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says: ’

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario : volume 78, number 30 / january 27, 7978

Can’t p& “moVe out”

In its fight against a 13.2 per cent last year’s sum and is the second * largest single cost to the rent rent increase the Married Students Tenants- Association went to the payers. The tenants also asked if there top of the university hierarchy, and met with the response - “if you was any way the complex could be refinanced, because they cannot afcan’t afford it move out”. _. ford to pay the debt retirement. ’ That was president Burt Matthews’ final position after a meeting - This is the largest item on their has a 50 year with Linda Ross and Neil Jensen of rent. The university mortgage on the property which the association last week. originally cost $7.5 million. The in- ’ It was put to the president that terest rate on the mortgage is 6.9 students, who have suffered tuition per cent, which means that by 2021 hikes, and face funding restrictions, will not see a 13 per cent in- the tenants will pay almost $26 million. The money is payed to OHSC, crease in their incomes next year, and since they were responsible for and just cannot afford the rent hike. the poor quality of the building the But Matthews’ position was that tenants wanted Matthews to investhe university’s funding was not tigate what can be done to have the keeping pace with inflation and he Ontario government take on some has no alternative but to balance the budget. On this he was firm, to of the cost. the-point that he suggested the Matthews said he would look into it but made it very clear that he budget will be balanced or the complex will be closed. was not optimistic about the outcome. Matthews listened to their comHe had the same response when plaints and said he would look into it was suggested- that the tenants them - but for next year. This taxes, year, he was adamant,, he will re- should not pay municipal since they are not levied on the Vilcommend a 13.2 per cent increase lages and Minota Hagey. to the Feb. 7 Board of Governors Matthews was also pressed meetingThe increase to take effect about the daycare centre in the May 1. Ross and Jensen had gone complex, which is subsidized by to ask Matthews to, unite with the the rents even though it is a service association and to approach the government about a subsidy for the. for the whole campus community. Ross argued that the administracomplex. tion had bailed out the Faculty Club Graduates voting opposition to the new proposals for the Ontario Graduates They argued the case that uniwhen it was in financial troubles, _ night’s Annual General Graduate C/U/I meeting. versity administrators have admitand no longer charges rent on that ted that the complex was poorly building. constructed, and there was lax The president, pushed on this supervision when it was built by point, argued that the faculty club Cadillac-Fairview for the provinwas a more important service than cial government’s -Ontario, Student Housing Corporation (OSHC) in the daycare centre, and he pointed out that the Federation of Students 1970-71. and the Grad Club also don’t pay The result is, the tenants argued, rent for their facilities. that the university’s Physical ReIf the 13.2 per cent increase is sources Group estimates that the A big question td come out of the by because they can claim a full accepted by the Board of Govercomplex is in need of over $600,000 current dispute over the proposed Ontario tax credit, while villagers nors the rent will be raised to $188 a . worth of maintenance this year. 13.2 per cent rent increase for Marand Hagey residents can only claim The university has only allocated month from $166 on aone-bedroom $25 because ried Students Apartments (MSA), - ^ their buildings are not $261,000. But even this reduced unit, and to $206 from $182 on a is why do the tenants in that comassessed for taxes. figure is a’substantial increase in two-bedroom apartment. But even with the tax credit the plex have to pay taxes while the MSA tenants lose out. For example residents in the villages and Minota a typical graduate couple earning Hagey do not. $5,000 a year would get $201 tax The $213,541 slated for municito the tax forpal taxes is the third largest item in credit, according mula. They would have already / the proposed budget. Based on the How much income graduates re- and was passed unanimously by the two per cent vacancy rate expected paid $3 16 to the city, so they are out ceive and the recent decision of the over ‘50 graduates in attendance. of pocket by $115. it means that each rent payer will Ontario government to cut In the same vein David Carter, a fork out $316 to the city in the next If the tax credit is filled in for a graduates off from OSAP grant as- member of the Graduate Board of budget year. family of four earning what the Sesistance were the major concerns Directors, gave a presentation on According to both city tax collecnate Committee on poverty deams the developing trends in the fmancraised at the Annual General Meetto be the 1977.poverty level for tor Ross McKee and UW comptroling of graduate student support. ing of the Grad Club Wednesday them - $9,289 - then it works out Art Headlam, the main reason He pointed out that since 1974 ler evening. that the MSA tenants have to pay, that they would be $189 out after . the government has been decreasDavid Scott of the Graduate while the others don’t, is that MSA the rebate. ing overall direct support so as to Club’s Committee for Graduate is not considered to be on-campus. Up to this year the MSA tenants remove any kind of assistance for Student support, gave a presentaThat, however, raises the queshave paid.$l,O65,000 to the municithose in real financial need and to tion on graduate income on campus tion - why is it not considered onpal government. Were they consifinancial support for and negotiations between the ad- emphasize campus when it comes to paying dered on campus this figure would ministration and the Grad Club for fewer and fewer students with high taxes, but is for other things? be zero. grades. a guaranteed annual income. It is built on land owned by the Campus buildings are not assesThe recent decision by the govuniversity. Also on page 10 of the sed for taxes, instead the university Last year’s general meeting had emment to cut grads off OSAP was university official calendar there is pays a sum in lieu of taxes, and it is supported the implementation of just the latest, and one of the most a map entitled “campus guide” the provincial government which such a policy. Some discussions hard-hitting measures against grads which clearly lists MSA as item provides the funds at the level of have occurred since then, but ac- in real financial need, said Carter. 25. $50 cording to Dioa El-Gabanni, presi*\ per student. The UW administration in its number Plus on page 20 of this official dent of the GradClub, President own attempt to “maintain a comdocument, under the heading “ReBurt Matthews has said he is op- petitive position” on graduate stu- sidences”, the university tells posed to it in principle. dent remuneration, and thus attract students “Apartments Scott suggested that another mo- top notch students has been co- prospective for married students and their tion be passed stipulating the operating fully with the governA first-year English exam at the families are available on campus in amount of minimum income . merit policy. University of British Columbia, Married Students’ Apartments graduate students would accept. A motion voting “entire disapfailed by 40 percent of the students Complex.” He pointed out that a survey of in- proval” at the new OSAP proposwho wrote it has come under fire In an interview with the chevron unanimously, with comes had shown it would cost the als passed from several English professors McKee said that if the complex university $245,000 to bring all minimum discussion. there, according to the student on campus -“they probably A second motion opposing the were graduates up to a $2000 minimum newspaper, the Ubyssey. wouldn’t be taxed”. income, $495,000 for a $3000 in- whole trend in graduate students One professor charged that “the And Headlam, -asked the same support proved to- be .more concome, and over one million dollars purpose of the. exam is simply to question, said “we’ve never really to bring the income up to $4000. - troversial. produce a certain number of failtested to see if they would have to A number of students felt the pay El-Gabanni suggested that the ures.” if they were on.-campus”. original draft, as presented by Cargraduates should demand a $5000 He said the most “nit-picking” Further evidence, however, that ter, implied that money should be income as a fair amount to cover methods were used to separate the the MSA tenants are considered taken away from grads with relatheir minimum needs. He pointed students’ writing from the thought on-campus is that campus security tively high incomes and given to answers calls from the complex. out that a meeting of Ontario process and he called for the Graduates had supported such a those in real financial need. exam’s abolition. This, of course, is not the case for demand in the spring. Another perThe final version, which was ac- an off-campus The paper-also quotes “a student living in son suggested $2000. cepted with only five people abs- downtown Waterloo. highly-placed source in the English The final motion endorsed a taining, stated: department” saying, “It was much Officials on campus argue that $3000 guaranteed annual income too difficult. The exam was not Continued on page 3 the MSA tenants aren’t hard done



at Wednesday


by tony pan

Are they --- onaampus?


Grads air gripes


According to Headlam the MSA tenants benefit from this grant because the complex is not fully assessed as a result of it, and so the taxes are not as high as they might be. However, the tenants make the point that they don’t receive full city services. There are some children from the complex who go to city schools, but other services like snow removal, and garbage collection are provided by the university -just like the villages and Hagey. Administrators have also told the MSA tenants associatioh that the complex was built on land originally zoned for industrial purposes from which the city expected a certain tax income. The university later had the zoning changed to institutional. .__ But the question remai&Why is MSA on-campus for some things and off-campus for others. And it is obviously an important one, since if the tenants can make a case that they do live on campus, instead of facing a 13.2 per cent rent increase they could be asking for a rebate. -neil


BC exam under fire written in good English and the passage was overblown and overcomplex. ” One professor complained of erratic marking. He noted also that those of his students who failed the exam wrote strong interpretive essays with grammatical errors; he suggested that the exams of those who passed may have been grammatically correct but mediocre in content. Essay topics for the exam were: What do you think is meant by the sense of community? and Are there ways in which man can control his destiny? The department defended the exam as “fair and in line with firstyear English standards.”


- 2 thechevron

friday, Coca’ Cola Film titled Olympic Harmony. 30 minutes. 9pm. EL 208. Fencing Film.


27, 797

Mosaic a lecture by Professor Wilso Head, Dept. of Social Work, York Un versity. 7:30pm. WLU, Arts Buildin! Room 2E5.


Voight and Hard Day’s Night - the Beatles. 8pm. AL 116. Feds $1, Others $1.50. Yass Hakoshima, brilliant Japanese mime. 8pm. Theatre of the Arts. Admission $5, Students/seniors $3. Available at Box Office, ML 254. Agora Tea House. Herbal teas and home-baked munchies are available. A time for discussion and conversation. Everyone is welcome. 8-12pm. cc 110. Table Tennis Tournament - This is your last chance to sign up for the table tennis tourney on Sunday, January 29. Sign up at the turnkey desk, campus centre.

Friday Art Exhibition -A Foursome - four young Canadian artists. UW Art Gallery. Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pni, Sun 2-5pm. Gallery is in Modern Languages. Display till January 29. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Chrysaliss from g-lam. $1.25 after 7pm. Table Tennis Club. Regular playing session. Players of all calibre welcome. 7-IOpm. Upper Blue Activity Area, PAC. K-W Chinese Christian Fellowship: Speaker Meeting. Topic: “Can we trust the Bible?” with Rev. Redding. Room 201, Graduate School of Social Studies; WLU 7:3Gpm. All welcome.


Disco Pub in the Math lounge, MC 5136. Admission 50 cents, door prizes of 5 al bums. Doors open 8pm.

Campus Centre Pub opens 7pm. Chry’saliss from g-lam. $,1.25 admission. Free Film Show: “More than a Carpenter” by Josh McDowell, Spon-

Federation Flicks - Midnight Cowboy with -Dustin Hoffman and Jon






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Sunday Lutheran. Student Movement Co-op Dinner, 5pm. NH 2050. Enter from Library entrance of NH.


sored by WCF, LCF, and KWCCF. Was Jesus Christ really “God” in human flesh? Come and examine the Evidence! 7:30pm. MC 2065. Upstairs at the Grad Club: local musicians performing upstairs at the Graduate House. 8pm. Featuring Barb Fraser and Bill Stunt. Admission $.50 students, $1 others. Cash bar. K-W Chinese Christian Fellowship: Filb Show. “More than a Carpenter” by Josh McDowell. MC 2065. 8pm. Co-sponsored with LCF, and, WCF. All welcome. Da,nce Plus Four Presents: “New Wprks ‘78”. A concert in modern dance. 8pm. Humanities Theatre. Admission $5, Students/seniors $4. Tickets available at UW Box office and Dance Plus Four Studio at 745-250 1. Federation Flicks - See Friday. \

Phone: /

Table Tennis Ciub - See Friday 2-5pm. Campus Centre Coffee House featuring Vicki Taylor. Admission $1.49 students. and staff, $1.99 others. Tea, coffee, cider and baked goods. 8pm. Campus Centre Pub Area. bance Plus Four - See Saturday Federation Flicks - See Friday Transcendental -Meditation, advanced lecture for meditators. 8pm. E3, Rm 101. Worship. Lutheran MC 3010. 9:30pm.




World dommunity Week at WLU. Chinese Students Association Festivities: All day Arts and Crafts Exhibition. Concourse WLU. Lunch: Chinese Cafe, Concourse, WLU. Campus Centre Pyb opens 12 qoon. Taped Music from’ g-lam. No cover. Legal Resource Office provides free legal information to studeqts. 885-0840. Hours: 1:30-4:30pm. CC 106. Shiila McIntyre from the Periodical Writers Association of Canada will talk on Recent Fiction of Women: Double Binds and Breaking with the Past. IS lounge. Monday afternoon. One-hour seminar to learn about Government Publications and how to find them. 2:30pm. Meet at the Government Publicatioris Info Desk, 5th Floor, Arts Library. Chinese Student Association Festivities. Two films - Chinese Puppetry and Chinese Acrobati_cs. 4pm. WLU Arts Building Room 2E5. Literature of the Occult, Michael Ballin, Dept. of English, WLU. 7pm. Kitchener Public Library.


International Folk Dancing. To learn and dance world famous folk dances. 7:30-10:30pm. $1 per person per evening. Contact Mary Bish 744-4983 for more info.


CC 113. 11:30-2pm. Study group fo: those interested meets at 1:30pm. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Taped Music from g-lam. No cover. The 2nd On Stages Art and Antique Auction. Free preview from 12 to 8pm. Humanities Theatre. Legal Resource Office - See Monday. Chess Club Meeting. come. 7pm. CC 113.


Table Tennis Club. Regular Playing session. Players of all calibre welcome. 7-IOpm. Upper Blue Activity Area, PAC. The Influence of West African Musical Forms on Afro-American Music by Professor Emeka Nwabuoku, Dept. of Music, City University of NewYork. A lecture, with selections of recorded music and with performance on traditional African instruments. 7:30pm. Arts Building, Room 2C8, WLU. The 2nd On Stage Art and Antique Auction, Auctioneer is Paul Corbett. Snacks and cbffee from 7pm. Admission $3.8:30pm. HumanitiesTheatre. Chinese Program on CKMS. Chinese Music and some Canbdian music. Music is the universal language. There will be talking in Chinese. 8:30-9:30pm. Every Tuesday. Sponsored by CSA, U of W.

Wednesday Staff o<Statistics Canada will undergrads about census, consumer price force, lO:bOam-11:15am. MC 5158. sure a seat phone ext. 3754.

Anti-Imperialist Alliance literature table. Literature of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tsefung and Enver Hoxha, plus revolutionary materials from Canada, Albania, and other countries. l-3:30pm. Arts Lecture.

Free Movie: Vanishing Point wit Barry Newman. 9:30pm. Centre Great Hall. Sponsored by th CCB.


Coffee House. Sponsored Lib. 8:30pm. CC 110.

by G:

Thursday One-hour seminar to learn abol Government publications and how find them. 10:30am. Meet at Gover ment Publications Information Des 5th Floor, Arts Library. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noo Enterprise from g-lam. $1.25 aft 7pm. Symposium: Racism and the Cor munity. Last Grave at Dimbaza - tt famous 60-minute documentary fil concerning the operation of APAI THEID in South Africa. 1:30pm. Ce tral Teaching Building, WLU. Roo 3-203. Legal Resource Office - See MO day. Symposium: Racism and the COI munity. Workshop: Racism in Soul ern Africa with Professor Allc Bishop, Dept of English, McMasl University, Professor Griffiths Cu ningham, York University, represel ing the Toronto Committee for t Liberation of South Africa, Mr. Jol Van- Mossel, Global Commun Centre, Professor D. M’Tim kul Dept. of Sociology, Renison Colle< 2:30pm. Central Teaching Buildii: WLU, Room 3-203. Waterloo Christian Fellowshi Supper Meeting. Topic: Worsk Service, Everyone welcorr 4:30-6:45pm. Hagey Hall Undergr Lounge. Dr. Terry Kavanagh will give a talk1 “Cardiac Rehabilitation: The State the Art”. Everyone welcome. Adm sion fee. 7pm. AL 116. Table Tennis Club - See Tuesda Symposium: Racism and the Co munity. Race, Science, and Human is the topic of a lecture by Profess M. F. Ashley Montagu, 7:30pm. A Building, WLU Room IEl. A reef tion to follow in the Centre Hall.

See above.

Cross Blood Donor Clinic. and 6-8:30pm. Rockway Senior Citizen’s Centre, Street East, Kitchener.

Christopher Parkenlng a brilli; classical guitarist. 8pm. Humanit Theatre. Admission $6.! Students/seniors $4.50. Tickets i aiiable at the main box office, ML 2!

Workshop: Visa Students’ Tuition Fees in Ontario chaired by Mr. Alan Marshgll, President, ISA, WLU. 2:30-4:30pm. Arts Building Room lEl, WLU.

Free lectures and practice in pra! and meditation every Thursd; Sponsored by the Universal Pee Mission. 8-lOpm, 50 Peter Stre Kitchener. 578-2584.

Lutheran Student Contemporary lssves 3:30pm. NH 2050.

South Campus Hail Pub with Char Brown. 8pm. Tickets available at t Fed office, CC 235 and Society fices. $2 students advance, $2. others. At the door $2.50 students, others.


Office’ -

Statistics Canada 1:30-2: 15pm. K-W Red 2-4:30pm Gardens 1405 King


See Mon-

Movement. Study Group.

Statistics Canada - for the advanced researcher - hear about CANSIM (Canadian Soci(o-economic Information Management System), special tabulations, census tapes. 2:45-3:30pm. To ensure a seat, phone ext. 3754. Symposium: Racism and the Community. Racis_m in the Canadian

Friday If It’s a Lie, Why Haye So Many E lieved It? a workshop on rat ideologies, both scientific and pol lar. 9am. Portable 12, WLU. Campus Centre Pub opens 12 not Enterprise from g-jam. $1.25 af 7pm.




I 0\11



DOWNCHILD REMEMBER: Our disco provides continuous music throughout the nite Every Monday n.ite: GONG SHOW Every Tuesday nite: AMATEUR SHOW Every Wednesday nite is UNIVERSITY

WEN-DO advanced course 7:30-9:30pm. St. Michael’s Church Library Resource Room, 64 Unive sity Avenue West, Waterloo. $3/nigh

Bi‘ology Seminar Seric Sociobiology: Its Theories and Prc lems by M. Beauchamp, U of 7:30pm. Room 2E4, WLU.

Legal day



talk to labour index. To en-

WJSA-Hillel. Discussion group on Modern Jewish Problems with Israeli lunch. $75. 12:30-l :30pm. CC 113.



Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. Taped Music from g-lam. No cover.


Film: Marat-Sade by Peter Weiss. Directed by Peter Brook. AL 113. 7pm. Admission $1.


Jewish. Book Fair. Display and sale. Come and browse! 10:30am-4pm. CC 113. WJSA-Hillel. Bagel Day Lunch. $1.25.





! CARDIAC REHABILITATION: “‘STATE OF THE ART” ’ Thursday, February 7100 P.M. AL116


The Othei Side of the Ledger remarkable film portraying the t tory of the Hudson Bay Camp: from the point of view of the Nai Canadian. Also: People Might LaL at Us and Circle of the Sun. 12:30~ Central Teaching Building, WI / Room 4-201. Workshop: The Position of Nat Canadians in Ontario with 6 Heather Ross, representing Tre Nine; Mr. Roger Obonsawin, Exe t&e director, Native Canadian Cen, Toronto; professor Sally Weav Chairman Dept. of Anthropology of W. 2:30pm. Central Teach Building, WLU Rm. 4-201. Ski Club - Georgian Peaks. MC bers $10, Non-members $13. E leaves 6:45 PAC Blue South.


friday, january

27, 7978

the chevron


Forest remimanded & back on campus York lecturer Jeffrey Forest who was suspended and banned from the York campus November 21 has been permitted to resume his duties on condition that he ‘“keep the peace and maintain good conduct”, according to a letter addressed to him by York president Ian Macdonald. The letter has been placed in his file as a formal reprimand. In a IO-page reply statement he said “I reject your official reprimand” and “I shall continue to teach my classes until such time as I hear to the contrary.” Forest was arrested November 18 during a confrontation between Zionists and members of the York Student Movement, the student wing of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist). The Zionists attacked the YSM’s literature table in the university’s Central Square area. They were particularly upset by a publication called “Zionism is Racism”. . The YSM members defended their table and in the scuffle police arrested Forest and two other supporters, Jim Nugent and Barbara Nunn. The charge, against Nugent “causing a disturbance by fighting” was dismissed January 17. Forest’s trial was yesterday after press time. In his letter Macdonald had expressed concern for the university’s atmosphere of “free enquiry and freedom of expression”. In his statement Forest took the president to task on this and other points. “The incidents of November 4 and 18 were both initiated by others but you seem to have difficulty grasping this point,” he stated. “The Zionist thugs and their supporters attacked us and physically assaulted us.. . instead of taking action against the Zionist thugs and their supporters, you took action against me.” . . . “In your letter you say I have recourse to campus security for my protection but, for your information, campus security was there November 18 and 21 and did nothing to stop’the attacks of the Zionists and their supporters. On the contrary . . . I and my comrades were arrested and now you are saying that the courts will decide who is the guilty party! Very interesting logic, indeed!” he continued. Forest says the York administration are working as a block with the Zionists, campus security and the Metro police to persecute the YSM and him for their political beliefs. He cited as evidence certain points about Nugent’s’ trial. He said the policeman who arrested Nugent testified that he had been summoned to York to stop a commotion of an unknown nature, however, it was later revealed that the officer had written in his notebook that had been sent to stop a “political rally or discussion”. According to Forest, at one time the police witness even suggested the disturbance was a result of the police presence. At this point, he said, “the judge decided to end the farce of the trial before the reactionary nature of the state and the nature and role of the state-organised anti-communist reactionary alliance at York University could be even more exposed.” Forest told the chevronthe York administration was preparing to fire him and likened the present situation to his dismissal from UW in 1975 in the “Renison Affair”, which was widely regarded as a political firing. A pamphlet has been published calling on students and faculty at York to support him, The introduction reads in part: “I need the support of all the justice-loving people who have the best interests’of the people in mind to support my case against the malicious political, social and academic persecution by the academic authorities, headed by president Macdonald. Please write letters of protest to president Macdonald, circulate this material to your friends and actively support my struggle .” Attempts to contact Macdonald for a rep_ly had not yielded any results by press time. qonathan coleq

Stand reversed



Is this a successful general meeting? Yes - Artsoc reduced their quorum from 70 % of Arts students to 7 %; what with a successful genera/ meeting and the Inter-club Pub, things are looking up for the Arts Society. -photo by ron reeder



_Sunnydale The rumour that the Sunnydale Bus Service was cancelled last week was proven false today after the chevron talked to Federation Vice President’ Don Salichuk. Salichuk, acting President for another week, said when CKMS Radio Waterloo received a callstating the bus service was shut down, they aired the announcement. Salichuk hearing it called CKMS tostop the rumour before it spread too far. The Sunnydale Service runs from the Math and Computer building to CKMS Radio Waterloo. From 8 loam and’9- 10: 30pm, the bus services an average of 50 students, 30 , of them regular users, for 15 cents. This service first started almost two weeks ago on the Thursday after the big snow storm hit Waterloo. Salichuk is surveying how often the bus is used and when, and whether the service should be modified. Salichuk says it seems to be used most often when the weather is poor, especially if there are northerly winds blowing. If the service has to be cut, the Vice President said it will hopely not affect

fee hike accepted

It now seems imminent that opposition to its implementation MacMaster University will impose now. He expects the Board of Govthe differential fee for visa J stu- ernors to pass Senate’s recommendents. dation. MacMaster Senate voted overVisa students who enrolled at whelmingly January 11 to reverse MacMaster last year will continue its original stand and recommended to pay the regular tuition “until to the Board of Governors that they their present undergraduate or programs are comapprove implementation of the fee graduate pleted.” Foreign student enroll(to take effect July 1). The Board ment dropped at MacMaster in next meets January 31. The fee came into effect last 1977/78 despite the University’s year, the result of a directive by the stand. Ontario Provincial Government. It When Trent took its stand more than doubles tuition for visa against the fee, it did so “in perpetuity”. students. MacMaster. and Trent University in Peterborough were the only ,Se/P-c~~&~//~@~ 1 - \ holdouts. Asked why the stand was taken, Senate Secretary Jack Evans responded: “Dollars”. Unable to determine whether they would be Anyone who has been trying to able to continue their defiance of quit smoking, and finds they can’t the government directive last year, quite do it, should attend the Smokthey have now concluded that the ing Clinic more than $100,000 added cost can next week. run by Dr. Allen Best not be absorbed. Best, who works in kinesiology, Evans said that the University’s has been running the once-yearly fund raising program to help pay for clinic since 1974 when he taught at the extra cost did not come close to UBC. Over the three year period its objective. MacMaster, how-. approximately 700 people have ever, is still hoping to set up a Visa been treated. Student Scholarship Fund and a The purpose of the Clinic is, in Visa Student Bursar-v Fund. Best’s words. , “to develon I the “There are people that still ob- self-control skills needed to give up cigarettes and successfully stay ject to (the differential fee) in principle” said Evans, but he sees little off.” “In general, people seemed


“Considering Trent’s disasterous financial state, it’s a very couragous stand” said Ontario Federation of Students researcher Chris Allnutt. Enrollment of first year visa students went down from 35 in 76/77 to 28 in the current year at Trent. Besides Ontario, Alberta also requires a differential fee for visa students. In Quebec, the Parti Quebecois state in their platform that they are in support of the differential fee, but as yet have not passed legislation to that effect. ’ -randy


your habit happy with the clinic’s methods.” Studies showed that the project had an 80 per cent “complete abstinence” rate after the five-week course and 50 per cent six months later. If you complete the course you get your deposit back, but if you drop-out before the end of the program you will recieve only a partial refund, with the remainder being split amoung the others . You can ,get information about the clinic by phoning Dr. Best at 886-408 1 on week-day mornings:




the night run. What might happen is the price of the bus ticket will jump to 20 cents. The first bill for the service will come before the Student Council Meeting on February 5 where Salichuk hopes to get the run subsidized. He told the chevron he has become a voluntary working Vice President in order to allow the money used for his salary to be saved for Federation projects such.

as this. Salichuk hopes to use $500 of this money for the bus service. Salichuk believes it a worthwhile service and as soon as more people know about the run, it may come to pay for itself. In the past, this is what has happened to most Federation projects. Salichuk has posted information posters concerning the run all along the route and hopes students will notice and make use of this bus service. -maria


Gray Coach offers The Federation met with Gray vice” without a license. Two Coach Lines Wednesday to discuss weeks ago Judge David Mossop of the possible addition of the UW the Waterloo County Court decampus to Gray Coach’s inter-city cided in Gray Coach’s favour and bus network. fined United Trails $50. The case Brian Stewart, Gray Coach’s has now been appealed to the Suprepresentative, said that they were reme Court of Ontario. prepared to have several runs Federation president Rick Smit daily, seven days a week to most expressed interest in Gray Coach’s proposal, but maintained that Ontario cities. He said that as ticket agents the Federation would re- “we’re going to keep running our cieve a 15 per cent discount plus a Friday service. . . until they come and put us in jail.” He offered to 10 per cent commission, (which make an “objective presentation” could be returned to the students). of the-offer to Council, saying that . With these discounts, the regular antagonism between Gray ,one-way Toronto fare of $4.50 the Coach and the. Federation had prewould be reduced to $3.44. vented him from doing this in the The Federation’s current past. weekend schoolbus service to and ’ Even if Gray Coach’s proposal from Toronto, which charges a gets past Council the Federation one-way- fare of $2.00, has been will have to convince the adchallenged in the courts. ministration to let Gray Coach pick Gray Coach had complained to up and drop off people on campus, the Ministry of Transportation and something they have refused to Communications that United allow in the past. Trails, the Federation’s carrier, -ciaran o’donnell was operating “a recurring ser-maria catalfo Continued from page 1 “that we oppose the whole policy of graduate assistance introduced over the previous four years by all levels of government and the university administration, in that total monies made available for graduate student support has decreased; and tuition monies, made available for graduate students in real financial need is now non-existent. Financiai support should be made available to all students at graduate calibre and not restricted to fewer students at the top percentile.” A third major item on the Grad Club’s joining the recently formed Ontario Graduate Association (OGA) was presented by Bob Pajkowski, vice-president of the Grad Club. Three motions were introduced and adopted unanimously. The General Meeting voted to support the formation of the OGA, to authorize the holding of a referen-

dum, to be held April 30, on the assessment of a fee for the OGA, and to support the position of the OGA taken in opposition to the government’s OSAP proposals. The administration’s recent proposal to increase the intercollegiate athletic fee by two dollars was also dealt with by the graduates. It was decided- to oppose the increase in the fee and to reaffirm a position taken by the 1975 Annual General Meeting which requestedthat the university make the fee refundable. John Omara presented a report on an administartion organized health plan to provide all graduates with coverage for drug, optical Andy dental care. The plan, which will require a compulsory fee assessment, was accepted by the members. -david



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Litpiid c~stid!! are I mmin@ of .agh In the recent electronicsrevolution, the promising field of liquid crystals (those substances which display the eiectrical and optidall properties of crystals although being liquid) has .only been applied to flat alphanumeric displays (as in solid state watch faces and calculator readouts). A large American -military corporation has recently developed a liquid crystal cell. which can modulate the illumination from a separate light source. Although only in its infancy, this system has the potential of larger and brighter screen projections than those presently possible with conventional cathode ray tube dis; plays and has the added advantage of longer life. The following is_ a working description of the device being marketed by Hughes as reported in the Jan. 2 issue of A.W. & S.T. In order to understand the description of this device some explanation of technical nomenclature is first recommended. Normal light vibrates in all planes along its direction of travel. Polarized light is light which vibrates in only one plane because of the filtering out of the other components. Nematic liquid crystals are one of the three types of these substances and are characterized by some disorder in the alignment of the individual crystal molecules. White light from a high intensity zenon source, after being focussed, passes through a polarizing filter that directs ahorizontally polarized beafn at the front face of the Liquid-crystal light-valve- The back Face of the cell is optically coupled my means of a fiber-optic bundle to :he screen of a small cathode’ ray ube that ‘writes’ the desired dis3lay on the cell. . If the cathode ray tube is dark, the horizontally .polarized beam From the light source is simply reflected with the same polarizatiori :hrough the prism to the light source and no light reaches the proection screen. When the electron beam of the 2.R.T. is energized and deflected :o generate a display on the CRT screen, this causes a rotation in the srientation of the nematic liquidcrystal molecules in a pattern idenical to that generated by the :athode ray tube (CRT). When the -horizontally polarized ight beam reflects off the imposed Jattem on the front of the lightgalve, it will have its polarization sotated so that it will pass through .he prism to the projection screen. The m%agnitude. of the liquid:rystal rotation determines the col)ur of the imagery produced, and his in turn is influenced by the light ntensity of the electron beam writng on the--r- face of the CRT. -The liquid-crystal light-valve is-a nulti-layer sandwich consisting of he outer fiber-optic face plate, a hin transparent conductive elecrode layer, a photo-conductive ayer, a light blocking layer, a dielectric mirror, the nematic iquid-crystal material, another ransparent electrode and finally nother glass cover with antiseflective coating (see diagram). When a bias voltage is applied Lcross the two transparent elecrodes and the cathode ray tube ‘ace is dark; the bulk of the voltage lrop occurs across the photo:onductive layer and there is little roltage across the liquid crystal naterial. -However, when the electron )eam of, the CRT is-aimed at one ;pot on the cell, the resistance of he photo-conductive layer at that ,pot drops sharply so that asa re;ult the bias voltage is impressed nostly across the ‘liquid-crystal I naterial . -This in turn causes the liquid rystal molecules at .that spot to

twist, which alters-the polarization of the light directed at the cell from the zenon light source. Thus a spot is projected at the .cell from the zenon light source.. Thus a spot is projected onto the projection screen. The more intense the spot of light produced on the CRT face, the greater the voltage ‘drop across the liquid-crystals and the greater the twist of the individual molecules, which produces a different colour in the reflected zenon light ‘projected onto the screen. The initial price for such a unit is currently 150,000 dollars but the Armed Forces in the U.S. are funding research into lowering the initial cost of the liquid-crystal lightvalve. Given the present state of affairs in the electronics industry. (205% price reduction per year due to advancing production technology and techniques) it seems quite possible that within a decade these systems will begin to replace tele.vision tubes and homes may see whole room walls devoted to such displays. . 4v.r.






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Elections, not acclamations will occur this year in the Mathematics Society for the Executive positions of President, Vice-President, -and Treasurer. This is the first time in five years that-there has been an actual election for the presidency, and the first time ever that there has been an election for Treasurer.

urer are the 3B co-op council rep Trevor Grove and third year regu; lar council rep Philip C. Kelly. The election will take place February 6th, with a mail-out ballot for off-campus members. The Election Committee has tentatively scheduled an All-Candidates forum for the third floor lounge on Wednesday. The candidates for the presi- . There still exist many vacancies dency are third-year Computer for the Mathsoc council class reps. Science student Keith Buajitti, Nominations have been extended Mathsoc Social Director Brian (BJ) to January 30th. As usual, acclamaGregory, and former Coffee and tions are expected for those seats. Donuts Manager and-former Social However, a contest may develop Director Andy Mueller. The vicefor the four Math seats on federapresidential candidates are the pre- tion council that will soon be up for ’ sent Coffee and Donuts Stand election. Most incumbents, are not #Manager Dave DeBruyn, and running for re-election so the race Mathletics Director Geoff Hains. should be wide open. Contesting the position of Treas-john long


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the chevron

jar-wary 27, 7978

.Con9missioner - pn campus:

. American

bucks justify

Last Friday, Kenneth Lysyk, the commissioner of the pipeline inquiry in the Yukon Territory was at W.L.U. addressing about 75 High School teachers from the Waterloo Region. Last year when it became apparent that Alaskan natural gas could not flow in a pipeline through the MacKenzie valley, Lysyk was ap-a~----- pointed .head of a commission which was to quickly find out about the impact of a pipeline in the Yukon and the general attitude of the populace to this proposal.


Lysyk said that primarily his goal was to publicize the effect of the development to the residents of the south and to inform the inhabitants as to the probable changes to their homeland. In contrast to the multimillion dollar Berger commission which tbok almost three years to complete, Lysyk directed an inquiry which spent about 3/4 of a million and prepared a report very quickly. The inquiry was in two parts; the first a quasi-judicial fact finding hearing-which investigated the


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technical and social impact on the whole area, with the second part being informal hearings in which the population as a whole was free to voice their concerns. This latter stage was quite extensive and over two per cent of the territory’s population was heard in this manner.

Yukon residents..Now, he related, this fund might be set up by the prepayment of taxes by the construction companies, but that the federal government would cut their support to the territorial government by an equivelant amount.

In the question period following the speech by Lysyk, the history teachers grilled him extensively. At this point, Lysyk voiced his con-. tern that the major points he recommended in his report would not be followed through by the federal government. In ’ particular the “Heritage Fund” was to be set up with 200 million of the oil companies’ money in order to preserve a reasonable standard of living for

Among his main concerns in his report was that a single allpowerful government agency should be set up to supervise everything that was related to the pipeline. Apparently the legislation now being introduced in parliament to accomplish such regulation will not be as all-encompassing as necessary. Lysyk, being the dean of law at U.B.C., can easily turn aside most questions. But he was forced to






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admit during questioning that actu ally his commission was the mot-2 conscience for that part of ou civilization who realized that wha - was to take place would irrevoc2 bly change that part of our country







developments on this topic

This reporter published an art cle on November 4 on this subjecl and related that Alberta might swa natural gas supplies now for ir creased access into the America market for exports such as beef an petrochemicals. The recent visit ( the American Vice-president t Edmonton has apparently pave the way for such a deal. The effec of this swap may be very extensive Alberta presently has a natur; gas surplus and will increase its er ports to the U.S.A. next year b about 800 million cubic feet of gas day. (In electrical equivelant ( energy this is 4 Gigawatt hour equal to 25 per cent of Ontar Hydro’s total production). Alber will ship these amounts to the U.! for five years in return for the 01 portunity to buy back an equivelal amount of gas when the Alask pipeline is complete. However, tl price of natural gas when availab from Alaska will undoubtedly 1 higher than the current selling pric to the Americans and so this de will cost Alberta money. It would appear that the sho term benefits of increased g; sales, and trade concessions in the vast American market, a being used as justification for th manuever at the present time. -w.







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Opposing --

the chevron


The federation’s upcoming referendum on athletic fees (to be held simultaneously with the presidential election February 1) is a source of concern for the UW Athletic Advisory Board (AAB). At a meeting January 19, the AAB told federation representatives that the student population cannot be sufficiently informed to make a responsible decision on refundability of athletic fees in time for the poll. The referendum ballot will ask students if the athletic fee of $11 per term should be allowed to increase to $13, and if the fee should be refundable. The fee is presently a requirement of registration. UW president Burt Matthews asked the federation for an endorsement of the fee increase late last year. The federaion council responded by ordering a referendum on the increase and the compulsory nature of the fee. Matthews also approached the Graduate Club for endorsement of the increase. Despite the $47,000 deficit that could result without the increase, the Graduate Club board rejected the increase as unwarranted 0 At the AAB meeting January 19, there was heated debate about whether the intercollegiate program could surviye if athletic fees become refundable. Federation representatives Rick Smit, Don Salichuk and Nick Wedding argued that other organizations on campus, including the federation, must allow students to withdraw finan-’ cial support. There is no reason why the athletics program should not also be accountable. The AAB stated that under the “unstable” operating structure of refundable fees UW would have to withdraw from intercollegiate programs 0 The AAB voted to reaffirm their demand for the $2 increase (regardless of the outcome of the referendum) and to ask Matthews to appoint a committee to investigate methods of financing of the athletics program. The fee increase must be approved by the Board of Governors before it is implemented. Matthews told Smit January 23 that he would have to recommend the increase because of commitments the inter-





collegiate program has with “sister institutions”. Matthews also told Smit that the committee recommended by the AAB will consist of an associate dean as chairperson, representatives from the UW secretariat, financial services and the intercollegiate program, two undergraduate students and one graduate student. The committee will be asked to report by April 30 this year on the future of the intercollegiate program at UW, the feasibility of refundable fees for the program and the next three years of funding in particular. The results of the federation referendum will be submitted to the committee, which will also accept submissions from other campus groups. -rick



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the chevron



27, 7978



of Students





1 C


University of W,,,,

Election -for the Year Athletic Fee Referendum ,


and -

Will Be Held



1, 1978


The Polls will be open fro,m 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. I.D. cards must be to vote. Voting wilD be by faculties, with polling stations located main foyers of the following buildings: presented






. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .At?S





. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . =.ENV

Engineering . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ENG Mathematics

in the


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Math & Computers



Lounge) (3rd Floor)


Science (Opt. See Below) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chem. - Biology Link Renison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Renison College St. Jeromes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. St. Jerome’s College . I Optometry: Special poll IO:30 - I:30 only: Optometry Bldg. All other times, vote at . Science poll. Note: Graduate Students will vote by faculty at locations listed above The wording of the Referendum will be as follows and ,- you will be asked to indicate your preferences: 1. At each registration, the University of Waterloo collects from each full time undergraduate student a compulsory student fee of $1 l-00, for the purpose of funding the University of Waterloo Intercollegiate Athletic Program. _

I recommend that the following action be taken in regards to this fee: a. That the Intercollegiate fee shall remain compulsory as it now exists .. \ ( ) yes ( )No b. That the Intercollegiate fee shall be totally refundable upon demand during the first three weeks of classes of each academic term 7 ( 1 yes ( INo

. \

2. Should

the Intercollegiate Athletic fee be increased by $2.00 per term? * ( ) yes ( )No * With regards to Question 2, the Athletic Advisory Board has recommended to the Board of Governors (whose members will be voting on this matter in the near future) that the Intercollegiate fee be increased by $2.00 per term, ie. to $13.00 per term.

Poll Clerks are needed for the election in the Fed Office, CC 235. Election




Presidential Come



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1. If interested

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of Students

The 1977-78 Intercollegiate Athletic budget allows for a deficit of $30,878. This deficit would reduce the operating surplus to $2,888. At the current rate of spending, the deficit will be higher and restraints should be imposed immediately if the budget is to be met. On the assumption that the 1977-78 budget will be met, it has been used as the base of a proposed budget for 1978-79 which allows for a 6% increase in salaries and other expenses. The proposed budget does not provide for any upgrading of staff classifications or any ’ alteration of the percentage allocations of salaries among HKLS, Intercollegiate Athletics and Intramural Athletics and Recreation; both these steps had been recommended in the first proposal I received from Paul

% _^ An informal General Meeting re: Athletic Fee Referendum for the purpose of passing information and promoting discussion will be held on’: Friday, January 27 from 2:30 - 3:30 P.M. CC Great Hall

Should it be desired to go with a three-year fee, the term fees needed to cover an annual increase in costs of 6% w,ould be as follows: % From _ To

\ friday, january

, the

27, 7978’



China Week speak&

Greene lecture ,sparks vigorous I

The inevitability of war between the United States and Soviet Union has necessitated China’s changed domestic and foreign policies, Felix Greene told a UW audience last Thursday. Both Greene’s views and the structure of the meeting were attacked by members of the AIA, and others, during the course of his lecture and the question period that ensued. / Greene, well known ‘fChina watcher”, was speaking at a meetng sponsored by the Chinese Stulents Association as part of the Xna week activities. Greene noted Soviet war preparations, citing as an example that :hey launch one nuclear submarine a month. He contrasted this to the’ United States, which he said were nerely keeping pace with the soviets. He said the U.S. was tampered by what he called “the rauma of the Vietnam war”, so hat they could only deploy their armies in defence. “And- the Russians know this,” le added. He predicted that the two superbowers would come to conflict in he near future since-both will be elying on foreign sources for over LO percent of their oil. It is in view of this international lituation that the Chinese want to Lave a more sophisticated army, nd thus must improve its producion and change its education lolicies, said Greene. He told the audience to take Yestern press reports that China Las made a swing to the right “with’ grain of salt, perhaps several rains of salt.” ~On education, he drew attention 3 a leaflet ,denouncing the educaon changes distributed before the leeting by the Anti-Imperialist Alante. He said the change “makes erfect sense to me”. The leaflet objected to the hanged emphasis of university en3lment policy from encouraging oung workers, peasants and soliers with practical experience, to :cruitir$g middle school graduates


hope of gaining power. They had U.S. and the U.S.S.R. could be -and campus security accompanied based themselves in Shanghai and prevented by revolution in both the crowd to the room so that the were attempting to build a second countries and within their spheres organisers could determine who civil militia, he said. would be admitted. of influence the meeting w.as The leaflet also noted the reinsGreene likened the atmosphere Although the chevron reporter closed, with organisers sayingthey had only intended it to run two titution of exams and quoted a 1975 in the country to that in the United was not excluded, Greene said the States under McCarthy&m. He hours. work, New China’s First Quarter discussion was ‘-‘strictly off the retold tales of artists who had sudCentury, saying: A private discussion was ancord’ ’ . \denly lost their jobs, people being nounced, but only in Cantonese, -jonathan coles “The old _examination procedure beaten up for opposing the de.used exams like surprise attacks, as velopment of the second militia, if the students were enemies. The and celebrations in the streets after test questions were either odd or the gang’s arrest. stated in such a way as to perplex or Greene ran into objections from worry the students. Now an opensome members of the audience book examination has been generwhen it was announced that quesally instituted in all schools and the test questions announced be- tions would have to be submitted in forehand. Students are allowed to writing. When he later lauded the and debate in refer to books and to discuss the endless discussion 871 Victoria St. N. - 744-3577 Chinese society someone deproblems among themselves. This procedure is designed to train and manded, “Then why are you trying ‘~ Every Wednesday Id Singles Night to’supress it here?” test students’ ability to analyse IN THE CROWN ROOM With the written question system problems and solve them.” in operation one person accused Appearing this weekend It called the changes a reversal of the speaker of misreading one of his questions and shuffling the rest to I the Cultural ,.Revolution. the bottom of the pile. Greene called the reversal Tension increased again when he charge “nonsense”. He said eduwas asked about support expressed cation policy in China had merely been “modified” by the new re- in Peoples Daily for increased gime and the deposed “Gang of military spending by the Canadian Government for “defence against Four” had opposed reforms. He NEXT WEEK He said that at this time 70 percent of the Polar Bear (U.S.S.R.)“. said he didn’t know anything about the students still go into the country it. When he was given an AIA or into the workforce before they newsletter in which the article was go to university - it is only the reproduced he snapped, “I’ ve seen brightest students which are choCOMING SOON enough AIA stuff,” and refused to sen to complete their studies withanswer the question, unless he was out interruption. TRUE REFLECTION shown the original. A question from the audience Asked to compare the new asked him to define what a “bright DOUGLAS student” was. He explained that‘ regime’s criticisms of the “gang of four” to Kruschev’s criticisms of ’ ( A TRIBUTE TO ELVIS) exams would not be on theory, but Stalin he said he didn’t consider rather would give students a real them similar. EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT ’ problem in, for example, a factory “I criticise the criticisms of the and the workers there would be IS AMATEUR NIGHT “gang of four” because they are on able to see which students could too personal a level, I regret they IST PRIZE IS A TRIP TO understand it and solve it. . didn’t give us more of a political FLOeIDA “I imagine that’s what they now analysis of what the gang did,” he mean,” he said. said. Amateur Night every Tuesday As a questioner tried to ask. He said that the recent incidents . . . tireene whether war between the concerning the “Gang of Four” took place because “the Chinese A have not yet found an orderly way of passing on power”. . Federation of Students with only book learning. It saw this as keeping students separated from labour.

Ho#el h&i



According to Greene the gang was exploiting the country’s sense of leaderlessness after the deaths of Chou-en-lai and Chairman Mao in



NOTICE OF STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTIONS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR ‘1978-79 \ Nominations for the positions of representatives to Students’ Council open on THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, and close on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1978 at 4:30 p.m. The distribution of seats is as follows: Arts: Engineering:





l-l. K. L. S.:

Integrated Mathematics:

cc-op co-op regular co-op regular co-op co-op

winter spring terms

term term


winter spring

term term


regular co-op co-op regular co-op co-op

winter spring

term term


winter spring

term term


4 3 2 2

seats seats seats seats 1 seat 1 seat 1 seat 1 seat 1 seat 2 seats 2 seats 2 seats 3 seats 1 seat 1 seat 1 seat 1 seat 2 seats

Studies: t


St. Jerome’s: Renison: Graduate Studies: \

Engineering, H.K.L.S., Math and Science spring term co-operative will elect their representatives in June of 1978. -

Feb. 1, Feb. 2, Feb. 3,

8 p.m. - $1.50 ” 8 p.m. - $1.75 7 p.m. - s1.75 10 p.m. - s2.00 Feb. 4, 8 p.m. - s2.00 THEATRE OF- THE ARTS UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO


Nomination forms are available from Helga Petz in the Federation office, located in CC235, and must be returned to that office no-later than 4:30 p.m. February 2 1978. ‘(




I0 -


of Students



the chevron

Electionxfeb. /’

I 884-3781 886-2567

alpha sounds’ DISC JOCKEY Weddings A Radio







SERVICE Dances -

at King and William St (across from loo, open Tues-Thurs 11 am-midnight, 130 am t Sunday 11 am-l 0 pm.



Carlings) Fri-Sat

Water11 am-

l l 0 e 6

Rick Smit I was elected President of the Federation of Students last October 25, and at the same time the Federation fee was made refundable by a margin of 285 votes. On May 1 this year, refundable fees will become a reality, and I sincerely hope that you will consider carefully your decision about whether to remain in the student union. A lot of concessions were gained by student unions in Canada during the sixties, and it would be disappointing to see student governments weakened by refundable fees. Other universities are watching us very closely to see how we deal with “the new * reality’ ’ . I am running for re-election as President of a Federation that can remain active and viable in this new reality of accountability-. I have been in office for about three months, and during that time I have found the position to be stimulating and challenging. The Federation has been able to improve relationships with the societies, reduce the-number of council employees, work towards a separate radio station with an FM licence, utilize more volunteer workers, work towards a higher quality of entertainment despite some gross financial setbacks which were handed to me by my predecessors, improve the image of the Federation and encourage openness in our dealings with you, the students. We have instituted an experimental bus service between campus and the Sunnydale area, and a “mass transit study” has been prepared for the Waterloo city council in an effort to improve municipal bus service to this and other areas of town. The Federation is continuing the Toronto bus service in spite ofthe uncertain condition which now exists as to the legality of the service. Those of you who read my letters to the chevron will know my stand on that paper. I must stress, the impetus for change in the chevron must come from within; You should make an effort and go down and volunteer your services; only you can make the paper change, only you can make it work. What does a president of a student union do to work for, “you the students”? The job is very subjective and one must stress importance and urgency on issues that you personally identify with. The greater the ability one has to remain objective is the difference between doing a good or fair job, and to be a bad President means that one really made some gross errors in judgement or was undeniably corrupt. I feel that I have a better than average record concerning judgement calls, and I know that I have been very honest when dealing with the administration of the budget. The job consists of a portfolio of various projects that one compiles. My portfolio presently consists of the Society coffee and doughnut stands, the Intercollegiate Athletic Fee, the Radio Waterloo incorporation, budgetting under refundable fees, the United Trails buses, the Sunnydale bus, new regulations for licenced outlets, a new agreement concerning the South Campus Hall Pubs, the CC pub and what to do with it, the chevron investigation commission (which appears to be stalled because of various members), the Ontario Federation of Students, cosponsorship of a number of active student groups or clubs, Watoloto (a student run lottery that will run when/if I am re-elected); and several other fdes which deal with the administration of the Federation of Stu\ dents. I want to be a good student president, so for the past three months I have been doing a lot of searching and talking in order to determine what the students want.

friday, janu;

The most frequently aired complaint surprisingly enough is about the CC pub. It is a perenial problem which will not change unless we get more space. I -am planning a questionaire which will include several questions about the pub and desired changes. The next most important item which I have heard is a call for more concerts. This is very possible and the next budget will include provisions for at least four major concerts with top name performers. I tend to concentrate much of my energies on entertainment because I feel it is one of the most visible and important parts of a student federation. Entertainment will improve greatly and that is a promise that you can hold me to. Past administrations have been very big on the Board of Education. I believe that there should be a large sum of money budgetted for the co-sponsorship of active student groups. I feel that by doing this the extra curricular educational symposiums, speakers, and conferences will be those that the students want. The greatest problem facing the Federation is the perenial one of no continuity. The fact that administrations change so often cause gaps in communication which gives the Federation the appearance of fluctuating position on certain matters. I like this job of being president and I hope that I can bring c’ontinuity to a Federation which is desperately in need of it. I probably will continue to be very opinionated and eruptive at times, but I don’t perceive that as a liability. I think that the students at this University want a strong person who is not afraid of responsibility or making decisions. I believe that I am the best person for the job and I would very much appreciate your support on February 1. Thank You , Rick Smit

Pres it’s BROKE. Its 1 spent $44,000. go. On the other many successfu week’s inter-club yet free). My policy action I I ‘have examil budgets. My Policy

a) to have BE1 $42,000 subsidy t directed at contin and co-sponsors Fed Flicks, etc. b) to reallocate ways: 1) increase sociations, collel councils, and clu 2) establish I dinator. Here, al form one indivic turn, the co-ordi tion and re-issue ters - distribute c) that porl Communication’ cate BENT’s act: to items b, 1 & 2 Students need tra a) local b). out-of-town a) local: The M

of Waterloo service.

also c

My policy:

l)Fare reductio PASSES (already versity) and/or purchased term t 2) establishmer creased service w practicable and p My policy

Janet Rokosova

Rokosova for leadership

In resolving

students’ needs - and promoting students’ interests!


has experience:

Environmental Studies elected tative to Students’ Council


Upon my election

A New Approach!

Communicating understanding IS MORE IMPORTANT than brevity for the sake of lower printing costs - when presenting a presidential candidate statement on such important matters as resolving students’ needs and promoting students’ interests. Therefore my following statement emphasizes clarity of my policies for your consideration and vote decision. Students need jobs! Therefore‘ power centre on campus.



I know Manpower’s Mr. Green has been willing to establish - on campus - a computerized Manpower centre that would list jobs available in a large segment of Ontario. My policy

action to date

a) I now know of space availability and the University’s no-objection position on this matter. b) I have written Mr. Green re: 1) informed him of the space availability 2) requested that he inform his Federal department of his intention and the funds he will require. Upon my election

I will immediately finalize implementation of this project by a) sending the necessary formal letter of invitation from your president to Mr. Green, and b) request the University President to immediately do likewise. Thus, students will have this job availability benefit - soon after my election. Students’ interest: “entertainment”. quires “communication”


As secretary 01 Education) I HA re-initiation of f dent profile stud! a report. This i; HAVE had the n! She is enthusiast report. She requ resentatives to pi City Council. T struck to form a ( sequent- “joint’ Kitchener City ( b) Out-of-town A recent COUI dents to lose the bus service - 1 steps are taken consuming court

. . re-

Unfortunately, the Federation has not been very successful here: BENT - our Board of Entertainment-is notjust BENT,

I WILL invite and other transi ‘ ‘tenders (contra dents out-of-tow lowest PRICE & dered will be ( PROPER, LEC PROCEDURE. MANNER-no - but rather TIVE, WEEKL SYSTEM IS Ir\ DENTS WILL WILL CONTII LOCAL ASPEC News Media.

. .I

The question have control OVI My policy: “All students the right (by vol fee) to SUPPC EITHER OR Bc My policy


1) I voted fo* tion, on a refur Council meeting their petition foi doing a good jo 2) I have prep; of the chevron 2 ing it for studen quired. Here it : ron how has 5 f approximately : students. -Other size, etc.) have



mdidetes give their views


the chevron

CONTINUOUS DANCING Nightly from 8 p.m.

THE GATHERINgLACE $42,000. - it’s s a full term to ieties have had rents (eg. last sshing success, trious


t reduced from - which will be arly orientation ns, continuing $22,000 in two to societies, as, village 1 & 2 ication coorgroups can inr activities. In 2s the informaeekly news1 et= [pus buildings. te Board of :d to communiso be allocated

ty Councillors red city transit chased TERM Queen’ s Unition by preoks. 3 routes or inthat times it is ation Board of advocated the year’s “stuhousing’ ’ into completion. I ~11~contacted. g copies of the zderation report publicly at a committee present a subsolutions to

$10,000 yearly. I stand for efficient management . 3) As these petitions add two fee amounts to be paid by students; students must have the right to vote on whether they wish the fed fee reduced according. Therefore, I will call a referendum on fed fee reduction. Students’ interests icy action to date


special events:

my pol-

As an active member of Bed (Board of . Education) I have supported co-sponsorship funding of Engineering Society and Planning \ Students Association conferences; guest speakers for Optometry and Engineering Societies, Chinese Students’ Association’s China Week; Qptometry’s Caribbean Save the Sight Program (glasses for destitute kids). Programs such as these should have continued sponsorship and financial assistance. It’s where may students interests and action is! All students’ groups can and should be equally considered. Other


and needs

No president can be aware of all the students’ interests and needs, nor can any president have all the answers on how to promote and resolve them. My policy.. committee

. president’s



Uponmy election I will form such a committee. It will consist of a representative from each society, association, church council, club, Village 1 & 2, Council, Married Students’ Organization (that wishes to participate). Thus other interests and needs become known and worked upon. Lets get at where its at - back with the students.




Availability, proximity, quality, and cost of accommodation is a problem for some (if .not many) students. My policy action

to date.

I have obtained a copy of a preliminary report prepared by local Architectural/Engineering firm ona a Student Sponsored Housing Project on Campus. I am now aware of the University’s no-. objection to on campus housing prior to a feasibility and viability study being completed. I .have written to the Architectural

- Wagar

should have able separate’ I’ SUPPORT loo’s separais, at Student lly circulating RAD/WAT is for separation nally circulat4,000 are re1- the chev:s at a cost of r to you, the pers (of equal ry at approx.


My policy

Form a special projects committee of students from the Architects, Planning Engineering, Environmental Studies faculties as well as representatives from Village 1 and Village 2 and Co-Op residences to formulate the feasibility/viability study report required to really initiate this project. Here the student profile (mentioned earlier as a BED project) report will be most valuable. Let’s have the students’ expertise on this campus involved in solving students’ needs, particularly housing.


2 For 1 Dinner Special

Further policy 1) Co-op programs:

Our Federation should be actively co-operating with and assisting the University administration wherever po’ssible to initiate more co-op Programs. This can mean more job opportunities for students. 2) Foreign students and their problems can be assisted by the formation of a special committee of Foreign students to advise the Federation for subsequent action. 3) Day care: Married students can form a committee to formulate their special problem assistance requests. They are -students also and deserve a Federation interested in and acting in their interests. 4) OSAP-OGAP: The Federation’s continued active involvement with OFS and NUS in these programs must be continued. When students have no jobs, they must have some means of achieving their educational


Buy any steak item on our menu and your guest will receive a steak dinner (up to equal value) f&e! We feature Luncheon MontoFrill:45am-4pm We feature Dinner Mon toSat4pmi8pm Wednesday to Saturday

The Federation should be actively supporting the married students in any negotiations with the University authorities. 5) Married



Refundable fees: We have it... let’s work My policy:

with it!

Regain the confidence and support of the students by resolving their needs and promoting their interests. You can make it happen - Vote Rokosova on






ill cause stuUnited Trails :tive business ; costly time,t the answer. , Gray Coach, bmit advance reekly on stuon needs. The ERVICE tenI’his is THE NESS-LIKE qE IN THIS :em is in effect , COMPETIR TRANSIT --AND STUMoreover, I :T ON THE ABOVE). 0 . . . Chevron ?e Federation ; media?


firm - noting my interest and also wrote the local members of parliament re - copies of available grant legislation and application forms thereto.

There are now only two candidates for federation president. Integrated Studies councillor Sam Wagar withdrew from the race Wednesday and threw all of his support behind Environmental Studies councillor Janet Rokosova’s campaign. In a statement addressed “to all my supporters and students at large” he said: “I thank you all for your support for me and for the ideas on which I ran during this election campaign. I can’t express the depth of my , gratitude to you all in mere words. I have decided to withdraw from the campaign and throw all of my energy into electing Janet Rokosova President of the Federation of Students. After discussions with Janet and her campaign manager Larry Smylie I have decided that she has a platform of issues and policies that are so fully directed at fulfilling student needs-and promoting student interests. It is essential that we elect a president who will listen to the students and societies and learn to clean up the mess. The federation cannot survive another year of Smit. Undoubtably as her platform becomes more known to student voters it will be the winning platform in the election, as a vote for Rokosova is in my opinion a vote for oneself. All students will recognise this I hope. Thank you all and best wishes.” ,’ Correction Last week we said, incorrectly, that the election would be held Feb. 2. In fact, the final decision between Janet Rokosova and incumbent Rick Smit will be Wednesday, Feb. 1.

Don ?t Worry!! Westmount Place Pharmacy Will Save You!

Mon - Sat 9am - 1Opm Sun and HoJidays llam - 9pm

o westmount pharmacy

place 578-8880





the chevron






.-Parkening to come to Humanities

St. Valentine’s Day7

This year, from Wednesday February 1 through to Saturday February 4, in a tradition almost as old as the University itself, the FASS Company’ presents The St. Valentine’s Day Fassacre, a show filled with song, dance and hilarity. The theme of this year’s show centres -around the Roaring Twenties and the gangland activities associated therewith. Characters such as Jimmy Molson, Shirley T. Goodness; Roquefort Vasilino, Fart-ah Forcett and Charles U. Farley will entertain and delight theatre-goers of almost any age. Actually, much of the humour might be wasted on . those over 11 but we encourage you to come out and see it anyway!! This may well be the theatrical happening of the year, as seven (7) fassacred songs are up for such prestigious awards as Perry’s Plageristic Performance Plaque, the Strangely Familiar Tune Trophy and the “Father Will I Vomit” Award, presented for the total destruction and/or desecration of a previously popular song.


When approached for comment regarding this year’s production, FASS President Tom Hocaliuk broke down into tears, of joy, sobbing that he had never been associated with anything quite so beautiful. Upon checking on his story it was discovered that Tom had-just been released from the Primate wing of the Psychology building and that his comment, though possibly valid, should nevertheless be taken with a barrel of salt. Some outside drama critics were heard remarking that this year’s script is at least twice as good as last year’s popular - “Star Travesty”, which leads this writer to urge all those within eyeshot of this article to bust their-butts on over to the Modern Languages Central Box Office to pick up tickets so that they, can find out for themselves. Buy now, regret not later!! Be the first on your block to own a FASS souvenir quality ticket. Save it for the kids! -david

The UW Arts Centre reports that tickets for the concert of Christopher Parkening , North America’ s leading classical guitarist are selling briskly, but there are still a few good seats left for his concert on Thursday, February 2 in the Humanities Theatre. His last appearance here in February 1975 was a sell-out with seating on stage. There will be no stage seating for this performance. ’ Parkening, who first commanded national attention when still in his teens, has been acclaimed by Andres Segovia, the master guitarist of the century -“Christopher Parkening is a great artist - one.of the most brilliant guitarists in the world. ’ The lanky blond, young artist is California-born. He took, up the guitar at age eleven with his first teachers the Spanish concert guitarists, Celedonio and Pepe Romero. At fourteen he entered the annual state-wide auditions, of the Young Musicians Foundation. The judges included Jascha Heifetz, Gregor Piatigorsky , Mario Castelnuova-Tedesco and others. Although there was no category at









that time in which Parkening could compete, the judges were soimpressed with his virtuosity that he was scheduled as a special “out-ofcompetition” performer. His excellence in the Bach Chacone was the sensation of the auditions. Parkening was accepted as a scholarship student by Andres Segovia in,a Master Class at the University of California at Berkely. Segovia chose him from three hundred students present to perform daily before the class, and later selected him as soloist when the Master Class was televised nationally. He attained a second full scholarship to a Segovia Master Class at the Winston Salem, North Carolina School for the Arts. Segovia also invited Parkening to serve with him on the judges’ panel at the International Guitar Competition in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. He gave two concerts there and each time the great maestro personally presented him to the Spanish audiences. These performances won Parkening an.ovation from both audience and press and concluded with the young Ameri-. can judge being awarded a silver plaque and other honours the Spaniards would have conferred only upon the first-prize winning contestants!

- 4 P.M.


- Recent concert season’s have found Parkening on tour in the USA concert halls and on university and college campuses. He has been soloist with the New York Philharmonic, Minnesota Orchestra, Milwaukee Symphony, and was featured on television with the Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center in November 1972 and returned to the same hall in February ‘74. Both events were sold out occasions for enthusiastic audiences and critics. In 1972, Parkening also completed his first tour of the principal cities of Japan where his recordings are extremely popular. The artist’ s international celebrity has been greatly increased by five recordings for Angel Records: “In the Classic Style, “In the Spanish Style”, “Romanza” and ‘ ‘ Parkening Plays Bach’ ’ . In the fall of 1974, saluting the artist as a best seller, Angel issued another. disc “The ChristopherParkening Album’ ’ . His latest recording for Angel is entitled “Parkening and the Guitar” and was distributed in November 1976. Tickets for his Waterloo concert are $6.50 (Stu./Sen. $4.50) available at UW Arts Centre Main Box Office, Bishop’s Style Shop, Stanley Park, Kitchener and KW Symphony Office. .


What will they think of next? Come for supper Feb. 5 CC113 6P.M.





JAN 26-29







31 - FEB 2


‘iOie of those rare. delights you’ll want t;o see again and again and again!” /

8 P.M.




This man was one of the Lavender Hill Mob, who played the South Campus Hall circuit last Friday evening. The Mob’s music was surprising/y good (at /east to me) and seemed very danceable, yet the Mob attracted only a very moderate crowd. Tonight there will be no SCH; but next Thursday Charity Brown will be there.


“‘Cousin Cbusine’ is the most happy healthy sensuality I have seen on film.”

FEB 3 & 4 Fri & Sat

7 & 9:40pm


Open 7 Days A Wtek








232 King AL Waterbo, Phone 885-2530 Opposite Athletic Cutnpk.








This Week



by john w. bast

t) *-‘e* e e * a@



* *

(Campus Centre Pub) ’ Coffee, Tea, Cider arid .Goodies

* *


* *







l emao*ameea*eaa





lay, january

_- .-

27, 7978

thk chevron


Jampbell enjoyed byCCCH crowd Paul Campbell delighted a large d receptive audience at the Cams Centre Coffeehouse on SunHamilton based, Y- The ottish-born singer-songwriter lyed two sets of highly original npositions. He cajoled us with songs like Vhen You Work in a Bar”, [inky Sex”, and “Good With j Hands”. He drew particularly rm response in “One Step ead of these Blues” and “I ink I’d Like to Wait”, for their sonal and engaging characteriions. lampbell’s pleasure on stage s aided by his positive feelings jut CCCH atmosphere. When clause brought him back for an :ore, Campbell admitted: -’ ruth is, I don’t want to leave!”

Former manager of Campbell’s Coffeehouse in Hamilton, Paul is a newcomer to the performing side of the folk circuit. His songs have, however, been performed by prominent artists, notably David Bradstreet and Rick Taylor. Eric Ball, a well known folksinger in the University community, provided an enjoyable and well-paced guest set, including original material in his repertoire. CCCH promises an excellent evening of musical atmospheres with contemporary folkstylist Vicki Taylor taking the stage as feature performer. Barb Fraser, an innovative singer, composer and instrumentalist, is the guest artist this Sunday, Jan. 29th. -levy/tomlinson

Paul Campbell sang and played at the CCCH last Sunday evening to a near-capacity “Good With his Hands” and “Kinky Sex” kept the audience interested and attentive

, -.,,--,,--- - .-..-.. crowd. Such favorites as all through the evening. -photo by john w. bast

Onstage-auction to sell art A repeat performance of a very successful event sponsored by the UW Arts Centre last year, is coming up on’Tuesday, January 31st. It’s the Second “On Stage” Auction of Art and Antiques, and the collection to be auctioned by noted auctioneer Paul Corbett will include, along with the International’ and Canadian art, a wide variety of antiques. The event will take place on the stage of the Humanities Theatre, University of Waterloo, with a free preview from 12 noon to 8 p.m. The bidding will start at 8: 30 p.m. Ticket price of $3.00 includes catalogue, snacks and coffee served from 7 p.m. on.

7ne McIntyre, a local artist, performed as the opening act to Bruce jlinson Upstairs at the Grad Club last Saturday. She sang mainly from a don Lightfoot repertojr which this photographer found most entertajnGrad Club entertainment appears to have started out at a high calibre. -photo by john w. bast


recording a-

ioz: TE DEUM. Jean Dupouy, r; Jean Guillou, organ; Orchestre aris, Le Choeur de I’Orchestre de ;, Le Choeur d’Enfants de Paris, la?trise de la Resurrection. Coned by Daniel Barenboim. Colia M 34536.

aniel Barenboim has already e his mark with a performance tint-Sjaens’ “Organ” Symphony 2530 619) that leaves your 1 rattling, performed with the :ago Symphony and post:hronized with the, Organ of the iedral at Chartre. Some of his :r recordings, such as :kner’s Ninth (DG 2530 639), : left many less impressed, but curiosity is nevertheless sed. ris recording of Berlioz’s Te n, however, leaves much to be -ed. The performance is generquite powerful, but the recordnd pressing are disappointing. lr better account appears on ps (802913) with the London phony Orchestra and Chorus :r Colin Davis. uenboim’s Te Deum is plagued .pe hiss (inexcusable in this age lolby) and an echo that obss any of the soft passages that w any of the chorus’s cries of nation. Part of the problem

The antique collection will be supplied by Antique & Art Centre and Duke’s Antiques of Waterloo and Pink Petticoat of Kitchener. Some of the outstanding collectibles in the group will be an amethyst glass peg lamp, French marble clock, Waterloo County spinning wheel, side table, walnut side table, Jacobean-style mirror on stand, hand-painted ivory fan, figurines , Most of the art pieces are being porcelains and china by Dresden, supplied by Evelyn Aimis of Beaux Royal Doulton, Beleek, Nippon, Arts Internationale of Toronto. Nailsea, Spode and Bavarian. .The International art will be prints, Pieces of cloisonne, pewter, brass many in limited editions, of such and silver will also be auctioned world-renowned artists as Y. along with a number of quilts. Agam, Calder, Chagall, Dali, During the preview hours, music Henry Moore and Vasarely. The _ will be supplied by Steve Hull, a Canadian art will include original UW student, on the Steinway prints, watercolours, oils, drawpiano. ings and Eskimo carvings with arTickets for the event are on sale tists such as Jack Bush, Ron Bolt, NOW at the UW Arts Centre Main John Casyn, Toller Cranston, Ken Box Office, and at Bishop’s Style Danby, Andy Donato, Rita Shop, Stanley.Park Mall and the Letendre and Harold Town repKW Symphony office, 56 King St. resented. N. Waterloo.

n 00


may be-the choice of the Paris Church of Saint Eustache (the site of the 1855 premiere) as the recording location. I remember my first reaction to\ this LP was one of horror and disgust. The echo makes it difficult to hear the words, and even more difficult to sort out the orchestra or any of the instruments; Despite all this, the performance is impressive, and one can imagine the awe inspired in a live performance when one is overwhelmed by a great morass of sound. The tenor is not well-recorded; he is too distant, and some of his range is lost, unfortunately. Also, -the choir in the Te Ergo Quaesumus sounds rather perverse, and reminds one of the satanic choir at the end of the “Damnation of Faust”. The performance is not actually all that bad, and I’m sure most of the disc’s. problems would have been alleviated by considerations of recording and recording site. The best thing to do though, is to buy the Davis version - a bit of advice that would hold well for, I think, any work by Berlioz. -oscar

This second auction is part of a continuing effort by the UW Arts Centre to provide professional art attractions in this area and build larger audiences and appreciation for all of the professional arts. For this reason, the auction is being held on the stage of the Humanities

Theatre surrounded by all the trappings of the performing arts, and enhanced with live music. Theatre Technical Director Earl Stieler, an antique and art collector himself, is convener of the auction. He feels this event “affords an opportunity to the public to acquire and round out- their collections at auction prices.”

m nierstrasz






the chevron


27, 75

All submissions of artwork, prose or poetr are welcome. Short stories or similar pros should be typed on an approximat 64-character line (do not hyphenate word that are too long). Poetry must also be typec but, like artwork, should be submitted in th form that you would like to see it in print. W will print pseudonyms, if instructed, bl please supply your name and phone numbe regardless, so that you may be contacted i case of difficulties (try to anticipate problenand avoid ambiguities in your copy). Materi; is selected according to available space editorial discretion and Heisenberg’s Unce tainty Principle. Please bring all contributior to the chevron, Campus Centre 140.




‘One day Vera showed us a photograph of so@e local Gestapo men, which had come into her hands. The photo-, graph had been taken when they were in the country outside Prague for a day’s holiday. The young men‘were ranged in two rows in their neat uniforms, and they stared out at us with professional/y menacing but unhappy eyes from that recent past now dead. After the relief of Prague these young men were h~%id ‘through the countryside, Vera told us, like wild game, and all of them taken and killed.’ Edwin Muir, Autobiography --

Ram bo Creates Rambo the nihilist is suddenly caught up in form once more ‘Creating it brand new every day Here Give this one a try like the very realest of physics, sir

Over the hill the city lights leaped up. But there in the fields the quiet dusk folds down. A man lies in a ditch. He listens hard. His own fast breathing is the biggest sound But through it, coming nearer, he hears another: The voices of his hunters, coming nearer. They

are coming,

and he can run no further.

And this conceit is very intelligent but not insultingly so. . . a treasure I’m sure you will want to endure for the rest of your life See: it molds right into you and sets

Touch it: it wobbles, does it not, like a bubble? Listen to the form sigh: isn’t it suggestive? Now place one arm here and one down here and hold it up in the air: is this not, a simple load, a luxurious texture? It’s always complete and I know it will simplify nearly everything you do


He was born in a Germany thrashing like a fish On a gravel towpath beating out its life. As a child, something they called the Blockade Nearly strangled him with.impersonaI cold fingers Clever doctors saved his life. The Blockade receded, He hopped in the Berlin streets like a cool sparrow. His wise friends showed him,a quick way to earn Poc.ket-money: While English schoolboys chalked Dirty words and sniggered behind desk-lids, He learnt the things the words meant; his pockets Filled up with change and his heart jingled with hate.

tho should your eye shudder and you actually look -blink and see your form as it isand it’s purely geometrical, sira figment even. it will likely blow your fucking head off -peyton


Now his hate has jingled in the ears of Europe. He’has taught them to know the refusal of pity. His life is nearly over; only the darkness Covers him as pursuers cry over the fields In a moment they will tear him to pieces. He was sick of the things that went with the dirty words: Sick of the pocket-money and the windy street.’ Then the uniforms came. They said to him: Be strong. When he was fifteen, he had a gun. He had forgotten the Blockade and the pocketmoney, Except oninights when he could not sleep: His gun Was a friend, but when they gave him a whip He loved that better still. Be strong! He cried The speeches were made, the leaves fell, it was war. -To smashed Prague his gun and whip led him in time. There, he learnt the delight of refusing pity. Did he never wonder about those he murdered? Never feel curious about the severe light That flamed in their irises as they lay dying? Apparently not. His duty took all his care. He fed his starving heart with cruelty Till it got sick and died. His masters applauded. Once, he dragged off a man’s lower jaw. Now they are coming nearer over the fields. It is like the Blockade, only worse. He will die.’ They have taken away his whip and gun. But let us watch the scene’with a true eye, Arrest your pen, hurrying chronicl’er. Do you take this for a simple act: The mere Crushing of a pest that crawled on the world’s hide? Look again: is there not an ironic light In the fiery sky that rings his desperate head?

He will die, this cursed man. The first pursuer Is here. The darkness is ready to give him up. He has, at most, a hun,dred breaths to draw. But what of the cunning devil that jerked his strings? IS that one idle, now that the strings are cut?

)oe Sophisticate

in cultural


man’s body will rot under lime, and that soon. parades have taught his uniform to march. The hunters close in: Do they feel-the danger? When they wrench his body to pieces, will they hear A sigh as his spirit is sucked into the air That they must breath? And will his uniform March on, march on, across Europe? Will their children Hop in the streets like cool sparrows, and draw His spirit into their hopeful lungs? And who shall save them ’ If after all the years and all the deaths They find a world still pitiless, a street Where no grass of love grows over the hard stones?



Our love is limitless, ’ Stretching across the universe, Past the planets and stars, Converging back onto our planet



But the










*ida;, january

27, 7978



ihe chevron


Hockey FQtrriors to; Guelph agairi The Water&Warriors missed a ;olden opportunity to vacate the XJAA western division cellar in Bvour of Guelph when they dropled a 7-4 shootout to crosstown ival Laurier on January 18th. The rictory gave the Golden Hawks a ‘Irm hold on the division lead which hey took away from ,Western’s Mustangs two weeks ago. With the exception of only a few notables, leither team played &well at all. Ihat Wilfrid Laurier w-on the game + was merely an indication that they were more able to capitalize on the many Warrior errors than the other way around. Goaltender Rick Nickelchock played his technically weakest game of the season (although he still made some fine stops) and that probably contributed as much as

ing at 18: 57 when Mike Zettel found exceedingly rough at this point. In anything to the loss. Even so, he the kind of opportunistic play him free in the slot. order to control the game the rewhich the UW team hasbeen lackgot little support from what was, 1 Waterloo was able to beat the feree began to call many minor ining of. for Waterloo, an uncommonly porvisiting Guelph Gryphons once fractions. Unfortunately, in doing Midway through the period ous defense. On the first Hawk again Friday past, but UG’s surLaurier scored two unanswered this, he victimized several innocent goal, Rick committed himself to the prise upset of Laurier means they goals and led for the remainder of (and key) Waterloo players beice far too early, and Joe Cecchini still lead our boys by a point in the the contest. Nickelchock was out cause he was once again out of poswas able to convert an Earl Muller OUAA hierarchy. ition to make the call; Most notapass virtually unchallenged . of position again on the second The game was a lot closer then it bly, Laurier poured in three goals, goal. UW evened the tally minutes should have been, despite the fact and there was nary a whisper from With Waterloo applying pressure later on a goal by a forward who is . I that UW played well all around. in the second stanza, they began to the hometown club. playing consistently well despite usual outstandThe Warriors took command at Scott Machesney’s get several bad breaks with the ofthe recent lackluster performances of his fellows. Mike Zettel blasted a x ficiating. The referee was out of the start of the third period, but it ing play in the Gryphon net was the factor that brought Guelph as close position on several occasions, and was a case of too little too late. low drive at Dennis Higgins which Tenacious forechecking produced as ,6-5. Dave Jutzi continued his whistled down at least six loose produced a rebound that Dave Jutzi second goal, with scoring streak, and he is certainly a fried home. Since coming off an pucks that he lost sight of. I do not Dave Jutzi’s bright spot in an otherwise gloomy mean to use wishful hindsight, but Jamie Hodge and Joe Marcaccio early-season broken arm, Jutzi has Derek goalmouth scrambles like that in- assisting. At 9:45 John Campbell ’ season for the Warriors. been one of the Warrior workand Jeff Fielding set up Mike. Zettel Schmuck also scored for the Warhorses, and is fast becoming one of variably produce goals, and a Warto make it 6-3: With less than two riors. Bob Tempelhagen has been rior skater had the puck right on his their most dangerous scorers. ,minutes to go,,and both teams short seeing only spot duty recently and Many of his goals are of the so- blade on at least two occasions. his aggressive zeal has been mison bench strength (an earlier fight Further, the game was becoming called “garbage” variety, but his is had resulted in player ejections, sed. notably Doug Mitchell’s) Frank Waterloo went into the final Neal potted WLU’s final marker period with a. 4-2 margin in their when Derek Schmuck committed favour, and it was well they did, as himself too soon at the blueline. they were outscored 3-2 in the third. -brute beacock Jamie Hedge-rounded out the scor-

I~trti-Play i’ /

Some of the -. / dramatic


action at last week’s hockey


game. /t’s a pity we lost.

&out drinking

by george Vasiladis

to your teenagers \

&driving to your parents

We all know going out is fun, and no parent wants to take away those good times. But these days, with teenagers in and out of cars so much, it% crucial that , they understand the dangers of drinking and driving, and that they can avert _ potential trouble by making the right decisions. . First, set your son or dauihter straight on this often-misunderstood fact: beer, wine and spirits-in excess, all three are just as-dangerous on the road. A good way of avoiding trouble is to plan ahead. Suggest that your teenagers review their evening before going out. If ‘they see drinking involved, far better to leave the car at home than to take chances later behind the wheel. . Far better also to say no to a drink, to refuse to drive, or to turn down a . _ lift with an impaired friend than to go along with the crowd and maybe regret it. I You can support your teenagers and give them confidence by letting them t know that if they ever need help you’ll go’ for them, pay their cab or do whatever is ‘necessary to get them home safely. ’ Most important, be a good example. Never drive if you’ve had even-.-one drink too many. Better still, don’t let it come to that. Know your liinit and stay within it.







‘. ,

If you’re not of legal drinking age, don’t touch a drop. But if you are, and you drive, then you’re old enough to do your part in reaching an agreement with your parents on the subject. Sure they worry. Because even if you don’t drink, others in your group may. i The friend driving you home one night may’have had too much. Show that you’re e+qually cbncerned. Get serious. For instance, what have you read lately about the dangers of drinking _ and driving? Do you know how much beer, wine or spirits your body can safely handle before your judgment becomes impaired? Do you know the law in your province? And what happens if you break it? Get the facts-and discuss them calmly. Then take the initiative and propose a few family ground rules. e No driving if you’ve been drinking -beyond your limit. (We’ll send you a valuable free chart on responsible limits if you write us.) No riding with a friend who’s been drinking. And convince your parents if a situation ever turns you won’t hesitate to phone for help. Finally, remind your parents you’re concerned for their safety, too, and that the family rules on drinking and driving apply to them, as well,


Monday, January 23 is the official starting date of the University of Waterloo - University of Victoria Jogger’s challenge. All prospective and active joggers will be running a minimum of 24 miles in eight weeks as part of this Participation idea. To register simply phone the Intramural offices Ext. 3532, Peter Hopkins or 3533, Sally Kemp or sign up in room 2040 or 2050 PAC anytime until _-~March-. 1st._ The idea has really caught on around campus as various challenges have occurred: Engineering Society has challenged all other societies and rumour has it that Renison and St. Jeromes are running against each other. “I’m wonder-




ing when Village One will challenge Village 2” says IM Director, Peter IHopkins. As of Wednesday, January 19, Penny Rollins, Director of Athletics and Recreation at Victoria Called and claimed to have over 300 registrants. As of Friday, January 2 1, Waterloo had 387 registrants. Our target objective is’ 10% of the University of, Waterloo campus or 1421 joggers. I know we cando it. Let’s be No. 1 in Canada. S,pecial ~ note: 13 laps of the main gym equals 1 mile - 312 laps equals 24 miles. Invitational Broomball Attention all broomball ‘ ‘broomers” , the Math Sot. Invitational Broomball Tourney will be held on February 10th between 8:00 am 4:OO pm at McCormick Arena. Entry date is this Friday, January . 27th with a $10.00 entrance fee to those teams interested. A guest appearance is expected by the defending champions, “RECREATION. RECONWITHS” <and soda-pop prizes are awarded to the victors. For more information contact Geoff Hains at the Math Sot office ext. 2324. Cross-Country Ski Tour This Heritage Cross-Country Ski Tour leaves Lake Columbia, University of Waterloo at 1:00 pm on Sunday, January 29th, 1978. This involves a 7-kilometre tour and a very special 12 kilometre challenge with completion certificates awarded. This tour is open tos,all cross-country skiers, all one has to be is interested and eager to participate. For further information ’ contact 0. W. Sports at 886-2840 or Sharon Gammage from Labatt’s at 576-5050. Flag-Football Let it be known that the infamous “BIONICS”, with managing director Dave Reynolds, have opened their doors to prospective challenges; The “bionics”, a reputable squad from the K&W Men’s Touch Football League, consist of faculty and staff from our own University of Waterloo campus along ’ with a few staff ringers from K l .I. finishing last season with a 7-l record and are entertaining challenges, which may be directed to Mr. Dave Reynolds at Ext. 3584. Golf Lesson Registration Lessons start Sunday, February 4th, 1978 with two levels available: LevelI-2-3pmaird3:30-5pm Level II -7-8pm All those interested or seeking information please contact Sally Kemp Ext. 3533.



\ ,


the chevron




27, 7978

t working students

Smith in Rhodesia, the Shah of Iran, etc. A also believed in 1923, after Hitler’s first other end, when a worker’s family now owns one or two cars, in the last century, accordpermanent resident could be deported if the *putsch. ing to you, it was supposed to own eight pairs person “is engaged in or instigating subverI entered this minefield consciously beof horses. The theory of permanent pauperision by force of any government.” (Section cause I have been watching the organized zation of the workers is absurd. 27( 1)~). A visitor or immigrant can be re- actions of pseudoradicals in the universities , These two examples, Bachir’s and fused admittance if there are deemed to be around this country. Some of them are I am writing this letter with mixed feelDocherty’s, show that for these people, “reasonable grounds to believe” that the teachers, some are just “hanging around”. ings. I have been following the actions of Marxism is a prostitute from which they may person will, “while in Canada, engage in or The students are their main targets, because the chevron and the federation for quite a instigate the subversion by force of any govrequire any type of service. For them, Marx they are the future leaders, teachers, jourlong time now and I am growing more and mannequin whom you ernment’ ’ . (Section 19( 1)f) nalists of the country. I feel it is my duty as a is department-store more unhappy with both groups. may dress however you wish. So Mr. Barkman, according to you, the teacher to explain what they are really up to. When the chevron was justifiably reinsAnd now the affair of the three friends, Canadian people, who have a proud history The lettitor wrote “Communism reactiotated I was elated that the lunacy which had of opposing oppression both in Canada&d Krushchev, his friend Lysenko, and his nary”. It is true. How can a system call itself overcome the federation had itself finally all over the world, should still defend “many friend Wahlsten. I mailed my letter on progressive when it keeps the people in one been overcome. “Now” I said, “Reasonathings” in Bill C-24. Name one! And if you Lysenko (Feb. 18,197?) to the “free” Chevbig prison of a communist state, surrounded ble communication, compromise, and unity can co-me up with one, consider this - Hiron twice. Once, I mailed the original. After by barbed wire and minefields? How can will come back to campus and the students tler, by engaging in aggressive war “saved” some time, when they did not publish it, I communists call themselves progressive will have their rights- and interests repmany people from unemployment. Mussosent them the only Xerox copy I had, with a when their activity leads to a system worse resented.” I’m very sorry to say that I don’t lini made the trains run on time. Does this letter demanding immediate publication. I than capitalism and where the creativity of see this happening. Instead I see represenmean “there are many things to defend” kept only a hand-written manuscript. This the people is stifled? tatives of the chevron spitting on federation about fascism? manuscript says: “genes Salah Bachir, in his letter “Reinis is obsin representatives and generally going out of ’ Through Bill C-24 the Canadian governchromosomes.. .” Since I was not sure cure” touched several problems. Bachir, in their way to insure that no friendships will ment is attempting to enslave the immigrant whether the error happened during typing or an attempt to get some sympathy for his be made. In return, the federation’s repcommunities, to legislate them into submistype-setting, I am talking about a probable brand of Marxism, claims that almost everyresentatives, getting little but criticism and sion in preparation for increased attacks on body is a proletarian. Therefore, nobody has typographical error. Docherty is very quick abuse from the chevron, are reflecting each these communities. Many communities have to be afraid of proletarian revolution. Examin accusing me of lies. I know why. I am one other’s anger with the chevron and blowing declared they will not be cowed down by ples of the countries of very few people in this university who where Marxismthe situation out of proportion. these attempts, and more will follow. really lived in a communist country and who Leninism has really won shows how far is he This is totally ridiculous and both sides And while this Act makes it easy for the is willing to talk. The A.I.A. will therefore from the truth. In all of those countries, the are acting like fools. It is time to stop this Canadian government to deport people, it communists do anything to show that I am some sort of suppressed all attempts at indechildish nitpicking and endless confrontaaffords it equal latitude for arbitrary Baron Munchhausen. pendent thinking and even preventively detion and begin to sit down and honestly disdecision-making regarding entry. No person stroyed many who could eventually regain . To the rest of Wahlsten’s letter, one has to cuss your differences and disagreements. shall be admitted to Canada if “there are add one thing only. Wahlsten is behaving the right to think. The proletariat is in these Uniting the students and the people will not reasonable grounds to believe” they will countries without exception understood as a like an ill-mannered child caught picking his occur overnight. Only through understand“commit one or more offences punishable nose. He accuses now the whole world of his class of poor industrial workers and, someing can any form of comprehensive and ef- by way of indictment under any Act of Parlimishaps. I asked him several specific questimes, poor villagers who do not own any fective action take place. And it is comament” . -(Section 19( l)d( i)) tions on Lysenko. Instead of answering land. All supervisors which Bachir menpletely impossible to understand someone’s Further, an immigration officer can dethem, he initiates a distasteful discussion tions, secretaries, officials, intelligentsia are views if you refuse to converse with that mand any visitor or group to deposit “such “helpers and lackeys” of the capitalists. about who said what to whom and how person.. Both the chevron and the federation reasonable sum of money or other security Even a person who repairs shoes in his own everybody is unkind to him. I may answer are guilty of this. If you both honestly wish as he deems necessary” as a guarantee that his letter easily, but - who would be inlittle shop (as Stalin’s father did) is a class to work towards the betterment of students, they “comply with any terms and conditions terested? enemy. In Russia after the revolution and in you will swallow your silly pride and talk to that may be imposed under this Act.” (SecThis is a discussion of political principles Cambodia now these people are killed in each other. Yes, you will both get in argution 18( 1)) thousands. All this has several consequand not a fight between two old ladies over a ments and swear that the other is a blind There are many other things to expose, piece of butter. Wahlsten, you are a ences: asshole, but, if you want to attain any progbut I will await your response. Mr. Barkman specialist onLysenko now, because you One of them is an incredible underestimaress you will return and talk and comI challenge you to defend Bill C-24. Show us tion of education. read one book of his selected translated preIn China this reached promise. what a “democrat” you are. sentations. Tell us finally, what you discomonstrous proportions during the C~.:‘fural Personally, I’m sick of hearing both sides Nina Tymoszewicz vered ! Revolution, when the universities were criticize the other without ever seeing any On March 18, -1977, I published a letter on closed down for several years, the intelleccompromise. While you both expend so Lysenko in the REAL Chevron. I think that tuals were humiliated, the total schooling much energy hating each other, the estabthe chevron may publish it again for those time was cut down etc. lished authorities are having a good laugh. who forgot what was in there. I am enclosing The second consequence is that not only The lack of co-ordination of effort is allowa copy of it. You may print it instead of some the educated people themselves,-but also ing these authorities to walk all over the article copied from some dull Marxist leaflet. their children are class enemies. In the sysstudents and the people of this country. As S. Reinis, tem which I know, the children of the intelwell, you’re alienating the very people you Psychology The coverage the chevron has done on the ligentsia had enormous problems in being both claim to be working for. To refuse to accepted to high school or university. The listen to or give constructive criticism, as 13 plus rent increase at Married Students Apartments has been of tremendous support only reason why an intelligent young person well as to continually harp on each other’s I to us. could not have been accepted to the univerfaults, reveals a lack of moral character and P.S. to all those who just want more soci- 1sity (or even thrown out) was that his father furthermore works against attaining any was a doctor or another professional, and form of working union to fight against the ety news, why not get on the society newspapers and produce better society papers, therefore a class enemy. The children of the injustices which are currently so prevalent they all have them. But one word, hands off farmers and petite bourgeoisie suffered in this society. After four years of not taking the chevron most. They were kicked out even from the I wonder, at this point, whether any of the chevron! seriously, we would like to comment on vocational schools. The intelligentsia are Rick & Betty Lee you people in the chevron and the federaOscar M. Nierstrasz’s letter in the January Married Students Apartments accepted over there as an unreliable, but tion, can really say that you’re working for 20 issue: DITTO. unfortunately necessary evil. This is even the student’s interests and not your own. Rick Takashima, 4B M.ath true for the intelligentsia educated in the (Rhetoric doesn’t count!) If any of you can, Peter Noble, 48 Math communist schools. I think it’s about time you start showing it. Bruce Switzer, 4B Math Wishing you peace and understanding in This is, of course, experience from a real Mark Hammel, 4B Math the future. communist country. It is difficult to criticise Sam Veffer, 48 Math Laurie Gourlay some special type of communism existing only in Bachir’s head. In a real communist First, I have to congratulate the Lettitor system Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao for the title of my letter of Dec. 2, 1977, would be branded early in life as class “Communism reactionary”. That must enemies due to their class origin. Would you have been a shock for our pseudoradicals. qualify at least for vocational school in a After the arrogant statements which we communist country, Wahlsten, Docherty have heard for years, that they are the most and Bat hir? It is interesting to note that Randy BarkJust before Christmas a graduating stuAnother example of a Mickey-Mouseman who goes around campus whimpering progressive people on Earth, that comdent came to my office and asked if I would that he is a democrat has come out in last munism shall swallow us etc., etc., they are style Marxism is contained in a letter by Neil cosign a small loan for him. He has had an ~ week’s feedback section defending Rick given this classification. I hope nobody in Docherty from Jan. 13, 1978. He, in short, account with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Smit and the Liberal government’s racist the dwindling A.I.A. membership had a claims that the workers are becoming poorer Commerce at the Campus Centre for the past immigration act Bill C-24. heart attack. After a disaster last year, when and poorer with the development of four years. A little extra cash was now Barkman says, “further, there are many the A.I.A. people were unable to oppose my capitalism and shows a few examples. First, needed to buy a suit for job interviews. things to defend in Canada’s immigration explanations of the activity of Lenin, Stalin, Docherty , your revolutionary teachers were At the bank I showed a record of my .acpolicy.” I wonder, have you ever read it? I Lysenko etc., they carefully avoided any supposed to tell you that according to the count with Bank Leu, Zurich (I used to work charge you to tell the students, faculty and confrontation with me. Now, finally, they laws of dialectics, the development does not in Switzerland) to the loans officer. She exstaff on this campus “the many things” they are in from the cold. proceed in a straight line. There are inevitapressed a preference for a more Canadian should be “defending” in Bill C-24. I recommend that everyone should read ble ups and downs. Second, let us open Book style of financial security, and I admitted to According to you they should defend the the letter of the “proletarian” and others. of Books, Das Kapital. While the mothers in belonging to the Twin City Community Cregovernment which, through Bill C-24, depThis is the intellectual level at which people Big Charlie’s times sold their children to dit Union. rives immigrants of the most basic of democwho proclaim themselves “avantgarde of capitalists for 1 s. 8 d. a week, they are now The loans officer seemed quite worried ratic rights, e.g. the right to participate in any the proletariat” are discussing their probsupposed to do it, according to Marx and that I’d lose my shirt in the affair and warned social or political-activity which they chose. you, for a sixpence. Where the average age lems. Now; imagine if that anonymous me of the consequences I risked. Naturally I at death of the labouring class was 17 years in Immigrants can be deported for supporting “hero” should become a leader of this nathe overthrow of barbaric neo-colonial re- tion! We know that this will never happen. Manchester in 1875, now it must be, accordContinued on page 17 gimes in various foreign countries, e.g. That is, however, what people in Germany ing to you, 3 years. And, taken from the



Letter home

base -

Against Marxism

f3iil C24 challenged

CIBC shot in the ass 5







the chevron

27, 1978


fered once more through their curious brand of provincial rudeness until someone figured out that it was merely a matter of simple multiplication. 4)tWe should also consider what this bank 1 does with the dollars students, professors, and staff deposit with it. The Task Force on Corporate Responsibliity , an ecumenical coalition of the major Canadian churches, has been trying to persuade the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce to stop making loans directly to the South African Government as well as its crown corporations. Henry Oppenheimer, the South African mining magnate, was on the board of directors of the bank until recently, and the Bank also has an interlocking directorship with Noranda through Alfred Powis. Noranda is presently being criticized for its*<proposed new developments in Chile. _--. 5) Interest rates are higher at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce than they have to be. The Twin City Community Credit Union charges only 12% on loans, and not 13 112% (I checked). It costs you money to bank at Imperial! .

still agreed to sign. After all, we do manage to become friends through this business of studying and teaching, and friends should help one another, especially when times are tough. Campus bankers with whom I’d consorted in the past used to tellme what good risks graduating students were. After all, they were on their way to jobs, and good ones too. Apparently either the finished product of our schooling can no longer make it, or else the jobs just aren’t there to be had. And with their static or declining salaries, professors might quite rightly be regarded as mendicants rather than the solid middle class they once were. The student could now have his loan - at 13 l/2%. I looked a little startled. The loans officer explained that they would only have charged 12 l/2% if the student already had the job which he needed the loan to buy the suit to get. Even a pocketful of professorial Swiss bank accounts couldn’t save him that 1%. Obviously this bank, which is no worse Greg Michalenko, than any other bank, does not really “serve” Man-Environment Studies the camp& community. It wants to make money and in times of economic stress is very careful how it goes about it. We shouldn’t really expect otherwise. Recent gossip about campus has it that there’s little money-making to be made nowadays with student accounts. Accounts are Last week I was unfortunate enough to small, handling costs disproportionately have witnessed those people associated with large, and some banks are now not worrying the AIA/CPC-ML ruin the highlight of China so much anymore about locating at univera speech by Felix Greene, for the sities. However, it might still be useful to go Week, Students’ Association. for those student accounts. It seems stu- Chinese Greene has been an observer of China for dents tend to stick with the same bank commany years now. Members of the AIA have pany after graduating into a lifetime of marscreened his films in the chevron office as a riage, home mortgaging, automobile pur- fair representation of China. Greene’s big chasing, high sa@ry chequing, and investmistake, however, is that his love of China ment management - not to mention repay-. has not diminished after the demise of ‘the ing those student loans. ‘gang of four’. For these reasons bank companie< - at And so, the AIA/CPC-ML contingency least until recently - will scramble hard to started shouting out from the audience in a get a monopoly at a university. When I was a barbarous manner. They had spread themrepresentative of the student council at the selves out thin in an attempt to be the masUniversity of Saskatchewan, we were conses, but the rest of the audience clapped for sidering building a new student centre. The them to shut up so Greene could speak. The overtures came thick and fast: construction Chinese student ‘who had organized the loans would be provided at a slightly reduced meeting was screaming at them to shut up interest rate, providing the particular bankand stop disrupting the meeting. But they ing company was given space in the student would not, the meeting had to be cancelled centre, no other bank was allowed on cam- prematurely. Fortunately security, who had pus, and we did our best to prevent the cambeen called in, did not have to act. People left pus credit union from expanding any more to the room startled, frightened, and disgusted. include students and not just faculty and This group did not come to the meeting to staff. None of them ever proposed that we learn, but to preach. One member yelled out: should grant them a monopoly because they “You don’t have the answers. . . if you want would give students the lowest rates on indianswers, we have them”. The moderator vidualloans or do other good deeds for them. responded: “Yes, you and God”. How deHas the Federation of Students ever humanizing. These people have handed over thought about establishing a student credit their individu-alism, their very minds, to a union, or assisting the existing University party. Absolutism. credit union (presently without chequing acFreedom to disrupt and dominate meetcounts) to expand? I think it would be a good ings is not what I believe in. idea to put an end to the Canadian Imperial These same people comprise the leaderBank of Commerce’ bad behaviour and in- ship of the chevron. And more and more sensitivity to student needs. people on the chevron are realizing that this There are lots of reasons why these is the chevron’s rot. No, it is not a rare leeches should be sent packing: phenomenon where all of those democratic 1) ,They don’t want to help students. Profit students from the free chevron days are tumcomes first. ing into revisionists, fascists, anti2) I don’t like shuffling through a maze of communists, opportunists, etc. which are corrals to get to the wickets. I can wait for AIA labels now devoid of all meaning. It is the Calgary Stampede for that. not a case of political persecution, for these 3) They are incompetent. When I arrived chevrics believe that the rights of these here, they refused to accept my Swiss bankbozos have to be protected. And it is not that notes, lovely appreciating things though they disagree with their investigative articles they were. The notes would first have to go on rent increases, english proficiency exams through a process called “clearing” (inetc. terestingly enough they use the same term at It is because this block puts the best inthe Registrar’s office when shuffling stu- terests of their party ahead of the best indents from one department to another). The terests of the paper. clearing had to be done in Toronto, and it Staff members do not give much credibilwould take a week or more. ity to editor Neil Docherty for propping up a When my trunk arrived from Switzerland, news editor who is incapable of making a I was horrified to discover that it was being rational decision. Politically, and in every held in bond in Toronto pending payment of other way, the news editor is his yes-man. transport charges to the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (the Swiss shipping It does not impress many that after Salah company’s Canadian banker). And the bill Bachir is caught plagiarizing articles from was in Swiss francs. I went to the campus PCDN, the editorial staff print a comment by centre and they refused to carry out the Bachir (Married students will pay more for transaction. The text clearly stated in En- less) without staff voting on it like all other glish that I must pay them’ but the foreign comments. It surprises no one that the news letterhead seemed to freak them. Thus I suf- editor does not consider it a comment.

China wee/c destroyed!

. .



When staff members heard about the CSA meeting, many assumed that there would be a biased article printed in the next chevron. The move by the block to censor a letter critical of the AIA is old now, but it is scary to hear that in December at a meeting to oppose racism, Doug Wahlsten talked openly of forming a committee to censor feedback letters. It is also funny to hear that Wahlsten gave a directive for the group to write more letters to the chevron denouncing those who write against them. Hence the current spat of letters written by “a friend of Karl Marx” etc. It is very interesting that when Rick Smit attacked the AIA block in a letter, the chevron staff came to the AIA’s defence with an editorial against Smit. After it was learned that the editorial was a piece of trash, at least two staffers who had signed it felt that they had been misled. And because the AIA was constantly being attacked by professor Reinis, the chevron had to jump in and allow the block to publish a personal dig against Reinis as a comment. .The chevron even allowed these cowards the right to have the fiist unsigned comment. In the past these same people have argued that a comment they happened to disagree with (on Marxism and Christianity) should not be printed because not enough students would be interested in it. Printed as a letter, it became one of the biggest debates in the feedback section ever. Now they write and pass a piece of dribble as a comment. The chevron also prints press statements fro’m ZANU. Surprisingly, the CPC-ML support ZANU as opposed to other guerilla organizations in Rhodesia. Further, staff got quite a shock last week when Docherty changed his mind about the paper separating from the federation. He tried to convince staff that we should remain linked. I believe he is selling the chevron down the river to suit his party politics which links the government and the press (i.e. PEN, Albania). Many of the staff have aisotired of the chevron’s cheap sloganeering. The CPC-ML/PEN/chevron slogan: “Defend the basic interests of the students”, besides scaring off students from joining the -paper, has served well to alienate, not unite staff. I do not see any credibility left in the leadership of the chevron. Much of what went on at the CSA meeting is evident on the chevron. It is hard to argue with absolutists. No wonder Adrian Rodway resigned as editor in 1976. Randy Barkman On Mr. Barkman’s comments against the chevron: The problem for Barkman’is that he is in a minority position on the chevron staff. Despite the frequent use in his letter of phrases like “many staff members” the hard fact of life for him is that on important decisions he has been unable to convince a majority of staff to side with him. On some occasions he has even found himself Sn‘a minority of one. Such as when the staff decided to ban RCMP ads and he argued that we shouldn’t because the police protect the people. So unable to win a majority to his various positions Barkman has had to resort to writing laments to the Gazette and the chevron telling the world how good he is and what a sorry state the chevron is in. In this letter he has degenerated to the same level as our worst enemies during the free chevron days. He offers the logic - AIA believes this-the chevron does this-so we can only conclude AIA controls the chevron. He even resorts to one of Shane Roberts’ original lies that Adrian Rodway was forced off the paper in 1976. What Barkman cannot stomach is that a majority of staff voted over two to onefpr the editorial against Smit’s antics. It must also churn him up that the ZANU statement received majority approval, and the same with the comment on the Reinis claim that the queen must be a.part-time worker. But worst of all for him is that the majority of staff uphold the position that the chevron should defend the basic interests of students. Barkman should take our editorial against Smit to heart. If he is going to continue to hang around as a federation executive member then the irate Mr. Barkman should take out his wrath on the Ontario government and the UW administration for ttieir - cutbacks, tuition

hikes, fraudulent proficiency exams, outrageous rent increases, lack of jobs, increased workloads, and other attacks. All issues on which, as we said in our Jan 13 editorial “neither he (Smit), the federation executive, nor the students council has uttered more than a peep. Under my leadership the chevron will continue to take on these basic questions facing students, and I fully expect that this situation will bring laments evermore from Randy Barkman. , -Neil Docherty Editor

ISA meeting disrupted! On Dex1977, the executive of the International Students Association voted to hold election for the position of president of the association. All-attending the meeting agreed that the whob membership should be given a chance to-decide this issue and to discuss the activities of the ISA. This meeting which took place on January lo,1978 declared its support of the ISA program for the Fall of 1977, which included discussion and writing of letters against the government’s anti-immigrant Bill C-24, against the Ontario government’s differential fees for foreign students (see Chevron Nov. 10, 1977), a meeting against racist attacks, a meeting in support of the Zimbabwean people’s national liberation struggle against the racist and fascist Smith regime in Rhodesia, the setting up of a Zimbabwe * Support Committee which will collect blankets and bandages for Zimbabwe refugees in Mozambique and the holding of a holiday celebration for International students. This meeting of January 10, 1978 also saw Rick Smit and seven other students try to disrupt the work of ISA and try to claim that we International students don’t have a right to elect a president but that the Federation can automatically recognize an unelected official as president. We the undersigned declare our full support to the International Students Associa~tionandto-the elected president Aberra Makonen who was elected unanimously by the undersigned. Signed 20 people who attended the election meeting on January 10, 1978 We the’ undersigned declare our full support to the above. Greek Carribbean Ethlopian

(These proached

tire the only thus far.)

Students Students Students

Assoc. Assoc. Assoc.



Jan better


After watching the Chevron-federation conflict (not all feds just some) we believe that Janet Rokosova could unite both entities, .clean up the federation and have an active student federation. Rick Smit has proven he is incapable of this. Richard Brown and 12 others



In its entire history the Federation of Students has never had a woman president. J Only a person like Janet Rokosova, whohas been active on student council, who strongly disagreed with Rick Smit’ s attempts to ban the International Student Association, who disagrees with the constant Federation-Chevron conflict, and who supports refundable fees (because she knows she can do a job that students will support) can sort out the federation. ON FEBRUARY 2nd Vote for UW’s first woman Vote Janet Rokosova. Mary Lee Mary Sally . Heather


Jane Bill Ba,rb Rick



the chevron

Professor ‘ignorant





Out of my January 6 letter Reinis takes one half sentence: even those who only do “brain work” are part of the proletariat if they have to sell their ‘brain working power’ as a commodity to gain the means of subsistance”. From this he reaches the fantastic conclusion that the proletariat includes the Queen of England, the Prime Minister and others. This claim, like many other concoctions by Reinis, is so absurd that it could be refuted by any school child. Could this so called “professor” be so ignorant, so totally lacking in the most basic knowledge about political life, that he does not know that the queen and the P.M. are both rich and are paA of the exploiting class? I have studied-at this university for three years, but never before have I met a fool that could match “brain worker” Reinis. It is a disgrace that such a man is allowed to teach here. So that Reinis may begin his education, I have asked the chevron to reprint part of an article on the Queen of England from an earlier issue. Now one final word to Reinis: in your January 13 reply to my letter you claim I wrote “Reinis does not use his brain”, whereas I wrote “nobody can do any kind of work without using their brains (with the possible exception of Reinis)” . . . I must admit Reinis you are continuously winning me over to your point on this question. Salah Bachir

British anti-royalist labour MP Willie Hamilton claims the Queen is one of the. richest women in the world, “with wealth accumulated because no sovereign has paid death duties since they were introduced in 1894. “Elizabeth is also in the unique position of not having to pay a single penny in tax. “That fortune includes a staggering collection ofjewelry, investments in stocks and shares, bonds and gold bars held in bank deposits, priceless antiques, the greatest stamp collection in the world, houses, farms, forests and rich agricultural land. “In her art collection are 650 Leonardo da Vinci drawings - 25 per cent of those known in the world. “The woman with the choice of seven palaces and eight homes in which she may live and who has, among her many nicknacks, a gold plate valued at over $40 million, does not seem to be completely above’ business interests. “Eisenberg points out “ . . . even ordinary tourists visiting one of Soho’s famous strip clubs or restaurants are helping the Queen maintain the standards which she is accustomed to. For many of these London properties belong to her, and the rent from the owners of the clubs and restaurants there add up to the steady build-up of her vast_ personal fortune. ’ ’ /< chevron, July 5, 1976

MSA coverage On behalf of the Married Students Apartments Tenants Association, and myself, I would like to take this opportunity to-thank the chevron staff for the excellent research that they have done on the Married Students Apartments. Ever since the inception of MSATA in the fall of 1976, the chevron has reported events as they happened without aid, encouragement or thanks. We now wish to remedy that situation, first by offering our encouragement and thanks, and secondly by joining the chevron in studying the future of students in MSA, and all-over the province. I include such general remarks, for in our meeting with President Matthews, Linda Ross, Neil Docherty and I attempted to stress the sorry state that students would be faced with in the not-too-distant future unless present wrongs were made right.

We asked that the University join MSATA in asking the Ontario Government for a special grant to cover the incredible maintenance costs. We felt that Ontario Student Housing was negligent in accepting the MSA complex from Cadillac-Fairview (Many thanks again to the chevron - Editorial, December 2, 1977). This negligence has resulted in the high maintenance costs which the students must now pay for. President Matthews responded by noting that such a grant is unlikely, that the situation is the same all over, and that, “If you can’t pay the rent, get out.” Let this be a warning to all those who think that their sons or daughters may wish to go to university. The uncaring attitude evident in Matthews’ statement has been prevalent throughout MSATA’s discussions with the Administration of this University. Even though we attempted to sacrifice in certain areas last year in order to minimize the rent, the University did nothing. Many of us in MSATA were disheartened by the token decline in the rent increase. This year, we came to the conclusion that the University had sufficient manpower to make MSA- more efficient. There was no indication that anything had been done. The University will point out that rent in MSA is lower than the surrounding community. We know the figures, and they are irrelevant. At the present rate of deterioration, MSA will change very quickly from low-cost housing to high-cost slums. MSATA sees this problem and wants something to be done now! The chevron sees this problem and publishes articles and editorials publicizing it. The University looks at this problem, sees a deficit, and decides to raise the rent. I fear that the Administration’s preference of a balanced budget over students’ concerns has permeated the entire province. Higher tuition fees for foreign students and limited grants are certainly not programmes that will improve the vacancy rate at MSA. A balanced budget is such an important goal, that Matthews admitted that a closed building in the MSA complex is preferable to continued operations at a loss. So Imust say to your younger b&hers and sisters, who may get married while at UW, be prepared to look around for accommodation. To those who have followed reports on the funding and support of university students (and of course who care about the availability of university education to poorer students), the trend is obvious: the Government has decided to limit university enrolment to those who can best afford it. To prevent this from happening, students as a group should support anyone or anything that speaks against cutbacks. Rent increases which occur merely to pay for past mistakes by the Ontario Govemment must be considered in this category. Unfortunately, the Federation of Students has had its share of internal problems recently. Therefore, we must support the only organization that has any voice at all - the chevron. This paper has been criticized for its coverage of international affairs, and lack of coverage op domestic issues. Yet, I have no complaints as to the excellent coverage that MSA has received. There is a large number of students living at MSA, who have all been served by the news coverage of the chevron.


P.S. Any viewpoints expressed are not necessarily those of everyone in MSATA. Please come out and support us: Board of Governor’ s meeting - Tuesday, Feb. 7, 10:00 am, NH 3rd floor.


After last week’s flurry of letters, I thought I would drop a line and let the whole campus know that I enjoy the chevron each week, especially feedback. ‘I sometimes think you guys are the only people alive on campus. Laura


Rick Smit made a big deal about former ISA president, Salah Bachir, not being a student, as an attempt to suppress the work of the International Students’ Association. Well, Smit you are a real hypocrite! Your main spokesperson and your Board of Publications Chairperson, Randy Barkman, is not a student; but he’s okay for all he does is attack the chevron. Huh? It’s only “those people” who investigate the differential fee hike, racist attacks, racist immigration policy (whit h Mr. Barkman was so quick to defend last week) and support Zimbabwe people’s national liberation struggle, those people have to be suppressed, huh Smit? To paraphrase your last sentence from your letter last week Smit, Hypocrite! “Get thee gone to” Rhodesia, “puke!” Mae Chong

I have not been around for hundreds of years in Radio Waterloo, the federation, chevron, or anywhere else. I simply believe its time for dialogue between the federation and the chevron and more important between the federation and its members. I am a second year Engineering student and can’t really believe that calling people turkeys, throwing snowballs at their windows and writing such trash as “Get thee gone to Albania, Puke!” is going to solve anything. This is why this letter is against Rick Smit for president. A president who does that and doesn’t support refundable fees for the federation is a little much for me ! David


Fe& looked at closely Most of you who read the‘feedback columns on a regular basis will understand,my position with respect to certain individuals on the chevron, so I think I will cease my attacks and try to concentrate my writings on more productive measures. I might as well express my opinion about the Intercollegiate Athletic Fee. I have been working on this with the University since before Christmas and I personally feel that the increase of $2.00 (from $11.00 to $13.00) is warranted to maintain the present level of performance by our varisty teams. The compulsory or refundable nature of the fee will be considered by a special committee set by Dr.-Burt Matthews. You will have a chance to vote on this issue so please be responsible in your decision making process. Thank you for your support in the past, and I hope that I will be able to serve you better in the future. Rick


Dr. Reinis 3 new mission-

Neil Jensen, Co-ordinator, Married Students Apartments Tenants Association


Smit a real hypocrite!

In the past Stanislav Reinis has taken up the mission of falsifying Marxism. He totally distorted what I said in a-letter to the January 6 chevron where I pointed out the division of capitalist society into primarily three classes. This Charlatan claims that I pointed out that “everyone is a proletarian”. I would like to reiterate the definition of each class to clear up any confusion that this idiot has created. Capitalist society is primarily divided into three classes, that is: 1) The proletariat: That is the class which is stripped of the ownership of the means of




production, of its management, goals a aims. It procures its means of livelihood s ely from the sale of its labour. Its livelihc is dependent on the demand for labour. 2) The petit bourgeoisie is that class wh owns its means of production, its own la] store, equipment for hire etc., (such a farmer, small store owner etc.) This clr owns the product of its own labour, such 2 person who makes handicrafts to sell, o professor who owns his own research. 3) The bourgeoisie is that class which ov the means of production and exploits labour of the proletariat. It employs a wor at a subsistence wage, a wage which ensu that a proletarian will returnand perform same tasks, with the same speed the n day. The bourgeois or capitalist class OF the product of the proletarian’s labour : sells it at a much higher price than the w paid the worker. The bourgeoisie owns the land, fact1 buildings, machinery and raw materials. ‘I proletariat has no ownership of the mean! production and hence has to sell its labc This is the basis of the exploitation of proletariat by the bourgeoisie. Thus the capitalist system is owned by rich, the bourgeoisie. It is their system. Canada today this system is in ds economic crisis and the only ones who benefitting from this are the big bourgeo - the Canadian Monopoly Capitalist cl and the U.S. Imperialists. The Rich are M ing the people pay for this crisis thro’ increasing unemployment, higher inflati cutbacks in education etc. It is the Rich who are the cause of the cr and they are the only ones that can afforc pay for it. The big bourgeoisie is makin& sections of society pay for the econo crisis, especially workers. Thus it is in the interest of workers, dents, farmers, even small bourgeois to f back against these attacks of the bourgeoisie and their state and to MA THE RICH




CSA blew


WE are writing this letter after attenc the talk by Felix Greene, “China A Chairman Mao”. We are writing this to convey our dis, with the way the Chinese students Assc tion suppressed discussion and debate al meeting. It is also out of support of those attempt to have vigorous discussion that is being written. The CSA set up the meeting so- th person was not allowed to give their c ions, make-statements or ask questions stead .questions had to be written on a p of paper and the speaker could choose questions that he wanted to answer. After the talk, the CSA held a private cussion which excluded those people had defended Mao tseTung and Chair Mao’s China. This was the fiist time s the CSA has been holding “China We that people were not included in the dis sion afterwards. Why this hysteria? ‘Why the use of ! anti-democratic format? We can only elude that it is because of the bankruptc the opportunists who have seized contri the Communist Party and the state in Cl and of their representative that night, I Greene. For if there was vigorous debate and cussion, how could the CSA leadershi Felix Greene defend the following polici the rightists in China: 1) Support for increased militarizatio Canada,- Britain, France and even the I 2) support for the Shah of Iran, Pino of Chile, Sadat, etc. , 3) Reversal of the correct verdicts 0’ Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution as the changes in Education. In 1966 Central Committee of the Communist I of China under the leadership of Chair Mao, pointed out that “the most impel task (in the cultural revolution) is to tr form the old educational system and principles and methods of teaching.” T Continued



, frday,


27, 1978 ’


the chevron


Continued from page 18 snub chevron” September 30 chevron One bright Communist day the head of the their ideas on investigation? I will reserve “Speaker cites wrong attitude council local asylum, a good Communist, happened judgment on this point for now. had been dominated by the Bourgeoisie. The October 21 chevron by and peering in the window saw Doug sling One thing I will conclude for sure - all of rightists today in China have returned to all problem” “Fed film reviewed by chevron” (‘ ‘The bull, and the bell ring, and then Stan went for the monkeys aren’t in the zoo; every week I the bourgeois principles and methods that, audience reaction was subdued, although read letters from quite a few. Doug’s throat, and then the scientist rang the existed before the cultural revolution. there are reports that subsequent showings bell, and Doug slung some more bull etc. The . . . 4) The restoration of the unrepentant drew extensive booing. . . . The film is a slick asylum chief simply locked up the poor’ capitalist roader, Teng Hsiao Ping who was pitch to students who are (not) interested in Communist scientist, figuring that everytime overthrown in the cultural revolution and / the political potential of a student Doug slung bull or Stan ripped Doug’s again in April 1976. organization. . .-.“) October 21. throat; the scientistwas insanely compelled 5) How could Felix Greene justify his sup“S.C. pub enjoyed by 16 students.” to ring his bell. port for British troops in Northern Ireland, November 25 chevron. Bolan said the parable had no clean conor British presence in Rhodesia, South Af“Irregularities mar polling” October 28 clusion, like all good Communist parables. During the past year of my ‘association rica, etc. This is the only conclusion one can’ chevron. Anyone want to guess who the bell-ringer is with Larry Smylie and ,Janet Rokasova, I draw from the claim that British Imperialism “Hysterics marks council meeting” Octoday on this campus? have found both to lack the skills required of has become peaceful. ’ Julian Dust councillors. Notable is Smylie’s attempts at 6) How could Felix Greene justify his tober 28 chevron “Concerts, off for term” November 4 4th year Chemistry defaming me, usually referring to me as claimed ignorance of why Lui Shao Chi, Lin chevron. “punk”, “petty dictator”, and “child”. Piao and Teng Hsiao Ping were overthrown And everyone of course knows about the Both have displayed gross inadequacies in when the ‘Chinese people waged heroic continuous reporting done by Redding each struggles to overthrow these renegades w-ho reasoning and tie up council meetings with week on how much the Board of Entertainendless non-sensical debates. wanted to restore capitalism in China. ment lost each week. When Larry Smylie ran for President in 7) Finally, how can the so-called suppor*********ie* BANG! ********** Redthe last election Janet Rokasova supported ters of Chairman Mao in the CSA leadership of the Board of him, this time Smylie is taking an almost allow this self-styled “friend of China” to ding becomes Chairperson Two weeks ago (chevron, Jan. 13), I inEntertainment, a federation executive now domineering role in support of Janet. Such slander Great Stalin. To refresh the memory vited a professor in the,psychology departabout his reporting last semester. ridiculous politicing is revolting and I perof the leadership of theCSA on the role of complains ment to define his views on the economics I am not saying that the articles were sonally look forward to the’day when both Stalin in the victory of the Chinese Revoluof education. My letter, signed “David slanted against the federation (I agree RedSmylie and Rokasova discover themselves tion, we wish to reprint a portion of ChairRicardo’ ’ , received two replies last week., ding the Federation didn’t-do much last as lost individuals and leave the arena of man Mao’s essay, “ Stalin, Friend of the Professor Reinis said the views given in semester), what I am saying Redding, is student affairs to those of us actually conChinese People” ( his Dec. 2, 1977; letter were not his, but don’t blame the chevron just because you’re cerned. “There are -so-called friends, self-styled rather they were the formulations of a Eugen an executive member. .Donald Salichuk, friends of the Chinese people, whom even Loebl. This is a most astounding reply. Dear Peter Murray _Acting Presi,dent some Chinese unthinkingly accept as Professor Reinis, do you mean to tell US that \ Federation of Students friends. But such friends canonly be classed you should not be held responsible for what with Ii Iin-Fu, the prime minister of the Tang y&write in the student newspaper? IncredDynasty who was notorious as a man with ible! Why then, sir, did you write?, Was it just ‘ ‘honey on hislips ‘and ‘murder in his heart”. h to confuse? They are indeed “friends” with “honey on Mr. Dufault complained that I didn’t sign their lips and murder in their hearts’?. Who my real name, but he said, nothing about the The Zimbabwe Support Committee would are these people? They are the imperialists substance of what I said. Do the merits or like to thank the chevron for reprinting.the who profess sympathy with China. _ This letter is in response to last week’s demerits of an argument depend upon who press release from Zimbabwe African Na“However there are-friends of another gives it? I think not. Feedback article entitled “Chevron Poor” tional Union (Patriotic Front) on the cowkind, friends who have real sympathy with from Stephen Coates. For personal reasons I wanted to take part ardly attack by the racist and’ fascist us and regard us as brothers. Who are they? in the discussion in feedback but remain Although we do not always agree with Mr. Rhodesian regime on refugees in MozambiThey-are the Soviet people and STALIN. Coates’ views we feel that in this instance, anonymous. I chose the name David Ricardo que. “No other country has renounced its he has strucka very’commendable point. to make a point. Most of the formulation (One small correction Chevron: the privileges in China; the Soviet Union has which I gave- concerning unemployment of We agree that his photos of the blood > statement was the position of the Patriotic done so. university graduates could easily ‘have been donor clinic and in particular of the fourth Front which encompasses all the guerihas “All imperialists opposed us during our year Chemistry students should have been written by Ricardo, the famous British politt-hat are fighting the Smith regime, and not First Great Revolt&n; the Soviet Union included in the January 20th issue. It is our ical economist who pre-dated Marx. It was just ZANU.) al&rre us. opinion that more students on this campus “- . . helped The -Zimbabwe Support ?ommittee is a not Marxism as such. I wanted to find out if . only the land of socialism, its leaders c : would have been interested in these two group of students who are seeking to help Professor Reinis was against Marx specifigdn people, and socialist thinkers, statesmen cally or against science in general. _ events - ones that were undertaken by UW by collecting blanand workers can give real help to the cause of refugees in Mozambique students to help others in need -than on the Mr. Dufault proved himself an ardent kets, bandages, medical supplies and recrealiberation of the Chinese nation and the lengthy reports objected to by Mr. Coates. by referring to my pretional materials. Anyone who is interested in anti-communist Chinese people, and without their help our Thank you Steve, for your concern. Marxian . fo-rmulation as A&inspired. No helping or who can donate any of the above cause cannot win final victory. .. Rocky Gualtieri doubt this would have -amused the great “Stalin is the true friend of the cause of please contact: on behalf of thp 4th year Chemistry StuRicardo. Zimbabwe Support Committee liberation of the Chinese people. No attempt But Professor Reinis revealed that he did C/O World Room to sow dissention, no lies and calumnies can not even know who Ricardo was! “NO, 8 Campus Centre 207 ’ affect the Chinese peoples whole-hearted David Ricardo, you cannot call it ‘his love and respect for Stalin and our genuine Xieory ’ . ’ ’ I nearly choked to death laughing. friendship for the Soviet Union.” (Mao Dear Professor, if you know so little about tseTung, Selected Works, vol. 4 page 335.) economics, why put on such superior airs With a format where debate and discusand treat your worthy opponents with such. sion were suppressed, it was correct to atcontempt? tempt and smash the format, to rebel against Am I to conclude from this exchange that such reactionaries. ‘In thecultural revolution only the Anti-Imperialist Alliance and their Chairman Mao pointed out that “IT IS Recently I have attempted to translate a friends, among all the readers of the chev: RIGHT TO REBEL -AGAINST REAC. series of parables and folk tales related to me r-on, are serious about discussion and base - TIONARIES!” by a drunken Albanian by the name of Bolan LONG LIVE CHAIRMAN MAO’S Bolac Jr:, in an attempt to get at the real CHINA! ’ nature of Communism. This seemed only Mae Chong natural to me since I have read all the letters James Ho to the chevron and know that Communist , ,Billy Lde Itruth can only be found in Albania and a James Chiang -drunk seemed like a good guy to ask. . Bolan invited me into his- high-rise hut; filled with his good Communist goats and Member: Canadian university press (CUP). The chevron is typeset by members sheep and immediately made me feel welcome by giving me a nice steaming hot cup of of the workers’ union of dumont press graphix and published by the,federation Communist lamb fat. Immediately I transof students incorpprated, university of waterloo. Content is the sole responsilated this good Communist parable: bility of the chevron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; Once upon a time (so all good Communist (519) 885-l 660, or university local 2331. In his January 20th letter to the chevron, parables begin) there was a dedicated ComNick Redding points out “I know that the munist scientist who tried to duplicate the . . .beside&uch interesting items this week as the fed busses issue, the married students, felix greene, and a scfence update, we have an ernst von bezoldelection goodie. he interviewed two chevron is reluctant to print anything good experiment of Pavlov with his own two dogs: anit-imperialist alliance (aia) members, of the campus group. when asked why, contrary to past about the federation. . . .” Doug and Stan. Everytime he rang ,his bell years, no aia candidate is running in this election, they replied, “becaus@e might win”. now an This is quite a statement from a person once, Doug, a bulldog, so-named because he apologia to morris ilyniakfor last week’s “absodamnlutely ridiculous”, as applied to body week. who covered the Federation for the chevron slung good-Communist bull so well, would body week probably isn’t “absodamnlutely ridiculous”, and shouldn’t have been labelled that last semester. Most of the articles that were do his thing,, which the good Communist sci- ’ beforehand, thus coirupting the minds of all you faithful masthed readers like maria catalfo, printed that could be considered as “antientist had to clean up elseit would stain the ciaran o’donnel, hugo morris, jj long, rick smit (!!), brute beacock, jules grajower, salah bachir, “sport”, ron reeder, ,george vasiladis, andrew vanwyck, david gouthro, tony pan, levy tomlinfederation” were mostly written by Nick floor. Everytime he rang his bell twice, Stan, Redding. a Doberman Pinscher, would go for the” son, w. reid glenn, randy barkman, brenda rootham, val moghadam (i gave it a shot, val!), robert carter, Oscar m. nierstrasz, doug hamilton, scott barron, mark mcguire, don orth, jacob arse“-While council fails in quorum . . . Smylie throat of Doug, which the scientist had not nault, and thanks and a tip of the hat to the dumont ducks, faithful typesetters all. as usual thewants general meeting” October 14 chevronexpected. Now the scientist performed his masthed ends with the normal pecking order, namely neil docherty, jonathan coles, Sylvia .“Feds filming for s,urvival. at 2,000 cost” experiments many times, checking the rehannigan, laurie lawson, .and “the buck stops here because i’m such a softie” mad photoSeptember 30 chevron sults of Pavlov hoping they could be applied grapher jwb. “Feds throw out a bylaw, expand rad wat, to the/ Albanians as a whole.

smv/ie the RW . h/‘red hand

Ri W. sees monkeys



Coates ’ long lettyk


Who3 the be//-ringer?


Redding, *, . not on $tra&k r’


’ .



the chevron

may augment our number for this game by bringing back some of our alumni.

“We haven’t been able to spend all of the time that we would like to spend on our new arrangements that we-have incorporated into our repertoire this year. Our political campaign has been taking some of our time.” The political campaign that Mark was referring to was the Warrior Band’s campaign to be elected President of the UW Federation of Students. , ‘$We have received a lot of support from a lot of on-campus bodies ,” said Hagen. “We have our platform ready. It’s an 8’ x 8’ sheet of plywood. It’,s slightly crooked and not completely level, which we thought was particularily applicable for a political platform.


These members of the Warriors Band appear to be sulking. It be because the band could not get on the presidential ballot because it does not have a student number. Well, too bad boys. Maybe you could split up’ and run for council. -photo by john w. bast

‘ $We’ve been running a key”, campaign, about A flat exact ,” said Hagen. “Also platform is flexible, the way good band should be,” Hagen tinued.

“low to be our that a con-

Sure chance for playoffs ,

The Waterloo Wanderers, of the Southern Ontario Women’s Hockey League, played Woodstock last Saturday night, and dominated the game from the start, winning 5-I.

The Warrior swim team now sports a record of eight wins against no losses as they up-ended a visiting University of Alberta squad. The dual meet was held in Toronto because the Golden Bears just got off the plane from Edmonton. Their jet lag was evident from their swimming -as Waterloo won just about every event. Individual victories were had by Ron Cambell, Dave Heinbuch, Brian -Harvey and Murray White. Next Friday the Warrior fans are in for a real treat as the Swimmers will take on the Varsity Blues of Toronto. Not only is U of T the defending O.U.A.A. champion they are also Waterloo’s greatest swimming rivals. Come to the PAC pool February 3 and cheer the Warriors to victory.

Mary Campbell opened the scoring at the forty second mark of the first period, assisted by Helen Mackey and Cathie Hanna. Roberta Hull scored near the end of the period, assisted by Campbell and Mackey , and again in the second unassisted. Barbara Campbell scored in the second, assisted by rushing defenseman Donna Smith. Cathie Hanna scored on’a perfect pass from-Hull in front of the net. Woodstock spoiled the shut-out with 3:44 remaining in the game on a defensive error by the Wanderers. Goalie Lynn (Bubbles) Preston was called upon to make some key saves near the end of the game,

after signing autographs for the first two periods. _ _--____- ~Waterloo is maintaining their third place position in the league, and have a sure chance of making the play-offs. Their next two games are against Milverton, the second. place team, on Friday night at 7:OO in Wellesley 9and on Saturday night in Milverton at 6:O0. The, Wanderers are also arranging to play teams from the University of Western Ontario and the University of Guelph. The Waterloo team is coached by Bruce Zagrodney this term, as their former coach is on a work term. Bruce is a fourth year student at the University. -sport 0

Gymnasts wm meet --___


Baskethon results

The National Baskethon was held last Friday night in the PAC. Organized at UW by the Athenas Basketball team, the event raises - money for the varsity team, Basketball Ontario, and the Canadian Amateur Basketball Association.The Athenas also sponsored a team shooting competition to complement the individual event. Art Stretton and his team won a case of beer for their excellent shooting ability. In the ‘individual competition, the highest shooter was Henry Epp with 85 for 100 foul shots. Thanks are extended to all participants.


Mark Hagen, the Chief Centurion of the University of, Waterloo Warrior Band says that he will have a full turnout for -Saturday’s Basketball game against Guelph. ‘+We’ve been rehearsing and we

Swimming WUri0r.s -. beat Alta’


27, 1978

Band’s chance ,

Ten minutes lose I game--..

In Guelph last Tuesday, the basketball Athenas lost to the University of Guelph. Coach Sally Kemp feels they lost the game in the first ten minutes. The team was down by sixteen points and never managed to come back. Guelph used a very effective full court defense. UW could not manage to break through. The players’ timing was off a bit so they weren’t breaking to the ball at the right moment. Kemp also thinks it was perhaps a mistake to wait so long to make substitutions. The score at the end of the first halfwas 38-20. The Athenas never succeeded in bridging the gap, and Guelph outscored them in both halves to win 78-49. This past-Saturday, UW played a much better game against the University of Ottawa. The first half, they played super basketball to come up with an eight point lead at half-time. The second half, however, the team started to fade and just couldn’t get going again. U of Ottawa were also using a full court press, which the Athenas did break through.Unfortunately, they couldn’t make it pay off with a basket. Ottawa tied up the score and then went ahead to take the lead by ten points. A time out allowed UW to change their defensive tactics. They went out and played hard to tie up the game again. Mental errors and a slowing defense contributed to the eventual loss of the game. Defensively, the players were getting tired, which caused them to reach in and foul. This made a big difference in the final score as Ottawa made 13 points from the foul line in the second half, and Waterloo only dropped one in. The Athenas took too long to re.-establish themselves on the court and didn’t want to win badly enough till the last seconds of the game. Ottawa had possession of the ball with 46 seconds to play and UW knocked it out of bounds. Ottawa regained possession, so’ Waterloo wasn’t able to play them for the-tie with so little time left. The Athenas lost the game by only four points. It was a crucial game for them to lose. Had they won, it would have put themxon easy street in terms of standings and qualification for the Ontario Finals in February. From the coach’s point of view, the women showed they could play together as a team and could come back from being down. She sees the team as being back in the growing stages, as shown by the improved team play. The players them*selves will have to work extra hard at their conditioning to’make sure they don’t tire out in the second half. This week the Athenas will be travelling to Windsor and Western. These games will be very important in determining the final stand- ings for this division. Their next home game will be Wednesday February 1 in the evening in the main gym of the PAC. -‘b’


Seyrn-our Hadwen wasn’t the only Warrior with his eyes closed, nevertheless Waterloo managed a 74-62 victory over the hock Badgers. Hadwen scored 28 points.

The Athena Gymnastics team ‘won the Western Invitational Gymnastics Meet on Jan. 21. Western placed second with McMaster coming third. The U of W team also faired well in the individual events. On the uneven bars Lynne Rougeau came in first and Ann Samson came in second. On the balance beam Lynne Rougeau placed second. Floor had Brenda Hawrylow first while in vault AnnSamson finished second. Ann Samson also ,won first all around. Louise Love also competed. On Jan 14, the Athena team competed in the York University Invitational coming in first ahead of McMaster and York. ‘Western, U of T and Queens also competed. Once again the U of W team placed in the individual events. Uneven bars showed Brenda Hawrylow fast and Ann Samson third. Balance beams gave Brenda Hawanother first. Lynne rylow

Rougeau placed third on floor. All-around had Brenda Hawrylow second with Lynne Rougeau third. Also competing were Louis Love, Linda DeBoer and Karen McKibben. This is the first year Waterloo has entered a gymnastics team. Their next competition is the finals which are held at U of T this year on Feb 11. .

Jeromes challenge

As everyone is well aware there is a jogging challenge between the University of Waterloo and the University of Victoria. It is a way of increasing the idea of physical fitness through Participaction. With the many enthusiasts on campus, Waterloo should be able to “jog” away with no trouble. In order to increase further participation we the students of St. Jeromes College hereby challenge Travelling to London with the - the other church colleges. We are team I learned that fan support at confident that we have more joggames means more to them than I gers than Renison, Conrad Grebel, had thought. They were very St. Paul’s or Resurrection. To date pleased that a few fans made the we have approximately 60 joggers trip to London tq cheer the team. and more are to come, So try to Fan support at the next three games prove us wrong by out jogging us. is important and will affect the outGood luck and don’t forget particicomes. pate for PARTICIPACTION;

walTiors v Guelph ‘on nat’ TV Tomorrow the basketball Warriors take on Guelph in the PAC at 2: 00 pm. The game will be televised nationally on the CBC. It is rumoured that theswarriors Band is planning to steal the show in their election bid. On Wed. Feb. 1 at 8:00 pm the Warriors travel down the road to play WLU. This away game will

cost non-WLU students $2.00 ad-mission. It is old news now but Waterloo downed Western 86 to 66 at Western on Jan. 18.. Western has basically a short team and Waterloo controlled the boards at both ends. This showed a strong effort from the players since Waterloo is also not a tall team.





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