Spider Insider: Winter 2019

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Spider Insider

For faculty & staff at the UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND Winter 2019


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Photography by Jamie Betts

Pop-up stations reflecting South African influence and culture were the highlight of the illuminated tree walk during South Africa week in November. Walkers explored themes of justice, reconciliation, commemoration, environmental stewardship, and more. At the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) station, participants prompted by the Zulu greeting "sawubona" — meaning "I see you" — reflected on a time they were empowered by words of affirmation.

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Winter 2019

Vice president for University Communications John M. Barry

Spider Insider

Assistant vice president for communications and digital engagement Phillip Gravely Assistant vice president for marketing and brand integration P. David Johnson Editor Cheryl Spain Director of Creative Services Samantha Tannich Graphic Designer, Publications Gordon Schmidt Photographer Jamie Betts Staff contributors: Ashley Bentley, Sunni Brown, Lindsey Campbell, Sam Campbell, Catherine Amos Cribbs, Elizabeth DeBusk-Maslanka, Chad Devers, Matthew Dewald, Joedy Felts, Pryor Green, Debbie Hardy, Kevin Heraldo, Brian Ivasauskas, Pamela Lee, Katie McBride, Joe Minick, Cynthia Price, Chris Romero, and Aggrey Sam

Spider Insider is printed on paper that is FSC® Certified, with 10% post-consumer recycled content and certified fiber.

Photography by Jamie Betts

ON THE COVER Isaac Skromne is one of numerous faculty and staff who recently received external grant funding. See Page 3.

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Winter Wonderland Students enjoy the first snow of the season.





16 Pride Abounds

Media Mentions

The Art of The Conversation New partnership highlights faculty expertise

18 Accomplishments

Faculty/Staff Webpage Usage Strong and Rising

3 17.3 Million Reasons to Apply Demystifying the grant process

4 Neither Snow, nor Rain, nor Wind University’s response to inclement weather balances safety and academics

6 Social Buzz



Prepping for Life After Richmond Career readiness programs provide skills and knowledge to succeed


Education Advocates Graduate programs equip and inspire local educators


Survey Says Faculty/staff feedback informs campus progress

“There's Always a Need” Loyal faculty/staff donors among those recognized through new Robins Society


University Builds on Strong History of Ethics Scholarship

Making the Grade Faculty and staff play crucial role in University’s accreditation process



WILL* Power Pioneer program remains major influence on campus and beyond

19 2018 Engage for Change! Award Winners 20 2018 Custodial Award Winners 22 40th Winter Celebration 23 Weathering the Storm(s) 24 New Hires, Moves, and Retirements

We welcome your input.

Send your story ideas or comments to spiderinsider @richmond.edu.

Past Meets Future Innovative campus spaces blend historic architecture with modern approach

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MEDIA MENTIONS “Most security incidents are a result of poor human behavior and [are] usually unintentional, such as falling for a phishing email,” said SHANA BUMPAS, director of information security, in “What lessons can higher ed teach K–12 about cybersecurity? 4 experts share their insights.” “I believe one lesson schools/districts should learn from higher ed is the need to engage all employees in cybersecurity awareness and encourage good cyber hygiene so that it is almost second nature ­— similar to looking both ways before crossing the street,” she said. MARTHA MERRITT, dean of international education, says the right travel book can educate, inspire, and enlighten. “Good writing helps me to look at my surroundings with new eyes,” she said in the article “Want to improve your ‘travel literacy’? Here’s how.” Law professor KRISTEN JAKOBSEN OSENGA, senior scholar at the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property, wrote “Making important patents worthless.” “Companies spend millions of dollars developing inventive technologies and millions more innovating products and services incorporating these technologies and bringing them to the American public. One reason these companies can invest so much in invention and innovation is the patent system,” she wrote. “Coworkers can be a particularly strong influence on employee satisfaction, especially when employees have to rely heavily on each other to complete their work,” said KEVIN CRUZ, an assistant professor of management who researches co-worker and employer relationships, in the article “This is how to fix your 3 biggest problems with your coworkers.” “Unfortunately, coworkers’ priorities and goals, which can be a result of the particular roles employees fill within their organizations, do not always align,” he said. “This can cause a lot of frustration between coworkers.” President RONALD A. CRUTCHER, American studies professor LAURA BROWDER, leadership studies professor THAD WILLIAMSON, and Boatwright Memorial Library archivist TAYLOR MCNEILLY were quoted in “‘His story begins and ends here in central Virginia’: UR showcases civil rights leader Wyatt Tee Walker’s personal collection.” Walker, a prominent civil rights figure, gifted his collection to UR following his death. The first public viewing of the collection was during a recent symposium honoring Walker. The piece originally appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. “200 Years of Elections to the House of Representatives, Mapped” highlights the Digital Scholarship Lab’s latest project focusing on the role of Congress. “[T]he norms of American politics weren’t always the norms,” says ROBERT K. NELSON, director of the DSL. “There are exceptions to the way we organize our politics and some of the fundamental practices of American democracy and American voting.”

FACULTY/STAFF WEBPAGE USAGE STRONG AND RISING Since its launch in October 2017, the faculty/staff webpage has become an increasingly popular destination. The dedicated page showcases the latest University news and announcements, accomplishments, event and class calendars, and more, serving as a central source of information for faculty and staff. In August 2018 a searchable, multi-day catalog of SpiderBytes, the daily digest of campus events and updates, was added to the page. While traffic to the page has steadily increased since launch, the beginning of this academic year brought a dramatic upward trend in page usage. In the six-month period from May to October 2018, traffic to the page increased 359 percent, with an average monthly growth

“The data tells us clearly that faculty and staff are finding real value in the webpage.” rate of 38 percent. On average, users spend more than eight minutes on the page per visit. “The data tells us clearly that faculty and staff are finding real value in the webpage,” said Phillip Gravely, assistant vice president for communications and digital engagement. “Not only have we seen an increase in traffic, but we’ve also seen an increase in the number of people who are engaging through the page, either by submitting their own accomplishments or requesting their events and news be highlighted. That’s exactly the goal.” Gravely encourages faculty and staff to bookmark the page or make it the landing page in their browsers. Instructions for the latter can be found at is.richmond. edu/alerts/fac-staff-student-webpages. To access the faculty/staff webpage, go directly to richmond.edu/faculty-staff or click the “Faculty & Staff” link on the University’s homepage.

Additional media mentions are available at news.richmond.edu/ placements. For more information, contact University Communications’ Media and Public Relations team: Cynthia Price, Sunni Brown, and Lindsey Campbell.


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assistant professor of biology, has received more than $950,000 in grant support for his research involving zebrafish.


 Isaac Skromne,

17.3 Million Reasons to Apply Demystifying the grant process For faculty and staff seeking financial support for research or a creative project, the best place to start is the Office of Foundation, Corporate, and Government Relations (FCGR). Staff in FCGR serve as guides through the entire grants process. Grant funding can cover everything from travel expenses for presenting at a conference to a salary replacement for a sabbatical or leave. For example, a recent grant made to the University of Richmond Police Department supports a goal of maintaining zero alcohol-related fatalities and serious injury crashes on and near campus. “You don’t have to come to us with a fully formed idea,” said Michelle Wamsley, assistant vice president for FCGR. “We are happy to brainstorm and dream with people a little bit and discuss funding options.” In fiscal year 2018, FCGR worked with faculty and staff grant seekers to submit 111 proposals seeking external support, valued at more than $9 million. While these figures fluctuate annually, the University’s record of success is impressive. Over the last five years, UR has received more than $17.3 million in grant support, funding programs, research, and creative endeavors across all five schools. “The pre-proposal review and approval process often seems like a lot of red tape or bureaucracy, but the goal of these steps and checks is to ensure compliance both internally and for the funder, to prepare a competitive proposal, and ultimately to have a project funded,” said Brenda Thomas, director of grant support. Funding proposals often have many layers

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and touch multiple partners on and off campus. Working with FCGR can help ensure compliance with all the components of the grant, including important deadlines. “Any perceived mismanagement of our government funding can have a negative impact on our institution,” Wamsley said. “We work hard to make sure that does not happen.” After submission, FCGR staff assist in tracking the proposal and finalizing the award. They then remain in the picture to help with any reporting requirements. Thomas says her biggest pieces of advice are start early, apply often, and don’t be discouraged if a proposal is not funded on the first try. “The longer lead time we have, the better, and in this competitive funding environment, applicants may have to apply two, three, or even four times,” Thomas said. “Most people don’t get a yes the first time. With each attempt comes useful feedback to strengthen the proposal or research.” UR is unique in that FCGR is co-located with accounting colleagues who take the lead in managing the award after grant funding is secured. This ensures the full life cycle of the grants process — from proposal to closeout — is handled in one location by a cohesive team.

“THE MATCHMAKER” Around the office, Adrien Arnold, grants research and communications specialist, is known as the “matchmaker.” Using databases other people don't have access to, she researches and identifies funding sources and can help faculty and staff find a good fit and their best options for funding opportunities. Having staff dedicated to researching funding opportunities for faculty needs is rare at an institution the size of UR.

More information, including the life cycle of a grant and contact information, is available at grants.richmond.edu. You can also drop by FCGR on the first floor of Puryear Hall or send an inquiry email to fcgr@richmond.edu. 3

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University Facili-  ties staff clear the sidewalks in front of Gottwald Science Center following a snowstorm. As essential employees, facilities personnel work tirelessly — even when the University is closed — to keep roads and pathways safe for the campus community.

Neither Snow, nor Rain, nor Wind University’s response to inclement weather balances safety and academics Before the snow falls or the wind blows, a group of individuals from across campus gathers by conference call. They are tasked with deciding how the University will respond if the weather worsens. “We have a crisis and emergency management plan that is based on an all-hazards approach,” said Shannon Sinclair, chair of the Executive Policy Group (EPG). The EPG and the Incident Management Group, made up of University administrators and representatives from key functions, comprise those on the call. “Whether it’s a hurricane, tornado, or snowstorm, the plan drives our response.” On the call, the group considers the timeline and probability of the storm, as well as the expected and potential impact to campus. It is also important to the group to know when it might have greater certainty as to the likelihood of the

impact. If the group is dealing with a hurricane, it will have longer to plan; with a snowstorm, the lead time is much shorter. When deciding whether to cancel classes, the University must balance the limitations of the academic calendar and the desire to maximize students’ educational experience with the safety of the entire campus community. “If we can keep the buildings open safely, we are going to try to do that and hold classes,” said Jeffrey Legro, provost and executive vice president. Because Richmond is predominately residential, even in difficult weather, undergraduate students can walk to facilities on campus. But when the decision is made to cancel classes or close the entire University, a group of dedicated essential employees must still report to work. Dining staff prepare food for students who

“There will always be some folks whom we rely on to keep us operational during extreme weather events, and we are really, really grateful for their remarkable commitment to our students and willingness to do that.”


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reside on campus, and the landscaping group “We have to base our decision on what we in University Facilities removes snow and debris know at the moment and what may develop in from roads and makes sure the major pathways the future,” said University of Richmond Chief are walkable. Since landscaping can’t do it all, a of Police David McCoy. “Cancellation is signifiworkforce of other facilities staff supports them. cant to us. We try not to do it often, but we do “When we cancel classes, essential employees it when we must.” still have to keep the University running,” Sinclair The group’s work doesn’t end once the storm said. “We don’t want to put that burden on them passes. A formal after-action review is conductunless we absolutely have to. University staff ed after every inclement weather event to idenwill rise to any occasion, but we care about their tify what worked well and where improvements safety.” are necessary in The EPG and practice, policy, Incident Manor communicaagement Group, tions. cognizant of “Each weather timing, aim to have event is different, decisions about and each one class cancellations is challenging,” or University closaid David Hale, sures disseminated executive vice by 6 a.m., prior to president and the morning comchief operating mute. That means officer. “We try the group often is to do what’s best on the phone at and fulfill our 5 a.m., or earlier, responsibilities Essential employees, like those in Dining Services, are reviewing the curto operate safely. required to report to work when the University is closed rent outlook and There will always due to inclement weather. future conditions, be some folks evaluating road conditions on campus and nearwhom we rely on to keep us operational during by, and assessing how long it would take to clear extreme weather events, and we are really, realwalkways and parking lots. The group makes the ly grateful for their remarkable commitment to best decision it can based on the information our students and willingness to do that.” available at the time.

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OFFICIAL INFO During weather events, the campus community is encouraged to monitor email, alert.richmond. edu, and local media, or call the hotline (804-289-8760) for additional information. The Inclement Weather and Emergencies policy is available online at hr.richmond. edu/policies/workplace-expectations/ inclement/index.html.


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SOCIAL BUZZ A roundup of reactions to posts on @urichmond:

Survey Says HE LOOKS LIKE HE IS PROUD TO BE A SPIDER!!! Thanks for sharing! —Howard Peace Jr. via Facebook Dr. Crutcher has been a great voice for the University of Richmond and for higher education in general. I am grateful for his leadership and his standing for freedom of speech in its truest and most respectful form. —Andrew Surwilo via Facebook

Faculty/staff feedback informs campus progress Since 2010, the Great Colleges to Work For (GCTWF) survey has provided insight into employee satisfaction with their work environments. In February 2018, the University conducted its fourth GCTWF survey, receiving a 46 percent response rate among faculty and staff. Results of previous surveys have led directly to a multitude of improvements, including the addition of short-term disability coverage; the implementation of flexible work arrangements; completion of a benchmarking and compensation study; and the launch of an array of new faculty and staff communications, including Spider Insider. While responses for individual statements vary slightly from survey to survey, the ranking of overall themes has remained stable, said Carl Sorensen, senior associate vice president for human resources. Overall, survey results are positive, with 95 percent of respondents having a positive perception of UR’s academic quality, 89 percent agreeing they understand how their job contributes to the institution’s mission, and 85 percent feeling the University takes reasonable steps to provide a safe and secure campus environment. “Faculty and staff alike are positive about their employment with the University,” Sorensen said. “They’re proud to be part of the Spider community.” The survey did, however, present areas of opportunity. Questions tied to performance management received the lowest scores, with 42 percent of respondents agreeing that the review process accurately measures job performance and 44 percent feeling that issues of low performance are adequately addressed within their departments. Sorenson said these will continue to be areas of focus, and the performance management and career framework initiatives currently underway — both of which are the result of previous survey responses — will provide renewed focus on these concerns. Melanie Jenkins, director of institutional effectiveness, encourages all faculty and staff to participate when the next survey opportunity arises, likely in 2021. “This tool is a mechanism for [leadership] to get a litmus on how people feel,” she said. “That information can then be used to improve our experience as faculty and staff.”

“Faculty and staff alike are positive about their employment with the University.” Congratulations [Frank] Eakin! Your comparative religions course I took at UR made me a better and more tolerant person for my entire life and I thank you! —Ellyn Foltz via Facebook referencing Frank Eakin’s Who’s Who Lifetime Achievement Award Hands down one of my top 10 most influential/ favorite educators since I entered the school system. [Eleven out of 10] would take a class just for [Scott Allison]. —Sandy Yu via Facebook I walked in to a huge spider web this morning in the dark and immediately thought about my beloved Richmond as I made sure there were no spiders in my hair. —Jay Merrick via Facebook


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Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @urichmond

To view the 2018 topline survey results and topline survey results by job category, visit ifx.richmond.edu/research/great-colleges.html.

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Making the Grade Faculty and staff play crucial role in University’s accreditation process Every 10 years, the University of Richmond embarks on a reaffirmation process for accreditation, demonstrating that the University continues to meet strict educational quality standards. Even though the campus community understands that UR is an accredited university, what some may not realize is the essential role faculty and staff — and the accurate documentation of their efforts — play in our accreditation. The standards we follow are set forth by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), which adheres to the expectations of the U.S. Department of Education. SACSCOC accredits more than 13,000 public and private educational institutions ranging from preschools to universities. One of six regional accreditation organizations, its region encompasses Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. The conclusion of the University’s reaffirmation process occurred in December when we received notice of reaccreditation from SACSCOC. UR’s recent reaffirmation is the culmination of a huge three-year University-wide effort, according to Lori Schuyler, vice president for planning and policy. The process demonstrates UR’s comprehensive institutional governance, compliance with federal regulations, and quality of our educational programs. During the process, the visiting committee’s report contained no recommendations for the University. It’s a situation that doesn’t occur often in higher ed and a testament to the good work of our faculty and staff and the thorough documentation provided. “The process requires the engagement of faculty, administration units, and the University's

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assessment specialist in drafting a report that outlines how we’re in compliance with the various standards,” adds Melanie Jenkins, director of institutional effectiveness. The accreditation process includes the creation of a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) that focuses on supporting student learning and accomplishing the mission of the University. UR’s QEP is the recently launched Richmond Endeavor. A living-learning program designed specifically for first-year students, Endeavor expands the ways faculty and staff help acclimate students to campus and launch their intellectual journeys. Even though the official reaffirmation occurs every decade, a Fifth-Year Interim Report requires the University to provide evidence about ongoing compliance with some standards and to submit our QEP Impact Report describing how our proposed QEP is working, according to Jenkins. “We are constantly trying to improve outcomes for students with regard to graduation, employment, and student well-being,” Jenkins said. These steps all play a part in the health of the University and continuing accreditation. All of the policies and processes that departments use in their day-to-day work, and the necessary documentation of such, contribute to a culture of continuous improvement. “It takes a lot of effort to be compliant all of the time and to keep good records about how you maintain compliance,” Schuyler said. "Our reaffirmation process was made easier because of good partners around campus who do good work and keep good records all of the time.”

ACCREDITATION AT A GLANCE • Accrediting body: The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges • Cycle: Every 10 years, with a fiveyear follow-up • Contributors: Everyone on campus


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 The business school’s innovative iLab provides the perfect collaborative workspace for Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship Olivia Aronson’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship class.

Past Meets Future

Innovative campus spaces blend historic architecture with modern approach Richmond may be known for its traditional Collegiate Gothic exteriors, but our University Facilities team is plenty forward-thinking when it comes to interior spaces. Fresh takes on office and instructional spaces can be found across campus, physical manifestations of Richmond’s ability to be both innovative and true to its roots. Tucked away on the top floor of Puryear Hall, which was built in 1927, the University Communications suite has been transformed into ad-agency-style creative and collaborative space designed to meet the specific needs of the team. Communications staff shared their desires for the space with University Facilities, which partnered with Information Services and an outside architect and designer to help envision a space conducive to their creative process. “We spent a lot of time talking with the team to understand not only how they use their current space, but how they would use a new space

if they could,” said Chuck Rogers, director of design and construction. “We try to encourage people to think outside the box and consider other ways to approach their workspace — and we start from there.” The new space features exposed brick and duct work (which also provides white noise), concrete floors, and an open concept. All of the desks are automated, allowing users to work sitting or standing with the touch of a button. Throughout the space are magnetic, writeable walls to share projects and gather feedback. While the floor plan is open, four spaces are designated as huddle rooms where staff can shut the door to convene meetings or hole up for focused work. A large conference room can accommodate the entire team and opens into the kitchen if additional space is needed. “Our new space enhances the creative dynamic within our office,” said John M. Barry, vice

“We try to encourage people to think outside the box and consider other ways to approach their work space — and we start from there.”


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microphones, and a 16-foot glass whiteboard surface that supports electronic capturing of the board’s content. The iLab complements the Lessing Trading Floor, a dedicated financial quantitative space. Together, the rooms support both the analytical and creative side of business, something Bagranoff says is important for today’s business graduates. In addition to the iLab and University Communications suite, this modern approach to space usage can be seen in the Adams Auditorium and Learn Lab in Boatwright Memorial Library and two new classrooms or “active learning” spaces in the Gottwald Science Center, among many others. Rogers says facilities will be designing more of these spaces as the need arises and encourages faculty and staff across campus to call on the expertise of the facilities team when looking for ways to tackle space or work needs. “We’d like people to think of us as problem solvers who can help them flesh out their space needs,” Rogers said. “We like to tell people that once they have a germ of an idea, reach out to us, and we’ll help you work it through.”


president for University Communications. “A highly collaborative workspace positively impacts the strength of the strategic communications solutions we are able to innovate each day.” Rogers cites the blend of high technology and flexibility in furniture and layout for the success of this new space. It’s a combination that can be seen in other newly designed areas across campus. The Robins School of Business opened the iLab in November 2017 to provide a highly visible space for collaboration and idea sharing. Following a heightened focus on entrepreneurship programs in the business school and the implementation of a new minor in entrepreneurship for non-business students, a dedicated space for innovation became essential. “Creativity and innovation are highly important to the future of business,” said Nancy Bagranoff, dean of the Robins School and the thought leader behind the iLab’s creation. “We didn’t feel that we had that captured in our building in any existing spaces.” The iLab features movable furniture that can accommodate different meeting and class needs, work and study areas with dedicated multimedia displays, Skype-ready screens with cameras and

An open floor plan and adaptable furniture are two key features of the newly renovated University Communications suite.

ILAB MEMBERSHIP While all faculty, staff, and students are eligible — and encouraged — to use the iLab, access to the space is granted via membership. To learn more about becoming an iLab member and complete a membership application, visit robins.richmond.edu/ centers/entrepreneurship/ilab.html.


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The Art of The Conversation New partnership highlights faculty expertise The University is known for its outstanding academic quality, and our faculty are highly sought-after authorities in their disciplines. A new partnership with The Conversation, an independent news source for commentary and analysis written by university scholars and leaders, is providing a powerful new way to share our faculty’s unique insights. It also gives faculty the opportunity to contribute to the public’s understanding of their fields of expertise. The Conversation aims to promote better understanding of current affairs and complex issues through explanatory journalism — illuminating events in the news to the general public through the perspectives of those who study the topics. All articles in The Conversation are posted to the Associated Press wire service and made available to hundreds of news outlets across the country. As a result, many published articles appear in multiple national media outlets. Since the partnership’s launch in September, six faculty members have contributed to The Conversation, with others working on future stories for publication. Mathematics professor Bill Ross authored a piece about the Riemann hypothesis, one of the great unsolved math problems, that was picked up by more than a dozen media outlets, including Newsweek, the San Francisco Chronicle, and Chicago Tribune. “The experience was quick, professional, and straightforward,” Ross said. Anthropologist Jennifer Nourse, who has completed extensive fieldwork in Indonesia, wrote a piece explaining why the recent earthquake and tsunami in the capital city of Central Sulawesi would most likely devastate the province’s rural areas. The piece was picked up by 19 additional media outlets, including The Huffington Post, Salon, and the San Francisco Chronicle. Joe Essid, director of the Writing Center, wrote about America’s reaction to the Apollo 11 moon landing and what audiences might expect out of the motion picture First Man — the piece was timed to publish the same day the movie hit theaters. The article was picked up by 18 additional outlets, including Business Insider and Space.com. “This new tool allows us to showcase the academic excellence of our faculty and further elevate the University of Richmond,” said Cynthia Price, director of media and public relations. “We’re excited by the number of faculty who have already participated and the breadth of topics covered.”

The Conversation aims to promote better understanding of current affairs and complex issues ... through the perspectives of those who study the topics.


U.S. News & World Report ranked UR No. 25 overall, No. 22 for “BEST VALUE,” and No. 28 for “MOST INNOVATIVE SCHOOLS” among national liberal arts colleges. Richmond was also included on lists for the national liberal arts colleges with the most Pell Grant recipients and highest international student enrollments. UR ranked No. 87 overall for “BEST UNDERGRADUATE BUSINESS PROGRAMS.” The Princeton Review ranked UR No. 3 on its list of “BEST-RUN COLLEGES” in the 2019 edition of The Best 384 Colleges. Richmond also appeared on 10 additional lists, including No. 4 for “BEST CAREER SERVICES,” No. 5 for “BEST CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE,” and No. 8 for “MOST BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS.” The Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Rankings placed UR No. 53 out of nearly 1,000 colleges across the nation. Richmond was Virginia’s HIGHEST-RANKED PRIVATE COLLEGE and second-highest-ranked college overall. Money ranked UR No. 6 on its list of “THE 10 BEST COLLEGES FOR BUSINESS MAJORS,” citing Q-camp for its role in preparing students for business internships and jobs. Rankings were based on affordability, educational quality, alumni success, and strong records in the field of business. EverFi and the Campus Prevention Network awarded Richmond the PREVENTION EXCELLENCE AWARD in recognition of UR’s commitment to adopting the highest standards in sexual assault prevention education. The U.S. Green Building Council awarded the newly renovated Richmond Hall and the Queally Center LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold certification. LEED-certified buildings are recognized for positive impacts on the health of occupants and promotion of renewable and clean energy. The facilities are the fifth and sixth on campus to achieve LEED GOLD CERTIFICATION and two of 14 to be LEED certified. The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) ranked UR No. 4 in DIVERSITY AND AFFORDABILITY — up from No. 5 the previous two years — in its 2018 Sustainable Campus Index. The rankings highlight the most sustainable colleges and universities in 17 impact areas and overall by institution type. The Brick Industry Association awarded the Queally Center a SILVER 2018 BRICK IN ARCHITECTURE AWARD for higher education in recognition of outstanding design that incorporates clay brick.

To learn more about contributing to The Conversation, contact University Communications’ Media and Public Relations team at news. richmond.edu/contact.

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Prepping for Life After Richmond Career readiness programs provide skills and knowledge to succeed The University of Richmond is dedicated to providing students with a heightened education that includes abundant opportunities inside and outside of the classroom. One of Richmond’s key areas of focus is on developing students’ professional skills. Through three programs — Q-camp, A&S Next, and the Jepson EDGE Institute — students gain insight into professional opportunities and expectations. Enrollment is increasing in all three programs, an indication that more and more students value how these programs position them for lifelong success. This innovative approach began in 2007 with the support of Paul, R’86, and Anne-Marie, W’86, Queally and the launch of Q-camp in the Robins School of Business. Q-camp introduces sophomore business students to social and professional scenarios they will likely encounter. Its early success inspired the creation of A&S Next in the School of Arts & Sciences and the Jepson EDGE Institute in the Jepson School of Leadership Studies, each of which engages students in workshops and interactive sessions to develop and refine a range of professional skills. Faculty, staff, and alumni support — in the form of planning, development, participation, and resources — make Q-camp, A&S Next, and the Jepson EDGE Institute possible and aid their

growth. Twenty-seven students attended the first Q-camp; 170 students attended in 2018. More were on a waitlist — a sign of the need for ongoing enhancement and expansion so the University can serve the needs of all students who seek out these opportunities. Broader community engagement is critical, said Shelley Burns, director of the Center for Professional Skills and Development. “Alumni, for example, working in desired fields play a dual role for our students: They help fellow Spiders learn to build and maintain relationships and, in doing so, create a strong, vibrant alumni network across the generations.” Faculty and staff engagement is equally valuable for the preparation and execution of the programs, Burns said. Faculty and staff who cannot attend can encourage students to participate, inspiring them to step out of their comfort zone. Such encouragement can have a big impact on student success and career readiness. “With a focus on key employer-desired competencies that strengthen communication, teamwork, and professionalism, among others, programs like Q-camp, the Jepson EDGE Institute, and A&S Next give our students a competitive advantage,” Burns said.

Twenty-seven students attended the first Q-camp; 170 students attended in 2018.

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PITCH PERFECT At the Jepson EDGE Institute, leadership studies students learn a key skill — how to create an impactful and impressive elevator pitch. With the help and guidance of Jepson alumni, students create, refine, and then share their pitches for feedback. The added bonus? After the program, students can upload their elevator pitches through SpiderConnect, an online database of career resources and job and internship opportunities, to share with even more alumni for additional feedback.


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Graduate students  in the Educational Leadership and Policy Studies program — all K–12 teachers in the Richmond metro area — attend Assistant Chair of Graduate Education Kate Cassada's Leading and Supervising Instruction class.

Education Advocates

Graduate programs equip and inspire local educators Unfilled teacher positions across the state have increased by 40 percent in the last 10 years, according to Virginia’s Department of Education, with over 1,000 current vacant teaching positions. The School of Professional and Continuing Studies (SPCS) graduate education programs are working hard to fill the void, providing a variety of degree options and professional development opportunities for those striving to advance their impact as educators. In doing so, they also are advancing the future of education in our community and beyond. “At the end of the day, our goal is to equip local educators with whatever it is they need to succeed,” said Laura Kuti, assistant chair of teacher education and assistant professor of education. “Our educators’ success in the classroom is imperative to our children’s success in life.” Aspiring educators can enroll in coursework to become a licensed teacher in the state or earn a master's degree in curriculum and instruction or educational leadership and policy studies. “There are plenty of good programs across the state, both in the classroom and online,”

said Kate Cassada, assistant chair of graduate education. “What makes UR graduate education so great is the people here value human collaboration and community. We all come here to be a part of this beautiful intellectual space and are dedicated to the academic community. That’s the marker of our program here.” This dedication to community is quickly recognizable in the efforts of SPCS education faculty. It would be easy enough to rest on their laurels, successfully equipping our region’s schools with over 100 licensed educators and administrators each year. But that’s not the case. Take Kuti, for example. With the number of English Language Learners in Virginia schools doubling in the past decade, Kuti saw the critical need for teachers with an English as a Second Language (ESL) endorsement. With $75,000 in grant funding from the Virginia Department of Education, Kuti developed a Praxis test preparation seminar that assists Virginia educators seeking the ESL endorsement. In its first year, the program has successfully prepared 75 teachers from 39 different school divisions.

“What makes UR graduate education so great is the people here value human collaboration and community.”


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Then there’s Tom Shields, associate dean of academic and student affairs and chair of the graduate education program, who founded the Next Generation Leadership Academy (NGLA). For more than 13 years, the academy has developed educational leaders throughout Hanover, Henrico, Richmond, and Chesterfield counties by providing training in instructional, transformational, and organizational leadership through a combination of coursework and practical application. “The NGLA aims to develop strong educational leaders as well as develop working collaborative relationships between the four divisions,” Shields said. Cassada runs the Center for Leadership in Education, yet another source of professional development opportunities for local educators that was founded by Shields more than 15 years ago. The Center for Leadership in Education collaborates with local organizations to host workshops and hold speaker series that prepare students, teachers, and administrators to be active and ethical leaders in their schools and communities. “We make sure it’s not about ticking boxes and passing tests,” Cassada said. “It’s about prepar-

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ing leaders as ethically and as child-focused as possible.” Graduate education students seem to mirror their professors’ dedication. Some drive two hours one way after a day in their own classroom for night classes on campus. Others have given up scholarships to online programs for an experience at UR. Padraic Hampton, who earned a master's degree in educational leadership and policy studies in May 2018, is one of many UR graduates around the state who has been awarded Teacher of the Year honors. After seeing Swansboro Elementary fifth-grade students’ academic achievement drop in middle school, Hampton developed the school’s first 5th Grade Success Academy. His academy aims to support students in a way that ensures their successful transition to middle school. This is only one example of how students activate their education at UR. “The people in these programs, both those taking courses and those teaching them, live here, work here, and teach here,” Cassada said. “We’re all dedicated to doing right by kids academically and making a lasting impact on our local education systems.”

LOCAL TO GLOBAL Graduate education faculty are advancing educators’ impact both stateside and abroad. Bob Spires, assistant professor of education, serves on the board of the international charity Love Without Boundaries. For more than two years, Spires has played an integral role in setting up new schools in Cambodia. Erik Laursen, adjunct education professor, has traveled the world teaching trauma-informed practices from his book Intentional Responsive Adult Practices: Supporting Kids to Not Only Overcome Adversity But to Thrive. The book is based on his experience and research on intentional responsive adult practices that help children overcome adversity.


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‘There’s Always a Need’

Loyal faculty/staff donors among those recognized through new Robins Society

DAY OF GIVING In April, the University will hold its first day of giving, which will include a campaign for faculty and staff as well as alumni, parents, and friends. Don't want to wait? Make a gift at any time at givenow.richmond.edu.

Everyone who works on campus has almost certainly met Dianne St. John. Her office is where every new faculty or staff member gets the University’s official ID, the OneCard — a small but tangible affirmation of joining this community. For at least 20 years, St. John has offered another small but tangible affirmation of the Spider community: a modest annual gift to support the students on campus today. “People feel like the University has a lot of resources, but there’s always a need,” she said. “People think you have to give a lot for it to matter, but if many people give a little, it is a lot.” Early in 2019, the University is launching a new society to recognize our most loyal donors, such as St. John. This membership community celebrates Spiders who make a gift of any amount over an unbroken string of years. It is called the Robins Society. E. Claiborne Robins’ historic $50 million investment in Richmond’s future nearly 50 years ago is well-known across campus. Naming this new

giving society after Robins highlights a critically important motivation for his gift: the hope that it would inspire a culture of philanthropy across the Spider community. St. John and other consistent donors are today’s standard-bearers of this legacy. Law professor Corinna Lain is another inaugural member of the Robins Society. Her giving to Richmond dates back to her hire 18 years ago. Part of her motivation has been gratitude, she said. She’s a former prosecutor who is grateful she had the opportunity to move into academia. “I have the best job in the world, and it’s only work sometimes,” she said. “So many people would give their eyetooth for my job.” But the bigger motivation is “here on the ground, seeing what we do day after day” in the law school, she said, particularly in how her dean’s office allocates resources within the school. “Even when it’s hard choices, it’s the right choices,” she said. “We do a fantastic job with the resources we have, but I also believe there’s more to do.”



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The University of Richmond’s commitment to empowering students to live purposefully has long distinguished it in the field of ethics. As universities around the country increase emphasis in this area, UR is again taking the lead. A new ethics initiative aims to equip students to answer the toughest questions of right and wrong by building on our existing and already strong foundation of ethics-related resources. “We’re at the forefront in pioneering an integrated approach to ethics,” said Jessica Flanigan Jepson School Dean Sandra Peart, who led the cross-campus ethics initiative committee. “All faculty and staff can engage with the extensive ethics scholarship happening at UR.” Through the initiative, a working group of philosophers and political theorists supports research, teaching, and professional development, while a new web presence will promote upcoming events to the campus community. In the Jepson School, renovations are underway to create a dedicated space for Leadership Ethics, including a state-of-the-art classroom. A cornerstone of the initiative is an ethics fellows program, which establishes resources for faculty, staff, and students to participate in discussions of ethical issues. Jessica Flanigan, associate professor of leadership studies and philosophy, politics, economics, and law (PPEL), is the inaugural ethics fellow. In the fall, she organized debates for Lora Robins residents, coached the Jepson School’s ethics bowl team, and guest-lectured in classes. She plans to host speakers on topics like immigration and ethical leadership. “I see the ethics initiative as a way of expanding students’ opportunities to think about ethical questions related to their roles as citizens, employees, friends, and family members,” Flanigan said. “Each of these roles can be morally fraught. And often, people make moral mistakes not because they knowingly acted wrongly but because they didn’t even think to consider the ethics of their choices.”

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Pioneer program remains major influence on campus and beyond When it was established in 1980, the University of Richmond’s WILL* program was a pioneer in its field. As WILL* approaches 40 years of existence, it remains a model program in higher education and a signature example of Richmond’s long history of academic innovation. The primary components of the four-year program, which uses a theory-to-practice model, are community, leadership, activism, career preparation, and an academic foundation — participants earn a minor in women, gender, and sexuality studies (WGSS). Previously known as Women Involved in Living and Learning — the asterisk in WILL* denotes that the program is open to women, transgender, and gender-nonconforming students — the program is defined by its evolving nature. “One of the things I love about the program is its vibrancy,” said Holly Blake, the program’s director since 1992. “It has changed and grown over time, so it keeps it interesting and relevant.” Founded by former Westhampton College Dean Stephanie Bennett-Smith, health and sport science and women’s studies professor Kathleen Rohaly, sociology professor William Walker, and women’s resource center director Jane Hopkins, the program was grounded in the then-emerging discipline of women’s studies and the idea of leadership. In addition to the strong bonds formed with peers, faculty, and staff, WILL* students immediately benefited from its

interdisciplinary coursework, student leadership, and a required internship — incorporated into the program from the outset and uncommon in academics at the time — all of which were designed to prepare them to thrive in their careers and become advocates in their communities and workplaces. Annual components of the program such as the WILL*/WGSS Speaker Series and the Clothesline Project — a student-coordinated effort to bring attention to gender violence — make WILL* a model in higher education. The program has been replicated by private and public institutions, including Duke University and the University of Cincinnati. “Seeing it being replicated is really exciting because it shows it’s still relevant, and they also make it their own,” said Melissa Ooten, WILL* associate director, who, along with Blake, teaches WGSS courses. “It’s really adaptable and can apply in different settings.” Even with the program’s legacy secure, Ooten and Blake continue to look for ways to enhance it in the future. WILL* is currently engaged in a strategic planning process to consider the next phase of the program. “We’re heading to 40 years, and it’s a perfect time to really think deeply about the program,” Blake said. And to take WILL* to even greater heights.

The primary components of the four-year program are community, leadership, activism, career preparation, and an academic foundation.

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WILL* Power

The WILL* program draws on the expertise of numerous UR faculty, including Julietta Singh, associate professor of English and women, gender, and sexuality studies (pictured center with WILL* program alumnae).

SHARING THEIR STORIES WILL* graduates, from members of the program’s first cohort in 1980 to recent graduates, have experienced professional success in a number of fields. Twelve WILL* graduates reflect upon how WILL* impacted them in Audacious Voices, a book edited by Blake and Ooten that was published in November. “There’s a lot of personal transformation that comes through in the stories,” Ooten said. “It’s just really powerful.”


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Photography by Jamie Betts


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Back row, from left: Amy Kemp, Mary Catherine Raymond, Tom Walsh, Garrett Stern, Lois Willis, Kelli Bradford, John Zinn, Cheryl Genovese. Front, from left: Phil Melita, James Campbell, Daniel Hocutt

PRIDE ABOUNDS As the University celebrates 125 years of being Spiders, colleagues in the School of Professional and Continuing Studies share what it means to be part of this special Spider community: “I’m part of something bigger — something that has an impact and continually changes people, personally and professionally.” —James Campbell “ ... having the chance to share exciting and meaningful programs and opportunities with the community, whether those from ‘our backyard’ or au pairs living in RVA from all over the world.” —Mary Catherine Raymond “I always have a home in Richmond, whether I live in RVA or not.” —Daniel Hocutt


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OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS We celebrate the accomplishments of our talented faculty and staff. See more accomplishments and submit your own grant, publication, or honor at richmond.edu/ faculty-staff.

TAYLOR ARNOLD, assistant professor of statistics, and Lauren Tilton, assistant professor of digital humanities, received a $99,984 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to develop software that will analyze how moving images such as film, television, and news broadcasts shape cultural norms.

JONATHAN CORBIN, MacEldin Dunn Trawick Postdoctoral Fellow, and Beth Crawford, professor of psychology, published “Biased by the Group: Memory for an Emotional Expression Biases Towards the Ensemble” in Collabra. BERNADETTE COSTELLO, director of talent and organizational effectiveness, was appointed to the Association of Talent Development's National Advisors for Chapters for the 2018–21 term. BETH CRAWFORD, professor of psychology, and Jonathan Corbin, MacEldin Dunn Trawick Postdoctoral Fellow, published “Biased by the Group: Memory for an Emotional Expression Biases Towards the Ensemble” in Collabra.

EDWARD AYERS, Tucker-Boatwright Professor of the Humanities and president emeritus, was elected to the board of trustees for the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. NANCY BAGRANOFF, dean of the Robins School of Business, will co-chair the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business’ effort to reimagine business accreditation. LINDA BOLAND, associate professor of biology, Dick Dickens, visiting research scholar, and a student collaborator published “Proteins mediating reception and transduction in chemosensory neurons in mosquitoes” in Frontiers in Physiology. Boland co-published “A Xenopus oocyte model system to study action potentials” in the Journal of General Physiology. TAENE BRITT, purchasing card program manager, received a Certified Purchasing Card Professional certification from the National Association of Purchasing Card Professionals. CINDY BUKACH, associate professor of psychology, received a $17,270 grant from the National Science Foundation to supplement her original grant for “Collaborative Proposal: Preparing Undergraduates for Research in STEM-related fields Using Electrophysiology (PURSUE).” ELENA CALVILLO, associate professor of art history, published Almost Eternal: Painting on Stone and Material Innovation in Early Modern Europe (Brill). SHEILA CARAPICO, professor of political science and international studies, was the featured expert for “Global Dimensions of Middle Eastern Conflicts — a conversation with Dr. Sheila Carapico,” presented by the Richmond World Affairs Council. ART CHARLESWORTH, professor of mathematics and computer science, was awarded an Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who’s Who for excellence in his field.

RICHARD DAGGER, E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Chair in the Liberal Arts, published Playing Fair: Political Obligation and the Problems of Punishment (Oxford University Press).

JORY DENNY, assistant professor of computer science, co-published “A Topology-based Path Similarity Metric and Its Application to Sampling-based Motion Planning” in Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.

UNIVERSITY FACILITIES’ DEPARTMENT OF DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION received a $9,515 grant from the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges to help furnish the basement lounge and collaborative area in Gray Court. DICK DICKENS, visiting research scholar, Linda Boland, associate professor of biology, and a student collaborator published “Proteins mediating reception and transduction in chemosensory neurons in mosquitoes” in Frontiers in Physiology. DELLA DUMBAUGH, professor of mathematics, and her daughter published “Calculating Intersections: The Crossroads of Mathematics and Literature in the Lives of Mother and Daughter” in the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics. FRANK EAKIN, Weinstein-Rosenthal Professor of Jewish and Christian Studies, was awarded an Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who’s Who for excellence in his field. LINDA FAIRTILE, head of the Parsons Music Library, published “(Re)Constructing the Duomo: The Second-act Finales of Edgar” in Studi Pucciniani. JERRY GILFOYLE, Robert Edward and Lena Frazer Loving Chair of Physics, received a $275,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to support his ongoing project “Medium Energy Nuclear Physics at the University of Richmond.”


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REGGIE GORDON, adjunct assistant professor of nonprofit studies, has been named Richmond’s interim deputy chief administrative officer for human services by Mayor Levar Stoney. ERIC GROLLMAN, assistant professor of sociology, co-edited Counternarratives from Women of Color Academics: Bravery, Vulnerability, and Resistance (Routledge). DIETER GUNKEL, assistant professor of historical linguistics, co-edited Language and Meter (Brill) and contributed the chapter “Phonological Evidence for Pada Cohesion in Rigvedic Versification” to the book.

ALISON HARVEY, senior network specialist, received the Certified ScrumMaster designation from Scrum Alliance. DANIEL HOCUTT, web manager in the School of Professional and Continuing Studies and adjunct professor of liberal arts, presented “Rethinking Users: UX Design for Posthuman Cyborgs” at the 2018 ACM Special Interest Group on the Design of Communication (SIGDOC) conference in Milwaukee. ATIYA HUSAIN, assistant professor of sociology, published “Are Jews White?” in Slate. INFORMATION SERVICES has been recognized as a National Cybersecurity Awareness Month Champion by the National Cyber Security Alliance and the Department of Homeland Security in recognition of its commitment to creating a safer, more secure internet. MILES JOHNSON, assistant professor of chemistry, published “Synthesis, Structure, and Reactivity of Palladium Proazaphosphatrane Complexes Invoked in C–N Cross-Coupling” in Organometallics. SANDRA F. JOIREMAN, associate provost for faculty and Weinstein Chair of International Studies, and colleagues from other universities received a grant from the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for “Appraising Risk, Past and Present: Interrogating Historical Data to Enhance Understanding of Environmental Crises in the Indian Ocean World.” ELIZABETH KISSLING, assistant professor of Spanish and applied linguistics, published “An Exploratory Study of Heritage Spanish Rhotics: Addressing Methodological Challenges of Heritage Language Phonetics Research” in the Heritage Language Journal. Kissling co-published “Reexamining por and para in the Spanish foreign language intermediate classroom: A usage-based, cognitive linguistic approach” in What is Applied Cognitive Linguistics? Answers from Current SLA Research (De Gruyter Mouton).

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2018 Engage for Change! Award Winners These awards, given annually by the Bonner Center for Civic Engagement, celebrate and acknowledge students, faculty, staff, and community leaders working together to make an impact in our communities. FACULTY AND STAFF AWARD RECIPIENTS: Community-Engaged Teaching Award EMILY BOONE, Director of Biological Instruction Recognizes a faculty member who has consistently demonstrated excellence in community-engaged teaching at the University of Richmond Community-Engaged Scholarship Award TODD LOOKINGBILL, Associate Professor of Biology and Associate Professor of Geography and the Environment Recognizes faculty whose scholarly and/or other creative activity emerges from a mutually beneficial partnership with a community and creates new knowledge that contributes to positive social change Contribution to the Institution Award ANDY LITTERAL, Professor of Management RAY SLAUGHTER, Associate Professor of Accounting Recognizes faculty or staff whose community-engaged teaching, scholarship, and/or service made a significant contribution to UR, furthering opportunities for faculty engagement, community collaboration, and the learning and thriving of students Collaboration for Change Award LAURA BROWDER, Tyler and Alice Haynes Professor of American Studies, PATRICIA HERRERA, Associate Professor of Theatre, and colleagues from the Armstrong Leadership Program Honors a collaborative, community-based partnership between campus and community stakeholders For a complete list of award winners, visit engage.richmond.edu/events/ awards.


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KATHY LAING, Institute on Philanthropy program manager, represented the University of Richmond at the inauguration ceremony for Ferrum College’s 12th president. KELLY LAMBERT, professor of behavioral neuroscience, published Well-Grounded: The Neurobiology of Rational Decisions (Yale University Press). ERIK LAURSEN, adjunct associate professor of education, published Intentional Responsive Adult Practices: Supporting Kids to Not Only Overcome Adversity But to Thrive (Lulu).

2018 Custodial Award Winners These annual University Facilities awards recognize individuals who have gone above and beyond in demonstrating the custodial commitments — safety, hospitality, quality, and efficiency.

MATTHEW LOWDER, assistant professor of cognitive psychology, published “Lexical predictability during natural reading: Effects of surprisal and entropy reduction” in Cognitive Science. Lowder presented “Prediction in the Processing of Repair Disfluencies” at the University of Maryland.

Custodial Safety Award LJERKA JONJIC, Custodian Champions safety through their actions and commitment to themselves, their fellow staff, and the entire University of Richmond community Custodial Leadership Award BECKY GRAY, Team Leader Demonstrates dedication to the team’s success, develops those around them, and serves those they lead Custodial Hospitality Award MELVIN BURLEIGH, Custodian Best demonstrates a positive attitude and an ability to build lasting relationships Custodial Quality Award MICHAEL GILLIAM, Custodial Floor Technician Displays exemplary attention to detail and exceptional service Custodial Efficiency Award JOHN SHINES, Custodial Floor Technician Displays creative thinking, provides innovative suggestions, and continually seeks ways to improve the operation Custodial Commitment Award MICHAEL TAYLOR, Custodian Most exemplifies all four commitments of the custodial department

KRISTJEN LUNDBERG, assistant professor of social psychology, and collaborators received the award for Best Social Cognition Paper from the International Social Cognition Network for their paper “The Bias of Crowds: How Implicit Bias Bridges Personal and Systemic Prejudice.”

ERNEST MCGOWEN, associate professor of political science, presented on the effect of suburban residence on black political behavior, using ZIP code-level census data and measures of urbanicity, at the Collaborative Multiracial Post-Election Survey Summer Research Workshop and Planning Meeting at the University of California — Los Angeles. GREG MILLER, network services manager, received the Certified ScrumMaster designation from Scrum Alliance. CAROL PARISH, professor of chemistry, received a $310,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for her research seeking to better understand alternative sources of energy such as oil sand and shale oil. The American Chemical Society awarded Parish the 2019 Award for Research at an Undergraduate Institution. Parish, Julie Pollock, assistant professor of chemistry, and students published “Analysis of MEMO1 Binding Specificity for ErbB2 Using Fluorescence Polarization and Molecular Dynamics Simulations” in Biochemistry. JULIE POLLOCK, assistant professor of chemistry, Carol Parish, professor of chemistry, and students published “Analysis of MEMO1 Binding Specificity for ErbB2 Using Fluorescence Polarization and Molecular Dynamics Simulations” in Biochemistry. Pollock


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JENNIFER PRIBBLE, associate professor of political science and international studies, is among eight scholars awarded a $20,000 grant from the University of Costa Rica’s competitive thematic grant program for the project “Social Policy During Latin America’s Expansionary Phase (2000–13).” PATRICE RANKINE, dean of the School of Arts & Sciences, published “Afterlife: Du Bois, Classical Humanism and the Matter of Black Lives” in the International Journal of the Classical Tradition. Rankine published “Epic Performance through Invenção de Orfeu and An Iliad: Two Instantiations of Epic as Embodiment in the Americas” in Epic Performances from the Middle Ages into the Twenty-First Century (Oxford University Press). BEDELIA RICHARDS, associate professor of sociology, co-edited Clearing the Path for First-Generation College Students (Lexington Books).

TRACY ROOF, associate professor of political science, received a 2018 Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections Research Fellowship to support her project “Nutrition, Welfare, or Work Support? A Political History of the Food Stamp Program.”

DAVID SALISBURY, associate professor of geography and the environment, was awarded the Private Sector and Government Award at the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers in recognition of his contributions to enhancing and disseminating knowledge of the geography of Latin America to professionals in government or the public in the private sector. ISAAC SKROMNE, assistant professor of biology, received a $400,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for his project “RUI: Elucidating the signaling interactions that control spinal cord fate specification.” Skromne received a $200,000 National Science Foundation grant to support his research with zebrafish and bone disease. SABLE ELYSE SMITH, assistant professor of sculpture and extended media, presented a solo exhibition, “BOLO: Be on (the) lookout,” at JTT Gallery in New York City. Smith’s work was featured in “Firsthand at Arm’s Length” in Art in America and included in “SITElines.2018: Casa tomada,” an exhibition presented by SITE Santa Fe.

TANJA SOFTIC, professor of art, was commissioned to create a print for “Re-Riding History,” an exhibition at the Trout Gallery at Dickinson College. DEBORAH SOMMERS, executive director of the Modlin Center for the Arts, received five programming grants totaling $18,150 from the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation’s Jazz Touring Network and ArtsCONNECT. Sommers also received a $4,000 programming grant from Arts Midwest. Funds support Modlin events Banda Magda, John Scofield Quartet, Charenee Wade, The Nature of Forgetting, Urban Bush Women, and Sounds of China.


co-published “Identification of Toll-like receptor signaling inhibitors based on selective activation of hierarchically acting signaling proteins” in Science Signaling and “Triaryl Pyrazole Toll-Like Receptor Signaling Inhibitors: Structure-Activity Relationships Governing Pan- and Selective Signaling Inhibitors” in ChemMedChem.

WALT STEVENSON, associate professor of classical studies, co-published “A Philosophical Justification for a Novel Analysis-Supported, Stakeholder-Driven Participatory Process for Water Resources Planning and Decision Making” in Water. DOUG SZAJDA, associate professor of computer science, co-published “Mitigating Risk while Complying with Data Retention Laws,” which was accepted for the 25th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security. LAUREN TILTON, assistant professor of digital humanities, and Taylor Arnold, assistant professor of statistics, received a $99,984 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to develop software that will analyze how moving images such as film, television, and news broadcasts shape cultural norms. DEREK TORO, senior network programmer, received the Certified ScrumMaster designation from Scrum Alliance. THE UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND POLICE DEPARTMENT received the Accreditation with Excellence Award from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). URPD is the first private institution and is currently the longest-running university law enforcement agency to be accredited by CALEA. RICHARD WALLER, executive director of University Museums, published “The Joel and Lila Harnett Print Study Center @ 17” in the Journal of the Print World. HOPE WALTON, director of academic skills, received a $500 grant from the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges to support the Peer Advisors and Mentors (PAM) program through funding of events as well as one-on-one mentorship activities. DOUGLAS WINIARSKI, professor of religious studies and American studies, was awarded a 2018 Book Award for nonfiction by the New England Society for Darkness Falls on the Land of Light: Experiencing Religious Awakenings in Eighteenth-Century New England.


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WINTER CELEBRATION Forty years later, the spirit of the event’s original name — Holiday Desserts — is unmistakable. While ham biscuits, a macaroni and cheese bar, and a carving station can now be found among the petit fours, macarons, and gingerbread cookies, the best part of the event remains the same — spending time with our Spider Family.


1. Nick Minnix 2. Barbara Johnson, Frances Wyne, Samuel Blount, Mary Churchill, Charlynn Small 3. Alicia Engels, Temple Ansell, Liz Buehler 4. Lauren Foligno, Meg Pevarski, Alison Keller, Vittoria Tripp, Kristen Phelps, Anthony Crenshaw 5. Wendy Burchard, Fred Hagemeister 6. Keith “Mac” McIntosh, John Hardt 7. Christin Harris, Marya Kravets, Dina Cortez-Melton

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A series of severe weather events impacted campus in September 2018, putting the spotlight on the generous nature of our campus community. Staff and students filled sandbags in preparation for Hurricane Florence; dining services staff provided comfort — by way of smoothies — to those sheltering in place during the tornadoes; and faculty and staff rescued and relocated tens of thousands of bees from a downed tree following the twisters. The story about the bees was picked up by more than 50 media outlets. I love that the dining hall employees went the extra mile and made smoothies for those students sheltering there [during the tornado warning]! —Karen Fallin via Facebook This is the kind of stuff that makes me proud to be a Spider. —Kelsey Shields via Facebook referencing the bee rescue

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We offer a warm welcome to our new colleagues and congratulations to colleagues taking their next steps. The following includes employment status changes for full- and part-time faculty and staff from July 1 to Oct. 31, 2018.


STUDIES Armond Towns Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Communication Studies

SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES ART AND ART HISTORY Sable Smith Assistant Professor of Sculpture and Media

ROBINS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS Alexander Persaud Assistant Professor of Economics

BIOLOGY Kwaku Aduse-Poku Visiting Lecturer of Biology

FINANCE Bo Meng Assistant Professor of Finance

CHEMISTRY Will O’Neal Director of Organic Chemistry Laboratories

Ge Wu Assistant Professor of Finance

Dominique Williams Assistant Professor of Biochemistry

MANAGEMENT Olivia Aronson Assistant Professor of Management

ENGLISH Jennifer Moxley Distinguished Writer in Residence

Bruce Chen Assistant Professor of Management

HISTORY Michelle Kahn Assistant Professor of Modern Europe MATH AND COMPUTER SCIENCE Trevor McGuire Visiting Lecturer of Mathematics Jon Park Assistant Professor of Computer Science LANGUAGES, LITERATURES, AND CULTURES Ikumi Kyuna Japanese Teaching Assistant Natalie McCauley Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian Studies Katrina Nousek Visiting Assistant Professor of German Studies Joy Tan Visiting Instructor of Chinese POLITICAL SCIENCE Monica Lineberger Visiting Lecturer of Political Science SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY Miguel Diaz-Barriga Professor of Anthropology

Chris Courtney Assistant Professor of Management SCHOOL OF LAW Rod Adams Visiting Assistant Professor of Law Susan Dudley Applied Linguistics Specialist Luke Norris Assistant Professor of Law Kevin Woodson Professor of Law JEPSON SCHOOL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES Marilie Coetsee Assistant Professor of Leadership Studies Dan Schillinger Visiting Research Fellow SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL AND CONTINUING STUDIES Bob Spires Assistant Professor of Graduate Education STAFF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES Carthene BazemoreWalker Assistant Dean for Diversity, Inclusivity, and Thriving

Margaret Dorsey Associate Professor of Anthropology

Ingrid Bick Accompanist, Music


Rachel DuMez Post Baccalaureate Research Assistant, Biology

Olivia Stibolt Post Baccalaureate Research Assistant, Psychology Amanda Waggoner GIS Technician, Geography ROBINS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Amanda Ennis Program Manager, Graduate School of Business, MBA Programs JEPSON SCHOOL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES Cassie Price Manager, Communications and Academic Research, Dean’s Office PROVOST Sasha Hollister Program Manager, Community Relationships and UR Downtown, Bonner Center for Civic Engagement Alissa Potter User Support Specialist, Boatwright Memorial Library Jonathan Shank Head, Budget, Acquisitions, and Discovery Services, Boatwright Memorial Library ADVANCEMENT Dina Cortez-Melton Gift Processing and Records Coordinator, Advancement Systems Julianne Hosford Assistant Director, Prospect Research Emily Saunders Assistant Director, Student and Young Graduate Programming, Office of Alumni Relations Becca Shelton Assistant Director, Career Services ATHLETICS Mitch Alters Assistant Coach, Women’s Swimming and Diving Emily Brode Intern Assistant Athletic Trainer, Sports Medicine Ryan Colton Associate Athletic Director for Compliance Brandon DeNoyer Assistant Coach, Women’s Soccer Justin Glover Assistant Director of Athletic Public Relations

Katelyn Grimes Assistant Athletic Trainer, Sports Medicine Elizabeth Hamilton Intern Assistant Athletic Trainer, Sports Medicine Leeann Laing Associate Athletic Director, Business Operations Nathan Parker Head Diving Coach, Women’s Swimming and Diving Martel Peden Facilities and Events Assistant Benny Pugh Assistant Coach, Men’s Lacrosse Mark Stanton Compliance Coordinator Ana Stevens Marketing Assistant, Sports Promotion Michael Thomson Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach Haden Thompson Ticket Office Assistant Dan Wacker Assistant Director of Athletic Public Relations Elizabeth Washington Intern Assistant Athletic Trainer, Sports Medicine Emily Whitaker Intern Assistant Athletic Trainer, Sports Medicine Lauren Wicklund Associate Athletic Director for Leadership Development BUSINESS AFFAIRS Jonathan Moore Chief Administrative Officer, Spider Management Company CAMPUS SERVICES Ait Ah Utility Associate, Heilman Dining Center Joe Be Utility Associate, Heilman Dining Center Matt Brock Café/Stores Associate, Passport Café Jeffrey Burgdoerfer Sous Chef, The Cellar Lily Evenstar Café Associate, Passport Café Mary Fichtel Truck Driver, Catering


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Virginia Harrison Café Associate, Tyler’s Grill Gerald Johnson Utility Associate, Heilman Dining Center Hamilton Jones Café Associate, Tyler’s Grill John Knight Café Associate, UR Downtown Café Michael LaRue Cook II, Heilman Dining Center Enrique Miranda Cook II, The Cellar Peg Peebles Floater Manager, Heilman Dining Center Matt Seymour Cook II, Heilman Dining Center Alexander Stewart Utility Associate, Tyler’s Grill Cynthia Stewart Baker II, Heilman Dining Center Jamal Turner Utility Associate, Heilman Dining Center Jennifer Valerio Administrative Assistant, Events, Conferences, and Support Services Deryn Young Café Associate, 8:15 at Boatwright CONTROLLER Amanda Moore Accounting Analyst, Treasury Services FACILITIES Scott Atkins Groundskeeper Michael Jones Boiler Plant Operator/ REACT James Newcomb Plumber Apprentice Sarah Peters Custodian Mila Stamenova Custodian HUMAN RESOURCES Janee Bolling Administrative Coordinator SECURITY Asira Eppes Police Officer

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Latoni Hopson Parking Enforcement Officer Heather Johnson Communications Officer, Campus Safety ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT Charlie Broaddus Admission Counselor for Communications and Marketing, Undergraduate Admission Caitie Hoeckele Operations Assistant, Financial Aid Office Darius Jackson Assistant Director of Admission, Undergraduate Admission Casey Nolan Operations Assistant, Financial Aid Office PLANNING AND POLICY Lisa Hamiel Assessment Specialist, Office of Institutional Effectiveness Darrell Tyler Senior Research Analyst, Office of Institutional Effectiveness PRESIDENT’S OFFICE Sharon Broyles Administrative Specialist STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Hilary Delman Staff Counselor, Counseling and Psychological Services Lauren Foligno Assistant Director of Programming, Center for Student Involvement Jamie Lynn Haskins Chaplain for Spiritual Life Alicia Hudalla Facility Supervisor, Operations Kelly Johannsen Head Lifeguard, Operations Katie Mahan Staff Counselor, Counseling and Psychological Services Will Riley Facility Supervisor, Operations Zara Sibtain Assistant Dean, Westhampton College Akhila Vishnubhotla Assistant Director, Living-Learning and Roadmap Programs

Meredith Wray Greek Life Coordinator, Center for Student Involvement

MOVES FACULTY SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES BIOLOGY Michael Harwich Visiting Lecturer of Biology Kathy Zoghby Visiting Instructor of Biology EDUCATION Angela Leeper Director, Curriculum Materials Center LANGUAGES, LITERATURES, AND CULTURES Leslie Bohon-Atkinson Interim Director of English as a Second Language Alaa Magableh Visiting Lecturer of Arabic ROBINS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Ed Cook Visiting Instructor MARKETING Patti Carey Instructor of Business Communications SCHOOL OF LAW Leigh Melton Visiting Assistant Professor of Law JEPSON SCHOOL OF LEADERSHIP STUDIES Lauranett Lee Visiting Lecturer in Leadership Studies  STAFF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS SCHOOL OF ARTS & SCIENCES Sarah Orr Administrative Coordinator, Film Studies Program SCHOOL OF PROFESSIONAL AND CONTINUING STUDIES Bobby Faithful Program Specialist, Continuing Studies Non-Credit ADVANCEMENT Beth Chancy Associate Director, Career Services

Suzanne Hofmann Director, Donor Relations Jose Torres Gift Processing and Records Coordinator, Advancement Data Systems ATHLETICS Tara Stewart Assistant to the Vice President/Director of Athletics BUSINESS AFFAIRS CAMPUS SERVICES Pietra Balsamo Cold Food Production Cook II, Heilman Dining Center Stephen Birch Cook I, Tyler’s Grill Ashley Blount Cook I, Tyler’s Grill Tykisha Booker Café Lead, Passport Café

SECURITY Eric Beatty Services Captain, Campus Safety Alfred Johnson Operations Captain, Campus Safety ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT Caroline Broadfoot Financial Aid Advisor Chip Bryan Assistant Vice President and Director of Financial Aid Lindsey Monacell Senior Associate Director of Admission, Undergraduate Admission INFORMATION SERVICES Kevin Creamer Manager, Communications and Engagement

Tishelle Cosby Line Service Associate, Heilman Dining Center

PRESIDENT’S OFFICE Lindsey King Scheduling and Event Specialist

Allan Cress Cook II, The Cellar

Laurie Mackey Administrative Specialist

Maria Diaz Administrative Assistant, Catering

STUDENT DEVELOPMENT Ryan Ballum Staff Physician, Student Health Center

Michele Kennedy-Price Pastry Chef Lead, Heilman Dining Center Earl Lee Sous Chef, Heilman Dining Center


Sean McBride Utility Associate, Heilman Dining Center


24 YEARS University Facilities — Custodial

Geronimo Moran Cold Food Production Cook II, Heilman Dining Center


Stephen Roberts Café Associate, Tyler’s Grill


Mia Ruiz Café Associate, Tyler’s Grill Kim Wehunt Administrative Coordinator, Catering CONTROLLER Joyce Morgan Accounting Analyst


Matt Grosse Sous Chef, Catering


Tyler’s Grill


Treasury Services CHERYL RICHARDS

Administrative Systems TERRY SHERMAN

Tyler’s Grill

FACILITIES OB Bojang Groundskeeper Orlanda Boyd Custodial Floor Technician Julian Cline Plumber Apprentice

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FEBRUARY Feb. 2, 6 p.m. Employee Appreciation Day at the Robins Center Limited free tickets for faculty/staff MARCH March 1 Experience Richmond Welcome members of the Class of 2023 as they experience a glimpse of their next four years at Richmond. March 4, 2–4 p.m. Employee Service Awards Booker Hall of Music, Camp Concert Hall

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March 8–17 Undergraduate Spring Break March 14 National Spider Day March 29 Preview Richmond Open house for prospective students and their families APRIL April 12–13 ANSWER (A Night to See, Witness, and Experience Richmond) Overnight experience for admitted students

April 13 Experience Richmond April 19 Experience Richmond April 26 Last Day of Undergraduate Spring Classes

USAC The University Staff Advisory Council represents the needs of staff to senior administration and works proactively to make the University of Richmond an employer of choice. Meetings* Feb. 12 March 12 April 9 1–3 p.m. Visit usac.richmond. edu for meeting locations. *Unless otherwise noted, meetings are open to all faculty and staff.

FACULTY SENATE The University of Richmond Faculty Senate is the body authorized by both the University faculty and the Board of Trustees to represent the faculty in the University’s governance process on matters that impact the University or affect more than one school. Meetings* Feb. 22 March 29 April 26 3–4:30 p.m. Visit facultysenate. richmond.edu for meeting locations.

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