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Campus Events -



16 -

in the Campus Centre. Clubs and organizations on campus. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Library Tours - Arts and EMS - Wednesday to Friday at 9:30 a.m., lo:30 a.m., 1:30p.m., 2:30 p.m. Saturday: 2:30 p.m. Sunday: 4:00 p.m. Meet at the Info Desk. Tours of the University Map and Design Library will be available at lo:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Environmental Studies 246 till September 18. Catalogue Briefing Sessions at 11a.m. & 3 p.m. Info Desk Arts & EMS Libraries till September 18. Land & Sea - Viewpoints of Prince Edward Island. Charlotte Hammond & Felicity Redgrave paintings, works on paper and sculpture. Organized by the Confederation Centre Art Gallery and Museum, Charlottetown. Gallery hours: Monday Friday: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sundays 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. till October 11. Bombshelter opens 12 noon. D.J. after 9 p.m. Feds - no cover; others, $1 after 9 p.m. Salad and sandwich bar hours: Monday&Tuesday: 12noonto6 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday: 12 noon - 6 p.m. and 8 - 11 p.m. Friday: 12 noon - 11:30p.m. Library Information Sessions for Graduate Students. Info Desk Arts & EMS libraries. 2 p.m. Auditions for Drama’s production of Pinocchio, The Bacchae, Out at Sea; HH 180.3:30- 6 p.m., call ext. 3730 or 2120. All welcome.



Christian Perspective Lecture Series: God, Man and World in Western Thought: HH334. Dr. Graham Morbey. 430 - 6 p.m. Night Discussion Fellowship: Rem Kooistra and Graham Morbey, Chaplains. The Covenant of God’s Favour Genesis 2:4-25. 6 p.m. Common meal, 7 p.m. Bible study. HH 280.


There is a general meeting tonight for all new and returning Korean university students. WATKO (Waterloo Korean University Students’ Association) was established just last January so all Korean students pleaseattend this very important meeting. 8 p.m. CC 135. Liberation of Waterloo (GLOW) sponsors a coffee house. for further information call 884-4569 (GLOW) anytime. 8:30 p.m. CC 110.


Yuk’s presented by Bent, Federation of Students, 9 p.m. CC Great Hall. Free!


- Thursday, Orientation



September continue

17 -


- see Wednesday

Building with Wind & Sun, a seminar on the practical applications of solar andwind power isgiven by Joe Umanetz, teacher and home builder for Waterloo Public Interest Research Group (WPIRG) first Brown Bag Seminar. Starting at 12:30and going to 2 p.m. in Campus Centre 135,this seminar focuses on what can be done cheaply and effectively for energy independence. Library



for Graduate

Students - See Wednesday. Auditions

nesday. CKMS

for Drama Productions -

Orientation Bombshelter Auditions



18 -

continue today. - see Wednesday. for Drama Productions - See Wed. Booths


pits across from Conrad Grebel. 5:30p.m. Everyone welcome or why bother to put it in campus events? Jesus! (no, I’m not swearing) according to the Gospel of Luke - A major motion picture. Held over. Last showing. FREE ADMISSION. MC 2065.7 p.m. Don’t wait for the paperback. Waterloo Christian Fellowship holds a square dance in the Campus Centre. Fed Flicks - All That Jazz starring Roy Schneider 8 p.m. AL 116.Feds $1, Others $2. Glow sponsors its first dance of the term in the 5th floor lounge of MC. Blue Peter at the Waterloo Motor Inn. 8 p.m. Feds $3, aliens $4. Sponsored by the Federation of Students, Board of Entertainment.

- Saturday,


19 -

E.S. Bike rally starts and isfollowedbya bar-be-queat the North Columbia Field. 1- 6 p.m. The Bhakti Yoga Club invites you to achieve a deeper understanding of the science of selfrealization and reincarnation through meditationand philosphicalanalysis as taught in the Bhagavad-gita. Vegetarian yoga FEAST follows. FREE! For further information please call 888-7321. 5 p.m. 51 Amos Ave., Waterloo. Bombshelter opens at 7 p.m. D.J. after 9 p.m. Feds bombed for free; others $1 after 9:00 p.m. Fed Flicks - see Friday.

- Sunday,


20 -

Chaplains Rem Kooistra and Graham Morbey. HH 280. lo:30 a.m. Hi, I’m Ann, part of a fall concert and film festival by Maranatha Christian Club. 7 p.m. MC 2065.There will be a time of singing and sharing at the end of the event. Emmanuel United Church hasa weekly discussion group for university students and young working people. We will be starting on Sunday at the church with an organizational meeting. All welcome. 7:30 p.m. Hearth Room, Emmanuel Church, 22 Bridgeport Road West, Waterloo. Fed Flicks - see Friday Waterloo Regional Multicultural Choir. Opening rehearsal and planningsession of the 1981-82season. Director: Barry Daniels. At the Senior Citizens Centre, 210Charles Street East, Kitchener.8:30p.m. For further info call eveningsor weekend 742-0489or



see Wed-

Organizational Meeting. 4:30p.m. CC 110.


- Monday,



opens 12noon. D.J. after 9 p.m. Feds uncovered, others $1 after 9 p.m. Saladand sandwich bar hours: Monday & Tuesday: 12 noon - 6 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday: 12 noon - 6 p.m., 8 11:30p.m. Friday: 12 noon till 11:30p.m. Exhibit Australia by Florence (Stumpf) Peitsch. Watercolours and Drawings exhibit. Concourse, WLU. Official opening 7 p.m. Admission free and everyone welcome. Thereafter 7 a.m. - 11 p.m. till October 2.


for the Curious and For Those Wanting To Make Profession of Faith. Dr. Kooistra.8 - 9 p.m. Conrad Grebel College.






22 -

- see Monday

Meeting. Absolutely everyone welcome. Cash bar, music, etc. We need writers, actors, singers, carpenters, costumes, and make-up people and enthusiastic persons of all ages. If you can’t make the initial meeting, leave a note under the door of SCH 234B (Fass office). 8 p.m. Fifth floor Math Lounge, MC 5236.






23 -

- see Monday Free Noontime’Concert featuring PianistKen Hull in a performance of the Schubert sonata in B flat op. post. Sponsored by Conrad Grebel College. 12:30 p.m. Humanities Theatre. Christian Perspectives Lecture Series: God, Man and World in Western Thought. Drs. Graham Morbey, Rem Kooistra. HH 334.4:30 - 6 p.m. World of Dance series presents It’s A Small World. From Reggaeto Polka dances from the West Indies and Germany are performed by the Waterloo Caribbean Students Association and the Schwaben Dance Company. 4:30 p.m. Humanities Theatre. Subscriptions: Students$lOforthe lleventsor$2for each event. For further info contact ext. 3357. Waterloo Public Interest Research Group holds an informational meeting for all interested persons. Board of directors elections are soon and nomination forms will be available at this meeting. Find out what research, educational program, resources and materialsare availablefor students on campus. The informational meeting is at 4:30p.m. in cc 113. Wednesday Night Discussion Fellowship with Rem Kooistra and Graham Morbey, Chaplains. HH 280. Common meal - 6 p.m. Biblestudy and special lectures. Topic: The Covenant of God’s Favour. Genesis 1 - 2:3.7 p.m. The Cross and the Switchblade. Starring Erik Estrada and Pat Boone. 7 p.m. Biology 2, Rm. 350. Free admission. There will be a time of singing and sharing at the end of each event.



Power and its implications for the Third World will be part of the discussion at a free public lecture sponsored by THINK (Total Honesty in Nuclear Knowledge). The speaker will be Linda Grovovsky, for the No CANDU for Argentina Committee. 7:30 p.m. Adult Recreation Centre in Waterloo (corner of King and Allen Streets). For more information call 884-9362. *


Grottybeats - A Beatle Tribute. 8 p.m. Waterloo Motor Inn. Feds$2.50and$3.50forOthers. Sponsored by the Federation of Students, Board of Entertainment and Engsoc. Tickets available at the Fed and Engsoc offices. The UW Debating Society is holding its organizational meeting in Conrad Grebel College, Lower Lounge. Everyone is welcome. Frosh, undergrad, grad or Prof. No experience necessary. 9 p.m. The

Pitfalls and Pleasures of being a mature student presents “Do It Write”, a workshop on writing essays. Instructor: Judi Jewinski, Renison College. 7:30 p.m. HH 334. Sign up early to ensure a space. For further info contact Isobel Mackay, Assistant Dean of Women, ext. 2147.


ASU 3005.8

holds its annual wine p.m.

and cheese

party in PAS

Gay Liberation of Waterloo (GLOW) sponsors a coffee house. For further info call 884-GLOW anytime. 8:30 p.m. CC 110. Cinema Gratis presents Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz. 9:30 p.m. Campus Centre Great Hall. Sponsored by the Campus Centre Board.




24 -

- See Monday Women’s Issues Group organizational meeting and discussion. Concerned? Get involved. 7 - 9p.m. cc 110. I Bent and .A. S. U. present Teenage Head. 8 p.m. Waterloo Motor Inn. Feds $5, Others $6. Film - Mr. Hulot’s Holiday (France, 1953)directed by and starring Jacques Tati - voted one of the 12 best comedy films ever made in a world wide poll of movie critics. Short subjects: “Ride the Gentle Breeze” U.S.A. colour short about riding in a hot air balloon. Film fee $2 (Students/seniors $1.50) plus5OQ one-night membership. Available at the door. 8 p.m. Humanities Theatre.


,Imprint wdn@day,



Volume 4, Number 9; University of Waterfm,



bki?iheD Federation of Students


“A Betitle

Tribute you’re. gona’love..




’ I

at the Waterloo Motor Iim

Thursday,~eptembefl7=8pm I $2.50 Feds-$350 Tickets



& the Fed and Engsoc



at the Waterloo



Friday, Sept. 18-8pm %Zfeds-bothers Tickets avaifable at Ls Forwells Variety and FED Office








UW women attacked with pellet gun Recently come to light is a series of unusual daytime incidents which had occurred during the summer on a path in a wooded section of Waterloo park, bordering on the south side of the university. Between 3:30 and 4:30 p.m., three persons using a dirt path close to Westmount road were injured by darts fired from a .177 calibre pellet gun. The three incidents involved women; two were confirmed as either students or at least affiliated with the university. One woman was injured seriously enough to be taken to hospital for minor surgery. The other two women sustained flesh wounds and subsequently received medical checkups. According to Waterloo Regional Police, the path is used as a short cut. Two of the victims were cutting across to a nearby parking lot, the other woman walking home. Regiond police were called to the scene to investigate. Although the .assailant has not yet been apprehended, the case is still under investigation by a team lead by detectives Charles Hackborn and Brian Sebastion. Within a few days of the incident, a dispatch from the regional police notified UW Security. According to Chief of Security, Al Romenco, the case falls under the jurisdiction of the region. However, Romenco states that when notified of offenders by the region, security does “watch out for them.” Detective Sebastion asserted that this was the first assault in the park using a pellet gun. He admitted to similarit; :s between this and past incidents. Wim Simonis, president of the Federation of Students stated that in 1980, nine sexual incidents had occurred in the park. These incidents ranged from rape to indecent

Inside this issue: Page 7:

Hunger Project Examined

Pnge 8 & 9:

Interview with Uw’s President



to form a patrol organization called MASH (Men Against Sexual Harrassment). MASH patrolled the park during part of the winter months, and was influential in acquiring light standards for the park.

exposure. As of March, two rapes, both involving UW students were reported in 198 1. The problem of harrassment was disturbing enough to lead a number of concerned students


at , thrift

Village students are wondering why they don’t get breakfast on weekends anymore; and why there aren’t paper towels in the washrooms anymore; and why they can only have one serving of meat each meal? Ron Eydt, Warden of Residences, claims that the “reductions in services are an emergency measure, not. long range changes.” Eydt is attempting to reduce expenses in the residences by $130,000 this budget year, to reduce the expected $200,000 deficit that existed at April 31. “Inflation has finally caught up with the villages,” he says. Eydt claims that removing paper towels will save about $15,000 in the fall and winter terms alone, and that restricting villagers to one serving of meat per meal will save a further $50,000. He expects that eliminating the Continental breakfasts served on weekends will eliminate one whole shift of kitchen staff for a further saving of $800 per weekend in salaries. Also, work projects, such as a permanent path between Village 1and Village 2and therecarpeting of the Blue Dining Lounge in Village 1, have been cancelled. Eydt says there are a number of reasons for the emergency measures. Firstly an accumulated surplus - that stood at nearly $500,000 in 1970 - has all but been eroded away. That money had subsidized each Villager $35 per term last year. According to Eydt the projected expenses for each budget year have fallen well below what was really encountered. For example, Eydt says “E. S. Lucy, Director of-Personnel, told me to account for an 8 per cent increase in the cost of salaries when in fact salaries rose by.about 15 per cent.” Eydt remarked of the residences that, “we were the one area in this university that was not tightening it’s belt.” Residences are run as an “anciliary enterprise” and as such receive no funding from the general university budget ascalled for in provincial government regulations. Eydt says that come September 1982

A small fire in the first floor lounge of south 8, Village 1, has left tbout $500 in damages. The fire had started Sunday, September 13, shortly after il:oO p.m. Waterloo Fire Department officials had arrived on :he scene shortly after receiving an automatic alarm from the smoke detector only to find that the flames had been

loses Villagers

students in the residences will have to pay the full cost. He predicts that the increase will be near 12 per cent (or very near the Consumer Price Index). A single room in Village 1 this year costs $1094, already an increase of 9.7 per cent from the year before. “Residents were not ‘paying their own freight in the past (refering to the subsidies) but they are going to have to pay their own freight from now on.” So far, Eydt says he has received complaints about the reductions from only about iwenty



The Creative Arts Board of the Federation of Students is in need of help. It isattempting to involve as many students as possible in “Creative Shows,” and is not sure how to start. John Anderson, person of the board,


extinguished. Robert Bruce, Don of South 8, had detected smoke in the building and used a fire extinguisher to put out the fire, but not before the alarm went off. Unknown persons had left the electric hot plate in the kitchenette on, igniting a’frisbee, some newspapers, and a case

Lighting dark paths may be a deterrent to offenders. However, the July9 incident raises a question. How effect&e are lights as a deterrent, as three wom’en have been assaulted Ama Lehn in broad daylight?

food or so residents. He has spoken to first year students in residence last Sunday and will meet with all the Dons this Thursday to discuss ahy grievances. Eydt says that if enough residents are upset about the loss of the Continental breakfast then it will have to be re-introduced immediately. He warns that if this happens,’ though, that cost will be born by those living in the residences when fees increase next year. Peter Skacino


has plans for an improvisational theatre games organization, a dance company, a musical, and a coffeehouse. Anderson claims that none of the ideas are his; they all came from interested students. Anderson is still actively soliciting arid would like to see

a lift more people come forward with ideas. Also needed are people to help get the planned programs underway. Anderson can be reached at Extension 3457, or by leaving a message dt the Federation office.

of beer. The lounge was empty at the time the fire started. Damages to the kitchenette included burnt cupboards, a scorched side panel, and some burning of the exhaust fan wiring. Photo by Peter Saracino

. ,‘, p@.e,4- ( \





Wednesday, September 16,19&l.. Imprint 4 ,-, . +


masthed-acrlap,newonedo~ HerewegoagainfolMwithanother bffltotlzeflretnon-~p~~rwho~teU~me~thehecawhsve onseachendeverg~.Thareiea~~af~~~~thieweek andwearepleasedat3punchto~ouncethatthereareeomenew hominideon~,liBeRogerTherieut(hsirapperenttoIraN~ whde aleo in thle paper exaffkio), Paul OrMy& Robin Burge8, AmasdecToeephandAllsonDean(whoteamedupfortheir~ DQ),andthsmyeterlauerdnnAJ.~n(that~~~aeen).Also thainkatoanoldcomra&et-9mne, Bandystanl~,MeritbuuoIla(read Imprint Buttons) go out to DavldAa6mnna and Mike S&a&h- for various&ce&ofthemediacanworktogetherforthe prcmfag-t ~ande.Aetanding.ealuteandfly-paetfiorall~veterane:Catby McBride, Virginia (Smorte) Butler, Prabhakar Regde,‘John McM~e~andBermieRnebl.AndagelnIburnleuralleevesatthef~ afEbrlvieH~m-JohnW.Baet,and8cott46ufiayfortheirpartIn thla camp*. I won% forget Anna I&n either for it ia her who did theflrst-eillthstlseDttheolddura~inthe~anldlpeclrege.N.B.There’ea~tb~pfleof~onrrmydsslrall~nameg.Irsslly do hope they becomes fbmilbr fecee. (I forgt to mentiqn Randy peter 8aracln.o -=w=..)

Imprint is the student newspaper at the University of Waterloo. It is axi editorially independent newspaper publishedby Imprint Publications, Waterloo, acorporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of cajnadirwn University Press (CUP), an organ&ation of more than SO student newspapers across Cam&~ Imprint is also a member of the Ontario Commuqi~ N&paper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes_ ey&yFri~duringthe re@larterms. Mail shouldbe addressed to “Impljnt, CampIs Centre Room, 14O,Univer8itg7 Of Waterloo, W&jzrloo, Ontario.” Imprint ISSN 07067380 Imprint reserves the right to 8m edit, andrefuseadvertMn& ind c&as postage registration applied for

-’ *- _,I , r . \”



Satam&m Mad Mad Mode Night. 2003OOp; eurvivedandgotafMebreakfa8tcareoftheTurnltege \ ,’









Welcome to the University of Waterloo . . . the Land of the Fee. Throughout this month you’re b,e& cajoled, asked, and outright told to shell out an portion of your increasingly significant summer earnings 1 perhaps the entire amount -for tuition, books, lodging, and a plethora of other necessities. If you’ve paid your tuition, or any portion thereof, you’ve probably also given money to several student organizations. If you’re in first year, you might be wondering, why? ’ Why is the Federation worth $11.50 per student per term, WPIRG$2.50 student/ term, CKMS $3.00‘, Imprint $2.25? Not to mention - the society fees? What do these organizations do for me, and w&<should I support them? Is the question-e&&worth thinking about? The cashis there -grabit:back! The -*answers-.-(esp&ially refuting the last pointFare very subjective. This editorial is very subjective - that is the natureofeditorials.Iwanttoconvinceyouthat Imprint is worth supporting. (The other organizations have their own opportunities tojustifythemselves-although, I promised to note this for CKMS:, they need $5,0’00 more this year to cover last year’sdebts; if thy&q@ g@it somehow, the station may be in serf&B trouble.) Stepping out of subjective mode for one minute, to-p ’ I think refundable fees in prit@pb a& keeping, here is a list of what you c&$&.@ck, where, when and how ‘,G‘_ .. muchi, ‘. I. Fedeg&m: 9:3&$&j 1i30; 4:30 - 4:30 $11.50 $3 .oo ’ CWS: 10 - 2 at Rauer Warehouse $2~50, W&fPG: 9:OO / 12:38, at CC 217. $2.25 - Itiip@t: 9:00 - 1 l:OO, 2 - 4 CC 140 S@ety fees: at your society offices. fiWhere do refundable fees come from and what are they for -..and why do I suggest you retain your investment in Imprint?

H&tory ,

Students voted for refundable fees in October of 1977, with memories of campus political turmoil fresh in their minds. -The- vote was immediately after a deep conflict between the chevron, then UW’s student newspaper, and the Federation. The -Federation lost - and was reduced to such a state of disorganization that at one point there were as many as three to five presidents in less “.f than two months. -Faced. with this incompetence,+he’feeling that refundable fees would force or@iizations to be directly accountable to the &udents caught on fast. As an editorial o “Refundable fees provide the st guarantee that they can withdra from an organization which fails-to serv interests,” Discussion centred on this “political” possibility if an - organization is bad, ineffective,, or even hostile to its supporters, thenthe supporters should have the right to withdraw that-support. Obviously, refundable. fees won. (Interestingly enough,~ only one .faculty voted in favour of refundable fees: Engineering. The rest supported compulsory fees.) UW continues to be the only university in Canada that has refundable fees. .‘?One year laieer . . . ( 1978) / Ii,;In only one case was there a demonstrably “@olitical”, withdraw1 of fees. Of 10,929 fee$ying students,-the greatest withdraw1 was fpm CKMS (9.5% of the students); the least

from the Federation (6.8%). There is an - Think before you Refund overwhelming exception to this roughly 10% rule; we will return to it. If you’re not a tropism, something that merely reacts to ouside stimuli, but rather one ‘The highest rate of withdraw1 from a society who , actually reasons’, out your actions, as 7 1 students (Math); the lowest, Engineering with 1 refund. consider this: According to Rick Smit, inaninterview with In the Orientation issue of Imprint, we had 1) A whole booklet (“Getting Your Money’s Imprint, “I’m disappointed in the people who went around to all the refunds just for the Worth”) that will help you save significantly more than t,he $2.25 we ask from you money.” Smit was then president of the this term. Federation. 2) A News section that will continue to help The approximate 10% average has remained approximately the same. There has never you get ,along better at UW; if you know appeared to be a political motivation behind what is gong on, you will know what to the withdraw1 of fees from the Federation, complainabout, who to see 01 avoid, if your CKMS, WPIRG, or the societies, nor from student representatives are doing their job Imprint since this paper got a refundable fee properly, if the Administration of UW is (1979). working on screwing even more money from you. A political motivation is easy to disdern. The only case on record so far concerned the 3) We devoted a significant amount of space to chevron. Political turmoil returned to the telling you about the other_ organizations on campus - ready means of broadening campus in 1978; this time, not the Federation suffered, but the chevron. your horizons, social life and ,ways of This is not the article to go intoa history that picking up skills not strictly academic. 4) A Features section devoted to analysing the is, at best, convoluted. news and events to try and create a deeper Allegations of political takeover of the chevron by the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) (CPC-ML) were bandied about. Counter-allegations of Federation I interference in the rightful functions of a newspaper were also launched. The fact remains that in the first period every campus group had refundable fees (September 1978) the chevron had about 3,800 students (35% of the student body) refund their . fee. (The chevron never had another period of refundable fees - in December of that term, 38.1% of the student body voted 82% against the chevron having on-campus office space, or a student fee. Imprint, which has been publishing reg,ularly every week since September 1978, became the recognized student newspaper at UW in March, 1979. We are now one termintc our fourth year of publication. ,

Today We have seen that in the case of major campus organizations, refunds are in the general area of 10% of the student pop,ulation. In the only case of a discernably political the rate was significantly higher >motivation, (three times as much).



As none of the organizations around today, have changed their stance much in the last few years,,we might expect this to continue to be true. Is this 10% rate political? unlikely. So, what is the reason?


I will concede the possibility that $2.25 will make a difference in a student’s financial position ‘- that difference being approximately a hamburger, milkshake and fries from Food Services. I will concede that there are students whodo not read the Imprint at all - but I bet the vast majority who say so are liars. If nothing but the Campus Events column, or an article j pointed out by a friend, almost every student will read the paper at least once. I know of at least five separate cases (learned of in the. most casual manner - I overheard most of them talking while standing in a lineup) where the student refunds his fee and cynically keeps on , picking up the paper*


understanding of local and world situations. 5) Entertainment ,. . . admittedly of little redeeming social value, but you’d scream if we left it out. Same with sports. Now the Orientation issue was 64 and more pages long, and we won’t be doing that big a paper every week - but the same sections will be there, If you can’t find something there of interest to you, lie down and cover yourself with mud - you’ve been dead two months and haven’t noticed. I’m not speaking to the houseplants who will refund just because it’s available (and then continue to use the paper anyway). To the people who evaluate: IF YOU’ DON’T THINK OUR SERVICE IS WORTH $2.25 PER TERM, PLEASETELLUS WHY AND IN-DETAIL-if your arguement is good, we will certainly change. If we don’t - then please withdraw your fee. Maybe it’s the only way we will learn. Please think a little. If you think long enough, you might think of something you’d personally like to write about. So comeand see us: we have a place for you. John W. Bast








5 -

26 call’ halt to Grad Club growth Bill Wells, a graduate planning student, has launched a successful petition campaign intended to “evaluate, respond (to), and strengthen future directives” of the recent Grad Club referendum that decidkd for expansion of the Graduate House. ~ Wells calls into question whether or not thereferendum was used as a rubber stamp for a decision already made by some members of the Club. He suggests that the referendum’s wording influences people for the expansion. The referendum’s first question states: “I am in agreement with the proposed expansion of the Graduate House, to increase its capacity and facilities.” Wells also maintains that grad members really did not know neough about the expansion before it was voted on. Bill, Halverson, Grad Club President, responds to Wells’ claim by stating that forty per cent of the eligible voters turned out for the referendum and that that is a “pretty positive response.” Halverson did adnhit though, that there was semi


amongst misunderstanding the electorate. “The Grad Club has accumulated over $40,000 in trust,” states Wells. “Why did it accumulate in the first place?’ In fact, he wonders if the money could be put to use elsewhere and better whether many of the Grad Club members do use the facilities available. Wells charges that holding the referendum in the summer was taking advantage of there being very few graduate students on campus to vote. Halverson disagrees on this point and maintains that the “bulk of the grads are still around campus in the summer.” The Special Meeting has been called in accordance with a Grad Club Charter that provides for the calling of such a meeting when a petition can be gathered with a minimum two per cent of the registered members’ signatures. Wells reached that mark with only twenty six names. The meeting will be held on Thursday, September 24, at 8:00 p.m. in Hagey Hall room 334. Peter Saracino


Nominations for the Board of Directors of the Waterloo Interest Research Public Group (WPIRG) will be received at the WPIRG office, room 217B Campus Centre, between Monday September 28 and Monday October 5. This year three of the seven positions on the board are vacant. Elections will be held Monday October 19,198l. Anyone who is a fee-paying



When does a five foot drop cost $125,000? When it’s your very own sloped N Lot, of course. Apparently that’s what the university spent to level the seven to ten degree grade that has



Last spring the Federation of Students created the fulltime position of Federation researcher. UW grad student Andrew Boyd was the man hired for the position. The position’s salary has been tentatively set at an annual $11,440, the same amount as is paid the president.


Seats open

member of WPIRG is eligible for nomination foreitheraone year or a two year term as director. The directors set WPIRG policy, determine research and educational priorities, hire staff and oversee budget and fiscal matters. Board meetings are generally held every other week throughout the year. Outgoing directors estimate that board duties can take

three to four hours a week, researching and critiquing proposals for research or popular education events, organizing and attending board meetings and doing other small projects and tasks.

been the cause of &nder benders every winter. The money is coming out of the accumulated profits of parking (permit fees and coin operated lots) on campus.Photo by Peter Saracino


Boyd is responsible to the Board of Education and External Relations (BEER). His job includes preparing research for the boards, serving as an information source and doing anything else the board may come up with. All projects must be approved by BEER and most of Boyd’s work is generated by them. He can, however, get his own ideas approved if they fit the requirements of the Boards. At present Boyd is working on the “possibility of using the 1

-II / /'&II



Federation to counsel students on OSAP applications.” In order to help people whoare reluctant to go to administration for help. If all goes well the programme could be ready by Orientation ‘82. Boyd will also be working a “Socio-Economic Impact Study” to see where student money goes in the community. The difficulty in such a study he says is isolating student spendingfrom university spending as a whole. At this time, however, most of Boyd’s e----w

projects are in the beginning stages. Boyd sees continuity between Federation administrations as one benefit of his position. He also senses the advantage of being able to, “focus my full attention to matters of immediate interest to student council.” There is also more time for him to devote labour into projects that council members would not be able to do justice to. Cathy McBride i -r 1

--\ )

I 'Jc


‘For nomination forms or more information, phone the WPIRG office, 885-1211 ext. 2578 or visit - room 217B, in the Campus Centre.



What is your impression of Orientation and do yoti think it is worthwhile? byAmandaJosephandAlisonDean



Elec. EI@

I think Orientation is good and iti improved a lot since my first year here.

Jay Fenton 3rdyr. D;rama

Laurie Early 1st yr. St. Paal’s

It’s worthwhile if you know what’s going on and that’s hard to do for first year.

the people

I think

it’s terrifk.Youget

can get really

and the campus


Michael Lucin lstyr.Arch. to know


and you

I enjoyed people.

it. It was okay. I met a lot of


.- .

Personal THEATRESPORTS improv workshops on campus. Interested? Call 885-43 13.


queeze the juice of a quartered lime over ice. Throw in 1l 2 ounces of Yu,kon Jack, top it up with cola and you’ll have trapped the Bear Bite. Inspired in the wild, midst the damnably cold, this, the black sheep of Canadian liquors, is Yukon Jack.



1 /

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Crossword by Fraser Simpson

Across 1. 3. 8. 9. 10. 13. 15. 17. 18. 19.

The bass, for example, is almost split in two. (4) Intolerant people go in small parts in films. (6) An alternative word, we hear, for ‘mineral’. (3) Obscenely list about in any formation. (7) Strength causes earthiness. (10) imprisonment can produce tainted men. (10) Rests after hard work in sun and wind, perhaps. Back one circuit of the race course, friend. (3) Possibly South Sea return rates. (6) The heir is holding a flower. (4)



6. 7. 11. 12. 14. 16.

One hundred and fifty love the dress. (6) Lift up the container surrounded by Eastern eel stew. (7) Sees Ann’s in trouble: it’s madness. (10) ‘Yes’ from the Ouija board - but in a different language. (3) Say nothing, perhaps, and get a bean. (4) Never reached net at audit, strangely enough. More inclined to be a teapot? (7) Cash register on board, for making liquor. (6) Rolls in the hair? (4) Alas! Wait, or eat first? (3)

(IO) _







Short on Tuition? Living Expensive? Tired of Sustaining at Near Poverty Level?

7 ,-

Front group after cash Sometime

this fall, on campus

you may be approached

or in the community, by a representative of the Hunger

Project, asking you to help in the eradication of world hunger. On the surface, the idea seems well intentioned and worthy of support. The literature proclaims, “The end of hunger and starvation on our planet by 1997. An idea whose time’has come.” A bit of careful examination, however, will reveal that there is more to the Hunger Project than what is initially presented. First of all, the Hunger Project doesn’t do anything about ending world hunger. It doesn’t advocate any particular solution to the problems of hunger such as land reform or food self-sufficiency. Secondly, it doesn’t encourage you to combat world hunger by education. The founder of the Hunger Project, Werner Erhard counsels that, “Rather than knowing more and then more as you go along, you will need, instead to be willing to know less and less -that is to say, to become somewhat confused as you go along. Finally, you will have struggled enough to be clear that you don’t know. In the state of knowing that you don’t know, you get, as a flash of insight, the principle out of which the answer comes.” Thirdly, the Hunger Project does not ask its members to make “dehumanizing gestures” such as sending money to anti-hunger organizations. The Hunger Project is described by its members as “a consciousness raising organization, part of the hunger response community.” The money you donate to the Hunger Project is used to send not food, but people armed with notebooks and cameras to disaster stricken areas of the world. There they record the suffering of the inhabitants in vivid detail. Then they return home to put together glossy brochures which are used to raise more money to send more people to other parts of the world. Derry McDonell, in an article in Monday Magazine, described the Hunger Project as “a perpetual motion money machine, endlessly fed by wellmeaning people who don’t look too closely at the fine print .” Recognized relief agencies do not endorse the I-Qmger Project and many will not accept any funds raised by the Hunger Project for any purposes. Last May the national board of directors of OxfamCanada passed a resolution which stated that: “OxfamCanada will not endorse or support any activities or programs sponsored by the organization known as the Hunger Project.” During a recent trip to Vancouver, Dr. Stanley Mooneyham, president of World Vision International (a church-based relief agency) had this to say about the Hunger Project: “The last thing the hungry people of the world need is a bunch of vultures lurking around the refugee camps with cameras and then going back home telling people there how much they’re doing to end hunger.” In order to understand the motivations behind the Hunger Project you need to know about the connections between the Hunger Project and

est, a profit-motivated educational corporation. Est (Erhard Seminars Training) conducts training sessions which combine techniques as varied as Eastern mysticism, behaviour modification and Dale Carnegie. The training sessions cost $300 a person and are conducted over two weekends. In 1977, est created the Hunger Project and set it up as an “independent”, non-profit organization. in 1978, a six m‘onth investigation by Mother Jones magazine showed that the independence was more illusory than real. The magazine discovered that the three initial directors of the Hunger Project all worked out of the law firm of est lawyer and offshore taxhaven expert, Harry Margolis; that in many cities the Hunger Project and est operate from the same office; that many of the top personnel move directly from est to the Hunger Project; that est graduate bulletins advertise Hunger Project events and that Hunger Project volunteers are pressured by Hunger Project staffers to take -the $300 est training course. In addition, the magazine discovered that the proceeds from a Hunger Project Seminar Series held in various cities in the U.S. went, not to the Hunger Project, but directly to est.‘Over 4,OOOpeople paid $30 each to attend the seminar series. Mother Jones concluded that Werner Erhard (the founder of both est and the Hunger Project) is using the

Hunger Project not only for ’ self-aggrandizement but for promoting the for-profit corporation he founded as well and that the Hunger Project is a thinly veiled recruitment arm for est. After the publication of the Mother Jones article, the executive director of the Hunger Project, Joan Holmes stated publicly that she intended to sue the magazine and the writer of the article on the Hunger Project for defamation. However, instead of suing, Ms. Holmes sent a seven page statement to Mother Jones which included the following: While legal action would allow us to reveal the falsity of unsubstantiated charges, the ultimate viability and effectiveness of the Hunger Project cannot be ‘proven’ in a courtroom. . . We believe the’ ultimate effectiveness of the principles of the Hunger Project will bedemonstrated in the ‘market’ of public discussion and public policy as all views on the subject of world hunger and starvation are heard . . . Therefore, in responding to your (Mother Jones) article, we are guided by our strong belief that the continued existence of a vigorous, unstifled free press is not only consistent with our principles, , but is also babsolutely necessary in bringing the facts about the world’sability toend hunger to public attention.”

In the three years which have passed since the Mother Jones investigation, ties between the Hunger Project and est have not diminished. At least half of the Hunger Project advisory counci1 members (there are 69 members) and half of the board of directors of the Hunger Project are est graduates. In the meantime, enrolment (defined as anyone who has signed the little white pledge card) in the Hunger Project keeps growing. This summer it surpassed 1.8 million, mainly in the United States. The Canadian operations for the Hunger Project are


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being co-ordinated by the Vancouver office, which has two full-time employees. Incidentally, the Hunger Project and est operate from the same offices in Vancouver. Locally, the Hunger Project has been co-ordinated by John Hotson, an est graduate and an economics professor at the University of Waterloo. He has helped in the enrolment of 5,000 people in the Region of Waterloo. Professo; Hotson carries his e&husiasm for the Hunger Project into the classroom as well. The first midterm exam last January for Economics 202, taught by Professor Hotson, included a question which gave students the option of defining and/or explaining the Hunger Project in a short paragraph showing the importance of the Hunger Project in macroeconomics. While the promotion of a genuine program to combat world hunger may be both desireable and necessary, promotion of the Hunger Project (which takes no concrete steps to end world hunger, functions as a thinly veiled recruiting arm for est and has been criticized by bona fide relief agencies) it is not the best route to take to end starvation in the world. Think about this the next time a representative of the Hunger Project approaches you. David Assmann


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Dr. Douglas T. Wright, former Duputy Ministerx the Ontario Government’s Ministry of Culture and Recreation, is now. President of uw. Dr. Wright, 53, is a former Dean of Engineering at Waterloo, and has also been reappointed as a professor in the Faculty of Engineering. Dr. Wright was born and educated in Toronto. After graduating in civil engineering from the University of Toronto in 1949, he studied structural engineering at the University of Illinois where he received a Master of Science degree. He then attended Trinity College at Cambridge University in England on an Athlone Fellowship and completed his Ph.D. degree in 1954. After teaching civil engineering at Queen’s University in Kingston for four years, he went to Waterloo in 1958 to become the first chairman of the Civil Engineering Department at Canada’s newest university. A year later, he was also appointed Dean of Engineering. He was the youngest engineering dean in Canada. ’ I In 1967, Dr. Wright left Waterloo to become the first full-time chairman of the Ontario Committee on University Affairs, a government-appointed body, which developed the formulas for I: When you came (to Waterloo) did you have any goals-in mind? W:Yes, but it’s hard not to be trite. I: But do you have anything in mind y any concrete changes? W:No, but let me be quick tosay that I have certain objects addressing this or that. It does relate to my assessment that things improve with change. The ‘place (this university) is strong and the reason it’s strong is that it doesn’t have weaknesses. That sounds trivial, but it isn’t. And further, in my previous experiences, I have found myself in new responsibilities where 1have to make a lot of changes. In my first year or so, in my last responsibility, of the 40 senior executives in the firm, I replaced 20 oft hem. 1 have had experience in situations where change is required and where I had such an agenda. The fact that I don’t have an agenda - here is a measurement of the strength of Waterloo and in my perception there are no great weaknesses. I: Do you support the enlargement or the continuing growth of the co-op system? W:Yes, I’m very impressed with what I’ve learned from Banks and Stubbs (Deans of Arts) and what peoplearedoingfor the Arts , Faculty. They’ve been very careful and very deliberate about the enlargement of the coop in the arts. It would be very unwise to go ahead without being careful. I: One cannot talk to you without asking you about the Wright report. W:Yes. I: Youdid havealot inthereportonthesocial implications of education as it relates to society. W:The view of thecommission was that educational policy is social policy. In fact, many issues on things like tuition and so on, are really issues of social policy. I: What happened to the Wright report? W:By and large, a very large part of it was accepted and adopted. I: Adopted and implemented? W:A lot of it. If you look, there’s a lot said in the report about the importance of non-formal education and a lot oft he report is about the excesses of formal education as evidenced in the policies and practices of the fifties and sixties. They had an excess of resources which led to the institutionalizing of education. In the two years after the report, the province did a lot. We’re catching up. The grants to archaeology museums, the Arts Council, to all of these people. In fact, the Ministry of Culture and Recreation was I created as a result of the commission. How‘ever, the commission helped to define the non-formal’ sector of education and its importance. The recommendations of the ,commission were acted upon. In some ways, the manner in which the government acted takes some analysis. One of the concerns we had is credentialism, which is discrimination on the basis of any qualification to the degree that people who are in fact qualified do not get the job only because they don’t have the documen-. tation. I: And here you are, president of a university with perhaps one of the highest accreditation systems. The whole Engineering.. . W:No. I would say on the contrary. We’re one of the lowest in this sense. In most of the professional schools concern for skill is , transcended by, the concern for paper (cre-

dentials). There’s nothing in those recommendations about professionalism that in any way would criticize so-called “professional studies.” What they’re crit icizing is that those who would have the same . quaiifications gained otherwise and the same ability, could not exercise their ability to get jobs. I: My impression over the years is that U W has still steadfastly held onto that tradition of professionalism .. . W:Hold on - professionalism is competancy. Credentialism is paper and there is a difference. _ I: If someone applied with only practical experience, he’s not going to get hired today. W:In the university, or. . . I: Outside the university. - W: Well, I don’t believe that. I think our people do very well on the market. I’m very critical of the kind of labour market that works by denying people from places like Ryerson . jobs because most of it is not credentialized. The whole computer science field is working so fast and there is very little credentialism there at all. It’s a professional skill, but there’s no vestige of creden-tialism. I think that in quite a few professional areas, the rapid rate of change will make credentialism more difficult. I: I ’ think the biggest thing against accred1 itation, or the thing that will break it down is private enterprise. W:That’s not accreditation; let’s be careful about these terms. Credentialism is the use of paper as a basis for, discrimination. That’s separate from professionalism or accreditation. The words are different. I: I see, but I think &me precludesthe other. W:No, I don’t think so. In my view, it is competency that matters. I: Yes, but we’re still hung-up on proving competency with paper. It’s a thing of time and money; is a personnel officer.going to hire somebody who just walks in? They (the company) can try them out, and perhaps they are very intelligent, but it’s going to take them (the company) six months to find out whether they can reallydothejob. They could take a guy that says, “Look at my piece of paper, this proves that I can do the j,ob.” W:You see, you’ve just indicated how the real world works. The big probl.em is personnel ,officers generally use the convenient route. I: -Going back to’what you said near the beginning about this being a strong university. I attended a meeting yesterday with the Premier, Frank Miller, and some of their aides, and they were talking about the federal government’s plans to cut back $1.5 , billion and establish program financing. While they couldn’t state anything explicitly, it seems to be in the wind -that cutbacks are coming. And if they come,they’re going to hit Waterloo in one way or another. What do you see as the most expendable? W:Let me ask you a bit more. How did the meeting go, and what things were discussed? I: The meeting was with the Ontario Federation of Students, and I think the Premier was there looking for the OFS to support the province in asking the federal government not to cut back the $1.5 -billion to maintain EPF and to’not go by some other




News ’ on the right






track: interview

operating and capital grants to universities and was responsible for government-university relations and negotiations. In 1969, he was appointed to the additional post of Chairman of the Ontario Commission on Post-Secondary Education which produced a blueprint, commonly called the “Wright Report,” for the development of post-secondary education in Ontario. Three years later, Dr. Wright joined the Government of Ontario as Deputy Provincial Secretary for Social Development and advisor to the cabinet committee on social development. He was the first appointee to this position which had been established following a major reorganization of the government. His responsibilities included policy planning and resource allocation for five ministries with annual expenditures in excessof $9 billion. In this interview, President Wright’s comments appear as closely to their original form as possible. In some instances, the interviewers’ questions have been edited to savespace. Every attempt has been made to preserve meaning and context. Wright’s comments are indicated by “WY The interviewers are signified by “I”. route such as direct funding. W:Universities or students both? I: Actually both; the Premier thought that what might happen is increased direct research grants, and a situation where the province no longer gave students any money through OSAP. All that would be available in the way of loans would be from the federal government. He wouldn’t elaborate on whether or not the provincial government would attempt to make up the deficit. W: Was he asked whether he was going to continue into the ‘80’s his policy of the ‘70’s where universities were financed at two or three percentage points below inflation costs? I: He said that he wasn’t convinced that universities should be keeping up with the rate of inflation; that there was a possibility that institutions aren’t affected the same way as the rest of society by inflation. W:Did anyone challenge that? I: No, sadly. W:l don’t understand that because institutions are people, and if you’re not going to keep up with the rate of inflation of the average citizen, you’ll end up paying faculty and staff less than inflation; class size will keep on getting bigger and bigger. I: Already I’ve heard that the Engineering department here is having difficulty attracting new faculty because they don’t have state-of-the-art equipment, and if you’re not going to get any funding, you’re not going to be able to replace that equipment that’s already becoming obsolete. How are you going to maintain this as a strong university with that kind ofthing happening? W:Firstly, there’s more uncertainty now than at any other time since the 60’s, both in terms of what the federal government will do and what the province will do, given that institutions have reached a time where they have to practice restraint to survive. I: There’s a wealth of resources and information here but nobody seems to be using it. W:l think the community takes great benefit of that, but it’s not done in a formal way. The mayor has a committee planning 125 anniversary events for the city of Waterloo, and it’s being chaired by one of our faculty. The university has done a great deal for the community, particularly private enterprise. Look at Cambridge where we are helping the microelectronics industry. We’re talking about how universities are going to respond to all these financial needs. Obviously one of the objectives of the Watfund is to provide some capital resources for replacing things like equipment and meeting buiding needs. I: But that’s not going to affect anything like the faculty-student ratio. W:No, it won’t. I: It’s not going to attract new faculty if you can’t . . . w:. . . well, it will help, if you can get equipment through capital fund raising, then that will offset some of that problem. It doesn’t affect, though, the salaries of faculty. I: How is the fund raising going now? W:$s running pretty well . . . I: And is the support being managed mainly ! from industry that’s using. . . W:Yes.


I: . . . our expertise, as opposed to alumni sending in . . . W:Yes, so far mainly industry. The alumni thing is a much longer time frame. I’m no expert on this, but alumni contributions are significant in campaigns, as are also bequests. Corporations don’t give you bequests. Waterloo is a bit young for bequests, so I hope that alumni will respond to that call for help. W:It’s been an easy thing to perceive tuition as a barrier to, and a prime factor of accessibility. There’s a lot of evidence though that this is not the case, and that it is kind of a misnomer; it’s a bit like the argument that rent control helps the housing problems. There have been two experiments in societies enough like Canada, where they show that the ordinary philosophy about lowering tutition is not really true enough to be supportable. One is Sweden. In 1960, they invoked free tuition. Ten years later, 1970, the social mix of people in the universities of Sweden had not changed significantly. Or

recently in Australia, about 1972, they went to a policy of zero tuition and not quite as generous a student assistance as in Sweden, but a pretty generous student assistance package in Australia. Similarly, they found that the social mix had not changed, that is, those most extreme steps that one could imagine in reducing financial boundaries had not changed accessibility. There’s alot of evidence to support this that social and cultural factors determine accessibility. They’re a function of family conditioning and of expectations and are firmly cemented in the student’s mind by the time they’re in grade nine or ten, and are very hard to change after that. There’s been evidence over the years that people who’ve had “theright kind of conditioning” went to university understanding what their financial barriers were. So one of the things is that accessibility is determined by social and cultural factors, and if we really look at

accessibility, we have to look for other instruments. But in the mean time, and unless we do that, we can do quite a bit on the financing side without affecting accessibility. I would wager that quite significant differences in the patterns of tuition and student assistance would not produce significant changes in accessibility. And if you wanted me to do anything about accessibility on the part of the people, from low income families, you better do it with other instruments. I’m not sure what they will be because most countries are having great difficulty in encouraging the most able people from the lower income family to come on to higher education. Let me go on to answer the other question. What I think is the most important factor and what the Commission found. I personally have believed for quite some time that there is a far more appropriate way to lookafter student loans. That is to have higher tuition with astudent financing system that provides substantial grants for people of low income, and contingent loans for everybody else, which means that people who do come from well to do families would simply pay more, or could borrow, and that the repayment would come primarily from future income. Repayment would be related to that income, so that if one didin’t have well to do families, one would be able to attend university. The time for the grant is afterwards, in terms of forgiving loans. In my view, that would not affect accessibility and would be most equitable in terms of who has a good excuse for getting grants. The fact is that the present social and cultural circumstances makes it much more likely that the children of people who already have higher-than-average incomes won’t get the subsidies. The lower income people will. The economists call that “retroactive subsidies. I: Are there any specific things that U W is doing to fight back? Where do you see the university’s role in lobbying against cutbacks’! W:I have strong feelings about that. My view of that is, and I’m sure the Premier would agree, that universities have done a poorjob

of representing themselves. They have attempted to solve their problems by lobbying the government instead of the taxpayer. I think one of the problems we have to overcome, not only at Waterloo, is to find much better ways of convincing students and their parents of the need for strong, healthy universities. I: How do you propose,to do that? W:I don’t know. I will be trying to talk to students, faculty, employers and the public to explain why this is a priority. I: Do you feel that you’re in a position to push some of these ideas? W:I will certainly be sharing those ideas with as many people in the university community as I can. Not that I expect that they’re going to be easily accepted. It’s highly likely that they’ll come about, but I think it’s only by discussing those things that we’ll have some understanding of what may come. As we look at some of the worst

prospects on the horizon, my own view is that against the alternatives, government should fund at the rate of inflation. We should find out, though, if parents and students want to pay for their education. Universities have not done an adequate *job of conveying to their students, and to the families of their students, and to the people who expect to hire those students, the situation that university funding is so desperate. I: Being the most visible of the administrative personnel on campus, if a group of students have a concern, whether it be lobbying, or fighting cutbacks, what do you see as an avenue for them toexpress theirconcerns to the university community. W:Everything here usually includes student participation. There are open doors all over, not just my own office. I don’t think anything that came forward in any responsible way from students could be overlooked. They can sit on the Board of Governors, the Senate. . . I: That doesn’t necessarily mean that they are supplying input. The last Gazette published the number of hours that students study other each week, as well as their commitments. Now if they’re already heavily involved with the academics, how can they devote the time necessary to have meaningful input into the Board of Governors? W:I don’t know entirely what the .answer to that is, but there are some people who do commit themselves, and do give their time to this. I guess that they do represent quite well the desires and interests of the students. I: I don’t think that students have a lot of desires or interests other than getting a degree right now. People look at a tight job market, and there’s competition. There are indications of more emotional break-down, more stress - and you’re saying that creditation is not that important. These students are going nuts because they want a piece of paper. W:Oh, no. Be careful about definitions. They’re not hung-up on credentialism, they’re hung-up on competing. They want the skills. I: I disagree. I think students want the degree. Engineering, yes, they want the skills. But the majority of them go in looking for that job at the end, and the wholethingisgetting that paper. W:It’s still a little different from what 1 was talking about. So they get that piece of paper, and ultimately what they do will be a function of their ability, and their competence. They’re preoccupied with becoming competent, to get jobs. I: There is some concern about the competition, about the stress on the students. Is there anything that can be done about it? W:I think you need to give people a pat on the back and tell them not to worry. I: There’s a situation in Engineering where the minimal required mark to get in is rising. How do you tell these people not to worry when they’re competing against the cream of the crop ? You’re raising levels because you just can’t accommodate the number of people there. W:Yes. I: If they don’t worry about it, and they don’t maintain, then they’re going to go. W:But one of the things they’re trying to do in Engineering is to reduce the loss of people, even those who enter, even with the minimal qualifications. If those people work with reasonable diligence they should very likely graduate, so they shouldn’t be concerned. There will be people who don’t complete, either because they get t-u-ned off, or they find that they’re just not disposed to work. I: I’ve-talked to people who have said that they have had more people coming to them with very poor self-images - they had always been a high achiever, and now they’re not. W:Well, we have got to assure them that just because they’re below the mid-point of a new population doesn’t mean that their own real position in the whole population has changed. It’s just that they’re now part of a super-qualified group. I: And do you think it’s that simple to just tell people that? W:I don’t know, but I think you can find ways to try and persuade people of those things. Ra’ndy Hannigan Peter Saracino






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Actually, it is not as difficult (I’ll call them “class A” for as it sounds. It may be imwant of a better term) that are possible to predict details, but _ most likely to happen. Typical forecasting generalities is not. “class A” appliFor example, it is likely that cations inc1ud.e such things as ’ thkre will be more computers microwave ovens, automobiles, air conditioners, tele- in the next ten years than there are now, and that (by and vision sets and hi-fi systems. large) those computers will be -Many such products already smaller, faster and substanavailable make %se of microtially cheaper. It is fairly .processors, but they are still viewed almost as novelty definite that they will be used in a wider range of appliitems. In the next ten years the cations; some of thkir uses are- use of microprocessors in con~ impossible to predict at this sumer products will become point. commonplace. FI%E CANAD& Many. of the applications Other “class A” applicaWOMEN ARTISTS for small computers in the next tions include such esoteric decade are already being items as space probes and .SEX & SEXISM drafted. It was not all that long automated undersea exploriN ART ago that domestic robots and ation vehicles. To a iarge cities built inside huge glass extent these have made use of Thursday, Sept 17 bubbles were “on the drawing microcomputer technologyalready; it would be difficult or 8:00 p.m. boards” for the early 80’s. I’m not saying that may not imposssible for such craft to happen, but that is not likely in perform complex activities Theatre of the Arts the immediate future. we& it not for their micro- University of Some of the applications processor “brains”. In the next Waterloo decade we can expect the inthat designers have in mind are easier to bring about than telligence of such vehicles to increase dramatically to the . others. It is these applications point where ‘they can fhnction autonomously for extended 1 periods of time, doing useful work without the need for constant attention from human than he or she could get from overseers. any other single source. Most What are some of the less importantly, it can give its Top brand name stereo components at obvious (and more difficult to owner the opportunity to discount prices. Shop around. - But implement) applications for interact with a machine on a microcomputers? more direct level than has ever before you buy - Call us. We’ll beat Perhaps the best-known of been possible before. ANY PRICEI the “class B”applications is the What can we expect to see in home microcomputer. There the field of small computer are-more computer companies systems? There seem to be five CALL DOUG AT 884-5899 specializing in “personal comareas where microcomputer puters” than you can count, , Bystems are in widespread use: and most of the larger ones small businesses, industrial have different systems to applications, homes, schools choose from. In fact, such and “other.” systems fall into “class B” only Small business is probably because they have had to gong to be the major market in overcome some serious obthe next few years. More and stacles in the past - they’re more small businesses are disrapidly moving into class A. covering just what microThe home microcomputer is computers can do for them, one of the most intriguing how they can make their operinventions of the 20thcentury. ations far more efficient than It provides, on a tabletop, ever before. The- whole new more raw computing power field of “word processing”. is a than vast computer rooms of a major market all by itself, and ALBERTA has tremendous decade ago; it can (through is probably the‘ fastest-growresourbes. To develop these various . ^ networks) provide ing new industry of the early Research Council is stressmore intormation to its owner ‘80’s.

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Large computer companies are realizing their market is changing, and that more and more small firms (and an increasing number of the large ones as well) are opting for micros rather than minis, and minis rather than larger machines. The need for large systems is not increasing at the rate it once was, and there has been a tremendous surge of interest in small systems. The motivations for this are clear; if a small computer (or a half-dozen small computers, working together) can do the job, why buy a larger, more expensive one ? If every executive, every secretary and every office worker can have their own micro sitting on their desk, and if all of these micros can exchange information with each other (and with others all across the country or all across the world), what point is there in getting a large system? This seems self-evident, but it is only in the last year or two that the large computer firms

have begun to realize this. IBM, DEC, Hewlett-Packard and Xerox have all introduced “low-enc” computer systems in the last few months, and they all hope to capture a large share of the small-business market that has (up until now) been opting for TRS80’s, Apples and even PETS. Which manufacturer will come out on top? It’s hard to say, and doesn’t really matter. I think it will be IBM. Theirs is the best system for the price, and they’re smart enough this time not to try to do their own software development. In any case, small business is going micro in a big way. In industrial applications, micros are being used in increasing numbers. Their small size, low power consumption and fle ibility give them an\ edge ov5r just about everything else. Quite often a designer is faced with a choice between a lot of complicated electronic logic circuits to do a particular job, or using a single microprocessor. Under those




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circumstances, there is really ally assume that replacing a fering, we aren’t accomplishno reason not to use the micro. human being with a machine ing anything. We have at most In the home, microprowill leave the human being un30 years in which to change cessors can be used for anyemployed, and therefore these attitudes, or our children thing from game-playing to (given the 20th century “work and our children’s children “serious” computing. They ethic”) useless. will find it very difficult to can help. you fill out your tax forms, set up a budget, write letters (or newspaper articles, like this one), or even play chess with you (and win). They can serve as “intelligent” communications terminals, linking you to other micros anywhere in the world; they can let you “dial in” to large databases for doing research; they can do essentially anything you want them to, given the right software and the right peripherals. In the schools, micros can be used to teach a variety of basic learning skills, from reading and writing and arithmetic right up through the physical and social sciences. Essentially all the results from ComputerAided Instruction (CAI) research have been very encouraging, and suggest that computers will play a major part in the classroom of the future. The “classroom” may not necessarily be a physical place, either; anywhere where there’s a micro can be a good learning environment, including the home. Computers can even be used to teach computer programming . . . The microcomputer “revolI- ---_ ution” is upon us, and so a lot of people are clamoring to learn all they can about programming and computer applications. They look for a quick and easy method of learning everything there is to learn about computers, knowing that experience with the machines will be an asset (indeed, a necessity) in the years ahead. They wonder how they can acquire all this knowledge, and so they rush out and buy books and take courses and try to cram in all the knowledge they can. This may or may not work, but often isn’t necessary. The best (and easiest) way to learn about computers is to buy c:$e and try it out. They’re quite \’ harmless, and if you treat them However, “unemployment” achieve any kind of satisright they can be a lot of fun. 30 years from now will have a faction with the work they do. There are also literally hunmeaning very different from In a way, it will be a positive dreds of applications for. what it has today. The fact is change; it will give all the microprocessors that border that taking a human being off people in the world whose on the realm of science fiction. an assembly line and replacing creativity never finds any real Some of them are so farhim or her witha machine does outlet the time and opportunfetched that even the most not necessarily render that ities to express themselves; the optimistic forecaster of the human being useless; it simply results should be interesting to future finds them a bit difficult forces him (or her) to find a see. to believe. more creative and productive What other “class C” apTypical “class C” appliway of using the time that has plications are there? Well, cations include the domestic become available. there is the whole area of .. robots mentioned earlier, capIt can be argued that in subable of handling all the routine stituting a machine for a chores that people spend large human being, we are freeing parts of their lives doing. that human being from the Cooking, cleaning, shopping, drudgery of having to act like a taking out the garbage and . machine. Any job that a countless other menial tasks machine can do well should be could potentially be autodone by a machine; wasting mated. True, this sounds the intelligence and creativity almost like a science fiction of living human beings by novel of the thirties or forties, forcing them to rivet automowhere the future was populbiles together or paint chairs ated with humanlike robots on a conveyor belt is pointless who did all of mankind’s work and unnecessary. , for him. True, many people are But far more important unable to feel satisfied and than automated garbage carfulfilled unless they are doing riers are the potential users of something that they consider intelligent machines (I’ll come to be “work.” They work at a back to the whole question of job which they find pleasant “intelligence” a little later) in and enjoyable, and then feel industry. There is considerguilty because they do not able concern these days over believe they are being “pro- _ the automation of certain ductive.” We of the 20th sectors of industry, where century have been brought up human jobs are being taken to believe that work is someover by machines of various thing to be tolerated, not sorts. Most people just naturenjoyed; if we are not suf-

machine intelligence. We still do not have a final, workable definition of “intelligence”. To a large extent, “intelligence” seems to consist of recognizing patterns and finding reasonable responses to those patterns. The patterns may be words in a sentence, visual images seen by a camera, or ’ sounds picked up by a microphone. The analysis of these patterns and their deripherment into useful information about one’s environment is certainly a major part of practical “in 4eliigence.” There are other patterns, too. Patterns of abstractions, patterns of ideas, patterns of behaviour; all of these can, in theory, be analyzed by a machine and responded to in appropriate ways. The synthesis of two or more patterns to give a new one, as wellas the analysis of existing patterns into their component parts, is something very close to true “intelligence.” There seems little doubt that machines will be capable of performing these functions in the not-toodistant future. Before that happens, however, machines will be capable of at least rudimentary “reasoning.” They will be able to deal with simple problem-situations and recom&nd courses of action. Some of the recent work by AI (Artificial Intelligence) researchers seems quite promising. It may not be long before machines are successfully used to augment mankind’s collective “brainpo’wer.” Until now, we have been using computers as aids in the solving of problems by human beings; the next step is to make machines themselves the problemsolvers.





Clearly, this is a long way off. I for one am skeptical on the whole question of machine intelligence versus human in= telligence, and am not convinced that any machine will ever have the creativity or expressiveness of a human being. That’s not to say they won’t put on a good show, and give every appearance of humanlike behavour; it simply means that it will only be an illusion, and that no machine will ever be truly “human.” Of


wrong.. .

I could be Bernie Roehl


-Wednesday, ,

Mummy Dust Bruce Codkburn CBS Records’ :

Is he? ’ He is! A definitive state.ment: Bruce Cockburn is‘ perhaps the fiqest popular musician Can&a has to offer the world today. How, you may ask, did1 teach that. conclusion? The answer is really quite simple,; just listen. to Mummy Dust, &latest album. - X r While _. his.. latest it is. not . , exactly / all new material.

“I Listening to Mummy Dust Mu,miy Dust ts more a Cockburn is‘ also adept at . I otten felt as if Cockburn sees sca&er;ed anthol&y (1969-78) being the socialcommentator. combined with four previously What he has to sqy is not only Canada throw! ‘the- same . ’ ’ eyes as many others of us d( I.\. uneleased sofigb recorded z1t probably* ’ true, ’but .”it is’ relevant var’ious times over the !as;t A,,, AA AIA...A‘ch rwtb;Em’+~ ,,,r)a k ucLauC;. IU LI IT;L r; 131 i L ~1 WGU note in the lot. l


‘The music to egch tune especially Cockburn’s superlative acoustic guitar - is consistently emotive. The lyrics never fail at being surreal or real or both. The best in this v&n the pelirrenial rr.1 include lrrfd I- -.-A Laugnrer. I __.-LA-.-

;g.‘;g f,5..:! ::i



to you and I here. From one of the unreleaied songs, Red Brother Red Sister: _ Went to a pow wow, red brother felt the people’s love/joy flow -.--.---I arouna it left me crjring jtist thinking about it how they used my saviour’s name to keep-you down.


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representative songs from a musician I cannot laud enough. - . A . Yeter . aaracrno Mike

Oldfie !ld



Virgin -


(Polygram) --

To the majority of th_e population the name Mike Oldfield triggers the meGory of Tubular Bells. Since then, Oldfield has released a number of albums that hardly any’ one seems to know/about. Oldfield is hoping that QE 2 will _launch .- him back into the limelight. (In case 4rou’re wondering what ‘ ‘QE 2” standsfor, here s is: Queen Elizabeth III That’s right, - _he named it after 2u ch;rr\ ally,. As Oldfield explained in an I . I interview, “I just sat down at the piano and said, ‘Switch the tape recorder on,’ and I played for a couple of minutes and started overdubbing it. That’s the same urban sprawls, the exactly-how it happened.” same downtown bus stations, Some of the pieces on the the same vacant alleys, all album, such as Celt, Molly and stark and ‘repulsive in their Arri~l (by Abba) sound like own way. he did just that; sat down and There is also cove on this started playing. The majority album, Joy Will Find A Way is of the other songs sound like he put a lot more work into short and simple. It is also melodic and beautiful. All The them. The songs create imDiamonds in the World is very ages in your mind which are renearly the same. flected by the song titles; I’m not sure who did the Conflict, Wonderful Lund, compilation for Mummy dnd Mirage’. Dust - instinct tells me it was Taurus 1, which opens the Cockburn himself - but album, starts off like an Italian whoever it was has an ac- folk song and then becomes complished sense for choostransformed into a mosaic ing some of the best and most pattern of sounds: Instru-

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We are now faced with’ world problems



ments including a mandolin, banjo and a Celtic harp in addition to the usual drums Iana synrnesizers were usea. Al-




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Sometimes, in one of the darker and less accessible parts of my soul, I wonder what it would be like to hear this sort of music performed by XTC,, say, or Devo. To those who like it, this attitude must ..-be the. moral equivalent . a...r.. ofI pulling the wings ott flies. Nonetheless, Blue and the latest album. by Poco, strikes me as being a poor mixture of rock/country /religious music. Aside from some pretty good guitar work, it is totally forgettable. My first glance dt the lyrics 1 led me to believe that the album was made up of rock religious music, a movement which I have never been able to understand or appreciate. I was wrong: Blue and Gray, as the title suggests, contains primarily Civil War oriented songs with religious overtc)nes. Some of the songs (Widowmaker, for instance, or the title track) are likely to get a lot of ‘airtime and become moderately acceptable hits. Temper this dpinion with the knowledge that I have, of late, been listening_ to more AM radio than is good for one person. , Oh, well. The best thing that can be said about Blue ahd Gray is that it is excellent background music, to be listened to when one is working on something else. Ira Nayman

’ Every Wednesday is ’ Huggy’s Variety Show

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Blue and Gray’

Want To Hear!

Erik Estrada.&



of such



This album would make a good soundtrack to a movie, since . . the _.music . illustrates . . so. clearlv. 1he title track is another example of music which creates images. You can clearly picture a ship crossing the ocean rising and falling with the waves. One can - tell instantly that it is a ship as opposed to a boat, by the majestic overtones which are unavoidable. Phil Collins must a ._ have.. taken time out ot his solo project fo _he1p put Mi$ because Phil is on almost all d?f the songs on QE2. One final note. If you are not a Mike Oldfield fan, or a Phil Collins ian, YOU &ore than * likely wodt be turned oh by _ QE 2. If vou are a Mike Old- field follower. you will recognize his stile bf music right off. but vou won’t think this algum is gnything special.

magnitude that time seems to be running out on US. This special film report investigates the consequences of ignoring the direction this planet seems to be heading. 1 ’ Tuesday Sept. 22 Bio II b50 7:OO p.m. Sunday Sept. 27 M&C 2065 730 p.m.







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New music hits the Kent Parker, Wes, Russel, and Marty; The Certain Generals from New York played Upstairs at the Kent this past Saturday night. Marty, the drummer, used to be in the allwoman B-Girls, and Parker (the lead vocalist) is a tall skinny fellow with a model’s cheekbones who took a liking to swinging from the balcony of the Kent’s upper level. Russet, the bassist, went missing several times during

the course of the evening when on a couple of unscheduled strolls through downtown Waterloo. Then there’s Wes on lead guitar he’s quite plain and normal. This avant garde band played music along the lines of Magazine and Modern English and then topped it off with InA-Gad&-Da-Vida (Iron Butterfly) as their encore. A really snakey show.

The crowd, all 54 of them, ‘were responsive. Except for the big name acts, (i.e. Nash the Slash) the turnouts have been poor to fair for Artistic Endeavours’ events. It’s been a long summer but the Kent has come through with live bands every weekend. The staff of Artistic Endeavours hope that September and the new faces it brings will lift the doldrums of recent weeks.

It’s still alternative entertainment for usually three dollars or less and a schedule that promises The Five and Carsickness (from Pittsburg) and A Certain Ratio (from Britian with connections in Joy Division). Tall promises which, if realized, would further strengthen K-W’s position as a city with the inside track on New Music. Dan Ayad

Nash the Slash played last week Artistic Endeavours project.

Upstairs at the Kent - an Photo by DaGd Bray

McLauchlan talks of his past & future On Thursday, September 24, Murray McLauchlan brings a new album, Storm Warning and a new back-up band, the Lincolns, to Centre in the Square in Kitchener. McLauchlan’s new album is much ‘funkier’ and rock oriented than previous efforts. Thischange may come as a shock to many of Murray’s fans. Murray states candidly that “it’s good for people to be shocked.” In the following interview with the Imprint, Murray talks about his new band, his new album, and his perception of his musical deuelopment. Imprint:


Imprint: Mckauchlan:


McLauchlan: Imprint: McLauchlan:



Imprint: McLauchlan:


One of the opening dates on this tour was the weekend show at Ontario Place. How do you feel about playing outdoor shows as opposed to traditional halls, gymnasiums, etc. To tell you the truth, I enjoyed playing Ontario Place better, but for Isuppose some more unconventional reasons . . . I get a larger crowd because theydon’t have topayasmuch togetin as they do in a concert hall . . . they’rekind of more loose because they’re not sitting stuffed in a chair in a theatre, and the whole thing is a bit more of a rollicking (Murray rolls the ‘r’ to give the dc. .2d emphasis) good time for all concerned. I like the fact that people can get in to see the show that normally could not get in to see a concert. The band that you are touring with this time is called the Lincolns. Who exactly is this band? Well, actually, there are quite a lot of famous people in thisgroup. Prakash John, whois quite a famous bass player, has been on the road at different times with Alice Cooper, with Lou Reed and various other people. The horn player, Earl Seymour, was out of Blood, Sweat and Tears. Danny Weiss, the guitar player, is also out of Lou Reed’s band. The drummer, Rick Gratten has been playing with Long John Baldry, and before that with Carole Pope of Rough Trade. Who have Ileft out? Oh yeah, the keyboard player, of course, Michael Sincera. He has been actually producing, composing and arranging with Lou Reed for the past two years. It’s a totally new band, then. You’d don’t have any of the old Silver Tractors?


a one. The last of those guys are now working with Bruce Cockburn. Dennis Pendrith is working with Cockburn now. What’s Gene Martynec doing? Gene’s exclusively producing now. He has done the Rough Trade albums, and most of the Cockburn albums. Idon’t know if hecouldeven be induced to go out on the road again. With regards to your current tour, how will the show which you will present in Kitchener this month differ from previous McIauchlan shows? For instance, the last time we saw you was on the Boulevard tour, which is quite a lq,ng time ago. How much different a sound are you going to be bringing to town? I think the sound will be quite substantially different overall. A lot of that reedy or acoustic kind of feel is gone, and the band is more of . . . it’s really more r&b, funk based, with a smattering of mainline rock n’ roll now. We are doing all of the stuff from the new album, basically. Is that the direction which things will tend to in future efforts, as well? One can never tell. That’s the problem. I feel a certain development along tha,t !;.le, because I’m really excited about workir:; with this particular band, I’m starting !U t+jq; material that goes in that particulat &re1:iion.

Lincolns seem to have been closely associated with Bob !n the past. Well, Prakash has made ten albums with Bob, McLauchlan: but getting this thing together had nothing todo with Bob whatsover . . . The Lincolns work as a band themselves, an amalgam of musicians that plays in clubs, and they do that when they are not on the road with someone else, or don’t have recording dates, or something. They primarily do their gigs for the experience of playing old r&b standards and things, which they really love to play. Imprint: You stated that you will be playing most or all of the new album on the tour. Will you be leaning away from McLauchlan standards? McIauchlan: No, there’s a fair representation of the best of the old material, but again it’s played in a kind of different spirit, with kind of a different touch to it. Imprint: How did you first become involved with Bob Ezrin? Mc Lauc hlan: Well, I’ve known Bob for quite a number of years. I got involved at this particular juncture with him because he gave me a phonecall out of the blue one day and asked me to play guitar on a film score he was doing, and I went over to do the sessions, and basically had a pretty good time doing them. I kind of got the idea at that point in time about approaching him to do an album project with me. Imprint: Does Bob have anything to do with the Asylum record deal in the States at all? McLauchlan: Of course, he helped to negotiate it. Imprint: Does the title of the new album, Storm Warning, have any significance with regards to your change in style? How did that come about? McLauchlan: Well, really, it started out froma sort of negative standpoint, tl iat we didn’t want to pull any of the titles from the songs and use it asanalbum title. We did not want to have any undue attention paid to any one cut. I got the idea of Storm Warning to a large extent from the song If the Wind Could Blow My Troubles Away, and also a flavour that the rest of the record has which is kind of a portent of things to*come. Like Desire, which analyzes morality in a warning kind of fashion, but you know, humourously. Tell Your Mother She Wants You; again the relationship between this song and Fulling Off a Highwire is like this. So, there’s always these feelings of what’s going to happen, what’s around the corner. A change in the weather - that’s kinda where it 2ame from. Imprint: Your music is very fiavoured with that sort of warning. There seems to be a paradox in the sort of things which yoti do. On the one hand, almost cynical, very pessimistic view seems to prevail, i.e. You Can’t Win. Yet some songs seem to reveal a romantic. McLauchlan: Yeah, I am a mixture of cynic and romanticist at the same time . . . I think of life to a great extent as completely futile, and ridiculou+ , ai-::1 the on!y defence that human beings I~ave against it is irony and humour. And I think lh ..t”s where you find that spot of tendernes:. or romanticism popping up. On songs li’i:? 1’3. Can’t ‘thin, which is honestly inte,-ded 1 x express the futility oi i;fe in human tCt?i’ 3~ 2 make it funny, so, like. *we can m&e ; jr: Iti :z L of fa]]jrq an ot.jr fdg-es. (f ‘(T?p t%f*gij c ;: .T.j Ti. _ , /bfy y-p-J~J[>/es&pay {fan?‘. . $ I-:: ‘.; .+: 1 , 1. :. __ &y?<-“rc:i’ s:;,flg;, e;wppt [‘y. ‘,.. : :; _;:.* . . -1 ., -. -’ c’\h:cv.a.tY b&/y,& a&tli &“.jbe;.-;;- ‘< * g.., ‘_ ..- ,- . ; i-. t-n Lcp?& .tc b>~f>‘f>‘ ,; ‘,,y ‘I ...-.- , ‘: I 8 s,:!js2.- rj,t;-:;<+.h:t::.* ;;: ICC:-.::/.. :, =

Was&b Ezrin(who p’~&EC&tiis)Sfcs~rf-! Warning lp) in any way inst;.tif:ie:;:ti; IZ 222 c:ftc_l. this band together?Manyoitne m~r~~$~~:;i3;f~jie







Imprint: McLauchlan:

Imprint: McLauchlan:



every relationship. But basically, as far as I’m concerned, if this one goes sour, like why bother? Why did you rewrite You Need A New Lover Now, from Day to Day Dust album? That’s a long time ago. Well, there were both practical and artistic reasons for that . On the practical side, the A&R man for Elektra Asylum records really, desperately wanted to put that song on the album. And I said that I would agree to put it on the album if I got to rewrite it. The reascii that I wanted to rewrite it is because Ireallydidn’t like the point of view that the song hadanymore. At least I didn’t like the hardness of it or the laid back, and kind of judging people anymore. I didn’t like that point of view in the song. I wanted to make it more gentle, and also there were some really out and out literary bitches in it, like awkwardnesses of phrases that I wanted desperately to clean up before I would record it again. Was the slowed, mellow tempo of this song intentional? It seems to be much more simplistic than the original. It’s more of an R&B ballad than it was originally. I mean, originally, the idea was to make it incredibly intense, but this version is not incredibly intense at all. It’s laid backand sort of gentle, because that was the whole idea behind the song. Actually, it’s very heavily orchestrated, but it is very understated at the same time. How was the single If the Wind Could Blow My Troubles Away chosen as the theme for the “International Year of the Disabled”? There was a guy who was around the studio quite a bit named Phil Watson (wrestlerand son of Whipper Billy, who is very active with crippled children). It just kind of happened by osmosis. Everybody around the studio started talking about it as a special song, almost like an anthem. The idea basically just happened. We had no plans to use the song as a single. The people from the International Year of the Disabled really liked it. . . we donated it. . . they used it. Do songs such as Desire and Walking on a Highwire represent the sound you are moving towards? Not necessarily so much of that. I tend to like the funkier things, the more Philudelphiuoriented, black things, i.e. Wouldn’t Take Another’ Chance rather than Alice Cooper style of rock. I mean, that was an experiment, but I don’t see myself going in that direction, like Van Halenor Ted Nugent or whatever. I thought it would be really interesting and a lot of fun to go out and prove to people that I could sing that kind of stuff. It’s not that difficult to do, really. That’s not what you’re looking to do exclusively in the future? No. I’m not exclusively looking to do any one particular thing. Again, that is my intention to have a mix or an amalgam or a variety of things. I have a half-life of about a year and a half, and then I do really want to try something different. You can only do the same thing for so long. You once described what you do as creative loafing (McIauchlan laughs). Do you still feel that way about what you do? If anything, I would define creative loafing as the ability to get yourself out of the way. That’s pretty much what I’m trying todo. Theideais to work hard. I mean I work very hardat what Ido, but not to let it feel like it’s hard work. It feels like you’re sort of hanging out and having a good time. Mike Strathdee

_ Upon presentation of this University of Waterloo

Expires Nov. 30/1981


Editor: This article is contrary, egocentric,-perverse, dishonest, wordy (2,000 +), rambling, fragmented and it will set people’s teeth on edge.-But its important to me, and it may help fill some of the space that our hotshot ad manager is giving us, and it does have a teeny bit of redeeming social value. I’m submitting it now for the issue after Orientation so that you’ll have plenty of time to Itellmeif it needs trimming. Thanks, Prabhakar

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COLES the book people!

“L&t’s forget that bullshit Great Samoan Dream.”

about;the - ‘Hunter

kmkrican S. Thompson’s

It is significant that the Great American Dream in that book turned out to be a hotel-casino calledCircus-Circus. It sits at the north end of the Strip, and looking down the street in the daytime one can see Las Vegas telescoped by perspective into a single naked jumble of signs, nouveau-Kultur buildings and electrical wiring sitting in the middle of a vast deser$ bowl. Vegas in the daytime tries to hide, pulls itself inside where the shades can be drawn and the lights can dotheir thing: .

ii , ‘.

The important

thing is the

300-lb. Samoan attorney, quoted in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

I may not know art, but I know what / like. - Folksaying -The scene, of course, has fragmented terribly - new faces coming by every day, unknown artists appearing out of the ether and carving huge, careening swatches out of their genre and the two or three adjacent ones before burning out in a shower of coruscating sparks and retiring to Big Sur to breed azaleas. No doubt it was always this way, but when one approaches critical puberty it seems that the situation grows more ” complex every day, and that there is no hope of covering it -that all one can do is grab at the occasional protruding bit and hope that the resultant prose will satisfy filler-starved editors. But the people demand coverage, and they don’t want to be told that things are out of control. The mass media reporter is in a particularly odious position, with no time or space for insightful analysis. Most eventually succumb to the bizarre notion of Art for the Audience, smoothing out the jagged edges and presenting one with clean, white populist pills of Truth, washed down with hugh draughts of superlatives. Any column that covers TV is a good example of this. Still others subscribe to Art for the Artist; they have their Pynchons and Joyces, and heap fulsome praise upon massive tomes and minimalist operas when they know that the vast majority of those who purchase a product on their recommendation will be in fits of uncomprehending frustration ripping it into insulation within thirty seconds of opening it. These poor souls tend to suffer from massive guilt when’they find themselves liking ketchup or humming along to an Eagles song. And for those who hesitantly adopt Art for the Critic, using their reactions to a work to create pieces of their own, there is a special punishment, one reserved ‘for those who leave the precise heights of the essayist fur the passionate valleys ,of the novelist: namely that of laying

Circus-Circus itself is a pink and white striped tent-shaped building, with two adjoining hotels and acres of parking lots, including a huge one with complete - RV (Recreational Vehicle) hookups. Inside is the usual 24-hour casino action, rows upon rows of slot machines in all denominations, oval craps and blackjack tables, and in a discreet corner a baccarat table or two for those who have large sumsof money to lose.

: v .-,OF F,x ’ ;ALL


It is difficult t3 imagine anyone doing. so, however, for above the casino floor circus acts are being presented trapeze artists, balancing daredevils, magicians - but no animals to defecate on the heads of patrons; management is _ forced to substitute pJastic replicas suspended from the ceiling on which c&gjrls ride about and shower barloons. on the heads of the kids and parents cramming the midway that encircles the building on the second level, where in ’ _ between stuffing one’s face with cottoncandy and popcorn minors can lose their money in time-honoured and entirely legal ways. In ather nooks of the building one can find souvenir shops, liquor stores, various tacky eateries, a merrygo-round bar, and a place which will print your face on a T-shirt. It is terribleand awesome. But it was earlier, before I had ever been to Circus-Circus, in my hotel room in Las Vegas. in the early afternoon of August -15th,. when my bedside lamp spoke to me. j ‘.



, %



TheArts one’s soul out for inspection, only to have it trodden upon. Let’s forget this bullshit about the role of the reviewer. The important thing is my role.

But enough about you. Let’s talk about me. - folk saying of the ‘70’s “What about the preterite?” the lamp said. I sat up. It’s a bad sign when your bedside lamp speaks to you; it’s worse when you start to listen. Had this happened to Hunter S. Thompson, it ’ would be understandable; his normal working mode involves the ingestion of dangerous and illegal drugs, often in multiple combination. But the strongest drug I had tried to date was Ontario Small Cask Brandy, the cheapest brandy sold in Ontario, a vile concoction with the aroma and taste of unleaded gasoline, and there was none in my system at the moment. I should have laid down again, but Las Vegas offered too many temptations, and this one I could not refuse: “The who?” The preterite -the non-elect, the unchosen, those who are not to be selected. Couldn’t you speak for them?” This was an unusually well-informed bedside lamp. “Curse the preterite!” I cried. “No one wants to be one. Every single one of them is out to be someone else. There are something like seven million Jehovah’s Witnesses and thc_y all believe that only 144,000 of them will be saved. Have you ever seen an unenthusiastic Jehovah’s Witness?” “We don’t get many Jehovah’s Witnesses in Vegas,” the lamp apologized. “Besides, it’s not a question of speaking for someone, but of speaking to them. A critic has no constituency.” “But that’s proselytizing, and you abhor that in others.” “A contradiction I can live with. Look at any issue of our paper. Think any of them write about causes they don’t believe i n7” “But why?” “That’s something I can’t figure out. Ever notice how people eagerly devour a review of a movie that they just saw the night before? They want their opinions confirmed - or better yet, denied, so that they can assert loudly that theirs are superior.” “You’re being extreme, just because you’reconfused about how you fit in.” “I’m not confused. I’m going Populist. I’ll‘buy every Kliban cat I can lay my hands upon, wax poetic over the joys of Tarzan, the Ape Man and Van Halen, and be loved by millions who think the Rocky Horror Picture Show is the ultimate in entertainment.” “You’ll do nothing of the sort; you can’t bear to give up the gems you’ve found.” “Name one.” “Joy Division.”

“This is the crisis I knew had to come/Destroying the balance I kept. ” - JOY Division In a time when there were no heros, Joy Division was a band I could at least


respect. Their name came from the German term for the prostitutes’ wing in a concentration camp; their music lay at the juncture of reason, passion and despair, sketching out the confusion of modern life in existential lyrics, minor keys, and complex rhythms. After a few singles which passed almost unnoticed in the chaos that is the British music scene, thev surprised everyone with the brilliant album Unknown Pleasures on the tiny independent Factory label. It is a marvel of production by the ubiquitous Martin Hannett, one of those records that is so far beyond current trends it must be experienced. Almost two years after the fact, it still,opens new doors in my mind when I play it. Unknown Pleasures brought a measure of recognition from the press, a


The only song that breaks loose and attemps an upbeat atmosphere is titled “Isolation”. It is not music for parties; it is music for rainy evenings and solitude, where you can let its subtle colours work on your core. Truly an angst band on the Titanic. The lamp was right; I couldn’t give them up. But I also couldn’t bring myself to review them, though I was afforded the perfect opportunity when Polygram released Closer in Canada in response to steady import sales. The band is not , solely a critics’ band, though Joy Division fans don’t put up posters or sew JD on their jackets. How could I write about a band that meant so much to me ’ personally? How could I tell people accustomed to partying that they should listen to a record which would make





Anaheim and didn’t go to Disneyland; I’m in Vegas and not gambling. f write about obscure British leading-edge bands, never pass up the opportunity to puncture a Populist target, and occasionally slip into complete obfuscation when I feel a subject is beneath my dignity. Hell of a way to write for a paper.” “No one seems to mind.” “No one seems to care.” “I care.” I laughed bitterly. “You?! You’re a goddam bedside lamp! If I had my wits about me I’d probably interview you; you’ve probably seen untold horrors of perversion and degradation. No doubt it’s warped your worldview. I would think myself crazy and you a mere extension of my persona were it not for your fitting in perfectly with this bizarre place. Now shut up and let me think,” I said, beginning to pace about the room. The lamp shut up.

‘Since no one is to blame, I ask no explanation. fit - Paul Henreid

to Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca

I have been doing this for what seems like a very long time. I wrote for the chevron when the alternative was not writing at all, and I am possibly the only regular contributor who has been with Imprint through it’s entire existence. I’ve made some terrible mistakes, praising Kansas and Rush and panning Talking Heads and Devo. Through it all my style has grown obtuse and experimental, even as the paper was filing its rough edges down into a streamlined conception of what student journalism should be like. Lately I’ve been wondering if anyone out there is listening at all.

notable achievement in a year that saw strong efforts from the Jam, the Clash, the Gang of Four and Public Image Limited. The band toured England and Europe, and made plans for North America. In the summer of 1980 the single “Love Will Tear Us Apart” climbed onto the British charts. “Haunting, hypnotic, memorable, incredible . .. I can’t get this out of my head,” wrote a friend about this sketchy tale of a dyimg relationship. “You have to hear it.” With cruel irony, the single was released the same week that the band’s lead singer and lyricist, Ian Curtis, committed suicide by hanging himself. His death received more notice in the British paper New Musical Express than would John Lennon’s. The song would later be named Single of the Year by the premier music publications on two continents, Britain’s NME and America’s Rolling Stone.

That fall, Factory released the second album, Closer, to general critical raves. It was completed before the tragedy; the band had already announced they would do no further work under the name Joy Division. Closer is a gloomy, evocative tapestry woven with morose songs like “Atrocity Exhibition” and “Passover”.

them think, and have my advice ignored, or worse yet, have the album discarded by those who found it bleak and depressing?

“I tried to tell everybody but I could not get across. I’ -

Bob Dylan,

“It Takes A Lot to Laugh, It Takes A Train to Cry”

“Maybe Thompson is right,” I mused, peering out the window at the Strip. “What a scam. Peddling his books to people who take drugs to escape their pointless and meaningless lives, while he takes drugs to escape people like them.” “Oh, really,” protested the lamp. It may have been erudite, but it wasn’t too eloquent. “I mean it. Look at this town. You can lose fortunes in a few hours, but you can also get 99c all-you-can-eat buffets. The place is crammed with people of the most ordinary sort. This is the Great American Dream: an elaborate scheme to conceal tackiness, staged for the benefit of Mr. and Mrs. U. S. A.” “You write for them.” “We’ve been through that. I make a career out of being contrary. I was in



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But in the rarefied atmosphere of our third category, Art for the Critic; listeners would only be a hindrance. They would mean I was saying something people liked, which would remove my major impetus to publish. So I shall continue to’ write for myself, so as do most of the authors in this paper, with the possible exception of the good folks at WPIRG. I shall continue to bring up obscure English bands, and burst every Populist balloon I can, and grow terribly pretentious and prolix at times. But you’re entitled to know why. Perhaps you can discover the reason in this peculiar stream of prose. If you’ve lasted this far, perhaps it’s evident. It no longer is to me.

“Wherefore, when I came, was there no man? When I called, was there none to answer? Is my band shortened at all, that it cannot redeem? Or have I no power to deliver?” - Isaiah 50:2D

“On the other hand, you could quit completely,” said the lamp cheerily. But there was no reply. I had shaved, dressed, and gone down to CircusCircus to meet my fate. Prabhakar Ragde










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_Books TheArts


Book sheds light Best Evidence David S. Lifton MacMillan, 1980 After eighteen years the assassination of John F. Kennedy still remains a source of doubt and speculationeven after four U.S. government investigations. The past two decades have seen various “experts” and amateurs argue over the number of shots and who actually fired them. Now, it seems the controversy has moved to a more grisly theatre. The man accused of killing Kennedy was himself murdered two days after the assassination. Attention has now focused on exhuming his body to determine exactly who he was. But while the court proceedings continue, one man has spent most of the past two decades studying the “best evidence’ - Kennedy’s body. David Lifton, a graduate of Cornell University, began his research long before the Quincy TV program was ever dreamed up. And Lifton’s account of his study reads like a diary TV’s Quincy might keep on a certain case.

One might think a book about the medical evidence the wounds to Kennedy’s body - would be dry. with medical terminology sophisticated enough to baffle an intern. Lifton’s original manuscript was just that - a thesis so complicated one needed a few medical die tionaries, charts and diagrams to follow the path he was leading. But Best Evidence, after several rewrites is complete: autopsy photos, x-rays, diagrams, and even a beginners course in forensic medicine. But Lifton’s most interesting research has lead him to one conclusion: someone altered the President’s body. It may seem unbelievable but the theory is backed up by footnotes,*rreferences, and is evencross-indexed. The book is a step-by-step retelling of how Lifton came to his theory. This makes it readable. Lifton also answers an obvious question: why would anyone want to change the wounds on the body? His answer is the most disturbing aspect of the book. While there may have been a conspiracy to kill Kennedy,

Do women


Abigail is an attractive young woman. Wearing jeans and sneakers she works on the security force of a large women’s clothing store. She is a green belt in jujitsu, and though small, is tough enough to do her job well. She has had a series of boyfriends, initially attracted by her self-assurance, but later repelled by a certain clinging quality she exhibits. After only a brief acquaintance with a man, Abigail suddenly wants to bake pies for him and model her new underwear. , The Cinderella Complex: Women’s Hidden Fear of Independence Colette Dowlingj Summit Books, 1981 Only one of the many women described in Dowing’s book, Abigail’s outward self sufficiency hides an inner feeling of helplessness and dependence. Dowling calls this phenomenon ‘the Cinderella Complex’. She believes that personal, psychological dependency - the deep wish to be taken care of - is the primary force holding women down. “Like Cinderella,” she writes, “women today are still waiting for something external to transform their lives.” Dowling writes from experience. A successful feminist and single writer, mother of three, she realized “what I really wanted was to be taken care of. It was not just a question of having someone else pay the bills. I wanted fulltime emotional protection, a buffer between me and the world.” While trying to work herself free of this dependency Dowling spoke to other women and found that the wish to be taken care of was at the centre of many of their lives, too. During the next four years Dowling interviewed professionals who work with ~ women - sociologists, psychologists, community health workers, psychiatrists - and gathered material for The Cinderella Complex. The result is a book that is a pleasant interweaving of psycoanalytic theory and the personal experiences of many women, including Dowling herself. The theory is neither technical nor jargon-ridden, and frequently descriptive il-

lustrations allow the reader time to absorb the ideas Dowling presents. The first few chapters explore women’s wish to be saved, their tendency to retreat from challenges, and their inner feelings of helplessness and dependence. Next Dowling looks at how women become helpless, and then examines the ways in which dependence shapes the lives of women.

on liiiiennedy





He also supports the theory of tampering with a key piece of evidence: Kennedy’s coffin. When he died in Dallas, his body was placed in a bronze, ceremonial casket. When it arrived in Washington for an autopsy, it was removed from a gray, shipping casket (remember the Jonestown suicides). While Lifton has answered in remarkable detail some of the most nagging questions of the Kennedy murder, there is one that remains: who? On this point, Lifton has realized he could only speculate without much supporting evidence. Not one to spread more wild stories, he only gives his ideas as to who may have been involved in this


the body - the evidence of where and how the bullets entered the body - is the definitive piece of evidence, the best evidence, as to whether one man did the shooting. If\ there were more than one gunman, the body would indicate so to a trained


horrible deed without being specific. The finished project Lifton has penned begs for a second reading. The reader is left struggling with the possibility of a conspiracy to alter the President’s body and goes back to Best Evidence hoping to find an error, a mistake in Lifton’s theory. But, as history’s most famous fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes once said, “Once you have eliminated the possible, then whatever remains - no matter how impossible it may seem - Must be the truth.‘:. One final note: Kennedy’s body has never been exhumed. Lincoln’s body was unearthed on four separate occasions. Randy Stanley

observer. Therefore, Lifton argues, the body had to appear as though one man, Lee Harvey Oswald, was guilty of the crime. The theory of body alteration in the Kennedy case is not new. What is new is Lifton’s detailed investigation.

independence? Though the book-jacket promises that Dowling will “reveal how women can truly spring free, achieving - finally - a level of independence that is felt, and real, and lasting,” one begins to wonder if a pattern firmly established by the age of six can ever be broken. In the final chapter, however, Dowling assures the reader that once the inner conflict between dependence and independence has been identified, it can be resolved. It can be done, she writes, “by paying scrupulous attention to yourself. By leaving no stone unturned in examining your motives, your attitudes, your ways of thinking about things.” ,


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At a dinned table discussion one day, the conversation turned to alternate -energy sources,. and from there to electfjc cars. My uncle said that there was no problem running the?; the batteries could be recharged by the car while it was ifi moti,on(just like his present car battery), and would stay goqd for a long long time. A perpetual motion Chryslpr. I opened my mouth, and he said, “Well, why not?‘? 1I knew I shouldn’t, but I tried, I -honestly did. I said, “Thermodynamics,” and then he started interrtipting. But. if you’ll ,be a bit *more pat’ient , I’ll tell you why nothing ,can’t .. rtm forever. Damn the fine. points, full steam ahead!/_ Thermodynamics started a& t~he study of heat: using heat to run engines, for example. Now,’ the te.rm is often used more loosely, to studies of energy. There arc three laws (there ax-e alvriays three 1aws)bf

Translated, that is first, the amount of-energy, put into .a



Put SimPlY,

they are:

system equals the energy x-etrieved from a system; second, some energy is always lost somewhere, So you don’t even get out the amount of energy that tias put in; and third, I don’t even want to worry about this tine, so skip it. -All perpetual motion machines (did you know that the patent office won’t evenacctipt perpetual motion machines?) violate this first law. Natural laws being somewhat stricter than our police forces, these m&chines don’t work. Take a look at’this one: Take an electrical generator. Hook it tip to an electrical motor, so that the generator powers the motor, and,the motor turns the gefierator’s- core (and produces a current, for those of you who aren’t familiar). If they are matched, it should run forever right”, . bait - let’s run the city off it. Let the motorrun two generatois, an4 ,we can use the


* .



you’d like. I don’t’ mind making money). We can extend this forever (the power doubles each time) and get an energy monopoly! But first we need a place to put the damn things. Make it far away. Generators are noisy buggers, like motors. Ooops. There goes the game. Think about- it for a second: all of them are being run by one little old motor I salvaged from an electric’ toothbrush. Nobody has, that many teeth. We violated the first law. “You can’t win.” The most energy you can get from that motor is 32 molars worth, or

the electrical current from two generators to use (or to sell,, if

Nominations for.

WRRG Board of Directors will be received .



28 to \ October

l l


enough to run that generator ‘way back at the beginning. But keep that isolated property; 1,don’t want to listen to the damn thingall night. (We’ll be found by archaeologists, years from now. I’ve strangled you because of the noise; our bodies are draped over the machinery, which is still running -) I won’t have to listen to it, because here is where the second law comes in: you can’t break even. That noise (those jungle drums!) represents lost energy. Somewhere in the system, some energjl was sent into the air as noise. Well, that’s easy to correct. That was a, what, a 32 molar


at-the WPIRG office Room 217B, Campus &ntt’<

klections Monday, l




of one to run the elec-

tric typewriter I Lvish I had. (Didn’t you always suspect 1) ,You can’t win. . . ,?j Yob’can’t ,break even. f Ontario Hydro had a trick up its sleeve?) Or better yet, run 3) You’re- in the wrong ball another motor connected to _ na;rk (or casino. if/ vour ; ‘iastes ;un to thatj. * two generators. Now we have





‘0 hire staff. two or one year term l oversee budget, ‘set WPIRG policy , determine research and education priorities

19, 1981-


16, b81.


motor and a 32 molar generator? We’ll use a 30 molar generator, and the extra two teeth can go dirty, because that _ energy has been lost as noise. Except Now we can’t run the motor at 32 molars. Only 30. So we lose two molars, and get a 28 molar current from the generator, and pretty soon the whole thing dies down. Why go into such detail (which wasn’t really much) with such a stupid example? For my uncle, who doesn’t understand how he recharges his car battery. Because - your car’s battery will recharge itself. (Easily if you have a generator; it’s rougher if you have an alternator.) Doesn’t that make me a liar? Such a question! No, because the car battery doesn’t run the generator or alternator (which recharges the battery, which . . .). The energy to run the generator comes from outside, from the engine, and ultimately, the gasoline. This, then, is the Law of Something ‘from - Nothing: Make sure the audience doesn’t see the hidden pocket. The energy was there all along, it just looked different. It looked like gasolitie, not electricity. We have always gotten. energy by switching it from one form to another, more useful one. Fire is the change from chemical bonds to light ind heat. (But you have to add more wood.) The point 1 am belabouring here is simple. Our energy has to come from somewhere. It does not grow from a magical “energy bush” somewhere east of Ali Baba’s home. Now that we have all decided that fossil fuels are kaput, we need a new source of energy - source in a basic sense. Whether it is nuclear fission, methane conversion, gasahol, nuclear fusion (if it ever gets off the ground), solar, geothermic or tidal is another argument entirely, and one that I shall stay away from. I couldn’t even get my uncle to listen to me. John

fiscal matters



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Alumni take game /

On a beautiful sunny Sunday, the old Warriors and the new Warriors clashed. Meeting at Columbia Field they played the annual alu‘mni game and when the day was done a large crowd of spectators had been treated to one of the best alumni games in years. A young and tough rugby team fell to an experienced and powerful old boy side. Lead by Dave King the old boy Warriors soundly put it to their younger compatriots to arrive at a 22 - 8 victory. A tentative Warrior side

showed good progress throughout the game but improvements are necessary before next week’s home opener. The rugby Warriors intend to continue their diligent play on into next weekend when they tangle with their old rivals, Queen’s. The club, as always, welcomes new members, both male and female to join their ever expanding ranks. For an enjoyable afternoon come cheer your university rugby team on at two o’clock Saturday on Columbia Field. Paul Grimes

women’s sports

Council to help YOU J


needs people

What, you may ask, is The Warrior’s Band? This, until recently, may have been a good question. The Warriors Band is NOT a type of cheese. It is NOT the third Canadian transcontinental railway, although we have tried to improve our ranking in this respect. It is NOT a French Irregular Verb. The Warriors Band is, however, the first band in the world with its own Telidon page (courtesy of Cableshare, Ltd.), one of the first bands ever to venture into the wild, prehistoric subhuman land of the University of Guelph, and a band that has been Officially Appreciated by Princess Di’s mother-in-law! If the above means nothing, (even though it is all true!) let us take the repeat (and the first ending) and clarify things somewhat. What we have here at Waterloo is the best pep band in Canada. And it wants YOU. If you enjoy sports, or if you don’t enjoy sports but enjoy playing the shoehorn enough to join anyways, The Warriors Band may be the solution to many of your potential problems, such as, “Now that I am at the basketball game with my sousaphone, where am I going to sit?’ If you like music, preferably fast music, preferably in the same key signature as the rest of the band, you will undoubtedly enjoy the opportunity to play with the 1981 CIAU Band Champions. We Care Not about your lack of ability. We Care Not about your lack of an instrument (come and choose from our vast inventory of manufacturers seconds Bnd scratched and dented models). We care Only about your enthusiasm. We have Fun. We go on Trips to Road Games. We watch the football team Lose and Lose and Lose. . . (but maybe this year it’ll be different.) This is certainly the right time to join, as 1981 is the 15th Anniversary of the Creation, by Divine Providence of the University, of the Waterloo Warriors Band. Come join in the fun and see what the noiseis allabout. Remember, it’s not as bad as it sounds. Call Peter Oliver at Renison, where is phone number is 884-8 159 or John Oldfield at V 1 where is number is 884-9606 or show up at a practice as advertised everywhere. The Warriors Band

Wpmetn’s Intercollegiate Council is a student organization for all involved in the women’s intercollegiate athletic program at UW. Council meetings are held approximately once a month and provide a valuable communication channel between University of Waterloo’s sports administrators and athletes. What W.I.C. can do for you is to keep you in touch with the current issues concerning athletes today. Discussions such as the impact of Canada’s scholarships, new sports facilities and other selected topics from guest speakers. W.I.C. supports, promotes and publicizes women’s sports. It also identifies the needs of our athletes and attempts to solve any sports-related problems. This year the team captain for each of the sports will be the team’s representativeat the W.I.C. meetings. This way the council and administration can get the general opinion from all the athletes. We encourage any input from concerned athletes, managers, trainers or simply interested individuals. Keep an eye in on the PAC to see when and where the first W.I.C. meeting will be. Robin Burges President, W. IYC. --------m--B-mm-‘I I





second varsity




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I : I I





I I I I I I I 1


by Alan Adamson





Football Wwriors win

Fri. Sept. 18 Sat. Sept. 19


ran a 2:33:33 marathon Sunday in Montreal making her the marathoner. Linda is a grad kin student. She doesn’t run

The Warriors came home smiling from Ottawa last week. In an exhibition game against Carleton the Waterloo boys finished with a 14 - 2 win; a nice prelude to their season opener. They racked up six points on two field goals by Stan Chelmecki and another point from him on a missed field goal. Gino Tersigni got the only touchdown on a pass from Chelmecki for the fourteen points. The next Warriors game is here at home against the Windsor Lancers. Game time is two p.m. Saturday at Seagram Stadium. If this trend continues, it’ll certainly be worth taking in. Virginia Butler

Sept. 17

1 Thurs.Oct. 1 Fri. Oct. 2


due to eligibility rules.


1 Thurs. Sept. 24 I 1 Fri. Sept. 25 I Sat. Sept. 26

Linda Standt

fastest Canadian





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