Utah Historical Quarterly, Volume 53, Number 2, 1985

Page 76


Utah Historical Quarterly

The Kane County Courthouse in Kanab, built in the 1930s with federal relief projectfunds, was demolished in 1983 to make wayfor a new civic structure. USHS collections. Some of our young m e n formed themselves into a military company calling themselves the H o m e Guard, and with the Martial Band, George Mace leader, m a r c h e d a n d c o u n t e r m a r c h e d , s e r e n a d i n g prominent M e n , . . . And thus the day was m a d e one of general rejoicing. From the m o m e n t the telegram arrived, never had all Utah j o i n e d in such hilarious rejoicing. O n the 6th — Monday, the officers of the new State, who was elected in the previous election held in November 1895 was inaugerated, the day being set apart as a holiday to be r e m e m b e r e d as such forever. It was enjoyed to the utmost. Guns were fired at daybreak. 10:00 a procession was formed, lead by the Band of H o m e Guards — followed by citizens, also a juvenile corps, or Bell Brigade. At two o'clock the citizens met in the Social Hall and partook of a Pic Nic Dinner, then followed speech and Song, closing the day with a grand Inaugural Ball. T h e day was all that could be desired. T h e weather was pleasant and all enjoyed themselves, there was nothing to mar the occasion, a n d

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