Phoenix - Spring 2011

Page 34

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she is sitting angled towards the window n5no uti£Iqmo) 15dl£1 '{ffl ,2smnhrl:J rb.r.3 but not looking out through it, .15rhombo£lg '{ffl gniJi2iv Juod.G hands folded speechlessly and resting on her lap, lOrl 02 2i 5worI 5rIT" as silent as her house. lsd1 02 gu 1snOffl15dJ Jsrll g55Li '{5dJ with the light murmuring through the gauze curtains f1wob [JO,{ JS52 2bn£rl '(VS50 behind her, .noi?iv5bJ 5ch to mOlt ni ,IbuoJ 5d1 omi 15v~not uo'{ 2251q bfls it cups her head and hair, tenderly curving around her chin ".JUo b551d 25'{5 lUO'{ lbou 2W002 .Jl1I>J o::>J£W in a mother's embrace. (1I:n'{m OJ) '{£? I i wonder what she sees with the blue of her eyes drained out of her face, still stickily oozing down uns~nb ~nh:,>dffl5m:'>1 :'>.Jlil 2',i and clinging to her shoulders -l'nb1uod2 '{lIs:'>1 uo'{ w[b like wax. 22:'>h1S ;XH.un bClS i wonder what she remembers. 25~smi 110210 ~nid:)JJoJ u5Ibn5 JrI~il2 5[b ,ni.Jl2 lUO'{ 12niJ;~s i am entering the room nwob 21001 uo'{ where my great-grandmother died, .dlSill d::n'[;D2 :'>d1 :'>52 bn£ picking up picture frames, looking at my grandmother with my grandfather, back when someone had gathered up the wax :,>woIl 2'r)dJOmbnS1~ '(ill ~ni15m5 and smoothed the blue back into her eye sockets. ,5m1D S ~nil1imffloJ 5Liil 21 5.Jlil 2b51.100b 5dJ to In:'>ffl5VOffl 5[11 rbiw lis 5Ill ~nid1Ul21b i am leaving my grandmother's house ...1i ~niddOl bns 5mon s oloi ~niLls::nd and leaving my grandmother's house lO11im 5dJ 0) J5g1f;::> nWOld n5il~u 5rll woflot i 515rI is like committing a crime, 51:'>rlW disturbing the air with the movement of the door feels like O~L ~nol 02 JOO robbing a home and leaving the loot out to spoil, II£) 02 JOn 2SW i letting in the outside world 1/in :ns 21OgS51 '{m .5~smi 21i fli 1£5gg£ 01 bS':lIl '{m wolls 01 2£ and finally naming what had been hushed at inside. .5Id£1 5[11 no ,515dJ leaving my grandmother's house .b5ib 15r1lOmbfI£1~-JS51~ '{ffl 5150W mom 5dJ oi 2g.f>d '{m 5Jdg i is like betraying your lover .noi2iv5b1 5dJ'10 Jrlo',l oi "115unio 25gbol15010ld '{ffl leaving my grandmother's house .fl.G5b bns ...Joo::> OJ .mi~pd '{lbnild 15dlOffl '{ffl is like forgetting you're drowning .b5qq£1J ,151S5W2 2id 2gul bns ?1£5W2 15rbd '(ffl like running away like refusing .gIl ~oi.Jlsw 52i.i1 2i q512100t rl::>£5 like denying ,fflOOl ~oivil 501 ani15Jn5 fflS i ,225b2ioo like looking down 15010) 5m ni 5::11:1 51idw Iutws 5Ib and finding scratch marks on your skin. .5Idi2iv '{bu;d bos 1il jon ,HlgiIl5hfI5vsl ,15502 (5)11;J2 ni b5buOld2 2i moOl 5dJ ,b51£5D ,(lIS)1JU5bi Ill552 2JJ5{do rl)irlw fIi bnbl 5dJ l1sqs m5cb 1151 OJ li.f>J5b Jrti::>5q2 anbbsl (21010) lis gnib·lsg51?ib bos ..Jl)sld 5V.f>2 .5Jdq~)1a 5dl nsrll 1511£J Vlon ms i





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