Utah Historical
what procedure to follow in order that this spot be properly marked, dignified with a suitable monument, and beautified with shrubbery. Except for the exchange of letters nothing was done until 1932, when the Utah Trails and Landmarks Association in cooperation with local citizens erected a square stone wall around the crumbling pile of stones and placed on the west face a plaque that reads: NO. 17 ERECTED 1932 MOUNTAIN MEADOWS A F A V O R I T E R E C R U I T I N G PLACE O N T H E O L D SPANISH TRAIL IN T H I S V I C I N I T Y , SEPTEMBER 7-11, 1857 O C C U R R E D O N E O F T H E M O S T LAMENTABLE TRAGEDIES I N T H E ANNALS O F T H E WEST. A COMPANY OF ABOUT 140 ARKANSAS AND M I S S O U R I E M I G R A N T S LED BY CAPTAIN CHARLES FANCHER E N R O U T E T O C A L I F O R N I A , WAS A T T A C K E D BY
Mountain Meadows Monument over the grave of the men of the Fancher train. The women's grave is unmarked.
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