1 minute read

Treasurer's Address

Serena Chedid

Throughout the first half of Tenure, the LSS faced significant challenges with decreasing funding, requiring the Treasury to make tough decisions regarding the budget However, the Treasury approached this situation with determination and creativity, recognising the need to ensure the sustainability of the Society's activities while maximising the benefits to students. Through careful consideration and strategic planning, the Treasury has implemented mass budgetary cuts that allowed the Society to continue providing highquality events and initiatives, despite limited resources.


One of the key objectives is for the Law Students’ Society to obtain charity status. The process of obtaining charity status will empower the Treasury to secure funding from external sources, providing the Law Students’ Society with the means to organise a wider range of events and enhance the overall student experience within the constraints of the budget Through relentless efforts, the Treasury is on the way to achieving this

In addition to securing financial stability, the Treasury implemented a new policy to streamline quote approval process. This policy has allowed the Treasury to maintain strong financial control while ensuring that the events the Society organises truly reflect the aspirations and interests of the student body. By providing ample time for evaluation, the Treasury has been able to select the most cost-effective and valuedriven options, ultimately benefiting all students

This year, the Marketing Portfolio proudly launched additional merchandise that has become a significant source of income for the Law Students Society The carefully designed and appealing products have resonated with the student community, generating substantial revenue and ensuring the financial stability of the Society This success not only provides the Law Student Society with the means to enhance existing events and initiatives but also fosters a sense of unity and belonging among the members.

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