & Dawson Coilege stbdent, &es .noi%think her ness ‘yith Sotith Africa, ‘an& ’ came out and’ a de’ljate thbout . ioncertis were justified because dispose of all holdings in batiks . .Xake South African pi-odudts off male friends are the problem. “They’re doing tli&&t they C&I&” she ca,tipus. the cancellation, tuined into a the council’s reversal looked ). which don’t agree to stop lend,’ said. “Feniinism isn’t tha $a! i&ue. It’s a system (or,systems) where strange. shouting match. ing money to the Sbuth African. , ’ it’s profitable to expi&t’wtimeti - in th” media arid i&e work- . “Beckel, under tie pressuie of He said coundil changed its The administrators said the government; immediately dis__ i fbrce.” For Larsdn,.discrimination has to lose,its :pr$it appeal. Several. teleyision cameras, jouiday would .have .meant disrupmind because it stands to lose pose of holdings in cdrporaBetty Friedan, who spoke ‘about her ikw book, The Second ’ palists &$I &dents, promised, tions owned <or controlled~ by J , tion of classes, v_iole,@%and dis-; $12,000 if it decides to. boycott, _ ’ ~Stage, is al39 worried ,+b?$ the impotence of the feininist moveSovtb Afrie+c products -. ,_ F0ut.h Afndlifn~~t~rests; dispose to retiowmend:. to ;Car@on’s ..cfiriiination. ment. She said. ttiie $ovemeri‘r:is&‘I, dead,.. .but dying +d.,in @-time s,,, Bo@d. 6f-$3ovein6rs $$tt.,th6y~~~ . .Ai., McMastei \ l)&vwsit$‘,,: $6,000 through; a’%$ss’:of~saf& 1,. Q& ” bldings -:in ,&rporat-ions ‘dan@r; The- fern-it&t msvem$+ o&essioh$&d @~~@&a$@$ @~~-,!;dives;t.~~ L__. ,, . . . ’ _ students : gath&ed~ oetsidtii ihe ’ : and &nd&r $6,000 thr&vgh; t$&- ,si with& direct ‘inveStments in its internal>power strtiggles makes it irrelevalit to the inajority gf loss of a counter the South Afror “It was &at to &“him council‘officesto d.emonstcate South Africa; and’ make no _I women. ’ _- fl_ _. sweat,” said Rick Ward&n, a.seagainst, council flip-flop on can-co-ntrolled Rothman’s further iritiestments to corpora.- Eriedan cqmparid thi: paralysis’ of.the w&men’b’&&ement today tions’ linked in any way wi’th cond-year journali_sm student at - I apartheid, then piled, 136 -the agreed- to build in the student _ to a .similar %ig sl&p” after women won khe- right *io vote at the Carleton president’s office for a shortgrocery,stork. / South Africa. j who attended ! the I beginning of tJe centu,ky. “vtz, fotight for. 190 ye!s to getthe,vote,” i rally. Batch$lor said the money lived sit-in. She s&i& tT&t after +We won.it~!&$&lt Off-till ta@iIltS~-bf irvOm<‘n ,‘- At Chamdlaih CEGEP in St. The discussion heated up. could be better spent on actions Last Mbnday, the ,Bsard of ha&g “tiystica4 piiritiy and’ ‘wamen.<fiihtidg in the temperence ’ Lamb&, about 80 students sat when about half of the .esti- like -sending delegates to South Governors voted to divest itself moveinefit .” “ Get off PornograPhYl”- she said,,“and face the rea1 down in front of +he campus mated 80 protesters cr\ammed Acrica to express students’ conofjts holdings and investmenti .. ._ .,/ * obscenity of,tionQmic’pove’rty;-@irector’s office .last month..to terns :q bringing black Sout.h ’ that ai-e related to South Africa. inside council president Roger x . :‘The real shameful secret. today is not Sexu$.%~&: &s:‘pqvert~ , and increasing proportions of the tru4y poqr are,w?Fen:and cl&id. ren:,o-f single mothers.” .The older feminists have to listeu to yhuhg’women ‘id find out _ how the problems and concerns of women havechan&e&‘she,&d, if . \ I, . I


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&rodp,” she said. -’ VlCTqRlA (CUP)-The&Morris - Sutliei&nd,‘. i;U ;’ ,$stant\deah of education at tht: piesid?nt, said Skailes’s comUniversity of Victoria Jlas r& ments show he$hasa stereotypil commended the Native Student ‘cal ~-B&de : towards native Union be evicted froni the,office students on\campus.” it has .occupied for five years According to..,Swailes, .when ,,because & claims its members :<leaye agar@$e lying af5u.nd, use 1’ ihe rqon was”‘*,‘stipervis’ed” by a-‘~ :’ .’ vulga;;f. langua@,i:ai# $bly use ‘I‘now ret&d eductition,$rof&sor’~ :wh.oek&& his r’esource material: “; i t‘he spa& for s&cial gurposes. trai+g, t in .a.let&fi’:to I& @zninistra- 1: & .the. Native+ach& Ttive collea&$ ati&t@$ W+ttivti ” \Z;rggram there, ihe room had a - 1: Stude%t Ufiion, Ro~ert,~Swail$s ~I’ -defin$e-.purhose, But since the> ” I&‘$- tias’. $nceiled, Swdiles said occupants ~@$i~g~,ouring offices-‘ ‘c@plaipc-d .’dr’ “n&e j “. se&&o Teaion foi- i nafiie stu& -“‘.-‘! . ‘- -and \Ihlgal;‘.la~gua;~~~,~‘~.~d.said ’ ! ‘.deqI union> ,. . lunch~m~~~~a~s,.l~fr”~~~~~‘office “L.. ‘- :.$f@h&land s&‘ld t her NSU ‘i,, : -i a; a stippoti‘ E ! create ,extib Jainit&i.al work and ’ vety’ importa& i “thus indirbctly-affect&e clean- I gioup god liaison between tl& c ’ ’ likess- of the rest of. the build- ’ U Vic cq-mmunity and the n&v?! . ._ community. / I -’ _ing.” Swailes referred to the r&m ’ : The objecti+eq outline in iti . _/. -- I as “a lou,nge. or casual meeting :,. .,..cor@tuion inclti.de supporting- ..-+~&&,~~& r~&qh’:$, --r;i, ’ :- the- le$de&hip ’ ’ $ the ()&a& Tories add a dyrhd of’c+ventioneers at the Mktro Codventioh Centp ‘la&,-‘ p!ace” rather than) p.,Testiurce: ~ rura! ?srt,ivc studentsand dcvel” Photo by Neal BgDnd<ii Satyr&y. H‘e received 19 mqre w?tes that Dennis Timbre11 owLthe -second. ballot,x. . r, . . room a@ ;&id $# F&s “{his ; aping a: natiirc student network : d, . wit$-%;qthe< X&@dian unive\psicould, be a ’ nre&&nt ,:fcr_rother _.*’ miriority .& - I. demand’ ape,-. .. 1n-t be- ic “The w.SIJ can19$&.furiction p, :KELOW,NA 2; -. B.C. I(‘CcP) 2, ‘sort of Xpri!@te: meeting. We . en’! &gre. that cap&al gra$to .+ bcd&t. ;,- - -___&2 4A.’ . - liev’e .$&les ,,is bei?& f&l..el c&-d 11 ab 11s;upporc- grouprs’~members univ&i‘ties couldn‘t he used to. .- .Bennett agl;eed Tuesday to‘s 1Premier:Bill:Bennett turned an -,‘&ere intimidaied by the m&q; . they \ ,h@ye- a ,I Fomplaint ,t’hey ~w+h~&&ff~r frofl &i&-e &j&if ‘hire moie prqfessors. * * public mee<ing when it fits l&d-.’ x ailgry . protest to. political ad- $here,” she said. As well-as invit’ : should ipproa;ch” usJ;z!: ,‘$i$$.--‘ ~-~enc~lmeetlng:ada & akaila‘- _ -vantage - last week when he ink tc‘@greporters, Bennett also flew Despite/this, Okanogan stuschedule. _ “Spector said w$ U nion‘m&kbef‘ K&I~,L~~~~~xI~ : ‘ :‘hw;,sy;~ pi;yp+y$* : _ ‘cbuld get back to us this we& .vited -ne:wslmcdia to a. meetjng +in the ldebuty finance inir@ster &nt Lorne Todderian said the .’ ,LsL.l^N S U .&$r$~~ry’$$heila -dIpv ia ! HE;“Tmyu :Luwyeyes it6 purpoge’ qn a meetin’g,” said Schild. ,;-;’ yin the deputy- [inance -minister s&-day sit-in in Bennett’s &ice with colre’ges ‘stud.ents; Telev; .- added: r’lt ,w@.&b<.nice t:o he&r* I_1s ’ especially~ti$ortant be&use- .!’ sion cameras traxiiformed (‘the ‘;pavid Ern&soni and ihis deputy -. earlier this month sti&eded -bePIFPII,O w-r:.--A--s-L-L - a direct complaint.. Wd-dLbbl VL IIBLIV~’ equearlon programmes %iinister Norman Spector tb atcause students met ,with the pre‘$rivate meeting,’ into a spark: ,Bennett agreed colelge Fe& . . an opportunity to work out any. have d&ndled at UVic. __ _. _Gnu medin P\IPnt fr\r t+..pre- ,tend the me&g. m>er. + *_, are- high, b,ut blamed them &n F:problems wlthi,n-our group.” * The &tive;stodents, .will’_ -presw~““c ‘” _. 1 In- an open- televised deba.te, - He b&d the ‘&cup&on will _- , , zfz,. .--A-. .LA~wYAY faculty salary increases. l-i& si[d c Alexis s8;-’ -Cl,. --uL-L..- =. ---_* rpJ UllC llCllUCl lci enr 1-r. letters orFsupport; rncludmg I. be a “90 per&m suc&sS”‘if Ben. The students expected- a pri? .Betinett asked the &de&s ‘he $ould discuss the issue wi& IP rAArn k,,‘ did& one frdm- the retired .piofessor. .vtite meeting with Bennett when Tque$tions they hadn’t prepared the college% board of d irectars. _. thigk being.evi&ted I&S t he ap:. ’ to S-waililes,s.pace allocation per: <or/-Unable to back up -claims , Schild said the meeting wis ” they arrived at his office on Nopropriate respond. ‘: ’ sonael, and the un’iversitppi-esithat it was harder than ever to ‘,_ At the ‘occupation’,‘students arranged to discirss details of&,, vember 11, but instead werk c rb\we.‘..c. “#a.-... 3G1i-1~~~lating =,‘c&nt to stopIhe’evict,ioh‘o;der. WC IG. na a.,14 ,.get a st@ent loan;,the students greeted by.reporters, said Karen de_manQed-a public meeting, an public forum aI the ,colleg*,, hot Schild-, an Okanogan ‘college,also weren’t awawre qf -a ‘stu- all-@-ant student _aid’-- pro- ‘: education issjies. ,‘“l fhihk ‘ii& ,‘dent readmissidnk programtii?; gra.mme, a reductio? of!tuitidn ‘student coutltiillor. really. sleazy on Bennett’s cart .* 0ti.k last;“: fees to pie-restraint levels, &d to. make it ‘a public &yet<ng; “we didn’t - k&ow* what t9 .-announced ai apart :-Mdtch% &&get. -T&y al&*werdo guts in cdll’<ges’ 1986-87 she said.1 ’ , . j ..: I think,‘ We had assumed it.was I, _. ‘. ’ r. ”

in& shining,piedia even&.



. ’ ’


_I : . submi’t$ng’ the be& &qigr&?bp . ,- Imprint staff . < pqize, is ,$ ~SlO$OO .‘__-(bursar-yl I I * ll_. Aiehitecture 37 l* at U W ‘is i cqurse with ‘a difference this term, The Minister of Enargj;%&s provid& each s&&i sf; &&i&&~ ’ mainly due-co an Ontario,goveinr&nt spbnsored student con;lpeti: . . .-involved iA the com&itiot!.ti$h jnformation packages b<hiich in-’ c:,, elude bo,oklets on ?& R-2000 standard asd design bractices, and a ’ _ The;seven architectur%l <nd two planning students taking the ’ -Fech$i+i’i? fo<.e$tluatf$& -dn&& loss in a. b.uildin& An lBM-Pc cotirs~ found oat-‘ai’th&r’fi$ I‘ecihre that the course work‘would _eenter. around‘ producing +%&ns for thk R-2000 Student DeGgii ’ ..saftwa?e pahkage- is;prb+ided as&n aid to -ti&tilatitig heal%&. ::% “At %@erh@, the Arch, 37 1, ,dourse-is <$ea’ching the .prin&iples ..@f :Challerige; Three ‘&sigoS $&&ted:~.by the c!ass will be entered, oni’ t etie$y~@fi&& deiign. ;Althougb:“this &urse is. not zi, new &&$ + behalf of Uw’s school of.archite’cture. , -* / d . ;i^;‘Fp.ec$all$Ijffered for thiis &nipetitio& ‘the‘professor of the coti&,:’ The’ R-2000Student .Ij,sign1~haileri~e is-i desigfi cb;mpe&@ for Joe Soinfav of the school o.farc%it.@ure, hasm&ifi&d itsib&&.+& students ‘atXOctario’sschools of,architecture and ardhitecturql tech- - c suit mth&-p&pqse. Althoughthe&urs;e‘ise&titled “Designing ang -nology. Students are asked .~t.o design comfortable, _affordable Building q@h -,S$+r sncrgy”, -the emphasis’ is’ really on :energ,y / honies inc,orpoyatipg. thkxbtesf. innovation9 in ‘designing&d @in-conserva$i:afi a\cd tk$ deG@ of.energy-‘~fic.~~~~~~ ‘$fdings,,&hich-are -strutting Jew-energy housing; The competition is Sponstiied by the marketable‘: and not overlyX‘exp&sive t,b &$d,, .9 echniques-in e.va!0+&a@ &i’$bt$$,.o$, Ene+rgj;:‘$&d &lo private spon&$ <’ ‘.L,I..j luat.ipg ex$gy,loss? based.‘oti materials us@, ~3 $%e orientation, I . .,,qhe terni ;+206Q z@uallj; d_escribes state-of-the-@-<Jo@-kpergy sha-pe,:arid s% bf & bi&ii.h&:&e -taught,: -. :’ I. .:’ fi‘dtisig-g,:.The gdve$meqt offers R-2OOQ courses to .b@lde+s ‘and “I’’ ‘:F-or, ‘hei secoiid. and tl$d -y&ar Siudt& ‘tpk&& it, -the course .-- like&&theni as, ‘~Rr@&KI btiil&rs”;There is a formal~R~%OO build- i i’ebresents a change tr6m the‘usuat .arcb@&& iourse ortefihgi:

. 1 . 1,

thk are’siigh-Ely result from e>accordirig iv- thaln to

school’s (Bluevale Collegiate Institute and St. J~r~m~s~- High- :;, -.phook). \ \ Orgaoized ‘by youth, the *s&e&goals of IYPJT are to fo&r .i: ‘* X spirit pf active cooperation b’e‘tween Canidian youth and yd~& -‘! $vprldwide; io-,dombat cultural .bar;iers and. racial* prejudice$$ b‘ promqtei &darity with’ the &tim‘s<o~:~nderd$,\relbpmtint $md iti+---.. $qua‘lity;pfs take a f$zefull stand..a&id& the sh;&&llingIarms race;~i’pnd, .a@ve all, to .@.enerate .&&c&neec&d a[ter$@iye soltit‘ions tq !thq~,problems. ‘;.-? “‘-f.. .‘;‘I:‘. , ___-,. x 7.:cI : _ ‘ ’ I Fbr more %fo,jmation+i’gthe I?$‘$~,.,call;~~~~&~ Bar~yflt’,z@~,& ‘c ‘, &odal Community Cent&, 746$Q9& : :

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I shot the-T.V. (but L Ttid not shoot. the stereo). . . Lt’s true+. some year-s ago, in‘a fit@ f&st$ation and annoyance, 1 ..~-hauled. my ‘TV&d @y,Pl;2gauge intothe back yard and put the little electronjc.de~mon out,‘of its _miser.y. For q,uite;a few yearsnow. 1 have lived in a TV-less bliss where Dallas is a .city in %>Tqx&s.and Dynasty. is something the ancient Egyptians;hi~d-~~‘~~~~~5~ of.-Hunest$ L%enever seen either show. 1 learn sf ‘th~&%~l&@~ at the cdtfe~~qoiA+zGo~a! J!&p&e~ week’ by week when,+do: my&o,cery sboBlj;ing; They-exist ina company of , UFQ’s, ~~~~nt--m~~i”-~bies bornc8(i; years of age (fathered by, k .aliens, of ;cour$$e):an&$@rthful ,CiviL W,@‘veterans show.ing-up on

Shooting TV&, -I admit, a bit weird. Why:did 1 do it? W.ell,the straw that broke the camel’s back occurred one sLeepless night when 1 turtied on the s&t to see if soine old:fnc&e njiglji &lieve:tiy mental ‘t 7 stress. I wan&d a ‘dtug: TV can.‘& agreat one. ,.. r. : *\- II tuned ina TV movie a~bo~~‘~tchkr~~cri~i~i~~‘vi~~~~s-who were’ across-the



* Now L’ve,alwaysOhated it when‘the. &e&a addresses:ifs‘attention to the media. I don’t Like7reading newspaper storie.s a@out~ _’ TV, so why 3 am I-writing one? -WeB,‘something happened- tc&r$eIast weekend.4 -acqujred a personal;computer, but it didnX co-me withra.monitor. Short on cash, 1 went*for:~a’chea~‘B & W TV. ’ It’s a dheap.computei$&d-you can? use the word processor while ~ iTtis printjng, and it’pr+ints f@rLy slowly?So there-is this temptation to turn the dial to I3 (K-Wrs&cky n~mber)andsee what--+ well you know .. . see what sort of&rab&ge-the &$st of civiiizatidn is absorbing -j- into its cerebral cortex. So, I turned the dial. Before&e stood a man and,,a woman agelessly 3Oish, spectacularly dt;~a~~e;pacl;ing.b’ags andabout td leave for Hawaii. ,A helicopter Tar&>&d- a mustachioed-chai> of about 50 witn’a’n eye’&tch?urges the pretty boy to accept _ . .. -. a danger. . ,ous .mrssron ,Ito-catch a Russian spy, or something. The woman is i. 7,

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“rest of the flight crew in 45 minutes.” The modern day ‘mustachioed, eye-patched pirate (in state employ, mind you) comments:’ “A stewardess eh, I guess 1 should fly commercial mar- e- often.” Although grossed out; 1 w as also captivated. What is going to’ happen next? Then a commerc cial break-interrupted, 1 was shocked. I haven’t seen a TV commerci; gl in years. Immediatejy, Lresented’the l-*----.: 3 - -- -into : i intrusion--_ :-intoA--L*-rne arama, my life, mto mvmind . . , but then L. felt relieved. The commercial heid no interest-and-so I was able to muster the strength to reach‘out andturn the dial, instantlygrateful~’ : that the commercial had come alpng to interrupt rpy stupor and , . ‘\ shock me io my senses. / / .‘Tho.se .of US in academia frequently are accused of living in an I and 1 often hear students express a ‘longmg (or %Gy’~iower”, -7 sometimes a fear) of gettingtback into. the “real world”. Being a , , student of theoloiy and ancient history 1 seem to be the target of a dis~ro;po~~~~nat~~~um6er of such ‘accusations.about Living in an I ” ‘. :, ’ ,/-._ ‘, : “; “Lglr&‘~wo~~d; . -1-was reminded ofiiast March’s Harold -1nnis Eoundatton COI:: . Loq;uium where Arthur Krocker of Concordia: University argued’ I’ .. 1 _‘ ,,‘.. <‘tha ---A t:‘ i ” “in a very real sense television is society in North America and its effects on social perception have been such as to contribute to ‘7 , ’ the development of a prevailing-culture that is fundamentally _ \ . . nihilistic.” Nihilism eh’? ~According‘to Funk h Wagnalls that is “the doctrine that nothing exists or can be known, also, the rejec@i of re1igiou.s , and moral creeds.” Well, if that “is the (reality of) society”, 1 must plead guilty to the charge of livingrbeyond the bounds of normai reality. To me, a good number of thingsdo!exist, and among the. ‘-more important ones for me are religious and moral creeds, good conversation with friends and farniL%, and the usei:of wo& and-3 language to communicate. All these; 1 realize,‘art?threatened by television.> Mere conversation can never compete with the tube ‘because it’cannot transfix consciousness into a Bygnotic-like stupor. You have to be awake, to-particiqate in conversation, you have to-think, feel and act. And conversation, it is said,‘is a dying art in , . I ’ ‘1 the age-of the tube. The great psychologist *R.D.: Laing insists thatour, images of o,urseLves derive from the messages ‘;Yvereceive, about who we are; ’ what ,our lives mean, and where and how we fit i’nto;‘or relate to I%< society. When society has become (‘to whatever extent) televisron,~ ’ nihihsm is understandable. Minds so ,deepLy locked into nihilistic unreality ‘must inevitably‘find those of’us who are of the-opinion ‘2,; : that some things exist, entirely lost.‘in a & mtasy world. .. -. corral any vioLato& .+f the status quo. Several moreltimes L’ve turned to -13 ‘just to see’ ,and got caught 1I’. 1 am$ef wonde@nq ,what would that mustachiqed,. eye-patched up in mystifying make-believe of electric c hairs and murders and : pirate (in th e servree of the state, mind you) do to me if he disco; adulteries and car crashes, and men whowander about with guns to ,. vered that L,was in reSit BPe; a TV murderer?~ : .,: L .,?v i ., _,


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A year ago, on the night of December 21984, at the pesticide-manufacturing plant of Union Carbide in Bhopal, the world’s worst industrial -accident occurred. The ‘official estim&e is that 2,500 people were killed and 100 thousand were iqjured. Other, estimates - >by the workers at the plant and by various relief organizations place the figure of the dead to be as high as 30,000, and of the injured 200,000. Perhaps the exact number of the dead will never be known, because those who died were -the poorest of the poor, and many of them were alone and-homeless. In mass burials and cremations, sometimes whole families were wiped out, without a trace or memory left anywhere.

I was in India when the news of the accident that the leaked gas was not “dangerous” and had broke out; Like others, I wasnumbed by the details “no long term effects.” Even today, a year later, it is of the horror. In the middle of a cold night, in less not entirely certain what the leaked gas was. The than two hours, 40 tons of lethal gas, methyl isoIndian doctors insist, after hundreds of autopsies, cyanate (MIC), had leaked out of the Union Carbide that the victims had died of cyanide poisoning. plant, turning the city of almost onemillion into a For many journalists, who had observed the -death chamber. working of the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal A week after the accident, in Bhopal, I met a closely, the great accident was no big surprise. Exmember of a team of the Central Bureau of Investiactly two years before the accident, on December gation of the Indian government. He was one of the ’ 30,1982, the weekly prachand in India carried an twenty men who had been flown to Bhopal within article entitled “Death Chamber of Union Carbide.” twelve hours of the accident. By the time he andhis The first paragraph of the article,was prophetic: team had arrived, most of the dead had alread been “The innocent people of Bhopal will per. disposed of. It w+s feared that an epidemic may haps npt know at the time of going -to sleep at night some day that they are not fated to see break out in the city, and there were apprehensions that violence against the officials of Union Carbide the next morning.” -In the, manufacture of carbonates, such hazard- , and the government maybe unleashed I askedhim ous chemicals like phosgene, chlorine; carbon how many people had perished in the accident. “No less than fifteen thousand,‘: he said. monoxide and MIC are used as part of the process. In its earlier years, Union Carbide imported most of “Why is it that nobody is saying so?” I asked. these chemicals from its parent co-mpany in the “It’s election time ... The dead are dead. It’s United States, but three years after setting up the worry about the living and the dying,” he. replied. It is true that the problem of coping with the plant in Bhopal, the manufacture of the chemicals was planned locally. . unprecedented tragedy, for which the city, the It was only in 1980 that the manufacture and,use health officials and the Union Carbide personnel of lethal MIC. in Bhopal was in operation Bight from I had made absolutely no preparation, was overwhelming. The citizens of Bhopal had come forthe very beginning, there were problems. ward in great numbers to mount an impressive In May 1982, three American scientists were relief effort Nevertheless, there was an enormous sent by Union Carbid to examine safety arrangeanger against Union Carbide. To ward off any direct ments at Bhopal. Their report was alarming. TO the action against the factory,‘the company systematiknowledge of all concerned, safety requirements cally spread a new rumor that there may still be suggested by the company’s own experts were never implemented The Minister of Labour of the more leakage from the plant. state government, in turn, assured the legislators To many in India, the Bhopal accident seemed who had raised the safety question more than once: like a natural disaster, but a natur&lisaster it was “A sum of Rs 25 crores (about $25 million) has not!. It was a fully man-made tragedy, and corn-. been invested in this unit. The factory is not a small pletely avoidable. On the night of December 2, even stone that can be lifted elsewhere. There is no as people were dying and fleeing the city by tens of danger to Bhopal from it, nor will there ever be.” A thousands, the officials of Union Carbide in Bhopal few months after this assurance, in 1983, there kept denying that there was any leakage from their were two accidents at the plant. plant. None of the six “fail-safe” systems at the As multi-billion dollar lawsuits against Union plant that were meant to diffuse andneutralize any company are being fought in the. U.S. accidental leakage, worked Unlike its plant in West Carbide the question of corporate responsibility for Virginia, the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal had no . courts, en~nmental protection and human health asearly-warning computer system. In fact; there have importance. In Bhopal, the closest relabeen suggestions that the BhoDal plant was out- sume-vital of the dead - in many cases, no close moded and second-he& and had earlier been re- tive(s) relatives were left alive - were given compensation fused permission for installation in Canada. rupees (auproximately $1,000); the inEven worse, as the ‘doctors in the hospitals in of 10,000 received about $100. The claims that the InBhopal struggled frantically to find an anti-dote to jured dian government has f”ied in the U.S. courts are far poisoning by some mysterious gas, about which greater than the government itselfis either willing they could gather no precise information, the medi6~ can afford to iward the victims. cal personnel of Union Carbide kept assuring them


protez3t ilmmguate compensation~th of UnionCarbide (Iaaia) president when the plant was pe rmanently closed Photo by Sehdev,lEcumar effigy

.“Ufioti %rbide kep$ assuring residents that the leaked gas was not dangerous and had no long term effects” *


the valve; betwan I

Based on my experi&i& of working with such w relief organ&ation.s in Bhoprrl as Friends of the l!kth CXMia), BeZf-h~ploye~I~oamt?ds~iathk, ti.ew aJnd a#~-. w ty m worn,\ it was aopa& I&$&& cbnj&~dtiW~~tiand~ x~glected by, the gqv(3qment ofEcia@ J3+ng -the ‘-- poorest of the poor, suchneglect that the victims now face, is Cot veli3; different fkom what theygen&ally experience at other times. The worst m-ted &e+e women and the children. bllanywomenwho. were pre&.ant at the, time of, the accident, have given birth to still-born or deformedbabies. Alarge nuqber of men and women are now severely resW”tricted in their capacity to petiorm physical work,

Nas emptybut nobodyopened .&nks to relieve pressure in.610.




, * 7 ,. I. . -

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*e under-privileged. It a&o Qas vg* &-t&e as they feel exhau&,ed after an ,hour’s ,labour. ‘attitud& towards nature and all of its resoupces. 2 It is still not fullyunderstoodwhat the long-term Tn addition to the Missive suffering of the people effects are likely to @ on the health of the people, of Bhopal, the Union &bide plant m’ also be +,nd oh the gmmmmeilt. But one thing is certain: ; gh& M&m uw -lost much oftheti will to live .on. mown for the Mshest lesson inmeuttepdesecraOrdi;narry, eveqr day s-e for sheer su.Pvival - so tio~ of Mother Earth. ’ I ” . cz , .. ,&km*&;.-. apparent ~verywh&e in India and in other .Third L _ ~ . World cotitries - has become unbearable for the . vi@im,s of the%hopal gas trageQEp. Dr. Sehdev S&mar is a pofessor of ~;an-p~nvirHundreds of thousands of people who c&inue to On3Wmt tidies at the U&m* of wai&m. -- ’ ’ suffer in BhopaJ, are~victims of-the accident at the Duri!q# 198488, he spent. 9 sabbatical *gear em&oawg .mloge’ Union Ca&i& plant, of course, .but they are aSO studying of development. BroblemsinIndiaHeisalsdthef~oit~.‘ , victims of the new philosophy &ch developkent k often elitist and’expJoitative of I --*ends ,of the m &diQi /




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was the theme of the program ,-PIIU L1 CL, .*-‘- ulAawii Y-a...m af lr; 1ml..-;,I IUDIL wa3 Imprint staff . ’ from Haydn and Mozart (his’ The second scerre in Amabest friend). deus (not the movie) was a The program dawned with great “take one., take two’ at Joseph Haydn’s Morning the Theatreof the Arts on NoSymphqny (no 6) which is a vember 1’2 and 13, The cast . delightful piece constructed for thislively production was of four movements Adagioa smd& (about 25 Players) Allegro, Adagio-Andante-V sampling of the KitchenerAdagio, Menuet, and Finale: Waterloo Symphqny OrchesAAllegro. The -orchestra began tra with conductor Raffi the first movement comArmenian. ; mandingly, and. the second The ironic. surprise was movement in concerto form that this musical group was a ‘with violin solo by Katherine reduced version of the same Hubley, and cello support by orch_estra which played a - Kristine .Bogyo, was outlame program on November ‘standing. A dance between 9. But on the Wednesday ev- I the bass and bassoon with the viola “cutting-in” highlighted . .ening of November 13, this reduced KWSG was a sprite&, . the third movement Menwet as a work by Mozart. This awand the orchestra closed out akened zeal in the band could the fourth movement. be ,partly attributed to the Mozart’s Violin Cdncerto . music... Amadeus:_ Friends in D Major No 3 K,216 be- LWolfie Mozart *11111111111111111,1illiluH~,tlufl~~~~l~~llt~ll~t~~‘~ll~~Huilulllllltltlt w ,. w may







. St. Jero,n?e_ls Jazz ffest _

. by Brian Pepperdine Imprint staff’ The-,St. Jerome’s Colle!ge Jazz Fest, featuring the Fred Stone Ensemble and the Claude Ranger Quintet, was held last Friday night before a -respectably-sized .audience at Siegfried Hall. Listeners there were treated to an interesting evening\ of freely formed and im.~provised music from both groups. . 1 The Fred Stone Ensemble, with Stone doubling on -piano. and ’ fktgelhorn, performed music that, although it had obviously’been Iwell-rehearsed, ‘was nonetheless fairly free in the improvisational quality and tone..Included. in the various turns of instrumentation were the bassoon (which sounded wonderfully velvety and sonorous), trombone, electric / acoustic bass, and alto and -tenor , saxo-



out 05 &r the K-W



T ,

The ensemble benifited from having the piano amplified through the house sound SYStern, thus defeating one .of.the chief problems of the previous jazz concert when Claude Ranger could not hear the piano very well. This time, however, the amplified piano helped to create a wide soundscape across the width of the room which was occassionally narrowed to an intimate’focusof sound when Stone joined the rest of the group by playing flugelhorn. The music on the whole had,a very intriguing and involved qudity, . 1 consisting of tight ensemble playing combined -with expert solo performances on all of -. ’ 1 the instruments. The Claude Ranger; Quintet. playing next ‘: wild and loud, fast and . -:-*‘was, as expected, It is always amazing to hear -- . .concentrated. -7 ’ ‘Ranger’s groups; the music is nearly always pla,yed from charts at the beginning and end,

,Although the iconography. empire fell in the thirteenth century its influence on later . iconography has remained consistant. , The artists would begin by fasting for several days. This was accompanied by intense prayer. Both of.these followed i months of mental preparation to bring the Byzantine iconographers’to the point of painting. The work of depicting the _, ltltltllllllltlItltlltlltlltltlttllIl~lllltlltlIltltllllllIlltllIltlllllIltl,lltll

so np one makes any mistakes about’what is supposed to happen. But if that adds to the’ qualify of art regarding what is presented, the part in between the charted head and end of a song ‘is seemingly free and dependent upon the aptitude and ‘creatiye artistry of all the players by themselves and in combination. An idea ‘of what Ranger’s compositions sound like can be obtained from the.title of ’ one song from Friday night. In French, it roughly means the equivalent of what happens at a stoplight when the light turns green! We ail know what Montrealers and Parisians drive like, right?-Anyhow, for some listeners Ranger’s music can be astrain, but last Friday’s audience took it all in stride, perhaps prepared’somewhat by the concert last month in which Ranger played Andy fig: ured prominently. ‘- . The evening ,wrapped ‘up with .a11 the


I~~~IIIIlIlIIItt,ll1lllllltIttt,ltIlItIIIllIIIll~t~l!tl~ltlll~ltll~tlll~l~tlll~ll‘l~lltlllltlltltlllll~u~ltl~~l!ll~tll, ' \.

_‘ \



members of both groups playing a Ranger chart together, with some obsious confusion . and bemusement Ten men on stage can ‘% make for a cacaphony. if no one knows what to do, but this group had a handie on what to do and, how to sound, so the finale was& least interesting. Two basses throbbed and Sawed while a variety of horn bursts and chords I_ added to the palette of sound colours, and ’ -Ranger just, motored along on his drums. : : In the end,.‘it was the,,best free jazz.,we’ll ’ likely have the opportunity to hear this sea- j. Sony, and maybe for a long time. Thanks are due in large part to the-efforts of St. Jerome’s? L Performing Arts Series staff and their imagination (and guts),and to:_gqvernment .arts funding, for .without either Waterloo wo,uld in ’ ’ part be much more deprived of interesting things. ’ L .’ .

taken from the ,icons of Cyprus, Greece, Russia and Je-, ruselum. The most I impressive I articles’ areplaques, medallions and por, table icons dating from 15th to 19th-century Russia. These are from the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies at the University of Toronto. Rather a suprise, included in the same display, is an icon painted by Reverand TheoI


mc Byzantine Iconogkaphers paint, by Paul Done . , ‘, be covered in Foreign %x- Imprint staff change. Thus, those- in atwith Angelic spirit. . November 26 marks the ’ tendance might ~ hear i ‘_ ,’ ’ debut of a new feafure at’Fed everything from ?he all-out : Hall ‘- Foreign Exchange, dance music of 400 Blows and dare Koufos, Scarboro<gh, a show: of imported music’ A Popular History of Signs to sacred was a catharsis for the as they took .,1983. The look of the work-is _Ibroughtto you by George De ‘the more serene sounds of iconographers on the angelic spirit.‘This was <not distinctly Melo, the man,with the vinyl Rain Parade within the span different from, / the attitude with which the * the others but it seems to spin 1. . of an -evening. ./ Y works are created. It is re- bring an aspect of reality-into I According to George; the Alternative videos will also fleeted in the attitude of those ’ the ancient mysticism which be featured. although Euroshow is aimed at a group‘of whose Christian religion in- s. surrounds the other works. _ people whose musical needs peanmade videos are incomeludes the icon. The icon- re-;. Perhaps .to- depi.ct the ce‘, are not currently being met. pa‘tible with the North presents the potential for the- :. remony which surrounds the ii, is directed toAmerican I NTSC system. I ,Explicitly, Christianity, the This ,means that+ it’ may be a human: being and impresses,, : emotion”‘of’ , ward the group of peopie who* that life is universa!ly more ‘full vestme+ of an orthodox while/ before they can be seen , have an interest in the newand beyond the biological j bishop’and complete liturgical - est music., in larger amounts. .. , ‘utensils ar.e also ‘on display. Foreign Exe hange, F&d world, , In the vinyl spiny1 scheme! \ The exhibition offers a var-,‘I _ Icbnbill remain at the Uni.of things there are two types; Hall, 9:Ol p:m., November-26: will-- iety. of forms. Many of, the:~?&r$ity:: of: Waterloo Gallery 1j T%t music; pelvic, and intellec , , The WashingtonBrothers ~e;s~~e~~5’. 5 ‘, ;. ’ _ ‘; tudl;L:Bdth~ &f th&e. Qpes &ll.‘. be there, ~jll~.~&~~ ’ .t-;I:_.. .‘h,“;~~;Or:l‘<S- Firese~~~d,~iare:-Prints’-j~~~~Y tl,~"~~ll~~~,~~!,s,~l~,~l~ll,ll~~lllllll~l~,~l~ull,ul~l~ltll,~ll~lll~lIllltlltIIlIIlIll1lllllllllt1l1l~l,u~~tt




- A’ day were ‘definitely there for -by .Darlene Zimmerman ‘the former: The exhibition’ Imprint staff : ’ was arrange’d by, Prpffesor The icon is more a state_ . .ment of faith tha.n an object of Daniel 3. Sahas of -t.he UW Religious Studies Departart. Those who attended the’ ment. It *brings reproductions openingof Icon: The,Beauty of some characteristic examof Theology -at the UW ples. of _trad.itional .Byzantine ’ Theatre Gallery last Thurs._

came - the evening’s high tening to .W.A. Mozart’s Clapoint. Mozart played the viorinet Concerto in A Major lin very proficiently and this k 662 is like eating a rich,desunderstanding j no’ doubt, sert: if had too often, it is an 1 helped him inject passion into .overindulgence of. the senses. ’ his five Violin Concertos. This spicy Clarinet Con-the third V,iolin Concerto is certo, which is ripe %with mel-’ one,of the most beloved, beodies,, demands immortal cause its second movement, playing because it is too familAdagio, is a slice&f ,melodic iar. Mr._Sawa had a few-ill mosplendour,The orchestra and ’ merits in the first movem,ent , the soloist, Moshe Hammer, ;but did justice to the remain. . -were equal to this musical ing work. The orchestra splendour. J -1 backed ‘him solidly, .but ,the Hammer, the principal violentire-piece-was anti-climactic inist and the concert-master - in comparison to the first ‘half 3 for -the KWSO, was a joy to’ .of the evening. I ’ . .hear akrd see. .His stage per._. _ ^f ,: sonality is entertaining; he j The enthusiasm which pro-j swings with the music like a’ _ pelled the evening can be attributed to fine musicianship bouncing‘ marionette ‘and evokes the affection&e image and’ strong guidance from -of a cartoon violinist ‘swoon- i Raffi -Armenian. --The entire. :..., ,,:,:-.“l LclIez. ,-.r,’ . r\W#i#3w-~rn vfit. ,wtraA .C;r?l pl”y’u“l ICLUI IICU 111y ae D ra1151a11 I-1 I ku31baI Unfortunately for Victor _ zeal to manyears at the TheaSawa, the clarinet soloist, lis- tre of the Arts. *

, Religious dirt is being featured C’allery. :_~ 1 ,at &JWk’Theatre II . , , I, :_‘,l_‘ I, ;;’ * :: . _(_~j c’ I ,_


, ,.




. _-,_ , '.

ABC H&J,-To Be A Zillionaire ’ Polygram by Paul Done , Imprint staff ABC has always represented both the best and worSt aspects of pop music. On the one-hand, they represent the constant. change which gives pop its ability to remain vibrant. On the down side ABC also typify the cynical, monetary decadence which has led to excesses like the Jackson’s Thriller Tour. On How To Be A Zillionaire, ABC’s third album, it is hprd to differentiate between these’variables of the pop equation. Musically, the album is a marked change from their past-efforts. Having recruited Keith Leblanc to play drums and do beatbox prog‘ramming, Martin$ry and his cohorts have set their sighjs firmly on the dance-floor. On tracks such as Vanity Kills-and (How To Be A)’ Millionaire, this goal is achieved. However, elsewhere, the-music smacks of the excess which makes much music revoiting and rotten. This same &ality of intent exists iq the album’s lyrics and packaging. For example, Vanity Kills is a criticism of the huge egos which proliferate in music. The album also contains a song, A To 2, which introduces the band member by vmber. The album’s splashy packaging also contradicts the dour mes2ages of many of the songs, Though How To Be A Zillionaire is a glossy, well-put together package, it is hard to enjoy because it lacks any sort of comr+tment or inspiration. No comment at all might have been better than one which is limp and hollow. year’s Rattlesnakes.. Lost Weekend, available only on import, is a bracing piece of pop cqmplete with bouncy horns and , jangling piano reminiscent of Madness. Lloyd injects the twisting itory of a weekend in Amsterdam with just the right Amount of irony and self-depreciation. Likewise, on Neuers End, a b-side, he mischeviously parodies the _ / Doors’ cla$sic The end when he moans “This is the ihallow by Paul Done end, my friend”, Imprint’ staff If this EP is an indication of the general quality of Lloyd Cole Lloyd Cole, the proud po$sessor“ of the most forthcoming album then we can expect brutally phoney American accent in music, has dropped the And The Commotions’ another great album. As it is, Lost Weekend is an encouraging synths which graced (.?3?) . his la’st - __single _ Brand _ - new _- Friend . in favour of the acoustic-pop sound wh3ch was in evidence on last _ return to form for one of the best bands , around. &wwmvAnw~w-and his lyrical concerns have tuined inward. The first track sums up all ‘of Danny3 worries: on Just Oingo Boingo , Another Day, a scratchy Edge-e‘sque guitar cpmpetes with a Dead Man’s Party nervously gurgling synthesizer line while Elfman sings “I’ll not MCA Records fall iti love - r cannot risk the bet” and “It’s just another day where people cling to light/ To drive away the fear that comes with every night.” And on He/p me, he sings “I’m hungry for’ by John Zachariah something/just the touch of your flesh to soothe and refresh.” Imprint staff Most of the album’s songs reflect Elfman’s apprehensions and On Dead Man’s Party, Danny Elfman sings “I’m not *he hurt;with the only exception being Weird Scierice; which is the same man I was before ,” and he means it. In fat t , Oingo Boingo only cut which recalls the .O.B. of old. aren’t the same band they were before, either, but fret not; It’s also important to mention that Elfman’s singing has unDead Man’s Party is best described as a fine-departure from dergone a change, and it% nide to hear his voice unclouded by form for the band, who have abandoned, for the most part, his high-pitched vocal burps. The fact is, Danny Elfman has their jerky, frenetic style in favour of a confident, fluid, sound. taken his ‘band down a new road but even the most die-hard Also, Elfman has ceased his right wiqg sloganizing, mainly Oingo Boirigo fan should be pleased. because he was dumped by his girlfriend recently (I suppose) .,...I,



The Kane Gang The Bad and Lowdown World of the Kane Gang Polygram

1 by Paul Done Imprint staff



Drawing upon influences as far-ranging as Steely Dan, Lou Reed, The Staple Singers, The Falcons, Sam and Dave and The Five Blind Boysof Alabama, The Kane Gang have produced what is probdbly the year’s finest album. The Bad and Low\ down World of the Kane gang is an authentic &isxttire of pop with gospel gri!: and jazz cool performed with the intensity and conviction that comes fr-pm growing up in Durham County, ‘one of England’s industrial ghettoes. Consisting of Paul Woods and Martin Brammer on vocals along with David Brewis on guitars, bass and keyboa@s, the Kane Gang is perhaps the most successful example of how soul influences can be mated to rrjop to produce something both powerful and new. The songs on the album are uniformly strong and contain the kind ofgrass-roots, Ao-nonsense socidl comment which comes from having lived the consequences of economic irresponsjbility. The Kane Gang never resort to histrionics and melodrama in order to convey the emotion,of the songs. This is, in fact, part of the batid’s credo: “There’s a sort of detached coolness and well-produced sound which can have its place in conveying raw embtion” (Martin Brammer). Thus, the songs rely upon the strategically placed snarl or moan rat’her than the constipa ted screams associated with so much white soul. The album is refreshingly varied, spanning the musical terri-e tory from a Parisian smoother such as Closest Thing to Heaven all the way to the gospel grunt of Small Town Creed which uses yocal “WHOOM PAPAPAPA’s”as a percussion instrument to drive the song like a locomotive. In between, the Kaqe Gang Eipress stops off at Respect Yourself: a sparkling rendition of the classic Staple Singers down-home anthem, pulls into Gun Law: a pumping dancefloor-filler which made the top-40 in England, and applies the brakes for Take Thii Train, a churchburner in the best tradition of old-time revival meeting har. mony. One disappointing aspect of this album is that Polygram didn’t take this opportunity to add some of the Kane Gang’s earlier songs which are unavailable domesticqlly. Tracks such as Mighty Day, Brother Brother and-Amusement Park are superb and, sadly, hard to get a hold of. - The Bad And Lowdown World Of The Kane Gang is the high point of their work so far. Both cool and intense, there is not a $ingle bad track on the album. A dqse of s&l in soulless \ times. Amen, brother. I \



and the &ommotions Lost Weekend Polydor - Import








’ I


by Carol Fletcher(and if you guys laugh at this review I’ll fix y’all!) Imprint staff ’ The lyrics are simple, the messages clear; that’? why Scarecrow could turn out to be JCM’s best album yet. Not to mention the excellent acoustics which are apparent throughiout the album. Good 01’ blue collar rock ‘n’ roll combined with the poignant lyrics on the plight of the farmer highlight Scarecrow.It doesn’t matter how hard you try to resist the exhausting comparisons of Cougar to Springsteen, this album makes it impossible, Bruce’s Nebraska is John’s. Scarecrow with one exception being the upbeat acoustics on Cougar’s Small Town, Rain on the Scarecrow and Long/y 01’ Night. John pulls out all the stops to project the ‘blue collar/I’m a ‘simple man’ image. He even has his Grandma sing a small ditty to lead into Smal/,Towri. Another difference from Springsteen is that even though Cbugar has a similar ‘talent of belting out gut-wrenching lyrics and getting us all depressed, hesomehow manages to add an element of optimism. “Days turn to minutes And minutes to memories Lifesweeps away the dreams That we have planned You are young and you are the future . So suck it up and tough it out And be the best you can.” * . from Minutes to Memofjes After embarassing himself with Jack and -Diane John Cougar receives redemption with Scarecrow. Cougar is very in1 volved with Farm-Aid and when you listen to this album you will find that his deep-seeded emotions are genuine and warranted: ~11ll1l~ll

l1ll~l~l~l~~ ..

Bones, I think I’m going to be sick. It’s almost Dimprint time.

g =










22, 1985

Legendaryblues guitarist Albert Collins will be appearing at the Canadian Legion next Thursday November .28. The show is beiqg sponsored by‘the Southern Ontario Blues Association and tickets are $9 for members and $10 for non-members.

&O,OOO Maniacs

The Wishing



This is England CBS --,Import by Mike Wolfe, Imprint staff


Punk may not be dead, but the Clash certainly is. After making their fans wait three long, labourious years, The Clash finally released a new single. But don’t be fooled by the swell new graphics on the cover, because what’s inside is indistinguishable from anything you’ve heard before.

It is not simply the fact that This is England is nothing original, but that it serves as a hallmark of their deteriora-. tion. This has got to be Joe Strummer’s worst effort yet. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been a loyal devotee from the start, and was ecstatic t6 hear that Joe and the boys were to release a riew record. But never, in my worst nightmares, did I expect this neoanarchistic drivelThis is England is an annoying little ditty, dmazingly akin (could this be merely coincidence?) to Strai&ht To Hell, Koka Kola, and any number

of other sdngs. Strummer’s voice is weak and straining, like that of a dying man, trying to make his presence known. Any strength or energy is gathered drily with herculean effort. The flipside spares no ‘mercy. During the first 15’ seconds pf Do It Now it seems they had just tried to pass London Calling off under a new name. No such luck. What starts out sounding encouraging turne.d into an ambiguous banter. It seems The Clash, being the vogue guys they are, decided to combine soccer/fight song with a slow, The


malignant ballad, that is supposed to draw some profound comparison between soccer players, band members and politicians. I The final song, Sex Mad Roar, is insipid as its title, and therefore not even worth criticising. Unfortunately, it seems The Clash, rather than choose a dignified, abrupt end to a once glorious career, have chosen (like so many aging ‘bands) td become a wan, white elephant, wditing . to die as it plummets from the Top 40.. Let’s just hope its death is a quick one. _ Bees

Some Indulgence Supreme






by Tim Perlich Imprint staff With the exceedingly pretty Duran Duran, temporarily dividing into Arcadia and the Power Station and the God-like Bobby “Gilespie taking time out from the Jesus and Mary C.hain’s hectic recording schedule to front Primal Scream, there seems to be an increasing. trend toward the formation .of splinter groups in pop music with miied results. Not to be out-done, guitarist Malcolm {Ross /and drummer David Ruffy of Aztec Camera have snuck in’to an Edinburgh studio d,uring a recent tour lay-over and along with Malcolm’s wife, Syuzen, recorded a 12” single Some Zndulgence b/w She’s

Killing Time.

David Ruffy High Bees.







out in Cowbiter

by Christine Fischer Imprint staff Monday evening’s “Winter Wildness” fashion show outlined this season’s fashion lines: long, loose and lean, with a touch of the wild side to‘warm up those cold winter nights. The show, completely choreograhped and modelled by students of UW’s dance departme.nt, included fashions from Lena Klare Boutique, W&tmount Place; The Old Mill, near,Blyth; and Pants Plus, Waterloo-Town Square.Each of the outfits was modelled in a unique dance to a‘popular song, which added an interesting touch to the usual fashion show format. “Winter Wildness” showed fashions for formal wear, casual wear, and those in-between times that require something with extra special flair and unpredictabilty. In formal wear, Len Klare was definitely the fashion leader, showing, as the first outfit, and undeniably sumptuous long white angora sweater with.jewelled paisley detail and matching skirt,which fell tp just above the knee. Silky, boxy-shouldered formal dresses,with wide, wide belts .m&e t-he glamour scene this winter, and the “little black dress” is back with a difference. ’ ‘I ‘

Both songs fea‘ture the warm breathy vocals of Syuzen splashing softly (whew!) over a mid-tempo guitar buzz. The music refers back to Ross’s Josef K days in its effective blend of gentle Nashville twang with an angular machine-age background thrash. The High Bees were formed by Malcolm Ross who, besides being a founding member of the Scottish pop group Josef K, ‘was also the Postcard record label’s house,producqrSince Roddy Frame is generally acknowledged as the sole songwriter for Aztec Camera, Ro.ss decided that forming the High Bees would be an amicable way of resolvini his somewhat muted voice in Aztec’s schemes of world domifiation: Says Malcolm about the new release: “There is something there on the record, quite discinc; tive that I’d like to keep. I like the retaxed but grobvy pace, that kind of effortless fell. We’;e not purposely , trying to sound like Aztec. It’s come out the way it has quite naturally.” Though there are rio plans to permanently split from Aztec, Ross and Ruffy seem to be happy with the record and the way the live dates have been received tiith the line-up expanded to include a keyboardist and percussionist. For ihe moment, The High Bees’ cross-polination has been a success, hopefully it will add a new sparkle to the dull paste that c,oated the last Aztec Camera LP.


WEA ’ by Chris Wodskoi; Irn$;pt staff i . .. 10,000 Maniacs are one of those rare bands capable of making you feel good with insightful and meaningful lyrics, and expert, inspired playing: Reminiscent of the McGarrigle Sisters and Mike *Oldfield’s work with Meggie Reilly, 10,000 Maniacs’ third album (but f&t domestic release) sees them shed their earlier reggae Fnfluences in’ favour of a bright, sparklirig folk-pop which--resonates with jangling twelve&ings,mando%ns atid accordions. Probably the best band ever to come from Jamestown’, New York, they are dominated by lyricist Natalie Merchatit’s powerful, but captivatingly disarming vocals which run and skip gleefully through the sprightly melodies. ’ The bitter irony of My Mother The War, the one where the bass is brdught to the forefront, and the apocabptic Grey Victory where Merqhant sings, “instantly one thousand / flames arising / ill scefit of / burning hides surroundirig’ / a settlement / debased entirely / Enola gay had made a casual delivery” unfortunat’ely lose something in the invariably upbeat arrangement. But Merchant’s vocals transcent the music tQ arrive at an unmistakable feeling. It is this which gives Cotton Alley, B&k 0’ The Moon, and Can’t Ignore The Train the delightful wistfulness .of girlish naivete and. awakening of an Alice Munro story. In an industry infested with too &an$ soblless commercial monsters and fashionable gloom-mongers, 10,000 Mafiiacs are as refreshing as a cool mountain stream on a su&ry summer day. The Dream


The Dream


WEA by Chris Wodskou . Imprint staff The Dream Academy must be one of the most self-contradictory bands since The Clash, who followed up their socialist polemic with visions of screaming teenage girls and lunching with Casey Kasem. The Dream Academy, a’trio of self-professed hipp‘ies who preach about the conquering power of love in a materialistic world, have nevertheless imbued thier debut album with a commercial pop sound which seems destined for c.hart success. At its best, however, -The-Dream Academy’s pop is resplendent juxtaposition of lilting vocals, memorable-melodies, and washes of synthesizer and woodwinds. Li)e In A Northern Town, already a big U.K. hit, is almost nauseatingly idyllic in light of the industrial blight that is the reality of England’s north. It’s really just an excuse for one of the best choruses of any song of the past year. A gloriously soaring utterance of meaninless syllables (“Ah hey ma ma ma, et?) pi-eceded by’cathartic rumblings of tympani, these twenty seconds are the outpouring of more soul than the entire rest of the album. Unfortunately, it is only on their choruses that The Dream Academy’s light-headed airiness really clicks. Nick LairdClowe’s heartfelt vocals’and-naively‘ sincere lyrics make The Edge tij Forever’s tuneful chorus pne of th albums highlights. Elsewhere, thought-, too much of the af bum is marred by self-consciously inoffensive arrangements, and is thus bland and forgettable. Save your money for the single of A f.$e In A




casual affairs. Stirrup pants are a fashion must this winter, coupled with long, i>versized sweaters. -Especially worthy .of .,-..I by CC. notice- was a pink stir rup pant I ana t sweater. outtit 1riangle; with pink print detail on the pants and the sweater. Men’s pa% have taken a new shape this year; loose and classic with narrow cuffed ankles. New for men are drop-waisted pants with narrow turned up cuffs. ’ Triangle showed an interesting ensemble for men of peri;Ninkle blue quilted cotton, with a large, baggy jacket and iosse, stylish pants. A sweater parade was shown by The Old Mill, with jacqards, florals and geometric patterns in a rainbow of bright colours:Especially novel was a long red sweater with a black and white scottie dog pattern, an exciting alternative for casual wear. The “Winter Wildness” fashion show presented many alternatives to the “I-hate-winter” fashion blahs. Bright bold coLena Klare also showed fashions in this category; notable lours, with long, lean, loose lines and an array,of fabrics lend an was a w.ool+nit sweater and skirt ensemble, with a long, lean line. ‘Also riotable was a white sat’in tunic-style blous& Iover . night ’ ‘anything goes’ attitude to winter dressing. This winter, the fashion word is fun, and it makes winter a time to look forward blue satin liarem pants. : \ ’ ‘, Pants Plumsdisplayed many excitingl?ashions for after:hours to witK great anticipation. \ \ The’ Lena Klare version, in gorgeous black velvet, featured a deep plunging back V with a gold lame belt. The Old Mill, specializina J in leather and wool, showed excitinite statement. Beautiful, soft leathurs, such as canary yelloh, electric een, as well as the natural colours, spy skirts, give lean, graceful lines to tte. The leathers were so supple that nd were shown in styles previously unknown in th’e realm of leather. Gone are the stiff, unyeilding leather jackets. The Old Mill has created drop-waisted skirts, narrow long skirts, and the season’s newest flare bottom skirts of leather. The jackets were elaborate, full and-oversized, with mar@ soft folds and pleats.



;’ Jmfkint.

< f




.22, 1985-



.for till’ people stressed -in ‘historic film

_ Thesystem, a Kitchenerband consisting of Rob Farnham both of whom sing and play and Grant Cummings, keyboards and lead and base guitars, will be appearing at Fed Hall November 28. ‘Presenting a twist on the tradition of Top, 40’.covei bands, their entertainment -package consists over of. the latest digital musical computer electronics;‘ seventy lights, special effects and a video show.

by John Zachariah Imprint staff The Ballad of Gregorio dortez, screened last Sunday and Monday at the Princess Cinema, should have convinced even the most rabid Miami Vice devotee that James Edward Olmos, and not Don Johnson, is the best player on that pasteltinted series. Olmos’ portrayal of the hapless Gregorio Cortez is moving, convincing I and intense. Indeed, he singlehandedly saves the picture from being the standard, mediocre, lynch mob fare it had the potential to be, and provides it with a good measure of moral impact as well. The movie tells two sides of the same story, which begins when the sherriff of a small town in Texas goes out with his interpreter to question Gregorio Cortez about some cattle the latter had traded,. the interpreter However,


makes an error, prompting the sherriff‘ to arrest Cortez, who resists. When Cortez’s brother tries to intervene, the sherriff shoots hi in the face. Carte-z then guns% e sherriff down and goes on the lam. He is eventually caught and brought to trial. I In the first ‘part of. the movie, members of the posse chasing Cortez give their side, and paint a picture of the fugitive as a remorseless killer. However, when the incarcerated Cortez gives his ‘side of the story, to his defense council, 1 the truth comes out: Cortez was only a frightened man who was the victim of an interpreter’s bluder:Although this fact is presented to the jury, the prosecution gives an eloquent (if inaccurate) argument for Cortez’ guilt. The jury’s verdiet: Cortez is sent up for 50 years for <“murder without

The story of Cortez’ trials (which is based upon real events) is important in showing the need for understanding between different cultures, and is also a reminder that when deciding a+ person’s guilt, it is important to take a broad viewpoint of the issues, so as not to neglect that which could\ be useful. This is the beauty of The E3allad of Gregoro Cortez; without any heavy-handed moralising, the picture points to the importance of justice for all people.

Note: For those who are interested, the Princess Cinema is showng some dandy movies this weekend, including Easy Rider, The Shining and Crimes of Passion (with Kathleen Turner). Catch them if you can.

Once in a decade there comes a film so daring, so different, it lifts you out.of your everyday world. And suddenly‘you see all of life with fresh eyes. . ~ In the 7024 “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. , In the _80s...“Birdy”. Wherever “Birdy” has played it’s been not only the choice of audiences but the choice of critics also. “Borne on the wings of wonder-?-Jack Kroll, Newsweek “.A brilliant feat of filmmaking, and as skillful as anything you are ever likely to see?‘-,-Rex Reed “I’ve now seen it twice, appreciating it even more the second time than the first? -Vincent Canby, New York Times It’s a movie about friendship. Part comedy Part drama. Part adventure. Part fantasy. Part and’parcel unlike anything you’ve seen before. And all of it a soaring experience, Now is your chance to see it. Now is Your chance to perfork that come@ schtick live I on stage at the Humanities Theatre. Application forms are available at the Humanities Box Office, University of Waterloo or the offices of CKCO‘IV ( and CFCAFM. ,

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22, 1985 -_

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UW. hockey team is in first place by Cathy Somers Imprint staff The UW Hockey Team is proving that it will be a serious threat in OUAA playoffs this season if it continues to display talented hockey as it did this past Sunday afternoon. The Warriors split two games last weekend with a 5-2 loss to the Western Mustangs in London and a 4-3 win over last year’s OUAA cham,pionship squad, the York Yeoman. The Warriors displayed a strong first period against Western by keeping the game scoreless. But in the second Western marched to a 3-l lead and the offensive drive of the Warriors died. Lack of scoring punch and hitting seemed to be the Warrior’s problem. Western’s experience and maturity seemed to .be-too much for the young .Warriors. If U W hadbeen playing up to their potential, they could have easily got the tie or even the win, but a victory was not m the cards. Scorers for Waterloo were Scott Dick and Steve Linesmen. On Sunday, after just 14 hours of rest, the Warriors showed character, discipline and a total team effort in staging a 4-3 win over York. York opened up the scoring early on and again at the 14:Ol mark with goals by Brian Gray, and .

Brian Small. UW’s Steve Linesmen, however; netted a power-play goal late in the period, with the assist going to Steve Balas. The Warriors pulled even in the second, again on a power-play opportunity, with a goal by Jamie McKee, McKee used a low shot through the York’s goalie’s legs. Neil Cameron and Scott Dick both assisted on the play. Jay Green, always playing with enthusiasm and intensity, stole the puck from a York defensemen to lay a low shot past the Yeoman goalie, giving the Warriors a 3-2 lead after two periods. Steve Linesmen gotthe winning goal midway through the third. On a two on one breakaway, Dan Magwood and Steve Linesmen skated down theTce and Linesmen connected on a wrist shot that went in the far corner. York responded less than a minute later at 13:03 with a goal by Gary Corbiere, but U W goalie Peter Crouse held them scoreless from that point on. Crouse played outstanding hockey, especially in the last 10 minutes of the game. He showed his sharpness and ability by making some unbelievable saves. Waterloo is at home this Homecoming Weekend with a game against Queen’s Sunday I afternoon at 2:30 pm.



The Warrior’s by UW.

Clinton Ellicott moves away from a-York checker during last Sunday’s game, won 4-3 Photo by Satinder Sahota

Norris stayed at home:

B-Billers lose to University of Buffalo Library” wins the vote. It turns out that we’re at the State University of New York at ‘Buffalo (UB), not the same thing as Buffalo State. UB has a realy nice, big gym, capable of storing all the Space Shuttles. The band arrives and erects a “Buffalo,Welcomes the Warriors Band” sign that it has brought along. Just Before the Game The UB Bulls have a lot of black guys, and about twice as many players as we have. Paul Boyce starts in an unfamiliar position at center, and Harry Van Drunen takes his place at forward. There could be problems. But at least Buffalo isn’t a particularly tall team. The Game Uh, well, at this point I decided to play trombone with the band and thus was not really concentrating on the game. But, 1 did write down the score every couple of minutes. Do your own playby-play. The crowd of 1,000 likes but does not understand the band. Right After the Game Boyce was the leading Warrior scorer with 24. Somebody named Wayne James had 30 for Buffalo. Was Norris missed? McCrae replies, “1 don’t think the big guys would have been a factor - it was a Playoffs have arrived and here are some of the results of the dismal, careless start. We got into some elementary trouble - whequarter-final matchups. never we got close in the second half we’d lose contact.” In A division, Who Cares switched into high gear as they beat Boyce figures that the team played “OK. 1 was surprised we lost SJC Blue Demons, 8-4, with W.C.‘s Dave Toomath and Joel by the score we did. It was actually a good learning game for us Palmer both notching hattricks. Western and Brandon can press like Buffalo did.” In B Division, Celluliod Heroes’ mark Elliot scored the winning Regrouping goal as C-H squeezed by Flat Earth Society, 5-4. Greg Shimokura’s A minor setback. That game doesn’t really count anyway. We two goals helped Pek2deth Bydux down ES Express 501. Else- weren’t using our regular offence, right‘? Right. Well, not quite where, in a hardfought contest, SJC Ballers outscored Surp Rooright. The Warrior defense has been less than spectacular in every kies 401, with SJC’s Pat McAleese scoring the winning goal. game this season, and although the team has a good offense, you In, C Division play, Mike Houston’s five goals allowed Chem know what they say about the best defense being a good defense. Sock-pulling-up time is upon us. Courage to defeat Dr Doom & The Sonic Boom 7-3, while Licence to Kill, lead by Steve Nagora’s two goal game, triumphed over The Naismith - Now We Get Serious U W’s 18th annual Naismith Classic tournament is this weekend. Tinamou Tribe 5-4. Other action saw Flying Chubb’s Stan Denhoed score the winning goal as F-C eliminated St Pauls 4-3.9 Wops Excitement plus. What to expect‘? Coach McCrae summarized Friday’s opening round. & 2 White Guys outsocred W3 Morticians 1l-7 as Lucia Fortunato Acadia-WLU (noon): “Acadia returns everyone from last year netted three goals for the victors. except All-Canadian Rick Sumner. They’re one of the strong MariIn D Division fare, Joe Gaboury’s four goals paced WA Bucket Crushers to a 10-3 victory over the Mathocists, while Alan Snow time teams. WLU depends on guards Steve Forden and Bob Urocontributed three goals in South E-Rotics’ 10-l win over CO-OP sevic to control their game, and they’re quite capable of doing so. Both teams will remember two years ago when WLU upset Acadia 11. Elsewhere, Civil Serpents needed a last second goal by Larry in the Naismith’s operimg game:’ Marsiglio to beat West 5, 4-3, and SJC Gumbey’s, lead by Mike Barry’s four goals downed East 6, 10-2. Toronto-Western (2:00): “A toss-up. Western has an outstanding team. Toronto has the superior size.” UQTR-Winnipeg (6:OO). “Although Winnipeg brings back their front line led by All-Canadian Gord Tucker, their backcourt is inexperienced. But UQTR hasn’t lost to very many teams. The Dufort brothers might be laying a trap for Winnipeg.” Waterloo-Carlton (8:00): “Carleton’s an OK team. They’re going By Diane Brown This past Saturday we had a “volley” of a time at the Campus to come in armed more. 1 hope we’re playing with more discipline Recreation Mixed Volleyball Tournament. With 21 enthusiastic (than in U W’s 116-78 victory over the Ravens earlier this year), and teams participating, we ended up with six outstanding teams. In the concentrate on the entire game of basketball instead ofjust scoring. We’re excited. The addition of Jamie McNeil1 allows us to work a C level -NDS-SJC-1 *were victorious over Party-Naked #l with more logical substitution pattern with our big men. This held up all scores of 15-6 and 15-7. In the B level the Rowdies spiked their way last year.” to victory over the CSA with socres of 15-2 and 15-3. Competition was at its peak in the A level between CK Connection and 6 Pack The semi finals go Saturday night with the final Sunday at 1:OO. plus 3 with scores of 15-6, 8-15, and 15-9. A special thanks to a’ll The Warriors can win this tournament, but will they‘? What do.1 know’? OK, 1’11make a pick. Waterloo over Toronto in the final. I participants! do know that the tournament will be exciting - 1 remember the first Naismith game I went to in 1977 - walking in on a crowd of 5,000 on its feet, completely unaware that anything like this happened at UW. What an experience. Be there. Shout. Shout. Let it all out. And watch for the rumoured Yuppie Cheerleaders. There is limited FREE ice time for Campus Recreation teams availaBut one suggestion - counting the bounces during opposing foul ble on a first come first serve basis the week of January 6 - 12 only. Sign shots;is fine, but shrieking while the players shoot is cheap and up immediately at PAC reception desk. classless.


by Steve Hayman Imprint staff Executive Summary U. of Buffalo 95, Warriors 70. But then again, UW’s Randy I$orris wasn’t playing. Naismith Tournament tonight (Friday). Wa:, terloo-Carleton, 8:00, PAC. Shuffling Off to Buffalo So here we are on the bus. Seven-foot all-Canadian center Randy Norris is staying in Waterloo in order to present his fiancee with a ring. 6’5” John Bilawey is still out with a broken hand, and 6’8” gansfer Jamie McNeill’s year of ineligibility expires at midnight. Plans are afoot to go into a four-hour stall as soon as the game starts in an attempt to bring the team’s average playing height up from

Coach Don McCrae’knows absolutely nothing about the team -we’ll be playing tonight, but he’s pretty sure it’s the University of Buffalo. Fun at the Border I A bad omen. U.S. Customs-Guy: “Any foreign students on the team?” McCrae: “NO.” U.S. Customs Guy: “How can you win any basketball games without any black guys?” Everybody laughs and points out Steve Burry, who is a black guy, except he isn’t playing tonight. Hmmm. Are we going to the “University of Buffalo” or “Buffalo State”? Debate breaks out. We pull off the highway at an exit marked McCrae leaps out to ask somebody where the “State University”. hell we are. The team votes on where they would rather play. “The

Ball Hockey Notes




I The draw for the Eighteenth Annual Naismith Classic is: Friday, November 22 Game 1 Noon Acadia vs. Laurier 2 2:00 p.m. Toronto vs. Western 6:00 p.m. Trois Rivieres vs. Winnipeg '3 4 8:00 p.m. Carleton vs. Waterloo Saturday, November 23 Game 5 11:OO a.m. Losers games 1 and 2 6 1:00 p.m. Losers games 3 and 4 7 6:00 p.m. Winners games 1 and 2 '8 8:00 p.m. Winners games 3 and 4 Sunday, November 24 9:00 a.m. Consolation Final (winners of Game9 games 5 and 6) 10, 11:OO a.m. Runner-up Game (losers in the semi-finals) 11 1:OO‘p.m. Championship game

Mixed Volleyball Tourney

F,ree Ice Time





22, 1985-

Harrier runners muck it out to, a strong finish by Robert

Peter Crouse




Anne Jordan

Veteran goaltender Peter Grouse is a native of Waterloo, Ontario. He is a fourth year Warrior hockey player enrolled in the Geography program at UW. Before joining the Warriors, Peter played for the Brampton Jr. B hockey team. He also attended the New York Rangers training campthis past September ‘and was a 1984-85 second team OUAA All-star. This past weekend, Peter played an excellent game versus the defending CIAU champs, York University. He stopped 21 of 22shots in the third period, sealing the Warrior’s 4-3 victory. As well as defeating ‘the York Yoemen, Peter may now have the best goals against average (3.4 after nine games) in the league. Along with his excellent perf‘ormance on Sunday, Peter has played extremely well in the past four games, three of which the Warriors have won. Peter is benefitting from the fact that the Warriors are a stronger team this year, giving him the opportunity to reap the benfits of victory. He is a potential league all-star this season and if Peter continues to play up to his potential, he has a positive hockey future ahead.





Anne is a third year Environmental Studies student from Whitby, Ontario. As captain of the Athena Volleyball team this season, Anne is playing the centre front position. She is a tremendously versatile player, having played both the power and setting positions in previous years. Anne has played extremely well in the first league games of the season. In the first game against the University of Guelph, which Waterloo won, Anne led the Athena offense with a 50% kill percentage. In the second league game versus McMaster, the Mauraders defense was unable to return 46% of the balls hit by Anne. In a gruelling five game match, the Athenas triumphed over McMaster, leading the team to their second league victory. Anne reads the play very well, which accounts for her strong defensive play and blocking prowess. She has also developed a good serve over the years and has been shooting 25yc aces in most games. Anne’s all-round expertise will prove to be an asset to the young Athena squad this season.

Synchro swims on by Renata Brillinger

This season, the Athena synchronized swimming team has been struggling to stay afloat. Synchro? Here in Waterloo? That’s right, and a small but dedicated- groun of athletes is working to keep this varsity sport from sinking out of sight. v



Many people arc unaware of this unique sport, let alone that UW has a competitive team. Synchro is a sport that combines strength, stamina, grace, and creativity (not to mention a lot of‘ breath-holding under water). One main component emphasised in competition is performance of isolated skills, analagous to exercises in gymnastics. A second category is routine competition, a combination of skills choreographed to music, like a gymnast’s float

routine or a ballet. Synchroni/ed swimming is the newest sport to be added to the Olym&, and Canadian swimmers are continuing to dominate ir; international competition. The Athena team is comprised of‘ eight swimmers; however, the size and composition of the team changes eat h sernester due to co-op. The OWIAA meet is held in early February. Unfortunately, this leaves little time for swimmers returning to school in January to learn the team routine. Existence of the Athena synchro team was in quetion this year due to the retirement of Dr. Helen Gordon, coach for five years. Wanda Anderson, a Waterloo student and former swimmer. has been doing an admirable job of‘ coaching since


A Scottish mist, coupled with chilly temperatures, slowed times at the OUAA - OWIAA Cross Country Running Champ.ionships, held on Columbia Field November 2, but the inclemency did not dampen the spirits of the athletes. It is the true harrier’s delight to slog it out in the mud, so only the eager spectators and race offi- , cials were dismayed by the steady drizzle. The competition was strong and fiery in both contests. The women from Toronto grabbed five of the top ten placings to dislodge the Western ladies from their five year reign of the title. Individually, Sandra Anchuetz (Western) skirted the .5km circuit in 19:28, four seconds in front of U of T’s Karen Dunstan, and nine seconds ahead of another Mustang, May Alizadeh. Defending champion, Jill Purola of Western, was a distant 6th. The young Athenas were a mere three points out of 5th position in the team race, as veterans Kelly Boulding ( 19th), Janice Patterson(2 1st), and Ulrike Zugelder(28th) paced the women’s troops. Coach Patti Morre was pleased with the team performance considering that all three girls along with rookies Kelly Galbraith (32nd), Karen Hubbard (45th), Kilmeny Biemler (54th) and Bonnie Campbell (56th) will be returning next fall. The Warriors had great aspirations of snatchinga CIAU berth, but hopes were quickly dashed when the highly touted squads from Western (who went on to win the CIAU Championship

Swimming by Jo-Anne Longley Imprint staff

In swimming and diving action last weekend, the‘Athenas and Warriors entertained the Western Mustangs. The Waterloo men were victorious by 15 with a score of 64-49. The women raced hard against a very tough and experienced Western squad, but were unable to clinch a single victory in any race. UW’s


Roy gave his

the following weekend) and Ottawa were tightly clumped at the front of the pack after the first 5km. To no disgrace of this edition of the Warriors, who actually had a lower point total than last years 3rd place finishing Warrior team, they were unable to match the talent of the top teams and placed just one spot shy of the medal positions. The Warriors were ranked 4th nationally’ prior to the meet. Considering the Warriors were without the services of key journeymen Andy Krucker and Nick Cipp, due to injury, coach Andy Heal was encouraged by the depth of his team, which bunched its five scoring runners in the top 20 finishers. On a bright note, the spectators, who were treated to an excellent viewing course, saw the resurgence of Harvey Mitro, who had difficulties in the early season. Harvey ran to a strong 12th place showing and was closely followed by a pack of Warriors (Rob Hardy 15th, Kevin Shields 17th, Tim Rose 20th, Chris Lane 26th, Allan Faulds 32nd, and Tim Collins 38th.) Individually, Jamie “Stickman” Stafford skidded around the 1Okm course in a swift 3 1:36, six seconds faster than 1983 champion Kent Thexton of Western and another two seconds up on John Halvorsen of Ottawa U. Although the distance runner will now join the rest of the track and field team in preparation for the indoor circuit, the men are already eyeing their chances in the fall of ‘86, when they will come of age and pass from pretenders to CIAU contenders.

& diving results all, coming first in the 200 free and the -400 free. Graeme Peppler placed first in the 800 free. However, the race of the day was the 200 breaststroke where rookies Eric Fergin and Steve Head placed first and second ,with times of 2:24.1 and 2:25.4 respectively. For the women, Dena MacMurray placed a solid second in the 400 free, and team mate Alison Loucas placed second in the 50 and 100 free.

Diver Rob Germaine had a great day off the boards, placing second off the one meter with what was billed as a “great He later placed a performance”. solid second off the three meter board. The two teams go at it-this weekend in the U. of T. Invitational, which is basically the Ontario Championship. Hopefully, the Warriors will continue their winning streak and the Athenas will ‘redeem themselves.

September. In January, Jody Pilbeam, another student/ swimmer. will be taking over the position. Due to the hard work and enthusiasm of these two, as well ‘as the swimmers themselves, Waterloo has retained a synchro the team. Karina Davidson, current team advisor, has also been involved, and plans to coach on a more permanent basis beginning next fall. ‘l‘he Athenas travel to Windsor tomorrow (November 23) to compete against athletes from six other Ontario universities. This meet will involve only skills, each swimmer pcrf‘orming six. Check the sports section next week for results. The Athena synchro swimmers are looking forward to a rewarding competitive season, f‘ull of challenges and good experiences.

Athena synchro Bonnie Mack.



to back):



Barb McLean, Shelley Hurlbert, Photo by Simon Wheeler

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The, Federation of Students congratulates the University of Waterloo Warriors Rugbyteam on becoming the OUAA Rugby Champions!!!!

by Steve Funk - The’ Warriorvoheyball team seems tobe getting into.a+abit, one that opposing teams don’t like to see. So far this season, the-Warriors have not lost a sin-.gle game, let alone an entire match, * - Last Friday night the Guelph Gryp&ons played the part of the victmr, losing-in three straight games 15-7, 15-11 and- 15-l 1. Although play. at times could have been described as ‘uni,ns-

The Warrior vojleyball team (in w$ite)‘defeated Guelph in three straight gAm,es last week. This week they will take on the Brock Badger& St. Catherines. r Photo by ,Terry Smith

Athena ‘, squash ~~~su~ts

vember 3‘0. This tournament pired, the Warriors, for the ’ with the Warriors, hit well and is wiJ1 be the last,chance-for UW adjusting to. university ,calibre . -_---most c----y bartl- tiere efficient and to establish themselves -in the quite quickly’... Mention should -__- thci ___Jr plays well. ’ ’ _____ exec”ted rankings prior to the new year. also be given to Jim McKinnon ’ Owen Janes ran I. ---- a- varied --I--- nfl -who not only turned -in> soli Id . fence and whit well while in the ran-. performance for the night bt Jt The .CnnkP and IJaw= . .- W .arriors .,*A are currently - -,. Keel 4th In. Klgnada, York alnd who has also.estab1ished-a faith~Amhrncp 1...l"I WY" Aic uy played their ‘powToronfo ar? 8th and Qth respecful fan club that has -made an Prftil cq-ves on niimerous “*a”. ”cniLpy*ar UC , !., . appearance at. bot.h games so tively. i occasions, m uch to the ddioht far. \\.I _ of the ct.owd-~~d-t:hedi~~~~~~ ’ This week the team travels to the Gryphons.< Other notable The Warriors - seem to bbe‘-” Broc k to”take :on- the Badgers: performances were’ turned in -gearing up for the next big tou r- The fo Ilowing, week they travel from the bench. nament of the year, the Guelp Ih down - University, ‘.Avenue. to . Brian‘Damman, a 6’6” rookie ’ Invitational to be held N( I- -meet ‘up with Laurier. ’, a ffon(



. -

V V Y . . W


Y Y . . W




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’ ‘,



_. This year the.~wbmen’s Var- r, Thistle Invitational Tounament . . _ sity Squash Squad boasts ‘a and the competition was stiff. strong roster,. In the first tourJiil Ranton lost a tough second nament of the year at York Uniround match, while.diane Hut- I chison advanced to ihe quarter’ , versity, four new Athenas ’ entered -- Paula Hadden, Joyce . finals. The Athenas number one ; -. Munn, Shirley Heinen and Mi- ’ player, Brenda Hoffman, ,’ chelle Samways. Hadden, also placed second in th-e consola- 1 ’ _ * an.. Athena tenhis‘ pl$yer, : beat tion round.. ; . d, ‘- out ‘team ,mate Michelle Sam- ’ ‘This weekend U.Wts top $x6: -. ways -to win the consolation ‘fizz; ; players-will..attend..part , . one of nals. Munn .placed third% the . the ,OWI~AA~- tournament lat main event.‘ r + .Western..They will be compet. Last weekend U W’s top three -ing against McMaster, Laurie \ and Western. blayers entered the* Hamilton _%



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A musical Christmas+is not‘*o’nly‘heard it’s seen when-you-browse I . the disp1ay.s’ in Upt,QwnWaterloo-~a’nd it’s a giea’t release during ’ mid-term & exa’m time!) 9’ ‘Many -store< eating places & financial ifistitutions are dress&-d \ with the &isicaf thbmes of Winter Wonderland, Silver-Bells, < carol singGig & niany -ni@-e..-~ ,: : ’ , _ Come take a1look Upt.~~h,W’&&&! I-,’1IL ‘. I,. - , - ’ .









22, 1985

NDP Trade Critic:


Independence lost with free trade

A -different perspective on computer fees

sponsored by the UW NDP club; Langdon expressed his beliefs that free, trade with the United States would be harmful to Canada in four ways. Firstly, according to Langdon, the loss of an independent Canadian culture would result due- to American domination. of the media industries. -’ Secondly, Langdon said the employment situation in Canada would worsen

by Kevin Wood Imprint staff




Free trade with the United States would be ruinous to the Canadian economy and culture was the message communicated by Steven Langdon when he spoke to a small audience Wednesday, November 13 in the Campus Centre. I Langdon is the federal NDP trade critic and a member 01 parliament for Essex-Windsor. During his 25 minute speech,

Single $1649.00 Dodble

assistance to depressed sectors considerably. He drew parallels of the Canadian economy. This between Canada entering into free trade with the United is because such aid does not States and Britain’s entry into exist in the United States. The the European Common American’s set up tarriff barriers against nations which . Market. In England there was a do not mimic the economic serious rise in the level of unemployment which some tie practices of the U.S., said to their entry into the Common Langdon: Market. Finally, Landon stated that Langdon also cited the . during a recent cross-country position of the NDP that the trip he and his NDP colleagues had found, over the course of . dart of free trade would mean three hundred interviews, that an end 01 any government the citizens of Canada want more control over their nation’s economy. Under the proposed free trade agreement with the United States,, said Langdon, we would have virtually no control over our economy.



Something is amiss. What exactly is not clear, but something is badly wrong. For each of my terms here at university I have not paid any computer fees. 1 have, however, used approximately $2.50 worth of computer services on average per term. A grand total of $15 that I owe the school. Not so, says my fee statement. That’11 be $100 for this and next term. Now what in the name of Stephen Wozniak is . going on? U W was&not losing any money before this year, why this sudden need for immense quantities of the stuff. Tuition fees certainly did not go down to compensate for this extravagant surcharge. 1 feel as if 1 should get shares in the New Oxford Dictionary. Let’s for a moment compare this cost with some of the others on the fee statement. For $7.50, we have a great bar/ nightclub which we can use at will. For $21.75, we can enjoy the athletic facilities (what there is of them) as much as we like. For $3.50, we can listen to obscure and foreign mumbo-jumbo on the radio (but for $3.50 who’s arguing). For $13.75, the Feds provide all sorts of services, discounts, etc, and for $2.25, we ca’n even see our name in (Im) print. Now if you think those are good deals, well listen to this. For a mere $100, you too can stand in lines waiting for terminals, and then get one with an inoperative keyboard. When you finally get one that works, there is a power outage as you type in the last line of your program. Six hours later, you run it for the first time, only to find ten untraceable errors. You find a keen wizard (who is making use of his$lOO fee in a BIG way) to help you fix them, and run off a hard copy. Too bad, the I/ 0 room is closed. Re-route the printout, and discover that some hard-core is busy dumping the contents of 17 twenty-megabyte disks to the printer. This kind of enjoyment cannot be found anywhere else, at any cost. The problem, as I have said, is complicated: too difficult to comprehend. Strangely enough, however, the solution ‘is quite simple. Take all computer-related equipment at the university - terminals, printers, etc - and sell it for scrap. There must be tons of it . 1 figure we can get maybe $100,000. With that kind of money, we can maybe afford a new motor for the elevator in the Engineering Lecture Hall. Man, is that thing slow.



Initer-connecting Room SiS91.00 The fees include twenw-one meals a week, full maid obvious so&J benefits as well as close proximitg to the academic areas of the campus. Applications forms may be obtained from the Housing OfTice, Vill~e 1, or: Director of Housing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, NZL 3al

by Frank


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\ 180 King it S. Wloo. ‘. Sunday No;. 24 Card Catalogue Session 2 172 h&r instructional ,FridiNov.&-; . . . ___ : : ,I _-_-1 _ . session on making -effective .use of the card _ % i I.~ catalogue. IO:30 -am. .Me& -at :the‘ inforination ,? , __-A. desk, Dana Pofiek Library. -. General Meetingi 7:30 pm. at Syddaby Schcjol All . Christian Worship on campus: Eveiv Sund&. ; are welcome. Representitives- from- the ‘bblic The Mug coffeehouse: ,an altematiye tc) wild . 1030 am., in HH 280, $hdent i$ &ice’s: and~Sti@rate S&xl Boards will discuss Special Friday nights. Good food, good mqsic, gbqd’ Sermons mostly by Chaplain GrajiatiE,,Mbrbey: Education in Waterloo County. company. 8:30 pm., Campus centre. ’ -~ All welcome. . J _ :You z&e our speaker at this Pugwash event. ~Handel’s Messiah WLU Choir perforrhs one of 16 Holy Comrinunion: (Anglican&d l&eran) 9:30 ,& 11:30 am., St Bede’s Chapel; Renil;on Cdlleae. -. $tudent presenta~ons and discussion will cente; best loved Oratiorid’s. WLU Theatre auditorium Q onthe ~s~Iz# responsibility of scientist+ All are at8pm. ‘. - _ :’ bitheran Holy Communion .‘\A@ Semiha@, welcome to join in or to observe pugwashers in Theatresports on TV. Live; tonight 66 Roger’s ‘%Keffer Chapel, Albert & Bricker Sts, 1.1:30 am. 2 action. I:30 pm..CC 135. ‘For more info +!I Tom r ) , : Cable 4 at 10 pm; Watch us on the tube or better nbc: I- “Wd 7AGfilcm _Museum & Archives of Gan,,,.. . ..‘b” nn“II yet come down co Roger’s Cable and-& part of Pinball” continues until November 29. Opening . ?. - / .-December 9 -Wafedoo Jewish &dents Association invites bur studib audeince. .I“lntiit Games? ,Admission Free. bou @ bur ‘last bagel brunch of the term. Me& the, Folk and Blups Club p&e&-a co&. ho&. ‘Open1 -5pm:BMH. , _- . 3 -~r@cii you hkven%-met yet!! 11:30 Ad@ssion.js free. &&yone welcom& “HH’ 280 . . . . . ..b........................>. - 1:30, CC 110.. u~n3-accI4wuy .'A. . 8:00-1OiOOpm. .. Etefnil & Su_nday: Music & semen ienec&g the I’ .I- x .. - - i_ _ - _ - . ’ Fed Flicks - Pqrky’s Revenge. Arts Lecture Hall eqd of the year. Conrad Gl’ebal 700 pm., _ \. 7~ Wednesday Nov. 27 R.M nm .








Chinese Christian Fellowship -*’ ’ ’ ’ - “’ Lordls .praver on Mi -* r A *n Sem’ina’ry 201: For turtn?r mro, please call-LILIS- , xMusebm Archh VW-- --- - ---. w-.-w- VI. I ,..I-.* ( 3964, T -x-‘.., _ /. / continues until Noveinber 29. .Qp&$ng Dece/mber 9 -- “inuit Game&” Adi&s~,~h free. * t \ .,’ I, 2. Monday to Friday 9 am. - 5 ‘pm., Stin+y(l-5 pm. 1~0~00pm.,,W@ Seminary, Keffler C&%1, Albert I . .’ I mw. ,. & ‘Briciker Sts. . ” . ’ .’ I x S&-day Nbv 23 . ’ . Attitudes in -&e ~Cath&~Ch&<~ .I?? ’ House of Debates: Come witch ihe wre&ng - GLL& Cbffeehouse Come and-ineet Atieiwho . . . , Camp& Centre 1 IO. Sponsored .-. by the WC match of the yeai as ourpt budgie battles a giant :care Rm. 110. CC &OO pm. Catl.884-GLOW for , ‘. Cent&. I squid in a fight to the death. We @II-m&t in SIZ..aI -woe ir$fQ ; .. 11 Jerome’s rm 229:at 5:30 pni. -.* _ &i&g’ P$iyer with ch&r and sermdn,. 4!30 pm.,’ .,:I’ ‘~$cat@gue F _j Potluck - Indian Student Association presents the @mad Grebel Qll~e; I ;? 1’ _ , ‘;-.‘s sesston. on m&n catalogue. 2:00 pm Potluck Dinner of the term. Special Events . . TueSday IYov. 29 , y . ” f&&f &@d#~ -12:30 bm., ,hliSOll COI@. -Dan& po'&r Lib&r Fashion Show and Garba Dance.-.Village 1, Blue’ ; _ Dinina Hall 6:00 dm. For more info call Prad&p .plibiii ktidy. Renison. College, 10100 pm. Sexuality-in‘ mass Lutheran Student movement n l&s for supper .’ 884-9207 or Sar&ar 885-4 176 j of the , Grand River-:,,:. on . &is-. topic and and fellowship. Topic. ;-- So& h Africa guest _. & ‘~&&&I 1‘Me&g’ .‘Con@vation Authority will be\held at l-30 pm in cont&e~sial issue Th&tr&po@s..Pythogorean Threes&me makes D,.-•‘A.an. :. ty r ayr ILCI. speakc-3 ~~31 ’ n-Lm* I. ,L).JV ... ’ - ’ .7:30 pm. WLU .- thes--Ahirif’stF \ad on Building, 400 ,Clyde #@ad,, ,. pros a&i ,qons.,&~ a return ap@arence t&ng on. all comers. HH 18p lanr Inu/c)r~lnlIn/rn I_ at 8 pm. ‘At a buck’it’s ‘a.bargaiii; _ --&-&Y&~&~, we;w;;;i .__ i-,,* AIDS l$qefit DBni Workhop for’ Theatresports Preston Guru ‘. proviaes mutual su am., $2 c&r, proc unfolds. the mysteries, and provid&-a g&d ..time -i family members. Pra&cal’, guidance ---ai)ld 1 es* d-&A m--e ,;-a uu 1 Qn cd 1 mm cr-I‘ I A@~.Qrn ‘ttee’ c i -iiitotiation is provided by. he@th prsfe&ional c&l’ 884-Cx, w for 3 Paternz@tic I .,’ grotip leaders. 7:30 pm..Adult RecreTti& Cefitre, ,_ \ 2 ^:-1 3”’ s. . . -. . .-I ‘” ‘c.;,; , j ._ I :




‘I “P&ZNANT?” A loving, married couple, unable to have children, would love to--idopt your healthy, white infant. Confidentiality assured - private adoption can be arranged. Please write P.O. 278 I, Station%. Kitchener, Ontario. N2H 6N3. OSdM!F ic tonight. There is no substitute. E%ck G white a#tlre rrequinzd. Discover the many benefits of electric j Jell-o. Hosebag Equations: 2 plus 3 is fun but 3 .lninus 2 is,a better world; 2 plus anyone goes; -loudness equals 2 ius. mole;’ however 3 plus 3 is BUNGA 6AR ! *’ Have you got a bad dalr;e? Are you onfire? Call the west 4 hosebags volunteer, firefighters and ‘bring it with you , Call 884-7387. Ask for the tough hosebag. Attention Lisa. Noonan,-Laufie. Feeling hot, hot hot.. Ydu ,won’t wheti sit snows! + Nudge. nudge, wlhk, M/ink. The Big Chill. Delta Amiga Chi ptits its end bf the terrn’bash! Keg Pa. II. If you missed the . first, don’t, miss % e tiQnd.. Sl6’C ’ Sunnydak, Npvembet 29, CalI 886. 4090.. i I ., ::,- ;< - ,i:-,!‘? 1 1 Wani@%$Gy Tq’rn I csn -‘r@itu#ion~ . dn an-c#@ndlng m lia!fi z “hd’best @‘” luck f@f _I the h%t -,af: I’@e yi&, (plus playoffs)‘: @ old.f+,“Shame. : c I . )I * i& !‘mi+-~$dn day6 ‘till-‘@30 class. NFTIDHjPB@q 2 ?“‘*A:.;l+resistance is useless!, “STUDYI -1who keds ItT -The leader at L ., 3the Nine foot tall. incredibly dense, hyperintelligent, pandimtinsional *ins from out. space. (NFTIDHIPBFOS) 1 ’ Think of a boy with stars-in his eyes, ,. longinq to reach them butfrightened to try, tidIy you’dsaysomeday, someday. ‘fo A Friend: Thanks for -the’ tiedutifirl ‘. corsage. Who are you? T. from’ W4. JAB. Oh what I could say! Hate a fun weekend: Don’t party too much. philosopher. P.S. You’re starting.to look like an Appk Ple! + Rickey’s Rangers. It’s silver, $XJ blow it Ir nd capnon fodder pop in. As if you can’t 30 unt! Curiosity killed the cat. Another wonderful start Philosopher. The kd t;ip to the “exlt’:.inras.fantastiq. Anygne v&o saw 6r lhezird a’bout the event, pIti& contack 1 of the ap+opk aboard. No - “Body” remembers what‘ happened. , Jim’s favorito song - Jailhsuse Rock. Favorite book - Tar Baby. I Anyone knowing the whereaboirtsof . Alias JimChurch, please contact thea. 2 . government defense office immediately. tirface II - An all female cast starring Kathy Watin, Patti-Shapton, and Sherry ’ Hooton. After they were recoghized enroute to Canada from the exik -Guppie. Plqse con&ct the wizard in Munchkin land. A number .of munchy.,-g;kdant to talk to you about your YCivil Disbbedience would like to congratulate everyone involved with the “performahce” du$ng fibid% this week. Its nice t’d sG engineering stiJd@s developing an intehst in the visual arts. Civil Qisobedience would also like to anpounce that the: bioli>gical kinematics tutor was not Fark’s daughter. Kevin - yappy 22ncj birttulayf ’ . (Wednesday) Nowlyou’resan old man. Love and kisses from your, older . woman - Lgrrie. ’ \ Duke of EdinbQrough: Too many early morning artistic endeavours? The result: h+hwd. cdtich 9 face and then Caepregs Z-$1$ ~b&j&~L++&p :C&&, _y $lucht?ss?%eud;j-fitch. PS. When’s 103;.

’ Jon A. Sigurdson, Chem student. Please ,.+-c-#ag dir local pprer who ) can’t _ ., prbcess d SXXX~3-$~.+.lt +G;iitFiS discount to you. -~ -_-_L__ -. r - _ sERvK& ’ Need Help with math and CS courses? .The key to good exam marks is understanding. I am a Cpmputer Science .grad, so I can ive you personal instruction in“all Ma3 and’ CS core courses. R@es cheap, ne otiable. I uaranteeyou ‘till see results. 9 Call Alan: ‘, 88 5-08~. ‘. What a* ! going to do? How c_an I be sure I am preg-n$nt, how Should I tell my -family. Can I continue inschbol, keep my can I obtain gpod medical irthright’579.3990. The. w CO;htrol Centre offers .coqffi‘deht!al and non-judgemental , Information and counselling on all ,rn@tis bf: bi control, planned and unplanna.prQ Tit3 ncy, subfertility and ~ STp$. Diop by Cc206 or call ext. ,2306 -. for ‘ati apmtrrient ’ . L%i+ Claw. Ip. Ballet. mqdern, ‘azz. J Be,giihn.ers d+me - call, Kelly - 4 45 ‘, .z5@3:A@ance -@me graduate - UofW.

%&hec CiIy, ski tri s to Quebec ci Dee 27 -Jan 2orDec s 1 -JanS’from 3 ?50. . zal Bill at -8864090 or sign up at Sci ’ . . For _Sales ‘83. 650 Yamaha Maxim. Pu~had new, ?pna’*85, very well ma!ntamed, beauti ul s ape. $111under I warranty. Call 884-2428. -Return airfare to ThGndet %ay. Leave Toronto Dee; 15, return Torpnto Jan. 6. Op&WiO. ($11 Doug at‘884-7206.

7.: 1974 PlJrmouth VaJient 6‘clyinder ood , ‘._running conditibn. Rear window de if oger and more, must be seen.-selling as is or . certified. Call 885-0702. 1 ’ Airiirie Tickets: Toronto/ Calgary return. Depart Dee 31/85, return Jan 6/ 86.2 tickets, $<Ttl.ea. phdee 698-2549 after 6 ...pm... j .I-, ‘






_ I^


Experienced typist will do fast, accurate work IBM‘Sel~c. Reatinable rates. Close to Sutinydale.Xake~~oti ~lkige.. . Call &5%363. ’ Same dajl wordbr&essing (24 hour turn around if you tik ahead). Draft copy always . provided. Near, Seagram Stadium. $1’ per dpuble-wed+++ Phone’Q85-1353.

Pick up yduis fiow at the College business office or call 88$14$0. Roommate want&i for winter drm ‘86 in ‘thebeautiful%un‘oun?lingsof.Sunnydale. $130’per month plusutili@es. Call Jane or Leslie - 886-0835. .One single, $190 and one double $300; . available, ‘both on Albert. Call Martin ) Mytime at 7464755. One roomma$e needed to share two+ bedroom furnished apartment for May*August ‘86. Near,Columbia G Holly ( 10 ?nin from UW). parking’and laundry facilities. Non-smokei preferred. Call Claude 8864435. _

Large furnished room availabk for ndtismoking female ib townhOui. C:le+, -convenient location:‘ $500 plus irtili* for winter 86. Call 886i8808. winter: roommate needed for 3 I._bgdriro’rn.:‘ftirnis”hed townhouse ’ , beginning January. May stay summer or return in Fail.-‘Churchill St (20 mintile walk). Call Leanne 885-0836. 7 Summer: One or two roommat& needed for 3 bedroom partlallyfurnish~ townhouse. ‘w rettirn winter 4 . Backyard for summer sunnifig. !&I minute walk/ 5 minute bike ride. Cil p : . Lear+ 885.Q836:



Will do fast. efficient typing of stqdeni . papers on Smith Coiona *writer., Reasonable ra%s. Lakeshore .Villa@ area. phone 8866124. . Quality -t&ing ar@bi><word roses%ng. s’ dr Resum stored indeflhitely. Bunctuatian: and spelling checked. Fast. accura@ y~ Dellvev arranged. Diane, 576h * . Medical Sfx@aiy will do *ui typing, 9tX per doiiblespaced page, 664-2195, ’ Tvping - fast,.prof+sional service, typed x on” compdteri- veiy reasonable rates. Please call 886-3036 after 530 pm.

Lqst: platinum a@ gold leaf rker pen (push .ckk) s;O~ewti~ in .(!%. Pli?ase returd. reward. 12SWO46.. Dial all 8‘, ,I numbers. Toll-fi& -* -


Fe& r&mm&e needed to share clean; quiet, one bedroom apt. for winter term. Cl* to campus. 884-7973. \ Lar’ge, two-bedroom, furnished ‘a rtrnent to -sublet April 1- August 31. r reenbriar .ApartmBnts, laundry facilities, saunaibalcony, 5 min. .walk to campus. 88665@ Joni or b-rla.e. . Rooin in hov.se, Sharing :w#h 3 other$ ‘. fully , fum., rking, 10 min/UW, 2 min/WE.U. $ P00 E utilities. Jan+by or Aug. .ReglnaSt Wloo;746-0548.


Typiqj - essays, theses, reports, etc. ” Near campus. Have B.A. Will correct .+ rammer &*I@+ Gall @therine 88L *..,aI %32!3. -‘.: I Maggie &an Type it! Essay< theses E letters, $1 .OO per page - resumes, $X00,‘;:%‘* .pickup & delivev .- @one 743- -.-? 1 -, ,


@chelor apt, available, . corner of Westtiount b Victoria. Access to buses 8;11 & 12. phone 744-7967. 1 Room a’milable -in large house fc% winter term. Laige kitchen, living room and 2 min walk to Waterloo Square E bus-stop. phone 5794642. ask for Brian -

et to share Jan/April. 1 male needed to @re large two bedrqom apt. with 2 co-~ps: 5 min walk to Parkdale Plaza,-25 min to UW. Fully furnish@.

Radio shack model 3,32 K, with word prwssiw software and some games. Menual included. phone Je at 746. ’ 075G’aftetA’p.m: Asking $3 48 or B.O. ’ Amazing Boomerang, Beautiful flight, accur@e return. Wdnderful stone-age fun: ‘Great gift.* Only 54.95; P.O. Box ‘l-5; Atikon. Ont POT, ICQ. For.* One dini . matching chairs. - $!!!CIYY ti!3k%i offer refused. Call.ti1039. w skis. bpots, bindin


Indivkiuals -interested in providing . informatibn and opiniens .‘about the needs of wheelchair users. 4th year eng. . students involved in design of electr%ic wheelchair control would apcreciate any assistance. -Call Systems Design office ext 2600. davs. Monica 884-0652 evening, Interested in the Travel Indugttry? lnternational~ college tour operator js looking for h re’sponsible campus representative. Earn fr+ze trips, and good comrnissipns tiile gaining g&at business exoeri@nce. Fbr more informatioh. call collect- at X312)462\ 2883. * Part-time jobs ayailable as of Novemhr. I, 1985. - teach Punjabi with Heritage Language Programme -tire ,installer restaurant position ’ ‘- yorkiing for> ,a moving company. 94 ore details’ j6b _ descri@lons are available in the cae information centre, and ‘on the part-time jqb board across from the c@sh$is oftke in Needles Hall.. ,’ Want teaching hrience while.earrlii;g I extra money? Craft itistructors requi@ by leiding nwlecraft comp?lny, Gaft experknqe .Ihelpful Buf not necetiry. , Fle$ble hqurs, -generous c(irr$nislqn.. For interviw, call Maryann, 7@88t 3: ‘.‘i

..- /’ , FORSALE. ‘

/ .


: _..;.

Two r&oms available in house shared -with TWO others (living, dining & kitchen _ area);-NearWateti~~-4O~t~:~ walk froni the unl\i;ersitv.- bei;t $200 6 utilities. Please contact Grant of Sallvs at ’ 746-3824. Victorian ManGon suminer sublet: 6 bedmows, 2 balconies, oak staircase and doois,stained@ss windows. Huge lot, opposite Victoria Park, on bus route, 15 min bike ride to UW. Downtown Kitchener. Call 7436896 or visit 93 DavidSt j. Ho&e for rent: rooms foi 5 students, 5 appliances available May to May or for summet session. Ciose td both ‘univekities. call 579-1698.Appljcatio& are Qow being received for residence at .Ct Pm rl’s C nlbn~ I lniversi~

&autifuUy hqished~ t&o-bedroom apartment ti,sul$et May qroqgh Au ua Five rnlnutq from cainpiis; BJrice negotiable. 886-9286. * _ .Waterioo cqq~ tiidendr Females - 2 do0ble Poqni~* ~~~lGbl+. i*pmediately, ‘Aaling >‘$th”: a%iijttre?~:female., ’ Con@t ,mrgaret at 884-3670: . ;3 wrn tQwnhou& in Sunnydale. .Availabre for’sul$et iri May86 with option to take kad$riSeptember 86. Call 746’ I - -,4797: . -. On campus ‘accotiiddation is available for one female from Jdri-April! For mop ipforrnation, call *Heather 88469 IO. Stirnmer svblets: ciean,“close and comfmk. >$99*125/-;month. Call I’ ‘Sam’s 5769818, ’ ‘+$&nmer’,ticomodations,cheap! Clean $6nd ro6m A&-b@oom house, ample parking. ta rge,;outdoor patio from .%itchen..” Fe-n. miou@ -,walk from Laurier. 5 I+@/ md@h/ room f$~s utilitleg XX(p$ce ‘$~oti~bbTe): - bse available to .:;,la2$2ver UI September. T$+hone 746.

,I*. ’ Part-time positions available: write out financial’ applicatibns; warehousing” position; phoneanswering; sing installer; ~pkog~am,mer~~ sales ‘housekeep;? position; cti.ln;depth job d*riptions . on part-ti@e job-boaid atiids% froth the.- caqieis ace. : ‘:j’ * ‘ I

‘- ,...

i \

‘. :~Q+&J+~. .z. ,_I *e*

.* ,>* _‘,_ .;

-. .;” ’ -t


Fed ropniniate wad Jan-&h1 to : share‘.a .do.ubk I room ..in a campus, residence at UW. Fpi more information call Heather 8846910: j __. &‘-il, f .,

) .,


Two single rooms for Janhpr 86. close ;.,t0 Zehrs, 20 min walk Q UW/ 10 min to ,WLU. $2051 mo. Furnishedi full kitchen, utilities and housekeeping: Non-smokers ^ only. Phone: Joha;oi:Joa~743-5921. s J 0. , i r ,1-.5’ :+ , ,.x.9: - -: ,,“.c+ , , Lf ,, ~, c . > .* 9 . j,.




* Receive your Federation $1 .OO off all items over




Shriekback Fish Below



Thompson (Lay Your

Twins Hands

- Oil Gold The Ice, Hammerheads

- Here’s On Me,

To Future Days Love Is the Law)

22 Top - .4fterburner Bag, Can’t Stop Rockin,




Stevie Ray Vaughn - Soul to Soul (Change It. Come One, Say What,)


Cure - The Head On The Door Days, Close To Me, The Blood,

and Rockets I of Confusion,

Prefab (When

Clash - Cut The Crap Is England, Sex Mad Roar, Do It Now)

(In Between




Waterboys - This Is The Sea The Whole of the -Moon, Don’t Bang the Dru

Dream Academy - The Dream Academy .ife In 4 Northern Town, Bound to Be, The Par



$6.49 OTHERS

of Students price discount $5.00 by showing your University of Waterloo I.D.




- Seventh Haunted

Dream When

of Teenage the Minutes

- Two Wheels Good Sprout Love Breaks Down, Bonny)

Siberry - TheSpeckless More Colour, The Empty

rropaganaa (P-Machinery, Duel,

Monday - Friday 9:00 a,m, - 500 pimt Saturdays II:00 a,m, - 500 p,rn,

Sky Chair)

- Secret Wish Sorry For Laughing)

He aver D rag)


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