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may cause:

Tt4iA’s denied, to qiisastudents l

Visa students may be denied UW Graduate Dean Lyn Watt . impossible, I think, or -extremely Teaching .Assistantships under explained that in order to hire a difficult to comply with the regularegulations being developed for the foreign academic the university tions,” he said. new Immigration Act, Bill C-24. must satisfy the Immigration deCurrently visa students - are reThis was revealed in a report from partment that the position was well quired to obtain a work permit, but the Council of Ontario Universities advertised and there was adequate for a teaching assistantship in their to the UW Senate Monday. opportunity for’ a qualified Cana- own field of study Immimion deStephen Goban of the Associadian to apply and be considered. partment approval, according to Watt, is “almost automatic”. tion of Universities and Colleges of He said he considered the regulaCanada (AUCC) told the chevron tions “reasonable” for hiring faGovemment’sources were tightculty as the university’s needs are l.ipped, saying they could not disthat regulations are being considered by the Employment and Im- s known well in advance. For teachcuss the regulations until-they were migration Commission ‘to require ing assistants, however, hesaid the finalised. foreign grad students to be em- need often isn’t known until shortly UW Senate passed a motion ployed under the same regulations before the term begins. Monday giving its “fullest support “That would make it virtually as foreign academics. for AUCC in its case against any amendment of the Immigration Act -regulations which would make it difficult for visa students to be hired as teaching assistants.” It also approved a motion by student senator Mike Levy that “the senate will continue to support the employment of foreign students as Presidents of post-secondary’ . Traditionally, the total- grant TA’s”. education institutions in Ontario payable to each universitycalBoth motions expressed the senthenumber predicted reduced teaching staffs ’ ‘culated by multiplying timent that-foreign students enrich and larger classes for students fol- of Basic Income Units at each unieducation for Canadians. lowing the Ontario government’s versity times the value of the BIU. -jonathan coles announcement this week that But last spring the Ontario govgrants to universities will rise by ernment introduced a new formula only 5.8% in the 78-79 school year. which sets a base for enrollment at’ The presidents of Ryerson the average enrollment for the Polytechnical Institute‘ and the years .1974 to 1977. For UW that _ University of Toronto, as well as figure is 14,600. the chairman of the Ontario FederFor each student registered ‘his past week was “reading week” for arts and ES students, spent b, ation of Students, predicted that above that base figure the univerome studying, some writing essays, and a/most all dreaming of Florida ‘the quality of education will decline sity receives only half the normal -/ere we have a fellow earnestly studying the chevron in the deserted&t! because provincial government BIU amount, effectively penalizing .ecture building. (Not a bad attitude, really . . .) Last week the chevron reported _funding does not even match the growth. . -photo by george sotirof that although there would be no ’ rate of inflation. In addition, the university earns student council elections this year, The increase- for UW will be half a BIU for each reduction in there might still be by-elections. 5.8%, close to what was expected, enrollment below the base year figThat ho.pe was dashed this week UW president Burt Matthews told ure, effectively encouraging re- when Ernest Cormies, a candidate a senate meeting Monday. Matthduced enrollments.-For example, if in the only contested constituency, ews did not say whether cutbacks UW cuts its enrollment to 13,600, it Engineering, dropped out and the in staff would result from the real will receive funding for 14,100 sturemaining three candidates were 1 decline / dents. _ , acclaimed. ^ -. in provincial *government . funding. 8 Ontario Council on UniverFive council seats still remain A total -of $745 million will be sityTheAffairs, an advisory body to vacant. Nominations for these granted to all Ontario universities the provincial government, has re- seats came up for grabs for the third (including “near-universities” commended that this “50% distime Monday, and will close such as Ryerson, the Ontario Colcount” policy be carried on for the Thursday March 2nd. If any of lege of Art, the Ontario Institute for 197980 year. these seats are contested, elections Studies in Education, etc.). The will be held on March 9th -. a The Ontario Federation of StuUW portion of this sum will be month late. $56,323,000, supplemented by dents plans to hold a demonstration March 16 in Toronto to protest the Still open are the St. Jeromes, $10563,000 collected in fees from cutbacks in post-secondary educatwo science, and’two HKLS seats, students. by the provincial co-op and regular. In a statement to The provincial government has tion spending the chevron this week, former set a new figure for the Basic In- government* HKLS rep Herb Malcolmson said The demonstration was planned come Unit, which isthe value used he withdrew his nomination beeven before the latest announceJ in calculating income per student. 1 cause of widespread apathy and spending for The BIU for undergraduate stu- ment -of restrained contempt for student’s council Earlier, York’ Univerdents next year will be “not less universities. sity officials had predicted that as among the student body at large. then $2647”, a 4.8% increase over Even as this year’s council at1977-78. The Graduate Funding many as 300- of 400 part-time inContinuing their fight against a - The tenants were originally to Unit val e will be “‘not less than structors in the Arts Faculty may ’ tempts to fill the quota of councilrep- talk with Minister’of have to be laid off due to yending lors for next year, it is failing to 13.2 per cent rent increase, Colleges and $2580”, Ya so a 4.8% increase over cutbacks originating with the pro- meet quorum itself. At the last resentatives of the Married StuUniversities Harry Parrott, but he this year. vincial government. dents Tenants Association went to was unable to meet with them and council meeting, only eight councilThe total grant increase is larger last week, and left they were channelled to Assistant lors plus the president showed up, the government than the nominal BIU figure beUW Students Federation Presivery dissatisfied and dent Rick Smit has endorsed the falling four short of the quorum of “feeling Deputy Minister for University Af- . cause certain types of students angry, ’ ’ spokesperson Linda Ross thirteen. . fairs Ben Wilson. * have ‘a value to their university of March 16 demonstration. told the chevron. -ciaran o’donnell more than one BIU. 4arry hannant . , h / Ross described the visit as a waste of five hours - two hours to get there, two to get back, and a one hour visit terminated by Wilson for . a luncheon engagement. matter”, .the statement - “If our priorities are between The ten cent increase in bus fare made for a member of the public to priority Wilsori told Ross, Neil Jensen, reads. transportation and the Convention participate in a meeting. and Abdul-Fatah Asfour that at a is now official. Last Monday Asked if he still thought transArts Centre, ,I’11 vote 100 per cent Kitchener city council approved time of .diminishing resources we To be a delegation, you must tell he said. must all reduce our expectations. the hike without even having to the council page prior to the start of portation was a major priority, he for transportation”‘, said: “We’ve been transporting Rosenberg was absent this year, raise the-subject. The new rates go the meeting your name, whom you Ross said his attitude was that he people:” (referring to the Sunwhen council committee accepted into effect March 1. -. had talked with UW president Burt represent, and what subject you . d nydale bus route) the ‘increased fare, and, although The increase was contained in wish to address. Matthews and now he was “going The last increase in fares (from the mayor has no vote, he raised no to straighten us out”. the item on the agenda: “Adoption Federation president Rick Smit, 25 cents to 35 cents) was imobjection to the move at last of the proceedings of Council The tenants association, howasked if he would be attending last plemented March 1, 1976. The hike Monday’s council meeting. Committee (February 13, 1978)“. ever, has not stopped it,s fight. Monday’s city council meeting, was coupled with service cutbacks, Council Monday also gave the go The motion was moved, seconded, They. are now conducting a survey said that, although’he realized that. which, among other things, halved ahead to start the working drawings and voted upon in the space of 30 he should be there, a Senate meetof the apartments to get informathe frequay of the main line bus of the Arts Centre. . seconds. The vote was unanimous, tion for future battles. ing. had been scheduled for that route. The increased fare will provide‘ and the councillors then went on to same evening. Asked if he had any ‘Areas being looked into are the At that time city hall received an additional $SaO,OOO revenue, acother business. ’ ‘action planned on the transit fare thousands of objections by *phone, of legal action’, maintecording to the city, reducing a pro- - possibility hike, he said: “Not immediately”. Council committee had dealt nance problems, and the number of letter and petition. This year howjetted $1.9 million deficit to. $1.4 with the transit matter for about children from the complex who atThis subject formed a major part ever, the mayor’s office-said they million.* In support of the increase, two hours the week before. tend local schools. This last quesof his election campaign platform have received “nothing to that ef- Alderman Barron stated: “I realize. . tion is to help the tenants build their to the city transit the hardships on certain portions of No delegations from the which’referred fect”. paying municipal system and the need for “its imMany people were also present society, but on the other hand, the _ case against Kitchener-Waterloo community taxes, which are levied on them but at the 1976 council meeting to ap- money has to come from someexpressed opposition to the in- +rovement with respect to serving not on other campus residences. Many students have plaud then-alderman Morley crease at either of the two meetthe students. where.” The rent hike takes effect May 1. sole objection to the -randy barkman ings, and with the. exception of the voiced their concern to me.on this Rosenberg’s -neil docherty -mark mcguire _ delegation period, no provision is subject and I consider it to be a cutbacks and fare increase; , ,-. 3

Grant increase iis hot enough,



Council Capers I



Page 3:- Fed cutbacks- Iand ELP Page 5:’ ISA and S&t x / Page’ 12: ^Feature on Into ’ . ’ Page 15: Entertainment begins .. and alwavs - feedback A


Married Students’ fight- is not stopped

1oC bus fare -hike brings

no Opposit/bn.

I/’ ,



frriday, february

the chevron more info: Gay Liberation Movement, phone 885-121 I, ext 2372.

This Week On Campers is a free catumn for the announce+ rnent of meetings, special nars ut speakers. sociaf events and happenings on pus-student + faculty or



Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Mackenzie from g-lam. $1.25 after 7pm. Plummer’s Pub, 1:30-3:30pm: E3, Rm. 1101, Red Carpet Lounge. Baha’is enjoy a festive season in anticipation of a month of fasting. Join us in a community dinner and film night. For further details call 578-5207. 6pm. CC 1 IO. Table Tennis Club. Regular playing session. Players of all calibre welcome. 7-IOpm. Upper Blue Activity Area, PAC. The Greek Student Association presents a documentary film on education in Greece. The producer who just came from Greece, will introduce the film. English subtitles. Everybody invited. Admission free. 7:30pm. Physics 145. Federation Flicks - Persona and Passion of Anna. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50. Agora Tea House. Herbal Teas and home-baked munchies available. A time for discussion and conversation. Everyone is welcome. 8-12 midnight. CC 110.

Campus Centre Pub opens 7pm. Mackenzie from 9-l am. $1.25. after 7pm. Federation Flicks - See Friday Upstairs at the Grad Club featuring Stephen James. 8pm. Grad Club. Admission $.50 students, $1, others. Cash Bar.

Sunday Worship with Chaplain Kooistra. An interdenominational service sponsored by the Christian Reformed Church. llam. HH 280. Table Tennis Club. Regular playing session. Players of all calibre welcome. 2-5pm. Upper Blue Activity Area, PAC. Lutheran Student Movement Co-op Dinner. 5pm. NH 2050. Enter from Library entrance of N.H. Lecture on China and a Christian Vision for a New World, by James Endicott, missionary to China and International Peace AFtivist. 7pm. Conrad Grebel Chapel. Christian Discussion Fellowship with Chaplain Kooistra. Discussing

“A lost mine dn the Caribou -‘. e-






REMEMBER: Our disco provides continuou music throughout the nite Every Monday nite: GONG SHOW Every Tuesday nite: AMATEUR SHOW Every Wednesday nite is UNIVERSITY NIGHT. 3 Show your I.D. for free admission.




Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Taped Music from g-lam. No cover. Legal Resource Office provides free legal information to students. CC 106. 885-0840. Hours: 1:30-3:30pm. One-hour seminar to learn abdut Government Publications and how to find them. 2:30pm. Meet at the Government Publications Info Desk, 5th Floor, Arts Library. All are welcome to attend a bible study and discussion session on Liberation and Politics of the Gospel. Sponsored by St. Jerome University Parish. 6pm. St. Jerome’s College, Coffeeshop. Friendly Contract Bridge Tournament. $.50 per person entry fee. Sponsored by the Campus Centre Board and organized by the Turnkeys. 7pm. CC 110. International Folk Dancing. To learn and dance world famous folk dances. $1. per person per evening. Senior Citizen’s 7:30-l 0:30pm. Centre, 310 Charles Street East, Kitchener. For info: Mary Bish 744-4983. Mummers Troupe. The Mummers take on Green Peade in defence of the Newfoundland seal industry. 8pm. Theatre of the Arts. Tickets are $5, Students/seniors $3. Available at the main box office.

Day. 11:30-2pm.

Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Taped Music from g-lam. No cover.




WJSA-Hillel Lunch CC 113. $1.25


Direct from a highly successful tour programme that brought feet wilh cheers and applause!

Reflection on the Psalms by C. S. Lewis. 7:30pm. E3, Rm. 1101. Campus Centre Coffeehouse with Mick Delaney. Guest artist Tom Wilson. 8pm. CC Pub Area. Coffee, tea, cider and baked goods. Admission $1.49 students, staff, $1.99 others. Federation Flicks - See Friday Transcendental Meditation. Advanced lecture for meditators. 8pm. E3, 1101. Worship. Lutheran Campus Ministry. 9:30pm. MC 3010.





begal Resource Office - See Monday. Chess Club Meeting. Everyone welcome. 7pm. CC 113. Table Tennis Club. Regular playing session. Players of all calibre welcome. 7-IOpm. Upper Blue Activity Area, PAC. WATSFIC: The University of Waterloo Science Fiction Club holds meetings every Tuesday. All are invited. Free donuts for members. 7:30pm. MC 3011. Overeaters Anonymous. Are you a compulsive overeater? If so.. . we can help you. Come to Overeaters Anonymous. 7:30-9:30pm. CC 135. Discussion: On the Current International Situation. Main speaker Hardial Bains, Chairman of the Communist Party of Canada - Marxist Leninist. Sponsored by the International Students Association. 7.:30pm. AL 124. LOOK (Lesbian Organization of Kitchener). We are a group of women meeting every second Tuesday to organize alternative events to bars and dances. Our basic purpose is to bring together gay women (but not excluding women as a group) and to nurture our strength and identity as lesbians. If you wish to know more, please come out to a meeting. LOOK needs you; LOOK is you! 8pm. CC 110. For

Thursday One-Hour Seminar to learn about Government ‘Publication and how to find them. 10:30am. Meet at the GOVernment Publications Info. Desk, 5th Floor, Arts Libra-t-y. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. G.C.B. from g-lam. $1.25 after 7pm. Innocent Door. Part of the Planning Film Series in the Faculty of Env. Studies Guest Lecture Series. 12:30pm. El, Rm. 3516. Legal Resource Office - See Monday. Waterloo Christian! Fellowship Supper Meeting. Topic: Family Relationships. Everyone welcome. 4:30-6:45pm. HH undergrad lounge. Table Tennis Club - See Tuesday.

884-3781 886-2567

tour, presents the audiences to their

8 P.M.

alpha sounds DISC


WEN-DO. Protection against harrassment and physical attack. 7:30-9:30pm. Combatives Room, PAC. $18. 886-3170. r Advanced Classes of WEN-DO. 7:30-9:30pm. St Michael’s Church Library Resource Room, 64 University Avenue West, . Waterloo. $3/evening. 886-3170. Coffee House. 8:30pm. .CC 1 IO. Sponsored by Gay Lib.


western western


ffice, 254 Modern

Anti-Imperialist Alliance literature table. Literatur.e of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tsetung and Enver Hoxha, plus revolutionary materials from Canada, Albania and other countries. WJSA-Hillel Discussion Group: Modern Jewish Problems. CC 113. 11:30-l 2:30pm. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Taped Music from g-lam. No cover. Free Noon Time Concert featuring UW Brass Group-irnder the direction of Ron Dunkley. Everyone is welcome. 12:30pm. Theatre of the Arts. Noon Hour Concert with William “Computers and Music” Buxton, (Lecture-Demonstration). Admission is free and everyone is welcome. 12:30pm. Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Legal Resource Office - See Monday. The Planets. A free astronomy film sponsored by the physics department of WLU. 2:30pm. Arts Building Room IEI. WLU. Lutheran Student Movement. Contemporary Issues Study Group. 3:30pm. NH 2050. The Black Writer in SpanishAmerican Literature. A lecture by Professor Richard Jackson, Carleton University. The Department of Classics and Romance Languages Series of Academic Colloquia. 4:30pm. ML 246. There will be a sanctioned duplicate Bridge Tournament. Everyone is welcome. If you don’t have a partner, we will try to find you one. Entry fee is $1 per player, and if you are a member of the math society, mathsoc will pay $.50 of this. All entry fees will be returned as prizes. 7pm sharp.Srd floor -math lounge, MC. Benefit for the Nelson Small Legs Jr. Foundation to aid in their work with Native Inmates and to help them set up a Halfway House. There will be Native drummers and dancers and a film “To Help My People”. Admission $2, 7:30pm. Great Hall, Conrad ,Grebel College. Marxist-Christian Dialogue, “What is the Role of Christians In a Socialist Revolution?” A panel discussion with: Daryl Bryant (Renison College), Leo Johnson (History Dept), John Rempel (Conrad Grebel), Doug Wahlsten (Psychology Dept). All welcome. CC 135: 7:30pm. The Planets - See 2:30pm.


Bldg. UW








A Radio Waterbo











Ukrainian Students Club, General Meeting. All Welcome. 7:30pm. CC 113. UW Repertory Dance Company Annual Spring Concert with guest appearance by the Carousel Performing Group. Tickets: $3, Students/seniors $2. Available at the main box office. 8pm. Humanities Theatre. Free lecture and practice in-prayer and meditation. Sponsored by ihe Universal Peace Mission. 8-IOpm, 50 Peter Street, Kitchener, 578-2584.

Friday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. G.C.B. from g-lam. $1.25 after 7pm. Table Tennis Club - See Tuesday. The Present Situation’ in Ethiopia. A slide show, speech, discussion and a cultural programme. Sponsored by the Ethiopian Student Union in North America (Eastern Chapter) and the International Students Association. 7:30pm. AL 124. UW Repertory Dance Company Annual Spring Concert - See Thursday Agora Tea House. Herbal teas and home-baked munchies are available. A time for discussion and conversation. Everyone is welcome. 8-12 midnight. CC 110. Federation Flicks - Black Sunday with Robert Shaw and Bruce Ern, and Marathon Man with bustin Hoffman and Laurence Olivier. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50. Kitchener Bach Choir and London Pro Musica with Howard Dyck conductor presents Monteverdi Vespers with the Toronto Consort. St. Mary’sChurch, Kitchkner. Tickets at door. $3.50 and $2. 8:30pm. Exam Hours: Beginning Monday March 7th both the EMS and Arts Libraries will be open until 2am. -Easter Hours: The library will be closed Good Friday and open Saturday and Sunday regular hours. Kin Semi Formal with the band Opus II at the Waterloo Motor Inn, March IO. Cocktails 6:30pm, dinner 7pm, dancing 8-l am. Cost $10 per person. Tickets available. from the PAC Secretary. LOOK (Lesbian Organization of Kitchener) celebrates International Women’s Day March 8 with a pot luck dinner at 20 Fairview Ave., Kitchener at 7pm. Dinner at 7:30pm. All women welcome. BYOB. 1978 Toronto Super 8 Film Festival, Harbourfront, Toronto, April 14-I 6. Open to all S8 filmmakers. Workshops, screenings, Trade Exhibit, Photographic Exhibition. Final shipping date March 15. Information: Sheila Hill, PO Box 7109, Station A, Toronto, M5W 1 X8. (416) 367-0590. Notice to Graduating students 1977/78. When you have made your after graduation plans, please complete and return a status survey to Career Planning and Placement. These forms are located in all Faculties and in Career Planning and Placement. Hallelujah. A video presentation. An exciting, inspiring 60 minute show based on the eight-day symposium in Vancouver, B.C. in 1976, presented by the Humanity Foundation featuring Buckminster Fuller, Theodore Roszak, etc. March 7, 8pm. SCH 231. For info: Marc L. Swartz 743-8662 or 664-2182.

Correction Last week the chevron reprinted the Minority Report of the Chevron Investigation Commission. The section entitled “Allegations against the chevron and evidence presented to the commission”, however, comes from the Majority Report. This was not explained and we regret any confusion this may have caused.



24, 7978

the chevron

Feds cut back

The federation will reduce its administrative costs in the Spring term this year by hiring fewer fieldworkers and placing office staff on half time. Federation president Rick ‘Smit wants to cut the annual administration budget of $100,000 by 20 per cent. The staff reduction in the Spring term will save the federation $15,300. Smit told a federation executive meeting last Friday that only two fieldworkers should be hired this summer compared to five last summer. Smit said that some of the fieldworkers’ projects last summer, such as the student job service, did not provide returns to justify the expense. Smit told the executive that the federation business manager and office manager agree to working



There won’t be -many cheers straints by pointing out that they from students for Ontario Labour receive additional income through Minister Bette Stephenson’s an- tips. And the provincial govemnouncement this week that the ment does not want to jeopardize minimum wage will rise this year. the tourist industry in Ontario by The minimum wage increase of raising wages when competition 20 cents an hour over the present from the industry in the Northeast$2.65 doesn’t take effect until Auem United States is already strong, gust 1, too late to be a factor in most she said in a news release. summer jobs. But the freeze has been criticized The student minimum wage by an organization of waitresses in for those under 18 working during Toronto which says that it forces school vacations or 28 hours a them to rely on tips, which are an week or less during the school year uncertain source of income. The - remains at $2.15. Ontario Federation of Labour has And a‘job sector often filled by also criticized the freeze and destudents - waiters and waitresses manded that hotel operators and serving alcohol in licensed pre- other liquor outlets pay a decent mises - isn’t affected at all by the wage. increase. The rate stays at $2.50 an The minimum wage is scheduled hour. There are about 125,000 peo- for a second rise on January 1, 1979 ple working in hotels, taverns and when it will stand at $3 an hour. licensed restaurants in the province Ontario’s minimum wage is the who will be affected by this wage lowest in Canada except for Newfreeze. foundland. Stephenson defended the re-larri hannant

Motion against the cutbacks at Ontario universities is rapidly gaining momentum. This was the scene,at a recent rally against cutbacks at York University, attended by over 800 students, faculty and staff. Ryerson Polytechnica! institute has organized an Anti-Cutbacks Committee and on Feb. 7 300 students, faculty and staff gave it their enthusiastic support during a symposium on the issue. York faces a potential deficit of $4 million out of a total budget of $73 million. Budget-cutting proposals there, if implemented, mean drastic cuts in the number ofpart-time faculty, as well as huge reductions in departmental and services budgets. (see chevron Feb. 77). At Ryeison, a $3 million cut in budget is forecast. At the University of Toronto, the possible deficit is not yet known, the officials being reluctant to release any cutback information. Students from all three institutions are organising a mass demonstration at Queen’s Park on March 76th to protest the cuts in government funding of universities. -photo by get-y hershorn, courtesy of Excalibur

Failing ELP *doesn’t mean clinic help is necessary .

First year Arts students who fail the English Language Proficiency Exam need not attend the Writing Clinic in order to qualify for their degree. This was one of the recommendations approved by the Senate at a meeting last Monday.

The motion stipulates that those studeats who have registered in an Arts degree program since the Fall of 1977 “must demonstrate competence in written English in order to qualify for the Bachelor of Arts degree.” To do this, students must obtain a mark of 50 per cent in the

sMs d~#!!Iiiniiig?Since when?

When the English Language Proficiency Programme began at the University of Waterloo in 1976, it was accompanied by a great deal of publicity about a recent decline in student literacy. For example, a September 1976 letter to acquaint secondary school English Department Heads with ihe reasons for beginning the program at Waterloo states: “In recent years, we have noted with concern an increase in the number of students who experience difficulty in fulfilling adequately the writing requirements of their courses. What has produced this increase in the students’ inability with the language is unclear.” No evidence is advanced in the letter, nor anywhere else, to support the contention that students’ writing abilities are declining, but the opinion is an old one. In 1917 The English Journal had an account df complaints at Harvard that the “results of English composition work in colleges are far from satisfactory” and that “.students fail to write correct, coherent, and idiomatic English”. In 1928, Teaching Teachers

fiaht cutbacks

half-time during the summer, apart from when the other is on holiday. The federation secretary will take the summer off without pay, at her request, and it has been proposed that the chevron office manager take on the duties of the chevron advertising ‘manager until the end of August. The office staff will return to their present hours and duties in September. Smit feels that light work loads in the summer justify the reductions for that period. Although the federation’s administration budget is presently $100,000 only $55,000 of this comes from students’ fees. The remaining $45,000 is earned by the federation’s services, such as the CC Pub, Thee Record Store and the Campus Shop.

Waaes to rise


York students

ing skills from one time to another seem to be rare, but a 1976 study financed by the Ontario government maintains that comparisons show no decline in writing ability. In 1977 the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations warned that incomplete and anecdotal evidence of declining skills “hardly constitutes a satisfactory basis for sound policy-making”. As was shown in last week’s chevron,

the proficiency programme at Waterloo has demonstrated that judgements of students’ writing abilities made on the basis of various mass-idministered exams are not supported by secondary school teachers or university professors. Many academics can-be found to support the view that students’ writing skills have not declined. For example, a Canadian University Press feature written in Oc-

tober 1977 quotes William Cowan, head of Carleton University’s Linguistics department as saying, in response to the allegation that the present generation of students is less literate than students in the past, “That’s the biggest bunch of horeshit I’ve ever come across.” The question remains: If students’ writing skills are declining, where’s the evidence? 4on


of English Composition in Colleges cites a 1926 re-

port on “The Preparation in English of Purdue Freshmen” that sets out the litany of student deficiencies in English. In 1950 the results of testing done at the University of Toronto had the university president calling for the university to “take immediate steps to make sure that illiteracv no longer dwells in easy partner&p with ‘ihe possession of a degree.” Aside from its hoariness, what is there to support the notion that student writing skills are declining? Comparisons of students’ writ-


This tree was felled up at the Clemmer Daycare centre last Wednesday by UW maintenance men, apparently to clear out a potential parking area and to prevent its collapsing in the next great storm. A spokeswoman at Clemmer said the tree had been solid for the several years she had been there, there were buds on the tree, and she was objecting to the wanton destruction of a tree over 700 years old and still beautiful. A professor in Environment Studies commented, she shouldn’t “get ientimental about a tree”. ‘* +hoto by john w. bast.

proficiency exam or demonstrate this competence in Writing Clinic assignments. Students who fail the proficienky exam.are encouraged to attend the clinic. However, students who do not fulfil1 the requirements by their second year must attend the Writing Clinic. There was corifusion earlier this year over whether the clinic was compulsory or voluntary. Before last September the official policy was thought to be that all first year Arts students must take the exam and those who fail must attend the , writing clinic and pass another exam before they receive their B.A. The Undergraduate Calendar of last year states: “All students whose initial registration in degree ‘programmes in the Faculty of Arts is 1977, or thereafter, are required to pass an English Language Proficiency Examination in order .to qualify for a B.A. degree. Students must write this examination in their first year; those who fail are required to attend a special non. credit writing clinic before sitting the examination again.” The program came under fire from the chevron in the Summer and Fall. At a press conference September 23, Associate Dean of ’ Arts Ken Ledbetter revealed, in answer to chevron questions, that students who failed the exam need not attend the clinic, and those who attend the clinic may be exempted from the program without taking the exam again. He also claimed that the calendar statement and others that he had written were misunderstood as it was an “overstatement’ ’ . The changes announced by Ledbetter caught several people by surprise. UW Gazette editor Chris _ Redmond told Ledbetter at the press conference that he was now confused “as to what is optional and what is compulsory.” Also UW information services chief Jack Adams, who is in charge of university press statements, told the chevron that he had believed .the prograrq was compulsory. -peter




the d7evron






24, 7978






FROM 1 il

6:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 8:30 - L-00




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Interested in involvement with CUSO? See us in Room 234A, South Campus Hall, Monday to Thursday 12:30-3:30pm. PAST MASTERS CLUB (mailing address 447 Ontario Street, Toronto, Ontario M5A 2V9). We’re a Think Tank, an Egg Holder, a Brains Trust, an Ego Club and copy righted individuals. Student membership $5/yr.


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For Sale Pioneer belt drive Excellent condition. New arm off $350.00 direct ing $150.00 or best offer. 884-4299.

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67 Triumph GT6, Body and engine in good condition, wire wheels and workshop manual included. $500. Phone Bob 886-1386.

Typing Fast accurate typing. IBM Selectric 50 cents a page. Call Pamela 884-6913. Typing; Essays, theses, etc. Proficient intelligent typist. IBM Selectric. Reasonable. Five minutes from universities. 886-1604. Essay and term paper typing. 50 cents a page. Phone Fran 576-5895.

Will type essays, wo,rk reports, etc., IBM electric. Reasanable rates. Lakeshore village. Call 885-1863. ’ Experienced typist, essays and theses, reasonable rates, good service, no math papers, Westmount area, cal I 743-3342. Fast efficient typing. 50 cents page. Pick up and deliver at University. Call Kathy (Galt 623-8024). Custom Essay Service, Essay research assistance and typing. Results assured. 2075 Warden Avenue, T.H. 30, Agincout-t, 291-0540.



Apartment for Rent. May-Aug 78, 2 bedrooms, furnished living dining room, walkout patio, stove, fridge, good size kitchen. Laundry facilities in apartment building. Close to bank, variety store. 10 minute bike ride to U of W. $209.00 per month. Phone 886-7965:

Moving, Will do small moving jobs half-ton pickup. Reasonable Call Jeff 884-2831.

with a rates.



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at King and William St (across from open Tues-Thurs 11 am-midnight, am, Sunday 11 am-l 0 pm.


NOTICE OF STUDENTS’ COUNCIL BY-ELECTION Nominations to fill the following vacancies Council for the year 1978-1979 are now open THURSDAY, March 2, 1978 at 4:30 p.m.: HKLS, regular: HKLS, co-op: . Science, regular: St. Jerome’s:


on Students’ and close on

1 seat 1 seat2 seats 1 seat

Nomination forms are available from Helga Petz in the Federation office, located in CC235, and must be returned to that office no later than 4:30 p.m. March 2.

Labatts) Waterloo, Fri-Sat 11 am-l :30



1-8x10 2-5x7 g-Wallet Size ALL FOR





Phone Election Committee Federation of Students







24, 7978

Smit admits Federation president Rick Smit has accepted part of the blame for the current confusions in the International Students Association, he told student councillors Sunday. In a meeting which had no force as it mustered only nine of the required quorum of 13 members he read a statement blaming the problems on “constitutional indiscreon my tions” and “indiscretions part for approaching the situation with a rather closed-minded attitude”. The conflict began when Smit discovered in late November that then-ISA president Salah Bachir was not a student, as required by the constitution. Bachir resigned and the executive decided in early December to hold an election and to appoint Aberra Makonnen as interim president. Smit said Makonnen’s indiscretion, and that of the ISA executive, was in not recognising Yahaya Chindaya, then vice-president, as the interim president, as stated in the association’s constitution. ISA executive said they chose , Makonnen as interim president because Chindaya had not been active in the association. Smit said Chindaya’.s indiscretions were in “not informing me and abiding by the specified election date that was democratically decided upon”. Chindaya claims he voted against holding the election. The other executive members have


claimed he voted in favour. Both agree that he opposed appointing Makonnen as interim president. Smit told councillors, he now believes the election date was fairly arrived upon, but that his involvement and the resulting conflict put the election results “in suspect”. He recommends a new election. Smit also recommended\ the ISA constitution be rewritten, as it contains ambiguities. It was on one of these ambiguities that Chindaya had claimed only the ISA president could call elections. Council agreed that a meeting should occur between Smit, Makonnen, Chindaya and the other foreign student association presi-

on ISA

dents to clear up the problem. Makonnen told the chevron Wednesday he would not agree to another election because the January 10 election was constitutional and legal. “Smit wants a cover-up,” said, “we won’t take part cover-up.”

he in a

“He wants to have another election and then have ‘everything forgotten,” Makonnen added. He charged that the invitation of the presidents of the individual foreign students associations was an attempt to confuse the situation as they are separate from ISA. -jonathan



the chevron


-Mueller’smathies sworn in, I .a

Mathsoc president Andy Mueller presented a new executive for ratification at last week’s Math Society Council meeting. These appointed members joiri the elected senior executives, who .were elected February 13th, on the Society’s Executive Committee. Kathy Kropp was approved as Administrator, replacing the retired Alex White. Rosanna Ristich joins Vice-President Geoffrey Hains as Mathletics Director. Wil MacAuley was apbointed as mathNEWS editor. Brian Gregory and John Ellis will retain their positions of Social Director and Speaker.

No one was ratified for the positions of Internal Affairs Director and Education Director. Dave DeBruyn and James Bakker have applied for those positions, and expect to be ratified soon. Math Society will be sponsoring Math Week in the coming week. The week will feature such events as a Wine and Cheese Party on Tuesday and a Semi-Formal with Dock Savage on March 4. Tickets for both events are available through

the Math


office. -jj



to live in ssin Complete merger between the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University was ruled out at a UW Senate meeting Monday night, as a report by the Cooperative Advisory Council recommending co-operation between : the two universities, rather than merger, was approved. The 12-page report, presented by St. Jerome’s College president Father C. L. Siegfried, concluded that there was no advantage, economic or otherwise, to complete merger, and that if both universities co-operated in several specific areas, the advantages of merger could be attained without the disadvantages. The report mentioned several areas where mutual co-operation could improve service and cut ‘costs, including purchasing, health services, graphic services, audiovisual, placement, cultural programs, and the libraries. Graduate programs and research resources and facilities were also mentioned as key areas of cooperation. “There are major advantages in maintaining the identities and roles of the two institutions as they currently exist, offering students at each institution the different strengths of the other. Wilfrid Laurier would lose its identity as a small, unique university in the Ont&o system, offering a program mix quite different from any other similarly-sized Ontario institution”, the report said. “There is already a h&h level of co-operation andb interdependence between the twb institutions,” said Siegfried, who stated he saw no real problems in expanding the cooperative aspect. According to one senator present at the meeting, the government has the legal right to force merger if they felt it was “politically prudent”, but in view of the economic advantages of co-operation as op, posed to merger, that prospect seems unlikely at present. -rick


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the chevron



The article last week “China after Chairman Mao” was badly mutilated and requir,es some clarification. At the bottom of the second column on page 8 add “‘to serve the people, rather than book knowledge. ’ ’ The first three lines of the next column should be omitted, as should the first two’ lines on the page 11 continuation. The first complete paragraph on this continuation should begin “On



Nominations lNCLUDlNG

“BEST FILM” Two women, life long friends, are reunited in an act of heroism.. It is the immensity of their risk and sacrifice, and the enormity of their courage and commitment to each other... that will fill the screen


the other hand, a January 1978 article on the life of a mathematician was cited. It states that he had been working on a problem known as the “Goldbach conjecture” . . .” Omitted from the article due to lack of space was an earlier Chinese article about a carpenter who engaged in study of both technical and political subjects in the spirit of serving the people. This was cited to show the difference in model citizens promoted under the present regime compared to those promoted under Chairman Mao. J



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the chevron CC140


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READ -THI Dear Student, This is a request to those of you with an interest in management. The experience you can gain by a year with the Feds will be worth at least a workterm. Come,on out and join the executive. Qualifications: 1, above average intelligence; 2. a willingness to work long hours for increased experience, and knowledge. 3. awillingness to help out your student union at a time when it really counts; 4. the ability to have a good time. ’ I If you are at all interested, come and talk with me. Remember, this is your Federation, make it work! FEDERATION OF STUDENTS UNIVERSITY EXECUTIVE BOARD APPLICATIONS THE YEAR 1978-1979




of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, a corporation under the laws of the Province of Ontario, to be held on Monday, March 6,1978 at 8:00 p.m. in EL21 1. The agenda is as follows: 1. Appointmet of Board of Directors 2. Officers’ Report 3. Auditor’s Report 4. Approval of Auditor(s) and fixing remuneration. 5. Report of By-Law Committee The agenda for this meeting is restricted to the above items of business, for which proper notice has been given. Rick Smit, President Federation of Students


are now open to fill the following positions: Vice-president (must be a voting member of Students’ Council) Treasurer Chairperson, Creative Arts Board Chairperson, Board of Communications Chairperson, Board of Education Chairperson, Board of External Relations j Chairperson, Board of Publications Chairperson, Board of Entertainment Chairperson,%ommittee of Co-operative Services \ Liaison Officer, NUS and OFS. * Speaker of Council Written applications stating basis of interest and personal background must be submitted to the undersigned by 4:30 pmm. Friday, February 27, 1978. Rick hit, President Federation of Students

NOTE: These positions are open to any member of the Federation of Students.



24, 1978

the chevron


Coming soon: talks, films, International- week Forum

ISA Events

on Ethiopia

The present situation in Ethiopia is the topic of a forum being organized by the International Students Association and by the Eastern Canada Chapter of the Ethiopian Students Union in North America. (ESUNA) The meeting will feature a speaker from ESUNA, a slide show and a cultural program. It will take place on Friday Match 3, at 7:30 pm in AL 124. The situation in the horn of Africa has been in the news mainlybecause of the Ethiopian-Somalian war and because of the terror unleashed by the Ethiopian regime of Mengistu against the Ethiopian people. An article in the Jan. issue of newsletter of the “Forward”, World Wide Federation of Ethiopian Students points out that the regime which is backed mainly by the Soviet Union has assassinated over 30,000 people since 1974 and holds more than 10,000 political prisoners in jails and concentration camps which it systematically murders. The Ethiopian regime, according to “Forward”, has “legalized the killing of anyone at will”. The Ethiopian regime is financed and armed by mainly the Soviet Union and its allies such as Cuba and East Germany which have military personnel there. Since 1974, the Soviet Union has supplied the Ethiopian regime with almost one billion dollars in arms. The US also recently gave Ethiopia $7 million in economic aid. The World Wide Federation of Ethiopian Students has declared its support for the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party which was formed in 1972 and which is leading armed resistance against the Mengistu regime and has liberated sections of Ethiopia. -johnson

The International Students Association has a hectic program planned for the remainder of the term. According to the executive of the ISA, there will not be an International week as originally planned because it could not accommodate all the program-s available. The executive has decided to spread the events through the remainder of the winter term. On Tuesday, Feb. 28, Hardial Bains, Chairman of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) will speak on the current international situation at 7:30 pm in AL 124. On Friday, March 3, at 7130 pm in AL 124, a speaker from ESUNA (Ethiopian Students Union in North America) will talk about the current struggle in Ethiopia. * On Thursday, March 9, there will be a supper meeting beginning at 6:00 pm, which will feature all kinds of international food. The place to be announced.



The African Students Association in co-operation with the Federation of Students, will be presenting Africa Week-end March 3-5. The week-end will start off with a film on the Liberation struggles in Namibia and a_ slide presentation and discussion on banking in South Africa, to be held in Physics 145 from 7:30-9:30 p.m. From 2:00-500 p.m. in AL 116 on Saturday, Mr. Olara-Otunnu, a former student guild president at Makerere University in Uganda, now a practicing lawyer in New York, will be lecturing. He demonstrated a strong and uncompromising stand for freedom and justice in U&da. He Will speak on “The role of the military in Africa”. The afternoon will conclude with an arts & crafts display in the foyer of AL 116.









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FEB. 28, 7:30 P.M.

AL 124

Discussion: THE CURRENT


Main Speaker: Comrade Hardial Bains, Canada (Marxist-Leninist)



by International



MAR 3, 7:30 P.M.






“Is the Marantz Receiver as good as everypne Says?" Party




When the name on your receiver says Marantz you know that name stands for the very best in stereo equipment. Marantz gives you more features, more performance to help you enjoy your music. At Wesseling Advanced Audio Marantz costs n‘o more than ordinary stereo gear. Paul Wesseling, who’s holding the Marantz Receiver wants to ask you a question. Why own anything else: He doesn’t 1

3 Tues.,

A slide show,



and a cultural



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Sat. 10-6 CLOSED

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St. S.

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Sponsored by the Ethiopian Student Union in North America (Eastern Chapter) and the International Student Assoc.

,n II







Finally there will be an end-ofterm get together to be held on April 18. The movie “Salt of the Earth” is scheduled for that night. President Aberra Makonnen stressed that the ISA welcomes everyone (citizens and residents) to participate. -johnson



On Saturday, March 18, there will be a dance. Details to be announced. On Wednesday, March 22, the International night will be held at the Humanity Theatre at 800 pm, featuring dances, songs and other cultural programs. A speaker from the Palestinian National Council, governing body of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, has been invited to speak on campus during the last week of March.


At 8:00 p.m., there will be a Dance in the Psychology Lounge Room 3005, admission 50 cents. There will be another film and speaker on Sunday from 2:00-5:00 p.m. Aron Hiuanua Shihepo will speak on ‘ ‘S WAPO and Liberation Struggle in Namibia (SW Africa)“. Shihepo is the Deputy Secretary for Foreign Relations for the South West Africa People% Organization (SWAPO) of Namibia. Peter Omara-Ojungu, President of the African Students Association, approached council last Sunday for a subsidy. Council voted $300 to the ASA to offset costs of this event. Omara-Ojungu extends an open invitation to everyone. n-t-----



(G) 653-2835




the chevron


24, 7978







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24, 7978

the chevron

Jobless lines lengthen * The highest unemployment rate since the Great Depression of the 1930’s was recorded for the month of January across Canada. The number of people officially designated by the government as unable to find a job in January of 1978 was 991,000, or 8.3 per cent of the total labour force (seasonally adjusted). In the Kitchener-Waterloo area the regional Manpower office reported 14,000 people unable to find employment, for a staggering 9.7 per cent rate during January. This area, which traditionally has a lower unemployment rate than the national average, has been particularly hard hit by a series of layoffs in the past few months. The outlook is not good for the legions ofjob-hunters. The Kitchener Manpower office reported only 668 job openings for a ratio of 2 1.4 unemployed workers for every opening. The figures for unemployment are quite conservative, because thestate no longer considers those who are jobless, but have given up searching for employment, as part of the labour force. The actual jobless figure for Canada then must be well in excess of one million people. Although the politicians on Parliament Hill have been expressing concern over the increasingly desperate unemployment situation they have not hit upon a solution to the crisis. Instead, they have been implementing measures such as changes to Unemployment Insurance to make the workers pay for this crisis. The period of employment necessary to qualify for UIC payments has been increased from 8 to 12 weeks. The government has also initiated a large campaign to publicize unemployment “cheaters” and has declared that it will institute even closer scrutiny of those looking for work. At the same time prices and profits are being allowed to soar (see last week’s chevron). The high jobless rate is a reflection of the deepening economic crisis which has virtually every capitalist country in its grip. The steady increase in the unemployment rate in Canada since 1974, when the current phase of the crisis began, is shown in the following chart: Number Employed January January January January January

1974 1975 1976 1977 1978





& Redford

Feb 24-26 Fri-Sun

7 & 9:30 PM

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Mm-Thurs 7:30 & 9:15 PM eoaoooooooooo*oooooo


Fri & Sat


3 & 4 7 & 9:30. PM


5.3% 6.5% 6.6% 7.5% 8.3% -doug wahlsten

Some of the 74,000 jobless in the K-W area are shown here, looking for work. Manpower in Kitchener estimates that there are more than 2 7 unemployed workers for each of about 670 job vacancies. -photo by john w. bast


Hotel W

871 Victoria Every

St. N.’ - 744-3511


is Singles














Seasonally Adjusted Rate

596,000 759,000 800,000 889,000 991,000



m Canada by Sarnsbury lnternattonal





Federation d

the chevron



$1 $1.5


MARATttON I l ---------------

FEB. 24 - 26



I I I l I





17 - 29

If the recent popular political notion that “less is best” can be translated into music, its most skillful interpreter certainly is Jesse Winchester. Budgeting is an artform to this man and the simple song his awesome sculpture. He can in a few lines evoke as much atmosphere as some writers get out of an entire novelette. It’s distinctive formula, noe that’s caused some critics to liken his work to that of another Southern author, Stephen Foster. Winchester opted out of the draft travesty and emigrated to Canada. It was a fateful decision, one that both blessed and handcuffed him. Working in the U.S. was out, but he figures “if I hadn’t moved to Canada, maybe I wouldn’t be in the music business.” His career was on its way when a friend introduced him to Robbie Robertson, stalward Band guitarist, himself a Canadian. Robertson quickly took to Winchester’s seductive melodies and went on to produce (1970) his auspicious debut LP,, Jesse Winchester. The album contained an inordinate amount of truly contemporary classics, like “Yankee Lady”, “Biloxi”, and “The Brand New Tennesee Waltz” , a tune recorded by Joan Baez and the Everly Brothers. The effect of all this on critics was for them to quite unanimously hail him a major new composer. He has made four more albums with a new one soon to be released. He admits to a flair for the unadorned, preferring “very simple chord changes and romantic themes.” But it’s a deceptive simplicity. His songs detail at a very elemental level the ebb and flow of life. Consequently he gets weary. But he always winds up smiling. Along with his listeners.


MAN - - - - - w - - - - s - - - -

MAR. 31 - APR 2

10 - 12






y, MARCH 10, UW P.A.C. . Tickets are $6.80 for UW students and $6.50 for others, available at the Federation Office, CC 235, Art’s Recreation (Waterloo), Sam the Record Man (Kitchener), Records on Wheels (Cambridge), Shoppers Record & Tape Mart (Guelph) and the Central Ticket Office (University of Guelph). Admission is $7. at the door. Brought to you by Concert Productions International and the Board‘of Entertainment, Federation of Students.




Friday March 17 8 P.M. ;

Tickets Students Others


I Bingeman






FEDE UPSTAIRS AT THE GRAD CLUB Local musicians performing every Saturday at 8 P.M.

Admission: $0.50 Students $1 .OO Others




I:30 - 4:3


E3 1101



ch Events

mthe chevron

Celebration of the Body Week is the time to liberate your bodies and minds, with a series of displays, workshops and sports events. The programme is aimed at improving people’s awareness of their own bodies, and hopefully contribute towards a personal body-mind development. Most of the events take place in or near L the Campus Centre. Members of winning teams in the sports events will receive a choice of tickets to pubs and concerts in March. In addition to the events shown below, \ there will be displays in the Campus Centre, Body Printing in CC 135 and a broomball tournament on the Village ice rink during the period March 6-10. Celebration of the Body Week is sponsored by the Board of Education, the Creative Arts Board and the Board of Entertainment. Saturday, March 4 11 am: Syncro-Swim, Snow-Sculpturing

PAC; begins

Sunday, March 5 IO am: Cross-Country Ski race 7 pm: Skating Party, Health Services pond Sports Day for children, PAC Monday, March 8 ’ IO am: Yoga Workshop 12 noon: Mime Demo 1 pm: Smoking Clinic; Massage Workshop 7 pm: Figure Photo Workshop; Naturopathy Workshop



Tuesdav. March 7 12 noonf Women’s Wrestling Demonstration 1 pm: Nutrition Seminar; Bioenergetics Seminar 7 pm: Figure Photo Workshop; Kayaking Clinic

Thursday, March 9 IO:30 am: Calisthetics Workshop 1 pm: Dance Demo; Natural Foods Workshop; Stress Without Strain Seminar 7 pm: First Aid Clinic; “Beyond the Mind and the Body” - talk

Wednesday, March 8 IO;30 am: Dance Workshop 12 noon: Tai-Chi Demo 1 pm: Wen-Do Workshop; Tai-Chi Workshop 7 pm: Sports Medicine Workshop; Amateur Sports Workshop 8 pm: Dance Films ’

Friday, March 10 IO:30 am: Numberology Workshop 12 noon: Wen-Do demo

nchester Door $6.00 $6.00







Thursday & Friday March 2 & 3, 8 P.M.

wth Campus Hall Pub



$2.00 $2.50

advance ” \

Advance $2.50 students $3.00 others Door $3.00 students $3.50 others

16, 8 P.M. $2.50 $3.00

door ”


rickets at CC 23.5 and Societies

Math Sot Seth-Formal


can get Thursday tickets Math Sot for $1.50 _


Oscar Peterson Jazz great and pianist extraordinaire will be coming to the PAC on Tuesday March 21 at 8 p.m. There is no doubt at all that to a perfectionist who plays the piano, this is the final transition away from a group to become a solo artist. Peterson will be brought here by ArtSoc in co-operation with the Rotary Club and all proceeds will’ go to “Crippled Children” in the K-W area. Ticket prices are $5.00 so don’t miss this great act. Oscar Peterson, PAC, March 21 at 8:00 p.m. See you there.

til 1 A.M.


ch m






the chevron

Feature: Household


- Personal



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Into: Massive On October 20, 1977, Into announced the termination of 3450 jobs in the Canadian nickel industry: 2200 in Sudbury, 650 in Thompson, Manitoba, and 600 in Port Colborne. On February 13, 1978, the bulk of the Sudbury layoffs were completed; 1261 hourly-rated employees have now been laid-off, 235 workers have settled for early retirement, 270 have resigned and 36 went to an Into operation in Quebec. A further 400 workers, office, clerical, and technical staff, will be laid off by the end of February and another 600 jobs will be eliminated by attrition by June. 1800 positions usually open to students throughout the summer months will not be made available this year. For a one-industry town like Sudbury, the layoffs are a crippling blow. ‘The town as a whole stands to lose a payroll income in the neighbourhood of $42 million, a figure that is revised upward to $69 million when the “ripple effect” is considered. The Chamber of Commerce, the labour movement, and civic politicians joined up in a loose coalition to form the Sudbury Committee, operating with the slogan, “Stop the layoffs !’ ’ , an abbreviated version of a banner in the Steelworkers’ Hall: “Stop the layoffs ! We’re people too!” Little was accomplished besides a momentary show of solidarity, however, as the different class interests of the participants made any agreement on solutions impossible. Labour supported nationalization, the civic politicians didn’t want to discuss it, and the Chamber of Commerce, of course, could never even consider it. The labour movement reacted strongly to the situation, although the workers were not and are not now in a position to threaten to paralyze the Canadian nickel industry. This fact is underlined by the plans of Falconbridge, the other nickel refinery in Sudbury, to close down its operations completely for the month of July. At a time of decreased demand for nickel, Into has 3 times its normal inventory of 100 million pounds stockpiled and its new developments in Guatemala and Indonesia will move into full production in 1979. The layoffs came as no surprise to the people of Sudbury. As is usually the case in a company town, the company’s actions were confirmations of rumours that had waxed and waned for months. So reliable was this grapevine that Dave Patterson, President of Local 6500 of the United Steelworkers of America, was able to call a press conference two days before the layoffs were announced to discuss the union’s reaction to them. The company would no longer deny the rumours officially, Patterson said, and he spoke with some bitterness about Into’s lack of interest in Sudbury as a community. The United Steelworkers of America accepted the necessity for some reduction of the workforce. They presented a program of early pensions, rescheduled vacations, reduction of overtime and bonus pay, and the elimination of contracting-out as an acceptable means of reducing the layoffs. That these opening moves seem almost placatory in retrospect is reflective of the fact that while the layoffs were expected, no one had predicted so many jobs would be eliminated so quickly. Workers in Sudbury found their jobs were gone on Thursday, October 20, 1977, when they heard the announcement over the radio. In violation of the union contract, the company had given no advance notice. Enraged, the union president denounced the layoffs through the media. He was the only civic .leader who immediately reacted in this manner. The Sudbury- and District Labour Council released a strong statement:

“For years, Into and other multinationals have exported capital to overseas investment - wealth produced by labour - .while pressuring the federal and provincial governments to escape stricter tax structures. “ Twenty (Into) board directors have no right to decide the fate of 2,200 workers. Such a decision must be made democratically by the majority concerned - the working class of Sudbury and Canada. To accomplish this the Labour Council proposes a political solution which includes public ownerkhip of the resource industry . . .”

Sun and holidays

xw westmount pharmacy

11 am - 9 pm

place 886-7670

Public ownership became a hot issue in the next few days. It had all the obvious advantages of a panacea and created quite a stir within the split ranks of the NDP; unfortunately it did not deal concretely with what was going to happen in.the next few months. Neither the Davis nor the Trudeau government was about to nationalize Into; provincially, the Liberals and the NDP were not interested in cooperating to force an election at that time on that issue. It is not the practice of bourgeois governments to nationalize for the benefit and increased autonomy of the worker, but



24, 7976

layoffs spark only to bail out industry in trouble. For example, when the NDP?escued the wallowing pulp and paper industry when they were in power in B.C., Dave Barrett announced that the party’s intention was “to put together the kind of New Deal that saved American capitalism.” Although it is evidently not yet time for the workers of northern Ontario to rise up and seize the means of production, the layoffs produced considerable evidence of increased militancy and solidarity. An historic event occurred on Sunday, October 23, when Jack Gignac, president of the Mine Mill and Smelter Workers at Falconbridge, spoke at a rally before over a thousand workers in the Steelworkers Hall. Thi$ was the first time since the Steelworkers raided Mine Mill at Into twenty-five years ago that the two unions have united in defense against the common enemy. Labour Council President Elmer McVey put it succinctly when he introduced Gignac: “I want to tell you that the fight is not between Mine Mill and the Steelworkers, it’s between the workers and the goddamned companies.” Gignac then made a powerful speech calling fat outright nationalization of the entire Canadian nickel industry, a call which brought the house down wit1 cheers, clapping and stamping. Gib Gilchrist, the Northeastern Ontario Area Supervisor of the United Steelworkers, a man highly respected in the community, also proposed nationali zation if necessary to control the resource industry Once more the crowd applauded enthusiastically.

Both Peter Disilets, the vice president of the Sud. bury and District Labour Council, and Nickel Belt MI John Rodriguez spoke strongly in favour of public ownership, as did NDP MPP’s Elie Martel and Floyc Laughren, the latter having been a firm proponent 0’ nationalization throughout the last election campaign. Both the provincial and the federal leaders of the NDP spoke at the rally. Their reaction to the talk ol nationalization was quite educational. Ed Broadbent had already made it clear in strategy sessions with the local NDP and labour leaders that he was not interested in talk of nationalization. While il might be in the best interests of the workers at Into, il would not be so for the party. It is widely believed thal the NDP’s loss of ‘opposition status in Ontario hat hinged on the party’s support of possible nationaliza. tion of the resource industry, and Broadbent wa: clearly afraid that militance on behalf of the Sudbury workers .would mean a loss of votes nationally, Stockpiling was his short-term solution, wit1 nationalization a dim hope or threat for the future. His position received considerable opposition. At the rally, the only NDP member besides Broadbent himself who did not speak out in favour of public ownership of the nickel industry was Bud Germa, the provincial member from Sudbury. He was counting on information that there was a faction within Incc management which wanted to keep up Canadian pro. duction even if it meant writing off their Guatemalan investment. It was believed that if the opposition parties put pressure on the minority Davis government, Into could be threatened with enough sanctions and withdrawals of privilege to make it worth their while to stop the layoffs. Stephen Lewis, in what was described as one of the most brilliant and moving speeches of his career, gave cautious support to the idea of nationalization: 66 . . . as you know, I am not a per-

son who in an uncritical or easy way embraces concepts of nationalization, largely because I am concerned about cost and what the future holds. “But there is utterly no qutiification in my mind - this kind of thing



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ownership is the straw that breaks the back, and if Into and Falconbridge will not submit to the kind of regulation and control that we are logically and reasonably suggesting, then it is time for them to enter gently into the public domain. ’ ’ He also hinted at the possibility of a vote of nonconfidence in the Davis government, brought about in coalition with the Liberals. Imagine the chagrin of the workers who had given Lewis three standing ovations, when the next day in Queen’s Park he expressed despair over the Sudbury situation and dismissed any speculation about a nonconfidence vote with the observation that nobody wanted an election.


however, are producing a less refined product from a lower grade ore known as laterite, and the company has now contracted to sell between 30 and 40 million pounds annually to Japan. However, even Japan is experiencing the decreased demand for steel, and Into was finding it extremely difficult to find a buyer for the remaining two-thirds of the 100 million pound capacity the niines will reach in 1979. Now, of course, part of it at least will go to markets formerly supplied by the Canadian industry. Into has incurred a tremendous debt load in setting up their Indonesian and Guatemalan operations. By 1979, these projects will have cost $850 million and $224 million respectively. Most of these debts have been financed (some by Canadian government money), resulting in Into’s longterm debt standing at $986,433,000 by Sept. 30, 1977. Currently its total


So what was the result of all this verbal militancy? Into is proceeding with its plans to curtail Canadian production and has now laid off all the miners it intended to dispose of. The lucky ones will find jobs being poisoned in the uranium industry or working for low wages at non-union jobs in Alberta. Others will join the million or so Canadian unemployed. Perhaps the best thing to come out of this experience will have been a healthy distrust for the social democrats on the part of those who counted on the party’s leadership to preserve their jobs, or at least to make an attempt to do so. To date, no one has applied any more than moral censure to Into, and the corporate entity has no conscience. ***************** Why did all this happen in the first place? The way that John McCreedy, president of Into explains it: “. . . there has been a curtailment of new investment in the chemical, processing and powergenerating industries, all of which are major users of nickel-containing alloys.” M.A. Copper, president of “Stainless and alloy steel Falconbridge, concurs: production, which consumes large quantities of nickel, is directly related to capital spending and will not exhibit strong growth until major capital spending increases significantly .’ ’ One of the reasons for the slow nickel and steel market which is almost never referred to by the bosses is the fact that the industry is geared toward a war economy. During the Vietnam War, the industry simply could not keep up with the demand, although production capacity was considerably increased at that time. It is a well-known fact that, under capitalism, a war economy is a healthy economy, and we can expect a continued hawkish attitude on the part of North American business, encouraging everincreasing expenditures on armaments and other military machines. In the USA, 60,000 steelworkers have been thrown out of work in the past year. Some of these layoffs are attributable to a -sluggish economy, or yet another crisis of capitalism, while others can be traced to the fact that Japan, with its highly regimented workforce and superior technology, has captured nearly 20% of the American steel market, considerably undercutting its American competitors. In the past, Into has had difficulty breaking into the Japanese market, as the Japanese have high protective tariffs against highly refined nickel such as the Canadian product. Into’s new Indonesian.operations,

debt is somewhere in the neighbourhood of $1.5 billion. From the company’s perspective, there are a number of drawbacks to both the Indonesian and Guatemalan projects. Originally conceived of as a cheap source of the low grade laterite ore that has recently been much in demand, these deveiopments have turned out to be not such a bargain. Both require vast amounts of energy, cheap when the projects began, expensive now. Both have experienced delays and difficulty in construction which have caused costs to skyrocket. Even if it turned out that the Canadian operations were more economical than either or both of these, Into is caught in a trap of its own device. The company went to these countries because both were ruled by repressive dictatorships which could be relied upon to give generous tax concessions in return for development, and to control any egalitarian tendencies among the low paid workforce. Now it is obvious that these same dictatorships would take a dim view of any attempt to cut back production. Nationalization is a very real possibility in these countries, whereas here it would appear to be merely a retractable option for the social democrats. One must realize that when one is talking about production from the Indonesian and Guatemalan mines, the total amount being discussed is only 128 million pounds. This compares with a total Canadian nickel production in 1976 of 478 million pounds, with about a 10% drop in 1977. Into alone has over 300 million pounds stockpiled, even though both Into and Falconbridge operated at about 70 per cent capacity last year. It is estimated that in 1977 consumption of nickel in the capitalist sector trailed production by about 200 million pounds. Nonetheless, the high quality of the Canadian product and relative ease of refining it means that Canadian nickel would be competitive on the capitalist market if it were not in the interests of the companies controlling it to supply this market from elsewhere. If nationalization were to occur, lost jobs would be returned and Sudbury’s economy would get a reprieve. Public ownership would be a small step in a positive direction. Local control and diversification would be others. However, as has been pointed out by Marjaleena Repo and others, and as was made clear by the B.C. experience, community control under capitalism leaves the power in the hands of the bourgeoisie and has little or no material effect on the situation of the worker.

Small steps these would be, affording only temporary as these changes occur within the context of capitalism, be exploited and manipulated by the sai’ne system which the present outrage.


relief, for as long the workers will is responsible for. -mqe

Gmphics, inspiwtion, and rnml~ of the irlfomution contained in this article wre dmwn jiorn The Big Nickel: Into at Home and Abroad, Between the Lines, 97 Victoria St. N., Kitchener.



the chevron

WOLFGANG’S My name is Wolfgang. Some of my best friends are< Jews, but I don’t care. Luv? I’m going for a walk. I’m tired. Maybe it’ll ease my mind. But it’s cold out. . . I’ll walk. Lights all around me; makes the night warmer, or colder. I don’t know. I’m hungry, .but there’s no food. Lights will go out in an hour. Damn war. “Must be saved for the Front,” they say. The Front. The people at the

Front need it to die. Death ‘with honour. Honour thy mother and thy father. And so they serve, to protect the fatherland. Much like World War Two, only different. Much different. But not really. My friends fight. They kill. They kill many. Many of them die too. .The brave ones. Warriors seeking the wind of glory. Let it blow their sails. Let the gusts sail them to victory. Death to the enemy. We will conquer. God be with us. Amen.

‘ ‘ Soldier !’ ’ I am not a brave. “Soldier!” I look to beware. “You look lonely dier. ”


The porridge looked tempting, and little Gold.ilocks set about helping herself. “I am.” She’s beautiful. smile. “You wanna



I like her buy


The porridge of the great, huge Bear was too hot for her. “Sorry, I’m afraid I’m penniless. The war.” “Yes, the war.” I’m lost. An intriguing world, indeed, but I’m lost. Is not everyone? The search continues. We’ll know. But why? Damn war. “Excuse me, miss, but I’m lonely.” “I’m sure you are.”

The porridge of the middle Bear, was too cold for her. These ants are driving me crazy. They must live too. We all must live. And why not? It’s as if it never was. It probably never will be, you realize . After all, whg cares? Time, it’s of the essence. It’s money, sweet nectar. It creeps on, going nowhere infinitely, never beginning, but existing. Ii it? Lights out soon. Time lurches on. Time must win, mustn’t it? “Hello.”

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Let the time wind. “Hello. My name is Wol. gang.” “Mine isn’t.” The wind must blow a( ross the world, I guess. It’ die sotie day, though. It’ have to. “May I walk with you?’ The porridge of the litth small wee bear was neithc too hot nor too cold, but ju! right. -d.


All submissions of artwork, prose orpoetr are welcome. - Short stories or similar pros should be typed on ari approximat 64-character line (do not hyphenate word that are too long). Poetry must also be typec but, like artwork, should be submitted ,in th form that you would like to see it in print. W will print pseudonyms, if instructed, bl please +pply your name and phone numbe regardless, so that you ‘may be contacted i case of difficulties (try to anticipate problerr and avoid ambiguities in your copy). Materi; is selected according to available spac‘c editorial discretion and Heisenberg’s Unce tainty Principle. Please bring all contributior to the chevron, Campus Centre 140.

” Enlargements

PK- t G POt rRY. -’

of a Photograph

gecond dimension lovers Satisfy your needs You need do nothing more Than caress your wall And remember.. . . . . they come to life

i You take me in the afternoon From the west With sun on your shoulders Moss grows on rny north side Exposed, naked, and vulnerable In the forest Your eye winks In promise of more colourful things A sixty second love gffair

vi I remove no guilt from myself As I pick off burrs and creepers To stand I was blinded by your flash And drawn to your blue intentions I still see fire works of sorts; Spots and stains often appear When I think of you Nebulous in a forest

Perhaps you would prefer A trip to the red lights A darkened room Would be more suitable To see what will develop From my, negative response You argue, ‘black is white’ And paint me in his image Position me as you have others And begin .a. III Nothing is sacred Nothing hidden from your view .Yet you redsure me %There is no need for embarrassment Time and air will remove AIt flaws You stand straight And pointed with purpose You demand I perform This one is for posterity; Sniile. iv In the’distance Wild animals, flowers and, birds Dancing, in dustless I .Rays of light More beautiful than I Yet unsuited to your purpose It is my innocence you ask In darkened rooms Others like myself have been Enlarged Life size paper people Award winning trophies To hang on your wall

vii I am more fortunate than I did not fit comfortably On your wall I stuck out in all the wrong places I refused to be transparent You became annoyed And tore me to shreds Should I thank you?






I meet you on the street Sometimes You always carry scissors Prepared to crop My unruly corners But I have a stronger back I am pieced together With rubber cement There are cracks, flaws Pieces missing Residue on your floor It is easier to bounce back

ng now Cryptic abuse gone; We fix ourselves drink But discover paradox. now

Life is naught but a Table of random numbers Perceived too closely.



ix Seeing you again I want to take your picture To remember you by; To put on my wall This on& is for posterity; Smile -j.

r. frost



not much but enough an understanding glan ce a slight smile she dropped her head and walked on past -wrb



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SCH Pub: rare double encore

I’homas a hit with music &. jokes Ottawa recording artist I .an homas returned to Waterloo last leek for an appearance at the outh Campus Hall Pub. As was ie case last September, Thomas ‘as received by a very enthusiastic Jdience.





terested in his performance. He mixed such old favorites as “Painted Ladies”, “Mother Earth”, and “Mary Jane” with cuts off his upcoming album. One of the most notable songs of the evening was “Calabash”, the title cut off his last album, which was . .. -.

Durante and other old-time entertainers . Thomas is backed up by four capable Southern Ontario musicians. Dave Cooper plays guitar and Dave Sawyer plays bass. The drummer is Michael T. Overly and Hugh Syme is on keyboards. Thomas reminded the audience that Syme wasn’t actually “on” the keyboards, but really “sat behind them”.

rare occurance at SCH Pubs. There is no SCH Pub this week on account of Arts Reading Week. Two SCH Pubs will be held on

Thursday March 2nd and Friday March 3rd. Liverpool will appear both nights. -j.

j. long

Such satirical remarks are characteristic of Thomas’ style. Between some songs he would take time out from singing to joke with the audience. He was quite adept at directing remarks to some of his friends who were photographing the band during the show. Though Thomas’ sound system was far superior to that of Hott Roxx, the band did encounter some electronic feedback problems in the second set. Some of these may’ve been caused by problems existing within the South Campus Hall itself. Thomas was himself disturbed by the low ceilings, and remarked that the banners hanging from the ceiling must have been nominees for a new Quebec flag. SCH Pub Co-ordinator Dave Jennison estimated a crowd of 338 persons at last Friday’s pub. This was short of a sellout, but with bar receipts the Federation should be close to a break-even financial situation. , Though the crowd was not a sell-out they sounded like one. Many of them were dancing to the music and applauding every song. They called Thomas back for a double encore, and that is indeed a

Nflders & seal hunt at UW The controversial Newfoundnd seal hunt will begin again early 1 March. No doubt Greenpeace ill be there along with the crusadlg celebrities and the television Pmera crews, and public symathy will be evoked for the plight Fthe baby seals and the ruination F the ecological system. The lummers Troupe of Newfoundnd, a professional theatrical Impany whose work has been unJashedly political, highly conoversial and widely acclaimed by le entertainment world and the naInal media, have another pers:ctive on the seal hunt. Their proaction, THEY CLUB SEALS, ON’T THEY?, is being prented in the Theatre of the Arts on onday, February 27 at 8 p.m. The Mummers are unique in the anadian professional theatre orld. Since the Troupe’s incepIn in 1972, they have addressed emselves to matters of social, onomic and cultural importance Newfoundland, and through a lpular entertainment format have rcefully presented the points of zw of communities and regional norities to the public at large. THEY- CLUB SEALS, DON’T IEY? is a continuation of this )rk. According to the Mummers, :wfoundlanclers have become the -get of a barrage of biased public1 surrounding the seal hunt, rich results in a distorted view of people and culture. They feel at reality has been misrepsented in the service of conlversy; the seal hunt has become : Seal Circus. Movie stars, aire stewardesses, young children d the media cameras have all

been transported to the icefields along with the sincerely concerned to confront Newfoundland sealers. The result has been to emotionalize the issue to the point where intelligent examination is virtually impossible for the general public. The devastation in the wake of the conflict has created repercussions on many levels of Newfoundland society . Blood on the ice is not the only measure of damage to life. THEY CLUB SEALS, DON’T THEY? examines the specific facts and issues of the sealing controversy and finds wider implications for the Canadian identity, lifestyle, economic development apd ecosystem as a whole. The Mummers make no claims- to represent any government or organization’s point of view but their own. After extensive research and close examination of the facts,

they believe the current Newfoundland seal hunt to be a humane and ecologically sound harvest of a rethriving and unennewable, dangered marine resource, conducted in accordance with sound resource management principles. A harvest which is a significant component of the seasonally diversified economic livelihood of the Newfoundland fisherman. The Mummers state the Newfoundland It was nearly a se/l-out at the SCH last Friday night for the Ian Thomas Band. position, and the reasons for it in a Thomas’ group performed very well indeed, and Thomas himself was entertheatrical manner. THEY CLUB taining as a possible stand-up comedian. Top right: /an Thomas and guitarist SEALS, DON’T THEY? is a seri- Dave Cooper; Top left: /an Thomas himself. ous , funny, satiric, disturbing play. -photos by john Wallace bast, stephen coates, rick smit It is controversial. And it is important. Tickets for THEY CLUB WINNER OF 4 GOLDEN GLOBE AWARDS SEALS, DON’T THEY? are $5.00 BEST PICTURE-BEST SCREENPLAY (St&en. $3.00) and are available at the UW Arts Centre Main Box OfBEST ACTOR-BEST ACTRESS fice, Room 254, Modern Languages Building.



4 J


This Week

(Campus Centre Pub) Coffee, Tea, Cider and Goodies $1.49





Februarv 26 MICK DELANEY

e $ +S 43







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r Folk-rock artist Jesse Winchester will be performing at Bingeman Park on Friday March 16th. The performance is co-sponsored by CKMS-Radio Waterloo and the Federation’s Board of Entertainment. Some of the possible profits will be used to help finance Radio Waterloo’s FM Guide. Winchester is a former American who moved to Canada in ‘the late sixties in protest of the Vietnam war. He has developed a following of folk devotees in this country and his latest album, gained him a Canadian Go16 Album. He has performed with many other popular folk and country-rock performers. According to Niki Klein, an employee of CKMS, Winchester is very popular with CKMS staff and is very popular in this area. The last time he played at Guelph his performance was sold out. Despite doubts by Federation president Rick Smit, Klein believes that Winchester should have no trouble filling at least 1200 of the 2000 available seats at Bingeman Park, in order for the show to break even. Tickets will be on sale soon, probably at the Federation and CKMS offices. Advance student tickets are $4.50 each and CKMS will be running free buses from the campus to Bingeman Park. -j.j. long


Ompose On Wednesday March 1st at 12:30pm William Buxton of the Structured Sound Synthesis Project (SSSP) of the University of Toronto will present a lecturedemonstration: “Computers and Music Composition” in the Conrad-ebel Chapel.



- which will include taped examples and illustrative -prqjections ‘will present a brief survey of the use of computers in music composition as well as a more detailed look at current trends. The latter will be illustrated using the work of the SSSP as an example.





After hearing ambivalent reports for several months, I finally saw “The Turning Point” last Monday. The best parts are the ballet scenes, it is true, they but scarcely seem to justify the remainder of the film. The problem is not that “The Turning Point” is such an outrageously bad film, but that it could have been a great deal better. Two friends, played by Anne Bancroft and Shirley MacLaine, have, many years ago, made their respective decisions to sacrifice everything for ballet, and to sacrifice ballet for marriage. Deedee (Maclaine) became pregnant with ther first daughter, Emilia, when she and Emma were vying for the same ri>le in a ballet. The pregnancy, of course, decided matters, without resolving the question of which of the two best deserved the part. Emiliais now herselfat this-” turning point” where she feels she has to decide which of the routes she must follow or whether she can choose a path between the two. Great movies have frequently had plots as simple as this, sometimes even depended on them. With MacLaine and Bancroft in the lead parts, “The Turning Point” should have been really excellent. Unfortunately corny dialogue and a poor script riddled with clichks

formal presentation, the next hour (beginning at 1:30) will be devoted to discussion and further demonstration. Throughout the presentation. the musical orientation will be maintained. Thus, the talk will be of equal interest to musicians and technologists, alike.

have prevented this. Somehow this seems to be the fault of nearly every promising movie to hit the chains. Nobody is willing to do anything unusual that transcends the level of soap opera when they can draw c.rowds with their stock formula scripts. A formula movie can, of course, be entertaining, as Burt Reynolds has demonstrated time and again, but one hungers for something substantial (and I don’t mean Fellini or Bergman: “Annie Hall” was at the same time a vastly entertaining and mature film). “The Turning Point” was directed by Herbert Ross, who was also responsible for “The Goodbye


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Girl”, reviewed (?!> ‘in this same issue. Ross also directed “Play It Again, Sam” and “The Seven PerEverything indicent Solution”. cates that Ross is gradually moving downhill, but he hasn’t made his last buck on a bad movie yet. If you have nothing better to do. go see “The Turning Point” just tc watch Mikhail Baryshnikov do hi: stuff, but don’t expect much more from the movie than the usual Hollywood platitudes about shdw business. This film rates a modes] 0.0091 out of 20 on the James WarE scale (about as high as a Red Barr hamburger or a low-grade Heinleir novel (aren’t they all‘?)). -oscar

m nierstras;


Live! Takin’ The Stage Pure Prairie League RCA There’s a line from one of the tunes on Live! Takin’ The Stage that begins “It’s that same old country song. . .“. That pretty well sums up the music of Pure Prairie League. None of the six band members is either outstanding or incompetent, and the quality of the performances generally reflects the nature of the songs. Most of the twenty numbers are mid-tempo country rock descriptions of love, lust and life on the road, done with little conviction or imagination, but certainly no less pleasant than the repertoire of a half dozen other bands. What is annoying is that on most of the songs, the band sounds as if its members got out of bed five minutes before they hit the stage, and were still rubbing the sleep out of their eyes between licks. As a result, the truly above average material, such as Two Lane High-

way, Heart Of Her Own, and o course Amie, suffers from vapid in, terpretation. In fact, the better (? part of the entire first record of thir double set generally gives the im pression that these guys get inspira tion from eating processed cheese guzzling powdered milk, ant watching reruns of “I Love Lucy.’ Fortunately, things get consider ably better on the final two sides the group playing with more bite tc suit the superior compositions. Al though ex-member Craig Fuller’ Amie is given a rather perfunctor: reading, Fade Away, Feelin’ 0 Love, and Dance all shine throug to make this LP a strong one albur effort. However, unless you’re confirmed PPL fanatic, you money would be better spent on thl band’s second record, Bustin’ OUI or on something by the Eagles, b Poco, or by one of the few othe exceptional exponents of countr rock. -john


Live an still livin One always has to wary of live albums or greatest hits collections because as often as not it means that the group is either stagnating, changing directions, in need of money, or, at worst, kaput. What this two-record live set is indicative of I’m not quite sure, but somehow I don’t think that 1Occ is ready to pack things in yet. Although only Eric Stewart and Graham Gouldman remain from the original lOcc, this album shows clearly that these two were indeed the creative force behind the group all along. 1Occ has always had some good rare qualities; they can be cute without being sy~:upy or they can rock hard, they can be intelligent without being pretentious, and satirical without being too heavy. They have a sense of humour, especially when it comes to sex, that might become vulgar in the

Co-op The


hands of another grcup, but wit them it ‘works. Surprisingly enough, the musj retains a lot of the full, lush soun of the original versions. Nc they’re not perfect (the actu; sound quality isn’t that hot) bl they do prove that 1Occ doesn need to rely totally on studio gin mickry to make their music, charge that has been thrown ; them more than once. If you don’t own any of the other records, this makes a preti good sampler, although leaning bit heavily on the recent Deceptb Bends. It has their two AM succe ses, “I’m Not in Love” and “Tl Things We Do for Love” as well ; IOcc favourites, “Art Fc Art’s Sake”, “I’m Mandy F Me”, and “Wall Street Suffle’ Unlike many live albums there a no long, boring, excessive solos just four sides of enjoyable music





campus telephone listing for the desk should be 884-8770 on the directory’s front cover. For all numbers not listed, therefore, call 884-8770, or ext. 3867.






the chevron


Country and folk played at the CCCH Although some of our patrons are off skiing and sunbathing, Sunday’s CCCH showed that people stay at school during Reading Week. Those who took a break from the books witnessed an interesting evening of music as Ed Koenig and Gord Ogilvie (and friends) brought their blend of country and folk styles to the coffeehouse stage. Koenig led his friends through two sets of fine music including in his repertoire the songs of Hank Williams, Jerry Jeff Walker, and Bob Dylan. Ogilvie accompanied on vocals, mandolin, guitar, banjo and bass. And we always welcome the comedic forays of Glenn Soulis, who also delighted us with his accompaniments on fiddle, flute, and other wind instruments. Also appearing were Greg Warren, a gravel voiced country singer, and Greg Koszack, who added fine harmonies to the blend. The guest artists, two parts of the three-man Stephen James Band, offered a nice set of original material. Upcoming performances at the CCCH: feb. 26 Mick Delaney, guest artist Tom Wilson; mar. 5 Scott Merritt, guest artist Doug Reansbury. Auditions for a guest set at the CCH will be held Wednesday March 1st in the Campus Centre. Any musicians wishing to audition may contact the Turnkey Desk for further info. -b. tomlinson till Sunday. . .

A Simonesque STEVE: Well, Oscar? OSCAR: Well, Steve? S: Where should we start? 0: Perhaps we should start by explaining that this dialogue is in fact a review of Neil Simon’s “The Goodbye Girl” directed by Herbert Ross, starring Richard Dreyfuss, Marsha Mason (a.k.a. Mrs. Neil Simon) and Quinn Cummings, now showing at the Waterloo in Waterloo, which we are presenting in the form of a verbal pas de deux between two typically Simonian characters. S: Good idea. Ahem. This dialogue is in fact a 0: Steve. S: Yes, Oscar? 0: We’ve done that already. S: Oh. What next? 0: Perhaps you could continue this bilateral interview by posing a leading question. S: Oscar! 0: About the movie. (Stupid git!) S: Oh. (pause) Oscar, in your esteemed estimation, would you venture to verify that “The Goodbye Girl” qualifies as the kind of popular, light entertainment of little or no socially redeeming value which has guaranteed Neil Simon a permanent niche in the annals of Broadway history? 0: Yep. S: Would you further agree that, even though this particular oeuvre boasts the most predictable of plots, and characters which may best be described as 0: Glib? S: Thank you. - as glib, including a semi-retired dancer who, at the onset of the action, has been deserted by her husband-in-all-butname of two year’s standing who, as a going-/away present of the most plot-producing variety, has sublet the apartment and departed with the cash, this action resulting in an effective-almost-immediately eviction notice for our spirited, if temperamental, heroine who, it should be noted, bears the additional burden of a typical Simonized 0: Simonesque. S: ‘Thank you. A typical, Simonesque, precocious New York ten year old. 0: Ten year old plot? S: Don’t be silly. The plot’s five hundred years old if it’s a day. 0: But New York’s only about four hundred years old. It was settled by :he Dutch, you know. (phone rings) 2: Amsterdam phone, will you? Oscar does) What is it? 3: It’s a typical dramatic phone :all, wherein the caller, having caled at a point where the action is seriously threatened by deadening

The campus centre coffeehouses’ entertainers seem to be going in for group efforts now. Rather than just the two performers slated for last week, plus the guest set, we see here singer Cord Ogilvie (left) has invited a friend to the -photo by john w. bast platform (Greg Warren) to sing and play along.

review of Neil’s “The Goodbye

pace and dialogue of dubious quality, proceeds to provide crucial information (relayed by myself, of course) in order to arouse the audience, or in this case the reader, from the slumber into which it has, by now, inevitably settled, to wit, and I quote, “The phrase ‘precocious New York ten year old’ refers neither to an aging thoroughbred nor even to a poor Scotch whiskey, but to the daughter of the ex-dancer referred to earlier in this review. This daughter lives up to and exceeds our wildest expectations, being independent, brash, patronizing, mature, level-headed (if occasionally emotional) and apparently very knowledgeable about The Ways Of The World, to misquote William Congreve. Your three minutes are up, sir. Click. Buzz.” I think that’s the end of the call. S: Too bad he didn’t mention that no sooner do our mother and daughter find themselves in this situation than the new leaseholder, an actor (shudder) from Chicago (shudder) arrives, demanding entry. The mother, of course, refuses, and a short verbal battle ensues, during which we come to the realization that they were made for each other - the actor and the mother, that is. 0: The child fits in rather well too.

whole was light and crunchy on the inside, not too substantial, but coated with melted sentimentality. S: What about the direction? 0: Competent. S: The cinematography? 0: Competent. S: The supporting actors? 0: Competent. S: The leads? 0: Corn-sorry. While Marsha Mason and Quinn Cummings both handle their roles with a faint air of competency, I feel compelled to compliment Richard Dreyfuss on a completely captivating character, communicating uncommonly charismatic class and craziness. In fact, I can confidently commend


this cinematic venture quence of noting that say that Dreyfus is the coefficient contributing stitution of this flit.

as a conseit is safe to compelling to the con-

S: Dreyfuss is the compell0: I said that. S: No, you said it was safe to say that, so I was going to say it. 0: Will you say anything else? S: Is it safe? 0: I don’t know. Let’s have a look at those molars. S: Put that drill down! (cautious sidelong glance) After playing second fiddle to special effects (such as sharks and spaceships) for too long, it’s a welcome relief to see Dreyfuss stealing the spotlight

Girl” again - something he hasn’t done since ‘ ‘Duddy Kravitz’ ’ . 0: When did you last have your teeth cleaned? S: Shut up. Now where would you put this film on the James Wark scale? 0: S: Maybe I could suggest 0.72 out of 20. 0: Oh, come on, 0.72499 at least! S: An enjoyable film. average. 0: Good night, Dick. S: Good night, Chet. 0: Chet? -oscar



--steve hull m nierstrasz



S: Don’t be obscene. 0: That’s not what I meant. I meant that the child and the actor get along tremendously, and this acts as a catalyst for the growing affection between the actor and the mother. S: But they fight all the time. 0: True, this growing affection manifests itself in peculiar ways, such as perpetual battles between the two, but then they’re both under a lot of strain, She’s trying to get a job, preferably as a dancer, but she’s really out of shape. S: I liked her shape. 0: Hmmmm. The actor, on the other hand, is preparing for his first New York role in an off-beat offBroadway production of Richard III whose director wants him to play the part of Richard as “a double order of fresh California fruit salad”. He is not happy about this. However, things turn out in the end, more or less, and we’re supplied with what one Neil Simon expert termed “a happy ending”. S: What a descriptive phrase. 0: True. Now about the film self .












S: What would you say about the film itself? 0: Good question. The film as a






c 1978








the chevron

Recognhe the enemy This letter is addressed to those who consider themselves apolitical. It concerns a recent literary attack and the underlying danger it is a symptom of. The lead story of the 8 Feb. issue of the tabloid today’s student is a subtle form of hate literature directed against the gay community . Ignoring such an attack may appear to be the best course of action to take. After all, the article states that homosexuality is a sickness that can’ be “cured” through therapy. “I love the homosexuals,” says Anita Bryant. Bland stuff indeed! But do not be deceived. today’s student is propaganda put forth by the growing forces of the organized right. Using the same techniques as Hitler - appealing to patriotism, property and prosperity - the well-financed right does not intend to stop until all the gains of the sixties and seventies made by blacks, women and gays have been destroyed. If we allow this movement to pass unnoticed, it can do nothing but gather strength. Then, like the complacent citizens of Germany of the 3Os, we may find that it is too late to act. Knowledge that the enemy exists is the first step in opposing it. Goz Lyv

No thanks ‘to BOG Though the Board of Governors voted for the rent increase in the Married Students Residence, the Tenants Association has not given up. The Rent Negotiating Committee will meet this week with Ben Wilson, Deputy Minister of Colleges and Universities, to see if there can be a resolution. Failing this, legal counsel advises that we would have an excellent case for holding back rent. Neil Docherty and the chevron staff have been of immeasurable help. Good investigative reporting unearthed facts and trends which made the entire campus realize the seriousness of our situation. The Tenants Association is grateful to the Grad Club for their ready support and financial assistance. We thank the Federation of Students for their moral and financial support. And, to all who came to the demonstration and the Board of Governors meeting thank-you. This is a time for us all to join together and protest the Administration’s inflexible position. Neil Jensen, co-ordinator Linda Ross, treasurer Betsy Seinen, secretary

Exposing h&ten An investigation of Professor Wahlsten and his two cohorts illustrates they are involved in “dirty tricks” comparable to those of Nixon or the R.C.M.P. Their letters (chevron Jan. 20) grossly falsify Shih K’ang-ti’s letter “Who Does the Killing?” (chevron Jan. 6). Shih quoted Nehru strictly to illustrate the contrast between Fascism and Communism. Wahlsten’s puppets immediately twisted this to show that Shih was “pro-Nehru” and “pro India-taking-over-Tibet.” They deliberately lied to delude chevron readers about their credibility. Now we discover there isn’t much difference between Fascism and Wahlsten’s brand of “Communism.”

Next they slandered Shih by saying he was “pro-U.S. Imperialist” and “pro-Hurley.” They based these charges on the sole “evidence” of Shih having said that the U.S. ambassador to China, Patrick Hurley was sent to China to “bring peace and coalition government. ’ ’ Investigation of their charges will disprove this. Shih said Hurley’s mission was assigned in 1944 during the “Anti-Japanese Front.” America gave aid to Chiang during W. W. II and this was acceptable to all Chinese, since it was seen as anti-imperialist or against the Japanese. After Roosevelt’s death U.S. policy was reversed and became imperialistic and anti-communist. Wahlsten and his friends glossed over this fact, and implied Shih was supporting Imperialism. Wahlsten and Co. chose to delude readers into thinking there was only one American policy, whereas there were two distinct policies during that period. Shih wrote of the Anti-Japanese War period when Yenan Communists believed in America’s policies to the extent that they were willing to place their armies under the command of American General Joseph Stilwell (See: Barbara W. Tuchman, Stilwell and the American Experience in China 1911-45, Bantam, New York: 1972. P. 592 & 620). It was because Wahlsten & co. could not find anything to attack that he slyly attempted to align Shih with the imperialists. They tried to make this war-time period synonamous with the ugly post-war period in order to discredit him. Wahlsten’s disciples then attacked Shih’s source with sarcasm, (i.e., “it is a Han Suyin soap opera”). It is interesting to note they did not once challenge the cited examples with facts. They barked, but without teeth they couldn’t bite. These lies expose the desperate measures to which Wahlsten & Co. have been driven. The “analysis” by these imposters show that they will lie and deceive to reconstruct their “reality.” They, therefore, aren’t Marxists, since Marx insisted upon concrete analysis of concrete facts. Rather, they are the false left. The “Big Talk, No Action” line of petty-bourgeois intellectual Wahlsten only serves the end of Canada’s political police by drawing sincere socialists into the open. Concrete anaysis shall expose him! Arthur Lo

CPDC/A/A dubious In The chevron (Feb. 10) it was reported that a “delegation from UW” was included in a march through downtown Toronto protesting against the Pitman Report (see Pitman Report Denounced as Racist Attack by Neil Docherty). I didn’t know that the University of Waterloo sent a delegation to this demonstration! Who legitimized this delegation? Which sector of the university population did it represent? How did this delegation represent us? Obviously the CPDC/AIA conferred upon itself the title “a delegation from UW.” For a group such as this to call itself a “delegation” from the university is pure and simple misrepresentation. The CPDC/AIA is not recognized by Students’ Council or the administration; nor are either of these two bodies ever likely to endorse this group in the future. Furthermore, the secret membership of the CPDC/AIA represents a very minute, yet active, esoteric clique - some of whom are neither students or faculty. It was highly irrseponsible of the editorial board, in my view, to permit this improper application of the title. In fact the space devoted to the story was a complete waste. The editorial board should have known that any statement issued by the CPDC/AIA has a highly questionable validity - virtually nobody on campus takes them seriously; and briefly, here is why: Denouncing the Pitman Report as “fascist and racist” is a total -misappropriation of words. Clearly the terms were used in the context of a particular ideology. It is an elementary premise of the marxist-leninist

line that fascism and racism are characteristic of the rich (the ruling upper classes?). On the basis of this assumed inductive validity of their own premises, the marxist-leninists vigorously denounce the Pitman Report as being inductively invalid. Inductive validity, by itself means very little. For a thoery to be of any value it must also include strong evidence which supports deductive validity. * As any social scientist knows, to ascertain the strength of such validity, at least two approaches can be applied: (a) replicate the study: see ifthe results are the same; if not, how can the study be redesigned to make it more valid and the results more reliable? (b) conduct independent research to test some of the hypotheses and assumptions in the Pitman Report by other methods and other empirical data. If the CPDC/AIA wants to criticize the Pitman Report on the strength of inductive/deductive validity, its service to social welfare and contribution to scientific knowledge would be of significant value. As I recall from the Forum on Bill C-24 last September, Prof. Doug Wahlsten left me with the impression that the CPDC had already conducted a survey in the Kitchener-Waterloo area when he stated that he had “hard facts” on the extent of racism in the community (“The people of Kitchener - the ordinary workers - are not racist” (sic)). It would seem to me then that Mr. Wahlsten contends that empirical data for his hypothesis is more reliable and valid than the evidence collected by Mr. Walter Pitman. If this is so, then the Pitman Report should be criticized on this,basis, and not because its conclusions do not fit the marxist-leninist interpretation of reality. I am not “defending” the Pitman Report, since I have not read it myself. However, after hearing Mr. Pitman speak on a couple of occasions, having spoken to him personally, and after meeting other students at Ryerson, I feel that he is one university president who expresses a genuine concern for student needs. From my experience, then, I do not think it is likely that he himself is a “fascist” or espouses “racist” attitudes. I also think it is pretentious to believe that he would try to defend these prejudices purportedly harboured by the ruling class. The CPDC/AIA makes little or no effort to demonstrate that Mr. Pitman’s defence of the rich exhibits a pattern in his own logic. Once again, they assume that this pattern holds because implicitly Mr. Pitman is (rightfully or wrongfully) cast as being a member or at least a “puppet” of the ruling class. Further based on this allegedly inductively valid theoretical framework, the CPDC/AIA formulates its assault on government. Bill C-24, the latest federal law on immigration has been specifically singled out as a tool of oppression. Has it ever occurred to the CPDC/AIA why we -or any state - should have an immigration policy at all? It would seem to me that such a policy is a necessity for a planned economy - one ideally geared towards controlled growth. Despite all of its shortcomings, I share, Paul Copeland’s sentiment that our immigration law is still among the most liberal in the world. I do understand, however, from reading Bill C-24 and listening to other authorities, that the bill’s most repressive measures include a tacit selective bias against Third-World immigrants and political dissidents. The validity of the conclusion drawn by the CPDC/AIA that the Pitman Report is fascist and racist, in my mind, is highly questionable. Their basis of criticism stems mainly from a particular line of interpretation that does not permit any compromise with counterviews. It is all or nothing: “vigorously oppose” Bill C-24! The Pitman Report is “fascist and racist!” The reputation of any organization that makes such sweeping generalizations cannot be taken seriously. It is an embarrassment to myself and other students who read that such a group constituted a “delegation from UW.” What makes it worse is that The chevron devotes time and space to such irrelevant events as this march in downtown Toronto. If the editor was convinced that the student body was so keenly interested in the issue of ra-


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cism why did he bother sending a reporter to cover an event which took place 70 miles away, when no coverage was made of the conference on racism very recently held just down the street at WLU? Morris llyniak Planning 3rd Year *Inductive Validity: when all the premises of a theory are “true” then the conclusion of a hypothesis is also more likely to be “true.” The extent to which the conclusions are likely to be true if premises are, increases with the number and variety of instances which the argument embodies. Deductive Validity: if the conclusion of a hypothesis is invalid, then some or all of the premises of a theory must also be invalid. On the contrary, the greater the number of hypotheses found to be “true”, the greater the strength of validity of an argument.

Riding the big one We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it any more. An “Invitational” Broomball Tournament, as advertised in the Chevron Jan. 27th, was not as invitational as one would be lead to believe. Our team, Strider’s Riders, feel that a grave injustice has been committed by the organizers, the Math Sot. It appears as if the tournament was confined to an elite of some sort. Our leader, who is called Strider, encountered much irresponsibility on the part of the organizers. To rectify-this gross injustice and in the name of good sportsmanship, we demand that the winners of the rigged tournament accept the challenge of Strider’s Riders to a real game of broomball. Let justice prevail. We awail your response. Strider and his Rider: Lettitor The item to which you refer appeared in thg Intra-Play Re-Play section of the paper, whict is not written by a chevron staff member, bu is, rather, written by Ed Aziz of the Intramural! Department and is treated by the chevron as i press release whose veracity has never be fore been in doubt. chevron policy is to keel errors to the minimum (in fact, to avoid then completely) and if the fault is with Mr. Aziz, shall take this matter up with him. If, as I sus pect, he is merely transmitting information from MathSoc, then your quarrel is with Mat1 Society. John Wallace Basl Production Manage1

no racist! I was shocked to see Walter Pitman, of al people, assailed as the author of a “racist’ report in a letter from the International Stt dents Association in the chevron of Fet ruary 10th. The same charge appeared in ‘news report’ on page 7. Putting the twl together, it seems that the principal con plaint against Mr. Pitman is that his repot aims at doing something about the probler of racism, particularly within agencies sue as the Metropolitan Toronto Police: “Th organisations see the Pitman report as a attack on their position that self-defence i the only way for communities to defen themselves against racist attacks. . .” Of course, if you do not want to do some thing about the problem but want instead t’ exacerbate tensions and increase alienatior then sensible proposals for changes withi our social agencies and our social structure must seem perverse. Walter Pitman is no racist. I trust thl these malevolent attacks on his report wi contribute - however indircetly - to ge’ ting for it the attention it deserves. Frank Thompso Associate Professo Religious Studies Departmer

frriciay, february

24, 7978

Call me brown...

the chevron

Some people think that all brown skinned ’ people are from Pakistan. Is it not ignorance to call all Asians Pakistani? By Pakistani they mean all browns. If they have any discontent for all browns then call them browns, why Pakistani? Europeans are called white because they are white, Africans are called blacks because they are black, then why not browns be called browns, why Pakistani? Why does a tiny community of Pakistanis have to be the only target? I can understand their discontent. First generation of immigrants is always unwelcome, especially under circutistances of economics crisis. If a large number of immigrants is one of the factors of economic crisis, it would be terribly unjust to single out the Pakistanis as the sole contributing factor, since they constitute only a small portion of immigration to Canada. I don’t take their discontent with immigrants as an offence. Instead I feel it is natural, some people in other countries would have reacted against immigrants the same way as some Canadians do. What offends me is the fact that only Pakistanis are criticized when derogatory references are made to all browns. On the whole, the majority’ of the Canadians are worth appreciating, they have been generous towards immigrants and are not racist. Racists are only those newspapers who give large coverage to little racial incidents, and those who in reaction form “Fight Back” organisations. Racism is nothing but the result of idiotic propaganda from both sides. The more you talk about racism the more tension grows among two groups. Canada does not have only the problem of racism to waste its time and energy on. Why not forget about racism and work towards solving its problems by joining together immigrants and non-immigrants both as one Nation? Aftab Hussain Mirza

Barkman I’S blunderings I have observed with declining amusement the flurry of letters in the Feedback section containing attacks on the chevron made by former free chevrics. They hav’e resurrected many of the allegatiotis made by Shane Roberts and other characters in his executive puppet show. The most ludicrous charges in the current campaign of hysteria have been made by Randy Barkman. He asserts that “those with the people associated AIA/CPC-ML . . . comprise the leadership of the chevron” and that “this is the chevron’s rot”. As an example of “rot”, he states, without substantiation, that “the chevron’s cheap sloganeering” is “scaring off students from joining the paper”. In addition, he stoops to the unprincipled slander that the “news editor. , . is incapable of making a rational decision”. This is the same rabid attack as that launched by Shane Roberts. In particular. the character slur against the news editor is clearly reminiscent of the trash raised by Roberts about Neil Docherty’s inadequate “journalistic faculties”. Board of Entertainment chairperson Nick Redding and Fed president Rick Smit have joined Randy in the parade of paranoia. Nick has exhibited the chameleon-like tendency to change his colours in the past but is now comfortably entrenched in his executive position. In fact, the finding of the chevron investigation commission draws a perfect parallel between the gang headed by Roberts and the current herd: ‘ ‘ The inescapable conclusion is that the executive of the Federation would have lil;<ed to see no articles or features representihg the AIA position”. This .analysis applies exactly today,. The

chevron has made a great impact with its stand against rent increases for married students and against English proficiency exams. Instead of advancing the chevron to further victories on student issues, Randy and the others expend much effort warning readers of the menace of “absolutism”. I would just like to point out one final blunder on Randy’s part. Among his outrageous claims, he says that “all those democratic students from the free chevron days are turning into revisionists, fascists, anti-communists, opportunists, etc.” Personally, I have never had any of these “AIA labels” applied to me. Lorne Gerkhuny

Upon the F&d Titanic According to last week’s chevron, Kitchener-Waterloo will be hit with one, maybe two, transit fare increases in the very near future. The chevron, not surprisingly, had an assigned reporter on the spot to get the story and no doubt set the basis for future research into this latest hassle for students. Research, is what the students need if they wish to fight back: research that is part of the chevron’s mandate to “defend the basic interests of students”. And for those of you who squirm about this supposed sloganeering, it means that the chevron will help back up students who want to fight against basic problems that directly concern them: education cutbacks, fee hikes, transit fare increases and a leeching student federation. And if such action on the part of the chevron is sloga?eering then RIGHT ON! Now why didn’t this rotten federation have a rep, like maybe the big boy himself Rick Smit, at the city council meeting to fight against their transit increase that will bleed students? Was he too busy drinking his salary or writing another feedback letter rabidly attacking the chevron or congratulating his ragtag gang of yesmen,. . . er yes people? Does Smit figure students are all well off or have a car?Whatever the case, the feds might go blind sticking thousands of pins into a Kitchener-Waterloo map for the purposes of “transit research” and even experiment with a Sunnydale bus but to mount a campaign to tackle the city head over a transit fare increase - are you kidding?? ! ! Let’s face facts. Smit and the gang have done little to fight for students. They may rant and rave about scooping ice cream and pushing beer but when the chips are down the feds have shown that they will not fight to defend the basic interests of students on an on-going basis like the chevron. It might not be as bad if they just hung around as profeswasting students money sjonal “students” on themselves and their pet frivolities. But on top of that, the federation actively attacks students who want to fight cutbacks. If I were Burt Matthews, what a dreadful thought, I’d love this federation - they’re friends of mine ! Meanwhile, what has the chevron been up to‘? For starters, it has defended the basic interests of students. It has pretty well held its own as far as ads are concerned despite a depressed market. It has maintained a respectable men’s and women’s sports and entertainment sections, feedback suggests people are reading the chevron now more than ever, also layout is better than ever. Its campus news content has not faltered. Just compare previous year’s papers to this one. But its forte is getting better all the time. Namely, superb well-researched articles on student issues. For example, the paper has torn the English proficiency program to shreds and done first-class work with regard to the large, unjustified rent increases for married students residences. I believe that the level of investigative journalism with regard to student affairs has been as good, if not better in the chevron than any other student paper in Canada. And that’s why the federation hates the chevron. Forget all these largely unsubstantiated at-

tacks against the AIA for a second, look through the mist and realize that if your federation is nothing, as is Smit’s with electoral turnout at an all time low, acclaimed council seats everywhere and refundable fees on the way, then the last thing you want is a good honest newspaper watching over you. If ybu’re Nixon, you don’t want an investigative press. If you’re Smit you don’t want the chevron in its present watchdog role. Rather, you want a whidpish gutless rag that backs BENT the same way Smit does. Thus it’s not surprising that Nick Redding, who lives with Rick Smit, is running for editor of the chevron. The idea of Redding, Board of Entertainment chairperson and gung-ho fed supporter slamming Smit makes me laugh! And it’s not surprising that fed creeps, most notable being Smit, Salichuck the Vice-president and J.J. Long, the eternal student, suddenly contributing to the chevron when staff elections are just around the corner. These jokers are out for more than just the AIA or some jobs they can sit on. They’re out to kill an aggressive, honest watchdog press that has exposed a leeching federation and an administration and government who are out to pull the rug from tinder students. Anyone who takes part in these and similar unprincipled manouvers will be tainted with scum. Two final points before I close. First of all, it’s important to note that the majority report of the chevron Investigation Commission based upon hours of testimony and investigation have cleared the chevron’s name. These people should be commended for their efforts to look at the facts rather than grab onto any point of view that flashes by. And secondly, when will some people wake up and realize that “defending the basic interests of students” is critical. Some people must be living in an academic dreamworld. Students are getting clobbered all over the place, especially with regard to getting jobs. I suggest that the chevron is ahead of other student papers in taking this stand. As someone who was lucky enough to get a job in my field of study, I suggest that for those of you who want to fight this chevron stand you should try and get sjob. And if you’ve got one, try and get one for a friend who’s unemployed. Then you might realize what this so-called sloganeering is all about. It’s about real life problems that are hitting students and all kinds of people. So to the chevron, keep up the great work. To Rick Smit and his gang on the Fed


Titanic: bring on board another band, have a beer, shuffle the ‘deck chairs some more and enjoy the view. You’ll see very little when the lights go out. Tom Cody

Tricks of petty people David Bro.wn’s “new rules” for public meetings (chevron feedback Feb. 17) are nothing more than codification of “l&ws” to suppress thoroudh discussion. First our great philosopher claims to find a contradiction between “the right to present ideas freely and the right to oppose ideas which you believe are wrong.” Where is the contradiction here? It is completely artificial, an invention of Brown’s stagnant notion of democratic discussion. People who have views they want to put forward publicly ought to be prepared to defend them, giving substantiating evidence, and should also be prepared to oppose any view on the subject which they consider wrong. In order to suppress those who insist that every public speaker defend and substantiate his views to all challengers, Brown has concocted new rules, creating the category of “expert”, who is to.be heard but not challenged, and “audience”, members of which are to listen but not contradict. If you don’t like his restriction, says Brown, organize your own meeting! Furthermore, even in what he defines as a “public debate” he demands that no one “drag in irrelevancies”. That is, to demand fact and present an opposing point of view is to “drag in irrelevancies”. And Brown has the gall to pretend his rules will foster public debate! Brown’s “cdde” appear after the Felix Greene lecture in which question to Greene were censored and debate cut off so that a private session could be held exclusively for those who did iiot challenge Greene’s views. After this debacle Brown wants to introduce new rules suppressing thorough-going democratic discussion. This is the classic trick of petty dictators, exactly what happened when the RCMP was caught repeatedly breaking the law prohibiting mail opening - the state decided to change the law and make the crime legal ! Dianne Chapitis

JOIN THE CHE VROAVL’ We need-writers,

for YOUR

layout artists, student newspaper

(P.A: get your feedback


in fast)

Member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members of the workers’ union of dumont piess graphix and published by the federation of students incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of the chevron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 885-l 660, or university local 2331.

. . . this

is it!! the planet is conquered, the trolls have been laid to rest, and various matters as federation staff cuts, isa week, cutbacks at York, bus fares, and even (hard to beieive though it may be) elections of editor in the chevron matter not a whit compared to the subduing of a hostile world. confused? feel a bit at sea? well, so do stephen coates, mark mcguire, nina timoszewicz, george sotiroff, larry hannant, ruth harris, ciaran o’donnell, jj long, brute tomlinson, rick smit, john sakamoto, Valerie nabb, “sport”, brenda rootham, michael Webster didn’t get to do much but his intentions were honest, george vasiladis from last week in distribution, ciaran o’donnell; and now going from memory there’s val moghadam, maria catalfo, jayne pollock, nick redding, don martin was here doing something, jules grajower and ron reeder. hello to the cup national executive and sue v. and friend at orcup, and b.c.i., and the world in generai. oh you lovely masthed readers, i’d give you the moon if it were mine to give. i’d also give the moon (same proviso} to Sylvia hannigan and laurie lawson (not necessarily in that order) and i’d give a used station wagon to neil docherty and jonathan coles; the starship i’d keep for mad photographer jwb.



the chevron

Moser Memorial



24, 7978


B-Ball Warriors on Last Wednesday and Saturday the Warrior Basketball team defeated UWO Mustangs 88-72 and on Saturday they overcame the University of Ottawa 78-62 in an’ exhibition game which represented the Mike Moser Memorial1 Game. Both games saw the Warriors struggle offensively but continue to win on the basis of sound defensive play. The Western Mustangs never really threatened as they committed 35 (count ‘em) turnovers. Some of these were forced by Warriors but some were plain give-aways. Ted Darcie continued his sound play and led the Warriors in scoring for the third game in a row with 20 points. Ten Warriors scored and Pat Brill-Edwards was 8 for 8 from the charity stripe. Sophomore Bruce Merkle displayed great rebounding for the ‘Stangs and he too pitched in 20 points.

On Saturday 2500 fans came forth to honour Mike Moser in this fund raising game. The Warriors finished the first half trailing 37-36, but came together defensively at last and held Ottawa to 9 field goals in the second half. Chippy play by Ottawa led to 3 disqualifications, including their one-two punch of Pat Signorotti (former Laurentian Voyageur) and Steve Huck. For the Warriors, Seymour Hadwen showed signs of regaining his offensive form with 27 points including 9 for 9 at the free throw line. Once again, ten Warriors scored. At half time, four people were recipients of Mike Moser bursaries. They all displayed tremendous in the credentials categories of citizenship, scholarship and extra-curricular activities. The winners were Ted Darcie, Jack Birch, Barb Chitovas and Kathy

In tra-Play Re-Play *

Howard. The Warriors begin the ‘final drive with two difficult league games this week. The first was in Guelph on Wednesday and tomorrow night the strong Laurier Hawks close out the schedule with a game at the PAC against our Warriors. A preliminary game starts at

6:15 p.m. between one of the top ranked high school teams, Governor Simcoe of St. Catherines, and the Kitchener Collegiate Raiders. Playoffs start next week on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. These are all sudden death (or sudden victory) games and are therefore tentatives. The four teams in

the playoffs are Warriors, WLU, McMaster and Windsor. Actual opponents will not be decided until the conclusions of Saturday night’s . games. It looks like Warriors and WLU hosting either McMaster or Windsor on Tuesday. Go get ‘em Warriors!

Athenas vollev round robins Saturday February’ 18th in Alumni Hall at the University of Western Ontario history repeated itself. The Univerity of Western women’s volleyball team successfully defended their title defeating the Waterloo Athenas to gain the OWIAA title and the honor to represent Ontario at’ the CIAUs in Moncton.

The OWIAA championships held at Western in London involved the top four university Yaesh team members are Denis Participaction Caption of the Week teams in Ontario. The two day Conway, Doug Button, Pete SanIf you’re going to start getting pitted Guelph, tournament into shape, maybe the first thing derson, Ed Mrozek, Shawn Queens, Waterloo, and Western in you should do is lift yourself up McMullen, Pat Card, Jan Card, a round robin sequence with the from that chair. Shannon Bailey, Judy Matheson, finals Saturday night. In Friday’s Carol Rutherford, Mark Arbogast, Men’s Doubles Squash Tournament action Waterloo defeated Queens Tom Hodgson and Bill Page. The Intramural doubles, squash 15-6, 15-12, 11-15, 15-9; Western tournament was held on February defeated Guelph in four games, Intramural Silver Boot Curling 13th and 14th at the PAC. Sixteen Guelph defeated Queens in four Bonspiel teams entered the event with four games, and in the night match Interested in learning how to curl “A” level teams and twelve “B” Western defeated Waterloo in four, or maybe meet other curlees? Well level teams. The participants the scores being 15-8, 14-16, 13-15, the opportunity has arrived. On played enthusiastically and the 7-15. The original battle between Saturday, March 4th at the Ayr level of competition was high. Curling Club, the Intramural Silver o Western and Waterloo was an exceptional match. Coming out The “A” division champions are Boot Curling Bonspiel takes play. quickly Waterloo defeated WestThis annual event welcomes beAllan Gandy and Mike Sharratt ern in the first game with a fast ofwho outclassed all the competition, ginners, as well as experienced curfence and good solid blocking. The lers, to participate in activity that winning three straight. Jerry remaining games of the match were may sweep you off your feet. Final Schneider and Ibrahim Elbehery were the runners up. In the “B” entry date is Monday, February 27 also fast and exciting and; although at A:30 p.m. in room 2040 PAC and Waterloo led into the final points of division, Rich Willms and Len the game Western rallied to pull the the first 16 teams will be accepted. Friesen are the champions beating games out of the fire. It was obviMen’s and Women’s Competitive Guy Caporicci and Dennis Boyko ous that Western was highly motiin the final. Bob St. John and Table Tennis Tournament vated for their defence rarely alThis term the Table Tennis Richard Binsell finished in first lowed a Waterloo ball to hit the Tourney starts at 1O:OO a.m. Saturplace. day, March 11 in Gyms 1 and 2. floor. Math Sot Broomball Tournament Enter your team before March 8 at The morning saw Waterloo After coming second in overtime 4:30 p.m. in room 2040 PAC and against the darkhorse team of this last term, the third year Recreation join in the day’s activity. A and B year’s league, Guelph. Displaying team, Yaesh, came out on top this levels are offered to the Men’s and the aggressive playing that enabled term in the Math Sot co-ed broomone level only for the women. ball tournament. The tourney was Don’t forget the draw meeting held in St. Clements again and Thursday, March 9th at 6:00 p.m. Yaesh clearly dominated, holding in room 1083 PAC. all opposition scoreless through Broomball three games. In the first game, the The Waterloo Wanderers played Due to ice time requirements, the team won a squeaker, l-0, over the in the Plattsville Tournament this host team and defeated the En- entry day for the Men’s Broomball past weekend. They did not win; in has been changed. vironmental Studies group 3-O to tournament fact, they lost, and were eliminated Entry: Monday, February reach the final. Yaesh took the from the tournament after their 27, 1978 r trophy and first prize with a 5-O second game. In the first game FriDraw Meeting: Wednesday, shutout of a Renison entry. day night, Waterloo lost 2-l in sudMarch 1, 1978 den death overtime against DorTournament Start: Monday, BADMINTON TEAM chester. Scoring for Waterloo was March 6, 1978 Kathy LaHay, on a shot from the FINISHES 4th Approximately 16 teams are expoint. Because they lost, Waterloo The women’s varsity team man- pected this year. There will be both had to get up and play their next aged to score one more match point a “shoed” and a “non-shoed” di- game early Saturday morning. than they did the prior weekend of vision, 15 members per entry is reThey played a bit better, and had competition but it wasn’t enough to quired. many scoring chances but could hang on to third place. The last Joggers Challenge not put enough in the net to win. match of the day gave Brock a third University of Waterloo has 970 The final score was 2-l for Ayr. _ place finish .(79 points) one point Joggers compared to 1104 for U of Scoring for Waterloo was Mary ahead of the Athenas (78 points). Victoria. March 1 is the FINAL reCampbell, unassisted, on a strange First place went to McMaster in a gistration day for the challenge. goal that caught the Ayr goalie very tight 2 point difference over Sign up now and jog tomorrow. napping. The Wanderers were Western. You’ll feel better. asked not to return on Sunday.

Guelph to come to the OWIAA, they gave Waterloo a good fight but ’ in the end Waterloo was the victor 15-8, 16-14, 15-9. Western then defeated Queens in the next match to complete the round robin play. The order went as follows: Western, Waterloo, Guelph, Queens. This set the stage for the final match of the Ontario championship. As had been predicted by the previous match the meeting of Waterloo and Western was super exciting. Waterloo attempted to find the openings in the Western


defence but, although successful many times they were not successful enough to pull the games out. Every game stood in the balance with either team being able to capture it. In the final out-come Western proved to be the Ontario champions for 1977-78 and Waterloo, the runners-up. The scores of 15-11, 15-12, 15-8 do not really tell of the effort and excellent playing demonstrated by the Athenas. In the words of coach Pat Davis, “Our team put out a good effort but we just could not stop the Western attack.”


The Waterloo Women’s Synchronized Swimming Team travel led to Queen’s University in Kingston for the OWIAA finals on Thursday, February 9. The meet began with solo and duet routines on Friday evening at 6pm. Coach and part-time competitor, Kathy Howard tied for 6th place with 60.0 points. Although neither of Waterloo’s 2 duet routines placed, both routines showed great improvement. Darcel ,Moore and Helen MacDonald interpreted their music beautifully, including many innovative moves. Cheryl Ross and Victoria Ashbourne showed improvement and kept synchronized for most of their routine. Routines are scored out of 100; 50 points for composition and 50 points for execution. The degree of difficulty of the routine is taken into consideration by the judges.

Figures were held Saturday morning with Joyce Peart, Helen MacDonald and Victoria Ashbourne performing well in the ‘novice category. Kathy Howard just missed placing in the Senior Figures. The afternoon was highly entertaining with the 10 team routines. Waterloo’s team, consisting of Kathy Howard, Victoria Howard, Victoria Ashbourne, Cheryl Ross, Joyce Peart, Helen MacDonald and Darcel Moore received 56.0 points. Non-competing members of the team are Marlene Spruyt, Judy Amadio and Valerie Nabb. Coaches for the Waterloo team are Cherie Manse11 and Kathy Howard . Queen’s won the meet overall the 6th consecutive year. -Valerie

for n&b

Wanderers lose in close games

0 .

The basketball Athenas were in Ottawa last weekend for the second round of the Ontario playoffs. A good fast team, Ottawa played well and kept the lead throughout the game. They outscored Waterloo by eight points in each half. The Athenas made a reasonably good effort but just didn’t have

what it takes to win. They were finally defeated 80-63. High scorer for the game, Chris ‘Timmy’ Timms played super well and made 14 points. Bonnie Zagrodney was hot from the foul line with six points, for a game total of ten. Working hard on the court, Carol.’ Kozlik scored 11 points for the team.


Therefore, they decided to make up a cancelled league game against Milverton, the second place team, and beat them 2- 1. Waterloo scored -47 seconds into the game on a goal by Roberta Hull, and again in the middle of the period, on a goal by Connie Rodney. Bev McKeown picked up the two assists. Milverton scored at the beginning of the third period, and poured on the power for the rest of the game, as Waterloo picked up four penalties in the last five minutes. The Wan-

derers’ defense played game throughout, to Milverton’s attack.

a strong hold off

Waterloo has a chance to get into second place for the playoffs, depending on how the remaining league games by the second place team turn out. Play-offs start on Friday, March 3 at 7:00 p.m. at Wellesley Arena. Come out .and support the team you bought ail those chocolate bars from! -‘Sport’

The University of Waterloo table tennis team placed second in a six team, round robin university tournament held last Saturday at Guelph. Team members Andy Williams, King-MO Sun: Ming-Shing Leung, and .Edmond Chan made a strong bid to win the tournament but lost in the crucial fourth round to Guelph, who won the tournament. Prior to The provincial champion will be meeting Guelph, the U of W team .was undefeated. Other teams comdetermined in Guelph this were from Carleton Queens, Toronto, and weekend. This team will represent ~ peting in the tournament Ontario at the Nationals. In the Western. Andy Williams of the Waterloo team won individual honours as the semi-finals, Ottawa meets Guelph, top player in the tournament. Williams finished with an impressive and Western plays Laurentian. record of 12 wins and one loss against a strong field of opponents. His Predictions are that Laurentian will only loss was iti a close and very entertaining match with Guelph’s meet Guelph in the championship game. David Mahabir. -4

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