Student Life, Commencement 1907

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ST UDEN T LfF E. obstacles. H is li fe, so far , and hi s wo rk serve us as a n example of "vhat a ma n may do by long continu ed a nd pe rsistent endeavo r. In deed we a re un abl e to exp ress th e a pp recia tion whi ch all of the stu dents feel fo r p res id ent K err pe rso na ll y a nd fo r h is wo rk in a u r behalf. He, howeve r, kn ows, from express ions stronger th a n a ny word s, how we ha ve felt towa rd him during hi s admini stration and how we still fee l. P res ide nt I,e rr 's work here h a~ not been easy, a nd for well kn own ! easons. I--l is duties in O regon pro mi se plenty of r00111 fo r the exercise of hi s ability, a nd we t rust t;,a t his pa th may be in deed one of [o;.;es. St/l dent L ife join s th e stu de nts, facul ty, and general publi c in cong ratula ting O reg on on he r gettin g such a n a bl e an d estimable gentleman to pres ide at he r Agricul tural College, and in extend in g to P resident Ke rr hearties t cong ra tul a tions atd hopes fo r unbounded success . . OTHER FACULTY


Ass' t. P rof. N . M . Han sen, Jr., of E ng in ee rin g; and As 't. P rof. L. A. Os ti en of Math emati cs. S pace does not pe rmit us to g ive a n ex tend ed writeup of each of thcse, as we should like to do . Vve Co il onl y express our best wi shes to


In add ition to P res ide nt Ke rr, th e foll ow in g members of th e fac ul ty will not be w ith us next yea r: P rof. J oseph J enson, D irecto r of the Shops, and P rofesso r of E ng in ee rin g; P rof. Dalin da Cotey,of th e Domes tic Science ; Ass' t. P rof. M . E. VVyant of E ng li sh L a ng uage and Lite rature; Prof. Geo . P. Campbell of 1 b vs ical E ducati on ; }'Jiss A ma nda I-Iolmg ren, a nd M iss Ruth }\'[oe nch of th e E ng l ish depa rt1l1 ent ;

Pro t'. .Iase pll Jenson. each and assu re them that the i r presence in th e coll ege community, and our association w ith them have ma de on t he ~ tud e nt s impress ion s tint will not be forgotten. TH E NEW AD M I NISTR ATIO N .

Beginnin g July 1, th e college w ill be under th e admini st ration of Doc-

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