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A Hammock Of Your Own It's been a long day--work, kids, responsibilities. It's time to take a break. Gather up something to read and a cool drink, kick off your shoes, and slip into a hammock. Let yourself relax into a unique experience. Why unique? Because a hammock is the perfect place for daydreaming. Hammocks have been around so long in so many cultures, that they not only provide some of the most comfortable seating you'll find, but they'll also open up the world to your imagination. You may be using a camping hammock in your backyard, but it could just as easily be strung between two trees in the outback of Australia, surrounded by herds of kangaroos. Your matrimonial hammock, big enough for two people, might be out on the back deck, but in your dreams you're sharing it with your sweetie on a wild island beach, enjoying the sunset over the South Pacific along with your favorite drinks. Do you have a rope hammock set up on your front porch? Then you can close your eyes and just picture yourself in the crew quarters of a tall ship on the high seas, stormtossed and ready to give chase to some pirates! Or maybe you're relaxing on the back porch in a hand-made Mayan hammock from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, but in your dreams you're exploring the furthest reaches of the world, discovering the ruins of ancient civilizations. Bright striped hammocks in sun-resistant materials are great for imagining yourself in that perfect vacation home

right out of Sunset Magazine, even if yours is set up on a hammock stand in your living room surrounded by piles of the kids' favorite toys. Or maybe you'll imagine getting a family sized hammock big enough so that you and the kids can go on wild adventures of the imagination as you cuddle together for some great family time! Pure comfort can accompany you on your backyard adventures if you've got a quilted hammock. Pillows and a throw or two will make you feel you're on a luxury cruise in the mid-Atlantic, although your hammock stand is firmly planted on the lawn! (Add a water bottle holder for real convenience.) Chair hammocks are a world of their own. They come in styles ranging from free form rope for lounging to firm support and arm rests for upright sitting--yet they still give you that wonderful feel of being safely and comfortably supported in mid-air. Like all hammocks, they're perfect for reading, too. You can even get magazine and book holder accessories for your hammocks, to keep your reading matter handily available while you relax and dream of great adventures. Come to think of it, why not take a portable hammock and set off on a real life adventure, if only to the nearest park or beach? These come with convenient carrying cases to make getting to your destination simple and easy--but watch out for pirates! Written by Stanley Rogoff. Courtesy of Articlesbase.com.

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