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11 number






_ - Macpherson,






the Toronto



Winnipeg (CUP)-Universities must limit their enrolment and protect themselves from radicalism masquerading in the guise of academic freedom, Dr. Roger Gaudry President of the association of universities and colleges said in Winnipeg Wednesday. Speaking at the opening plenary of the annual AUCC convention Gaudry said higher standards must be applied to university enrolment and greater emphasis must be placed on languages and mathematics. “Is it wise to allow all students into our universities and lose the opportunity of developing great scholars? ” He asked. He said there was a developing conflict between traditional academic freedoms and radical activities on Canadian campuses. He said universities must find ways of protecting themselves and must formulate a code of ethics to govern the political activities of faculty. Gaudry, who spoke in french, also called for co-operation between universities and industry in the development of the countryparticularly in Canada’s northward expansion. Earlier in the week; 28 student union presidents from across the country met to draft resolutions for’presenta tion to the plenary They called for a student-directed research program and an end




6 november


I cclrr egular~~ electkin names S-en&e reps

The alumni this year was greeted at homecoming with more than the usual series of dances, concerts and football games. When newly elected alumni president, Derek McGuire, announced at the Saturday luncheon that he regretted to announce that there were certain “irregularities in the election” of alumni reps to the senate, a whole story of an unusual election began to unfold. ’ Since the returning officer had no well-formulated electoral procedure to ‘go by from the alumni constitution, it was decided that posting up-to-the-minute balloting results would stimulate interest in the election. As well, the ballot did not clearly indicate exactly where people were to mark their X’s. Seven people were in the running for four senate seats --two three-year and one one-year post. Unknown to many, people could put all four X’s beside one name-the only regulation being that two X’s appear in the threeyear column one in the two-year and one in the one-year. The drawbacks in this voting system are tremendous. Theoret-, ically a person could get the greatest popular vote and not get elected if his votes were evenly distributed, for each column was counted separately. Star Two of the candidates, Murray Shaw and Aileen Moskal decided to make full advantage of the election procedure, for according to Shaw, “If you’re fighting a Texas death match you don’t fight Graeco-Roman. ” Since the partial election results were being posted and the candidates were not certain in advance where they would want the votes, the pair asked their supporters to hand over to them affairs their ballots uncompleted so the X’s could be positioned .most efsuch a fectively. of stuThe ballots were then held unem- til the last minute when Murray univerterms

and Aileen could decide from reading the posted returns where the votes would be needed. One hour before closing the votes were as follows: Jerome Sabat held 171 votes for the threeyear term and Charlotte Cahill followed with 157. Murray Shaw trailed with only 57 votes. Dieter Haag was ahead in the two-year post and Bryan Smith was clearly ahead in the one-year position. The final results determined that Jerome Sabat and Murray Shaw hold the three-year term, Aileen Moskal won the two-year seat and Dieter Haag won the oneyear seat. Although all candidates were in agreement after the election that the election procedure for senate seats would have to be changed, there remained some feelings that the two candidates in effect upset the popular vote. Jerome Sabat said “This just shows what one can do within the confines of the constitution . . .” and added, that he would like” an immediate resignation of both Shaw and Moskal or a public justification of their actions”. Shaw points out that he believed the whole procedure was unfair, but denied that the last minute ballots were any less reflective of the popular vote than the early submissions. “These people who gave us their ballots uncompleted were wise to do so for in this way they were certain that they were voting for their chosen candidates in the most effective way.” Sabat agreed that it was clear from Shaw’s open tactics that show intended to expose a poorly run election but he still considered the ethics of Shaw’s action questionable. Returning officer Jack Hemphill has ruled the election legal Meanwhile, the alumni executive has already appointed a committee to study the changes in the rules required so that a similar situation does not happen again.

With a pro-term executive, habitat’s student council went back to work on sunday night. The last council resigned when warden Ron Eydt vetoed their decision to appoint psych prof Fred Kemp as councillor-in-residence. The issue facing the meeting was what to do now with the student council, what - directions should it take and if it was worthwhile to keep a council. The debate involved all of the 100 people present, and the suggestions ranged from forming a new council with somewhat limited powers, to abolishing it completely. The whole issue was summed up clearly by federation of students president, Larry Burko when he stated that it really boiled down to whether the students wanted simply to carry out the janitorial duties of the administration, providing token services, like policing- the villagers, providing a few dances to keep the masses fed and quiet or whether the students could meaningfully participate in the university environment.

After about 3 hours of suggestions and counter-suggestions a general consensous was reached and a motion was passed. The motion abolished the present councii’s constitution, with the exception of the article that states that there is a student council and that there still are floor reps. Following the passage of the said motion a constitutional committee was formed, its mandate being to write a new constitution and present it for approval to council within two weeks. If the constitution is accepted it will then have to be brought to the villagers and a 2/3 majority will be required in order for the document to be validated. The council also abolished all of its operating committees, with the exception of ‘social events’ in order to continue some sort of village social life. The damage committee was given to the village administration and will not be taken back, even with the new constitution. __

to AUCC intevention in the of individual universities. Among the priorities of program would be a study dent aid and accessability, ployment, preparation of sity teachers, and faculty of e-mplo ymen t . A party with liquor reportedly supplied by the AUCC was held for the presidents and AUCC employees have regularly at tended caucus sessions to determine which students would be suitable for membership on the recentlyexpanded board of directors, according to the university of Manitoba student newspaper. The board, now open to both faculty and students was previously open only to administrators. Despite the fact that the AUCC claims to represent all members of the university community and every student pays a fee to it, there are only 49 student delegates outofa totalof 242.

From now until the end of this term, our tuesday publication schedule will be somewhat irregular. There will tie. no tuesday paper next week, november 17, or on november 24.


constitution ’

Band plays on despite ---~

What do You do when Ypur parki‘ng lot is full and there is no other lawful place to park ? Following the initiative of other vehicles, John Cassidy, havingfound lot C filled, parked his car on the .ser-

vice road leading into the lot. _.Apparantly the campus cops didn’t approve. When John returned, he found a ten dollar parking fine affixed to his windshield for “parking in other than a lot”

Just u drop in the bucket makes the world go, f0Ud Just a Drop in the bucket, a fund raising campaign to raise money for education in developing countries will be held on campus this month from the 7th to the 14th. Conceived by John Gorman, a law student at the university of Western Ontario, the idea was met with enthusiasm on most campuses. A total of 34 will be participating in this year’s campaign. Uniwat EngineerLocally, ing Society is co-operating with Waterloo Lutheran and Conestoga College to raise money in the twin cities and on the campuses. .The national objective is $50,000 and the proceeds will be put into a special educational fund to be

In order whyhotI

administered by the Canadian Save the Children Fund. The name of\ the campaign is somewhat unusual. It was chosen because 25q: is just a drop in the bucket to most Canadians but can do a lot towards educating people of ‘the developing nations. Th2 education ~aspect is based on the idea: “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.” There will be buckets around the twin cities and: the campus next week, foi people to contribute their ‘drop’. Just a quarter from everyone will ensure the success of the campaign. Just think about it for a while! ! ! ! ! !

FOUND Small silver 0324.


Need money? Sell Condition irrelevant, old. Call 578-3523.



tar and case. 20% off retail price. nomic depression. Phone 745-0941.


Tom says hello to Margaret. Portraits painted $25. Tower, married student 3955.

Chesterfield $40 Phone after 6 pm 68 Rover certificate, 6525.

a tem-

Ap$y apt 201, West housing or phone 579-

for sale.


1968 Morris Mini Cooper, good order. Call 579-3454



12 string


sell new

TYPING Experienced typist Phone 744-6255.






TODAY Chemical Engineering pub. 8: 30 pm campus center,pub Admission 25~ lxthus coffee house. Free coffee. concert and conversation. Even/one welcome. IVCF. 8: 3Opm Campus center snack bar. Badminton club. Everybody welcome. Gym time may be pre-empted by other activities. Check gym schedule each week 7-l 1 pm phys-ed complex. Film-Civilisation series. “The light of experience” Free admission AL1 16 11: 30 am BSA movies. 50~ U of W undergraduates; $1 .OO others. 8pm AL1 16 Multi-Ethnic conference. Symosium panel on fOKeS of assimilation in North American society. 8 pm 5th floor M&C

safety 576-





January-one double room. May-3 Complete kitchen, shower, private street. 744-7044.after 5 pm

double rooms. entrance. High

Wanted girl to’ share large bedroom from november 15. Full use of home. Call Mrs. Wright 745-l 111 weekdays; 745-l 534 evenings.


rock group. have some

HOUSING WANTED Apartment during january to aljril term. Two bedroom reasonably close to university. Phone 5795047.


One bedroom apartment to sublease from uary to april in Toronto. ,Write S. Herzog. Park street, Apt “a” Waterloo. 744-2552.




Apartment wanted for winter term near university of Waterloo. Preferably furnished. Write Murray Davenport, 24 Rutherford street. Hamilton 24 or call 416-522-7544. House or townhouse winter term. Call Allan 6757 after 5 pm


preferably 578-9005

furnished for or Myles 579-

Multi-Ethnic conference discussion on: multiculturalism, politics of language. media & other ethnic groups in french Canada loam 5th floor M&C

What to do when the pill fails. Abortion information. Sponsored by U of Waterloo Women’s Club. Faculty, staff and students welcome. 8:30 pm M & C 5136

Multi-Ethnic conference: discussion minority groups. 2 pm 5th floor M&C


Multi-Ethnic nic relations, floor M 81 C

conference community




Seminars on inter ethorganization 6 pm 5th

Discussion one welcome.

and Communion 7: 30 pm St. Pauls

service. EveryUnited Chapel.


Missing Peece coffee house 9 pm Conrad Grebel college.


BSA movies. 50e U of others. 8pm AL1 16 Dr. John Ruth, lecturer out Heritage” Conrad Admission $2; Children Theatre of arts. in



student Send

fees address


W undergraduates;


entitles changes

U of promptly


students to:

to The

receive Chevron,

7: 10

Everyone welcome. 8:30 pm CC1 13

Bingo-licensed to iaise money for drop bucket campaign. 8:30 pm Festival room,

in the

Claude Savard, pianist. Admission dents $1 .OO 8 pm Theatre of arts.




General meeting - dissemination information. 5: 30 pm CC 113

Ground school. University flying club. 7:30 pm MC3027 Duplicate bridge. Everyone is welcome. Entry fee is 5Oc 7pm SS lounge.

“Coming to Terms with Grebel College Series. under 12 $1 8: 15 pm


Drama “The New Tenant” by Eugene lonesco. Free admission. 1 1:30 am theatre of arts.

Squash club presents lecture with slides on all aspects of playing squash. Everyone welcome. Members free; others 2511 7:30 pm PE1086 Engineering nite. boat races. 25e engineers: 35~ others. Trophies for fastest time. 8:3,0 pm Festival room


“Othello”. Admission lecture 201

Movie spectacular sponsored by federation of students. $1 for members; $1.50 for non-members. 8pm Humanities theatre.


Movie spectacular sponsored by federation of students. $1 for members; $1.50 for non-members; 8pm HUM theatre.

Movie. Olivier’s pm Engineering

Folk music club meeting bring your own instruments.





do thesis. ,

Erb street west and Silverbirch Road, Waterloo $149. Appliances, cable TV, utilities, married couples. Days 745-l 108; evenings 744- 1033.

For the broad-minded kookie type. Room and board in exclusive area of Waterloo. For appointment call 578-3523

HOUSING AVAILABLE New three bedroom bungalow with attached garage. Shea Crescent Kitchener. $240 monthly. Days 745- 1108; evenings 744- 1033.

in very




The council has since ruled that the group is in fact f&r fami’lies and it is in consultation with its solicitors in order to redefine the definition of single family.

A subscription

The police raid came one day after federal housing minister Robert Andras indicated the sit‘uation in Rochdale would have to be cleaned up. And three days after Toronto alderman Tony O’Donohue appealed to the federal government to take over the 18-storey co-operative college which the alderman described as “a centre for promiscuity, drug-taking and drug-marketing and. . . a launching pad for revolutionary groups. The federal government holds a fifty-year mortgage on the building through its subsidiary central nd housing corpora-

This week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call extension 3443. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 4 pm.

?he group then approached the Wilmot township council and found that a single family is defined as a group with one or adults that are living in a single hbusekeeping unit; but by that time the house was already renred.

onstrations or rallies) for day.” ’ The CDDR formed after a dent rally of over 500 at the katoon campus. For further information can contact: CDDR Memorial Union Building, U. of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask.


Apartment on Erb street for may to august -Two bedroom. Phone 579-5047.

condition, 579-5306

TC. one owner, good condition, stereo, impact-lock belts. White.

Guitarist wanted for commercial Must be experienced and preferably jazz background. 578-3014.

for student

10. Call

and matching chair, A-l 744-6111 local 2194;

WANTED Model required for life drawing. K-W Society Artists. Phone Devonna McLorn 745-2280.

Full or part-time opportunities for men or women or couples to supply home care products. Good income full or part-time. Phone 576-9276 for interviews.

New wedding dress nice local 3 128


Hand crafted woollen rugs, floor mats. You may specify own colours, designs. Call 742- 1615 after 5 pm


FOR SALE Couch and chair in good condition apartment. $25. Call 576-6854.


1965 Viva, certified, 4 new tires, new muffler system, new clutdh. 35 mpg. Very reliable transportation. $325 578-8686.

your mother’s old, old doll. but must be over 40 years

First year math student in Village II wants porary tutor. Phone 579-0439. EL307

National committee set up to protest wuf meusures/ act

430 the Chevron


will move to stop of large homes

November 13th is suggested by the Committee for the Defense of Democratic Rights (CDDR) for nation-wide .oppositiqn to the war measure? act and any subsequent legislation. The CDDR said, “We ask that all those‘ who oppose the anti-democratic measures -of the government build their local actions (whether they be teach-ins, dem-


TORONTO (CUP) - Seventy Toronto police charged into rochdale college in the early hours of last thursday and arrested five persons, after seizing small amounts of grass, hash, acid and speed. The police raiding party caught rochdale’s security men on the ground floor by surprise, and the police managed to get to the sixth floor before fire alarm be!ls were sounded. Police have been foiled on earlier raid attempts when the alarms were set off and the college’s residents tossed their drugs out the window.

PERSONAL Banjo, guitar, mandolin picker wants to play country rock (Flying Burrito Brothers, Poco, Dillard and Clark), bluegrass or original. Good instruments Garry 579-6286

to save money take out a loan?

A group of four married couples with six children, (the. husbands are students here) recently approached the owner of a farmhouse in Wilmot township, The own’er expkessed hesitancy to rent because the group likely wouldn’t qualify as a single family under the township by-laws. When asked about the fact that the farmer’s hired hand lives with him he res-’ ponded that such an arrangement was of economic necessity.



and music voted upon by students in the band as part of a non-violent moratorium day. ”

Classified ads are accepted betdeen 9 and 5 in the chevron,office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for th’e first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by4 pm.

lows: Deductions on the payroll Here’s some twisted logic for you. Take out a loan in order to savings plan include bank interest savings. This is more than offset save money. That’s what the payby interest earned during the roll department’s p: lroll savings After one year a bond is plan is all about in effect. You . year.” worth 106.75 dollars. have a hundred dollar Canada savings bond bought in your name and then you proceed to pay back If this is the only way you can a total of 104.04 in a year which save money, then that’s your bag, is deducted from your cheque. but if you want to buy a bond, The payroll office explains this keep in mind that the 6.75 is all to the prospective buyer as fol- yours if you buy in cash.

Wilmot Qbuse”

anything wrong with the show. Cipolla said “what we are doing is presenting a program of ideas

BUFFALO (CljPI) - The State University of Buffalo student band will go ahead with its planned halftime show during the Buffalo-Holy Cross football game despite a refusal ~by an american television network to broadcast it. The american broadcasting co. said they will not show the halftime program of Saturday’s regionally televised game. The band’s program is scheduled to feature formations of smoking factories and exploding bombs while the band plays Give Peace A Chance and We Shall Overcome. The network said the band had the right to select the program but that ABC considered it a political demonstration and will not broadcast it. A university spokesman said the band will. present the halftime program anyway. Frank J. Cipolla, assistant professor of arts and letters, the university’s band director didn’t see

. When the parking lot is full whefb do you park the car?







by of

md Waterloo,


off+JmPus Waterloo,




Career Information talk-Career Planning and Placement Center has invited representatives from the Ontario Civil Service Commission to talk with students. 3:30 pm MC4022 Christian testimony SS225.

Science Club holds meetings All are

Stage Band. of Arts. Non-students:


Free admission



a term.

weekly welcome.

informal g pm

11: 30 pm Theatre




anti-capitulistic The legal structure of New France was both more democratic and more anti-capitalistic than the english legal structure which existed in New England. These facts were concluded here by F. Zoltvany, associate professor of McGill in french canadian history, on thursday night at a lecture on law and society in french Canada, sponsored by the history society. The french Canadian legal System was based on the Custom of Paris, a legal system which centered around the structure of the family. Its purpose was to strengthen familial tradition by ensuring that all familial property, both land and otherwise remained within the family. Dr. Zoltvany explained that the law was democratic since property was divided equally among the members of that family. This gave all the children a piece of the land and provided for the mother. The creation of a large landowning class was virtually impossible since the law demanded that the land be divided among the children. There was no way to avoid it. The development of bourgeois activity was also impossible since any money made by one generation would have to be divided among all the children. It was also difficult for a bourgeois class to deal in land speculation. If the head of a family sold his land, any member of his family could redeem that land within a year of its sale. Mortgages were hidden under french law,

ISA elects new executive At its meeting Wednesday night, the international students’ association elected Andrew WU its new president and confirmed the remainder of its executive slate. New executive members inelude vice-president Muhammad Faved wrrptgrv Tnm Orhan treasurer Devinder Kochhar, and members-at-large Richard Leung and Olayide Abass. Remaining in their positions are P. Mainali as publicity secretyar, Ramzi Twal social secretary; Mike Butler and Geof Richards, both members-at-large. -

m J

- - ,

W ’ U ” “ “ ^ J

* v - 1 -

V L U U I I )



so that the new property owner did not even know how many mortgages were on the land he was buying. This uncertainty in commercial transactions inhibited the growth of capitalism in french Canadian society. As a result of the Custom of Paris, french Canadian culture did not revolve around the accumulation of capital but rather the culture revolved around the family and the land.



Next friday Sylvere Monod from the Sorbonne, Paris will be on campus to lecture on student dissent in Pairs (the 1968 Paris riots in particular) and his field of specialization, Charles Dickens. Monod was in Paris in 1968 and gives a first hand account of these events. Student dissent in Paris will be heard at 11:30 in the humanities theater and Dickens the modern will be given at 2: 30 in the arts lecture hall 124.


pit by Gord Moore,


“The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind. The answer is blowin’ in the wind.” folk singing club of uniwat met last Wednesday night to have a song-a-long.

Center still open to n6fwtidents by Norm Beers chevron staff

“They, them, thou, etc. etc. Something has happened tonight that I never expected to see-in my life-a generation gap between people of 16 and 21 years of age.. .when I was a univeristy student, we were glad for all - the support we could get from high s&o01 students in our fight against this tyrranical society. “I just hope it isn’t compulsion by that society which finally brings you together. ” A - great applause from the users’ meeting in the campus. center tuesday night indicated that this speaker had won favor with the audience. Campus center board chairman Peter Warrian made it clear . in 1‘iis opening remarks that it was ,,vL n-C ,his desire to see the center closed to non-students, but that this would be the ultimate solution if things did not improve in the mounting tension which exists now. In the past few months, there has been- a progression of dirt,

dope-peddling, Warrian

I We, as Canadians, totally reject the position of biculturalism as presented in the fourth volume of the royal commission on bilingualism and biculturalism entitled ‘the cultural contribution of the other ethnic groups. ’ A double-melting pot policy will not build up a Canadian identity. It is a discriminatory action against non-british and non-french ethnic groups. It will lead to a- blur in the distinction between Can-

and on


beatings. say,


obey the laws or stay- ahead ‘of the cops. I don’t care much which you do, but the cops can have the building closed down because of the drugs. ” Several campus center turnkeys-the people who have received the brunt of the threatening situations-made it ‘clear that there wasn’t a “turnkey’s policy”, but there is concern that the turnkeys are being faced with situations beyond their capacity. One turnkey said the turnkeys aren’t a big police force, yet have been put in positions as serious as being asked by non-student users for protection from other nonstudents. Another turnkey said that he didn’t mind bikers or minors being in the building; he was just worried about rip-offs, via? lence, and bad dope which have been very real dangers in the recent past. Some of the participants in the meeting suggested the problem didn’t lie in done or anv-J thing connected with= dope, but

-An ethnic rejection Beginning tonight and lasting through the weekend the Ukrainian club will sponsor a multi-ethnic conference to discuss mulit-culturalism in canada. Of primary concern is the growing emphasis by the government on biculturalism. The conference is open to the K-W community as well as people at the university. Sociology and political science profs as well as community organisers and representatives of the government and ethnic minorities will discuss multiculturalism as an alternative to strict biculturalism. (see TO WC for de tails or call 576-7868) The following article was prepared by the conference organizers in order to ex. plain the issues.


in the image it effects


of the university



’ ’ as


There were many coming to the defence of the drug freaks and even the bikers, stating that they are usually the first to help clean the place up, while the students in the center just sit around and leave the mess to the janitors. Another point made was that if drugs are a “problem’: refusing admittance to the kids is not going to solve the problem-it will only move it to wherever they go.

There were many suggested reasons for whatever is wrong in the center. Some definitely saw the fault as being with the freaks and bikers, who ‘just sit around and clutter the building’. One person even found it “scarey” that the students seemed in the minority in the building. Another suggested the problem was in the physical structure of the building rather than with the people. Another spokesman claimed what was wrong. was that the dealers are becoming ” pushers in the CC. “As one who

defends the drug culture because of its greater understanding of sharing and community,” he said, “I’ll continue to defend the drug culture, but I’ll never defend the pusher. There’s no place for them in the campus center.” When asked why the turnkeys don’t just ask the dealers to quit working the campus center, a turnkey replied, “I do that a lot, but many of them don’t listen. ” “Don’t turnkeys have the authority to kick people out?” “Yes.” “Then don’t ask I them to leave. Tell them.” “We can’t have them put out without proof, and we can’t get that proof by ourselves. ” “Well then, that falls on all these other asses (the users) ” “That’s right.” The predominant diagnosis was that there was no communication in the campus center, and that somehow this problem would have to be overcome before any significant solution was reached. The campus center board, at *continued




of Canadian biculturalism

adianism and Americanism. We are not short term resident. We are not immigrants. We are Canadians.

british, non-french cultures to flourish a conducive atmosphere must be established.

The development of a cultural identity other than british and french is not nonCanadian. We wish to be full participants in the development of our country, Canada. The fourth volume concentrates exclusively on the past contributions (something given) of the other ethnic groups. The present plight of the ethnic groups is largely ignored-the future barely Conte-mplated. Only two of the fourteen commissioners were of a non-british, nonf rench origin. This commission therefore, is hardly representative of Canada’s true ethnic composition. But, what is even more important, the commission could not fully understand or appreciate the existing situation of other ethnic groups. Retention and preservation are no longer enough-we did not desire to become historicalartifacts. Until now all creative energies of the ethnic groups have been chanelled into preservation-not development-of their cultures because of the prevailing repressive atmosphere. In order for non-

The quiet revolution in Quebec should have opened the door for the other ethnic - groups-that is, a new attitude of acceptance should have developed. What has happened instead 3., Biculturalism was introduced to temporarily appease the French-now ethnic minorities face two overbearing culture groups, the British and the French. Central to a bicultural positionis a rejection of all that is non-british, nonfrench. Of necessity it relegates the native peoples, the Slavs, the Italians, the Chinese to an inferior second status. The lack of proper publicity and access for the general public to the fourth volume is an indication that the commission itself considers the report to be of little consequence and that the government wishes to have little public awareness of the other ethnic groupsas functioning components of Canadian society. It must be realized that participating in the development of any ethnic group (other than the british and french) is also a positive contribution to the development of the Canadian identity.

The government must take an official position of multiculturalism in order to make Canadians aware of the multicultural aspects of their country. We demand that not only restriction be removed but rather that the emphasis of the government become condusive to our development. Culture and knowledge are not instinctively acquired-rather, knowledge of them is gained through learning experiences. These learning experiences are acquired within the ethnic community. In order for the various ethnic communities to continue development on an ever high level (that is not only with tokenistic expressions of culture such as folk dancing and cuisine) they must receive massive financial federal support. We are asking that the federal and provincial governments change their attitudes toward non-british, non-french groups in Canadian society: To stop regarding them with indifference, to realize that they have made, are anh will continue to be making great contributions to further developing and enriching Canada’s cultura,, political and social life. Ethnic groups must not be merely tolerated but encouraged to thrive and develop. friday

6 november

1970 (I L-27)

43 I 3





Thursday,Nov. 12 - 2-5 p.m. GALLERY,




1 Energy ’ resources 4

*44444444444444i444444 4


We carry a full line of Panasonic TV’s and Stereo’s Stereo Cassette Tape ,Recorders -Cassette Tapes - AM and FM Radios Record Players - used TV’s with special student rates.

LE.MALCOLM& SONS Radio and TV Sales and Service 244 King N. Waterloo 745-4817

Fellow Canadian environmentalists, We need your help on a project of utmost importance! In striving for a quality environment, uncontrolled economic and population growth is the basic problem which we must all attack, for the growth ethos of our modern society is undoubtedly the major underlying cause of most environmental problems. We should all be devoting more time and effort towards attacking these root causes, for without progress on this front ALL other forms of anti-pollution work will be for naught. Our society and our governments have failed to . realize or to accept the very real limits imposed upon our continued growth by numerous environmental factors, one of the most stringent of which is the supply of energy and resources. Our consumption of such non-renewable resources as oil, gas, coal, uranium, and numerous minerals is now increasing at exponential rates while the demand is growing even faster. Our uncontrolled growth ’ and subsequent resource consumption is simply not compatible with the finite supplies of essential materials. What better ,argument for population control, industrial restraint, and recycling? The United States is the prime example of the infinite‘growth problem and the major threat to not only Canada but the world. At present our southern neighbour c o,n t a i n s about 6% of the world’s population and yet consumes some 30 to 50% of the world’s available resources. Furthermore, the American industrial machine hopes to double this consumption by the turn of the century. Clearly this is impossible for many reasons, not the least of which is the need for raw materials by the other 94% of the world’s people.


Know bhat is going on /

and know it fast Be a

RAPID READER TRIPLE your READING RATE tinder a money-back written guarantee Read

STUDY material more EFFICIENTL




REGISTER that finish,es

NOW for last class before TERM EXAMS


432 the Chevron


are not infinite


Already the environmental consequences of american growth are becoming obvious-brownouts in the electric system, shortages of low sulfur fuel, persistent smogs, the pollution of the Great Lakes, and many others. Moreover, the U.S. is now running short on‘fuels such as gas and oil, and uranium and certain mineral resources including1 iron ore, pot a s h, gold, platinum, tin, nickel, chromium, manganese and others. In order to feed the american industrial machine increasing demands are now being made on Canadian resources to fill shortages and provide for further unimpeded growth. The recently announced gas sale is only the first step in a long line of resource agreements. Yet in the face of fuel -and mineral shortages the american government refuses to realize that the country is overpopulated and that its resource consumption and runaway economy will lead to major environmental deterioration and even resource wars. Yet we as environmentalists seem ill-equipped to attack the crucial problems of uncontrolled growth and resource depletion here in Canada or in other countries especially the US. So far our major strategy in the battle has been a long-term educational campaign and words have been our only weapons. Faced with the deep entrenchment of the “growth is good” concept in society and government, it has been particularly difficult for environmental groups within the U.S. and Canada to get the points across; and already the battle seems lost. But so me of us here at probe and in other groups have recently come to realize that there is another way and that Canada holds the key-our resources. However, we need the help of all Canadian environmental groups and even those in the U.S. to use the key effectively. Basically our concept is that Canada should use its resources as a lever to force the United States into specific programs of population control, restraint in economic growth and recycling. Only after the american government has instituted such programs would we consider selling our resources to meet the remaining requirements. To completely withhold our resources would only result in american military takeover and subsequent resource exploitation and on the other hand to allow unlimited export to the U.S. would only feed the voracious monster of growth and would accomplish our mutual demise in a degraded environment. We can, however, do the United States (and ourselves) a favour by demanding brakes on the population and the economy in return for limited sale of our resources. The other attractive aspect of this scheme is that we can also demand the same programs of the Canadian government for we can hardly expect that the US would control itself if Canada wouldn’t. On a global level, if North America can demonstrate self-control and restraint in growth and consumption there is little reason why other countries would not follow. In fact, many undeveloped countries are probably

waiting for us to practice way of population control.



we preach

in the


At the environmentalaction conference at Onaway, Michigan, last july, pollution probe and representatives from other Canadian action groups presented this issue to environmental action people from across the United States and received a unanimous mandate to’work jointly on both sides of the border in getting this issue across to the people and the governments. A letter similar to this one has been sent to the american groups. We feel their involvement will give the project validity and added impetus and will prevent the program from being labelled as merely another example of Canadian nationalism; for it is truly international in its aims. But right now we must direct our attention to phase 1 of the project and our first request for your involvement. In its urgent need for sources of energy (especially oil and gas) the US is attempting to force Canada into a continental energy pact which would ensure american access to our oil and gas reserves, in other words fodder for further growth. Last spring the Schultz corn-, mittee reported to president nixon that Canadian oil is essential to maintaining the american position of world pre-eminence in the next thirty years. The american government is clearly aware of its energy and resource needs and is determined to obtain supplies in order to continue unrestricted growth.



On the other hand Canada does not have an energy policy and is now operating on a piecemeal basis in making decisions on sale of resources to the States. This lack of a defined policy in one way may be good for our cause because it is probably easier to affect a policy in the formulative stages than it is to reverse a stated policy. This november american and Canadian representatives will be meeting in Ottawa to discuss the continental energy pact and resource sales. Our tasks at this time are to convince the Canadian government: l that it should make no commitment towards a continental energy pact or resource sales at the November meetings. l that it should make no agreements until a Canadian energy and resources policy is formulated, and l that it should seriously consider using canadian resources as a lever against continued american growth and consumption. If we can accomplish this task, then we will have bought time during which we can work to see that our concepts of controlling american growth are accepted by Canadian authorites and that these ideas form the backbone of the canadian energy and resources policy. If we can accomplish this phase then we will be well on the way to putting the pressure on the american government for growth control. Here exactly is what we want you as a group or an individual to do. Write immediately to prime minister Pierre Trudeau and minister of energy, mines a-sJ.,J. Greene in Ottawa and your local MP’s. “‘L Outline most emphatically the foregoing three points. We hope that you will feel ads strongly about this project as we do. Remember it needs to be done almost immediately for we must act before the november talks. Do IT! Please, soon.


Petch haunts


Academic ‘vice-president Howard Petch has informed integrated studies that the university wants the univIS farmhouse closed at specific hours like all other academic buildings on campus. This is supposedly to facilitate cleaning of the building and resolve the problem “unwanted guests” according Peter Brothers, IS registrar. Until now the farmhouse has remained open 24 house a days for all-night seminars, a place to study and as “a hotel” When asked where the students were supposed to study at late hours Petch suggested they use the library “like all other students.” However people in IS feel the new regulation will’ be an infringement of the whole philosophy of the IS approach to education. The farmhouse will be locked at 12 midnight starting monday.


Struggle between -

The folio wing two articles reflect a condition that i&very real and very much a part of us. The first is written by an english professor at BLock university in St. Catherines and the second is a reply by three students from the same institution.

by Maurice





, worker


heyie young and they haven’t been around and they’ve got their noses running through books and things so what do they know about the world, anyway, huh? From

0 Jevver see one of em lately? Can’t tell the boys from the girls, har, har, with their hair so fuckin long and filthy and those beards that make them look so ugly like animals or something and their cheap and dirty and torn old-clothes that makes them look like tommies or pigs. Now I know sometimes I get dirty on the job but that’s work. I have my self-respect, you know, and I know the importance of keeping clean, of keeping in style, you know, the value of projecting a good image, you know? Those kids, they got no sense, you know? Those kids, they got no sense of self-respect, no concern for their appearance. Slobs. 0 Yeah, and their morals. Those girls with the see-through blouses and those miniskirts, shit you can see everything. Now my wife sure ain ‘t like that. And when we were young, we didn 2 have all that free and open sex like that. No. we had to wait till we were married. We didn’t have the pill and premarital intercourse and our own cars and rooms and stuff. We had morals. And what’s good enough for us ought to be good enough for them, the pigs. Mind you, to tell you the truth, some of that young stuff I wouldn’t mind knocking off a bit myself from time to time, you know? Heh heh. 0 Always sitting around talking and reading and talking and reading. Why don’t they get off their fat asses and do some work? Make some contribution to society. Work on some production line somewhere so that theyye giving something back to the world that’s paying for them, stead of just sitting around reading and running around criticizing. Better they should stay on drugs. At least then they?e quiet. ’ l Look, kid, I’ve worked my way up in this machine, and it’s been a long and hard way up. lin there, see? I’ve got two cars, one for the wife, and I can keep two kids on their own wheels and with their fancy clothes and in haircuts, and we got color TV and a black and white portable in each bedroom and lin up to three weeks a year off now. See, lin there now, good job on the line there and good wage and good pension and health plan so why should I want to see the system change, huh, tell me that. All those hungry gooks and refugees and niggers all over the world, let them look out for themselves and I’// kill the first lily-livered gutless little sunnuvabltch student that tries to take it away from me. There. Eleven reasons - of course, there’s not always’reason ” in “reasons ” - why the typical worker will hate today’s student. Ivory towers are for firing from.

books? 0 They think they have all the answers, those loud young punks, they think they can make a world without salary disputes and hunger and wars and competition. Maybe they read a lot but what do they know about people, huh? About how things are in this world, huh? 0 Now, I’ve been working in the sun all my life and godammit you can see, these are the hands of man, tough and brown, like leather, the hands of a man. You ever shake hands with one of those panty-waist students? Leather, hell no, pansy, that’s what they,are, anemic little pansy. Man, turning a page is all the manual labour they’ve done. I pity them, they don’t know what work is, they don’t know what it is to be a man. See me sharing a flag with one of them? Hah! That3 be the frosty fryday. My good solid tough brown hand wouldn’t be caught dead with one of those white pansy little things. l Jevver hear one of- em talk at you? All with-the fancy schoolbook grammar and all lah-dee-dah without one fuck you in the whole speech. Hoity toity. Who does he think he is? Me, I talk like the people and I don’t want to hear any of the bookworms pulling airs on me, no siree bob. l The trouble they cause, my god. Remember the cost of all the damage at Sir George Williams when they bashed up the computer, for Chrissake, one of the noblest achievements of the human spirit and those snotty kids went and just bashed it up. They don’t care about the cost of things. Always breaking-and busting. Don’t they appreciate the importance of money? The value of things? No respect, the kids these days, no respect for _the important things in life. ,a Why can’t they just shut up? Always telling us this is wrong and that’s wrong. Like Cambodia and Vietnam and segregation and the Indians and drugs and abortions and tbings and saying our police haven’t got the rights to run things round here, what the hell are these punks, communists? If they don’t like life in good old North America let em take the first boat back to Russia. l l pay damn good taxesand it’s my money that keeps these snotty buggers at school. Why should they criticize my ways of life, my ideas, me? Why can’t they just sit and do their homework like they used to in grade-67 They were eute then. Didn’t mind looking after them then.

by James and Lindy and Joe Sanders

- and stud


UDENTS ARE YOUNG, and they do for the most part, know very little about “the world” other than through their textbooks, which, in any case are virtually altogether uninformative about such matters. l Students do, in many cases, think they know all the answers. The same is true of professors. Our sanctuary protects us from finding out the questions, and “the workers” unfortunately are not equally protected. This simply indicates that there are distinct spheres of social life which correspond to distinct spheres of economic activity. If “the workers” are out there, and the students and professors are in here, then what does that make us? We are not workers. So, we have workers and non-workers, and the nonworkers have the answers while the workers have the questions. This has always been true of bourgeois society, where “solutions” to‘ very real problems are offered by the “nonworkers” to “the workers”. What bothers “the workers” is that precisely those people who lack experience in working, attempt to give answers to problems that can only arise within-their class, namely, the working class. Simply by stating the problem the way you do, you re-inforce the class structure of this society, a structure responsible for bringing about the conflict in the first place. We’ve got to go deeler than this. l Are all students graced with pansy-white hands? How about the sons and daughters of “the workers”? Surely, one of the reasons for “the workers” being antagonistic towards many students is that, with the rigid class structure of the university having broken down their own children are going to university and are coming into contact-with those One of the results of this is “pointy-headed intellectuals”. that these children learn contempt for-what our fathers have spent their lives doing, namely, creating the material foundations for education.


The sons and daughters of “the workers” are turning into.. what? We aren’t “workers”, so what are we? That is what we are trying to figure out, and we do it negatively, by condemning “the workers” who built the roads that we drive on to get here? Who built our offices? Who processes our food? Who print our books? Who makes it all possible? These same “workers” whom we condemn in order to maintain our iden tity. The’ students learn contempt for those very people who make it possible for us to teach at all, and in many cases these people are the fathers and mothers of the-children who are becoming increasingly hostile. The children are becoming hostile, as are some adults, because they and we simply do not-know who they are, where they fit, what to do, and why to do it. This is-a very deep crisis within our society, and it strikes at the roots of us all, “workers” and “non-workers” alike. The pitting of the “workers” and the ‘son-workers” against one another simply escalates the hostility on all sides, and thereby works against any solution-to the crisis. Why are you so contemptuous of “the workers”? Why are some workers so contemptuous of us? The reason is that we are all suffering under the same social system that separates people from one another, rather than providing them with the conditions to get together in mutual harmony so that they may work for a common goal. In the absence of a common purpose,&hostility on the part of one class is met by hostility on the part of the other, and the gap between people widens ever more rapidly, while that one-half of one per cent who own in excess of eighty per cent of the stock in “our” corporations, gets richer. Hostility is profitable. . Certainly, you cannot be serious about the



_ * continued

on page 6

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6 november

1970 (I 1:27)




* from page 5


which the students alledgedly use. You’ve spent too time in the Mansion House to believe that only the “workers” curse. In fact, one of the reasons that “the workers” who are angry at students are angry, is that the profane language of the students angers them. Perhaps the condemnation by “the wo.rkers” is inconsistent with their 0~ language, because everyone speaks this way, but it is surely comprehensible. Precisely when “the workers” are trying to get away from profane language, the students are trying to use more of it. The problem of language is extremely important. The “workers” are trying to become members of the “non-working” class; and, so leave behind, or at least try to, all the ugly habits of poverty and oppression, one of which is admittedly ill-expressive language. But look at the language of the “non-workers”. Expressions such as “pig”, “rtip”, “rip off “, “lay; it on”, and a thousand more, are expressions which come from the ghetto. Why are the “educated” seeking to go’ to the ghetto, while the “non-educated” are seeking to get out? Because neither can find a meaningful life in their respective classes. This means, of course, that within the class structure of this society there is no meaningful life to be found. Both classes are ambiguous, add the inconsistency of language reflects this very real ambiguity of identity. But what is important is that bourgeois society necessitates this ambiguity, and thus necessitates lack of identity. This is because while we need workers to remain as workers in order to create the mater\ ial foundations for all people, at the same time they must be good consumers, who should strive to “culture” which is, I guess, where we are supposed. At the same time, we know that our “culture” is bankrupt, and so we plunge into the ghetto to find another “culture”and that turns out to be precisely ‘the one which “the workers” are trying to escape. Needless tomsay, this causes a deep confusion, and hence frustration, among everyone concerned. In other words, we are all in this mess together, and noone has the room to be self-righteous, least of all the “nonworkers”. Everyone is inconsistent, and that inconsistency is rooted in the class structure of bourgeois society, which means that the apparent inconsistency is really quite consistent. Marcuse has made this point a thousand times. As I said, the apparent inconsistency and ambiguity is demanded by those who own the society, and in its absence, capitalism would fall: we need unstable consumers. Students do cause a great deal of damage to property ; private property. Why they do so, and in whose interests, is an ,important matter. Much student violence is ‘simply selfexpressive, without any political or historical direction. Lenin calls it “left-wing communism, an infantile disorder”. But there is something more serious here. The “workers”, as they are called, have been raised as children in a period of relative economic scarcity, and were thus taught to value material possessions. Under capitalism, the very real situation of scarcity turns into the ideology 01 mere accumulation. Our generation, the generation of present-day students. has, contrariwise, been raised in a-period of relative affluence. But we have not escaped @e ideology. We simply value different material possessions, like records, stereo sets, hoi cars, dope, flashy clothes, books, and all the other things thal go along with a class of people who have never had to do the dirty work which makes it all possible. Indeed, who pays for our education? We are, in short, rather cavalier about such matters, but that doesn’t decrease OUI commodity fetishism very much, for we are just as trapped as “the workers” by the production of circulation of cornmodities. Our enslavement just takes another form. Both cases must be understood in their respective histor ical-and economic contexts, and I am afraid that this is pre. cisely what you failed to do throughout your whole piece. 11 is at a great risk that we play the role of Mannheim’s “free. ly-floating intellectual”. That posture tends to result in dis may, when the day comes that “the real world” steps intc our self-deception. 0 There are many people in this society to whom the stu. dents do appear to be nihilistic. Indeed, many students art nihilistic, but they do not know that they are. Most people ir bourgeois society are nihilistic, but some have been more deeply entrenched in the habits of their daily lives to recognize this. Take the case of Jerry Rubin, whom the media created ah a “cultural here”. Rubin is a very sad person, because he i$ so blind to what is happening all around him. “Youth CUE. the “clas ture”, as Roszak calls it, is nihilistic regarding sic” bourgeois values, but they have simply replaced thf values of their parents with another set of no less bourgeois values, like “doing your own thing”. We are more, not less, “individualistic”, which in bourg, eois society means that we are less aware than our parent: We are more, not less, “individualistic”, which in boul 6

434 the Chevron

society means that we are less aware than our parents that this society functions in a ,coherent way towards the realization of specifiably goals. “Youth culture” would be impossible were it not for those values which are now being rejected, because it is only in a relatively affluent society that such a concept could arise. Thus, when “the workers” condemn the destructiveness of the “non-workers”, they are to some extent jusitified insofar as what is being destroyed is what our parents spent their lives attempting to build for us. That we find what they built attempting to build for us. That we find -what they built repugnant is beside the point, for we can only find it repugnant because it provides the material conditions for such a “freely-floating” attitude. In short, we are social creatures with history, and we should remember that when we act. This is not to say that big cars and colour television sets are praiseworthy, but that we should know how it is that we can criticize them at all. As Marx pointed out a long time ago, capitalism has a way of creating the conditions of its own destruction, by glutting the exchange-market with +perfluous commodities. l Why should’the people who pay for the universities be happy to have their lives sneered at? Their lives must be understood, again in relation to the institutions which created such “conspicuous consumption” out of a genuine material and social need. When the people in the universities reject the “workers” as mere “workers” then why should those very same “workers” be happy? The institutions which are paid for by “the public” turn out to be the same institutions that accelerate the rat;race in which we all find ourselves. How do these institutions serve “ihe people”? How do “the people” serve these institutions, except to pay for them so that their lives may be condemned as worthless? Again, .we have the class structure of bourgeois society bringing its divisiveness to bear on all aspects of our lives. No one benefits from the social functions of the universities as they presently are, except capital itself. We’ve simply got to stop being SO damned self-righteous about we know not what, and start to attempt to heal the wounds which are inflicted upon all of us by an economic system which demands stultification of its economic system which demands stultification yf its servants. Does anyone enjoy being sneered at? Why do we continue to do it then? The two sides shouldn’t be pitted against each other, because neither side benefits. He who benefits isrich, while we are merely affluent, and many more are wretchedly poor. l There are a lot fewer people who sneer and grimace at long hair and unconventional clothing than you seem to believe. That kind of response, when we run into it is simply the response to an appearance, and we ought to go deeper than we do in understanding it. What is disliked is lack of productivity, slovenliness, and disinterest in what the “workers” have spent their lives doing. In any case, whal once was “unconventional” is very quick to become the uniform of the day. The transition from one type of dress to another is sometimes almost magical. In three days people undergo the metamorphosis from pleasant, clean, smiling, exuberant people, to glum, irritable, freaky wierdos. This is most often ,an extremely superficial change at that, despite my calling it a metamorphosis. I am thinking of Kafka. Simply because someone decides that wearing suits and ties is old hat, doesn’t automatically make him some kind of superior being. Nor does the wearing of worker’s boots convert someone into a “worker”, any more than wearing a coat and tie converts someone into a “pig”. Why is a healthy, clean appearance thought to be phony OI “bourgeois”? For the same +eason that the opposite appearance is thought to be “weirdo”. Both condemnations are superficial. A, good analogy is the one regarding “,anti-intell&tualism” among students. Since some books have been used for evil ends, some people erroneously reason that all books are evil. In short, “non-workers” are just as trapped by the criticism of appearances air you allege “workers” to be. Unfortunately, “non-workers” are less consistent in their rejection, precisely because il lacks the social basis upon which “the workers” rejection is built. l Why do “the workers” engage in moral criticism? FOI that matter, why do the “non-workers” engage in moral criticism? Both may be explained, but only by connecting the criticisms to their social basis. Under conditions of scarcity, “loose morals” - to use thf conventional language - cannot be tolerated because of tht effect they have on the reproduction of the conditions of daily life. However, under conditions of “affluence”, which: are i-adically different from conditions of wealth, such mora: behaviour may more easily be tolerated in some classes, bul . certainly ‘not in all.

Can a man who is forced to moonlight in order to make ends meet, easily spend, or “waste”, time “screwing around”? No, because he has neither the time nor the eneergy. But some students and some professors obviously do have the time and energy. Again, this only demonstrates the class structure of our society, where some people are forced to work long hours so that others may enjoy the material fruits, and the “excess time”. Marx long ago pointed out that “leisure time” must be connected to “working time” if one is going to understand either. This is because we must work in order to live, and therefore all of our activity is centered around what some people dismiss as not worthy of serious attention. In order for you and I to get those nice five month holidays every summer, and get paid for them at that, someone has got to be footing the bill. “The workers”. Take a look at the figures regarding who pays what percentage of taxes that go to pay our salaries. “The workers”. Consequently, it is clear to me why “the workers” criticize the morals of the “non-workers’ ’ ; it is their labour power that makes it all possible in the first place. And the whole proce,ss‘ is rooted in the class structure de-, manded by bourgeois commodity production. Precisely what “contribution to society” do most students make? The sad thing is that they don’t make much of brie, until they get out and go to work increasing the profits of some capitalist. Everybody is frustrated by this sittiation, and not only the “workers”. The “non-workers” do want to make something out of their lives, but are consistently redirected into self-destructive activities like getting stoned all the time. You hit the nail on the head with your point about drugs. In order to keep this society just as it is, exploitative and self-negating, drugs perform a very useful function. Quietude replaces social action. In our society no one‘may take a social role, but all is instead reduced to private, limited, introjective play-acting. We are not allowed to liv‘e, and this applies both to “workers” and “non-workers” Again, we shotild not pit these two groups against one another, for to do so only intensifies the crisis and fattens the coffers of the capitalists. When “the workers” rail against : what appears to be laiiness on the part of the “non-workers”, they’ are railing against the fact of class benefits because they kill us by forcing us to be inactive and socially useless. That is not quite correct, because our apparent social uselessness is very useful for some people, although it is ’ neither “the workers” nor the “non-workers” who benefit. Getting stoned is not going to stop the Biafrans from starving to death, or halt the genocide of the Vietnamese people. Are these important matters? l And finally, the last point. Students don’t have to work because they get their bread as a direct result of “the workers” having spent all their lives providing the material means for the whole system. But students do want to work. They want to be socially useful. The “non-workers” sense they don’t want to be mere cogs for the monstrous machine that eats all of us, the capitalist machine, but they don’t know what else to do. Where to find a self-fulfilling job? Where to realize oneself by means of one’s productive activities? Where to live in this society? “Non-workers”, in short, want socially useful work, but there is none to be found. Meanwhile, they flounder and drown, while sneering at the workers wh? have made it all possible, but who at the same time are forced to suffer for the very same reasons that the “non-workers” are forced to suffer. Education has a bourgeois function, but even that isn’t being fulfilled. The society is splitting at the seams, and we contribute nothing to its healing when we divide the “workers” from the “non-workers” by condescending and often childish account of their relationship. Meanwhile, as for “all those hungry gooks and refugees and niggers all over the world” for whom the “workers” are alleged to have such contempt; is the contempt of “the workers” somehow less justified than your contempt for the workers? Well Maurice, we’ve finished the/ point by point remarks. And how some general comments. I couldn’t do justice to your piece because that would take too long. Perhaps we can get together some time to discuss this, or better yet, perhaps we can get together for a public discussion of these , extremely important matters. How serious are you? Your piece doesn’t indicate any familiarity with what in fact is going on among the “workers”, and one reason is that there are a lot of differences among the “workers”. Are you speaking of the New York hardhats, or the San Francisco hardhats?‘Are you speaking of the members of the UAW here in St. Catharines? You can’t be, because we’ve spoken with many of them, and they certainly do not fit your glib characterization. Whom are you speaking of? Does that matter to you? Perhaps you are thinking of ‘(Joe” of that superficial film.

Do you think





CHERLEY FOLEY MATH %A At the time it was brought in, it was a good move. Too many people are passing judgement who weren’t there; there would have been much more impact. Now the situation is more stable, they can sit down to discuss better legislation.

LIZ LUCIANI math 2A Something had to be done with the FLQ. Trudeau has the power to use and he used it ; I believe he did the right 1 thing. It is mostly reactionaries that are yelling at this, that it is going to blow democracy skv high. GHARLES

PAUTLER man env 1 English speaking Canadians do not know what is going on ix Quebec. Until there is some communication politicians will play off one another. I do not think any group should threaten another group through violence.

is necessary

JOHN HOLDING hist 5 No ; the WMA was passed because there was a threat to the Canadian legal system. To pass the WMA, you are abrogating Canadian legal rights. Since the FLQ is no threat to these rights, it is a foolish thing to do.



democracy? JIM KEILL math 3 Yes, because it shows that if marxists and corn- + munists ever tried to overtake Canada, democracy would hold. The FLQ will never get outside of Quebec ‘anyway; they’re just shit-disturbers.



SQUIRREL man env 2 What are you some kind of a nut? ?

FRED APON sci 2 I don’t think Trudeau had any other choice. The WMA involves too many innocent people, but I think they are going to change. They are going to change, divide the WMA for types of violence to limit the power. CAROL-ANNE GOUDY ret 1 Not really, but I don’t think the people parading around city hall should ‘make such a big stink about it; it doesn’t affect them and it is not going to last forever.

STUDENTS COUNCILARTS BY-ELECTION The polling booth to vote for the arts representative on council will be located in the modern languages foyer from 9: 15 am to 5 pm




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6 november

1970 (11.27)



by Trevor


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According to globe and mail correspondent Terrance Wills, “Newspapers for the most part have been cautious in even implying that (president Nixon) wanted the San Jose crowd to become violent. At the same time they have for the most part played down the story of the rock throwing. ” Not our local media though/Last friday the Records headline reads” Rock-throwing protesters attack Nixon motorcade” The Reuters Copy that follows is packed with quotes like “Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly cannot exist when people who peacefully attend rallys are attacked with flying rocks”, said Nixon. In all fairness we must say that they did quote the president as saying “That’s what they hate to see” when he flashed the peace sign at the crowd, but nowhere is there any suggestion that the whole confrontation was staged to underline his campaign for law and order. generally ran a smear and fear campaimin always was that the democrats were soft on r For instance, in one TV ad in Illinois Jerry Rubin is shown on the screen as the narrator says” Jerry Rubin sees policemen as (bleep) pigs” Then it shows democratic senate candidate Adlai Stevenson III with the words “Adlai Stevenson regards some policemen as storm troopers in blue.” Then appears republican candidate Ralph Smith saying “I believe the police are on our side. I simply don’t understand how any responsible person could think otherwise.”

The republications which the implication crime.


Are You GraduatingThis Year!

The following is part of an article on the election campaign Terrance Wills that appeared in the globe and mail on monday.

The campaigns began with the smear limited to soft on crime. Take Mr. Nixon’s address to Kansas State University on Sept. 17 that opened his personal campaigning: “There have always been among us those who would choose violence or intimidation to get what they wanted. Their existence is not new. What is new is their numbers and the extent of passive acquiescence, or even fawning approval, that in some fashionable circles has become the mark of being ‘with it. . . .“’ The attack by Vietnam war critics upon the presidential motorcade with rocks and eggs on Thursday in San Jose, Calif., has underlined Mr. Nixon’s campaign theme, and he has concentrated his rhetoric on it in the past few days. In Phoenix, he condemned those who pelted his car as thugs and hoodlums. “A major reason why they have gained such prominence in our national life, the major reason they increasingly terrorize decent citizens can be summed up in a single word: appeasement . . . for too long the strength of freedom in our society has been eroded by a creeping permissiveness. ”

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The image of the Old Nixon-of the devious gut fighter of the 1950s -comes to mind in reading the recent accounts broadly hinting and some saying quite outright, that Mr. Nixon has sought violent confrontations with young militants to dramatize his campaign. Newsweek magazine reported last week ‘that “on occasion, the President’s staff leaks a few hecklers into the hall so that Mr. Nixon may back them down.” Like magazine columnist Hugh Sidey reported, “Nixon’s advance men this fall have carefully arranged with local police to allow enough dissenters in the staging areas so the President will have his theme well illustrated as he warms up to his job.” When Mr. Nixon climbed on the hood of his limousine after the San and flashed his familiar gesture-a V sign with both handsat chanting-militants, Newsday reporter Mary Schramm heard him remark: “That’s what they hate to see.” Jose rally

San Jose Police Chief Raymond Blackmore said on the weekend that his force “had intelligence running out of our ears” on the potential for violence. Asked if Mr. Nixon had known that the crowd was unruly. Chief Blackmore replied : “No one told him about it, but he could see them. “I can’t be critical of the President of the United States. It’s his safety. He came here to campaign and if that was part of his campaign, then it’s his privilige.”




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In an analysis of the campaign by a number of reporters on educational television this weekend, syndicated columnist Carl Rowan, a former ambassador, said he could not understand why the President would walk right out before an angry crowd and sandpaper their hostility by flashing his victory-in-Vietnam sign at them. Moderator Martin Agronsky, a calm professional, became momentarily flustered and immediately changed the subject. Similarly, newspapers for the most part have been cautious in even implying that the President wanted the San Jose crowd to become violent. At the same time, they have for the most part played down the story of the rock throwing. In its lead editorial yesterday, The New York Times went this far: “A cynically, coolly calculated effort has been made to distract attention from the administration’s record in economic affairs and foreign policy-a deliberate effort to create scapegoats and then identify the Democrats with them.” The Washington Post went a lot farther in an editorial entitled: The Debasing of a Campaign. It said: “He emerges from an indoor rally, not in a way to avoid confrontation but to guarantee it, by standing upon the hood of his car before a foul-mouthed mob of protesters and virtually defying them to do their thing. . . One can only sympathize with the persecution of public men and deplore their inability to be heard, but sympathy is dulled when what you are witnessing is rank exploitation of a national malaise for political gain . . . It is a debasement of high office and an insult to the intelligence. ”






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BANK SHOTS Draw imaginary line from object ball to pocket B. (OS to B) Draw line ject ball Bto 1)

from obto rail (0

.Draw line frqm te&ction ‘2 rail (2 to 3) Aim

Take Come Across 1. Beaurocrats, in general 6. Indian melody 10. Rampant 14. Heron 15. Not closed 16. Give off 17. Exist 18. Receding 20. Associated press, New England (abbn) 21. Pertaining to 22. Grass 23. Ten revolutionaries need at least------ (2 words)? 25. Hazard of dope culture 27. His face seen all over New Haven 28. Quebec elections, for instance 30. Israel’s prime example of women’s lon-liberation 33. Direction (abbn) 34. Sargeants are rotten to the 36. 38. 40. 42. 43. 44. 46.

Puerto Rican revolutionaries Is Faction denounced by SDS Acid Require Hallucination An avenger

La&t week's

47. Jack was recently in the news again 48. Condition of most of the world’s masses 51. Dull-witted 53. Place 55. Basis for war measures act implementation 57. East Africa 58. Make-up 60. Imperial greace (abbn) 61. Solemn 64. Smeared by Drapeau & co. 65. Cuban hero 67. Socialist disposition 70. Eastern nigerian industries (abbn) 71. Greek letter 72. French and 73. Age 74. Another drug culture hazard (abbn) Down 1. What terrorism and war measures acts depend on 2. Fairy tale dirty old man 3. Crude metal 4. French article 5. Guide 6. Steal


7. American Press International (abbn) 8. “Cultured” man 9. Being framed by California authorities (2 words) 10. California authority 11. Unclean . 12. Fish-like 13. French summers 19. Pistol sound 22. Latin american liberation group 24. See 33 across 25. Naked I 26. Prison where three blacks murdered by guard 28. Southern state 29. The means 31. Louisiana orchard rakers (abbn) 32. Defense restrictions measures (abbn) 35. Plant part 37. Common excuse to defend pigs in ghetto murders 38. How to disguise your grass (2 words) 39. Manitoba dental nurses (abbn) 41. Dress part 42. Unpaid time 45. Spelling (abbn) 47. Rhodesian newsmens’ asso<liation (abbn) 48. Every capitalist has his 49. Should 50. Ontario mines (abbn) -52. Spooky / 54. Warm 56. Gown 59. Preposition 62. Wager 63. Printer’s measure . 66. See 57 across 68. Leave

a break... stroke



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6 november



(I 1:27)




ATTENTION GRADUATING STUDENTS ,Several photographers have indicated an interest in taking grad. photos In order that you may examine their work and

prices these photographers will be available in the Campus Centre, Room 135 from 930 - 530 on the days sho,wnbelow Monday, November 9 Al Pirak (Kitchener) Tuesday, November 10Forde Studios (Kitchener) Wednesday,November 11Ashley & Crippen (Toronto) Thursday, November 12Gerald Campbell Studios (Toronto) -

ing mime and mask techniques. He also teaches mime and mask at the national theatre school. Stanislav came to Canada from Czechoslovakia in 1968, and is known for his character, Flip at the Ele.ctric Circus in Toronto. He also appeared in the awardwinning film, C/ose/y watched trains. He studied mime at the art university in Brno. Tickets for the Canadian mime theatre next friday are available through the central box office, ext 2126 . .

Pantomine, a popular form of theatre in Europe, is alive and ~41 in Canada. The Canadian mime theatre will be appearing in the theatre of the arts next friday, november 13 at 8pm. The Canadian mime theatre was formed in 1969 following a meeting between Brian Doherty, theater impressario and founder of lthe Shaw Festival, and Adrian Pecknold, a Canadian actor-mime of some note. Two of the founding members of the group, Pecknold and Harro Maskow, will appear here, along with George Stanislav, who joined in january of this year, and Nancy Belle Fuller, who is taking the place of Mary Barton. Pecknold is one of Canada’s best-known mimes and has appeared at Stratford for three seasons, toured Canada during centennial and was Poco on CBC-TV’s mr. Dressup. He also studies mime at the ECole Jacques, Lecoque in paris, as has Maskow, where they met in 1964. Maskow has toured french and german universities demonstrat-

EAST SOUTH WEST NORTH pass 2D pass 1 H pass 2 H pass 3D 3NT All Pass pass Opening Lead: club jack. Everyone was surprised when today’s dummy hit the table. North was at least a full king better than south should have expected. Dummy won the ace of clubs and led the heart four. Partner played the six and declarer the king, and you as west win your ace. One west stopped to ponder over this interesting line of play that declarer had taken. He noticed that declarer was not worried about his tricks in diamonds and deduced that declarer’s cards would be onside, he cashed his remaining heart tricks feeling that declarer was attempting to steal the trick. This earned the defenders an excellent score.


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The Campus Centre Board, at its meeting of Tues., Oct. 27, discussed and ratified the following policy concerning the use of the campus centre pub area. All pub-sponsors are expected to folio w this policy starting Monday, November 7 6.


performs next friday


Any interested persons- are invited to look over their work.



At duplicate bridge, overtricks tend to be very important. The defender’s goal is not to defeat the but to contract, necessarily, restrict the number of tricks taken by declarer to a minimum. You do not have to hold cards to win at duplicate-just play them 1. better. , Duplicate bridge games are held weekly in the social sciences lounge, tuesday evenings at 7 p.m.

I. No pub held. in the campus centre pub area will be closed to any one meeting LCBO specifications, by any group. Therefore, no closed events should be scheduled in the pub area when open pub usage is possible. (i.e. - week-nights open; Sunday can be closed party.) 2. Campus ate party.




can be licenced

and booked

for a priv-

for maintaining security (ie 3.. The spo nsoring, group is responsible LCBO regulation): for payment of damages and extra cleanup; and for control of cro&d size and disorders. A pub report should be filled out by a turn-key and a member of the sponsoring group. 4. Admission Charges. 1) The maximum amount which may be charged for admission to a pub which has entertainment costing less than $40, is 7 0~ 2) Admission charge for pubs with live entertainment costing between $40 and $100 can be 25~; for live entertainment over $7-00 a 50~ maximum charge can be-levied. 3) Charities, like Camp Columbia, can charge a maximum admission price of 75@, with approval of operations committee chairman. . 5. The sponsoring group will be required to show a contract of entertainment or receipt signed by sponsoring group and entertainment to the turnkey on duty before the pub is opened. 6. Exceptions to rules must be approved by the Campus Centre Board.



438 the Chevron

WED. NOV. 11 II:30 A.M. Drama - “THE NEW TENANT“ by Eugene lonesco Theatre of the Absurd in the Theatre Free Admission

of the Arts

* * * * * THURS. NOV. 12 II :30 A.M. University of Waterloo ’ STAGE BAND directed by Leigh Wilson Noon Concert of Jazz, Rock and Pop stylings featuring a variety of songs including such works as Good Morning Star Shine, Hey Jude, Let It Be, Raindrops KeepFalling on My Head, Theatre

of the Arts



NOTICE TO COUPON BOOKS HOLDERS s who have NOT yet-exchanged coupons for their tickets for the CANADIAN MIME THEATRE DEADLINE DATE IS NOV. 10th at 5:00 P.M.



6 november

7970 (I 7:27)



T 1 AM




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person’s mind than his body, because dead person doesn’t feel it anymore.






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A NOTHER WIPEwhen I went over to.prethe university has drop credits-which I had pla: I was really ticked. Then I finished one of lO:OO, due at 12:40) an (due tomorrow). Actual take-homes-it’s the on1 thing out of either of his get anything out of his with my “education” thi$ how I could enjoy thing: have them go so complel term was unique: it 1 actually enjoyed every on Teh Stale News came



. 2,






. --

at least

ODAY ‘S MAJOR accomplishments were blowing this month’s clothes budget on stuff to wear to work this summer and listening to records all night. (I don’t like soul at all-give me acid rock.) After last night’s fracas, the campus was incredibly quiet-you’d think nothing had happened -no tension or anything. It is almost impossible to launch any sustained campus uprising during a Michigan winter (today’s high was seventeennot too many people are going to march in that). Spring term, however, is another story, because after a Michigan winter, everybody and his mother’s maiden aunt are ready to tear this place.down, just to work off excess energy. We should have some drug ‘busts this spring, because it’s election year. (It’s really fun living four miles down the road from the’ state capital; one incredible senator actually got upset because he’d heard that boys and girls were “eating pizza together in the dorms at ten and eleven o’clock at night.“) Ahd the busts will be held during finals we& because the State ,News doesn’t publish then, and the ‘students don’t have-sufficient information to launch demonstrations. (Much as I dislike this, it’s comforting to know that something in thisworld is predictable. ) ..





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I can honestly now see myself, at some point, under certain conditions, using violence. I wouldn’t have said+that two years ago. I’m still thinking it through, and I’ll probably work through the System first, but if that doesn’t work, I’m not going to sit by and watch it ruin my life and those ,of millions. of other people. What has not yet emerged is a serious revolutionary movement which is dedicat- . ed to revolution and not i&a-party politics, which plans for results and not effect. That’s when Spiro & friends should start to worry, because it’ll mean that the youth movement has finally gotten down - to business.

: .




i_ ..,







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ORMALLY WHEN ter it’s after midnightan day which appears at tl ever, since I have now OI ing as that time of day 7 3 p.m., and- the end of th when I go to bed, even i bother me; in fact, si?cf the afternoon nap; some Today, there is a new ; it’s only lo:30 p.m. Act motive: I turn twenty-c going to hit the Gables, 2 back, I don’t think I’ll ha\ This is a strange birth First (and most importai isn’t around, like he ha! Then, I’m at. that point ir being a minor in posses: delinquency of minors. B ed legal once (in New Yl teen), it doesn’t hxve qu I guess another reaso one, becoming an adul mean anything. It’s funr Jore I turned twenty, I fc I wasn’t going to l% really shook my up, bet my life being one-and hat myself as one (it’s calle cl&. This year I could legal definitions because years of existence don’t maturity is a continuing I’m forty I’ll still have g always been harder for (possibly because for s(: and people and relatior me and because no sot straightened out again change again) than to f; I’ve got almost unlimitec to bluff my way throug adulthood has never in spent a lot of time look think too muChof a lot act. I find that I like peo people, and that age is being a good person.

LEEFULLY CUT M.‘S 8108. It was Glenn’s turn to go (we play cooperate and graduate). Got up relatively early and booked and- did shitwork for the small group class, which was its usual abysmal self. Booked and slept all afternoon and evening, talked to people-the usual stuff. There was a rally up at the Union tonight to protest the conspiracy trial verdict. I heard from friends who were there that cops were crawling; all over the place, and that things even got as far as car-rocking (radicalism hits a new high at State) The news on the radio just said they arrested kids, r that there were about two dozen injuries;‘and that windows were smashed in some stores. This could actually develop into something, but I doubt it. First, nobody knows who’%’ behind tonight’s rally, and second, when I talked to kids who were going, they were all outjfor blood. I can’t tolerate that, and I think it reveals some serious inconsistencies in the thinking of the rally leaders, who-theoretictally abhor the senseless violence of Vietnam. I am not against the use of violence as a revolutionary means-I’ve just got to be damn sure that it’s the only way out. At one poin, I was something of a pacifist, but not anymore, not since I -learned that there are other ways to kill people besides stopping their bodily functions; / think it’s worse to mangle a


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Hesse’s premises, like the essential fluidity of one’s personality, and that one has more power in shaping one’s life andipersonality than we’re usually led to believe, but what he did with itthe killing of. Hermine, especially-did not seem to be an affirmation of this, and Haller, even after he was sentenced to life; didn’t really seem to get the point. It was a goodstudy of guilt complexes, and the desire for punishment which so. many people have had-drummed into them; I can understand now why college -kids like it, because what our parents tried to do was make us feel guilty. “If you do that, Mommy (will be disappointed) (will be hurt) (won’t love you anymore).” And a lot of us are just waking up to this fact, and have taken a look at ourselves, and we are finding out we’re much better people than our parents led us to believe, and won’t stand for the old guilt games. Essentially, it’s a rejection of our parents’ definition of what constitutes a good, valuable person, and this fact isgoing to have to be realized by our parents. ’


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SO SICK OF LAZY profs I could scream. The day started out bright-and early. (If I ever make it to profdom, I will never teach a class before FEBRUARY 13 noon. These 8:OO’shave got to go. Why don’t they hold classes at midnight when we start to wake NE OF THOSE BLAH Michigan winter up?) days when nothing much happens and nobody cares: M.‘s class: he informed us a month ago that he even the TG’s (friday afternoon beer blasts) were would hand out our take-home mids today. Which few and far between. A lot of people went home would lead one to believe that he had at least a this weekend, because most mids are over; Case month to get the test ready. He didn’t even have it . is a ghost town. mimeod: he’d “meant to get it run off, but. . . .” Got a letter -from Tommy and discovered that He dictated it to the class-as if I am paying $13 where he’s been assigned isn’t even on my map; per credit to improve my penmanship; as if I am all I know is that it’s near the Cambodian-border sitting in a college classroom so I can be treated where all the fighting’s going on. “Light another as if I were a’first grader. ’ cigarette, learn to forget, learn to forget. . .” It scared me yesterday. I took my sister, Sue, There’s just no way to express how alien I who is a high school junior, to all my classes. She sometimes feel in Michigan or other parts of the understood them all, and thought that two of my country, how totally incomprehensible the way senior-level courses were too easy. The sad thing’ some of my friends grew up seems to me. Like is she’s right. We should have tougher courses, DaveThis town had 3,OOO people in it; or Terry, that make US think, that exercise our brains. But who comes from Mississippi, where just about we’ve learned not to ask for them because all a everything is different from New York. I’m glad prof will do is assign more shitwork, a spare I came out here to school, because a kid who’s paper, or *an additional project; the essential spent all her life withih thirty miles of New York quality of the course-the books, the lectures, the City needs to know there are other ways of thinkmaterial covered-always remains the same. ing and feeling and acting besides those you get A lot of’ profs seem to think that more work is over WNBC, and traveling through eighteen states synonymous with better - work-another striking~ a summer has taught me the only geography I example of how the basic American value that know, but I really get homesick for New York says quantity is better than quality is emodied sometimes. I like that rush and constant excitein our education institutions. If it works at River ment; I know who I am, and being alone in the Rouge, why not at MSU? middle of eight million people doesn’t make me I decided to make it to C.‘s class (another prof feel lost, like it does some of my friends who who assigns meaningless work for the hell of it). visit there-I’m me and the impersonality of New We have to read two chapters a week, and just to 1 York can’t take that away from me, and I like hav: make sure we do it, we have to turn in a question ing to choose ’ between things I want to do, rather on each chapter-thirty.-five words or less, yetthan what I’ll settle for, like I do here. Most of every Thursday. Not for& grade, and not that’he all, it’s home; I’m a city person at heart, and I even looks at them-but we get check marks bealways will be. I love the freedom I find there ; it’s my turf, ‘despite all the things that are wrong - side our names. Check marks beside our names. “Did you write your spelling words five times, with it, and I love it: it’s me. Johnny?” The idea reeks in grade school, and in a senior-level course with grad students in it, it FEBRUARY 16 smells worse. ONDAY-M.‘S TRAVESTY. He keeps talkThe subject is small group interaction, right? ing about how the technology of the kindergarten Well, he’s taught the course for twenty years, and and the technology of the college classroom- are lectures from old notes. Not that anything has hapessentially the same. It’s a decent point, but he pened in the field in the last fifteen years or anyruins it, so I brought a coloring book and crayons. thing (he probably thinks Esalen is-a second cousAnother travesty: the contempt sentences of in of, mescaline). the Chicago eight or seven or nine or ten, dependAnd then we didn’t even get to play union leading on how you keep score. When Jerry Rubin ers today. (tuesday is our lab day-we’re supposed spoke here in january, he said their main purpose to interact in groups, and observe and learn. was to show the farce of the american judicial Sounds good, no? Well, his biggie is community system. They couldn’t have succeeded better, and relations, especially labor, so, despite the fact that it achieved another goal-it radicalized, to a greatthe class is made up of social work majors and ader or lesser degree, many people like myself who, visory. staff personnel, he gives union situations: while they agreed with some of their objectives, an example of how to consider the needs of studisagreed with or even opposed their tactics. I dents when planning a course.) Instead, he talked don’t see how anybody can agree with the old nofor over an hour about our term papers, and read tion of free trials by peers any longer-it was trial excerpts from papers that were at least five -years by judge, pure and simple. One of my friends old. (He told us so himself. ) My God, what a. said,‘“It’s not a farce any longer-it’s downright travesty of an education. These profs could care dangerous. ’ ’ less about teaching, or about students, and then C.ouldn’t the government have found anybody, people wonder why kids are dissatisfied. ’ like any body, one off the street even, to conIt’s not the money which bothers me, although duct a _trial which at least looked fair? (At one . I think students should realize they are consumtime I thought I was a liberal middle-of-the-roader; ers who are paying money, and start demanding T now I find, myself still believing in many of the their money’s worth. It’s the time-four years ofsame things but being pushed left by the factions my life in a mental factory. of people like Johnson and Nixon, who are somehow defined as the american political mainstream. FEBRUARY 1% TI / And I wonder what a lot of blacks think about’ the a N -THE MAILBOX TIS morning: a tape fact that a lawyer was sentenced to over a year from Tommy. It racked me up. I’m glad to hear< in jail for embracing Ralph Abernathy. ~ from-him, and to hear his voice again, but it was so I just don’t believe such stupidity on the part of strange. At times, it didn’t sound like him-the the government; I might not agree on many iss%es sound of his voice was different. with whoever happens to be president this year, but Tommy said the worst thinghe had ever experI always figured they had political smarts. ,On ienced was riding in the jeep with a little boy campus, it used to-be a standing joke that SDS screaming in agony on his lap, and not being able was too dumb to organize a revolution (at least to do anything for him; I could hear it-in his voice. here at State), but they’re coming up with the What a rotten war. Then the tape ran out in the right numbers, and the people who run the System middle of a mortar attack. are looking like fools who don’t know which way (As I’m writing this, I’m getting all sorts of is up. hassle from Annette, who says I editorialize with And f can’t understand or respect such stupidity; my face, and that I it’s the funniest thing she’s Hobbes was wrong when he though! men could be counted on to rationally calculate their own . seen since a year ago shrove tuesday. It’s very ’ hard to type when someone’s cracking up at you.) self-interest. I really wouldn’t care so much if I Cut my afternoon classes-I’ve reached the conthought the government had things thought out clusion that I can put my time to better use by and their heads on straight, but this isn’t even the staying home and reading the stuff than I can by smart political organization it’s supposed to be. going to class. Which is really bad. Says someOver 7-percent of my life is spent on Monday thing about the non-education I’m getting. I stayed mornings-the government should outlaw that. home-and read two books and slept for four hours. (It’s no more irrational than some of the other Finished Steppenwdlf: I agreed with some of z things it’s been doing lately. )

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SIT down to the typewri,echnically no longer the, top of the page: How:ationally defined mornLen I get up, even if it’s day as that time of day it’s 8 a.m., this doesn’t ‘v” become a big fan of ays have two mornings. d exciting innovationlily, there’s an ulterior e at midnight and I’m d when I finally make it anv inclination to write. 3y, for several reasons. , ) is the fact that Tommy 3een for the last three. ife where I change from In to contributing to the I since I’ve already turnk Zity when I was eigh3 the thrill it did before. is that turning twenty-legally, doesn’t really f because last year, bet so horribly old because ttzn-ager anymore-it use I’d spent a third of [otten used to thinking of identity crisis in In cirtally care less about the I know that twenty-one uarantee maturity, that process, and that when Iwing to do. Besides, it’s me to leave something much of my life things hips have been leaving ier had I gotten things than everything would !e some thing new, since confidence in my ability anything. And anyway, bressed me much; I’ve ig at adults and I-don’t ’ i them, or the way they e because I like them as It a major criterion for FEBRUARY


UT DAY. It started nroll, and’found out that Ied two courses-eight ied to take spring term. K’s midterms (done at started his other mid I, I’m glad he gave the way I’m learning any3urses; I certainly don’t ?ctures. I am disgusted ;erm; I can’t understand so much last term and ly sour this term. (Last) 3s the. only term I’ve of my courses. ) out with editorial com-


ments against last thursday’s fracas. I generally agreed, because their main point was not anti-violence, but the fact that thursday’s violence was senseless and irrelevant. Smashing windows at Jacobsen’s has little to do with the conspiracy trial; I wish the fools who did it would realize that all they did was add another black mark on the youth movement score sheet. Idiots. I’m in a bind, because essentially I agree with most of what the new left says, but I cannot go along with what I consider to be senseless methods of attempting to achieve change. So I don’t march (at least not often), and I don’t throw bricks at department store sindows. (The stores raised their already exorbitant prices today-the kids only hurt themselves.) But I find that there is little I can accept about american society today, and even that is rapidly decreasing, moment, no tiay in which ions.


and there is, at the I can express my opin-



ENT TO MS CLASS this morning, only because I had a mid to turn in. He was up to (or down to) his usual antics. He started out (bear in mind this is an 8:00) reading from Functidnaries (I was bY doing the Times ‘crossword puzzle), suddenly slammed the book on the table, and yelled, “Julius Hoffman is a functionary.” Well, actually, Hoffman isn’t, because, as Terry says, he’s shown real creativity in devising means of suppression nobody’d ever thought of before, and this is just another stunning example of the simplistic, repeat-the-cool-thing-which-those-insociology-circles-say-you-should-say analysis to which we’ve been subjected all term. The man simply repeats blindly the last thing he’s heard. Today he drew charts (from a book, of course) that showed there was a lot of injustice in the trials after the Watts riot; last time I went to class, he made the significant statement that through the welfare system, the middle class imposes its values upon the lower class, and it’s time that the lower class should have a bigger voice in how welfare programs are run. Well, I don’t need to spend three hours having stuff read to me from a book which anybody with decent perception of social realities and two cc’s of grey matter has figured out a long time ago. I haven’t been this disgusted in a long time.

R lb



ECEIVED A CARD FROM Tommy today which read : “Sorry for lack of mail. Won’t be able to write for the next month. Please don’t worry. I’ll explain later. ’ ’ Well, we all know what that means -patrol time. And back to not knowing, to checking the Times for the casualty lists every Wednesday and Saturday, to sending letters off into the void. It hurts so far down that I’m numb. M’s class again: today, as he sauntered into the room, you could tell he’d made up his mind to be cool. He sat in the back of the room and waited. About twenty minutes after the class was supposed to start, he said, “What do you want to do today?” (I thought of several unrepeatable suggestions, and one or two illegal ones. ) Of course, two kids

immediately took over the class and started talking about advertising and management, which nobody wanted to listen to. Question: Who put you up there in the first teacher.


? Answer:


of a non-

It soon degenerated into another session of liberal breast-beating about values in education and how rotten the System is. I walked out. I’ve got better things to do than listen @this crap which they all take so seriously like they have just discovered the secret of the universe. They actually think it daring (and consequently cool) to say that the System reeks. Yippityshit. I’m sick of all the tearful, monday-morning, gutless-wonder soul-searching. When are they going to realize the american system is oppressive, irrelevant to the needs of the modern world, and a stacked deck besides? .

Democracy is fine by me-let’s have a free, open society instead of what we’ve got now. “If you’d just use the proper channels everything would work out fine,” say all the New Deal liberals. Well, they don’t realize (or perhaps they do) that the channels are not avenues of access to the decision-making process, but means of channeling behavior into safe paths, that won’t rock the boat. Channels are supposed to be the way the People exercise their voice in a democracy; but those in power define the channels, and thereby limit the people’s voice. When are, people going to look at -what -really happens, instead of what they would like to think happens? (I saw a movie on the Chicago convention today, and all that a lot of the people interviewed kept saying was, “I can’t believe it-it can’t happen here.” Well, baby, it can, and did, and does.) A-




ME TO SEE other people hurt, especially when they’re such good people and are trying so hard to get their heads on straight. It’s so easy to hand out the old line about never changing or growing without pain, but it’s a different story when you see the pain in a girl’s eyes as she says, “I’m really trying, and I don’t mean to come across the way I do-1 didn’t even know I came across that way.” And being honest with each other is such a dangerous thing, because sometimes “Let’s be honest” really means “Now’s my chance to say. what I’ve been wanting to say to you all along- 11 hate your guts, chick. ” No wonder so few people trust each other; it’s so sad that when we let go of our polite veneer, there’s --- so much hate to get rid of before the good parts of people can come-out. That’s probably-why all my friends think they’re no good-all they’ve

been taught is to repress the hate, and they learn to hate the hate, and themselves for hating; all they see is the hate, because they’ve never been taught to look for anything else. We were never taught that it’s all righ to hate, because it’s part of us, and we are valuable, even when we’re not particularly nice. Our parents neatly compartmentalized our selves, and accepted only the nice parts; they never realized that by bottling up the hate, they bottled up the love, because if you’ve been conditioned never to show your emotions as strongly as they really exist, when the time comes that you want to show a strong emotion, you can’t at least not openly and freely, only for itself and with no games thrown in. Why did they think we were whild animals to be tamed? Why didn’t they see us as beautiful people to be helped to grow and develop? I look at people, like that salesman at the Hospi* tality Inn, and see all the pain they lug around inside them, and the little cages they’re locked up * in, and the hate they have for the cages, and the overwhelming fear they have that someone will take the cages away. They’re like Marlowe’s Mephistopheles : “Why this is hell, nor am I out of it.” And in a sense they hate us for ripping down our bars, for escaping the portable hell inside the security of their uptight world by showing that their world is not the only one around, and by challenging them to rip down their bars; and that’s where the whole generation gap lies: we think we can and so we try; they’re afraid they can’t and so they don’t. FEBRUARY



HIS IS THE STAGE of complete mental ‘wipe-out. I have written three papers today (all one-copy specials, hot off the typewriter; after eight quarters here, I’ve gotten so much practice at them that they’re usully as good as the ones I write out first, but thanks for eraseable paper). I am sitting here staring at the typewriter. It is definitely getting down to the wire-only two more weeks of class before finals-and it is an absolute necessity to start now if you’re going to make it through. These papers I typed today, well, they’re only three of the six I have to turn in the last two days of class; it’s really a rotten system, because you have to spend di your time working on the papers the profs assign for the end of the term, and that leaves you with one weekend to book for finals, and if you have take-homes as well as in-class exams (like I do), you’re up the creek. One week of spring break will definitely not be enough to re_. cuperate. There is never enough time to just realx and do nothing; the pressure is constantly on; there is always something you should be doing. I want time to be me, and without feeling I should really be booking or writing - a paper. A lot of profs still have that great old notion that education is only books, and that one should spend all one’s time developing one’s mind, and they all hand out assignments like theirs was the only class in town. Today’s university is not geared for the total person. You take neatly compartmentalized courses in neat departments, you live in made-by- Nabisco dorms, you do certain things at certain times (you can’t take a class at three a.m., even if you’re the sort of person who likes to sleep all day and wakes up only in the small hours). And all those nice old deans and profs wonder why students are upset. I want to be me, andI want a place which will help me to integrate my new experiences. Competency in compartments isn’t enough. I want the right to be a total person.





ETE CALLED TONIGHT. Tommy is in a hospital in Yokohama with second-degree burns over 50 percent of his body. It happened on my birthday. I can’t write anymore.


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Ton Soup

Meat filling : about l/2 pound finely ground pork l/4 medium onion, finely chopped 1 beaten egg 1 tablespoon soy sauce black pepper

Cook the pork and onion in a heavy saucepan and drain off the fat. Combine with other i ngredien ts. Egg noodle skin: 2 cups flour 1 lightly beaten egg 1 teaspoon salt

Stir together flour and salt and st r in egg. Add water (about l/3 cup), a few drops at a time, mixing well after each addition, until the dough forms a ball the right texture for rolling. Turn onto a lightly floured board and knead until smooth. Cover with a towel and let stand for 20 minutes. Roll as thin as possible and cut into 2-inch squares (about 20). Place a spoonful of the filling in the center of half of the squares. Cover with the rest of the squares and stick the edges together, using moistened fingertips.

Bring the chicken bouillon to boiling in a large saucepan. Add the won tons a few at a time and cook them for about five minutes in the boiling bouillon. Remove with a slotted spoon, drain on paper towels, and keep hot. Cook all the won tons in this way. While cooking the last batch of won tons, add the shallots and celery, sliced diagonally. If you wish, add the celery leaves also. Before serving, return won tons to soup and heat to boiling. Serve with soy sauce. (Serves 5-7. ) _


Saute the pork and beef for about 10 minutes. Drain off the fat. Add the onions, garlic, Felery, carrot, salami or mortadella, spices, -l/z cup tomato sauce and the white wine and simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring frequently. Meanwhile, make a white sauce by melting the butter or margarine, stirring in the flour, and gradually adding the milk (instant will do well), stirring constantly. Heat over moderate heat, stirring, until thickened. To assemble pour a small amount of tomato sauce into a 9” x 9” baking dish. Cover with a layer of cooked lasagne noodles. Spread a thin layer of the meat mixture evenly over this. Then dribble the white sauce thinly over this and scatter some of the grated cheeses on top. Cover with another layer of noodles, and repeat, adding meat, white sauce, cheese, noodles, meat white sauce and ending with a generous topping of cheese. Pour the rest of the tomato sauce over top. Bake in a moderate oven (350) for 30 minutes. Serve with grated Parmesan, more tomato sauce (heated) if desired, garlic bread, and either a dry red wine or a white wine (try Blue Nun). The lasagne can be cut more easily and will stay together better if you wait about 5 to 10 minutes after removing it from the oven before cutting it. (Serves 4 to 5.)


The Soup: 2 quarts chicken bouillon filled won tons 3 or 4 stalks of celery 2 tablespoons chopped shallots soy sauce

_ Baked



Most stores don’t carry green lasagne, but this recipe will work with the plain egg pasta also (just not as well). We have only found one place in Kitchener-Waterloo that sells the green pasta (made with spinach, and much more flavorful than the plain pasta.) It is a little Italian grocery store at 25 Bridgeport East (the street next to the Waterloo post office), on the second block from King. This store has just about anything you might need for Italian cooking. If you know of any other place please let us know. about 6 pieces of lasagne, cooked according to package directions and drained 1 pound ground pork 1 pound ground beef 1 cup chopped onion 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 stalk celery 1 carrot about l/4 pound salami or mortadella (if you have some) 1 teaspoon nutmeg l/2 teaspoon ground allspice l/4 teaspoon cr- ushed red pepper 1 % to 2 cups tomato sauce l/4 cup dry white wine salt l/2 cup butter or margarine l/2 cup flour 4 cups milk



least in part, would like to force the city councils here to do something with the problem of the high school people not having a place to go to. One turnkey said that as long as the campus center is open to these kids, the people downtown aren’t going to do anything. Another said that the

high-schoolers should be having home parties and that sort of thing to go to, particularly on weekend nights. There was an air of genuine concern for the kids









From its appearance, this dish would seem to be-dull and tasteless. But it is one of the most flavorful foods you are likely to experience, the more SO because its flavor is unexpected. To achieve the most flavor, use the ingredients as specified (that is, butter, not margarine, and natural, not processed cheese). Gnocchi : 1 cup flour l/2 cup butter 4 ews 1 teaspoon salt % cup grated natural Swiss cheese 1 teaspoon dry mustard

(or more)

In’a medium saucepan combine 1 cup water, the butter and salt and heat until boiling. Remove from heat. With a wooden spoon beat in the flour, a little at a time. Over low heat, beat the mixture for about 1 to 2’ minutes (it must leave the sides of the pan and form a ball ) . Remove from heat. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating with wooden spoon after each addition until well blended. Stir in the cheese and mustard until well blended. In a large (about 4 quart) saucepan, bring 2 quarts lightly salted water to a boil. Reduce the heat so that the water is below boiling point. With a teaspoon heated by dipping it into the simmering water remove 1 teaspoon of the dough and slide it into the water with another heated spoon. Cook about one fourth of the dough at a time. Simmer, uncovered, 10 to 12 minutes, or until the gnocchi are firm and cooked through. Remove them with a slotted spoon and leave to drain well on paper towels. Repeat until all the dough is used. Arrange the gnocchi in a single layer in a large shallow baking dish, or two smaller dishes and set aside.

AN AdTUARlAL iAREER a representative of


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1990 For further details contact: Coordination and Placement Office

Sauce: 2 2 1 4

% tablespoons butter dash cayenne 1/2 tablespoons flour 1 1/2 cups light cream teaspoon salt tablespoons grated natural Swis cheese

In a small saucepan melt the butter. Remove from heat and stir in the flour, salt and cayenne until smooth. Gradually stir in the cream; bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat and simmer 1 minute. Add the cheese, stirring until melted and smooth. Pour this sauce over the gnocchi. Sprinkle with about 2 or 3 tablespoons grated natural Swiss cheese, and dot with 1 or 2 tablespoons butter. Broil, about 4 inches from the heat for 5 minutes, or until the top is golden-brown. Serve this as a first course, or as a main course with back bacon or ham. (Serves 6.)

Guards, speakers for center *from


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non-users-to be considering. on the part of some of the turnFederation vice-president Rick keys. Page closed the meeting by askAmong positive suggestions ing for a boycott of all dope made to the cc board were to business in the building and anset up a speaker’s corner to aid nounced that the next meeting in communication, to have extra of the campus center board will security guards on duty when be held a week tuesday. crowds are heavy, and to set up A few people who wished that more structured activities for everything could be rosy by thinkthe users to take part in. ing nice thoughts announced over One turnkey said that, especthe PA that if folks would sing ially on friday nights, some peothe song of Hare Krishna, everyple need desperately to have thing would be “sublime”. A bit someone to talk to. Perhaps this -of action might help too. is something for all users-even friday

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o, f this *fall came The most poorly covered intramural sport when the girls of’h’otre Dame won the powderpuff crdwn with

to a quiet close last monda)), a 12-6 victory over Phys. ,Ed.

play of excellent lacrosse and good sportsmanship. Rugger is highlighted by an upset in the making.-Highly favourite Renison, previously undefeated got thumped IO-5 by the fearless Bagbitters from St. Jeromes in the semi-finals. St. Jeromes then advanced to the championship game versus Village North who out-tried Co-Op 9-O in the quarters. In a bitterly fought contest Wednesday evening, the St. Jerome’s collection of upstarts won the rugger title. The game was in doubt until late in the game when the Bagbitters gained a try and then added the conversion. Congratulations to the St. Jerome’s entry for winning a title that this sports desk had already conceded to Renison. (There goes our perfect record at predicting from the crystal ball. )

Broomball action continues to slide along with most of - the eighteen teams providing entertaining and exciting action both for the participants and spectators.




“The Superior One” A thena

3 capture


Waterloo Athena field hockey teams finished off their season this past weekend by capturing third place in the women’s intercollegiate championship tournament. The tournament took place over two weekends, the second part being played- at McMaster this past weekend on very muddy fields. The Waterloo team had hoped to win all four games this weekind but they dropped- their first game with Western by a score of 3-O. The Athenas seemed to have their greatest dificulty maintaining their rush in the circle, however by the time they played McGill in game two on the weekend they were goal hungry and they came up with a 2-l victory. .

In the McGill game the weeks of practicing and the experience of playing finally became evident as the Athenas pulled together for a strong team effort. From then on there was no stopping the determined Waterloo team as they outplayed Queen’s in the most exciting game of the tourney. Waterloo kept up a continual rush on the Queen’s goal. Marilyn Woods, on a lone break scored a beautiful goal after faking the goalie. The second goal came on a penalty bully by Diane Hossie after Pat Binnersley’s sure goal from the right wing was illegally stopped by a Queen’s Full back. Final score 2-O Waterloo. The York-Waterloo game was played in a sea of mud where it was not uncommon to see a divot travel further than the ball. After much mucking around Waterloo emerged with 1-O victory. The final league point standings were: Toronto 14, McMaster 12, Waterloo 8, Queen’s and Western 7, McGill 6, Guelph 2, York 0.



Two overall championships have been decided and two to go. In one of the most exciting lacrosse finals in years. Upper Eng upset the powerful Co-Op team 11-10. After only five minutes, Co-Op took a commanding 6-l lead. By the half, this was carved to 7-6. After what must have been a viscious half-time speech, the Engineers surged to a 11-7 lead. Co-Op finally decided to get off it and scored three unanswered goals. With 25 seconds remaining, Upper Eng reverted on ball control and hung on to capture the Vinnicombe Cup 11-10. Congratulations to all members’ of both the Co-Op and Upper Eng teams for their fine dis-

A complete account of this first intramural rugger final will be in the tuesday chevron. In flag football play downs, Renison sparked an upset by outlasting VB-NW 20-16. They won the game with a short leap out pattern to big tight end Bill Probert from quarter back Pat Drohan and racing 40 yards for the winning score. As a result it is an all college final putting those Bagbitters from St. Jeromes who handed Science a 32-O beating against. Renison. St Jeromes has to be favoured due to their 15-7 win over Renison in league play. The soccer championship could be a first. The Grads undefeated in 6 games, scoring 17 goals with only 2 against could win their first team championship. Last year as finalists in soccer, they lost 4-l. No doubt they will be out to avenge that score. Their opponents will be V2-SE who reached this plateau by defeating their housing counterparts VW .in another close contest last wendesday 1-O. The final game will be held this afternoon at 1: 30 on Columbia field. Considering that the rugger game wili be on the same location it would seem to me that one could enjoy a lot of action without very much movement.

Has a bargain for


Word has reached this desk that in the first division the most trouble will be with the clean sweepe led by ex-pro Laurie Burko, the other two leagues will be closer but upon gazing into my crystal ball I see the Furry Freaks flying to top spot and also under the gentle hand of Ace, the jocks should slip into first in their division. By the way, my crystal ball is not by any means unbiased. Final deadline for Men’s Single Squash Tournament. All comers swim meet wednesday november 25. Men’s Singles Badminton wednesday november 18. Men’s Basketball games monday november 9. Game of the Week: Lower Math vs. Env. Studies (both undefeated) 10: 00 pm Broomball Game of the Week: friday, november 6. 3:00-4:oo Queensmount Arena. Furry Freaks vs Co-op (Philip St. )



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The Warriors volleyball is looking forward to a season. Many new faces this year and along with turnees are developing league threatening team.

team winning appear the reinto a

In exhibition matches against Laurentian IJniversity and Kitchener UMCA they came away with seven wins and only 1 loss. Against the University of Guelph, defending league champions, we came up with 4 wins in 10 contests. Our first league competition occured in Guelph on October 31 where we won 2 games and lost 6. The picture is much brighter than it looks however, since we defeated the powerful Western Ontario team and scored over 10 points in all other contests. It was Western’s only loss-. . The Warriors are still young and short on experience but intend to win a lot of the games this season. Coach Baycroft is optimistic about our chances for a playoff finish in our second season of play..

In hockey play, several interesting happenings. The rivalry was settled between St. Jeromes and Upper Eng. with a 2-O win by the latter. That- makes it 28 wins 0 losses for Engineering in two Come out and cheer your team years. Other scores show Grads on Saturday, november 7, 1:OO 10-4 over Upper Math, St. Pauls -6: 00 pm. in the athletic complex. 5-3 over Co-Op, Lower Eng and , No charge is made and we enEnv. Studies l-l, St. Pauls and courage everyone to attend and Conrad tied l-l, and Renison de- - see what “power volleyball” is feated Science 4-2. all about.

Rings Are for Love The Rap Room of the ring world 8 King Street East fhday

6 november

1970 (11:27)




Pbophet -


oes everyw iere!

Probably the most demanding coach at the University of Waterloo is Doug Paton, coach of the varsity one and three meter springboard diving teams. This is the third year that the diving team had competed in the Ontario-Quebec Athletic Association for the Warriors and the women’s section for the Athenas. The springboard diving season runs from mid-September until mid-april or later making it, along with swimming, probably the longest season at the university. At the initial prabtises this fall with two female and eight male hopefulls on deck, coach Paton advised that, “no one has ever been cut from the team. Our schedule is so demanding that most aspirants cut themselves if they cannot adhere to a timetable of eating, sleeping, studying, going to classes and two hours per day diving practise. Practice starts at 4:30 and ends about 7 or 7: 30 depending if coaching assistant Ernie Meissner is present or not. ” Many hopeful divers show up each year but few have the physical and moral fibre to last the season. Every diver gets into competition if his or her attendance warrants it. If too many divers stick with the club a diveoff is held before each meet to select the competitors. Co-coach Ernie Meissner devotes his efforts to the technical part of coaching via demonstration. Meissner, a local business man, is still very active and two years ago won the Canadian diving title. His travel agency allows him to travel to all major meets in the world so the presence of Ernie at practices means much to the squad. The very best techniques are directly available to the young university athletes, via Meissner, and he suppliments the use of stop action and slow motion video tape and diving loop films used at many of the practise sessions on the pool deck. Three students who stuck out the season last year and are back this year are Marg Brown of London, Lester Newby of Brampton and Brian Hilko of St. Catharines. Ann Stiles of Oshawa also dove well last year but is on her work term in Hamilton and won’t be out until the new year. All but Miss Stiles are sophmores this year. Hilko stood first in his Applied Physics class and won the Newton scholarship this year in addition to placing as first alternate to the Canadian swimming and diving team last year. His solid fourth place on both one and three meter boards at the championships last year was an outstanding perfor-

set for OQAA


The lower the score, the better the standing; that’s the way it’s done in cross-country running. So, although Grant McLaren of the host school ran a course record last Saturday to win the U. of Western Ont. Invitational, Waterloo won the meet. Warriors scar! ed 44 points, Western was second with 49, and Toronto pla-ted third scoring 55. Top finisher for the Warriors was Brian Bisson who completed the course in third place with a time of 25:34.0. Other Warrior places were : Bruntz Walker (5), Sammie Pearson (lo), Murray Hale (12)) and Dan Anderson ( 14). OQAA


10 till


71 Erie St. Stratford

18 446

the Chevron




Fri till 930 272King North Wa+rloo (just past the bus 100~)


mance for a freshman and Newby, a second year kinesiology student was firmly ranked seventh out ,of twenty-two divers at the championship last spring. Miss Brown won the championship last season and was rewarded with a trip to USA where she competed very strongly against divers. from Michigan University and Michigan State who placed first at the World University Championships at Torino, Italy, this past summer. Both Meissner and Paton have full time positions so that coaching diving for more than six months of the year plus attending meets on weekends can be a difficult job. “Very often one of us is off somewhere attending to business, but the divers do have a routine that they follow on their own and of course each registers his or her attendance on the honor system, stated coach Paton. “We also don’t like to blow the horn of our freshman squad until they prove themselves in competition although this year several returning divers will have some tough competition from novices who are working very hard at present.” Divers are hard to come by”, said Paton. “Several ’ high school competators looked good last year but we have to wait a few years for them.” Beverly Boys was winning world meets at fifteen and several other youngsters look good already, but competition with other schools and colleges is keen for a small handful of prospects.” Of course by the time a fourteen or fifteen year old gets to university they may be past their peak. At the Canadian open championships this year, a twelve year old girl was diving at thesenior level from the 30 meter platform.” “We will be hosting several top american schools at Waterloo this season and the Canadian championships are slotted into Waterloo as well. It should be a good season for spectators at the pool.” ‘We have a good record to uphold this season and would like to move up into second or third spot in the nation with our male divers and retain our first place standing . with the girls. ” It won’t be easy, but the raw material is there and the best technical aid in Canada’in the person of Meissner should have a good effect. Coach Paton’s insistance upon’ mental and ‘physical discipline and total committment to the task at hand should rub off on the freshman as it did on the club last season. Everything points to a good showing again this year from the diving Warriors and Athenas.


Although Western and Guelph will pose single threats to Warrior positioning, the University of Toronto harriers will be the team to beat. Led by Canada’s first subfour minute miler Dave Bailey,

the Blues have as much’depth as the Warriors. Representing Waterloo will be: Brian Bisson, Dan Anderson, Murray Hale, Bruntz Walker, Tommie Pearson, Ian Webster and Sammie Pearson. Kipper Sumner is the team’s alternate. Bisson and both Pearsons should finish in the first six and coach Houston thinks this should guarantee the Warriors of a victory. Commenting on the track Warrior’s victory at the 0-QAA championships, coayh Bob Vickers of Western attributed his team’s defeat to the Warrior athletes performing up to their potential. Tomorrows meet is very important, because the winners will represent this conference next Saturday at the national championships in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The dribble-with-their - hands -warriors have been preparing for the 1970-71 season for the past couple of weeks. At present the team has 20 players still left, with seven of them being holdovers from last year. -The following sketches are a mixture of a press release and a witnessed practice and scrimmage session. (and they were written with a thumbnail). Outstanding




- a high school allstar from Windsor who has looked very good. Very strong on the break but weak on defense. Steve


- Iggy played high school at St. Mike’s. Outstanding guard who should put pressure on the Veterans. Didn’t look like a rookie in the scrimmage in controlling the offense but is at times an extravagant passer. Gord Lance - a tough six foot five inch centre, an outstanding rebounder. Very strong and good attitude. Ernie Hehn- another six-five centre who along with l Lance will provide great muscle up the middle. Good ball handler and passer. Ed Dragon - could become an outstanding forward. Leading rebounder thus far, good shooter, quick on the breaks. Left scrimmage early with and injured back. Fred Dimson - five foot eleven inch guard, one of the finest shooters on the team. Seemed to be prone to shoot too often, Paul Skowron - a centre with the Windsor Lancers last season who has looked impressive at times thus far. Larry Lavelle - outstanding high school player, MVP, and leading scorer .for Niagara Falls last year. Just had a cast removed from his bone-chipped ankle. Won’t be ready for a while. .


Dale Hajdu

- just as strong on deThe team missed an almost infense as he was last credible number of lay-ups during year. Added some much-improved the evening. During the pre-scrimball handling and could be working mage warm-up it was noticeable, himself into the position of con- that none of the players take time trol guard to run the offense. Looks to practice the normal lay-ups. extremely good. Perhaps they’re too easy and the fancy ones do look flashier but Bill Ross - under pressure to make it at ‘centre. Is much then again the Warriors lost a couple of close games last year improved and is putting out well. in which they missed a few of Paul Bilewicz - has been good but those automatic lay-ups. hasn’t hit last All in all the potential could be year’s form yet. May be shifted to there, especially when the forforward. wards all get back to playing conJaan Laaniste - looks every bit as dition. The weekend scrimmages strong as last sea- here November 13 and 14 against son. Working hard. Very quick in Niagara University should proof how scrimmage and got many, ‘many vide the first indication points. \ much of that potential will be Bill Hamilton - was key to the of- realized. fense late last season. Has bad ligaments in his foot and won’t be running for another couple of weeks. Tonight at the Waterloo arena Tom Kieswetter - is improved over will tackle last year and the hockey Warriors of Guelph Gryphons looks good. Still hasn’t beaten his the university match urge to shoot whenever he is in their second exhibition puzzled. Doesn’t ‘control the of- of the early hockey season. In their only other pre-season fense well. Ball handling is sometilt, the Warriors played to a notthing else if done at the right very-impressive tie with the Goltime. den Hawks of Waterloo Lutheran. Walt Lozynsky - counted on to supCoach McKillop will be using ply forward scorthis game as a yardstick to try and ing punch. Outstanding at scrimselect the team that will defend mage, especially rebounding. the Warriors’ runnerup spot in It is hard to access the progress the standings last year. of the team as a whole without Notable returnees include Ken another team to compare them Laidlaw, Ian McKegney, Phil with and, after all, its all relative, Branston and a healthy Orest isn’t it? Romashyna. They ran well and at times movTo these veterans are added ed the ball very well. Their fast a highly promising crop of rookies motion was reduced to a scramble who are making it a hard decision occassionally but the addition of who should stay and who should Dale Hajdu, missing from this . go.

Hockey teams battle tonite


can screw

Stan dings



Queens Toronto Western McMaster McGill Waterloo

45 4 2 1 1

1; 2 4 4 5

Tied 0 7 0 0 7 0

Queens For 163 136 82 45 91 42

Against 86 74 54 125 144 76

Points 10 9’ 8 4 3




6 november

1970 (7 7:27)

9 ‘447


fe Open from


of westmount \



These boots are fleece lined for winter and have a plantation crepe sole

upstairs at 76 King St. W. Kitchener


448 the Chevron


letter Chief

to Trudeau Burning Wood

Your government is to be congratulated on the recognition of the Peoples Republic of China. As for the remark of Nationalist China “a most unfriendly act”, consider the prime source,. Nixon. An almost similar remark came from two gangsters Nixon sent May 30, 1968 to blow up the white Chrysler of Irene Jurgenson-my assistant-when Nixon was attempting to disqualify my petition for delegate to the G.O.P. National Convention, and Representative from the 17th Congressional district, NYC.

ack, ER FEAR HIM-WHICH IS ABLE TO DESTROY BOTH SOUL AND BODY IN HELL. “ (See speech by the Hon. Usher L. Burclick, North Dakota, in the House of Representatives, June 13, 1937 describing the gentle art. of lobotomy with estimate that 100,000 persons in the U.S. have been subjected to this psycho-political technique. )

John F. Kennedy had his own brains blown out via the extreme right-wing in retaliation Genfor trying to “lobotomize” eral Edwin Walker, the *emise being delivered one year to the day Bobby Kennedy failed to get a grand-jury to indict Gen. WalWhen Irene Jurgenson surpris(See “Invaed the Nixon gunsels in the pro- . ker for insurrection, sion of Mississippi. ” ). cess of opening her trunk, one “this is unfriendly of remarked, I predict that if Nixon doesn’t you.” (Entire story of Nixon harstop this diabolic practise forthassment in her “Confidential Rewith that the U.S. Army will port of a German Citizen” May blow his brains out providing 30, ‘70 to Chancellor Willy Brandt, Jackie Kennedy Onassis’ gunsels via the German Ambassador to don’t get him first,, for the venPanama. ) geance of this woman is real indeed, especially since she had to I remember well your press marry Onassis to get the damconference Nov. 9, ‘68 following nable U.S. Secret Service spies the USA general election in which out of her living room-( who you predicted that the USA would also were up to their necks along enter an era of repression, polarization and race-war which the with J. Edgar Hoover in the plot to kill JFK. See act. 20 N.Y. Las Vegas, Review-Journal gave Times “DeGaulle said to Blame the entire upper-half-front page. Police in JFK Death.“) The truth being the last thing the. Wash.. D.C. hypocrites want Finally, I must confess Generto hear, the prophet Isaiah fital De Gaulle’s last recommentingly describes these latter-day dation “Quebec Liber’_’ was invipers, the Great Timahoe mysdeed riding the bullseye. All tery : “None calleth for justice, U.S. assets in Canada should be nor any pleadeth for truth: they nationalized during this interim trust in vanity., and speak lies. ” Of special powers, for your real enemy is the Nixon AdministraThus J. Edgar Hoover, the most tion which tried to crucify you notorious liar, was called upon on the Cross a la British diploto “blow up a building” to get mat on the eve of your trip to you off the front page, and the the USSR. second edition saw your story Simularily Nixon also halted replaced with Hoover hysteria. my trip to the Republican Nat. You are to be further congratConvention ‘68 by placing the ulated on invoking wartime pooverleaf editorial BW FOR VP wers in the kidnapping of a Briin Oregon state newspapers tish diplomat and a Quebec cabfalsely stating I ran unopposed inet minister, whose death will for VP in New Hampshire where be blamed onto you, but it is I beat Nixon’s preference who your duty to remind all Canadwanted to “send all the negros ians that the real enemy trying back to Africa” plus Governors to divide Canada is Nixon. Volpe, Kirk,. Reagan and Rom?iey in the primary. Hoover even tried to bribe your RCMP Chief to “frame” The crucifix Nixon hand-picked the winner of the New Hampfor my Oregon campaign, Easshire Rgpublican Vice Presidenton Cross, told all reporters tial primary by attempting to “Chief Burning Wood will finish transfer him from a Sharbot 4th or 5th nationally”, for which Lake, Ont. jail to Kingston PriI can personally thank Mr. Nixson, for a FBI-type “execution” on. You too can thank him for so your gov’t could be blamed those headlines “Trudeau farther and you forced out of office. left than Karl Marx” as well as latest Greek Gift, the TroI have long been on the U.S. the jan Horse James Richard Cross, Int. Security pick-up list for havexpropriating the Canada ing read the book published by by stolen by the United States. _ the Northern Bookhouse, Box 1000, Gravenhurst, Ont. “HOW Notwithstanding recent strong THE USA STOLE OUR CANADA.’ denials by the U.S. Attorney General that Nixon will not invoke Hundreds of U.S. citizens who war powers in the states, neverhave dared to order this book theless the entire scenario in are already incarcerated in U.S. Quebec was staged from Was. insane asylums. Nixon as yet D.C. with that precisely in mind. has not openly invoked Title 11, Nixon through Hoover hopes to McCarran Act. but during the be able to start a new witch past year, many U.S. citizens hunt for Black Panthers, their have found themselves carted and last but not off - in the middle of the night by sympathizers, least the Weathermen, most of the FBI without trial or hearing whom are FBI agents trying to for reading so-called Red literfabricate excuses for invoking ature. Title 11, McCarran Act for the incarceration 6f all anti-war proSince the basic tenet of the New testers. This is the ultimate goal Federalism via “No knock” is of the Nixon administration “preventive detention” (insane which wants to answer fourasylums) yet few understand letter words with jail cells. Free what the Messiah meant when Quebec Now.. . tomorrow may be he said: “AND FEAR NOT too late! THEM WHICH KILL THE BODY, BUT ARE NOT ABLE TO KILL THE SOUL: BUT RATHCHIEF BURNING WOOD


fe*edback Quebecois (YOU lack

answetp understanding’

I am one of the few true “Quebecois” (i.e., French Canadians) studying at Uniwat. Like everyone else, I have been following the events in Quebec through the usual means of communication, mainly one French mass media. I have been appalled by the amount of distorted fact and misinformation circulated on campus during this period. Even more appalling, to me, is the way everyone appeared to accept this information and to agree with it. Listening to ‘ ‘les Anglais” discuss the War Measures Act, repression in Quebec, politics in Quebec, life in Quebec (that is, French Quebec) is quite laughable. Even the English who are there do not understand (or “read”) life in Quebec. The federation of students, in my opinion, ordered the meeting on October 20th in hopes of getting a condemnation of the passing of the War Measures Act, or at least selling the students there on the idea that it should be condemned. They, along with much of English Canada, intuitively realized that the fascist state and the strict “law and order” were not limited to Quebec, but, in theory at least, imposed on the whole country. Their own secure position was being threatened. They could no longer blame Quebec for all their troubles. But they were not content to concentrate on Montreal (the second-greatest French city in the world, remember). They tried to sell us their hang-ups on America, the Vietnam war, pollution, and the rest of it. You seem to think that the War Measures Act is the worst thing that has ahppened here since W.W. II. “Repressing these people in Quebec who are fighting for their identity!” “The FLQ is a group of demented weirdos, no one in Quebec would support them.” Ha . . . ! Your mass media have done their homework well in selling you this last, (fact?). Nevertheless, violence of this sort has become a fact and even a way of life since its beginning in 1963-64. Repression? Actually, the “Quebecois” have been repressed culturally and politically by the English elite in St. James and Bay St. The students there cannot express their thoughts or get a ’ decent education which might enable them to get to the top of the “Establishment,” (U. of M. is so crowded that there is a twoyear waiting list, and a 70 per cent average is required for a decent chance, at admission). Also, the situation is so bad that it is more dangerous to be a French executive in a high posi-‘ tion than an English one. Why? The labour force is traditionally used by the English, not other French Canadians. You say that you are concerned with our plight, that you sympathize! How can you? Have you lived under conquerors since 1760? Have you seen your land invaded by absentee owners? Have you seen your culture and language raped by outsiders? The point is that you can now go to Montreal, speak English and get around more easily than in Toronto. You see, we appreciate your

Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The cher)ron reserves the righ t to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 character line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

patronage and kiss your feet. We gladly help you along by “coming up to” your level: we speak English. But if’ you try any big store or enterprise in Montreal and speak French (if you happen to be French), you will be spat upon. I am against the repeal of the War Measures Act for one reason: in order to give you (chaps) a taste of repression, of blatant controls, of “fascism.” Once you have tasted your own medicine, hopefully you will. open your eyes and stop seeing Quebec as the source of your problems. What does Quebec want? It wants a decent chance to live, not survive. MARC DuFREME math 1 War three

measures weeks

act late

In reply to the letter by D. B. Wright arts 2 in the October 23 chevron I think that “there are some statements contained in the (letter) which require clarification or refutation,” as D. B. Wright put it himself. In his attack on the leaflet that I helped to distribute he claims that the Parti Quebecois had not come under attack and therefore the Quebec independence wasn’t being repressed. The PQ has had some 40 members imprisoned under the act and no charges have been laid against any of those arrested. He also claims that the independence movement in Quebec doesn’t have the popular support that the leaflet says Trudeau is attempting to crush. If this is so then how could Trudeau arrest 440 leaders of a movement that doesn’t exist. It would also help if he did read the statistics printed in the Chevron on the past Quebec election. But D. B. Wright goes further and claims that a person who makes a statement on the WMA that he disagrees with must therefore support the acts of the FLQ. The logical conclusion then is that I must be treated in the same way that the FLQ should be treated and yet he claims that democracy still exists in Canada. Trudeau also thinks in a similar way because he equates terrorism and revolution in his CBC speech. The only reason that that conclusion isn’t carried out is that the will of the people will not allow him to do so. Democratic rights can only be preserved as long as the population is willing to fight for those rights. In Vancouver, the municipal government is more blatent and has begun to fire teachers with views opposed to that of the federal government. Concerning the demand for the release of the political prisoners the leaflet only referred to the persons arrested under the WMA and didn’t include those who were previously, but does not necessarily mean that the 23 FLQ prisoners were not political prisoners depending on an individuals view who supports the leaflet. In the same issue there was an article, by Trevor Penn, on the speak-out called by the leaflet. In it he refers to the “ad hoc committee against the war measures act (young socialists)” which is innacurate because it carries the implication that all the members of the committee

were members of the young socialists. In fact the committee included members of the NDP, the Labor Council, the Vietnam Mobilization Committee, the Communist Party and other individuals. Such a committee is a united front of various groups. ABIE WEISFELD sci 2 Philosophical to destroy

conflict women’s


The exclusion of men from women’s liberation is an unreconciable example of hypocracy and poor insight. In certain cases the causes of -many suppressed groups have been forewarded by individuals not directly affected by the suppression. An example is the ‘white’ civil rights worker in the States. It is true that working women and homemakers generally do not have the same organizational experience as men. A democratic group, however, elects its officials. The voters could consider the ‘need to give women a chance’ along with experience and ability in their voting criteria. Special arrangements could be made where women could be trained on the job for certain bureaucratic positions. The training could be done very well by men with organizational experience. The entire balance between bureaucratic positions, men, women could conceivably be worked to a sensible solution which would maximize efficiency and fairness to women lacking experience. This, however, is a small point. The bureaucracy is just a means to an end. The really important functions in the movement involve: a) the presentation of an articulate philosophy, b) the application of this philosophy to specific problems and situations, c) visionary planning of actions in order to advance towards the goals of the movement. Performing these functions requires intelligence. Women and men then are on equal terms. Cooperation in this area would definitely benefit the movement by: a) giving it a wider intellectual base, b) overcoming initial hostility which men as a group feel for women’s liberation. c) giving proof by example of the search for equality not dominance. Any discrimination here would be hypocritical. ‘It would contradict the basic philosophy of equality that women’s liberation should be trying to advance. Implementation of this contradiction has and will harm women’s liberation. It invalidates the rationality of a basic philosophy which must underline the reforming organization. If women expect equal opportunity to perform to the limits of their abilities in various professions without sexual discrimination then men must be able to expect the same policy from women’s liberation. This philosophic contradiction will destroy the movement much faster than any bureaucratic disturbance which men must be able to expect the same policy from women’s liberation. This philosophic contradiction will destroy the movement much faster than any bureaucratic disturbance which men in the movement could precipitate. I apologize for not clarifying this point in my previous letter. J. B. MEDLEY mech eng. 2a




6 november

1970 ( 11:27)








. ‘Canpolitical objectives justify taking \ - _ - ~ human life? -----1 mHE

COLONIAL STATUS of Quebec -within Canada, itself a colony. Efforts to restore power to the people through movements such as FRAP. The Canadian constitution and the mechanics of reconstituting Canada, The war measures act and the threats which it clearly poses to civil liberties in Canada. The inability of the police and military to apprehend members of the FLQ. The machismo of mr. Trudeau and his revolutionary adversaries, an age-old drama of masculine prowess. The vicarious sense of virility afforded spectators in english Canada in their muted and disguised support of the FLQ. All of these are vital issues and should not be ignored. None of them, however, should take priority to the fundamental dilemma: th-e taking of human life to further political ends. One searches recent issues of the Chevron and On The Line for some evidence that opponents of the war measures act have been personally troubled by the murder of Pierre Laporte or the fate of James Cross. Discussions with the anonymous writers of those articles prove even more disappointing. Political abstractions, devoid s of significant human content, grip the imagination in a way that the reality of death apparently cannot. The Laporte murder has already receded into history in the feelings and memory of many. Some time radicals must, therefore, question who their allies are in a movement having as its goal- the radical transformation of society. We rightly contend that our society collectively countenances the continued


450 the Chevron


exploitation and dehumaniza tion of man within it and without it. The-challenge remains: (how) can it be transformed? , The utter alienation of man from man and of man from his acts is most vividly captured in those events, euphemistically called assassinations, where man becomes mere symbol and object, and no more man. We do understand that we destroy each other structurally, particularly through national economies and their instruments, the state. But too often we’fail to comprehend the significance of the wilful act whereby man destroys man, no longer mediated by guiltdeflecting social structures, but in the must dehumanized fashion. What the state has accomplished through its impersonal institutions which rob acts of their human quality, the revolutionary accomplishes in the most immediate and depraved manner. And so the revolutionaries’ of the FLQ could live with their victim for a week: could see him in fear for his life, and could finally destroy him-as the nazis did the jews, as the Americans do the Vietnamese. It is this withering capacity for destruction which finally baffles the (peace) movement itself. Yet some among us are more grieved by- the passage of the war measures act than with the destruction of a single life. Is it‘ indeed true that the destruction of 6,000,000 is more reprehensible than- the murder of one man? Have our souls become so bureaucratized that. we comprehend quantity and efficiency alone? Or is it the case that grief for 6,000,000 has no meaning if not experienced for the One?

The-villain Richard Nixon says of demonstrators that they are “super-hypocrites” as they make the peace sign with one hand and hold a bomb in the other. It is, pf course, no small matter that their exemplar is-to be found in the massive hypocrisy of the state and its agents. But we become one with the Nixons when we condone or otherwise ignore the implications of mr. Laporte’s murder. At that point, we no longer differfrom the state in whether life is expendable, but merely whose. This is no revolution. This is capitulation. Should we be disturbed by the passage of the war measures act? Of course we should. But hope, humane purposes, and ultimately justice must . disintegrate in the absence of structures within which people can achieve these ends. .. For the most part, the war measures act penalizes the narcissism of privileged english Canadians in the universities, while the folly of the FLQ undermines the democratic thrust of the Parti Quebecois and FRAP. --The war measures act dramatizes the fact that our fate as english Canadians is tied to the fates of mr. Laporte and our brothers in Quebec. The Act will, in due course be lifted or replaced. Until that time, we might askhow we will better use these liberties after they are restored than we have used them before they were removed. We might also reassess the nature of the “enemy,” and question the too-convenient assumption that it is wholly external and structural and not at all within I us. I am referring to the disagreeable-as_-


sumption that social structure is the only reality that counts, that society is real, while man and situation are merely nominal. This fictive device has it that social structure alone is lethal. Man and situation are perceived as possibly benighn in their possibilities, and indifferent at worst. We should at least acknowledge that social arrangements function also as excuse systems, both for capitalists and the managerial class (as our radical analysis informs us) ‘and for revolutionaries alike. c I anticipate criticism of the positions briefly indicated here. Recent experience suggests that it will, for the most part, be pure sophistry. Governments have perfected techniques of information control which mystify people and fashion reality of illusion. Many would-be revolution‘aries have shown themselves to be gifted ~ sophists, too, and could equally serve 4he state as they do their own causes. Critiques of society which are founded in moral propositions must themselves be justified on moral grounds. There is a fundamental realignment now taking place within the (peace) movement. Those who delight in the game of power will continue to do so on terms dicated by the state. Others will seek methods which baffle rather than validate the state. For we comprehend that death-affirming, life-denying socieites cannot lose to ,I death-affirming, life-denying revolutionary movements. They are but as one. Ron

Lambert is a of Waterloo.




r ,

y professor,

Can living death’ wait F



HE ARTICLE APPEARING on these pages written by sociology prof Ron Lambert addresses itself to an important question dealing with the present situation in Quebec: the justification of taking human life for the furthering of political aims. Professor Lambert questions this practice-and rightly so-but in doing so, alludes in dangerous generalities to supposed lack of sympathy among radicals for the death of Pierre Laporte. We do not propose to fall into a stereotyped redress claiming selected lives taken for the furthering of general human aims may be justified; rather we prefer to refute some specific allusions Lambert makes. We would first, however, agree with Lambert that (to paraphrase noted american educator Jerome Bruner) death in the abstract has been couched in such ‘large numbers today that we have indeed lost sight of the importance of one individual death. We would contend, however, that radicals, and the peace movement people generally have been the first to break away from the mold of due process of government and war, and recognize the physical living death of our poor and the moral living death of our great silent majority. Working in ghettos, with the company of young Canadians, with drug trip cases and welfare agencies has demonstrated the very real, the very private and the very individual horror of bare existence; surely a living death which even lacks humane finality of cessation. Surely this living death is reality. Surely Quebec’s economic deprivation outlined in detail in recent chevrons is reality. Professor Lambert could not

have been reading the chevron if indeed, , he believes his claim that “political abstractions, devoid of significant human context grip the imagination in a way that the reality of death apparently cannot.” Is it political abstraction to quote Quebec unemployed? Is it political abstraction to delineate the political repression of not merely FLQ supporters but dozens of moderate dissidents in Quebec under the war measures act? Is it political abstraction to suggest imperialist motives of a federal government seeking not redress of the social injustices in Quebec, but more expediently, the suppression of “legitimate” challenges to its perception of its own power and glory (see tuesday’s special supplement, page 2 column three) ? .- Lambert’s cruel and sweeping allusions to “anonymous-writers,” and “sometimes radicals” bears no relation to the reality of the analysts who have prepared our Quebec material-people intimately experienced in the life-styles of ,workers, political ethos of Quebec leftists and the historical relevance of how the Quebecois’ realization of himself as an individual within a culture has slowly been destroyed by the greed of those whom our society truly respects as champions of individualism-the economic entrepreneurs. It is these same exploiters who ‘will mourn the death of Pierre Laporte in their newspapers. It is these exploiters who will parrot the hollow lamentations of plastic parliamentarians who wish to ensure the media carries to constituents exactly what they expect to hear. It is really quite unnecessary for Lambert to stoop

to the level of textbook psychology to throw up remarks like “ . . . the vicarious sense of virility afforded the spectators in english Canada in their muted and disguised support of the FLQ.” This is academic cynicism at its most unproductive. Indeed, the chevron, anticipating such a reaction in response to its analysis, took care to present viewpoints either directly from the Quebec media and action groups, or from people who have lived and worked in Quebec for a large portion of their lives : John Huot, Judith Miller, and the people of the Last Post to mention several. As we anticipated, the english-speaking press has devoted its comment largely to blindly churning out the “martyr” image of Pierre Laporte-precisely the reaction hoped for by the federal government in order to distract the attention of english-speaking Canadians from the real grievances in Quebec; from the reasons why the FLQ exists. What use is there, we thought, in presenting exactly what everyone else will. - be presenting without addressing causes

‘member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS). subscriber: liberation news service (LNS) and chevron international news service (GINS). the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (1970-71) on tuesdays and fridays by the federation of students, incorporated university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration.offices in the campus center; phone (5i9) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295 - 748. circulation: ,-

from the viewpoint of Quebecois them, selves? If what professor Lambert wants is the chevron’s contrition for not mourning the death of Pierre Laporte, he shall not receive it. If, on the other hand, he wishes a comment, we offer the following: we cannot condemn the violence of the FLQ without also condemning the violence of the system which created the perceived need by some for the FLQ’s existence. Professor Lambert’s opinion that men have become symbols rather than men and that violence to an individual is more abhorent than violence to a system is a good matter for discussion. For what is it about a system that professes humanism but operates on a basis of personal exploitation that denies all forms of effective dissent other than those patterned on its own deviance? What is it about the system in Canada -and its sub-system in Quebec-that forces the personal exploitation tactics of the FLQ? The chevron is opposed to death. Of all types. -Alex



legal nasty habits, our prediction last week only materialized slightly. Rumor has it that there’s a whole new crop of undercover people in town waiting to catch you up on your little trips, so procede with caution. Personally, a note to the staff: don’t forget to come to the staff party this friday; drop in to the office and find out where. Also personally, a note to someone up the Village way-there are none so blind as those who will not see. Today marks an historic occasion for the chevron as being the first tim’e we have accepted advertising on the back page of a friday paper. We decided in favor when approached because we all know how important public relations can be in maintaining proper misconceptions. The following people are as guilty as the days are short: 1

10,500 (tuesdays) 13.000 (frIdaysI Alex Smith, editor

Unfortunately no-one identified the quote in the last masthead; could it be that without the two dollar reward, people are too lazy to attempt to answer? Shame on you all who didn’t identify it as from a book called CHI; letter from Biafra, published in and science Toronto by new press. We‘ve had a lot of letters lately from engineering students complaining about textbooks and professors they must put up with. This has led us to the conclusion that the service of the chevron might be extended to include an “action line” type of department which can hopefully get to the right people with enough constant pressure to see that things like this are remedied. The only way we can tell if this service would be beneficial is by the number of responses we receive to this initial suggestion. More than likely, these questions would be dealt with directly a role that could conceivably re through the editor at first, who would be performing duce the need felt by , the administration. for a vice-president of personnel which, if it materializes, could be a grand design to institutionalize problems; not to ferret them out and solve them. Comment? To all you naughty people who endulge in certain il-

for politics’?


production manager: Al Lukachko coordinators: Bob Epp & Bill Sheldon (news), Tom Purdy & Peter Wilkinson Ross Bell (entertainment). Bryan Anderson (sports), rats (features)


brute meharg, renato ciolfi, dave mccutcheon, anita epp. pete marshall (welcome back). dennis mcgann, gary robins, gerry baycroft, dianne (for shame) caron, gord moore, kathy dorschner, eleanor hyodo, hilda eastern, trish ryan, dane charboneau, Colin hamer, norm bee’rs, paul lawson, meg edelman who’s going to get hers if she doesn’t stitch up Phyllis, trevor Penn, brute Steele. myles and Sharon, phil elsworthy, dave blaney, brenda mercosky, jim klinck, richard anderson. And from now on, its Old Sailor on deadline nights. Chow.


6 november

1970 (1 I-27)



hiwat. Is there any place you’d rather be? Uniwatians are the kind of people who wouldn’t be here if there was any place better. They’re people who came from troubled campuses and stayed to build. People with backbone and brawn and a hunger to succeed. Men and women who created a standard of education in a decade that other -universities worked centuries to build. If we have a flaw, it’s our chronic modesty. Uniwatians may be proud to be Uniwatians and Waterlooians . . . they just seldom tell anyone. From an- economic point of view that is wrong. The more people we have boosting Uniwat and Waterloo the better it is. And we’ve got a lot to boost with. In the fight against illiteracy for example, Uniwat has become a world leader. Everyone talks about illiteracy, we do something. More than a hundred million dollars


you boost Uniwat University


452 the Chevron

. . . Uniwat

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and Waterloo

get a little

Burton C. Matthews,


stronger. t

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