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7, Number



fs Oppose

Sf by Andy Anstett

The following man on the street column was done Friday night. The comments printed below were given in the order they are printed, they were not solicited as to content nor were they edited, all comments received have been printed. Most of the comments from University of Waterloo students were collected after the dance at the village where students actually lined up to express their feelings, usually of displeasure. Comments from the students of other universities were gathered at the Ontario regional conference of the Canadian Union of Students held here over the weekend. * 72 72 John Cleveland, C.U.S. Secretriat: “The news by any other name would be as sweet.” *-iI* Dave Young, Vice-Pres. C.U.S.: “That’s very interesting. Soon the University can change its name to Chevron University and the paper can change its name to the Chevron Chevron and the paper can hire an editor called Major Major Major.” $7 * * Sandra Sacks, U. of W. student: “I think it stinks!” * -i? $2 Wayne Tocheri, Pres. of Lakehead University Student’s Council: “Looks like a plug for Chevrolet.” Ed. Chown, Pres. Alma Mater Society Queen’s University: “Sounds like a gas station.”

Mike Sheppard, Pres. of U. of W. Student’s Council: “The paper is much the same as always. It misquoted me per usual.”



Doug Ward, Pres. C.U.S.: “I think it’s a fine name.” Chris Haber, U. of W.: “I think its God’s awful. Are we a subsidiary of Standard Oil. If people can’t spell Coryphaeus it’s time they packed it in.” * 72 $2 Pete Clark, U. of W.: “It’s great, no kiddin’.” .A .A T-b w I.4 w Audrey Lasichuk, U. of W. “I think it shows lack of bone.”

the way it was before suited the university.”

There has been a great deal of talk about the ideal of the “community of scholars”. Defining just what is meant by this handy and very “in” phrase was a significant contribution to the movement to improve the quality and value of higher education, and to humanize our present knowledge factories. It was felt by the delegates that teaching should consist of a dialogue between the professors and students, in which the professors are provided with the atmosphere, facilities, and opportunity for private research and study, while the student is given a stimulating environment for self-education. The master-pupil relationship would be eliminated; students and faculty would be thought of as scholars working together toward a common goal. “Community” in the phrase “community of scholars” implies a total society. If the students are to be participants in the government of



* $2 $2 Ron Trbovich, Vice-Pres. Village Council: “Chevron is for the sh - - - .” * $7 -i? Tony Miezlaiskis, U. of W.: “I think it should have been left


take part in as well as their

It was agreed by the delegates that a university must be governed according to democratic principles, and the most acceptable definition of democracy was found to be participation. It was generally felt that any representation in university government should be based not upon population (such as 50-50 representation) but upon the degree of relevance to the interest groups concerned.


Mike Muszynski, U. of W.: “I don’t think the name’s original. It sounds too much like a certain car. Everyone is familiar with the old name.” * 7% * Frank Boote, U. of W.: “It’s very sudden but I like it.” 72 7% 72 Ilona Van Mil, U. of W.: “If we’re trying to build up tradition we shouldn’t be changing.”

* * ‘I2 Joan Robertson, U. of W.: “I don’t think the word Chevron is as distinctive as the word Coryphaeus.” * I2 72 Dave Nordoff, U. of W.: “If you want tradition why keep changing things! Besides it’s the name of a Quebec cigarette.” * * 72 Wayne Jacobson, U. of W.: “If it had been the Chevron when I came here I’d have been opposed to a change of name to Coryphaeus.”

Before complete implementation could be achieved, the study groups pointed out that there are a great many problems to overcome. For example, if first and second year students are to be ready to enter the community of scholars, there must be vast improvement in the standards and methods of secondary education. The professors and administrators are at present largely at odds with the philosophy of education and university government held by the students. And before any meaningful action can be taken, the delegates pointed out that the students must be made aware of their responsibilities as participants in the university society. ’ Aside from the issue of university government, the conference put forward recommendations for improving and soundly student government, criticized the Ontario Student Aid


Program. The presence on Saturday of William Davis, the Minister of University Affairs, gave the delegates an excellent opportunity for criticism and acquiring information straight from the horse’s mouth, as it were.




7, 1966


72 a 72 Fraser Barnes, U. of W.: “I’m for it! I like the emblem! The Chevron at least has some relation to our university.”

* * * Bob Wallace, U. of W.: “I’ve become sort of attached to the name Coryphaeus after being here for five years.”

their society they the administration academic pursuits.


fk * * Louise Futcher, U. of W.: “It’s our paper! Why should we change it to suit other universities.”

r Democratic At the conference of the Ontario Region of the Canadian Union of Students, hosted by our Federation this weekend, delegates set out a solid basis of principles for the current demands of students for a place in the government of the universities. The nebulous myths about the right of the students to participate in the decision making apparatus of the administration and faculties were transformed into sound and thorough reasoning.



Patti Pepin, Vice.-Pres. Alma Mater Society, Queen’s University: “Look’s like Hellyer’s new symbol for integration.”




Coryphaeus: (Fr), leader; (Gk), koryphaios; (Fr), koryphe - summit; akin to (L) cornu; 1. the leader of the chorus. 2. the leader of a party or a school of thought. * * * Chevron: (VL), caprio - rafer; akin to (L), caper - goat; 1. a heraldic charge consisting of two diagonal stripes meeting in a ‘usu’. with the point up. 2. a sleeve badge ‘usu’ indicating the wearer’s rank and service (as in the armed forces). * * 72 The above definitions are in accordance with: Webster, D., Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, (Toronto, 1961). Sign outside village cafeteria Friday night: Its Coryphaeus, not Chev - what - - ever - - the - - hell - - it - is. Shouted comment in village parking lot Friday night: “Parking is loving.”



Jim Nagel’s arbitrary decision to change the name of the Coryphaeus to the Chevron should be damned. Editorial ‘freedom is of extreme importance - but it has its limits and does not extend to changing the name without informing the students, the council, the Board of Publications, or even the chairman of that board. Mr. Nagel didn’t even have the courtesy to inform all his editors, never mind his staff. The name Coryphaeus is seven years old and represents one of the oldest traditions on this campus. It is a name well known to campus leaders all across Canada because of its distinct individuality; it is a name remembered by our alumni. The names of every other campus newspaper in Canada seem to fall into one of two categories. The first consists of standard or funny names such as Western’s Gazette and Simon Fraeser’s Peak. The second is made up of names associated with the university such as Toronto’s Varsity and UBC’s Ubyssey. Our’s was the single exception. While being neither simple, quaint or obvious, we had come upon a name that didn’t sound standardized or smalltownish and at the same time had an appropriate meaning. In the ‘Gripes of Wrath’ column of the ‘Chevron’ Mr. Nagel complains about the fact that Coryphaeus is not the easiest name to spell or pronounce. So what! This is a university, should it really be necessary to simplify things down to the lowest common denominator here? A typist at Mt. Allison University puts a “c” instead of an “e” in the name coryphaeus and Mr. Nagel has a fit. One post office employee pronounced the name wrong over six months ago and Mr. Nagel says the posit office can’t pronounce the name. They pronounce it the same way we do, now. All right, so most of us do pronounce it with the accent in the wrong place - what’s so terribly bad about that? Some people pronounce ‘Nagel’ wrong; has he applied to change his name to Smith? Finally, contrary to Mr. Nagel’s article, the word Chevron is no more an English word than ‘Coryphaeus’. Jim Nagel has had a bee in his bonnet for over a year. Last summer he sent a reporter out to do a ‘man on the street’ column and found that the majority was strongly in favor of retaining the old name. He also suggeslted a name change to last year’s editorial board and was soundly turned down. So now Mr. Nagel has thrown out tradition all by himself. Even if you agree with the new name you must condemn the method of change; otherwise what is to stop any editor from changing the name year, after year, after year? The editors of this issue of the Coryphaeus have financed it out of their own pockets in an attempt to maintain the tradition, see to it that the students receive a Coryphaeus this week, and present you with a’different view of the name change. If you agree with us act! Tell your council representative‘ how you feel, write to Mr. Nagel, and tell us. It would also be appreciated if you would help cover the cost of this issue by giving or sending the editors twenty-five cents to a dollar. is not dead yet! /’ The Coryphaeus LONG LIVE THE CORYPHAEUS.

Published every Friday by the student Board of Publications of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo. Ontario. This is a special case. 0 ;iz~c;~ expressed are not necessarily those of the university or of the Student c! Board of Publications - chairman David R. Witty, advertising manager Ekkehard Heidebracht. Offices are located in the Federation building. Telephone 744-6111 local 2471, night 744-0111. Member of Canadian University Press. editor-in-chief: Stewart D. Saxe associate editors: Andrue Anstett Tom Patterson managing editor: Suzanne Hewett U. of W. students pay a subscription fee (included in their annual student fees) which entitles them to receive the Cory haeus during off-campus trimesters. Subscription price, by mail, to non-students is $3 annually.

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