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Daniel Kroy, Jr.'s

Daniel Kroy, Jr. Office: 480-829-3460


Dear Friends,

Back to school time bumming you out? Is the choice between home life and getting your kids to school making you want to pull your hair out? Is the your garden looking sad and very scary, but you just can't figure out how to help it? Take a deep calming breath and get ready for some awesome ideas!! This month in Welcome Home magazine discover the better way to help your family get back to school. It just might might make this year's school return your best ever. Read up on the art of fall gardening and learn how to find the perfect plants for the season. Last but not least, decode Trendy Fall Fashions of your most stylish autumn ever. This and much, much more awaits you in our pages, so get to reading and make this your best back to school ever! Please enjoy this issue of the magazine! Have an successful September, and as always, Welcome Home!

Daniel Kroy, Jr. www.americanassociatesaz.com


Welcome Home! Table of Contents 4

Recipe And Design A tasty recipe and a stylish home design how to.

5 Fall Garden Cleanup Get your garden ready for the winter ahead.



10 - 11

Trendy Fall Fashions Slip into something stylish this autumn.

Surviving September

Tips to help you child and family get back to school.

Fourteen Simple Indulgences Indulge your self and a few friends this Autumn.

12 - 15 Gardening Tips and Tricks For Autumn? What to plant, when to plant it and how to keep it healthy.

16 - 17

Guide To Winter Curb Appeal Keep your house pretty all year long!

118 - 19 Products To Love! Hot trends, technological wonders of tomorrow and so much more!

20 City Spotlight Stowe ,VT. Skiing and luxury it’s best.

21 Businesses That Make A Difference Gap, making a difference in so many ways, and not just fashionably!

Welcome Home is for entertainment purposes only. This magazine is not intended to solicit other brokersʼ listings. If you are currently working with another broker, please disregard this information. All pictures courtesy of sxc.hu unless otherwise noted. Thanks to Wikipedia for Random Fact information and aid.

Editor in Chief - Phly Jambor The information provided in this publication of Welcome Home or on any website maintained by U.S. Cybertek, Inc. or any of its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, agents, representatives, licensors, licensees or employees (collectively Publisher) is intended as a general guide illustrating common methods of common practices, and the publisher makes no warranty or guarantee whatsoever of the safety, effectiveness, or other characteristic of any methods or products described herein. Neither does the Publisher assume any liability for information published in any website or other publication to which reference may be made herein. Readers are cautioned to review and comply with all written instructions, safety bulletins, and other materials provided in connection with any of the products mentioned herein and all products used in connection with any of the methods described. Neither Published nor any of its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, agents, representatives, licensors, licensees or employees shall in any case be liable to you or anyone else for any loss or injury or any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special punitive or similar damages arising out of your use of or failure to use any of the methods and/ or products described in this publication or any other publication or websites to which reference may be made herein. Publisher disclaims all warranties, and any warranty or guarantee of safety, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose lies solely with the manufacture(s) of any product described or recommended or used used in connection with any methods described or recommended.

Recipe and Design Fettuccine With Portobello-Alfredo Sauce

Tin Can Luminaries

Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Yield: Makes 6 to 8 servings

These easy-to-make tin lanterns are the perfect accent to scatter around a porch or patio for a charming, folk art touch.

Ingredients • • • • • • • • • • •

1 (12-ounce) package fettuccine 1 (6-ounce) package portobello mushrooms 1/2 cup butter 3 garlic cloves, minced 1 cup whipping cream 1 cup milk 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded Parmesan cheese 1 teaspoon coarsely ground pepper 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons chopped fresh Italian flat-leaf parsley Garnish: Italian flat-leaf parsley sprigs

Preparation: 1. Prepare pasta according to package directions; drain. 2. Remove brown gills from undersides of mushroom caps using a spoon, and discard gills. Chop mushrooms. 3. Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat; add mushrooms and garlic, and sauté 5 to 6 minutes or until tender. Stir in cream and milk. Bring to a boil over mediumhigh heat; reduce heat, and simmer, whisking constantly, 10 minutes. Stir in cheese, pepper, and salt; stir constantly until cheese melts and mixture thickens. Stir in 2 tablespoons parsley. Serve over hot cooked pasta. Garnish, if desired. Linda King, Dunwoody, Georgia, Southern Living, JUNE 2004

What You Need: • • • • • • •

26-ounce tin cans Bottle opener Work Gloves Hammer Sharp Nail Terra Cotta Saucer Votive Candle

Instructions: 1. Remove labels, tops, and bottoms of 26-ounce tin cans. Use an old-fashioned beer can opener to make triangular holes around the perimeter of the top and bottom of each can. Wear work gloves and be careful with sharp edges. 2. With a hammer and sharp nail, carefully punch additional holes in a pattern on the surface of each can. Aim for a simple, stylized pattern. Work with a spare can or two for practice, if desired. 3. Place each can in a terra cotta saucer with a votive candle inside. For a taller, fancier base, hot glue a pair of saucers bottom to bottom.

Courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens.com

Fall Garden Cleanup Fall garden cleanup can be a sad time for many gardeners. Why? It marks an end to the growing season and all the spectacular bursts of color they've enjoyed since that first sprig of green peeked into their gardens last spring. Yet for other gardeners though, fall cleanup signals a time of preparation and anticipation. That's right. Garden preparation in anticipation of the growing season to come NEXT year! Fall is the time to cut back, almost to the ground, most of your perennials. Do remember to leave some of those tall ornamental grass stalks or maybe some of that sedum 'Autumn Joy' standing though to give your garden a little winter appeal. Think back. Remember how some of those flowers and plants seemed out of place or didn't look quite right where you planted them. And what about your garden items that were just plain unproductive this year? Fall is the time to move or remove those particular flowers and plants in preparation for next spring. As most of your flowers and plants are dying back and will soon become decaying matter themselves, now is the time to supplement your garden with some good organic nourishment in preparation for the growing season next year. Fall is a good time to treat your garden to a nice 1-2" layer of compost all over it. Next spring your flowers and plants will surely thank you for it! Have you been thinking of adding a new bed to your garden area? Fall is the perfect time to set up an easy in-ground bed that will be ready for you to fill with flowers and plants next spring. Also, remember those garden workhorses ... your tools. Fall garden cleanup includes caring for those handy helpers that assist you with your gardening chores all season long. Give them a little extra attention before putting them to rest until next year. Wipe off any residual soil or dirt, sharpen any items that have become dull with use, and oil or lube any that may need it. Hang them up or put them in a dry place so they'll be easy to find when you need them next year. Now grab those gardening catalogs from off the shelf where you set them after the planting was all done this year. There are so many gorgeous blooms out there just waiting to be chosen to be planted next season by some gardener. Use this gardening "down time" that's available in the fall and winter to decide which beautiful flowers and plants will be among those you plant in your garden areas next spring. If you keep these things in mind, rather than being one of those gardeners who is sad that another growing season has ended, you'll be one of the gardeners who make fall garden cleanup a time of anticipation. Use this time to prepare for those spectacular areas of bloom that await you in the coming spring!

Written by Robin Monarch. Courtesy of Articlesbase.com.


Take a sign from nature. The leaves are all changing colors, the weather is changing, and it's time for pumpkins and turkeys and some really great fashions. You can change colors too as it's time for a change of fashion. Phase out some of your summer shorts and tank tops for some great fall fashions. Some of the best colors for fall are caramel colored browns, taupe, teal, copper, and other fall inspired colors. Jeans are always good no matter what the season, but you can pair them with pretty blouses in fall colors, and high heels. Also, letting go of the shorter shorts for some longer, ankle length shorts is a great idea. Not only will this give you a different look it will also help to keep you a little warmer. As the weather cools off, and the evening brings a chill in the air, you can wear some really pretty fall colored cardigans or sweaters. Some prints that are toned down compared to the summer fashions are great for fall. Stripes, or small prints, even animal prints are all loved fashions of Fall. Purple is another great color for fall even if you are not a Red Hat Society member. If the weather is cold where you live during Fall, jackets that are waist-length are great. These look really great with fall dresses and skirts as well as pants and jeans. One of the most amazing Fall jackets is the tie-front waist length jacket. This looks amazing with tight black stretch pants and boots. An oversized shirt is a great thing to add to this outfit. Pair it with some great accessories and a medium sized leather handbag and you've got a great fashion.

Hats are in for women during the fall. One of the most popular and beautiful hats is the beret. A simple black or brown one is a great idea, and you can wear it with pretty much anything. Try it with a longer straight skirt and a collared shirt and cardigan. This is a beautiful trendy look. Accessories for fall are a must have. Layered necklaces and bracelets are hot, and you can compliment your more neutral toned outfit with colorful ones. Try orange, brown, or green ones. Dangling earrings, chunky bangle bracelets, and thick, bold jewelry is a hot fall fashion, and really gives your outfits the finishing touches they need. Boots are great for fall, whether they're heeled or not. You can wear them with longer skirts, jeans, and even skinny black pants. These look fabulous with collared shirts, t-shirts, or sweaters. They are especially great when you pair them with the perfect fall jacket that will not only keep you warm but dress you up too. Fall is a great reason to go shopping for some fresh new looks. If you just want to add some great pieces in to compliment your existing wardrobe, experiment with some different colors, or you've had it and are replacing the whole thing, use these tips to help you pick out the right fall fashions. Written by Mary Lu. Courtesy of Articlesbase.com

Surviving September: Tips to Help your Child and Family Get Back to School

It is that special time of year again. A time of new beginnings as we close another summer chapter and start a brand new school year. Summer can be a magical time for children. It is a time for many to relax schedules, play, soak in some sunshine, grow, and most importantly... rest. The fall is an exciting time filled with anticipation for a healthy and productive school year. It can also present many challenges for families as they attempt to adjust to a more demanding schedule and meet the needs of everyone in the household. Here are some ideas: Talk to your child. This helps them to process their feelings about what they have experienced and what they are looking forward to in their world. -Remember all of the fun activities from summer. Often times, talking about recent experiences helps them to look forward to and transition into new ones (encourages an understanding of time and change). -What is your favorite thing about school? Why? -Who are your friends? What do you like to do at recess? -What do you think of your class this year? Classroom? Teacher?

-Do a timeline of his/her day. What did you do before lunch? After lunch? After school? Prepare physically for the demands of school. -Set a good daily routine. Help your child develop an awareness of schedules and why they are important. This helps children transition to new tasks and provides structure and security in their world. -Set a bedtime routine and stick to it. Kids thrive when they are well rested. They are better able to attend and focus in class, stay healthier, and are generally happier during the day. (9-12 hours of sleep a night is optimal for growing children). -Provide healthy snacks and meals and try to have a set mealtime for the family. -Include appropriate grooming (bathing, oral hygiene, washing hands) habits in your routine as well. Back to SCHOOL. An applied learning activity helps children to recall what they already know and build upon it. It also fosters a sense of achievement and confidence when learning new things. Help your child see him/her self as a learner. -Try to read every day with your child. Take turns reading a favorite book. Ask him/her questions about what is being read. Look at pictures and talk about what is happening in the picture (try to guess what will happen next). -Talk about the weather (science and nature). What will the weather be like today? In a month? In two months? What will be happening outside? Fall is a very exciting time to explore and learn about the changing seasons. -When you are in your neighborhood, talk about signs you see, identify familiar things such as objects, street signs, and neighbors. When walking or driving home, let your child direct you.. "Which way do we turn next?" -While at the grocery store, read the signs on the rows, read labels, read everything! Talk about grouping and why products are where they are and not somewhere else in the store. This helps children to build an awareness of order and ultimately supports problem solving in different situations. -Go on everyday math and science adventures! Talk about numbers and use different objects around the house to count, add, multiply and divide. Ask questions like: How many more will make 10? If I eat 5 how many will be left? When cutting a pie, talk about fractions and percentages. When cooking, read and follow recipe directions, talk

about measurement, and the science of cooking and baking. What makes things freeze? What is a solid? What is a liquid? -Build a calendar with your child! Kids LOVE visual stimuli and it will also help you to keep track of special events and activities. Pull out the school year calendar and write in all of the half days, holidays, and special events. You can even include what lunch is served at school each day. Use your imagination and have fun with the activity! It helps with counting, days of the week, and months of the year. They will take pride in marking off days of the week and have a way to look forward to special occasions. It also helps them to process what has happened in their world and prepare for what is next. Meet the needs of your entire family. Your children are not the only ones who are experiencing a life change. A new school year can bring about added stress with changes in schedules and demands that your whole family must adjust to. -Plan an activity for the entire family to look forward to on an evening or weekend. The fun does not have to be over just because summer has come to an end. -Make sure you know the schedules of other family members. Everyone seems to have lots things to do. Add these activities to your calendar. -Set a time (and place) for your family to be together each day (ex. mealtime) so you can connect with each other about things that are important. -Everyone get your rest and do your best to make healthy choices. Many warm wishes for a healthy and productive September and school year!

Written by Tracy Webb-Olson. Courtesy of Articlesbase.com

Fourteen Simple Indulgences For Autumn

As the kids go back to school, you can go back to you: your schedule, your friends, your goals. Here are fourteen simple indulgences to celebrate this season. 1. Grab a friend and set out for a brisk autumn hike in the prettiest area you can think of within a few minutes of your home. On your walk, make an agreement with your friend to neither gossip nor complain. See what new conversations arise under these guidelines. 2. Invite your girlfriends over for a Back to School tea. Have lots of "pamper me" items in hand. Do you (or any of your friends) know a massage therapist? Ask her to come and do back rubs. Eat decadent pastries and drink coffee or tea. Catch up on everything you may have missed during the hectic summer. 3. Start a circle journal to keep in touch with your friends. A circle journal (aka. "a round robin") is a book that goes back and forth among friends, each of whom adds a special contribution before passing it on. You can use a simple notebook and ask each contributor to add her favorite photos to a collage on the cover. 4. Treat yourself to a new magazine subscription. 5. Buy three copies of your favorite novel. Give one copy to your best friend, one to your mother, and one to your mother in law. You will trigger an interesting book discussion (or an enriching tradition of book swapping).

6. Invite over your neighbors for a steaming cup of hot mulled cider. 7. Take out a simple piece of paper and tell a relative whom you do not expect to see during Thanksgiving all the reasons that you are grateful for him or her. Mail it. 8. Bring the warmth of the coming season to your dining room table with a fall bouquet of fresh flowers. Choose an arrangement with vibrant shades of red, yellow, and orange. 9. What are you most passionate about? Start a home business that somehow relates to this passion. Autumn is a great time of year to get a business started. The kids are back in school and the hustle of the holidays has not yet begun. 10. Find a book club to join, or start one of your own. 11. Make a quick mini photo album of your most treasured summer photographs. 12. Choose a charity that you and your family will support this season. Researching the charity will be a fun family activity, and then you can brainstorm all the ways you can raise money for this organization. 13. Know a good soup restaurant? Order takeout tonight. Make sure to include fresh bread! 14. Challenge yourself to offer a sincere compliment to each person you speak with today. Work on weaving the kind words into each conversation. Such a habit will transfer a feeling of goodwill to everyone around you, and it may help you overcome shyness. After all, now you always have something to say! Now make up your own simple indulgences and bring the magic of the season to your every day. Written by Susie Cortright. Courtesy of Articlesbase.com,

Gardening Tips And Tricks For Late Autumn

When you feel that first solid bite in the

ground becomes frozen, and prepare your

dinner plate, or dig curving trenches and

breeze and you see the songbirds winging

tender but tenacious perennials for the

position the bulbs in the bottom. Water

their way south, and the trees are bursting

coming seasonal changes. Remember that

your bulbs after planting to stimulate the

with fire-laden hues, you know you can't

in the milder climates, bulbs can still be

roots to grow. Interplanting creates

be spending the weekend curled up by the

divided and transplanted. Plant hardy bulbs

maximum flowering in a tight space and

fireplace with a good book. Not for long.

anytime before the soil freezes, but it's best

eliminates bare spots when "dead" bulbs

While the weather is still gardener-friendly,

to plant them early enough so the root

don't grow. For a succession of blooms and

you must shorten your "to-do" lists for the

systems can grow before winter arrives. In

foliage, plant perennials around the bulb

coming of late fall and early winter. Now is

some climates, you can plant until

holes. As the bulb foliage dwindles, the

the time to attack your lawn and garden by

Thanksgiving or even Christmas. Late-

perennials will grow, camouflaging the

planting your spring bulbs, buying and

planted bulbs develop roots in the spring,

bulbs' yellowing leaves.

maintaining your trees and shrubs, doing

and may bloom late. But they'll arrive on

your late autumn lawn care, using

time by next year. Be sure to position the

Choosing Your Trees and Shrubs

common-sense watering strategies,

bulbs at their proper depth. They must be

October is a wonderful time to shop for

building a compost bin and making your

planted so their bottoms rest at a depth

trees and shrubs at the nursery. They're

own compost, controlling the many

two-and-a-half times each bulb's diameter.

now showing their best and brightest colors

common garden pests, and winning at the

In well-drained or sandy soil, plant an inch

there. You can plant them now and over the

weed-whacking war before the sudden

or two deeper to increase life and

next few months, so that strong, healthy

onset of the fickle, cold and all-enveloping

discourage rodents. Bulbs look best planted

roots will grow over the winter. You must

winter season.

in groups. So use a garden spade instead of

carefully plan out your landscape to choose

a bulb planter, which encourages you to

which trees you wish to plant for providing

Planting Your Perennials

plant singly. Set the bulbs side-by-side and

proper lawn coverage and the most

Plant the spring-flowering bulbs until the

plant groups of them in holes the size of a

beautiful scenery. When an appropriate tree

is purchased, selected and planted in the

Examine the roots, which should form a

garden catalogs. You must start by learning

right place, it frames your home and

balanced, fully-formed mass. Reject trees

what varieties thrive in your area. Try

beautifies your land, making both more

with broken or dried-out roots. Avoid trees

visiting your local arboretum, where you

enjoyable. Trees can greatly increase the

showing signs of disease, pests or stress

may view different kinds of shrubs and

resale value of property, and even save you

such as wilting, discoloration, misshapen

decide whether they fit your gardening

on energy costs. Visualize your new trees at

leaves, scarred bark and non-vigorous

plans. Decide what overall look you want at

maturity while realizing that some trees

growth. Consider the size of the tree. Young

different times of the year, and then find out

develop as much width as height if given

trees have a better rate of success when

which shrubs will be flowering, producing

enough space to develop. Picture each tree's

planted, and most flowering trees grow

berries or sporting colorful foliage at those

size and shape in relation to the overall

quickly, so start with less expensive, smaller

times. Compare what you find to the

landscape and the size and style of your

specimens. And be sure and buy all your

inventory at your local nursery, and ask the

home. Trees peaking at forty feet do best

plants from a good quality nursery with a

professionals who work there lots of

near or behind a one-story home. Taller

decent reputation.


lots. Trees under thirty feet tall suit street

Don't prune a newly planted tree unless its

Understand the characteristics of each shrub

side locations, small lots and enclosed areas

form needs improving. Prune flowering

before you plant it. Flowering and fruit-

such as decks and patios.

trees in spring, after blooming, to correct

bearing shrubs enhance a new home, but

unsightly problems. Crab apple trees are an

improper pruning and care will ruin the

There are two basic types of trees you will

exception and should be pruned in late

beauty of all your hard work. Some shrubs

be considering for purchase. Deciduous

winter. But you can remove diseased or

bloom on second- or third-year wood. If

trees include large shade trees which frame

dead branches anytime of the year, and

you're maintaining a shrub because you're

areas with a cool summer canopy and a

much of this is done during the winter.

hoping it's going to blossom, but you're

colorful autumn rack of superior colors. In

Apply fertilizer when needed in the second

cutting off first-year wood every year, it's

winter, their silhouettes provide passage for

and subsequent growing seasons. Mulch to

never going to bloom.

sunlight. These trees can shade a southern

conserve moisture, reduce weeds and

exposure from summertime heat, and allow

eliminate mowing near the tree. Spread

Some varieties are a foot tall at maturity,

winter sunlight to warm the house.

wood chips or bark four inches deep and as

while others reach over fifteen feet. A large

Evergreen trees have dense green foliage

wide as the tree's canopy around the base.

shrub will usually require more pruning.

that suits them for planting as privacy

But don't mulch poorly drained over-

Also determine the plant's ability to tolerate

screens, windbreaks or backdrops for

saturated soil. Wrap tree trunks after

various soil conditions, wind, sun and

flowering trees and shrubs. But they are

planting to prevent winter damage from

shade. You don't put a plant that's sensitive

handsome enough to stand alone. They do

weather and pests. And stake young trees,

to the elements in an open area. Use hardier

not lose their leaves, called needles, and

especially bare-root trees and evergreens, to

plants to shelter it. Not all shrubs work in

provide year-round shelter and color. You

fortify them against strong winds. Stake

every climate. Witch hazel, for example,

should be sure to include a wide variety of

loosely and allow the tree to bend slightly,

blooms in fall or winter and is hardiest

both kinds of trees in your landscape to

and remove stakes after one year. Shrubs

where minimum temperatures range from

avoid losing them to diseases or pests. Buy

are often planted and used merely as

thirty degrees below zero to twenty degrees

disease- and pest-resistant trees. When

foundation plants or privacy screens. But

above. It would not be a good choice for

buying a tree, look for healthy green leaves

shrubbery foliage is vastly more versatile,

very dry, hot climates. But some shrubs

if it has any, and also well-developed top

and can go a long way toward livening up

such as buddleia, hydrangea and spirea

growth. Branches should be unbroken and

your landscaping. Countless varieties of

perform well across a wide range of

balanced around the trunk, and on dormant

gorgeously hued and beautifully leafed

growing zones. Most shrubs are relatively

or bare-root stock they should be pliable.

shrubs are available through nurseries and

fast-growing. Those that follow the shape

trees blend with two-story houses and large

and scale of a home will do more to make a

adequate water. Meanwhile, bear in mind

home site look established. For example, if

Watering Your Lawn and Garden

that excess water creates a lack of oxygen

you have a long, ranch-style house the

You can't forget about watering in the

in plants, making them show similar

shrubs should be rectangular. If you have a

middle of fall. The summer's long over, but

symptoms to under watering.

two-story home, you're going to want some

proper moisture now is key to your plants'

2) Water slowly, not more than one-half

leafy shrubs that are a little more upright.

survival over the cold winter months.

inch of water per hour. Too much water can

You could try buying larger shrubs instead

You're likely to hear two pieces of advice

be lost to runoff. This is why handheld

of trees because they don't cost that much

on watering. One is that you should give

watering cans or handheld hoses generally

more than smaller shrubs and they help a

established plants an inch of water per

work only for watering small areas.

landscape look fuller. Larger shrubs will go

week, whether from rain or irrigation. The

3) Water deeply. With established

through some shock recovery, but typically

other is that personal observation of your

vegetables and flowers, six inches is a

it doesn't take a shrub as long as a tree to

own garden is the only way to judge how

minimum. With trees and shrubs, water one

bounce back. Position shrubs as if they are

much water it needs. One fact about which

to two feet or more. Shallow watering does

full-size, leaving ample room for them to

there is more agreement: the ideal is to

more harm than good; it discourages plants

fill out. Viburnum, barberry, honeysuckle

maintain constant moisture, not a cycle of

from developing the deep roots they need

and hydrangea are all good choices to

wet soil followed by dry soil. Although

to find their own water. Except when you

surround almost any house.

overwatering can be as big a problem as

are watering seedlings, soil should never be

under watering, most gardeners err on the

wet only in the top layer.

Late Autumn Lawn Care

side of too little. Your needs will vary

4) Water in the morning, never during the

Aerate lawns in mid- to late-October, while

through the year depending on the rate of

hottest part of the day. Too much water

the grass can recover easily. If you core

evapotranspiration in your garden.

may be lost to evaporation. Watering in the

aerate, make your cores three inches deep,

Evapotranspiration refers to the two ways

evening sometimes causes problems in

spaced about every six inches. Break up the

that plants lose water. There's evaporation,

humid climates, particularly with overhead

cores and spread them around. If your lawn

the loss of water to the air from soil, water

watering, which wets all the foliage. Plants

needs it, thatch and follow with a fall or

and other surfaces. Then the other way is

that remain wet at night sometimes come

winter fertilizer. Even if thatching isn't

called transpiration, or water lost primarily

down with disease and fungal growth.

needed, your lawn will be happy for a

from the leaves and stems of the plants.

5) Don't allow runoff. On heavy clay soil,

dusting of fertilizer to help roots gain

You can often obtain evapotranspiration

one inch of water will probably cause

strength before the spring growing season.

rates for local areas from water

runoff. At the first sign that water is not

Over-seed bald patches or whole lawns as

departments and other agencies. You will

penetrating the soil, turn it off. Irrigate in

needed. Rake and compost leaves as they

see a graphic description of how a plant's

an hour or so, after the initial water has

fall, as well as grass clippings from

natural need for water changes during the

penetrated. The increased use of piped

mowing. If left on the ground now, they'll

growing season.

municipal water and the invention of

make a wet, slippery mess that's inviting to

sprinklers have made mechanical irrigation

pests. Good gardeners use heavy-duty

In the meantime, keep these pointers in

the most commonly used watering method,

molded plastic for shaping neat edges of


particularly for lawns and large areas.

beds. You can buy these from garden

1) Water when it's needed, not according to

Sprinkler irrigation works best with well-

centers, nurseries and mail order suppliers

the calendar. Check the top six inches of

draining soils and shallow-rooted plants, or

in rolls of flat, four- to six-inch-tall plastic,

the soil. If it's dry and falls apart easily,

where a cooling effect is desired. But

and the edging installs easily. You'll save

water. Your plants will also show signs that

sprinklers have several disadvantages.

yourself countless hours of removing grass

they need water. Wilting, curling or brown

They waste water, since much of it is

and weeds that creep into your beds.

leaves mean that your plants may lack

sprayed on areas other than the root zone

around the plant. Because much of the water

You can design a simple drip system to

soakers. And garden stores are filled with

is thrown high in the air, loss due to

direct low flows of water to individual

many other kinds of gadgets and tools to

evaporation can be significant. Sprinklers

plants, either by laying polyethylene tubing

help you water your garden, such as rain

can also foster fungal diseases and other

on the ground or burying it shallowly. Or

gauges, mechanical and electronic timers,

problems with some plants such as roses

you can buy a more sophisticated custom-

and watering cans.

that don't like having wet foliage. Sprinklers

designed system. But drip systems have

require good water pressure and are best

their limitations. They don't work for lawns

For small areas, container plantings and

used on plants which are not in bloom.

or broad areas, and they can be damaged if

seedlings, watering cans work well. Make

Several types of sprinklers are available.

children or pets dig them up. The required

sure your can has an attachment so that

Drip or trickle irrigation using low-flow

number of emitters, misters and sprayers

water can be delivered like a fine rain.

hoses or emitters can save more than half

can add up cost wise. A drip system also

When picking a can, keep in mind that they

the water that overhead sprinklers lose due

may require a water-pressure reducer to

are quite heavy when filled. A two-gallon

to evaporation or runoff. It also reduces

keep low-volume fittings functioning

container full of water is as heavy as most

disease, because the foliage is never wetted.

properly. Soaker hoses are similar to drip

people can carry. Make sure that the handle

This type of irrigation never saturates the

systems in some ways, but are even simpler.

and the rest of the can are designed for ease

soil, so there is little bad effect on overall

Soaker hoses "leak" water along the length

of carrying.

soil structure. Since the area that's watered

of the hose. You can buy flat plastic hoses or

is smaller, weed growth is reduced as well.

soakers made from recycled rubber tires,

And drip systems don't require trenching.

known as sweaty hoses or leaky pipe

Written by Karen Cole. Courtesy of Articlesbase.com,

DYI Home Improvement

Guide to Winter Curb Appeal Real estate experts often tout the importance of curb appeal when it comes to selling your home, but usually their advice only relates to open houses that are held during spring or summer months. This is the time when flowers are in full bloom and sunlight bathes your property in a warm glow. What are sellers to do in late fall and winter, when skies are grey and the trees have lost all their foliage? Dreary overcast days, brown and withered gardens, muddy walking paths, and drizzling skies do not make for an inviting scene. While buyers don't expect a miracle when they visit your home in the winter, they do expect your property to be in its best possible condition under the circumstances. To get your home ready for a host of winter open houses, start by cleaning up. Rake up fallen leaves,

pick up any trash, and put away all gardening tools and toys that may be strewn about. On a dry day, give your grass a quick haircut to give the whole yard a trim and uniform appearance. Hopefully you won't have left painting the house until the rainy season, but if you have, just look after the trim, front door, and any spots that desperately require some attention. To brighten up the outdoors, add a pretty set of wind chimes and a cheerful looking bird feeder. You'll not only create a homier atmosphere, but you'll be doing the birds a big favor as well. Place potted plants by the front door to welcome your guests and draw their attention to the house. Poinsettias are perfect for the job, as their bright red leaves and rich green leaves add spark and seasonal cheer to any space.

DYI Home Improvement

To make your garden more robust-looking through the colder months, plant evergreen trees and shrubs. Late fall is a perfect time to plant these year-round beauties, as they require lots of moisture during their first few months in the ground. Evergreens include various species of Fir, Verbena, Maple, Alder, Ash, Spruce, Pine, and English holly. Drape white or clear Christmas lights around trees, or around the frame of your house. The gentle twinkle of white lights will instantly add a touch of magic to the winter landscape, and make your home seem warm and inviting. In addition, solar powered lights lining your walkway will ensure that potential buyers will make it safely to your door if they're viewing the property after dusk.

Another great way to ensure a safe entrance is to purchase heated mats to clear ice and snow off your walkways and stairs. Able to melt a couple inches of snow per hour, these mats make it safe and easy for people to get inside the home, and also saves you the hassle of having to shovel snow. If you have everything in your yard set up in a neat and tidy fashion and a few dashes of color to break up the gray, your home will stand out from the dreary houses around it. If you have a fireplace, light it up so that when buyers pull up to your driveway, they'll immediately see billows of smoke rising up the chimney, beckoning them to come inside.

Written by Mike Andruff. Courtesy of Articlesbase.com

Products To Love In September Of all the fall fashions I love the most, the beanie is the one that steals my heart! In this snowboarder chick始s opinion, there is nothing hotter than a dude, who knows wheat he始s doing on a snowboard, rocking a Burton beanie. The Sabbatical Beanie from Burton combines the best features of a beanie and a ball cap for a super cute fall style. Made from 100% Acrylic, this solid color ribbed Brim Beanie with a Skully Fit is sure to turn some heads. Please click here for more information.






Reviewed by Rural Jungle Testing

A new edition of Better Homes and Gardens best-selling landscaping book. Packed with 408 pages of all-new material from the editors of Better Homes and Gardens books, this complete landscaping guide has everything you need to know transform your yard. More than 700 photographs and 100 step-by-step projects show you how to improve grading, plant successfully, build a deck, and much more. Plus an all-new plant encyclopedia! It's everything you need to know to improve your view. Cost estimate, time needed to complete, skill level, and material list included with every project. Please click here for more information.

The unique and innovative Gardener is an ideal tool to use in any garden. With the sturdy chair and the durable detachable bag and tools, this item will become the focal point of any gardener's tool accessory. The detachable bag allows for multiple uses and creates a convenient storage compartment when needed. Features: A Trowel, Spade, Weeder, Hand held rake, Garden fork , canvas carry along tote and a sturdy foldable seat. Please click here for more information.

Products To Love In September Tired of unstylish and boring backpacks? Have a look at this! The David King & Co Large Distressed Leather Laptop Messenger is perfect for all your carrying needs and most certainly not frumpy. Features include: padded laptop section fits a 16" laptop, two buttoned pockets and one zip pocket under the flap, main compartment contains a center zip pocket. pen loops, card holder and other organizer pockets also reside in the main pocket, Thick canvas and distressed-leather shoulder strap. Everything you need in one neat, not to mention stylish, grab and go bag! Please click here for more information.

Tired of watering your sidewalk instead of your yard? Sick of setting up hoses so the hard to reach places get hit too? Find your love of lawn again with the Noodlehead N111C Flexible Lawn & Garden Sprinkler. This super cool looking sprinkler gets the water just where you want it. With flexible noodles that stay bent where you point them you will never have to worry about watering your lawn. Please click here for more information.

One of the most important things on your first day of school, is having all the right equipment at hand. The Crayola Kindergarten Supply Pack contains 100 sheets of art paper, facial tissue, Crayola glue, Crayola 24 ct crayons, Also contains Crayola washable watercolors, Crayola washable markers, Crayola scissors, Plus a pink bevel eraser, nylon pencil bag, 6 pencils, Crayola glue stick, and 8 oz hand sanitizer. Great kit for a kindergarten student comprised of excellent quality supplies! Please click here for more information.

City Spotlight

Stowe, VT Nothing says New England like a small white church with it's steeple rising in the air high above orange, yellow and red hued fall leaves beneath a sky so blue that you can actually feel the crispness of the fall air. One of these most famous New England churches is the Stowe Community Church in the beautiful 200 plus year old town of Stowe Vermont. Walking down Main Street in Stowe you will feel like you are back in time, and you won't be at a loss for shopping. Park the car and enjoy the old time ambiance as you stroll the quaint town center. You will find antique stores, ski shops, a clock and lamp shop, ice cream parlor, a book store, Vermont made furniture store, and a quilt shop, to name a few. There is even an old fashioned general store tucked behind the shops that sells New England mustards, those ever present maple syrup candies and any array of souvenirs you might need. After enjoying a tour in the town of Stowe, you might want to spend the night in the fabulous Stoweflake Mountain Resort & Spa. The Stoweflake is a AAA FourDiamond luxury resort. It boasts a 50,000 square foot spa, state-of-the-art fitness center and two award winning restaurants. The Stoweflake offers a wide array of rooms, from standard guest rooms with 1 king or 2 double beds to their

one- bedroom suites that include a living area, fireplace and jacuzzi tub with two separate vanity areas. For vacations with the family the Stoweflake offers townhouses for rent right behind the main hotel. No vacation to the Stoweflake would be complete without being pampered by one of the many spa services offered by the Spa at Stoweflake. From traditional massages and facials, to treatments for men, to Eastern or Vermont bodywork the Spa at Stoweflake is a world renowned spa. The highlight of the Spa is the Aqua Solarium which has a hydrotherapy water falls and Hungarian mineral soaking pool to ease any tensions away. Travel to Stowe any time of the year. You will find a variety of activities all year round. For a winter vacation with the family, the area of Stowe is known for crosscountry skiing with the nation's largest cross country trail system. There are over 150 kilometers of groomed trails and 100 kilometers of back-country trails. For travelers looking for a downhill ski vacation, there is Mt. Mansfield for unsurpassed New England downhill skiing. The summit elevation is 4395 feet with a vertical drop of 2360. Mt. Mansfield offers skiing for all levels, beginner to expert. Dog sledding and snow mobiling are also fun winter vacation activities. Don't forget a romantic horse drawn sleigh ride for two! Written by Catherine Olivia, courtesy of Isnare.com

Businesses That Make A Difference

At Gap Inc., social responsibility is fundamental to how we do business.

There, you'll find up-do-date information about our programs and activities in four key areas (supply

It means everything from ensuring that workers are treated fairly to addressing our environmental impact.

And it's now covered in depth on our new social responsibility website at www.gapinc.com/socialresponsibility. What are we doing to be a responsible company? We're working around the world to improve factory conditions and help women advance. We're designing more sustainable stores and products, and getting creative about protecting natural resources. We're continuing to

make Gap Inc. a company where people are proud to work and able to reach their career goals. We're investing in communities by applying business innovation to social challenges. We've created a new social responsibility site. We've shifted from a printed report to a website â€“ it's more informative, timely, interactive and environmentally friendly.Â

chain, environment, employees and community investment), including videos, stories, detailed data, and a world map highlighting our work; there's even a section on the social and environmental initiatives of our individual brands: Gap, Old Navy, Banana Republic, Piperlime and Athleta. Check out www.gap.com to find out more.

Random Facts

This month's random fact is about the hallowed institution: The school system. Public education is universally available. School curricula, funding, teaching, and other policies are set through locally elected school boards with jurisdiction over school districts with many directives from state legislatures. School districts are usually separate from other local jurisdictions, with independent officials and budgets. Educational standards and standardized testing decisions are usually made by state governments.

In most countries, it is compulsory for children to attend school up to a certain age, but the option of attending private school is open to many. In the case of private schooling, schools operate independently of the state and generally defray their costs (or even make a profit) by charging students tuition fees. The funding for state schools, on the other hand, is provided by tax revenues, so that even individuals who do not attend school (or whose dependents do not attend school) help to ensure that society is educated. In poverty stricken societies, authorities are often lax on compulsory school attendance because the children there are valuable laborers. It is these same children whose income-securing labor cannot be forfeited to allow for school attendance. The term "public education" when applied to state schools is not synonymous with the term "publicly funded education". Government may make a public policy decision that it wants to have some financial resources distributed in support of, and it may want to have some control over, the provision of private education. Grants-in-aid of private schools and voucher systems provide examples of publicly funded private education. In some countries, such as Germany, private associations or churches can operate schools according to their own principles, as long as they comply with certain state requirements. When these specific requirements are met, especially in the area of the school curriculum, the schools will qualify to receive state funding. Proponents of state education assert it to be necessary because of the need in modern society for people who are capable of reading, writing, and doing basic mathematics. However, some libertarians argue that education is best left to the private sector. In most industrialized countries, these views are distinctly in the minority.

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