Nova Quarterly: The Magazine of the University of Texas at El Paso

Page 28


baseline for the decade of the 90s for understanding the demogrqphy of the U.S.-Mexico border, a unique sociopolitical region with a growing significance in intemational relations ...the perspective on both sides of the border...issues of population size and change, family planning, mortality, migration, labor force characteristics, family formation, population policy ... loaded with charts, graphs, data. Twenty-one researchers have contributed to this book, representing government and university settings from Mexico and the U.S. $20 paperback ISBN 0-87404-222-4 ~

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Texas Western Press The University of Texas at El Paso Texas ' Western El Paso. Texas 79968-0633 Press (915) 747-5688

The University of Texas at El Paso El Paso, Texas 79968-0522

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