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Women's Representative Address

Wow, these past 6 months have flown by. Time flies when you’re having fun and we’ve certainly jammed in some incredible Women’s events in the past semester

The growth of the Women’s Collective Facebook group is a huge achievement of this tenure. Through this online community, we are building a supportive environment where women across the UTS LSS can find opportunities to thrive academically, professionally, and personally, with over 205+ members. A big thank you to the many helping hands in creating content, sharing initiatives and interacting with opportunities on the Collective.


We didn’t stop there - over the past semester I had the privilege to organize the Johnson Winter Slattery Women’s Mentoring Program for 2023, host a panel at the Intervarsity Women in Law Conference on AI and bias with sold-out registrations, and raising over $5,000 dollars for the Women and Girls Emergency Centre in Redfern.

Eliza Lo Russo

Next semester, you can keep your eyes peeled for a wealth of new initiatives including a diverse women authored book club, more charity and community initiatives and a bunch of new pop-up social events. I’m also looking at free sanitation products for the Level 14 bathrooms

But I want to take this opportunity to remind this wonderful cohort that I’m constantly looking for ways to improve existing and introduce new initiatives that cater to the diverse needs of women and other gender minorities! If this is something you want to be involved in, please get in touch with me at women@utslss com

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