Green card lottery

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Green Card Lottery

The Green Card Lottery is officially called the Diversity Immigrant Visa Lottery, popularly known as the Green Card Lottery. Each year 50,000 Green Cards will be issued to people from all over the world. The draw will take place through random computer generated lottery draw.

US Green Card Lottery

A Green Card is a Permanent Residence Visa of the U.S.A.. A Green Card will give you legal right to work and live permanently in the United States. Green Card holders receive health, education and several other benefits. If you win a Green Card, you can apply for U.S. Citizenship at a later time. The Green Card does not affect your present citizenship. You and your family could be lucky winners if you act immediately!

USA Green Card Your country has qualified to take part in the Green Card Lottery (DV Lottery) thus giving you the opportunity to apply. A Green Card allows you to legally work and reside in the United States. If you are a lucky winner, it will not only be you personally, who will be issued with a Green Card, Green Cards will also be issued to your spouse and your children.

The Lottery is officially called the Diversity Immigrant Visa Lottery (popularly known as the Green Card Lottery). Every year in the US Department of States annual Green Card Lottery (Diversity Visa Program) between 100,000 and 125,000 applications are selected as winners and up to 55,000 Green Cards (Permanent Residency Visas) are issued to new immigrants from all over the world. The objective of the Lottery is to issue Green Cards to individuals born in countries with historically low levels of immigration to the United States. The draw will take place through random computer generated lottery draw.

Green Card

Green Card Lottery

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