UVA Lawyer, Fall 2011

Page 68

Class notes …

white collar practices in


family owned business

Washington, D.C. She


groups. He works with

was named head of the

Pell is a partner in the

clients on general business

firm’s women’s leadership

commercial litigation

and corporate matters,

initiative in 2006 and was

group at White & Case in

including entity formation,

a founding member of

New York.

acquisition or sale of

the District of Columbia Chapter of Women’s Leadership and Mentor-

companies, and corporate


ing Alliance, a nonprofit

financings. Prior to practicing law, Ramig served on

organization whose mis-

Bill Chapman was

the Washington, D.C.,

sion is to cultivate

confirmed by the

staff of U.S. Senator Mark

A photo from the June 23rd Florida Bar reception in

networking, mentoring,

Washington State Senate

O. Hatfield and on the

Orlando, Florida: Bob Wilkens ’83, Laura Everett ’02

and career development

to serve as chairman of the

White House staff in the

and Markita Cooper ’82.

opportunities for women

Washington Recreation

Carter administration’s

across industries. She

and Conservation Funding

Office of Public Liaison.

has counseled victims of

Board. The RCFB awards

He also served on the

rape and abuse and spent

roughly $100 million

staff of Donald Anderson,

hundreds of pro bono

biannually in 11 differ-

a member of the British

difference in the private

offer guidance to parents

hours seeking to protect

ent grant programs for


sector. She has joined T &

on how to make up stories

women’s reproductive

parks, trails, and wildlife

M Protection Resources,

with their children, while

rights. She was a key

habitat. Chapman was

a consulting and inves-

offering parenting insights

figure in drafting Dickstein

nominated to the position

tigative firm, where she

reflecting the wonder

Shapiro’s policy on

by Governor Gregoire.

will be heading a new

and joy of raising kids.

alternative work arrange-

Martha N. Donovan is

division that will provide

McCormick is an attorney

ments, where women

Thomas G. McNeill has

included in New Jersey

sexual assault and sexual

in Washington, D.C., where

could work on a schedule

been named among the

Super Lawyers 2011 and

misconduct education,

he lives with his wife,

reduced by as much as 50

Leaders in Their Fields by

Chambers USA 2011 in the

training, and investigative

Danna, and the boys. (See

percent and still be on a

Chambers USA 2011 in the

area of environmental law.

services to a variety of

In Print.)

partnership track.

area of general com-

Donovan is with Norris

mercial litigation. McNeill

McLaughlin & Marcus in

colleges and universities,

Elaine Metlin received

model herself when she

is with Dickinson Wright

Bridgewater, where she

sports teams and leagues,

the National Association

entered the Law School

in Detroit, Mich., where

is a member and co-chair

and private businesses.

of Women Judges’ 2011

as a single mother of a

he is practice depart-

of the environmental law

Florence K. Murray Award

two-year-old daughter in

ment manager for the

group. She focuses her

John T. McCormick

in October. The award is


commercial litigation

practice on environmental

published his first book,

presented annually to a

and alternative dispute

law and complex litigation

Dad, Tell Me a Story: How

woman who is not a judge

Owen Pell received

resolution groups. He is

with emphasis on the

to Revive the Tradition

and who has influenced

an honorary doctor of

recognized for his work

defense of environmental

of Storytelling with Your

women to pursue legal

laws degree from the

on class action lawsuits

property damage and

Children, with Nicasio

careers, opened doors

State University of New

in a variety of industries,

toxic tort claims. She also

Press. The book contains

for women attorneys, or

York and delivered the

and has considerable

has considerable experi-

a collection of stories

advanced opportunities

commencement address

experience in transactional

ence working on insurance

that McCormick created

for women within the legal

at Binghamton University


coverage matters.

and illustrated with his


on May 22. His speech, on

John C. Ramig has joined

Mark Kmetz has been

Metlin served as a role

private entities, including


two sons, William and

Metlin is a partner

Connor. The book and

in Dickstein Shapiro’s

mentoring, can be

Ater Wynne in Portland,

named director of the

the companion Web site,

business litigation and

found on YouTube at

Ore., as partner in the

Massachusetts Division

global trade, business,

of Professional Licensure,

emerging business, and

an agency that licenses

dadtellmeastory.com, also

66  UVA Lawyer / Fall 2011

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