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Campus -Friday, Legal Resource






14th Orient


U of W Ski Club presents Fun & Skiing at Blue Mt./Georgian Peaks. $14 Members, $17 Non-Members. You had to sign up by Wednesday for this trip.

Ecumenical Community.

Reformed Worship lo:30 am. Refreshments

Fine Art

Conrad Grebel Chapel and discussion.


hours: 10 am-12 pm, 12:30-4:30 pm.

and Sale. 10 am-8 pm. CC 113

CC Bombshelter is open noon-l am. Salad bar open till 11:30 pm. D.J. after 9 pm. Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm. Friday Prayer (Salatul-Jummaa). Arranged Students’ Association. 1:30-2:30 pm. cc 135.



HKLS Semi-Formal. $8 per person-“Bargoon”. Smorgasbord and D.J. Paul Godfrey. A bus is beingarra’nged. Contact the RSA, KSA, PAC receptionist or call Frank 884-7534 or L.ingta 578-2174 for tickets. Limited tickets. 7 pm. The Lodge, Bingeman Park. A special Agora Tea House with “Rhythm and Praise” musicians, Peter and Jim Tigchelaar, from I-lamilton. Free admission. Enjoy some herbal tea and homebaking. 8-12 pm. CC Great Hall. The new UW debating society (which will debate at other campuses in tournaments around the prbvince-we went to Western last weekend and did very well) tieets each Thursday. If you are interested please call Heather at 8847060 after 7 pm. Thursdays, 9:00, Conrad Grebel College Lower Lounge.

Fed Flicks-see

8 pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others

Evening concert Theatre Auditorium.

featuring the Laurier Singers. 8 pm. Adults $4, students $2.


Gay Liberation of Waterloo is sponsoring a dance. MC 5th floor lounge. Admission $1, cash bar available. Everyone welcome. For further information call GLOW, 884-4569.



14th Orient Ball, sponsored by Chinese Students Association. It includes basketball, badminton and tabletennis. &er 300 students, coming from 15 universities and colleges in Ontario and Quebec, are expected to participate in this tournament. All are welcome, free admission. PAC. 9 am-5 pm. Fi,ne Art


and Sale-see

Tbe Bombshelter opens 7 pm. D.J. cover, others $1 after 9 pm.


Starts Jenny

after 9 pm. Feds no



University HH 280.

7-8 pm. Followed by coffee



Aaloka, a distinguished classical dancer from India, will perform a solo dance drama “The Eternal Dance of Spring” to celebrate her recent arrival in Canada, and to greet the end of winter. Tickets $5, students $3.50 from the UW Arts Centre Box Office. 8 pm. Theatre of the Arts. Waterloo Jewish Students’ Association presents the 2nd Annual Post Purim. Refreshments (including Hamatarhen-a Purim pastry), cash bar, live and taped music, costume contest (no birthday suits please). 8 pm. MC 5136.

The Hunger




7 pm. HH 22’7.

“Mark Twain in Person” adapted and performed by American stage-TV actor Richard Henzel, brings the wit and wisdom of one of America’s most beloved writers to the stage, in a ‘serio-comical lecture’. Tickets $7.00 (Stu./Sen. $5.50) from UW Arts Centre Box Office, Humanities Theatre (8854280). 8 pm. Theatre of the Arts. Public talk: Art in everyday life, exploring view the world. 8 pm. PAS 3026.

Transcendental Meditation “Advanced Lecture” for T.M. Meditators. 8 pm. 188 Park Street, Waterloo. For more info call 576-2546, David & Shannon Bourke.

Graduation recital by Angus John Franklin Sinclair, organ. Recital will be held in Guelph at the Dublin Street United Church. Admission free and everyone welcome.

“Salad Barre”-UW Dance Dept.‘s annual presentation. Tickets $2.50, students $1.50 from Centre Box Office. 8 pm. Humanities Theatre.




to your food Tour to find 886-7622 or

open 10 am-2 pm.

Waterloo Tuesday.

Peers Counselling-a student to student, listening, referral and information service. So come in, relax, have a cup of coffee and set your soul free. 11 am-3 pm. CC 138.

Discussion pm supper.

Last chance to protect wilderness in Northern Ontario. Seminar and meeting with Arlin Hackman, executive director, Algonquin Wildlands League. 2:30 pm. ES 348.

Legal Resource pm.

Wrath of God. 8 pm. Humanities $1.50, plus .50 membership.







Waterloo Jewish Students Association is holding a final brunch get-together for this term. If you have been showing up during the term, this will be a last chance to see the group together. If you haven’t been to a meeting yet this term, you can come and find out what you’ve missed. 11:30 am. CC 110.


4:45-5:15 pm. course.

Fellowship. Chaplain Rem Kooistra. HH 280,6 7-8:30 pm. Ethical Issues for the Eighties.

Gay Liberation of Waterloo is sponsoring a coffee ho&e with music, coffee and a chance to meet new friends. For more information, call 884.GLOW. 8:30-11:3Q pm. CC 110. Cinema Richard

Gratis-Anne of a Thousand Burton. 9:30 pm. CC Great Hall.

-Thursday, Ski Club-see











CC Bombshelter-see



God, Man and World. Non-credit inter-disciplinary Graham Morbey M. Dive. Drs. HH 334, 5-6 pm.


is open 10 am-12:30 pm, 1:30-3:30


CC Bombshelter-see


10 am-3 pm.

Christian Fellowship Supper Meeting-see Place changed to St. Jerome’s, 215.





Legal Resource Office is open 10 am-l:30 pm, 3:30-5:30 pm, 7-9 pm. Peers Counselling-see Monday. CC Bombshelter is open 12 noon to 1 am. Sandwich and Salad Bar is open 12-6 pm, 8-11:30 pm. D.J. after 9 pm. Feds no cover, others $1 after 9 pm.

The Birth Control Centre is open. We offer information on Birth Control, unplanned pregnancy, conselling and a resource library. The centre is open Monday-Thursday, 12-4 pm. CC 206. Ext. 2306.



ways to

Noon Hour Drama-“Out at Sea”. 12:30 pm. Free, Theatre of the Arts. Runs to March 27.

The Bombshelter is open 12 noon-l am. D.J. after 9 pm. Feds, no cover. Others $1 after 9 pm. Sandwich & Salad Bar is open from 12 noon-6 pm.

Film-Aquirre, the Theatre. $2, students



Waterloo Christian Outside HH 280.


Have you ever wondered what actually‘happens before it gets on the shelf? Take a Supermaket out. Tours available daily. Contact Dianne, WPIRG, 884-9020. Office

students UW Arts


Fifth Annual Engineers’ Bus Push for Big Sisters. lo:30 am at Cul-de-sac. For further info, contact Thieves at EngSoc, ext. 2323.

Fed Flicks-see


for entire afterwards.


Chinese Movies presented by the 14th Orient Board Committee, Chinese Students Association, University of Waterloo. Admission $2. 8 pm. AL 113.


By Grace Through Faith. Non-credit course in reformed doctrine by Chaplain Dr. Rem Kooistra. 7-8 pm. Conrad Grebel College. Room 264.



Women’s Issues Group last meeting of the term. Topic: work. Guest speaker is Dr. Dormer Ellis, Electrical Engineer and University of Toronto professor. 7-9:30 pm. CC 110.

Legal Resource Fed Flicks-Airplane.


hours 10 am-l:30


Monday. Wednesday.

Music at noon will feature the Chapel Choir, Barrie Cabena, director. Concert will be held in the Keffer Memorial Chapel at 12 noon. Admission free and everyone welcome. Conrad

Grebel Evening




Graduation Recital by Irene Helen Neufeld, voice. Recital will be held in the Theatre Auditorium at 8 pm. Admission free and everyone welcome.

Waterloo Christian Fellowship Supper Meeting dealing with “Eligah: Faith in Action”. Everyone is most welcome. 4:30-7 pm. HH 280.

Spring Concert with UW Concert Band, UW Chamber Choir, and UW University Choir. Co-sponsored by Conrad Grebel College and the Creative Arts Board. 8 pm. Humanities Theatre.

Mu,nch Movieslunch available.

’ Conrad ’ Conrad


Grebel College Grebel College.



12:lO pm. Admission


4:45-5:15 pm. Teenage



8 pm. Waterloo

Motor Inn. Feds $5, others






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The experience of plunhome of a famous law faculty ” _ging into the language and. founded in 1158. culture of Italy this sumThe city is architecturally mer will. be available ‘to a interesting, too, she ‘pointed number of St. Jeromes out. “The city is famous foI’ its studenti. this year, while medieval tqwers 8s well as for 20 Italian visitors fitid but its arcades and porticos.” what it’s like’ to live and study in southern .Ontario. The switch is part of a summer imm&sioh exch&ge program %eing arranged by . ‘St. Jeromes. The Canadian students will take courses on the campus of (ZNS) - A study group Member of the Be&do Brothers exhibits how wei1 & “nose” his music. photo by JM’B . the University of Bologna, es,tablished to draft a code while the Ital& students -&ll ‘.o$ conduct for the adthe vice-presidency, Dolointention of leaving thf? have the opportunity to obwith the constantly changvertising of iiifant formula conflict of ‘interest for the rita Fiorqcci is to be trea- . offices until their demand:; serve classes at St. Jeromes. ing, surreal images flashed - and bottle feeding in India very ‘doctors who are surer, and Joanne Geremia are met. ’ ‘Dr. Vera Goli& assistant is said to have financial ’ draftink rules to control before them. In, addition, Wolfe said, ’ _will be secretary. All posiSupport for the group still professor of Italian Studies at ties with, the advertising of infant the Nestle programs with high JPM’s tions were acclaimed. St. Jeromes, says that the company. is high. Over 200 people, 10% formula td be accepting ’ ’ Canadian stu&nts will be iend to lead viewers tb. SOS Trent of Trent’s student ‘body, The government of India money from the companies other high JPM’s shows..In attended a support rally encouraged td speak no Engestablished the special -making that formula. Wednesday;’ telegrams have lish duriq$ , their six-week “working some cases this totally students still group” after Dr. Anand suggest that :_ tiersion course, which runs betrays the‘purpose of the been coming in from many dritics charged that major Nestle and the doctors occup$ng , froin June 8 to July 17. original program. I places, as far away as ’ formula exporters in the involved sever their finan.British Columbia and some Those attending will have West have been using * @al ties immediately. For example, said Wolfe, The executive adminisof the Uni’ted States. completed. basic Italiah stuSesame Street has a high trativP offices at Trent misleading advertising to However, there are some dies, and ,will have “the content and is University are still -occupied discourage breast feeding .JPM prbblems. There has beeq modelled on television by a group ‘of students ’ rudiments of the language” and encourage +bottle between the dialogue before enrolling. “But then,‘? commercials. *Although the protesting fee increases. The feeding throughout the students and administrasays Dr. Golini, “they will show’s purpose is adgtudents, in their ninth day Third’ World.. tion, but no real headway cas of Wedneshatie to learn the language Bottle feeding in areas mirable, it tends to’ 1ea.d of occupation has b&en made. And some . -beyond the elements of sur- ’ with limited sanitation. children30 otheqhigh JPM day, are protesting the students are worried about vi&l? The course instructor shows, rather than t,o i implementation of differenand high rates of illiteracy there is the - y-ill be close by, hbwevep, to ‘books.. * ’ tial fees for visa students as amnesty; has been associated with REGINA (CUP) - American unmentioned possibility help the students adjust. well as the.manner in which is turning people ,On the other hand, said high infant death rates. , television that legal action may be the fee increases were voted , While in Bologna, the stuThebNestle company is the into weak-willed, middle: Wolfe, Canadian children’s ’ taken against’the students. dents will live with Italian class neurotic losers who shows are much more upon. largest exporter ‘of infant families, sharing their homes, ’ can’t think, according to gentle. The Friendly Giant;* “What we are protestig is formula in the world. for‘ example, encourage6 not the tictual decision to ,meals, and activities. AC&mThe consumer guidanci columnist .Morris Wolfe. modation is provided free for society of India says it has Speaking at .the Unichildren io love books, and impose differentid fees and Last week’s Imprint rethe first *four weeks. ‘I Mr. Dressup suggests (other) fee jnikes,” said Paul discovered that a leading ;;;i;y oiffdgina recenfly, ported, that WLU “has ex-. The Canadians ‘will. also television . activities that cantinue 1 Knight, student repre,sent& member of the working the most cbnsis.tive to Trent’s board of perienced join students from the Univergroup is being paid more assumes people are like after the end of the . asity of Bologna. fqr group than, ,$S,OOO a year by a , this and they become what program . governors, “Whit we are tent annual ‘in&ease universities excursions to vineyards, folk ’ , Nestle subsidiary they are assumed to be. protesting is the way in. mong Ontario to give UW.ASU 1n spite of festivals, the opera, art galAmerican television is which the decision was in applications.” annual lectures on baby ihis - increase in appliannounces. leries, and museu& ; . * more popular than Canamade.” care. In addition, accord6. WLU is actually. Golini stated that Bologna &an, he said, because it The decision was made cations, ing to the consumer group, neti exec. down in. full-time enroll. ‘m&es an ideal tiite for *e delivers more jolts. per behind closed doors in what Nestle is alleged to have m&t, from 4,849 in 1976 to The Arts Stude~nt Union I many students consider to summer course overseas. Sit-. funneled another $10,000 minute (JPM). These jolts to has announced its exeb@ ati unfair procedure (set: 4,792 in i974, according uated in the Appenines, @e of rapidediting, action and to pay for a huge dinn,er obtained fromcutive members fdr the city is “St the crossroads of music, _to captivate people Imprint, March 13). The information party for Indian pediatrithe Preliminary Report on year. Kevin McItaly.? * students odcupying the cians. so they do not have to coming the Future Role of Un’iver\ Innis will be @resident, ( offices, calling themselves Bologna is the oldest uniIndian physician Dr.. think, said Wolfe, but sities in Ontario. a Murray. Sprackman takes “SOS Trent”, *have no ’ versity town in Italy, the ‘RX. Anand alleges it is a -,rather - just have t6 keep.up ”

Nestles is quidker than *” you think ‘-

Boo& tub& numbs and jolts -1 *

. . ,



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Saturday morning shoppers at Kitchener’s Market Square &ere treated ‘to a novel group of protesters dressed in somewhat obscure costumes. Speaking for the participants was UW Man-En,vironment prof Greg.Michelenko who said the purpose of the protest was to point out the lack of attention paid to environmental issues in the photo by Spot the two headed newt Provincial election campaign.

Towers charged with theft’ at U of Guelph Special from the Ontarion at the University of Guelph A University of Guelph student retained a lawyer and charged Ken’s Towing last Friday with theft over $200 as a result of her car being towed away, and being compelled to pay Ken’s $20 to get it back. Marilyn Curtis, a sixth semester student in OVC, says the meter ran out in the lot outside of the Veterinary Microbiology Building, and since she alre_ady had an oustanding parking ticket, her Rabbit was towed away. She was especially irate because they broke into her car to tow it, and charged lher an additional ’ five dollars. Although she requested that Ken’s bill her, the tow truck driver refused, adding to her frustration. This was the first time her car was towed away, but Curtis decided to press charges because she thought they were’ “violating my personal rights.” She asserts that she is willing to pursue the case in court and bear the financial burden. Because the case could set a precedent that would affect all students, she is considering approaching the CSA about funding to help _her defer her legal costs. Frances Adams, CSA President, says the Association will consider helping her out when the facts of the case are clear. , David Doney, from the Guelph law firm of Morrow, Nickelson and Doney, has been. retained 8S her counsel. Doney is a University of Guelph graduate who was also the editor of the Ontarion in ‘1968-69. He presented the jFacts of the case to a Justice of the Peace last Friday .who agreed there was

who one day went to get his engine repaired. Edmonston called Genera1 Motors’ Firenza “the non-polluting car”: it simply refused to start. The APA took GM to court in a class actio’n suit, an action never taken before in Canada. If the APA wins this case, which is now coming before the Supreme Court of Canada, he said, it will be a milestone in Canadian law, as class action suits will then be permitted across Canada. (As of now, only Quebec has legislation to deal with class-action suits). Edmonston called the Pinto “Ford’s four-cylinder

portable furnace.” Referring to the charges brought against Ford in a trial in Ohio last year, he mentioned a departmental ‘memo circulated in Ford’s office after the flaw had been discovered. It dealt with what action the company should take; it could repair the fault, or stonewall it and settle all claims out of court. The memo gave an estimate that the company could expect to pay $60,000 per burn and $200,000 per death. But, Edmonston didn’t restrict his criticisms to the producers; he also had chqice words for dealers and mechanics. He severely criticized the Esso Diagnostic Clinics; he gave the APA credit for shutting down these so-called clinics. This was accomplished by simply having a man take his car in to three different clinics in sucdession. Upon each visit, the “customer” was told that his car needed some new part. It was later discovered that the servicemen were being paid a commission for each new part that they installed, he said. He also remarked upon a practice called “redesignation” employed by dealers. This process involved the Ford dealers taking a 1972 model car and “redesigna-

ting” it as a 1972 model. Quoting from a Ford memo, Edmonston noted that the fiI;st step in the process was for the dealer to remove the 1972 driver’s manual and replace it with a 1973 version. Ford justified this by saying that it saved the consumers the trouble of looking for the newer models which were not yet available. The judge o,n this case disagreed however and found the company guilty of fraudulent practices. ’ Edmonston recommended that, if any consumer encounters problems with his car (through no fault of his own), and could not get retribution on the case, then the consumer should use the small-claims court as recourse. Edmonston is himself an interesting character. A native of Washington D.C., he worked with Ralph Nader, later married a French-Canadian (he is bilingual), and moved to Montreal. He was -one of the founding members of the Automobile Protection Association, and is presently its president. Over the years, he has authored many works, the most famous of which is Lemon-Aid, an expose on consumer complaints about the auto industry, which he updates annually. Rob Dobrucki

sufficient evidence to proposed that each case warrant a charge. might have to be pursued individually. Ken’s and the particular The owners of Ken’s and driver, Craig Hawkins, are their driver face a being charged under Secmaximum penalty of 10 tion 294 Subsection A (A) years in the penitentiary. of the Canadian Criminal The trial date will be set on Code with criminal conMarch 10. version,” a polite term for stealing. Doney asserts that they had “a common intention to commit a criminal conspiracy.” He explains that the university has all the right in the world to have cars parked on campus towed Students who would like tising in Enginews until an (Calvin Weber and John Committee member away. However, when advertising policy was Denham.) Weber reiterated the need a voice in deciding the Ken’s demands $15, or in The committee has held Federation’s policy on established. Also passed at for students to express. this case $20, for the owner advertising, at least those this meeting, was a motion one meeting, but according their views, but made a of the car to retrieve their . who can limit their verbal calling for an advertising to Ram, “due. to the plea to those submitting property, they are guilty of policy committee. controversial nature of the submissions to 15 minutes, material to - “keep their theft, as he interprets the will be invited to -have This committee, since topic involved”, decided to briefs brief”. “We feel that law. “The university hasn’t their when struck, includes Wim “advertise for briefs, for constructive steps were the say done anything wrong,” he Federation Federation presimembers of the Federation of Student’s . Simogis, taken during the General explains, although “the to articulate their feelAdvertising Policy Comdent, the board of entermeeting to resolve this university doesn’t have mittee meets on April lst, tainment chairperson, (Art ings.” issue,” stated Weber, any way of enforcing its in CC 135. Ram) and two additional “This whole issue has noting that the committee (parking) laws except members of council and caused a furor on the was &e of these steps. Submittors will have to using the tow away.” If the campus,” he maintained. ratified by this, group Marg Sanderson act quickly though. Preuniversity were to bill sentations to this commitstudents whose car had tee will have to be been towed, there would be accompanied by a written no illegality, but because brief outlining their re-Ken’s, an outside body, commendations, and the collects the penalty, Doney deadline for these profeels they are committing Screening meeting: meet the candidates Monday March 23,4:30. posals is Friday March 27, an offense. Briefs must be in the Fed Voting: Monday for 1’ (one) hour following the above meeting; Doney describes Ken’s, office no later than 430 pm. Tuesday 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. (midnight) who has had a monopoly The committee is a result on towing away vehicles Eligible Votes: Those on the following list are eligible to one vote, in of several motions conon campus for over 12 cerning Federation adperson, by secret ballot during the above hours. Imprint conyears, as a “cruel forde on vertising in the engineertributors who feel they should be included in the list should apply in campus.” While editor of ing society newspaper the Ontarion, Doney wrote person Friday or Monday at the Imprint office. Enginews. The first such many articles focussing on motion was passed at a parking on campus. student council meeting Michael Ferrabee Dave Petrasek Alan Angold early in the term and called Heima Gerta Prabhakar Ragde “If we win,“’ he says, Dan Ayad Roy Gilpin for the withdrawal of Glenn St-Germain Dave Berman “there is no regson we can’t Tammy Horne Mars Sanderson federation advertising from Angela Brandon sue for all the money Vivian Huang Peter Seracino David Bray the paper until its “s&xist they’ve (Ken’s) extracted.” William Knight Natt Shaka Virginia Butler and racist content” was Ed Kristafek Bryan Snyder There are obvious long Jean Chick Anna Lehn Catherine Suboch removed. M. Drew Cook term implications for Ken’s Cathy McBride Graham Thompson Debbie Dickie Another motion passed if this case wins, but John McMullen David Trahair Rob Dubrucki amid much controversy at Doney suggests t‘hat a case Sharon Mitchell Ekrry Tripp Stu Dollar .- .Steve Utter Hans Van Der Molen the Federation’s General action suit against the Brian Dorion Sandy Newton Meeting called for the Dave Dubinski accused would be difficult Tim Periich Laurie Duquette of the original because of the laws in rescinding Debbie Elliot Canada governing such motion with an amendment disallowing adversuits. Instead, Doney


input requested-

‘Federzition ad policy debated

Imprint Editorial Elections Ballot




is an editoris?lly




-‘E&tip’ ,’ * ’ BusInessManager AdvertisIngManager r&gg=w&= SportsEditor


Imp-t FQblioations WaterIoo, a corporation v&ho& @+re r capital, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Photi 886 A 1660 or &tension 2331 or 2332: ImpHnt is a member of the chmdian University Press (CUP), a qtu*nt press organization of 63 papers acrqss Canada. Imprint is also a member of the Ontazio Weekly Nqwspaper A+ocUtion (OWNA). Imprint ~l~hesevery~~duringthetemn.Ma;ilshcnild~addressed to “Imprint, Campus Centre Boom 140.” We are Qpeset on c$mpw with a Comp/SetJlO, paste-up is likewise done on ’ \ ‘@ampus. Imprint: IS?N 0706-7380.

ArtsEcUtgrs ~WitwQy Pros* iy PoetIy


Marg Sanderson SyldaHaxuU@n L&Wood Jacob Aweneatit


YDoum9LaucieD Pad Zemol;rhol DaIl&ad&UlaLehn Alan&gold, Peter Sazacino Angela Brandon, Michael Ferrm


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As opposedto a pointg yay to die?WI r&alned from JD, Nemy,,and Karen were listening to Dopplered slammethey too were UnemplojredIf we Went below the e&n horizon, we’d be suspendedthere for eternity or a microsecond I’d loseit alk The girl, the goldwatch andeve-. Ma@eI @readyhave...1should a& Sylvia.Coverphoto by peter (a00

2~dClass Postage Registratibn PencUg Impr@t resexVe8 the wt to screen edi&’ a!nkmfllse~ert~ing.*

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.hdodelsa, 2; 34:. . .. the plot thicketis ,

The Committee on the Future Role of the original [first five years) increas.e. Ontario Unive&ities mhde public ’ its Apparantly, the reason for the shift is to \ preliminary report early this month and- ’ free re’sources due to an expected decline tq date, it has received little or no in university enrolment. attention from students on this camptis. As theCommittee admits, “If Model 2’ purpose ‘_ The of the provincial were to be implemented, the impact of Committee is to st-udy and report oni funding levels keyed to projected various issues. within the Ontario enrollhent decline.!. would be severe. by Universities and to provide “...o~jectives the end of the decade.” Furthermore, the for Ontario universities in the 1980's objective of. expanding-, accessibility e‘xpressed ,in operational terms.” would not be met, “research would also Many of the objectives of the past have. suffer, and a decrease in- the extent a&l . .been met, says the,Commiftee, although quality of community service would be. . . the chal!enges ahead include “...widening inevitable.” accessibility to meet the aspiration? of Unbelievable though it may seem, t.he . ..Fr’anco-Ontarians. the native peoples, Committee’s third model of university and the economically and socially ’ funding fol’ the next decade is even more disadvantaged...“. restraint-oriented. Model 3 calls,for huge ’ However, the members of the funding cutbacks and would have drastic Committee rightfully point out that consequences for all Ontario universities. ’ meeting such a challenge “..:will depend Forthose of you who are unfamiliar with upon the ‘level of resources available .to “rationalization”, it essentially involves the; the universities.” scaling down of the present university These r&‘Gurces of course refer to the system in reaction to the Ontario amount of funding which the universities governm@ policy of restraint. Such can exgec,t in the coming decade, tind the scaling down, would involve eliminating . smaller faculties at many universities, Committee has identified three models. 1 cutting courses which may be seen as not for post-secondary financing. immediately relevant, and most likely The first tiodel might aptly be calied faculty, program or the lesser of three evils. It assumes an halting any further expansion. One can ‘only annual increase in goirernment funding of building frightfully await any government p&y $13.8.million, phs $25 million per year woise than “rationalization .is for replacing equipment. This paltry The Committee concludes its sirm&ationx annual increase of 3.5% will be a far cry of the various models by saying; “At the from’ an annual’ compounding inflation vax.$ous levels of funditig below inflation rat@ of approximately 10%. hypothesized, ...quality can .be salvaied The story worsens in the second model only. through ‘increasingly drastic -measures which -allows for roughly the same- whose outcome is a commensuratelv funding increase as Model 1 for the first inaccessible, elite and small Ontar& five years, and then a decrease equalling university system.” can’t on page 6 1’

Scholarship cbverage j “oneqided”

Ontario Hydra. I live .downwind


a nuclear



t * _

not know that a of the aforementioned teams have the opporttity of receitig . athletic scholarships from the federal government? Why‘ Dear Editor: do, they not question the When ‘I first came to this president of this grand insticampus I was ‘confronted tution who hires a fulltime with a mickey mouse piece person to‘ solicit academic of journalism called the scholarships and donations Chevron. I had hoped that but 4is revolted by such an a sister paper (that folunclean thought as increased lowed the saine journal: athletic sponsorship from isticX.principles would got business? spring up., Alas ,we have Has ’ Imprint embarked Imprint who runs 9 feature on a course of one-sided story.about academic schjournalism? oJ&rships. Information is ’ Three.years ago I transgathered -for the story from: ferred here from- an‘ in&,the basketbail coach, the tution where I was re-‘ directo$ I of athletics, the ceiving 8 full scholarship field hockey coach? the track to play football. Mr..Tot& fiild’ coach, 4he gymzke, I’m sorry to disagree nastics coach, ‘etc;, &&!i play.with you, but (I’m otie of ,ers from the sacid- above those academics.who withteam& ,7.I out the assistance of athCould they not have got-ten hold of the. football. or . letics would have probably dropped out of school in hockey coadhes? Did you



really so opposed to _’scholarships if they are handed out by government agencies to avoid corruption? Could it be that this *‘more aggressive program” Don McCrae talks about would destroy the cbuntry club atmosphere where .“don’t rock the boat” is the friendly norm. -I’ve been here for three years now and played on losing teams: I’m fed up! To successfully compete in rnx sport I am required to give’up 2 week’s work at the endaof the summer, plus any hope of a part-time job because of a year-round t-raining program. I am not asking for money ‘because I am an athlete; but should we bb financially penalized for being athletes? For myself and many of my friends who participate

can’t ona page 8 -



highwind problems that had plagued the conventional design. The design also proved to be a highly efficient method of running the pumps used in many Botswanian villages. Carruthers was aGproached by Dr. Gordon Bragg of UW’s Department of Mechanical Engineering, to further his windmill research in Waterloo. After obtaining funding from an Ottawa firm, Carruthers arrived in Waterloo and began testing various windmill design possibilities in UW’s wind tunnel. Unfortunately, initial test results proved to be less optimistic than had been hoped for. While the vertical axis windmill can be protected in highwind conditions, the costs may be too high. Consequently, the project may not prove to be economically feasible. Carruther’s says that “its back to square, one” with his project. He will continue to work on developing “theoretical analysis” that may lead to a feasible windmill. However, the design work is far from finished. When he completes his research term with UW in mid-May, Carruthers will return to Africa in another CUSO position. In his next assignment in Southern

20, 1981.

Environmen,tal countries -

windmill design for use in Third World practical but too expensive. photo by Peter Saracino

UW’S Federation of students has committed itself to matching the largest amount of money donated to the Concert for Cancer drive by any one campus group or society. And as of Tuesday, the Feds will find themselves adding the sum of $250 to the already healthy contribution total, thanks to the Math Society. “The response has been excellent and we’re very pleased,” said Federation president Wim Simonis, who visited student villages, Church colleges and most of the campus 4ocieties in search of donations. “We had set our target amount for $1000," he said, “but we already have $1800." Since each group was aware of the other’s contribution, “there may have been an element of challenge involved,” he stated, noting that he visited Mathsoc after the Engineering society had agreed to donate $200. Some of the money collected will be used to

universities. McGill principal David Johnston was asked if this was an attack on anglophone universities. “The extent to which the Quebec government has negotiated and signed in the past would be related with priorities in terms of cultural and educational exchanges and a desire to have certain types of foreign students studying here in Quebec and those priorities up to now have been with francophone countries,” he said. “I wouldn’t say the government has deliberately set their policies in this .way but it is the end result,” said O’Brien. Beth Morey, international student advisor at Concordia, painted a dim picture for the affected students. “This means that a lot of them may have to go home. It will be disasterous,” she said. “To take it out on students coming from other countries is unfair. It seems to be a part of a move to increase fees everywhere.” Morey also said that international students cannot voice their opposition because they do not have a vote. “It may be an election ploy-to get votes from people who resent the presence of



subsidize student tickets for the Concert for Cancer. Admission prices for the show appearing at -the Centre in the Square will cost UW students $7.50 rather than the regular$lo, according to Simonis, who says the federation has booked a block of seats in the tenth to the fourteenth rows. Appearing in the line-up of entertainers for the evening will be the Second City Touring Company, Dave Broadfoot, Don Harron, For those who can afford to donate $25 to the benefit, there will be preferred seats and a reception following the show. The considerable sum which remains after the tickets have been reduced in price will go to the Cancer Society as a donation, says Simonis. “We are trying to show some sort of response from the university community to a worthwhile charitable event off campus.” Marg Sanderson

Sudan, Carruthers hopesto further develop and test his windmill designs. Not exclusively limited to windmill design however, Carruthers will be involved in advancing technology. In closing, he commented, “My work is now long way from the Botswana windmill design.” Julie Lynne


Que. students pay more MONTREAL(CUP) -Thespeculation is over, international students studying in Quebec will be paying $4,128 in differential fees next year. The increase was confirmed March 2 by Michel Brunet, director of services at the ministry of education. The announcement also included a $1,000. fee increase for international students already studying in Quebec. “I think it is an excessively large increase. For students presently here especially it is a very big increase and an unexpected one,” said Concordia University rector John O’Brien. Brunet - explained the increase. “It’s not that we’re against foreign students, we just want foreign students to take a greater part of the cost,” he said. He also said the increase will not affect all international students because of Quebec government deals with eleven countries exempting those students from differential fees. But O’Brien did not think that this policy is compensation for the increase. He says that the exempted students are largely from francophone countries and they for the most patit attend Quebec’s seven francophone


Feds Fund Cancer Drive

Windmil IPower. Answer or Third W orld? Third world countries may be tilting at windmills for their future energy. Mechanical engieering research consultant, Richard Carruthers, is studying the feasibility *of using windmills as an energy source for third world countries. However, while-engineers may be able to overcome problems, design any economic factors may threaten the future of the project. As part of a CUSO project examining village technology in Botswana, Cafruthers discovered that an insufficient water supply was a serious problem. The cost of operating and maintaining various diesel systems was somewhat prohibitive due to the lack of water. Windmills seemed to be one way to decrease costs and makk make maintenance easier. Initially, conventional windmill designs were studied as the energy alternative. These conventional windmills are still being tested at various sites in Botswana. Howevbr, problems with high winds led the research team to investigate alternative windmill designs. Carrut hers became aware of a windmill design that was being used with success in Ethiopia. The vertical axis design of the windmill helped to eliminate many of the


foreign students in the country.” Quebec student organizations have come out again& the increase. “We al against the principle (of differential fees) itself. There

can’t on page 6 Yuri




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’ 20,. 1981.


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A petition calling for the recall of integrated Studied representative, Theodore Sullivan, has received the, fifty votes required to.have ‘a recall referendum among IS stiidents. The referendum, to be held this Monday, will decide whether or not Integrated Studies students want Sullivan a’s their representative. If the referendum is-successful, an electiqn for a new representative could be held on the last day of said ‘classes ihis term, Federation President, Wim Simonis. Sullivan -was acclaimed to his seat after no’candidates had dome -forward from Integrated &dies.

bickering.” “If a person feels I titegrated Studies students According to Simonis, Larry Smilie and David She- can’t represent him, I disthe petition actually had qgree, but he did get fifty I&S. fifty-three names on it, but ‘Sullivan claims that he signatures,” Sullivan said. three of thosei names were ’ Stu Dollar does not want “a lot of . ineligible sin&e the Federation could n$t verify them as Fed members. ’ Quebec students pay more The. petition charged that should be other ways of although I can’t say what Sullivan had “been notably dealing -with international weight they will carry. A lot abseht from the Council of pressure will be needed to meetings of Integrated Stustudents through agreements the decision,” he I &-es, and has cledly indiwith oth& countries,” said overturn , cated that he has no intention Jose Roy, newly elected secre- said.Johnston suggested a letter of participating, moE fully in tarygeneral of the Regroupecampaign to the minithe future.” ment des Associations Etu- writing of education and the diantes du Quebec. He did not stry S~van d4es not feel Quebec government tihich he think there were any prejubitter about the petition. “If said have’ regrettably the sdle dices operating against interthey want to recall me they and power national students. “They are responsibilify can,” he said,“It’s up to the with regard to the amount of not an obstacle. The student faculty of Integrated Stutuition fees. However, he sector is far. more open than dies.” was not certain what effect other sectors of society,” he According to Simonis, t6e this campaign would have. said. petition was circulated by “We understand that this Jaciues Beaudoin, ‘spokes- is the final word on tuition : person for l’Association Na- fees and of coursesit comes at tionale des Et&ants du Que- .a very late date both for bec, disagreed. “We have to students planning their own sensitize to Quebec students programs and for the uniwho have prejudices against versity in terms of calinternational students,” he culating the numbers of said. “We are against the hike. students who will be enrolWe will make representations led in particular programs,” to the ministry of education he said.

Editorial does not The report mention. on. what inforxnation they have based their forecasts for university financing. One dan only assume, that since all however, fore&sts are grim, the Committee must have been clearly told by the Davis ‘government that funds will be decreasing further. Before drafting their final

continued the J Committee report, “...looks forward to ‘receiving the views of the university community and the public upon the issues raised in this preliminary repo&..“. will ~ students Many undoubtedly like to take’ up , this offer so as to ensure the Committee!s final report is in their best interests. Dave Petrasek

Friday, convinced, of the future of our relations with President Reagan and his Administration will be that both sides can become the gainers if we solve problems.” (G&M March 12)

Reagan’s visit Ottawa



Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau appeared yesterday to put Canada’s differences with the United States on the back burner to give the new US Administration time to settle in. And although President Ronald Reagan went home yesterday without settling any of the contentious issues between the . two countries, Mr. Trudeau said there was “no subject, or grievance if I could use the word, which the United States wasn’t prepared to discuss and indicate a will to settle.” carried The attitude through even on the toughest issue of all, the East Coast Fisheries Treay. Mr. Trudeau appeared willing to let the I Reagan Administration bury the treaty, even though it has been Canada’s top priority with the United States for the past two years.



The . Solidarity independent trade union has suspended threatened strikes in this industrial city after authorities accepted the resignations of two local officials and agreed to discuss further union demands. (G&M March 17)


Opinion polls published yesterday showed President Valery Giscard d’Estaing and Socialist challenger Francois Mitterrand neck and neck in the French presidential election race. The first round of voting takes place April 26. (G&M March 14) Bangui

- Eighteen months after the downfall of selfproclaimed emperor JeanBedel Bokassa, Central Africans vote tomorrow for a new president in the first election since 1964. (G&M March 14)

On the other area of great concern, pollution,- he said it was fair to say “we have the assurances that the United States has the will and the determination to co-operate with us in preserving the environment for ourselves and for posterity.” Canada, Mr. Trudeau said, does not see such negotiations as terminating in victory for one side and losses for the other. “The spirit and reality of these discussions and, I am

Ministry of Colleges and Universities


year since 1975 last year and trade in 1981 is running below last year’s average with no signs of a revival, international economists reported yesterday. (G&M March 16)

San Salvador - El Salvador’s ruling military junta has rejected suggestions that the Organization of American States mediate in the country’s civil strife which in the past 14 months has claimed about 15,000 lives. (G&M March 12) Santiago

(AP) - August0 right-wing Pinochet, the general who seized power in Chile in 1973, took the oath of office yesterday as the first

under a new President consitution that puts off a return to democracy until the turn of the century. (G&M March 12) Iranian officials report 250,000 people have sought refuge in the eastern province of Khorasan as a result of fighting in Afghanistan and the Iran-Iraq war, the International Red Cross Committee said yesterday. (G&M March 12)

Hon. Bette Stephenson, Harry K. Fisher, Deputy


delivers on its pledge of $3.2 billion, bank sources said yesterday. (G&M March 13) . 1 Federal Energy Minister Marc Lalonde yesterday accepted the invitation of his Alberta counterpart, Mervin Leitch, to meet early next month to try to resolve the simmering federal-provincial oil-pricing dispute. (G&M March 13)

Athens Washingoton

(AP) - A major World Bank aid program for the world’s poorest countries might shut down next month unless the United States

- More than 100,000 people have been made homeless as a result of a series of earth tremors that have hit . Greece since Feb. 24. ‘G&M March 14)

Imprint Muscat,

7 Oman



Aviv (AP) Israel reacted angrily yesterday to reports that the United States plans to equip Saudi Arabia with flying radar stations, which some military experts claim will allow the Saudis. to scan Israel’s most secret defences. . (G&M March 16)

We invite all Students and Faculty to come and see the .


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Foreign ministers of six ARab oil ,st ates said yesterday they had agred on and initiated the constitution of the Gulf Cooperation Council, designed to bind the nations together in a community similar to the European Economic Community. (G&M March 12)


(CP) Prime Pierre Trudeau Minister yesterday backed the current Government of El Salvador and said he can’t get “overly incensed” about US arms shipments to the Duarte regime while rebels get weapons from other sources. (G&M March 13) economy

20, 1981.

Edmonton Geneva


Geneva (Reuter)


me. this lomz to see it:.


building- L.warriors Logan,

Foistball Dgfpnqe rs, clccording to yourself. I / The ‘undersigned a>have re people on campus knew mum '$500; burden and read the contqts of thisrrmnnAw”m* it wrnn au uhn+m-‘n vv CUCGA 11u hrAullrcbulllLLi~ ’ ’ maximally, at a, $lSQD. letter and support - c itsviewC*. +bo&& _ -‘. 1 ’ 1 *‘- _ than 0l.U Own! Themaster@.n Cniri nllrr * at .lnnnt’nt thia for failure had.snuff& ouimv ’ point* last &ht of hope for the Paul Foley,.!C’-Hockey univers.ity, ‘the%osts out1 the &nefits. For--& : atl-Jetic pc%rwfs glory under ~ L ’ Dom _‘ Ruggieri Jamie Britt _- an-athlete with a so-cal,le‘d Your direction. . ’ To hide behind the-premise ( Frank Campanar.0 ‘.‘:profileT’ and ‘ statu& i -to.. I - maintain that. once scholarships are ; , : Robert McArthur on zampus’, any introduced into our ’ system .. L s Andre Crawford trouble we incur is auto‘David K. >young matiballyour fault and the -ive Gill be hiqj -3~* i punishment-is-de&out not some of; the see ficmors as , ,S Bill Boug, ‘C’ Football if WPPP atrqd&ts * I Offence they find .in theUS: is to have Paul Coemans no faith in what we’canl+rn TIplOll I Cal Keil; ‘c’. Basketball from the US. mistakes. J :. ath_-

I .





















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I March 22-24

’ Police ‘raids“’


’ Regarding’ the letter by P$t!. Corbett , ]‘which, ap/ peared I in the 6,“:March hipljnt; , I A-ha e- ,_, so’me negati-ve commen 9 s. -< I . First. of all,. I ~$1 state - that: I too believe ’ g,ay people “are’ abnormal-. Ifeel ,that gay relationships‘ are generally more. casual, moPe’ sexually orient ated and less ‘meaningful than o heterosexu_al -- -relationships: I also agree with&Jr. ’ Corbett in not wanting anybody to -:cram their I sexual ;preferences .down my throat. (or anywhere else, anatom.ically). My objection with ‘-Mr. Corbett’s, letter is ‘that ‘he’ missed the whole point of _ the, public outcry against the i recent Toronto bath house- raids. i R.or, example .’ he compared these raids with the crackdown _ on Toronto’~ body rub @rlours,“ asking why there . wasIn public outcry then; The body rub parlours 1were known to- .beJiouses Of‘ prostitutio,n which operated.under the guiseof offering’ a legal retail pub& fservice’; The bath houses however, aretwere $rivate +ubs ’ open y: to members only: Cash-forAex was not involved in : ’ ’ i any. of the police charges X against the bath *houses. The fact is, it is legal for . consenting adult males’ to ‘have sex with each other. The: ‘sexual. I adtivities .., $hidh ’ Toronto’s _ ,fi&st ’ found ). $0, L:.objectiolita$le * ‘:&file ’ -.p+% ,#_,octiarh,.ng Jock&d .’ {‘ubicles _ within private’ clubs .whitih -&,ere ’ open to members-only. Of wh& bus&$ w&-this to -s-‘: + police?! ’ . ‘This is not a gay rights issue as much:as it is an issue- ,of , human ri,ghts (pardon the- cliche). What right do police .-have that allqws them,, to ,destroy doors, sma-sh windowsand punch~holesin walls while , forcibly arresting adult , _ men, who are indulging in legal sexual activities? ’ This is .clearly an abuse of police p,owers, whit h ‘everybody. (not just Qev. should :be con+ roids) ‘cerned with. Mr, Corbett asks, why, evepyon‘e is so anxiaus to . defend. the ‘gays. &The c Toronto * media : is not anxious to+ defend 6 gays. They are anxious @defend ’ . a person’s right to privacy. I c&Y ‘I

on page'9



’ Letters can’t from page 8 This is a sensitive issue for considering newspapers arrests of the recent editors who have refused to divulge sources of information that the police wanted to know. . We all chuckle when we think about how ridiculous the Red Scare and McCarthyism of only 30 years ago was. Maybe in Toronto it will be the gay scare and Ackroydism. Don Bruton 3A Chemical Engineering

Once more with feeling . . .



The editor, Most adult persons will agree that the developed world has experienced a tremendous incrbase in the standard of living in the past few decades. Even before that came the tactical indoctrination that the world and its contents belonged to its discoverers, white man, with his pretentious religion spread far and wide. Then came science’s breakthrough of preserving food with chemical. additives; th’en came cancer. Then came the asphalt speed and expressways followed by urban blight and before we realized it, came our life dependency on the gas buggy, as we inwardly shudder at the imminent shortage of piston and furnace fuel. The promises of the past became the problems of the present and the questionable future. There will be weeping and whining, and gnashing and cracking of fluoridated teeth and a flurry to immunize against body pollution. Prisoners of extinction will try anything in the hour of desperation. It seems a shame (for lack of a bette-r word) that the one-time authoritytrusting public has reached the stage when the solving of one’s own immediate problems has become a lost art. Unemployment and senility are also byproducts of technology. Children that hatie never seen a firefly or salamander, heard a cricket or whippoorwill, tasted beechnuts or other bounties, should not be blamed for. showing disrespect to courageless parents, teachers or authorities blinded by the dollar sign and who simply “didn’t care”. Or was it even l&s courageous to religiously brainwash our children that the sacrificial shedding of one person’s blood was prepayment for all man’s crimes against nature. Only one religion uses that sales pitch. The slaughtering and suffering of blood pulsating organisms and burying of their carcasses within us, not to mention the agonizing torture of laboratory animals, puts man in a class by himself: the only mass killer in the animal kingdom, as life9 becomes less and less meaningful, even for some females (abortion). A society that stresses above all else the short-term maximization of profits for the few, will definitely spell disaster for us all. And not %

forgetting ” that the multi-. nationalists and latter-day immigrants who have adopted Canada as their dollar breeding ground are master-minding the end of time with metric and celcius efficiency, when this planet will join the other lifeless orbits of the solar system. W. Stephan Listowel

Christian ethic a solution to Herpes epidemic The editor, I wouldlike to comment on the article ‘Herpes on Increase’ by Margaret Steen, (Imprint, March 6): The problem of Herpes Genitalis is at epidemic propor$ons both here andin the United States. It is estimated that a half-million people in Canada suffer from this disease with twenty’ to twenty-five thousand new cases occuring each year (1). Gifford- Jones (3) wrote, ‘This 6irus has recently gone on a rampage. It started with the sexual revolution of the sixties, and proves that freewheeling sex in the eighties carries with it overwhelming liabilities’. The Herpes Simplex type 2 virus is ‘one of the great biological enigmas of modern medicine . . . no one knows what causes or stops a herpes virus’. This according to American researcher John Grossman (2). It is ‘wellknown, however, that the incidence of herpes disease is related most strongly to a high degree of sexual promiscuity. It is also estimated that thirty percent active *_ Of the ,I sexually population has been expdsed to the virus (3). Since there is no known cure, there can be no eradication of the disease; ‘ . . . carriers of herpes become members of a stable and growing population’. (2) Against this background is what is obviotisly a rapidly growing problem in society as well as a highly unpleasant personal experience, I would like to comment briefly on the attitudes which seem to be .held by those suffering from this disease as well as thosein the medical field working on the problem. One thing which stands out is the excessive priority attached to sexual relations. Suggestions for preventing the spread of the disease center, as do Steen’s, on taking the correct precautions during sex. There is little or no mention.of changing one’s attitude towards sex. The bias in many of the arti,cles I have read seems to be that the ‘sexual revolutiqn’ is here to stay. People suffer lifelong and recurring physical symptoms as well as depression and fatigue. They become ’ angry, bitter or demoralized. But many will also persist in sexually active lifestyles with multiple partners. There are few people today who would dare to suggest this epidemic is directly related to fundamentally wrong attitudes and lifestyles. Johnston (2) wrote, ‘I refuse to feel guilty about having been an active soldier in the sexual revolution’. Reading about the problems Mrs. Johnston encountered in bearing a child due to her venereal disease, I can only ask what kind of a revolution

Friday, has been accomplished? Who has been freed from what? Apparently in the United States there are now people tiho are .so desperate to exercise their ‘freedom’ that they are advertizing for herpes-acted sexual partners in order not to spread their own disease further. (1) There are many people, it seems, who are sorry that they have caught the disease, but not for the tiay in which it came about. Such is the cost of commitment to the basic human ‘right’ to have sex whenever, and with whomever, one feels disposed to. There seems to be a strong presupposition that until one has .proven it in the bedroom, one does not have a sexual identity. I wonder how much research has been done on the incidence of venereal disease among people who have ‘restricted’ themselves to one lifetime partner? Many victims of this disease and their own faulty‘ sexual philosophy might’ be encouraged to realize that it is possible to lead a happy, fulfilling and healthy life while postponing sexual activity until marriage . Human beings are not

animals. We do not need to succumb to every urge that comes our way. Our natures are spiritual as well as emotional and physical, intellectual. We neglect any part of our being to our Qwn detriment. The Christian ethic is that a complete sexual relationship encompasses all aspects‘ of our nature, and belongs only in the Go<given covenant of marriage. The Scripture says, ‘Marriage should be honoured by all and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral’. Many of us like to think that the sexual revolution has freed us from such an absolute view of tiorality. I w.ould suggest that our ‘progressive’ attitude leads instead to a dead end in the light of such things as this herpes epidemic. Is bne truly free when one’s life and relationships come under control of such a thing? The Scripture also addresses such progressive thdught: ‘They promise them freedom while they themselves are slaves of depravity, for a person is a slave to whatever has mastered him’. Jesus Christ, who claimed


20, 1981.

that all truth resides in Him, said the He came to give life, and to give it more abundantly. In the knowledge of Him is the real truth about, and the real meaning of sexual relationships - and all of life itself. Those who believedin Him would know the truth; He promised, ‘and the truth will set you free . . .. so if the Son (of God) sets you free, you will be free indeed’. Charles Tysoe Kinesiology IV (. References: 1. Budgen, Mark. ‘The Creeping Shame of the Love Virus’, Maclean‘s, Sept. 8, 1980. 2. Johnston, Kathleen. ‘Millions have herpes VD’, K W Record, Sept. 23, 2980. 3. Gifford-Jones, W. ‘Why Has Herpes Virus Gone on the Rampage?’ Globe and Mad, Oct. 30, Iwo. 4. Bible references: Hebrews 3314, II Peter 2119, and John 8:32,36.

Student feels bank abused its privilege The editor, It is with grave that I am bringing

concern to your



attention an incident occuring at the CIBC located downstairs in the Campus Center. In April 1980 I cashed a cheque which drew NSF and, having cleared my account for the summer the cheque left my account overdrawn $200.00. The overdraught’ was cleared in September 1980. ’ On February 24, 1981 I received a’notice from the bank informing me that my account had been debited $100.00 for legal fees incurred in collection of the debt. I never received as much as a lawyer’s letter and the overdraught was cleared on my own free will. This is the bank which is privileged with handling a large percentage of student funds. Are we to be left at the mercy of these people who openly take advantage of we students? This type of incident does not occur at other banks and I strongly urge students to bank e.slewhere. Other banks, are located at Parkdale Plaza, Westmount Place, and the corner of King and University Avenue. Robert Powell 4th year. Chemistry


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20, 1981.




The Beverly Glenn-Copeia?d benefit was held in order to aid women’s Projects in Zimbabwe. Women there wish to assist efforts as well as to prove in reconstruction at restoring

peace. That is the basic philosophy that runs through Beverly Glenn-Copeland’s music. And that is what she shared with her audience in a benefit concert at Conrad Grebel College last Friday. Often, as with any performer, one aspect of his/her music is particularly pronounced. But with Beverly at the piano, she was superb in all areas: her smooth, hauntingly mellow voice was under extreme control; her playing displayed inner vitality; and her lyrics came directly from gut thoughts and feelings. Yet it was the essence of her lyrics that stood out the most in my mind. One exceptional song was “Dreamer”, written after the sudden death of a friend. The song lends insight into the acceptance ‘of death. Her concern was not with whether we will again meet loved ones who have passed away, but with the fact that their memory remains with us. She speaks out in other areas as well. “Welcome To This World” challenges the

listeners to discover the world as it is, then change the injustices: “If we loose, it’s cause we’ve abused it . . . isn’t it strange ho-w we can change . . .” Humanistic issues also hold Beverly’s interest. Often people are afraid to express themselves: “I’ve kept my distance very well, holding back things I used to tell”. She pleads that people be more concerned about others: “Won’t you have mercy? Is that too much to ask?” Another unusual aspect of her performance was the jovial discourse between numbers - not just the standard mindless prima donna - ramblinqs, but spontaneous thoughts, or the germination of ideas for her songs. Even though some of it may have been insignificant chatter, it helped communicate her warm conscientious nature. MaybeVif she had had a backup band, she would have sounded more “professional”. But as it was, she performed perfectly well on her own. What’s more, it may have detracted attention from the lyrics and defeated her purpose. After all, as Beverly states it, “We have a world to make for all of us together”. A.M. Lehn

Quick end crops up for revoltirw farmers “History is a dreadful subject, dreadful as can be. Once it killed the Romans, and now it’s killing me!”

, , published

by Domingo taken from

by Bantam


The Organizer’s



York, New York.

French composers featured in evening For the second year in a row, the Chamber Music Society has presented a French Evening. The program on Saturday, March 14, was highly varied. In addition to works by the well known French composers Franck, Ravel and Poulenc, there were three etudes for harp by the early- 19th century composerperformer Bochsa. Since it was unlikely that anyone in the audience had heard of Bochsa before, the informative introductory remarks made by harpist Keith Goodman were most welcome. He succinctly outlined Bochsa’s historical significance, mentioning his influence on Berlioz, added a few humorous personal details and then went on to explain with examples the challenge which each etude presents to the performer. ’ Not only was the speech beneiicial for the audience, it also seemed to help Goodman establish a rapport with his listeners. His ensuing performance was perhaps his most expressive yet, characterized by rounded phrasing, definite dynamic contrasts, and fine differentiations in tonal quality. Goodman is a decisive and musical player. After Goodman had done his best to dispel the popular notion that French music is necessarily impressionistic, the next work on the program, Poulenc’s “Sextet for Piano and Woodwinds,” displayed yet another side of French music. Written just before WW II, the Sextet is a rather brutal work which involves plenty of percussive playing. It is unfortunate that the piano, which is’an essential instrument in the piece, was positioned at side back stage, so that two of the winds had their backs to the pianist throughout. The piece wasnevertheless rhythmically together, due largely to a strong performance on the part of

Graphic Barreres

pianist Bulman-Fleming, whose playing remained incisive at all speeds, in heavy chordal work, rippling accompaniment passages and brief solo sections. Bassoonist Cedric Cole,man, flautist Tom Kay, and oboist James Mason also seemed inspired by the piece and made the most of their solo parts. The final work on the program was Cesar Franck’s lengthy and intense “Piano Quintet in f.” Bulman-Fleming did a splendid job in the first movement, with an initial entry that could not be excelled. Later in the piece though he tended to stay too much in the background, failing to bring out some leading melodies given td the piano. This is not a problem of technique, since Bulman-Fleming at all times has good control over the sound produced, but rather of interpretation and analysis. In the slow second movement first violin Irving Ilmer predominated with romantic solo lines. In the finale movement, “Allegro non troppo, ma con fuoco”, the “con fuoco” was certainly present. It was exciting! The best ensemble playing of the evening was demonstrated in the very first piece on the program, Ravel’s brief early “Introduction and Allegro for Harp, Flute, Clarinet and String Quartet”. Although not of’ the same compositional quality as his later works, (such as the hagnificent string quartet) this little piece is still unmistakably Ravel, with its short bursts of melody, imitative sections and pizzicato parts. It was performed most musically. Tonight, March 20, the Borodin Trio is playing at 57 Young Street. The next K-W Chamber Music Society concert is April 5, at the Center in the Square, with the Canadian Chamber Ensemble and Raffi Armenidn, piano. Jean Chick .

Yes, it’s killing me with laughter! UW’s Drama Department presented a very smooth, skilled performance of Rick Salutin’s and Theatre Passe Muraille’s work. Using the excellent platform stage construction to its full advantage, Gregory Coles, Tracy Cunningham, Greg Duckworth, Lesley Gordon, Laura Kennedy and Raymond J. Simanauicius created an atmosphere which can only be called authentic, characters described as genuine (for the most part), and tableaus both poignant and hilarious. As early Canadian institutions (such as The Family. Compact, the Church, the Land Office and the Governor) fell beneath the keen witty axe wielded by the actors, the causes, development and the results of the 1837 rebellion were brought to light. The farmers were the seekers of freedom; the reigning families were the corrupt men. Susanna Moodie appeared to give the definitive English woman’s view of “Roughing it in the Bush” and even an Indian showed his face. The only representation I missed was one from Lower Canada and the French, but then that is a different s,tory, a play in itself. The cast was plagued by few problems. Occasional lines we’re stumbled over, and some were - tripped over causing the


. ’

embarrassing fall no one likes to see. But for the most part, Catherine May’s sure hand could be seen throughout. Because of what I saw, I didn’t expect what happened to the ending. There wasn’t any! Enthralled in the rebellion, the hangings after it, the hunting down of traitors and the indominable spirit of Mackenzie’s forces, the ending somehow lost itself, or at least its strength and spirit. When what turned out to be the final speech had finished, appreciative applause were heard, as had been heard throughout the play at different points. Then, all of a sudden, out of the play came the cast for a curtain call. Of course the applause grew louder, but someone had played a cruel trick on me. I didn’t want to clap; the play wasn’t finished yet! Looking back, I suppose that production problems, and lack of time, resulted in a less polished and professional development of the ending; here the staging wasn’t the most effective. In fatit it was downright confusing, and even though the spirit of rebellion lived on in Upper Canada after the 1837 rebellion, it had a hard time doing so Tuesday night. I wish the cast better luck thrbugh the rest of the run, and hope that the ending improves. It’s unfair that the end should mar the rest. For less than the price of a movie, “1837: The Farmer’s Revolt” is one of the best evenings of entertainment around. Don’t miss it, even if you do hate history! Patricia L., Shore

’ immedi&%&

to mind) in their wqke.

z’ . ‘c ji $wlenek. . ‘Cerebus” is-a broad p‘;i,rody of swordand I‘ _extremely #ien to .6ur concept <of life. I; it c.-.~ sorceky I comic. .,books’ ’ (Co>nan, Ki;tll, Red weren’t for the -character: of Cerebus, Sim ’ .“- S@ja, etc.).. The title: chartiter 4s a four foot ’ ) ,might hqve cre&& &n avera@ .!$word: and 4 l,/ t@l$ardvarkwho* +&G~~&i&z l$s. ,yay &?yt c_’ “$@&y;y c.omic b&; es,!; ‘I8 -x7;,.,; ,* ‘* .A,.. .,/ .6f~~com@lei situation+ matchedonly 6% his -. I :. :r’&&Us’) &S’:$b hti&ber of+&+ strong F ~‘1 sky1 ‘: &h-:,.‘a .sword -*<He . wades through-,., . supporting . characters as well; somp -:=*a _. sorc&ers .’ and. : barbarians in an xnending j - parodies’ of estabW& sword, &nd so- --‘J ;;+ &q&q c&d.“ : -: ,,, i +, ..v’ >:z. ’- *+.,y; ._ l- characters, -others a~+$ no+ .what one would ; ~ies.wo& of, cere&;, ,,g& &&;ts’;i;f,, . .s‘eQ& ‘to fin&.:IJY*&f&&&j& +pul& (Red Sofia and -.Elrod)~ ,-h&e had Jtheir first ” the first .four &rebus adventure& -an&&n’ ‘featured in “‘SW&& I-’ br$&&$&t ijage sto‘ry ‘laid out _by co&s ’ ’ ’ -appea@ice$ of i ; ’ ‘?, r&all Rogers.- . It -*is , a oel&ul. ’ ’ G&bus”. I 1 I











Rg?JmXERN k&.&.b”








JGHNS. x)jwwteei

< --I’hv




The Arts Entertainment three bands To say Friday Nite’s Upstairs at the Kent was a success would be an understatement. In a slowly developing, well planned cultural coup, Ar+;stic Endeavours has, in recent weeks, brought some refreshing entertainment to this area. The fledgling organization, operating at a loss/non-profit level has established itself as an entrepreneur in the contemporary music scene recruiting bands with visual as well as audio appeal. Realistically, the operation could be a bit more polished - but that would mean losing its spontaneity and the raw edge which keeps it always unpredictable, always entertaining. Last Friday’s show was no exception: catering to the poor man, it offered three bands for three dollars. Criticising the music as base and simple is convenient and undermines the intent of its promoters. That’s not to say that it wasn’t professional, but let’s call a spade a spade - face it; if you wanted to hear Mantovani you should’ve


for poor: for 3 bucks


gone elsewhere. In a style reminiscent of the early punk days, the bands catered to the smokey, rowdy atmosphere. They played for the people. It was punk. And if you didn’t like the style of music being played, or the volume level at which it was played or the mode of dress and attitude of the people it was being payed to, ’ then you shouldn’t have been there. Those who went expecting a night at the Coronet were exposed to an entirely different social scene. To accept it would have offered a night of alternative entertainment Some people did and ’ (enlightenment?!). enjoyed themselves. Others (unfortunately) didn’t and spent the evening in a highly contemptuous mood. Ah well! When in Rome... The show opened with the Front Line - a hybrid band (Stranglers/Sex Pistols) which pumped adrenalin into all their music and gave it the old school try - after all they were the warm-up for the warm-ups.

They were then followed by the Guard Dogs, performing (incredibly enough) at their first bar gig. This three-man kit was fairly tight and straight forward, doing a good rendition of Talking Heads’ “Pulled Me Up” - It seems that every band these days does some Talking Heads material. The Guard Dogs did an admirable job as openers for the finale of the evening; The Masterbeats (phallic con. notations and all that). The lead singer was an androgynous little waif of a woman (couldn’t have been 19 years old) who belted out lyrics over a range of half an octave. Grunting and slurring the words she occasionally picked a rhythm on her guitar. The lead guitarist (as you can tell by now, I have no names), who resembled Kevan Staples, seethed with an intensity (contrived or otherwise) unmatched by the rest of the evening’s performers. And besides, he really could play a mean lead - an unconventional quality rarely seen beyond the bounds of heavy metal. The rest of the band were a bunch of non-faces who did their bit in completing the surrealistic picture. I enjoyed the evening, it was sincere and refreshing and it would have been damn near perfect if it hadn’t been for the usual array of drunken, obnoxious, stumblebums - but then what’s a picnic without the ants... Dan Ayad

\ Gagnon takes break from pop


A less than half capacity crowd awaited the Oxford String Quartet Sunday night at Centre in the Square. Currently the quartet- _ in-residence at the University of Toronto, they are believed by many to be Canada’s best in the field. Terence Helmer on viola, Andrew Dawes and Kenneth Perkins on violins, and Denis Brott on cello, played a variety of classical music accompanied only twice during the evening by pianist Andre Gagnon. The program started with Mozart’s “Eine Kleine Nacht Musik”, which was well received by the audience. This was followed by “Piano Quintet”, an arrangement for piano and strings written by Gagnon. The number, incidentally, had premiered in Toronto only two days earlier. The\ second half of the performance featured music by Schubert, Borodin, and Sir Ernest MacMillan, who was conductor of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra until his death a few years ago. Gagnon accompanied the quartet during Strauss’s “Roses from the South”. Although Gagnon accompanied the quartet for only two pieces during the whole show, he apparently was the reason most people came; the audience applauded most enthusiastically when Gagnon was on stage than at

any other time. The whole concert was well done, to everyone’s enjoyment nevertheless. “I am very proud to be performing with the quartet,” commented Gagnon in an interview. Considering that his music is mostly pop music, he added, “I never imagined that I would do this” (playing with the Oxford String Quartet). Next month, his twelfth album Left Turn will be released, and will enjoy major marketing in the United States. “This is an important step,” said Gagnon. The title song from the album will be released as a single as well, a fact which Gagnon hopes will make him better known south of the border. “Mostly they know me for my film music,”

he said. (Currently he is working on the music for an American film tentatively titled “French Kiss”). He has done music for several Canadian films as well as the American film “Running”, which starred Michael Douglas. The future? Andre Gagnon will appear at Carnegie Hall in October, but his tour with the Oxford String Quartet has a dozen or so more stops. Gagnon’s plans also include more film music, an appearance at Ontario Place in June, and perhaps another CBC Superspecial. Glenn St-Germain



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13 -

Project People defies thesaurus Remember Francis the Talking Mule, the Pointer Sisters, Dean Martin & The Gold Diggers, or maybe even Mel Torment? If you don’t and liked it that way be prepared for a pitiful relapse; the Project People group was in town (24 clones of Donny and Marie Osmond filled with saccharine), Sunday. This writer is never ever going to forgive the entertainment editor for inflicting this assignment on one previously used to the likes of Strawberry Alarmclock and the Fugs. Right from “lights up” this debacle was (using Roget’s College Thesaurus in Dictionary form) nauseous, sick, queasy, qualmish, emetic, offensive, loathsome, repulsive, and sickening. %ot the drift? Could anybody since Annette Funicello have the gall (nay courage) to open a show with a medley of “What the World Needs Now” and “All You Need Is Love”? Sadly the answer is yes. The thought had occurred to me that this group must be going into bankruptcy, but after the star-spangled, sequined chorus line got away with singing that “Canada is full of love”, and commenting that the audience thought the only Canadian songwriters were Anne Murray and Gordon Lightfoot, the truth revealed itself: Project People is subsidized by the federal government. ‘Nuff said. P.S. If they ever come back to this campus I am going to picket them with a placard reading “END SCHMALTZ NOW”. Peter (doo dah) Saracino

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Entertainment ’

20, 1981.

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9. He fires off the gun into the chest arteries (7) 11. Hear the one about the boarder? (6) 12.' Joined together as a couple, and got an apartment full of anger (6) ’ to end a . 14;It will travel long distances friendship (4) . . . 15. A bit of excitment for, the prison (4) _------_&-----~



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“c . .

. Down

- 1. in a different sense, scarlet fish-trap is . delicate (6) . -2. A denomination with one hundred in . the’ group (4) 4. Took the head off 1- down, loudly replaced it with a mudguard (SZ) 5. Is acquainted with, we hear, a facial feature (4) . , 6. Story frightened Russia’s top sailor inside (7) /. .


_ Iunbeat4mble.‘.r ’ . . 1..


1. In a’box, sent us keys for the piano made of ivory (4) b . 3. Late people find themserves in this (6) 7. Partlyconnect a rose, with what bees want (6) + 8. Insects get strange tans (4) . 10. Get rid of the French palaces (7) 13. Tenpins players’ hats (i) . 16. The plate with batter on it? (4) ’ 17. Dog maker? (6) 18. Robber! Put the hydrocarbons back in the dessert (6) ’ 19.*Tod got right inside and Galked (4) ’




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20, 1981.




Victoria Saturday’s CIAO final was a match of extremes: the defending champs, the West’s Victoria Vikings, met the challenging Eastern Acadia Axemen. It was the West who prevailed though, as the Vikings topped Acadia 81-70 to recapture the championship for another year. The playing style of the teams was as extreme as their points of oi3gin. While the Axemen are forceful, offensive players who show themselves best their while attacking opponents’ bucket (and oh




Vikings those slam dunks!) the Vikings trademark is solid defense.

Axemen points, the Viking crew put in a good many of their own.

while average), Gerry Kazanowski ed with 20 points.

They blanketed their key tightly they even so managed to stop Acadia. Forcing Acadia back from the key, the Vikings blocked well and dashed Acadia’s hopes of evening out the score. Acadia had trouble with their shots, being sadly off target in the first place, so the likes of Dukeshire and Kazanowski, pulling d.own the ones they did make, cost them greatly. On top of preventing

By the end of the first half they had I a solid twelve point lead on the Axemen and although the margin thinned in the second half - enough once to make it look as though Acadia could rally - they never gave it up. By late in the second half, they forced enough turnovers and foul shots to build the lead back up to eleven points. MVP Eli Pasquale netted 16 points for himself (with a 62%

As disappointing as the the Axemen loss was, finished with a very impressive season to their credit. “No one even expected us to get out of the conference,” said Ted Upshaw.

by Harvey

Admirable The Waterloo /cagers may not have finished with as many honors as they’d have liked but their showing in the CIAU’s was admirable, nonetheless. In their first round, facing the Acadia Axemen, lost 95-89 but they managed to be the only OUAA team who remained within ten points of their opponents! Doug Vance had one of his best games of the season facing the Axemen.





finish The hot-handed -veteran shot 60% in the first half alone, ending the game with a total of 21 points. Tom Fugedi showed well finishing with twenty-five points and a number of good blocks to his credit. Van Oorschot, Paul dealways a Warrior fensive threat, also joined the top scorers with twelve points. In the second half he was 4 for 5 from the floor. Fugedi and Van Oors-




Beginning at Waterloo’s Naismith, which they captured, Acadia went on to a successful season soured only by their loss to St. Francis which bumped them out of CIAU eligibility. The Axemen




for young chat gave the Warriors what power they had defensively, playing well against men like Upshaw and the Hamptons for rebounds. It was no embarrassing loss. York caused them a little more trouble however, topping the Warriors with an 89-55 win. After a disappointing first performance against St. Francis, York came alive. Once again there was consistently good play on

comrade finish-

the prize were invited as the Wild Card team nevertheless, and chopped their way up through the ranks, even defeating St. Francis in the semi-final championship to reach the final game. By that time they even had the illustrious Warrior band in their corner! Being tired was a part ot it, admitted Upshaw, since they were down by 19 or twenty at one point and managed to climb back up to about a three point difference. Upshaw was delighted by the fan response as well as the band’s. “When you

come into a gym and you can turn the fans on, you’re doing something properly,” he commented. Viking MVP Eli Pasquale credited his team’s success to their deadly defensive manoeuvres. “I don’t think Acadia’s been tested defensively,” he stated. “We were prepared and we knew what we had to do. We played great as a unit.” If the win had gone either way, there would have been little doubt that the champions were truly the best. Virginia Butler



again, allowing York to the parts of Vance, Van take charge of the game. Oorschot and Fugedi but Considering that they with Coulthard and Pelwere invited to play as the ech in good form, their and that the totals (10, 17 and 10 host team, teams they faced went on respectively) couldn’t lift finish second in to the Warriors quite enough and Consolation to put them in contention. . Canada champions, they didn’t fired up Coulthard make a bad stand of it. again and, his first shots And there is next year; returned to their highthere may even be another quality level to leave him CIAU for them. with a 21 point finish; Returning to the ranks Christensen who had been are veterans like Kiel, the X-men ShY against Jarrett, Breckbill and began to block and shoot

cagers freshmen who have shown great possibility such as Leeming, Van Drunen and of course Van Oorschot. That leaves them With a good foundation for the upcoming season. On top of which there is the satisfaction of knowing that when they play they fill the bleachers, even in the regular season, and their fans will always clap until that first basket even if the other team beats You to it!




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We came here to prove we, were the best team in the country” - Eli Pasquale What about 3 in c’row? “Why not?” -Eli Pasquale “Next year we only lose Ted (Anderson) so someone’s gonna have to beat US." -Coach Ken Shields

Eli Pasquale, the six-foot guard that led the Vikings to their second national championship, was named MVP of the tournament in the process. He praised the rest of the team after the game: “We play well as a unit, we’re an unselfish team.” Pasquale felt that the victory was sweeter this year: “Last year we were ranked number 2, we had guys who had been there already [to the finals), we were supposed to win. This year we were ranked 3rd or 4th, and that maybe helped us. We came here to prove we were the best team in the country.” When asked about the la-point Acadia comeback in the second half, he attributed it -to lack of execution. “The players didn’t know when the shot was going up, didn’t know when to get the boards,” he said, adding that, “we took some dumb fouls.” Coach Shields agreed that the team “did some foolish things.” “I was dead worried, they were knocking at the door...before we got the momentum back,” he commented. Said Shields “Gerald (Kazanowski) and Eli did the job on them. Eli controlled Larry Hampton. We shut down the

inside, and pressured the outside shots.” To him the victory was also sweeter: “We didn’t have the All-Canadians like last year. We lost Billy Loose and Rene Dolcetti. We lost 6 guys, five in 5th year.” “This year no one guy carries the load. As a result we were inconsistent in the early season, 33-10 final record. Note: they whomped those teams easily in the

photo Dave Trahair return matches. “It was a team effort, with young kids like Gerald Kazanowski.” With both men’s and women’s teams in the finals for three years running, and champions for the last two times, there may be some truth to Shield’s assertion that: “Victoria is the Basketball capital of Canada.” Paul Zemokhol


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Brandon had been expected to front one of the strongest squads, but starting from their first game, the Bobcats appeared weak. Concordia ran them ragged holding a tight key throughout the game which rendered Bobcat shooters ineffective. Gill (who showed better in later games) netted only two points. Gerry Abernathy (50) ran into foul trouble early in the game. He spent a fair amount of time on the bench as a result, and Brandon ran into defensive trouble without the aid of their ace blocker. The effects showed: Concordia’s Doug Whaley (24) got in for 19, and Gary McKeigan (42) bucketed 24.



The tournament grudge match: bumped from the Atlantic top seat by St F X, the Axemen were ready for revenge. Acadia wasted little time, hacking through the X-men’s key with the result that they were up 61-47 by the end of the half. Missing Brodie, St F X still managed to hold together well, and in the second half they nearly came back when Acadia’s shots went a bit off. The last minutes tyere close! Acadia lost Coldwell ($4) and Bo Hampton (55) to fouls, and the X-men pressed hard, taking full advantage of the situation. But a few turnovers for the Axemen sent them over the three digit mark with 38 seconds left and they stayed up to take the win. Concordia








One of the tourney’s most exciting games matched two skillful teams, each with its own following of fans. Victoria’s defense left them in a stronger position and the Stingers down. Concordia shot a sad 39% all game, but gave the Vikings a good fight: they appeared to hope that a press, and the efforts of



Against Brandon, Windsor seemed to regain its composure. They played their usual tough game, compiling a twenty-point lead by the end of the first half for a score of 50-30. Even though Korosec fouled out in the second half, they were able to hold the lead. Hermanutz and Hogan (to an even larger extent) dominated the court, although they were totally outsized by Brandon. The Bobcats did look better facing Windsor. Abernathy still saw little time, though Jude Kelly, one of the Bobcat sharpshooters, managed 26 points, to finish as top scorer. Windsor’s offense


Pitted against St F X, York looked dismal. It may have been first showing jitters but the X-men appeared, by far, the superior team. ~ With an organized defense and a powerful offense (marshalled by Gurunlian and Brodie) they didn’t receive much challenge from York. Even Co&hard was cold: he shot 2 for 11 in the first half. Defensively, the Yeomen were powerless. The X-men steamrolled them with Gurunhan pumping in 23 points, and Brodie netting 15, before an ankle injury removed him for the weekend.


St.Francis encountered a fair amount of difficulty against the Stingers. Foul trouble (and fouls the Xmen judged unfair) frustrated St F X and seemed to throw their game off somewhat; they covered their key too loosely and the Stingers buzzed .in all around them. Windsor

Consolation Windsor




2_0, 1981.



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Both OUAA hopefuls vied for the Consolation title and both played well. The Yeomen collected their squad and made perhaps their best showing all weekend Christensen had gotten over his early game shyness; he blocked hard against the Lancers killing some fine shots. Windsor recovered from an early York lead, and pressed the Yeomen with the hope of slowing them. And Windsor even managed to produce a 74-74 tie until the two-second mark, when Co&hard came through with an incredible outside shot that gave them the game. ,, Virginia Butler

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blew Brandon away, however: Hermanutz netted 23 points, Hogan 14, and Koroset 18.) With a 51% shot ratio over the whole game, the Stingers ended up with some impressive tallies: Doug Whaley netted 27; Gary McKeigan had 20, and Gizzendanner scored 19. By missing the shots they needed so desperately, however, the X-men eventually lost hope of recovery, and were unable to pull together in the face of Concordia’s solid force.




their strong men, could Whaley did rally them. shoot 12 points, McKeigan 19, and Gissendanner 16, but against U Vic it just wasn’t enough.


E&h of the CIAU preliminary games had their moments, good and badCo&hard’s two se’cond saviour that gave York the Consolation title, and Brodie’s ruined ankle that robbed St FX of one of their best shooters, for example. The tournament gave fans the opportunity to see some of the most dynamic teams and fantastic strategies of Canadian basketball; for example, all and all, it proved to be one sensationial weekend. Concordia


Victoria \



76- 74

St. Francis York

\ -York



St. Francis


St. Francis \








Concordia (third place) >



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that endeavour, but ’ finished second in these National Championships, an , utterly remarkable feat for a team based at a school with no indoor track. @ /’ As always, the Athenas were led by wonder woman Leslie ‘&&wick whose sore ankle nevertheless continued its ‘winning ways. 1 I . f , Estwick won the high jump ” at a height of 1.72 metres, clearing ‘the bar m a tense situation on her third try at . that ‘height. . . j ’ She then ‘had to hurry to 1 ‘reach the start of the 60 m \ hurdles, in which she finished fourth. . In these ’ two events, ’ E%twick scored almost a third of the ,team’s total points, although this is only asmall indication of her %alue through the ___-season..- -. AndreaPage broke a , national record in the 300 m, srunning 40.43 seconds, -but had to content herself with third place behind two -’ of Canada’s ,top sprinters, Angella Taylor (who just missed her pending world record) and Alexis-Paul McDonald. Debbie Campbell of Victoria took first place in two different races from two different Athenas, Lisa Amsden in the 600, and Patti Moore in the both of, whom 1000, second. ,. finished Faye Blackwood finished a solid fourth in the 600 as I . c well. With only the spring medley relay left to run, the Athenas found themselves in I .fourth place (befrind Western, U of T, and the University of ‘Victoria). What followed has become a familiar story, but this time it was done in remarka.ble style. ‘The relay team of Blackwood,‘ Estwick; Page and Amsden demolished, not _. merely the opposing relay team, but the : four-minute mark as well, and with it, the ‘University of Western Ontario’s OWIAA record of 4:02.5, whiii they had mis’ sed breaking by only half a second at the OMfMA’s. . Blackwood opened ;-with ‘her fastest 400 m of ‘the season in '57.22, followed by typ excellent 2e m legs by Estwick’ and Page, both under 26 seconds; the frosting. OII ‘the ‘cake was ems: den’s fine 800 m leg-of ik10.9, for -a- total relay Iime of n 359.81. There could hardly be a ’ more satisfying way\ for these athletes to finish their II seasop&. ‘_ “, ( Prospects j for next year’s team. are ,extremely uncertain, as the Athenas will sorely miss ,Faye Blackwood and Andrea Page who will A be leaving the team at the F completion. of their studies ’ this spring. Perhaps the promise of a ‘weekend, in Quebec City at ‘ next year’s CIAU championships will produce the new . recruits neCessary to mainI taming the team’s strong position. ,.

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Reporters Steal Snacks At the most recent Athlete of the Week luncheon, sixteen Imprint reporters turned up at the Faculty Club venue, allegedly to cover the event for the campus newspaper. Most however, could be found helping themselves to free sticks of celery and cups of coffee. Contacted late this week, a spokesperson for the Athletic department, lines of concern etched deep in his brow, commented, “This is a serious matter. If need be we will place an armed guard around the olives. This could get completely out of hand.” . . . Imprint Silly Dept.

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Notice is hereby given of ) ’ A Referendum for Recall to decide if the representative from IntegratedStudies shall be removed from Students’ Council. to be held Monday, March 23,1981 -The polling station will be open from K?O a.m. to 4~30 p.m. and will be located in the Arts Lecture Building. I.D. Cards must be shown in order to vote. The wording of the referendum is as foUows:

Volleyball Campus Challenge. A CAMPUS 66t3LOCKBUSTER” SPECIAL $36 3-DAY PASS FOR $12 Great times are here with high revving engines,the twists and turns of +Mosportand someof the worlds finest driverscompetingat this blockbusterof an auto racingweekend.Butthat’snot all. We’reinvitingyou and your pals to test your -mettlein the MolsonVolleyball CampusChallenge. Thewinningcampusteam will walk awaywith $600prizemoney.Andto top it all off, we’re offeringa $36 3-dayblockbusterweekendpassfor only $12,whichincludesyouradmissionandcamping. Come for the racing...(2big features, Saturday,the FormulaAtlanticand Sunday,the Can-Amcars). Come for the Challenge.Comefor a greattime.’

“We the undersigned, in accordance with By-law #20 and By-law #23 of the Federation of Students, do herein petition for the recall of Ted -of Federation of Students Council Sullivan from the position Representative for the constituency of Integrated Studies, University of Waterloo. Reason: Non-communication. Ted Sullivan has been noticeably absent from the Council meetings of Integrated Studies, and has clearly indicated that he has no intention of participating more fully in the future. Therefore, he cannot properly represent, at Federation of Students Council meetings, the needs and concerns of the students enrolled in Integrated Studies. Likewise, he cannot properly communicate to the students of Integrated Studies the needs, concerns, and activities of the Federation of Students Council.” If the results of the Referendum are positive, nominations to fill the vacated position in Integrated Studies will open on Tuesday, March 24 and close on Wednesday, March 25,198l at 4% pm. Nomination forms are available in the Fed Office, CC 235; and must bereturnedto that office by 4%) pm. March 25.


of Students

Tickets availablein the Federation Off ice

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