Student Life, October 1907, Vol. 6, No. 1

Page 12

Student Affairs On the Football Field On S pt em ber 27 th t he stu de nt b ody d isplayed t hat college spirit has ch a racterized every t hat other former stu de nt body. On F ri day at chapel t here were

Aggies 6, O. H. S. o. T he Arst real t r yo u t for t he foot b all team occurred on Oct ober 5t h , when t h e Aggies p la yed the Ogd en H igh School. Th at odd immemorial hoodo p resented itself again b y giving us six points to the H ig h

a few speec hes made abo ut college


spirit, t he b enefi ts to b e de ri ved from athletics , the dut y of t he

real ga me, consequen t1 y most of th e pl ayers were new, over ex-

student body. It was fi n ally agreed upon t h at t h e stude n ts

cited, a nd ner vo u s.

shou ld t urn o ut Saturday at drill hou r a n d fix up the foot ball field. As sure as t he day, when Sat u rday came , t he stu de nts as a whole responded to the call. and with in an hou r had fi lled ti p the holes and rakecl t heent ire fie ld, leav ing it in aood co nd ition for foot ball. Let b this be bu t a successful beginning fo r the many s tu dent activities that are going to occur thro ughout the year.


It \-" as t he fi rst

F or the Ag-

gi cs, only th ree me n of last year 's tea m we re playi ng; while on t h e othe r ha nd , t he Junction City lad s ha ve been together two or t hree years. Th is they clearl y demo n strated in t heir defensive and team wor k , whic h was equal to, if n ot bette r , t han ou rs. vVhen a n Ogden player received the ball there were always two or t h ree men ready to protect him, wh ile for the Aggies it was just the reverse, two or three men ready to tackle t he man carryi ng the ball.

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