1961-62_ v2,n26_Coryphaeus

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The Executive positions of the Engineering Society are to be filled this term. By the time this article is read the meeting will nominations have been held. The candidates for the various positions are free to begin their respective campaigns beginning Monday, August 20. In order that we may orient ourselves into the new fourmonth system, the terms of the offices filled by this election will extend for only four months: January, 1963, to April, 1963. Succeeding terms of office shall consist of two four-month terms. The positions to be filled by this election are the following: President 1st Vice-President 2nd Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Athletic Director The only stipulation imposed upon nominees for these offices is that candi-

dates for the offices of President and 1st Vice-President be from years 3 or 4. The campaign Rally will be held Tuesday in the Physics and Math Building Amphitheatre. Watch the Bulletin Boards for further particulars. Voting for these offices will take place on Thursday August 23. One Polling station will be open from 10.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., located in the main foyer of the Engineering Building. There will be a second station open in the Cafeteria from 11.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. There has been much said in the past about “lack of on the part of interest” engineering students toward elections. We feel that we have little to add, even assuming we felt compelled to do so. Let us take this opportunity to disprove such misconvictions and have onehundred percent turnout. See you at the polls.





MOTION: - proposed by the undergraduates that “The University be dissolved” - to be opposed by the gre;dute students m open

those unfamiliar with these rules (or lack thereof) a listing has been prepared and will be posted. Individual copies are also available from Brian MeLorry or Bill McThe-Debate will take the Grattan. form of a public forum in Upon completion of arguwhich all present may air ments and discussion the motion will be put to a vote their views. It will consist of an opening proposal by one of those present for resoluof two principal speakers for tion. When the dust subthe affirmative followed by sides, the walking wounded an initial opposition by one will repair to the Kent Hotel of the two principal speakers where a recovery room has for the negative. These will been reserved. We have been advised on be followed in turn by successive re-proposal and re- the following data pertinent opposition by the second to the event: principal speakers for each Time: 8.00 p.m. side after which the question Date: Thursday, August will be thrown open to the 16, 1962. floor for free discussion. Place: Physics and Math The proceedings will be Amphitheatre. firmly (?) ruled by the Admission: A loud, striChairman, Professor Sherbourne. The principal speak- dent voice and as few inhibitions as possible. ers for the undergraduates The success of this event will be Dave Clarke and Bill MeGrattan and for the is, of course, dependent upon graduates Adjit Boze and the interest shown by the student body. We can assure Brian McLorry. The rules of debate are that those present will have roughly based on those used a very entertaining and enin most Debating Societies lightening time and urge you in British universities. For all to be there.

Mr. Donald McPherson, Mechanical Engineering Department, is to spend four and one-half months in Manila this fall as part of a United Nations aid programme. He will be taking a leave-of-absence beginning about the middle of August and extending to the end of his research studies to be completed after the Manila assignment. The United Nations, Plans for an $11,000,000 expansion programme to meet through its International urgent capital needs of the University of Waterloo have Atomic Energy Committee, been announced by Ira G. Needles, chairman of its board sends experts, called Techof governors. nical Assistants, to underThe programme is needed, he said, to cover costs of developed countries of the buildings, equipment and other facilities to serve a minimum World. The purpose of this of 2,500 students by 1965. This university must make places aid is to develop the peaceful for at least two students for every one in class this year. usage of nuclear energy. The 1 On July 27th and 28th the Engineering Society held In the overall programme, a minimum goal of $3,000,000 its ninth consecutive semi-annual technicians are preceded by Weekend called the will be sought in gifts to the Canadian Fund for Expansion a group who analyze the “Grey and Gold Weekend.” of the University of Waterloo. The appeal to corporations situation in each such counand the general public will be nation-wide. This university try and submit a report to now attracts students from nine provinces and many the Committee as to what foreign countries. aid is desirable and how it Capital grants from the Province of Ontario are anticimay be best administered. pated in excess of 70 per cent of the total cost of the In this ease Mr. McPherson proposed expansion projects. will be aiding in the training “Still further acceleration of the university’s growth of personnel in the industrial beyond the 2,500 students now planned for 1965 would use of radioisotopes. require even more extensive governmental participation,” From the Manila a&signMr. Needles said. ment Mr. McPherson will General chairman of the fund organization is Wallace continue on to England M. Rankin of Toronto. He is vice-president and general where he will spend about manager, western area, of the Bell Telephone Company two years, on an Athlone of Canada. Fellowship, working toward Honorary chairman is J. D. Barrington, of Toronto, a doctorate degree in heat and president and managing director, McIntyre Porcupine transfer. He will conduct his Mines, Ltd. work at Queen Mary College Honorary treasurer is J. P. R. Wadsworth, of Toronto, at the University of London. and vice-president and general manager, the Canadian 0.01 Seconds . . . The bcope of his studies will Imperial Bank of Commerce. be so-called “fog-cooled” Soliciting divisions are now being created in KitchenerThe festivities were kicked off Frtiday evening with a nuclear reactors in which a Waterloo, Toronto, Hamilton, Montreal and other leading Weiner Roast at Blue Springs. This event was well attended new type of coolant is used. cities. and everyone present had a reportedly good time. is a technique new to Mr. Rankin’s first appointments were: A preliminary part of the Weekend had actually been This Canada and one which will A. A. Cumming, president, Union Carbide Canada Ltd., going on during the week as Bob Norcrosswon the Match undoubtedly hold much into be Toronto division chairman. Play Golf Tournament. terest in future. An organic Edward Brown, deputy general manager, eastern The Weekend bega.n in earnest at 9.30 Saturday reactor is now unde, condivision, the Toronto-Dominion Bank, to be Montreal morning with the Car Rally. When the results had been struction in Manitoba which division chairman. tabulated it was found that the team of George Newton, will lend itself to this type Mr. Needles, past, board chairman, B. F. Goodrich and Erie Taylor, navigator, had won (they were of operation. Heat transfer, Canada Limited, to be Kitchener-Waterloo ‘division chair- driver, probably the only ones who found their way back). according to Mr. McPherson, man. next attraction was the “Field Day” at Forwells. plays a major role in this W. H. Reid, president, Spitzer, Mills & Bates Ltd., The The various events were strongly (?) contested by the phase of nuclear engineering to be national public information chairman. athletes present with the following results: concerning itself primal ily Intensive activities will be launched in the KitchenerLog Rolling : John Conlin 3B-9 see.-1st. with the design of reactors Waterloo area during mid-September and later in the fall Bob Norcross 3B-6 sec.-2nd. with particular regard to throughout the rest of Canada. Don Grierson 3B-3 sec.-3rd. fuel giving the best heat The general chairman expressed his optimism for success Tug-o-War: Year 3B-1st. transfer properties and the in attracting support of the programme. Year 2B-2nd. most efficient method of. “Industry is solidly in favour of this young and growing Canoe Jousting: Taylor, Rae and Clarkson 3B-1st. utilizing this fuel. university for at least two reasons,” Mr. Rankin said. Sullivan, Grierson and Clarke 3B-2nd. “One reason is that Waterloo seized the new concept of Mr. McPherson advises us Newton, Marasco and Olive 3B-3rd. co-operative engineering education and made its engineering that he hopes to return to Obstacle Race: Marasco, Newton, Conlin and Grierson the University of Waterloo enrolment the second largest in this province within the 3B-1st. short space of five years. Second is this: industrialists see Sullivan, Saunders, Newman and Norcross at the conclusion of his studies assuming that a prothat each capital dollar they invest in buildings on this 3B-2nd.





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The CORYPHAEUS Published by the undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo, under the authorization of the acting Board of Publications. Publications Office, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681 The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society. Editor: Larry Barkley Cartoons: Dave Clark Sports Editor: Rex Smith Circulation: Tod Sewell

EDITORIAL * * * * OUR NON-SECTARIAN STATUS With the graduation of the first engineering students from this institution, on the unique co-operative plan, provincial authorities concerned with higher education heaved a sigh of relief. The experiement in this approach to an engineering education is regarded as a success; however, this is not the particular satisfaction of the provincial authorities. Rather, the quick growth of the University of Waterloo is once more proving the value of their approach that the university structure in Ontario need basically be non-sectarian if it is to meet the greater demands being placed upon it. One of the most difficult problems being faced by our provincial educators in recent years has been the question of the status of religious schools in higher education. A number of our seats of higher learning were originally started by religious denominations. Originally these were mainly small colleges offering essentially a cultural education. With the huge new demand for university training following the war, however, along with the new ’ emphasis on science, these began to develop beyond their original concept. Most of them entered on periods of expansion and had to face adding special schools such as engineering and commerce. With this expansion they began pressing the province for financial help. The government had to decide whether as denominational institutions - in effect private organizations - they could be supported from the public purse. _ In effect, of course, its decision went beyond this to whether it wanted to foster the development of sectarian universities. It decided it didn’t. More than a decade ago the government had more than half decided to promote a widespread growth of junior and small colleges throughout Ontario. This had political appeal in that it would bring higher education very close to home to boy5 and girls in all areas of the province. There were very definite disadvantages, however. One of these was that this type of college system would breed inefficient use of the very expensive plants that would have to be built. The laboratories, libraries and schoolrooms could not get the usage they would in large, concentrated universities. But even more important was the availability of teachers of good standard and the cost of operation. These factors outweighed the political considerations and the government decided - not too publicly - in favour of “concentrated” higher education: of large universities spaced at key points throughout the province. This policy had been set by the time the denominational institutions began to press urgently. And so they were told that to be eligible for government assistance they would have to be non-denominational. That the government particularly couldn’t contribute to programmes which would see the growth of a widespread system of small unit universities and colleges. Behind this, of course, was the consideration if help were given to one denomination there would be natural demands from other ,denominations for schools that they either operated or wanted to start. The first large school that really had to face up to this situation was McMasier - the university had been started in Hamilton by the Baptists. In the face of considerable internal dissension, the board of governors of Men/laster decided to establish the university as non-denominational. It set up a new independent board and since then, helped greatly by provincial government. assistance, the university has gone through a tremendous growth. On the campus there is a theological college, which does not get assistance. But the rest of the university receives the ’ regular assistance grants from the province. With the McMaster lead other institutions have followed along. In Sudbury, Laurentian University is an affiliation of a number of sectarian colleges. The colleges teach essentially theology and philology and the balance of classes are given at the “University” - which receives regular assistance. Waterloo has its affiliated colleges, St. Jerome’s (Roman Catholic), Renison (Anglican), St. Paul’s (United Church) and Conrad Grebel (Mennonite). (The Lutherans did not go along with the federation and the former Waterloo College is now run by them as Waterloo Lutheran University). So there is now firmly rooted in government policy the rule that sectarian schools can receive no support. All centres of higher learning must necessarily go through


THE E I C UniversitySeeks$3 - on and off campus Gont’d. a n

In Canada, as in any country where there are & great &any technical people working on a wide variety of Proiect,; and in a multitude bf Fields, it has proven to great advantage to have these efforts linked by an organization which could provide a means of comhunication of ideas and technology between its members. This function has been Derformed since 1887 for C&adian engineers by the Engineering Institute of Canada. This organization .was incorPorated rn that year by an a& of Parliament “in vie+ of the fact that survevors and engineers were rapidly expandi& Canada’s t?anspoitationsystem. Canal and iake travel- were being supplemented by a vast system of roads and railways to. help in the opening of the new nation. As could be expected, the technology of that period was largely civil engineering but bs the end of the first war t&e other branches of engineering had been drawn into the organization. An idea of the magnitude of the engineering undertakings of these early years may be derived from a historical section in the 75th anniversary edition (June 1963) of. the EIC journal. Such feats as the Transcontinental Railway, Montreal’s Lachine Bridge, The Klondike gold operations, and Marconi’s Trans-Atlantic tireless radio signal had all been performed in Canada by the turn of the century. Through all of these advances , and to a greater degree in more recent years the EIC has kept its members informed of the latest happenings and has provided an avenue for increased study. The organization has grown until it has at present more than 22,500 members in sixty-two branches in the various urban centres across Canada. In those cities which have. universities the local branches have student sections so that the thirty-three degree-granting and non-degree - granting universities across Canada contribute 5300 members to the total EIC membership. The student member derives a great, many benefits from his affiliation considering what is required of him in return. On this campus a reasonable schedule of activities have been planned. A number of good technical and interesting films are on ordei. The meetings are held weekly at 12.25 in the large amphitheatre in the Physics and Mathematics Building and notices will be posted on further particulars. With the support of you, the student population, we hope to have an active and interesting year.

AUGm 16,l%st



fully-utilized campus is working for them 12 months of the year. “From my recent discussions with business men in high places, I observe that Waterloo is assured of nation-wide support for its programme of staking out new ground like this in university education. “Here in the growing communities of central Ontario, this university is a tremendous asset to their people, their industries and their culture. The opportunity in muchneeded expansion is recognized. I look for it to be followed up by the fullest support from those who stand first in line to share in the benefits.” Dr. J. G. Hagey, president of the university, emphasized the urgency of the appeal to make higher-educational advantages possible to young people now in public and secondary schools. “Our expansion fund is for education in tune with the times,” Dr. Hagey said. “This university is now in the midst of a growth period accelerating at the rate of 400 new students per year. We know, for example, that by 1965 our unique co-operative engineering programme will expand from 846 now to a minimum of 1,500 students. It is the only one of its kind in Canada. “We make this forecast with confidence because our surveys and projections prepared in 1957 have proved accurate all along the line.” Dr. Hagey listed the expansion projects that will sustain instruction for double the present enrolment here:’ A faculty of arts building presently under construction with borrowed capital, a faculty of science building, a university library to house 100,000 volumes by 1965, a library books and periodicals fund, a campus centre, scientific equipment and furnishings, a maintenance building, an engineering building addition, land acquisition and campus development. These projects are planned as the University of Waterloo’s share in meeting nation-wide needs for more and better-trained graduates, the president continued. , “Unprecedented numbers of young people can be envisioned on the thresholds of Ontario universities by 1965,” h& said. “At the same time, Canada’s need for large numbers of university graduates will continue to increase tremendously. Expansion of University of Waterloo facilities upon ideal existing acreage will provide higher educational advantages for a sizeable percentage of these people - at a relatively low cost per student.” The new buildings, like existing ones at Waterloo, will be air-conditioned for year-round service. Between the co-operative education programme and special summer school courses, it is anticipated that the university’s buildings will be in use to almost 100 per cent capacity all year. Waterloo’s present plant was made possible with the help of previous support to a fund programme conducted in 1959. At that time, more than $1,350,000 was contributed by business, industry and the general public. Of this, more than 50 per cent came from donors in the KitchenerWaterloo area. Numerous gifts of equipment and library books are valued at more than $50,000. . All gifts sought in the expansion fund programme are to be applied to projects of the non-denominational university, it was stated. Four church-related colleges with sites on the university campus are separately financed.




GREY AND GOLD Cont’d. t Needless to say, Year 3 won the Society Bowl, emblemat,ic of athletic supremacy, by an overwhelming margin. The other years can take a,lesson from this example of teamwork and enthusiasm. Congratulations. The Weekend came to it& fitting climax Saturday evening with the Grey and Gold Ball held at the Coronet Motor Hotel. We wish to take this opportunity to thank the Engineering Society Executive for the wonderful time afforded to all who attended the Weekend with special mention to Phil Thoman and John Jurychuk whose efforts made most of the above possible.

GUM... The gum-chewing girl And the cud-chewing cow Are somewhat alike Yet differ somehow The difference I believe That I know it ‘now Is the clear, thoughtful look On the face of the cbw . . .

periods of great growth which they can hardly achieve without government aid. For instance, MeMaster as already cited, n&w has one of the leading research reactors on the continent. The University of Waterloo, incorporated only in 1959, is embarking on a $3 million fund-raising campaign this fall and plans to double in size by 1965. It is felt that such dynamic growth can only be attained on a non-deno.minational basis.

Man to Manilla Cont’d. gramme is available whereby he may utilize his training. The most probable courses evolving from such a pro- t gramme are studies in Hydro dynamics and those leading to training as a Reactor Physicist, both of which would deal with the design and operation of nuclear reactors. With Mr. McPherson go our congratulations and best wishes both on his United Nations assignment in Manila and on his studies in England.


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