Student Life, Commencement 1907

Page 62



S tlld cllt Lifc announccs the engagcmcnt of :'Ifr. I ~ . R. Jensen , cxmanager of this paper. and nOlI' in th c Philippin es, and Mi ss S ido ni a ()l sten of :'IJanti, \\'hi ch is in " San I'ctc."

in a sco rc of 26 to 13 the 13ig O ncs .


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A ll ilie foU~s I\'ill be hc rc fo r COl11men cemcn t. Horace l(e rr ente rtai ned a small party of fr iend s at a S moke r, friday , :'Ilay 17. T he fu nni es t th in g' that has ha1)pened t his yea r is Lan gt on's accusin g th e Senio rs of bcin g lazy. Holy S mithe rin s ! Lam)to n, of a ll mo rtal s, call in g oth er people lazv! \ Vho saved the co ll ege? l,-awdel ls !

\V e are pleased to announce that T. J a rciin e, 'OS, fo r th e past tw o years censo r of S tndclIt Life, has accepted a pos iti on w ith the governm ent. J I e w ill spenci his SUI1l mel's in O rcgon a nd hi s win te rs a t \\"ash in g to ll , D. C.

J. T he game of baseba ll between Ritc r 's "Amazo ns" and P eterson' s "' Nymph s," played ]\[ay 21, resulted

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