
Page 1

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 16, number 20 friday, October 31, 1975


Inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 10

Tuna fish blues . . . . . . i.. . . . . . . . . . .I). 73 -Eugenics and you ................ .b. 24 Postal workers .................. .p. 26


You can? get away

The features


of many of UW’s past ch;incel/ors, presidents and deans are lovingly display of objets d’art. Normally kept under guard in the catacombs of Needles convocation to play their part in the initiation rites for prbspective graduates.

in this seldom

Hall, they are brought


out at

photo by randy hannigan

from it ,

vertisin What kind of girl reads Playgirl? with a homosexual orientation and that this seems to last a long time. In the ad she is an attractive young woman with rather masKey demonstrated that the gorgeous creature on the cover of culine glasses and small breasts for -and, if you look closely, there is an issue of Oui, a magazine an erect penis lightly airbrushed hen, was really a coiffed and airinto her skirt. brushed man. In a study, when According to William Brian Key, women were shown the cover, halfauthor of Subliminal Seduction and of them instantly saw it was a male model while not one man out of 50 president of Media Probe, Inc., magazines like Playgirl and Viva after studying it for 10 minutes even had a suspicion. are read, overwhelmingly, by men. They appeal to latent homosexual “Now, if we are becoming less tendencies which, he said, “would and less capable of differentiating appear to affect almost every man between males and females,” Key in the world”. said, “there may be a tragedy in the Key, who worked in the advertismaking.” ing industry for 10 years, was He mentioned a Masters and “Corrupt Practices in speaking on Johnson report which found 50 per the Media” for a Canadian Associcent of American families sexually . A . * ation for American Studies Conferdystunctional. ence at UW on Saturday. He showed a slide of an ad for He warned that young males who Canon aftershave lotion which use these magazines for masturposed the product in a man’s hand batory stimuli may be “imprinted”

in such a way that the thumb and wrist strongly resembled an erect penis and testicles. A knife poised above the “penis” was symbolic of a castration fear, Key said. “The artist is not the one hiding anything in this type of art-we are the ones hiding it from ourselves at the conscious level. ” Subliminal messages go directly into our unconscious memory system, Key said, and although he was unable to explain how the process works, “it sells products-that you can prove.” . A four-colour, one page ad inside Playboy may cost $55,OOOfor space and another $lO,OOOfor artwork, he said. Although it is read in only one or two seconds, it must sell one and a half million dollars worth of merchandise to break even, the target sale being around three to five million.

E loses $5,bOO ’ _

costly items Those elephants that romped around the PAC building last month put the Federation of Students’ entertainment board about $5,000 in the hole. That’s what they lost when the Hanneford circus’ despite much publicity, failed to attract a crowd. The circus gave one performance on Oct.- 8 to an audience of about 500. A capacity crowd would have been 3,500. Any profit from the event was to go to the K;W Cadet Police School, but the boys who distributed 8,000 flyers advertising it had to make do with a donation of $200 from the board of entertainment. Associate chairman of the board Carl Chaimovitz told members at a meeting Wednesday that he was amazed at the low turnout to the


circus’. He said the tickets ($3.25, students and $4.50, adults) were probably too high. But that, was what they had to charge because security only allowed one performance. . He explained that security’s position that the campus couldn’t cope with the traffic of two performances was valid. The problem would have been how to move 3,500 people out while another 3,500 were coming on campus for the second-performance. Also on a Wednesday night there are a lot of classes which would have made parking impossible. Chaimovitz told the chevron the cadet police school was to be given the profits as a community gesture. “They are a charity which needed the money and were willing to work

on the thing,” he said. He also said the cadets take in boys who have been in trouble, and that the board knows Dennis Perkins of UW’s campus security who is in charge of the school. He said the cadets did a lot of work and helped bring crippled children to the circus, so the $200 donation was a token of the board’s appreciation. The other associate chairman of the board, Art Ram, reported that the recent ,Murray McLauchlin concert lost about $1,000. Ram said money seemed to be really tight on campus this year, though one board member suggested that the midtermexams of that week may have accounted for the low turnout at the concert. -neil


examined Women are seldom stimulated by pictures of male genitalia, Key said, so these images are rarely found in ads directed at them. However, dogs are used with great successespecially in ads for feminine hygiene products, he said. An ad for Calvert Whiskey was a veritable zoo of embedded fish, mice, lizards, scorpions, wolves and dead birds. Key said that this sample of “subliminal symbology” would have taken an artist 100 to 300 hours to complete. It was packed with death symbolism which, Key said, is found in about 10 per cent of subliminal ads. The other 90 per cent contain images of sex, procreation and the origins of life. They are frequently found side by side. In an issue of Time magazine, Key discovered the word “sex” embedded all over pictures of Viet- / nam war atrocities, thus “sexualizing war and death.” Key also cast a curious light on the motivations for smoking with an ad for Benson-and Hedges cigarettes. It showed two hockey players wrestling playfully on the ice, while on the back of a glove, written upside-down was the word ‘ ‘cancer”. “If you can be motivated by sub-, liminal death imagery”’ Key said, the “the Surgeon-general’s warning becomes one of the cleverest marketing gimmicks anyone ever put on a cigarette package .” University people in psychology don’t know what “the name of the game is,” Key said. Most of the research in behavior today is being done by corporations like Schlitz and General Motors’ he said. Noting that the subliminal aroina that women exude during ovulation has been isolated and is being synthetically produced, Key warned that it could turn up in automobile upholstery or “your Colonel Sanders chicken”. “It’s almost bizarre,” he said,

suggesting that the whole sensory organization of our society is managed and- controlled. “We’ve &mically anesthetized a whole hemisphere of people, 85 per cent of whom use underarm deodorant.” At one point Key said that “the bastard who would do a thing like this should be put in jail,” admitting that he joked about his subject in order to let off tension. Key said that the word “sex” is in all of the Canadian, British, Commonwealth an&U. S. currency he looked at. He said that it enhances both its exchange value and its symbolic value since money is one of the most formidable symbols of nationalism. “Insult someone’s money and they’ll never forgive you for it. It’s a violent insult,” he said. During the last federal election, Key found “sex” embedded in all the campaign literature for Trudeau, Stanfield and Lewis-in everything from large rally posters to small handout sheets. Last spring the Canadian Radio and Television Commission (CRTC) passed a regulation banning the use of subliminal techniques. A bill to ban these devices was also proposed in the House of Commons by< Lloyd Francis. “I think Francis backed off because the advertising industry has maintained all along that it’s not ’ doing these things and that they wouldn’t work anyway,” Key said. He said that the. CRTC regulation is still theri-but “since -4 was chased out of Canada-and I mean chased-it’s very unlikely anyone’s going to push this anymore.” Key is a former professor of journalism at the University of Western Ontario &nd he criticized journalists for not doing enough to promote awareness of subliminal manipulation by the media. -diomyx



the chevron



fribay, \


3 1, 1975


1976 Winter Term Room & Board phi/lip Street $520.00 $580.00 $640.00

Dag Hammarskjold $510.00 Double $570.00 Single $630.00 Large. Single Non-Resident

meal plans also available.

Waterloo Co-operati,ve Residence Inc. 280 Phirlip St. Waterloo 884-3670 o


Hours: 9am-4pm.

for the UW Little Symphony Orchestra. String players needed. For further info contact Alfred Kunz at ext. 2439.

Lava1 University, a film, and the judging of the Physics T-shirt contest. Free coffee and donuts will be served. Everyone wekmne. 7pm. Physics 150.


Centre Pub opens 12 noon. The Garfield Band from 9-l am. $1 after 6pm. +d /-


Help! Volunteers

Group meditation

Rims-Around the USSR,-Fulfilling Lenin’s Bequest, USSR-Friend of the Arab Peoples, 8pm. EL 204 Sponsored by the Canada-USSR Association Inc.

Fridav Conrah Grebel College 450th anniversary display. UW Art Gallery.

are needed to help with Halloween Party at Sunbeam Home for the mentally and physically handicapped children. Get dressed up and come out and help make these kids happy. The more volunteers the more childron will t% able to go to the patty. Transportation can< be arranged if necessary. 1pm. Heather Blacklock 884-7219 or Circle K ext. 2326.


Flicks-Theatre of Blood with Vincent Price. 8 pm. AL 116 Feds $1, Non-feds $1.50.

WED. NOV. 5 - 12:30 p.m. Classical


and Guitar


with John Becker - Guitar & Maggie Anderson - Flute Theatre of the Arts Free Admission Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students

NOV. 6 - 30 #@ArtGallery, NANCY-LOU

University of Waterloo PAlTERSON.

Drawings and Liturgical Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday Sundays Free Admission *

Designs 9 a.m. 2 p.m.

\ - 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.

For further information contact Marlene Bryan, Art Gallery Administrator rm. 125, ext. 2493.

FRI. & SAT. NOV 7 & 8 - 8 p.m. TEN LOST YEARS (Drama) (

La Ronde by Arthur Schnitzler: Directed by Tom Bentley-Fisher, presented by the Drama Division. 8 pm Theatre of the Arts. Admission $2, Students & Senior citizens $1.25. WCF Coffeehouse. Centre Cafeteria.

9-12pm. Campus Admission free.




Open to students, staff and faculty. 50 cents person. Sign up at the Turnkey Desk, Campus Centre by Nov. 8. Fun, relaxation and prizes. Sponsored by the Campus Centre Board.

Flicks-Theaire of Blood with Vincent Price. 8pm AL 116 Feds $1 Non-feds $1.50. for TM meditators.

and advance lecture 8pm. E3-4335.


Monday Campus MacKenzie 6pm.



Pub opens 12 noon.

f ram 9-1 am. 74 cents after


offers nonprofessional legal advice. Call 885-0840 or come to Campus Centre 106. Hours: 7-1Opm.

A public meeting on Mercury poisoning with the renowned Japanese documentary film maker Mr. N. Tsuchimoto. Two films on the subject will be shown. There will also be a representative from the Native Friendship Center to field questions on mercury pollution in Northern Ontario. Sponsored by the Board of Education, Fed of Students.




“Preventative Nutrition: Eating and lllness” with Prof. Elizabeth Miles, U of G. 7:30-l Opm. Adult Recreation Centre, 185 King Street South, Waterloo.

Jazz and Blues Club. “Norman

Saturday Annual Tea and Bazaar. Mother’s Aux-

and his impact Jack Williams.” Library.

illaty K-W & District Association for the Mentally Retarded.- 24:30pm Kinsmen Centre, 108 Sydney Street, Kitchener.



MacKenzie 6pm.

Gafield sion.

Centre Pub opens 7pm. The Band from g-lam.

$1 admis-




Ricks-Theatre of Blood with Vincent Price. 8pm. AL 116 Feds $1 Non-feds $1.50.

La Ronde by Arthur Schnitzler. Directed by Tom Benley-Fisher, presented by the Drama Division. Admission $2, Students & Senior citizens $1.25. 8pm Theatre of the Arts.

Sunday Chapel. “Why do we meet: a look at the Origin&of the Church” by Helen Martens (church musician) and John tiempel (Chaplain). Also Gregorian Choral Music. All welcome. Coffee and discussion to follow. 10:3Oam. Conrad Grebel College Chapel.

Granz on the jazz scene by 8pm Kitchener Public

Centre Pub opens 12 noon. from-g-lam. 74 cents after


offers nonprofessional legal advice. Call 885-0840 or come to Campus Centre 106. Hours: 14:30pm.

Interested ments?

in a Career

in Invest-

Come to a talk & learn the variety of opportunities available upon graduation. NH1 020 3:30pm. Please sign-up in Career Planning and Placement.

Rehearsals for UW Concert Choir for Symphony No. g--Choral L. V. Beethoven, A Song for Jo‘y. AL 113 7-9pm. For further info contact Alfred Kunz ext. 2439. Physics

Club ?&Mini. There will be a slide show of the recent Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference at

- Fri.)

A one act play by Wilfrid kurier PETER ROUTIS directed by Rick Armstrong Featuring M.E. EVANS Tues. Nov. 11 - II:30 a.m. . Wed. Nov. 12 - 12:30 p.m. Thurs. Nov. 13 - If :30 a.m. Fri. Nov. 14 - 12:30 pm.

Theatre of the Arts Free Admission Creative Arts Board, Federation of Students



UW chaplains.


74 cents after

sponsoied by the 12:30pm. SCH 218K.


& Flute


John Becker-Guitar & Maggie Andersen-Flute. 12:30pm. Theatre of the Arts. Free Admission. X


in a Career in Real Estate?

Come and talk and learn the variety of opportunities available upon graduation. Please sign-up in Career Planning & Placement. 330pm Bl 167.



VE3UOW. E2-2355.







Band. 5:30-7:30pm. AL 6. information Alfred Kunz ext.

Further 2439.


assistance offers nonprofessional legal advice. Call 885-0840 or come to Campus Centre 106. Hours: 7-1Opm.

Waterloo Progressive Campus Association



Everyone Centre

presents: David Crombie, Mayor of Toronto, speaking on the issues, 7:IQOpm. The Arts Building, Rm. 208, WLU.

Club Meeting.

come. 7:30pm. 135.. I


Gay Coffee House.




Centre 1 IO.

Thursday Nancy-Lou

Patterson. Drawings and liturgical designs. UW Art Gallery. Hours: Monday - Friday 9-4pm, Sundays 2-5pm. till Nov. 30.

Campus MacKenzie 6pm.


Pub opens 12 noon. f ram 9-l irn. 74 cents after


assistance offers nonlegal advice. Call professional 885-0840 or come to Campus Centre

106. Hours: 1:30-4:30pm. Career Information

Talkon Teaching.

Choir.(By audition only) 7-9pm. AL 6. Contact Alfred Kunz ext. 2439.




Everyone is welcome to come for an informal time of Bible study and fellowship. 5:30pm. Campus Centie 113.



Fridav & 7 Saturday qT (Saturday sold out) ’ NEXT WEEK londay-Thursdav onlv



Everyone is invited to attend these regular meetings for informal discussions. 7:3Opm. Hum. 174.

Mech. Eng. Student

- Faculty


All Mech. Eng. students welcome. Rap with your profs. (past, present, future). First 20 gallons of beer free. 8pm. Faculty Cl&.

SWEET FEVER University student

Pub opens 12 noon.

from g-lam.


A production you will not easily forget. Its beauty will haunt you long after you’ve seen it. Humoufous, sad, moving and beautifut-a powerful drama about the depression’years

NOV. 11 - 14 (Tues. THE RATS


MacKenzie 6pm.

(General presentation). Please sign-up in Career Planning and Placement Needles Hall. 3:30pm Bl 167.

the Toronto Workshop Production from the book by Barry Broadfoot

‘Theatre of the Arts Admission $5.06, students & senior citizens $2.50 Box Office ext. 2126



Friday Campus Centre Pub opens 12 noon. MacKenzie from 9-l am. 74 cents after 6pm.


“Migration .of my People the Ojibway” Speaker Maahn Ki Ki (Professor Fred Wheatley, Trent University) 7:30pm. Centre Hall, WLU.

Ten Lost Years by the Toronto Workshop Production. From the book by Barry Broadfoot. 8pm. Theatre of the Arts. Admission $5, Students & Senior Citizens $2.50. *

Federation Flicks-Cabaret with Liza Minelli. 8pm. AL 116 Feds $1, Non-feds $1.50.



the chebon

3 1, 1975


Maths; Artsies ca#it spell -- ’ -

Rapt attention was needed Tuesday afternoqn when sponsored by their Fespective student societies. I-


and artsies battled

it ou( at a spelling

bee contest,

photo by Steve mcmulkk

‘Canadian scene

Economic Economic disparity in Canada and elsewhere in the world occurs due t. the unequal power relationships which historically exist between interdependent units. It is this dynamic that produces the fat cats of Toronto’s Bay Street on the one hand and the unemployed of New Brunswick on the other. Internationally this _ same dynamic accounts-for the dependent relationship between the elites _ centered in London and New York andthe oppressed masses of South Africa and Brazil. Such was the gist of a lecture given -by Wallace Clement last Thursday to one of UW’s Canadian Studies classes .Clement, currently teaching at McMaster University, is the author of the recently published The Canadian Economic Elite, an ex-

disparities haustive study of the co,nc&trationof economic power in Canada, how &leveloped and how it is perpetuated. The greater portion of the talk was devoted to developing different models which explain the nature of development and underdevelopment. i y Clement used the term “underdeveloped” ’ as opposed to ‘ ‘undeveloped” for the former implies its causal connection with a-more developed economic unit while the latter refers to economic stagnation due- to isolation. The models used were culled mainly from radical scholarship done in recent times on Latin America. Sociologists such as Frank, Galtung and Sunkel were specifically referred to by Clement as he attempted to examine the “development of underdevelop-

Socr’aialism is the ( . way to -libeiation


ment” both in Canada global context.


’ and in a

The basic model used by Clement stressed the national and international existence of centres and peripheria in economic and political units. This Clement noted occurred due to the competitive laws of capitalist production which brings about the concentration of economic and political-power in a few hands. Due to these inequitable power relationships, Clement noted, surplus flows always from the periphery to the center. Hence, the social dichotomy in capitalism of development in one region and underdevelopment in another. . After grounding regional disparity within capitalist production, Clement turned to Canada and emphasized the dominance within Canada of an indigenous economic elite: an elite which controls Canada’s finance capital sector, transportation and utilities sectors and who most willingly have sold out to the siren call of American branch plants.

Even if you couldn’t spell honorificabilititudinitatibus you still had a 100 per cent chance of being a winner at the spelling bee held by the Math and Arts Societies Tuesday afternoon in the Hu’manities building. The word, which can be found in Shakespeare’s “Loves Labours Lost”, was thrown to the contes-’ tants for fun by the bee’sjudge and word giver, Jack Gray, “just to make you nervous.” Gray is also professor in the English Department. o The spelling bee proved two main points. Firs& it showed that math and arts students do have something in common-neither of them can spell. To some, for example, definitely should be spelt ‘ ‘definately”. Another common mistake was leaving out the second “i”. in liaison. One contestant was sure that the correct spelling for schism was s-c-i-z-m. -A lot of imagination was used for the longer, more complex words. For example, fissiparous was spelt ‘ ‘feciphoroes” by one member, and “phisiphorous” by another. Second, the contest demonstrated that an old-fashioned spelling bee could still be fun for university students. Those present evidently enjoyed themselves and showed much enthusiasm. . The contestants in the final round of the spelling match were Marta Young, 2nd year psychology, Mike Moran, 1st year math and Rob Tibshirami; 2nd year

math: The winner was Mike Moran, scoring six out of ten words. The prize was a ticket to the Mathsoc&rtsoc semi formal. An extra round was set up for the executives of the Arts society versus the exectives of the Math society. The winner was Andy Seibel, representing the Arts society and spelling 2 words correctly out of ‘a possible five.

iw add eifher ’ Only three students contested in the slide rule competrmn, held Wednesday afternoon in the Math and Computer building. The students whocontested were Ian Mih-oy , math 2B, Mike Belcourt, math 1A and Rob Farquharson, physics. No arts students showed up, other than the executives of the Arts Society. Winner Rob Farquharsonieceived a ‘ticket to the MathsocArtsoc semi-formal. , A special round was made for the Mathsoc executive versus the Artsoc executive. Representing the Math society W* Gary Dryden. Dave Herbst and Andy Seibel both represented the Arts -society. ’ The winner was Dave Herbst for the Arts society. He scored 4 points out of 10. Dryden and Seibel both tied, each getting 3 points out of 10. Bruce Rorrison, Arts Society President, was the judge. Selma Sahin, Math Society Social Director, gave out the math problems. --Isabella

UPEI bovctittgoes’ CHARLOTTETOWN (CUP) Students at the University of Pr-ince Edward Island are blocking university entrances- and boycotting classes in support of maintenance workers on strike here-since Oct. 17.

This ‘ ‘bipartisan declaration of _ The exploitation of women workers will only end when both /war” by the Liberal and Progresmale and female laborers own the sive Conservative parties against means of production, a UW audiworkers, and in particular women ence was told Wednesday. workers, will ensure that “unorNan McDonald, a spokeswoman ganized women in the sweat for the Communist Party of Canada shops” remain with low wages, the (CPC), said this exploitation of CPC spokeswoman said. women, as evidenced in the dispar“If the guidelines are 10 per cent ity of wages between men and ifor wage increases then how can women, is rooted in Canada’s women get ahead with a 12 per cent economic system, one of monopoly inflation rate?” she asked. capitalism. If prime minister Pierre Trudeau is really concerned about the issue Though women may make some of women’s exploitation, he would gains in the present system-by have to “attack the monopolies” pushing for social reform, they’ll never be “emancipated” until the that, in 1974 according to Statistics means of production are owned by Canada, derived seven billion dollars from women laborers, the Canadian working, class, McDonald said. McDonald said. In addition, Steinberg’s received McDonald said the source of this $7.4 million for 24 weeks while exploitation of women can be women working in the_ company traced back in antiquity,. when were paid only $2.40 an hour, she “people left the tribal community added. to embrace a private’ propertied Instead of helping women workone.” The use of women in the ers, the government is removing workforce began in t.he days of them from the Labor Code and during slavery, developed placing them in the Human Rights feudalism and reached its height Code, as a gesture for International under capitalism, the CPC spokesWomen’s Year, where-they will woman said. still have no protection with re, Hard labor for women in Canada gards to equal pay for equal work, was first noted in a 1888royal McDonald said. McDonald cited Cuba as being commission report on the exploitation of Iaboring women and chilthe best example of what socialism dren, when it was determined that can do for equality among the women and children toiled in facsexes, since women get the same pay as men for equal work. tories and mills to maximize profits for the bosses since their wages However, a woman in the audiwere so low, McDonald said. ence said she visited Cuba three In 1918, more women were re- years ago and-found that capitalism as competitivecruited into the workforce so as to -is being restored fill the gap caused.by the eff!ts of ness among workers in the facWorld War I, she added.. . tories is emphasized to boost proToday, the Canadian governductivity. The. woman suggested ment is trying to maintain the low that China was a better example of wages most women get by freezing a society where women are truly Business was highly . profitable as hundreds of students surged upon the . . liberated. VW Campus Centre to subsidize hip capitalism at its best. their pay with its _“economic war y’-john morris measures act ,” McDonald said. photo by randy hannigan



g rigoroff

on I

a At an Oct. 26 meeting the students voted unanimously to continue a boycott of classes which had begun Oct. 23 following-an Oc t . 22 referendum in which the students had decided to stage a twoday walkout in favor of worker demands”. The striking workers-electrical workers, carpenters, truck drivers, and grounds keepers,, have been seeking better wages and working conditions. Most earn $4,700 a year and are seeking an increase of $1.25 an hour which would raise the low~est salary to $7500. The university &as offered them $6,300. - University president Ronald Baker claims that student fees would have to be raised to meet the strikers demands. I Although the students are on the picket line, many are concerned about the threat to their education that the boycott of classes poses. According to student union vice-president Tom Hayward many of the classes are in the midst of writing mid-term examinations. While the students remain in sympathy with the workers, Hayward does not think they can continue the boycott for any length of time. --The workers and the University are scheduled to negotiate again Oct. 28 at which time the students will meet to discuss the progress of the negotiations and decide whether to continue their boycott or not. _ Meanwhile, the students are picketing classrooms where sessions continue and are marching on the provincial buildings in continued support for the striking workers.



In last weeks article “Infant daycare centre organised” a mistake was made on the number to call for further information on the new centre. The correct number is 884-9270 (after 5:30 pm). The person to ask for is Betsy Zanna.





Jhe chevron


3 I, I 97:

India Cave Restaurant 20 Young St., Kitchener Sunday Special Chicken Curry with Rice



HOURS TUES-SAT ’ 5-10 p.m. SUN 4:30-9:00 p.m. CLOSED MON. 576-9430

Graduation Portraits Weddings Passports 259 King St. W. Kit. 745-8637

Found Calculator, Hafiz- Walji


800R. 884-5206


Man’s Gruen wstch in washroom, 1st Floor Admin. Bldg. on Oct. 17 at about loam. Sentimental value. Phone ext. 3722.

Personal Lonely? Gerbils hake great friends! Gerbils looking for happy homes. Males & Females available. FREE Call 885-2419;

6 market




Pregnant and Distressed? The Birth Control Centre’is an information and referral centre for birth control, V.D., unplanned preganancy and sexuality. For all the alternatives phone 885-1211, ext. 3446, (Rm. 206, Campus Centre) or for emergency numbers 884-8770. Gay Lib Office, Campus Centre, Rm. 217C. Open Monday-Thursday 7-l Opm. Some afternoons. Counselling and information. Phone 885-l 21 I, ext. 2372.

if you if you if you if you if you if you if you if you if you

are an incurable plant fanatic, never have had a green thumb but would like one, have a friend, relative, or windowqill who is lonely, have a plant in need of doctoring, want a free cactus, want to exchange plant cuttings, want a $2 plant book for $1, enjoy unique hand-made pottery, want to see a truly excell6nt collection of exotic plants,

.. ..Then visit

us during

our opening

this week.

Once upon a time, in the summer of 1914, a tiny street was formed in the town of Berlin. And it was called Moyer Place. Over the years, as Berlin grew larger and changed its name, Moyer PIam slowly started to disappear into the hustle and bustle of big city business. Until 1975. . . when it was rebuilt and called Market Village.



Part-time job available. Turnkey jobs available. Any registered student of the U of W may apply. General meeting that “all” applicants “must” attend will be held Jan 6th at 6 pm, Campus Centre Rm. 113. .For further info write S. Phillips, Campus Centre Board, U of W. Light moving done also other odd jobs, cleaning etc. Reasonable rates. Call Jeff 745-l 293. Quebec Ski Tour. Dee 27Jan 1 $85.5 full days of Skiing at Mt. St. Anne. All Transportation and Deluxe Accommodation included. For information & Brochure. Write Canadian Ski Tours, 25 Taylgrwood Drive, Islington, or Phone Gord ‘Allan 749-6900.

For Sale TWO ten speeds for sale. $60 gach. Phone 884-l 623. Baby thaw table $10, Box spring bed $10 and White night table $10. 8?5-1857 after 5pm. Garage Sale: Couch, dining room set, desk, typewriters, skis, bookcase, many others. Saturday, 12 to 5, 244 Peel Street, New Hamburg. Cars for Sale: Vega GT (Phone Gary, 579-0577) and Datsun 51 O(Phone Gregg, 745-3079). Both in mint condition, with many options and peformancd extras. Enthusiast’s cars. Prices negotf iable.

1972 Capri, V6, Standard, Rusi proofed, radio 41,000 miles, new tires, excellent throughout, $2285.00, 742-8289. Removable Car 8 Track and bracket. No speakers. $25. Call Connie 884-6449. Stereo amplifier, Kenwood KA-2002A, 12 watts per channel, excellent quality, asking $130.00, call Graham 884-9988. 1970 Karmen Ghia convertble. Phone 621-2717 (Cambridge) Cibie headlight conversions, Koni shocks, Stebro exhaust systems, most accessories at discount prices. George after 6pm. 744-5598.

Wanted Man’s bicycle in respectable condition. Willing to pay up to $50.00. Phone ext. 3785 or 884-5125. .


Fast accurate typing. $40 a page. IBM selectric. Located in Lakeshore Village. Call 884-6913 anytime. Experienced typist for essays, term papers etc. $50 a page includes paper. Call 884-6705 anytime. Will do student typing, reasonable rates, Lakeshore villaae. Call 8851863. I will do typing of essays and thesis in my home. Plase call Mrs. McKee at 578-2243.

,Typing at home: 743-3342; Westmount area; theses, essays; reasonable rates, excellent service; no math papers.

Housing Students minutes hitching 35 West

Available only, Bachelor apartment, ten walk downtown. Good buses or to University, terms negotiable. no. 15.

Two bedroom -sot. to sublet. available immediately to’Aug 31/76: $220.00 monthly. Glenforest at Weber, Waterloo, phone 884-4770. Live on campus for winter term. Vacancy existsfor one guy at Renison College from January to April. For more information. Phone Randal at 884-4509.



If have a room or want to share lease. Contact Brian Butler 742-5254. 4

Babysitting Reliable married woman would like to babvsit in your home in KitchenerWaterloo, days. Call 884-2258.


lii!ir k&i’Motor Hotel w 871 Victoria St. N. - 744-3511 NO JEANS PLEASE Every Wednesday is Singles Night IN THE CROWN ROOM THIS WEEK




riday, oc&$er




the chevron

31, 1975

the resources

Dwindling government grants md a consequent need for imjroved public relations in the local :ommunity are the two reasons berind UW’s off-campus course of‘erings . Don Kasta, co-ordinator of partime studies, sees a twofold justifi:ation for these courses: “We are mxious to extend the resources of he campus into and beyond the C-W community to give as many jeople as possible an opportunity o experience higher education. ’ ’ “Secondly,” he said, “we are :oncerned about the university’s mage with the tax paying-public.” :n order to gain more financial sup)ort from the government, the rniversity’s resources must be

more available to the people who pay the taxes, Kasta said. There are four off-campus courses being offered for credit in Gait, Seaforth and Brampton. The Waterloo library offers anthropology, fine arts, classic and romance languages and travel lectures (non-credit), free, as a public service.

-The Kitchener library offers an English course for credit and a non-credit anthropology course. The U W His tory department has provided a free series of 13 lectures for the last-three years at the Kitchener library at noon on Mondays. From the start these lectures were very favorably received. The chevron intervie.wed history

McGill zoologist talks on agriculture The quality of soil and, consequently, the nutritional value of the crops raised on it are being adversely affected by the chemical, biological, cultural and political exploitation of nature according to a McGill zoology professor. Stuart Hill, major professor of zoology at MacDonald College of McGill University, made this claim at a seminar on “Alternative Agriculture and Nutrition” held earlier this month in Toronto. In his talk on “Problems of Mechanical Agriculture and the Need for Alternatives”, Hill spoke of the exploitation characteristic of scientific agribusiness. He also indicated that some of its- consequences, such as the increased need for fertilizers to maintain high yield, could be disastrous in the long run. Hill emphasized the need for an appreciation of the complexity of nature and argued against trying to impose an artificial simplicity, which is what man is doing in restricting cultivation to a few crops. “In order to keep it simple we have to put in an equal and opposite amount of energy to the energy coming in from the cosmos,” Hill said. “So we’re using enormous amounts of energy to do that because we haven’t learned how to manage or integrate ourselves within‘ complex systems. “And so we’ve become addicted to energy much as the heroin addict is addicted to heroin.” Hill pointed out that almost all of the energy being used comes from fossil fuels and that as they run out, “our lifestyle is going to run out with them.” “The lifestyle we have now is onlya temporary lifestyle and we have to think in terms of planning a post-industrial lifestyle,” Hill c: concluded. Hihwill be speaking at UW (AL 105,8:30 pm) on Thursday, Nov, 6, on the topic of “Maintaining the Long-term Viability of Agriculture’ ’ .

here we have a new chevric-“’ welcome down at the chevron

just checking for sp2lling errors”. f veryone is just so long a? you like milk and hate mice. It

professor Leo Johnson after he had given a public lecture on Karl Marx. Johnson said: “The university is inaccessible to many people in the community either because they lack transportation or they are unfamiliar with the campus.” “These lectures attract a crowd that is often unable to get away in the evenings,” he added: A survey of the audiences attending the lectures was conducted last year and the results showed that half were housewives, one third were office workers and the remainder were library regulars. “Many of the people in the K-W area are self educating and derive great benefit from these lectures,” Johnson said. He had some interesting comparisons to make between adult and student audiences, “the students are often livelier, more skeptical but often superficial.” “The adult audience, on the other hand, tend to be more passive and more serious, they are perhaps too respectful but when they do ask questions they are experienced and probing. “The adult audience is very ap-’ preciative and provides an interesting complement to students that is healthyfor the lecturer,” he added. The chevron interviewed the audience and fouhd that they had unanimously enjoyed the lecture and thought it was provoking and inspired reading on the subject. Some of the people questioned were considering -taking night courses in history. The Galt Public Library offers a sociology 101 course taught by Brian Milton. There are 22 people registered and an additional -20 or so audit it. An interesting phenomenon in this course is that it consists of approximately 40 women and one man. Milton accounts for this irnbalante saying “men seem to be more interested in taking a course that will be instrumental to some facet of their working lives. ” The women in the class gave varied answers to their motivation for taking the course.Some are taking it for credit toward a degree.

a/so helps if you are partial

to sardines

A few women who already have degrees are taking the course as an experiment to see if they-d like to return to university to obtain a further degree. Several women described their motivation as personal growth. One woman with two grown children summed up the attitude of several-of the women when she said, “I’ve put my children through university and now it is my turn to get educated!” The age of the class ranges from women in their early- 20’s to their 70’s. “The content and the quality of the off-campus courses is the same as the equivalent courses offered on campus,” Kasta said, “the only difference is that the emphasis is geared to the needs of the class.” The courses are chosen initially by going out into the community to libraries, the YW or the YMCA and feeling out the market. “We try to give the courses in a logical sequence so that people interested in obtaining degrees can do so,” Kasta said. Last year the off-campus courses served 1,290 people. Correspondance courses had a registration of 1,500 last year. There are 130 correspondance courses offered in arts and sciences. They serve the rural communities and people who pre-

fer taking a course at home. Kasta has compiled a small pamphlet detailing the facilities of the university that are available to the part-time students. Last year he sent out 1,290 questionaires to insure that part-time students are aware that they have access to all facilities on campus. “People who wish to enter UW and fall into the mature student category are judged on individual merit not prior academic performance, ” Kasta said. The mature student is an individual who has been away from formal education for more than two years and who doesn’t possess the minimum requirements for admissionIn some universities such as Simon Fraser University in British Columbia and certain American institutions, credit is given for life time experience. Kasta said, “I would like to see this practice become widespread.” Looking ahead, he said, “by 1986 there will be a sizeably smaller, grade 13 population in Ontario and the traditional market of students will be shrinking, therefore, in order to justify these fabulous physical structures (the university) we will have to create a new market-a part- time market. ’ ’ -judy


SecI’s.-conference sparks debate -Is the individual to blame because heor she is inalow-paidjob? Is the welfare mother, the native woman, guilty for her own poverty? Are women less intelligent than men because they make up less than one per- cent of the faculty at UW? Or does our social system keep “women in their place” to keep profits high for the monopoly capitalists in Canada? These are some of the issues being vigorously debated by

and can type with

at least one


women of the world during International Women’s Year, and the debate was reflected Saturday at the Secretaries’ Conference. More than 150 delegates from Toronto, Brantford, Guelph, Woodstock and the K-W area attended the one day seminar held at UW. The meeting was sponsored by the K-W chapter of the National Secretaries Association, and was titled “The Emerging Woman in Business”. Highlight of the day was a panel discussion by-three women on “The Challenge of Women in Business”. Panellists. were Claudette Millar, former mayor of Cambridge, June Conlon, a personnel services representative for Canada Trust, and Marsha Forest, a UW professor. Two main views were expressed on the position of women in the business world. Millar and Conlon focused directly on the individual and placed the stress on individual change, claiming that a woman can do and be whatever she wants. Millar stated that: “If you truly want a better job you can get it.” Conlon’s view was that: “The time for militancy is past. . . . Women must now prove to the business community that they can accept change.” Forest presented an alternative view, stressing that women must be militant and fight back against a social system which uses them as a cheap source of labour. ‘ ‘Women have historically been used by the capitalist system as a reserve army of labour,” Forest charged. She urged the women present to widen their horizons;.to take inspiration from the women of China who have shown that the liberation of women is bound up with the lib- t eration of the whole nation. Forest ended by urging Canadian women to “dare to struggle, dare to win.” A lively and at times heated discussion followed, with the audience actively voicing their views on the issues raised.



the chevron


3 1, 19

Briec booze & be careful

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A regional conference of student liquor. Glenn Parsons of St. Paul’s leaders is being organized to plan for a public hearing in London on brought up the topic of this fall’s student aid. near tragic ring-road accident. It The provincial government’s had resulted in a co-ed being sent to Advisory Committee on Financial . the hospital with multiple internal Assistance for Students (ACFAS) injuries: will be accepting briefs December 5 -Speed was generally thought to at the hearing. UW Federation be an important factor-in thecause president John Shortall hopes that of the accident and possible prerepresentatives from universities ventive measures were discussed. and colleges from five metropolitan It was decided to call upon other areas will confer about how best to student groups to join in pressing approach the ACFAS. The regional conference for November 8 was introduced to the committee of presidents last week where representatives from the Optometry; St. Paul’s College, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Arts, and Math Societies were present. With London as a possible s site of the conference, plans were BURNABY (CUP)-In an effort to briefly discussed for the Federation end a five-year boycott of Simon to provide transportation for deleFraser University (SFU) by the gates from all interested Waterloo Canadian Association of Universocieties. sity Teachers (CAUT), SFU’s adThey would confer with counministration has offered jobs to two terparts from McMaster, Guelph, of seven professors fired after a bitWindsor, UWO, and WLU. Comter 1969 dispute. munity college representatives will SFU and CAUT representatives also be participating. ,have been negotiating for several The committee of presidents was months in efforts to reach an aginformed of a mail-out by the Fedreement to end the boycott imeration to all first-year students posed after seven political science, which has been put on ice until the sociology and anthropology pro-postal strike ends. With the mail- fessors were fired by former adout the federation hopes to survey ministration president Kenneth students on what problems they Strand. have encountered with personal CAUT vowed not to end the fiances, housing, school and boycott until the seven were reinsotherwise settling into university. tated. The boycott was lifted The suspension of postal service briefly last year after Pauline will mean that certain work will Jewett became administration preshave to be carried on with little in- ident, but was reimposed because formation from the ground level. she failed to act quickly on the This includes the development of a issue. Mordecai Briemberg, one of the brief for the ACFAS on student aid. Also during the meeting concern fired professors, said in an interview Oct. 20, SFU’s ad?ninistration was expressed over the bust, Ochas offered unspecified jobs at SFU tober 16, at the Phillip Street Co-op residence where five students were to two professors, and offered two year research stipends to four arrested on charges of unlawfully others. selling liquor. Supposedly some The seventh professor was not two dozen police seized 23 cases of beer and 17, 40-ounce bottles of offered any job, Briemberg said. All of the so-called PSA seven booze. Questions were raised about the find the proposal unacceptable, he possible implications for other stuadded. Briemberg, who currently works dent groups. It was decided to ask the Federation to approach its for the Western Voice, said he was lawyer, Morley Rosenberg, for informed of the proposed agreeclarification of the regulations surment by telegram. rounding the keeping and sale of Under the proposal, he said,

the university to take action. E forcement of the speed limit or t installation of asphalt “sleepi policemen” w.ere suggested. These matters are to be broug up next Tuesday, Nov. 4, at a7: meeting of the -Federation exec tive and 830 Committee of Pre! dents in Campus Centre room 11 Students Council will follo Thursday, Nov. 6 at 7:30 in Ne dles Hall room 3006.. -shane


CAUT still boycotts SFU

We’re looking . . . for people who want fun And good times in the relaxed, enjoyable, atniosphere of the Cariboo Lounge. Once inside, you’ll forget everything else except the friendly people and comfortable surroundings. We’ve also added a Saturday Matinee (3 - 6 p.m.) Come, see for yourself!

Rest of This Week


Kathleen Aberle and David Pott were offered jobs. Louis Fe dhammer, Prudence Wheeldol Nathan Popkin, and Briember were offered two year researc stipends. ’ -Briemberg said he thinks tf stipends will be $9,600. But anothl source said the stipends would t $12,~0. John Leggatt, who is currently tenured professor at Rutgers Un versity in New Jersy was not o fered a job or a stipend. “I’m not going to accept th ripoff of the working people,” saj Briemberg . “SFU has been trying to buy i way out o<the hole for the last si years. The university, by negotia ing this agreement, is acknowledj ing they are wrong.” He said several committees we] formed to investigate the firing: “All found out there is no reasc we should be fired.” “We all should have our job back”, he said. Administration presider Pauline Jewett announced Oct.. 1 that “CAUT and SFU are consi< ering a tentative proposal to solv our differences. ” She continued, ‘ ‘the propos; was developed by a committee reI resenting the CAUT academi freedom and tenure committee an a committee representing SFU. ” One source said it would make decision by Nov. 30 which islate than desired by the university. The amended proposal must g before the board of governor again, Briemberg said. The CAU’ academic freedom and tenur committee will meet Nov. 14 and 1 to decide whether to approve or re ject the proposal. ’ CAUT’s executive board wil meet two weeks later and then : special CAUT council session wil decide whether or not to lift th( boycott. .

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iday, octo%er

Sen$ibl@ food buying-stressed A sensible approach to nutrition ith the budget-minded omemaker in mind was the aim of Nutrition in the Supermarket” resented Monday by the Nutrition nprovement Project (NIP). NIP has been operating for two nd a half years on grants-from the :deral department of consumer nd corporate affairs and is pressting the six-part series of lectures n Monday evenings at the Water,o Adult Recreation Centre. In an informal presentation, NIP ounsellors Barbara Kerton and haron Kalbfleisch, who call themElves “food specialists” rather ian nutritionists, -took turns disussing food categories with referlice to a table strewn with brand ame cartons, cans and jars.



t&e chevron


31, 1975


On the subject of fresh, frozen Kalbfleisch said that Red River “Basic8lly if you follow said. However, since some people Canada’s Food Guide you’ll get all and canned vegetables, Kalbfleisch and Quaker oats (non-instant) are - object to its taste and color, Uncle the nutrients you really need,” looked askance at .winter produce. the bestbreakfast cereals and that Ben’s Converted Rice is an acceptKerton affirmed, can’t convince me that Cream of Wheat is one of the most able alternative. : - ‘.D ‘* “You fT they’re the epitome of freshness Some fat in the diet is necessary refmed foods on the market. She pointed out a change in the when they’re shipped all the way to absorb the fat soluable vitamins As for cold cereals, she recomi-. new food guide that will increase from CaliforniaZ’ . mended Shredded Wheat, but Kerton warned against the use the adult requirement for milk from Wheatabix, Cheerios and Bran of saturated fats such as rapeseed, She recommended frozen veget12 to 20 ounces and warned people Flakes-with milkland advised cottonseed and----._-coconut . oil. . who don’t like milk that they may ables over canned for their taste against “power cereals” such as Recognizing that some doctors be stricken with osteoporosis (i.e., _-and retention of folic acid in which Total, Team and Product 19 since and nutritionists reject butter and the Canadian diet is badly def& porous and-brittle bones caused by the higher level of minerals istoo eggs due to their contribution to cient. Canned vegetables are “only a lack of calcium) later in life. insignificant to justify the much high cholesterol, Kerton said that as good as the water that you throw There is no difference in the nutrihigher price. she prefers to use butter and down the drain,” Kalbfleisch said. tive value of whole, skim or partly /thought that three to four eggs a Kerton said that the greatest skimmed milk, except that -skim week are “reasonably safe”. StatOn the other hand: aboveground L weapon consumers have is their milk has no Vitamin A, Kerton ing that Mennonites eat in excess of cQ;~ . vegetables are mOl33 IlUhtiOUS Oil bUyi= power and th& &e only way one dozen eggs per week yet have the outside, she said, but should be to remove an unwanted JQLU* product no heart disease, Kerton named She approved of the occasional washed and wiped because of pesfrom the supermarket shelf is to and lack of exuse-of artificial creamers and whipticides. Kalbfleisch advised against boycott it. “Theywon’t produceit stress, overweight ercise as the real culprits for high if you don’t buy it,” she-said. ped toppings but warned against a peeling vegetables or Cutting them cholesterol problems. _ constant diet of additives. into smaller pieces because of the In a discussion of pasta, Kerton . . Cheese, with-the exception of easy destruction by light of vitanoted that 80 per cent of the world’s cream cheese, was described by mins C and E. people manage on pasta and that it .Kerton as a good source of protein * Though Canada’s Food Guide is a good food if enriched with vitand calcium. \Even processed recommends two fruits each day, amin B and iron. “Read the label,” .I. cheese, with its gum emulsifiers in Kerton said that it is more econom-e.* she urged, “if it doesn’t say it’s place of the butterfat, was proical to substitute unsweetened juice enriched ‘then it isn’t enriched”. nounced the nutritional equal of and may even be superior in nutriCiting Kraft’s recent move to engood cheddar. tive value to fresh oranges which rich its pasta, Kerton explained her Kerton admitted that Cheese ( are picked when green, stripped. reluctance fo recommend P~CUWhiz is at the bottom of the list and colored with red dye that may 1ar products as their contents are glthough+“three ounces of Cheese cause cancer. constantly changing. Whiz equal one hamburger.” Fruits are important, she said, Though 100 per cent -whole Earlier, Lorna Miller from the for their vitamin C and. fibre conwheat flour is preferred to bleached Waterloo regional health unit ietent which aids digestion. Avoid white flour, Kerton advised alterminded the audience that next fruit “drinks” such as Tang and nating purchases of white and week is nutrition week in Ontario. Beep sinc,e they have no fibre, bewhole wheat bread because of,the She urged them to “spread the gossides being too sweet, she insecticides absorbed by the wheat pel” and share with others what cautioned. . ’ bran. She added that phytic acid, a+ they have learned and to watch for Though cereals are eaten for vitchemical in the bran itself, binds articles in the mass media. amin B and roughage, many of our with calcium so that the body canNext Monday the guest speaker cereals are so refined that “North not use itl will be Dr. Elizabeth Miles, a nut.Americans have almost chronic Of the kinds of rice available, ritionist at the University of levels of intestinal ailments,” Kerbrown rice is definitely the best Cuelph. _ ton said. nutritional choice, Kalbfleisch dionyx &mkhael I

Student . -execs defy wage , WINNIPEG (CUP) - The student per month. $495

council executive at the University Though student council presiof Manitoba responded this week dent Vicky Lehman did not feel the with surprise, annoyance and evajob should be “highly paid”, she sion when asked if their proposed said the “low wages” cause economic hardship and, because salary increases of over 20 per cent were contrary to the federal the executive must often work 10 government’s recent wage -- hours a day, they can’t take partguidelines. time jobs. ,The executive is asking for a She denied-any knowledge of the $100 raise to $530 per month. The government’s guidelines and government has asked that all claimed that the raise was only an raises be limited to 10 per cent, attempt to achieve “parity” with which would curb their raise to other university employees. m m-m m mm-





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This claim, she said, was “different” from other groups’ claims that they also are only seekingparity. Asked if she would reject a raise over 10 per cent she refused to answer saying it depended on “the needs of the6ndividua.l”. . According to academic affairs director Lee Powell, the executive’s proposed raises are “an exception”- and their wages are low enough to warrant a 22 per cent, increase.



’ -

Get Idhical l *I












\ ^-



the chevron

Nuclear energy described as“safe and attractive” by AEC EDMONTON (CUP)-“What look at how they (reactors) work people don’t seem to realize is that and the precaution taken.” \ we have been living with nuclear He also had something to say campaign materials on this planet always. . . about Ralph Nader’s against nuclear reactors I7 “He’s with more nuclear materials than taking responsible people’s statewe can ever produce. Putting nucments and taking them out of conlear wastes underground in an area text.” where people know where they are “Nuclear energy is a fait accomis even safer than the way these pli. I think a lot of people think it’s materials are stored by nature.” So said RG Hart, vice-president still in the experimental stages,” said Hart. “‘Last year Canada proof the Atomic Energy Commission, duced more nuclear electricity per addressiug the participants of the capita than any other country.” Western engineering student conHart felt a lot of people “have ference held at the University of Alberta Oct. 17. made a lot of somewhat ridiculous He went on to give the assessclaims as to what nuclear energy ment of professor Rasmussen of can do.” He explained what he thought the future of nuclear the Massachussets Institute of Technology, who claims that with energy in Canada would be. ‘ ‘Nuclear energy can practically 100 reactors, the probability of an accident that will-actually damage and economically produce some the population is once in three mill40-50 per cent of our future energy needs,” he said. “It can not proion years. He says this is the same and portable probability as being killed by a fal- * vide convenient ling meteorite. energy fuel for our other needs.” Hart had some comments to Hart’s energy plan for the future make about nuclear critics. “I suswas to “use nuclear energy for production where it’s pect very few of them have taken a electrical

economically feasible-I think this will happen naturally. We have to continue developing tar sands technology especially for transportation.” He felt coal was of vital importance for industrial use since, to utilize nuclear energy in industry, it would be necessary to locate about 20 industries around one reactor. ‘ ‘I think we’re tremendously fortunate in having all these options open to us in Canada,” said Hart who was optimistic for several reasons. “We can do most of the technology ourselves. We don’t need to be dependant on foreign. countries ,” he stated. “At this moment the. known reserves of uranium will take us up to the year 2010. If we use it the way we have now and don’t look for anymore.” As well, he felt there was more uranium in Canada and ways of extending that energy. “You have to choose between alternatives,” said Hart, “and the nuclear alternative is attractive.”

Mimes words get-in the way


3 1, 197

Superpowers continued from pg. 9 there.” And before that the US defense minister was here calling for the Canadian government to increase its police forces. The guidelines were an attack on the Canadian working class said Bains, pointing out that capitalists could maintain profit levels of Oct. 1975 while worker’s wages were only allowed to rise by only 10 per cent. In order for the US to contend for world dominance it must maintain control of Canada, said Bains. &Ie compared Trudeau’s call for restraint to that issued by president Ford to Saudia Arabia when it was contemplating raising the price of oil. Ford warned that it must show restraint and US secretary of state Henry Kissinger cautioned that nations have gone to war for less. The call for restraint, then, is a call for US imperialism, it was argued. But Canada is under pressure from both superpowers it was argued. Bains said the Soviet Union was moving in to monopolize wheat and fish in an effort to maximize profit. Citing Cambodia’s liberation from US imperialism Bains said it was possible for a small country, by its own effort, to defeat a big country* He argued against what he described as a rehashed Kruschev line, that small countries could only liberate themselves with the help of other socialist countries. ‘He said there was no such thing as a decisive factor outside the country, and that that view led to social imperialism. Bains also argued against the view that Canada could not gain independence because the US lies just south of the border. He said militarily it would be very difficult to occupy Canada, because of its size, its scattered population, and its access to two oceans. Bains said the situation in Canada is similar to the 1920s though not the same because we have learned from Albania, China, and Indo-China, that nations can liberate themselves. The working masses are the only ones who can fight against the superpowers, said Bains. The reactionary class know this, he said, and Trudeau’s latest remarks are

preparation for a total sellout. Professor Johnson qualified h address saying that he wasn’t a expert on the subject and so woul only give a brief speech. He began by saying “Canada ha a very important role to pla gathering defense against the tw superpowers”. But before Canad could do that there were many ii ternal questions to be answered, h said. Many people think things ar good in Canada, he said, bt warned that in the 1920s people fe the same way and ignored “som wise people” who foresaw a worl WitT.

The rest of the world vie1 Canada as a white country which j not an imperialist. Though fror time to time it played side by sid with the imperialists, Johnson saic: it was up to the Canadian people, t “ . . . prevent our government fror oppressing other people”. As a country with a large propor tion of the world’s resource Canada is a country which the im perialists must exploit. He cite1 wheat, but laid great stress o Canadian uranium without whit he said there would be no atomi weapons. Canadian uranium,’ he said, fuel the nuclear power of vicious ani fascist countries like India, Sout Korea, and Argentina. This wa done with the approval of the Ut imperialists he assumed, ‘ ‘sinc( they haven’t shouted” as they di( whenever Canada threatens a trad embargo, or as happened whel Time magazine was threatenel with losing its special advertisin status in Canada. Thus said thl professor our government was as tive ally of one of the two super powers. All the reactionary government in the world were being “armed tc the teeth” and will use their atomit power against the liberating forces So, said Johnson, we are oblige, to stop OUF government providin; bombs. If we speak out man: others would also and in countrie such as Finland, next to the othe superpower, people would takl heart and speak out against thi hegemony of Russia. That, he said would convince the superpower that “they can’t play fast and 10s with the people of the world”.

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31, 1975

the chevron

\ .


Hop6 lies with Third World

Superpowers America and Russia are imperialist countries contending for domination of the world. That contention provides the greatest threat of a global war, and the main bulwarks against such a war are the Third World in revolution and China. This thesis and Canada’s role in a world dominated by two superpowers was explained to an audience of 200 at a symposium held on campus last week. The symposium on China, the superpowers, and the threat of world war was sponsored by the Anti-Imperialist Alliance and the Chinese, International, and Caribbean student associations. The speakers were professor K.T. Fann, a philosopher from York university and an expert on Chinese foreign policy, Hardial Bains, chairman of the Communist Party of Canada (MarxistLeninist), and UW history professor Leo Johnson. Indication of the sentiment at the‘ meeting following the three speakers and a lively question period was a strong motion passed against the superpowers. The motion said: “Imperialism means war. The content of imperialist politics is world d-o’mination, and the continuation of this politics is imperialist war.” It said that though the superpowers look strong they are “inwardly weak and isolated.” And it called on the Canadian people to fight for independence and to resist the sellout to the two imperialist powers. Imperialism and war The warning of the speakers arose from the thesis that the Soviet Union is not a socialist country, bu,t. social imperialist (socialist in words, imperialist in deeds). Russia turned revisionist after the death of Stalin, said Fann, and this led to the emergence of a new capitalist class. Imperialism is the extention of capitalism and hence the other great imperialist country in the world is America. Citing Lenin, Fann said that as long as there was imperialism there

of one or other of the superpowers. Caught in the middle, Fann said, these countries want to be indeRise of the Third World pendent. But as they stand now Bains said the rise of the Third they vacillate, sometimes standing World is crucial in international with the Third World countries and politics. at other times with one of the China’s destruction of the US disuperpowers. plomatic policy to isolate it, was Fann said it was up to the people cited as an example of this Third World rise. The UN is the scene of of second world countries to ensure their governments aligned themmany more examples. Bains attriselves with the Third World. buted the Third World countries Fann said the future for oppreswith inviting the Palestine &Lib&-ased people is an optimistic one.’ tion Organisation to speak at the “All wars occur at a time of crisis,” UN, and with instigating a special session to oppose the monopoly of - he said. “It is the classical way for capitalists to export their probraw materials. He said last year the But if revolution doesn’t Third World countries formed a lem.” change the system, and hence preblock of 77’and as a result have won vent war, then war will radicalize many victories at the UN. the working class in industrialised The Chinese now see the world countries and provide the Third divided into three. The First World World countries with a chance to is that of the two superpowers.’ The “rise up while the superpowers are Third World is the under developed too busy.” countries which are exploited for their raw materials and labour. And Control by superpowers the Second World c,omprises The Chinese view of the world, Canada, Western and Eastern Europe and Japan. said Fgnn, was that America had They are the middle class in this model as industrial developed centres which exploit the Third World along with the superpowers, but are caught in the middle because they are physically and economically under the domination

dominated the capitalist countries since the second world war. But it is losing its foothold to western Europe and Japan and as it tries to consolidate its position the Soviet Union is expanding its influence. Bains said the fight for control of the world is a vicious struggle. One superpower conspires against the other to enter its zone of influence. As an example he cited the Middle East which was controlled by Rus‘sia but is now in the hands of the us. India was another example cited. Fann said he felt the superpowers had agreed on a 50-50 split of the continent, although Bains said there was no such thing as a gentleman’s agreement among the super powers. Fann illustrated how Soviet social imperialism works in India. In 1973-74, Russia gave India a 139 million rupee loan, he said. But that year India repaid 576 million in past loans. The Economic Times of India, he said, estimated that by the time the country clears its debt it

will have paid 565.7 per cent on the principal loan. He said American aid worked in the same way. ’ Since China sees the contention between the two superpowers as the greatest threat to the world, their foreign policy is based on forming a united front against them. Thus, Fann said, China will support even a fascist government if it is against the superpowers. He said China does not condone fascism in a country, “but you have to concentrate your energy on- the main enemy.” . Canada’s place in world politics ’ On Canada, Bains said, the wage and price controls announced by prime minister Trudeau, Oct. 13, were the result of US imperialist control of Canada. “Economic control ,” he said, “means they control the state.” It was no coincidence said Bains, that when Trudeau announced the guidelines “Kissinger was sitting continued on pg. 8





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linked to threat of world war

would always be war. He said that the two previous world wars and the many wars of national liberation were the result of imperialism. It follows if world war is the result of imperialism that the way of preventing it is to overthrow imperialist powers. Bains stressed this point. Quoting Mao Tse Tung-that while revolution is the main trend in the world, war could still take place -he said that if revolutionary movement in Spain and Portugal reached a new high, war would be postponed. And revolution in India would so disrupt the superpowers that they wouldn’t be able to start a world war, he said. Bains said war would break out if capitalism was restored in China. Both Bains and Fann view China as the leader of the Third World countries.

.. . .. .. . ... . .. . ... . ... . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . ... . .. .. .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . .. .

Rddress .............. @. .................................................. Educat/bn ................................................................

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All undergraduates registered at the University, of Waterloo who have not received a refund of their OPIRG fee are -. eligible to vote.



‘the chevron


31, 1975

Short on strateg9


PLACE FREDERICTON (CUP)-The fall conference of the National Union of Students (NUS) held here the weekend of Oct. 17-20 was long on debate and discussion, but short on concrete strategy and planning. More than 64 student delegates, representing post-secondary institutions and student organizations from Newfoundland to British Columbia, attended the three day sessions to hammer out policies and programs on political strategy, the student aid campaign, the Fiscal Arrangements Act, and student radio. By the time of the final plenary session on Sunday afternoon, general concensus was reached on the major policy directions for the national union. But, as the conference ended, it was clear not much had been accomplished in terms of committment to specific tactics for organizing students in support of those \ policies.

Active support

r-I !-Ymm \


The delegates, mostly student council executives, showed little inclination to put their credibility on the line by committing themselves to any strategy which would require organizing active student support. Paul Kellogg, the delegate from York University, repeatedly called for a campaign of nationally coordinated rallies to demonstrate concern over student aid and the financing of post-secondary education. He argued that “student leaders” had a responsibility to show leadership and to organize active support around NUS policies. Opponents reacted by claiming leadership was not the issue. Increased awareness of problems facing students and the postsecondary sector must be developed, they said, before

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“action-oriented” programs could the Canada Student Loans Plenary succeed. ’ Group, a h,igh-level federal“We’ve no shortage of probprovincial body which formulates one delegate lamented, student aid policies nationally. lems,” Buckingham did not outline the “but the>biggest on my campus is NUS strategy for pressuring the that students don’t think they have government into seating students problems. ’ ’ on the Plenary Group. A brief to’the Delegates finally voted to put the group about student representation emphasis on “educating” students was passed, but there was no disthrough a nation-wide “consciouscussion about an earlier plan to orness raising campaign”. ganize a delegation to attend the The campaign, to be organized by NUS in conjunction with regPlenary meeting in Ottawa on Oct. ional, provincial and local student 23. Moreover, the chair of the Plegroups, will focus on the problems nary Group said two weeks ago of student aid and post-secondary NUS would not be allowed to adfinancing. NUS is to produce a newsletter dress the secretive student aid and a leaflet. However, there was body as it would “set a bad preceno indication of what these publicadent.” tions would tell students, or of the Buckingham predicted that “students may not be concerned specific content or organization of the national “consciousnessabout a refusal for representation” raising campaign”. but added “no matter what happens, we organize, and we continue Moreover, the delegates did not information make any commitment to actually . our person-to-person carrying out the campaign. campaign.” He made no comment on how NUS, with a single fieldworker to Student aid campaign cover the entire country, would NUS fieldworker BobBucking“organize” students. ham, speaking on behalf of the cenAs for the petition currently tral committee, conceded, at the being circulated at some campuses final plenary that “concern has supporting NUS’s student aid debeen expressed that a specific mands, Buckingham described this strategy for the student aid camas “a useful device. to reach paign has not been outlined. ” students” but did not answer the ’ He reviewed the campaign over the course of the past year and major question about the petition campaign-will it continue? claimed that due to pressure from The petition ran into difficulty NUS and other student organizaearlier this fall when the Ontario tions, “the government now cannot ignore the student aid lobby” in Federation of Students decided not Ottawa. to commit resources *to the camHe said student aid had been “a paign. Workshop discussions at the unify&g issue across the country” conference also revealed that many and that a “continuous organizing campuses. which are trying to enand building process” must be suscourage students to sign the petitained until NUS achieved its ultition are having difficulty. And mate goal- “universal accessibilmany more are simply not doing ity to post-secondary education.” anything at all. As for the immediate future, “We may be upset that we don’t Buckingham said the first issue to have a lot of support, but we be dealt with is%$resentation on continued on pg. 11

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31, 1975

froni pgm 10’




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the chevron



\ haven’t reached a lot of students yet,” Buckingham said. He concluded *by stressing, “a national lobby is unportant but not, without local effort.” Jim Gray of Regina-commended the statement made by Buckingham, and pleaded with delegates “to be serious about getting to our members. ’ ’

Fiscal Arrangements



- I :


A major part of the workshop discussion centered around formulating a policy on the Fiscal Arrangements Act (FAA).. “The FAA is a complex federal statute which ,determines the amount of federal monies to be transferred to the provinces in sup-. port of post-secondary education.. In the 1975-76 academic year the . total operating cost of< the post, secondary sector is expected to rise to about $3.03 billion, and ab&t half of this cost will ‘be met using funds transferred from the federal government to the provinces. The FAA, which governs these transactions, is presently being renegotiated .and is* due to expire in ., 1977. ’ ’ Under the current terms of the FAA, the federal government ag1 rees to pay each province a flat per capita sum to’ support the province’s post-secondary sector, ’ or to match the province dollar: for-dollar for all approved operating expenditures made& this sector, whichever is greater. The major objection the delegates expressed was that the federal government considers tuitio d fee payments as provinci,al revenue under the Act. For ev&ry dollar I students. pay in tuition, the federal % government gives the province a matching grant. , A policy motion passed at the , plenary, recognizing that the present Act provides an incentive for , the provinces to increase fees, and nOthg that thisconflicted whh NUS policy on “equality of opportunity and universal accessibility to post-secondary education,” asked that: ..._ “Tuition fees not be considered part of the financial resources for post-secondary education, and that the fiscal transfers be conditional upon the abolition of tuition fees l ” ’ Another policy resolution asked that: “All expenditures by the institutions related to post-secondary ‘education be included in the provision of transfers. ’ ’ Under the current system, areas


dent of the University of Waterloo and OFS ch,airman, supported de,,leting the statement. Although he had agreed in caucus to support the resolution, he reversed himself at the plenary, arguing that although , the base had to be’considered, it should not be done in the context of the-FAA. “Wh ere thZ%xes come from is irrelevant to this Act’:, he said. Brian Mason of the University of Alberta, having recently’ seen a NUS membership referendum shot down on his campus, announced, “If .this motion became known at the U of A it would seriously harm --future referendum results. ’ ’ An alternate, resolution was .ap-, proved stating that NUS will’study the question of whether corpora. tions are not paying for postsecondary education in proportion to the benefits received by them. Strategy resolutions we@ also *passed, calling for “the holding of local campusinformation sessions” to “raise the awareness of students”. Moreover, NUS will seek the active support of provincial and regional student associations, as well as support from. the Association of’ Colleges. and Universities of XZanada and the Canadian Association of University, Teachers. There was no discussion or direction from the plenary ‘as to the. practical application of that strategy.

Student radio

spent by &e province in some other such as student services, residen&s and food services which are sector. not covered by provincial funding s The purpose of this resolution are ineligible for matching federal was unclear since no cases have grants. arisen in which a province actually A third policy motion asked’the spent less than its federal transferfederal government to increase its on contribution to low-income proOne policy resolution that did VhCeS “UIltil the COSt Of post.UOt m&C it though the plenav, secondary education in the proraised by Guelph, stated that since vince has been met.“’ ’~ “the corporate sector is the single This would have the effect of element in society which derives overcoming regional disparities’by the greatest benefit from postincreasing the amount of federal secondary educational institutions, support monies going to provinces the corporate portion of the taxwith .a small population base, and base should be increased in “proplimited provincial revenues for ortion to its responsibilities and obpost-secondary education, ligations to society.” The Lethbridge delegate asked Another policy resolution asked that a stipulation be contained in for this resolution to be deleted the new FAA to ensure that all fedfrom the policy because it was ‘ *too political”, “adventurous”, ‘,‘not eral revenues allocated for support feasible” and “beyond our scope”. of post-secondary education be John Shortall, the student presiused for that .p,urpose,and not be post-seco~~y


The future of student radio in Canada, and the role of the Canadian Radio-Television Commission (CRTC) .in. governing a . the , airways . was anotner worksnop toptc. The workshop discussed the recent decision of the CRTC to allow student-run community radio stations only a ‘ ‘restricted commercial policy”, and the. two year moratorium on licensing new #udent stations. -2 Randy Williams, station man, a$er




there is no reason for limiting the amount of commercial time for student stations which are well run, financially solvent, ano which provide distinctive, quality programming. Delegates from Memorial University were concerned over the CRTC’s emphasis on community rather than specifically studentoriented programming,-although Manitoba and Waterloo, delegates disagreed and emphasized the need for liaison with the community. At the plenary it was agreed to

. 11 ,,

-‘set up a task force to investigate the /status of student broadcasting locally, to investigate CRTC, policy, and to plan a national conference of student broadcasters with a view to establishing a ‘national organizatioa,

Other policy statements -A resolution adopted at the last ’ ‘NUS general meeting recognizing “it is undeniable that there exists two nations within the structure of Canadian federalism:’ and recognizing the Association Nationale des Etudiants de Quebec (ANEQ) as “a national organization with the same political status as NUS” was withdrawn: It was replaced by a statement recognizing ANEQ as the ‘ ‘the representative voice of Quebec students” without reference to the status of Quebec within confederation. The resolution also called for o the establishment of “working relations” with ANEQ. . -NUS voted to oppose admission quotas for international students, and to oppose the test cur. rently used to determine the English proficiency of international students. As well, NUS condemned the Green Paper op,Immigration policy \ as ‘!a racist document designed toshift the blame for the economic crisis in Canada onto the backs of the immigrants and to promote splits between Canadian-and im- , migrant people.” ’ -In the area of housing, motions .were passed calling for an end to discrimination against students in general, . . and. international * *.. students e . in particular, and callrng tor in’ creased government funding of low-cost housing -A motion from the women’s caucus declared that women’s studies programs were important and should not be cut back due to financial reasons, and urged the federal government to continue support for the. “programs and institutions developed during Inter, national Women’s Year.” -A motion was passed reaffirming NUS as “a coordinator’: for the _ growth of an organized student movement in Canada”, and in- . strutting NUS representatives to seek developmentof “‘formal . structural ties” with provincial and regional student organizations . Talks between NUS and the regional and provincial student associations are scheduled for the end of this month in Ottawa. l


. -p#er




the chevron


3 1, 1975







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31, 1975

the chevron


at w69r Skinning and cleaning fish at a cannery jn Oregon is certainly not the best of all wsrBds. Especially if you’re underpaid. In the following atick, reprinted from Liberation magazine, Barbara GarsDn describes the daily drudgery of the women workers at the Bumble Bee fish cannery in Astoria, Oregon. She attempts to convince the detached reader that no one but a cannery worker would know what is meant when management says: “Too much white meat on your cat food” or “Your Joins are dirty”.

‘Astoria, Oregon, is a town of 10,ooO that sits on stone steps above the Columbia, just where it rolls into the Pacific. The town’was first settled by one of Jacob Astor’s fur trading parties. Later it was settled by Scandinavian immigrants, many of them Finns, who came to fish. To this day most everyone in Astoria still does a little fishing, or puts their time in at one of the fiih canneries. Though it’s August, the height of the salmon season, the big canneties have been letting out early. No one knows exactly what time they’ll be let off. The time cards the women


on their


at Bumble

Bee may

punched at 1:43 or 1:48 or 1:54. (Everything of the hour.)


goes in tenths

Whatever time it is, it will be too early for those who make their whole living at the cannery, though the youngm sters who work for the summer may welcome the early release. In every tavern in town there are the usual speculations, “It’s just a bad season, ” “It’s the mercury they found near the docks, ” “By God, we finally fished out the whole Columbia.” _ These may be the long-range reasons for a declining catch, but the women in the canneries, those who face facts, know that the short-range reason for the short hours this summer is the contract they signed two years ago, a contract that was supposed to benefit the full-time workers at the expense of the seasonal help.


the casual workers


a few women will say,

as adamantly as others avoid the issue. “And the strike didn’t settle a thing.” Bu the casual workers (now called probationary workers) ci use is a complicated story which I only came to

understand the reader


So perhaps

I’d better let it unravel



as it did for me.

Nobody knows Since no;lody

the cleaners



what time the skinners

will run out of fish, I waited at Bumble



main plant starting at 1:OO p.m. I sat on a curb in the smelly yard next to a shiney-eyed

man of 32. He told me that he had been a photographer of Life magazine, that he knew Laurence Eerlinghetti, and that he was waiting for his girlfriend Stariein, who was a tuna cleaner. Starlein was one of the fllrst cleaners out, after the skinners. She still had her white smock on, just like all the other women. But she came out undoing her white headscarf. She was already shaking her brown wavy hair free by the time she got to us. Most of the other women drove or walked home through town in their uniforms, with the white head scarves knotted squarely in the front covering every bit of hair. Starlein’s boyfriend hung on her from behin$ with his head dangling oyer her shoulder as he introduced us. I think it may haveembarrassed or annoyed her. But I’m not sure, and nqpne else seemed to care. Starlein was 18 and pretty. She had a dreamy look when she talked or listened. She said she would be perfectly happy to tell me about her job. “What do you do in the cannery?” I asked. “I clean tuna,” she said. “The loins come past me on a belt. (Loins are the skinned, headless, tailless, halved or quartered pieces of fish.) I bone the loin and take out the dark meat-the cat food. I put the clean loins on the se’cond belt, the cat food on the third belt and I save my bones. You’re

not allowed

OKs it. Because count

to dump

any garbage

that’s how they check

till the line lady

your work.

bones and see if they’re clean.” you talk a lot to the other women?”



“Do “Not really,” she answered. “What do you do all day?” “I daydream.” “What do you ,daydream about?” “About sex.” “I guess that’s my fault,” her boyKend

I asked.


dark meat as I can.” “Well,” I said, “aside from liking the dark meat what do you theink of your work?” “I don’t think about it,” she said. “When I get there I put on the apron-we each have a plastic apron with our n+e in felt pen-and go to the line and wait for the buzzer. The first fish comes along and I pull it off the belt. (She made a heavy movement to show me) And I just do it. “I try not to look at the clock so the time will pass more quickly. When I do sometimes I’m surprised at how it went but more often I look and it’s not even two minutes later. But there’s not that much to complain about. When you’re really into it you don’t notice it. And then it feels so good when you pull B loin with a big dark vein of cat food.” “I knew it would be dull and boring when I came here. But I had no idea of the sensuous things I would feel just fromcleaningfish. Icamejust to make some money fast.” “How much do you make?” I, asked. “I get something like $2.70 an hour, I think. They don’t tell you exactly and I never asked. Mine is lower now because I’m on probation.” “Oh,” I asked. “What did you do?” “Oh no. It’s just a thing. When you first come you don’t get your real salary.” “How long does it last?” I asked. “I don’t know. But i, don’t think I’ll stay that long.” “How do you get along with the older women?” “The other women they’re very nice. They show you how to tie up the scarves and how to get a good knife. And the line ladies don’t bother you much either. At first they’re on your back, always counting your bones or checking your cat food pile. But when they see you’re a good worker they don’t bother you.” “Are you a good worker?” I asked. “Sure, what else is there to do. Besides, I like to see how

proudly. “No, it’s not you,” she said. “It’s the tuna fish.” I asked quite curiously what she meant.


“Well first it’s the smell. You’ve gotthat.certain smell in your nose all day. It’s not like the smell out here. Your own fish next to you is sweet. And then there’s the men touch-

I was beginning to understand the casual workers controversy a little better. At their contract negotiations in 1971, the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen (Local P-554) had accepted the suggestion of the‘ Columbia River Salmon and Tuna Packers Association that they create a category of “casual worker.” It was not a very new idea. Many canneries have a classification for seasonal workers who get lower pay and fewer benefits. It frequently happens that the casual workers become the majority and the regular workers are whittled down to a full-time skilled and maintenance crew. .1

ing you when they punch the tags on your back and maybe the other women on the line. “But it’s mostly handling the loins. Not the touch itself, because we wear gloves. But the soft colors. The reds and the whites and the purples. The most exciting thing is the

dark meat. It comes in streaks. It’s red-brown. And you have to pull it out with your knife. You pile it next to your loin and it’s crumbly and dark red and moist like earth. “You’re supposed to put the cat food on the belt as you finish each loin. But I hold it out to make as big a pile of

cat food I can pile up.”


Casuals controversy


on pg. 14



the chevron




Cannery continued from pg. 13 The clause accepted in Astoria called for about 50 cents an hour less for workers who stayed under four months. It passed.without too much objection. (The summer workers aren’t around when the contract is negotiated .) It didn’t take long for the permanent women workers to see how the new clause would affect them. The summer after the negotiations, the cannery was crowded with casual workers. There were jam-ups at the sinks, there weren’t enough boards to stand on, there was barely enough room at the tables . . But it wasn’t really such a great season. People were actually being let off early. Even after the summer there didn’t seem to be so much frozen tuna to pack. Some people felt that the short hours in the summerand the rest of the year was because so much of the tuna had been processed by the plethora of c summer workers at fiiy cents an hour less. Of course some people always blame everything on the company’s machinations. Others tend to blame it on the salmon run, the pollution, the will of God. At the next negotiations there was enough feelings against the casual workers clause to cause a sixweek strike. The settlement eliminated the “casual worker” and introduced a new “probationary worker.” This was the summer to see whether the new term really made any difference.

Out of town


Nan Cappy lived way out of town in a small house on a big piece of land with a “For Sale” sign. The kids were playing outside and I almost didn’t recognize Nan when she stuck her head out of the door without her white headscarf. Now I saw that her brown hair was short cropped and curled around her head. Her nose and chin were small and pointy and her eyes were large and earnest. Nan was from Detroit originally. She had had a lot of different jobs in her time. She’d worked in a dime store, a cafeteria, a bank, she’d even been a roller skating messenger at a big studio in Hollywood. Her husband had brought her here to the Northwest, which she loved and never wanted to leave. “Theday we were married we had afamily of four,” she said. “My one and his three.” He is a log boomer for Crown Zellerbach. She has worked for Bumble Bee for the last .four years. Nan began telling me how things were changing at Bumble Bee. “When I was first being trained if you just lifted your eyes up the line ladies would say, ‘They’re watching you’ or ‘Be careful. They’re on the floor today.’ “I thought maybe they had aclosed TV system. It was two weeks before I found out that ‘they’ meant the bosses, the men from the. office. “When I first came if you asked a question, said a single thing, the answer was always, ‘Cannery workers are a dime a dozen.’ That was the favorite line lady expression. “But in the last two years it’s harder to get workers and it’s harder to push those kids around. They’re not so desperate for a job. “The company is especially lax in the summer now. But they tighten up with the regular crew in the winter. “I remember they had an efficiency expert, Bert, here one winter. He tried to keep everyone from talking. If he saw anyone talk he’d separate them. So I started talking to the other women wherever he put me. Even withthe ones who didn’t speak English. “Finally he put me at the end of line B with two vacant spaces on one-side and a pole on the other. So just to annoy him, I started talking to the pole. “He was a bug about gum chewing too. People were getting letters in the mail, they looked like they came from the courts: ‘First Off&se-Gum Chewing,’ ‘Second Offense-Gum Chewing.’ “He’s gone now, but every winter they have some kind of tightening up. - “The line ladies have to get out their line quotas, you know. So they figure cut who they can push-the ones who really need the job. And believe me they push them. They’re on their backs. ‘There’s too much white in your cat food,’ ‘Your loins aren’t clean,’ ‘You haven’t done your quota. You’ll have to count bones .’ And it gets on your nerves. “Me I don’t let them push. I’m a medium speed worker whether anyone’s watching or not. “The line lady will come over and say, ‘Oh come on now, I need fish,’ or ‘Hey, I wanna finish all this up by three.’

“I said to one the other day, ‘I’m working as fast as I can. You can take it or leave it.’ “She left it I guess because 10 minutes later I was put on another line.” “It is really a punishment to be put on another line?” I asked. “No. Not necessarily. But you feel 1ike.a kid in school being stepped out by the monitor. “Now some women can’t work any faster no matter how much they’re pushed. They just get upset. You can see their eyes tearing. Others speed up and those are the,ones the line ladies will go for;. I have this one friend, the line lady will always come over and say, ‘Haven’t you come back from vacation yet?’ or ‘I see it’s still break time for you.’ And Cless will speed up, cursing and saying, ‘God damn, I’ll show her.’ But she’s speeded up. She knows that’s happening but she can’t help it.” “What if you all slow down together?” I asked. “The line ladies- know right away if there’s a slow-down. They’d just make you all count bones .” “Why is counting bones so awful?” I asked. “For one thing they stand over you. And it’s the same as being moved. Everyone knows you’re being punished. No one likes to be punished or yelled at. “Like one day Dick Fengs came over to me and he says, ‘Spit it out!’ Now it just happens I don’t chew gum. So I says, ‘Spit what out?’ He says, ‘Your gum.’ I opened my mouth real wide. He saw I had no gum, I’m sure. But he just says, ‘Spit it out!’ and walks away. “The next day I got a pink slip. I tore it up right in front of him. “He came over once and told me I was smoking in the bathroom. I said, ‘But I don’t smoke,’ (which I don’t). He just says, ‘Skin fish!’ and he walks away. What can I do? “I suppose I could go to the union but.. .” And here a genuine sigh forced its way out. Then she resumed her story telling. “One day someone passed out in the place. They stretch them out in the locker room when that happens. When they come to they ask-them if they want to stay or go home and they usually say ‘I’ll stay’ and just go ” , right back.

Why should you put out for them? Why should I care about a line lady who’s rushing around saying she wants her fish by 3:12? Why should you put out when you’re nothing to them as soon as you stop skinning fish. You’re not even as good as a machine, because they wouldn’t leave a broken machine just sitting on a bench in the locker room. “I remember once I got banged on the head with a crate of fish by a fish dumper. It didn’t hurt at first but later it was bothering me. I said, ‘Roach’ (he’s the time keeper) ‘would you please record an accident.’ He says, ‘You know the dumper has the right of way.’ “I says, ‘O.K., I know, but just write it down if something happens. ’ He says ‘Go to the line lady.’ So I go ta the line lady. And she says, ‘Don’t you know the dumper has the right of way?’ “Look,’ I said. ‘I’m just asking you to write it down in case I wake up paralyzed. At least I want an industrial accident reported. We can argue whose fault it was later.’ “Why must they do that? Why does the line lady think it’s her job to make you feel like you’re in the wrong all the time? “A couple of those line ladies are kind of decent women too. But you know,- they have a meeting every Friday to discuss the trouble makers. “One of them even keeps a book where she writes down anyone who gives her any lip. . . . No, I never saw it, but she toid me about it, as a kind of warning I guess. ’ ’ I asked Nan if the women ever-take action together when something seems unfair. She thought a bit. “Oh yes, yes ! one time. Every single skinner stood together once and we went to the union. Maybe because it was a matter of money,” she added a little cynically. “It was the company policy for years, and it was in the contract I believe, that if any skinners were working on large fish then all of the skinners were given a C punch:you know, on the cards on our backs.” A C punch is about 9 cents an hour more than a B punch. ‘ ‘Well Mr. Bert Greene, our good old efficiency expert, noticed it and brought it up. “One day there were two lines working on large fish (They’re very heavy to haul and turn over,

‘ ‘Well Bugas was furi xircumstances was any fish while they workec reason! I wonder what “Well there was ant were not supposed to t and it dragged on for wet in the contract but the we’re here to take up E “Well if we hadn’t g place but all 22 of us we we were...But, when tl they call the union. “It’s odd because OI gether against the union was for the men. The

They wanted higher pr the fish. “Our union rep was (: cross. Bugas was foamj to cross. Everyone tol line. But only a handfu for one line. Maybe 15 stewards stayed out. “But you see,that w ‘You know once I w( wanted to train for the j those little trucks the I crates of fish.) I had 1 carefully and this was tl to do any -heavy lifting, ‘But the manager say drops a box off he’d ha And that could weigh mc “Well I never saw tl must be rather rare. Ant someone to help me lift thing about men’s ja there stuck at the line w fish in the other. You c someone. ‘-‘But he says ‘No. E than 35 pounds.’ And 1 tract. ‘See it’s right there pounds .’ “I didn’t bother to gc


“Well this one woman Violla fainted at 9:30 and she was really sic k. But her house was out of the city limits. So they said, ‘We can’t have someone take the time off to take her home.’ It looked-like they were just going to leave her there for all day. So I said, ‘All right. I’ll punch out and’drive her home and punch back in.’ “So Feng says, ‘No. I’m sorry.’ “So I says, ‘O.K. Then I’m going home for the day.’ “Then he says, ‘All right. But be right back and don’t stop.’ Just for that I stopped for a cup of coffee. “It’s that kind of thing that makes you feel bitter.

which is why more money) and the other lines were working on smaller fish. They had punched us all with a C punch as usual. Half an hour later they came by and punched all the lines down to a B punch except the line that was left with large fish. “We called the union on break. And naturally they told us that we were right but ‘go ahead and work the job.’ We went down to the union after work, all twenty-two of us. “The business agent Stella told two of us to write it up. Then she told us we could have a meeting with Mr. Bugas. ‘I want you to listen,’ she said. ‘We’ll hear his point of view and we’ll have another chance to answer.’


“A lot of us feel the union. Of course this wo one ever runs against h “Last time a man wi And I was for him. But o the election the compar Out of the blue. ‘ ‘We told him he sho the new job paid much bc Stella was elected again her. “Why didn’t you run “I considered it. But 1 there’s a rule that yet ity of union meetings thl have to be nominated a only a week before. So. Nan was fingering a When she talked about tl gusto she had when she with line ladies or with I asked her about the “I spoke against it tw working short shifts all s was wrong. They’d nevc the place up. “Now some of those P kid get what I’ve work upon that. And the otl company and the union. against the wall. That’s \ And then with despai

, ,- -

hat under no paid for big not for any s paid for. nd again we 1 the talking ila says, ‘It’s . give it. But , n in the first easangryas a grievance all stuck tony. But that up a picket.

lmpanies - for us we had to 1 ordering us illegal picket than enough ec the union the men.” ce and said I iver. (One of and haul the : men’s jobs au never had gitney driver td pick itup. ive pounds. ’ I said, ‘ That :n I could-k ;ee that’s the ot standing le hand and a nd and help: to lift more e union conmorethan 35 n that one.”

ion’ ; bought the acted. But no against her. week before a better job. J but he said ess agent. So ming against . It turns out nd a major:ar. And you and this was in her-leek. d none of the :r s,kirmis hes *s clause: said we’d be : union said I people to-fill Vhy should a Bugas plays believe the lg your head ant to quit.” pity:


the chevron



. “The union has done it to these women so many times. So many times. . . “They finally got themselves together to strike. A six week strike. (Leave it to our union to have% contract that expires before the season so you can strike for a month without hurting the company.) But those women struck for six- weeks. And the union comes back with this probationary workers thing. They get 30 cents an hour less until 480 hours. But we won, they say. There’s no more casual workers. “I could have told the women ,to hold out. That the company could still fill the place up w3h as many. casual workers. as they wanted. ‘But what’s the use?

Why should they keep on striking when no matter what they do the union will still sell them out.” I could see Nan’s throat throbbing. “I feel it’s useless. Every contract time we’d have to fight the company and the union. That’s when I feel like quitting.” I could feel the knot tightening in her neck. I could sense her anguish at being “used” and I wanted to say something to ease it. Actuallymost of the women I talked to knew they were being used by the company and sold out by their union. But they had all evolved some funny little philosophy to explain why it had to be that way, or why they shouldn’t pay any attention. I wondered why Nan, who had worked at Bumble Bee for four years was not better insulated by cynicism or fatigue against the humiliations of the job. I liked Nan Cappy in her angular earnestness. I almost wanted to say, “Wait! I’ll get a job here and we’ll really organize this place.” - But I was a reporter, so I just thanked her for her time, and the fresh picked berries, and the pleasant afternoon my little girl spent with her little girl.


‘bout cannery

Eleanor Lammi was very enthusiastic about the cannery-this season. She had worked for Bumble Bee for five summers and then off and on during her three-year stint as a married woman. Now that she was divorced Eleanor was attending Clatsop Community College. She had discovered w.omen’s lib and she had written choral pieces for a feminist theatre. This summer was the first time Eleanor had worked in the cannery with-her new consciousness. ‘f-You can’t believe how the women open up in the cannery! I can always get my place back as skinner because of my mother, so I really get to talk to the other women. (Eleanor’s mother is a line lady.) “A lot of those women are completely isolated at home. And,the cannew is such a weird world of its own. It’s practi&ally surrealistic. So people talk about things they would never talk about-otherwise. “Like one woman wanted to know what we thought about the adulterous affair she was’ having while her husband was in hospital. She just had to have someone to talk to. And they’ll ask me what I think about women’s lib and lesbianism. , “We can cry, and hug each other, talk about our sex problems and everything. But only in the cannery.” . . . “Oh yes, every once in a while someone will ask to be taken off the line because she doesn’t like the language they use around her. But more often these old Finns will join in and if you think we’re \ liberated, they are absolutely vulgar. “But it all stops at the cannery door. You have a special bond in there. I mean who else but cannery workers knows what you mean if you say ‘Too much white meat on your cat food,’ or ‘Your loins are dirty.’ It’s just surrealistic in there. And outside the same women who&se-d and talked about their sex lives jus t walk past each other and maybe smile. It all . stops outside the cannery.” Eleanor’s mother, Elsa, started at Bumble Bee in 1939. She stopped to raise her family and went back



mostly I think they get outside stimulation. They get to talk to men. Like we got this one dumper 55 years ., old and the girls will do anything to shock him. And then they flirt with the boys and tease them. I think fifteen years ago. Eleanor assured me that I’d love I women like to work with men. And that’s ,what her mother. “‘And she’d love to talk to you. She’s one of those line ladies the women all like.” keeps the skinners on their toes-Z “I don’t know ,” said Eleanor. “When you’re Elsa the line lady greeted me heartily, wearing cleaning and cleaning constantly and someone baggy pants, a sweatshirt, thick ankle socksand comes along and says, ‘Can’t you clean no faster?’ sneakers. The house, scrubbed but baggy,like Elsa, and you turn around and there’s a man just leaning was covered-with half unpacked cartons. (Daughters--‘on a broom and grinning., It-makes me annoyed.” moving in and out.) “They had women sweeping once,” said Elsa, “It’s like Eleanorwhen she was in school.” bouncing off her daughter at an odd angle. “But they beamed Mrs: Lawni:. “Always volunteering me. gave them the regular women’s wage so the union ‘My mother will make costumes. My mother will , said they couldn’tsweep any more.” make brownies .’ Now she has her mother being interviewed. ‘-My mother would love to do it.’ ” --“Do you go around telling people to clean fasElsa likes being a line lay. ter?” I asked Elsa. “I never want to be top of the line,” she said. “I like moving around, talking to all the different ’ girls. My doctor tells me it’s good for my legs to “But ifour average is low I have to tell them to clean move-around I’ve got varicose veins.” (And she faster or else I’ll have to tell them to count bones. showed me%er support hose under the sneakers and. Each one has to do a certain quota and mostly girls i ankle socks.) co-operate. “The line ladies shift lines every two weeks and “‘But you have a certain amount ofvpeople who just don’t care. You show them how tdpul. fish so every new line I go to they’re just waiting to tell me they’re facing them, ready to start. But they don’t do their problems. This one lady, fifty; she-comes / up-now I know she’s been fooling around-and she. it. Theyjust don’t care.” “Well why should they keep caring?” Eleanor says, ‘Elsa, I haven’t had my period and I was raped objected. three weeks ago. What should I do?’ I ought to hang Elsa seemed taken aback by the question. up a sign: Psychiatrist, 5 cents. “ There’s so many different kinds there. Some are “Do you try to work slowly?” I asked Eleanor. so lovely. They don’t mind taking orders. Others are ’ “Well you can’t work slowly when you skin ‘or there wouldn’t be any fish on the belt. I would work bellingerent. Others don’t say anything when you slowly when I cleaned but I wouldn’t want people to tell them something, but you know it goes in one ear say, ‘She can do that because she’s Elsa’s da@and out the other. ter.’ ” “Do you know wehave college kids come all the ‘ ‘We’re really just messengers ,” Elsa said. ‘ ‘Like way up from San Francisco to take this job? today they told us we’re gonna get off at a quarter to “They take them on as casual help now and pay two. So after lunch Fengs says, ‘No more bathroom them thirty cents different. It used to to be fifty breaks.’ So I had to pass the message around. ‘No cents. But myself, I think it’s too bad girls didn’t more potty breaks.’ But then we didn’t get off til have the patience to hold out. Because that four 2:48. It W& agood thing I had gone before he said it hundred and eight hour thing doesn’t change anything.” because I had a soda pop for lunch. “-A couple of the girls tried to go anyway. I caught ‘ ‘How did the casual workers clause get in there in the first place?” I asked. them and they said they didn’t hear me. Well I went 5 “How did Nixon get in?” she answered. up and down that line announcing it and they didn’t --At this point Eleanor came in and we broke for hearme. “It’s worse when you announce no lunch break. Elsa’s lively rendition of “Ma, he’s making eyes at Sometimes they’ll do that if they think we’ll be out of me.” I had heard that here was a line lady who insisted fish in less than four hours. You should hear the girls then. on singing to the girls on Friday. As I was warned, Elsa’s singing deftitely had the “You don’t have to ‘.‘Actually I’m not supposed to take any lip from be there to see it” quality. them. If someone talks back to me I’m supposed to After the intermission Mrs. Lammi picked up a give them ‘a pink slip. ” “What sort of thing is talking back?” I asked. new theme, in deference to her daughter’s interests, rahk. “If someone says, ‘Mind your own business,” or ‘Get off of my back.’ I’m supposed to give/them a pink slip.” ?‘Do you?” I asked. 1 “Only a couple of times I can remember.” Eleanor had to go back to school for a couple of. hours. Mrs. Lam& told her to bring. back some hamburgers and’a fish sandwich from the Dairy Queen for dinner. . ’ Live-and-let-Live \ Eleanor was right when she said I’d like her mother. She+was a lively, live-and-let-live woman. Like all the older women I talked to Elsa Lammi saw clearly how the company tried to squeeze every little drop out of you that they could. No lunch break if they could finish in four hours. (Federal law requires a break after four hours.) -No bathroom breakif they could finish in another hour or so. She understood the effect of the casual worker clause and its replacement, the probationary worker, and she thought the women should have stayed out on strike to completely wipe it out. I But -as line lady she actively functioned to help squeeze that little more out. That was her job. And she was annoyed at girls who deliberately or stupidly kept her from doing her job well. And this even though doing a good job meant more fish in less time and therefore shorter paychecks for everyone. It was odd when you thought about it. But not at .all odd if you didn’t think about it butjust felt it. Elsa “The line ladies get $3.42 an hour; twenty-six cents has wit, skills and competence and the only satisfac; more than the cleaners. (I think it might of just gone tion she could-get at Bumble Bee was to use her up to $3.46 or 7.)We are the highest-paid women on resources to get out more fsh.* the floor and we get less than any man.” That’s the way the game was set up. (Further‘-‘Even less than a dumper,” Eleanor squeezed in. more, if she didn’t get out the production she’d lose “Less than any man or boy,” her mother conher position as line lady.) tinued. “And there’s three to five hundred women In some factories there’s a counter game set up by and us line ladies over them and one supervisor, the workers, a game of shortchangingthe company. Fengs, and he’s a man. I don’t think that’s right. We Everyone’s ingenuity is used to increase hours and should have a woman so she’d know-what it feels decrease production-within certain limits. s like.” ._ Such a game can be an interesting sport when it% I asked Elsa if she shared--ifiy observation that played collectively. But there was no such game skinners werelivelier than cleaners. going at Bumble Bee: She agreed’and thought it was due to-the job itself: The only individual choices were to work hard or not the born temperament. _ to slack off. And shirking will always feel shabby to - . “They switch off and they get to talk more. But 7 someone like Elsa.






Films: 7:~0--” Minaniaia Disease, A Trilogy” 1975 Colour, English - Part I Speaker: Mr. N. Tsuchimoto, Japanese film director 9:15- “Canadian Natiwes Meet Mihamata Victims” 1975 Colour, English . Speakers: Rep from Native Friendship Society, Toronto

Sponsored by Federation of Students Board of Education



the chevron

3 1, 1975

he -Queens next



Soccer Warriors he soccer team won both its es last weekend and gained a roff berth in the OUAA final. :y travel to Kingston this :kend to take on first place en’s in what should be a good e. either of the Warriors’ last two es were ever in doubt as Waterdowned Trent 5-O and walked bver York defeating them 8-2. he Warriors didn’t get too ked up for the game against last :e Trent especially wh”en they r showed up with ten players. It r seemed a matter of time before Warriors would score as Trent a difficult time getting the ball center .

Yet in the early going Waterloo didn’t press Trent at all and it wasn’t until the 15th minute that the Warriors finally scored. Paul Stevenato crossed the ball from the left side to Luigi Circelli in front of the Trent goal. He headed the ball through a defender’s legs and Zenon Moszora chipped the loose ball over Trent’s goalie, Ian Duncan, to put Waterloo ahead 1-O. A few minutes later Gerry Williams made it 2-O on a hard drive from the left side which rose into the upper right corner. A short time later, Dave Grundy got his first of two goals resulting from a corner kick. Zenon Moszora crossed the ball from the right side and Ian Duncan in the Trent goal

UW soccer Warriors faced Trent and York last weekend and came away 7-2 record and second p/ace in the final standings. They face first-place --7e playoffs.

Lball Athenas he 1975-76 Basketball Athenas gearing up for their first major In this year. They will be play+iday and Saturday at the Uniity of Guelph pre season tourent. he Athenas will be playing a :r brand of ball this year with adoption of FIBA (internaid) rules. :veral features of these rules :h help to make it a faster game no handling of the ball by an

ltramural day, November 3-Entry date nen’s 7 aside rugby tournat. The tourney is to take-place 8th and 9th at Columbia Field :ing at 10:00 a.m. All entries ild be turned in at the Inural Office-PAC early Mon-


reminder that Men’s American gsh Tournament will be held Saturday in the PAC from 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. so, the final rounds of the Singladminton Tournament will be from 7:30-11:00 p.m. this ;day in the PAC main gym.

sketball ‘ter the second week of basketthe top contenders are beginto emerge. A-league; there are five unde:d teams; .with Alufahons and

Warriors ahead 4-O. Masaby broke through with the ball missed the ball. Grundy’headed the to the right, side of the goal. He The second half was just a forball towards the net and it hit the carried it to the touchline and then crossbar. mality as the outcome had already crossed the ball in front of the net. The rebound came right back to been settled. All players saw a lot Dave Grundy in an effort to clear him and this time he made sure by of action as coach Ron Cooper subdirecting the ball into the goal with the ball away from the Warrior goal stituted freely. The pace of the this foot. game went from slow to boring as deflected the ball into his own net past Tony Carreira. The teams left Waterloo came close on several Waterloo was never threatened and opportunities especially on some - the Warriors didn’t press Trent the field at half time with Waterloo in front 4-l. fine shots by Tom Dabrowski, but very much. Early in the second half, York Duncan came up with some good The half did see one more goal saves to keep the ball out of the net. seemed to be rejuvenated as they for the Warriors. Towards the pressured Waterloo and as a result Yet close to the end of the half, close of the match, Tom Dabwere awarded a penalty kick. Mat Dave Grundy scored his second rowski scored from afree kick just Masaby shot perfectly to the lower goal on another corner kick, this outside-the 18 yard line. His hard left corner out of the reach of Tony one taken by Bruce Neve. Grundy, drive went through a hole in from 15 yards in front of the goal, Carreira and the Yeomen drew Trent’s defensive wall, out of the closer to the Warriors with the directed his head ball neatly into reach of Duncan, and into the net. score being 4-2. But that was the the right side of the goal eluding The game ended in Waterloo’s nearest York came as Waterloo Duncan. The half ended with the favour 5-O. broke out of its shell and started to The next day Waterloo faced take the play to the Yeoman. York and just continued in the The team got going again when previous day’s fashion and Tom Dabrowski passed to Brian trounced the Yeoman 8-2. AlFilion who took a perfect shot .on though York came with 11 men, it goal which hit the far left post and wasn’t very long before one of their rolled into the York net. Paul, - players was injured and York, like Stevenato made the score 6-2*when Trent, in essence played most of he was. set up by Gerry Williams the game with only 10 men. and made no mistakes in putting his The Warriors took the play to shot past Vito Pumo into the right York right from the kickoff and side of the net. again it didn’t seem long before Zenon Moszora continued the Waterloo would score. Gerry WilWarriors’ scoring ways when he liams initiated the Warriors scoring took‘a pass from Mike Mohan, efforts when he sent the ball through to Bert Van Hout running crossed in front of the goal and put his left footed drive through a down the left side. Van Hout took defender’s legs and into the upper the ball to the touchline and then passed it in front to Luigi Circelli left corner. Gerry Williams closed out the who put the ball past York’s Vito Pumo. Circelli scored his second game’s scoring when he took a 25 yard shot which dropped just in goal a while later on a breakaway time to hit the crossbar and deputting the Warriors ahead 2-O. flected into the goal. The game Waterloo just kept scoring goals ended with the Warriors in front as Brian Filion took a pass from 8-2. Circelli and watched his shot go into the lower left corner. Paul Waterloo simply out ran York Stevenato sent Circelli on another and played a very effective short breakaway and Circelli raced in to pass style of game. The Warriors score his third goal of the game. will have to play this type of game That gave him eight for the season to defeat Queen’s tomorrow and being good enough to tie him for come up with a strong performance with two wins. That netted the Warriors second place in the OUAA scoring from each player. Queens this weekend in the first round e. race, and as well the goal put . If the team wants to, they could photo by grant macfarlane Waterloo ahead of York 4-O. be representing the OUAA in VicYork did come back to score toria in another week. once before the half ended. Mat -jason miller

gear up

official on any violation in the back court, the bonus situation does not occuruntil llthfoulofeachperiod, shooting fouls are only awarded free throw if shot is missed and the use of the 30 second clock. This year’s squad indudes 5 returnees. They are guards, Marion Bebee, Kris Ashbury, Carla Organ and forwards Janet Passmore and Lorraine Luypaert. Barbara Benson, last year’s M.V.P., is a doubtful returnee at this point due to per-

events CC and OTHG looking very strong in A-2, while Phantoms, Optometry and Summer Rats are undefeated in A-l. The closest games were played in League B-l on Sunday as S.S.T. and Kincare won in the final few minutes over tough opposition. Only S .S . T. is undefeated in this league, although their first win was a default. Leagues B-2 and B-3 both have two undefeated teams and two of these teams (North Nibblers vs V2 EE) will clash in next week’s action. The winner of this match should be a strong contender for the B-League championship. Games in B4 to be played on Monday will be rescheduled at a later date. Two undefeated teams are left in C-League as well, although many of the games have been close. It is difficult to pick the top contenders at this point but four teams appear closely matched, while the other two teams are weaker.

sonal reasons. To help cope with the larger key and some of the height they expect to meet in the league this year, the Athenas have added Karen Stewart, Dale Nicholishen *and Cathie Hanna, average height 5’ 11” to the roster. Although these girls all lack experience, they seem to have the desire and ability to learn their new roles. Two rookies have come in with considerable experience, Ellen Boudreau from St. Joes, Islington and Chris Timms from E.L. Crossley in Fonthill. These girls have supplemented their high school experience with church leagues and club play. Other new additions include Jill McDonald from Thompson, Manitoba, Bonnie Zagrodney, from Kapuskasing, Ruth Van Straalen from Ingersoll and Mary Jean Malo from C hatham. The Athenas open their league action at home, Nov. 7 at 800 pm against the Canadian Champions, ,Laurentian University;

I Rooms available in Village II Please inquire at the housing Office, Needles Hall, or telephone 884-0544 or ext. 3705








7 7 6 4 5 5 5 4 3 i 1

0 1 2 2 4 5 5 6 6 8 9

3 2 2 -4 1 0

27 33 19 19


o l4 1 o

9 17 16 9 11 14 14 12 11 17 10 15 21 , . 10 8 30 25 7 37 3 2 30


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Oktoberfest sausage on a tjun


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25 20 32 15 li 6







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I‘ I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I B

I I B I B I I I I I B 1,

Warmuptoa Fmzen- ’ Matadoc Frozen Matador 1% oz. Arandas Tequila 2 oz. pineapple juice l/z oz. lime juice $“cup crushed ice 1 cocktail pineapple stick

Put Arandas Tequila, pineapple juice, lime juice and crushed ice into blender or shaker. Blend at low speed 10 to 15 seconds. Pour into prechilled, deep-saucer champagne glass Add pineapple stick. Or pour over rocks into pre-chilled old-fashioned glass. Ad-d ice cubes to fill glass.

Arandas Tequila. ,





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Soccer is a game of grace and finesse, as can clearly be seen by this sportsman’s ability shoestring while hooting at the opposition. All his concentration went for naught, however, 7-0.

to balance the ball on as chevrons lost to mai - pho?D’by henry he:

Ruggers thump Saturday, October 25, the rugby Warriors : travelled to the University of Western Ontario. The outcome of the game was a 21-O Warrior victory. Waterloo put in an impressive performance as they, ran through, around, and over the Western team. The Warriors desperately needed the game to remain in league contention. The game started off slowly, neither team being able to mount much of an offensive attack. The Warriors seemed to be winning most of the ball, but the Western backs were tackling well and managed to contain the Warrior backs. Toward the end of the first half, Waterloo began to obtain field position, but seemed unable to carry


the ball over the goal line. The Warriors were successful in a field goal attempt as captain Ralph Jarchow kicked from 35 yards out, on a penalty place kick. The second half saw a new Warrior team take the field. Western’s defense and offense collapsed under the Waterloo pack’s pressure. Another Jarchow penalty kick made the score 6-0, early in the first minutes of play. The Warrior backs began to gel as stand-off Ron Fukishima began to move the ball out to the wing. Jarchow scored the Warrior’s fust try on a fifteen yard drive. Jarchow converted the try. The Warriors very next drive ended in another try. The Warrior

Sailing team, second in championships Kingston-The Warrior Navy sailed, hard to try and break Queen’s stranglehold on Canadian college sailing, last weekend, but had to settle with a well earned 2nd place finish, 5 points behind the victorious Gaels. ‘The Canadian Inter-Collegiate Sailing Association’s Canadian Championship is the final event of the year, capping a fall schedule of regattas which begins in early September. The winning team advances to the North American Inter-Collegiate Championships, to be held in early June’76 on the US east coast. , ’ Sailing was scheduled to start early Saturday morning off Royal Military College, Kingston, but rough conditions forced a postponement until the afternoon. Winds of 15-25 mph and cold seas of 2-3 feet made wet-suits required apparel for the fast and exciting first four races. The crew of Doug Brown/Roger Watkiss sailed to two consistent 2nd place finishes, not quite being able to catch a very quick Queen’s crew. (Each crew sails alternate races-2 crews per team.) By the end of Saturday’s racing the mark was on the wall, as all teams were to hold their overall positions right to the end of the chimpionships. Sunday saw another delay in rac-

ing, ironically due to lack of wind, with only three races sailed in the morning. Conditions were generally light, with more emphasis on tactics and judgements of wind-shifts’ than on boat speed as had been the case on Saturday. Queen’s once again dominated, but with decreased margins, and Waterloo had to work hard to stay in front of an ever threatening Carleton squad. At lunch-break Sunday, Carleton had closed to within one point of the Warriors. In afternoon action Waterloo returned to their early form, taking 1st and 2nd place finishes, ensuring themselves of 2nd place overall. The regatta was a big success, excellently staged by RMC, who provided the boats and shoreside facilities, and by the Naval Reserve Station Cataraqui, who provided course boats and personnel. It must be noted that except for two. persons, all reservists were female, including those ‘manning’ the tug which was the committee boat. Final Standings: -1. Queens (Doug Harvey/Terry McLaughlin skippers) 17 pts. -2. Waterloo (Ron Vandermeyl Mirek Sharp, Doug Brown/Roger Watkiss) 23 pts. -3. Carleton 29 pts . -4. RMC 34 pts. -5. CMR 52 pts.


-roger ,


pack drove Western b&k frc their own 45 yard line to their teen in a series of strums, 10~ rucks, and lineouts. Western w the ball in a line-out at the fiftec Strum half, Kirk Olienuk, block a Western kick on the one-yard 1 and wing forward Dave Dyer P there to pick up the ball for the t Jarchow converted for his fol teenth point of the day. Waterloo had two other scori chances. Steve Dibert on a numt 8 keep crashed over the goal li from a set strum, but before could touch the ball down the Ml tangs blocked the ball. Dibert w playing his second game in t number 8 spot and he put in a stro performance in the new positic covering the field well. . Shortly before the close of 1 game, Jon Issacs made a magn cent 50 yard run. Issacs, who h been breaking away from the MI tang backs throughout the d; showed the speed that won him winger position as he outran the ( tire Mustang team. Unfortunate he failed to touchdown the ball i proper rugby fashion when he I into the end zone and the try w disallowed. This win gives the Warriors a 4record. The Warriors are s awaiting the outcome of a prot made against R.M.C. asking fo rematch. According to OU/ rules all game fields must be clea and properly marked. The W; riors’when they played at R.M. did so under protest as the field w not properly or clearly marked : the game. The next Warrior game will played tomorrow on Columbia fit at 2:00 p.m. The game is agair second place Queens and will be exciting one. Hope to see y there.

ay, October

31, 1975


the chevron

Vver Relays



q -

,ast Saturday, the 73rd Annual rer Relays were held in High k, Toronto. ‘he event was won by the Toto Olympic Club (TOC) who re dominated the event for as ny years as one cares to renber. ‘he relay race is run over a rse of 1 l/8 miles. Each member he 5 member teams runs a 3 3/8 2 leg for a total distance of 16 7/8 23.

‘he University of Waterloo ‘A’ n placed third behind the Toto Olympic ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams, le the University of Waterloo team placed twelfth. ‘he UW ‘A’ team, coppr&ing ce Lanigan, Ted McKeigan, ;el Strothard, Dave Northey andphen Peet,) got off to a fine start ,anigan, who is just coming off a ,e injury, ran an excellent leg in nin. 40 sets. to put UW ‘A’ in 1t.



off to Ted


McKeigan who had his work cut out for him as he had to battle with Dan Shaugnessy, Canada’s 10,000 meter champion. McKeigan and Shaugnessy ran together for 1.5 laps until Shaugnessy managed to shake him. Into the second lap, Ted was over taken by Joe Sax of the TOC ‘B’ team, another of Canada’s middle distance aces. Ted held third place and finished in 16 min., 55 sets. Nigel Strothard took the batoh from McKeigan and kept UW in third with a time of 17 min. 28 sets. However, the 4th place team, the Scarboro Optomists, managed to close the gap to about 75 yards. Dave Northey, UW’s next runner, quickly put a lot of road between himself and the Scarboro Optomists as he opened up a lead of 200 yards over thk Optomists with a very fast time of 16 min. 30 sets. Stephen Peet, the 5th man of the team, ran his leg in 17 min. 54 sets.


s thii-

and managed to keep his team rn 3rd place as Scarboro again made a determined bid to overhaul him for third place. The team’s time was 85 min. 27 sets. for the 16 7/8 miles. The UW ‘B’ team, started off slow, as Al Church the fiist runner experienced cramps. He,ran his leg -in 19 mins. 27 sets. They finished 12th in 93 mins. 54 sets. The ‘B’ team, as it was shortof x the required five members, had Mike Lanigan and Ted McKeigan run legs for them also. The first two places did not change either as the TOC ‘A’ and ‘B’ teams finished one-two in 81 min. 27 sets. and 82 mine respectively . The fastest leg was run by Bill Marcotte of TOC ‘A’. His time was 15min. 40 sets. -apaceof4min.38 sets . per mile for 3 3/8 mile. Bill has run the fastest leg for the past 3 years. -



rockey eport

Hockey Warriors exhibition game.


with a couple

of Hawks


‘he Athena field hockey team s year knew that they would re to consider some games a st and others would be queslablc At Western on Friday and urday, Oct. 24-25, the Athenas : the Western section teams in first part of their final OWIAA mament. The women returned h a 2-l record and continue the rnvent at York this Friday and urday . -Waterloo 1 Guelph 0: Is the ical Waterloo-Guelph game, a of midfield play dominated the le. “We played great hockey for first 30 minutes and then let up a e in the second half. We had :ellent scoring opportunities and lid only capitalize once,” coach Ly McCrae said. Janet Helm bred the Waterloo goal after a rmish in front of the goal. _-Waterloo 0 McMas ter 3 : ‘ ‘ This ; the game that we wanted to win unfortunately was our worst le of the tournament. We made c lookgood on the second half,” Crae said. The strong McMasteam led 1-O at the half and the lenas were still in it. During the

The Athena field hockey team played what coach ludy McCrae described their worst game of the tournament in losing 3-O to M&laster. As shows, it was a black day all around.

as UW met laurier

in an

photo by grant macfarlane



photo by grant macfarlane

second half, the Mat team continued to dominate as the Athenas began to falter badly. The final score of 3-O was indicative of the play. “I think the McMaster team will be the only team to make a run at the defending University of Toronto girls, but they still will have to play .well to do that,” concluded McCrae . -Waterloo 3 Western 0: This was one of Waterloo’s must games. At the end of the first half the

Athenas led 1-O with agoal by Janet Helm, while Marie Miller pumped in two good goals in the second half. The Athena record of 2-l was good enough for a tied second place standing. The final tournament weekend has Waterloo vs Queen’s at 12 noon on Friday, Waterloo vs York at 3 p.m. Saturday Waterloo vs To-ronto at lo:30 and Waterloo vs McGill at 3 p.m. The tournament is at York University.

Action gets hot and heavy with players jousting in&e net whil; makes; the wise decision 2nd gets the hell out of there in intramural Play*

the ball soccer“

photo by henry hess


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I& the scqme two dudes from “Uptown Saturday Night:.. but this time !heyie bock with kid d&lo-mite!



“Save not me from sin and evil. Save yourself.” This is a quote from a poem written by a native of Canada. A few poems were read by a Waterloo student as an introduction to the film, The Other Side Of The Ledger, the Indian’s view of the Hudson’s Bay Company. The film discusses the Hudson’s Bay Company from the Indian’s viewpoint. Four hundred years ago, Ruperts land, in North Canada, was the sole property of the Indians. Then the Hudson’s Bay Company moved in, and according to the Indians, took over the land. They traded furs for goods with the Indians and apparently cheated them, by making them pay more furs than were really demanded. . Then the Hudson’s Bay Company sold Rupert’s land to the Canadian government, but the In-








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Arthur Schnitzler’s play “La Rode” at UW’s Theatre of the Arts.

dians were supposed> to have owned it. Treaties were written which the Indians didn’t understand and they were moved to reserves. Each Indian was given three dollars a year plus certain items, like twine and ammunition. This $3 was upped to $5 later on and is still that now. The Indians say that the money is now just a symbolic gesture. In North Saskatchewan there are some Indians that still make a living hunting, trapping and fishing. The Indians are free to leave the reserves, but they don’t want to leave their culture. Unfortunately, the only store in the area is run by the Hudson’s Bay Company, so they can’t buy or sell anywhere else. There is very low fur payments. Apparently, the Hudson’s Bay Company men who run the stores block the mail so the Indians don’t get their welfare checks. They have



is running

from Oct. 28 to Nov. 7 photo by steve mcmullan

to sign the checks in the store and then they are allowed to buy groceries on them. The Indians are allowed credit, but then they are bound to the company. The government has put regulations on what can be trapped and when. There is also the problem of pollution. The Hudson’s Bay Company has mineral rights and they are poisoning the waters and wasting the lands: There was also a slide montage on the James Bay Hydro-elect& project. Very little was said about the 7000 Cree Indians in that area whc will have to be moved. The project is supposed to create 100,000 new jobs for Quebec. It is also going to encourage mining and tourism and supply electricity tc Quebec for the next 20 years. According to the slides some of the power has already been sold to New York at a lower price then it will be sold to the public in Quebec. This film was the second in a series of Canadian films to be shown. This week the film will be concerned with women’s issues. -leona kyrytow

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31, 1975




Satire rears its ugly head



A book on one of Canada’s finest universities Kitsilano You By A. Hoffman and R. Snyder General Publishing 80 pages

You is a new Canadian book which satirizes almost everything about universities and university life which could possibly be open to ridicule. The full title of this book is Kitsilano

Kitsilano You: longest institution of higher learning and its tributaries.

Its authors claim that it is the ‘official’ course calendar of a university called Kitsilano You. Kitsilano University, or KU, is the sort of university which every university student wishes he could attend, especially. as final exam time approaches . By leafing through the calendar, one can see that the students of KU are not obsessed with suc,h technicalities as cumulative averages, exam regulations and academic credits (all of which are virtually neglected in KU’s calendar). Instead, they are busy getting a good, well-rounded education by taking such courses as ‘The pyramid approach to songwriting’, ‘Spanish physics’, ‘Mediocrity’, ‘The future of candle making’, and of course ‘ Leap frog’. The organizers of KU are obviously members of the school which believes that the purpose of higher education is simply to educate, not to provide the students with training for future employment. KU has an extremely informative calendar, which will undoub-

tedly become a model for those of other universities. Not only does it give a short discourse about each course, but it also gives a short profile on the course instructor(s) and tells the prospective student what sort of work is involved. For instance, a typical calendar entry is that describing the course ‘Canal across the street’: Two hundred engineers have sent us a chunk of concrete poetry to qualify for final exams. Their impertinence will not be overlooked. Let this universal message enter your perma-consciousness as we sit back and contemplate the Suez canal. The profile gives us the very useful info that “The instructors for this course are on sabbatical at the Bo Diddely Institute in Scandinavia”. From browsing through the calendar, one can see that both faculty and students at KU are engaged in the sort of activities usually found at institutions of higher learning. Here we note that a faculty member has “developed a laser beam to replace the common toothbrush”; there we see that another “has invented an atomicpowered shears to clip cigar ends”. Via candid photos and sketches of campus life, we see how the students of KU spend their time. In the lounge, groups of students practise astronomy, organ, painting and sculpture, while others are engaged in that ancient pastime of

writing assignments. Elsewhere, students study their esperanto, play football and hold a friendly game of intramural leap frog. KU is a very open-minded and progressive academic community. If teachers can be found, it hopes to hold the undeniably innovative courses: ‘Hypocrisy in action’, ‘Human sandwich-making in British Columbia’, ‘Principles of Hysteria’, ‘The art of living in a nutshell:, and ‘Statistical wizardry’. Realizing that knowledge and wisdom are not found solely in faculty members, KU also issues an open invitation designed to get everyone involved: ‘ ‘if Anybody is interested in Teaching a Course Or has One they Want taught, call these numbers and Ask for a Room”. KU may be remembered as the first institution of its kind to drop the pfetense that it is a place of high and noble standards. Under the course listing ‘Measuring the unknown’ we find the true purpose of all such ‘institutions of higher learning’ : The perils of outer space have suddenly reached maternity. Sincere people all over the globe are concerned. This university has been constructed to meet their needs. The action of the course will not be to discover what we already know, but to learn everything we’ve forgotten. ..

Lunch ‘time theatre for all Among the zillions of advertisements pinned up on umpteen hundred boards across campus you will find unobtrusive notices inviting you to attend free performantes , held during lunch hours, in the Theatre of the Arts. They are not gigantic posters advertising opera stars, of “Canadian Hit Shows”, or the under-groundcontraversial-sceptissential event of the season. Instead, theyrindicate a title, an author, a time and a place. For those daring adventurers who are willing to chance the unknown and attend these dark mysteries, I’ll tell you (confidentially, of course) what you will find in them. THEATRE .. . Unfortunately, lunch hour theatre has the reputation of being a graveyard for vagrant drama students. Many from other faculties have the impression that it is a closed club for the elite “artsy” faction of the student body, and prefer to hang out at The Great Hall, slurp a swiss-mocha-maplewalnut-strawberry-cherry icecream cone and take in the relaxing atmosphere. But after a while, even this nest of respite becomes a trifle unnerving. The continual flow of chatter and pop music is too much. The library is out because it is only a reminder of the work you should be doing. Lunch Hour Theatre consists of people who are doing,what they enjoy. That is why it exists. For drama students (and anyone else really) it is a chance to try their hand at various facets of theatre, or watch others and learn from their efforts, orjust listen to plays for the simple pleasures that a good script can offer: laughter, sadness, wit and sensitivity. Theatre is to be enjoyed on many levels simultaneously by different people, each with their own idea of what good theatre should be, but once the doors are shut everyone inside is subjected to a common experience .

Together the actors, audience and technicians share it. When the performers have worked hard at their own expense in time (as in lunch hour theatre) and effort, chances are that something valuable will emerge from their experience. The audience has the privileged position of being part of the event, lending some of their own time and effort to make it happen. Last week two plays were offered, “Diamond Cutters” and “Snowbirds” by David Tipe, under the general heading of “Cabbagetown Plays”. ‘ ‘Diamond Cutters”, a sentimental memoir of an old diamondcutter, was an eloquent piece. Its charm shone through the impassive acting of Robert Stetz. A flashback sequence featuring the old man as a young rake and his sweet-heart was performed in a slow motion dance. Though sloppy in technique, this was the part that saved the play from dull monotony. The girl, played by Diane Stainton, was dressed in a simple blue skirt and short, white, fur jacket.

Her hair and face radiated the gentle beauty that the old man once knew. Miss Stainton showed no great acting skill in achieving her tremendous charm, she merely exhibited that elusive, unteachable quality called stage presence. Stage presence is a natural posture, or confidence in which an actor has the advantage of being interesting to watch even before he opens his mouth or takes a step. Beyond this, I don’t understand it myself. The second play, “Snowbirds”, was a comic dialogue between two winos one might see on a park bench in the Allen Gardens of downtown Toronto, one of whom was writing a letter to Santa Claus. The play is funny. The audience laughed. The acting was stilted, forced, and the pace was erratic, yet the audience roared. I roared. Technically, both plays fell short of their potential, but the theatre and the audience experienced a most enjoyable afternoon. -myles

After careful thought, one cannot but admit the logic of this statement.

ling its calendar, rather than giving it away as most universities do. On the last page ofthe book, the

Kitsilano also sets the highest standards for faculty, hiring only those who have made the greatest commitments to their field of knowledge. For example, one faculty member “spent the first 50 years of her life in a void”. Another “has spent the better part of I4 ‘years under a microscope”, thereby becoming much more involved in his work that those who have spent 14 years looking into a microscope. Yet another instructor has “been imprisoned several times for his risky monogram ‘Afloat & . Adrift’ “. One may well ask why KU is sel-

publishers of Kitsilam, You give the following reason for this unprecedented action: “. . the authors informed us that the entire Kitsilano Campus had been inundated by migrating tidal waves, so we have had to sell this catalogue to the general public in order to recover our printing costs and make our own contribution towards dredging operations’“. For those who still do not understand what this book is all about, hope still remains. See your faculty advisor immediately and have him enrol1 you in K. YOU’S course in the ‘Universal approach to catalogue writing’.

Canadian films to hit Lauder . Festival Canada, a week-long series of talks, plays, films and other events, will be highlighted at Wilfrid Laurier University Oct. 27 to Nov. 3. Sponsor is the university’s cultural affairs committee. Dr. Barry Gough, chairman for the event, said the festival will deal with contemporary themes and expressions of the Canadian existence. Dr. Gough also directs the university’s program in Canadian Studies. Among those taking part are Al Purdy, poet; Arnold Edinborough, critic and columnist; Murray Markowitz, a WLU graduate whose movie Recommendation for Mercy is now playmg across Canada; and Erla Socha, a Kitchener expert in eskimo art. Five films are planned, including Les Ordres, about the FLQ crisis in Quebec ; and The Apprentices hip of Duddy Kravitz. The WLU Players Guild will perform a sci-

ence fiction play, Help, followed by ing Mother West Also planned is

298 is a Cry for a Folkfest featurWinds. a Canadian literature day on Oct. 31. Al Purdy will take part and prizes will be pre-

sented to winners of the Festival Canada creative writing contest, In addition, there will be performances by the Stratford Festival EnsembIe, plus a gala evening of Canadian song and dance. A number of area ethnic organizations and the WLU Choir will participate * Other events planned include lectures on the Athabaskan Eskimos , Canadian Indians, mu&r.& turism and contemporiy Canadian music. Continuous Canadian Exhibit

events hchde

Gallery. The event opens with a Mk on Canadian art by Joan Murray, director of the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa. She speaks Oct. 27 at 8 p.m. in Room 1El, Arts Building.






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the chevron


31, 1975

L$ good ~sample . of McLauchlin live Only The Silence Remains Murray McLauchlan True North Records

The problem of redundancy which plagues the majority of live recordings is clearly evident of _ Murray McLauchlan’s ftith album. When taken in the context of the artist’s previous studio albums, a live collection very rarely has anything significant to offer, either in the form of new original material or through re-workings of older material, and this is aptly demonstrated on Only The Silence Remains. Initially, McLauchlan’s concerts, up until the current tour, consisted of songs performed by Murray and bassist Dennis Pendrith. This arrangement is extremely effective in creating intimacy between an audience and the ’ performer, but on record it’s a completely different matter. The sound-tends to be sparse, and more often than not, the live versions of McLauchlan’s songs fail to improve upon the superb earlier studio recordings. “Down By The Henry Moore” seems incomplete without Ben Mink’s delightful mandolin playing, and both “Old Man’s Song” and “Child’s Song” add little to the previously released versions. Part of the problem appears to lie outside of -McLauchlan in the remixing of the tapes. Unlike other live albums, McLauchlan’s record lacks a cohesive, flowing quality, due to a decision to separate almost all of the songs. That is, the applause is faded out at the end of each cut, thus detracting from the feeling of actually attending a performance by the artist. This is reflected especially in the abrupt and ostensibly arbitrary fade-out of the traditional “Rye Whiskey,” after only a brief two minutes. The other two new tunes are


but largely forgettable Far From You” is a typical lonely-on-the-road tune which is listenable but hardly outstanding, while “I Met You At The Bottom,” a song for an alcohblic fiend, contains a strong lyric coupled withamerely average melody. Fortunately, these tunes are unrepresentative of what lies in store from McLauchlan. His brand new songs, which include “Little Dreamer,” “Someone You Love Is Gone,” and especially ‘ ‘Crying To Me” and “On-The Boulevard,” all qualify as <ome of the best material he has ever wi-itten. (They are not featured on the live album.) However, the album is far from being a failure. The rambling conversations whit h precede ‘ ‘Golden Trumpet” and especially the new version of “Honky Red” are almost indispensable, and the yodeling on “Farmer’s Song’? adds a humorous touch to one of McLauchlan’s best-known tunes; “Two-Bit Nobody” contains an excellent vocal and “Billy McDaniels” benefits fr-om obvious audience appreciation. Only The Silence Remains should then be considered largely as an introduction to McLauchlan for all of the fans he gained with t-he last album, Sweeping The Spotlight Away. If you are one of his new_er fans, this two-record set will serve as an excellent sampler. If you have all of McLauchlan’s albums, opt for the new single, “Little Dreamer, ” or be sure to catch him on his current tour. His concerts are exceptional, and the addition of Ben Mink from Stringband (not to be confused with the Incredible String Band) has added substantially to the performance of his repertoire. Also, you get a sneak preview of what sounds like a great sixth album. ZkffZ3iE “So




( (

Midnight on the Water” collective mea tivitv i . w

.David Bromberg Midnight on the Water

David Midnight


latest album can’t after be conceived as

on the Water

several listenings, a solo album. The musical arranging, engineering, producing and actual mu.sicianship have all culminated in a rare integration to give an exceptionally balanced product, truly a collective achievement. Bromberg sings, plays guitar, fiddle and some mandolin but does not attempt to do more than he is capable of, a failing of so many solo artists today. He leaves a lot to the talents of Jay Ungar and Peter Ecklund. Jay co-arranges with Bromberg on the medleys and is there with some fine fiddle- when needed. Ecklund seems to co-ordinate the strings and horns and does it quite effectively .

Bromberg’s talents can be appreciated even more under such conditions. His singing has improved significantly since his last album. His newly developed vocal control allows him a relaxing smoothness to his lyrics, a pleasant change to the strain and screech of most male rock performers. The two musical medleys on the album “Yankee’s Revenge” and‘ ‘wdnight on the Water” are also examples of collective creativity. In Yankee’s Revenge David’s flash fingers on guitar and fiddle are easily matched by Jay Ungar’s fiddle and Billy Novick’s pennywhistle. Together they create a dynamic interplay so that by the end of it one is left exhausted but satisfied. “Midnight” is a combination of a Texas waltz, an Irish slow air (?) and a slip jig. Again guitar, fiddle and pennywhistle created a beauty

Ann is wearing a 100% nylon coat with dyed Spanish Lamb collar and double zipper. Many other fashion cqats in *wool blends and leathers sizes 8 to 18

which I-discovered only this summer while in Ireland. Steve Mosley even beats his drum to sound like a bohran to fully capture the mood of the Irish jig. My only regret is the medley is too short, it seems each time I listen to it, I am just getting excited enough to jump up and jig about when it ends. One attribute that makes Bromberg so endearing as a performer is his sense of humour. “Wonderful World” and“1 like to Sleep Late in the Morning” are two examples of how he can play with the lyrics and his voice to crack a smile on any reluctant stone face. “I like to Sleep” is especially good to sing along with on a sunny Saturday morning after a successful Friday night as you make breakfast for your loved one and yourself. His humour pervades even his own composition “The Jokes on Me”, which is really a lament for a relationship exposed to a regretful reality. The self-mocking undertones add to the honesty of this song and as a consequence steer it clear of self-pity. Other songs worth a mention are: “Mr. Blue” -a commendable arrangement of this oldie which substitutes an ethereal pedal steel guitar for the “00-wa-00” vocal background. “If I get Lucky”-a blues song which is the only music solo on the album. Bromberg once again illustrates his unique blues style that was so prevalent on his previous albums. . This is easily David Bromberg’s best album, one that does not need ) be beaten, merely equalled. -a.clirmm

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355 Et-b St. W. Maple Hill Plaza Waterloo



3 1, 1975

Scien and society / I would like to congratulate the chevron for its initiative in creating a section dealing with the social aspects of science and technology. This measure is due for a long time, although the chevron did carry (sporadically) related articles in the past. The debate on science and society is certainly not a peculiarity of our times. However, the concern about it, reached definitely a unique magnitude in this century, for never before manipulations (uses or misuses) of knowledge have been felt so much by society. This debate has now been officially institutionalized, i.e. acknowledging its political dimension (viz. the mushrooming of conferences, committees, councils, ministries, etc.... at local, national and international levels). .. Much has been said about the role of the’ educational process and the crisis in the universities, where all conflicts of society are reflected. The debate on science and society is in fact part of a larger context which questions the nature (structure) of society itself and should be conducted within a certain framework if “operational” directions or solutions are sought. The chevron’s initiative is somehow a reflection of this uneasiness and is specially welcome within a university possessing one of the largest science and engineering communities in the country. A student newspaper should be the ideal forum for the conveying of ideas and establishing a local base for debates. For most of us, the university “adventure” is a unique experience where the acquirement/transmission/generation of knowledge should not be isolated from a critical overall vision of this knowledge, as well as of our function (role) in society. Will this be a place for a stop-look-think

the chevron

attitude or for the perpetuation of the romantic image of the “pure”, “neutral” scientist? We engineers respond to the needs of society! A myth presumably dead. Dead? Which needs, which society? Is it still possible to instil1 some existential inquietations deeper than the ones we get from TV “specials”? Is th&-e any alternative to frustration-or-alienation? A.C.

R/y spaced





Re: Doug Wahlsten Psychology’s letter of Oct. 24, I feel it is my duty to expose his false and pernicious logic to the view of those who may, through this letter, become enlightened. The true scientist is neither the bourgeois lackie nor the working class running dog. He is rather, the person who boldly, in thought and action, works to inform the people of the earth about the vicious martian plot that is being perpetrated upon us all. Yes that is right. You see, long ago the martian leaders hatched a plot to fill the moon with aphrodisiac vapours which are being released like tiny time pills into our atmosphere. (This is possible because the moon is only a few hundred feet from the surface of the earth and the fact that only a few of us understand this is evidence of the fact that most human beings and hence most “scientists” are being affected by the mindclouding ether that pours forth from that orb of oblivion.) Wahlsten Psychology and many of his fellow dialectical materialists have joined the bourgeois scientists in an attempt (perhaps they know not what they do?) to focus our attention on such frivolous matters as electrons, Down’s syndrome and neomarxian theory of underpopulation. They are purposefully trying to keep us from con-

fronting the true source of our awful dilemma.-That, of course, is t6e moon. If we, as right-thinking earthlings were to demand that science cease to waste its valuable time and our valuable dollars and focus on the real problem-how to blow up the moon-we would all be better off. That is the truth. I know because, God be praised, I am not affected in the least by the vapours, having been born with my lungs permanently sealed. Trust me. It’s our only way out. And if Wahlsten Psychology tries to interfere or divert our attention, he will only be exposing himself as a mindless tool of the martian mind-masters. And we know what to do with mindless tools. John

E. Williams, Anti-Martian

Planning Alliance

,Wages for housework The “wages for housework” program on Oct. 22 provided a spectacle of which everyone at Waterloo should be aware. After the two invited speakers had-given their views, the floor was opened for “discussion”. But the two “guests” and several people from a certain Kitchener typesetting firm turned this into a mockery of democracy. At the outset, we were told that women would be given “preference” in speaking, but this proved to be a total ban on questions from men. One man held up his hand for over 30 minutes and was never called upon. I tried repeatedly to gain recognition from the chair without success. The “guests” claimed that women needed encouragement to speak, but events showed this to be untrue. After several women had asked questions, a woman from the Anti-Imperialist Alliance (AIA) was recognized and she rose to make a P

Green thumb continued


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only if they anticipate that their new capital equipment will be profitably utilized in the future as production and sales expand. The ecological dilemma is that these future increases in GNP certainly result in more rapid depletion of exhaustible raw materials and may result in growing pollution even if pollution taxes and emission standards succeed in lowering the quantity of pollution per unit of GNP. The New Economic Policy (NEP) of the Nixon administration relied heavily on corporate tax credits to spur private investment spending and thereby increase the rate of employment. To a lesser extent, the NEP also depended on the repeal of federal excise taxes on motor vehicles to stimulate production and employment in the automotive sector. From the standpoint of environmental protection, these particular types of fiscal policy perpetuate the dependence of the U.S. economy on future economic growth and imply larger waste loads and natural resource demands in the future. Increased government spending on social consumption would be a fiscal stimuluswith far sounder environmental implications. Since it is unlikely that the developed countries will reduce their own rates of economic growth or reduce their own waste discharges it is not surprising that they are attempting to inhibit the industrialization of the Third World by an undue concern for environmental effects .

Third world development When one looks at the economic dealings which the advanced capitalist countries have with the Third World, there is also good reason to be critical. The recently announced plans of the Ford

Motor Company to invest nearly $1 billion in the Asian auto market b,y 1980 are a prime example. The primitive “Asian Model T” which Ford expects to produce and market in Southeast Asia will certainly not incorporate adequate exhaust emission devices. More importantly, this type of foreign in-‘ vestment, in addition to being highly profitable for Ford, tends to structure the technology and economy of the developing country so that the same social class patterns found in Western society are developed in that country. This type of economic development woald reproduce in the Third World those styles and patterns of private production and individual consumption already so environmentally destructive in the West. The power of these newly created technical professional and business interests to sabotage attempts at social change has been adequately documented in the case of India and Chile. While international financial organizations such as the World Bank and the Inter-. national Monetary Fund prevent the selfindustrialization of the developing countries. under the guise of environmental protection, the multi-national corporations with their easy access to capital funds are penetrating these economies and locating ecologically disruptive operations within their boundaries . This serves to increase the dependence of the Third World on Western capital and to eliminate the third world as a competitive threat in world m’arkets. What has not yet been fully recognized in the West is that there is an alternative approach to economic development which is apparently more compatible with resource conservation and pollution abatement-the Chinese model. According to Professor John Gurley, Maoists believe that, while a principal aim of nations should be to raise the

level of material welfare of the population, this should be done only within the context of the development of human beings and of encouraging thein to realize their manifold creative powers. And it should beidone on an egalitarian basis . . .Maoists seem perfect/y willing to pursue the goal of tiansforrning man even thbugh it is temporarily at the expense of some economic growth.

The concrete effects of this social ethic on the Chinese environment have included “action in such areas as afforestation, water conservancy, land reclamation, and sanitation and public health.” Even more striking is the concept of comprehensive use, introduced as a Maoist injunction to workers and peasants to recover and reuse (recycle) industrial and agricul.tural wastes. Although the comprehensive-use concept had its ’ foundations in perceived conditions of scarcity and in Maoist frugality as a response to these conditions, it has nevertheless been explicitly linked to environmental quality. . .There are indications that Chinese science and technology is being asked to focus more of its attention on comprehensive utilization . . .to supplement the innovations of workers and peasants.

It is probable that the particular type of economic development which U.S. administrations have-opposed so vigorously for twenty-five years, namely the MaoEst model, is environmentally superior to the style of development which the U.S. government has promoted in the poor countries. The inescapable conclusion is that the defeat of imperialism is necessary, not only to eliminate alienation and ensure world peace, but also to protect the global environment which rightfully belongs to the whole of mankind.

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statement on behalf of AIA on the question of “wages for housework”. Immediately several people tried to shout her down, and the chair refused to let her speak. A woman from the Kitchener firm ran out of the room, saying she did 6% come to hear AIA. Many of the audience wanted to hear the views of AIA, but they were branded as a “small minority”. The’chair was persuaded to put it to a vote, and the woman from AIA was supported by a margin of two to one. The woman proceeded to present a devas tating analysis of the “wages for housework” line, but she was rudely interrupted many times byimpertinent comments, such as ‘ ‘fbck China” uttered by a man from the Kite hener firm. The chair arbitmrily cut off the woman from AIA despite much protest from the audience. One speaker then replied to the AIA analysis with an outburst of drivel spoken so rapidly that I could’not even begin to follow her argument. Never did she answer the criticisms by AIA. The remainder of the “question” period was more of the same. Proponents of “wages for housework” were allowed to speak freely, while critics were harassed. One woman asked an excellent question of the speakers: “Why are you so reactionary?” No answer was given. Opposition to the speakers mounted as many ordinary people became very angry at the impudence of the “guests”. ’ Finally, a woman from the Kitchener firm jumped up from the audience, thanked the speakers and announced that the meeting, was over. The speakers and organizers of the meeting promptly rose and began to pack their things. I stood there incredulous ! A woman from AIA announced that the meeting was not over and that anyone who wanted to discuss “wages for housework” should stay. The cowards from “wages for housework” skulked out of the room, but half of the audience stayed for vigorous discussion in small groups. This meeting has one parallel in my experience. It was exactly like the government-run forums on the Green Paper on immigration this spring, ,where the progressive people were not allowed to present their views and where, after the majority of the audience had come out in favour of democratic discussion, the reactionaries tried to terminate the meeting. Now the Federation of Students has spon’ sored the same kind of meeting right on this campus. In my opinion the democratically-minded people at this meeting exercised remarkable restraint in the face of a barrage of slanders against working women in and out of the home passed off as a political program called “wages for housework”. The entire thesis called for selfish capitulation to capitalist exploitation, and it proposed to. split the working class on the basis of sex and divert the woman’s movement onto a nonsense issue. .-Since a great deal of interest has been expressed in this issue on campus, it would be good for you to publish a concise presentation of the two lines on this issue given at this meeting. AIA had a written statement prepared, and I believe that some of the other women there planned to start a “wages, for housework” collective in town soon, so maybe they could write down their views. Doug Wahlsten Psychology



the chevron



31, I 975

concentrated only on tall inmates. This makes it difficult to tell whether the XYY karyotype was associated’with being in the institution, or just with being tall. In addition, before talking about an XYY syndrome, those who would like to generalise should do an extensive screening of the general male population to determine what proportion of XYY males do exhibit ‘ ‘anti-social’ ’ behaviour. For all we know, there may also be an increased frequency of XYY males among kind of problems? Well, violent and aggressive behaviour have been Much has been written /ate/y of genetic engineering-future visions those who are considered as the most SOfound among the XYY inmates of mental-penal institutions. of a brave new world with test tube babies and armies of identical cially productive! No such studies have been Since the evidence is not conclusive, Dr. Walzer could like to do a done. But more importantly, twins. But actually. the difficult problems, ethical ones, raised by most of the more careful study. Fear and anxiety overwhelm you, Is that a little modem genetics already confront us in a less spectacular fashion. known cases of XYY males found in the criminal in the cradle? This article deals with a modern controversy in human genetics, that non-institutionalised population do not show In your case there is no need to worry. Dr. Walzer has been funded of the XYY syndrome, in the context of the history of the-eugenids any of the characteristics of the presumed -. by the National lnstjtute of Health (N/H) to conduct a study of newmovement. “syndrome.” born XYY children. He assures you of psychiatric help should any sign The genera/ conclusion which can be drawn from all this is that Though an increased fraction of XYY inof unusually aggressive or violent behaviour be found in your boy. scientists are very much part of and influenced by their social and dividuals may be in mental-penal institutions While you and the father alternate between the desire to help your political context. They are only human and are sometimes swayed compared with normal males, these indibaby and legitimate anger (who asked”:the goddam doctor to do such a more by considerations of power or money than by concern for the viduals represent only a small percentage of study anyway?), the die is cast. public good. It is vital, therefore, to demystify science and to allow an all XYY individuals. Among the pil?of forms you signed at the hospital one indeed informed public, as we// as scientists, to make important decisions on Is an increased frequency of instates: “All male infants get a genetic screening blood test as part of a the application of science. Such decisions must reflect the desires and stitutionalised individuals evidence for a large N/H grant. This has become an integral part of the hospital’s the needs of a// society. causative connection between the extra Y routine and we hope soon to include a// infants in this worthwhile Imagine, you’ve just returned home from the Lying-In Hospital in chromosome and “anti-social” behaviour? study. If an abnormality is found, you will be informed.” Boston bearing a beautiful normal baby boy. You and the father let out There is no way to say this. Although you still have the right at this point to.refuse participation a quiet sigh of relief--everything went a/right, the future looks bright, For instance, it has been pointed out that in the study, you do not have much of a practical choice: you would true happiness is yours. there are data suggesting that the rate of never forgive yourself if something went wrong. You agree to ha&Dr. In a few days, however, a message arrives from Dr. Stanley Walzer, chromosomal non-disjunction, leading the Walzer follow up on your kid. a child psychiatrist associated with the Lying-/n Hospital, informing the XYY karyotype, is increased among This may sound like science fiction, but is happening in Boston, you that your child has a chromosomal abnormality: your pride and lower socio-economic groups. This may be despite the fact that there is no such thing as an XYY syndrome, no joy has been born with XYY sex chromosomes instead of the usual XY due to nutritional deprivation. evidence that extreme aggressive or violent behaviour is associated ones. (Female sex chromosomes are XX.) Since the lower economic classes are repwith XYY chromosomei and no proof whatsoever that XYY ma/es have What does this mean? Dr. Walzer explains that ma/es with XYY resented in the prison population out of criminal tendencies. chromosomes have been found to have behaviour problems. What proportion to their numbers in the total population, the observed higher frequency of XYY’s in prison may be the expected effects tion and miscegenation laws. It was not until Richard Speck, convicted for the slaying of result, without invoking behavioural When Richard Speck butchered eight the Nazi’s extended eugenic thinking to its eight -nurses in Chicago, was erroneously re- of the extra Y chromosome. nurses in Chicago several years ago the reAnd yet, no effort has been made to match repugnant extreme that the movement in ported to be XYY. port that he had an abnormal “XYY” genethe ethnic or socio-economic make-up of the North America and England died away. The fact of an XYY genotype was used tic constitution made headlines. The news newborn and prison populations selected in (unsuccessfully) as a defense in several murThe old time eugenic movement has imturned out to be erroneous but the damage the XYY studies’: portant implications for the present. The der trials. was done: the extra Y chromosome had What this example points out is that the 196-0’s, like the early parts of the century, In at least two states in the U.S., adolesbecome established in the mind of the public observed correlation between two characwere a time of social turmoil and some began cent males in juvenile delinquency instituas a criminal chromosome and the myth of teristics in a particular setting can, in no to again to take the simplistic way out: to tions were screened for an extra Y chromothe XYY syndrome was born. way, be used to derive a cause-effect relablame the troubles of society on bad genes some. Only a prolonged court battle in MaryThis article will examine the notion of the tions hip. rather than on a bad social mileu. Unfortuland prevented this information from being XYY syndrome: its philosophical roots in What in fact is the supposed deviant benately , the more powerful-and given to the juvenile courts where it might the Eugenics Movement, the scientific evihaviour of XYY males and how is deviancy dangeroustools of modern technology well have constituted evidence for\ continued dence for an association between criminal defined? At first, XYY males were deemed make this new eugenic movement even more incarceration. behaviour and XYYs, and the ethical diunusually aggressive. This conclusion Several hospitals (including the War lemmas such abnormalities raise for researdangerous than the old. seems to have stemmed more from a preOne aspect of modern eugenics is the atMemorial Children’s Hospital in London, chers in genetics. judice about the likely effects of an extra tempt by such scientists as Arthur Jensen Ontario and the Lying-In Hospital in BosThe Eugenics Movement “male” chromosome than from any real inand William Shockley to show that IQ is ton, Massachussetts) began screening progAround 1900, the rediscovery of Mendels formation. determined primarily by heredity rather than rams for XYY individuals. Parents of newlaws of heredity gave birth to the study of For, later, it was noted that those XYY environment. born males found to be XYY were often genetics as we know it today. The eugenics males found in institutions tend to have informed of this finding and it is possible that Another example is the XYY controversy: movement, which sought to apply genetic committed crimes against property‘ rather here scientists have attempted to link the fears created by this knowle.dge may affect principles to the betterment of human heredthan people, when compared with the rest of XYY constitution to antisocial behaviour. In adversely the children’s upbringing. ity, arose in the early part of the twentieth fact the attempt to set up the extra Y as a Recently a group of scientists have be- the inmate population. . century. In the United States the movement Most recently, Dr. Gerald has stated that “criminal” chromosome is reminiscent of come alarmed by such screening programs, “ . . .it is wrong to characterise was initially supported by such prominent these indiDavenport’s Feeblemindedness Genes. The viewing them as an encroachment on the geneticists as E.G. Conklin, T.H. Morgan viduals as more aggressive. Instead, they balance of this article deals with the XYY rights of individuals. and H .S . Jennings. appear to be more impulsive . . .When controversy. They have questioned the scientific eviIn order to “better” human genetic materdence for the XYY hypothesis and hence the they’re happy, it’s almost a rampage of hapXYY ial certain judgments as to what was “betpiness.” . need for these studies. The genetic material of human beings is ter” had to be made. Eugenicists claimed In addition, when researchers report eviIn the following excerpts taken from an normally contained in 46 chromosomes; 44 that there were superior and inferior races; dences of anti-social behaviour in XYY article in The New Scientist Drs. Beckwith are known as “autosomes” (i.e. chromowhite Nordics and Anglo-Saxons (like themmales, their criteria often range from the aband King -point out the flaws in the XYY somes other than sex chromosomes) while selves) were basically superior to all other surd (for example, masturbation and studies, which have been done: the other two, called X and Y, are the “sex races and therefore their heredity was the homosexuality) to the ill-defined and subjecOn what basis have researchers, the media chromosomes”. most desirable. and the public been led to believe that males tive: “ -a poor adaptation to reality, a reThe normal sex chromosome complement Geneticists such as Charles Benedict pugnance for action and poor knowledge of with an extra Y chromosome have a high risk (called karyotype) of a female is XX, while a Davenport tried to show that there were parthe imperatives of social life.” (Archives of of exhibiting deviant behaviour? namal male is XY. ticular genes for alcoholism, degeneracy and General Psychiatry’ ~0126, p 220) . . .lack of The history of this field of “research” is Sometimes deviations from the normal . feeblemindedness. These genes were sup(British Journal of replete with biased, uncontrolled studies and social reflection.” complement occur and in males one of the posedly carried by members of inferior Psychiatry, vol 123, p 329) or “He consiextensiverpublicity for unfounded statemost common abnormalities is the races, especially by the new working class dered himself short-tempered.” (Acta ments . karyotype 47, XYY-the presence of an immigrants from Mediterranean and Eastern Scandinaviea, vol 49, p 159). Following the Jacobs report, a number of Psychiatrica extra Y chromosome. European countries. There is also a serious question as to groups. began to search for chromosome Some individuals have a total of 47 “scientific” argument obviDavenport’s anomalies among the inmates of criminal and whether the supposed deviancy seen in cer%hromosomes, one more than the normal ously had social and political implications. tain XYY males is an inevitable result of mental institutions. The results of these number. Approximately one out of one According to his theory, the social upheavneurological disorders caused by the extra Y studies have varied, depending on the inthousand (no one knows the exact figure) als of the time could be blamed on an influx chromosome or is rather due to an interacstitutional population studies. males is XYY, a frequency similar to that of of bad genes; the working class in general In a number of American penal institution of the physical characteristics of certain Mongolism or Downs syndrome. and the immigrant population in particular XYY males with a particular social envitions high incidence of the XYY karyotype In 1965 a study done by Jacobs and cowere inferior and the cause of society’s prbbronment. was not found, whereas other studies found workers in Scotland reported that males with lems. frequencies of XYY males similar to those The extreme height, the severe acne or the XYY constitution were present with M. Grant in his book The Passing of the seen by Jacobs. In a recent cautious review, other yet-to-be discovered traits said to be higher than expected frequency in an instituGreat Race epitomized the aristocrat’s reacin Science (vol 179, p 139)’ Ernest Hook of associated with the XYY karyotype may tion for the criminally insane. tion to increasing immigration. He described the New York State Department of Health have a serious effect on the way society, and Other studies have since found similiar New Y.ork as becoming a “cloaca gentium concludes that XYY karyotype occurs in even their parents treat them. Many may be correlations: tallness, severe acne, low IQ, which will produce many amazing racial newborn males at a frequency of about 0.1 channelled by this treatment into “antias well as antisocial behaviour were all hybrids and some ethnic horrors.” The old per cent, while the frequency in mentalsocial” behaviour. The defect needing relinked to the presence of an extra Y chromestock American, he complained, “is today penal institutions is about 2 per cent. From medy here is not the individual XYY,’ but some. Many jumped on the bandwagon and being literally driven off the streets of New these statistics many people have concluded societal. the extra Y came to be seen as a “criminal York by the swarms of Polish Jews.” that “anti-social” behaviour is causally In fact, it seems likely to us-that the envi. Eugenic research received strong financhromosome”. The XYY Syndrome was linked to the XYY genotype. ronment plays a major role in the generation born. cial support from industrialists such as Carof anti-social behaviour. This has already Flaws in Interpretation People spoke (and-speak) of preventive negie and Harriman; J.H Kellogg helped been suggested in the case of XYY males: detention of XYY’s or look forward to the found the Race Betterment Foundation. The From the beginning of these researches, “Kessler . . .found that a considerable day when a combination of amniocentesis new “scientific” theories were put to use in numerous flaws in the methodology of the proportion of XYY men found in institutions and abortion will “rid us of . . .sex deviants the service of regressive social legislation: studies and in their interpretation have been 1 * derive from families with a history of crimisuch as the XYY type” (Bentley Glass _ ODWOUS. testimony by eugenics experts became a key nality or other psychosocial disturbance and former president of the American Associafactor in the passage (1924)of restrictive For example, the initial studies suggested tion for the Advancement of Science). immigration laws in the U.S. that XYY males tended to be taller than avThe publicity reached a peak when Many states passed compulsory sterilizaerage, and many subsequent screenings continued on pg. 25

mosomes: - : yth .of the XYY-syn C



31, 1975


the chevron

uses of ecology- 1



Under: the green thumb lnder

the guise of environmental protection financial organizations Jay into the hands of multi-national corporaLorts. The following article, reprinted from Science for the People’ deals with the corpodons attempts to increase the dependency of ie Third World on Western capital and to liminate the third world as a competitive ireat in world markets.

,arious international

A number of influential commentators in he United States have recently begun to rgue -that economic development in the rhird World would be incompatible with natural resource conservation and pollution ontrol on a global scale. Robert Heilbroner* for example, has latly asserted that “the underdeveloped ountries can never hope to achieve parity with the developed countries. Given our Iresent and prospective technology, there .re simply not enough r&sources to permit a Yestern rate of industrial exploitation to be xpanded to a population of four billion. . . bersons .’ ’ He adds that “it is only in our time that we re reaching the ceiling of earthly carrying apacity, tiot on a local but on a global basis. ndeed . . . we are well past that capacity, rrovided that the level of resource_ intake nd waste output represented by the average American or European is taken as a standard o be achieved by all humanity.” ‘George Kennan*, a man known to have tad some impact on international politics, las argued along similar lines. According to Lennan, “a number of the existing (internaional) organizations , including particularly nes connected with the United Nations, ave primwily a developmental focus; yet evelopmental considerations are fre-. uently in conflict with the needs of enironmental conservation. “There is-a considerable body of opinion, articularly in U.N. circles; to the effect that : is a mistake to separate the function of’ onservation and protection of natural re; ources from that of the development and xploitation of these resources for producive purposes.. . This writer must respect-

Zhromosoines :ontinued


pg. 24

lso generally derive from lower socioconomic groups” (Archives of CJeurology, 01 30, p 1). “Evidence is presented, however, to sugest that both adverse environmental influrices and constitutional factors other than upernumerary chromosomes nevertheless perated in these cases, indicating that their eviant behaviour need not be directly re-

fully disagree . . . It may be boldly asserted that of the two purposes in question, conservation should come first.” This sort of formulation of the global environmental problem is dangerous for it can easily lead to two false conclusions: -that economic development in the Third World is the primary threat to world ecological stability; -that Western opposition to Third World development is motivated by ecological considerations. Nevertheless, reasoning of this type has already begun to take hold in some quarters. U.S. law, for example, now requires that potential environme&l side-effects be considered in the granting of American development loans. In addition, English opponents of the Murchison Falls hydro-electric scheme in Uganda have pressured the British govemment to withdraw financial support from the. project because of its effects on stream flow through the Murchison gorge. Finally, the World Bank is dr-afting stan+.rds “to evaluate the ecological consequences of Bank-financed projects.”

veloped countries, and not the poor counadopt stringent national pollution controls if it believes that its own export prices will be tries, which are responsible for the preponderant share of resource depletion and en- driven up relative to those of its trading rivironmental pollution in the world. vals. However, even if reasonably stiff polluThis’relatively heavy strain which the tion taxes or emission standards were imwealthy countries impose on the global enviposed on their private sectors, thereby inronment stems from a variety of social and ducing a decline in the quantities of eMuents economic causes. discharged per unit of GNP, capitalist. As Barry Commoner has pointed out, the economies would still be environmentally rapid growth of pollution in the U.S. destructive in several respects. economy since World War II cannot be totally explained by the growth of U.S. populaIn the fir& place, the affluent economies ofNorth America. We’stern Europe, and Japan tion and per capita gross national product (GNP): the amount of pollution per dollar of not only discharge a great deal of pollutants per unit of production but also produce unreal GNP has been increasing as well. large per capita GNP’s comWhat Commoner failed to discuss is why ’ necessarily pared to their standards of living. capitalist economies, like that of the United This is because the measurement of GNP States, tend to’produce relatively high and includes a great deal of wasteful productioh, even growing quantities of pollutants per such as military hardware and product dupunit of GNP. The fundamental reason is that private lication, which doesn’t satisfy the essential firms organize production and seek private needs of the population. A prime illustration of this is the fact that a substantial portion of profits, there is a strong incentive built into health care expenditures included in GNP go the economy to freely discharge untreated wastes in order to avoid pollution abatement to remedy the detrimental effects of the polcosts and thereby realize higher profits. lutants discharged during the production of the rest of the GNP. The economic consequefices of this profit incentive are that firms tend to skimp on The control which a few large fiis exerwaste purification and recycling investments cise in many industries leads to non-price ’ Major threat in favor of outlays on productive capacity, competition in the form of large advertising to the environbent and that products which are waste-prone in outlays, frequent model and styling changei, Despite these fears about Third World their production and use comprise too large a and brand proliferation. proportion of GNP. economic development, it is in fact the deAn immediate correspondence of this For example, because steel mills, tire facveloped countries of North America, product obsolescence is that high rates of Europe, and Japan which pose the major tories, cement plants, and petroleum facproduction (and environmental costs) are threat to the global environment. tories have been permitted to discharge their required in order to replace and expand effluents relatively indiscriminately, auThe developed countries, which account rapidly depreciating stocks of consumer for only 30 percent of the world’s populatomobile transportation has been relatively goods. tion, discharge at least 80 per cent of the underpriced and overconsumed in the U.S. For-example, suppose it were desirable to global flow of many pollutants. maintain an operating stock of 10 million 0 compared to public transportation. The United States alone, with only 6 perA number of establishment economists motor vehicles in the U.S. If cars, busses, ’ cent of the world’s population, accounts for have suggested that national governments and trucks had an average economic life of 32 percent of the man-made carbon dioxide levy pollution taxes on untreated waste disfipe years, it would be necessary to produce flow into the atmosphere. charges in order to induce business firms and two million junked vehicles per year. This reflects the twin facts that U.S. households to undertake more waste purifiIf, on the other hand, the economic life of energy consumption is 35 percent of the cation and recycling efforts. This suggestion motor/ vehicles were 10 years, current proworld total and that 96 percent of U.S. overlooks the restraints which international duction and disposal requirements would fall energy is generated by the combustion of trade competition imposes on the domestic to one million units per year. (exhaustible) carbon fuels. policies of capi.t@st governments. Rapid product obsolescence is not, howIt is clear, therefore, that it is the deEach capitalist state will be reluctant to ever, the only ecological irrationality of capitalist economies. lated to their chromosomal abnormality .” has a higher risk of ending up in prison than a The emphasis on individual, rather than (Psychological Medicine, vol 4, p 38). white man. social, consumption in the affluent West If this is the case, then, why study the So we, therefore, screen all newborns for means that relatively large stocks of conXYY problem? their colour and then attempt therapy on all sumer goods are necessary in order to mainEven admitting an increased risk of blacks to prevent the development of “de- \ tain any particular standard of living. Indi“anti-social” behaviour among a small fiacd viant” behaviour, which is mainly a reflecvidual consumption results in high environtion of XY Y males, what benefits will derive tion of oppressive social conditions? Hardly. mental costs for several reasons. from detecting these individuals? There is no The most obvious solution is to change the First, most types of consumer durables in known therapy for such behaviour. social and economic conditions-improve advanckd capitalist countries are substanAnd if the major factor determining that the ‘standards of living, education and health tially underutilized. behaviour is socio-economic background, Most private autos, for instance, are not in” of all people. We certainly did not need to go therapeutic intervention becomes a little abto the expense of supporting research on one use at any particular time and consequently surd . class of institutignalized people to arrive at are not creating transportation services. We already know, for instance, that a In addition, these unutilized autos create this conclusion. black man growing up in the United States In conclusion it would seem that the XYY severe storage problems in urban areas. . syndrome is founded in poorly controlled Every sir@&family suburban dwelling has its, bwn complement of household apscientific studies and popular mythology. pliances, which are also used only periodiScre.enings of newborns for the XYY -karyotype do no good and may well be ham? cally. ful to XYY children and their families. There Second, the emphasis on individual consumption prevents the realization of seems to be no reason to continue these or similiar studies. economies of scale in the provision of various In fact, publicity resulting from Beckwith consumer services. The continuing suburand King’s analysis has recently ended the banization of U.S. cities, for example,. program in Boston. I close with a letter makes the provision of water and sewage which appeared in the Journal Science: treatment systems increasingly costly. It also dictates that increasing numbers of e American school children be driven long disThe controversy over the ethics tances to their schools, a practice which is of identification and study of indiboth financially expensive and ecologically viduals of XYY karyotype is an exdestructive. ample of our fascination for the However, the most serious environmental exotic problems to the neglect of defect of private enterprise economies is common but more serious genetic their dependence on future economic growth conditions, such as the XY .in order to avoid present mass unemploykaryotype that afflicts roughly half ment and depression. of the human race, including the In advanced Western economies, total writer. consumer spending is wholly inadequate to ‘Overwheltiing statistical evifully utilize all available productive capacity dence indicates that the XY and employ all workers, even with the exkaryotype is associated with major pansion of consumer credit and corporate social problems such as violent advertising. crime and war. If we are to provide As a result, capitalist economies require medical and psychiatric assistance high levels of private investment spending, to XYY individuals, let us not negexport sales, and government purchases as a lect the XY’s, who in aggregate means of averting depression. present a much greater problem for the community. But private firms are willing to invest now continued on pg. 23



the chevron

CUPW says



31, 19'


ostal vmrkers re~n’t m chines Though the contending sides in the postal strike are once again at the negotiating tables, 3 would be in keeping to mention that it was post master genera/ Bryce Mackasey who broke off the talks over a week ago. Mackasey delivered an ultimatum to the workers on Oct. 22 which demanded that the government’s pay offer be accepted before there wouki be any discussion on theI issue of non-union casual labor. (The &on more casuals less pay.) The union


is concerned about casual labor because in some parts of the country, there are than regular post office employees-the ca suals don’t pay union dues and receive refused,


the strike.

Close the post office for three months. This was the solution to the troubles in the post office that postmaster general Bryce Mackasey offer-red the Canadian people in early September. Mackasey’s threat was one more element in a running public battle between the minister and the 23,000 member Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW). By now everyone knows that something peculiar is going on in the post office, even if they aren’t sure what it is.

A tense national - labouy climat6 Canadian postal workers have now been working without a contract since January 1, 1975. While CUPW pits its demands against the post offtce’s cheap labour strategy, the political and economic climate-is growing more difficult. The present wage rate of $4.59 per hour . for a postal clerk with three years service represents a 15 per cent reduction in purchasing power over the 1972 wage. level. Postal workers, like other organized groups who didn’t get a chance to negotiate in 1973 and 1974, and who had no COLA clause, have a lot of catching up to -do. In the government’s eyes all this must be condemned as inflationary, although cabinet members have given themselves an increase F which exceeds a postal worker’s annual wage. - The question of who will pay for inflation, just like the question of who will benefit from automation, is a question of power and privilege in which the federal government is pitting itself first against its own employees. While the Trudeau government is anxious to take a hard line on wages, using postal workers as a prime example, there are two other policy concerns which must be weighing heavily in its deliberations. The postal workers’ demand for full jobsecurity in the present climate of heavy unemployment would create a valuable precedent for Canadianworking people, but it is undoubtedly contrary to the government’s unemployment policy. The postal workers’ demand for free collective bargaining’in the public service also represents a direct challenge to government thinking. The federal government is presently moving to tighten the already severe restrictions on the collective bargaining rights of most of its more than 460,000 employees, while the employees and their unions are increasingly showing resistance to the status quo. Behind the endless volley of press releases between Bryce Mackasey and CUPW national president, Joe Davidson, is a complex, hostile and seemingly insoluable labourmanagement struggle. It only surfaces publicly when the union moves toward strike action to press its demands but has been building continuously for well over a decade. The root of the conflict is a classic and universal labour-management issue: technological change and the resulting threat to job security. ,The post office drama also contains the additional element that only a highly paternalistic management can provide. The restrictive labour legislation governing federal employees also complicates the collective bargaining process. The traditional manual sorting techniques of the post office are giving way to more - modem methods. The annual volume of mail has reached 5 billion pieces and is still grow-

ing. The post office now employs approximately 55,000. workers and the need for mechanization to contend with growing mail volumes speedily and at reasonable cost is beyond question. How the transformation from essentially 19th century production methods to electronic, automated technology should be carried out, and how the resulting benefits should be distributed between mail users, . taxpayers and postal workers is the subject of the present bitter controversy. The self-declared friend of labour, postmaster general Mackasey, has advanced a number of superficial and unlikely explanations for the current wrangle. _-L One of his favourites is that Joe Davidson and the other national officers of CUPW are irresponsible radicals, misleading the public and. the union members. “If everyone would just trust me. . .“, Mackasey said on national CBC Radio: He seems to be suggesting himself as a reasonable alternative to the union. Mackasey’s argument suffers from two major defects. He has chosen to ignore that CUPW leaders are following policies laid down by national conventions of the union. Mackasey is in effect condemning the union leaders for taking their members seriously. Mackasey’s posturing also overlooks a lot of post office and postal union history. The “era of troubles” dates back to 1965 when a national postal strike stopped the mails for the first time in four decades. The strike was a spontaneous rank and file uprising which caught the national officers of the old Canadian Postal Employees Association by surprise, and which they refused to endorse.. The membership, who were developing a taste for serious trade unionism, soon replaced them. The 1965 strike, which focussed on low wages, also led immediately to a royal commission on working conditions in the post office chaired by Judge Andre Montpetit. Thecommission reported in 1966 and painted a picture of neglect, favouritism, and all the accompanying management practices which are to be expected from an employer who does not have to contend with a militant ,union. The judge’s observations and recommendations filled nearly 400 pages, and highlighted the need for collective bargaining to protect the rights of workers in the huge postal bureaucracy. Traditions of the employees’ asso’ciation were swept aside in favour of industrial trade unionism, but post office management did not keep pace. The federal government also contributed to future trouble with highly restrictive collective bargaining legislation in 1%7.

This combination of inflexible management and restricted bargaining produced postal strikes in 1968 and 1970, and other expressions of rank and file discontent, such as wildcats and slowdowns. Automation Throughout the late 1960s and early seventies, postal workers at all levels of the union slowly began to come to grips with a problem foreseen by Judge Montpetit in 1966. He said then: We should admit we were surprised that little mention was made of mechanization and automation by the postal clerks who will evidently be the first ones affected. Possibly they see this problem only far in the future. We believe this is a problem of prime importance which should be looked into immediately by all interested parties, since its effect will be very serious not only on job security but also on job classification, seniority, etc.

From Chile to Canada The name International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT) conjures up unpleasant thoughts of the CIA, the overthrow of Chilean democracy, defence contracts and immense corporate power-all a long way from the problems of the Canadian post office. But ITT is there too. When the Canadian post .office launched its automation program, ITT’s postal mechanization company in Guelph landed a $72 million contract to supply the automatic sorting machines. The Last Post, one of the country’s alternate magazines, had plenty to say about the ITT contract, commenting, “ . . .its bid was reported not to be the lowest.” Last Post also found some interesting connections between ITT and the post office: “The government dismissed as mere coincidence that the deputy postmaster general, J.A.H. Mackay, happens to be a former president of ITT Canada. Both the government and the current ITT president T.H. Savade also claim as coincidental that the post office’s chief engineer, Jack Moody, had been (drafted to) work for ITT while still agovernment employee six months before the contract was announced.”

Now in 1975, that far distant future h; arrived with a vengeance. The chief pub1 manifestations of the conflict over autom tion are the apparent deterioration in tl quality of mail service and, since 1973, tl union’s boycott the postal code campaigr At the same time the post office w: launching an automation and modernizati( capital program. The centerpiece of this ! billion scheme, involves the expenditure at least $683 million in 27 urban centres fc new plant and equipment, with the bulk ( the expenditure to be completed by 1977. The investment plan is concentrated hea ilyin Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, h dicating a powerful centralizing tendency the new postal technology. The new system is based on very ac vanced mail processing machines. The m; is prepared for sorting by a machine with capacity of 30,000 pieces per hour. The le ters then proceed to the I.T. T. portion of tl system, where postal clerks read post4 codes and key them onto the letters i mat hine-readable form-the yellow ba: which are now increasingly in evidence c your mail. Coded letters are then passed throug I.T.T. letter sorting machines at a rate ( about 30,000 per hour. Depending on tl sophistication of their computer progran and the number of times the letters are pa sed through, the letter sorting machines ca theoretically sort coded mail right down I the appropriate letter carrier walk. This is the mechanization phase of tl reorganization of production. To work it dc pends on widespread use of the postal cod and standardized letter sizes. Full automation, which is to follow close1 on the heels of mechanization, involve continued on pg. 2

lay, October 31, 1975

the chevron

ntinued from pg. 26 According to Mackasey’s own estimate, Ither generation of machines called Opti3,000 jobs have effectively been taken away Character Readers. from the post office in this nianner. Meanrhese machines will replace the human while the tax payer continues to support the non-profitable aspects of the postal service. stal coders and manual coding desks, ing electronic scanning techniques to The system of private sub-contract post’ nslate typewritten postal codes at a rate of offices thrives at the expense of postal sub000 per hour= into the machine-readable station run by the government with unie r%quired by the letter sorting machines. , ionized employees. rhe basic automated sorting system is Applying pressure through the manipulao to be supplemented by extensive tion of special mailing permits, the post ofchanization of other postal processes: fice is encouraging bulk mailerswengage in ntainerization of transport, more massive presorting of mail before it reaches chanization on the loading docks, vastly the unionized jurisdiction of the Post Office. proved inplant conveyor systems, bag The use of non-union casual workers to Lke-out machines, flat-sorting machines perform duties in the CUPW jurisdiction has large envelopes. and more. increased 123 per cent in the past four years fit works, the new system seems to proniatid is now equivalent to 4,OOOfull-time jobs. more efficient mail service, with tradiThe union has argued that growing mail nal methods retained to handle only unvolumes, the elimlnation of casual labour, a jed and odd-ball mail at the rate of reduced work week, pre-retirement leave 00-2,000 pieces per hour. The new techand normal attrition taken together provide logy is enormously labour-saving. It eFough latitude for the introduction of autoninates that troublesome factor of promation without hurting presently employed ztion, people. The plan is a systems postal workers. gineer’s dream come true. The reluctance of the post office and fedCan automation eral tr’easury board to negotiate some of the protections and benefits the union is seeking benefit iabour? is probably/due to an unpleasant hidden’ Nhile Mackasey handles the public relaagenda. ns, the post office is pursuing a number of The post office, once a bastion of male icies designed to circumvent the collecsupremacy and male wage rates, has increas: bargaining process and bring in automaingly become a major employer of women. n without negotiation. i back-up system of private mail carriers The new technology is eliminating most of the traditional skills, and the new skills such I been allowed to develop in violation of as those requiyed by the coders on their monopoly provisions of the Post Office t. Key corporate and government comkey-boards are common in the female labour nications are now relatively immune from force. / While until now the union has succeeded ostal strike.

‘he Canadian Union of Postal Workers used the postal code boycott campaign the past two years as its main public ipon to force the government to negotiate mological change, job security and clas:ation security. ‘ostal Workers are denied the right to otiate these &ems because of restrictive visions in the federal public service Staff ations Act. Jnionized workers in the federal private tor jurisdiction have the right to negotiate ;e matters, and were given some protec1 against mid-contract technological nge through amendments to the Canada )our Code introduced by none other than ce Mackasey, then minister of labour, in 2. Federal postal workers are using the cott campaign both td win the same legal gaining rights as workers under the iada Labour Code and to win full job Jrity. ‘he campaign is proving effective, partly ts own merits and partly because the post ze has been unable to convince enough viduals or institutional mailers of the bets of postal codes. In a national level, the June 1, 1975 post ze target for postal code use on business institutional mail was 86 per cent and for lit mail, 75 per cent. An official June /ey showed only 48 per cent of business 1 and 44 per cent of general public ma,$ *ied the postal code, a major set back for department. 1 the New Brunswick and Prince Edward nd area, only 26 per cent of all mail carthe postal code as of July 1. memo from the Saskatchewan Postal irict showed large declines in postal &ode ’ in Regina and Saskatchewan from March /lay 1975. 1 March, 66 per cent of originating mail lmes contained the postal code. In April, dropped to 57 per cent and in May to 48 cent. he failure of the voluntary postal &de gram has led the post office to pass regums forcing second, third and fourth class lers to use the postal code on 85 per cent leir mail by October 1. Mailers who do meet this deadline will lose their special nits which give them cost reductions on r mail. esides the boycott campaign, the post :e is facing many other problems with its bmation program from both the mac.hin- 1 and the structure of the program itself. rorn the mail user’s point of view the : cannot speed delivery until the full auation system is in place and debugged. ‘\\ _‘. .. ,

At present coding is a “dry run” exercise designed mainly to get-people in the habit. With Canada’s highly mobile population and its constantly changing addresses, it is an expensive habit that many large mailers have not adopted for praitical financial reasons. On the technical side, only mail in envelopes can go through the system but the envelopes must be no smaller than three and one-half by five and one-half inches and no larger than six by ten inches.

in maintaining equal pay for equal work, the government’s strategy seems to involve over a period of time transforming the post office into another female low-wage ghetto like the textile industry, the banks and the department stores. The management formula would be expensive capital, cheap labour and high employee turnover. The turnover is not a big problem for management if training requirements are minimal. The most telling indicator of post office management intentions toward the inside labour force was provided nearly two years ago. The department proposed that large numbers of postal clerks, classified as level four in the pay scale, would be retraihed as coders under the new production system. The coders were to be classified at level one, a pay scale 54 cents per hour lower than the postal clerks. .The isolation, boredom, stress and higher productivity of the new jobs receive no consideration in the classification sys tern. When consultation on the classification issue proved fruitless, the CUPW called a mid-contract national illegal strike in April of 1974. The upshot was the coder jobs were reclassified to level four, but the classification system itself remained intact and ready for future use. Faced with the post office’s program of downclassification, contracting out and related cheap labour strategies, the union has made complete job, wage and classification security the cornerstone of its 1975 bargaining, program. The collision of radically different labbur and management plans for the

future of postal workers


is now taking place.


labour laws required 7 To complicate the c&iflict between post office labour and management, labour legislation governing most federal employees does not permit the range of bargaining allowed in the private sector under the Canada Labour Code. Postal workers fall under the Public Service Staff Relations Act which prohibits them from negotiating the effects of automation, job transferability, job classification, job security, hiring practices and many other working conditions. The CUPW has stated that there will be no peace in the post office until these matters are negotiated to protect postal workers from becoming victims of automation. The union has demanded that the govemment make the post office a crown corporation, which would place labour relations u’nder the more flexible provisions of the Canada Labour Code, or that it amend the restrictive public service legislation to permit free collective bargaining. To date, Mr. Mackasey, the treasury board and the federal cabinet do not appear enthused by either of these courses of action. Mackasey, his ‘ ‘friend. of labour’ ’ cloak growing more tattered with each passing week, has instead chosen the path of confrontation. His efforts to divide the union on a regional and ethnic basis reached a. climax in April with a frontal attack on the Mont,real local of the union involving more than 1,000 disciplinary actions, including 55 long term \ suspensions and 25 dismissals of union officers, stewards and activists. The events were provoked by the extensive use of non-union casual labour, one of the central issues of the national contract negotiation. The contradiction between the Trudeau government’s efforts to fBster national unity on the cultural front and this divisive rate bins, a large amount of mail is needed to strategy on the national trade union front has warrant turning the machine on. received little public attention or analysis, Consequently, the L.S.M. in Ottawa is but may turn out to be one of the politically only used in the early evening and sorts all most significant aspects of the 1975 postal coded mail for thedayat once. Ifacoded and battle. an uncpded letter are dropped into the mailbox at the same time in the morning, the Wait and see coded letter has to wait until the machine is The complex nature of government as turned on in the evening before it is sorted employer makes any prediction on the rewhile the uncoded letter is sorted manually sults of the 1975 postal confrontation difalmost immediately. ficult, with one exception. For these reasons the implementation of Mackasey’s threat of a three-month postal full automation is becoming a longer and strike is the rankest bluff. October and costlier process than the post office origiNovember are months of intense commernally planned. The .boycott is placing addicial activity through the mails, and the detional pressure on the department, reinforcvastating effect of a long strike, especially on ing the ngtural inclination of mailers to avoid legions of small businesses, is difficult to the code as long as possible. overestimate. The compulsory regulations which take One spokesman for the direct mail ineffect on October 1 have taken the boycott terests, askkd if he would like to see the into a new phase. Already in Quebec the CUPW “put in its place” by a long strike, leaders of the QFL, the CNTU and the replied, .“It’s like asking if we’d rather be ‘Quebec Teache’rs Corporation have called killed by poison or with a gun”. on the general public to stop using stamps At some point the post office will realize when paying bills to companies using the that it cannot maintain a good postal service postal code. The companies will find themwhile trying to treat its employees as if they selves paying double postage to get their were spare machine parts to be used or dismoney, and may start whispering in Bryce carded at management convenience. The Mackasey’s ear that it is time to negotiate dignity and rights of the workers, their coltechnological change with the Canadian lective power and their union will have to be Union of Postal Workers. fully recognized .

The envelopes must also be sealed, cannot have an open window or be more than three-sixteenths of an inch thick. Envelopes Member: Canadian university press (CUP): The chevror! is typeset by members of containing any objects such as paper clips or staples will not pass through. the workers union of dumont press graphix (CNTU) and published by the federation The postal code must also be typed on the of students incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the sole responsibility of envelope, on a line .by itself and within a the chevron editorial staff. Offices are located in the campus centre; (519) 885-l 660, specific tolerance range. or university local 2331. In Ottawa where the most sophisticated It seems there is someone on campus who would like to make love to a gerbel. An add in last piece of automated equipment, the Optical weeks classified read: Lonely? Gerbels make great friends! Gerbels looking for happy homes. Character Reader, is being tested, the error Males females available. The gerbel owner had barely reached home friday before some hot rate of the machinery on general mail has frustrated male breathed steam down the phone and enquired about the prices in what he thought been more than thirty per cent. Because of was g house of ill repute. The chevron is almost hesitant to print this for fear of starting a fad and the high error rate, only highly standardized finding all the gerbels in the community garbled by Saturday morning. Only other news this week government mail is now being pasged is that chevric randy hannigan celebrated a birthday Wednesday. I think it &as his mothers. Next through the O.C.R. week he hopes to celebrate his great aunt sadies, and the week after that he’s thinking of The Letter Sorting Machine, which is the celebrating the milkman’s. The credits this week go to george eisler, who has been neglected in the past, grant macfarlane, doug ward who if he wasn’t neglected, should have been, shane final step in the automated process, is causroberts, jason miller, rodger Watkins, Stephen peet, mike hazel, ray brounstan, isabella grigoroff, ing problems because of the constant .leona kyrytow, dionyx mcmichael, Steve mcmullan, judy jansen, myles kesten, glen dewar, john maintenance required to keep it operating. sakamoto, doug epps, diane ritza, Sylvia hauk; graham gee, and a special mention to frank The introduction ofi (his automated who helps people make sense out of what they think. choreography this week was by equipment has, at least to date, actually - goldspink, henry hess and lyrics were supplied by john morris. n.d. slowed down coded mail. Because of the size of the L.S.M., which sorts mail to 288 scpa-





the chevron





University Saturday


Factory seconds; clearouts of name brands Good supply of used skates




Cycle and Sports Ltd.

1030 AM Pastor D. Vance


Mass Schedule 900 a.m. Sunday 7:00 p.m.

Notre Dame-Chapel ._

98 King St. N., Waterloo


31, I !

IO:00 a.m. II:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Weekdays 7:00 a.m. 12:35 p.m. 500 p.m. Confessions Saturday 6% p.m. Father Norm Chbate C.R., 884-4256 Father Bob Liddy C.R. 884-0863 or 884-81 IQ

REFORMED PRESBVERIAN CHUtiCH Meeting at Central Park Centre Old Library Duke & Argyle Sts. Preston




Events Calendar-November








Saturday -Fed Flicks: Theatre of Blood, AL 116,8 p.m. -CC Pub: Garfield $1 after 6 p.m. -Eng Sot Car Pub Raily -‘-‘Convergence ‘75”: Arts ant Math Sot Semi-Formal, Concordia Club, Members: $lC per couple, Others: $12. Available at Arts and Math Sot offices.

-Fed Flicks: Theatre of Blood, AL 116,8 p.m. -Stratford Ensemble, at Parkminster United Church, 8 p.m. General: $3, Students:


-Chinese Students Assoc., Folk Singing Group, AL 113,l -by&. Cultural Club. Films about Women. Physics 145, 7:30 p.m. Discussion and coffee.

-Fed Flicks: Cabaret, AL 116, 8 p.m. -Chinese Students Assoc.: Folk Singing Group, AL 113,l p.m. -Contract Bridge Tournament: Campus Centre, 730 p.m. Sign up at CC before Nov. 8th. -Progressive Cultural Club Films: Physics 145,730 p.m.



-CC Pub: Mackenzie, 74 cents. -Eng Sot Faculty-Student Night -Mercury Poisoning: Film and talk with Japanese film maker Tsuchimoto EL 110, 7 p.m. -Waterloo Public Library Lecture: Prof Sally Haag, “Ancient Roman Gardens”8 p.m.

-CC Pub: Mackenzie, 74 cehts -Eng Sot Faculty-Student Night -Canada-USSR Assoc. Movies: EL 204, 8 p.m.

-CC Pub: Mackenzie, 74 cents -Duplicate Bridge: 3rd FI Lounge, M&C, 7 p.m. -CC Free Movie: lo:15 p.m. Great Hall.



-CC Pub: Saltspring Rainbow Band, 74 cents

-CC Pub: Saltspring Rainbow Band, 74 cents

-CC Pub: Audio Master, 74 cents -Waterloo Public Library Lecture. Prof. Jose Biname, “Memories of Africa”. 8 p.m.


-Fed Flicks: Amarcord, AL 116,8 p.m. -Chinese Student Assoc. : Folk Singing Group, AL 113,l p.m. -Prog Cultural Club. Films about agribusiness in Canada. Talk led by Chevric and OPIRG worker. PHY 145; 7:30 p.m.

-Fed Flicks: Cabaret, AL 116, 8 p.m. -CC Pub: Mackenzie, 74 cents -TEN LOST YEARS: T of the A, 8 p.m. General: $5, Students: $2.50

-Fed Flicks: Cabaret, AL 116, 8 p.m. -CC Pub: Mackenzie, 74 cents -TEN LOST YEARS: T of the A, 8 p.m. -“Farewell To Autumn”: Ens Sot Semi-Formal Waterloa Motor Inn, 7 p.m. Tickets al Eng Sot Office



-CC Pub: Saltspring Rainbow Band, 74 cents -Duplicate Bridgb: 3rd FI Lounge, M&C, 7 p.m. -CC Free Movie lo:15 p.m., Great Hall

-CC Pub: Saltspring Rainbow, 74 cents

-Fed Flicks: Phantom of the Paradise, AL 116, 8 p.m. -CC Pub: Saltspring Rainbow Band, 74 cents

-Fed Flicks: Phantom ot the Paradise, AL 116, 8 p.m. -CC Pub: Saltspring Rainbow Band, 74 cents -UW Ukrainian Club annual Easter Susk Conference. Psychology 2083, All day -Women’s Information Day. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Kitchener, 11:30 4 p.m. Phone Mary Hofstetter c/o Conestoga College for more information.

-CC Pub: Audio Master,,74 cents -Ibsen’s THE WILD DUCK, Hum Thea 8 p.m. -Canada-USSR Assoc. Moves, EL 204,8 p.m.

-CC Pub: Audio Master, 74 cents -Duplicate Bridge: 3rd FI Lounge, M&C, 7 p.m. -Ibsen’s THE WILD DUCK, Hum Thea, 8 p.m. -CC Free ,Movie: lo:15 p.m. Great Hall

-CC Pub: Audio Master, 74 cents -Ibsen’s THE WILD DUCK, Hum Thea, 8 p.m.

-CC Pub: Audio Master, 74 cents -Fed Flicks: Amarcord, AL l16,8 p.m. -Ibsen’s THE WILD DUCK, Hum Thea, 8 p.m.




-CC Pub: T@A

-CC Pub: TBA


31 -Fed Flicks: Lenny, AL 116,8 p.m. -Chinese Student Assoc.: Folk Singing Group, AL 113,l p.m. -Prog. Cultural Club. Films: “That’s the Price” and “Miners”. Physics 145, 730 p.m. -“Carol Fantasy”: Hum Thea. Contact Alfred Kunz, ext. 2439, for more information.

8 74


-Fed Flicks: Phantom of the Paradise, AL 116,8 p.m. -UW Ukrainian Club annual Easter Susk Conf, PSY 2083, All d_ay -Chinese Student” Assoc. : Folk Singing Group, AL 113 1 p.m. -Prog Cultural Club Films about the welfare system. Talk led by social worker. PHY 145, 7:30 p.m.


-CC Pubi TBA

-CC Pub: Mackenzie, cents *


-CC Pub: TBA -Duplicate Bridge: 3rd Floor Lounge, M&C, 7 p.m. -CC Free Movie: lo:15 p.m., Great Hall


---CC Pub: TBA

-CC Pub: Audio Master, 74 cents -Fed Flicks: Amarcord, AL 116,8 p.m. -Ibsen’s THE WILD DUCK, Hum Thea, 8 p.m.


-CC Pub: TBA -Fed Flicks: Lenny, AL 116,8 p.m. -“Carol Fantasy”: Hum Thea Contact Alfred Kunz, ext. 2439, for more information. Singers needed.

-CC Pub: TBA -Fed Flicks: Lenny, AL 116,8 p.m. -“Carol Fantasy”: Hum Thea. Contact Alfred Kunz, AL 6, for more information.

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