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Music Introduction to Drumming NEW! Learn to play the drums from step one! This course will start with the basics of holding drum sticks and an introduction to note reading. Techniques such as drum rudiments and rolls will be demystified. Drum set coordination and knowledge of styles will also be addressed. Text required: Snare Drum Method by Vic Firth (ISBN #0-8258-0939-8). In addition to the text, each student is required to purchase a pair of drum sticks and a practice pad. Date: Thursdays, Sept. 21–Nov. 9 Time: 6–8 p.m. Registration Deadline: Sept. 14 CRN: 80181 Fee: $129 Instructor: Jeff Johnson, professional musician

Parenting Getting YOU Ready for Your Child’s College Years: A Look Ahead NEW! We usually hear about the challenges that high school students face as they head off for college, yet what about their parents? This course is a practical guide to help parents adapt to the challenges they will face as their students deal with a range of issues, from which college to attend; self doubt about fitting into their new community; dealing with stress and loneliness; dissatisfaction with ___ (fill in the blank–food, classes, regulations, etc!); values conflicts with peers and others; defining who they are in a new community; academic pressure; time management, etc. And that doesn’t even begin to address such topics as “sex, drugs and rock and roll”! Parents often do not realize the breadth and depth of challenges that will confront them once their sons and

daughters are away from home. How do you help your college student when you get that emergency call at 2 in the morning? Who do you call when you are angry or upset over something that is bothering you about your child’s experience? How much control or influence is appropriate? Where do your responsibilities begin and end? This course will tackle these issues and others. Ample class time will be devoted to question and answer in an informal and interactive way. Date: Wednesdays, Sept. 20– Oct. 18 Time: 7–8:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: Sept. 13 CRN: 80148 Fee: $99 Instructor: Leonard Goldberg, Ph.D., VP Emeritus, University of Richmond, Former Vice President of Student Life

Passing On Values to Our Children NEW! As parents, it is often difficult to think of ways to pass on the values we care about to our children in a way that helps make them their own. This class will take parents through a series of issues and help them think of ways to involve their children in fun and creative ways. This class will be a combination of lecture and discussion, and is open to parents, grandparents, and anyone who wants to help rear children who care about social justice.

Photography Creative Photography Photographs aren’t made with your camera–they are made inside your mind! In this class, we will use various creativity enhancement techniqes, such as brainstorming, thought monitoring, and visualization, to help you become a more creative photographer. You will learn to express yourself in your photographs more effectively through classroom experiences, photo assignments, and reviews of your work. Two field trips will be scheduled as part of the course to help you put your learning into practice. Students will need their own camera and any other photography equipment you want to use. This is a class on how to use yourself, not how to use your camera. You should have a good working knowledge of how your camera works prior to this class.


I believe I speak for the entire class when I say that this course was nothing less than dazzling. I attended hoping to get some good leads on what children’s books to get for my grandchildren, but came away with so much more.


Date: Mondays, Sept. 18–Dec. 4 No Class: Oct. 2, Oct. 16 Time: 7–9 p.m. Registration Deadline: Sept. 11 CRN: 80091 Fee: $189 Instructor: Dana Blackmer, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology

Date: Mondays, Oct. 9–Nov. 6 No Class: Oct. 16 Time: 7–8:30 p.m. Registration Deadline: Oct. 2 CRN: 80150 Fee: $69 Instructor: Wendy Northup, Board Chair, Richmond Peace Education Center; Founding Member, Parenting for Peace and Justice National Board; Program Developer in Adolescent Violence Prevention


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