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OffFcec occmied: parents to contribute financially to The Student Aid Office at their offspring’s education if the McMaster University was ocparents’ net earnings are over cupied by about twenty McMastei students Tuesday and Wednesday -- $6,600 per year. The occupiers want this figure raised significin a protest against the new Ontario antly. government student aid program. They want no restriction on the The action was prompted at a number of years a student is eligible McMaster Student Union general for government grants. Under the meeting attended by 60 students. new program. grants will be rePart of the discussion focused on stricted to students after complethe upcoming March 16 OFS l-ally tion of 8 terms of post-secondary at Queens Park against the changes education. in the OSAP plan. A third of those Independent status, which represent decided to occupy the ofmoves parental income from fices to bring attention to the progOSAP’s criteria for determining ram. loans and grants, has been reAfter stating that the changes in defined to students working in the labour market for three years inthe aid plan would hurt many students, Michael Cox, one of the ocstead of two. The twenty student cupiers read a list of the group’s protesters want independent status demands to the chevron. to be reassessed at 12 months of In the new plan, OSAP expects work.

Further. they demand a five year freeze on tuition fees at the I977/78 level and the abolition of the differential fee for foreign (visa) students. The group clearly stresses. however, that these are demands of the Ontario government and not McMaster University. The occupation started shortly afte 1 2pm Tuesday. By 4:30pm. two members of the administration had met with the students and after a short conversation, left with occupier Steve Shallhorn for further discussion. Shallhorn returned after agreeing with the administration to stay in the office until 8:30 the next morning, at which time they would move into the hallway until 3:00 pm.

They had from the start maintained that it would only be a I2-hour occupation. According to student union president Stu Reed, the Administration’s policy concerning occupations and demonstrations is “to gove people adequate time for the protesters to remove themselves or they would be removed by security.” Reed, who considered h imself an a1 bitrator. talked from the occu pied office. “This is a demonstration of the extreme displeasure with the student aid program.” He also said that it was in protest of cutbacks in university funding. The government has budgeted a 5.4 per cent increase for all universities in the next fiscal year, he said, while the Council of Univer-

sities says that a 9.6 per cent increase’is necessary to maintain the statlls quo. “Students feel ithe decrease in university funding) will affect the quality of education.” The spokesperson of the occe~pation, Mike Hayes, had just finished an interview with channel 1 I’s newsman Tom Cherrington when he-spoke with the chevron. “Cherrington wished us luck” Hayes said and claimed that “everybody seems to be in favour with our position.” A leaflet was issued on ccmpus by the protesters. The Faculty Association at McMaster supports the OFS rally at Queen’s Park and is advising the administration to close the university for the protest on the 16th. -randy


At Trent: University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 78, number 36 friday, march IO, I978

ation s Seven students ended their occupation of the Trent University financial office Tuesday saying that “the occupation has achieved its of focusing attention on purpose” cutbacks. At 8:30am March 2, a fire alarm was pulled, clearing the building and enabling the students to take control of the premises. Roger Gillespie, one of the students occupying the office, stated the demands: a five-year freeze on tuition and ancillary fees, immediate withdrawal of the Feb. 26 deadline for tuition-fee payment, a one-year delay on implementation of an administrative studies program, immediate turnover to students of an abandoned downtown building owned by the university, and a cancellation of classes March 16 to enable students to participate in a demonstration at Queen’s

eat up Student opposition to cutbacks is rapidly mounting across the province. At McMaster and Trent university students have occupied administration offices and mass rallies at York and Ryerson attracted hundreds of participants. A demonstration called by the Metro Coalition (York, Toronto, Ryerson) for March 16 has been supported by the Ontario Federation of Students. John Shortall, OFS fieldworker, told the chevron that student unions at Ryerson, Toronto, York. Trent, Queens, McMaster, Waterloo, Wilfred Laurier, Guelph, Windsor and Western are all organizing students for the demonstration. Faculty associations are also expressing support, Shortall reported. The associations at Ryerson, Toronto, York, Trent, and Queen’s have already given their support. and Paul Cassano, president of the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations told Shortall that at an executive meeting this week OCUFA would likely give formal support to the demonstration. At Ryerson, Trent and York. the administrations have agreed to close the universities so that students can attend the demonstration. On campus the Federation of Students has called fo!- a rally on Wednesday, Ma&h I5 to mobilize support among Waterloo students for the demonstration. Chevron editor Neil Docherty and Shortall will speak at the Wednesday rally, and Burt Mathews will also be invited to present his views. Studenrs are encouraged to question the speakers and all students and student groups are invited to participate in the discussion. -don


Parents will be asked to pay $300 to $550 more towards students’ education under the new Ontario Study Grant Plan (OSGP), a government document leaked Monday to the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) reveals. Also, parents with net incomes over $6600 will have to contribute to the student’s education, while under the federal Canada Students Loans Plan (CSL) they will not have to contribute unless their income is $7600 or more. OFS used the federal scheme for comparison despite the fact that it offers only loans because its criteria are similar to the old Ontario Student Aid Program (OSAP) and are an indication of what OSAP would have demanded had it been continued this year. The major change that affects the parental contribution is that parents will no longer get a deduction for the student for the purpose of determining their “net income” unless the student lives at home. Under OSAP the applicant was counted as a dependent child, worth a X 1300 deduction.mThis yeal the deductions for dependent children are higher. If the applicant were counted s/he would be worth a $1645 deduction. Under OSAP a student’s financial resources were considered independently of parental income after s/he had spent two years ih the work force. Under OSGP this has been increased to three b’ears. Also. as announced earlier. Istudents will be cut off of grant a\sistance after eight terms, and will then be eligible only for loan\.

Park, Toronto against government cutbacks. Gillespie told Canadian University Press, “There could be 1200 demands for the students of Ontario: at this moment our intent was to bring some attention to the situation.” Only hours after the occupation began the students won one of their demands from the university. A decision at a Senate meeting called for a moratorium on classes March 16, to enable students to participate in the Queen’s Park demonstration. The university’s acting president. Marion Frye, met with the students in the office shortly after the meeting to discuss the demands, but according to Gillespie, “She didn’t really have anything to say.” Frye did assure that no academic or criminal penalties would be imposed upon the seven involved.

Phil Hircombe, editor of the Trent student newspaper. the Arthur, told the chevron that the dab after the occupation began, 300 students attended a meeting to protest educat’ion cutbacks and voice support for the occupation. The Ontario Federation of Students contacted 25 Ontario colleges and universities after the occupation began, and all the institutions sent messages of support to the Trent students. Hircombe said that the Trent faculty is organizing a meeting to discuss the many grievances and express support for cancellation of classes March 15. as well as on March 16, to protest the cutbacks. A meeting with the acting president was also set up for Wednesday to discuss the grievances. The results of the discussion were not known at press time.

Other restrictions include that students will be allowed $65 a week living expenses under OSGP, while CSL allows $70. Students living with their parents will be allowed only $25: CSL says $48.50. How much of the award will be loan and how much will be grant is still not known. The Ministry of Colleges and Universities anin September that nounced student’s needs would be determined and a grant given on the basis of the student’s resources. The student will be able to make up the difference between the grant and the assessed need with a loan. The full details of OGSP were scheduled to be released yesterday. Colleges and Universities Minister Harry Parrott told the U of T student newspaper The Varsity that OFS’s early release of the information was “for selfish gain to make a point, when with every effort, I tried to the very best of my ability, and the system has tried.”

“I’ve tried my damndest to enter into a dialogue with the students. We postponed our announcements so we could moderate the program according to much of the dialogue we received from students,” he added.



He was referring to the postponement of the release of the plan in January. His executive assistant Carol Vaughan told the chevron at the time that this was because students had wanted more input into the program and to have discussion on it. OFS fieldworker John Shortall responded that her claim was “entirely fallacious” and said “we wanted the details out soon. . . we couldn’t have input into something that we didn’t know what the hell it was and we made that argument consistently throughout the term.” Parrott has refused to comment before the official release of the plan. . -jonathan coles

Inside: Page Page Page Page Page

3: University Applications 5: Ethiopia and SWAP0 7: Lougheed Business School 15: Entertainment 20: Feedback


the chevron

May, Federation This WsekOn Campus is a free coiumn for the annauncemsnt of meetings, special semrnars or speakers, sociaf events and happenings on campus-student, faculty m staff. See the chevron secretary. Oeadline is noon Tues-

Friday Ski Club Trip to Blue Mountain. $10 members, $13 non-members. Rentals available. Leaves 6:45am. PAC Blue South, Returns approx 8pm. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Flying Machine from g-lam. $1.25 after 7pm. Planning Students Conference. Planning In a No-Growth Economy. Friday lpm till Sunday 12:30pm. Registration $5 students, $15 nonstudents. Info: Ceciley Parker, Suzanne Jackson or Rosalind Lambert at ext. 2789. Conrad Grebel College. Studies in Politics an informal series of occasional papers presented by the Dept. of Political Science. Participatory Democracy within the Federal Liberal Party 1968-1973 by Stephen Clarkson, U of T. 2:30pm. HH 334. KIN Semi Formal with the band Opus II at the Waterloo Motor Inn. Cost @O/person. Cocktails 6:30pm, Dinner 7pm, Dancing 8-lam. Tickets available from the PAC secretary. Table Tennis Club. Regular playing session. Players of all calibre wel-

come. 7-IOpm. Upper Blue Activity Area, PAC. Esker Mike and His Wife Agiluk. Directed by Paul Mills. A Canadian play by Herschel1 Hardin. Tickets $3, Students/seniors $2. Available at the main box office ML 254.8pm. Theatre of the Arts. Federation Flicks - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, and Hang ‘Em High, starring Clint Eastwood. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1. Others $1.50. Agora Tea House. Herbal. teas and home-baked munchies are available. A time for discussion and conversation. Everyone is welcome. 8-12 midnight. CC 1 IO. Come to the Square Dance at Trinity United Church Hall, 74 Frederick Street, near Market Square. 8pm. Sponsored by Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier and Guelph Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship.

Saturday WATSFIC will be holding a wargaming session in MC 3009 from 1Oam-5pm. All those interested (even if you don’t know anything) welcome. University Custom Built Aircraft

Club. Organization of the annual field trip to OshKosh, 12 noon. PAS 1055. Campus Centre Pub opens 7pm. Flying Machine from g-lam. $1.25 admission. Esker Mike and His Wife Agiluk. Directed by Paul Mills. A Canadian play by Herschel1 Hardin. Tickets $3, Students/seniors $2. Available at the main box office ML 254.8pm. Theatre of the Arts. Federation


For each brand, there is a small management group, usually just 3 people, totally responsible for planning, creating and supervising everything that is done to increase consumer acceptance of their brand. The group is headed by a Brand Manager, an important level of management in our company. Right now, we’re looking for a few highly qualified Spring graduates with the potential to become Brand Managers. You would start in our Toronto General Offices as part of a brand group for a specific brand, perhaps one of those shown here. To help you learn quickly, your Brand Manager would give you challenging assignments of increasing responsibility in various key marketing areas such as package design, special promotions, budget planning and analysis, and market research. The emphasis would be on you, your ideas, your ability to contribute. You’ll be promoted on the basis of merit alone. It’s not uncommon to become a full Brand Manager within 3 years. Since you will begin to manage from the day you join us, we’re looking for “take charge” people with outstanding records of leadership while in university. “Superior academic achievement”, “innovative”, “ a record of being able to get things done”, and “good oral and written communications skills” are some of the words we use to describe the people we want. If this kind of work interests us at your Placement Office. you qualify, please send me recap of your achievements

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of Canada, Ltd.

See Friday

Sunday Worship with Chaplain Kooistra. An interdenominational service sponsored by the Christian Reformed Church. llam. HH 280. Table Tennis Club. Regular playing session. Players of all calibre welcome. 2-5pm. Upper Blue Activity Area, PAC. Lutheran Student Movement Co-op Dinner. 5pm. NH 2050. Enter from Library entrance of NH.

Ask I Procter & Gamble ’ what you can do with your BA degree! You could become the advertising / marketing manager for one of these P&G products!

Although only 5 are shown here, Procter & Gamble makes more than 30 well-known, well-advertised consumer brands.


Upstairs at the Grad Club. 8pm. Grad Club. $.50 for students, $1 others, cash bar.

Flicks -

Transcendental vanced lecture E3, 1101. Worship. 9:30pm.

See Friday

Meditation. for meditators.

Lutheran Campus MC 3010.



Monday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Taped Music from g-lam. No cover. Legal Resource Office provides free legal information to students. 885-0840. CC1 06. Hours: 1:30-3:30pm. All are welcome to attend a bible study discussion session on Liberation and Politics of the Gospel. Sponsored by St. Jerome University Parish. 6pm. St. Jerome’s College, Coffeeshop. International Folk Dancing. To learn and dance world famous dances. 7:30-l 0:30pm. Senior Citizen’s Centre, 310 Charles Street East, Kitchener, $1 per person per evening. Info: Mary Bish, 744-4983.

Tuesday WJSA-Hillel Lunch. Israeli food and music. CC 110. 11:30-2pm. $1.25. Non-members welcome. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Taped Music from g-lam. No cover. Legal Resource Office - See Monday. Table Tennis Club - See Sunday. 7-l Opm. Chess Club Meeting. Everyone welcome. 7pm. CC 113. WATSFIC: The University of Waterloo Science Fiction Club holds meetings every Tuesday. All are invited. Free donuts for members. 7:30pm. MC 3011. Overeaters Anonymous. Are you a compulsive overeater? If so. . . we can help you. Come to Overeaters Anonymous. 7:30-9:30pm. CC i35. The House of Bernarda Alba. A drama about women in the villages of Spain by Garcia Larca. Directed by Tom Bentley-Fisher. Tickets $3. Students/seniors $2. Available at the main box office ML 254. 8pm. Humanities Theatre. Lesbian Organization of Kitchener (L.O.O.K.). We are a group of women meeting every second Tuesday to organize alternative events to bars and dances. Our basic purpose is to bring together gay women (but not excluding women as a group) and to nurture our strength and identity as lesbians. If you wish to know more, please come out to a meeting. LOOK needs you; LOOK is you!! For more info: Gay Lib ext. 2372. 8pm. Gay Lib Office. On CKMS 94.5 A wide range of Chinese music and speaking in Cantonese. Music is the universal language. 8:30-9:30pm. Pro-Life Meeting Join us in helping 135.

and discussion. others. l0pm. CC

Wednesday Anti-Imperialist Alliance Literature Table. Literature of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, MaoTsetung and Enver Hoxha, plus revoliitionary materials from Canada, Albania and other countries. IO-2pm. Campus Centre. WJSA-Hillel Discussion Group. Topic: Modern Jewish Problems. 11:30-l 2:30pm. CC 113. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Taped Music from g-lam. No cover. Noon hour concert with Valeska Preuss, soprano, accompanied by Lorraine Flatt, at the piano. Free admission and everyone welcome. 12:30pm. Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Cutbacks Forum with Neil Docherty, editor, chevron and John Shortall, OFS fieldworker, Burt Matthews, UW President. 12 noon. CC Great Hall. Legal Resource Office - See Monday. K-W Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic. 2-4:30pm and 6-8pm at First United Church, King & William Streets, Waterloo. Lutheran Student Movement. Contemporary issues study group. 3:30pm. NH 2050. FASS ‘79 brainstorming meeting. 7pm in the Faculty Common Room, bottom floor of Modern Languages. Bring your brain along. Christian Discussion Fellowship with Chaplain Kooistra, discussing


70, 7978

Reflection on the Psalms by C. S. Lewis. 7:30pm. E3-1101. The House of Bernarda Alba - See Tuesday T shirts and Symphony - UW Little Symphony Concert Choir, Concert Band and Stage Band. Concert features Nelson mass and easy listening music. Tickets and T. shirt $6, Students/seniors $5. Tickets only $3, students/seniors $2. Available at ma,in box office, ML 254. 8pm. Theatre of the Arts. Coffeehouse. CC 1 IO. 8:30pm. Sponsored by Gay Lib. Free Movies - The Hindenberg. 9:30pm. Campus Centre Great Hall. Sponsored by the Campus Centre Board. Today is the deadline for foreign students to return the questionnaire. Questionnaires can be dropped off at the IS0 (International Students Office) or the Campus Centre Turnkey Desk.

Thursday Day long seminar on Light Aircraft Design with noted Canadian Aircraft Designer Chris Hientz. Sponsored by Integrated Studies. 9:30am-4:30pm. PAS, 1055. Mass demonstration. Organized by the Metro Coalition to fightcutbacks. Queens Park. Return buses leave from the Campus Centre at 1 lam. Please register in the Fed Office if you plan to attend. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Kent County Pickers from g-lam. $1.25 after 7pm. Planning Film Series in the Facu Ity of Environmental Studies Guest Lecture Series. Promises, Promises. 12:30pm. El, 3516. Legal Resource Office - See Monday. Waterloo Christian Fellowship supper meeting. Topic: Labour. Everyone welcome. 4:30-6:45pm. HH Undergrad Lounge. Table Tennis Club - See Sunday. 7-l Opm. The House of Bernarda Alba - See Tuesday. South Campus Hall Pub with Sweet Blindness. 8pm. Students $2 advance, $2.50 at the door, others $2.50 advance, $3 at the door. Tickets available in the Fed office, CC 235 and societies. Sponsored by BENT. Free lectures and practice in prayer and meditation. 8-IOpm. 50 Peter Street, Kitchener. Sponsored by the Universal Peace Mission. 578-2584.

Friday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Kent County Pickers from g-lam. $1.25 after 7pm. Table Tennis Club. Regular playing session. Players of all calibre welcome. 7-IOpm. Upper Blue Activity Area, PAC. The House of Bernarda Alba - See Tuesday. Federation Flicks The Pink Panther Strikes Again with Peter Sellers. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50. Agora Tea House. Herbal home-baked munchies are A time for discussion and tion. Everyone is welcome. night. CC 1IO.

teas and available. conversa8-12 mid-

Career Planning and Placement has received the literature and applica. tion forms for Experience 78. This i$ the Ontario Government summel work program. In many cases, prog. ram participants will be able to apply theireducationql experiences to theil job. Notice to Graduating Students 1977178. When you have made YOUI after graduation plans, please corn. plete and return a status survey tc Career Planning and Placement These forms are located in all Facul ties and in Career Planning ant Placement. Exam Hours: Beginning Monda! March 7th both the EMS and Arts Lib raries will be open until 2am. Easter Hours: The Library will be closet Good Friday and open Saturday ant Sunday regular hours. 1978 Toronto Super 8 Film Festival Harbourfront, Toronto, April 14-I 6 Open to all S8 filmmakers. Workshops, Screenings, Trade Exhibits Photographic Exhibition. Final ship ping date March 15. Info: Sheila Hill PO Box 7109, Station A, Torontc M5W 1X8 (416) 367-0590.



70, 7978


According to ii confidential re1I 1I56 applications. port from the provincial application But given all that. Buckley precentre at Guelph, leaked to the dicts that arts will suffer next year, Mirchener-Waterloo Record, ap- and he estimates that first-year enplications to Ontario universities rolment could be down by 50-75 are down on average by 8 per cent students, an approximate drop of from last year. between F-10 per cent. The Record reported last Friday _ Arts Dean Jay Minas told the that of Ontario’s 15 universities chevron that the faculty has proonly Wilfred Laurier has so far had jected for a 2 percent decrease in an increase in applications (four per enrolment. He said it was too early cent). to make any firm comment on the Applications to LJW are down by projections. registrar 7.2 per cent. Assistant Vice-president finance Bruce Gary Buckley confirmed the figGellatly made a similar comment ures printed in the Record but on the projections. And all the adwould not release the report. The ministrators take comfort in the Council of Ontario Universities has new funding scheme which will ordered each campus to reveal only help cushion any blow from an enits own figures. rolment drop. Buckley said applications for en(Starting this year the governgineering are up by 6 per cent, ment grant to the university is while they are down by 9.5 per cent based on the average enrolment of in arts, and 12.7 per cent in scithe last three years. So the financial ences. These are for students who impact in the first year will only be have indicated UW as their first felt in a reduction in the funds from choice. tuition fees.) This apparently follows the trend away from arts and sciences which The university has also budgeted is evident throughout the province. for a 2 percent decrease next year. The Record reported a 14 per cent According to Buckley the figures deciine in arts and a nine per cent from the applications centre do indrop in science programs. dicate a change in the application Buckley cautioned that the figcycle. It used to be that a student’s ures are limited in their scope. first reaction was to come to uniSome programs have a limited knversity, he said, but now it may be rollment so that even though applications may be down it is still likely that there lwill be enough students to fill the course. And the statistics are based on 90 The firing of a UW librarian per cent of the expected applicacould erupt into a serious problem tions. About 3,000 students are still for the administration, including expected to apply, which might disagreement between the Faculty change the picture. Association and the administration Further, Buckley pointed out, and profound dissatisfaction the marks of the applicants are not among library staff. yet known an-d this too will have its The faculty association is inveseffect. If there is a higher number of tigating the case of Lois Black who first-choice students confirmed was fired February 13 from her posthen the picture will be altered. and collections So far for UW there are 3800 ition as reference librarian in the arts library. A respots to be filled, 4,277 first-choice port from a sub-committee of the student applications, and a total of

viimnciM The saga of the federation with the empty council seats and no mad rush to fill them ended this week with two seats remaining vacant and three acclamations. No further elections are planned for this term. Robert Goss and Richard Kular were acclaimed in science, and Gregory Flis was acclaimed in St. Jerome’s. The federation’s sorry state first manifested itself in the record low (15 per cent) turnout to the Feb-

ruary 1 presidential election. Then only 13 students applied for the 25 available students’ council seats, with not one seat contested. Nominations were re-opened twice for the vacant seats. The first try left five seats vacant. The second try managed to fill three of them, and still no elections. The two vacant seats are in HKLS and will remain vacant until the 1979-80 council elections. -jonathan


that he or she first looks for a job and comes to school as a last resort. The projections go against the demographic trends. The ministry of education prqjections for grade 13 enrolment in the province are that it will continue to rise until 1979 and will remain above the the 1976 level until 1983 when it is expected to take a sharp drop. \ Students leaders cite increased tuition fees, dismal employment prospects, and uncertainty over student aid, as important causes of declining enrolment. According to The Record the applications centre’s statistics show the following drops in enrolments for Ontario schools: 27 percent at Trent University in.Peterborough; 15 percent for Brock University in St. Catharines and the University of Ottawa; 12 percent for the University of Windsor: 10 percent for the University of Cuelph and McMaster University in Hamilton: eight percent at Laurentian University in Sudbury ; 8.8 percent at York University in Toronto; seven percent at Carleton University in Ottawa; six percent at the Univer: sity of Toronto, Queen’s University in Kingston and the University of Western Ontario in London; and five percent at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay. -neil


faculty association’s Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee is expected to be complete this week. Black, who was one of several professional librarians who have opted to join the faculty association rather than be represented by the staff association, told the UW administration organ, the Gazette, that she had been “sacked for insubordination”. Contacted by the chevron, she had no comment. The impending controversy results from differences between the university policies, which classify the librarians as staff members, and the faculty association, which two years ago allowed professional librarians to join. Representation by the faculty association will provide Black with different terms of employment than those of the university policies. Faculty association chairman John Wynnyckyj told the chevron that the sub-committee’s report, when complete, will be forwarded to the Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee which could then recommend action to the faculty

the chevron


The Celebration of the Body- Week has been moving along nicely, with much student participation in the activities. The above is a display of mime; additional photos are on the centrespread of this issue. -photos by john w. bast

association executive. The report “will definitely not be released said Wynnyckyj. publicly”, The senior administrator responsible for the libraries, Pat Robertson, is insisting that Black’s only procedure to appeal the firing was through an investigation by a staff grievance committee. The time period has passed for setting up such an investigation, and the

university regards Black’s job as ended, Robertson stressed. The firing also reveals rumblings of dissatisfaction among the staff with the operation of the library. One library worker told the chevron that “The issue isn’t dead yet. What is clear is that there is so_mething very wrong with the way things are administered,” he said.

Paul Johnson is the new president of Engineering Society. Johnson won the March 8 election with 367 votes beating out rival Bob Statham, who received 56 votes. Three ballots were spoiled. Johnson saw the need for Engineering Society to take up organizing a well-planned orientation program for 1978 engineering frosh, continuing and expanding the sale of engineering course notes at cost price through Engineering Sooiety and continuing the work on the coffee-and-donuts stand, which will meet health regulatidns and

speed up the service. The election of treasurer was claimed by Dave Kraemer, who beat out B. N. Crowder, and Roy Van der Linden. Kraemer won with 187 votes compared to Crowder’s 117 votes and Van der Linden’s 96. There were 26 spoiled ballots. The positions of vice-president and secretary were acclaimed by Dave Culham and Mark Simpson respectively. There are 1,780 eligible voters in engineering.







The university will receive $244 per student less from the Ontario government next year as compared to 1971-72. The Basic Income Unit (BIU is the amount the government gives the university for each student) will decrease to $1455 in real dollars per student as compared to $1697 in 1971-72. In 1971-72 the Ontario Government began cutting back on university spending. The official BIU not corrected for inflation was $2647 for 1978-79 as compared to $2525 in 1977-78. Corrected for inflation the BIU will actually fall by $55 per student for 1978-79 (assuming that inflation stays at 9.5 percent per year for 78-79). Budget

7hj.s was Engineering Week, and its presence was duly announced with the traditional Parade through the campus and all its major buildings. Bearing the Ridgid Tool and escorted by the P/umber go-cart, they thoroughly disrupted routine from Needles hall to the Fed office. The photographer regrets being unable to publish a shot of the Mass Moon, hung over the Arts Quadrangle, at the end of the parade. It’s a gas! -photo by john w. bast


Ontario (1971-l 00) Real BIU Prsvinciai Budget Year in 1971 BIU CPB Dollars ‘1967-68 1320 88.3 1494.9 1968-69 1450 91.9 1577.8 69-70 1556 96.0 1620.8 70-7 1 1650 98.2 1680.2 71-72 1730 101.9 1697.7 72-73 1765 106.9 1651.1 73-74 1825 116.3 1569.2 74-75 1955 129.6 1508.5 75-76 2111 142.4 1480.4 76-77 2312 152.3 1518.1 77-78 2525 167.2 1510.2 78-79 2647 183.1* 1455 The above graph is a correction of the table that, appeared in last week’s chevron. *Assuming that inflation will remain at 9.5% for ‘78-79. ---salah



the chevron

friclay, --

Call BIRTHRIGHT 579-3990. Free pregnancy tests. Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre; Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-l Opm, some afternoons. Counselinformation. Phone ling and 885-1211, ext. 2372. Interested in involvement with CYSO? See us in Room 234A, South Campus Hall, Monday to Thursday 12:30pm-3:30pm.




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Commuting for riders. 884-8930.

toToronto daily looking Phone Bud after 6pm.

TY ping Fast accurate typing. IBM Selectric 50 cents page. Call Pamela 884-6913. Essay and term paper typing. 50 cents a page. Phone Fran 576-5895. Fast efficient typing. 50 cents page. Pick up and deliver at University. Call Kathy (Gait - 623-8024) Experienced typist, essays and theses, reasonable rates, good service, no math papers, Westmount area, cal I 743-3342. Will type essays, work reports, etc., IBM electric. Reasonable rates. Lakeshore village. Call 885-l 863. Typing: Essays, theses, etc. Proficient, intelligent typist. IBM Selectric. Reasonable. Five minutes from universities. 886-l 604. Essay, Theses, Resumes, Etc., (Any Typing). Experienced Typist. Electric Typewriter. 742-l 822 or 576-5619 Sandy. Custom Essay Service, essay research assistance and typing. Results assured. 2075 Warden Avenue, TH 30, Agincourt. 291-0540.


ee e 0

70, 7978

PAST ~~S~~~~ CLUB (mailing address 447 Ontario Street, Toronto, Ontario M5A 2V9) We’re a Think Tank, an Egg Holder, a Brains Trust, an Ego Club and copy righted individuals. Student membership $5,/y!-. and Companies $30/yr. Penpalls welcome. DishJockey Service. For any occasion. Make your dance, wedding, party, etc. a success. Call 886-1773 today.


You can put your summer to good use this year by taking an undergraduate degree course or two at the University of Toronto. Almost 200 courses will be offered during the Summer Session. Residence accommodation is available on the U of T campus for out of town students.

march --


I bedroom apartment to sublet May-August (with option for September) Furnished, 20 minute walk from U of W, laundry, cable, parking, carpeted. Call 886-3374 or Chem I room 311 (ask for Jan). Male Student to share fully furnished comfortable home. Parking, near bus and universities. Call Mrs. Wright 885-l 664. Apartment, spacious 2 bedroom. Available May 1. Very close to campus, shopping, $225/month. 285 Erb Street West, Apt. 404, Call 886-5256. Furnished rooms close to University. Available AprilSeptember, $85 monthly. Ladies only. Private entrance. 884-2831. Female needed to take over furnished early Canadian room on U of T campus May-August. Cheap rent, close to pubs. Call Ellen 378 Huron Street, Toronto, 416-595-l 072. Two bedroom apartment to sublet in London for May-August term. Furnished. Can accomodate 2 or 3 people. Prefer females. Rent negotiable. Includes all utilities. Near Western University. Call 432-9555. Apartment for Rent. Bridgeport and Weber. Available May ‘78. 2 bedrooms. 1 i/2 bath. Excellent for 3 persons. Close to Arena, Y, shopping. 15 minutes to UW by bus. Call 885-2278.

Moving Will do small moving with a half-ton pickup. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff 884-2831.

Sat. 10-S

14 Queens Sq. (6) 653-2635 Apologies to any confused KIN students. Your Semi-Formal is Mar. IO, Tonight!







70, 7978

Campa&n I

Under the one-man rule of Col- one1 Mengistu, Ethiopians have become the victims of the unbridled terror of modern day Hitlerite fascism, said a representative from the Ethiopian Students Union of North America. The meeting held last Friday by the Eastern Canada chapter of ESUNA in conjunction with the UW International Students Association, attracted sixty people. He further elaborated that the wanton killings of men, women, and children have had “no parallel in the history of Ethiopia, except those of the fascist Mussolini occupational forces”. The speaker pointed out that there were three main enemies of the Ethiopian people - feudalism, bureaucratic capitalism and im: -- perialism, and that the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party (EPRP) has taken up the task of overthrowing these enemies and establishing a People’s Democratic Republic of the broad masses. The EPRP was formed in 1972 and has since led the Ethiopian people in their struggle for liberation, first against Emperor Haile Sellasie and .currently against the

junta headed by Mengistu. Ever since its formation, the EPRP has won widespread support among . the masses. Under the reign of Emperor Haile Sellasie, the orthodox church was one of the most effective ideological tools of feudalism, said the speaker. The church preached the superiority of the king to his subjects, landlord to his peasants and men to-women. It exalted the natural God-given right of the feudal class to exploit and the duty of the peasants to be exploited. He stressed that the church is playing the same role’ today. The Supreme Military Strategic Committee which is chaired by Mengistu and comprised of Ethiopian, Russian and Cuban officers has proclaimed itself “free to kill” and carried out a campaign of a house-to-house search search for the members of the EPRP and its supporters. The speaker said that many civilians have been brutally murdered in the campaign. The speaker also pointed out. that the. EPRP ‘is actively defending the people against this cgmpaign. Ever since the military junta usurped power in September 1974,

Food profits In last week’s chevron the article “It’s mainly for the money’ ’ , two columns were left out. They pointed out the return on invested capital and five-year growth rate made by the largest 200 industrial companies in 1976. The chart is being reprinted in full. The essence of the article was that food prices are going processors Company i-

Canada Packers $321,059 .- 163,950 Burns Foods Maple Leaf Mills 162,881 Swift Canadian Ltd. 121,094 Kraft Ltd. 115,715 General Foods 156,360 Standard Brands 178,823 Schneider Corp. 50,917 Robin Hood Multifoods 87,775 Christie, Brown & Co. 55,521 Source: Financial Post 1977 ranking


and particularly after the palace coup of February 1977 the fascist Mengistu regime has needed large amounts of weapons in order to suppress the heroic and just resistance of the people in the country, . the speaker said. The speaker pointed out that Ethiopia is a neo-colony. In the past, under- emperor Sellasie, Ethiopia was a U.S. neo-colony and today Soviet Union is trying to establish its hegemony in collaboration with the .mi.litary dictatorship of Mengistu. :’ Today, the Soviet Union has become the major supplier of arms to the fascist junta while the Israeli Zionists on the other hand are training Ethiopian squads and providing -military technicians.

in Ethiopia

The Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Army, the armed wing of the EPRP, has liberated sections of Ethiopia. A base has been established on the Red Mountain. The speaker noted the historical significance of the base. When Mussolini invaded, a base was established in this area by the strategically launch the invaders. Other ently being formed

Ethiopians to attacks against bases are presor expanded.

The speaker pointed out the EPRP has friendly relations with the liberation forces in Eritrea. They have launched joint military operations against their common enemy, the Mengistu regime. Today, there are several hundred Yemeni mercenaries actively fighting in Eritrea. The

speaker also pointed out that the Cuban’troops have increased their numbers to 10,000. There are also more than 1,000 Soviet “advisers”. East Germany, besides arm- ’ ing the fascist regime, is also providing advances training to the regime on “security” and torture i techniques. , -The speaker denounced the campaign of genocide being undertaken by the Soviet Union and the . Mengistu regime against the Ogaden and Eritrean people. He condemned the activities of both the United States and the Soviet Union in the Horn of Africa. The ceived.


was warmly -barbara . -james

rerowe kang


Net Income wp’s, $20,142 5,691 11,097 6,614 13,555 13,845 11,056 4,577 5,290 7,264

of Canada’s



Return on invested capital (%) .17.4 19.3 19.2 13.9 34.3 24.8 18.9 I 22.2 * 18.9 30.3


corn5-yea ; growth rate (%) 14.8 14.4 44.9 n/a 9.9 1 I i -8 13.5 “. 23.6 14.4 24.4


in progress

An environmental studies student is conducting a survey concerning foreign students on this campus. The survey is done in cooperation with the IS0 (International Students Office) and is funded by the Federation of Students. The survey hopes to obtain an


up (to the tune of 17.7 percent) while the income of farmers is going down (11 percent). the profits of the / Meanwhile, food merchandisers and the food processors are going up. For example, Canada Packers . made $20,142,000 profit and George Weston Ltd. made $14,860,000 profit.

among the largest panies in 1976 Assets (W’s)



of tefior

EPRP Speaks out a@&


the chevron


overview of all foreign students, and find out their problems. Foreign students who have not received a questionnaire can pick one up at the IS0 in Needles Hall. Those who have received one please return it by March 15, 1978 to Campus Centre turnkey desk, or the ISO. / -phyllis choi

I j



‘everal Integrated Studies students building. wnge in the psychology



are building an experimehtal a ircraft, the operation being based in the IS The ship is of styrofoam, and is going to cost $7500 to build.

war brings ,recognititm

The recent interest of the five Western members of the United Nations Security Council in settling the Namibian “problem” has come about only because of the Namibian people’s determined opposition to South Africa’s illegal occupation of their country, Aron Shihepo, Foreign Relations Secretary for SWAP0 (South West Afri,ca People’s Organiiation) told a UW audience Sunday. Though the Western press presented the “diplomatic contact” of Council members Canada, Britain, France, West Germany and theUnited States with SWAP0 and South Africa as a benevolent gesture that could solve the problem, “we know there can’t be peace in Namibia without force,” Shihepo said. SWAP0 was formed in 1960 to seek the independence of Namibia through peaceful means. When this failed, they took up arms in 1966 and have received increasing support from the Namibian people. Students have joined in the struggle despite public floggings and jailings while workers have staged 60 to 100 strikes per year despite the government prohibition on unions and work stoppages. Growing political and military resistance has forced South Africa and the West to look for ways to calm the mineral-rich territory and keep their investments there safe, he said. SWAP0 military actions‘” increased* after neighbouring Angola’s independence in 1973:

now there are daily actions against ample that last September South South African bases and towns in Africa passed a law ‘making Walvis eastern and northwestern Namibia. Bay, the seaport’ for 90% of Last year, four political organizaNamibia’s trade, a permanent part _ tions representing 80% of ,the of South Africa. 37,000 southern Namibians who - Also, South Africa insists on rehistorically have given SWAP.0 taining 4,000 troops in Namibia less support, joined three other regduring the transition while agreeing ional parties in disbanding and jointo transfer only some of the politiing the national liberation movecal prisoners. ment. The South African police After intense African opposition, bum suspected SWAP0 supporSouth Africa reportedly abandoned ters’ homes and fields and even ar- its 1976 attempts to impose a neorest people for wearing heavy colonial bantustan-type “indepenrubber-souled shoes (they accuse dence” which would give the one them of wanting to hide the tracks white “tribe” all the mineral reof SWAP0 guerillas). Yet local sources, all the fertile land, all the support for the liberation moveindustries and all the fishing areas ment grows. of Namibia ‘and leave ten African The Western press has ap“tribes’ ’ the semi-desert areas with plauded the efforts of the U.S., Briinsufficient rainfall. But recently tain, France, West Germany and South Africa, with the help of apCanada in attempting to construct a pointed African “chiefs”, has es“peaceful” settlement for the intablished two “legislative assembdependence scheme. Shihepo said lies” and begun training tribal arthat the sudden concern of these mies. five nations is a safeguard to proSouth Africa has consistently retect their own interests in response fused to leave the territory. The to the intensified struggle for liberaLeague of Nations made South Aftion. rica trustee of the former German The peace settlement is to be colony after World War Two. carried out in the spirit of the UnWhen the League died in 1946, ited Nations resolutions. The UN South Africa refused to recognize resolutions of June 1976 stipulated the jurisdiction of the United Nathat South Africa must withdraw all tions over the territory, and illegforces from Namibia, release all ally occupied it, openly defying Namibian political prisoners, reWorld Court and UN rulings to spect. the territorial integrity of withdraw. Namibia and call a UN-supervised Shihepo stressed that the libera0 election. tion of Namibia rests on the shoulShihepo pointed out that South ders of the Namibian people. ., Africa has failed to meet any of -kae elgie these proposals. He gave the ex-johnson cheung




- Personal


- Vourist


nternational Freight rwarding LimIted

Frank was speaking to about fift>i students Wednesday evening a:> part of the Environmental Studie\ 358




The spread of intensive row cropping of corn. soybeans and similar crops in Ontario is leading to an increase in phosphate pollu-


& University Waterloo

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sun. - Thurs. 1Oam-2am


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FRIDAY, Bingernan Tickets:


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Ham Salami Spice Loaf Cheese Sub Super Sub Roast Beef Hot Pizza Corned Beef All flavour

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1.40 1.40 1.40 1.10 2.10 1.60 1.40 1.60 Milk .60


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Frank said farmers are becoming increasing,ly aware of this plUbleIII. which is compounded by the ri\in_c price of ferti’iizers mainly due tcr the high cost ol‘ the energy used in their manufacture. As a solution, farmers are being encouraged to alternate corn with humus-replenishing and nitrogenfixing crops such as alfalfa. They are also being urged to replace synthetic fertilizers with manure there is almost enough manure produced in Ontario to satisfy al! our phosphate needs. Frank added that the Ministr5 ot‘ Agriculture is also attempting to discourage the customary widespread use of herbicides and pesticides. Control of weeds by crop management techniques and control of pests by biological means (e.g. insect parasites) is being offered as a more ecologically and economically sound approach. The government and the growers have already initiated a pilot project in the fruit industry which used a computer-based phone-in service to advise farmers on day-to-day crop conditions and what pest control measures are required as the need arises. Dr. Arthur Johnson of the Ontario Ministry of Energy will speak on Ontario’s energy future next Wednesday, March 15 at 7:30 in M&C room 2066. ,K -gerry rowe

members of Abortion of Michigan - a self-regulating group of









70, 7978

the chevron


promises With 990,000 unemployed in Canada, Lougheed Business College’s invitation to “join the employables” holds out the prospect of a future job to unemployed young women and men. But Lougheed’s promises just don’t materialize, says virtually every Lougheed student and graduate the chevron has contacted. “Lunches are the only good thing there,” says a Lougheed student who prefers not to be identified. Mary (not her real name) has had it with Lougheed and has consulted a lawyer to find out if she can get her fees back. Like Mary, none of the twelve Lougheed students and graduates want their real names used when giving their experience with Lougheed. They fear their criticism could be used against them and stand between them and successful completion of the course, or could jeopardize future job prospects, since they hope to use Lougheed as a reference, for what it’s worth. When first interviewed by the chevron, Sheila (not her real name) said the course is expensive, but hesitated to say more because “I’ll get in shit.” Lougheed offers training courses in the secretarial fields - legal, medical senior and junior, executive - as well as clerical and receptionist training, travel and tourism, junior management, business administration, culinary arts and IBM key-punching.

This ad on KW buses suggests the right course graduates, however, say otherwise.



will get you that much-needed -photo

But the selling point for many people is the school’s enrollment application and contract which promises that “the successful graduate is to receive the full benefits of the school’s Placement Assistance Office and we do not anticipate any difficulty in assisting qualified graduates to secure positions. ’ Lougheed brochures claim that its graduates “are readily placed in positions with attractive salaries,” and that its “free Office Placement Services works closely with ALL the local employment agencies.” But the contract avoids giving prospective students a guarantee of employment, explaining that “it must be understood it is unethical and against provincial law to guarantee employment.” The sales pitch is appealing, and

has done much to contribute to the enrollment rise of 50 students this year. But the reality doesn’t live up to expectations, Lougheed graduates insist. The chevron checked with half a dozen of the local employment agencies to learn their connections with Lougheed. None had ties with the school, and several said that students come in on their own, without help from Lougheed. Jane, a Lougheed graduate, told the chevron she found it detrimental to mention her Lougheed course. One employer told her that Lougheed was “on the bottom of the list”. With this experience, she “wouldn’t recommend the school to her worst enemy,” she told the chevron. Lougheed graduates insist that they face the same difficulty in finding a job as those without their training. Donna, a Lougheed graduate, told- the chevron it took her three months to find a job after she graduated. Some of her friends are still looking. Beth, who graduated in January from the business administration course, is still out of a job. Other Lougheed graduates tell about a clerical bookkeeper who graduated in August of last year but who did not find ajob until January, and the legal secretary trained at Lougheed who looked for one full year before finding a job. Asked why it takes some students so long to find jobs, Lougheed owner Lloyd Lougheed told the chevron that students sometimes do not present themselves successfully and fail to get jobs because of. that. And some months are worse for job searches than other, he explained. But for Lougheed graduates, and

others looking for work in the secretarial field, competition is fierce for the very few openings which appear. Although graduates from the legal secretarial course are more pleased with their Lougheed training than others, they report that jobs are scarce and were found by constant personal searching, rather than through Lougheed. Two secretarial jobs advertised in the local daily newspaper attracted from 100 to 200 applicants each. The chevron also checked’ into Lougheed’s claim that provincial law prohibits guaranteeing jobs and was told by the provincial labor office that no such law exists. The courses and teachers at Lougheed cause much dissatisfaction among students. Students in the Travel and Tourism course have a pressing grievance. The latest course started in September with no teacher and no books. A couple of months into the course a teacher was hired but students still were missing some of their books. Instead of their chosen course they were being taught mathematics, spelling and some commercial courses before a teacher was hired. The same kind of fiasco occurred the previous year when a teacher quit before the end of the year, leaving students high and dry. Janet reported that one student said Lougheed had found jobs for some of these students but they were in areas unrelated to their course. Janet said the whole affair was hushed up and the students even pow don’t know the whole story. This year, students boycotted one day of classes to protest the situation. The result was more prornises and less action, a common response of the Lougheed administration, Janet said.

The Annual General Meeting of the Federation of Students was held Monday night with only 24 members in attendance. It lasted only 90 minutes and, following the pattern of the past few years, very little was accomplished. The only tangible result of the evening was a motion passed to hold a mass rally on March 14, in the Campus Centre, to discuss education cutbacks. The rally will be a preliminary meeting in conjuction with the demonstration at Queens Park, on March 16. Individuals from the chevron, the Ontario Federation. of Students, and Burt Matthews will be invited to attend and present their views on the recently proposed cutbacks. The remainder of the meeting involved routine business. The federation Board of Directors was announced: President, Rick Smit, vice president Don Salichuk, Treasurer, Jayne Pollock, and Nick Redding and Morris Ilnyiak

from students’ council. In the Officers’ Report, Smit cited as his main concerns the state of the Campus Centre Pub and refundable fees, which take affect May 1. Smit feels the size and quality of the CC Pub facilities are a disgrace for a school the size of UW, and it is essential they be improved. On refundable fees, Smit voiced concern, but feels confident the federation will still function satisfactorily. _ In a change from past years, there was no discussion or voting on proposed by-law amendments. By-law Review Committee chairperson, J .J. Long. mentioned some changes he would like to see. However, he said they would not be put to a vote because, “we know how many times they (amendments) are very confusing affairs.” It would be beneficial if the proposals went through council and the Board of Directors, said Long. The budget for the coming yeai was not discussed. Smit estimated

that total operating costs, before refunds, would be about $250,000. The auditor’s report showed a surplus of $39,000 from 1976-77,.

Students at Lougheed’s new school in downtown Kitchener pay tuition fees from $325 to $1850. If the student doesn’t finish within the specified time, there is an extra $75 for each added term (one term is nine weeks long).



by george



She explained that she is not depending on Lougheed at all and believed that “more and more students are beginning to feel the same way.”


-larry -maria

hannant catalfo


Jobless outnumber jobs For every job in Canada, there are 25.4 people unemployed, according to Statistics Canada. In the three-month period ending January 31 there were 35,700 job vacancies, compared to 906,000 unemployed workers. This figure is a rise from the three-month period ending January 3 1,1977 when there were 21.8 people perjob. The January 77 tigures stood at 991,000. The figure for the number of unemployedis actually much higher since Statistics Canada only considers as unemployed those people who are actively looking for work in the two weeks prior to the survey. In the K-W area there were 14,000 people unemployed, compared to 668 jobs available. Not only have the unemployment lines lengthened but the government has also lengthened the time necessary to qualify for%nemployment Insurance from 8 to 12 weeks. -barbara



At a federation council meeting immediately preceding the AGM the federation executive was appointed. Treasurer will be council recording secretary Jayne Pollock. Board of Communications will be chaired in the spring and winter terms by two co-op students, Peter Sauras and Mike Olive. Board of Publications chairperson will be Oscar Nierstrasz; BENT chairperson will be Nick Redding; Co-op Services will be run by turnkey Andre Gervasio. Don Salichuk willcontinue as vice-president and Morris Ilyniak will continue as Board of Education chairperson. Positions and Board chairperson

job. Students

But the protest of the Travel and Tourism class is not a common example of rebellion, students say. “Staff can make it rough” for those who step out of line, says Mary. Lloyd Lougheed has been known to remind students that “it is no secret that there is a failure rate of fifty percent” at the school (including those who changed courses or found jobs before graduation), but he says there is no reason for a student to fail if she works hard. Conditions of enrollment include a dress and deportment code which requires students “to wear clothing appropriate for offices and conduct becoming an employee.” Lougheed has the right to expel those who do not comply. Another student, Georgina, told the chevron that she had been sent home for wearing jeans twice. Lougheed also demands attendance at classes and checks up on those who do not attend.

of NUS/OFS liaison of External Relations remain to be filled. -jsn


These job-hunters will find themselves pitted against odds of more than 25-to-one, according to recent Stats Canada figures on job vacancies and unemployment. The government’s answer has been to lengthen qualifying time for unemployment insurance. -photo by john w bast

TORONTO (CUP)-One in seven Ontario high school and university students will be unemployed this summer, the Ontario Youth Secretariat has admitted. There will be 700,000 students looking forjobs this summer, and like last year, 100,000 of them will not find work according to secretariat spokesperson Terry Jones at a Feb. 22 press conference held to outline the provincial government’s youth job creation programs. Jones, a government MPP, also admitted that the government-job creation programs will not lessen the number of unemployed.



the chevron


70, 1978

If you think that’s a lot, just apricethe i Rabbit, Toyota, Fiesta, even Civic, aren’t what they used to be. They used to be cheap. No more. Now they all set you back some heavy dough. But maybe you think they’re still worth it because they’ve still got it up on us when it comes to standard equipment. Here comes your second shock. At that $3941.00 base price, a Z-door Pontiac Acadian comes complete with hatchback, 1.6 litre engine, four-speed, reclining buckets, AM radio, white-walls, carpeting, body side moulding and much more as

standard equipment. -But then again there’s a chance you’re still into that “foreign car mystique” number. Well, if it means that much to you to drive, say, a VW Rabbit, go ahead. It’s your bread. Blow an-extra eleven hundred and fifty-four bucks. What else are you King to spend rt on, anyway? <:Prices are based on Manufacturers’ Suggested Retail Prices and specifications for 2-door hatchbacks equipped with standard equipment obtained from readily available published sources and believed to be in effect Feb. 75, 7978. Standard equipment may vary with each manufacturer. Dealers may sell for less.


HATCHBACKS’: Pontiac AcadianHonda Civic Ford FiestaToyota Corolla Datsun B21’0 V/N Rabbit

$3 g 4 1 :::::: $4095 $4385 $4523 $4625 $5095

‘:“FManufacturers’ suggested retail price for a 2-door Acadian Hatchback Coupe with standard equipment, Federal Tax included. Provincial or local taxes where applicable, freight and handling charges are extra. Dealers may sell for less.

got it like Pontiac’s got it.






10, 7978


the chevron




friendly neighbourhood trust 2m-b gamy or bank is more than willing to lend you the money, provided you buy your RRSP from them. The deadline for purchasing an RR SY is -March 1, 1978.



Basically you receive 20 percent of your rental paymeats plus one percent of your personal exemplions, less two percent of vour tax-

Tuition r Time dgain for added ’ headaches on top ofessays and mid-terms. The government wants your money, or for some, the government will return some of your by-the-sweat-ofthe-brow income. But if you’d like to give as little as possible (or get as much ds possih/e) without Revenue Canada breathing down your neck, come armed with T-4 forms to the INCOME TAX SEMINAR on March 15 in AL

7 73. The speaker is Ray finnie. He’// give tips on exemptions, tax loopholes, claims, etc. and will field questions concerning this annual affliction. Be prepared with specific problems to save everyone time ds general information will he covered by

UW Math (‘CA option) alumnus, james macneil, offers some tips on filling out your income tax return.

It’s tax time again, and this means a chance to recover some of the deductions you lost from your pay cheques last summer or workterm. Even if you had no deductions, file anyway, because of the Ontario tax credit for renters. Generally, if you had any employment earnings, scholarships or research grants in 1977 you must file a tax return. If you owe the government any money you must file your return by April 30, 1978. They’re not as eager to hear from you if they owe you money. By February 28 you should receive your T-4 slip which records your employment earnings and deductions. You might phone your employer to jog his/h&r memory, as the earlier you file the earlier you will receive your refund. March 1, is the last day for purchasing a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or a Registered Home Ownership Savings Plan (RHOSP) which are, as will be shown, viable ways of reducing taxable income. Most people’s income is of the type that will include taxable benefits such as OHIP premiums paid by the employer. This type of income allows an employment deduction equal to the lesser of $250 or 3% of employment earnings. If you were fortunate enough to receive a scholarship, bursary or fellowship, the first $500 is tax exempt. Incidentally, the grant portion of student loans is also subject to this $500 exemption. However, research grants are not exempt but expenses of both a capital (e.g. typewriter, books) and operating nature (e.g. moving expenses) may be deducted from this type of income. Other types of income to be included for tax purposes might be earnings from self-employment and a reasonable estimate of tips and gratuities. So if you serve booze in a pub don’t forget about this source of income w’hen filing your tax return.

Now for those long-awaited deductions from income: the first deduction that comes to mind for any student is tuition. Only the actual fee (excluding athletic and club fees, etc.) is an allowable deduction for any twelve month period beginning in the taxation year. For example, if you are enrolled in a cooperative program, tuition can be deducted for the spring term of 1977 ind the winter term of 1978. Only the student may deduct tuition regardless of who paid the fees.


able income. Tf you lived in residence, howeveI-, you not only had to put up with tke awful meals but your also are allos;tied sdy


gf ~‘ou run into any particular probiem na3t discussed here, simply rcfcr to the tax guide provided or phone the District Taxation Office ifi Kitchener i 679-6060). ’

standard personal exemptions of $2370, tuition of $750, employment expense deductions of $250 and education deductions of $200, their taxable income would be $1680 with no tax payable. . In the subsequent year the $1250 would be added to his income of say $4000 and, as the reader can see, no tax would be payable again. You may well be saying “Who



a $25 cre-


Moving expenses are generally deductible if the taxpayer ceases to be in full-time attendance at a university. This means that any moving costs (such as travelling costs, including reasonable amounts for meals and lodging in the course of moving, transportation of effects, and costs of cancelling a lease for the old residence) are allowable deductions. These deductions are also applicable to moving to co-op and summer jobs. Expenses incurred in moving to school are only deductiand ble from scholarship research-grant income. Note that the government also allows an education deduction of $50 per month of full time attendance at university. This deduction is allowable only on a calendar year basis (January to December) but part months are counted as full months. For example, if a student attended the spring term from April 28, 1977 to August 10, 197’7 then this student’s education would be for five months. Any portion of the education deduction not needed to bring your taxable income down to zero may be transferred to the supporting relative of your choice. Also, should your net income (i.e. excluding personal exemption and educational deduction) fall to an amount less than $1590, your parents can claim you as a dependent once again, even if you are over 21. (You then come under a classification for physically infirm, mentally infirm, or student).


Co-operative students have probably noticed that in years where they have two work-terms they must pay some tax, and in years where they have only one work-term much of their personal exemptions are not needed to bring their taxable income down to either zero, or to the point where no tax is payable. This year that level is $1680. However, through the purchase of a Registered Retirement Savings Plan, taxable income can be reduced by the amount of the purchase. Then in the subsequent year the amount in the plan can be taken out and added to a taxable income. The effect is to move an amount of income from one year, to the next. For example, a person with two work-terms in 1976 and an income of $6500 could purchase an RRSP of $1250. After .deducting


IMPORTED HEINEKEN -AVAILABLE AT LIQLLR STORES Represented In Canada by Sarnsbury lnternatlonal AgenciesLtd



the chevron


rophyhctics. ne of &be oldest and most effective means of birth controll hewn y males, and t-he most popular form use Apart from birth control, use of the

measure upon t,he way in which it is used and disposed of. Mere are a few simple suggestions that you may find helpful.







as the eighteenth century Colloquially known as “armour”; used by Cassanova, and mentioned in classic literature by Richard Boswell in his “London Journal” (where we read of his misfortune from not using one), they continue to be used and increase in popularity to this very day Because they are made from natural membranes, “skins” are just about the best conductors of body warmth money can buy and therefore their effect on sensation and feeling is almost insignifaeant.


The development of the latex rubber process in the twentieth century made it possible to produce strong rubber prophylactics of exquisite thinness, with an elastic ring at the open end to keep the prophylactic from slipping off the erect penis. Now these latex rubber prophylactics are available in a variet

colours, either plain-ended, or tipped with a “teat” or “reservoir end” to receive and hold ejaculated semen.

Lubrication And thanks to modern chemistry, several new nonreactive lubricants have been b developed so that prophylactics are available in either non-lubricated or lubricated forms. The lubricated form is generally regarded as providing improved sensitivity, as is, incidentally, the NuFornP Sensi-Shape. For your added convenience, all prophylactics are pre-rolled and ready-to-use.

Some Help



The effectiveness of a prophylactic, whether for birth control or to help prevent venereal disease, is dependent in large

First of all, there’s the matter of packaging. Skin prophylactics are now packaged premoistened in sealed aluminum foilpouches to keep them ’ fresh, dependable and ready for use. Latex rubber prophylactics are usually packaged in sealed plasticized paper pouches or A4 A/ ‘/ ’ aluminum foil. All of these prophylactics, at e least those marketed by reputable firms, are tested electronically and by other methods to make sure they are free of defects. Prophylactics are handled very carefully during the packaging operation to make sure they are not damaged in any way




Storage and Handing




It is equally important that you store and handle them carefully after you buy them, if you expect best results and dependability. For example, don’t carry them around in your wallet in your back pocket and sit on them from time to time.This can damage them and make them worthless. Next is the matter of opening the package. It’s best to tear the paper or foil along one edge so that the simple act of tearing doesn’t cause a pinhole&d of course, one should be particularly careful of sharp fingernails whenever handling the prophylactic.





70, 7978

When sexual relations are completed, withdraw the penis while the erection is still present, hoiding the rim of the prophylactic until withdrawal is complete, so as to stop any escape of semen from the prophylactic as well as to stop it from slipping off. Remove the pro. phylactic and, as an added precaution, use soap and water to wash the hands, penis and surrounding area and also the vaginal area to help destroy any traces of sperm or germs.

And now for a commercial. As you’ve read this far you’re probably asking yourself who makes the most popular brands of prophylactics in Canada? The answer to that is Julius Schmid. And we’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to six of the best brands of prophylactics that money can buy They’re all made by Julius Schmid. They’re all electronically tested to assure dependability and quality And you can only buy t.hem in drug stores. Regu?ar (Non-Lubricated) ’ & Sensitol (Lubricated)yA tissue thin rubber sheath of amazing strength. Smooth as silk, light as gossamer, almost imperceptible in use. Rolled, ready-to-use. “‘Non-Slip ” Skirts-distinctly different from rubber, these natural membranes from the lamb are specially processed to retain their fme natural texture, softness and durability Lubricated and rolled for added convenience. Sensi-Shape (Lubricated) & Regular (Non-Lubricated). The popular priced, high quality reservoir end rubber prophylactic. Rolled, ready-to-use.

& Semi-Shape (NonrLubricatedj. The “better ’ for both” new, scientifically developed shape that provides greater sensitivity and more feeling for both partners. Comes in “passionate pink:’ Rolled, ready-to-use. Gently ribbed and sensi-shaped to provide “extra pleasure for both partners.” Sensitol Lubricated for added sensitivity. Also in “passionate pink:’ Rolled, ready-to-use.


Reservoir end prophylactics in an The Condom, or prophylactic, should be put assortment of colours. Sensitol lubricated for on before there is any contact between the added sensitivity. Rolled, ready-to-use penis and the vaginal area.This is important, as it is possible for small am.ounts of semen I We wrote the book on prophylactics. to escape from the penis even before orgasm. i If you would like to read it and get some free samples of what we’ve been Unroll the prophylactic gently onto the talking about, fill in the coupon below and erect penis, leaving about a half of an inch prowe’ll send you everything in Uagenuine jecting beyond the tip of the penis to receive ~ 1 ‘-x plain brown envelope.” the male fluid (semen). This is more easily I Name judged with those prophylactics that have a I Address reservoir end. The space left at the end or the reservoir, should be squeezed while unroll- 1 City Prov. PCing, so that air is not trapped in the closed end. I. As mentioned earlier, you may wish to I JULIUSSCHMID apply a suitable lubricant either to the vaginal I entrance or to the outside surface of the OFCANADALIMITED I prophylactic, or both, to make entry easier and I 32 Bermondsey Road to lessen any risk of the prophylactic tearing. , Tbrdnto, Ontario M4B lZ6


i ; 1I




the chevron

70, 7978

ets The Ontario government is currently considering legislation which would outlaw groups like PSI Mind Development by restricting the “practice of psychology” to licensed Ph.D’s. The legislation has met with widespread opposition from the commercial press, from ad hoc citizen’s groups, and from psychologists themselves. A fact sheet being distributed by sponsors of the proposed act, the OPA (Ontario Psychological Association), explains that the legislation is intended to “stop the harms ful, confusing, and risk-producing events presently occuring in Ontario, without interfering in legitimate occupational activities.” This legislation will set up a Col-

lege of Psychology with power to license and discipline psychologists and the responsibility for setting professional and ethical standards. According to one of the major designers-authors of the act, Dr. Barry Francis of K-W General Hospital, the act would force groups like PSI Mind Development to either have their “mind awareness” courses taught by professional psychologists, who would be subject to disciplinary procedures, or seek specific exemption from the act. In its present form, the act exempts teachers, social workers, and clergy from prosecution for “practice of psychology”. UW Director of Counselling services Bill Dyck, a former member

Correction J. J. Long’s mathweek article last week had four errors. 1) Doug McInroy won two tickets to the Liverpool pub and the three runners-up won T-shirts. 2) The victorious team in the slide-rule contest was cal-

led the Slip Stickers. 3) The criteria for the paper airplane contest were design, flight pattern, distance and flight times. 4) The winner of the three-minute talking contest was Denis Desroc hes.

of the OPA Board of Directors, disagrees with the legislation. He feels it attempts to put psychology at the “top of the heap” of the “helping professions.” He pointed out that if it became law, the controversial psychologist Julian Jaynes of “bicameral mind” fame would not be allowed to “practice psychology’.’ in Ontario without special exemption, since he does not have a Ph.D. The “Psychologists Act” defines “practice of psychology” as “any professional services performed by a psychologist”, and includes “the assessment, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of. . . any condition, deficiency, . . . of an emotional, cognitive, interpersonal, mental, mind-body, motivational, or nervous character” as well as “the interventions of counselling, psychotherapy, behaviour modification, behaviour therapy, biofeedback techniques and hypnosis.” The fact sheet explains that in order to -be certified as a psychologist “an applicant must have an earned doctoral degree in psychology, spend an additional year in structured practical train-

ing, and pass written and oral examinations. This process typically takes about ten years.” The current legislation, “The Psychologists Registration Act”, requires those calling themselves “psychologists” to be licensed, but makes no restriction on the practice of psychology itself. In an interview with the chevron, Francis said that the proposal had been in the works for five years. He expressed dismay that when the OPA had tried to be “open, above board” in presenting the act to the public, they were accused of being “closed and elitist”. He said that the old legislation was “totally in-


adequate” and that the new proposal had “general support” in the profession, although there were some dissenters. Dyck said he felt that the basis for ability to practice psychology should be competence, and not academic qualifications. Dyck said that under the legislation, counsellors with only an M.A. in psychology, who “9% of the time do the same work as psychologists”, would not be allowed to practice. He said that at their last conference, held Feb. 9, there was unanimous opposition to the act. --&ran


your junk at the flea market

Want to make a quick buck? Times are hard at the end of term. Selling unwanted items can ease the crisis. Or, for the fortunate, now is the time to pick up bargains. The place to buy or sell is the Flea Market. It will be held in the PAC courtyard on March 31, from ten until four. If it rains, we will move to the Great Hall.

Anything useable, second-hand, unbroken and clean is welcome. If you are interested, sign up at the turnkey desk, and bring a list to the general meeting on March 2 1 in CC room 110 at 4:30. Everything must be listed prior to the market. For more information, the turnkey desk.





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the chevron

frida y, I




232 King N. Waterloo, Phone 885-2530 Opposite Athletic Complex.

9AM to 11 PM

Graduate ?ortraits 1 8x10 2



l ooeeooooooeoooeoooeooooooeeeooooe 2






eeooeeoeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeee 1 8x10 2



4 4x5 MOUNTED eeaeeeeoeooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee l









Westmount Place Pharmacy has all kinds of things for

Celebration of the Body Week ran from March 6th to 10th inclusive 0 It featured such events as a Wen-Do demonstration (picture A), and calisthentics (picture CjO Such events as these, where the audience can participate and learn the skill, is designed to increase one’s awareness of one’s

Fuck’ ‘, as it is titled, is one (picture Ej seem to be designed to increase one’s awareness of one’s body through the stimuli of apprecia tion of the body-oriented art. There were also several performances, such as a demonstration of Mime (picture Fj and modern dance (picture Gj.

the chevron




Hair Design

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Degree courses in French Language, Literature and Civilization July 3-August 11,1978 Degree courses in Fine Art and Italian Language, Literature and Civilization July 12-August 24,1978 Apply before May Xi,1978

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MARCH 14,- 18,8 PWl


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the chevron


The night they tried to close the chevron Danny hailed me as I locked tight, with us outside. walked-into the Campus We stopped to survey the ofCentre. fice. An eerie quiet reigned. “We’ve got a key! We’re The room seemed miffed by going to get back in again!” our absence. And what a “What?” mess! Everywhere were the “We’ve got hold of a massigns of the battle which had ter key. We’ll be back in the raged since the moment we office right away.” occupied the office five - “ What’re you talking months ago. Sleeping bags about?” were scattered in every av“You mean you don’t ailable corner, desks and taknow?” bles littered with cups, “Know what?” I deplates, cutlery, books, ranmanded. My gut began to dom leaflets and newspaptighten like the elastic band ers; walls cluttered with the on a model airplane propelposters, signs and anler. “I just got into town. nouncements that student Came right here. What’s newspaper offices wear as a happening?” habit. Hurrying into the Great All that was normal. But Hall, I saw a crowd of chevtwo oases of order among ron staffers mobbed near the that amiable chaos told us office entrance. that an alien force had swept ‘The federation gang and through our territory. First some campus cops invaded we noticed the typewriters. the office about seven The federation eviction gang o’clock and dragged out Jachad gathered them all toques and Andrew. Everyone gether on one cleared desk. else was at the Ontario RegNow they huddled in stolid ional Canadian University rows like a fleet of buses Press conference. They moored overnight in a transit drove right back when they yard, dolefully silent. All of heard. ’ ’ the chevron typewriters f “How many of them in- looked to be there, except, of vaded?’ ’ course, the Underwood. It “About a dozen. The had been gone a couple of whole gang. They’re in the months now, seized by the federation office now. Probcampus cops as “evidence” ably gloating.” He grinned after the federation presiconspiratorially. “They . dent, that traitor to the stuwon’t be so jubilant when dents, tried to take it away they find out we’re back in from us. the office 1” What a fight that was! Stu“We have a key?” dents still repeated the story; ‘“Yeah - from someone ridiculing the traitor and the Judy kn’ows. Chalk up campus cops.. another contribution for the The day before the fight, friends of the chevron.” the traitor and a couple of We were right in the thick henchmen from the federaof the chevron crew now. tion office had marched into Everyone was there, the the chevron office and procrowd swelled by supporters ceeded to take away our who’d heard news of the cameras and photo cabinet. eviction, and by Varsity staff “Hey, what d’you think members just arrived from you’re doing? You have no the CUP conference. They right to those cameras!” were furious, everyone talkThey recited a tale about it ing at once, recounting how being the property of the the Feds dragged out two Federation of Students, and chevrics then had to call the continued to pack up our campus cops to withstand a equipment. determined counter-attack. “That’s right, it is the We were all jammed together property of the students. The outside the <locked front students! Not you! And it’s door, seething with anger for the use of the chevron!” and frustration. Every few “The chevron’s been minutes someone marched closed,” declared the presiover to the Federation of dent. Students office to curse the “ Illegally and unjustly ! cowards inside, daring them Without the students’ knowto come out, and promising ledge or approval! Fascist!” dire consequences if they But no one raised a hand to did. halt their theft. They had “If we have a key, what& prepared conditions for it we waiting here for?” with a barrage of lies in their “The feds are threatening scab newspaper, claiming to prosecute anyone who that the chevron staff was a goes back in,” Brent said. bunch of thugs, thieves and “Trespassing.” vandals. Our hands begged “We didn’t let that stop us to tear away theirs from the when they had the court incameras, but their propjunction!’ ’ aganda had its effect. Should “The back door’s open!” we counter-attack? How? someone announced. While we hesitated, they “Okay, just a couple of us moved. In a minute, our will go. Everyone else stay photo equipment was gone. and take care of the feds if After their successful raid, they come out.” we expected a quick return Two of us strolled onto the engagement. They would office through the back entrcertainly try to grab all our ance, nonchalant as hell, as if essential equipment-anywe didn’t even suspect that thing to strangle the free moments before it had been chevron, which hurt them

more with every .week it was published. We didn’t have long to wait. But this time we were determined to keep our equipment. The president’s scheme was plastered all over his face as he walked into> the office the. next afternoon. From across the room he greeted me in ,a suspiciously-pleasant voice and struck on toward his goal. I marched over to intercept him, and came up behind him just as he approached a typewriter on one of the back desks. “What d’you want?” I challenged. He proceeded to launch into a proclamation about being president and chiefjustice and all, and how in his of%icial capacity he was authorized to take possession of any property owned by,\ the Federation of Students. It was real oratory, and must have rivalled Cortez, Hitler, Kennedy, Krushchev and all their ilk who plundered in the name of God and Pope, King and country, free enterprise and freedom. But simply stated, he planned to take the typewriter. “Forget it! This typewriter stays!” With that, the tight was on, quickly becoming a freewheeling wrestling match over’ the typewriter. The traitor had a good hold on it and to prevent him from seizing it three of us latched on like we were in a tug of war, jockeying for a firm hold. He was raging about like a violent drunk, first lunging at us, ramming us against walls, then jerking back on the typewriter. “Put the damn thing down!” we yelled at him. He didn’t reply, saving his breath to fling himself at us again, trying to batter us against desks and walls. He jammed Dot against a table loaded with dirty dishes, cutlery and old newspapers. The load crashed onto the floor, greeted by a roar from the audience of chevron staffers and federation hacks encircling us. The fight got reduced to three, with Dot and the traitor ‘facing each other across the Underwood and me hanging on from the side. The traitor began kicking and stamping on our toes in an effort to dislodge us. This incensed me. A glorious image’shot through my mind of dropping my hold on the typewriter and letting the traitor have it with both fists. But his gang was all around, snapping photo after photo of the fight. Already I could see the headlines in their scab newspaper. He continued to provoke us with his offensives, despite constant demands to give up the typewriter. Another of his charges and we’d had enough. Again the traitor pushed on the typewriter and hauled back on it, like he was playing a huge marlin on a fishing line. But this time we surprised him. We threw our weight against him just as he jerked back. He lurched against a desk. We pushed again and knocked him off his feet, flat on his back over the desk, with the typewriter clamped to his chest. Our co-. ordination was a delight, just like a perfect double-team football block. But even as 1 pressed my weight down onto the typewriter I could hear the cameras chattering,

promising trouble. That further infuriated me. “Do you want to die?” I spat at him. The temptation was painful to resist. It would have been easy to do. Just swing my full weight onto the typewriter, seize his loathsome neck in both hands and squeeze with a strength reinforced by recollection of every scheme an assault he’d launched agab, st the chevron staff, the free chevron and the students’ democratic rights. Coolly and deliberately he instructed: “Say that again.” Here was a seasoned provocateur! He was begging me to shout my threat so that every hostile ear in the room could hear and take note. One of his lap dogs from the Federation scurried close to photograph him in his “plight”. Seeing the traitor’s real intentions, I got hold of myself, and Dot and I let him up. The fight was still on, but minutes later the campus cops came to the traitor’s rescue. They managed to separate him from the typewriter, then ushered him over to the campus health clinic for medical attention. His “wounds” amounted to a cut on the middle finger which was bound up in yards of bandage to look like a miniature mummy and nursed for two weeks to led credibility to his rumour that the chevron staff had ganged up on him. Two hours after the wrestling match, the traitor returned with his white badge of dishonor and a campus cop in tow. The traitor strutted back into the office and pointed out the assault weapon - the Underwood with a couple of keys bent around a shape approximating his middle finger. The campus cop played it formally and official. “I believe this is the one,” the traitor announced as he examined the Underwood. “This is the one?” “Yes, this is it,” the traitor affirmed. Before the cop could pick it up he was surrounded by chevron staffers, all asking questions. “I’m taking it as evidence,” asserted the cop, trying to sound authoritative. “Evidence for what?” we demanded. II “It’s evidence . I;- I’m taking it,” repeated the cop, drawing himself up to his full height and succeeding only in looking like a giant green bean wearing a peaked cap. ‘ ‘Has there been a charge laid?” we insisted. “No.” “Well, why should you take it? We need that typewriter. This is just harassment!” “Don’t try to stop me,” the cop blustered. “Step outta my way, kids,” he warned. Then he pushed against us, using the typewriter as a battering ram to break out of our circle. The traitor trailed along behind, smirking like a spoiled kid who’d called his father to repossess the neighborhood team’s football. We protested, but by then we’d seen him get the the help of the campus cops and the university administration often enough to know that we couldn’t expect to have our

objections heeded. In tonight’s eviction we saw again the reactionary alliance which we’d faced for five months, since the day the traitor secretly changed the locks on the chevron doors. Whenever he needed help he turned to the campus cops, the administration, the courts, or the commercial press. Whether it was door locks to be changed, cutting off the chevron’s mail and telephone service, or campus cops to his rescue, he had the administration’s co-operation. They weren’t pleased either about having on campus a genuinely democratic student newspaper fighting to defend the basic interests of the majority of students. So there was a natural alliance between them, against us. And when it was an injunction against our occupation of the office, or biased reports on the struggle, the traitor was always able to count on the courts and the commercial press. The gang that replaced this traitor, after he was recalled by a petition of more than 2,200 students, had the same cordial relationships. “Danny, take a look here.” I pointed out another change to the office. “See what they’re afraid of?‘” In their warth they had singled out just one of the many posters on the office walls. It was a poster declaring “Self Defence is the Only Way!“, an East Indian Defence Committee poster against state-organized racist attacks. But its message also held a special importance for the chevron staff. In fighting for the chevron we were putting that rule into practice. Nor had the poster’s significance been lost on the federation gang.



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In their sweep through the office they had ripped the poster to shreds, leaving a bare, artificial gap on the wall where it had been. “We’ll get another one,” promised Danny. Now, at a glance, aside from desks and tables pulled awry during the eviction fight, everything else seemed to be normal. I hurried to the front door, threw it open with a vengeance and shouted “Free the chevron!” “Free the chevron!” replied a chorus of staffers. “Free the chevron!” Pandemonium! Forty students swarmed around the doorway, and into the office to reassure themselves that it was indeed theirs, then back out again, angrily hurling defiance and shouting their triumph at the federation gang caged in their office. “Free the chevron! Free the chevron! Long live the free chevron!” A mournful gloom seeped out from under the federation office door.. The federation gang could not muster a single word in reply. What could they say? For months they had schemed to muzzle a democratic student newspaper and its staff, and by doing so, attack the democratic rights of the students. Every one of their plans had failed -- including this violent eviction. Now they were cooped up inside their own office, territied to even venture out to investigate the commotion. As one, we advanced to their door and thundered, “Long live the free chevron!” just to let them know - them and their cops and their courts and their friends in the right places -that the chevron was free still. 1



(to MLF)

I’ve let your voice make music l in the quiet places df my mind Let your footsteps gently fall to the rhythm of our conversation Until, almost unaware, I’ve found a way through all your threaded arguments, Seen the priceless revelation of an ordinary Thought, articulated in one unpretentious moment. -pe.


iida y, march

70, ?978

The 30ys In Company C, the atest in a current string of movies 9n the Vietnam War is just plain otten. Don’t bother wasting. your lard earned (maybe borrowed) noney at the movie theatre on this ravesty. I guarantee that it will be )n TV within a year, although the lumber of “bleeps” required to :ensor the endless swearing in the novie will make it sound like an :lectronic pong game. The movie traces the experi:nces of a United States Marine “orps company from boot camp stateside to the rice paddies and soccer fields of Vietnam. It does so [hrough lousy acting and character Jevelopment, trite dialogue, and a lodge-podge of scenes that coaguates somewhat into a militaristic nush. As well, we are constantly -eminded that this is a senseless ,var (Oh Yeah?) and presented with 1 steady fixation on the male sexual ends organs. The “production” with a M.A.S.H.-style soccergame >etween Company C and a local earn. If the boys let the locals win hey will be pulled out of combat md go on tour. Some plot! You can’t help but notice that zompany C is not representative of he grunts, the slang. term for the American footsoldiers who fought n Vietnam. For one, they’re all )ort-rayed as average guys who vould never dream ‘of killing a ivilian. I guess the producers of his film never heard of Lt. Galley nd his boys and all the other atocities the Yanks committed in loutheast Asia. A glaring inaccuracy is thai lompany C has only one black in le outfit. Again I guess the proucers forgot something. Namely, lat the black ghetto dwellers were I no position to swing a college eferment, conscientious objector tatus, or a trip to Canada or Sween, or that they saw the military as way to fight their personal hell of eing unemployed. The fact is that le percentage of blacks serving in le American armed forces in Vietam, especially as grunts lugging uns rather than as technicians ifely servicing planes, was far in xcess of the percentage of blacks I America. The only strong point of the film ‘as its depiction of the American ar effort as corrupt, decadent and [competent. Artillery shelled their troops, commanders wn :emed oblivious to field condions in giving their orders, and soliers dealt in narcotics and conaband. The best scene in the lovie, in fact the only good scene, blasts an when “the enemy” merican supply convoy with ompany C riding shotgun on its ay to deliver supposedly vital applies to an Army base. It turns Jt that the “vital supplies” are in ct furniture, booze, cigarettes, esh meat and a mobile home for

the general and his staff. The movie’s worst sin is that it uses the Yank’s screwed-up war ef- . fort to actually discredit the fighting efforts of the Vietnamese people. According to Boys, the Americans and their allies weren’t beaten by a mass liberation struggle. Rather, they-just fumbled their way to defeat! This is like rewriting history to state that the people of the Soviet Union didn’t defeat the Nazi invaders but rather that the invaders lost because they neglected to bring winter mittens and antifreeze. The film perverts the constant guerrilla war of attrition of the National Liberation Front so it.looks like a few cowards hiding in the jungles and peeking out only on very rare occasions to take potshots at the Americans. Also, the liberation fighters seem more interested in racking up a death toll of civilians than American and South Vietnamese government soldiers. To think that these supposedjokers defeated American, South Vietnamese and even South Korean armies with combined strength of over a million men, backed up by the best logistics and artillery and air support in the world! The Vietnamese people fare no better in The Boys In Company C. They are constantly stereotyped as hookers, hawkers and corrupt hucksters. Agreed, decadent American culture did permeate Vietnamese society, but it’s a misrepresentation to key in on the latent examples and avoid the deep national rage to kick the foreign jackasses out and save their’society. The concluding message of the film is that “living is better than winning”, and we should all db likewise. Are you kidding‘? I guess the Soviet people should have said to Hitler: “Listen, we’ll let you win if you let us live. OK?” Thanks for the advice but I prefer to think in terms of reality where the Soviet ,people, and the Vietnamese were prepared to die in order to win, in order to live. Go back home Company C. You’ve been used and maybe you’re slowly coming to realize that, and the motives behind it. It wasn’t the “senseless” war you would have us, believe. There was a lot of sense behind it. It w&s as sensible as a superpower trying to subjugate a nation and that nation fighting to free itself from yet another source of foreign domination. -tom




Applications for positions of Business Manager, Technical Director, Stage Manager and Administration representative are now being accepted. Apply in writing to Mark Winnett, V2, SA 209, 884-5857 or the FASS Office, HH 178D, before March 17.

Liverpool played to a full house last Friday night at the south campus hall pub. That performance, coupled with the performance on Thursday of that week, combined to give the federation a profit of several hundred do//ars. There is no SCH pub this weekend, as the Blue Oyster Cult concert was planned. -photo by john w. bast

Liverpool played to enthusiastic crowds during last week’s twonight stand at the South Campus Hall Pub. Thursday’s crowd was in excess of three hundred, and all 450 tickets for Friday’s pub were sold by friday morning. As the name suggests, Liverpool is a rock group that bases most of their act on Beatles material. Though augmented by Liverpool’s Moog synthesizer, the Beatle sound was quite evident throughout the performances. The elaborate sound system allowed the music to carry with little distortion. Liverpool started both nights with a collection of early Beatles songs, sluch as “She Loves You”. “Help”, and ‘“Hard Day’s Night”. The second sets were the highlight of the shows. During the second set the band members came on stage dressed in Sgt. Pepper uniforms, and played songs from the Pepper album and some of the Beatles’ later works. The concluding set consisted mainly of Liverpool’s original material, and gave them a chance to show their heavy metal style. The Federation paid Liverpool

pranks. Two of his closest friends were the film director, Luis Bunuel and the painter Salvador Dali. With them he shared an interest in mysticism and surrealism in all the arts, and also developed a social conscience. Lorca became embroiled in the Spanish Civil War and was captured and shot by France’s troops. He was 38. The House of Bernarda Alba (1935) shows a household “doomed by a widow to the eight years’ mourning that custom dic-

r -----------'i:

-----p-e B


which -photo

Sl Never have I been in a position to be swayed by underlying themes which appear in most performing art works since most productions usually cry for social recognition to the benefit of all viewers no matter how deep or obscure the message, rather than pointing a finger at any one individual. Clarification of this point merits an explanation which starts chronologically at the end of the evening’s performances but touches quite possibly upon the most entertaining aspect of the show presented by the U of W Repertory Dance Co. I am referring specifically to the “Newspaper Dance”, a free and expressive dance which allows each participant on stage to forget

The Federation was hoping to keep the weekend free for the Blue Oyster Cult concert. Those plans were scuttled when Concert Productions International cancelled the show. The next SCH Pub is Thursday March 16th, when Sweet Blindness performs. Tickets should be on sale soon for that pub. -j j long


Three of the UW Repertory Dance last Thursday and Friday night. 0

a Group to Federico Garcia Lorca is the ost famous Spanish playwright of e twentieth century. His best lown work, The House of Berwda Alba, is being presented by e UW Drama Group as the final -oduction of the 1977-78 season. Lorca was born in 1898, the son ’ a well-to-do landowner. He atnded university first in Granada td then in Madrid where he evenally received a degree in law, alough as a student he seems to Lve been more interested in I.lsic, writing poetry, innumerable scussions and undergraduate

$2750 for the two nights. Board of Entertainment chairperson, Nick Redding, expects that the Federation will make a few qundred dollars profit from ticket sales and bar sales. Redding said that this was a big weekend for Liverpool, as they played in the Breslau Hotel in Kitchener Saturday night. There is no SCH Pub this week.

’ -I


their show

by george



the often finite and “prissy” rules required in most dance routines, leaving simple fun for the benefit of audience and entertainer alike. If the visual attitude taken towards newspapers, or perhaps newspaper reviewers is a sincere one, then I stand humbly satisfied over the performance for fear of bodily harm. To many readers this may seem quite incoherent but the loss is entirely yours for not seeing the show. This point should be well taken by those who feel an evening of entertainment involves a box of beer and All Star Wrestling. Progressive dance and a friend to share it could prove to be a different and rewarding experience. Critically it is difficult to mentiori


tates. Against the black-robed gloom is set the spirit of youth, fain to be free from these restraints. It is a dark tale, but narrated with such skill and so illuminated by the almost symbolic figure of ‘the old grandmother, as to assume the beauty of ebony.”

mitted to destroying Bernarda’s household is played by Debrah‘ Hunsberger, and Adela, Bernarda’s youngest daughter who rebels against her oppressive environment- and causes violence and death, by Diane Stainton.

This production is a graduating exercise for three 4th year Drama students. Grace Newton plays Bernarda, a strong, relentless woman of 60 who ruthlessly dominates her five unmarried daughters. La Poncia, the maid who is corn-

The play is directed by Tom Bentley-Fisher and will be performed at 8: OOpm, March 14- 18 in the Humariities Theatre. ‘Tickets may be bought at the UW Arts Centre Box Office, (Tel: 8854280) and the K-W Symphony Office, KingSt. N., Waterloo.

every dance number simply on the basis of volume, but this-same volume compensates for any discontent that could arise as a result of any one mistake. The entire production was comprised of thirteen distinct dances, all separate and unique in character, utilizing a crosssection of themes and dance modes which provide constant variety for the viewer. The mixture of music and dance was often compelling, as was seen in the opening number called “Bouncing”, as well as the fluid blending of colour and dance created in “Sun Shadows”. Woman, and the image depicted, ranged from the progressive ritual of motherhood shown in “Compressed Rituals”, to a very strong positional image created in “Spiritual”. “Prayer” and “Cameo”, were two solo performances presented by Vicki Galea and Zella Wolofsky respectively, allowing both women complete freedom on stage. One flaw seemed to be unique to both numbers in as much as dance to musical interpretation sometimes was lacking. Other problems in staging prevelant throughout the evening could be alleviated with a little polishing. From what I have seen, dance is a viable resource at the University of Waterloo, and should not be taken for granted by anyone who is seeking a fresh entertainment change. -mark



the chevron


Darkness S . . . . screams, a macabre ritual of devil-worship, a hanging suicide with no apparent cause and the sister, compelled by something more than the murder of her brother; all these events lead to ’ one inescapable conclusion, al-most elementary in nature, but could quite possibly prove to be the most important challenge of England’s most legendary sleuth, none other than Sherlock Holmes. Theatre New Brunswick performed the latest Holmes adventure, The Incredible Murder of Cardinal T~sca, to a full house Sunday evening in the Humanities Theatre. The play contained all of the classical elements necessary for the indomitable Holmes’ intrigue, including a return from the grave by his arch-enemy Professor James Moriarty. The action begins with a seemingly straightforward case of suicide which Holmes scientifically deduces to be murder. The case uncovered, circumstance and a visit by a comic rat-catcher lead Holmes and Watson into the

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0 0 0

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middle of a plot to instigate a world war with Moriarty as its cause. The rat catcher, portrayed finely by Kenneth Weckes, turns out to be the real Cardinal Tosca, a clerical undercover agent for the Pope. The image of cat and Imouse is well carried throughout the play and is highlighted by excellent technical effect. The set change at the end of the prologue drew applause for its speed.and accuracy, plus the lighting, props and music were more than adequate for establishing the appropriate mood. On several occasions realism was lost as a result of Holmes’ Jack Medley’s - overacting and rushing the script. Many lines were thrown away that would not have been by a more cool and calculating Sherlock Holmes. In contrast, Vernon Chapman as Professor Moriarty created the sinister brilliance needed for belief in Moriarty’ s incomparable evil. The opportunity to keep the viewer on the edge of his or her seat could have been monopolized upon more often by the actors, but many times it was replaced by shallow melodrama. This situation occured during the shooting in Holmes’ apartment and also in the death of Colonel Dashwood and Miss Tichborne. Certain circumstances worked well upon the senses as well as the mind, reinforcing the ability Professor Moriarty has to manipulate individuals in his grand scene. The carving of a cross upon a man’s chest, the presentation of a pair of eyes, and a back breaking with a crunch are all examples of this. ~ Suspense and the question of Moriarty’s succeeding is saved for the final unmasking of a Chinese Holmes. Again his understanding of gadgetry saves him and his accomplices from an exploding fate without a second to spare, affording Moriarty an obvious but fitting escape. -mark


Scott Merritt performed at the CCCH last Sunday evening. There was only a moderate was quite successful nonetheless. Merritt was a performer of merit.

Lu Chih-Ming hushed an audience of more than 150 people with a sublime demonstration of traditional Chinese dance at the Great Hall on Wednesday night. In his white satin costume, Jimmy Lu (as he prefers to be called) performed a short excerpt from the Peiping Opera classic, Man Chiang Hong, the story of a patriotic general vanquishing his enemy. He followed that with a brief show of theatrical swordsmanship, twirling a silver sword in the hollow blackness of the hall. Spectacular acrobatics highlighted the demonstration of an art

which combines mime, acting, and gymnastics with poetry and music. Jimmy Lu’s flying swallows, for example, featured chest-high leaps with arms and legs spread-eagled, as his powerful hips propelled his torso around in a circle. Jimmy Lu began his dance career at the age of eight in his native Taiwan where he spent 15 years training and performing. In 1974, he went to New York City to study western dance forms at NYU and graduated last year only to form a dance company of his own. His most



43 * 41 *




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by john w. bast

-43. tomlinssn

43 *


but the coffeehouse




70, 7978

If audience response is a measure of the success of a coffeehouse, then Sunday evening’s performance bq’ Scott Merritt and Doug Reansbury was indeed successful. Merritt accompanied himself with guitar, dulcimer, mandolin, and banjo on tunes penned by popular folk artists Bruce Cockburn and Bob Dylan, as well as on the many finely-crafted compositions of his own. Reansbury, who played a solid guest set, later joined Merritt for his second where they demonstrated their musical versatility and simply shared their joy in each others’ capabilities. The audience so enjoyed Merritt’s talents that they clapped and shouted him into two encores, finally letting him go after a singalong to Dylan’s ‘Mr. Tambourine Man’. See you this Sunday as Susan Cogan performs at the ccch.






a@ * * * * *

mance came in Central Park where dance critics heralded his talent a6 being akin to the ballet star Barishnikov. Jimmy Lu premiered his company at Lincoln Center only last December. After a brief intermission, he performed his own composition entitled Journey, a free-form dance combining Chinese dance with classical ballet. This piece showed. more than anything, Jimmy Lu’~ immaculate sense of rhythm ant keen attention to line and flow ol movement. As is the case with all Peiping Opera dancers, Jimmy Lu wa: groomed to play only one character, the young warrior hero, for 2 variety of centuries-old operas. Hi: last piece for the evening showed Jimmy’s skill with a spear, one ol the warrior’s most eloquenl weapons. Despite the limitations of his stage, a raised platform barely 15’ x 20’, he held the audience ir awe of his superior dance technique and effortless execution. Western dance companies have only begun to tap the inspiration 01 the east, as modern dancers attempt to emulate the Chinese dancers’ sense of “chi”, the mystica quality of life energy which, once directed, gives the dancer abilitie: far exceeding those of his westerr counterpart. Jimmy Lu once explained to m that the “thing” is not as mystic: as the eastern masters would hav us believe. He said it’s a merit; discipline aimed at making th dancer more aware of every twitc of his muscles, every remotely ex pressive gesture. Directing his “thing” upwards Jimmy remarked, will give th dancer a straighter, cleaner take off on a leap. To the audience, th dancer appears to be flying up to point in space. Then directing hi “chi“ downward will give him bet ter control of his landing, thu blinding the audience to th mechanics of his leap and leavin, them aghast with the illusion. Nobody questioned Jimmy Lu’ skill on Wednesday night, and nc body left until he was quit through.



the chevron


the North and South. -photos by richard


70, 7978


ke a

Herschel Hal-din’s “Esker Mike and his wife Agi1u.k”. is a story about the conflict between the True North, and the Sunny South: between the old world, and the new. The play, running from Tuesday to Saturday at 8 pm in the Theatre of Arts, begins with a wedding and ends with a funeral. Esker Mike is a trapper from Saskatoon, who has been living in the Mackenzie River town of Aklavik for most of his life. He is married to an Inuit woman, Agu!ik, and they have eight children. Agiluk decides not to have sex with Esker -Mike, because he is proving unable to support the children. I-Ie decides to marry her, thinking that this will solve the problem. The marriage ceremony, held in the local Anglican church is a polite fraud, which ends abruptly when Agiluk renounces religion, and, maintaining that she will not sleep with Esker Mike, walks out. The ‘mate’, one of Agiluk’s old lovers and Esker Mike’s business partner, visits Agiluk and seduces her. Toomik, an old woman and the local shaman, sees this and tells it to Esker Mike and the others. Infuriated, Esker Mike rushes back to his shack. Agiluk and two of his children have left, however. The police follow a trail of blood to the tun‘ara outside the town, where they find Agiluk on her knees, crooning to the Black Raven, an Inuit god, with two formless lumps concealed beneath furs. When the RCMP sear-gent asks Agiluk what’s beneath the furs, she tells him that she’s killed her son

and her daughter. She explains that she was not prepared to have any more children, and that she killed one child to make up for-the child of the mate, and another to make up for the child Esker Mike will demand in retribution. The play ends with Esker Mike, and William, an Inuit friend, sitting outside the RCMP office, and discussing the possibility that Agiluk will not survive the winter. The play is a political statement about the difference between the North and the South. Representing the North are Agiluk, Toomik, the old town Aklavik, and curiously enough, some of the white men who have made the North their home. Representing the South are Esker Mike, the churchman, and the “new” Northern town: Inuvik. The two are portrayed as totally incompatible. When the Minister of Northern Affairs visits Aklavik. he complains of the 24 hour day m&king it difficult for him to know when to eat lunch. He talks of building, expansion, and plans. When he introduces himself to Agiluk, to in a demagogic gesture, ask her opinion on this, she bites him in the nose. The south men cannot cope with the half-year night, with the desolation of the Arctic. They have no answers for the Inuit because they cannot understand them. They can only come bearing gifts of welfare, liquor. and religion. Ottawa cannot deal with the North - it can only try to remake it in its own image. That is what makes this play so immediate. Not that the south-men





and his Wife Agiluk”,

trying to do this in 1969, when the play was written, but that they are trying now, with the At-tic Gas pipeline project, to impose their life and their laws on the North. were

a play

about conflict


They were succeeding in 1969. As Agiluk says, “I have only myself. And I am nothing. So I have nothing.” Perhaps the ten year moratorium

proposed by the Berger report on Northern development will give the Mackenzie Valley a chance. --&ran


The Facts Say




obsolete equipmen I studen e




Campus Centre Great Hall ’ Invited: Neil Docherty, Chevron Editor John Shortall, OFS Fieldworker Burt Matthews, UW President



by the Metro Coalition To Fight Cutbacks March 16 Queen’s Park Return buses leave from the Campus Centre at 11 a.m, Please register at the Federati lan to attend Federation o




the chevron

or write to Ms. Sally Kemp, Physical Activities Building, University of Waterloo. Instructors are needed for Tennis, Fitness, Squash, Swimming, Paddleball, Weight Training, Golf.

tra-PZa y Re-Play Registration Officially , Closed for the U of W - U of V Jogger’s Challenge But the jogging continues yes, you still have until Sunday, March 19th to complete your 24 miles. The results have been tabulated and this active campus of ours has managed to produce a grand total of 994 participating joggers. The breakdown of participants is as follows:





Faculty: 27 15 7 54 31 138 241 79

Renison Conrad Grebel St. Pauls St. Jeromes Notre Dame Math Engineering Science

The University of Victoria finished with a grand total of 1119, surpassing the University of Waterloo by only a slight margin when considering all factors including weather differences. I feel that our main objective has been met quite successfully when considering that it was simply to turn both university communities on to a healtheir more active lifestyle which ideally would carry on throughout one’s life pursuits. It is felt that this “jogger’s challenge” offered the motivation we all need at times when re-evaluating our daily, weekly and yearly leisure pursuits. I sincerely hope that these feelings and concerns have been entertained by all participants who I’m sure feel the triumph and the rejuvenation



at the


tramural Office feel. Thank you all for particiapting and never forget the saying “You Don’t Have Anything if You Don’t Have Your Health”. It’s true!!


Caption Week

“There is nothing having the runs”! 29



of the




I 146 100 514 6

Village I Village II Off Campus Minota Hagey Studies


57 111 117

Team-European-International Handball Anyone interested in TeamEuropean-International Handball is most welcomed to join a group on Friday, March 10 and 17th between 9:45 -lo:45 p.m. at Seagram Stadium. For more information, please call Ms. Laurent Potier 884-57 16.

Instructors Summer


Required Term



Attention all Intramural competitive teams. The following trophies are being sought: Wally Delahey (Flag Football) Condon Cup (Basketball) Bullbrook Cup (Hockey) Seagram Award (Floor Hockey) Chinese Student Society Award (Table Tennis) . Village II Trophy (Co-ed Slow Pitch) Letterman Award (Broomball) St. Jeromes Invitational (Softball Tournament) If you have these trophies in your possession, please return to the Intramural Office room 2040 PAC by Monday, March 13, 1978.


Volleyball ney


The Intramural Mixed Volleyball Tourney (Persa Award) is coming upon us quickly. Entry deadline is Friday, March 10 at 4:30 p.m. in room 2040 PAC. Draw meeting is Monday, March 13 at 7:00 p.m. in room 1001 PAC with the Tournament Date on Tuesday, March 14 from 5- 11 p.m. in gyms 1 and 2 PAC. All welcomed, simply drop in and chat with us in room 2040 PAC, the Intramural Office.




Instructors are required for teaching in the Intramural Instructional program this summer from May until June. Applicants with certification and/or previous teaching experience are preferred. Ap-

ing night West Alumni edged Wrecking Crew by a score of 2- 1. In the second match, Optometry A

plications are available with the Athletic Office Receptionist (PAC)

skated to a 4-O win over Sunnydale. On Friday afternoon Math A

Position open on the chevron


The hockey playoffs began on Thursday. March 2. On the open-

friday, march 70, 7978 trounced V2 West 5-O while the In November three hearty souls Longshots edged St. Jeromes A 3-2 ventured to Elora Gorge to chalin overtime. lenge its raging waters. The “wild In the A seim-finals this week river” was a little low however and West Alumni meets Optometry A the kayak bottoms met a few rocks. and Math A plays the Longshots. The group worked their way up the As for the finals, they will be played ’ Gorge from the lower bridge in the on Wednesday, March 15 at 11:30 Provincial Park to the “chute” just at McCormick Arena, but anyone below the high bridge. They played of the four remaining teams could around there tempting fate for end up in the finals. about half an hour and then had a The B league has 16 teams enterbouncy paddle back. Unfortuing the playoffs and it’s too early to nately, Cress’s home made paddle predict anything. There are a took quite a beating on a rack. This number of strong teams in the B spring the Kayaking club hopes to league. The Rockers, Co-op and take a few more trips up to the Fernwood all look good and could Gorge and introduce a few more end up in the finals. The B finals “rookies” to the river. will take place at *lo:00 p.m. just In November a group of about 12 before the A finals. people ventured up to Cypress The decision whether to keep B Lake on the Bruce Peninsula for a league non-contact will be made weekend of hiking. We experibefore the end of the term. Anyone enced our first snowfall on the Friwho has any recommendations OI day so it turned into a winter campopinions on the subject should ing trip. The next day we were up write them down and submit them and exploring caves and caverns to the Intramural Office- (PAC) along the coast. That night a huge 2040. Your comments will be appot of chilli wascooked up which preciated. lasted for breakfast the morning after. Outers Club Line The Outer’s Club has quite an The Outer’s Club has been very assortment of equipment. Curactive this year. They have hosted rently, we own approximately 30 numerous hiking trips, an orienpairs of snowshoes, an Optimus teering workshop and of course, a stove, 4 or 5 tents, cook sets, 6 whitewater kayak trip, canoe and three season sleeping bags, 3 sailing trips. H-frame packs, about 20 A-frame In October, seven people were packs, and 15 insulite pads. This out to learn the use of a map and equipment is available for rental by compass. On the following Satura student or faculty member Monday we held a 2.5 kilometer White days from 11: 00- 12:00 noon and on course in the Laurel Creek ConserThursdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in vation area. Everyone completed it PAC 2005 Blue South. with good times and had a positive Updated Fryer Competitive exposure to what the sport is all Points about. As of February 8th, 1978 and One of the first trips was a after five events including Badminweekend sail on Georgain Bay. ton Doubles, Mixed Badminton, Seven people ventured to sail the Mixed Bowling, Ringroad Relay, “Boomerang” out Frid;*y enjoying and Doubles Tennis: terrific weather and scenery. _

Unit St. Jeromes Engineering Math Science Arts

PAPiRBACKS? There’s only specialist.. .





QUEEN ST. S., KITCHENER (next Walper Hotel) 32

Every IIN


Position 1 1 3 4 5


Total Points 81 41 8 24 18 16

Position 1 2 3 1 2 3

N. - 744-3511 is Singles Night

Wednesday THE


Smaller Units St. Jeromes Renison YI East Larger Units Engineering Science Math

lication deadline d election dates are not yet set. the chevron office,

Total Points 62 62 41 40 29







New York, New York Fri & Sat Mar IO-11 8:00 P.M.




l oeoooeeeoeeeeeeeooe


Mr. Smith Goes To Washington 7:00 P.M. New York, New York: 9:30 P.M. Sunday March 12 l eeoeeeoeoooooeoeee@ Mr. Smith Goes To Washington 7:00 P.M. Swept Away: 9:30 P.M. Monday March 13 eoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Swept Away Tues & Wed Mar ‘14-15 8:00 P.M. ee8ee6eeeee6eeeee~~~

Swept Away: 7:00 P.M. Casanova: 9:15 P.M. Thursday March 16



70, 7978


David Rdswie RCA Records The much celebrated emergence of the real David Bowie, which began with LOW and really hit f~111 stride with the blitz of personal interviews granted to promote Heroes, has got to rank as one of the true surpI-ise:, 0 f i977. Not only is Bowie’s clecihion to t;tep out from behind his musical mask:, ~Inexpetted. but the reaction of the traditionally cynical entek-tainment press qualifies as bizarre. Hasn’t even one token critic the perception to at least raise the possibility tlIat this latest incarnation is actually yet another in a long series of clever and high1 y fascinating fagades’? After all. the rising popularity of technologically inspired al-t rock or “new musick,” spearheaded by Eno and Kraftwerk, is particularly in fashion among I-eviewers who have alread) gone through the six month punk infatuation, and represents an ideal tack for increasing critical respectability. Although it is a tempting hypothesis, this kind of cynicism is likely unwarranted. (Even if it is, there is something less odious about seeking artistic rather than blatant commercial acceptance, ) Bowie has forsaken the lucrative disco market for a logical extension into electronic pop music. Heroes refines the stark approach of Low, and is similarly divided into one side of more conventional songs, and another of synthesizer dominated mood pieces. However, gone are the nuclear garbage can drum sound, and the ienerily distorted mix: these elements which formed the focus of much of the last LP, are replaced by Bowie’s borderingon-hysteria vocals, and a consistently romantic vision. (In retrospect, the latter is present throughout all of Bowie’s albums, even Station to Station. J

CkIssie Strawbs Strawbs A&M Records The latest StI-awbs album. “Classic Strawbs”, their ninth, is a (double alb urn) greatest hits affaiI that covers their eight year tenure ’ with A&M Records. The fact that it is a greatest hits package says more than enough about the declining state of Strawbs’ creative powers. David Cousine is the only surviving founder-member of this chameleon-like band which has been through a variety of musical changes, not at all odd since we counted 20 different musicians who are, or have been, associated with Strawbs. If we can shake t,his depressing

The record begins with the new single, “Beauty and the Beast”, an odd rocker which is constantly thI-eatening to run out of control. The disco beat presents a striking contrast to the darklqr intriguing ly I-its: “Nothing will Corrupt us/Nothing will Compete/thank God Heaven left us/standing on our feet . a.** This kind of vague lyricism continue\ in “Joe the Lion”, where Boivie mumbles the Bolanesque line “Tell you who yogi are if you nail me eo my car . . .*’ This stream uf consciousness I-ambling belies the fact that all of the lyrics and formal melodies (with the exception of the title cut) were written on the spot after recording the remarkably lucid firsttake backing tracks. The album’s real centrepiece, and indeed one of the finest songs Bowie has ever performed, is “Heroes“. It is here that his romantic vision is fully realized, as the author unwinds the tale of two lovers meeting day after day under the cannons by the Berlin wall. Never has Bowie sounded so convincing than when he pleads and ultimately persuades LIS that “We can beat them/Just for one day/We can be heroes/Just for one day”. The philosophical flip side to this is “Sons of the Silent Age”, a paean to mass society which is as applicable to the victims of political propagation as it is to the disco lifestyle. The strident criticism contained in the verses is lightened by the refrain which pledges undying devotion, and seems to reveal desperation more than ambivalence. The four instrumentals on side two are largely thought pieces, and rarely make any effort to emerge from the background. “Sense of Doubt” is an effectively sinister number whose ominous atmosphere dissolves into the calming “Moss Garden”. The latter is descriptive of a place which Bowie

visited in Japan, and consists mostly of an improvisation by Eno: apparently Eno began playing, and Bowie arbitrarily decided that the song was long enough and thus complete after four and a half minutec;. Somehow, this coldly de-

and once in awhile - as in “Round and Round” from the “Hero and Heroine” alburn - manages to put the song above the players’ theoretical pretensions and -get, as they say, into it. The result is a rare, sweet, beat-up sort of innocence. That, unfortunately, is the exception: the rule is to overact on the instruments in ways we are all familial- with. Strawbs tends to

overmanage a piece having overwritten it to start with, and the sound all too often has too little contrast. Still, I think it might have been more honest to issue a statement something in the nature of the following: “Folks, we’re ambitious hacks, pure and simple. Please buy our albums.”

tached approach manages to enhance rather than detract from the mechanized nature of the music. Heroes may take some getting used to for anyone who latched onto Bowie in his post “Fame”

stage. However, the music is compelling, the performances convincing, and the lyrics thoLlghtprovoking: and if you really try, you can even dance to it. --john

T-SHIRTS AND SYMPHONY. . it may be a terrible pun, but it sounds like fun when the VW Concert Choir along with the little Symphony Orchestra and the Concert Band and Stage Band present their spring concert on March 15 jn the Theatre of the Arts. The programme will feature joseph Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass with some fine solos and Mozart’s Concerto for Flute, along with some easy listening rmusic by the Stage Band. The audience is invited to join the fun and wear a T-shirt. T-shirts and tickets are available at the UW Arts Centre Box Oiiice, 254 Modern Languages building, UW.

Do you have a brain and an overwhelming desire to impose your warped sense of humour on people less fortunate than you? Then FASS needs your brain at the scriptwriters’ brainstorming meeting Wednesday March 15 at 7 pm in the Faculty Common Room in the


bottom floor of Modern Languages. The FASS general meeting held on March 2 decided that FASS ‘79 would be about a boat trip across the Atlantic. Why’? Because you can spoof the Poseidon Adventure, the Bermuda Triangle, the Titanic, Popeye etc etc. Also, we’ll find in’some way to work in the themes we weren’t going to use: the Crusades, Greek Gods and Alice in Wonderloo. The general meeting also elected the bimbos who will bring you FASS ‘79 (unless someone can stop

them before it’s too late): President - Mike Grey, President in charge of Vice - Wayne Sprung, Secretary - Sondra Vaughan, Producer - Mark Winnett, Assistant Producer - Ron Dragushan, Director Nelson Dyck and Head Scriptwriters - Oscar Nierstrasz, Bernie Roehl and Paul Saunders. If you want to throw in your ideas and help us work out those messy details (like a plot) come to the brainstorming meeting, and don’t forget to bring your brain along.









themselves. Trying to appear deep without actually being deep seems to make strawbs appear silly. And then there are all of these ridiculous tin-foil allegories: the image, say, of pictures and paintings (from “Hanging in the Gallery”) is somehow supposed to enlighten YOLI, but neither the language nor the music comes to grips with what’s so enlightening about it. The band is technically all right,

VANCE is an evolutionary company that has established new standards on the loudspeaker performance vs. cost scale. The extraordinary accuracy of the ~~~~~C~ SPEAKERS WOULD BE WELL RECEIVED IN THE MARKETPLACEATTWlCE ITS PRICE




The songs, as us~~al, depend I-ock mystique and the Musician



You’re the radiant star at your wedding. The music of your heart IS in perfect harmony with your dazzling diamond band. We have a glorious selection . . . in modern and traditionai designs. Let us help you choose the ideal one.. . to enhance the brilliant tone of your wedding.. 0we know the score.


rn nierstrass



the chevron


70, 7978

#-character line, double may be run if w vided with the real name af Letters may be edited to fit quilements. Deadlinet for letters



Stephen W. Coates: Not being particularly conversant with the apparently political situation occurring between J. Klieb and S. Coate/s, I was extremely hesitant to respond to a recent letter regarding Married Student Housing. However, I quite obviously overcame this hesitancy because of the most ill-informed, objectionable and obnoxious thrust of a section of Stephen W. Coates’ letter. J refer specifically to the paragraph speaking about union employees. I can assure S. Coates that we do not receive $lS to $20 per hour, scarcely a third of that. Of course, I can appreciate that with today’s inflation the ten cents necessary to call and confirm his allegations would be crippling to his budget (although I did hear a rumour that oncampus calls are free). A12d then of course there is the workerstudent alliance which doesn’t exist. According to S. Coates this doesn’t exist because non-union residents wouldn’t ‘be hired in place of union employees. Since when does the union set hiring policy and since t&hen is administration’s policy indicative of working class perspective? For the record, the union here at the university has negotiated in the past and will, no doubt, negotiate in the future for student wages - of course this seems to be conveniently forgotten. But then in order to check his facts he would now run into agargantuan phone bill of twenty cents (unless of course, that rumour is true). As a matter of fact, Mr. Coates, the men here in the shops thought of taking up a collection just to keep you in dimes so that the next time you say what you think you can well afford to think through fully what it is you ought to say - unfortunately no one donated. John Kearsley Carpenter Shop Physical Resources Group Membkr C.U.P.E. 793


Last week, a Chevron article on the OFS conference included a paragraph on the Ontario Graduate Association (OGA) conference held at the same time. The wording of the first sentence of that paragraph may have given rise to misunderstanding among graduate students re the eventual fee structure of the OGA. Since a referendum on this matter will take place on this campus in the near future, I would like to clear this matter UP. There has been difficulty in establishing what the OGA fee arrangements should be since some graduate associations are feepaying members of OFS and others (including Waterloo’s) are not. However, whatever the resolution of the problem, members of non-OFS graduate organizations will not pay an OFS fee. Fees will be paid directly to a separate OGA account which will have no connection whatsoever with the accounts of OFS. Thank you for the opportunity to clear up any misunderstanding that may have occurred due to the wording of the Chevron article. &anne Gallivan Former member, OGA executive

I am writing in reply to the letter entitled “Recognize the enemy” by Goz Lyv in the Feb. 24 issue of the chevron. The author of this letter falsely maintains

that Anita Bryant’s interview in the Feb. 8 issue of Today’s Student is a hateful attack against homosexuals. Anita Bryant clearly states that she is not out to discriminate against homosexuals as individuals; she is against the militant movement which, if allowed, would incorporate homosexual role models into elementary school programs and other educational institutions. The author denounces Anita Bryant’s resistance to such promotion of homosexuality as discrimination. By viewing this article as “hate literaconcludes ture’ ’ , the author miraculously that Today’s Student is the propaganda of “the organized right” which will destroy the rights of blacks, women and gays. However, the paper does not appeal to “patriotism, property and prosperity” as the author says it does, nor does it attempt to discriminate Rather, it appeals to against anyone. people’s needs to better themselves socially and morally. It gives real examples of how the Christian gospel has done this for people and shows the relevance of Christian ethics for our society. The paper is well researched and documented and looks at interesting contemporary issues from both scientific and ethical points odr view. ‘I’h.:: author’s accusations regarding fascist control of Todagi’s Student are therefore unfounded and merely illustrate’his one-sided political orientation and his prejudice against the paper. Indeed, the enemy must be recognized - not as some imaginary fascist organization, but as the politicaf fanaticism which seeks to discredit the value of Christian ethics. Peter Hafeman

During the Christian-Marxist dialogue on March 1, I denounced Dr. Frank Epp, president of Conrad Grebel College, for his utter hyprocrisy in advocating “peace” for the oppressed people while lending support to the warmongers in the Liberal Party. However, the chevron report of the meeting emasculated my argument, necessitating , this clarification and elaboration. In the past Dr. Epp had a reputation on campus for being democratic, but I found reason to doubt this when he tried to cancel a room booking at Grebel by the AIA for a meeting on Albania on July 14, 1977. He became alarmed when the posters for the event showed a symbol of the Albanians - a worker’s hand gripping a pick axe and a rifle. To him, this advocated violence, which I assured him was precisely what the Albanians had in store for any invader who violated their sovereignty. He was also concerned that the cross-Canada tour by a delegation to Albania was organized by CPC(M-L) and that the speaker for our meeting was Comrade Hardial Bains, the chairman of CPC(M-L). He called me to an urgent meeting July 5 before the Conrad Grebel faculty council to hear our case. There, he said: “I believe in protecting dissent and freedom of speech, but these ideas go his faculty disbeyond that.. *” Apparently agreed, because the room was not cancelled D Next we see Epp’s minority report on the chevron commission chastizing the chevron staff for “resorting to an unnecessarily high level of confrontation tactics”. in its struggle with the federation, even though these tactics were the reason for the very existence of the commission of which he was a part. So we see that Dr. Epp is a consistent advocate of “peace” for the oppressed people. According to his one-sided philosophy, if the people are attacked violently, they should not respond in kind. But this same Dr. Frank Epp is now running for the Liberal Party nomination in the Waterloo federal riding. In an interview with the chevron (Feb. 3), he expressed support for the role of the Canadian armed forces in so-called “peacekeeping” in foreign countries. And what is the nature of this “peacekeeping” by the Canadian militarists? What sort

of “peace” do they have in mind‘? In essence, these aggressive troops, equipped with modern weapons, tell the people of countries such as the Congo, Cyprus or the Middle East - Either you stop fighting, or we will kill you. This is precisely what the Canadian state has volunteered to do in Zimbabwe if things get out of hand for Ian Smith and his racist regime. This is what I call the utmost hypocrisy on the part of Frank Epp. The Albanians vow to take up arms in self-defence if anyone invades their country, whereas the Canadian state does not defend our country at all from the U.S. imperialists, but instead sends its hired killers to invade countries thousands of miles away in order to protect the interests of the rich capitalists. The leader of the Liberal Party, Trudeau, has told the Canadian workers that they had better submit to wage controls or face “the full force of the law”, and he threatened to use the military against the people sf Quebec if they get out of line. The Trudeau government has defended every criminal act of the RCMP and its own ministers. It is a war government that is stocking up with jets and tanks for use in Europe and armoured cars for use against the people of Canada. In an interview with the chevron (March _3j9Dr. Epp responded to my charge by saying *‘I am against war.” I don’t find this very convincing. Jimmy Carter and Leenid Brezhnev both say they are against war, ,as does Trudeau. However, all of them are arming their states to the teeth, just in case. They are arming with offensive, not defensive weapons; and they are deploying their forces in foreign countries, not just at home. Dr. Epp also denied that the Liberal Party has “the same ideological homogeneity that exists in the Anti-Imperialist Alliance”. This is undoubtedly true, because every one of the members of AIA is against imperialist war without any qualifications whatsoever and is totally opposed to Trudeau and the finance capitalists who rule Canada. The Liberal Party since its inception has advocated a strong police force, and it has sent its killers against the people many times. It is a political party of finance capital that administers the sell-out of Canada to foreign imperialists. Joining this Party with its well-known despicable history and its notorious leader can mean nothing other than tacit approval. Dr. Frank Epp finds it quite within the limits of his principles to sit in the same caucus room and work with a gang of warmongerers, but he is concerned that the Albanians and CPC(M-L) are going beyond his limits of freedom of speech and does not want their views to be heard at his college at all. In h-is letter to me on July 6, 1977, Dr. Epp stated: “Having been a protester and dissenter many times and having been called a Communist many times I am not without empathy for you. I share some of your analyses and ideals. However, I find the tactics and the rhetoric of your movements so unpallatable that I can’t help but sorrow both for you and the ideas you espouse”. On the other hand, Epp finds “the tactics and the rhetoric” of the Trudeau and his like sufficiently pallatable that he offers to represent the Liberal Party in Parliament. Yet he refers to himself as a man of peace. Dr. Epp is not just some random Christian. He is a leading figure in the Mennonite church and the ideological leader of a religious college that claims to be a centre of “peace” studies. The official Christian religion has always played a despicable, counter-revolutionary role in the socialist revolution. The case of Dr. Frank Epp provides a good example of this. Doug Wahlsten

satisfaction that it continues to uphold its time-honored tradition of gutter-journalism and absolute contempt for facts and responsibility to Math students. The March 3 edition contained a frontpage article on the election for chevron editor to be held that day. Although it purported to be factual, the article was a bald-faced attack on chevron editor Neil Docherty and a testimonial for editorial candidate Nick Redding. MathNews said the election was a straight two-man race between ‘Docherty and Redding. wasn’t a Just one problem - Docherty candidate for editor! There were three candidates - Dave Carter, who won the March 3 vote, W. Reid Glenn, and Redcing. Clearly, MathNews just used the election as an excuse to bad-mouth Docherty, and it did so in flagrant violation of fact. Anyone with eyes to read the ads in the chevron and a brain to think knew that abplications for dK=WrOn editor ClOSed at IlQ0I-I b&II-Ch 2. The MathNews deadline is earlier in the week, so obviously it decided to speculate on who 7s+ould be candidates -__ and not even acknowledge that its ti‘report” was specuk;tion. This was galling enough. But the clincher came when I read MathSoc vice-president Geoff Hains’ letter to the March 3 chevron, titled “Msoc vp disgusted”. This loudmouthed ignoramus had the temerity to gripe about the chevron’s reporting of campus news! N Q doubt he would have the chevron following MathNews’ rotten example in campus news reporting! Before Hains directs any more complaints at the chevron he’d better clean up his own filthy house. He should keep his mouth shut unto MathNews begins to serve Math stude&s - by reporting a few facts, at least! Larry Hannant

I want to reply to a comment made by W. Long in the feedback article “Today’s Is Sexist” in the Chevron of Friday, February 17, 1978. Mr. W. Long wrote: “Who is the real enemy in our midst? Homosexuals whs by and large, are ordinary citizens desirous only of living as free human beings without being coerced into set roles and patterns which serve no one except the status quo, or fundamental Christians like Anita Bryant, the members of Renaissance and those who work for the propaganda weekly, today’s student? These people are using the bible as a social weapon to pervert, harm and dehumanize any person who does not conform to their nihilistic ideals.” Firstly, I want to point out that a Christian can not have nihilistic ideals for the following reasons: Nihilism denies the existence of any basis for knowledge or truth, whereas Christianity holds that the truth has been revealed to men by God, first through the prophets of the Old Testament and finally through his only begotten Son, Christ. Nihilism rejects customary beliefs in morality and religion, whereas Christianity rests on the teaching of Christ, who asks men to obey the words of God written in the Bible and to believe in God and him. The Bible, teaches that homosexuality is wrong. This is expressed clearly in the laws of the Old Testament (Leviticus 20: 13) and in the letters of Paul (Roman 1:27 and I Corinthians 6:9). There are, however, ministers in churches who not only condone dliomosexuality, but openly promote it. The words of Christ do not deal with homosexuality directly. He endorses however the law and the prophets when he says: Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy bu’t to fulfill. (Matthew 5:ll)

Christ denounces adulteries, and lusts. His words are:

On Friday, March 3, I picked up a copy of MathNews and noted with a certain grim


For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. (Matthew 15:19)


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the chevron



Address all the editor, the chevron, campus centre. Please type on a M-character line, doubte spaced, A pseudanym may be run if we are provided with the real name of the writer. Letters may be edited to fit space requitements. Deadline for tetters is noon

does, that “anyone was salvageable” under socialism in China is rank liberalism. 2) Shih then says I “sketched a Mao who must occasionally have bloodbaths so as to ideologically cleanse himself”. Now, here you have a real lie. In my letter there was no Christ did not condemn men for their mention of “bloodbaths” or “ideological wrongdoings, but he told men to sin no more. cleansing” of any individual. Instead, I For example, a woman taken in adultery and wrote of the need to overthrow and suppress to be stoned in accordance with the law of capitalist roaders who oppose socialist reMoses was saved by him (John 8: 3- 11). He volution in China. Overthrow and supprestold those who brought the woman: sion means kicking them out of influential He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. positions and taking away their freedom of When the accusers had left one by one, he speech, etc., not “slaughter”. If someone said to the woman: has been slaughtered, there is no longer any Woman, where are those thin accusneed to suppress him. ers? Hath no man condemned thee? 3) Next, Shih claims that I lied again by failing to include a quote where Chairman Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin Mao says “antagonistic class contradiction no more. can, if properly handled, be transformed into So Christ asks men not to sin, but he does a non-antagonistic one and resolved by not condemn sinners. peaceful methods.” I did not cite this pasIt is understandable that homosexuals ask sage for the simple reason that an entire for the same basic rights other people have. “class” is not the same thitig as a single But, if it is wrong to condemn or harm a man “anyone” from that class. Instead, the considered to be immoral, it is also wrong for quote which I chose expressed Mao’s line on this same man to acquire a position which dealing with counter-revolutionary indiconflicts with the right of Christians to raise viduals from the ranks of the people who try their children in accordance with the teachto sabotage socialism. To confirm this point, ing of Christ. One of the main concerns of let me quote the next sentence following the Christian parents of today is to raise their one Shih cited: “However, it will change children in a government-controlled society, into a contradiction between ourselves and which becomes more and more pagan. There the enemy if we do not handle it properly and is concern expressed for example by Anita do not follow the policy of uniting with, Bryant, that children will think homosexualcriticizing and educating the national ity is acceptable, if a declared homosexual is bourgeoisie, or if the national bourgeoisie allowed to teach in school or in church. A does not accept this policy of ours.” (my emsimilar concern expresses itself in a resoluphasis) In other words, “anyone” who tion recently past in Houston by the Pro“anyone” who “does not accept this policy Life, Pro-Family Coatition (PLPFC): of ours” gets suppressed. (quotes all from 1. A human life amendment to protect un-- the essay On the Correct Handling.of Conborn children. , tradictions among the People by Mao 2. Assurance that child development progTsetung). rams be controlled by the private sector. 4) Having accused me of telling lies and 3. Opposition to ratification of the Equal “academic dishonesty”, $hih says my conRights Amendment. tention that capitalist-roaders under 4. Protection of the family by forbidding socialism should be overthrown “is most homosexuality, Lesbianism, or prostitution similar to that used by proven counterto be taught or promoted as alternative liferevolutionaries Wang-Li and Lin Piao during styles in the schools. the 60’s . .” This is a very interesting accusaIt is the essence of Christianity that man tion on the part of Mr. Shih Kang-ti. I would was created with a free will so he can choose like to refresh his memory about the 1960’s to do right or to do wrong. Christ tells men in China. On August 8, 1966, the Central what is right by giving two basic commandCommittee of the Chinese Communist ments: Party, whose chairman was Mao Tse-tung, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all adopted the decision concerning the Great thy heart and with all thy soul and with Proletarian Cultural Revolution. The third all thy mind. paragraph of this document states: “At preThou shalt love thy neighbour as thysent, our objective is to struggle against‘and self. (Matthew 22:37 and 39) overthrow those persons in authority who The first basic commandment means that are taking the capitalist road, to criticize and we keep the word of God in our heart and try repudiate the -reactionary bourgeois to live by it. The second basic commandacademic ‘authorities’ and the ideology of ment Christ explains with these words: the bourgeoisie and all other exploiting clasTherefore all things whatsoever ye ses and to transform education, literature would that men should do onto you, do and art and all other parts of the superstrucye even do to them: for this is the law ture not in correspondence with the socialist and the prophets. (Matthew 7:12). economic base, so as to facilitate the conSo Christ expects that we voluntarily sursolidation and development of the socialist render part of our rights to treat our neighsystem.” (my emphasis) If I am not misbours as we want to be treated. taken, Mao Tsetung, not Lin Piao, was the Dr. J. Schroeder leader of the culturalyevolution. It was at the Professor of Civil Engineering call of the Central Committee that Teng Hsiao-ping was overthrown for the first time. 5) Shih calls me a liar when there was no lie, tells a lie or two himself, distorts Chinese history and gets into a real muddle over dialectics; but he accuses me of trying to “confuse the Canadian Left”. What he reMy previous criticism (chevron, Jan. 20) fers to here is the “Left” is just a cabal of of Mr. Shih Kang-ti appears to have struck a ‘opportunists like himself who need no input nerve or two, judging from his hysterical from me to get hoplessly confused, The left reply in last week’s feedback. I previously accused him of gross distortions of Mao in Canada has a Marxist-Leninist party, CPC(M-L), to provide ideological clarity. Tse-tung’s political philosophy, and everyOur party has not been confused by scum thing which I said at that time still holds. like Teng Hsiao-ping and his theory of However, I now must add several additional which regards fascists like charges to the indictment on the basis o’f “three worlds” the Shah of Iran and Pincohet of Chile as Shih’s flimsy rebuttal. anti-imperialist fighters and part of the “moI ) Shih accuses me of telling a lie by stating tive force of world revolution”. that he said Mao was a liberal when the word 6) Finally, Shih Kang-ti waxed indignant “liberal” never appeared in his original letthrough one accusation after another, but ter. But suppose Shih tells me that someone nary a word did he say about the main point named Bob has stolen some money. I in turn write in the chevron that Shih called Bob a of my original letter - that he supports a led by thief. Then Shih writes angrily that I lied, bunch of counter-revolutionaries Teng Hsiao-ping, who seized control of the that he never called Bob a thief but only accused him of stealing. Such is the nature of Party and state in China through a reactionary coup d’etat in October 1976 and who this “lie”. are scheming to restore capitalism there. I The point still stands -believing, as Shih continued




And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word and it becomes unfruitfull. (Mark 4:19)

Pingist Pmved

had Shih pegged for a Pingist long ago, and his recent writings have confirmed this. Doug Wahslsten

assailed Dear Professor Reinis: I have four things to say in response to your February 17 letter. First, you said “I got your message quite clearly, and I am fully aware that Loebl is not precisely in line with Ricardo, Adam Smith or even Keynes.” Well, it looks to me like you didn’t get my message at all. I speculated that you did not know the difference between Ricardo and Karl Marx, not Loebl, who I never heard of. Recall my sentence “I wanted to find out if Professor Reinis was against Marx specifically or against science in general.” It’s rather exasperating to carry on a discussion with someone who constantly jumps away from the main topic. Which brings me to the second point You still haven’t replied to the original criticism which I raised about your “brain worker” theory on January 13. Since you seem to have calmed down a bit and are struggling to give some logical arguments now, I will repeat that question and give you another chance. “A psychology professor concluded in the December 2nd chevron that ‘The more brain workers the nation has, the richer it is.’ There seems to be a serious shortcoming to this theory. I don’t see how it can account for two well-known phenomena confronting educated Canadians today. First, it has become very difficult for university graduates to find good jobs because the , demand for educated people, which the professor calls “brain workers”, has declined. Second, the government has been cutting back spending on higher education since 1971 and is now taking steps to restrict university enrolment, especially the enrolment in graduate and professional schools. As I understand the above theory, if the “nation” wants fewer “brain workers”, then it follows that this “nation” does not want to become any richer. This is difficult for me to swallow. I invite this professor to show how his theory can account for these two phenomena.” Third, you complain that to poke fun at your reply, “No, David Ricardo, you cannot call it ‘his theory.“’ is “cheap and unproductive”. How so? Given what you have written so far, I can’t see what other conclusion could have been drawn, except that you didn’t know anything about Ricardo. Your mentor Loebl doesn’t seem to understand Ricardo either. Fourth, you accused your opponents of attempting “by sheei- volume of piled arguments to win this discussiqn”. I have been reading the chevron for a long time, and the phrase “sheer volume of piled arguments” fits your own productions better than any others I’ve seen in years. Most of your opponents have written very clear letters refuting one or two of your points, even those letters which you say “contain hatred and nothing else”. Your difficulty is obviously that several people have taken you to task at one time. But what the hell, that’s just one of the risks you take writing to feedback. R.W.

Down with slogans! A response to Dave Carter re Slogans I didn’t find your response to Oscar M. Nierstrasz in the February 17, 1978 issue of the Chevron very convincing. I think that if you were to ask who uses slogans and who benefits from their use you would realize that they have not played an “important role in the history of human struggle” but have been instrumental in furthering the interests of hqstlers and other professional or amateur In the battle of ideologies, manipulators. every politician (and I use the word loosely) utilizes slogans. In most cases, this device

employs only meaningless generalities. For instance, the Chevron’s slogan, “defend the basic interests of the students” may be applied to almost any aspect of student life from beer and ice cream through cut-backs and increased fees, rather than functioning as an integral part of a specific case. I am not suggesting that Chevron staffers are nefarious rogues who seek to lead the students down some proverbial garden path, I am simply saying that there are obvious dangers in sloganeering and one of these is that they are rarely useful except to those who set themselves up as representatives, leaders or teachers. Slogans can be like a two-headed serpent. They give a formal structure to whatever struggle they are supposed to represent or inspire and by so doing they deny the dynamics of the struggle. The original meaning of the words are then lost and what is left is confusion. You, Dave, recognized this in connection with the free Chevron slogan, Reinstate! Investigate! At the Chevron meeting on Friday, March 3, 1978 you said that you had encountered confusion among some students regarding the meaning of the slogan Reinstate! Investigate! and that only after talking with them, not sloganeering, did they understand the Chevron’s campaign against the Federation of Students. Surely, you can understand that slogans capitalize on the political naivety of people and detract from any analysis of the situation. Instead, they are used as emotional rallying points. It is easier to elicit an emotional response from a group of people than to educate them. Yet, this is dishonest and patronizing. Because people have a penchant for bland phrasing or prosaic rhymes is not sufficient justification for their use. Rather, this human predisposition makes it easier to exploit them. Minds enamoured by words can be more easily exploited for once committed to memory they can act as a handle to trigger a desired response. Is it any wonder that the armed forces used slogans so effectively during the war of 1939-45, or that the bourgeoisie used ‘ Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’ to further its revolution? Yes, slogans are useful but who do they serve? Wis Long

Feels sorry for A/A

I have now been labelled “Nazi” by AIA spokesperson Doug Wahlsten because: a) I am critical of the AIA, b) I am critical of Doug Wahlsten, and c) I support the RCMP and the immigration bill ( to be deduced from a) and b) ). I feel sorry for an organization like the AIA that responds to criticism with such immaturity that it borders on paranoia. I feel sorry for them because in the real revolution, it is those movements which are the least self-critical that will be the first to die. Sincerely and again using no pseudonym, Warren Christiani

Redding exposed In what many are now considering is a nervous twitch Fed pres Rick Smit once again put pen to paper last week, this time to tell the campus that: “Redding is not one of my executive hacks, he is his very own.” The purpose of the letter was to give a small uninformed biography of myself and to compare that to the many “attributes” of Smit’s B. of Ent chairperson and roommate Nick Redding, and so to build public opinion for Smit’s candidate for chevron editor. ‘MathNews also had a fit of the jitters and carried several fabrications on the chevron editorial elections and the “moderate” Mr. Redding whom they support. . It is comforting to know that the thought of Neil Docherty running for editor upsets


on page



the chevron



70, 1978

Address all ietters to the editor, the chevron, campus centre..Please type on a W-character line. double spaced. A pseudonym may be run if we are provided with the real name of the <writer. Letters may be edited to fit space requirements. Deadline for ietters is noon Tuesdays.

these reactionaries so, but, 1 wasn’t in thi race. Running for the 1978-79 editor’s spot were W. Reid Glenn, David Carter, and Nick Redding. Subject to full staff ratification Carter was elected. Carter and Glenn are both principled students who have made sound contributions to the paper. What shocked me, however, was how a political chameleon like Redding, who was caught telling barefaced lies in his interview, could receive 13 votes. (A Chameleon is defined as a “small prehensible-tailed longue-tongued lizard with power of changing colour according to its surroundings. . .” (Concise Oxford).) In the short time that I have known Redding he has changed his political stripes with the frequency with which most people change their socks. The first time I heard his name he was working against the free chevron: then he joined us and worked against the feds; then he left in the huff and joined the fed exec and began attacking the chevron: and now - an application for chevron editor. Redding states on his application for editor: 660 . 0 my first serious attempt at journalism came in February 1977 when I joined Ihe free chevron. ” This is not true. Redding wrote for the Federation’s scab publication, The Real Chevron (see Dec. 3, 1976 issue, page 7) Redding left the chevron last December complaining that the paper was not covering enough local news nor recruiting enough staff. In his application he suggests he can do better than the present leadership: 661feel confident that I can relate to the volunteer staff of the chevron and improve the staff recruitment situation.” His practice certainly suggests otherwise. When he left the paper in December, Redding washed some chevron laundry in the Gazette and informed campus of his coniplaint and his solution - to withdraw his services and “. . . deprive the chevron of between 80 and 100 inches of campus coverage per week”, at least until the staff woke UP. Then he took his post on Rick Smit’s executive. By January Redding’s place on the paper had been filled with several new recruits. The January 13 chevron carried two innocuous stories on the federation’s entertainment. Both were written by new staffers and they drew a torrent of abuse from the new BENT chairperson. Of the new staffer’s first contribution to the paper Redding wrote in Feedback: “It is unfortunate that the author thinks he can write stories about the federation without talking to any feds.” He then goes on to make a big deal about whether or not he used to describe the the word “shoestring” meagre amount left in the BENT budget. This is just a ruse since the story was written, like so many of Redding’s, from attending a council meeting, and so there was no need to actually talk with a fed. Also, other witnesses remember him using the term “shoestring”. But even if his criticisms were valid the flaws in the story would hardly warrant it being called “outrageous”. , In the same January 20 Feedback letter Redding unleashed his anger at David ASSman and Clayton Burns for an article on the Campus Centre Coffeehouses which he considered “outrageously slanted”. The very sensitive BENT chairperson was adequately refuted in a lettitor by the auhors. For a seasoned staffer to write vicious letters against the contributions of new staffers is hardly a way of encouraging recruitment. It seems to me that Redding, who had declared that the chevron would miss him, was getting worried by the new recruits who were filling his spot and so decided to try and scare them off. “‘I see the chevron having a duty to act as a watchdog of the student government.. .‘9 says Redding on page 5 of his application. What a charlatan! The last editorial the chevron printed critical of fed pres Rick Smit sent Wedding into hysteria. The editorial (Jan. 13) denounced Smit for his consistent attacks on the chevron and his consistent

negligence on basic issues facing students. The editorial, passed handsomely by a majority of staff, has stood the test of time. It accused Smit of being against the editorial stand of the paper. His gang in the paper, including Redding, claimed it wasn’t the editorial slant but the slant of the news stories that he objected to. Since then, however, Smit has admitted that he is in favour of proficiency exams, has been negligent on cutbacks, and is unsympathetic to the married students’ struggle, i.e. in opposition to the chevron’s editorial stand. But the editorial was too much for Redding to bear. From his new executive perch he lashed out at staff, “It shocks me that the chevron staff. . . have descended to the level of vicious slander,” he wrote in a Jan. 20 feedback letter. Blind with rage he even accused the chevron of censoring letters even though he knew this wasn’t true, and concluded his attack with: “I am finally disgusted with the chevron staff. ’ ’ Redding’s hysteria over the editorial was not only displayed in feedback. No sooner was the draft editorial being shown around staff than a copy of it was delivered to Smit’s desk by Wedding-The-Brave. “What can we do about this, sire?” I can hear him say. In a state of frenzy he phoned me and in the course of his diatribe about how “outrageous” the editorial was, he reminded me of where my “bread and butter” comes from. The draft editorial left in fed hands found its way onto CKMS, courtesy of a-very poor reading by Smit’s vice-president Don Salichuk. After all this, the bold Redding, would have us believe that he favours a watchdog press. Are we to assume that if he were editor, all editorials would have to get the approval of the federation executive? The truth is clear - what Redding and Smit actually want is to turn the chevron into a lapdog press. Another claim in Redding’s application is that he will “Actively serve the interests of students.” In this section he pays lip service to fighting the government’s cutbacks in education spending. In this context the greatest exposure of this chameleon is his feedback letter Feb. 10. In it he criticizes a member of the Married Students Tenants Association for claiming that the chevron was the only student organization to help them in their fight against a huge rent increase. He pointed out that the Grad Club had given the association $500. So here we have a case of students fighting back against the effects of cutbacks and what does Redding do? He attacks the students publicly, instead of taking the friendly course and transmitting his criticism to them privately so that they could rectify the error. But it is clear from the letter that Redding had no interest in helping them, rather his aim was to embarass them and to attack their ally the chevron. This hypocrite who wants to be editor of a paper proud of its investigative articles just mouths off in his letter that the chevron only got onto the story after the Grad Club donated the money to the married students. A lie which was exposed in the Lettitor, and one which could have been avoided had he bothered to look up the past issues of the paper. (The grad club donated the money Nov. 16 by which time the chevron had run two front page stories.) But Redding’s interest isn’t to get at the truth, it is rather to diminish some of the chevron’s best investigation which defended the basic interests of the students. Any doubt on this is destroyed when he describes our campaign against the rent hike as a “... long (and repetitious) series of articles and editorials on the subject.” This can be seen as nothing else than a call for us to lay off this work. (During his interview last Friday Redding reduced himself to the ludicrous level of saying that if he were editor he would not run charts in the paper, such as those run explaining the situation with the Married students’ complex.) And that is what is at the heart of Redding’s attempt to become editor of the

chevrdn. He and his gang want to change the direction of the paper. The federation executive want a lapdog press, and to help them get it they have been organizing a block to vote for this traitor. This block has recruited to its side such scum as John Long, the Methuselah of the fed hacks: arch enemy of the chevron; a reactionary who closed the paper, voted against its reinstatement and who, during the struggle, was prepared to send us to *jail. Others in the block are the fed exec. Smit, Barkman, and even Salichuk’was trying to get on staff for the election: and the prospective fed exec. - Oscar Nierstrasz, Jayne Pollock, and Stephen Coates, all reactionaries who want to kill the fighting free chevron spirit. They want to stop the paper defending the basic interests of the students; for example, to stop it exposing fed hacks, and fraudulent proficiency exams. In recent letters to feedback Barkman has articulated almost all of Shane Roberts’ original charges against the paper; >Nierstrasz was quick to try and defend Smit from the editorial mentioned above and so earned his political stripes (Feedback Jan. 20); Coates has attacked the Married Students for having children at a time when they are fighting an unjust rent hike: and Jayne Pollock has stated that proficiency exams aren’t enough for her, she believes in admissions tests. This is the core of fifth columnists in the paper who want to kill the chevron by changing its program, and Nick Redding, political chameleon, is their puppet-king. chevron

Neil Dscherty editor, 1979-78

There were several letters published in the chevron this term about a “socialist democracy’ ’ . Some of them mentioned my name and thus, it is my duty to comment on them. Not only Mao Tse-Tung, but also Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev, Brezhnev talk about socialist democracy very often. This is a favorite topic of all Party congresses, popular brochures, articles planted into different Western newspapers, and discussions of gullible intellectuals who believe that such thing exists. When any classic of Marxism talks about socialist democracy, it is just window dressing’ without any deeper-importance. Even Marx was against democracy. Here is a quotation from Solzhenitsyn’s “Warning to the West” (1976, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, p.57): “Marxism has always opposed freedom. I will quote just a few words from the founding fathers of Communism, Marx and Engels (I quote from the first Soviet edition of 1929): “Reforms are a sign of weakness” (vol. 23, p. 339); “Democracy is more to be feared than monarchy and aristocracy” (vol. 23, p. 369); “Political liberty is a ‘false liberty worse than the most abject slavery” (vol. 2, p. 394). In their correspondence Marx and Engels frequently stated that terror would be indispensable after achieving power, that “it will be necessary to repeat the year 1793. After achieving power, we’ll be considered monsters, but we couldn’t care less” (vol. 25, p. 187).” What is, therefore, socialist democracy‘? How does it work? In works of Lenin and all others you may find numerous quotations saying that just the Party, the avantgarde of the proletariat, is active in the socialist system. The hegemony of the Communist Party is the basic fact of life of all those countries. The party decides everything. Consequently, there is no space for any democratic process both outside and inside the party. It is useful to know how the Party works. First, one becomes a member of the Party by selection. They see that you have some qualities in your character, like docility, that you work in some organisation of youth, trade union or paramilitary organisation. One day, they tell you: “Comrade, you shall become a member of the Party.” You may refuse once and say that you are not mature enough.

Some people even refuse twice, but not too many refuse three times. Then, you have to demonstrate that you are from a good family - no capitalists, no petty bourgeoisie, nobody with loud mouth who criticises too much. You have to show that you have gotten rid of “religious prejudice” and that you yourself are no troublemaker. Of course. bad characters in the party select WOI-se characters and in this way, Party units arc slowly filled with very‘disagreeable people. Years ago, before 1 left the communist country, I believed that originally, before the power takeovg, the communists were intelligent, progressive people with leadership qualities. N QW, in Canada, 1 see that it is not SO. The parties are formed from frustrated guys with inferiority complexes, power and publicity - hungry. There is something Freudian in them, maybe hatred to their middle-class fathers, or the fact that they were beaten by their classmates in the elementary school, or too high ambitions with no other way to fulfil1 them. There is no possible discussion with thern because the main motivation of their actions is beyond the reach of reasonable arguments. Due to this motivation, they try to find a loophole in the democratic process and may cause immeasurable harm. This happens when the democratic institutions are too tolerant c when people do not care or are confused about their real intentions. Such a Party, in “ socialist democracy’ ’ -) selects the candidates for the elections. There is just one uncontested candidate in each ward. Under the eye of the electioxl committee, you take your ballot and put it into the ballot box. You may cross out YOUI only candidate if you wish. The election committee will remember you. Usually, the candidate gets 99.9% votes. The activity of the city councils, regional councils and parliament are directed by the Party. Everything has to be approved by the Party first. You may discuss, but not against the party line. The decision of the Party is final. Inside the Party, the Party “democracy” is similar. You cannot discuss and vote against the decision of higher Party committees. No wonder that the wishes of the people cannot be expressed in such system. The Gang of Four in China was not liquidated by a democratic process, nor was Khruschev or Podgorny. The only way to change the government is through intrigue and surprise. All this is “socialist democracy”. It is, as the classics of Marxism say, not democracy for everybody, not even for the proletarians as a ruling class, not even for the Party members. I am convinced that all who discussed the problems of “socialist democracy” in the chevron know all that better than the others suspect. There are more than enough sources available, books, newspapers and testimonies of the witnesses. Who is interested, may learn easily about violations 0-I human rights and misery of the people in the communist state. Probably the most important example today is Cambodia. Here are few excerpts from the book by John Barron and Anthony Paul “Murder of a gentle land” (Reader’s Digest Press 1977, p. 82): “On April 27 at Mongkol Borei Angka Laeu further “purified” the population. A communist commander named Prom or. dered a squad of fifteen young soldiers tc punish some former government official: “because they worked for Lon Nol. ” Led b! an officer called Taan, who was in his earl! thirties, the soldiers rounded up ten civi servants together with their wives and chil. dren, about sixty people in all. They bounc the hands of each behind the back, forcec them aboard the truck and at about 5 p.m drove them some 3 kilometers out of town tc a banana plantation adjoining Banteal Neang village. Weeping, sobbing, begging for their lives, the prisoners were pushec into a clearing among banana trees, ther formed into a ragged line, the terrifies, mothers and children clustering around eact head ofthe family. With military orderliness the communists thrust each official forwarc one at a time and forced him to kneel bet ween two soldiers armed with bayonet tipped AK-47 rifles. The soldiers then stab



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the chevron

bed the victim simultaneously, on’e through the chest and the other through the back. Family by family, the communists pressed the slaughter, moving methodically down the line. As each man lay dying, his anguished, horror-struck wife and children were dragged up to his body. The women, forced to kneel, also received the simultaneous bayonet thrusts. The ,children and babies, last to die, were stabbed where they stood.” Angka Loeu is the name used for the communist state organisation in Cambodia. And one more quotation.: “Two boys, one about ten, the other about five years old, ran hysterically in a circle around their father, who was being bayoneted to death. Penh remembers the Rouge soldiers chased them scene. “Khmer as if they were chasing ducks or chickens. They were laughing at them. And the soldiers around laughed too. They caught the boysand beat them to death.” * This is socialist democracy. As Marx used to say: “We’ll be considered monsters, but we couldn’t care less.” What happened to Cambodia, may happen to any nation. S. Reinis Psychology

Dog speaks Last week’s chevron shows that the paper has truly gone to the dogs. It’s about time, too. As a minority group on campus, dogs have up until now had little exposure in the chevron. In fact, the last time I remember the chevron had any relevance to my life was back in my puppy days. . . . So I’m pleased to see the chevron is trying to lend greater variety to its campus news coverage. Some of my fellow dogs feel the paper tould take on a more active role of “defending the basic interests of canine students”. They feel we should bet fighting the foreign dog’s outrageous tuition fee hikes. Perhaps you could assign one of your cub reporters to report on the next rally when they will be hounding the Ontario government about the cutbacks. Lassie BSc., Waterloo (Quebec) 1978.

J. J. Long3 history For the past 18 months J.J. Long has been continuously attacking the chevron. ’ ‘When the chevron was closed down by Shane Roberts and his executive, when students were building a fighting democratic press, at every point in. the struggle, the chevron staff and their supporters were attacked by the likes of J.J. Lonp. Every week MATHnews came out with some sort of an attack on the chevron or a slander on a staff member, modt of which were written by Long. MATHnews - Vol. 14 No. 1 - finds Long complaining that the courts are taking too long in evicting the chevron staff, and if the courts can’t do it, we must use force, argued Long. In the January 4th 1977, MATHnews, Long supports fellow Nazi Doug Thompson in the presidential elections and attacks former boss Shane Roberts. On his attack on Roberts Long stated: “After taking strong actions against the chevron by closing it, he failed to back up his words by his actions, and he.let people occupy that office.” Later Long, Thompson and a gang of 10 other thugs dragged two staffers out of the office and attempted to lock the office. Last year, we took the chevron door to door, talked to classes, went around collecting signatures to recall Roberts and some councillors. We spoke to people endlessly to correct the confusion spread by dogs like Long. We mobilized a majority of students for general meetings, such as the October 29 one, getting over 400 supporters only to have the chair cancel the meeting.


Address all ktters ta the editor, the chev.ran, campus centre. Please type on a 64.character ‘line, doubk spaced. A pseudonym may be run if we are prsvided with the real name o,f the writer* ay be edited to fit space res. Deadline for letters is n55n

Staff occupied the office 24 hours a day. Most of staff were ready to go to jail when the Feds threatened the staff with eviction by police. Most of our time was devoted to the fight for due process, that is a trial before a verdict. But we fought for much more than that - we fought for a newspaper that defends the basic interests of the students, for a paper that fights the likes of Roberts\; Matthews, Davis and Trudeau. We the undersigned gave up our school years, some of us gave up their career plans for this fight, some of us flunked out; some of us dropped out and some are still making up incompletes. Now the likes of J. J. Long are on the chevron staff, part of a reactionary clique, a group that supports the racist immigration bill, the RCMP, cutbacks, the English Language Proficiency Exam etc.; a group that is trying tc) carry on the work of Shane Roberts from inside. This clique wants to have a paper that supports the administration and attacks students the way that Long has attacked the Married Students’ struggle. Long has admitted in MATHnews that he got on staff, just to support Redding as editor, and has recruited MATHnews also to back Rick Smit’s bootlicker. Long has a long history of anti-student activities. We call on the chevron staff to throw this Nazi out of their ranks. During the Free Chevron, staff fought so that there can be full discussion on every issue, so that every idea is discussed openly and vigorously. It is therefore with the upmost disgust that we view the motion presented to last Friday’s staff meeting by Jayne Pollock. Pollock, who deserted the free chevron last year to cuddle up to the federation executive, put forward a motion that would subvert staff meetings and vigorous discussion, and that would leave decisions and discussions to small cliquish groups. The attempts by both Long and Pollock have the same intent, that is to subvert a fighting, democratic press and to suppress the fighting spirit that the chevron has established and instead make it capitulate to rent increases, tuition fee hikes etc. Salah Bachir and a few others who flunked out fighting for the free chevron

Cutbacks demo ‘iLj I am writing this letter to urge students to demonstrate against cutbacks, on Thursday, March 16 at Queen’s Park. It is crucial that students come out and make our voice heard. We can no longer afford to sit quietly in our classrooms while an arrogant Bill Davis tells us “there are no cutbacks!” We know, from personal experience, there are. We have seen hiring freezes, budget cuts, and tuition increases. We have -also suffered from increased costs in food, transit, and rent; along with reduced possibilities for employment. It seems the Davis government’s policy is to make those who can least afford to, pay for a recessive economy. Students are not alone in their struggle against the Davis government. Senior citizens, persons needing medical care, and lower income groups (eg. women) are some others Davis has singled out for such disgraceful treatment. As students we cannot sit idly by while these attacks are carried out by a government which has no interest in this province but maintaining high profits for U.S. corporations! We must support out fellow students of the “Metro Coalition” in demanding an end to cutbacks in educational services. We must go to Toronto, Thurs. March 16, and make sure that Davis hears the angry voice of the people ! George Free %I tudent

A mass demonstration of Ontario university students, staff and faculty against provincial government cutbacks in education spending has been called for March 16. It is being organized by the Metro coalition of students, staff and faculty at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, York Ur;riversity and the University of Toronto, and has been endorsed by the Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) and the UW Federation of Students. This is the first such mass action in two years, and indicates the rising anger against the unrelenting assault of the Ontario government on the provincial education system. It has been a long two years -years characterized by stagnation in university funding following the rapid decline from 1971-72, sharp hikes in tuition fees for all students, especially visa students, enforced freezes on hiring of staff and faculty like the one introduced last year at UW; the announcement of a vastly-worsened student assistance program. The list goes on and on. A mass demonstration is a welcome break from the impotent gestures of student leaders over the past years. Every other method has been tried, culminating in the February 9 meeting between the Ontario cabinet and OFS. In it, Premier Davis, Minister of Colleges and Universities Harry Parrott and other ministers obstinantly insisted that cutbacks do not exist. That’s a common story. A November 10 “mass lobby” of Ontario student leaders atQueen’s Park ran into the same stone wall. The arrogant rejection of OFS appeals should lay to rest .the fruitless paper-shuffling negotiations and cap-in-hand begging. The day has come for mass action. We students of Ontario must rely on our own strength, the hundreds of thousands of students whose education and employment future is being threatened by the drastic cutbacks in education spending. The time is also ripe to unite with staff and faculty whose very livelihood is in jeopardy because of the cutbacks. Indeed, such unity against our main opponent is essential. And we should not be’confused about the main issue. One student at the OFS meeting which endorsed the March 16 demonstration raised the discredited claim that “fat cat, tenured professors” are the cause of the problem. This is a false issue which can only divide those who are hit by the cutbacks. Our tactics must be to deal with the main enemy, the Ontario government, which controls and allocates the money. That government is cutting back on education spending and forcing a heavier burden onto the majority of students, staff and faculty. Financially and academically, it gets tougher each year for students to enter and stay in university, and there is a constant decline in the quality of education they receive while they’re here. Professors have a heavier work load as the student-teacher ratio climbs, and support staff also do more work as hiring freezes take their toll. These and other problems will become even more severe as government funding for education continues its decline. Last month’s announced university funding for the ‘78-79 year chops the real value of the Basic Income Unit (BIU) to a level roughly equal to the BIU in 1967-68, and puts it IowerIhan every year since, except for 1975-76. The provincial government isalso scheming to pit the people against one another. Davis warned OFS February 9 that if university funding rises, health care for the people of Ontario will have to suffer. What a fraud! The fact is that the government is chiselling away at both the education and the health care of the people of Ontario. The ‘78-79 provincial budget introduced this week raises OHIP premiums by 37%, calls for deterent fees for hospital visits and a $200,000 campaign to warn the people of the dire consequences of using health facilities. The Davis government’s war against social welfare spending in all sectors is only too clear. But the government is showing no such enthusiasm to cut back its committments elsewhere. The November 27,1977, chevron noted that since 1970 the proportion of the Ontario budget spent on education has declined by about 15 percent while the proportion spent on servicing the government debt has increased from about 36 percent to 60 percent of the government’s revenue. On March 3, the chevron elaborated on the question of who is hit by the cutbacks and who is not suffering at all in this period of “belt-tightening”. “ The provincial government divides its spending between that which is ‘committed’ and that which is ‘restrained’. The chief ‘committed expenditures’ were mainly the interest on the public debt. In 1972-73 this payment amounted to $480 million, but in the current fiscal year (77-78) it will be $1.042 billion, and by 1980-81 it will be $1.48 billion.” Other figures published by the chevron show that the profits are up substantially for those Canadian finance corporations which benefit most from these massive interest costs. This does not even account for the huge profits made by U.S. corporations. The profits of five top Canadian banks for the first nine months of 1977 rose by 11.7 percent over the same period of 1976. Profits for trust and loan companies rose by an average of 36 percent in 1977 over 1976. Profits in 1977 were up by 11 percent for Cadillac Fairview, the company responsible for the construction of the Married Students’ Apartments, where maintenance and repair will this year cost the students $261,000. (chevron Feb. 17) But this week’s Ontario budget proposed further tax cuts for corporations at the same time as it loads heavier burdens on the people. * Seeing the effects of the cutbacks and recognizing that it is the Ontario government which imposes them on the majority of the people, but spares others, we should still be under no illusion that the UW administration is an ally in our fight. Many chevron articles, especially the article “Matthews -High Priest of Cutbacks” (chevron, February 17) have proven beyond doubt that the UW administration is only too willing to accomodate to and apologize for the cutbacks. And in the “accomodation”, it is students, staff and faculty who get the short end of the stick. On March 16 we have an opportunity to demonstrate against the Ontario government’s attack on the students, staff and faculty in Ontario universities. The chevron staff firmly supports this demonstration and the March 15 rally at UW ggainst the cutbacks. We call on UW students, staff / and faculty to vigorously carry the fight to Queen’s Park. -the chevron staff

Member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers’ union of dumont press graphix and published by the federation of students incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 8854660, or university local 2331. . . .o.k. . . .i’ve admitted that this is a crazy world, but why does it have to 90 on proving it? the oddest and most worrisome things keep happening . . .two hours ago the staff meeting was overturned in ratification of david carter, editor-elect: 26 “ayes”, 26 “nays’‘-a tie-and i’m not if my stomach weren’t upset already. but sure i voted right . . .and friday they vote on ME-as this issue is out anyway, and it’s loaded with fine work by peter smith, john sakamoto, Oscar nierstrasz, scott barron, peter blunden, ruth harris of distribution fame, michael Webster, mary campbell, sue vogt, don martin, jacob arsenault, case van maanen, myles kesten, Sheila stocking-moving towards being a fine darkroom technician-barbara rowe, james kang, johnson cheung, maria catalfo and her dog duff, jon shaw, salah bachir, kae elgie, ciaran o’donnell, Phyllis choi, jayne pollock, peter hoy, randy barkman, Chris bawman, larry hannant, tony pan--enterprising photographer-and richard devitt. i feel awful . . Ahe carter case? my election? the flu? . . .but anyway, the paper must go on . . .and doing so as always (and not to forget dumontians who are taking a lively interest in elections) there is Sylvia hannigan, laurie (who wants to sell her van, prick about $1300, a good van but it rides like a W-2 in a meteor shower) lawson, jonathan coles, neil docherty who will triumph or go down fighting, and a certain very insecure (nominations close noon tomorrow and you can bet i’lll be on the phone to


the chevron.


rriors I The UW Warriors had their four-year reign as OAUU champs snapped last Friday night by the Wiu Golden Hawks in a thrilling 62-59 Western championship final. This loss, before 3400 screaming fans, ended their season and hopes

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of retiining the national championshipthey won back in the 1973-1974 season. The game was marred by numerous turnovers and a sizable free throw advantage for the Hawks, who were IS-for-25 from the line as

compared to only 3-for- 11 for the Warriors. Still, the Warriors hung close the entire game and ended another fine season with a 9-3 record. The Hawks will go on to compete in the Canadian -Champipnsh’ips in Halifax, March 9- I 1.

The name of the game was defence. The Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks and the Waterloo Warriors played 40 minutes of thrilling defensive basketball and the Hawks, by virtue of their superior play in the backcourt, won 62-59. lorne Killion f22), although seldom without a party of followers, proved too mobile ultimately and accounted for 2 1 points dnd a rash of Warrior fouls. Nevertheless, it was Don Whaley who was the Hawk leader.

What Women’s Here is a brief summary of LYhat the Women’s Varsity Athletes accomplished this season. Athena Ski Team placed FIRST in Ontario. They had a very strong team. and are looking forward to another successful season next year, as only one member is graduating. Athena Volleyball - placed SECOND to Western ‘again’. Next year looks to be promising as only one member is graduating. Athena Tennis - placed FIFTH in Ontario. Most of the players have played for two seasons now so next year looks strong. Athena Basketball placed FIFTH in Ontario. The basketball team played in the quarter finals and lost to Ottawa. Athena Badminton - placed FOURTH in the Ontario finals. They were only two points behind Rrock. Half of the team is graduating so next year looks to be a building year. . Athena Cross Country. - this was the first year that they competed, but they did not compete as a team. With the experience they gained next season looks better. ’ Athena Curling -- placed SECOND to Guelph. The curling team is one of the strongest University of Waterloo women’s teams because of their consistency over the past few years: they have placed 1st 2nd - 3rd for the last five years. Athena Field Hockey - placed FIFTH in Ontario. They were a young team and played well as a unit. The team is losing 5-6 players through graduation. Next year should prove to be more successful with a nucleus of players returning. Athena Swimming - placed THIRD in Ontario and FOURTH in the Nationals. Next year they plan to catch Toronto! Athena Gymnastics - senior division team placed FIRST in Ontario and THIRD overall in the Nationals. This was the first year U of W had a team and they did extremely well. All the girls are first year students so next year looks very promising. They finished FOURTH, as a Team, in Ontario.


Athena Track & Field - placed FOURTH in the Ontario outdoor meet and SIXTH in the indoor meet. Waterloo broke the javelin record this year. Athena Squash placed FOURTH in Ontario finals. The squash team was only one match out of second place and gave the top team its strongest matches. Half of the team is graduating so next year looks to be a building year. Athena Synchronized Swimming -this year’s team did not have any

He led the way in scoring, in steals and in assjsts. Seen here (no. 3) leaving Leon Passmore hoping for a collision, he was rarely challenged and, for the most part, dominated the court. The Hawks opened play in Halifax against U. Vic. yesterday.


rsity outstanding swimmers but rather a number of novice and intermediate girls. They did not finish high in the placing as they did not compete in team routines. Overall the Athenas have done very well this season - Congratulations. Out of 16 competeing University teams, the Athenas have usually placed in the top five, and are recognized as a very competjtive group. It was a good year for the U of W Women Athletes and next year looks even better!! -sue

and sport

The Warrior swim team became the first Waterloo varsity squad to win consecutive national championships second

as they easily place University

outscored of To-

ronto 335286. The star of the meet for Waterloo was Dave Heinbuch, winner of five medals; one of them a gold. A complete rundown of last weekend’s results will appear in the next chevron.

Hockey,: Last Friday night, the Waterloo Wanderers started their semi-final play-off series against Plattsville. The final score was 2-2. The tie

remains as it stands because there is no overtime hockey in this series. Therefore, it is now the first team to get six points that wins the ticket to the finals. Plattsville opened the scoring in the first period on a shot that hit the goal post and went in. Waterloo tied it up on a not-so-blistering shot by MO Jo Long, assisted by Mary Campbell. MO Jo scored again to give Waterloo the lead on a breakaway in the first period, on a pass from Helen Mackey. Plattsville tied up the game in the second period on a goal that resulted from a man alone in the slot. There was no scoring in the final period. The Wanderers played their second game of the series on Tuesday night in Plattsville. These results will be reported next week. (only if they are good). Waterloo*s next games are tonight, Friday March 10 in Wellesley at 7:00 p.m., and Tuesday March 13, in Plattsville at 7:00 p.m. Fans are still welcome to come and cheer. -sport

Our Warrior’s Band - the Prince of the PAC - poses for a group shot at the end of a long heason. The Basketball Warrior’s didn’t make the Halifax game, but they did very we//, nonetheless. Undoubtedly the hand’5 raz-ma-taz music had much to do with this.


by john

w. bast

e chevron needs sportswrite elp make it a better paper.

e erratum I must apoiogize for last week’s I headline in the sports section which erroneously named the Hawks, “Falcons”.-That was an error. I try to avoid these.


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