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Vacation Rental Etiquette

I received an email from a couple who were recent vacation rental guests at a rental I have. Here's what they had to say: "We loved the house & had the best vacation ever...We did our best to leave the house as we found it. We did not need to use the A/C, the washer & dryer, or the 2nd bedroom. You did a great job with that house & we respect that. We were out & about most of the time any how...Thanks again, we look forward to going back soon." Now wouldn't it be great in a perfect world if every guest was like this! These are the type of guests I would welcome back anytime. Most Vacation Renters are pretty good (and I'm sure there's another future article that can be written about "Owner Etiquette"), but due to my experience in the rental business over the past several years, I've come across some good tips I can recommend for Vacation Renters to follow that will make for a Happy Owner:

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