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Businesses That Make A Difference

Worm Poop. Those two words are something that normally no one would associate with brilliant earth changing ideas, let alone a multi-million dollar industry. From their zanily named fertilizer to their ultra-hip messenger bags, Terracycle is one super-powered company, saving the earth one piece of trash at a time.

One hundred and twenty nine amazing products are currently available, including the awesomely named Worm Poop that started it all. But the best part? When you join one the Terracycle始s collecting Brigades, for every trash item sent in two cents will be donated to a charity or school of your choice. So now you can help save the planet,

house plants. The next was to incorporate non biodegradable waste items into new products and keep them out of landfills. The man behind this trash inspired idea is Tom Szaky. In 2001 while a freshman at Princeton University, Szaky got the idea of producing eco-friendly fertilizer from friends who were raising worms on table scraps to help out their

Now nine years later, after giving up both completing his college degree and a million dollars, Terracycle is a force for the better in the fight to help our planet.

and the people who live on it. Check out the full story behind Terracycle and the people who make it possible at www.terracycle.net

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