The Utah Statesman, February 28, 2011

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Monday, Feb. 28, 2011

Bob Marley fan wants to change name to McLovin By VICTORIA HEPWORTH staff writer

Utah Statesman: When was the last time you lied, to whom and why? Jordan Jensen: I told this girl I would take her to California for spring break, turns out I can’t take her. She knows the truth now. US: What is the most awkward thing a girl has done to you? JJ: This girl told me to shake my hips and give her some sugar! I kind of liked it. US: What is your ideal date? JJ: The girl plans it, pays for it and gives me some sweet lovin’! Just kidding ‌ but seriously.

Caught on Campus Jordan Jensen freshman Smithfield

US: If you could meet a person who is dead and one that is alive who would they be? JJ: For the dead one I would want to meet Bob Marley because he is the man! And for the living one I’d choose Nelson Mandela, because he is a very wise man.

US: What do you think of relationships? JJ: They’re good for some people, but they’re not for me right now. Slow roasting is the way to go.

US: What is the coolest place you have been to? JJ: Zimbabwe for my mission. I loved it there, the people are great and the experience was awesome. The land is crazy and we ate weird stuff all the time.

US: What is your topmost ambition in life? JJ: To be happy, and to do that I want to get money and a beautiful woman.

US: If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be? JJ: I wish I could grow a freakin’ sweet man-beard – oh wait,I’ve already got one of those!

US: What drew you to your first crush? JJ: Obviously her outward appearance because that’s what I saw first, and that’s what always draws me in first. When I first see a girl I definitely notice what she looks like, and that is what gets me interested to find out more.

US: What are you usually doing at two in the morning? JJ: It is impossible to sleep at our house before two, so I am usually having a nice couch-sit or out doing something pointless.

US: What would be your dream vehicle? JJ: I don’t really have a dream vehicle, if it gets me from point A to point B, it’s golden.

US: If you could change your name what would you change it to? JJ: I would change my name to McLovin. Who wouldn’t want that name?

US: How did you become the person you are today? JJ: Good clean living. Learning from the stupid things I’ve done. Taking things as they come and never regretting my choices.

US: Have you broken a bone? JJ: Yes, one time I broke my arm snowboarding. I once broke my nose twice in the span of three days while playing basketball. However, I have never had a bloody nose in my entire life.

US: If you are stranded on an island what three things would you want? JJ: My iPod, gotta have my music. Some Dr Pepper, a lifetime supply to tickle my taste buds, and obviously a beautiful woman to keep me company.

US: What scares you the most and why? JJ: Getting paralyzed, not being able to move and not being able to do things that I used to do and want to do would be rough. It would be really hard to deal with, for me. US: What’s your worst pet peeve? JJ: I can’t stand people who think they know everything, even when they are wrong and they still think they are right after getting proved wrong. US: Have you ever gambled at a casino? JJ: Yes, I am hitting up Vegas over spring break, but it isn’t gambling if you know you are gonna win. US: Do you have any pets? JJ: Yeah, I have a new pup named Koda. He is a purebred Siberian husky, and he is seven weeks old. He is the bomb. US: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere you choose, where would you go? JJ: I would go to Fiji, because they have sweet beaches and I want to live on one of those houses on the ocean.

US: Are you superstitious or do you have superstitious habits? JJ: Yeah, I always have to be wearing a lucky band on my wrist. Right now it’s a brown one, and it’s not being too lucky because I got a ticket last night. Apparently the person who gave it to me is unlucky.

JORDAN JENSEN CAN SPEAK African click language, and would pick ninjas over pirates. His worst pet peeve is that he hates people who think they know everything. VICTORIA HEPWORTH photo

US: What do you miss about your childhood? JJ: I miss being able to act like a kid every once in a while and not be judged for it. I wish I could have no worries and just be able to worry about eating and sleeping and do whatever I want. Stress free living. US: Which is harder to do: Tell someone you love them, or tell someone you don’t love them back? JJ: That’s a tough one, I think telling someone you love them would be harder, because then you are the one going out on the limb. On the other hand, if you tell someone you don’t love them back it’s also hard because you feel like a jerk. Just don’t play around with the “L� bomb. US: What is on your bedside table? JJ: I got some candy, some gum, my iPod, my scriptures, my cologne, that’s all. And whatever else gets thrown on at the end of the day.

US: What things put you in a good mood? JJ: Eating food, playing and watching sports. Although watching and playing sports can put me into a bad mood also. It depends on the outcome.

US: What are your favorite activities? JJ: Basketball, golf, snowboarding, longboarding, wakeboarding, anything on a board. Doing crazy things with my friends, like jumping off first dam in the winter.

US: What makes you unique? Do you have any odd or unusual habits? JJ: I can speak click language, I get distracted easily and I can’t multi-task. That’s not really unique but it’s unusual. I am also not a True Aggie yet.

US: Are you a clean or messy person? JJ: Messy, but every once in a while I get in a cleaning mood. I like things to be clean, I just don’t like doing the cleaning. That’s what mommys are for.

US: Ninjas or pirates? JJ: Ninjas, I am actually a part-time ninja. I taught all the great ones.

US: Mountain hideaway or beach house? JJ: In the winter I’d choose the hideaway in the summer I’d pick the beach house.


Loans: Most think debt is worth it -continued from page 5 she had received from this scholarship. Vincent Bauman, a junior in biochemistry, has borrowed $4,000 in Stafford loans and said he thinks he might eventually have to borrow more. “I don’t like it, I don’t like being in debt,� Bauman said. “I feel like I owe people money. I know I will have to pay it back someday and it will be more than I borrowed.� He said he hoped to pay back his loans in the summer, but will “probably just have to get more anyway.� He said he worries about how long it will take to pay them back based on his family’s experience with student loans. “My stepdad is still paying his student loans off,� Bauman said. “It sucks, that sums it up.� Though his financial status is difficult, he said he thinks using loans will eventually be worth it. “It’s not a whole lot of debt and I should be able to get a better job because of it,� he said. Bauman said he does wish his family could help out more. “My grandma buys my books,� he said. “I would rather (my family) help pay over getting more loans.� Some students turn to their parents and other family members to help pay for their education. Cody Caldwell, a sophomore in computer science, said his parents have helped out.

“I borrowed some money from my parents, but not a lot,� he said. Caldwell said he had borrowed about $500 to supplement what his scholarship would not cover. Todd Kendall, a junior in civil engineering, is less concerned about repaying his $20,000 in Stafford Loans. “I don’t worry a lot,� he said. “I figure as long as I keep on going, I will be able to manage. I know I will be able to get through.� Kendall has a plan post-graduation to pay off his debts. “After I graduate and have a fixed job, I’ll treat (student debt) like a car payment and set money aside each month. I’ll probably pay back more than the actual minimum to get it out of the way quicker.� Kendall said he believes loans are a good choice if you need them. “I was hard-pressed for money. I didn’t really have any extra money to pay for school. So (loans) are what I used to pay for school and continue in my education,“ he said. Students seeking more information about grants, loans and scholarships can contact the Financial Aid office in the Taggart Student Center. –

STUDENTS USE MANY MEDIUMS to recieve enough money to pay for college. Parents, jobs, grants and student loans all contribute to getting an education. CARL R. WILSON photo

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