Not succeeded in interview prepare yourself for next one

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Not Succeeded in Interview? Prepare Yourself for Next One! One after another Interview but no offer letter for job? You may experience disappointment after facing multiple interviews. Even after well dressed, showing your awareness and skills to match for the job, you feel disappointment in the form of regret letter.

What went wrong with you? You will be asking yourself why but ironically, you won’t hear much from companies. They simply state we got more qualified candidate but we keep your CV for any future vacancy. Certainly, you cannot be satisfied with these types of answer. Be optimistic and take a close look at these possible 7 reasons to get success in next interview! Well, If anyone of you is not accepted in interviews again and again, the reason is something wrong with you. Do remember that companies prefer qualified expert candidates who can bring development and prosperity to company. So it is better to point a job that matches with your own skills, proficiency and actual passion, instead rush for high salary offer. Once you are in job try to do better and increase your ability to get promotion and hike in salary.

Resume May be Imperfect Sometimes application does not clearly reflects the expectation of company. Certain requisites like date of joining, previous work history and expected salary information might be essential for some companies. If you forget to mention these information in the covering letter, then it could lead for rejection. Issues Related with Resume It is quite possible that selection department might be extremely busy to align the multiple CVs to pick only the best to interview. More often they look for the keywords mentioned in the resume for quick processing. One of the important points for success is an attractive resume. Always mention the most vital and appropriate content in beginning. You should also give importance to your work in prior employment along with academic projects internships and volunteer work. If these aren’t included then you need to rewrite a new resume from fresh thought. Importance of Cover letter

Like importance of resume, a cover letter is a helping tool to increase your possibilities to be selected in a interview. Do not write it too lengthy instead focus on to mention skills desired by the company, knowledge and relevant experience. Assure twice that you are applying a well written and error free cover letter and resume. If you like you can take help of friend.

Statement on References Ensure yourself to make available the positive references from previous employer. As a practice, companies do try to know your status in prior job before the interview. Negative opinion About the Previous Employers

Keep yourself refraining to speak against your former employer even though he was so irritating or your colleagues played foul in your work. Learn to sell ‘Yourself’ The neck and neck race necessitates you to be competent of selling yourself! Express your skills confidently coupled with achievements and experiences that will be beneficial for the job position. Always remember not to be overconfident. To err is human yes, but it could be a positive challenge and the companies expect same from the candidates. Do not fall yourself in pessimism, instead learn from each failure and try to follow the lines mentioned in this article while applying for another job. Always Be Optimistic and Have Good luck!

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